#ah yes we have dog
theyetch · 2 years
Welcome to The Pet Store :)
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lovereadandwrite · 5 months
Fyodor would absolutely invent a medieval cello just so he could celebrate😌🎶🎻 my tlkt0k: sarahdeleonart
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josephslittledeputy · 8 months
WIP... Oh shit, its actually Wednesday??
Tagged by @wrathfulrook @clicheantagonist @marivenah @cassietrn @the-silver-chronicles @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat and I thiiiiink that's it... sorry if you've tagged me & you're not on here, its been a hot minute since I've posted a wip wednesday & my memory is basically Swiss cheese
Tagging anyone who wants to self indulgently share a WIP! Feel free to tag me, I love to read new stuff :)
**Also terribly sorry in advance cause this turned out to be a bit longer than I thought it would be**
WIP 1: OG Verse - fun times with Celeste & Gabriel
He has to resist the urge to throttle her, lest he ruin the inside of his house filled with years of carefully handpicked items, ones he held a certain fondness for. "You ruined my life, Celeste. Or do you not recall?” "Your life?" She tilts her head in mock curiosity. "What life? The one where you were sent anywhere they told you to go, like some mongrel with a barely slackened leash?" “Excuse me?" “We can pretend otherwise. Keep up the illusion that your life was marvelous, picture perfect even. But we both know the truth, don't we?" She takes a step closer. “You were nothing but the High Council’s defanged pup. Cluelessly doing their bidding before I freed you. If anything, you should be thanking me." "Thanking you?" He clenches and unclenches his fist in an attempt to suppress his anger. "Hate me if you must, fight me even, but do it later. Right now we must get out of here. If they do not know where I am yet, they soon will. What do you think will happen once they realize one of their precious dhamphirs has been under their nose this whole time?"
Celeste truly is the nicest individual you'll ever meet :))
Including this little snippet from Gabriel's pov as well cause idk, I just really like it
Unbidden worry strikes him. He listens, waits, and when his ears pick up the sound of soft, even breathing he lets out a breath of his own. Celeste and the baby were still there, unharmed, perhaps even sleeping. It brings an odd sense of comfort, reminiscent of times long forgotten, times he didn’t want to remember. If he did, he’d have to remember what brought them to a halt in the first place and he had a job to do. Grief and old wounds had no place here, at least not at the moment. Kicking his boots off, he treks into the bathroom and gently closes the door behind him. It’s a simple design: Shower to his left, toilet to his right, and a sink with a mirror above it directly across from the door. Leaning against the sink, he ruffles his short, black hair that's shaved on the sides and traces his fingers over an old, faded scar. It runs down almost the whole length of his face, going over his left eye and stopping just shy of the corner of his mouth. Overlapping it is another, only this one goes across his face horizontally, over the bridge of his nose and from cheek to cheek. The only thing that remains of the old Gabriel are his blue eyes, once full of life and mischief, now faded and dull. Turning away from his visage, he heads toward the shower and turns it on, stripping down while he waits for the water to heat up. He doesn’t need a mirror to see the multitude of scars and tattoos that adorn his body. Aching for another drink—if only to dull his senses and lingering memories once more—he curbs the yearning and steps beneath the water.
WIP 2: They Watch From The Pews
Willa squirms, trying to dodge cold fingers that reach out to trace over the letters, caressing them with a sadistic fascination that makes her stomach curdle in disgust. Disgust quickly transforms into a desperation to get away once he finally reveals the knife kept hidden behind his back. “Usually I’d peel the sin off but… I think this will suit you much better, don't you?" Pressing the tip of his blade into her skin, he teasingly drags it across her skin. "Tell me, Deputy, how did you feel when you got the news of Samuel's death?" "Chipper." She spitefully answers with a sneer. John heaves a dramatic sigh and presses the blade down harder, prompting tiny beads of blood to bubble up as he traces over the letters of her tattoo. "You can make this easier for yourself, you know." "I've heard that before. Got me a bullet to the leg." "Because you ran. My men only acted accordingly." "Fuck you and your men, pussy." "My, what a mouth on you." He tuts and makes a deeper cut. Her teeth sink into the leather in her mouth, denying him the satisfaction of hearing her make a noise. Without pause, he moves onto the second letter, brows scrunched up in concentration as he goes over the lines again and again. It isn’t until he’s on the last letter that she finally breaks with a muffled groan. He stops, lifting his eyes from his work. “Comfortable?”
John & Willa are bonding so well. Truly, I think they're starting to get along!
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branmer · 1 year
it's not really funny but it does make me laugh that the pitbull is such a 'sweet' and 'safe' dog that somehow it requires an entire lobby of unhinged pitbull lovers to constantly campaign against any regulation of it as a breed. pitbull lovers will hear about a toddler being mauled to death by one of the precious little bbys and immediately be like 'well what did the piece of shit kid do to set if off hUH'
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teagoblin · 2 years
#i dont think so but lets go raid the cabinets#Genuine Tea!#i just saw a vintage ad for tea and had a flashback of one of the funniest things ive ever seen#i was at a friends parents' house once a couple of years ago#they lived in an almost desert territory that got super hot during the day but also like. ridiculously cold at night#and i was freezing and literally wanted tea so fucking bad. like SO much#so i ask my friend if he has any and hes like so off we went#now. maybe this wouldnt have been so funny if the house- and the entire town- werent absolutely haunted#and possibly a gateway to the backrooms. like. idk. the desert is a weird haunted liminal place in itself#and like. we were used to it#friend had grown up there and i and my partner had visited there several times. but like. there was always Something that happened#where youd be like#ah#yes#right#and it would never be In Your Face. it would always be subtle. like the time i dropped one single tums on the stair case and picked it up#{i was super diligent about this bc there were 3 dogs that would absolutely eat the tums otherwise}#and then everyone else in the house reported finding and throwing away the same tums. on the same stair. in the same flavor.#over the course of 3 days.#or the fact that driving downtown never felt like it looked the same way twice.#like. the weirdness was a well acknowledged thing#anyway. we rummage in the cabinets. or rather he does bc hes almost 6 ft and im. less than that. and freezing. and he pulls out a box#look at it. gives it to me.#its a big cardboard box that just says. tea.#not in a hand written label or anything. like this was a commercial box that someone had designed.#okay. what kind of tea.#we look on every side of the box. it just fucking says tea. except for the one place that it says#and the box art is literally a stock photo of women in fitted tees sitting on a couch and drinking tea out of white cups.#so we open it up bc thats all we got and i really want some fucking tea. despite its claims to be Genuine drawing some doubt#to the nature of the claim you understand
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sparkly-skies · 16 days
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I also need to know which of them had Issues (TM, because that's in need oftherapeutic help my dude).
song is Never and I am wondering why they had such a different vibe with that one song. it starts out slow and deep like Arctic Monkeys and then gets angry, and it just doesn't sound like the rest of their songs. It's like when a band puts out a breakup song.
Ooooh I remember having listened to that at some point and also thinking "oh, that sounds different than their usual music". I have to admit I still don't know Arctic Monkey's music.
Ngl I don't love the music video (they do love old movies, huh?) but I really like the... like, the non-chorus part of it? The first eight lines. I can't describe it, but it has a certain something.
So, I think it could be obvious issues, like a literal meaning of the lyrics, or if you wanna go from "words like razorblades", that it's about the words hurting physically, sort of when you get so sad you can feel it in your chest and lungs?
I just checked and in the same year (2020. ew), they also published Sixteen, which seems to be about struggling with drug/alcohol addiction, and Oklahoma, which.. I'm not sure what it's about but it does talk about not wanting to talk about it and asking someone to wait for the narrator. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. It could be taking some guy and making him suffer/telling a little story about him because it's fun (you would know), or it could be processing some real-life experiences through music. Or a combination, or something else entirely that I'm not thinking about. I do remember seeing an interview where Jules said that basically all their songs have at least some autobiographical stuff in it.
And since we just talked about Simon doing the wikipedia article: He also adds or corrects the lyrics on Genius lol. Guess he's in charge of the online presence that doesn't include putting a camera in your face and blabbing on about your band like Jules does.
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
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-->Before I went “you know what, I don’t know how to make a guest roast a weenie, and the goal doesn’t say you have to EAT the weenie – Smiler, get roasting a hot dog.” XD They did thus as Victor and Alice came back to the party for chatting and (in Alice’s case) more juice –
And they too were successful! Meaning I’d fulfilled the damn main goal of the weenie roast and was guaranteed a Gold rank result! :D Flush with victory, I tried to have Smiler tell a fun adventure story to everyone –
Aaaand while everyone came and sat down, and the goal completed, the story didn’t actually happen. Because this game. *facepalm with heavy sigh* Weenie Roasts, man...
-->Ah well – the important thing was, the party was a success, and I could wrap it up any way I liked. I thus had Smiler jam for a little bit on the public-use guitar (they may not have been able to play around the campfire, but they could play in general), before sending them to play a round of horseshoes with Aleah and Knox, while Victor got sent to moongaze with the telescope, and Alice hung out with Cletus around the campfire and ate like five tons of marshmallows, because apparently that's what she does at these events. XD The party ended maybe an in-game hour later (fortunately AFTER everyone had had a turn at horseshoes) – Cletus promptly wandered off as Alice put out the fire, while Smiler broke away from horseshoes to finish off a destressing concoction Aleah had abandoned earlier on the grill (getting up to Herbalism 8 in the process, nice). They downed that (possibly they felt as stressed out by the glitchy party as I was), then I directed them to amuse themselves on their phone and Alice to do a little scavenging while I kept having Victor moongaze since he was close to getting another Logic skill point. It took a little while longer than I thought it would (especially since Victor DID go and get another drink from the cooler before finishing up), but eventually he got up to skill level 5, nice. Smiler and Alice then took turns cleaning up the grill (don’t want to leave it dirty for the next visitors to deal with!) –
And the session ended with the gang heading back to their house at about 1 in the morning, and with me taking out their new chess set and putting it on the front lawn to show it off for a parting picture. XD Good times, good times – I do love playing with my trio. :) Next time, I do a tiny bit of building and rearranging around the farm, and the OT3 has a rather more chill Saturday spent mostly at home, until I get it into my head to go to a certain fair...
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bisquid · 1 year
Wait wait you can't just drop that off and not elaborate. What do you mean is there a mafia presence in Wales?? Please spill, what things did you notice??
Okay so bearing in mind that I have ADHD and Chronic Terrible Observational Skills:
I am in Cardiff
For a concert I am attending solo
Doors open at 5
4:15 ish I go 'hmm I should eat something'
Cardiff is - unsurprisingly, being tiny and yet home to FOUR concert venues - Very Busy
Find McDonald's
McDonald's is very full. I recall my last concert related McDick's experience, and promptly bounce
Directly across the street
Is an Italian restaurant
It looks closed but fuckit maybe I can beg for like. Bread or some shit
Go over
Am immediately pounced upon by the hitherto unnoticed chain-smoking woman hanging out by the door mostly hidden by a potted ficus(?)
"I was wondering if you were open and if-" "yes yes we are open what would you like?" (strongish Italian accent)
Inside restaurant is Deserted
Explain that I'm sort of in a rush, am assured it's fine
Order chicken milanese which is generally a pasta dish with a breaded chicken component
Am led to seat nearish the front and promptly provided with a pint of coke in a glass tankard
Am then provided with a front row seat to an absolutely incomprehensible series of people entering and exiting (and in one case walking directly into) the door to what I can only presume is the kitchen
Starting with the guy who had been sitting at a table chain-smoking over a pile of papers
I counted at least three people exiting at least twice without actually entering in between
Am finally brought food
It is a breaded, butterflied chicken breast approximately the size of my face and a small pile of pasta approximately the size of my fist
It is all delicious
Chain-smoking papers man reappears, now wearing a chef's apron labcoat thing
Go up to pay, chain-smoking ficus lady is now having a very loud argument in a language I did not recognise but was not Italian Welsh English French russian Gaelic or Spanish
She sees me, says, and I quote 'ah little girl lost, one moment' and promptly hangs up
I am 27 and only nominally female
I am not remotely lost
She charges me for the pint of coke but not the food
I try to point out that she hasn't charged me for the food
'do you want to pay for the food?'
'.... Not if I don't have to?'
I leave. The door is now full of half a dozen very tall very Italian men and one absolutely adorable cocker spaniel
I ask if I can pet the dog (I have my priorities straight okay)
I am allowed to pet the dog. The dog and I are now best friends
The dog lead holder asks me in extremely accented but impeccably correct English if I had enjoyed the food
'yeah it was great!'
Everyone laughs a bit
I smile and pet the dog and realise I'm now late for the concert and hurry off
I see a post on Tumblr about mob fronts and several connections are made in my brain all at once
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lqvesoph · 2 months
Puppy Love || LN4
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lando norris x fem!reader
summary: Lando came home from his ‘best day at work’ and you take matters into your own hands to reunite the little puppy and your boyfriend
a/n: I couldn’t resist writing something about this bc that video has me in a chokehold
masterlist | taglist
"Baby, you won’t believe what just happened!!", your boyfriend exclaimed as he opened the door to your shared apartment.
You chuckled, moving out of the kitchen where you were making dinner to greet him in the hallway.
"Look! Oh my god!", he called, pulling out his phone and showing you a picture of him sitting on a chair, with an adorable little puppy in his arms. Your eyes widened. "Oh, Lan, that’s so cute!", you said, putting your hand in front of your mouth.
"I know right??", he spoke excitedly, swiping through his gallery to show you the other pictures. "Look! It just said down in my lap", he said, pressing play on a video.
"Lando, she’s adorable!", you muttered. "Yeah", he smiled. "Shame I can’t keep her." "She really did look incredibly comfortable on you", you agreed and looked up to find a sad smile on Lando’s face and put your hand on his cheek.
"Hey, cheer up", you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.
"Soo, what’s for dinner?", Lando asked after pulling away, a slightly happier smile gracing his face now.
Later that night, you couldn’t stop thinking about that video Lando showed you. So, as quietly as you could you sat up in your shared bed and pulled out your laptop, searching for the shelter that he’d told you about.
You looked through the website and found the small dog. "Lia, three months old", you read as you clicked through the pictures.
Your fingered hovered over the blue button, hesitating for a second but one look at the sleeping boy beside you, gave you the reassurance you needed. As quietly as you could you closed the laptop and went back to sleep.
The next morning Lando was up before you, as usual. You found him in his sweaty training clothes in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water.
"Good morning", you greeted him, standing in the door and leaned against it. "Oh hey", he called, walking over and pressing a quick kiss to your lips. You scrunched your nose.
Lando rolled his eyes before giving you another peck. "I know, I’ll shower", he chuckled, walking past you towards the bathroom.
"Lan, I wanted to tell you that I’m flying to the UK for today", you called, making the boy stop in his tracks. "Why?", he questioned, turning around. You panicked for a second, not knowing what to tell him without revealing your surprise.
"Uhm, Mum wanted to go shopping together", you lied, slapping yourself internally. Lando frowned. "Uh, okay? I’m coming with you, when are we leaving?", he wanted to know.
"No no, you have your dinner with Zak and that businessman tonight and I’ll probably will sleep at my parents’", you quickly waved it off. Lando nodded, still eying you strangely. "Well, okay then. Let me shower and then I can drive you to the airport", he muttered, before turning around to enter the bathroom.
You let out a sigh, hating yourself for not telling Lando the whole truth but reminding yourself that his face tonight will he the greatest reward.
You touched down in Heathrow around 1pm, quickly texting Lando that you had arrived before rushing out of the airport to find a taxi that would take you to Battersea.
In front of the Dog’s and Cat’s home you stepped out, thanking and paying the driver before making your way to the door.
"Hi, I’m Y/n Y/l/n", you told the woman at the reception. "I made an online appointment yesterday to meet with a little puppy." The brunette smiled and nodded. "Let me check for a second. Ah, yes, just down the corridor and the second door to your left. Mia should be waiting for you there", she said, whereupon you thanked her and walked down to where she had described.
You knocked on the door and waited for Mia to call, but instead she opened the door, the same warm smile on her lips as the receptionist.
"Hi, you must be Miss Y/l/n, nice to meet you!", she greeted you, reaching a hand out for you to shake. "Nice to meet you too, and please call me Y/n", you replied, following her into the room.
"So, you are here for Lia, right?", she smiled as you walked closer to the play area of about five puppies. She then took one puppy with white and brown fur out of the area.
"Oh my god, she’s even more adorable in person", you muttered as the woman placed the puppy in your arms. "Heyy, little one", you whispered, softly petting her back.
"She really seems to like you", Mia noted and nodded towards the puppy who had closed her eyes and snuggled into your arms. "Can I keep her?", you asked softly. "We gotta go over some documents first but then, sure", Mia smiled and showed you to her office.
"Okay, first of all, do you live with anyone because if you do we need their permission as well", she stated and you looked up. "Yes, I do, I live with my boyfriend in Monaco. Actually, he met the little one yesterday at work", you chuckled.
Mia stopped writing and looked at her questioningly. "Excuse me?"
"Lando Norris, you recently signed a cooperation with McLaren and he came home yesterday telling me all about that little surprise you did for him and even showed me a few videos of Lia and I wanted to surprise him with this", you explained. First Mia looked at you rather skeptical, then she started typing on her computer.
"Okay, I guess you are telling the truth", she mumbled, turning around to show you pictures of Lando and you in the paddock, the search being ‘Lando Norris Girlfriend’. You tried to hide your chuckle but failed.
"I’m sorry but the possibility of you being a crazy fan is pretty high, I didn’t mean to insult you", she immediately apologized but you waved her off. "No, it’s fine. I understand", you chuckled as she blinked a few times.
"Okay, back to the questions. I guess you have the permission of your partner. Then Monaco you said?", she moved on. You nodded. "She’d have a little play buddy in Leo, a friend’s dog, and I’m sure Alex and Charles would be happy to help us with everything in the beginning", you explained.
You went over a few more details such as allergies and vet check ups. "Okay, last one is financial security but I guess that won’t be a problem", she chuckled and if you weren’t so focused on Lia you’d have been slightly offended at her judgmental tone.
She pushed the documents over the table for you to sign and watched as you scribble your name on the line.
"Then I am happy to tell you, you have just adopted a dog", she smiled and handed you her hand to shake.
You said goodbye to her, quickly asking where the next pet shop was to get the necessary things.
Then you made your way outside again, the small puppy in your arms. "Okay, little one, let’s go shopping and then we can go home and surprise your new daddy", you whispered, gently petting her head.
Your flight back home was scheduled to arrive at 8pm, from where you then took a taxi back to Monaco.
"Welcome home, Lia", you muttered, letting her down as you closed the front door. You could tell she was curious but careful at the same time, always keeping close to you.
You placed your bag with dog food, some bowls and toys on the kitchen counter and then went to sit down on the couch and Lia immediately jumped up to cuddle into your arms again, which made you chuckle.
About two hours later you heard a key in the door and Lando entering the apartment. You decided not to say anything and simply wait until he would come into the living room, although the lights of the TV still filled the room.
"Hello?", Lando asked. "Is anyone there?" Cautiously he entered the living room, placing a hand on his heart when he saw it was only you sitting there.
"Jesus, baby, I thought there was someone in our home!", he called. "I thought you said you’re only coming back tomorrow"
"Well…", you giggled and then lifted your arm to reveal the sleeping puppy on your arm. Lando’s eyes widened, scanning the little dog.
"Wha-", he muttered perplexed. "Meet little Lia. Again", you added giggling. "You- is- is that the puppy from Battersea?", he stuttered, sitting down next to you. You nodded with a smile.
"Wha- How- Did you fly to England just to-", he continued stammering, making you reach for his hand. "She loved you and you can’t fool me and tell me you didn’t feel the same. And about all the traveling, I can take care of her when I’m not coming to race weekends, Alex does the same. And she even has a little play buddy in Leo", you told him, interwinding your fingers.
"I love you so much, baby", he whispered and pulled you into a kiss. A small high pitched bark interrupted you and you pulled apart.
"Heyy, princess", Lando whispered, laying down so his head was level with the puppy in your arms. Lia got up and carefully sniffed Lando, probably recognizing his scent from just two days ago as she then cuddled up next to him.
You two laughed and petted her small body.
"She’s the cutest", you noted with a smile. "And you’re the best", Lando smirked up at you. "My two girls!"
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tagged: landonorris
liked by: landonorris, alexandrasaintmleux, oscarpiastri and 1.526.182 others
yourinstagram: Welcome home little Lia💞
landonorris: my girlssss
alexandrasaintmleux: Omg I can’t wait for playdates!!
yourinstagram: Yessss omggg, lets leave the boys at home then
landonorris: Hey!
alexandrasaintmleux: Ofc
charlesleclerc: Hey!
lilyzneimer: The cutest omg!!
mclaren: So excited to meet the little girl
fan: Omg how cute is that!!
fan: The dog on the wheel lmaooo
fan: Already coming for Lando’s seat
> liked by: yourinstagram
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tagged: yourinstagram
liked by: yourinstagram, mclaren, oscarpiastri and 2.628.529 others
landonorris: Newest member of the fam
yourinstagram: girl dad🩷
landonorris: Yessss
charlesleclerc: Lets go play paddle when the girls leave us…
landonorris: GREAT idea
carlossainz: I wanna meet her asap!!
oscarpiastri: Why couldn’t you get a cat…
landonorris: bc dogs are superior, duh
mclaren: Newest member of Mclaren🧡
> liked by landonorris
fan: OMG is that the dog from that video??
fan: I think so, yes
> liked by yourinstagram
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happytapirstudio · 1 year
Absolutely positively get where people are coming from when they complain about modern dog breeds like pugs and ridgebacks, but a lot of them (the ones who are like “i only like REAL dogs like GERMAN SHEPHERDS”, without acknowledging how totally fucked up that breed has become) have a reeeeeeaaaaally disconcerting way of voicing their opinion about it.  Case in point, the aforementioned German Shepherd comment.  Also, their justification usually reflects an inaccurate view of evolution, breeding, and genetics.  And by “inaccurate” I mean including lines of thought that are disturbingly similar to those of white supremacists.
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jinwoosbabyboo · 30 days
“My Bitch Bad”
Telling the LADS Men they’re a bad bitch. Let’s be honest they are indeed bad bitches imagine Zayne rolling his sleeves up okay getting off topic let’s get into it….
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MC: Where do you think you’re going dressed like a slut?
Zayne: Excuse me?
MC: You are so fine you know that?
Zayne: You should watch that sharp tongue of yours
MC: It’s hard when I have a bad bitch with a compression shirt and sweats on in front of me
Zayne: A what?
MC: A bad bitch
Zayne: I’m not a ill mannered female dog
MC: You’re so dense sometimes
Zayne: I think we need to have a conversation about your word choice as of late don’t you think?
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MC: Look at you!
Rafayel: I’m so good looking aren’t I?
MC: You’ll be the baddest bitch at the art exhibit
Rafayel: Just the art exhibit?
MC: The baddest bitch in the world
Rafayel: That’s what I like to hear
MC: Give me a little twirl
Rafayel: *twirls* my ass look fat?
MC: Nice and perky let me grab it
Rafayel: No! I know I’m magnificent but I’m married
MC: I know
Rafayel: So get back harlot
MC: Let me squeeze it!
Rafayel: Stop it I have a wife
MC: I am your wife
Rafayel: At least buy me dinner first before you treat me like a common whore then
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Xavier: Can you please let me in your kitchen?
MC: Unless there's a wanderer in there absolutely not
Xavier: Why won't you let me in there
MC: You almost blew it up making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Xavier: That was one time
MC: No it wasn't
Xavier: Doesn't practice make perfect?
MC: Your cooking skills haven't improved in the slightest
Xavier: :(
MC: It's okay bad bitches don't have to cook
Xavier: Im a bad bitch?
MC: Yes
Xavier: ....?
MC: You're so beautiful and breathtaking that all you need to do is sit there and look pretty. Got it?
Xavier: You think I'm pretty?
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MC: Why is your ass fatter than mine
Sylus: Do you have any kind of shame when it comes to speaking to me?
MC: I did ... and then you married me
Sylus: Ah a rookie mistake
MC: Turn around
Sylus: No
MC: Come on I want a full 360 of the baddest bitch in the room
Sylus: First you say my rear end is larger than yours and now I'm a 'bad bitch' what's next?
MC: You giving me a 360 so I can admire that ass ... I'm no better than a man
Sylus: Sweetie *Ties MC up* You've been unruly lately have I been too lenient with you?
MC: And if I say yes?
Sylus: Then maybe I'll let you get a touch after I have my fun first
MC: Such a bad bitch answer
Sylus: Enough.
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augustinewrites · 7 months
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when your boyfriend is the duke of the fortress of meropide, there's nothing harder than finding time to run errands together on his rare days off.
“wriothesley!” you scold as he crowds you up against the wall with a smirk. you keep your gaze locked onto his face, doing your best to ignore the fact that he was clad in nothing but his boxers. 
your attempt at being strict is quickly waylaid when he leans in to press an open-mouthed kiss to your neck. “can you focus, please?” 
“can’t help it when you’re so close to me…not to mention we’re finally all alone–”
“how is it going in there?” chirori calls from the other side of the curtain. 
you tense and your boyfriend groans, head hitting the wall of the stall with a dull thud.
“it’s going good!” you call back, unlatching his hands from your hips and walking him back as far as the stall will allow. “now try the pants on,” you order. 
“why do i have to get all dressed up for some party?” he grumbles, complying anyway and stuffing the tree trunks he calls legs into the expensive material and buttoning them up.
“it’s not just some party. it’s being hosted by the chief justice.” 
“ah, right. neuvi is throwing a rager to celebrate his hostile takeover.”
you help him into the dress shirt next, admiring the way his muscles strain against the fabric as he turns to the mirror to button it up. “he’s hosting a ball to announce his becoming the interim leader of fontaine. smooth over the transition of power and all.”
“and you’re dressing me up to show me off?” 
“of course,” you grin, staring at the two ties you’d picked out and wondering which would match your dress the best. “can’t have you go in there looking anything less than a million mora.” 
he turns around to face you, shirt still undone. “mind helping me out here then?” 
“i knew it,” you mutter, trying and failing to close the buttons of his shirt yourself. 
“knew that my impressive physique would be hard to contain?” he asked cheerily, proudly puffing his chest like a bubbler seahorse. 
you toss a different shirt at him with a roll of your eyes. “just try the bigger one on, please, if you go in like that they might mistake you for late night entertainment...”
he slips the shirt off, shooting you a wink and popping his pecs. “only for you.”
once he’s dressed, you pull him out of the change room to stand in front of three-way mirror. you step back to admire him, greatly appreciating the way his slacks hug his rear…
“shoulders look good…” chiori notes. “how do we feel about the lapels?”
“i like them,” you hum. “could we get him some gloves as well?” the stylist nods, heading off. you take the chance to step up to where your boyfriend has already slipped off his jacket and is rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. 
“wow,” clorinde - who’d been shopping around with navia -  says, impressed. “never thought i’d see you with a fully buttoned shirt.”
“hey, sometimes i can dress like a duke.” 
“when properly motivated, yes he can,” you agree with a proud smile.
“so gloves, huh?” he smirks, running his hands over the curves of your hips. “sounds like you’re planning on us sneaking away to have some real fun…”
“oh no,” you warn. “we’re going to be on our best behaviour tonight. important people from all over teyvat are going to be there.”
“best behaviour? you know i'm a convicted criminal, right?” 
you roll your eyes as he laughs, pulling you into his chest to wrap you in a loose hug as chiori returns with gloves and a garment bag.
“here you go. and for you, your dress for tonight.”
wriothesley pulls the gloves on, peeking over your shoulder as your friend unzips the bag. 
he’s already imagining it on you. the way the fabric would sit against your body, the way it would sway as you moved…
“yeah, screw best behaviour,” he scoffs, flexing his fingers in his gloves. “if anyone even looks at you too long, i'm breaking their kneecaps.”
“doctor, call off your guard dog,” clorinde says, clearly amused.
you only sigh, pressing a kiss to wriothesley’s lips in an attempt to smooth the scowl they’re set in. “his leash is only so long.”
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evilminji · 1 year
Ya'll remember Ace? Bat-hound?
No WAY Cujo became a Ghost and He did not.
Is he a little lost? Maybe. This is not his beautiful home. This is not his beautiful, maladjusted, Bat Family. Who are you people!? Where IS he!? This place is FAR to cheerful and green to be Gotham!
But he is Bat-Hound. A PROFESSIONAL. A HERO. He can handle this. He just has to track his humans down... through... whatever this is. If Krypto can fly, bless his mostly empty, hyperactive head, then so could he! It can't be THAT har-*Thwonk!*
.....no one saw that.
But what's this? A helpful young pup? Cujo you say. Ah, he too, was once a gaurd dog. Cujo, lad, he seems to be lost. Could you...? You WILL! Fantastic. But wait? You're worried about your Young Human?
*Bat Concern Rising* *Doggy eye squint*
*cujo spills the frankly horrifying beans about Danny's home life*
.........ha ha, NOPE! We can be having THAT! He's coming too! Bruce LOVES young humans! Especially sassy ones. He'll adopt him in no time! You grab the older one's, I'll grab the baby. Then we can head home, yes? You'll love gotham! Plenty of scoundrels to chase!
Cut to the Bat family. Damian is training Titus in the yard. Rare sun-ish day. It's a cook out. The Kent's are over. When?
Titus and the Supers both perk up. You hear that? Somethings about to-
*reality RIPS* *Ace the Bat Hound, dead for over a decade, jumps through... THE SIZE OF A HORSE. He is holding a struggling small preteen girl in his mouth* *Splat*
He dropped her. Eeeeeeew! She is loudly protesting. There is a SECOND dog. Green. Two more teens, clearly related to the first. Dumped on Bruce's lawn.
Ace looks proud of himself. Shrinks to normal size and pads over. Plops down in front of Bruce like he'd never left, tail wagging. Still in costume. He's glowing.
The burgers burn on the grill. No one can bring themselves to notice or care. Damian is elated. Krypto is fly wrestling is bestest buddy. Bruce is having a nervous breakdown over his dead dog.
Clark is calling their co-workers and trying to STOP the nervous break down.
Lois is just feeding the strage kids the dogs brought. Asking some casual "I'm totally not an investigative reporter" type questions. Who wants chips? Have a towel.
Ace? Is a Good Boy. 🐶
@hypewinter @hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight
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twizzie-lairs · 7 months
My Darling, My Honey
Alastor X Fem!Reader (Part 14- FINALE!)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |
Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 - Final
Part 14:
A few weeks had passed by the time you were fully recovered. In those weeks, the hotel was busy and bustling in preparation for the wedding.
To make sure you recovered properly, Charlie insisted that she and Vaggie be in charge of wedding planning during this time. You didn't have any objections to it, your only requirements were that it was kept low-key (meaning a small wedding with only those closest to you guys) and that it was to be a simple and short ceremony with Charlie as the officiant.
While the rest of the gang were busy going about their normal lives and helping out with some preparation here and there, Alastor had your belongings moved to his room and took care of your injuries and saw to your recovery personally.
It broke his heart to see how badly you had been injured prior to your arrival at the hotel. He also felt extremely guilty about how roughly he had treated you, accidentally making some of your injuries worse temporarily. To heal his heart and mind, he had to heal your body first.
The two of you spent so much time together, hardly ever spent a moment apart- you two had a lot of lost time to make up for after all. Often as Alastor tended to your injuries, changed your bandages, and even helped bathe you to ensure you wouldn't slip or fall as you got in and out of the tub- you two exchanged stories of all kinds. Stories from when you were both alive, your pasts when alive, and so much that had happened in the decades in Hell that had passed when the two of you were separated.
As the date of the ceremony approached, after you had mostly recovered, matters required you to leave the hotel more often.
For example, when it came to dress shopping, Alastor was very insistent that he had to come with- he was still very paranoid that if you were separated from his side that you would come to harm. Though with enough pestering- Charlie was finally able to convince him to stay at the hotel so that the wedding dress shopping party only consisted of you, Charlie, and Angel.
Shopping with the two of them was a fun memory you'll never forget, with lots of laughter because of the hilarious contrast between Charlie's wholesome comments/tearing up and Angel's teasing/cat-calling (in a loving way- of course). Though when you finally tried on the dress, even Angel had no witty comebacks to respond with, both him and Charlie were left speechless.
Angel and Charlie weren't the only ones speechless - when those who were invited to the wedding showed up the hotel, they all had their mouths gaping open at the amazing decor. They few guests assumed that the invitation they received in the mail was a prank!
(Charlie may have needed to ask some favors from Lucifer for the decorations- though he couldn't hide his disgust as to who his daughter was asking him to do this for... His distaste for Alastor was always apparent. But who are we kidding- Lucifer can't resist Charlie's puppy-dog begging eyes no matter what.)
Jovial jazz music filled the air as Alastor walked out into the main lobby, "Why hello! It is so good to see you, Rosie! ... Mimzy."
"Oh Alastor! How come ya never introduced me to ya darlin' (y/n) before!" Rosie flashed her signature smile and sauntered over to give Alastor a tight hug.
"Yeah! Geeze, Alastor, after all we've been through, you never thought to bring her over to my joint or ya know, let me know she was even down here! I've missed the gal too, ya know!" Mimzy stomped on over to Alastor, hands on her hips as she glared at him.
"Hmmmm. Ah yes, Mimzy. How could I ever forget to bring her over to your... "sophisticated"... bar where she "definitely wouldn't" be in danger?" Static noises started to interrupt the music that had started playing earlier. Alastor would be lying if he said he was happy to see Mimzy. He knew she was important to you, but part of him can't help but blame her for your early death. Not only that, but she always had a habit of bringing trouble wherever she went, forcing him to clean up her messes. He didn't trust her to keep you out of danger.
"Well! If I do say so myself, I am parched! Where can a lady quench her thirst in this joint?" Rosie piped up to break up the tension as she walked around the room and examined the decor some more. "Alastor, I really love what ya guys did to this place- stunning work, really!"
"Oh my gosh, hi, Rosie! Nice to meet you again, Mimzy! It's been so long!" Charlie seemingly burst out of nowhere and shook both Rosie and Mimzy's hands. For once Alastor was thankful for the princess's ability to not read the room.
"This way, this way! The ceremony will be held in one of the ballrooms, follow me!"
After being relieved of Rosie and Mimzy's presence, Alastor disappeared into the shadows to retreat into this radio tower where he would remain until it was time.
With Rosie and Mimzy's arrival, the last of the guests had arrived. Yup, it was a very small group- just as you had requested (much to Alastor's relief. He could easily handle people, but you knew large groups of people irritated him much more than he would let on).
Meanwhile, Angel was helping you get ready. He knew his way around makeup and beauty the best out of anyone in the hotel after all.
You sat on a stool as Angel fussed over all the little details of your hair and makeup. As he did so with remarkable speed (due to his many arms), you found yourself smiling.
Not only was it the day that you would finally exchange vows with your beloved Alastor, but you found yourself smiling as you reminisced on the journey that led up to this moment- how you've come to truly cherish your newfound friendships with everyone at the hotel.
Angel, who became a very close friend to you after you two had many heart-to-hearts and shared a fondness for cracking jokes, something you discovered over many nights at the bar together. Often after you two were done at the bar, you'd have beauty/spa nights which often led to more gossip sessions- something you were never able to indulge in when you were alive. Occasionally even Cherri joined in on the gossip sessions- practically bursting the door down if she ever felt like stopping by unannounced.
Husk, was someone you could always trust him to give his honest and objective opinion on anything you asked- which you found to be invaluable whenever you showed him any of your art. Though he often didn't understand the abstract complexities you drew, it was always a great source of entertainment for you- his confusion apparent as he tried to interpret it seriously before giving up with a "Fuck it, I don't know anything about this bougie shit!" - always causing you to erupt in laughter every time without fail.
Charlie, of course, was always your ray of sunshine and was someone you very much respected. She saved your life without knowing who you were, regardless of the potential danger. You feel as if you'd never be able to repay her kindness, so you offer to stay at the hotel even after you recover and help work however you can after the wedding.
Vaggie, you felt a kindred spirit in and also respected a great deal. Someone with such an intense sense of justice and duty was truly a sight to see, you could always see it in her eyes. She was often busy, so you hadn't been able to spend as much time with her as you would have liked to so far, the few times you were able to sit down with her were always a pleasure. Whenever she needed love/relationship advice, she came to you. Funnily enough, Charlie did too, so you were flattered that the two girls liked and trusted you so much.
Even Nifty, who always made sure to dust you or pluck some random out-of-place hair whenever she saw you, stopped calling you stinky! You wondered if it was because you spent most of your time around Alastor...?
"Alright! Hehe, you look absolutely stunning if I do say so myself, doll face!" Angel stood back from you to admire his work with a huge satisfied grin on his face.
He spun you around to face the mirror that your back was previously facing, "Hey, whaddya think? One of my best works yet!"
You chuckle and lean in closer to the mirror, "Wow... Angel! Gosh... you never cease to amaze me!"
You then stand up and give Angel a hug, "Thank you... Angel... this means a lot to me..." Angel pulls back from the hug and nudges you in the shoulder, "Hey now toots, no crying on me now! We just finished your makeup, don't go ruining it now!"
"I know! I know! Haha!" You laugh and smack him back playfully.
"Ah shit, it's almost time, we gotta get a move on, come on!" Angel quickly grabs your bouquet with one hand and takes your hand wit another and leads you down what feels like a maze of corridors. He lets go of your hand when the two of you reach a set of double doors that indicates it's one of the ballrooms and not just a regular room.
Upon hearing your arrival, you see Charlie's head peek out of the door. After seeing you standing there, she quickly sneaks of the ballroom. "FIrst of all- oh my gosh (y/n)! You look BEAUTIFUL! But it's time for your entrance, lets go!" Charlie offers her arm out to you. You link your arm through her's, then you look over at Angel who hands you your bouquet, "You got this ,(y/n)." He said with a wink before slipping into the ballroom.
You took a deep breath and looked at Charlie who gave you a heartwarming nod as she took a step closer to the door, hand grasping the handle. "Ready, (y/n)?"
"I've been ready for decades."
Upon entering the small ballroom, soft jazz music filled the air and you gasped as you took a look around the stunningly decorated space. Charlie was very insistent that this be a surprise and by god, you were speechless- you never could have dreamed of a more beautiful space to finally exchange vows with your beloved Alastor. You were starting to get misty-eyed already!
The very same Alastor who was now all dressed up in a new formal outfit and stood at the other end of the ballroom with his hand outstretched towards you. It took all the self-control you had to keep you from running into his arms right then and there.
Walking to the front, you pass by the small group of friends both you and Alastor had invited to this exclusive occasion. You could see Rosie clutching her hands to her chest in awe, Mimzy was trying to fight back tears as she kept dabbing her eyes (ruining her makeup in the process), and the rest of the hotel members. Angel was clinging onto Husk for dear life as you heard a quiet whisper from the spider that was accompanied by a dramatic sniffle, "Oh god I never knew I was capable of feeling so sappy."
You chuckled at the sight of Nifty, who volunteered to be your "flower girl". She was scurrying all around, scattering petals but then immediately picking them back up again like it was the best game ever!
"Oh, be still my dead-yet-beating heart" You thought to yourself as you finally reached the front of the ballroom and were able to place your hands in Alastor's. You'd never seen Alastor this dressed up before. You always thought he was attractive but oh my god, was this a whole new playfield that you didn't even know was possible!
Charlie then went to stand next to Vaggie, who were both your officiants for the wedding. A bit untraditional, sure, but this was Hell- everything's a bit unconventional here.
The music fades to a quiet level before Charlie pipes up, starting the ceremony, "Thank you all for coming to celebrate this momentous occasion with us today! Today we are here to commemorate the marriage between (y/n) and Alastor!"
"In a shocking twist of events, the last few weeks have proven us wrong that yes, even the Radio Demon, is still capable of love." This remark from Vaggie earns a few chuckles from those sitting in the guest seats, earning a glare from Alastor as he tightened his grip on your hands. You rub your thumbs over his hands in reassurance, causing his grip to relax again. You smile at Charlie and Vaggie, nodding as you signal them to continue.
Charlie cleared her throat before she continued, "Ahem! Yes! But with that, we also gained an amazing new friend here - (y/n)! And I just want to say (y/n) that I am SO proud of you, you've done nothing but bring lots of joy and laughter into this hotel. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we love you and appreciate you (y/n)! Alastor is a very lucky man and we are honored to be a part of your journey!" You could hear some applause and a holler that likely came from Angel- because you heard a scoff from Husk that followed immediately after.
"That's right, Charlie! Because we respect you both so much, we'll not delay you two love-birds from finally exchanging your vows any longer." Vaggie said as she dragged Charlie away to take a seat in the audience.
You take a deep breath and look into Alastor's eyes, your heart racing a mile a minute.
"I honestly thought I would know what to say by now! I've been dreaming of this day for decades!" You nervously laugh out loud before continuing, "All I can think about now is how thankful I am to have met you when we were alive. You gave me a spark of light and hope in the darkness that I never thought was possible in my life. Meeting you gave me the courage to break free from the cage that kept me trapped like a poor little bird who couldn't fly free. You showed me what true love should be like- even if it meant eating a few people along the way... haha. But you treasured me, you gave my life meaning again and I'll always love you. I'll always be your's, Alastor."
You look down at the floor, embarrassed that you spilled your heart out in front of so many people. Now it was Alastor's turn to reassure you with a gentle squeeze of the hands.
"My dearest (y/n), now, I am not usually one to be so 'sappy'- especially in the company of others, however, I think I can make an exception for you this one time."
Alastor took one hand, the other still holding your other hand, and gently lifted your chin back up so that your gaze would be back on him. To say that this made your heart skip a few beats would be an understatement!
"It may still shock you all, but yes, (y/n) is indeed my beloved that was taken from me all too soon back when we were alive. When I buried her body and held her in my arms for what I thought was the last time- I said these words that still ring true to this very day and will continue to do so forever more-, ' In life and in death, I am forever yours, as you are forever mine. I love you, (y/n)' " You feel the tears start to well up even more, threatening to burst forth at any second, all while not breaking eye contact with him as he continues on.
"I truly relish in this opportunity to finally make you mine, as I had wished to do so for what feels like an eternity. Much like you had described dear, your surprise appearance in my day-to-day life truly shook my world. Why, upon meeting you for the very first time, hearing your voice felt like it was akin to listening to most beautiful music I had ever heard- truly! As a radio host, I was very familiar with many musicians, but no instrument or vocalist ever held a candle to you my dear. No ever has and no one ever will, and I will be sure to protect you at all costs this time, ma chérie ..."
As he trailed off, your face immediately flushed red all over at Alastor's vows. But before you had time to process what was happening, Alastor manifested a new pair of rings and slid one onto your left hand, replacing the previous one. Then with a snap of the fingers, the other matching ring appeared on his left hand.
Somehow the rings were even more beautiful than the one you had before. Upon seeing the sight of both your and Alastor's hands finally wearing matching rings, you burst out into tears, overcome with emotion.
Alastor chuckles before pulling you in for a kiss- shocking everyone in the room, everyone making a collective gasp. Even your own eyes were wide open in shock, before you then relaxed into the kiss in Alastor's embrace.
It wasn't before long that the room was filled with cheers, hoots, hollers, and clapping.
Pulling away from the kiss, Alastor leaned his forehead against your's- just a brief sigh of contentment escaping his lips as he stared lovingly into your eyes. You sniffle as you return the smile, chuckling at the sensation of your cheeks feeling sore from smiling so much and so intensely.
"I truly adore you with all my heart and soul, dearest. Thank you, for being the one to complete me."
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@mysticwitchcraftco @lil-bexie @lonely-burger @cherry-cola-100 @angelxx7 @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 @avitute @justhellacesome @mcrtrashfan @spookysisters @galaxywing-has-adhd @ggyalruu @trashbin-nie @fudosl @night-shadowblood-writes2 @memospacexx @yuraaahs @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @ghostdoodlen @moschinski @cannibalcoyote @missam @reader3 @yourworstgf @justaproudslytherpuff @milkspong3 @xdolls-crownx @1potato2rulethemall @1rxsemary1 @xxcrispxx @zardward @robin-the-enby @mylenapony11 @silvermoondarksky @bootylimpics @amarokofficial @euphoricaphrodite @blueyobsessedgirly @need-a-therapist @knifukiller @huayan @hwrimonsjer @no1sillybilly @kimmikreates @icarus-has-falllen @watchinthestarz @lady-lik3r @yunxi-11085 @luzzbuzz @tsukilover11 @plntmxrss @houmi @demoarah @papas-ghoulette @trashbin-nie @d-darlingyourbleeding @hallothankmas
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i love nature so much!!!!
#🌙.rambles#idk i'm just thinking abt it rn#i really grew up w environments where there were trees n flowers n#ah yes pools! i rlly used to swim a lot fr#n i've always loved going to the beach hehe i rlly love water#n for a pretty big part of my life i lived close to my paternal grandparents n#technically it's a garden yeah#i can't remember the names of the flowers anymore but they were one of the ones i'd find at school too#from grade school to hs i'm still in the same school n the campus is very. nature#hehe i love the flowers n the trees#remembering my grandparents took (still does tho i think) care of quite a lot of potted plants too n some flowers i think#n i always wanted a pet bcs i love animals a lot but. never had one but my grandparents do#they had several dogs n several cats n. yeah >< i haven't visited though ever since we moved away back to my old home#oh yk i miss swimming i don't rlly do it often anymore but i used to quite a lot#n then piano.. i miss it sm. i still remember the feeling of the keys even though i haven't touched an actual piano in so long.#we just have a sort of uhh i forgot the name i just woke up from a nap but yeah it's not the same#i've been meaning to learn the guitar for a long time now. but more than that i really eventually want to learn the violin.#n then. i think it feels like a lot of things in my youth have been slipping away as of late. writing.. fuck it i miss actually writing hcs#n oneshots in like an organized compiled way compared to just dumping messages to myself. i miss all these a lot#i'll be productive now w school but i hope slowly i can. return to regaining my energy more consistently n make more steps again#towards the future i want to reach out to.
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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We have hit Fall Saturday in the Chill Save, which is getting to be the most ironic name for this save ever. XD I mean, to be fair, it STARTED as me just playing my original Victor/Alice Sims pair from my first Sims 4 save in a very chill manner, but now...well. XD You’re well aware of the chaos that follows this family. And now things are even MORE chaotic, because the trio now has official pets! Specifically, they have Shadow, a female Foxhound who is Jumpy, Adventurous, and Playful, and Kelly, a female mixed-breed cat (judging by her looks, those mixed breeds include Sphinx -- she nakey -- and Manx -- she no has tail) who is a Free Spirit, Mischievous, and Frisky. So, how did their first day as part of the family go?
Well, after going into CAS to figure out their breeds and give them collars (and some cute sweaters you’ll see in a later update), Shadow went and took a nap in the kitchen while Kelly promptly scurried out to the coop to start eating all the chicken feed. XD Smiler took it upon themselves to scold her for this, as Victor was busy making eco-upgrade parts (and NOT being attacked by the fabrication machine this time, hooray) and Alice was having breakfast. Kelly seemed unimpressed by their attempts to get her to behave, so Smiler switched tactics and offered their friendship instead, letting Kelly get to know them and entertaining her with a laser pointer to keep her away from the chickens.
And then Shadow showed up and promptly started playing in the feed pile. XD Necessitating MORE scoldings. Fortunately, by this point Victor was done with his parts-making, so he was able to take Shadow away to give her a bath, which she desperately needed. Dog was still stinking a bit from being sprayed by a skunk, after all! Sure, he got splashed afterward, and had to stop Shadow from drinking the resultant puddle, but at least now she was clean!
And what was Alice doing during all of this? Why, getting her werewolf on and indulging in some zoomies to keep the Fury down. XD To be fair, though, that’s pretty damn important for a werewolf, so I think we can forgive her for not helping immediately with the new furry friends. Let’s not subject the poor jumpy dog to a rampage if we don’t have to, okay?
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