#against eachother and discoloring
not how pearl necklaces work. Veronica's dad gave her fake fucking pearls LOL
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clumsiestgiantess · 6 months
Part 11 of the poll story, choices C & D.
“What are you doing up there?” you laugh, “Just don’t fall off.”  Ralyr nods enthusiastically and you continue down the broken trail.  Despite the strangeness of the arrangement at first, you begin to grow used to his presence so close.  He begins to tell you about the first time he came across a sphinxen, when a loud creaking comes from the side of you.  Leaping to the side, you barely avoid being hit by a falling tree that had snapped partially in the being’s wake.  It hits the ground with a tremendous THUD.  Ralyr startles at the sound, and yelps your sudden movement, falling backwards off of you and tumbling into the brush.
“Ralyr!” you yell, frightened that he’d been hurt.  Hastily pushing aside a few ferns, you find him on the ground on his side.  A brief and intense jolt of terror spikes through you at the sight, but he sits upright only half a moment later, coughing slightly.  “O- On second thought, maybe we should try something else.”
Heart still racing, you slide a hand gently underneath his back and pick him up by his torso, quickly sliding him into your cupped palms.  You hold him to your chest a little longer before he moves slightly and you lift him out in front of you again.  Ralyr gives you a small smile — the hints of his fangs poking out from between his lips.  His ears fall slightly and you can feel his breaths against your hands once more.  He’s breathing more calmly than you are, though he was the one who’d fallen.  “It’s alright, I was just a bit winded is all.  I assure you, I’m fine.”
Exhaling a relieved breath, you carry him the rest of the way through the trail until it finally comes to a screeching halt at a large field.  Wind rushes through the leaves creating a lively rattle as the shin-high grass billows in waves across the open space.  If you weren’t on a mission to find a large possibly hurt being, you would’ve stayed to enjoy the moment a bit longer.  Instead, you scout the field for any more clues to where the sphinxen went.  The only thing amiss is a small hill where the grass looks withered and brown.  You walk over to it slowly, careful to check for animals that might be hidden by the uncut grass.  As you near the strange hill, the air changes.  For some unknown reason, you feel frightened — like you should be running or already gone.
The discolored mound suddenly shudders in the ground.  The earth around it splits and rises slightly, then falls back.  You and Ralyr glance at eachother in the silence, then slowly turn back to the quiet hill.  “You don’t think-”  
A massive shaggy paw bursts from the ground.  It’s bear-like, but it has longer claws and it’s larger than any bear could possibly grow.  More of the earth shatters into chunks and begins surging upwards.  You turn and run but trip on an unseen rock beneath the grass.  Ralyr leaps to the ground beside you.  He might’ve called your name, but you’re too distracted to hear it.  Fearfully flipping yourself over, you watch as a creature rises up and shakes itself free from the dirt.
The bottom half of him is animal — the top half human, besides his long ears.  Another one.  Only this being looked more like a centaur and was absolutely massive.  There were other oddities that stood out as well.  Besides a small beard and wild hair that reached his shoulders, the human half of him boasted two large horns, and his ears were far more rounded.  One horn rose up from the center of his forehead like a unicorn’s might, only it curved backwards in a crescent-like shape.  The smaller one jutted out of his nose, flattening its human appearance into something more animal.
Then there was his body.  Its front half looked like a grizzly bear of sorts, with shaggy brown fur and giant claws that poked out of his paws beneath it.  However, the back half of his body looked completely different.  The fur slowly grew sparser down his side, creating a strange mane that gave way to greyish skin.  You only stand at his elbows — the animal ones that make up his legs — not his human arms.  Whatever he is, he looks far more different to Ralyr than you’d expected.
The being yawns, revealing two almost tusk-like teeth in his bottom jaw, then glances down at you with an amused look.
What do you do?
A) Grab Ralyr and run.  Whatever that creature is, you don’t want to mess with it.
B) Tell Ralyr to go talk to him first.  You’ll join in later…
C) You slowly stand up from where you fell, too in awe to say anything.
D) Ask him if he’s a sphinxen; that’s what Ralyr guessed he might be.
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rjalker · 3 months
Original medieval illimunation:
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[ID: A screenshot from a medieval manuscript, showing a quadrupedal creature that has appears to have white fur with what appear to be blue stripes, or could be the ink bleeding through from the page behind it, which seems to show two people standing next to eachother, with the blue stripes on the creature the lines of the other figures. The creature's face is mostly the same yellow color as the surrounding page. It has rounded ears, appears to have slits for nostrils on a round muzzle, and two eyes. Its legs are skinny and dog-like, and it has a medium length, skinny tail. On its back are two wings, spread in flight, with deep blue-black at the front, them dark blue, sky blue with white spots, and finally brown and tan flight feathers. It holds its legs pulled up towards its body as it flies through the air, facing the right. End ID.]
My drawing of it on my phone.
I got progressively lazier with the line art after I drew the face
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[ID: The same creature depicted above, now drawn digitally, with thin lines in a new pose, against a white background. The colors go outside the lines sometimes, and the lineart does not connect evenly in some places. It is sitting with its back turned to the camera as it faces to the left, its tail curled up and its wings partly folded on its back. It has off-white grey fur or skin, with bold blue stripes that form a V along its spine, with a single stripe and some small spots on its jaw. Its face has a slight tan or yellow splotch on it, to mimic the discoloration in the original drawing. The front legs are very simple and hastily scribbled in. End ID.]
hey guess what. Both of these are public domain. The first one because it was literally made in medieval times and the second one because I made it and I said so. Use both for literally anything you want, you just can't tell other people they can't use them lol.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
I Remember (Bokuto x Reader)
A/N: Bokuto is my absolute favorite in Haikyuu so this physically pained me to write. But I personally love this one its my favorite and its told entirely from Akaashi's point of view. Also this one ended up being the longest one so there's that.
WARNINGS: ANGST. Hospital is mentioned so mentions of needles. There's fluffy moments scattered in but do not be fooled it is angst.
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 7 pages 2,518 words
Theme: Hanahaki Disease- The victim begins to have flowers grow in their lungs leading to them coughing up flowers petals this continues getting worse until it causes their death. There's a surgery option to get rid of the flowers but it comes at the price of never feeling love again.
Angst Masterlist
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I was twenty three years old when the first petal appeared. It was a pure white rose petal as it sat in my palm. That was the same day I told my best friend Akaashi.
I answered the phone holding it to my ear and before I could say anything Y/n’s voice came through. “Keiji I’m panicking I don’t know what to do and I’m scared-,” I interrupted her talking trying to understand what was happening. “Y/n slow down what’s wrong?” She took a deep shuttering breath as she responded “…I’ve got Hanahaki Disease Keiji,”
I was twenty four years old when I had to be rushed to the hospital during a MSBY game. I was hooked up to machines Akaashi by my side. He held my hand when I cried and admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Keiji I really love him…And I don’t know what to do…,” I sighed looking at her before I spoke “You two have been friends for years im sure you’ll be okay no matter what,” She shook her head eyes wide in fear “Keiji…loving him is different I can’t tell him!”
Bokuto was the reason for those snow white rose petals.
I was twenty four when the first petal appeared. It was a f/f petal clutched in my palm. That was the same day I told my friend Kuroo. 
“Kuroo I’ve got something to tell you,” Kuroo heard Bokuto’s voice over the phone speaking as soon as Kuroo had answered the phone. “Aw are you about to express your undying love for me?” He snickered at his own joke but Bokuto didn’t laugh with him “I’ve got Hanahaki Disease...,” Kuroo took a sharp inhale of breath when Bokuto told him what was wrong. “Oh fuck,”
That same age I was rushed to the hospital during my match. I was hooked up to machines with Kuroo by my side. He sat next to me when I admitted the cause of the flowers.
“Kuroo it hurts. Why does it hurt so much?” Bokuto’s hand was pressed against his heart a fresh trail of blood on his face and trashcan overflowing with f/f petals. “Bokuto…,”Kuroo said staring at his friend feeling sad just watching him. “I love her Kuroo so why does it hurt?” Bokuto looked up then locking eyes with Kuroo and Kuroo gasped as for the first time he saw Bokuto’s normally bright gold eyes were now dull and lifeless.
Y/n was the reason for those f/f petals.
They fell in love with each other at different times. She fell slowly not willing to jeopardize everything they’d have for years. 
“Keiji I can’t tell him! It’d ruin everything even if he felt the same,” She was nervous as I spoke her eyes looking everywhere but my face. “It wouldn’t ruin everything Y/n,” I soothed her rubbing gentle circles in her hand “I can’t risk everyone’s friendships for this,” she whispered finally looking me in the eyes. Her eyes had lost their normal spark and I knew she was missing him.
He fell fast but unwilling to put their relationship on the line.
“Kuroo I’m not telling her,” Bokuto’s arms were crossed over his chest his iv needle jostled slightly causing him to hiss in pain. “Bokuto nothing will change!” Kuroo mirrored the arms crossed position as he looked at Bokuto. “Everything would change!” He threw his hands up trying to emphasize his point.
It was a funny thing though back in high school everyone always assumed they were dating.
“Y/n!” She turned in her spot her eyes catching Bokuto’s “Kota!” she cheered as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up in a hug “Aw they’re so cute together,” A first year said while everyone nearby stopped to watch. “There goes Fukurodani’s power couple,” Konoha said from next to me with a chuckle. “I wish I had a relationship like theirs,” Another third year girl said. “We aren’t dating!” Y/n claimed still holding on to Bokuto. Its not like he helped though “Yeah!” He yelled pouting as he rested his chin on top of her head. “Yeah right,” A second year whispered nearby.
Those last few days in the hospital though…Those would stick with them forever.
I walked her to Bokuto’s room she had finally cracked and decided to tell him her feelings. We walked in her holding onto me and she held onto the pole holding her I.V bag. She looked at him he was sitting up in the bed looking no better than she did. 
Both of them looked so tired. With eye bags and skin discoloration everywhere. They both bruised so easily now and were malnourished and dehydrated. Both had been unable to really eat or drink anything since they often threw up flower petals.
Bokuto’s hair was down and messy and I shivered at the depressing aura in the room. She moved forward and nudged his feet to get him to move them. Both of them seemed aware of the other’s fragile states being very soft in their touches. It however was very obvious both of them wanted to hold each other.
She sat when he moved his legs and Kuroo went to stand by me. I noticed he was taking pictures and he smiled when I noticed. “So they remember how dumb they are,” he whispered. She reached forward and took his hands holding them lightly “Bokuto please listen I love you,” He pointed at me then and offered her a shaky smile. “No...You love him Y/n,” he was trying to convince himself she didn’t and she knew that.
“No Kota I love you,” his eyes widened then knowing she was telling him the truth. She never lied to him when she used his nickname. He would have been able to tell if she was lying anyway. For once his gold eyes returned to their normal brightness as he leaned forward.
I remember how they hugged sobs falling past their lips and tears running down their faces.
“Kota I’m so sorry!” her head was buried in his chest as she cried arms wrapped around him. “It’s okay I’m here…and I’m sorry too,” He placed a kiss on top of her head as he whispered his response. I didn’t know why they were apologizing to each other but then again. I didn’t need to know they were happy and that’s what mattered.
I remember how they kissed hushed I love yous falling past their lips and their tears mixing together everytime they kissed.
“I love you so much Y/n,” Bokuto said pressing soft kisses to her face and multiple against her lips. “I love you too Kota…so so much,” she had replied back in-between the kisses. Her hands were in his hair running her fingers through the silver and black strands. “I feel like we shouldn’t be here,” Kuroo whispered to me as we looked at them.
His hand was holding tightly to her hospital gown the other hand was on her hip rubbing small circles into it as she sat on his lap. Their foreheads rested together at this point both of them closed their eyes basking in silence and finally being able to hold eachother.
“Maybe…But they deserve this Kuroo-san,”
I remember her sitting between his legs as they talked about the future. They talked about their future son.
“His name is gonna be Keiji Tetsuro Bokuto!” Bokuto had exclaimed Y/n was leaned back against his chest. His arms around her waist and she was holding his hands. Bokuto would occasionally press kisses to her neck and shoulder blade but it never seemed to bother her.
“Wait wait wait! Why is my name the middle name?” Kuroo asked looking at the pair. “Because Keiji is mine and Bokuto’s best friend,” Y/n responded with a smirk. “So will they be a middle blocker since Y/n chose his first name?” Kuroo asked wanting something besides a middle name. 
“I think he’d make a good setter,” I voiced smirking at Kuroo while he glared at me. “You’re both wrong! He’s gonna be a wing spiker like his father!” Bokuto exclaimed looking at us with a proud smile.
I remember how all four of us argued and how they described how their son would look.
“He’s gonna be 6’1 and just as cheerful as me!” Bokuto said with a smile gold eyes bright as he talked. “I hope he has s/c skin like me,” Y/n said leaning back against Bokuto’s shoulder while he hummed looking at her. “I think he’ll have shiny h/c hair like you!” Bokuto suddenly said looking at Y/n with a bright smile. “Well Kota I think he’ll have big golden eyes just like you,” She said as she turned back to look at him.
A hand hit my shoulder causing me to flinch as I looked away from the paper I was writing. Kuroo stood their a small smile on his face. “Ready to go Akaashi?” He was wearing a dress that barely reached his knees unlike myself where I was in a suit. Normally we didn’t dress up on weekends but this weekend was special.
I remember how Bokuto proposed on his hospital bed a thin silver ring placed on her finger when she accepted.
Bokuto was laying down now Y/n pulled on top of him. His arms were still around her and the sun was setting. Kuroo and I had assumed by the soft breathing that the two of them had fallen asleep. Until Bokuto spoke up breaking the peaceful atmosphere 
“Hey Y/n marry me?” He whispered. She lifted her head up and looked at him her eyes were wide in shock as she spoke.“W-what?” “I want you to marry me,” He said again looking at her with so much affection in his eyes.“Kota I…Of course I’ll marry you,” She whispered kissing him he reached beside him and put a small silver ring on her finger. Sakusa had brought it for him earlier when he asked.
“Can we get married in the spring? The cherry blossoms always look so pretty then,” She requested as she placed her head back on his chest. “Anything for you Y/n,” He whispered burying his nose into her hair.
We reached the hill that the two of them had met on. I always remembered that day too unaware that in a few years we’d be back for a different reason.
“Bokuto-san slow down!” I called watching him run towards a hill. He turned to face me now running backwards his school tie fluttered out behind him and a wide grin was on his face. “I can’t Akaashi! I’ve been sitting still ALL DAY,” He shouted back towards me. I saw behind him a girl with h/c hair walking by seemingly unaware of her surroundings. 
“Bokuto-san watch out!”I called pointing behind him with wide eyes. He turned suddenly but couldn’t slow down in time “Wha-?” He ran into the girl knocking them both down. I winced as I got closer hearing a groan from them. Bokuto sat up suddenly looking at the h/c girl “Ah! I’m so sorry!” He shouted helping her back up. The girl rubbed her head and waved a hand at the apology before speaking. “No um it’s okay really!” 
“Hey what’s your name?” Bokuto had a curious look on his face head tilted to the side. He was staring at the girl with wide gold eyes and yet she didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest. “Me? Oh I’m L/n Y/n!” She chirped smiling and holding a hand out. “I’m Bokuto Koutarou!” He said matching her smile before he shook her hand. “Nice to meet you Bokuto,”
I sighed as I got there looking at the cherry blossom petals that fell down around us. “Today’s the day huh Bokuto-san and Y/n to of course,” Kuroo came up next to me.
I remembered them talking about the wedding wide smiles on their faces and holding onto each other tightly.
“I think we should have a dog bring the rings!” Bokuto stated throwing his hands up from where the rested on Y/n's back. She scrunched her nose at that. “No Kota the dogs should be the flower girls!” She said back her voice clearly indicating she was tired. Bokuto hummed in thought it must have been pleasant as she burrowed closer to his chest.
“I like that! Can Kuroo be the ring bearer?” Bokuto asked putting his hands back and tracing soft circles into her skin. She sighed in content at the action while Kuroo scoffed. “Wait why me? Why not Akaashi?” He stated with arms crossed “Im Bokuto’s best man that’s why,” I answered the question for them as the fatigue was beginning to wear on them both.
“Yeah and Yukie is my maid of honor! So you can be the ring bearer,” Y/n mumbled from her position. “Can I be a bridesmaid instead? I’ll even wear a dress,” Kuroo called. “Fine but only if you find a replacement ring bearer,” She whispered and I stood “Good night you two,” I said looking at Bokuto and Y/n.
Kuroo got up as well as Bokuto and Y/n whispered a good night. “See you tomorrow,” Bokuto mumbled nuzzling closer to Y/n his eyes barely open as he looked at us. “See you tomorrow,” Kuroo called back. Bokuto’s eyes closed then and he sighed. The last thing we heard before walking out were Bokuto and Y/n talking to each other quietly.
“I love you Kota,” “I love you too Y/n,”
“Sorry we were late there was some traffic!” I turned seeing my old volleyball team and the MSBY team everyone in suits or dresses. Sakusa had a pair of rings in his hand after he was made the ring bearer. Iwaizumi had brought Oikawa, Matsukawa, and Hanamaki. Each of them had a dog with a basket of flowers. “Well let’s get this started then,” Kuroo said as he took his place on Y/n’s side while I moved to Bokuto’s side. 
Two hours later all of us were leaving to go a restaurant. I sighed as we left Bokuto and Y/n behind their rings sparkled in the sunlight. We left them with a bouquet of white roses on Y/n’s side and f/f on Bokuto’s side. I stood for a minute facing the two grey slabs of marble side by side like they deserved and let my final memories of them go as I stared at the photo of them Kuroo had left.
It was of them holding each other with tears running down their cheeks and smiles on their faces. 
I remember how they admitted their love for each other when it was too late to save them. 
I remember them at twenty four leaving the world curled up in each other’s arms unaware that they wouldn’t wake up again but they left knowing one thing.
They knew they loved eachother.
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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for your bad things happen bingo: prank gone wrong with romantic intruality? happy ending though? :3
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Thank you for the prompt!
Knot A Prank
Summary: Patton tries pranking Remus in an effort to make him feel more welcome. It does not go as planned. (Happy ending)
Warnings: mention of bugs, unintentional strangulation, non explicit sexual innuendo, cursing, caps to signify shouting, injury
Prompt: Prank Gone Wrong
Ships: Intruality, Patton x Remus
Wc: 1672
AO3 link
Learning to live with Remus since he began coming around more often was...interesting to say the least. His suggestive language and random bouts of murderous imagery was something that concerned Patton in the beginning, believing it couldn't be good for Thomas' mental well being and moral standing for someone like Remus to have as much room to talk as he did. But the more he was around the more he began to understand that he really was just an excitable person who couldn't stay on one subject of conversation for mode than a few minutes to save his life. When Patton began humoring him, listening to the more vulgar ideas and getting used to his presence in kind, the duke seemed to get a little calmer, pick fights a little less...leave less fake blood on the carpeting.
Through all that the most he brought to the mind space they shared was pranks in any and all forms. Jump scares that sent Virgil clawing and hissing his way up the fridge and sent Remus cackling. Filling Deciet's gloves with copious amounts of mayonaise amused him to no end when said side would pretend he didn't even notice, delicately excusing himself with a far too put together expression. Making Roman's sword melt and snapping it back together in a hiding place, gluing pages of Logan's books together and fixing it just before he lost his cool, even pranking Patton by replacing the pepper with ground up crickets. (Which he didnt notice until he tated a distinct lack of peper flavor on his eggs that morning and Remus casually mentioning it, though after the initial shock he had eaten them anyway, much to the dukes surprised amusement.)
Everyone had been more than a little surprised when Patton had simply taken the pranks in stride, finding them to be a nice day to day mix up as long as they didnt go too far. He even began learning more about Rrmus as time went on. His favorite pastime was defacing disney coloring books, which Patton had a hunch was just to get to Roman. He liked doing his nails and had even offered to do Patton's at some point, to which he refused only because he hated the feel of it. He liked cooking and was surprisingly good at it when he wasnt trying to put something completely inedible on their plates just to see their reactions. His favorite desert was, again, surprising in its simplicity and healthiness, which is what Patton was making now to lure the other to the kitchen.
No one had managed (or tried) to prank Remus back since he began coming around more. Whether thay was from fear or lack of trying Patton wasn't sure but he was fixing that today. He smiled as he heard thumping down the stairs. Game. Set. Match.
"What the hell??"
Patton whirled around and tsked. "Language Remus."
Remus raised an eyebrow and tugged a bit at his arms, huffing when they only tangled further. Now that he was trapped the ropes that were slung in the doorway were clearly visible, hung in such a way that it was easy yo get tangled and hard to get out of. With Rrmus dangling in the middle of it Patton smiled at his pranks success.
Huffing again, Remus spoke up in a sultry tone. "Oh Daddy, if you wanted me tied up so badly all you had to do was ask."
Heat erupted under Pattons skin as he sputtered. "Its a prank! I wanted to prank you since you're always pulling them on the others!" He gestured to the freshly dipped caramel apples. "So I made your favorite desert and you're trapped and cant have any."
"You...know my favorite desert?" All suggestion left his voice as he stared at Patton with barely contained adoration.
"Of course! I...wasn't fair to you before so I'm trying my best to make up for it."
Remus cackled. "By tying me up and refusing me my sweets?"
Admittedly it was a lame prank but it was his first he'd ever pulled! He wasn't really sure how it was supposed to work. "I didnt think this through very well..." he admitted, shame faced.
Laughter dying out Rrmus shook his head. "Hey no it's fine Patty whack, just means we gotta work on it a bit! How about-"
Remus was cut off as he was pulled violently downward, turning both of their complexions pale white for entirely different reasons. While it was possible to resist a summons, catch a side off guard or in a vulnerable position and it became that much harder.
"Remus! No, no, no this wasnt- okay just hold on I can-" Patton rushed to start tugging at the rope, cursing both his stupidity and the timing of the others. Another tug sent Remus down further, ropes tightening and catching his fingers which he snapped back with a yelp, watching helplessly as the other gurgled and struggled against his confines. It was tangled everywhere, swinging around his arms and legs, one tangled loosely at his waist and another pulled taunt right under his jaw. He was beginning to turn red, fingertips blushing as their circulation was cut off and mouth gaping in an attempt to get air into his closed windpipe as Patton tugged valiantly at the rope, at his clothes, at anything as tears ran down his face while continuing to curse. It was just a harmless prank it shouldn't have- HE shouldn't have-
He laid a quick hand on Remus' cheek and sunk out quickly, popping up in the living room in the middle of the others' debate.
"The pranks cant have been that detrimental to Thomas' mental well being but it would still be a good idea to address it as a possible- oh Patton, you aren't-"
Paying Logan no mind Patton looked straight at Thomas and screamed. "STOP PULLING!"
Instantly the room fell silent and Tbomas' hand flopped to his side while opening his mouth in question. Not even bothering to explain, Patton quickly sunk out again, rushing to the Duke's side and frantically pulling away the rope, finally able to disentangle now that it was loose. He gasped sharply as Remus did nothing but fall limply to the ground, rope burns standing out an angry red around his wrists and neck. Seeing he was breathing, albeit shakily, Patton quickly scooped him up and moved him to the couch, biting his lip in guilt ridden worry as he noticed dark bruises already beginning to form. He heard a soft whoosh behind him and turned to see Logan standing shocked in the doorway. All at once he burst into tears again, clutching desperately to Remus' hand.
"Help me."
Snapping out of it Loagn took quick strides to examine Remus, hissing in sympathy at the discoloration. Poking and prodding got barely a wince from the unconcious side but Logan seemed satisfied, turning to Patgon with a furrowed brow.
"I'm going to get ice and vaseline. Stay here."
Nodding numbly he pressed the hand he was still holding his cheek as he continued to cry, guilt twisting his stomach in tense knots that made him want to puke. It was just supposed to be a harmless prank but he had been stupid and careless and now-
He watched as Logan came back to lay a thin towel and an ice pack over Remus' neck, taking the hand gently away from him to slather vaseline on the worst of the rope burns before wrapping them in soft bandages. Satisfied with his work Logan turned to look at him.
"I assume those ropes in the doorway are what caused this."
A fresh batch of tears cascaded down Patton's face as he practically wailed into the reclaimed hand. "It was an accident I swear! It was a stupid prank and were gonna have apples after but I couldn't get the ropes undone and oh god what if he died? Lo, what if i killed him, he can't-"
"Patton breathe." Sucking in a huge breath his sobs stuttered out and left him silently shaking, the reassuring hand on his shoulder doing little to ease his worry. "Remus will be fine, and as figments of Thomas' imagination we are unable to die anyway. It most likely won't even take him that long to heal, I promise you. What you did was done with little forethought but that doesnt mean him being hurt was your fault."
Patton sniffed. "It doesn't?"
"It was just unfortunate timing on both our parts. I'm sure Remus will forgive you readily enough."
"He already does." Patton gasped and turned at the slightly raspy voice, finding the injured side smiling Foothill up at him. "Hey Pattoncake it's okay. I've done worse to myself."
Crying with relief now Patton through himself on the other, unabashedly dusting kisses all over the other face as gently as he could. Remus laughed, tugging the other on top of him and only wincing slightly at the pressure, squeezing him tightly in his arms as be continued go be bombarded with love.
"Remus I'm so sorry I-"
"Hush it's fine. It was exhilarating until I passed out." Waggling his eyebrows for effect he let out a relieved sigh as Patton giggled. "This just means I'll have to teach you how to pull pranks that couldn't kill someone if they were real. No harm done."
Neither of them noticed Logan leave to dispell the others worries, too wrapped up in eachother figuratively and literally to pay any attention. Remus expression grew serious however making Patton suck in a worried breath.
"I seem to remember desert being a thing, and seeing how I almost died I'm thinking I should definitely get first pick."
Laughing softly Patton leaned up to give him a quick peck on the lips, earning a rare blush in return. "Of course!"
He watched as Patton left. "If this is what I get for almost dying I should do it more often."
"Absolutely not!"
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Study Date
A soft Bichie study date for @troubled-trashmouth
Word Count: 1,228
(Sorry for any errors my laptop broke, and I had to write this on my phone, text design coding and all…)
“I’m t-totally going to f-fail this test.” Bill huffed, scrunching his fingers into his hair as he stared down at his notebook. The equations on the page stared back at him almost tauntingly. It seemed as though no matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t get the problems to make sense.
Sighing, Bill pulled his phone from his pocket and clicked on his and Richie’s conversation. Quickly typing out the message, “Do you understand what we’re doing in Algebra?”, before hitting send.
Bill placed the phone beside his notebook returning to the page before him. The paper had turned to a discolored mess of eraser marks and smudge graphite, accentuating his struggles. He had worn his eraser down to metal and was beginning to frustratedly try to erase yet another failed attempt when his phone vibrated loudly across the desk’s surface.
“I think I understand it pretty well, do you want to come over? We can have a study date…or at least that’s what we can tell your parents” Richie responded, a winking face following the text.
Bill leaned back in his chair, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend’s suggestive comment.“You can be alot sometimes Richie,” he typed,“I’ll be over in about ten minutes okay?“
Pushing his chair back, Bill’s fingers curled around the strap of his bookbag. He heaved it up to his desktop, letting it slam solidly into the surface as he began to slip his notebook and folders back inside it. His phone screen lit up again as he grabbed the device in one hand, slinging his back over his shoulder with the other.
He tapped on Richie’s message, “Oh I know I can be alot to handle baby… You’re good to come over as soon as you’re ready, but there’s no rush, we can go all night if you wish.”
“B-Beep fucking beep Richie.” Bill chuckled lightly to himself before slipping his phone into his back pocket and making his way out the house.
Soon enough, Bill found himself outside of the Tozier’s house. From the outside it looked like a perfectly normal home, where a perfectly normal family could reside and be happy. But Bill knew that in reality, Richie was almost always the only one occupying it. Judging by the lack of cars in the driveway, it appeared that today was no exception. As he reached the door, Bill briefly considered knocking, but figured any sounds would be drowned out by Richie’s deafening music. Instead, he twisted the cold brassy doorknob in his hand, and pushed the door open with a loud creak.
Richie’s house was more of a home to Bill than his own, so he quickly found his way up the stairs and to Richie’s bedroom. As predicted loud music that sounded something like rock but not quite poured out from under the door. He slowly stepped into the room and smiled as Richie looked up at him, reaching to turn down his music at the same time.
“You’re g-going to w-wind up deaf if you k-keep listening to your music that loud R-Richie.” Bill laughed, as he crossed the room to where Richie sat sprawled out on his bed.
“Sounds pretty fucking worth it to me!” Richie shouted, tugging at his ear, “Oh sorry am I being a bit loud? I think I might have something in my ears!” He smirked as Bill sat down beside him.
“Yeah, s-something called a smart-ass a-attitude.” Bill quipped leaning in to brush Richie’s lips with his own.
After a moment Richie pulled away from the kiss before tracing a finger down the front of Bill’s chest. Putting on a sultry voice, Richie looked up at him through his eyelashes. “So what seems to be the problem Mr. Denbrough? I’d love to help you sort yourself out.” He whispered, finishing the statement with a wink.
“How I get a-anything done around you I d-don’t know.” Bill giggled pushing Richie back on to his bed and opening his bag. “This st-stuff with factoring t-trinomials has me totally conf-fused.” He answered pulling out his assignment and propping himself up on his elbows. He waited as Richie did the same, and quickly looked over the paper.
“I see, I see,” Richie started in an overexaggerated English accent, “Now this is quite simple really love. What you’re going to want to do-”
“Richie, I l-love you, but if you don’t st-stop with that voice I m-may lose my mind”
“You must have lost it a long time ago if you’re in a relationship with me,” Richie teased, “What I was saying though is that you’ll need to find two terms who when you use the FOIL method multiply to your original problem. So if we have x squared the first two will be X’s see?” He asked writing the problem out and waiting as Bill nodded.
“Since the final term is a negative we know we’re going to want a plus and a minus. Then you have to figure out two numbers that multiply to the last term but whose sum is the middle term,” Bill watched carefully as Richie made a table of factors, “now 6 only has two pairs of factors 6 and 1, or 2 and 3, since our middle term is a one, we’re going to want 2 and 3. Because 3 minus 2 is one. Make sense Big Bill?” Richie asked looking up from the notebook.
Bill examined the problem for another minute before nodding. “Everything m-makes so much more sense w-when you explain it. Plus I’m p-pretty sure that’s the l-longest you’ve gone being se-serious today.“ he smiled, beginning to pepper kisses around Richie’s face with a “Thank you” accompanying each one.
In what felt like no time at all, Bill had worked through the assignment with a little assistance now and again from his curly haired tutor. With a content sigh, Bill flipped his notebook shut and shoved it back amongst his other books. Quickly placing the heavy bag on the floor with a thud. Richie watched as Bill made his way to the top of the bed, relaxing back into the pillows and opening his arms, beckoning Richie into them.
Richie snuggled into Bill’s chest, basking in the comfort that Bill’s arms around him provided. Bill’s fingers twirled through his hair, and their breaths evened out with each others.
“H-how did I get to b-be so lu-lucky?” Bill asked nestling his face against the top of Richie’s head.
Richie smiled to himself as he played with Bill’s fingers. “I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one here,” Richie cooed, “But even I can’t explain how we got lucky enough to find eachother.” He whispered, “Let alone how I got lucky enough for you to love me”
Richie felt Bill’s arms tighten around him, pulling him closer against his chest. “There’s n-nothing I’d rather do.” Bill reassured placing a delicate kiss to the top of Richie’s head.
“Not even factoring trinomials?” Richie questioned fake disbelief in his tone.
“Especially not fa-factoring trinomials.” Bill giggled, tilting Richie’s chin up and kissing his lips.
“Just making sure, I’m still your favorite thing to do, if you know what I’m saying.” Richie smirked, wiggling his eyebrows up at his boyfriend.
“Oh hu-hush,” Bill sighed, “You’re k-killing the mood.” He said, pulling the boy back down to him, as both their eyelids grew heavy.
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The Thief that Breathes Fire by Kendall Peterkin
“He’s done it again,” Cosus threw his tattered cloth down on the table in frustration. Causing his three teenage children to sit up straight. “I’ve counted over and over again, and we only have four.”
“The cattle.” Summanus confidently quipped, before his older and wiser brother, Pollux, nudged his frail shoulder.
“I ask of both of you a very simple request,” Cosus was now turned to his two sons. His eyes were steady and pleading as this cattle was the family livelihood. “Keep the thief away. Keep him away from the cattle. And here you sit, making a mockery of our circumstances.”
“Father, we apologize,” Pollux spoke loudly to show he was now speaking for him and his younger siblings. “Had Cacus not come here in the night, we easily could have taken his head.”
“But you didn’t. And my cattle are gone. What do you say to that?” Cosus was in no mood for logical excuses. He expected highly of his kin. As he’d worked tireless nights to provide for them all.
“Well, let’s go get the beast’s head then,” Summanus stood up proudly. “We follow the cattle’s trail and slay the beast ourselves. Easy.”
“And what will you do when the beast has already eaten them all? What then will you do?!” Cosus was beginning to shout, causing Summanus to slouch a bit in his posture. “You bring me back the head of the thief, and I still will have no cattle!”
“We’ll trade the beast’s head for the cattle across the land,” Pollux was now standing next to his brother. “They get the glory, we get the cattle. No one has to know.”
Cosus thought for a moment before turning softly to the child who had yet to speak. Antonia, his only daughter. While a woman, Cosus had a hard time keeping Antonia from competing with her brothers. He’d even argue she was a better fighter. “What say you, Antonia?”
Antonia stood up slowly, leveling her father’s gaze. “I say we do as they say. I’ll get my spear and...”
“Absolutely not,” Pollux put his large hand up to his baby sister’s bewildered face. “A battle against such a beast is no place for you. You will stay with father and make sure the rest of the cattle aren’t stolen.”
“That’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever uttered Pollux,” Antonia spat. “A beast is a beast. And a thief is a thief. Man or woman, it must be taken down.”
“I don’t think Cacus is going to be too threatened by that spear little sister,” Summanus tried to stifle his giggling but wasn’t making much progress. “Pollux and I have real weapons. Stay here.”
“I will not.” Antonia was firm and stubborn. “You two couldn’t take down a beast if you tried. You’ll need my quickness. Father I will go w-”
“They are right Antonia,” Cosus finally spoke. His voice was clear and unshaken. “You will stay here, with me, where it is safe. Your brothers are more than capable of taking down the beast on their own.”
“That is a lie!” Antonia almost laughed at her father’s decision. She truly believed he thought higher of her. “They will come back with their tails in between their legs smelling of soot and smoke. And only then will you ask for my help to clean them up!”
“Antonia,” Her father stared at her until she reluctantly sat down and pouted. He turned his attention to his eager sons. “If you do not bring back the head of the beast in exchange for the new cattle, I will make you work the farm for three weeks.”
“And if we do?” Pollux and Summanus spoke at the same time.
“Then I’ll have Antonia prepare you a feast.”
The boys looked at eachother and beamed as Antonia turned her red face to the wall. She’d never felt so degraded in her life, especially when she was more than capable to slay the beast on her own.
All she wanted from them her entire life was respect.
The night melted into the sky. Pollux and Summanus ready themselves by going over a drawn map.
“He had to have gone west!” Argued Pollux.
“He’s an idiot! He’d go east!” Summanus shouted back.
Antonia listened on in her bedroom to her brothers doomed plan. She prayed for their safe return and drifted off to sleep.
When she awoke, it was to screaming and celebration. Antonia bolted out of bed and into the doorway where she saw and unbelievable sight.
Summanus holding up a large sack triumphantly that was vaguely shaped like a head.
“Y-you’ve done it?!” Antonia breathed.
“We have!” Pollux announced proudly as their father looked on in the same astonishment.
“So that feast you promised?” Summanus immediately proposed.
“A feast it will be.” Cosus announced ecstatically.
The night was warm and the meal Antonia reluctantly prepared for her brother’s was almost ready. She stared blankly at the large sack, now lying in the corner of the room, near the fire. She listened as her brothers excitedly told the story to their eager father.
“It’s done,” She simply said.
The boys leapt up and wasted no time devouring the meal. Cosus looked to his sons proudly and raised a cup to their blessings. Antonia watched as the world moved around her. The story seemed to be clashing with Pollux's account and Summanus’. But her father looked on with glazed happiness and raised his fourth cup to their blessings. That’s when a drunken Cosus had an idea.
“I want to see the head,” Cosus pounded his fist on the table. “I want to see the beast that devoured my cattle. I want to see his lifeless eyes and blue tongue. Bring the sack to me my boys!”
Pollux and Summanus looked at eachother with sudden timidness.
“B-but father,” Pollux tried to recount confidently. “If the beast’s corpse hits the air, he will be discolored and worth less value.”
“Yes!” Summanus chimed in. “We want all the cattle for exchange. It’s best if we preserve it...”
“I’ll take as many as they’ll offer,” Cosus stumbled and stood. “I want to see the head of the thief.”
Cocus made his way over toward the sack despite Pollux and Summanus attempting to hold him back. Antonia looked on in curiosity. Why were her brothers so eager to keep the beast’s
head hidden? Cocus finally had enough and commanded the boys to sit. The boys reluctantly went to sit down as their father slowly pulled open the sack.
Rocks and twigs all binded together with twine, made the head shape. He looked at the mess for a moment letting silence fill the room. Antonia covered her mouth as she didn’t want to start laughing at a potentially serious moment. But it was when her father turned she could see the immense pain and disappointment in his eyes.
Cocus suddenly turned to his sons, who hung their heads down in shame. As he went toward them with a fist, Pollux begged his father for a moment to explain.
“WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT LYING TO ME?! THE HUMILIATION?! DO YOU THINK I’M A FOOL?!” His shouting shook the entire shack, causing his sons to fall over each other.
“We couldn’t find the beast father!” Pollux was now wailing. “We followed the trail of the cattle to nothing. We didn’t want you to be ashamed of us!”
“Fools!” Cocus almost laughed. “The beast probably used the tracks to throw you off! How could you not see this!? Out of my sight and to work you go!”
The boys scurried to the barn and Cocus followed close behind leaving Antonia by herself.
If the tracks led nowhere that must mean the beast will be hiding in the woods. She thought to herself. She quietly got up from the table, dressed in her best armor, grabbed her spear and headed towards the woods to find the beast.
Antonia walked bravely in the darkness only having the dim glow of the pale moonlight guiding her. Once in a while she’d sniff the air in hopes she’d smell fire or burning cattle. When the smoke finally hit her senses, she slowed her pace toward a cave and noticed the entrance was blocked with a giant boulder.
She could hear Cacus’ deep and heavy breathing as well as faint cries from the remaining cattle. Antonia put her hand up to the heavy bolder. It wasn’t budging. Antonia could tell. She looked up toward the sky for answers. Her eyes then slowly trailed to the smoke that was escaping from on top of the mountain.
“I could get in from up there...” She whispered to herself.
Antonia used the last remaining twine to tie her spear to her back as she made the long treacherous climb towards the top of the cave. She’d grab loose rocks that would send her flying down ten steps. She prayed and gritted her teeth as her body felt numb against the cool stone. She climbed and climbed until finally the smoke greeted her face. She smiled at herself.
Antonia peeked down into the hole to the large beast. Cacus. He was larger then she had imagined. His once pale flesh was now deep and oily grey. His hair was in strands and brushed back out of his face. She saw the corpses of some of the half eaten cattle and the bones of others. He sat there, blowing smoke at one of the cattles, disorienting them and killing them with his hands. Antonia watched as Cacus tilted his head to blow smoke through the hole she was peering down in. His red, sunken eyes opened wide as they met Antonia’s and his smoke quickly turned into fire.
Antonia jumped back away from the hole as fire rippled through it. She covered her face as the fire finally subsided but Cacus’ yelling made it clear that he knew of her presence.
She grabbed her spear from her back as another blaze of fire escaped the hole.
“Cacus...I command you...” Her voice was soft and shaken at first. Antonia was afraid she’d been in over her head like her brothers and father said. She took another step back as Cacus’ yelling grew louder and the fire from the hole became bigger.
“Cacus I command you,” She was more confident this time. A sense of purpose had erupted inside of her as she imagined the sheer disappointment on her father’s face as he discovered the head in the sack wasn’t real. She took a brave step forward and readied her spear. He isn’t going to come out of the cave, and he’s going to block the entrance as much as he can. She thought to herself. She counted to herself how long it took him to gather more energy to use his fiery breath.
“CACUS I COMMAND YOU,” She roared as she ran towards the hole.Spear tightly gripped in her hand and she jumped toward the smoke. “RELEASE THE CATTLE!”
The sun rose on Antonia’s dirty face as the three last remaining cattle willfully followed her as she dragged Cacus’ head in the sack. It was heavy and taking a toll on her already injured shoulder but she kept forward. Holding her now broken spear, she made her way to the open pasture seeing eight more cattle roaming freely around their owner.
As she got closer, she realized that the owner was large and in impressive shape. Her legs went stiff and her breath became loose as she neared. He looked up at her, raising an eyebrow at her sack and stood.
“Child,” he began. His voice was smooth and loud. Enough to make Antonia stand upright. “What is that you have there?”
“The head of the thief that breathes fire, I have slain Cacus,” Antonia felt odd saying it out loud. “Here I have his head. And I give you all the glory and promise for exchange of your cattle.”
He looked amused at first until he inspected the bag himself. He stared at Antonia for a long time. “Are you a Goddess?” He finally asked.
“I’m a daughter of a hard working farmer.” She announced proudly. “I don’t need a Goddess’ power to protect my father's livelihood.”
He bowed. “Admirable. Truly. You have a deal.What is your name?”
“Antonia.” She breathed.
“A name I’ll never forget.” He lead the four cattle to her, “Hercules, is mine.”
Antonia limped back toward her home proudly with eight cattle following behind her. As the sun rose higher and shined onto her face she approached her astonished family.
Cosus hugged her tightly as her older brothers looked on in shame. “I doubted you,” He said into her hair. “And I will never again.”
Antonia was led back into the home with the cattle being rounded up by her brothers. She was weary, tired, and in pain but she had earned something much greater than cattle or pride.
She earned respect.
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myaramirez-keyclass · 6 years
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Eric Gottesman
This piece is very unique because it is a photo of a photo. I like this concept because it enables you to view the details of this photo on a larger scale than just looking at the original photo in person. The woman in this photo’s face is slightly obstructed by aging and wearing. This tells the viewer that the photo has been handled quite a bit and therefore, means a lot to somebody. One of my favorite details of this piece is the two holes on opposite corners of the picture. There are metal rings placed in the holes, they are very rusted and have discolored the paper around it to become a rich shade of amber. The rust provides the photo with a burst of color and causes the eye to travel around the entire photo. The placement of the holes reminds me of a ying yang sign, creating a sense of balance and equality among the visual elements of this photo. This piece is also my favorite because of its wide range of textures. The texture of the worn paper against the rough, brown rust complement eachother perfectly. 
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a-cosmic-dream · 7 years
Here. A chapter from old game.
Alice and Azrael stared eachother down their weapons pressing against the others throats. The air is still and the sun is setting. "You were always a bratty know it all Az but thinking you could kill me? This will be the last time you underestimate me." Azrael glares "I am a prince. I am the strongest my peole have to offer. You are a orphan girl raised by a beast you will never amount to me Alice!" She kicks Azrael in the stomach and as he gasps for air she reels back her spear to drive the spear into his chest when suddenly, long strands of black reach up from her shadow grabbing her wrists holding her back. She looks around frantically when she sees a cat with discolored eyes. "Well. Is this what happens when i leave everynight? You kill eachother?" The cat says. Azrael looks up tears welling in his eyes. "So the beast returns. Whats with this form devil?" The long black tendrils wrap themselves around azraels face muzzling him. "Its the easiest way i can walk around undetected." His body begins to morph into his usual human self sitting there lounging. "Now lets work this out." He snaps and the tendrils release the two. "So whats wrong kids?" He lights a cigarette. Alice says "His highness wont give me any respect when we go out on missions." "She should listen to me im a prince a natural tactician." Azrael responds. x exhales "Azrael you're not a prince anymore and have the tactical skills of a dead horse. Alice is a trained warrior listen to her she can kill you whenever she wants." He looks at Alice. "Dont kill him he hasn't fullfilled his end yet." Alice nods amd Azrael grunts. X puts his cigarette in his mouth then waves. "Cmon the next town is a few miles this way. Be good and you can get a inn for once."
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leftchaostaco-blog · 7 years
Basement Water Damage Can Ruin Your Foundation
First off, check hoses around appliances and sinks such when your refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher and hot water heater. Look for evidence of leaks such as drops of water, discolored wood or rust. Components may should try to be replaced and can prevent an enormous headache in the future. 4) All furniture pieces should be dried out of. Wood and fabric both always be thoroughly dried. Items such as cushions and knick knacks removed and safely stored until a certified has checked the furniture to be sure to keep it has thoroughly use them. Remember the touch test does not work. Often furniture will feel dry to the touch unfortunately the surface is dry. Can not mean the inner parts are completely dry. The basement's another problem area. Guide it dry down here, try retain things up and running as almost as much ast possible. Modifications easier to discover whether acquired leakage or not, because the device usually winds up on the base. Look for puddles after rains, or puddles under visible water pipes. Also, check all appliances like the washing machine, water heater and Refugiums, if include one. First of all you're gonna be have to dig a dent through the concrete within your basement hardwood floor. (I know it might hard but I'm sure you can figure against eachother.) Make certain that your sump basin will actually fit the actual planet hole after which it go ahead and sit it in there. After that you simply just must be add some layers of gravel towards basin. Utilized go buy Simplicity Sumps Refugiums at Home Depot one does don't possess any lying all around. Then put your stone on top of your gravel. I have spoken to so splitting a bone . over the last 48 hours, people have been affected in many different ways this particular storm. Some had several feet water in their houses. Some were surrounded by water on the streets of our neighborhoods. Some had trees land to their houses. Some had no power and would not for days to come. In the end, our story is not the scariest and our cleanup was not the most arduous. Is certainly however our story along with also is you'll need stamina storm there are numerous soon happily forget about. Last, let us check just several differing facts between he two. For one, every type of tank will provide possibilities not found within the other. With freshwater comes the beautiful discus while a Refugiums might get the wonderful blue hippo tang. Also, the environment of each will look relatively different because within the difference in fish variety. Do you remember to read the vents when weather warms in place? Your house needs to breathe in. Low decks and shrubs can block vents and these useless. Your home's crawlspace needs no less 1 square foot of ventilation for every 150 square feet of crawlspace floor destination. Vents should be within 3 feet in the corners allowing for cross air flow. Old clothes, wood, storage, along with perhaps some bikes and the pool tarp-- but it gets better. We all know there can even be a pretty musty and icky smell along with a flood drinking. Although this isn't the case for all the homeowners, there is a solution for those who do recognize these problems.
0 notes
rjalker · 3 months
KK first is the Prince, second is the protag. Not very catlike in this but oh well lol.
had to google things like "What color skin do lions have" to figure out a likely eye color for a piebald dragon cat since apparently the eye color that comes with leucism depends on the color of the animal's skin. apparently leucistic lions still usually have hazel colored eyes so I went with that.
Lineart is based on this medieval illustration:
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[ID: A screenshot from a medieval manuscript, showing a quadrupedal creature that has appears to have white fur with what appear to be blue stripes, or could be the ink bleeding through from the page behind it, which seems to show two people standing next to eachother, with the blue stripes on the creature the lines of the other figures.
The creature’s face is mostly the same yellow color as the surrounding page. It has rounded ears, appears to have slits for nostrils on a round muzzle, and two eyes. Its legs are skinny and dog-like, and it has a medium length, skinny tail.
On its back are two wings, spread in flight, with deep blue-black at the front, them dark blue, sky blue with white spots, and finally brown and tan flight feathers.
It holds its legs pulled up towards its body as it flies through the air, facing the right.
End ID.]
Prince Alexial.
Pronouns: He/him/his/himself.
I haven't bothered to figure out names for his parents, the King and Queen. He has one sister.
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[ID: The same creature depicted above, now drawn digitally, with thin lines in a new pose, against a white background. The colors go outside the lines sometimes, and the lineart does not connect evenly in some places.
It is sitting with its back turned to the camera as it faces to the left, its tail curled up and its wings partly folded on its back.
It has off-white grey fur or skin, with bold blue stripes that form a V along its spine, with a single stripe and some small spots on its jaw. Its face has a slight tan or yellow splotch on it, to mimic the discoloration in the original drawing.
The front legs are very simple and hastily scribbled in.
End ID.]
The protagonist who doesn't have a name.
Pronouns: Cel/cele/cels/celes/celestialf.
Haven't bothered figuring out names for any of cels family members. Has multiple siblings I haven't bothered to figure out any details of.
example paragraph for pronouns:
"She is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as she gets a fence set up around her yard so the puppy can go outside without her having to walk it. Her uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting her use, since she lost hers. She's going to buy toys and train the puppy herself."
"Cel is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as cel gets a fence set up around cels yard so the puppy can go outside without cele having to walk it. Cels uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he's letting cele use, since cel lost celes. Cel's going to buy toys and train the puppy celestialf."
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[ID: The same lineart as above, now with a different color pattern. This character is mottled with different shades of purple, from magenta, to violet, to very deep blue, with large piebald splotches of white. Cels one visible eye is yellow-green, and cel is missing the lower section of cels front Left leg. End ID.]
They're weredragoncats. The protagonist gets a job working in the palace kitchen, and on cels first day of work, the crown prince decides to come into the kitchen to play "pranks" on the servants, and when the two make eye contact, they both feel a sudden sharp, magical sense of familiarity, and realize that that they are soulmates.
The prince immediately leaps, both literally and figuratively, to sweep cele off cels feet, intending to take cele away from cels life of poverty and everything cel's ever known...
...and if you know me you probably know where this is going.
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ramen-ninja · 7 years
3 Reasons Why
Gazing idly up at the white speckled ceiling above, the lone orange coated pegasus had always aspired for a better life. Focusing on the negative impacts in her life, the days had seemed to blend together in a regretful blur. Shifting in irritation, the once shared king sized bed draped in grey sheets was now nothing more then empty space. Scanning the sudden light desperately seeking to flicker inside from her curtained window, Plush Ramen had sat up in a groan. Peaking out the one story window in curiosity of the morning days events, the squinting mare had instantly regretted it. Rubbing her once piercing sapphire blue orbs as their duller discoloration became proof of brighter days, she sighed.
Making her way to the bathroom and not daring to flick on the lights, the shower had been turned on in mere reflex. Getting the temperature to a near boiling degree, Plush stepped inside with a soothing hum. “This feels nice..” Closing her eyes as the heated water assaulted her fur in a blissful fashion, a hoof had reached out to grab her loofah from its hook just outside the showers edge. Lathering the white colored scrubber before running its scratchy surface over her toned arms, the smell of mint and rosemary had filled the misty air in an almost calming aroma. Wincing at the feel of her loofah over her scarred collarbone, Plush Ramen had begun to cry. Leaning back against the glass doors in an emotionally broken state, memories she had once shoved from her core had come crashing back in waves.
Starting off her day just as any other, Plush Ramen had bolted out of bed in a hustle. Making her way through the hallway and knocking on one room in particular, she opened it with a vengeful smile. “its time to get up for school. Come on! Up up up!” Speaking to two fully covered bodies wanting nothing to do with their morning routine, the motherly mare had only chuckled further. “I know you’re both awake. Don’t make me bring out the monster under your beds!”
Popping her head out of the covers with a whine, a young dark blue coated bat filly had ran a hoof over her eyes in exhaustion for the day ahead. “Mom, you and I both know there is no monster under the bed. Geez. Scientific facts.” Slipping out of her bed, a comb had been grabbed in preparation for her equally black messy mane. Brushing through its long strands, little miss Nova wasn’t the one her mother had to worry about.
In the other bed, a grumbling burnt orange pegasus born colt had been forcing himself to stay within. “Nnnope.” Gripping the covers and bundling himself up as a burrito, little Aries was a tough one when he wanted to be.
Nonetheless, Plush had simply shook her head. Walking to the door, her head had turned around with a well deserved smile. She was lucky to have everything she ever truly wanted. “First one to the kitchen gets eggs for breakfast.” Stepping out of the room and hearing an array of hooves suddenly battling for the entry way of their door, the mother smiled in satisfaction. “Works every time. They are my number one reason to live.”
{Flashback over}
That had been the last time she saw her children. Blinking through the now luke warm water as it spit down around her, the depressed mare had turned the water off with a weakened hoof. Feeling back to the scar her ex husband left on her the first time she royally messed up, she sighed. He had given her far too many chances, and each time, she’d fuck up. Stepping out of the shower and grabbing her towel from its hanger, drying off was far more of a chore these days then it should have been. Keeping it wrapped around her waist and looking into the darkened room mirror, she whispered to herself in a bitter hatred. “Reason number 2 why I’m still alive. You.”
“Plush? Are you home?” Stepping into her lovers home with a hint of concern showing in her normally raspier voice. Not hearing an immediate response, the smell of mist penetrated her nostrils with a small relieved sigh. Hanging around Plush Ramen for quite a few pain staking months, the mare entering the hallway was by far more then just some friend. Like most that entered her friends life, she was impacted by the darker side of Plush. While knowing most wouldn’t understand, the tall mare continued to push forward. While she started out hating the pegasus for what she did to her, they were simply meant to be. From the few light patches of the home, holes could be seen through the intruders legs and cloth like wings, the half changeling knew better then to judge. Finally making her way to the bathroom, she opened the door without another word.
Before she could make sense of what was happening, Plush had whipped around to see a figure standing before her with baffled bright glowing orange eyes. “Wh-at the?!” Swiftly trying to kick whoever it was out and failing horribly, her towel had come undone. Slipping on the excess piece and flailing backwards, the floors cold surface had been but inches away when something brought her to her hooves.
“You’re a mess as always Plush Ramen.” Levitating the orange mare back on her hooves and saving her from crashing back onto the tile floor, her friend had switched on the overhead light, instantly brightening up the once spooky room. “What in Equestria were you doing with the lights off?”
“O-range Glow? What are you even doing here? And because I like it dark.” Hanging up her towel before moving towards the doorway, the mare awaited an answer.
“If I don’t visit you, I’ll never see you.” Simply offering a small smile, Orange Glow’s eyes had glanced down her friends body for some time. Smelling of tea and happy thoughts, the halfling had closed the distance. Bringing the troubled pegasus in for a kiss, she cared not for her still dampened form. Raising a holed hoof to Plush’s face for stability, her kiss had only deepened at the mares lack of resistance. Finally breaking free, she chuckled lightly. “I missed you.”
Blushing lightly as the creature pulled away, Plush nuzzled her cheek with a calmer expression. “You are my third reason..” She whispered to herself. Orange Glow had always been a very caring and fun individual. Were they perfect? No. But its what held them together. Two broken mares keeping eachother alive.
“Hm?” Orange asked, her bright eyes focusing on what Plush had said with a hint of confusion knocking at her mental door.
“its nothing. Lets go.” Moving the mare aside, she was intent on blowing past the kiss scene when Orange Glows next moves caught her by surprise. Pushed into the wall of the hallway with nothing more than a grin from her friend, Plush blinked in confusion. “Did I miss something?”
“You did Plushie.” Leaning into her before giving off a slow flick of her tongue into the mares ear, her whispering voice was welcoming relief. “Your birthday. Come now, I believe I owe you a present.” Shivering lightly at her display, Plush questioned how sane she truly was on this day. “Orange its just a stupid day. I don’t want anyth-“
Cut off by the sudden pressure of lips smashing against her own, hooves had went down before picking the toned mare up in her arms. Keeping the kiss going as long as possible to shut the stressed pegasus up, Orange Glow had thrown her on the bed with a simple grin. “You’re going to shut up dammit. This is my day too. You were brought into this world to end up with me. Let me enjoy it.” Crawling over the stunned mare as her lips found their way up her stomach, the halfling had continued with a brave streak passing through. Reaching Plush Ramen’s lips before making her way to her very soft and exposed neck, fangs scraped against her fur in curiosity, her hooves roaming as she bit down for a night to come.
Laying still as her body temperature only rose in the moments to come, Plush had found herself in awe. Adoring the once shy lover of hers for branching out, she couldn’t help but wince at the sudden bite into her skin. Leaning into it with a softened moan to her wandering hooves, she could only hope the night would last forever. “..I love you..”
“Retracting herself from the orange mares neck and kissing it softly, the halfling could only hum in delight. “I love you too. Now hush.” Smirking as her lips traveled further, each section teased was a memorable adventure. “Just you wait, the day has just begun.”
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verdantstats-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Betty Beaufort
New Post has been published on http://www.bettybeaufort.nl/west-lakes-dental-a-report/
West Lakes dental-A Report
Dental treatments requires taking good care of the tooth, gumline along with connected structures of the jaws. It entails treating and stopping illnesses of gum and the teeth and updating or fixing faulty tooth. In most cases, people suffer with dental illnesses on account of uneven diet, inadequate combing, and negligence to dental care. This contributes to many dental problems, which is often complex, distressing, expensive, and timeconsuming. By spending much awareness of the daily dental care all of the dental illnesses could be stopped. Proper dental care is not just essential to our appearance, but also important to the wellbeing of your body. Guidelines many dental care recommendations that will help appear insurance and enhance your health.It is important to go to the dentist at least one time each three to four weeks. Having your tooth tested by a dentist will help identify any mouth difficulty earlier.
You will find no dental indicators before the problem is promoting to the sophisticated point related to several dental health troubles. You shouldn’t wait to visit with the dentist if you have a tooth ache. For appropriate dental care, mouthwashes are essential while they will keep your mouth sensation clear as well as your inhale new. They include successful antiseptic homes that slay the plaque that is bacterial. It is also imperative decrease, and to maintain a good healthy diet. To keep up dental care that is superior, prevent eating between meal because it will make your tooth prone to decay.To get a superior dental care, smoking must certanly be avoided as it can certainly trigger bad breath teeth corrosion, enamel discoloration, and gum disease. Several of smoking’s different poor aftereffects are language that Semaphore dental is hairy, jaws bores, stalling wound healing, changing tooth, jaw-bone decline among others.
Dental attention within an significant section of dental health that is appropriate and overall health provides a sense of wellbeing that is overall. Enamel corrosion and teeth illnesses will always be from increasing by doing daily attention of the jaws.The ideal dental care requires combing your tooth after each and every dinner.Utilize soft-bristle toothbrush and vigilantly wash along most of the floors of one’s teeth in an action that is back and forth. It is crucial that you prevent combing your tooth also vigorously as tooth structures can be worn down by this. To clear each enamel, adjust the career of the wash after few strokes.Most people wash regarding as low as twenty moments, which can be not long enough to acquire reduce all of the plagues.
You should wash for at the least two units each time your tooth are brushed by you. When you have to wash after each dinner, it is before bedtime and after bedtime that is the most crucial.For appropriate dental care, flossing process that was appropriate must be used. Place and use about 18 inches floss both ends your middle fingers against each. Firmly hold the floss between your flash . Pool the floss between eachother lightly, eradicate contrary to the factors of the tooth.
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