feymarche · 2 years
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Captorhinus aguti, 280 mya
Museum of World Treasures • Wichita, KS
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thefaunaplace · 1 year
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Did you know that Agoutis are expert gardeners? These critters have a unique role in the ecosystem - they act as seed dispersers. When they eat fruit, they often bury the seeds, which helps to distribute them throughout the forests.
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dantussy · 8 months
Vittorio Gassman legge la Divina Commedia: Inferno, Canto XXVI, vv. 90–142
(...)"Quando mi diparti’ da Circe, che sottrasse me più d’un anno là presso a Gaeta, prima che sì Enëa la nomasse, né dolcezza di figlio, né la pieta del vecchio padre, né ’l debito amore lo qual dovea Penelopè far lieta, vincer potero dentro a me l’ardore ch’i’ ebbi a divenir del mondo esperto e de li vizi umani e del valore; ma misi me per l’alto mare aperto sol con un legno e con quella compagna picciola da la qual non fui diserto. L’un lito e l’altro vidi infin la Spagna, fin nel Morrocco, e l’isola d’i Sardi, e l’altre che quel mare intorno bagna. Io e’ compagni eravam vecchi e tardi quando venimmo a quella foce stretta dov’Ercule segnò li suoi riguardi acciò che l’uom più oltre non si metta; da la man destra mi lasciai Sibilia, da l’altra già m’avea lasciata Setta. "O frati," dissi, "che per cento milia perigli siete giunti a l’occidente, a questa tanto picciola vigilia d’i nostri sensi ch’è del rimanente non vogliate negar l’esperïenza, di retro al sol, del mondo sanza gente. Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza". Li miei compagni fec’io sì aguti, con questa orazion picciola, al cammino, che a pena poscia li avrei ritenuti; e volta nostra poppa nel mattino, de’ remi facemmo ali al folle volo, sempre acquistando dal lato mancino. Tutte le stelle già de l’altro polo vedea la notte, e ’l nostro tanto basso, che non surgëa fuor del marin suolo. Cinque volte racceso e tante casso lo lume era di sotto da la luna, poi che 'ntrati eravam ne l'alto passo, quando n’apparve una montagna, bruna per la distanza, e parvemi alta tanto quanto veduta non avëa alcuna. Noi ci allegrammo, e tosto tornò in pianto; ché de la nova terra un turbo nacque e percosse del legno il primo canto. Tre volte il fé girar con tutte l’acque; a la quarta levar la poppa in suso e la prora ire in giù, com’altrui piacque, infin che ’l mar fu sovra noi richiuso".
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spookyscaryy · 4 months
my strawpage / intro . thing ? :33
umz and also wheels? make a character,, b silly
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greenfrog04 · 9 months
Paleozoic cave system preserves oldest-known evidence of amniote skin
Published 11th January 2024
The first record of a skin-cast fossil from the Paleozoic Era and the earliest known occurrence of epidermal integumentary structures within the infilled cave system of Richards Spur, Oklahoma. The preserved material provides insights into the evolution of skin during the transition from aquatic to fully terrestrial environments by early amniotes.
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Articulated skeleton of Captorhinus aguti with preserved linear integumentary structures above the vertebral column, this structure is interpreted as skin
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Three-dimensional skin cast and compression fossils from unknown amniotes
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Lepospondyl, temnospondyl, and unknown tetrapod dermal scales
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dynamischreisen · 10 months
Max, Panama, Tag 20
¡Hasta pronto, mundo!
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Der letzte Tag sollte einem letzten Tag würdig werden. Wie geplant waren wir die ersten im Nationalpark. Und schon wenige Meter nach Betreten wurden wir für das frühe Aufstehen belohnt. Aus nächster Nähe haben wir ein gefährdetes Aguti bestaunen dürfen.
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Es war merkwürdig zahm, erst später sollten wir erfahren, woran das lag. Denn während wir uns auf Zehenspitzen durch den Nationalpark bewegten, wurden wir zusehends von Jogger:innen überholt, die sich teils lauter unterhielten, als ich schreien kann. Das war besonders ärgerlich, weil ich sie sehr gerne angeschrien hätte, sie sollten bitte ihr Maul halten. Unter dem fröhlichen Hin-und Hergegrüße wäre das aber wohl nichtmal aufgefallen. Aufgrund der Übermacht resignierte ich aber recht bald und akzeptiere unser Schicksal. Glücklicherweise waren die Tiere diesen Irrsinn aber gewohnt und mehr oder weniger ungeachtet der Umgebung gingen sie ihrer Wege. Wir sahen Rehe, ein Faultier, Äffchen, das besagte Aguti, einige coole Vögel und mein Highlight: einen Nasenbär.
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Nachdem alle Trails abgewandert waren, nahmen wir ein Uber zum Panama Kanal. Dort sahen wir: nichts. Wir hätten drauf kommen können, natürlich handelt es sich dabei um eine Hochsicherheitszone. Aber egal, dann eben nach Panama Vieja, wo die ersten spanischen Siedler ihre Basis zur Eroberung des Inka-Reiches errichteten. Dort sahen wir: altes, kaputtes Gemäuer. Ganz toll. Aber zumindest ein Haken auf der historischen Must-See-Liste.
Von dort fuhren wir in das tatsächliche alte Panama, mit seinen schönen Kolonialbauten und flanierten, wie man nur flanieren kann. Durch die kleinen Gassen, in die schöne Kirche. Weil es schon spät ist und unser Flieger morgen früh geht, nur ein kurzer intimer Exkurs in meine Gedankenwelt dazu: ich finde Religion doof. Ich akzeptiere und respektiere aber alle Leute, die das anders handhaben oder handhaben möchten. Entsprechend fühle ich mich unwohl, mit kurzer Kleidung in eine Kirche zu latschen. Ich fühle mich aber auch unwohl, wenn ich mich „unnatürlich“ (meint: anders als an jedem anderen Ort) verhalten muss. Warum der imaginäre Freund von irgendwelchen Leuten sauer sein sollte, wenn ich bei 30 Grad eine kurze Hose trage, oder wenn Frauen ihre Schultern zeigen, verstehe ich nicht so recht. Also herrscht beim Besuch einer Kirche immer ein Kampf in mir. Historisches Interesse, aber auch das für Religion insgesamt, gegen den Drang nach Selbstbestimmung. Und vielleicht ist da noch immer der Funken an jugendlicher Rebellion, auf den ich stolz bin, ihn noch nicht ganz verloren zu haben. Meist gewinnt der daraus entstehende Drang, der auch heute obsiegte: ich gehe einfach weg.
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Die an das Viertel angrenzende Fußgängerzone ist so lebendig und divers, wie ich es nicht punktuell, sondern allumfassend aus lateinamerikanischen Orten kannte, also fühlte ich mich dort schnell wohl. Doch irgendwann muss auch mal ein Schlussstrich gezogen werden und so ging es abends zurück zum Hostel, wo ich noch mein uns begleitendes Buch „Oh, wie schön ist Panama“ auf Englisch übersetzte und vortrug. Ein paar Runden Kartenspielen mit Menschen aus aller Herren (das meint schon wieder Gott, oder?) Länder später, liege ich nun im Bett und bedaure unsere morgige Abreise. Schade, dass eine so lange geplante Reise dann doch immer so schnell zu Ende geht, aber umso dankbarer (wem überhaupt?) bin ich, mal wieder einen dicken Koffer an Erfahrungen reicher zu sein und mit Vorfreude auf den bald anstehenden nächsten Trip gucken kann. Danke an alle, die das hier gelesen haben. Forza Dynamo, Forza Weltreisen. Danke für den tollen Trip, Nico!
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hicginewsagency · 8 months
Rotarian Akullo battling to race for Dokolo Woman MP by-election.
The race to replace departed Dokolo Woman MP Cecilia Ogwal is heating up after Dr Esther Akullo Owor Otada Obot, a prominent Rotarian, declared interest. In the 2021 general elections, Ogwal polled 32,223 votes to win the seat and was followed by NRM’s Janet Rose Elau Adongo Okello (16,880 votes), while UPC’s Sarah Aguti trailed with 10,460 votes. Akullo is likely to tussle it out with Dr…
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gaetaniu · 8 months
Un sistema di caverne risalente a 289 milioni di anni fa conserva la pelle fossile più antica che si conosca
La pelle fossile di Captorhinus aguti. Un frammento di pelle fossile raccolto nel sistema di grotte calcaree Richards Spur in Oklahoma, negli Stati Uniti, è più antico di almeno 21 milioni di anni rispetto ai fossili di pelle precedentemente descritti. La pelle fossile appena descritta apparteneva al Captorhinus aguti, una specie di rettile primitivo vissuto nel periodo Permiano, circa 289…
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projectourworld · 1 year
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No way out, Antonio Aguti, Italy – comedy bird photo, gold award. The purple heron (Ardea purpurea) is a migratory bird that nests in the lake basins of the Italian peninsula and feeds mainly on fish, although it also preys on mice, snakes, toads and other creatures. In this shot, the heron caught a large crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and swallowed it after several attempts to turn the fish on to its side. Location: Lake Chiusi, Italy. Photograph: Antonio Aguti/Bird photographer of the year 2023 : the Guardian Newspaper #heron
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xtruss · 1 year
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Glistening green, Nicolas Reusens, Spain 🇪🇸 — Best Portrait, Gold Award! Reusens said: ‘Venturing into the tropical forest, I was excited to spot the rare Glistening-Green Tanager (Chlorochrysa Phoenicotis). After hours of waiting, I saw the vivid green bird on a perfect heart-shaped leaf. Its shimmering feathers reflected a dazzling array of colours. I captured every detail, grateful for this magical moment amid the lush jungle backdrop.’Location: Mashpi Amagusa Reserve, Ecuador 🇪🇨. Photograph: Nicolas Reusens/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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Grab the Bull By the Horns, Jack Zhi, US 🇺🇸 — Bird 🦅 Behaviour, Gold Award, and Overall Winner! Zhi said: ‘During the breeding season, a Female Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus) fiercely protects her young, attacking anything that comes near the nest. For four years, I attempted to capture these rare moments of her attacking large brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) with incredible speed and agility. The high-speed chase made it challenging to capture a closeup shot with a long lens. The falcon’s precision was amazing as it struck at the pelican’s head.’ Location: Southern California, US 🇺🇸. Photograph: Jack Zhi/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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Flying Sword, Rafael Armada, Spain 🇪🇸 — Birds 🦅 in Flight, Gold Award! The Sword-Billed Hummingbird (Ensifera Ensifera), common in the Andean forests, has the world’s longest bill relative to its size. The bird’s unique bill, which is adapted to feed on flowers with long petals, makes it a vital pollinator as bees and butterflies cannot reach the nectar on these plants. This image captures the bird approaching a feeder, with a natural background and lighting. Location: Bogotá, Colombia 🇨🇴. Photograph: Rafael Armada/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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A Mother’s Love, Qiuqing Mu, China 🇨🇳 — Bird 🦅 Behaviour, Bronze Award! Mu said: ‘A Great Grey Owl (Strix Nebulosa) adult was hunting in a wheat field, and a juvenile flew to the edge of the field to be fed. Suddenly, the parent caught some prey. I quickly pressed the shutter and captured a heartwarming moment between the parent and the next generation.’ Location: Zhejiang, China 🇨🇳. Photograph: Qiuqing Mu/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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Common Nighthawk in Flight, Richard Sanchez, Cuba 🇨🇺 — Birds 🦅 in Flight, Bronze Award! Sanchez said: ‘At 10am, a Barn Owl (Tyto Alba) appeared before us and we followed it to a crop field where it began hunting. Nearby, several cooperative common nighthawks (Chordeiles Minor) circled around our vehicle. I captured a perfect shot of them in flight, though it was partly a matter of luck.’ Location: Florida, US 🇺🇸. Photograph: Richard Sanchez
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A Moment of Prayer, Arto Leppänen, Finland 🇫🇮 — Urban Birds 🦅, Gold Award! Leppänen said: ‘During winter migration, owls from northern Finland often head to the south where they can find more food due to less snow. This Great Grey Owl (Strix Nebulosa) chose a cemetery with abundant voles as its hunting ground. While hunting, the owl would often stop on tombstones or other structures to observe the area. Keeping a safe distance, I followed the owl and managed to capture a fleeting moment when it landed briefly on a beautiful angel statue.’ Location: Helsinki, Finland 🇫🇮. Photograph: Arto Leppänen/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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No Way Out, Antonio Aguti, Italy 🇮🇹 — Comedy Bird 🦅 Photo, Gold Award! The Purple Heron (Ardea Purpurea) is a migratory bird that nests in the lake basins of the Italian peninsula and feeds mainly on fish, although it also preys on mice, snakes, toads and other creatures. In this shot, the heron caught a large crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and swallowed it after several attempts to turn the fish on to its side. Location: Lake Chiusi, Italy 🇮🇹. Photograph: Antonio Aguti/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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Parenting Goals, Thomas Vijayan, Canada 🇨🇦 — Best Portrait, Silver Award! Vijayan said: ‘Before capturing this image, I spent two days observing these [Emperor] Penguins (Aptenodytes Forsteri), lying flat on the ice to avoid scaring them. Waiting for the chick to appear, I finally got this touching shot of parental love. I trekked eight hours a day on soft snow to reach this colony and even made friends with some penguins.’ Location: Antarctica 🇦🇶. Photograph: Thomas Vijayan/Bird photographer of the year 2023
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Coming Storm, Jake Levin, US 🇺🇸 — Best Portrait, Bronze Award! Levin said: ‘The best place to see Canada 🇨🇦 Jays (Perisoreus Canadensis) for those living in Montreal is across the border in upstate New York. During my winter 2022 visit to Adirondack Park, I focused on capturing this species. This image shows a jay seemingly concerned that the snow is ramping up, and rightly so, as it made driving back home a challenge.’ Location: Adirondack Park, New York, US 🇺🇸. Photograph: Bird photographer of the year 2023
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fossilageminerals · 1 year
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Know Unknown Facts About Permian Reptile Fossils
Did you know that some Permian reptiles, like Captorhinus aguti, had four short, sturdy legs with five toes on each foot? Its limbs were well-suited for walking on land, but it is unlikely that it was a fast runner.? Or the Cacops had a large number of teeth arranged in rows along the edge of its jaw? The teeth were sharp and pointed, suggesting that it was a carnivore.Read More: https://www.fossilageminerals.com/
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Erste Nacht im Dschungel (11.12.22) [Teil 2]
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Am Abend ging es dann ins Hotel. Auf dem Gelände leben kleine Agutis, du natürlich vor die Kamera mussten.
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Und wir haben auch endlich wieder ein paar Bahnen im Pool gezogen.
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Dies am nächsten Morgen typisch mexikanisches Frühstück: Chilaquilles
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Photographer: Aguti Antonio
2021 Bird Photographer of the Year
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darwin1601 · 5 years
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Weitere, häufige Bewohner des Dschungels - Red tailed Squirrle/Rotschwanzhörnchen, Coati/Nasenbär & Aguti. Das Aguti ist eins der Jungtiere, die immer ein bisschen orientierungslos wirken - putzig.
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resonantimpressions · 6 years
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Agutí - March 2015
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