#agustín left au
toaverse · 2 years
She can build her and Mirabel their own Casita
Oh! That’s true! Luisa can build buildings easily!
Well, Agustín and (later on) Antonio are welcome, at least!
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gamerbearmira · 4 months
Can we get some more of those Resident Evil AU designs? They're so cool!
I got these for now, but eventually I’ll do the only ones left, Luisa, Antonio, and Agustín 🤭 I’ve drawn Isabela and Camilo before, but those didn’t have color. I haven’t drawn Luisa at all I realized 💀💀 I’ve drawn Agustín only a handful of times. Never drew Bruno sooooo
Here they are‼️‼️‼️ tried to keep them on theme with whatever bug they were given plus still being. Enough resident evil for village anyway 👹
SHOUTOUT TO ANYONE WHO RECOGNIZES WHICH RESIDENT EVIL THE FLOWERS ARE FROM <333 I beat that one actually 😭 well until the end, because for some reason me nd my duos game just wa not letting us get past a part of the final boss fight 🗿
ANYWAY. GLAD YOU THINK THEY’RE COOL, I’LL DO THE REST SOON‼️‼️ Also thinking about making a family portrait of them when they’re done. Idk, I feel like Miranda would make them do some mess like that. Cause she’s crazy 🦅
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Self-indulgent AU time: Encanto Theatre AU!
The Madrigals are essentially a family theatre group, who travel and perform all over Colombia for the most part.
Mainly fluff and happiness!
Alma and Pedro met in Bogotá while working in their local production of La Maestra and soon fell in love. Post-marriage, they bought a small, rundown theatre and planned to run a theatre group there themselves, but the idea was side-tracked when Alma realised she was pregnant. Instead, they opened the space for other acts and groups alike over those first nine ish months.
While she was at home and recovering from the birth of the triplets, Pedro and the latest group to use the space were setting up the scenery and props for the new show. Unfortunately, something went wrong and he was seriously injured internally. However, he said nothing, mot realising how bad it was and not wanting to ruin the opening night for the cast/not wanting Alma to worry in her condition.
He became increasingly sick over the last few days, but it was then too late for anyone to do anything. He ultimately passed away.
Alma was forced to sell the theatre a couple months later, unable to fully tend and run it herself, while also caring for three babies alone. She moved out of the city to somewhere more affordable and raised her children there.
The triplets would, however, catch the same theatre-loving bug their parents had. She would take them to see a show, some pantomime or musical, around Christmas time each year. As they got older and were able to work, they would later join their local theatre group or help out in the theatre in some way. Alma reconsidered the old dream of her (and Pedro’s) own theatre group.
They ultimately did. The group had more numbers in its early days and was less of a family-only thing, given that there was only four Madrigals at the time. (Many of the named background character in Encanto were part of it). Félix and Agustín would join later down the line, also becoming Madrigals themselves after marrying Pepa and Julieta respectively.
The group began picking up traction across Colombia and began touring. Albeit, the two couples weren’t always part of the shows - given the pregnancies and birth of Isabela, Dolores, Luisa, Camilo and Mirabel - over the next few years. The same could be said for other cast members. Some stayed, some left over time to pursue other things, etc.
By the time Camilo and Mirabel were five and curious about work, the question came about using the children. It had never really been considered before - though it should be noted that kids have had minor roles in their shows, including Isabela and Luisa. But they had never made it official or intentional to have a child notably starring in everything they did. Granted, not everything they did required a child role. Everything was pre-written years ago. It was around this time though that Bruno decided to try his own hand at play writing.
…Which pretty much takes us up to present day.
The Madrigals are very well known, not just locally and then nationally as before, thanks to the growth of social media and the children creating a name for themselves there. A few of the close family-friends are still involved with the shows, but at this point it is majorly just the Madrigals themselves.
Feel free to send in questions!
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dazeddoodles · 10 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your Encanto/The Owl House AU!
Though, what tracks are Agustín and Félix in? Are they even from Hexside?
Félix is from Hexide and has known and gone to school with the triplets since they were kids. Meanwhile Agustín is from St. Epiderm and the transfered to Hexide just like Raine.
The idea came from how in Encanto, Agustín was from the city and moved to Encanto (although later on the director said that no one has ever found or left the Encanto so I'm guessing that idea isn't true anymore)
I intended for Agustín to be in the bard track because he plays piano in the movie (and according to some of the toys he might also play guitar?). For Félix, I was thinking maybe Beast like Antonio. (Also as mean as this sounds I thought him working with ACTUAL beasts is the reason why he's so calm around Pepa asdfghjkl)
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evostar · 6 months
Some ideas I had for La Madre Silenciosa
Dolores heard everything from gossip, to cheaters, and abusers. 
She’s always heard abusers whether they were an abusive sibling, spouse, or parent.
 Dolores would cry herself to sleep knowing there were so many people in Encanto who needed help but Alma nor any adult would listen. Mirabel was the last straw, she heard Mirabel crying alone in her room one night a few weeks after her ceremony. She was crying every night, but Dolores didn’t know what to do.
After some long consideration, Dolores took it upon herself to start caring for Mirabel. Pepa was sometimes too tired to play with Camilo so Dolores would take it upon herself to care for him too. Felix had a little more energy so he could watch him from time to time. But it still wasn't often.
So, Dolores started caring for her two kids at precisely 12 years old. It wasn’t hard, Tía Julieta and Tio Agustín were too busy/tired and same for her parents. Alma did take notice and would be a little confused by how much Mirabel spent time with Dolores but never said anything.
When out in public Mirabel would stick close to Camilo, “She’s helping me with my show/ she’s helping me make people laugh” he would say if anyone even TRIED to open their mouth.  
Also, if anyone tries to verbally or physically hurt Mirabel, he has to help her in some way. Dolores told him that he is Mirabel’s older primano and that he has to look after her if she isn’t around. Yeah, he would get in trouble, but he didn’t care, as long as Mira was ok, he was happy.
By the time Antonio came along she was seventeen, and of course, she took him in.
Now when it comes to hiding abused people/kids I'm not sure how it would work. I think at first, Dolores asked Casita to make her room a little bigger and took people in over time.
The ages of people she takes care of range from 5-20+. These are just some ideas, you can tweak them of course.
I’m so happy to have this au! It seems so interesting and adorable🥹 (well half-)
I was thinking that Dolores kinda grew up to be a takecarer of the Encanto children who most likely either get treated bad by their parents or guardian. She’s either a big sister or a mother to a lot of the children, most of the children she has basically grew up with her and they eventually started to call her mother or big sister, most of the older children often help her take care of the others as if like a family, including camilo, Mirabel and Antonio! Camilo and mirabel kind of became a Tia or Tio too in the process.
And if there were any abuse to poeple who are way older then her, she made sure to report them to the police. She did try to do the same with the children but often got rejected because they thought she was just lying or ruining peoples lives so she stopped trying with the children.
The other family members had some suspicions about some stuff but rather brush it off. Isabela and Luisa are always watching though.
I also like to think that when Dolores was 18 she got together with Mariano! Who has also become a big part of the little (rather big) family! He’s like a father figure to most of them, many call him “papa” or “big brother” too! But their favorite word to call him is “gentle giant” all of them knew though that everyone’s favorite was Dolores.
Now I think that casita would have made an extra apartment like room for the little family, it’s somewhere in Dolores room (where it’s most likely hidden) and that casita often helps them take care of the family, such as providing food, making sure they are all comfortable or not left out, and definitely that none of the little ones escape into the house. They love to call casita “Tia casita” or “Tita” for short. There is door in the backyard that also leads into the room so it’s often easier to acces too! (Which ofc, is also hidden!)
Dolores loves to take care of these people, and if she ever felt ill or bad, they always made sure to check on her too :D!
(Little art 🩵👌)
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(These two are siblings who’s parents got arrested for drug addiction and abuse, mostly the drug addiction but they are newly members to the family who adapted it quiet quickly)
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foggyfanfic · 11 months
Mirabel's Super Secret Adventure
Movie AU
Chapter Preview: As the thought solidified in her mind, she heard a crackle, and the ground shifted beneath her feet. When she looked down, a crack had formed.
She stared at it.
Prologue Prev Next Masterlist
6. Drawing a Blank
Mirabel spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how to get Isabela to confess whatever secret she was hiding so she could tell her sister she loved her even if she was weird, and spoiled, and kinda stupid sometimes.
She thought about pursuing the mystery of the cracks some more, but she figured this thing with Isabela was more important. Besides, maybe if she spent more time around Isabela, she’d see more cracks and get another lead. She wasn’t abandoning her secret adventure, she was just waiting for new information.
Knocking on Isabela’s door didn’t make her magically appear, so Mirabel paced around the nursery a little, then laid down and stared at the ceiling. She dozed a bit, but woke herself up with thoughts of Isabela.
Mirabel rolled onto her side and stared at the empty bed that had previously held Antonio. 
Nice as it was to have her own room again, she already missed her little buddy.
She stood, stretched, and left the nursery in search of Antonio. The natural place to start was his new room, and sure enough, when she knocked on the door she heard her own father invite her in.
Schooling in Encanto was getting increasingly complicated. They didn’t have formal teachers for anyone who wasn’t between the ages of six and thirteen, but they did have a fair number of people who knew enough about science, literature, history, or math to teach it. Mirabel, Camilo, and Amada were still technically in school, but that mostly just meant they were given weekly homework assignments and had the option to ask their “teachers” for help.
For anyone younger than six, people generally just taught their own kids. In the Madrigal family, Tío Bruno handled the alphabet and basic spelling, Tío Félix handled general things like the names of all the colors and reading a clock, and her Pá handled numbers and counting.
That’s what they were working on when Mirabel entered. Antonio was sitting on Agustín’s shoulders, concentrating on a family of capybaras.
“So, there’s more than four, what number comes after four?”
Antonio held up four fingers, then extended his thumb, he held his hand out for Agustín to see, “Cinco?”
“Sí! Bien!” Agustín wiggled himself so he could gently jostle Antonio, “Now, are there more than five capybaras?”
Antonio counted them off on his fingers, then shook his head, “No.”
“You’re right! Come on, let’s go count the birds next,” Antonio started walking, “hola Mira, anything I can help you with?”
“No, I was just missing my favorite primito,” Mirabel followed her father, wiggling her fingers up at Antonio.
He waved enthusiastically back, “We’re seeing how many animals are in my room!”
“Oh, wow, that’s a good idea. How many have you counted so far?”
“Um,” he looked at his hand, holding up all five fingers, then held up four fingers on his other hand, “this many?”
“And how many is that?”
“Ay, you’re so smart! Soon you’ll know more than Papá,” Mirabel enthused.
“True, then I’ll be out of a job,” Agustín joked.
“Your job is being a Tío,” Antonio said, leaning over Agustín’s head so he could look him in the eye.
“Oh? Is that right?”
“Mm-hm,” Antonio nodded, enthusiastically.
“I like that, that sounds like a great job,” he paused under a tree branch where a pair of toucans sat side by side, “Alright Tonito, how many?”
“And that brings our total too?”
Antonio frowned as he ran out of fingers, “Umm…”
“Here, you can borrow some of my fingers,” Mirabel held up her hands, “how many do you need?”
“Just one for now,” Antonio put his hands next to Mirabel’s and stared at their collective fingers, then he whispered, “What comes after diez?”
“Once,” Mirabel whispered back.
“Once!” Antonio proudly repeated to Agustín.
“Very good,” he laughed, “nice use of teamwork.”
They started walking again in search of more birds, Mirabel taking the time to really look around the room now that it wasn’t filled with party goers. It was beautiful.
She felt a little pang of jealousy, despite her efforts to stamp it down. It was just-.
If Mirabel had gotten a room, she would want something light and airy like this. Maybe with giant spools of embroidery thread, and plenty of places for her to sit both with or without her family. She liked the mosaics in Luisa’s pool, and the garden in Isabela’s room, and the maze of caves in Tío Bruno’s room.
But she wasn’t going to get a room, because instead of that magic being used to give her a gift and her own room, it was stored away for a rainy day.
But, she was happy she had such an important job. She was proud of herself. Mirabel was fine.
She stopped walking.
Mirabel was fine, Tía Pepa was fine, Isabela was fine, Dolores was fine, and Luisa was fine.
Or in other words, none of them were happy.
Mirabel wasn’t happy.
As the thought solidified in her mind, she heard a crackle, and the ground shifted beneath her feet. When she looked down, a crack had formed.
She stared at it.
Her heart started beating in her ears. The cracks happened when they were unhappy. Whenever a crack appeared it was because a member of the family wasn’t ok. 
How the hell was she supposed to fix that?!
Unhappiness happened! It was a part of life. Fine, ok, yes, if Mirabel was going to be honest with herself, she wasn’t happy that she was the miracle’s back up plan, she wasn’t happy she didn’t get her own room, and she definitely wasn’t happy being coddled the way Abuela always did. 
But she thought of the absolute trust in Antonio’s eyes as he held his hand out for her help, she thought of Octavia trying and failing to mold the earth into a statue of Mirabel after getting her gift, of Amada stomping her foot and demanding that Mirabel get the awesome gift she deserved. Mirabel thought about Tío Bruno saying how smart and mature she was, of Camilo risking Abuela’s ire to get Mirabel a day of freedom, even of the hug Isabela had given her earlier.
Mirabel wasn’t perfectly happy, but she was far from miserable. She was loved, she had people who cared about and supported her. No matter what else was going on in her life-.
The ground shifted again, and Mirabel looked down to see the crack was gone. The second part of the puzzle clicked into place.
The cracks appeared when they weren’t happy, but went away when they felt loved and supported.
So, why hadn’t the cracks in the wall gone away?
Dolores had said that the cracks used to open and close all the time, implying that it was only recently that the cracks had started sticking around. Why? What had changed?
“Miraboo?” her father called from somewhere beyond the bushes, reminding Mirabel where she was.
“Coming,” she called, racing towards her father’s voice, when she caught up with them she said, “sorry, sorry, I was just enjoying how pretty this place is.”
Antonio smiled proudly at that, and Mirabel was struck by how happy he always got whenever she complimented or praised him. Her opinion mattered to him. She mattered to him. It was something she already knew, but in light of her epiphany, it just fed her confusion.
Her thoughts still circled around the cracks even while she continued to help her Pá teach Antonio how to count. The Madrigals loved each other, a lot.
What sort of pain could be enough to overpower the love between them?
AN: I didn't want to spend too long letting Mirabel wonder how the cracks work, since we the audience already know, and instead have tried to make it believable that she would arrive at this conclusion without the house falling to pieces. Since everybody reading this already knows the major beats, this is more of a bomb under the table type story than a mystery.
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yellowcry · 6 months
[Garish au]
"You're a bad influence..." Luisa laughed and sat up, rubbing off the dust from her skirt.
"Oh, shut up!" Isabela hit her shoulder, giggling over the situation. Luisa looked awful, her hands were covered in stone chips and white dust. The seam of her dress was ripped apart about to her knee.
Casita surely was a mess. But the cracks were growing together on their eyes.
Why hadn't they did it before? It was nice, like they were children again. Isabela could barely remember when they both had fun together. As far as she could remember, their relationship went in the wrong direction by the time of her eight birthday. And Isabela wasn't the type to sit still and listen when she was hurt.
Acting like sisters again was nice...
"What is going on?"
Isabela winced at the voice Abuela was here! Well, sure thing, Isabela would show her grandmother who was wrong in this situation.
"See?" A smile spreaded across her face. "I'm healing the cracks! Is it nice to see your 'awful granddaughter' being better than you are?"
Luisa startled it terror and shame, pulling her shoulders to her body in attempt of hiding herself, becoming as small as possible.
Maybe, Abuela will finally admit that she was wrong. That Isabela did a good job. Maybe Isabela wouldn't be an awful person in her eyes for once
Abuela's eyes narrowed. She didn't seem too pleased. "What are you talking about? Look at out home!"
For a moment Isabela threw a quick gaze around. The black, disgusting breaks ran around the walls, crumbling the painted surface. What? It was better just a moment ago. Luisa stood back, looking down with a trembled lip. Mirabel got down the stair and stood next to Luisa, her gaze shifted between her sisters and Abuela.
"It was better!" Isabela muttered, shocked. It made no sense! She made it up with Luisa, they fixed the house! What was going on now? "I helped the family!"
"You did nothing for this family!" Abuela barked, taking a step to her. "The cracks started with you! You was jealous so they appeared!" She wasn't serious, was she? How the hell Isabela could possibly be guilty for this? "Julieta left because of you!"
"I didn't ask for this!" Isabela snapped. Why would anyone think that she wished for Julieta to leave the family? Julieta was forty, she should be the one to take responsibility for her actions.
"And forcing your own mother to leave wasn't enough for you? Now you're messing with your sisters!" Isabela bared her teeth, unable to insert a word in. "Mirabel is out of control, Luisa misbehaves because of you! I don't know what your problem is, but you have no excuse to hurt this family."
Isabela wiped her eyes, the betrayal stung her nose. She wanted to help, she tried her best! But it the end of the day, it didn't matter for her.
"I will always be this bad person for you, won't I?" She spat through the gritted teeth. This wasn't fair. A cactus jumped up between them, throwing several tiles away. "No matter what I'll do."
Her gaze shifted to her younger sisters. Luisa stared at her in surprise for a moment, before looking away. Mirabel clenched her skirt, letting several embroidery treads to fall on the floor. Behind them, Pepa, Félix and Agustín approached the battlefield. The cracks slowly climbed across the patio.
The younger sisters looked like they would just fall through the floor in shame any second now.
"And this isn't just about me," Isabela whispered, now thinking of everything she learnt today. "Mirabel will never be useful enough, Luisa won't be able to work hard enough!" Mirabel's eyes shifted at her for a moment, she curled against Luisa's side, hoping to disappear. "Julieta left because she knew you wouldn't listen!"
"Julieta didn't care about this family!"
"She loved this family!" Isabela growled, with all the pain that her biological mother had inflicted on her,she had the best intentions. "Even if she made a mistake! And I love this family too! We all here trying our best! You're the one who doesn't care!" There was no point in even trying to please her, it would always be not good enough.
"You don't know what I sacrificed to this family!" Abuela's eyes narrowed. The smell of crushed stone got into the nostrils. The other adults stared at what was going on in terror, unable to utter a single word. Isabela's eyes locked with Pepa's and her Mama gave her a proud nod.
"You don't know what you did to this family!" Isabela's hand reached the flower that was put behind her ear. Her fist clenched tightly, crushing the plant in her palm, broken just like any respect for her Abuela. Several pink petals fell on the floor. "You're the reason out home is falling apart!"
Abuela kept trying to push her line. "Don't you ever..."
"The miracle is dying because of you!"
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ramblesanddragons · 1 year
Encanto Dracula AU
I’ve had this idea for awhile and I kept thinking I would get to it. I just think I have the steam for it. Maybe I will later but here’s bullet points for now.
Dramatis personae:
Agustín as Jonathan
Julieta as Mina
Pepa as Lucy
Félix as Arthur
Bruno as Van Helsing
@madrigaljail ‘s OC Jose as Seward
Probably Osvaldo as Quincy
Dracula and the Weird Sisters are just themselves but in Brazil.
-Agustín is a lawyer who wants to take on one last job outside of the Encanto before moving there permanently. Probably to prove himself or something like that. The job is deep in the Brazilian jungle and he’s helping a man move to Bogotá. He figures all the locals are spooked he’s headed to this out of the way hacienda deep in the jungle.
-Meanwhile Pepa gets three proposals. Julieta can’t wait for her betrothed to get back.
-Agustín figures out he’s in a Dracula AU but is stuck. The place is crawling with alligators or anacondas at Dracula’s command.
-Drac takes a snack of Agustín. Drac invited him there because he knows where the Encnato is and being filled with his blood will get him past the miracle.
-We ponder about Gus’ fate while the girls are getting excited for a wedding day. Sure a group of travelers show up and say they felt like they were being watched the whole time but it’s fine.
-Julieta gets word that Gus is alive and runs off to get him. (Getting in and out of the valley is a little easier for things to work here.)
-Meanwhile Pepa gets sick.
-“Hey where’s Bruno?” Well he started having visions of something he didn’t understand attacking home. He left 5 ish years ago to try and study what it could be. He comes home with a cool hat, trench coat, blood transfusion supplies, and a vampire hunting degree.
-Alma is in the background constantly annoyed by her wayward children.
-Julieta and Gus marry. Pepa almost bites it but Julieta’s gift saves her. Meanwhile an un-named other person is killed by Dracula because all the travel made him hungry.
-The suitor squad with Bruno go through the whole seeing a vampire lady drink kids and all that jazz.
-Bruno, Julieta, and a still alive but forever changed Pepa put everything together.
-Dracula force feeds Julieta his blood and that whole angst happens.
-Jose:“Why can’t we find him? It’s like he’s hiding in the walls somewhere?”
Bruno: “Now that’s just silly.”
-Eventually Dracula says screw it and goes after Alma. Big confrontation near the church. Julieta gives herself to Drac and they make out but Dracula screams in pain. Julieta had some of the communion bread which she bakes in her mouth.(Stealing this end from a play version I saw of Dracula) Doesn’t hurt her because of the whole healing thing.
-Dracula, now weakened, gets stabbed by Gus.
-The Madrigals are forever changed by this. Julieta can see in the dark but can still cook with garlic thankfully. Gus is still a klutz but it takes a lot more to hurt him. Pepa struggles under her own sunshine but Félix gladly holds an umbrella for her want ever the weather. Mirabel is born and probably has some vampire elements but she’s alive and then canon probably happens with everyone in Addams family aesthetics. And Bruno doesn’t leave again he’s just figured out how to lie to his mother. I think. The ending is something I’ve struggle to plot out. In theory, the other vampires are running amok, and that could be a thing in the future idk. Jose and Bruno get together. It’s a happy-ish ending.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Decay AU | Ghosts of Casita P2
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The chill remained though quite suddenly the mist lurched out of her mother’s bed room and it felt like a weight ploughed into her gut, the force enough to knock Julieta and the rest to the ground but she watched in horror as her grandson and the priest were instead launched off the balcony and into the air.
“Catch, catch, catch!!” Dante squealed.
“No! Dante!” Julieta dove across to the banister railings; too slow to do anything but watch but as the two came close to hitting the ground, ghostly figures seemed to catch the two; three townspeople for Padre Flores but Dante… he was caught and enwrapped by a tall male, his back turned towards their balcony as if he was a shield for the child.
She didn’t have time to see his face or much before Dante was set down, a shroud of other ghosts coming to mask the child as the demonic presence rattled in the air with a gluteal roar. Casita itself seem to hiss; ratting the shutters, with tiles raised like hackles towards the dark misty being that disappeared through to the courtyard, hooves clapping against the titled floor. It wasn’t fully formed but that didn’t make a difference to what it used to be.
Julieta’s heart thundered, clawing herself up onto her feet and made a dash for the steps down. Other family members seem to get to their feet as well, Dolores grabbed Antonio and shoved him back into his room. Mariano though was helping Bruno up.
“Dante!” Julieta called, skipping a few steps at a time down.
Dante’s tiny little form was shaking, though his eyes were lit with blue, it was clear to see he was terrified. She held her hands out and without hesitation, the child shot towards her.
The dark mist made it’s move too with a growl but the moment she had the child, a comforting cold suddenly seemed to shield all around her. Dante’s arms grasped intently around her neck, crawling up and wrapped his legs around her waist, enabling her to pick him up. He buried his face into her chest. Her hand rubbed automatically up and down his spine, though her eyes remained open, transfixed to see the darkness try and go for her grandson but the lighter mist seemed to consistently seemed to shy it away.
“Julieta!” Pepa’s cloud grew, rain tinkering down across the whole of the Encanto. Julieta backed up even more, trying to find an opening to break up towards the steps and for certain, Dante’s safest area was his room. Padre Flores remain sitting by the doors in shock-horror and of no interest to the demonic presence.
Casita tried to help, the tiles under her feet moving, pushing her backwards as the protective ghost’s mist gave, a tendril of darkness slamming into the shutters and shattering the wooden frames outwards. Julieta took this as her opening and ran, darting up the step, Agustín’s hand out to pull her up th last few and Felix hauled her mother to feet
“Dante’s room! Now!” Mirabel and Luisa herded Camilo in but she had barely reached the door herself before something suddenly wrapped around her leg and yanked.
Julieta yelped, falling straight onto her left arm before she felt a sickening snap and burning pain but that didn’t matter nearly as much as the deeper pain that raged through her leg, like a vine of fire was wrapped around her ankle.
Her head span and she clung onto Dante but she rolled over onto her back, just intime to see the ghostly figure of her father grab the candle from her mother and rammed the burning miracle into the dark mist before it’s cries echoed in a horrid screeched like nails down blackboards that seemed to deafen and echo, no doubt waking everyone in this whole town before it began to retreat out into the sky into a burning mess that flaked away into ash and… silence.
Only the pain down her leg seemed to ground her and the blood pounding in her ears was the real sound. Everything else was distant.
Her mother’s terrified and concerned face seemed to swim into view though it all felt too foggy, the weight of Dante was gone and a part of her was alarmed but her eyes vaguely noted her siblings; Agustín holding Dante now but they were all concerned.
“My room!” the child wept, “we gotta bath it!”
Agustín’s heart thudded as he watched the scorch marks along his’s wife’s leg, almost black and yet Julieta was very absent in her reaction which made it all the worry. Pepa abandoned her husband and between Pepa and Abuela, Bruno helping keeping Julieta’s arm straightened they made way straight into Dante’s room.
Dante pushed himself from his arms and Agustín let him go and followed, letting the kid lead the way to a new door that seemed to appear and open straight down towards an octagon pool of water, salts and other bottles lay about but it was large.
“Put her in there!”
No one questioned him and followed without hesitation and all four went in fully clothed before there was an immediate reaction.
Almost sizzling, the marks reacted to the water and that’s when Julieta’s screams filled the small pool room and Pepa and Abuela held to hold to keep the woman still as the water bubble and churned. Bruno pinned Julieta’s broken arm down to keep it from getting worse with her struggles
“Get her out!” Agustín almost jumped in but Felix’s hands caught him first, pulling him back from the edge.
“No, whatever happens, happens!” Felix hissed, “Whatever that thing is, it must be like cleaning a wound with alcohol. It hurts but it has to happen!”
Julieta thankfully passed out and the water continued to churn then slowly began to calm until it was still. It ws broken after a moment by a little voice.
“Can we leave her in there? For few hours? Just to make sure she’s clean?” Dante whispered, his arm wrapping around Agustín’s leg.
“Is she going to be okay?”
Dante licked his lips. “Probably. Ghost burns aren’t nice.”
Agustín licked his lips but watched as Abuela brushed lose strands of damp hair from Julieta’s face though from the looks of it, no one looked like that they planned to leave this room for a while.
“I vote, never leaving this room.” Camilo’s voice echoed from the main bed room.
The air was…different when people finally woke, the uneasy night had left most, if not all the Madrigals asleep in various parts of Dante’s room and Agustín kept Dante tucked into his side as he napped. Abuela stayed mostly at Julieta’s side but Bruno was the first to leave to the kitchen and Agustín, still carrying a sleeping Dante left, stepping over Camilo to follow. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried putting the kid down, he was just latched on really tightly
Outside Dante’s room, it was dead quiet but… there was a different air, almost. Warm and Agustín felt relief to enter into the kitchen and saw Bruno pulling out left-overs from the cool room and Julieta’s prepared arepas for emergencies from the pot. There was doubt no one would mind too much; it wasn’t like they were leaving for a regular day. This almost certainly been a family day…. Coming to grips on what had just transpired.
“Want me to help?”
Bruno jumped a little though sheepishly shook his head. “You’ve got your arms full already.”
Agustín chuckled dryly, “he’s like a leech in his grip.” He stroked the dark locks of hair softly. “I can get the coffee on brew while you take that up.”
Soon enough, with food and coffee set up in Dante’s faux outside space on a picnic blanket did people start coming around. Luisa was able to peel Dante off his chest and let him cling onto her before he took a small plate down to the pool. Julieta was still out, probably asleep than just being unconscious from the injury and it pained him to see her pale face. her arm that had been crudely splinted but Abuela looked to be examining her leg now.
The tendril that had grabbed her ankle that had burned her leg in almost black scorched, the skin was smooth as it used to be but it was easy to see where it had touched from the coral-pink discolouration that traces along it’s former grip from her heel to mid-calf. A mark of its touch but… it looked heathier, even to his medically untrained eye.
“Let’s get her out.” Abuela decided though Pepa’s tired, cloudy face peered at her mother, nodded before the two began to clamber towards the steps with Julieta in tow. Agustín set his tray down and gently took her into his arms and Abuela led the way out.
Cool water seeped into his pyjamas but that didn’t bother him as they left Dante’s room, leading them back towards their bedroom. Between them, they gently changed Julieta’s soggy night dress into something dry and he took the time to wrap her leg.
“We’ll have to wait until she wakes for her to heal her arm.” Abuela remarked, now adjusting the splint. “Until then, there’s nothing we can do.”
Agustín nodded. “She also needs to warm up as well. We should call Dr Lopez and get him to set her arm at the very least. If she gets a cold, she won’t heal herself efficiently. God only knows how that…thing may have affected her.”
Abuela’s breath paused for only a moment before she nodded. “I’ll ask Mirabel to go down. Excuse me.” Abuela didn’t leave much to ague before she was gone, shutting the door quietly behind her.
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casitafallz · 2 years
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Pariah AU | A Small Spark of Warmth | P3
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Agustín didn’t leave his mother’s house until after Julieta had dropped off to sleep, leaving a few hours before he was required to have dinner with them so he didn’t hesitate to head straight to Casita where he saw Camilo walking ahead with a skip in his step
It wasn’t often he felt anger, let along directed at anyone, let alone at his own sobrino… but now he felt justified because how dare he do this to his own Tia. She didn’t deserve that.
“Camilo Madrigal.” He called sharply, not caring with the pulls of attention to those helping or anyone of their family who was in range; all he saw was Camilo.
The teen froze in surprise before turning to face him, his eyes widening in alarm but that didn’t stop him as he took long, surprisingly graceful matching steps towards him.
“How dare you!”
“Agustín.” Felix appeared alarmed, slipping out of one of the houses with an empanada in hand. “What did he do now?” There was no other questions ‘what was wrong’, ‘what happened?’ Nope, Felix was smart to jump straight to a very correct assumption.
Agustín glared heavily, his hands clenching but he forced himself to take a breath; to be an adult here.
“Camilo here thought it would be a good idea to share our family’s situation of what happened to topple Casita with the rest of Encanto.” He stated coolly, “Gossip and rumours are already spreading and where do you think the blame of it all is being landed on now?”
As he spoke, Felix’s face lost all light-heartedness, replace with a serious look of quiet anger as he turned his gaze to his middle child.
Camilo’s face remained pale, but he didn’t make a run for it, which was smart despite Felix grabbing him by the arm and like the other day, led him away for privacy. Agustín wanted to follow; wanted to shout and say his peace.
But… Camilo wasn’t his son. Camilo wasn’t his responsibility.
Which was unfortunate because he certainly was going to drag him for his behaviour... Not impossible but he sure as hell he was going to make sure Julieta wasn’t left alone with him. Given his own mother had concerns about his wife’s mental wellbeing, he wasn’t going to make her go through ordeals every time she left the house and not from her family.
“Pepa!” Felix’s voice carried before he heard Camilo whine but then they were gone.
Agustín remained standing there fuming before He forced himself to take another breath, then head further into Casita’s frame.
Dolores was the frist to greet him, shadowed by Mirabel and Luisa.
“Is she okay?”
“What happened?”
Luisa was the only not to not say anything. Agustín reached forwards, his hand coming to touch his daughter’s arms though gave a nod at Dolores.
“We’re no longer at the Rios’s home. We’ll be staying at your Abuela further down the plaza by the church.”
“They were kicked out.” Dolores piped up to the other two. “You two were elsewhere when your Abuela raved at our Abuela about town behaviour, then then she shamed the family mostly.”
“Ay, Mi Mama has her way with words.” Agustín agreed.
“Si, but I doubt she’ll have much of an impact in the long run. From what I could see, other family’s may have done the same thing.”
Mirabel frowned. “Why are they taking this so personally? I was the one most affected here.” She had no bitterness to her voice, more confused than anything.
“They’ve concluded your mother brought down the miracle.” Agustín spoke, frowning but he hated how those words left his lips… because that didn’t feel entirely true, there’s a lot of factors here
“The Miracle gave Encanto protection and us lot as their tools” Dolores added, “They feel robbed.”
“They should mind their own business!” Mirabel cried, scoffing and shaking her head. “My issues with Mami aside here, it’s not like Mami knew what was going to happen.”
“Irrelevant.” Dolores shrugged, “People believe what they want to believe to justify their actions.”
“I don’t want a witch hunt to happen!”
“It won’t.” Luisa jumped in first, “I certainly won’t let that happen.”
“It’s careful treading.” Agustín squeezed their arms assuringly, “Right now, your mother’s sleeping. I don’t want to disturb her.” He knew Julieta wasn’t sleeping well but he also knew Julieta wanted him to keep that…private. Not worry them more than necessary. Julieta didn’t want Mirabel or their daughters to feel guilty on their need of space from her. He didn’t fully agree but he could respect the wished of both his children and his wife, even if it pained him to see both pulled away from each other like this. Right now, any rest was better than none.
Mirabel nodded, sparing a look with Luisa. “As long as she’s okay…” There was no mistake the conflict across her face, it itched at him to suggest for her to go see her. Perhaps Mirabel would…but she was holding herself back?
“When you’re ready to see her, you know where she’ll be.” He went with. “She won’t be making appearances up at Casita any more until the gossip dies down or until Casita is complete. I’ll bring you lunches up instead.” He had to let his mother know to stock up; Julieta was probably going to stress bake and fill their cupboards.
“Do you know where Abuela is?”
Mirabel shook her head and opened her mouth only to be interrupted by Pepa’s voice bellowing, enough to stop the construction around them; the only thing missing now was the thunder and lightning to really make a scene.
Dolores winced in pity but relived. At least, Agustín realised, she wasn’t suffering with enhanced hearing. The part that wanted justice was partly satisfied; Pepa was not a woman to cross… this time, Agustín hoped the kid would finally listen.
“Tio,” Dolores started, “I think it’d be best for Tia to stop making Camilo’s lunches too. He’s…” She hesitated, but carried on as he raised his eyebrow at her to continue, “he’s been tossing his lunches of food over the bridge then buying his from a local stall.”
“Oh come on!” Mirabel groaned in frustration, “Why is be being such a jerk!”
“He has issues.” Dolores replied, “Can we not tell Tia about that, please?”
“Agreed.” God knew how she’d react knowing that. She made food to feel useful; she didn’t need this on top of today and her current foreseeable future.
Mirabel didn’t answer, looking more conflicted than anything before she turned and stormed into the house Felix had dragged Camilo into.
There was a lowering of voices before a heavy thunk.
Ten seconds later, Mirabel reappeared, shaking out a fist with a hiss. Blood seemed to ne on her knuckles too.
“Did you punch my brother?”
“Yes I did.” Mirabel answered with no regrets.
“In the nose?”
“I think I broke it. Worth it.”
“Did you punch him in front of his parents?” He could feel his lips twitch in amusement. Mirabel didn’t need to be told off for this.
“They let you?” Dolores’s eyebrows raised
“I told them what else he did so… I’m perfectly justified in their eyes no doubt.” Mirabel wiped her hands onto her skirt. “I’m going to get ice. I think I still bruised a knuckle. I didn’t think it’d hurt me.”
Agustín nodded, watching her go with Dolores before he turned to attention back to his middle child.
“Is Mama really alright, Pa?” Luisa asked, “I… I don’t want her to feel ashamed to come to us…I do miss her.”
Agustín’s mood deflated, expression falling. “No.”
Luisa’s shoulders sagged. “What can I do to help? I don’t mind taking a day off…to see her.”
Agustín reached back for her, pulling her into a hug, which was off given how much taller she was but her arms wrapped around him soon enough.
“I think… your mother needs to know you’re there. This…experience for her now is going to be extremely isolating. You don’t have to forgive her or anything but she needs us in the long run.”
Luisa pulled back with a nod, swallowing back tears. “I can do that. I just… I want her to be okay. I don’t want…something to happen.”
“It won’t.” Agustín felt the fear Luisa had and it made his heart thud. He had only entertained the darker actions Julieta might do before he pushed that away because he damn well intended to make sure she wouldn’t follow through. He’d not let her hurt herself or worse.
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thecactilady · 2 years
Oooo, uncle-niece bonding! 😍😍😍 But what happens when the uncle disappears, I wonder... if it's anything like my poisonous plants AU, no one sees the niece for a very long time either. Of course, there were bricks thrown in Poisonous plants, and a lot of trauma because of that and other incidents, but I don't think that's going to happen here... then again, maybe Bruno just takes her with him...? Ehehe, time to start speculating.
Even though it killed Bruno inside, he left Isabela behind without telling her. He knew that if he told her beforehand, it would be even more difficult for him to leave. There was also a chance she would want to stay with him and he couldn’t do that to Julieta after everything that happened with Mirabel...he figured his nieces would be better off without him.
Isabela was utterly heartbroken when it became clear he left them. Still, she never really stopped looking for Bruno because not seeing him in her room gave her a little bit of hope.
Because of Bruno’s sudden disappearance and Julieta and Agustín’s focus fully on Mirabel, Isabela was unintentionally pushed aside by her parents...despite Dolores’ attempts to help her, Isabela became even more closed off than she already was.
Instead, Isabela chose to turn go to the spirits for support in these trying times because they actually understood her. More than her own family. After spending so much time together, they knew her the best and basically helped with raising her. (Much to the family’s chagrin) Especially one spirit in particular who seemed to care about Isabela a bit more than the rest 👀 
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toaverse · 2 years
Augustin from the Augustin left AU needs drinking buddies. Here, have the Augustins from my AUs. Most of them have either lost a parental relationship/ connection with at least one daughter and/or watched a daughter struggle through trauma.
Yeah, I don't think drinking is a good idea for left!Agustín...😕
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gamerbearmira · 9 months
Ok. I decided to wait until today to post this (and totally not because I fell asleep) BUT LIKE. HERE'S THE FLUFF <33 POLSR EXPRESS AU❗❗❗
And a little animatic i put virtually no effort in the night before but. I gotta do SOMETHING to make up for what I posted last night 🥸
Agustín was checking the time, his whistle in his other hand. The Polar Express was set to take off in only 10 minutes. Mirabel was excited, as it was her first time helping conduct the main cars. At first, she was only following Agustín around. But now, she could finally help conduct like he did.
Mirabel stood next to her father, giddily jumping in place. Agustín looked down at his 14-year-old daughter, smiling. "Excited hija?"
"Very!" Mirabel exclaimed happily, clutching his arm. "I get to finally work like you do!" Agustín laughed and ruffled her hair.
"Well we'll be heading off soon, so don't worry," he said, turning to walk inside to check the schedule. Mirabel stayed outside, excited. All the other kids the Encanto had already boarded, and she knew because she was the one who greeted and guided them, as well as gave them candy canes; like she did every year.
As Mirabel waited, she saw Casita's doors open. She saw Antonio rushing down the hill and to the train. He giggled as he held one of his teddy bears in his arms.
"Mira!" He smiled, the four-year-old hugging her youngest primo.
"Tonio! You're here!" Mirabel said, cuddling with him. She then showed him her hands, then reached behind his head, and pulled out a candy cane. As Antonio put it in his mouth, Agustín walked out, smiling at the sight of his sobrino.
"Hola Tio!" Antonio greeted and Agustín pinched Antonio's cheeks, eliciting a playful giggle from the boy.
"Hola Tonito. Are you excited about the Polar Express this year?" Agustin asked and Antonio enthusiastically nodded.
"Yeah! I can't wait to get to the North Pole," Antonio said, sticking the candy cane back into his mouth. The boy looked back at Casita, pausing, before taking it out and looking at his tio. "Tio?"
"Si?" Agustín said, half paying attention to Antonio, the other at his pocket watch.
"Can Isa, and Lola, and Lulu and Milo come?" Antonio asked, rattling off the names in excitement. Mirabel's eyebrows raised, and she looked at her father hopefully. She knew he was rather strict when it came to the Polar Express and how it ran but...she wouldn't lie, it could be fun.
Agustín quirked an eyebrow, looking at the pocket watch in his hand. He tapped his foot "I don't know..." He mused.
"Please papá? It's been forever since it was all of us! Plus, Antonio won't have to worry about being alone in the car anymore!" Mirabel pleaded.
Agustín pressed his lips together, looking at the watch, then Mirabel, then Antonio. He stepped back, looking into the car, then up and down the train. He sighed heavily, and Mirabel and Antonio lit up.
"5 minutes. You have 5 minutes to go back and get them. We're on a tight schedule, so don't be late," Agustín said. With an excited giggle, Mirabel rushed back to Casita, while Antonio waited alongside Agustín, his small hand gripping Agustín sleeve.
Mirabel rushed into Casita, scrambling up the stairs. "Casita, help me wake up my sisters and cousins!" She whispered. Casita gave an affirmative flip as she rushed off to Luisa's room.
Opening the door, she rushed into the stone room, running up to her sister, who was in bed. She shook her awake, and Luisa groggily looked at Mirabel.
"Mira? What are you doing?" Luisa asked, blinking away the sleep.
"Do you wanna go to the North Pole with me and papá?" Mirabel asked.
Luisa stared at Mirabel, processing what she said before shooting up. "Of course I do, let's go!" Mirabel was launched off the bed, but Luisa caught her, snatching her robe off the hook and slipping on the nearest pair of shoes.
Luisa left the room, Mirabel in her arms. Isabela was rubbing her eyes, her shoes and robe on. Dolores yawned, and Camilo was standing next to her.
"What's going on?" Camilo asked, noticing Luisa's excitement.
"We get to go to the North Pole!" Luisa said excitedly, placing Mirabel down and rushing out the door.
"Wait, the Polar Express is here?" Camilo said wide-eyed, and he was hot on Luisa's heels, barely clinging to his robe.
"What? The Polar Express isn't real, it's just a kid's story," Isabela said and Mirabel shook her head.
"Come on Isa, just trust me! You don't remember it, but it is real!" Mirabel grabbed both Isabela and Dolores's hands, practically dragging them out of the house. The two were protesting until they got outside. Their eyes widened as they saw the bright lights that lit up the cars of the large train that waited for them.
"It's real?" Dolores mumbled and Mirabel rushed down the hill with Isabela and Dolores in tow. Antonio had gotten on board in the car that was designated for Madrigals. He waved to Dolores from the window, still eating his candy cane.
Mirabel handed candy canes to her sisters and cousins, urging them onto the train. She checked her watch, it then struck 11:55 right as she got Isabela into the cart. Pulling out her whistle, she looked up and down and noted that all the doors were closed.
"Dolores, cover your ears!" Mirabel called and Dolores hastily did as her prima said. Mirabel blew her whistle, and the train started up, the train's own whistle going off. Mirabel hopped on, closing the door as the train chugged along the tracks that had magically appeared.
Antonio kicked his legs as he sat next to his brother, who was excited to be there as well, though probably not as much as Luisa, who was like a little kid on Christmas, unironically. Isabela and Dolores held their candy canes, looking around the cart.
As Mirabel wrote something on the schedule, Agustín walked into the car, a big smile on his face. "I see you made it in time!"
"Papá? It's...it's real? It's not a story?" Isabela said in shock and Agustín nodded. "Of course it's real! And we're going to the North Pole to see your tio."
"Papá Noel is our tio?!" Luisa said, her eyes lighting up, and she almost fell out of her seat, barely catching herself and her candy cane.
Agustín laughed and nodded. "Yes, he is. Mi hermano mayor. We just don't see him often, he's very busy," he explained. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see the rest of you this year as well, hm?"
"PAPÁ NOEL! OH MY GOSH!" Luisa screamed in excitement, crushing the candy canes in her hand. Dolores covered her ears, but easily understood Luisa's excitement. The other laughed at how excited she was, and honestly cpuldn't help but feel the same.
WOWOWOWOWW❗❗❗ So cool, so fluff <333 I kinda wanna write more. Might be more active today since I visited family yesterday!! And. You can clearly see how excited Luisa is. She loves it because she gets to feel like a kid again and she's not working or anything. And she just like Christmas 😭
And I got new iPad!! LETS GOOOO❗❗❗ That's why I've been drawing with my finger <333
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This marks my 1,000 post.
Thank you to everyone for the likes, reblogs, comments and asks!
In honour, you can have a sketch (at the very end) and a wip from the Reincarnation AU; Mirabel’s death.
Warning, sensitive topics below, especially blood/injury and death.
Am I Too Late For a Miracle?
“What is going on!?”
At the sound of Abuela’s approaching voice, Mirabel and Isabela stop talking, quickly standing up.
“Abuela, it’s okay,” Mirabel tries gently. “Everything is okay—”
“What are you talking about? Look at our home! Look at your sister!” She gestures sympathetically to Isabela and the surrounding mess. “It wasn’t enough that you ruined her proposal, now you have to do this too—”
“Please, listen, I-I didn’t. Isabela wasn’t happy…”
Mirabel turned to her side, where Isabela no longer was. Her sister had wandered off behind Abuela, towards where their parents and Luisa had appeared.
At the other side of the room, Tía Pepa, Tío Félix, Dolores and Camilo have also walked in on the scene.
All of them staring her down.
“I don’t want to hear another word from you.” Her gaze hardened.
“Abuela, you don’t understand, the vision—”
“You have to stop, Mirabel! The cracks started with you; Bruno left because of you; Luisa’s losing her powers, Isabela’s out of control because of you! I don’t know why you weren’t given a gift, but it is not an excuse to hurt this family!”
Cracks emerged around the pair, though neither seemed to pick up on it in the moment.
Mirabel’s heart broke.
She opens her mouth but is silenced immediately by a hand in front of her.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers. “I didn’t want to hurt us—”
“Enough!” Abuela thunders. “You don’t get to cry about what you’ve done. There isn’t a punishment worthy. How dare you speak to me about our miracle! How dare you hurt this family! How dare you break our home! How dare you try to harm our miracle! Let me tell you, young lady, I regret the day you were born. You have brought nothing but misfortune at every opportunity! I never would have kept you here if I’d known what a burden you were going to be! You are a disappointment. You have always been such a disappointment. A pathetic excuse for a Madrigal, a granddaughter, daughter, sister and whatever else is in your never ending list of failures. You don’t deserve to be in this family.”
The floor between them cracks, separating them. Abuela silently gasps in surprise and confusion, eyes glued to the damage; Mirabel flinches back, one hand at her heart and the other covering her mouth to prevent any fearful screams getting out.
“No, no, no!” Pepa suddenly cries.
Félix follows her gaze. “The candle!”
As if on cue, the cracks spread. One in particular splitting the house in half and knocking the candle off its perch, the candle flickers and the building shakes subsequently.
Dolores grabs onto the wall to steady herself and Camilo, firmly held by the ruana in her other hand. Isabela lurches forward to keep Abuela in her feet. Pepa almost falls into Félix. Luisa, barely fazed, secures Julieta and Agustín with either hand.
Mirabel, who had been knocked to the floor, shakes her head and recovers herself, setting her eyes on the candle.
“Casita, help me up there!”
The house tears off a line of railing, flipping it into a makeshift ladder for her.
Meanwhile, Camilo had taken the back staircase and was sprinting along the corridor towards Abuela’s door. Using his shapeshifting abilities to parkour through any suppose obstacles.
Isabela creates herself a vine to swing from and pull herself to the candle. Just as she gets close to the ledge, her door fades. The vine quickly dissipates into nothing.
She screams. Casita uses its beams to catch her, gently dropping her to the floor.
Camilo’s door flickers out next. He was mid-jump as the notably tall Josè and just as his hand goes for the edge of the roof, he shifts back to himself and misses. Casita’s other line of railing bends outwards for him to grasp on, breaking his falls as he lands beside Isabela.
He stares in horror at his own hands, his older cousin looks similar as the plants around them shrivel quickly and die.
Nearby, Antonio is stood frozen, watching as his own door goes out. It is immediately thrown off its hinges as the animals come bursting out, running and flying away into the wilderness.
“Careful! Antonio!” Félix remarks, quickly scooping the boy up. As his door comes crashing down to where he was just standing. With the boy in his arms, Félix makes for the exit. “We have to get out of here!” He throws over his shoulder to Julieta, Agustín and Pepa, who are doing everything but that.
“Mirabel?!” Julieta shouts.
Just as she tries to go after her daughter, Casita ripples it’s tiles in powerful waves forcing them out.
“Mirabel!” She cries again, almost tripping to step over Casita.
“Mirabel! You have to get out!” Agustín yells.
The family is thrown out front door at that point. Luisa manages to break Abuela’s fall, Félix does the same for Antonio.
Bruno races on the inside of the walls that are crumbling and piling with dust, quickly shoving every rat inside his ruana. He retrieves Hernando’s bucket, slams it onto his head and crashes head first through the walls.
He tumbles out into the grass below, lifting the bucket as he eyes everything in disbelief. It’s been so long since he’s seen the outside; who would have thought it would be like this?
“Mirabel?!” Julieta cries in alarm, reaching out over Abuela’s shoulder. Casita hasn’t thrown her out. She’s still there. Struggling on her short legs to reach the candle. “Mirabel! Leave it!”
“Mirabel! The house is going to fall!” Félix hollers up.
Pepa twists anxiously at her braid. “Mirabel! Get out!”
“Mirabel!” Agustín shouts.
Casita shifts its tiles and Mirabel finally grasps the candle, panting in relief. Just as she dusts it over, the walls come crushing down around her.
The roof jolts downwards without warning, sending Mirabel hastily over its edge. She cries out. The stairs rise, sliding her onto the ground.
She sits up, eyes going wide as the building caves in. She closes her eyes, adjusts herself to lean over the candle, cradling it like something fragile in her lap. Various pieces of furniture stack themselves protectively around her, trying to shield her from the incoming attack.
“Thank you, Casita.”
Dolores wailed in agony outside.
Her gift, unfortunately, seemed to be one of the last to fade.
She gripped her own ears tightly, nails digging into the skin, almost determined to rip them off. Over the top of her own hands were Isabela’s and Luisa’s, both her cousins looking at her with such concern.
Abuela was still stood frozen, Julieta and Agustín hovering beside her. Her father was off to the side comforting Antonio with help from Camilo. Her mother was partially sidetracked by something, no someone, in the distance. Townspeople were starting to gather further behind them all.
“Mirabel?!” Julieta cries in alarm, reaching out over Abuela’s shoulder. “Mirabel! Leave it!”
“Mirabel! The house is going to fall!” Félix hollers up.
Pepa twists anxiously at her braid. “Mirabel! Get out!”
“Mirabel!” Agustín shouts.
And Dolores just had to hear it.
Each item, each beam, each tile hit the floor and shatter, one after the other. Mirabel’s cries of absolute terror. It’s clearly her voice, but it sounds nothing like her. All haunting and broken. Dolores thinks she hears Mirabel calm, both realising Casita has sheltered her, and they whisper, “Thank you, Casita.”
And then there’s the deafening cracks as Bruno’s tower comes loose.
It falls.
And falls.
And takes Mirabel’s head down with it.
Dolores heard her splutter on her own blood and air. Her body coming to a silent and abrupt halt. Wherever it lands, Mirabel’s head is still alive. Her glasses smash on impact and cut into her cheeks. She hears the eyelids flutter open and the lips move, trying to scream, no doubt at the sight of her own headless corpse. But she doesn’t have her vocal cords to do that. The eyes blink again, straining to look away. Then nothing.
Casita breaks.
There’s a ringing in Dolores’ ears, in everyone’s ears, when Casita is completely gone and everything is still.
Two doors that had been sheltering Mirabel’s body fall apart, one squeaks open and shut one final time, as if saying you’re welcome. As if the house didn’t just let Mirabel die.
She covers her mouth and drops to the grass. Isabela being the only thing keeping her upright - Luisa had already walked off to her father.
“Shush, it’s okay, I’ve got you. Lola, I’ve got you,” Isabela whispers, holding her against her.
It’s been ages since she and Isa have been this close.
In spite of herself, Dolores can’t help but take the opportunity and tightens herself around Isabela.
Julieta pushes Abuela aside, running into the building. “Mirabel!” She calls, searching the debris.
“Everyone okay?” Agustín asks around. “Is everyone okay?”
“How could this happen?” Luisa questions nobody in particular.
Félix shakes his head in disbelief. “The Encanto is broken…”
“What do we do now?”
“My powers… they’re gone.” Camilo sulks. “And what about Antonio? What’s he going to do?”
Isabela taps her shoulder. “Dolores? Are you okay? Can you hear me? You aren’t listening to me.”
Dolores looks stunned.
She realises.
“My gift,” she mumbles. “Our gifts. They aren’t gone. I can still…”
She can’t bring herself to finish.
Isabela looks unconvinced, but doesn’t say anything. Though she does wave her hand half-heartedly, only for a cactus to suddenly pop out from the ground beside them.
“Mirabel!” Julieta cries in relief, finally spotting the familiar teal among everything. She races over, checking the girl bottom to top for injuries, as she always does; Dolores didn’t need her hearing for that, her Tía always does that. She tries to imagine what Julieta sees. The embroidery must be snagged and torn, the candle must still be glowing in her hands, she’ll be covered in dust and blood— and then Julieta screams.
Dolores figures she worked it out.
“Julieta, come quick!” Her mother calls in the distance, pointing at Bruno, who is not so-subtly hiding in the grass. “Julieta!”
The healer just collapses in front of the body, shrieking in anguish, reaching out but can’t bring herself to touch Mirabel’s severed neck or anywhere else.
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charlottethecuttest · 2 years
There is Something Wrong With Mirabel (And I Need to Help Her) - Cap. 2
Ship: Isabela/Mirabel
Tags: Isabela and Mirabel are Cousins, Isabela and Mirabel are not sisters, Cousin incest, Incest, Past abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past rape/non-con, Past sexual abuse, Unplanned pregnancy, Implied/referenced abortion, Discussion of abortion, Mirabel Madrigal Needs Therapy, Mirabel Madrigal Needs a Hug, Author is Sleep Deprived, Sad with a happy ending, Alternate Universe-Modern Setting, Encanto AU, Lesbian Isabela Madrigal, Bisexual Mirabel Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal Needs a Hug, Protective Isabela Madrigal.
Warnings: Mentions of rape/non-con, Underage.
Synopsis: After the death of her father, Mirabel moves in with the family of her Aunt Julieta, her husband Agustín, and their daughters Isabela and Luisa. After some time, Isabela begins to realize that her cousin may be hiding something. And now she is determined to find out what it is.
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Chapter 2: In The Middle of The Night
Two weeks had passed and Julieta and Agustín's family seemed to have gotten used to having one more member. Not that it was anything very difficult. Mirabel was a shy, quiet teenager who didn't talk much. In the first days she hardly ever started a conversation, unless someone spoke to her.
The biggest change was for Isabela, who now had a roommate. Because of this, she began to notice some rather curious behaviors that her cousin had. One of them was that no matter how hot it was, Mirabel was always wearing some kind of long-sleeved blouse and pants. The girl also seemed to have an aversion to physical touch. Isabella understood her up to a point, after all, she didn't like people touching her either, but with Mirabel it seemed to be another level of discomfort. The girl seemed to be repulsed to be touched or hugged by anyone.
She constantly had nightmares as well. It was common for Mirabel to cry and talk in her sleep. When Isabela could understand it, it was possible to make out words like "stop", "I don't want to", "please go away". And sometimes the girl would wake up startled, as if she had been frightened, and would take a while to understand where she was, so that when Isabela tried to calm her down, Mirabel would look at her in a panic, as if she was afraid that Isabela was going to do something to her, but as soon as she remembered where she was, she would apologize for the disturbance and try to go back to sleep.
And the strangest behavior of all was that on some nights, Mirabel, thinking that Isabela was already asleep, would leave the room, come back, go into the bathroom that was in the room, stay there for a long time, leave the bathroom, leave the room again for a few more minutes, come back and only then go to sleep. This happened for five nights until curiosity won Isabela out.
It was late, more than one o'clock in the morning, when Mirabel left the room. And Isabella followed, slowly and quietly. She saw when Mirabel went downstairs and into the kitchen... and opening a drawer? She closed the drawer and then Isabela could see what she had taken. A knife. Realizing that her cousin was returning to her room with the object, Isabela decided it was time to interfere.
"Mirabel?" - She called out, entering the kitchen and facing a terrified Mirabel who looked like she was starting to panic. - "What's with the knife?"
The girl didn't answer, she looked really scared.
"Hey, calm down. Let's put that away, all right?"
Isabella approached slowly and took the knife from her cousin's hands, taking care to touch her as little as possible.
"I-I was hungry, you know?" - Mirabel giggled nervously and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, looking everywhere but at Isabella. - "I was just going to make a snack. I needed the knife to... cut... bread...?"
"Bread? You didn't look like you were going to get bread from the fridge. You were coming back to our room."
The teen didn't answer, she just looked at the floor, like a child caught in the act doing something wrong.
"Let's go back, ok? It's very late and I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the flower shop and you have class. I understand that you must be very sad. I have no idea what it must be like to lose someone like a father. But cutting yourself... Believe me, it doesn't help. It doesn't solve anything."
A small part of Isabella wanted the girl to deny that she was cutting herself. But that's not what happened. She just nodded, which made the older woman feel a small squeeze in her heart, which took her by surprise. Until that moment she hadn't realized how much she cared for her cousin. Isabella then turned and was about to start walking back to her room, when she felt a light squeeze on her hand. She turned around. Mirabel was still looking at the floor.
"Isa, you..." - She began in a whisper - "...can you not tell? To your mother, your father, and Luisa?"
Isa gave a half smile, a little surprised by the girl's gesture.
"I won't tell anyone. But you have to promise me that you'll try to stop. You can come and talk to me when you're feeling bad, feeling like doing it."
Mirabel lifted her face and gave a slight smile back. The two then returned to their room. Mirabel held Isabella's hand for the entire short trip. That night Mirabel had no nightmares.
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usagirln12003 · 3 months
Alma Madrigal: Hogwarts AU
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Alma Madrigal is a Pureblood witch that was born on the 13 of May 1917 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1928, being sorted into Slytherin House.
She has a Elm wand with a Dragon Heartstring core.
Her Patronus is a Monarch Butterfly.
Her favorite subject is Herbology and her least favorite subject is Divination.
She was one of the Slytherin Prefects of her year and later Head-Girl.
As the matriarch of the Madrigal Family, Alma is dedicated to doing what in her eyes is best for her family and initially hoists expectations on her children and grandchildren in how they use their talents to help the community, often taking the form of a demand for perfection. Due to her desire for perfectionism, Alma has a certain favoritism towards some members of her family without realizing the damage and insecurity it causes to other members of the family. Out of all her grandchildren, she favors her oldest granddaughter and golden child Isabela; this doting placing a lot of pressure on her while concurrently making her sisters and cousins feel inadequate living in her shadow, causing mutual resentment between her and some of them. As far as sons-in-law go, Alma preferred Félix over Agustín, due to not approving of the latter nor in him marrying Julieta, partly because she judged him harshly for his clumsiness and unwillingness to understand why her daughter chose him. Alma's expectations and desires for perfection also extended to her own children, keeping a tight grip on the to make them perfect. Unintentionally, Alma is quite neglectful with Pepa due to the problems of her magic. Alma not only ignores her when she needs help, she also often negatively criticizes her daughter for her emotional tirades and often pesters Pepa to keep her emotions under control instead of supporting her properly.
Alma tries to be patient and understanding, but from her point of view, she feels some should just step aside and do nothing without her express approval. As a result, she is very controlling and denies there is anything wrong, assuring her neighbors that all is well and that there is nothing to fear, even when the Madrigal mansion is cracking all around her and the townspeople are nervous. But the truth is, Alma knows that her home and perhaps even her family is in danger, as she privately revealed to herself, as Alma spoke with the portrait of her late husband, Pedro, revealing that Alma is afraid for her home, her family, and losing everything as they did before, and she cannot bear to go through that again, and she prays to her Pedro to help her. This displays Alma's vulnerability that she is too afraid to reveal even to her family and that Alma feels the burden of trying to preserve her family and her community, and explains why she does everything she can to protect them. Unfortunately, this fear of losing everything again, often causes her to assume the worst in a situation or even in others, including her own family. Alma would particularly doubt her only son, Bruno, since his often negative visions that tended to cause trouble lead her to believe he didn't care about their family after he left, and her granddaughter, Mirabel, as a squib made Alma look down on her and exclude her from family activities at best or, upon seeing Bruno's vision, fear her destroying the family at worst.
When she sees how her expectations of her family are unraveling because of Mirabel, Alma, misinterpreting her attempts to help as jeopardizing the magic according to Bruno's vision, jumps to conclusions without hearing her out and unfairly blames her for everything, accusing her of hurting the family out of jealousy for not being a witch. Alma further lashes out at Mirabel as she reveals she blames her for Bruno's disappearance, as well as getting angry when Isabela tarnishing her perfect image by being herself, ruining her engagement with Mariano, and Luisa begins to lose her magic, showing that Alma views them no different from the way she views Mirabel. Finally fed up with this treatment, Mirabel angrily snaps at Alma and stands up for the family, stating that no matter how hard any of them tries, magic or not, none of them will ever be good enough for her or her expectations, and that Bruno actually left because she only saw the worst in him. When Mirabel goes as far as to say that Alma is causing the family to fall apart, the older woman, initially denying this, can only be silent and shocked at these words before the mansion burst into flames as a result of their heated argument. Taking in the destruction of their home, Mirabel's words, and half of her grandchildren putting themselves in danger to save the family tree would cause Alma to realize the pressure and even unintentional misery she had been subjecting her family to.
In a sincere heart-to-heart with Mirabel by the river where her husband perished, Alma reveals more insight in their family beginnings. In the memories of her youth, Alma was once a cheerful young woman full of life who, after falling in love with Pedro, had hopes for a better future. But when her husband sacrificed his life to buy time for his family, friends, and neighbors to escape during the Third Wizarding War, Alma was left devastated and broken. Losing the love of her life, her home, and everything she knew and loved in the span of a night traumatized Alma so much that she swore it would never happen again, determined to preserve what had given them a fresh start. But over time, she lost sight of what truly mattered, unconsciously and ironically taking her miracle for granted, and forgot who it was for, and what made their family so special was not the magic but the fact that, in spite of tragedy, they are a family. It was because of this, that Alma was constantly looking outwards for a problem or even a threat similar to the people that took her husband away from her to all she held dear, that she never thought to look inward until it was too late, which is when she finally realized her family had been broken because of her and why she never considered that her well-intentioned actions were the problem.
Now understanding the pain and loss Alma had never fully healed from, along with the burden she had long carried, Mirabel assures her that it is because of her that they were saved, that they were granted a miracle, that they are a family and nothing is so broken that they could not fix together. Touched by these words, Alma finally realizes, after asking Pedro for help, that Mirabel was the answer to her prayers and they reconcile. Immediately following this, Alma also reconciles with her lost son when he suddenly appeared to confront her after a decade before she warmly hugs and kisses him while calling him "Brunito", happy to have him back despite previously having a low opinion of him for leaving their family. Alma then becomes a happier and warmer person than she was before, freeing herself from her dark past. The first thing Alma does after realizing her past mistakes and returning to the ruins of their home, is to affectionately treat her daughters before bringing Bruno back into the family. Alma reconciles with the rest of her family, apologizing for how she held on too tight out of fear she would lose them all as well, but now understands that they alone are the true miracle, not the gift of magic itself. She also happily works alongside her family and community as they rebuild the mansion, and helping to strengthen the bonds of the family to become stronger than ever.
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