#agents of o.d.d.
Hello! Do you have any suggestions for ttrpg that are like Control (video game)? I enjoy number crunching, and playbooks are a plus :D
THEME: Games inspired by CONTROL
Hello! I’m going to first reference to you one of the first posts I ever made, about Paranormal Agents. If you like playbooks, you’ll probably want to take a look at Against the Dark Conspiracy, but don’t sleep on External Containment Bureau! Not much of what’s in that post is big on math, but I don’t want to leave out any possible options. Now, on to some more recommendations.
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In Case of An Emergency, by boyproblems.
You work at foundation., a global corporation known for its cutting edge inventions and morally dubious treatment of its labour force. It stays at the top of its field by exploiting the paranormal and the metaphysical. Due to an "incident", you are now trapped inside. The glitch causes you and a group of your co-workers to be tasked by a group known as THE SHAREHOLDERS to fix what has broken, and solve THE EMERGENCY.
The Head Office is an ever-shifting office complex that threatens to trap your intrepid group within its labyrinthine walls. Fable and superstition come alive and threaten your very life. Gain new abilities (ABSTRACTIONS) through exposure to the powers that lie beyond, investigate the truth behind foundation., traverse a place where new science is discovered daily, and cut through bureaucratic and literal binding red tape to escape and survive.
This is a one-shot game, but that doesn’t mean that your character can’t gain new powers throughout the course of play. In Case of Emergency is directly inspired by CONTROL, so theme-wise we’re definitely in the right territory. It doesn’t look like it has playbooks though, which is a bummer - in almost every other aspect I think it’s what you’re looking for!
Agents of the O.D.D., by Jason Tocci.
Agents of the O.D.D. is a tabletop roleplaying game of conscripted cryptids, shaky psychics, burned spies, and other investigators of the paranormal. Based on the rules from Into the Odd and Electric Bastionland, and inspired by series like Hellboy, Planetary, and The Laundry Files.
Agents of the O.D.D. doesn’t necessarily have playbooks, but it does have player archetypes. During character creation, you roll a d100 and take the result from a hefty list of archetypes. These will give you one or more special moves, companions, and/or pieces of equipment. And equipment is a really big thing in this game - there’a at least 6 pages in this 24-page game dedicated to equipment alone. This might be because Agents of the O.D.D. is built off of Into the Odd and Electric Bastionland, which are both minimalist and focus on dungeon-delving.
Now that I think of it, exploring a place that is abnormal and haunted is likely very similar to engaging in a dungeon-crawl, so expect a game like this to point you to your inventory when it comes to solving problems - like talking to extraterrestrials, or fighting against hostile cryptids. You’re also going to be tracking your gear, so if you like inventory-keeping this game is for you.
Making Change, by Beth and Angel Make Games.
Researchers at The Observatory study all sorts of objects that seem ordinary but are gifted with a special power. One of these objects is a coin. However, when the senior researcher went to start testing it, it… convinced them to "liberate" it. Surveillance shows the researcher was speaking to something or someone —presumably, the coin— and the researcher quickly went from arguing to utterly submitting to the coin.
This is an adventure made for the CoinSides Jam of 2023, which had the stipulation that the adventure have a coin as a central theme. This adventure invokes the coin with some kind of intelligence, as it has the ability to affect the desires and emotions of people around it. Because the adventure is system-agnostic, it’s meant to work with a number of different systems, but I would recommend using games that are good for detective stories or modern horror, or even something like External Containment Bureau.
You Can Check Out Anytime You Like, But You Can Never Leave, by Marn S.
You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave is a game for 3+ people, and a surreal horror-flavored hack of Mobile Frame Zero: Firebrands by Meguey & Vincent Baker. It is also a loving homage to The Shining, NanQuest, and the songs of the 70s and 80. 
Play as a Guest, Staff member, or living Anomaly at the Hotel California, the first and only hotel to exist outside of time and space! Create messy entanglements — ally with monsters, or backstab your friends! Inject the surreal and horrific into everyday life! Solve mysteries! Have strange dreams! Chase someone with a knife! Burn it all to the ground!
The setting for this game takes place in a hotel rather than The Oldest House (or something like it) but what makes it interesting is that it’s a hack of Firebrands. This means that rather than following an adventure seed like a traditional RPG, you’ll be setting up and playing through various scenes in the form of mini-games. The creator has also published Such A Lovely Place, a supplement with five extra mini-games to incorporate into your eerie stay at Hotel California. There might be math here but if there is it’s probably only in a mini-game or two.
FIST: Ultra Edition is a tabletop roleplaying game about paranormal mercenaries doing the tough jobs no one else can. In the game, you belong to a legendary rogue mercenary unit called FIST. You are a soldier of fortune who doesn’t fit into modern society. You are a disposable gun for hire, caught up in the death and destruction of pointless proxy wars and oppressive establishments. You may also be someone who can turn into a ghost or control bees with your mind. 
FIST focuses on action and combat, but specifically against the paranormal. You aren’t regular soldiers, not by a long-shot. The time period is during the Cold War: there are tensions that will affect your missions outside of simply what you’re hunting. The combat is meant to be brutal, the missions highly tactical, and the character builds are modular (so there might be some number crunching). No playbooks here, I’m afraid, but if you want the gritty action that keeps you on your toes in CONTROL, you might want to check out FIST, especially since it’s on Kickstarter right now! (Ending soon!)
THE COMPANY, by Mega_Corp.
The Company is a survival horror game centered around corporate emergency response teams and the aftermath of the situations they are assigned to deal with. Players take on the roles of Employees assigned to response teams that quickly find themselves in over their heads with one player facilitating play as the Game Manager.
Now this looks like a game with playbooks. At the beginning, your character chooses one of five Careers, each of which come with special Perks, pre-selected skills, a personal item random table, and some jobs and goals to focus your character. The game itself ins’t terribly long, but there’s enough lore to establish how the game borrows from CONTROL without copying it completely, and the designers have crated an Employee Handbook for players as well as a Management Manual for GM’s. You get both when you pick up this game on Itch. There’s definitely a lot of pieces to keep track in this one - I don’t know if that translates to number crunching but it might get you close!
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ouamotw · 2 years
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Okay. This file creeps me out...maybe we don’t want to figure out the redacted version of  Félicien Sansregret?? Still, a former agent of B.O.E.U.F.  now moved to B.E.E.F. ....in his post mortem recruitment.... 
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colorgoat · 4 years
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a character for a ttrpg called agents of the o.d.d! her name is wren, and her ability is being able to bite the undead to get stats back. i like to think of it as like a vampire but in reverse
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nebulousboundsfloof · 4 years
A test of Bookbinding.
I got a copy of Jason Tocci’s Agents of O.D.D.* from a bundle on itch.io and decided to use it as a test for doing my own bookbinding.
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clubhouseasylum-rpg · 7 years
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Jasmine Sultan | 21 |  O.D.D | Naomi Scott | Aladdin
Jasmine has always been more than your average girl-next-door. She is the daughter of the chairman of United States Foreign Affairs, Hamed Sultan. With her father in such a well-known position of power, Jasmine has always been watched like a hawk by the Secret Service. Even as a little girl, she was not allowed to go on a play date unless she was accompanied by at least two agents.
As she grew older, Jasmine only grew more and more tired of her position. She was tired of attending White House balls, galas, and speeches. She yearned to be like the rest of the girls her age – carefree, bubbly, and wearing whatever she pleased – but she was more like a bird stuck in a cage.
When she turned 18, her family began to notice a shift in her behavior. She would no longer dress in pretty designer gowns without being prompted to do so. She became belligerent, outwardly rude, and was even caught partying and drinking at random nightclubs on several different occasions. Her father feared not only for his daughter’s safety, but for his reputation as well. So, he took it upon himself to change her behavior: she was no longer permitted to leave the house, her windows were to be barred shut, and she would complete her education from home. This devastated Jasmine, and only caused her behavior to get worse.
It wasn’t long before Hamed realized he couldn’t keep his daughter under control on his own anymore. So, he called for a psychiatrist to give Jasmine a mental evaluation. It was then that she was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and was sent to the Clubhouse for treatment, in hopes that she would resume acting like the sweet, obedient girl that everyone had come to know.
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ouamotw · 2 years
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Going into our last hour! 
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ouamotw · 2 years
Nim's boss is kind of a jerk so let's convince him to give Nim a turkey leg please!
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ouamotw · 2 years
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At one point there appears to have been a fifth agent coming to Reddington, but it looks like they’ve been sent somewhere else. Given what we have seen of the redacted files... I am going to say this is not an agent we should pursue out of fear! 
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