#ageretober day 7
chellesdump · 1 year
Rocking Clowns - Blackpink
"The girls decided to have a scary movie marathon to get into the spooky season, but after having watched a couple of them one of them started getting anxious and resorted to stim to self-soothe"
word count ─ 1.1k
tags ─ little! lisa, little! rosé, cg! jennie, cg! jisoo, autumn, tw! scary movies, tw! someone getting hurt, stimming
notes ─ This is for the Scary Movies and Stimming prompt. So enjoy :3
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The Blackpink girls had made their plan for the day to have a marathon of scary movies in order to get into the spooky season, also known as October, each one had chosen either 1 or 2 movies to put in their movie playlist for the day, from classic scary movies to newer ones.
In order to prepare for their long day they woke up early to go to the store to stock up on candies, beverages, snacks, and some other necessities for their perfect day, “Unnie! We need to buy this popcorn bucket, it has 2 WHOLE BOXES of M&M’s. Can we? Can we?” begged Lisa holding the aforementioned bucket, with a playful roll of her eyes Jisoo told her, “Yes, sure we can. I need to try that combination of popcorn, I’ve seen it’s quite popular” finally showing her excitement to the maknae.
Lisoo kept stocking on sweet snacks and candy to munch on, that was until Jennie came telling them they needed something else than sweet things, “But unnie, they are so tasty and you’re supposed to eat a lot of sweets on this season” whined Lisa crossing her arms to show her discontent at being told to stop stocking on the sweets, “Lalisa! Do you want your teeth to rot and fall out? I’m not telling you to get rid of everything, just to choose some healthier things as well” berated Jennie with a stern look plastered on her face.
Luckily Rosé came up with the solution to their little fight, “Yeoreobun! Look at what I found… SPOOKY CHIPS!! These ones are in bat and ghost form, can you believe it? These other ones are orange and black, so Halloween coded. These other ones are shaped like pumpkins, we just need some dips” Rosé excitedly showed them.
“Wow, Chaeyoung-ah! They are indeed so cool, now let’s go and find some dips!” said Lisa while grabbing Rosé’s hand and running towards the dip section, while they were getting away Jennie yelled her retort, “I told you there were other options than sweets!”, but the younger ones didn’t hear and continued to run to find more things to buy.
It took them around an hour to finish their shopping, and in the end, they ended up with a wide variety of snacks from candy to chips, beverages like apple cider and hot cocoa, seasonal cups and plates, and even some plushies.
Once arriving home they got into their pajamas to be comfier and put their snacks on plates to have a wide range without all the packages in the way, Jen being prepared as always brought some normal cups for everyone but also a couple of sippy cups in case the girls needed them later in the evening.
They started with one of the classics, Scream, the Ghostface movie was such a classic so it couldn’t be missed on their marathon when the movie ended they were a little shaken up but still eager to watch more horror; next came a Korean/Thai movie, to bring some patriotism to their evening, The Medium was the second movie lined up, they ended it with more shock present on their beings; with each film that came they became more and more shaken up, being jumpy at random noises which came from the windy day they have, the line up was filled with more classics like Child’s Play and Halloween, some newer ones like The Mimic, Midsommar, and Bird Box.
So by the time IT came, they were super jumpy, but they laughed it up at the foolishness of their fear since the monsters wouldn’t really come for them, for one of them the anxiousness from the movies was greater, Rosie was little, and had been for a great part of the marathon, she didn’t really remember the exact moment she slipped but the fact remained and that made her get more scared, Lili seemed to be little as well, but she was more adventurous than Rosie so she was less scared and jumpy.
When the movie began playing Rosie cuddled closer to Jennie to seek a little bit of comfort, everything was okay until Pennywise made his first appearance, the clown was so scary, and seeing him wasn’t pleasant, by the middle of the movie she started stimming to self soothe from the fear/anxiousness, unfortunately, it was one of the harmful ones, Rosé started biting her fingers, it started with just sucking them but that wasn’t enough so she bit them.
Jennie caught sight of the stimming when it started and even though it wasn’t ideal she let it slide, but once she snuck a glance again she saw the biting, knowing it was harmful to let her keep doing it, she let Jisoo know about it and told her she was going to fetch one of the girls pacifiers and talk to her to see what had her in such a state.
Grabbing Rosé’s hand she told her to go with her, she took her to her room to grab the pacifier and told her to sit on the bed, “Rosie baby, can you tell me why you are biting your fingers?”, questioned the older one, the younger girl got more nervous which made her start biting her fingers even more, she thought Jennie was mad at her so the anxiousness increased, so she muttered, “No mad at Rosie, p’ease Mama, just… just” and the waterworks started.
Watching her crying Jennie went closer telling her, “Oh my Rosie Posie, Mama isn’t mad at you, I’m just worried about you hurting yourself. So how about you give your fingers to Mama to hold them and Mama will give you a paci, one you can chew and suck so you won’t hurt your fingers again. How you like that idea?” tried to reason with the little girl, thankfully Rosé knew that what she was doing was harming and accepted the pacifier, not before asking her Mama for a favor.
“Mama can hug Rosie p’ease, Rosie scared of da monstews. They so scary!” she screamed hiding in her covers and putting the pacifier in her mouth to help her calm down.
With an achy heart, Jennie answered that of course they could cuddle all she wanted, and they could even watch some more family-friendly movies so they wouldn’t be as scary, Rosé accepted and they went to the living room once again, Jisoo and Lisa were waiting for them with cups filled with tasty hot cocoa to lessen the anxious feeling Rosie was feeling and Coraline was playing now on the TV.
The four girls cuddled on the couch and spent the rest of the evening watching kid-friendly things, once their movie marathon was over they had some tasty dinner before getting ready for bed, deciding to have a sleepover on one of the oldest members' beds to combat the fears that could remain.
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ynbnevermore · 1 year
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too little 4 all of it
ageretober day 6 ‘scary movies’ ; cg ot3, little soobin & yeonjun ; wc 1.8k
kai loves doting on his hyungs. teasing them, pinching their cheeks, baby-talking and aegyo-ing his way out of his things. he loves to see his hyungs groan in frustration at his antics. but it’s even better when his two eldest hyungs are not exactly the eldest anymore— but are regressed. yeonjun usually regresses older than soobin, around 5-7, meanwhile soobin sometimes regresses as young as 1 or just a couple months. kai still loves doting on them then too.
 it’s the halloween season and kai was the one to fill their dorm with fake pumpkins and leaf garlands. every time one member comes home, they should be expected to be hit with a whiff of caramel apple or pumpkin spice. kai loves the soft amber feeling of fall, but he also loves the horror and scare of halloween. he has been binge watching horror movies every single night on a too loud volume. taehyun, on the 2nd night, decided to go and sleep in the living room.
it’s the night of their day off and taehyun and beomgyu had agreed to join kai on his nightly binge of a horror movie. soobin and yeonjun did not. 
well, more like yeonjun didn’t agree. soobin had slipped earlier in the day and was still small. baby soobin really did want to watch the movie! but, yeonjun insisted that he was too little for it. and so, soobin decided to cuddle up in bed with yeonjun and mindlessly watch random videos that came up on their youtube feed and bad reality tv shows.
a couple hours later, soobin felt a little bit bigger than he did before. he noticed his dada had fallen asleep and he silently creeped out of bed. he turned the knob of the door and shut it so quietly, it barely made a creak. soobin heard the faint sound of some reality tv actor screaming at their colleague from behind the door. soobin turned around and faced the dark hallway. fear bubbled up in his chest but he swallowed it down and took a careful step forward. the floor creaked and soobin widened his eyes, thinking yeonjun was going to wake up and come out of the room to scold him. 
soobin kept walking and eventually made it into the living room, braving the adventure of passing by dark rooms and the shadowy figures that came within them. he heard the noises from the movie and couldn’t help but get a little excited. he really wanted to watch it earlier but yeonjun forced him to go to bed since he was scared and now he can! he peeked around the corner and then scurried to the couch, finding a place and cuddling up next to beomgyu and kai. he mindlessly stuck his thumb in his mouth and contentedly watched. the protagonist was now walking up the stairs of an old abandoned house and stupidly calling out, “hello? Anyone here?” and soobin couldn’t help but giggle. this drew the attention of beomgyu who then noticed soobin’s thumb in his mouth. He stroked his shoulder and whispered in soobin’s ear, “how old are you, baby?” soobin then held up his hand, proudly showing five fingers. beomgyu knew that he would be okay, and if it got too scary he would just take soobin back to his room. beomgyu looked over towards taehyun and kai, who’s eyes were lost in the screen and spaced out, completely focused on the movie. beomgyu scoffed and then saw soobin doing the exact same thing. he decides to let them be. 
  ๋ㅤ ࣭ ㅤ⭑  ☆ㅤ ๋࣭ㅤ ⭑
yeonjun wakes up in a dark room and hears the sound of wind and hail pellets beating against the window. he groggily rubs his eyes and whimpers. the last thing he remembers before falling asleep is the dance moms pyramid and soobin cuddling up really close. the tv is now showing the graphic of the lifetime logo bouncing around the screen. yeonjun feels a little bit disoriented at first, not knowing why he was here or where he even was. he then registers that he’s in soobin’s bed, and soobin is not here. it’s quiet, except for the buzzing of monitors and the tv. well, it’s quiet for at least a few moments. 
until, yeonjun hears an ear piercing screech from outside and what sounds like a knife stabbing someone. he covers his ears and whimpers. it is now that yeonjun’s consciousness realizes that he’s probably slipping into the mindset of a toddler. yeonjun feels really scared right now. he thinks he regressed younger than he usually does, it’s dark, and a roar of thunder is heard outside. yeonjun shuts his eyes, hoping for it to all go away. but it doesn’t. 
he decides to face his fear. and maybe find soobin. he keeps his hands over his ears and climbs out of the covers. he opens the door and ventures down the dark hallway, jumping at every shadowed room and piles of clothes that look like monsters. he can’t help but focus on the gruesome screams that are echoing from the tv.
tears form in his eyes as he reaches the end of the hallway and finally looks at the movie that has so many scary noises coming from it. as they fall down his cheeks, he quickly wipes them away and sniffles. he holds his breath and walks into the living room. everyone was there, except for him. yeonjun feels a little pathetic. he’s a little boy and he’s not watching a scary movie with all his friends? how much more pitiful can you get? he sighs out the breath he was holding and sits down between taehyun and kai. 
the movie has reached a not so bad scene now, the protagonist at lunch with someone who yeonjun presumes is a businessman. yeonjun cuddles up next to taehyun and rests his head on taehyun’s shoulder. his eyes wander around the room, just in case a jumpscare or something scary happens in the movie. his eyes land on soobin. he’s sucking his thumb and is engrossed in the movie. oh, soobie is little too? he thinks. that’s nice at least; to have someone else be regressed with him too. yeonjun sighs again and wiggles into a more comfortable position. he can feel taehyun’s warm sunshine smile shine down on him and he relaxes his nerves just a little bit.
but of course, yeonjun is never able to have peace. ever. the next scene the protagonist gets jumpscared by the businessman who has now morphed into the nightmare that she has been running away from for the entire movie. yeonjun jumps a little, and he feels himself slip farther. he knew this was a bad idea. but he had to stay. he can’t be alone in his room. he would much rather be scared and with his caregivers than alone. the next scene is even scarier, the girl is running throughout town and it seems like every citizen has been morphed into some sort of form of the scary creature. yeonjun covers his eyes. at this point, it’s too much. the girl screams and yeonjun’s dam breaks.
he is sent into wretched sobs and is hiding into taehyun’s side, trying to almost go behind him into the plush of the couch. he feels smaller than a toddler now. his demeanor is that of a baby.  the emotions and the intenseness of the movie was just too much for him. all the stress and just general anxiousness he had been feeling the past week had all been bottled up and just exploded. salty tears soak taehyun’s shirt and his arms. taehyun tries to caress yeonjun’s hair but the boy beneath him flinches, scared. the movie is paused but yeonjun can’t deal with the silence either. the stares on him bore into his soul and it’s piling up in his throat. yeonjun gets up from where he was cuddling into the couch and runs to the bathroom. he slams the door shut and throws himself onto the floor, choking on his sobs, unable to get the visions and flashbacks of the scenes out of his head. 
 ๋ㅤ ࣭ ㅤ⭑  ☆ㅤ ๋࣭ㅤ ⭑
kai looks at taehyun, taehyun looks at beomgyu, beomgyu looks at soobin. soobin whines. when yeonjun first came into the room, soobin could tell that he was little too but didn’t say anything as he was too invested in the movie. taehyun sighs and they all wordlessly get up from the couch. soobin hesitates, as he knows that he has to be the older brother now to yeonjun. he usually regresses much younger than yeonjun. but after being scared like that, soobin doubts that yeonjun is any older than a little baby. kai tugs at soobin’s shirt to get him to stand up and soobin pouts. he grabs a paci from the kitchen counter as they pass it to get to the bathroom. yeonjun probably needs it more than him. 
the bathroom door is creaked open and soobin sees yeonjun curled up in a fetal position on the floor, crying his eyes out. his heart twinges in guilt. he should’ve stayed and kept cuddling with yeonjun. maybe there was a deeper reason why yeonjun didn’t want soobin watching the movie. soobin watches as his hyungs crowd around his baby brother and he cringes. yeonjun needs space… he whines and flails around, almost punching kai in the face. soobin feels so bad, he needs to help yeonjun. thats his brother. his baby brother right now. “STOP!” he yells. it’s not directed at yeonjun, but at his hyungs. the room of overlapping affirmations of “you’re okay” and “it was just a movie, baby” came to a halt. he pushes through the trio and lays down with yeonjun, matching his position. he then sticks the pacifier inside his mouth, not saying a word. he then, still silent, holds up five fingers. yeonjun, understanding what soobin was conveying, holds up one finger. yeonjun is now significantly calmer now, sobs only reduced to a few tears and whines in just a matter of seconds. the trio watched the quiet exchange and realized that they were probably being a bit overbearing with yeonjun when he was in such a sensitive space. 
soobin spoke to yeonjun softly, “jjunie, no more scaries, okay?” his tone was babyish and the caregivers watching couldn’t help but smile at soobin taking on the role of older brother, despite being small himself. yeonjun nodded subtly and sat up, whining. he climbed into soobin’s lap, suckling on his paci. he then made grabby hands towards the trio, wanting them to cuddle too with him on the bathroom floor. they all came closer and yeonjun smiled a bit. he then cuddled more into soobin’s chest and closed his eyes. soobin patted his head and whispered, “sleepy?” yeonjun nodded again cutely and whined out, “night night. love you.” admittedly, there was some more discussion to do about yeonjun’s outburst at the movie so suddenly, but for now. for now, the trio and yeonjun’s older sibling were comfortable with just watching the baby sleep after being so overwhelmed. their little family, with their flaws, are perfect at knowing what they all need and how to take care of each other. 
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chellesdump · 1 year
Last updated: 4/November/2023
Total Works: 32
Twice Agere
Days 1 & 2 - The Beginning of the Spooky Season
Day 3 - Getting In The Twilight Zone
Day 4 - All Darkness
Day 5 - Boo Boos
Days 6 & 7 - Rocking Clowns
Day 8 - Sana Potter
Day 9 - This Is Halloween
Day 10 - Leaf Me Alone
Day 11 - Fluffy Days and Warm Feelings
Day 12 - The Haunted Tofu
Day 13 - Critter Lullaby
Day 14 - It's Just A... Prank?
Day 15 - Mrs. Spider
Day 16 - Icky Feeling
Day 17 - Pumpkin Spice
Day 18 - Hyompirina
Day 19 - The Candle Slayer
Day 20 & 21 - Having a Family
Day 22 - Fallen Angel
Day 23 - Magic Cauldron
Day 24 - Baegopa
Day 25 - Dawn Of The Wolf
Day 26 & 27 - Sweater Weather
Day 28 & 29 - Fireflies
Day 30 & 31 - Cute Monsters
All Darkness - agere
Boo Boos - agere
Hyompirina - agere
Boo Boos - agere
Sana Potter - agere
Ddalgi Thief - agere
Boo Boos - agere
This Is Halloween - agere
Fluffy Days and Warm Feelings - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Hyompirina - agere
Sweater Weather - agere
Sharon Emerges
The Beginning of the Spooky Season - agere
Boo Boos - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Sweater Weather - agere
The Haunted Tofu - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
Pumpkin Spice - agere
Ddalgi Thief - agere
This Is Halloween - agere
Critter Lullaby - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
Pumpkin Spice - agere
Pouty Tzu - agere
Tired Baby - agere
Mrs. Spider - agere
TwicePink Adoption
Graduation Day
Hybrid School Meal Club
Getting In The Twilight Zone - agere
Rocking Clowns - agere
Leaf Me Alone - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
The Candle Slayer - agere
Magic Cauldron - agere
Fireflies - agere
Lili Rises - agere
Getting In The Twilight Zone - agere
Rocking Clowns - agere
Leaf Me Alone - agere
It's Just A... Prank? - agere
Icky Feeling - agere
Magic Cauldron - agere
TwicePink Adoption
Graduation Day
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