#age regressor rengoku
babyminty · 7 months
Cg Uzui/Littles Rengoku & Mitsuri
Requested by: @atxunkimoonstar
Uzui had been looking after two littles for the majority of the day. He didn't mind looking after Mitsuri and Rengoku whilst they were regressed, but they could be a handful at times when they were regressed alone, and even more so when they were regressed together. He still loved looking after them, though.
Uzui had finally put the two to bed and had just went to bed himself when Mitsuri burst into the room. Uzui sat up and looked over at her. "Mitsuri, are you alright? Is there anything you need?" He asked her, keeping his voice quiet as she looked a little scared and he didn't want to scare her even more.
"Rengoku." Was the only thing she said before leaving, going back to the room that she had come from, which was where both she and Rengoku had been sleeping.
Quickly getting up, Uzui hurried over to the room as well. Entering the room, lights already on, Uzui was met with the sight of Rengoku huddled up underneath some blankets, biting down on one of them to stifle his cries as tears formed tracks down his face.
Uzui walked over, making sure he was in Rengoku's line of sight so as not to startle him when Uzui sat next to him on the bed, bed dipping slightly now that there was another person sitting on it.
"Come here." Uzui invited, opening his arms. Rengoku jumped at the opportunity, cuddling up to Uzui, letting go of the blankets, his crying now audible. Uzui held Rengoku in his lap, hands going in circles across Rengoku's back to help calm him. Uzui started rocking from side to side, and Rengoku's crying started to calm down. "Did you have a nightmare?" Uzui asked. Rengoku just nodded.
Once Rengoku was no longer crying, he began to feel how tired he was. Slumping against Uzui, he closed his eyes. "Tired?" Uzui asked, even though he already know the answer. "Mhm." Rengoku answered, cuddling up to Uzui. Uzui laid down, pulling Rengoku to lie down with him.
Uzui glanced to the side, seeing Mitsuri on her own bed. "Do you want to come here to cuddle with us?" Uzui invited her. Nodding, Mitsuri got up, snuggling against Uzui on the side that Rengoku wasn't already cuddled against. Now all three of them were cuddled underneath a blanket, and they drifted off to sleep, one after the other.
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kny-agere · 2 months
Hiiii <3
Sooo, I have this headcanon of Giyuu loving bubble baths, especially when he's little, so it'll be so cool if you wrote a fic/drabble about him getting one! Idk who could be his cg tho, but I was thinking about Shinobu or Kyojuro
Wrote Kyojuro bc I haven’t in awhile :p
“See how big the bubbles are getting?” Kyojuro bounced Giyuu on his lap. It was getting hard to keep the boy still. He kept leaning forward to dip his hands into the warm bath water. “It’s almost ready, just another minute or two!” He wrapped his arms even tighter around Giyuu as he continued to squirm.
Both men had already stripped down and Kyojuro was tempted to dip into the heat as well, but he thought patience was a good exercise. However the moment the bath was filled fully he wasted no time leaping in.
The water was heated to perfection and on top was a thick layer of bubbles.
As soon as Tomioka was set down he moved away from Rengoku. Instead he slowly sunk into the water until he sat with his nose barely above the surface. For a few minuets he relaxed, letting his eyes drift shut.
“Be careful,” Rengoku spoke as softly as possible, which was still quite loud. “You’re drifting.” He gently tugged the boy closer until he was back on his lap. The bath was quite large, big enough to fit the two with plenty of room to spare. “Or did you want to sit by yourself?”
He received a little grunt alongside some curious hands that pulled on his hair. That was enough of an answer.
“Let’s wash your hair then!” Kyojuro couldn’t hold back his excitement and returned to full volume.
Tomioka nodded and closed his eyes as Rengoku poured water over his head. While the younger man focused on lathering up Giyuu’s hair and combing through it, the other was slowly building a tower of bubbles in front of himself. He couldn’t make much progress as the bubbles shifted with the water but Tomioka seemed entertained regardless.
Kyojuro worked quickly on his own. The man adored how soft Giyuu’s hair would get after a fresh wash. After it had been thoroughly lathered up Kyojuro took a moment to relax and play as well. He gathered up a large amount of bubbles in his hands and built a crown upon Giyuu’s head. The boy looked up and gently patted the mound of foam. He had a rare smile on his face.
“Should we rinse it out now? We need to clean your body too!” Rengoku was sure Tomioka wouldn’t want to get rid of his bubble crown but surprisingly he sunk down into the water.
He quickly rinsed out all the soap until the black locks were smooth and shiny. There was almost a blue tint with how the light reflected off of it.
Getting the rest of Tomioka clean was a slightly more difficult task. The boy was surprisingly ticklish, but would hide (even cry on rare occasions) if he was poked and prodded. Kyojuro had to move very slowly and couldn’t scrub too hard in some places. He hoped to distract Giyuu with the bubbles once more, and even added some toys that could float over the water. It was sucessful as Tomioka went back to work building a castle of sorts. He’s surrounded one of the rubber toys— a smiling monkey —completely with bubbles before fishing it back out.
Once Giyuu is completely clean Kyojuro is happy to work on himself. His own process is much quicker. Rengoku washes his hair while piles of bubbles are spooned onto his shoulders. Truthfully Tomioka doesn’t offer much help but the company is comforting.
By the time Rengoku is done the bathwater has become lukewarm. The man happily hops out to be engulfed by a warm towel instead. When it comes to Giyuu however he has to be coaxed out. The bubbles have turned into pools of thin foam but he continues to moved them around.
Eventually his teeth start to chatter and a warm bottle sounds better than cold and clear water. The boy is enthusiastically greeted by a towel that borders on being a blanket. Once he’s properly swaddled, Kyojuro shows off his strength by easily carrying Giyuu back to the bedroom.
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I'm finally getting agere stuff on my dash again!!!!
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I also don't know if I posted him too but, Kyojuro!!!!
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thebahhospital · 2 months
While I'm here
Could I
Request another demon slayer? Rengoku?
🏩Name(s): Rengoku , Ku , Go , Ren , Goku (LOL NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH DRAGON BALL!!)
💉Age(s): 20
🩺Gender(s): Cismale , Flamegender
🏩Pronouns: He/him
💉CisIDs: Cisdead , CisHashira , Cisharmed , CisHarmful , Cisolderbrother
🩺 transIDs: Transyoungerbrother (Hear me out on that one.) , TransAlive , Transseverity (death wise) , TransDemon , TransAge (30) , TransConsangRelationship , TransHarmless
🏩 orientations: Gay (hear me out)
💉Paraphilias: Consang , MAP
🩺roles: Askers choice!
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Uzui/Little Rengoku
Uzui was currently on a mission and Rengoku was starting to miss him. He really wanted to regress, but he didn't want to on his own! He couldn't help it and felt himself start to regress. In his younger mindset, he started to miss his caregiver more. He didn't know when Uzui would return, but he went to sit by the door to wait, hoping for him to be back soon.
Meanwhile, it was raining whilst Uzui made his way back home after completing his mission. He couldn't wait to get back to his flashy boyfriend! When he got there, he opened the door, seeing Rengoku sleeping against the wall.
He quietly chuckled, picked him up and placed him down on the bed in their room, then changed into dry clothes before pulling Rengoku into a hug. Rengoku cuddled into him, still fast asleep. Uzui fell asleep shortly afterward.
Rengoku started to wake up, starting to stretch but felt arms wrapped around him. He turned towards the person, getting really happy when he saw that it was Uzui. "Dada!" Rengoku called, waking Uzui up. "Yes, Sunshine?" Uzui asked, immediately alert when Rengoku woke him.
"You're back!" Rengoku exclaimed happily. "I am, Firefly." Uzui assured him. "Now, is there anything this flamboyant kid wants?"
"Sweet potato!" Rengoku exclaims. "Certainly. I will make you the most flamboyant sweet potato you deserve!"
Uzui went to the kitchen to prepare the sweet potato for his little one, Rengoku following him, intent on helping. Uzui obviously wasn't going to let him do any of the dangerous stuff that could potentially cause him harm, but he knew his little helper wasn't going to not try to help him, so he just let him gather the ingredients and apparatus needed for the preparation of the meal. After the sweet potatoes were complete, they went to the table to enjoy the food.
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Uzui/Little Rengoku
It was a chilly day, and so Uzui and Rengoku had decided to stay inside for the day. "What do you want to do, Firefly?" Uzui asked the currently regressed Rengoku. "Hmm..." Rengoku thought, tapping his chin exaggeratedly.
"Pillow fort?" He asked hopefully, having finally decided what he wanted to do. "Sure thing, Lovebug. I'll go get some snacks. Can you get some pillows and blankets for the fort?" Uzui asked. "Mhm!" Rengoku exclaimed excitedly, running off to fetch the materials that would be needed to build the fort.
When he returned, he was holding a heap of pillows and blankets so big he could hardly see over it or where he was stepping. He saw that Uzui had gotten out three bowls, one filled with the gold fish snack, one for chips, or as some people call them, crisps, and the last for popcorn.
Uzui saw Rengoku walk in, the pile that he held in his arms tipping hazardously. "Let me help you with that." He said as he took half the pile, placing it down in the middle of the room, where it was then followed by the pile that Rengoku was still holding. They started to assemble the fort, using mostly pillows to hold up the blankets that were mostly all pegged up together, but also using the occasional chair to help support the blanket structure.
Once it had eventually been completed, Rengoku led the way inside, too excited to wait to see if his masterpiece looked as good on the inside as it did on the outside. He made a few adjustments to it, with the help of Uzui, and they added a few decorations, and in his opinion, it was finally perfect.
Uzui had brought some board games inside the blanket fort for them to play, and they started to play them as they also started to eat the snacks. "Here, I don't want my baby to get dehydrated." Uzui said as he handed Rengoku a sippy cup filled with apple juice, which he happily took, thanking Uzui just as he beat him at yet another game.
By the time they were done and all the games had been packed up, the score was Rengoku: fourteen, and Uzui: eleven. They both got ready for bed, Uzui helping Rengoku get into comfortable pajamas, and then they both crawled back into the pillow fort, getting comfortable until they eventually fell asleep.
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kny-agere · 1 year
Sleep it off
“How was the movie baby?” Kyojuro carefully leads you out of the theater. His large hand engulfs your fingers.
You’re trying not to bury yourself into his side. The people milling about are an acute reminder of the situation. “It was good.” It’s hard to keep your voice loud enough for him to hear while still staying in control of your speech.
In perfect understanding Rengoku nods and continues to pull you along without asking anymore questions. Like this you just look like a couple, which is technically true in a way. You cling onto the idea of that so you don’t slip completely.
When he stops walking you stumble into his back. Blinking wildly you step to shoot him a disgruntled look.
“Otou- um, Kyojuro?”
He backs up a little to whisper properly in your ear. “Do you need to use the bathroom?” Rengoku is careful to speak low enough as to not be overheard.
“No!” Immediately you shoot onto your tiptoes and speak far too loudly. Wilting quickly afterwards you lower your volume. “I’m ok.”
“You had a lot of soda. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine! Can’t we get in the car?” You’re begging at this point with a whimper leading into your words. The fact that there’s still people walking past doesn’t register quite as hard.
Rengoku considers his options. With the stalls it’s not as if he can lead you to the toilet himself. There’s not much more he can do other than prompting you. The drive home isn’t particularly long, so if you’re insistent on waiting until then it’s not the end of the world.
The man fixes you with a look that says ‘I’ll believe you for now’ and continues down that hall. He only moves hesitantly, walking slowly as if you’ll change your mind. For a minute you try to wrestle your hands from his grasp. He tightens the hold, not strong enough to keep you trapped, but enough to reinforce the point that the man wants you to stay.
By the time you’re out the door and approaching the car your mood has already softened. Kyojuro lifts you into the passenger seat, lingering to press a kiss against your cheek. With your brightened mood his own smile becomes a little more natural. The giggle you let out only serves to force an even wider grin from him.
As he climbs into the driver’s side Rengoku passes over the half-filled box of popcorn. You’re happy to chew on the rest of the snack on the way home. Knowing you’ll only be able to finish off another few handfuls he’s resigned to throwing the rest away. He knows that you’ll plead for a treat every time, even if it never gets emptied.
With your hands occupied (quickly stuffing your face) he can’t grasp yours. The steering wheel isn’t as comfortable as your grasp.
“What was your favorite part?”
He has to wait patiently until you’re through chewing for a brief moment. “It was very colorful.” You announce the idea carefully, with a faux grownup tone. “Um, I dunno. It was fun too.”
“Hmmm, that’s what you said about the last movie!” His tone is light and not too teasing. That doesn’t stop you from rolling your eyes and letting out an exaggerated huff.
“Well I’m eating now.” Curling up against the seat you decidedly end the conversation. Going as far as to turn away from him slightly. Kyojuro knows that in a few minutes you’ll be asleep or back to a cheerful mood. When you grow silent it’s not entirely unusual.
Looking back towards the road he tries not to let himself get distracted. If you truly are grumpy it’s nothing a hug and a bit of coddling won’t fix.
When he pulls into the garage the door rumbles as it lowers to the ground. Protected from prying eyes the man hops to the ground. You’d been immobile the entire time home, as short as the drive was. Now you might be pretending. Either way Rengoku is happy to carry you inside.
Opening the door he finds your back to him again. In the seconds he walked around the front of the car you’ve flipped around. It’s still hard to tell if you’re playing a game or actually angry.
Nudging your back, running a hand over your shoulder, he tries to gauge the situation. You only groan in response. He tries to peel you away from the crescent you’ve curved into. With a quiet little sob you stay stuck in place.
Looking over your form his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. The wetness gathered around your pants (and seeping into the seats, that’s a problem for later) is a pretty obvious clue.
Ignoring your resistance for a brief moment he manages to undo the seatbelt and pull you out from the seat.
The moment Kyojuro tries to pick you up you let out a blood curdling scream. He tries to keep you in his hold anyways, but with all your squirming you’re able to push out of the lift.
Unstable on your feet you fall back to the ground. The concrete is rough and too hard under your ass. It only serves to push more horrible sobs out from your lips.
“I’m S-sorry! ‘m sorry I didn’t mean too. I-I don’t- sorry. Kyo, um, Tou-san. Please I’m sorry.”
He trying desperately to comfort you, murmuring out gentle words of encouragement. Though you keep trying to jerk away a heavy hand soothes your back. “You’re not in trouble baby. Everyone has accidents. We can clean up and cuddle. How does that sound? Can we take a deep breath?” Kyojuro struggles to keep a quiet tone while you shake and stutter.
Still mumbling apologies that are barely audible you ignore all of his reassuring words. At once point you resume your attempts to push him away and keep his mouth shut.
Ultimately he decides that you won’t calm down out here. This time he’s prepared for your resistance when his arms wrap around your form. Keeping your arms at your sides he manages to avoid any more swipes at his face.
Managing to get you inside and all the way to the bathroom he lets you finally rest on one of the washing chairs. With red eyes you tremble on the short seat. Finally quiet Kyojuro utters out words that you can finally hear.
“I’ll be right back, you just wait here baby.”
With you in such a delicate state Rengoku decides that letting you have a few minutes of silence to gather your thoughts is probably fine. He trusts that you won’t try to leave the room or do anything dangerous.
In the meantime the man washes his hands, strips down— changing into something more comfortable, and mops up the little trail of wetness leading throughout the house. For now all he can do is put a towel over the wet spot back in his car. He’ll just pay to get it properly cleaned later on.
It takes about 10 minutes total. With an extra 5 he sets out a few extra things, alongside a too big t-shirt.
You’re still hunched over on the stool. You’re crying isn’t audible, but tears still linger on your cheeks. Fingers are too gross to sit in your mouth, so instead you chew on the collar of your shirt.
“Hey baby! How are we feeling now?”
It’s no surprise when he’s met with only a small sniffle.
“Ok, I know we’ve talked about this is the past. Do you think you can shower yourself? Otherwise I was thinking we could put you in this big shirt and rinse you off. But we gotta get you clean.” He rubs his fingers against your cheek and tempts you to look at him.
You can’t respond. Leaning into his touch you cling to his large hand. Urging him to read your mind.
“Do you want to do it yourself?”
You shake your head, negative.
Rengoku’s eyes soften. “Is it ok if I help to shower you?”
this time you’re head bobs up and down.
“Great! I brought this shirt, so you can stay covered. And then after we can change into some comfy pjs.”
Rengoku lets you change at your own pace. In the past you had resisted any offer for him to bathe you, although admittedly it had been unnecessary then. He hates to make these kinds of decisions when you’re in such a delicate state. In another day or two he’ll prompt you to have a proper conversation, even if it’s retrospectively.
Once you’ve stripped down to your underwear Kyojuro carefully tugs the old tee on. Once it’s pulled past your chin you capture the collar between your teeth once again. Internally Rengoku curses himself for leaving the pacifier in the bedroom. When offered you usually refuse, only seeking out the item independently, but this might’ve been a rare opportunity where you accepted.
Before he bathes you the man carefully tests the temperature of the spray. Once it’s pleasantly warm he runs it slowly over your back.
With a happy sigh you let Rengoku wash you. Within a few moments you’re smiling and pulling at the wet fabric of your shirt. The man scrubs you thoroughly, even when unnecessary. His fingers massage your scalp and rub behind you ears. The whole time he picks back up the habit of murmuring praise.
Far after you’re clean he continues to let you splash in your water. The water moves slow enough that you can splash in puddles as they slowly drag towards the drain.
His water heater is sophisticated enough that this could continue on forever, but eventually Kyojuro coaxes you to abandon the shower head. At this point he’s soaked too (meaning he’ll have to change yet again) so it’s no concern when he picks you back up.
With a light squeal you’re bundled into a towel and tossed onto the bed. Rengoku pulls you towards him one last time to coax you to listen to him.
“I left out a few different things for you, and I don’t want you to feel pressured to pick anything specific. So I’ll let you dress yourself this time.” He presses a few extra kisses to your cheeks, and finishes it off with one to your nose.
You whine when he drags himself out of your arms, but are satisfied enough to flop back into the plush mattress. Watching him walk away you wait until he’s left and closed the door behind him.
For a few minutes you simply try to tempt yourself out of the covers. Peeling yourself out from the towel it’s less hard to discard the shirt which is still sopping wet. Letting it drop to the floor you turn to the options in front of you.
It’s easy to pick out your typical pajamas. They’re soft green with little white polkadots spread over the fabric. It’s a familiar set that have found a home in Rengoku’s home for sleepovers or an occasional nap time.
The pacifier isn’t quite as easy. He’s laid out several options for you, even knowing you won’t pick all of them. You could leave it there, or grab the teether. Still the harder object doesn’t fit quite as comfortably into your mouth. Kyojuro wouldn’t care what you picked. With a few deep breaths you snatch the small object. You can use it once you’re curled up in bed and your face isn’t quite so obvious.
The hardest is the fact that he’s left a set of briefs next to your usual underwear. It almost sends you into another crying fit.
After taking far too long to decide, trembling in the nude, you silently grab the pair of pampers. You try to hold back the tears that slip down your cheeks. This isn’t a punishment.
The rest of your routine is normal. You slip on the pajamas. Right before crawling into the bed you let the door slip open. Kyojuro will know to come in the next time he passes the hallway.
Under the sheets it’s easy to take control of your breathing. You can ignore the padding around your bum and everything that’s happened. The rhythmic sucking of the pacifier soothes you quickly.
Rengoku enters slowly. You hear him clean up the scattered clothing. There’s a soft pause when he puts back the items he left out. Wrapping your fist tighter around the blankets you stiffen when the mattress sinks beside you.
A hand passes over your head to calm you. “Are you tired?”
“Can I hear my baby say my name? Just so I know you love me?” The man presses dozens of kisses to your cheek. You’re tired, but not tired enough to resist giggling as his hair tickles your face.
Tugging at his locks you try to give him a kiss through the mouth guard of the pacifier. At least you succeed in pushing the plastic against his face. “ ‘ove ‘ou o’ou-san” The words aren’t as clear, but the intent is clear.
Kyojuro tucks you against his chest. “I’m glad my baby’s happy now. So next time we can keep having fun.” Along with his common compliments his warm fingers continue to stroke your back.
As usual his words lull you to sleep. Despite the hectic and atypical events his familiar presence brings you a comfort matched by no other.
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kny-agere · 4 months
little rengoku headcanons 🥺🙏
here you go!!
- You think he’s loud regularly?? His volume increases by like 100% when he’s regressed
- Something I’ve noticed is that Rengoku keeps his arms crossed/very still so I like to imagine he’s a lot more expressive with them too!!
- Basically he’s a very loud little ball of energy
- Kyojuro loves being helpful
- So helpful its almost impossible to anything around him
- You want a glass of water? He can help pour it
- You’re making the bed? He’ll help you!
- It’s adorable but he isn’t always the greatest at whatever task…
- The bedding will be all crumpled and off center but Kyo has the biggest smile ever on his face so what are you supposed to do?
- I think he probably likes being an older sibling most of all so if there’s other littles he enjoys taking care of them too
- Tattletail has a bad connotation but he definitely is an open book
- Sometimes Kyojuro will sneak a cookie or something but he’ll always start crying about it later
- It’s not always even necessarily bad behavior either but like if he stays up 5 minutes past bedtime he will still confess the next morning
- Overall though he’s generally pretty agreeable and happy
- And he’s SUCH a good eater (obviously)
- Afterwards he gives out so many compliments too
- He could eat plain rice and would still be “Wow!! It’s so fluffy! You must’ve worked so hard to make this.”
- I feel like he’s the kinda guy to get like 20 different scrapes and not say anything about it
- Cg is like !! “Kyojuro you’re hurt”
- “I am?” And he’s missing a whole tooth idk
- Speaking of cgs
- I think Mitsuri and Tengen are good because they can keep up with his enthusiasm and energy!
- If he’s alone he’s not very good at keeping himself entertained
- And ofc he likes having any little siblings but I think he does like young/quieter littles because he’s reminded of Senjuro
- Loves baby Giyuu or Iguro
- He’ll give anyone big kisses but especially the babies
- He likes holding them and turning to his cg “Am I doing a good job?”
- They always have to remind him to be quiet around the babies
- Though Rengoku’s whisper is still pretty loud
- He’s very polite too!!
- Again with the helping he’ll practically shake if you give him tasks
- (Even if it’s just to keep Kyojuro out of the way during a more adult task)
- And then when he goes to bed he’s always tired himself out
- Sleeps with his arms spread everywhere and the blanket halfway across the room
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kny-agere · 5 months
Hi, may I request something with little Obanai with caregiver Rengoku? A drabble or headcannons is fine, thanks.
Cg! Rengoku & Little! Iguro
- Rengoku is ofc really really enthusiastic about taking care of Iguro
- He likes to hold Iguro a lot, the boy’s feet almost never touch the ground because Kyojuro is always carrying him
- Iguro doesn’t mind it either though
- He doesn’t like too much touch but Rengoku is very careful with his hands and doesn’t pull or squeeze too tightly
- Iguro is OBSESSED with using Kyojuro’s sleeveless haori (cape) as a blanket
- Ofc the man is equally obsessed with how cute his little looks all swaddled up
- He’s really good at getting Obanai to ear
- Rengoku just sits and shouts his usual decorations of “delicious!” until the little one gets curious and takes a bite of the food too
- Senjuro also likes saying hello to any regressors but Iguro can be very very shy
- He always manages to murmur a soft “thank you” because Rengoku is very focused on good manners
- The flame hashira isn’t big on punishments though He focuses more on talking things out
- Very very rarely he might put Iguro in a time out but that’s about as intense as he gets
- Iguro is a brat sometimes but other than being stubborn or cranky he’s not rebellious
- Rengoku loves his little a lot but he worries about Iguro too because the boy isn’t good at taking care of himself even when non-regressed
- He tries really really hard not to bother Iguro but he’s so intent on caring for the boy that he keeps making little comments
- Obanai doesn’t mind *too* much but occasionally he does get annoyed by it
- Half the time it makes him begin to regress which is especially annoying (and means Kyojuro is likely to get yelled at)
- At times like this he doesn’t reprimand Iguro at all since he is partially to blame
- If the boy is beginning to regress however he might use a more commanding tone
- Sometimes it can help him regress too!!
- Other times Iguro freaks out about punishments/discipline because of his own childhood but Kyojuro is always quick to calm him down and offer some comfort
- Rengoku gets a little nervous about Kaburamaru because outside of demon slaying he can be rather clumsy but he likes the snake itself well enough
- Obanai of course loves his snake and often excitedly points out whenever Kaburamaru’s tongue flicks out of he blinks
- Rengoku just goes “good job!” and moves on because he’s not quite sure how to react lol
- I like the hc that they grew up together and because Kyojuro saw his scars multiple times Obanai is a lot less secretive about them
- It’s a big help because because it’s like Iguro has one less thing on his mind
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kny-agere · 1 year
I made some agere character ai bots! Feel free to check them out :) This is my first time making bots so keep that in mind.
Caregiver Rengoku Kyojuro
Caregiver Mitsuri Kanroji
Little Tomioka Giyuu
Little Akaza
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kny-agere · 8 months
Hii! Maybe, and only if you can, could you make one with little! Giyuu and cg! Kyojuro? I don't have a specific idea, but I love your headcanon that Giyuu goes really little, I think it's accurate and really cute :3
Kyojuro gave up putting the boy down a long time ago. Giyuu clings to him like a monkey, whining anytime Rengoku tries to place him down for even a moment. Deep down he knows that Tomioka would be ok for a few minutes, he doesn’t even cry, just groans and sniffles. The sight and sound of it is still a little too much for the man’s tender heart however. He has plenty of strength to secure the boy with and little that actually needs to be done.
Though having a person clinging to his front only makes cooking harder. His skills are already subpar and it’s not easier when he keeps bumping Giyuu against the countertops and pots. So he settles for something simple. The soup still takes him much longer to make than usual, and he drops a whole unpeeled potato in by mistake, but once it’s done it tastes passible.
“C’mon baby you gotta let go.” He peels Giyuu off his front and sets the boy on his lap. It’s not much of a change, but he’s tormented with more disgruntled noises. “Why don’t you eat a bit?”
He coaxes a few bites into Tomioka’s mouth. Luckily the other hashira isn’t too judgmental. That doesn’t cure Rengoku’s guilt, he knows Senjuro’s cooking is better. Even Giyuu himself has better skills in the kitchen. He reminds himself to bring something from a restaurant next time.
Broth drips down Tomioka’s chin, staining his shirt. The flame hashira hesitates when cleaning up the spills just because the sight is so damn cute. Eventually though he starts refusing the spoonfuls of soup offered. Kyojuro takes this as his cue to wipe off Giyuu’s face and change to feeding himself.
The soup is just lukewarm now but he eats with gusto, quieting his usual exclamations. He made the mistake of yelling a loud, “Umai!” the first time he ate with Giyuu in his arms, which startled the man into tears. He had to regain the experience with young children that he lost as Senjuro grew.
Once the blond finishes the remainder of dinner he’s rewarded with arms immediately wrapping back around his neck. It pushes a light laugh out of his chest. Kyojuro kisses the head of raven black hair sitting on his shoulder. “What should we do now?”
As expected he doesn’t get a proper response, just a soft whine and hands tightening where they cling to his shirt. It’ll be at least another hour before he can get Tomioka to nap so he finds a book (one of Senjuro’s, something about sorcerers or dragons or whatever else the boy is reading about, admittedly Kyojuro isn’t much of a bookworm) and a comfortable spot to settle down in.
Rengoku murmurs the words quietly as he reads. He can’t tell if Tomioka is listening, or is even in a space to understand the words properly, but he remembers his mother doing this with Senjuro. If Kyojuro closes his eyes and thinks hard enough he can imagine her doing it with him. The thought is comforting and he hopes that’s how his whispering makes Giyuu feel. He’s less focused on the words anyways, the sentences are just tools for him to practice a gentler tone. Rengoku remembers being scolded by Kanroji when he met her family and subsequently frightened her youngest siblings.
He gets through a good portion of the book before a hand tugs at his shirt. Giyuu had been drooling on his shoulder for some time, the wet stain soaking through the fabric. Rengoku knew the man was growing tired. If he tried suggesting that without prompting Tomioka would refuse, sometimes staying up until he burst into tears and caved in. But with the gentle pull of his collar Kyojuro pulled the other hashira back and settled him on his lap.
Giyuu’s sleepy look is adorable. He rubs his eyes and leans back into the warm hold. “Should be go to the bedroom?” Kyojuro doesn’t wait for an answer. He moves upwards and into his room. The futon is already spread out, extra blankets and pillows are pilled on top. Tomioka himself doesn’t care for the excess comfort, but the sight of him curled up under a soft blanket or cuddling with a pillow is too good of a sight to pass up.
Rengoku doesn’t set down Giyuu quite yet though. He paces around the room, swaying and he walks. The blond is careful to make sure that Tomioka is really truly asleep before setting him down. If the older man realizes he’s been set down they’ll have to start the whole process over. There’s been days where Kyojuro just keeps the boy in his arms to make sure he gets actual rest.
However there’s a kitchen to be cleaned and if he doesn’t get that done before Senjuro arrives back home his brother will end up doing it himself. With slow and steady movements he deposits Giyuu onto the bed and waits with baited breath. The boy groans, turns onto his side, and then stills.
Rengoku is thankful for the skills he learned as a slayer. He’s able to retreat quietly without signaling his presence. Ever so slowly he closes the door, stealing one last look at the sleeping boy.
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kny-agere · 9 months
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I got a kny coloring book for christmas!! It looks a little better irl but I think it’s cute here too :3
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kny-agere · 1 year
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Rengoku Kyojuro Little aesthetic ★彡☆彡
- Loves bugs!! Catches them and lets go
- Even louder than he usually is
- Uses his hands a lot, grabby hands, gestures, and pinky promises
- Watches people cook with a facinated look
- Regresses from 4-7 (Paci is just bc it’s cute :3)
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kny-agere · 11 months
hi can you make a Drabble of cg!rengoku comforting little!Giyuu who regresses after a waking from a nightmare and/or wetting the bed . Idk i just like putting my favs in pain and Giyuu is such a delicious character for sickness/nightmare/injury hurt/comfort. I want to squish him like a stress ball but also he is baby.
Also smthing that is like medium funny, when I typed cg!rengoku it autocorrected to cheeserengoku 🧀
Sorry this took so long :( I wrote most of it in like 2 days and then it collected dust for forever. I’ll try not to let it happen again. Please enjoy <3
After bathing together— the water making awkward noises as it was sucked down the drain —Tomioka was wrapped up rather cutely. It was hard to find a towel big enough to properly wrap the man up in but it was well worth it. The fluffy cloth draped around his form. Only Giyuu’s head stuck out, wet hair plastered to his forehead. Resting on the floor he waited for Rengoku to get dressed. Decidedly he didn’t want to do anything for himself and was happy when he got scooped up into the other man’s arms. It was easier to let himself be guided as opposed to making choices for himself. There was no worry about making mistakes or disappointing Kyojuro.
“We’ll pick out something comfortable!” Rengoku was trying hard to control his volume levels, with some success. With Giyuu curled up against his chest he felt as light as a feather. A small nod against his shirt signified the man’s agreement. Bursting with affection he squeezes even tighter.
Balancing Giyuu is one arm he opens up closet. Just like the past few times it’s pitifully empty. They’ve cycled through the gifts from Kyojuro several times already. Rifling through the small colorful section he picks out his favorite pair of pajamas, a dull red with skinny black stripes. They’re the only pair that haven’t been dulled through use and washing but are well on the way there.
He settles Tomioka down onto his futon. When the towel is unwrapped the man grunts at the cold air hitting his skin. With expert motions Rengoku gets him clothed as quickly as possible. The worn fabric is soft on his skin, trapping in the heat from the bath.
All that’s left now is to comb his hair, a quiet ritual they only do right before he goes to bed. When Kyojuro settles on the futon Tomioka is quick to crawl into the man’s lap. Settled there his longer locks are easily accessible. They’re still stuck against his neck, water occasionally dripping down his back. With a rather expensive comb that was probably given to him by Uzui at some point, Kyojuro starts to sort through the tangles. Tomioka tends to only do the bare minimum for himself. When he takes time to get everything properly smoothed out it can take quite a bit of time. In the past baths hadn’t been an exclusively nighttime activity, but during the day sitting for so long had riled him up. Even with how mild Giyuu was he couldn’t only tolerate settling down for so long. Now he could float into a near sleep state and not even notice the time.
Rengoku didn’t mind the tedious work. His own hair was filled with small curls and waves that took hours to tame. A long time ago, as an unruly child, he learned what would happen if he didn’t take proper care of his mane.
So while Tomioka’s head bobbed between conscious and unconsciousness he detangled each section and tied it up. The man had never requested specific looks, but the strange look that he had whenever his hair got braided said enough. During those times he’d stop by every mirror or window he passed to admire the twists and slowly trace them with his fingers.
Curling it upwards Kyojuro pins the ends against Giyuu’s head so they won’t wet the clothes.
When he checks on the man he’s unsurprised to find Tomioka with his thumb in his mouth, eyes almost shut. Slowly he swaps out the finger for a real pacifier. When he lays Giyuu properly in the bed the man immediately curls up beneath the sheets. Tucking him in Rengoku leaves after a quick kiss to his forehead.
Moving to the guest room he’s already mostly ready for bed. Despite all the times they’ve done this, Giyuu gets too embarrassed in the mornings to share a bed. Kyojuro can only poke and prod so much before he feels bad about bothering his boy. He still feels a little too lonely without a body in his arms though.
In the morning he doesn’t rush to Tomioka’s room. The man will come out on his own, or call for him. From there he’ll find out if Giyuu is still regressed or not. It’s not a perfect compromise. For now it works ok. He hopes that Giyuu will one day feel comfortable enough that quell any embarrassment that might arise.
Kyojuro instead moves towards the kitchen. Neither him or Tomioka are particularly good cooks, but he can manage a satisfactory breakfast. As he cracks eggs and starts stirring rice Giyuu’s continued absence isn’t noteworthy. The man sleeps well when someone else puts him to bed.
Even when he’s setting the table it’s not cause for worry. He can wake Tomioka up at this point. Giyuu is either still asleep or lazing away, still regressed. Either way excitement makes it’s way back into his head.
Hovering outside Rengoku listens for any movement. When he can’t sense anything he slowly opens the door.
His eyes immediately go to the futon expecting to see his boy laying there. He can’t tell is the bed is empty or not, sheets too twisted to tell if the form is an illusion or not. Scanning the room he finds Tomioka instead curled up in the corner. His towel has been dragged out of the laundry basket and is being used as an impromptu blanket.
Kyojuro wilts a bit and approaches with caution. Giyuu has stripped. His clothes are strewn throughout the room. The only thing that remains the same are the braids looped around his head.
“You awake baby boy?” He crouches next to the man’s form. When he nudges Giyuu gently he doesn’t stir. A light hand moves over his arm again, to push him a little harder. “Little fox, the sun is up now.”
Waiting more patiently for a response Kyojuro takes a seat next to Tomioka. He can see hints of wakefulness. The man moves slowly. Instead of facing Rengoku he curls deeper into himself. His shoulders begin to shake as he silently sobs.
Kyojuro wrestles Giyuu into his arms. While he screams and tries to throw the younger man off he’s easily subdued. Once he’s properly seated on Kyojuro’s lap he breaks down, sinking into the gentle touch. The urine on his thighs has dried, leaving atrocious red rashes. Even when he moves over the area with the lightest of touches Tomioka sobs and hisses.
“We should get you clean ok? A nice warm bath and then we can have breakfast.” Rengoku is glad he’s gained some control over his volume. Some of the loudness shines through in the best of ways. His confidence is reassuring.
Tomioka can’t get a word out. Any attempt results in cut off whimpers. There’s an itch in the back of his throat that pushes down anything. His thumb hasn’t quite made in too his mouth. The skin right beside it is sucked on instead, harsh teeth keeping it in place.
It’s not a time to bother looking for the pacifier. Kyojuro finds the small box in the back of the closet and fishes out a new one. He slowly nudges Tomioka’s hand away. There’s deep red bite marks on his lower lip that’ll last until tomorrow. When offered the new toy he takes it obediently. He might chew hard enough to tear the rubber but it’s better than his own skin.
“We’re gonna give you a nice scrub and then you can join me at the table! It’ll be so quick you won’t even notice.” A morning rinse is a rare detour in their set routine but in this case a necessary one. Rengoku might have to change too just to be rid of the smell.
Giyuu’s face is still wet and red. The only signifier that he’s calmed down even the slightest amount is the lack of new tears. Kyojuro can only see glimpses of the man’s face, when it’s not buried against his chest. The dampness from tears stuck to the cloth hasn’t gotten any wetter, another good sign. Ignoring the situation it’s a little nice to hold him like this too. Tomioka sometimes can’t stand being cradled for more than a few minutes. Right now he seems to soak in the physical contact.
He sighs when they get to a bathroom and the tub is empty. That was probably supposed to be today’s chore. After this it might be good to upgrade the ancient space. Kanroji, living in a relatively new home instead of an older estate, had very nice plumbing that brought hot water straight to the location. Though it’d be hard to give up the sight of Giyuu peering down into the nearby well, cheering Kyojuro on as he filled up several buckets.
“We’re just gonna shower today, ok? I’ll give you a bath tonight if you still want it.”
Kyojuro’s only answer is Tomioka clinging to him tighter. If his head moves he can’t feel it.
It takes some light coaxing to peel the boy off of him, and ultimately Giyuu refuses to completely let go of physical contact. It makes it hard to undress either of them when little sobs start up anytime he’s not clinging to Rengoku.
Giyuu sits on his lap the whole shower. He looks like a wet cat, hair slicked down with big sad eyes. The man has grown quiet now, but nothing suggests that he’s done being sad either.
In an echo of the night before Rengoku grabs another large towel to bundle Tomioka up in. His coos and quick hands don’t force out the same giggles as they had then, but Giyuu seems slightly less sullen by the time he’s wrapped up. He looks more tired now than anything. If he doesn’t fall right back asleep after breakfast (now more of a brunch) then Kyojuro will have to push for a nap later in the day, regardless of if he’s regressed or not.
“Alright baby boy, should we get some food in that belly of yours?”
He’s only a expecting a nod, or perhaps nothing at all. It leans towards the second after several silent beats pass.
“Thank you Tou-san.” The words are mumbled, only able to be made out through context. Giyuu shakes afterwards like he’s just yelled. Rengoku is quick to press another kiss to his skin and murmur some more (well deserved) praise.
Like he originally meant to, he’s finally able to sit down at the table and persuade Giyuu into eating.
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babyminty · 11 months
Cgs Kagaya & Hashira/Little Tanjiro
Tanjiro felt like he was going to start crying. There were so many people who he didn't know around him, and they were targeting his sister, Nezuko, saying how she was a demon and should be gotten rid of. She had already proven that she could be trusted, and the Master, Kagaya, had said that they are both free to go.
There was a slight problem, though. Nezuko had already gotten back into her box and had probably fallen asleep, ready to go, but Tanjiro had actually ended up regressing, and he felt tears start to trail down his face.
Kagaya had noticed that Tanjiro had started crying and got up, approaching him. "What is wrong, child? Why are you crying?" Kagaya asked. Tanjiro sniffled, looking up at him from where he was sitting on the ground, tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Scawed." He admitted.
Rengoku was close enough to hear what was said, and he could immediately tell that Tanjiro was regressed. Walking over, he knelt down next to Tanjiro. "Hey, little guy, I know this is all very scary, but everything is ok. You are okay,  and your sister is okay." Rengoku reassured him. Tanjiro looked up at him. "You sure?" He asked. "Indeed." Rengoku replied.
Giyuu had been watching all of this happening, but hadn't gotten involved due to the fact that he was worried that if he tried to help calm down Tanjiro, he would have said something wrong and made it worse, so after he was sure that Kagaya and Rengoku had calmed Tanjiro down, he made his way over to help them look after the regressed Tanjiro.
All the other Hashira noticed Kagaya, Rengoku and Giyuu looking after what seemed to be a regressed Tanjiro, and feeling a bit guilty that they were the ones who had made Tanjiro involuntarily regress, decided to help out with looking after him.
Mitsuri and Rengoku  made food for Tanjiro, Obanai let Tanjiro meet Kaburamaru, Muichiro and Uzui entertained Tanjiro whilst he sat in Giyuu's lap. Shinobu hummed whilst running her hands through Tanjiro's hair, making sure to clear out any knots she found.
Sanemi and Gyomei sat off to the side, watching the rest, but prepared to help if they were needed, and Kagaya sat under the roof on his platform, surveying everything that was happening and making sure everyone was safe.
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babyminty · 1 year
Cg Kyojuro/Little Senjuro
Senjuro jolted upwards, suddenly awake. He had had a terrible nightmare and had then regressed because of it. He stood up, rushing to his older brother's room, looking for comfort.
Once there, he ran up to his brother, falling into his arms as he started sobbing. "Hey, Lil guy, what's wrong?" Kyojuro asked. "Is had nightmawe." Senjuro cried. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?" Senjuro shook his head. "Okay. That's Ok. Is there anything you do want?"
"Jus oo." His little brother replied. "Ok, we'll just snuggle then, yes?" Senjuro nodded, cuddling in closer to his brother as they lay down. Only once Senjuro had fallen asleep again did Kyojuro allow himself to be met by sleep once more.
Throughout the rest of the night, or as far as Kyojuro knew, Senjuro hadn't had another nightmare that night, and each time he had checked on his younger brother, Senjuro had been sleeping peacefully, sound asleep.
In the morning, Kyojuro was the first of the two to wake up, and so he went to the kitchen to make pancakes for them both. Once finished, he woke Senjuro up and brought him into the kitchen and to the table where they ate their pancakes in comfortable silence.
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