#aha so yeah it's raining
anothermonikan · 4 months
Rain World noob question incoming, sorry to everyone ever. um. if I reset a scugs save process does the pearls that scug has had read also disappear from the collection. I lost one singular pearl as arti and I need to get a good run anyway but I'm getting kinda nervous that all my work collecting all the other pearls is gonna be for nothing because I'm gonna have to reset my arti run. on the same save slot. which I didn't want to do but I kinda. wanna have a fully completed pearl collection aha ^^;
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Haven’t had power for the past day and a half (it’s back now) and I am. So. Cold.
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nofingjustaninchident · 6 months
just a little drunk - hoo boys
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content: percy jackson, leo valdez, jason grace and frank zhang x drunk!reader, best friends to lovers
warnings: mortal!au, alcohol consumption, dirty jokes, weed consumption, probably cursing.
a/n: i just discovered that i have a massive problem with writing. i literally took half an hour (at least) to write EACH one of those. terrible. just terrible. but i swear im trying to write more, it’s just cause i don’t have much creativity to write 😭
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now playing… party in the USA - miley cyrus
Percy Jackson
He was at the party. Of course he was at the party. Everyone says a party without Percy Jackson is not a party. But he was the DD of the night, so he was completely sober - which was a hard task for the party king.
That, until he saw you. On top of a table. Striping down- wait. Striping down?! Jesus Christ, he left you alone for five minutes- oh, you’re taking your shirt off.
Of course there’s a bunch of assholes standing there, telling you to keep going and screaming obscenities at you. But Percy didn’t have the time to be mad right now, he was too focused on you.
If he got there one second late, he and everyone else in that room would see the black lacy bra you was wearing, but thank goodness he got there before you did it.
“Alright, that’s enough for today, isn’t it, sweetheart?” He said, hugging you from behind and taking a very giggly you off the table. All the boys in the room started ‘booh’ing him, and he just flipped him the finger.
“Perce! I was having funnn!!” You complained, your words sloppy and smudgy as he basically dragged you back to his SUV. He just rolled his eyes and chuckled slightly.
“Y/n/n, you were about to strip in front of a lot of people. I’m sure you’d kill me tomorrow if i let that happen.” He said as he pushed you onto the car and pulled the seat down so you could lay against it.
“Hmm.. Yeah, i’d probably do that.” She said, the smile never leaving her face as she started mumbling random words.
He closed the door and walked towards the driver’s seat. He knew he couldn’t drive you back to his house now, since he had to wait for his friends, so he just turned the air conditioning on and pulled a blanket over you shoulders.
“Sleep for a little. I’ll take you to my home, hm? I’ll take care of you.” He said, taking the loose strands of hair off your face. You were just so pretty it was unbearable.
“Fine.. Thanks, Percy.” She said and drifted off to slumber.
After a few minutes of watching you sleep, he remembered that you’d hate to sleep with make up on, so he looked into the glove compartment and- aha! Of course you had left a few of your wet wipes there.
He started softly running the cloth against your face, cleaning it. When he was finally over, he kissed your nose slightly and smiled to himself, waiting for his friends so he could drive you home aswell.
Jason Grace
He was sleeping, as any normal person would at 2 am. But he was a light sleeper, and he woke up suddenly with his phone raining in his nightstand. He groaned and searched for both his glasses and the phone so he could see who was calling him so late in the night.
When he looked at the phone screen, he frowned in confusion. Why was Kayla calling him, out of nowhere? She usually didn’t call him, unless-
“Kayla?” He said as he picked up the phone, sitting in his bed and rubbing his eyes so he could try and forget the sleepiness that was threatening to win him over.
“Hey, Jason.. uh… i’m sorry for waking you up but, uh… i’m in a party with y/n-“ Y/n and parties? Never ever a good combination. “-And she doesn’t accept to go home unless it’s with you. She’s… drunk. Maybe high, too. Can you pick her up?”
Oh boy, he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to do that. “I’m on my way. Just… send me the address and i be there as soon as possible.”
“Fine- shut up, y/n! Stay here, no-“ And then the call was over.
My god, he thought, what’s she gotten herself into this time?
Kayla sent him the adress and he got into his car - a Lambo, gift from his absent father trying to make up for it - and got in the place the party was happening in less than ten minutes.
The first thing he noticed was the loud noise in the party. The second was you, laid down and making a snow angel in the grass. Funny sight.
“Y/n/n? My god, what in hell are you-“ He got cut off with you getting up and jumping on his arms, hugging him.
“Jase! I didn’t think you’d come!” You said, smiling brightly at your best friend. “Come on, let’s go to the party!”
You tried pulling his hand towards the house, but you weren’t already the strongest while sober, and drunk… e didn’t even flinch.
“No, honey, im taking you back to your house. You got enough drinking for today.” He said, pulling you by the waist towards him and placing you inside the car as you tried your hardest to get back to the party.
“As, come on! Buzzkill!” You whined, crossing your arms and pouting at him.
“Come on, i’ll buy you a slushee. What’d you think?” He asked. You immediately smiled. Drunk you was a very easily distracted person.
“Fine. But we’ll talk about that tomorrow.” He said, squeezing her shoulder softly as he drove towards the gas station.
“Whatever you say. Buzzkill.”
Leo Valdez
He was home watching a dumb tv show. He didn’t really bother with sleeping, since he knew his best friend was going to a party. And you plus party equals to a very drunk mess.
So when he finally got a call, he already knew it was you. It happens that he was right.
“Yes, cariño?” He asked, a smile plastered on his lips as soon as he heard your drunk giggles.
“Can you pick me up, fireboy?” You asked, your voice groggy and smudgy. But he knew it would probably be like that, so he was already expecting it.
“Course i can. Send me the address and i’m on my way.”
“Fine. Bye Valdeeezzzz..” You said before hanging up the phone with giggles and smiles.
He got where you were and you were being supported by one of your friends, who seemed pretty annoyed with the drunk version of you, all smiley and clingy to anyone around.
“Oh, thank god you’re here. I can’t stand her anymore.” Your friend said before basically dragging you towards the boy. “She’s all yours now.”
You were all smiles as you held Leo’s neck and pulled him close to you. “Leooooo! I missd’ ya!”
“Hey, cariño. You’re kinda drunk, aren’t you?” He asked before supporting your weight and taking you towards his car.
“What? Me? Nooo…” You said, giggling. You clearly smelled like pure alcohol.
“Sure you aren’t. Get in there, i’m taking you home.” He said, opening the passanger’s seat for you and placing you inside.
He put on your seat belt and kissed you forehead before walking towards the driver’s seat.
When he got inside the car, you were almost completely dozed off in sleep, trying your hardest to stay awake. He chuckled and turned the air conditioning on so you could rest more comfortably.
“Sleep, y/n/n. I’ll call you when we get home.” He said, the smile never leaving his lips.
Franz Zhang
He’s dead worried that you haven’t gotten home yet. Of course he didn’t knew where you were, cause you didn’t tell him.
Come on, you knew that, if you did tell him, he’d try to stop you.
So why bother?
You were having fun. A really, really good time. That was until your best friend came by with a weird cocktail, which was nothing more than a mix of different types of alcohol and syrup. Really fun.
And that’s when you got drunk and wobbly and you just had to call Frank. Common drunk mistake, isn’t it?
He picked up on the third ring.
“Y/n? My god, are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. He was so worried about you, cause you weren’t home and you didn’t pick up the phone and just called him out of the blue.
“Frankie!” You said and he could hear the smile in your voice. His concern only grew once he realized you were drunk.
“Y/n, where are you? I’m going to pick you up.” He said, already getting up with the car and house keys in his hand.
“I’m at Louis’ house! We’re having a birthday party!” You said, giggling and smiling brightly at absolutely nothing.
“Fine, i’ll… i’ll be there in ten. Just… don’t do anything stupid, and wait for me, outside the house. Don’t drink anything else and please, for the heavens sake, don’t do drugs.” He pleaded.
“I’m not- Frankie! I’m not on drugs. Please.” You said in a fake annoyed tone and giggled again. He rolled his eyes and sighed, driving towards where you were.
When he got there, he immediately saw you on the backyard, playing probably Pokémon Go and yelling when you finally found a pokémon. He smiled at the sight, and then remembered why he was there.
He walked towards you. When you finally saw him, you smiled widely and jumped in his direction, trying to hug his neck. Which wasn’t easy, as he was a little taller than you.
“Hey.” He said as he leaned down so you could hug him properly.
“Heyyy!!! I missed you!” You said, voice muffled by his shoulder. “Can you take me home? Please? I’m tired.” You said smiling cheekily.
“No.” He said, simply. “I’m taking you to my house today, kay? There’s some of your stuff there, and i can borrow you a shirt so you can sleep. But i’m not leaving you alone in this state.”
“Yay! Sleepover!” You cheered excitedly.
He couldn’t deny that the drunk version of you was very cute.
a/n pt2: did you see what i did there? i cut almost all of them in the middle. two reasons: one, for this not be too big and second i have inspiration to write more. lmk if u want a part 2 of those!!
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hearts4robs · 9 months
𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬👓
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“Busting out the glasses, huh, four eyes?” You taunted with a grin as you glanced at Jason.
Jason squints his eyes at you, his dark-rimmed glasses pushed up his nose. He slowly pushes them up in his hair instead, an embarrassed flush creeping up his neck. His curls curl wildly around the plastic rims of his reading glasses.
“Fuck off.” Jason grumbles as he grabs his wallet from the kitchen counter, slipping it in his pocket. You fail to fight back a small laugh, filling up your thermo-cup with coffee. You close the lid before grabbing your pre-packed tote bag from the counter.
“Let’s go get you your books, nerd.” You nudge Jason’s arm as the two of you exit the kitchen, squeezing into the slim hallway that were your entrance. Slipping on your shoes and jackets, Jason locks the apartment once he closes the door.
“Not a nerd, by the way.” Jason defends himself as the two of you makes your way down the stairs of your apartment building. Your arm was linked with his, your hand mindlessly having a loose hold on his bicep, his own hands shoved in the pockets of his jacket.
“Not a nerd? Babe, we’re going to a book-market in downtown, the opposite end of town, because you’re in search for this one book that you’re oh, so desperate to read.” You tease, grinning as the two of your turn another corner, continuing down the stairs.
“Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck.” Jason quickly corrects you, clicking his tongue slightly in annoyance as he pushes the front door open, allowing you to slip out first, Jason following closely.
“Yeah,” you roll your eyes, shooting him a knowing smile. “a nerd.” You say, yours and Jason’s steps synchronising as your walk onto the side-walk.
“I’m not a nerd, I seriously don’t know where you got that stupid idea from.” Jason tries to, and without success, defend himself again. You arch your brow at him, a playful smirk on your lips as you fish your phone out of your pocket. It takes a few tries to successfully find what you’re searching for, but once you got it, you’re grinning.
“Aha. Definition of nerd: ‘a person who is extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of special or niche interest’.” You read out loud, struggling to suppress your wide grin as the two of you come to a stop at a pedestrian crossing sign.
Jason snorts audibly, rolling his eyes. You turn off your phone, slipping it back in your pocket before looking up at Jason.
“Would you not say that you’re rather enthusiastic about books? And is it not a bit niche that a enthusiastic book-reader needs reading glasses?” You say, a wide grin on your face as you tease Jason, his eyes rolling in his skull.
“I do not need these glasses-“ Jason tries to defend again as the light turns green, immediately walking onto the road to reach the opposite side of the side-walk.
“You refuse to read without them.” You quickly say, giving his bicep a comforting squeeze. “Don’t worry, I love you anyways.”
“Love me anyways?”
“I love you anyways, nerd.”
“You’re disgusting.”
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You smile to yourself as you wrap your cold fingers around the ceramic mug in your hand. Your eyes travel over the dips and bulges of your boyfriend. His much needed reading glasses resting right above the arch of his nose, eyes focused on the old pages of the book in his hand. His rough fingers gently flip the pages, his pen restlessly being spun between the fingers of his free hand. He was so focused, his thump thumping at the corner of the page he had reached. It was a downright beautiful sight, gorgeous and an absolutely God-sent view.
Sure, his curls were damp from the rain that was now drumming against the window, and yeah, his glasses were honestly not the cleanest or most straight, but he made it all work, somehow.
Jason was almost half-way through his book already, the pages already fallen victim to Jason’s restless thoughts, quickly scribbled down where there was place.
“You sure you’re not a nerd?”
“Shut up, [your name].”
You can’t suppress the chuckle bubbling past your lips as you bring you mug back to your lips.
“Alright, four eyes, love you.”
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Notes. A little blurb for you <3!
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
You cuddled into Sharky's sweater, smelling the faint and almost faded signs of the cologne he always used in the morning.
You had a cup of warm tea in your hand, waiting for it to cool down before you could drink it.
It was pouring outside, your windows were covered in a thin layer of fog that built up because you had turned the heater on.
Typical London weather.
Just this morning it was bright and sunny, now it's dull and grey.
You were on the couch, watching a Kdrama called Blind.
Honestly, you were surprised by your own self, considering the fact that you'd always called all the shows "cheesy, corny and annoyingly similar to almost each kdrama that existed".
All of that quickly disappeared after Sharky finally convinced you to watch Blind.
It was a drama, but a thriller and detective story as well. And after getting a taste, you couldn't get enough of the plot. You liked it so much that you happily rewatched the episodes you and Sharky had already seen together, not wanting to watch anything without him.
You sighed, as the last episode, you both had already watched finished, picking up the remote and pausing the tv. You glanced at the window, seeing the sky light up.
Where the hell was he?
You picked up your phone.
No calls, no texts, no nothing. He said he'd be back late, but he didn't say how late. You wanted to call him, find out if he was ok and make sure he's on his way home.
But, on the other hand, you didn't want to come off as clingy or needy. You'd only been dating for half a year…Didn't really make sense since you moved in together. And you knew that it didn't make sense, but you'd rather not risk anything that might push him away.
Like being too clingy, so with another sigh, you put your phone down and clicked on a different show to kill the time.
Soon, after finishing your tea, you dozed off and fell asleep with Big Mouth playing in the background.
Your eyes opened to the sound of your front door squeaking open, followed by a series of ruffles that sounded like a coat being taken off.
"Baby?" You heard a whisper "You asleep?"
You blinked a few times before sitting up and seeing the hallway of your apartment lit up behind the living room wall.
"Sharky?" You groaned, getting up and making your way to the door.
"Heeyy," you were greeted by a big grin and smiling eyes "Did I wake you up?"
You looked him up and down, seeing a a wet umbrella on the floor and a puddle on the mat beneath Sharky. He was soaked.
You let out a tired chuckle.
"What?" He murmured with a smile, leaning down to take off his boots.
"You look like you've just got out of the pool."
"Have you seen the weather? It's been raining since noon!"
"What was the point of your umbrella then?"
He put his shoes on the rack and looked up at you, shrugging innocently. You shook your head before tiptoeing over to him, making sure not to step on the puddle, and pull him into a lazy hug.
"Oh I missed you too," he snickers, closing his eyes and resting his chin on your head for a couple of seconds. "I'm a bit offended you didn't call." He says as you step back, letting him finish undressing. "It's almost midnight and I've just come home."
You remembered your previous thoughts from today "I didn't wanna..." you paused "I mean I knew you were gonna come home. I didn't wanna like," you shrugged.
"Distract me?" He jokes sarcastically.
He saw the uneasy expression on your face.
"You know," Sharky began "I like it when you call me out of nowhere." He pulled off his hoodie.
Your eyes widened hearing his words "Really?"
He smirked "Yeah. It makes me feel wanted."
Wanted? Not annoyed?
"Oh." You felt a small smile tug at the corners of your lips as you realized something. Maybe Sharky didn't mind you being a little...clingy.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." He says, picking up his bag off the floor "We gon watch another episode? Or are you tired-"
"No!" You replied quickly "I really wanna know what happens next."
"Aha, alright. Don't fall asleep though."
"I won't."
That was the liest of the lie lies.
You went back to the couch, and while waiting you stared at the window, droplets of water hypnotizing you as they trickled down the outside of the glass.
"Hey, ba-" Sharky cut himself off as he stepped into the living room, seeing your eyes closed and head rested against a cushion.
"Oh, girl," he whispered, taking the blanket from beside you and covering you with it. He switched off the hallway lights and the tv, before sitting down beside you, closing his eyes and drawing small swirlies on your arm as he dozed off after you.
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fandomgirlz01 · 2 months
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Joe Keery X Reader
Imagine on fandom instagram?: No
Prompt or Request or Requested Prompt?: No
Style of Writing: Fic  
Rating: PG-13 ~ For fluff and cuteness, but more adult commentary or even some triggering content. 
Edited: Yes
Word count:  6,015
Post Date & Time: July 27th 2024 at 12:17 AM
Master List
Warnings Here 
You can listen to the story be read out loud here {coming soon}. 
Summary: Joe Keery the Readers very best friend, helps the Reader though one of her biggest fears as well as clams her anxiety until they can get the help they need. 
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Authors Note: I know they actually usually film in Atlanta GA, so for the sake of this Fic let’s just say she goes with him and they rent a place out. She works from home so she’s capable of going with.
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You’re Pov: 
“Oh my gosh, it’s really 12:00?!” I exclaim as I look at my phone. 
“Umm, yeah. Why?” Natalia asks as she looks at me with concern. 
“I have work on the set in the morning and don’t have my car. I need to take the bus or walk, but now I can’t do either cause it’s so late,” I explain as I pack up some of my stuff in a hurry. 
“Hey. Hey. What’s going on?” Joe asks, reaching out for me as he walks over from where the guys were hanging out. 
“I need to walk home. I have to be at set in the morning,” I quickly explain as I continue to pack up my stuff. 
Once all my stuff is packed up, I quickly rush out a goodbye to everyone before rushing over to the door. I go to open the door, but someone pulls me back. 
“Hey. You are not walking home this late at night, and while it’s storming? No way. I’ll drive you,” Joe offers as he pats his pockets, looking around for his keys. 
“No, J. It’s fine. I’ll get home by myself. I really don’t wanna ruin your time with your cast members. You see me every day, you don’t see them as often as you do me. Spend time with them,” I express and he shakes his head before letting out a small ‘aha’ when finding his keys. 
“If you think I’m letting my life-long best friend walk home in the rain, then you're nuts. Plus, I live there too,” he professes before turning around to the other actors in the room. 
“Goodnight, guys. I’ll see you all bright and early on set. I’ve gotta get y/n home,” Joe quickly explains to the others. 
“Goodnight! See you in the morning!” Noah yells out from across the room before some of the others chime in with ‘goodnights’ to the both of us. 
Joe picks his jacket up off of the back of the couch before coming over to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I smile as I wave to everyone. 
“Goodnight then, I guess!” I yell out and I get a few “goodnights” back as the girls wiggle their eyebrows at me, making me give them a death stare. 
Joe pulls me out of the room and the door closes behind us. We head down the hallway and I start to feel a little guilty. 
“Joe, really, if you want to go back you can. I’ll be fine,” I explain and he shakes his head. 
“If you had your car, I’d be ok with it, but I know it’s in the shop, so no. It’s ok. Really, I’m fine to drive you home,” he informs me and I only nod before a grin takes over my face. 
“I wonder why my car’s in the shop?” I joke as I nudge his side lightly with a smirk on my face. 
“I wouldn’t know why…” he jokes back, playing innocent and I giggle. 
“It couldn’t be because somebody backed it up into a pole when borrowing it now, would it?” I tease him again as I poke his stomach. 
“I have no clue what you're talking about,” he plays coy, shaking his head and I roll my eyes. 
“You definitely know what I’m talking about,” I remark with a smirk and he rolls his eyes now. 
“Ok… there’s a very small chance you may be right…” he jokes as he holds his hand up with his fingers pinching together. 
“A small chance?” I ask, only to giggle when he throws his arms up before letting them drop to his side. 
“Ok, fine, there’s a big chance,” he finally admits sheepishly and I giggle as we come to a stop by the elevator. 
He reaches forward and presses the down button before standing back upright next to me. I eye the door to the stairs for a moment before looking back at the elevator. 
“Bubs…” I whisper out as I bite my lip and he lets out a small “hmm” before turning to look at me with an eyebrow raised. 
“Can’t we just take the stairs?” I ask as I express my fear while he puts his jacket on. 
“Y/n, we’re on the top floor of the Hampton. We’re thirty floors up, sweetheart. Do you really want to walk down thirty flights of stairs?” he asks with an eyebrow raised and I shrug. 
“I don’t know… I just really don’t want to get in that elevator,” I whisper out as I shuffle my feet while refusing to look up at him. 
“Don’t worry. I’m right here with you, ok? I’m right here. I promise you’ll be ok,” he promises as he pulls me to him and wraps his arms around me. 
We stand there for a few minutes just hugging when we both hear the ding. We pull apart and turn to see the door wide open. I take a gulp and Joe takes a step to get in, but I freeze in my spot. 
“Princess, it's really ok. Come on. I’ll stick with you the whole way down,” he explains as he turns back around to look at me. 
“Joe… I… I can’t…” I whimper out and he grabs both my cheeks softly as he keeps eye contact with me. 
“Hey. Hey. You're ok. You can do this, y/n,” Joe speaks calmly as he now starts to rub my right cheek. 
“I don’t know, Joe, it’s gotten a lot worse now,” I explain and he looks at me, confused. 
“How did you even get here earlier, then?” he asks and I try to look away sheepishly, but he just keeps my face in his hands. 
“I, umm… took the stairs. After Eleni {pronounced: E-lane-ie} dropped me off from work on the set, I took the stairs,” I explain embarrassedly and he shakes his head. 
“You could have just called me to come down and get you. I would have,” he affirms and I shake my head now that he’s let go of me. 
“You had work today too. You must have been tired. I didn’t want to make you even more tired,” I explain and just as I finish, the doors slide closed. 
“Damn, we’ll have to get the next one,” Joe mutters as he turns back around and presses the down button again. 
“I don’t care if I’m tired, I still would have come down. Plus we work on the same set, just have different hours,” Joe informs me with a shrug before he turns back to look at me. I fight off the blush I can feel creeping up the back of my neck. 
“I don’t get why we can’t just take the stairs…” I comment timidly and Joe lets out a laugh. 
“Y/n, seriously. It’s thirty flights. You’ve already done enough stairs today. I’m not letting you do more,” he explains before shaking his head and laughing a little more. 
He looks at me and immediately his face changes from amusement to worry when he sees just how frightened I am. He sighs and lets out a small ‘I’m sorry’ before he puts his arm around my shoulder. He moves so he can fully hug me now and rubs the upper part of my arm with his thumb. I wrap my arms around his waist and burrow my head into his shoulder. He holds onto me a little tighter for a moment before rubbing at my scalp to sooth me. 
“I’m right here. Haven’t I always been?” he asks against the side of my forehead and I nod, making him smile. 
“Yes. Yes, you have been,” I agree with him, biting my lip before pulling away from our hug. 
“Well, come on, then. I promise you'll be fine,” he promises me as the elevator dings again, making me jump. 
“I know you're scared, but these things barely ever break down. Plus, you're with me. I’ve got you,” he tries to reassure me again before placing a kiss to the side of my forehead and for a split second I almost forget where we are. 
Soon the doors are sliding open and I feel my heart start to beat frantically, but it’s definitely not because of the happy feelings I normally get when with Joe. His hand falls from my shoulder, but he keeps it on my lower back as he softly guides me inside. I push myself as close to the back wall as I can while he pushes the lobby botton. Not even a minute after he pushes it, the doors slide closed. I take a deep breath before looking at the ceiling above me and letting a shaky one out. 
I grip onto the railing until my knuckles are practically completely white as I wait for it to all start. The elevator gives a light shake before starting to go down and I move my grip from the railing onto Joe’s arm. He lets out a small laugh before pulling his arm from where I had latched myself to him and putting it around my shoulder. He pulls me into another side hug and squeezes my arm lightly, effortlessly making me feel slightly safer. 
“See, it’s ok. We’re fine. We’ll be in the lobby before you know it,” he explains with a light smile and I wrap both arms around him before nuzzling into his side more. 
“I guess you're right. Nothing's happening,” I sigh as I squeeze him a bit and he squeezes my shoulder back. 
It’s quiet and calm for a few minutes until the lights start to flicker. I look at the screen that tells us the floor number, but it glitches from twenty-eight to twenty-seven and I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. The elevator comes to a jolting stop, making me and Joe sway back and forth as he keeps his hold on me. The lights go out, leaving only an emergency light as the only source of light. I look back up at the number to see it still glitching, only this time it’s going between twenty-seven and twenty-six. I feel my heart start to race again as I realize what’s happening and I start to shake in fear. 
“Shit. Princess, it’s ok. We’ll be ok. Press the emergency button. I’ll try 911,” Joe explains as he pulls away and holds me by the shoulders before pulling his phone out. 
I step forward or at least I think I do, but I really don’t. I stay where I am, frozen for a moment before taking a big gulp and walking over to the buttons. It takes me a minute of looking over all the buttons, but I soon find the one with the big red E on it. I lick my lips and press it in hopes that the lights will magically come back on. When they don’t, I panic before starting to press the button over and over again. 
I only can hope that someone will answer our emergency, but my brain tells me to just keep pushing it even though nobody has. I feel a hand lay on my back and another one comes up to pull my hand from the panel of buttons. I look up at Joe and he pulls me into a hug and just holds me as he puts his phone up to his ear. 
“Hi, 911. What’s your emergency?” I hear a lady’s voice come over the speaker of the phone. 
“Umm, hi. I’m currently at the Hilton hotel, but uhh, I think the power must have gone out or something because we are stuck in the elevator,” Joe explains to her in as calm of a tone as he can so I won’t panic further. 
“Ok. Can you tell me what floor you're on?” The dispatch lady asks and I feel him move his head to look. 
“Umm, it’s glitching between twenty-six and twenty-seven, so maybe on twenty-six,” he replies and she gives a small ‘Hmm, ok’. 
“Are you alone, sir?” she asks and he shakes his head. 
“No,” he replies as he gives me a light squeeze again. 
“Can you tell me who’s with you?” she asks and he again nods even though she can’t see him. 
“Yeah. It’s just me and my girl here,” he responds back to her and my eyes widen. 
He’s never called me his girl before. It’s always been sweetheart or sweets or my best friend, but never his girl. 
I zone out as she asks him a few more questions and I don’t catch them at all, but soon he’s hanging up with her. He looks down at me before sighing and leading me over to the wall to lean me against it. 
“Sit right here, ok? I’m going to go call Natalia or Charlie, ok?” he asks and all I can manage is a light tiny nod as a tired feeling washes over me. 
I watch as he walks over to the other corner and types something out on his phone. He brings it up to his ear as his other hand rubs at his face. I feel shaky so I slip down the wall and pull my legs up to my chest before resting my chin on my knees. Hot sticky tears start to roll down my cheeks as I watch him scratch at his chin. Panic attacks aren’t a new thing for me, not at all.  
They've followed me all the way up into adulthood and Joe has seen almost every single one since we were about nine. This, however, is the worst one that I’ve had since I was maybe twelve. It didn’t help that I always overthought things growing up. Joe was always there to talk those thoughts out with me as he is now. But this… this was my absolute worst fear playing out in front of me. I remember all those nights in high school where I’d text him about how my brain just wouldn’t shut off and that I couldn’t sleep. 
He’d always known that was me telling him I felt an attack coming on. So he’d rush over from his house next door and cuddle with me to calm me. At first my dad never understood, until suddenly he just did. He started leaving the back door unlocked for Joe and I later found out my mother had told him how calm Joe made me. 
“Hey. Me and y/n are kind of umm… stuck…” he explains into the phone, sort of snapping me out of my thoughts. 
“Of course I’m fine. It’s y/n I’m worried about. She’s on the very edge of having a big attack,” he whispers into his phone and he rubs his neck as he listens to whoever he called. 
“Yeah. No. I’ll be ok taking care of her. I’ve been with her through almost every attack. I know how to keep her calm,” he tells them before pausing to listen to them. 
“Yes. I already called 911, they should be here in like five to ten minutes,” he answered whatever question was asked before shaking his head. 
“Umm, I don’t know. Could you guys just be down there when they do get us out?” he asks and nods to a few things that are being said. 
“Ok. Yeah. Thanks, man. We’ll see you soon,” he gives his goodbye before hanging up the phone. 
He shoves his phone back in his pocket before turning around. He looks down at me before frowning and coming back over. He lowers himself down next to me before putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into his side again. I start to cry harder and he rubs my back as he coos softly to me. I basically sob into his shirt while gripping it and he just keeps massaging my back lightly while continuing to coo soft nothings in my ear. 
“Hey, take a breath for me, please? Come on sweets, you can do it,” Joe’s voice comes out soft but authoritative as he still holds onto me. 
“Hey. There she is…” he says proudly as he softly holds my cheeks in his hands and rubs my cheek for a moment as he gives me a soft smile. 
He pulls away from me for a split second and takes his jacket off before he drapes the jacket over my shoulders. Then he quickly pulls me back into his side as he kisses the side of my forehead again, making me start to feel a little safer in his arms. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. I’m right here. I’m not leaving. Just pretend we’re home and cuddled up in your bed,” he tells me as he rubs his thumb in circles on my lower back under his jacket. 
Back when Joe first found out he got the role of Steve, we were both so excited that his career would be taking off. Then we were sad because he had to move out of our LA apartment to go film. Not wanting to be away from me for long, he got me a job on the set as the “assistant” to the Duffer Brothers with production plans and decisions. So together we both moved to a new apartment and started our new jobs together. The girls always refer to us when we walk up as “and they were roommates!” before bursting into giggles. I schedule almost everything for Ross Duffer and sometimes I sit in meetings for him or I stay really late to help him with whatever he’d be doing on set. 
I also help make sure everything on set is to the actors and actress' likings. We did keep our old apartment for when we were back in LA, but for the most part we both stay in Atlanta more times out of the year. I just have more hours and a lot of work sometimes, so Joe and I always drive separately. As of lately, though, we have been carpooling a lot of the time. My sobbing slowly starts to calm down, but as I do I start to feel dizzy. I let out a light whimper and I nuzzle my head into his neck. 
“I promise we’ll be fine. I’ll get you out of here no matter what and when have I not kept a promise to my best girl, hmm?” he asks as he grips onto my hip and I jump, making him chuckle a little. 
“Joe… I’m dizzy…” I groan out and he nods before placing another kiss on my forehead. 
“I know. You always get dizzy after an attack. Just relax, ok. I’m not leaving you. I wouldn’t be able to leave you like this. It’d hurt too much to walk away. I love you, sweetheart,” he explains, his voice becoming breathless at the end as he pushes some of my hair away from my face. 
My eyes grow wide as I look at him and he just gives me a small smile as he shrugs. He reaches up to my cheek that’s not against his shoulder and wipes a still falling tear. 
Did Joe freaking Keery, my best friend since literal diapers, the guy I’ve lived with since graduating high school just tell me he loves me? No. I must just be imagining it after that attack…
“Do you wanna lay down? You still haven’t gotten your color back, sweetheart,” he asks after a moment and I nod before slowly moving. 
I start to lay down with my cheek on his thigh and he lifts an arm before laying it on the upper part of my arm. I keep his jacket around me like a blanket and close my eyes as he starts to rub my head. He starts to hum one of the new songs he’s been working on and I let a light smile take form on my lips. Soon his humming stops and it grows quiet for a few minutes. I can only assume that we’re both desperate to think of a way out of this elevator, but the more I think about it the more panic starts to set in again. 
“J…?” I whisper out with a hoarse voice from crying and I move to look up at him. 
“What, sweetheart?” he asks as he looks down at me. 
“Can you please, please, please just distract me? The silence is driving me insane and I don’t wanna overthink everything,” I admit and he smiles softly at me. 
I push up off of him and he quickly wraps his arms around me, pulling me so I lean against him. I snuggle my face into his chest and he lets out a chuckle. 
“Sweets, that tickles,” he notes as he laughs and I just shrug. 
“Wait a minute, were you trying to do that?” he exclaims when he sees a coy smile on my lips. 
“Maybe… you deserve it, though!” I joke and he rolls his eyes. 
“Why! You sneaky little thing!” he shouts before he gives my side a little pinch. 
We laugh for a few minutes before it goes quiet again so I slap his shoulder. He rubs at the place before shaking his head. 
“What was that for?” he asks and I shrug. 
“Talk to me. I can’t do the silence,” I explain and he nods his head. 
“Ok. Ahh, let’s see… Do you remember freshman year homecoming?” he asks and I nod. 
“Yeah. You almost did a Steve that night and got into a fight with Jimmy Kavinsky, Peter‘s little brother,” I remark and he rolls his eyes. 
“I didn't turn into Steve! I would have done a lot better than my character in a fight,” he proclaims and I give him a ‘really?’ look. 
“Joe. Jimmy’s always been bigger than you,” I deadpan and he groans. 
“That’s not the point!” he shouts in frustration and I grab his hand. 
“Ok. I’m sorry. What was the point?” I ask him calmly and he smiles. 
“The point is that I was there with Sarah, but I thought you were the most beautiful girl there,” he exhales exasperatedly from how fast he had been talking, rolling his eyes at himself as I smile, squeezing his hand encouragingly. 
“Then when I saw the look you had when Jimmy ditched you for Victoria, all I wanted to do was beat him and make you smile again,” he continues shaking his head as he frowns. 
“It wasn’t right to me that he put a frown on your face. You should always have a smile and if anyone took that away…” he finishes off with a sigh while refusing to look at me and my eyes tear up for a second before I reach up for his cheeks.  
“Awe, Joe…” I coo softly at him as I jokingly move his face around for a second. “If it helps, I didn’t want to go with him in the first place…” I remark and he gives me a confused look. 
“What? But you talked about it for a week before he actually asked you,” he mutters and I shake my head, letting go of his face as I now play with a loose thread on my shorts. 
“I only decided to go with him because you hadn’t asked me yet, you doofus,” I joke with him, now finally looking at him again and he still looks confused, so I sigh. 
“Allison stupidly got it into my head that Jimmy liked me and that he should take me since you, and I quote, ‘oh so obviously’ weren’t going to ask apparently. So I became laser focused on him. As I do with everything I normally shouldn’t be focused on,” I explain with a light shrug and he perks up. 
“Wait, you wanted me to ask you?” he asks, eyes lighting up in excitement and I giggle. 
“Yes, Joe. I’ve only had a crush on you since we were ten, but who’s keeping track?” I joke with another lame shrug and he shakes his head. 
“Wait, so I could have asked and you would have said yes?!” he shouts in shock and I giggle, nodding. 
“Aww man, I’m such an idiot!” he exclaims as he rubs at his face, making me giggle again as I grab his hand and pull them away from his face. 
“If it makes you feel better, I couldn’t stop thinking how handsome you were that night. I also just wanted to just run my hands through your hair,” I explain with a light smirk and he chuckles. 
“What is it with you and my hair?” he asks me and I grin. 
“What?! It’s just so cute and soft…” I murmur and he chuckles. 
“It’s also not so bad when you have the Steve hair added to it after filming too,” I sheepishly admit and he smirks. 
“So you have a thing for my hair, huh? Well I actually have a thing for yours too,” he explains as he reaches out to toy with a strand of mine. 
“Your hair is actually just one of the many reasons I love you,” I whisper out as I look away. 
It’s quiet for a minute and I decide to chance a look at him. When I do, I see his mouth slightly parted in shock and his eyes wide. 
Was it really so bad that I love my best friend? 
“I…I’m sorry. You probably meant-” I start to try apologizing, but I’m cut off when he slams his lips into mine. 
At first I’m still in shock from being in the middle of saying something, but I slowly start to kiss back. My arms reach up and wrap around his neck as his hands stay firmly on my hips as he pulls me ever so closer. I find my hands moving up to grip his hair as he squeezes my hips. 
Kissing him brings a pleasant warmth to my chest as he brings his hand up to my neck and holds me even closer. I feel his thumb rub my neck ever so sweetly, making more and more butterflies swarm my stomach. The kiss only lasts a few more minutes before we both pull away, breathing heavily. 
He rubs his nose lightly against mine and I smile softly as his hand now lays on my cheek instead of my neck. He smiles softly as he pushes some of my hair out of my face and I feel a blush start to kick in so I shove my face into his neck, making him chuckle. 
“Why you hiding from me, huh?” he asks as he squeezes my shoulder and I blush harder, shaking my head. 
I start to say something, but get cut off by a loud ding and suddenly to our surprise, the doors of the elevator are sliding open. We both look up as they open, seeing Charlie and Natalia standing next to some paramedics. Slowly Joe helps me get up as he gets up too and he quickly hands me over to a paramedic. 
“You go get checked out. I’m going to talk with Charlie and possibly the technician over there,” Joe tells me, but I grip his hand and shake my head. 
“Not without you. Please…” I almost whimper, not wanting him to leave my side and he squeezes my hand. 
“Sweetheart, you're ok. I promise I’ll come right back over in a minute. Natalia, will you stay with her?” he asks her and she nods. 
“See, Natalia will be with you. I’ll be quick I promise, just wanna understand what happened,” he explains softly and I sigh, nodding before letting his hand go. 
“Come on. Let’s get you looked at, yeah?” Natalia asks as she guides me over to a chair and one of the paramedics comes over. 
“Hi. My name is Hen. I’m just gonna look you over and make sure you’re doing ok, alright, sweetie?” she questions and I nod to let her know that I’m ok with it. 
“What happened in there, y/n? Are you ok?” Natalia queries as she fusses over me while I take a seat in one of the lobby chairs. 
“I’m fine. Joe kept me sane,” I tell her as I look over at him and he looks over at us. 
“Omg! You guys kissed, didn't you?!” Natalia exclaims at me with her eyes wide. 
“No…” I reply, trailing off as I refuse to meet her eyes. 
“Oh they so did,” Hen comments with a chuckle and I feel a blush creep up my neck. 
“Ok… yeah, we did…” I admit, biting my lip and Natalia just grins. 
“Y/n. Oh my gosh. It’s actually happening. I knew you guys would end up together. I told you,” she excitedly pushes my shoulder lightly. 
“Yeah, yeah,” I reply with a playful eye roll. 
Hen now asks me questions, if I could breathe properly and checks my heart rate as well as checking my blood pressure. Natalia hovers and it makes me roll my eyes with fondness at how she worries over me. Charlie and Joe stand over to the side talking with the tech, but Joe keeps looking over at us every so often. 
“Well. You’re doing okay, I would just suggest that you rest up a bit after all this,” Hen informs me and I nod tiredly as I feel the exhaustion come over me. 
“And here, take this,” Hen adds as she holds out some Advil for me along with a water bottle. 
“How’d you know?” Natalia asks and Hen turns to look up at her. 
“How’d I know what?” Hen asks in confusion and Natalia points to the advil. 
“That she gets headaches after her panic attacks,” Natalia illuminates and Hen chuckles. 
“A lot of people tend to. If you’ve been hyperventilating or anything that includes losing breath, you cut off circulation to the brain so it’ll definitely pack on a headache,” Hen expertly explains and Natalia nods along. 
“That young man that was trapped with her asked my partner if we could make sure she got some just in case. He seems to know you and your panic attacks very well,” Hen tells us as she points over at Joe and I blush lightly. 
“He’s been with me though all of them,” I shyly reply and she smiles up at me before she starts to put some stuff back in her bag. 
“Well I’m glad you have someone to help you though. Not everyone does. Now get some rest, you’ll definitely feel a little drained,” Hen says as she finishes putting her stuff in her bag. 
“Oh, she will be,” Natalia promises, making Hen smile softly as she stands, nodding before she leaves us be. 
“He’s looking over here at you,” Natalia jokingly taunts me. 
“I’m sure he’s only-” I start to again deny anything, but she cuts me off. 
“Here he comes,” she excitedly tells me with a smile and I shake my head in disbelief at her. 
“Hey. How’s she doing?” Joe asks her as he walks up to us. 
“The paramedic said she’s doing just fine. She just suggested that she rests after the whole ordeal,” Natalia explains to him and I roll my eyes. 
“Talia, I have work in the morning. Most rest I’ll be getting is an hour's sleep at the most now,” I retort with annoyance clear in my voice. 
“What! But-” she goes to reprimand me, but she stops when a hand gets placed on her shoulder. 
“Natalia, I got this. We’ll see you soon okay?” Joe softly asks her and she sighs before nodding. 
“You make her rest, you hear me?” she asks him and he chuckles, throwing his hands up in surrender. 
“Don’t you worry. I definitely will be,” he promises her and she nods one last final time. 
“Good. Well then, I’ll leave you guys alone. Y/n, I better not see you on set at all today, got it?” she asks when she turns back to me and I sigh, nodding. 
“Good. Now go and get really rested up. I’ll see you soon,” Natalia finalizes with a smile before nodding and walking away. 
“Come on. Let’s get you home. You need rest,” Joe comments as he holds his hand out for me. 
“But J, I really need to just go home and change,” I reply and he shakes his head. 
“Why are you so stubborn? Let’s just get going, come on,” he groans out as he pulls me up and pulls me into his side as we start to walk. 
“Sweetheart…” Joe sighs out as we start to see his car and I let out a hum. 
“Please just call in sick. I’m sure the brothers will be okay with it. You really had a big one and need the rest,” Joe pleads with me as we get closer and closer to the car. 
“J. I’ll be okay. I’ve made it on set with only an hour’s worth of sleep before. I can live off of none at all,” I joke and he stops us, pulling my hand to make me stop. 
“Please just call in sick,” he begs again and I sigh, letting go of his hand to start walking without him. 
“J. Really, I’ll be okay,” I tell him as I now stand next to the car and I hear him groan in frustration. 
Suddenly I’m being pulled around and I look up into his eyes. I look at him in confusion with my lips parted from the light squeak I’d let out. I stare into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes that seem to be infused with a light green that I’d never noticed before and lose all thought as I only see pure worry swirling around.
“J… I’m okay…” I whisper out and he sighs, shaking his head. 
He doesn’t even say a word, but I let out a confused hum as he lightly pushes me against the car. His hands now find my waist as his lips find mine and my arms come up around his neck. He kisses me for a moment before pulling away, sighing as he leans his forehead against mine. 
“Let me reword that. Call in sick, stay home with me and we’ll cuddle all day and just spend the day together letting you rest,” he pleads with me one more time and then it clicks for me. 
“Okay… I think that we can do…” I whisper out and he slowly grins. 
“Yeah?” he asks and I smile, pecking his lips. 
“Yeah. Let’s go home,” I confirm and now all the worry has seemingly left his body. 
“Ok then. Let’s go home,” he happily agrees as he goes to pull away. 
“Wait,” I call out as I pull him back in. 
“What?” he asks and I just smirk at him. 
“I want another kiss,” I tell him as I rub my thumb along his cheek and he chuckles. 
“Okay…” he agrees before pulling me back into another kiss, but all too soon he pulls away again and I’m left groaning, making him laugh. 
“Come on, you nut. Let’s get you home,” he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“But I want more kisses,” I whine out and he shakes his head as he opens my door. 
“You can steal all the ones you want when we get home,” he tells me as I get in and I grin up at him. 
“You promise?” I playfully ask him and he chuckles, shaking his head again. 
“I swear on my life, sweetheart,” he promises before closing my door and running around to his side. 
“And you wanted to take the stairs…” he jokes with a playful roll of his eyes as he starts the car. 
“Oh…! You…” I call out in my shock as I smack his arm and he chuckles. 
“Hey. I’m just stating the truth,” he shrugs and I smile at him as I cuddle up to his arm. 
“Oh, would you just be quiet,” I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles again as he continues to drive. 
The End
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fridayth13 · 1 year
Hi! Can I request one of my favorite tropes: getting caught in the rain with Simeon and Diavolo?
—when you get caught in the rain
↳ diavolo and simeon × gn!reader (separately)
↳ genre: fluff | wordcount: 400+ | warnings: physical touch, playing in the rain (simeon)
↳ notes: sorry this took so long hdshkfdjdfhj but hi, thank you for the rq ^^ it was really fun once i actually got around to it hgdgjgdhhdh
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—diavolo: he gives you his jacket
"....oh dear."
he only wanted to walk you home :(
diavolo had worked tirelessly for the past week to get all his paperwork done so he could see you
this just happened to be the lucky day he finished early and found you before you left rad
well. it was lucky
and he supposed it still was.. besides the rain
really, he didn't mind so long as he got to be in your company.. but he wasn't entirely sure if you felt the same
you seemed to notice the disappointment on his face
"hey, it's alright. let's go find a cafe to take cover in for now. how about it?"
it was amazing how you could do that so easily, he couldn't help but think. you just seemed to take bad situations and make them better wherever you went
the smile that appeared on his face as he looked at you comes easily
diavolo chuckled to himself, quickly shrugging off his jacket as the rain started to grow a little heavier
he placed the jacket around you, pulling the collar over your head to cover you
his large hand finds the small of your back as he briskly walks you towards town
"that would be delightful, mc."
and now you have a happy diavolo <3
—simeon : he asks you to dance
well, simeon can't say he expected this, but he isn't too bothered
"rain certainly has its own timing, doesn't it?"
you and simeon found yourself stranded under a bus stop on the way to the library for a study session
thankfully, you didn't seem too perturbed about the situation either
"i used to want to play in the rain as a kid"
simeon smiled. "oh?"
"yeah.. i mean, who doesn't? seems like it'd be fun."
simeon hummed in agreement. then you watched as his expression lit up. the angel only laughs when you raise an eyebrow at his demeanor
"aha.. don't worry, don't worry. i just had an idea, is all."
"oh. what is it?"
"depends. do you still want to go out dancing in the rain?"
most angelic blessings don't really work on himself, but simeon was happy to give you a temporary shielding halo to act as a mini-umbrella
though simeon didn't quite enjoy his clothes sticking to his skin with the rainwater, he found that the excitement in your eyes was more than worth it
especially as he took your hand in his and pulled you into a twirl
why, he was so enamored with you, he couldn't bear to hide his delight when you decided to twirl him back right after
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dividers from @clutteredfun
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featheredclover · 25 days
September Rain
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Chapter Six
Also on Wattpad
Read from the beginning
Chapter Five> <Chapter Seven
“Topsy World it is” NK said, swinging his legs in the air.
Khushi walked over to the bunch sitting across the rocky ledge.
“Isn’t there also a water park somewhere inside that park?”
“Yes! Aqua Land! So don’t forget to pack your swimsuits” 
Mona raised an eyebrow,” How excited are you for this picnic ,NK?”
He grinned,”The second last one day trip before we get to go on weekend long trips? Hell yeah! I am excited “
Khushi giggled, “I have heard good things about the place”
“Aman is upset class 9 is going to a different place”
“I am not!”
Khushi climbed up, sliding beside Aman.
“It’s okay to be upset a little Aman”
He smiled, “I guess,K”
“So after lunch is the water park?” Preetika noted in her tiny book.
“What are you doing Preeto? Scheduling the picnic?” Mona scoffed.
Khushi hid her smile, while Preetika glared.
“Aah here comes the supermodel” NK whistled.
They twisted their necks as Lavanya Kashyap walked towards them, a dainty smile on her face.
“Hello guys” her voice settled down like mist against a window pane.
“Hi” , Khushi joined the chorus in a small voice.
“Arnav asked me to wait for him with you guys”, she shrugged.
“How nice,” Aman said dryly.
“Aha! Time for us to get to know each other more Lavanya “ NK grinned
“You can sit with us, you know ? Climb up!”
“No thanks NK, I don’t feel like sitting”
Khushi found herself rolling her eyes as her friends kept on asking Lavanya mundane questions. She desperately wished for Arnav to come and occupy his girl’s attention.
“So Khushi ? Aman tells me you are leading the dance club with him”
Startled at the sudden spotlight on her, she fell quiet for an awkward moment.
“Um yes Lavanya. Are you interested?”
“I don’t know. I did Bharatanatyam like you for a couple of years. But I don’t know if I should take up this or polo”
“Oh, you should take up polo! I could help you “ Preetika clapped.
“Thank you Preetika “ Lavanya shot her a charming smile.
Khushi looked up as she heard footsteps. 
“Hi everyone “ Arnav huffed out, catching his breath.
“You were in a hurry to get here, hah?” NK raised a brow.
Arnav laughed, “I am just getting away from Bakshi sir! He has been paranoid ever since green won against yellow ”
Khushi looked away as the thoughts of the last game flooded her mind.
“Eviscerated yellow house, you mean? We crushed them!” Mona laughed.
“Isn’t someone a little too smug for a match she didn’t play?” Aman teased.
“Ask Khushi! We brought luck to the team simply with our presence!”
“Khushi? You watched the match?” , the incredulity evident in NK’s voice.
“Yes. So?”
“So?” Aman chuckled, “You have never been at anything except the-“
“Finals”, Arnav interrupted. 
She didn’t need to look around to know she was bearing the brunt of all eyes.
“Things change”, she shrugged. 
Her eyes unwillingly met his. The storm visible in his depths. 
Her fingers skimmed over the thick bindings, searching for something. Something which will last her for a week. Khushi looked up, to see golden letters gleaming from the bind of a brown leather bound. 
She rose on tiptoes, an arm stretching out,a frown marring her face as she tried to reach it.
A warm breath of air grazed her neck. A shiver ran down her spine as her book was grabbed.
“Here” Arnav said hoarsely, “Jane Austen again?”
“Yes” Khushi whispered, “That one was ‘Pride and Prejudice’”
“Aah! Both your signature qualities !”
He grinned slyly, as she gasped in outrage.
“What the hell Arnav!”
Mrs. Roy’s disapproving glare was enough to stop their bickering. 
Sticking a tongue out at him, she brushed past him and placed the book on the desk.
“Miss Khushi I admire your reading habits but whenever Mr Raizada accompanies you,you spoil the sanctity of this library “ 
“Sorry ma’am, I am to be blamed” Arnav intervened charmingly, “And oh! The sanctity of this place is too strongly maintained by you to be broken by us!”
“Shoo off boy!” A rare smile broke across Mrs. Roy’s face.
Khushi stared at their entwined hands. Arnav had not let her have a moment of respite since they got out of the library. Her hand was quickly grabbed. And now, she was being dragged across campus.
She knew where they were heading. She knew they had to talk. But fear gripped her heart as she felt this could end up being worse for them. What if he confirmed her suspicions? Her hand turned rigid as an unpleasant feeling flooded her body. She was distracted as she felt Arnav clutching her hand tighter. 
She sighed. He was going to make it happen. Come hell or high water!
The bricks were home, Khushi thought as she climbed up the stairs, took off her bag and settled down in her usual spot, leaning against the wall.
Arnav smiled at her woebegone expression. He reached into his bag. And then brandished two sodas before her.
He threw his bag aside and settled down beside her.
“Thanks”, she cracked it open against the wall and took a deep sip.
“How was Payal di’s party?”
“You wouldn’t have had to ask me, had you been there”
Arnav looked away.
“You missed me?”
Khushi paused. She didn’t want to be flippant with him anymore.
Hearing his breath hitch, she felt her heart go a mile a minute.
“I am sorry Khushi” , he held her hand, “I just couldn’t come and be- be normal. I knew we couldn’t talk the way I wanted us to, had I been there. I was just too angry to see things clearly”
“So you admit you were unreasonable that day?” She raised a brow.
He frowned, “No. I wasn’t “
“Khushi, let me explain, “ he said as she struggled to free her hand.
“You’ll explain?”, she gave him a dubious look.
“Yes, just let me speak”
“Okay” she grumbled.
“I don’t like Dhruv. And I hate that he has asked you to attend every match of his. But because you want to be there for him, I won’t say anything again. But…I just want us to be us. If you are going to the ground, I would want you to tell me and not scatter off without a word!”
Khushi smiled at his exasperation.
“Dhruv is just the sub captain of our house, Arnav. He wants to be the captain next year. And if he feels, having visible supporters will help him win,I have to go, as his friend. I didn’t mean to brush you off but…”
“Lavanya is not my girlfriend “
She froze. Clutching her skirt, she felt cold. Her stomach was not being her friend.
“Khushi, she is new here. And we talked while I was showing her around. Her parents…NK must have told you. They are having an ugly divorce. It’s all in the papers. And she is getting stuck in between their fights . It was actually her grandmother who felt she would feel better here, away from the mess.”
She sighed, “I understand “
“And she is so reserved that she doesn’t even want to talk to other girls in our house. Even with NK and Aman around, she will fall silent! I just wanted to get her out of her shell. I feel sorry for her Khushi. And yesterday, I told her to go wait for me with you guys, so that she could make some friends”, Arnav shrugged.
She bit her lip.
“I get it, Arnav. I had just never seen you so occupied. I felt…that everything was changing. We were changing. And I was- I was simply upset”
A breath of air huffed out of her as Arnav mauled her into a hug.
“Never! We are never going to change Khushi “ his furious whisper reached her ears and calmed her heart.
She clutched him tightly, ignoring the flutter of butterflies in her stomach.
Everything felt right again. 
Under the dome, against the evening sky, they held each other, waiting for the twilight to chase away the sun.
Next chapter>>
@hand-picked-star @phuljari @msbhagirathi @thenainitaldisaster @thedupattaknowswhatsup @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @barshifan @andli @shiyaravi @chutkiandchotte @laad-governess @minpdnim @bigfatreader @arshiradio @simplycurlz @scorpio-smiles @bengudill @exosexosekai @0218fm
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 4 months
May Writing Challenge Day 17, 18!
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Pairing: Detective Loki x Male Reader Summary: A conversation with your partner Words: 600/200 Warnings: mention of an old lady calling you a girl, use of Y/N once Notes: I'm not feeling very :) today
☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
“You should’ve let me buy drinks.” You pout down at your coffee, it was lukewarm and tasted vaguely of plastic and was very unpleasant to drink. “Why? The shit they have at the station is just fine.” You look over at David and gawk – “Just fine? Are you crazy?” He huffs and shakes his head, chewing thoughtfully on the toothpick in his mouth. “No, seriously.” You set your cup of very disgusting coffee in the free cup holder and remove your seatbelt so you can twist your body to face him. The click of your seatbelt draws his attention and David looks down at the pretensioner and back up at your face. Your gut fills with butterflies at his gaze but you ignore them and press on, “Did all that smoking kill your taste buds or something?” He shakes his head and huffs, a small smile working up on his face. 
“Sit back in your seat.” You shake your head definitely, – “No.” – “Why not?” You cross your arms. “Because I want to get to the bottom of why you like this shit.” David looks back at you and shifts the toothpick over to the other side of his mouth, “You can do that while sitting in your seat.” – “I am in my seat.” David gives you a warning glare. “Not the right way. Now come on–” He reaches over and pushes on your shoulder firmly to try and get you back in your seat. The touch erupts a fire in your stomach, David was never one to be touchy and every time he did touch you it almost felt electric. You huff and sit back in your seat, he nods affirmingly and looks back out of the windshield. 
You leave your seatbelt buckled behind your back as to not set the warning off, not wanting to give David another reason to kick you out and into the pouring rain. “Try this and tell me it's good” You hold out your cup of offensive coffee, he looks down at it with an eyebrow raised and takes a sip. You see the grimace on his face before he has time to hide it and – “Aha! See? It's bad.” – “It's bad, yeah.” He nods and sets your coffee back into the cupholder. After his agreement you both settle into a comfortable silence, “You know that old lady?” He looks over at you as you break the silence. “Which old lady, Y/N?” He sighs – “The one that moved in next to you.” He raises his brow at you and studies your face as if he's trying to predict where this might go. 
“Every time I go  over to your place she's always out on her rocking chair,” You reach over to turn the speed of his wipers up, as the rain comes down harder. “And every time she sees me she asks me the same question.” – “Which is?” You look over at David from the windshield, he doesn't look amused at all, but he never looks amused. “She always asks if I'm your wife.” David snorts and shakes his head, “That's not real.” You nod enthusiastically, “Oh, it so is. She calls me a pretty young lady and everything.” He shakes his head again and puts the car in drive. “You’re lying to me, and you wanna know how I know?” – “Yeah? How?” He grins and your heart starts beating faster. “Cause you’d make one ugly woman.” You guffaw and scoff dramatically, “You are so mean to me David.” You aren't really mad, you find it hard to be when he's chuckling like that.
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stobinesque · 1 year
@steddie-week day 3: first kiss | 2.1k words | G or T
Steve and Robin were about halfway through a rewatch of Clue when the phone rang, and Steve was across the living room before it was halfway through its second ring. “What’s wrong?” He asked without preamble. His heart was already racing; too anxious to consider the possibility that it could be someone calling for his parents—or even that it might be a non-emergency call. It was past ten already, and most of The Party should have at least been pretending to sleep by then.
“Steve?” The voice on the other end of the line was a bit distant—drowned out by the staticky sound of rain hitting pavement.
“Eddie? Are you alright? Where are you? Did something happen?”
Eddies’ van was out of commission, so he’d been relying on rides from Steve and the rest of the Corroded Coffin crew to get him to and from places for the past few weeks. If he was out somewhere and in trouble, he was stranded there.
“Yeah—I-I mean, no. Nothing—nothing happened. Just—could you come get me?”
“Yeah, of course. Where are you?”
“I’m out at The Hideout.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be there in ten—maybe fifteen minutes.”
“You don’t have to—”
“I said I’d be there in ten, Eddie.”
Steve hung up the receiver and turned to make for the foyer to find Robin standing behind him—jacket on, back slung over one shoulder, and a pair of his shoes in one hand. “Picking Eddie up?”
“Yeah.” Steve took the shoes from her hands gratefully, and started pulling them on.
“Can you drop me off on the way without slowing yourself down?”
“Yeah, I budgeted Robin home-delivery time just in case.”
“Well, hop to it then, dingus.”
When Steve pulled up in front of The Hideout after dropping off a surprisingly acquiescent Robin (Eddie needs you more than I do right now, dingus), it was to find Eddie sitting atop one of the wheel stops of The Hideout’s small lot, looking like a drowned rat. 
Eddie was up and yanking open the door to the beamer before Steve could so much as put it in park, and Steve pulled out of the lot as soon as Eddie had his seat belt buckled across him.
“You okay, mann?”
Eddie shrugged.
“What happened?”
“Don’t really wanna talk about it right now.”
Steve nodded. “Okay.”
“Sorry to interrupt movie night with the missus.”
Steve laughed. “She already forgives you. Provided that you were actually having a crisis and not just faking one as a ploy to get me alone with you.”
That startled a laugh out of Eddie in turn, and he turned in his seat to shoot Steve a mischievous grin. “Now, does that sound like something I would do, sweetheart?”
“According to Robin? Yes.”
“Ah, I see who the brains of the operation is, then.”
“Was that in question?”
“Well—whether or not there was a brain behind you and Robin’s whole deal was a little up in the air.”
Steve snorted. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
Silence fell between the two of them, and twenty seconds in Eddie started rooting around in Steve’s glove compartment.
“Dude. What are you doing?”
“I’m looking for a tape in here that doesn’t suck, man!”
“What are you talking about? We have, like, half the same taste in music!”
“Yeah, but the only thing you keep in your car are mixtapes! And I’m sorry, Steve, but some of the things the kids have made you are—objectively speaking—extremely cursed.”
“You could put in the one Robin made.”
“It’s hilarious that you think there’s only one Robin mixtape in here. But also: I’m not in the mood for Cyndi Lauper.”
“Cyndi Lauper’s not in the mood for you,” Steve snarked under his breath—more because he knew that’s what Robin would say if she was in the car with them than for any other reason. Raising his voice so that Eddie knew it was meant to be heard, he added, “I think there might be one from Jon in there?”
Eddie wrinkled his nose. “Eugh. No thanks. My night’ been shit enough.” He kept rooting around for another minute or two, until— “Aha!” he emerged triumphant, an sparsely labeled tape held aloft in one hand. It looked like one that Steve had made for himself years ago—long before he’d gone knocking on the supernatural’s door. If he was guessing right, it was a mix of Queen, Bowie, and Fleetwood Mac. “How have I never found this one before?” Eddie asked.
“Because in spite of your loud protestations to the contrary, you usually just let whatever music is playing in the car happen to you.”
Eddie gave a considering hum as he stuffed his find into the tape deck. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
The two of them fell silent again as “The Chain” poured from the speakers, and the rest of the ride passed without conversation, the only sounds between them besides the music was the steady beat of rain against the windshield, and Eddie’s fingers drumming along to the beat of the song.
Steve killed the engine as he pulled up in front of the Munsons’ trailer. 
“Thanks for the ride,” Eddie said, pulling a strand of hair out to cover his mouth as he did so.
“Yeah—any time, dude.”
Eddie made to get out of the car, but froze in place as he leaned half-in, and half-out. “Could you—wanna come in?” There was a put-upon air of casualness to his tone in a way that made Steve suspect that he was being asked to stay the night. He wasn’t sure why Eddie felt so shy about the request, though—it wasn’t like this would be the first time.
“Oh. Yeah, man. Of course.” All he ever wanted was to be helpful. So Steve took his keys from the ignition, and trailed after Eddie as he led them both inside.
Eddie started peeling out of his soaked clothes before the front door had finished closing behind them, and made a beeline for his bedroom so he could pull on a pair of boxers and a bleach-stained t-shirt, before flopping down onto his bed. Steve followed after him, toeing his shoes off inside the door, and crawling into bed beside Eddie once he was finished changing.
"Wanna talk about it now?" he asked, as Eddie tucked himself up against his side.
Eddie shrugged. He took one of Steve's hands into both of his own and started idly playing with his fingers. "Bad date."
"Oh yeah? People aren't going mad over a metalhead who was only recently cleared of all murder charges?"
Eddie shoved at him. "Low blow, Harrington."
Steve stole his hand back to hold both of them up in surrender. "Sorry, man."
Eddie yanked Steve's hand back and held it covetously in both of his own, and Steve reached down with his own free one to tangle it into Eddie's wild mane of curls, which were still damp from the rain. "Whatever, dude. It wasn't that. He just…he was just kind of an asshole.” Eddie shrugged again, sounding a little resigned. “The regular kind."
Steve was silent, but ruffled his hand through Eddie's hair in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. 
"I just…I don't know. I don't know why I even bother trying to go out on dates at this point.”
"Yeah, it's like…I don't know. Just feels like I'm chasing after something I'm never gonna find."
"I get that," Steve said, tone soft and understanding.
"Really? Figured you'd have people falling all over you."
Steve snorted. "I don't think I've gone on a date since I went to the championship game with Heidi back in March."
Eddie jerked a little in Steve’s grip. "Why not?" He sounded…genuinely very confused.
Steve shrugged. "I don't know, I just…haven’t really felt like it. Honestly, I’d already felt like I was circling the drain back at that point.”
They both went quiet, Steve still running one hand through Eddie’s hair, and Eddie still tangled his fingers through those of Steve’s other hand. 
“So, how do you…?” Steve trailed off with a frown, unsure of how or whether he should finish his question.
“How do I…?”
“How do you, y’know, find guys? To go out with? Who you aren’t scared of knocking your lights out, that is.”
Eddie shifted in Steve’s arms to get a better look at him. “Wait, wait. Have you not been on a date with another guy yet, Harrington?”
“Then how did you—?”
“How did I, what?” Steve felt a little on edge; a little on the defensive. Like there was some unseen standard he wasn’t living up to.
“How’d you figure out you were into them, then?” Eddie sounded a little bewildered. A lot incredulous. “Figured you were the victim of a drunken make-out discovery or something.”
Steve laughed, because that did sound like him, but— “Nope. Never been kissed.” He tilted his head toward Eddie with a little smirk. “By a guy, that is.”
Eddie propped himself up on one arm and stared at Steve like he was a puzzle to be solved, and there was a glint in his eye that made the hair along the back of Steve’s neck stand on end. “D’you wanna be?”
Steve’s heart skipped a bit, and his hand stilled in Eddie’s hair. “Uh…what do you mean?”
“Do you wanna be kissed? By a guy?”
Steve laughed, feeling awkward. “Are you offering?”
Eddie shrugged, just a touch too casual. “Sure, why not?”
“I don’t know. Wouldn't it be weird?”
“Doesn’t have to be weird if you don’t make it weird, man.”
Steve turned that over. It’s not like he and Eddie didn’t already spend most of the time they spent alone together tangled up in one another. There was a quasi-romantic edge to their friendship that Steve wasn’t really used to—well. Except for with Robin. But that was different, for obvious reasons. And, granted, the dynamic between him and Tommy had been…intense, but it still hadn’t felt like this. 
Regardless—kissing Eddie wouldn’t change anything about their friendship if they didn’t want it to. “I guess you’re right.”
Eddie half-turned in Steve’s arms. “Yeah?”
Steve repositioned himself so that they were facing each other, hitching one shoulder up in a nonchalant little shrug. “Sure, why not?” he parroted back.
Eddie smiled, and it made his whole face go soft and gentle in a way that had Steve’s stomach twisting up in knots. Oh, he’s beautiful.
Eddie reached up to tuck a lock of hair behind Steve’s ear, and then let his hand drift along the line of Steve’s jaw until he was gently gripping his chin between two fingers. Steve’s lips parted in anticipation, and the two of them breathed into the silent space they’d created between them. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, and his arms breaking out in goosebumps.
It didn’t make any sense though. It wasn’t like it was his real first kiss. And he’d known he was attracted to men for ages, even if he’d never acted on it. It wasn’t even exactly news to him that he found Eddie attractive. But…none of their interactions had been this charged before.
Eddie closed the space between them, and pressed a gentle, but firm kiss to Steve’s lips, grinding the trajectory of Steve’s thoughts to a halt. It was a simple kiss. And it could have remained like that—soft, sweet, and almost chaste—except that Steve couldn’t hold back a sharp gasp in response, as his breath hitched in his throat. 
He should pull back. He knew he should pull back—but he’d always been greedy, and Eddie was making no move to put any distance between the two of them either. So Steve surged forward, capturing Eddie’s lips into a more passionate kiss, and savoring the small whine it elicited. Eddie gave as good as he got, winding an arm around Steve’s waist, and slotting a thigh between both of Steve’s legs with a force that startled a little “Mmpf!” from him. 
All in all, the kiss probably lasted little more than a few moments. But for all Steve knew, whole civilizations could have risen and fallen in that soft, gray space of time he and Eddie had their lips pressed together. 
He wasn’t sure who finally broke away, but once they did, both of their breaths came short and heavy.
“That was…really good?” Steve said, a high-pitched note of giddiness and wonder in his tone. 
Eddie smiled with cheshire-style grin, eyelids heavy and low. “Yeah? Wanna make it even better?”
Steve smiled right back. “I think I might.”
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anothermonikan · 5 months
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They're so delightful
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illuminatedquill · 11 months
Sabine Wren x Ezra Bridger
Murley and Me
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Story Summary: During a dark and stormy night on Lothal, Sabine finally tells Ezra the story of how she met her beloved loth-cat, Murley.
Rain and wind spattered unceasingly against the watchtower's windows but the old structure still held firm after all these years; it had survived the worst of the Empire - a mere thunderstorm, no matter how powerful, would not cause it to topple.
Sabine sat on the couch, her feet propped up on the living room table, enjoying the particularly cozy feeling of being safe inside shelter while a storm raged outside.
It's a feeling as universal as the Force, she mused. Must be.
On the ledge of a nearby window sill, Murley - her loth-cat - perched silently and watched the rain and flashes of lightning with avid interest. Sabine smiled fondly.
There was a gentle thunk on the table and she felt the warm, loving presence of her husband, Ezra Bridger, join her on the couch. She looked over to the table and found the familiar sight of his holo-recording from so many years ago laying there.
"Whoa," she said, eyes widening. "Where'd you find that? Thought I'd lost it."
"Dug it out of a drawer. Let's see if it still plays - aha." Ezra pushed the power button and, sure enough, the recording came to life. It was a surreal sight for Sabine to watch the current, older Ezra watch his younger self on the message.
He gazed at the recording, a soft smile appearing on his face. "You were watching this a lot, huh," he said without looking at her.
Sabine felt her cheeks grow hot. "What makes you say that?" she asked, trying to play it cool.
"You're mouthing the words along with the recording. You've got the whole message memorized, I bet."
Embarrassed, Sabine just let out a scoff and turned her face away to hide the full-on blush. "Only watched it if I needed something to laugh at."
"Hmmm, nice to know it was good for something at least," Ezra replied. He sighed and leaned back into the couch, wrapping an arm around her. "I leave you alone for a couple years and you were busy swooning over a younger man the whole time."
Sabine let out a laugh. "Well," she admitted, "he was pretty cute."
Ezra raised an eyebrow. "Cute? That's it? That's all it takes to get your attention?"
She elbowed him. "Watch it."
Ezra chuckled, rubbing his side. Sabine grinned at him, before leaning deeper into his embrace.
They sat like that for a few moments, listening to the thunderstorm rage outside. Murley, hearing the commotion, decided to join them at the couch; Sabine heard the mewling and looked down to see the loth-cat looking curiously up at them.
"Hey, buddy," she said. "Want to join in the cuddle?"
Murley cocked his head at her, eyes bright. His tail wagged eagerly.
"Alright, then." She reached over to the table, grabbing his favorite pillow and then placed it on her lap.
Sabine patted the pillow. "You can come up now."
The loth-cat bounded up to the couch and kneaded at the pillow before curling up on Sabine's lap. She gave him some affectionate scratches on his tummy, as way of thanks. "Good boy, Murley," she cooed.
Murley purred his gratitude in reply.
Ezra watched them both with a warm smile. "You know," he said, "I just realized you never told me how you met Murley."
Sabine's hand froze for a second, hovering just above Murley's exposed stomach for another round of scratches.
Outside, thunder rumbled.
"Oh, yeah," she said, a little too casually. "It's not a big deal."
One of the problems with having a Jedi husband, however, was that you were never completely alone.
Ezra raised an eyebrow and said, wryly, "I caught that."
Sabine grimaced. Sometimes she missed having her thoughts and feelings to herself.
"Look," she admitted, "it's not an . . . easy story to tell. I'm not - I don't want you to know."
Sabine looked her husband straight in the eye. "Because I'm ashamed."
"About meeting Murley? Or something else?"
Sabine replied, hesitantly, "Murley . . . saved my life."
Ezra frowned. She could feel his worry wrapping around her in the Force, probing at the edges of her mind - but he stayed quiet.
"Saved your life from . . . who?" asked Ezra.
Sabine kept her focus on the sleeping loth-cat when she replied, "From myself."
"If you don't want to talk about it, I will respect that," said Ezra after a while.
Sabine took a deep breath and kept petting a sleeping Murley on her lap, thinking.
After a long moment of listening to the rain falling outside, she said, slowly, "Maybe it's time."
She felt Ezra's gaze but continued to focus on the loth-cat on her lap.
"Sabine. If you're not sure - "
She snorted. "I'm never sure. But we're married now. No sense in keeping secrets."
Sabine leaned back into her husband's embrace, letting his love and sincerity and devotion flow in, filling the dark cracks opening around the edges of her memory.
One of the benefits of having a Jedi husband, she thought contentedly, was that you were never completely alone.
"Ready when you are," said Ezra. "Otherwise, I'm about to join Murley and fall asleep over here."
She reached down and pinched his leg.
Sabine smiled and began to speak.
"Before Ahsoka came to me with the map to Peridea, I was searching all over the galaxy for leads; leads on the purrgils, leads on Thrawn, leads on you. Anything I could find."
"There were whole months that went by without anything popping up. And I just . . . stayed here. Waiting. I didn't leave the watchtower unless there was another lead that came up worth investigating. I just . . . holed up in here. Absent from everything else."
Sabine closed her eyes, remembering the mounting desperation she felt with each passing day; the frustration that threatened to boil over when her attempts at finding clues to Ezra's whereabouts ultimately lead to nowhere.
And she remembered how empty the watchtower was whenever she came back. How the hole inside her widened more with each day of Ezra's absence with the realization that he was still not there.
She took a deep breath and continued. "All that mattered was finding you. Nothing else. I didn't eat much or sleep or . . . I wasn't really much of a person during those years."
Even through the Force, Sabine couldn't gauge Ezra's reaction. Something dark began coalesce beneath the currents of worry and reassuring love, but she couldn't get a proper feel for it.
She plowed on. "It was such a waste of time and credits, in hindsight. None of the leads panned out. Some of them were traps, actually; word had begun to spread among the seedier types in the galaxy that a Mandalorian was venturing out by her lonesome and they saw an opportunity to score a lucrative payday if they took my beskar armor."
Finally, Ezra stirred. "Were you ever hurt?"
Sabine gave her husband a cross look. "Ezra."
He snorted. "Right. What was I thinking?" His face turned serious for a moment, his eyes probing. "Others were hurt, though."
Sabine grimaced. "Yeah . . . I tried to minimize the damage, but the pirates started getting more determined with each encounter. Innocents started getting in the cross-fire. I had to stop leaving Lothal after a while, permanently."
"Where does Murley come into this?"
The loth-cat in question snuffled in his sleep; Sabine resumed petting him. "Every time I returned from these trips, this mangy loth-cat was waiting for me inside the watchtower."
Ezra raised an eye-brow. "He got in? How?"
Sabine shrugged. "Not a clue. I kept checking and re-checking every possible way he could get in and making sure it was air-tight. Murley kept finding a way in."
Murley popped open a curious eye at the mention of his name. She blew a kiss at him.
"Smart loth-cat," mused Ezra.
"Annoying, too," muttered Sabine. "He always brought in something with him: sticks, bits of machinery that I didn't recognize, random credit chips, some clothes - even one time, a dead womp rat."
"A womp rat?" Ezra's voice was incredulous. "I don't think those are native on Lothal."
She shook her head. "I have no idea where he was getting all this stuff. Or why this weird loth-cat kept appearing in my home and giving me this stuff."
Ezra looked thoughtful for a second and then said, quietly, "I think he was trying to take care of you, Sabine."
She looked at him, startled. "Take care of me?"
"Loth-cats are inquisitve creatures, you know. Smart and observant. He was bringing things he thought you needed. Random machine parts since you're always tinkering away on something; credit chips, he'd probably seen people in the capital using those to buy stuff; clothes, being an obvious point; even the dead womp rat, for food."
"And the sticks?"
Gently, Ezra reached over and petted Murley on the head. "I think he wanted to play."
Sabine stared down at the loth-cat in her lap, feeling dumb-struck. "I should have been nicer to him."
"Did you give him the boot every time he showed up?"
"No - I fed him, but I never let him stay." All those years he kept showing up . . . the guilt surged deep inside her. "I'm such an idiot. I was so mean."
Ezra gripped her hand. "You were barely taking care of yourself. Murley would have been an added strain," he said, carefully.
"Maybe," Sabine replied, uncertainly.
"And it all worked out for the best. He's here now, right?"
Sabine took a deep breath, re-asserting control over her surging emotions. "Right."
"So," Ezra said. "What's this deep, dark memory of you and Murley?"
Sabine leaned back and was quiet for a long couple moments. Ezra just watched her.
Finally she said, "I mentioned before how the leads were starting to get dangerous."
"The last one - it turned really ugly. I stopped leaving Lothal after that. Some minor Outer Rim wannabe crime lord named Huxley. Lured me into his bar and then sicced some salvaged commando battle droids from the Clone Wars on me and the customers inside."
Ezra winced. Sabine closed her eyes, the flashes of blaster-fire and screaming still easily remembered from that terrible battle.
"I tried to save who I could."
"How many?"
Her voice was bitter, as she replied, "Not enough."
"I took out all the droids and - and I made my way to Huxley. The moment the battle turned he fled to some hideaway safe room inside his bar. Triple lined reinforced blast doors and walls that could withstand a direct bombing from an Imperial Star Destroyer."
She smiled grimly. "But they weren't lightsaber proof. So, I started cutting my way to him. Took a solid ten minutes with how thick those doors were, but I made it through."
"I got inside. He was there, on his knees; begging for his miserable life."
Sabine could still see the face of Huxley; how the green light from her blade had cast a sickly pallor over the crime lord's face, shiny with tears and sweat. She could remember the quiet, deadly hum of the blade; how cool the metal felt in her grip.
The cold, deadly feeling rising like smoke in her heart. Choking her inhibitions, making her want to lash out at this pathetic excuse of a person.
"Did you kill him?" asked Ezra, quietly.
"No," said Sabine. "I couldn't. I don't know what stopped me."
She thought for a moment and then corrected herself. "No, wait - I know what it was. It was your lightsaber. I remembered Ahsoka's teachings that a Jedi's lightsaber was only raised in defense, as a last resort."
"And . . . it was your lightsaber. At least, I thought of it as being your lightsaber still. You gave it to me. I knew how much that meant - and the responsibility that came with it. I didn't want to - I mean, I knew you wouldn't want it used that way."
"So you left?" asked Ezra.
"I told Huxley that I didn't want to see his ugly mug ever again or I'd finish what I started and then I helped the customers caught in the crossfire to the best of my ability. And then, yeah, I left."
In her lap, Murley stretched with a massive yawn, and then sat upright. Sabine patted his head for a moment before continuing.
"Getting home was the bad part. The battle - all those leads coming to nothing. And people were getting hurt. And you were still missing but I knew that I had to stop poking around - " She stopped, choking on the rest. With a grim resignation, Sabine pushed forward with the rest of it.
"I had to stop, Ezra. That was it, the end of it," she finished. Even now, the echoes of hopelessness and raw, red rage were still felt all these years later. How it poisoned her.
"I was so tired. I was so angry; I felt like something was going to rip out of my chest if I didn't do something. I got back to the watchtower and I just . . . snapped. I wrecked everything."
Sabine looked at her hands, not realizing they had become clenched into fists. "I didn't stop until my hands were bleeding. I don't remember when it happened; I don't even remembering feeling the pain."
Ezra said, quietly, "And then?"
"I exhausted myself. Sat down on a chair that I hadn't broken and just . . . I was just there. Feeling miserable. Feeling tired. Feeling beaten."
Sabine swallowed hard. "Feeling low."
"I looked over and saw one of my blasters on the floor nearby. Next thing I know, I picked it up. And I was just . . . thinking. Staring at the blaster in my hand and thinking in the same vicious circles."
Her face was scrunched up, trying to get the words out.
"You were going to use it," said Ezra.
"Maybe. Yes. I don't know," confessed Sabine. "Never found out because next thing I know, I heard your voice."
"My voice?" asked Ezra, surprised.
"Yeah." She pointed at his old recording. "Coming from that."
Murley mewled and she returned to petting him again. "This loth-cat had snuck in again and turned it on. And . . . it woke me up. I realized what I was about to do."
Even now, she felt the wave of horrible realization and disgust at herself like a shock of ice cold water. How close she'd come to ending it.
"I dropped the blaster and just listened to your recording again. Wasn't the words that did it, just hearing you speak . . . it reminded me of what I was supposed to do. I had to find you; bring you home."
Sabine looked fondly at her loth-cat. "And Murley was the one who gave me that reminder. When I needed it the most. After that night, I kept him."
"Proddings of the Force, maybe," suggested Ezra.
"Maybe," agreed Sabine. "It's stupid but . . . for a while, I wanted to believe that you sent Murley. To keep me company."
"I'm not that talented in the Force," replied Ezra, wryly.
They sat there, together, for a few quiet moments and then - like an enormous weight lifting, Sabine realized that was it.
She had told her story to Ezra. The one she was most ashamed about.
"Huh," she said. "That was easier than I thought."
"Talking honestly with your husband? Yeah, I'd imagine so," said Ezra. "You probably should do it more often."
Sabine snorted and turned to give her husband a sarcastic remark -
Only to see Ezra crying.
She reached out and cupped his face, alarmed. "Ezra, what's wrong?"
"I asked too much of you," he said, quietly. "It almost killed you."
And then she finally recognized the dark emotion swirling behind his usual love and concern - it was guilt.
Ezra blamed himself for what she suffered during those long years apart. Sabine's heart twisted in grief.
"No," she replied, firmly. "Ezra, listen to me. It was not a burden, do you understand?" She was crying too, now. But she didn't stop the tears.
"I would have always gone looking for you. It was my own problems and failings that made it harder than it should have been."
He nodded. "I'm sorry - this isn't about me. You're the one who was hurting," he said. "I just can't help feel responsible for what happened."
"You weren't," she responded. "You were my purpose. Am I clear?"
Ezra nodded again and took a moment to compose himself. "Are you feeling better now? Are you in less pain?" he asked.
Sabine let out a genuine laugh, despite the tears. "I found you. You came home. We beat Thrawn. We fell in love. We're married."
She pulled him close and placed a warm kiss on his lips. "I'd say, yes, Ezra Bridger. I am much happier now."
"Nice to know that our marriage is in your top five," observed Ezra with a small smile.
"Well, it was exciting to see another galaxy," conceded Sabine. "If we got married on Peridea, maybe it would have spiced things up for me."
Ezra snorted and pulled his wife in for another kiss. "If you want to spice things up, then all you need to do is ask, my dear."
The next morning, Sabine woke in the early hours. The storm had passed and a new day was dawning on Lothal.
She found Murley sitting in his usual spot by the window, waiting for the sunrise. He purred as she approached.
"I never said it before, but I'll say it now," Sabine whispered to the loth-cat. "Thank you for saving my life, Murley."
Murley looked back at her with bright eyes. She gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. "Don't tell Ezra, but you're still my favorite."
The sun broke over the horizon, casting the interior in a warm, golden glow. Sabine sat on the window sill next to Murley and they watched the sunrise, together.
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Hiii I love your works and keep up the good work!!!
This is my first time requesting something XD
I wanna request Ryusui from Dr.stone with the prompt "dancing in the rain"? Like- they are wrapped in each other's arms dancing together with no care in the world? ❤️❤️
I would be really pleased if you do this thank youu🫶🫶
Thank you so much! You did great at requesting! it is an honor to write your first one!
I hope you enjoy this one as well my dear! please let me know what you think!
I may or may not have exaggerated a bit. i changed it a bit, just a little bit.
Tsuki's note: i am not a manga reader so this may be coming out of nowhere on the timeline. Also, reader fixes things beacuse yes, imagine you are learning with Kaseki here. i am an engineer and i like to fix things. I projected a bit, just for the sake of plot.
Tsuki's note: i really love ryusui and i feel like i won't make him justice.... *sigh* lets see how it goes...
You were finishing a few touches in the perseus. Usually the one who did this was Kaseki, but he was busy with helping Senku with another insane project, so you took it upon yourself to finish the boat's maintenance.
Anytime you were at it, it wasn't uncommon at all to have Ryusui walking around the boat. You always took it as him being patient with wanting to sail again or just checking on your work - how it was compared to Kaseki, maybe.
But you paid him no mind. At times you would also see Francois, and they usually had something for you - some water, some cookies, something.
This time around, he was actually helping with something - Ryusui was carrying around some supply boxes, it wasn't like Taiju and Tsukasa weren't around, so you guessed he young master just felt like doing something.
The wheater was getting bad very fast. You usually got everything in a dry spot and continued later, but you were so close to being done! just a little bit! You heard Ryusui asking you to collect everything - the sky was turning darker and darker. You asked him for a few minutes, quick stuff.
Just then, it started to rain. A few droplets here and there, no big deal! You can finish this! just gotta be careful. A sigh left your lips when you noticed you needed something that wasn't around you - probably forgot to grab this tool.
So you went back inside the ship, where Kaseki usually kept the tools to fetch the one you needed. You spotted it rather quickly and as you were walking back to last bit of task, you heard a very familiar booming voice from behind you:
Ryusui: Y/N? You are drenched!
You laugh and turned around to see Ryusui staring at you.
Y/N: Well... yeah, its raining a little bit.
Ryusui: C'mon, I will have Francois fetch you some dry clothes.
Y/N: oh, just a moment, i am almost done.
As soon as you said that, you saw a glimpse of a confusion on his face:
Ryusui: But the rain is going to pick up soon, you sho-
Y/N: Yeah, I am not made of sugar, I won't melt! How about you?
You smiled at him and walked away.
You didn't hear Ryusui coming after you, so you just went back to what you were doing. By the time you were finally done, a down pour started. You could barely see in front of you.
You sighed happily - you were done! drenched but done!The rain really muffled most noises, as you didn't hear footsteps approaching you. No, you only felt a hand on your shoulder - a hand with blue marks:
Ryusui: Y/N!
You jumped. You got scared for dear life. You turned around kinda pissed at him for scaring you like that! with a hand on you chest, you felt your heart stop and restart:
Y/N: Don't do that!
Ryusui: Ah... Sorry. I called for you but you didn't answer.
Oh. You probably didn't hear him - thats how strong rain was:
Y/N: Oh... Look at that, you didn't melt!
You could see Ryusui was a bit annoyed by your comment. But he just grinned, that cocky grin that always came with the finger snapping:
Ryusui: Aha! This rain is nothing for a sailor! I was worried about this beautiful person walking alone on this heavy rain!
He motioned his hand towards you. You just blinked. He was so damn ridiculous at times, but you cannot lie you loved it.
Y/N: Ah... Thanks, i guess?
Ryusui: Let's go back inside, Y/N.
He offered his hand to you. You couldn't help but be snarky one last time as you automatically placed your hand in his:
Y/N: For someone used to water you sure run away fast from it.
Ryusui looked at you and smiled. With swift movement, he had you in his arms terribly close to him:
Ryusui: Aha! I am not running!
You felt your face burn. so close. you were feeling a mix between pushing him away and walking off or just try to find a hole then and there.
You ended up choosing to push him away or try to. Because he still had a hold of your hand, and pulled back again. You started to get a little mad and before you could give a light punch to his chest, he spun you around and caught your other hand:
Ryusui: Haha! A little rain doesn't scare me, specially when i am accompanied by such a beautiful person.
You were completely stunned. You felt your face burn even more, no words left your lips. What was he talking about? Why was he so charming?
You felt like this staring moment lasted forever. But while you were in that daze - that was actually really short - Ryusui continued talking to you:
Ryusui: Say, Y/N, what would you-
Another booming voice came from somewhere in the ship, this voice:
Taiju: Y/N! Ryusui! Where are you?
That made you both look in the direction of the voice, but you couldn't really see because of the rain. But you took this chance to push Ryusui, grab his hand and yell back at Taiju:
Y/N: Yeah! We are going back!
Ryusui was a bit surprised, he did not expect you to hold his hand and drag him along. Not when you were picking on him for not staying in the rain.
He couldn't help but smile. You were adorable! He allowed you to drag him back for shelter. Upon getting inside the ship, you were greeted by towels - a courtesy from Francois.
You grabbed your towel and quickly walked away, not daring to look around. You could hear a worried Taiju following asking if you were cold or something, perhaps a fever? your cheeks were colored.
In reality you just wanted to walk away from Ryusui. He can be stupidly charming, meanwhile you were swearing to Taiju were ok, not a fever, not a cold. you were ok.
Ryusui who was left standing with Francois smiled, while watching you walk away:
Francois: Ryusui - sama, did something happen?
The man snapped his fingers before answering:
Ryusui: Just a little waltz on the rain!
Francois smiled slightly and nodded. Ryusui couldn't help but wish he had a little more time with you outside. just a little bit more. After all he loved seeing your embarrassed face, it suited so well this time. He would never deny how much he loved when you got so shy around him, it was so cute!
Perhaps next time, you could actually dance in the rain together?
Thank you for reading!
Let me know what you think!
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bellysoupset · 6 months
For the 🏳️ anon, who asked for Airsick Bella.... Here we go, with LOADS of fluff and sexy talk.
"Have you seen my bikinis?" Bella asked, rummaging through her messy side of their wardrobe. Luke was sprawled on the bed watching the replay of last Sunday’s football game, having already finished packing, since his side was neatly folded and he could get a bag done in under 30 minutes.
"You really don't need those," he smirked and Bella rolled her eyes, crouching down to open a drawer.
"Oh yeah, you're gonna be real happy when I'm flashing strangers- Aha!" She held up a bunch of bikinis strung together and didn't bother untangling them, throwing the items on her side of their suitcase, "now I need a hat."
Lucas smiled fondly at her, Bella wasn't even bothering to hide just how excited she was with them finally leaving for a honeymoon. After nearly ten months since they had gotten married, Luke had been over the moon to slip her the tickets, three weeks before. 
She had even requested time off work, something Bella never did, normally insisting she could work from anywhere. Luke had seen her work from the hospital waiting room far too many times to count.
Their flight was Friday morning and it was only Wednesday night, but Lucas had everything ready already, from his suitcase, to their documentation, to their travel guide, hotel... Everything he could think of, he had managed and micromanaged, except for Bell.
Just glancing at her messy process of packing made his skin crawl, so he opted for not saying anything and waited until she finally zipped it up, taking far more shoes than he even thought possible for her to wear.
"You know we're going to a tropical island, right?" Lucas grabbed Bella's waist when she circled the bed in order to grab her jewelry, "I don't think you're gonna get any use out of the combat boots."
"You never know, it rains a lot in tropical places," Bella shrugged, falling against him on the bed, but keeping to the task at hand, sorting through the bunch of silver rings she had, "I'm taking it."
"Okay," Luke rolled his eyes, closing her jewelry box, "I want attention-"
"You're gonna have tons of attention, once we're there," Bella scoffed, squirming when he rolled them on the bed and pinned her down, "skull or snakes?" she raised the rings in front of him.
"Skulls, they're cuter," Luke pushed her hand away from his face, busying himself with kissing her neck, "so we’re taking a chastity vow until we land in Malé?"
Bella snorted at that, picking her earrings, moving her head slightly so he could continue to kiss her, "chastity is a strong word, I've always wanted to be a part of the mile high club."
Lucas laughed, pressing his mouth to her collarbone, "oh yeah, so we can get barred at the customs," he nibbled on her earlobe, "my wife the genius."
"Tonto," Bella scoffed, finally putting away all the items and planting a hand in the middle of his face, pushing him off of her, “help me pack, Luke.” 
By the time Friday finally rolled on, Luke was feeling nearly sick with nerves. They had driven to Portland the night before, in order to avoid the maximum amount of fatigue possible, given the trip ahead of them was stupidly long. Their flight went to Philadelphia, where they caught a 10 hours long flight to London, stayed over the night and then in the morning caught another flight, this one 20 hours long, to the Maldives. 
Luke had genuinely considered talking with Kit about the private jet, but just the off hand mention of his father’s name had Bella shutting down in a way he didn’t like. It didn’t used to be like that before Christmas and he wasn’t entirely sure what had changed since Bell promptly shut down any attempt of bringing up the topic.
Besides, as Jonah had pointed out to him while they chatted in gym, the private jet would need to do all the stops for fuel too, it’d only cut about five hours of their schedule. 
“What’s in your mind?” Bell asked, as they strapped in for the first, shorter flight. Only two hours for Philly. 
“Control freak bs,” Luke scoffed, leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek, “my brain won’t stop.”
“I thought therapy was helping,” she teased him, turning her face for a proper kiss, “nothing is going to go wrong, it’s just plane trips. Very long, very tiring, but just plane trips.”
“Uhum,” Luke leaned in to plant his lips on her temple. 
Since they’d be bored out of their minds, Bella had brought an old ipad, filled with movies. Luke leaned back his chair, frowning as he recognized the opening shot of the movie. 
“Jaws? We’re going to a tropical island and you want to watch Jaws?”
“I like to be prepared,” Bella grinned, snuggling against his shoulder, “you did say we could swim in the ocean and that there’s a shark dive.”
“And you want to watch Jaws before swimming with the sharks?” He raised his eyebrows, clicking on the screen and then going back to the list of movies, “you only brought deadly animals movies… Tsunami movie… Isabella, what the fuck!”
Bell slapped his hand away, putting the movie back on, “it's good for you, builds character.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it does,” he said sourly, focusing on the movie. 
The connection to the London flight was uneventful, Luke spending it updating their friends about their current location and taking his own paparazzi pictures of Bell, as she sprawled on the first class lounge, not a thought given to the dirty looks thrown her way. 
He loved her. 
“This is bigger than our house,” Bella snorted as they got in the plane and to their seats. For this flight Luke had splurged with first class tickets instead of regular ones and a private suite, since it was 10 hours long. Bell dropped her carry on in the large space between their seats, which were large like single beds, “really. Honest to God, bigger than my childhood room.”
Lucas knew for a fact this was pretty much true. He rolled his eyes, kissing the top of her head, “and private too, didn’t you want to be a part of the mile high club?”
“Now where’s the fun if it’s all private?” Bella teased him, falling sit and letting out a sigh, “I bet they have cameras everywhere here… Oh man, champagne? I feel like a princess.”
He couldn’t help but smile at her antics, sitting down as well and indulging Bell as she sat criss crossed next to him and continued to talk non stop. 
Three hours into the trip and at least three glasses of champagne each, the instructions of “stay in your seats” were out of the window. Bella had climbed on his lap and she had her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him and letting out a happy sigh as Luke squeezed her ass over the jeans, when suddenly the plane lurched.
It was so sudden that Bella bit on his lip with force enough to draw blood and Luke pulled back with a shout.
“Oh my God-” Bella whined, grabbing his shoulders, big blue eyes wide in her face, “what the fuck was that!?”
“Just a drop, Bella,” Luke glared at her, wiping the blood with his thumb, “it’s fine, relax…”
“Don’t tell me to relax,” she scoffed, but leaned in to kiss him again, bumping her nose with his, “sorry about your lip…”
“Uhm, kiss it better?” Lucas grinned, leaning further into his seat and planting a hand on her nape, pulling her in. He felt her smile against his lips and Luke was starting to feel suffocatingly warm, face tingling with how horny he was, when the plane lurched once more, this time around continuing to shake violently. 
Bella let out a sound he wasn’t sure he had ever heard her do before, a whimper-cry, and hid her face on his neck, “Luke!”
“It’s okay, baby, it’s just turbulence…” He hugged her close and Bella squeezed him with all her force as the plane shook again.
“We’re getting nerfed down from the sky because of these stupid, expensive, gigantic cabins,” Bella whined, getting out of his lap and putting the seat belt on, a couple seconds before the red sign popped on the opposite wall. 
The plane lowered once more, before going up, and even with the private cabin, they could hear the other passengers squeal. Bella’s face had gone from healthy tan to olive white and she was clutching the arm rests of her seat. 
“I don’t wanna die on my honeymoon,” she whimpered, closing her eyes, “Luke-”
“It’s just turbulence,” Lucas planted his hand over hers, “I promise you we’ll not fall from the sky, this is fine…” 
“It doesn’t feel fine!” Bella squealed as the plane kept shaking. She moved their hands, so she could squeeze his fingers and Luke cringed, Bell had quite the strong grip. 
He leaned in, completely ignoring the shaking and going up and down that was causing his stomach to freeze, “talk with me, baby.”
“I- I can’t, we’re going to di-die…” Her voice shook under the weight of tears and Lucas scoffed, planting a kiss on her temple and squeezing Bella to him with his free hand. Over their heads, the lights went out.
“No, we’re not. Have I ever told you about our flight to Hong Kong when I was fifteen?” he leaned in and Bell shook her head, staying quiet to indicate she was listening, but still not opening her eyes. 
“Dad was touring there and it was my birthday, so mom packed us both to Hong Kong,” Luke smoothed over the important stuff, leaving out the details. He hadn’t wanted to go to Hong Kong and his mom was actually going there for a business trip, not for his birthday. In fact, he wasn’t sure they had remembered it was his birthday until two days had passed, “and the flight was terrible, let me tell you. But we landed without any trouble, it was just clouds-” without any trouble because his mom had been knocked the fuck out by the wine, “we all got there in one piece. We’re gonna get to London perfectly safe too.”
“And- and your birthday?” Bella asked in a small voice. Luke wiped the tears off her face. 
“I got to watch dad play, it was great,” he lied smoothly. He had spent it in the hotel room just outside the stadium his father was playing, puking his guts up after such a horrid flight, while his mother bossed her entire staff around. 
Bella nodded, letting out a shuddery breath and the plane eased up the shaking. She sat up straight, leaning back on her seat and wiped at her face, while the overhead lights turned back on. 
Lucas smiled at her, “see?”
“I’m gonna puke,” Bella groaned, ignoring his soft smile and Luke snorted, before realizing her lips had gone a terrible shade of white. 
“Oh, you’re serious?”
“Yeah-” Bella cupped her mouth, “Lu-”
Luke scrambled to find an airsickness bag, but in first class these were hidden somewhere – it was not pleasing to imply rich people puked – so he settled for the champagne bucket, removing the bottle and holding it under Bell’s chin just in time to catch the first mouthful of sickly champagne vomit.
She hugged the bucket like a pro, so Lucas abandoned it, in order to hold her hair back with a hand, planting the other one on her forehead to help her support it. Bella let out a loud moan, echoing in the metal bucket, and he kissed the top of her head. 
“You’re fine, it’s a lot of ups and downs…” 
Bella sighed, pulling back and resting her forehead to the rim of the bucket, while Luke waited a second to pull back, “you good?”
“Think so…” she rasped, so he got her a water bottle from the huge dispenser under their seats. She took it with shaky hands, sniffling once more and took a small gulp, as Luke ignored the sign to stay with their seat belts and got up, to reach for his own carry on.
“Wendy told me to bring these-” he went through the contents in order to find the sea wristbands and Bella frowned, seeming exhausted as she turned to look at him… Only for the plane to drop once more.
“Fuck,” Bell groaned, lurching for the bucket, while Luke fell flat on his back on the ground, his backpack hitting his chest. He hugged it tightly, waiting until the plane stopped shaking in order to get back to his seat, and once he did he realized Bella was fully crying.
“Stay-” she let out a little burp, forcing up a pathetic gush of liquid, “in your fucking seat, Lucas.”
“Sorry,” he rubbed her back, “sorry. You don’t have to worry, I’m fine.”
Bella raised her head from the bucket in order to send him a bleary glare, her blue eyes even more blue due to the tears and the fact they were red rimmed, “I fucking hate flying,” she declared, turning back to the bucket once more and Luke cringed in sympathy. 
“I know, I know, next time we travel we’ll go somewhere closer,” he promised, pushing the curls away from her mouth and rubbing back.
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fanficshiddles · 6 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 39
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‘Is Mandy ok?’ Claire asked Loki the following morning, he’d just been on the phone to his dad while Claire set up Bat’s automatic feeder for the day before they headed out.
‘Yes, thankfully. She’s right as rain after dad fixing her. Pretty shaken up, understandably, but is fine.’ Loki said, relieved.
‘Phew, that’s good news.’ Claire put her arms around Loki. He smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
‘Is her majesty all sorted for food?’ Loki asked as he straightened up.
‘Yep, all prepped.’ Claire smiled.
‘Excellent. Shall we get going, love?’
Claire nodded. ‘I don’t know whether I’m more excited to see Louise or to get that awesome breakfast from Café Five.’
‘I’m so telling your sister that she’s on par with food.’ Loki teased.
‘Pfft, Louise would trade me in for food in an instant without a single thought.’ Claire scoffed, making Loki laugh.
‘Come on, let’s get going. Get that breakfast you’re desperately craving.’ Loki winked at her and took her hand.
Claire was of course excited to see her sister again. This time more so, since she was bringing Loki so they could both meet. She knew that Louise would love Loki, and vice versa, but there was still a tiny bit of nerves within her since she so desperately wanted them to get along. They were the two most important people in her life, she wasn’t sure what she would do if they didn’t like each other.
It didn’t take long to get to the café where they stopped for breakfast. It was at the side of the motorway, a dinky little place but clean with amazing food and service. There were only around ten tables squished in, but thankfully it wasn’t too busy when they turned up so they didn’t have to wait for a table, like Claire did last time.
‘I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!’ Claire said as they sat down with their tea, waiting for the food to arrive.
Loki chuckled. ‘I’m sure I saw a field of them a few miles back.’
Claire stuck her tongue out at him playfully. He reached under the table and pinched her thigh, making her squeak.
‘I hate how long your arms are. You should not be able to reach me.’ She laughed.
‘To be fair, it’s a small table.’ Loki grinned.
‘Still.’ Claire shrugged. ‘I’m so excited for you to meet Louise. She might be a little odd at first, like I’ve said before, she acts all confident and outgoing, but she’s actually really quite insecure and shy. Well, more she’s put a wall around herself than shy, I guess.’
Loki nodded. ‘I’d say it’s completely understandable though, after what she’s been through.’
‘Yeah, it is. I hate him so much for what he did to her. She was so confident and outgoing, which wasn’t an act, until he started draining all of that out of her… Literally beating it out of her.’ Claire sighed sadly.
Loki reached across the table and cupped Claire’s cheek softly, brushing his thumb up and down a little. ‘She will soon flourish again, I’m sure. Now he’s gone, she no longer needs to live in fear. She’s got a wonderful sister who’s going to continue to be there for her. And now she also has a brother-in-law that’s a vampire.’ Loki smirked and winked at her.
Claire blushed a little and laughed. ‘That’s very true. I know a good gang of vampires that will be able to sort out any assholes.’
‘Exactly.’ Loki grinned and leaned back.
Their food was quick to arrive, it smelled amazing and made Claire’s mouth water. Claire and Loki tucked in straight away.
‘Oh my god, this is better than sex.’ Claire groaned with a mouthful.
Loki mocked a gasp and looked horrified. ‘What? You can’t be serious!’
Claire finished her mouthful and shrugged. ‘Sorry, vampy… but this is seriously good food. If the choice was this every day or sex… well, I wouldn’t be going hungry.’
‘You are so asking for trouble, missy.’ Loki growled deeply at her, which made her clench her thighs together a little.
Loki smirked when he caught a bit of her scent and he saw the way her cheeks turned a little pinker. ‘Aha… Are you sure that you’d be able to go without sex?’ He asked cockily as he raised an eyebrow.
‘Of course I could. I bet I could go longer than you.’ Claire scoffed as she stuffed some bacon into her mouth.
Loki laughed and folded his arms over his chest. ‘Oh, you think so, huh? Well, why don’t we see how long we can last, see who folds first?’
‘It’s on!’ Claire laughed.
When they finished breakfast, they made their way to Louise’s. They arrived just before lunch time, pretty much right on time for when Louise was expecting them.
Claire and Louise were so happy and excited to see one another again, giving each other a big hug. Then Claire stepped backwards a little to Loki and put her arm around his.
‘This, is Loki… Loki, this is Louise.’ Claire introduced them enthusiastically.
‘Lovely to meet you, Louise.’ Loki said charmingly.
‘Lovely to meet you, too.’ Louise grinned and, to Loki and Claire’s surprise, she put her hand out towards him with only a little bit of hesitation.
Loki gently took her hand and shook it. He could smell her nerves and could feel her hand shaking ever so slightly, so he didn’t hold her hand for too long.
Louise then stepped to the side. ‘Come in, come in! I can’t believe I’m actually meeting a real-life vampire. Claire’s told me all about you.’
Loki chuckled as they stepped inside. ‘All good I hope.’
‘Mostly.’ Louise teased.
Loki mocked a gasp and glared at Claire, who just gave him a big cheesy grin as she pushed him through to the living room.
Louise made them all tea and she’d made some sandwiches and brought out some nibbles for lunch.
‘First things first, let’s get rid of the elephant in the room.’ Louise announced as she sat down on the single chair, Claire and Loki were on the sofa.
Claire and Loki looked at her with a confused look on their faces.
‘I need to see the fangs. I’m sorry. It’s just I can’t actually believe it.’ Louise said sheepishly.
Loki threw his head back, laughing. ‘That’s exactly what Claire wanted to see when she found out.’
‘What can I say, we are sisters after all.’ Claire laughed.
‘I can see already that you are both very alike.’ Loki grinned, then flashed his fangs at Louise, who’s eyes widened but Loki saw the excitement on her face.
‘You’re living the dream, sis.’ Louise said as she shook her head in disbelief and took a sip of her tea.
‘Claire was telling me that you both used to talk about being swept off your feet by vampires.’ Loki chuckled.
‘We did.’ Louise nodded. ‘I never would have imagined that they’d be real though… I still can’t quite believe it.’
‘Tell me about it. Teenage fantasies come true.’ Claire smirked and glanced at Loki. ‘Oh, by the way Loki. I was thinking we should set Louise up with Matt. He’s single, right?’
Loki grinned. ‘He is indeed… So is Spencer, actually.’
‘You said Matt is hot… Who’s Spencer? Is he hot?’ Louise asked Claire.
Claire shrugged and nodded. ‘I’d say so.’
Loki looked from Claire to Louise, then back to Claire so fast he almost got whiplash. ‘You think Matt and Spencer are hot?’
Claire looked at Loki and shrugged again. ‘They’re handsome fellows.’
Loki’s mouth fell open and he folded his arms over his chest.
‘In-fact, all the teachers at the school are pretty hot. I’m surprised students can even concentrate properly, to be honest.’ Claire said seriously, though she struggled not to smile and laugh.
Loki pouted and shrunk back into the sofa. ‘I thought I was the only good looking one.’ He huffed.
‘N’aww. Don’t worry, you’re the only one for me.’ Claire assured him and pinched his cheek.
‘You two are adorable together.’ Louise blurted out with a smile.
Loki was quick to turn things around, asking Louise for all the dirt on Claire when they were younger. Claire tried to keep Louise quiet about some things, but Louise was having far too much fun.
‘One memory I have, that I will never ever forget. Is when we were around sixteen?’
‘Oh no… no, no, no.’ Claire made a dive for Louise and tried to cover her mouth, but Louise managed to get her head away so she could still speak freely while fending Claire off.
‘We snuck out late one night to a party at the local park, alcohol was involved. Claire got a little too bold and decided that she could easily climb the monkey bars and hang upside down, to prove she wasn’t drunk. She managed, but as she was upside down her top fell down around her face and she had stupidly decided that going braless that night was a great idea.’
‘No! You didn’t?’ Loki gasped, his mouth fell wide open as he looked at Claire, who slunk back to the sofa and pulled her jumper up over her face.
‘Yep, she did. Flashing most of our classmates. Obviously the guys never let her forget that. Neither did a lot of the girls, actually. Considering she was more endowed than the rest of us at that age, she was getting glares from some of the girls for weeks after. Especially with all the attention she was suddenly getting from the guys.’ Louise laughed hysterically.
Loki’s stomach began to hurt from laughing so much. Claire just kept hidden, until Loki tugged her jumper down to reveal her bright red cheeks.
‘Remind me next time you’re drinking to double check that you’re wearing a bra… don’t want any of the other hot teachers to see what they shouldn’t.’ Loki teased and winked at her.
Claire stuck her tongue out at him in response, earning a playful poke to her side.
Loki and Claire stayed for most of the day, they ended up having a Chinese takeaway with Louise before finally heading home.
‘It was so nice to meet you, Louise. You’re welcome to come see us in Demsdale whenever you like.’ Loki said with a big smile as Louise walked them to the door.
‘Thank you. It’s been good to meet you, too. Though as Claire’s sister, I do need to say this… Vampire or not, if you hurt my sister I will come after your ass.’
‘I wouldn’t expect anything less.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Don’t need to worry, sis. I’m in good hands.’ Claire assured Louise as she gave her a big hug.
‘You sure are.’ Louise agreed as she squeezed Claire. ‘See you soon, yeah?’
When Claire and Loki got into his car and began the drive home, it was beginning to get dark.
‘Your sister is lovely.’ Loki smiled and reached over to squeeze Claire’s thigh.
‘She was really comfortable around you, which shouldn’t be a surprise, really. You’re a big softie after all.’ Claire smiled back at him.
‘I sure am.’ Loki winked at her. ‘I could tell at first she was a little anxious around me, but she did seem to relax after a while.’
‘I still can’t believe she told you that damn story.’ Claire laughed a little and put her hand over her face.
‘I’m glad she did. Now I know I need to keep a close eye on these babies.’ Loki said as he moved his hand up and squeezed at her breasts, making Claire laugh more.
‘Hands off, vampy. They’re off limits for now, remember our bet?’ Claire smirked.
‘You’re not still serious about that, are you?’ Loki raised an eyebrow and glanced at her.
‘Definitely. Unless you’re ready to cave in already, hmm?’
‘Of course not. I can last longer than you. It’ll be you that’s on your knees begging for me to fuck you before I’m the one begging.’ Loki said confidently.
‘Yeah right.’ Claire scoffed.
Claire moaned as Loki repeatedly thrust into her, grunting hotly over her. He had his hand wrapped around the back of her neck, pinning her down over the bonnet of the car. It was warm against her cheek from the engine underneath.
‘Lokiiii. Fuuuuuuck, I’m gonna cum!’ Claire cried out as Loki thrust hard into her once more, exploding deep inside her as she clenched around his cock.
Neither of them cared much that anyone could just pull into the car park at any moment, it was dark enough and there were trees shielding them from the main road. Though the slight chance of being seen did fuel their fire even more when they began.
They were only around ten minutes away from Demsdale, but their teasing of one another in the car had become too much for them to bear. Loki had snapped and swiftly pulled off the motorway, practically dragging Claire out of the car and folding her over the front of the car so he could fuck her senseless.
Sweat beaded on Loki’s forehead as he pulled out of Claire and helped her to stand up. She was blissed out, but managed to turn around and, with his support, got her trousers and knickers pulled back up.
‘See… I told you I’d last longer.’ Claire giggled as she leaned back against the car while Loki tucked himself away and buckled his belt up.
He raised an eyebrow at her. ‘You are the one that started masturbating in the car next to me. You stunk out the car, how else was I supposed to react?’ He growled at her, making her stomach churn with more excitement.
‘Well… we didn’t say we couldn’t masturbate. It’s not my fault you can't control yourself.’ Claire shrugged with a smug smirk.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her and a slow smirk spread over his lips, then he launched at her. She tried to run, but couldn’t even get two steps away from him before he grabbed her and began tickling her underneath her jumper.
She screeched with laughter as Loki tickled her, not letting her get away from him. He growled and blew a raspberry against her neck, making her screech even louder. She tried stomping on his foot, but he knew what she was doing and managed to avoid her stomps.
He laughed wickedly when he relented on his attack, finishing with a big sloppy kiss on her cheek.
‘You’re such a goof.’ Claire laughed and pushed his face away.
Loki slid his arm back around her waist and tugged her into him, grinning down at her. She put her hands on his chest as she gazed up at him.
‘We couldn’t even last a day.’ Loki sighed dramatically.
‘We are useless.’ Claire giggled.
‘Perhaps I just needed to re-claim what’s mine…’ Loki hummed as he glanced at her breasts.
‘I’m going to kill Louise for telling you that story.’ Claire grumbled.
Loki chuckled and escorted her back into the car.
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themuffin2649 · 12 days
Who wants to Marry a Millionaire
Jack: “Hello ladies, gentlemen, and all to our totally not emotionally unethical show of: Who wants to Marry a Millionaire!”
Audience: Cheers.
Jack: “I’m your host, Sunny Day Jack, and today we are going to be interviewing our 6 remaining contestants and see who will Marry our three and a quarter millionaires!”
Ian: “HEY!!”
Jack: “Only 3 of these lucky contestants and one very unlucky one will get the pleasure to marry a millionaire despite have little to no chemistry or history... But hey! That’s gameshows. Anyways! Meet our rich folks Elias, Ray, and Vincent!”
Ian: “And me! Ian!”
Jack: “Yeah yeah whatever So! Each of these three folks will choose your future spouse.”
Vincent: thinking “Hey Ray, I know we’re supposed to choose one of these people to marry, but they all suck! I mean, is that a chicken as one of the contestants?! I’m pretty sure that’s illegal on so many levels.”
Ray: He can’t say anything, but sighs in agreement.
Elias: “uhhh…. All these contestants are living. Are they ok with marrying the dead?”
Jack: “Happy marriage or not, the show must go on. C’mon bachelors, pick your new spouse!”
Vincent’s #1 Fan: C’mon Vincent, pick me, PICK ME!!!
Meanwhile in the Audience
Leon: “We’ve known each other for over 8 years… and….” He says with a giant blush.
MC: “And?”
Newt whispering in Leon’s ear: “C’mon Leon, you can do it!”
Leon: “Marry me!” He said, face as red as a tomato while looking away.
MC’s expression quickly matched Leon’s as
Vincent: “Aha! I’ll steal that proposal!”
Leon, Newt, and MC: “Huh?”
Jack: “Sorry boys, I hate to rain on your party, but according to the microscopic fine prints of the rules. They can steal a proposal and marry the person being proposed to.”
Leon: “WHAT!!!” He swings his fist at Jack only for it to go through his body.
Elias: “Good Grief!”
Jack: “Sorry, should have bought a microscope to read the fine prints between the 40 pages worth of useless terms and conditions.”
Ray: This is so stupid
Vincent’s #1 Fan: “That’s so stupid! WHY IS IT MICRO SIZED!!!”
Vincent: “You were never an option to begin with, anyways, Honey here I come!” He says as he hurries towards the MC.
Show Crewmember: whispers into Jack’s ear
Jack: “oh Vincent… you are going to hate the director for this…”
2 weeks later
The wedding commences and all 3.25 grooms are at the alter waiting for their spouses to walk down the isle.
Elias and Ray awkwardly look at each other as the contestants they picked walked to them. There was no passion, but that was ok, since they could just divorce later and still keep their money according to their full contract.
However, when the spouse of Vincent came up to him, face covered in a veil, Vincent nonchalantly lifted the veil to see the red raging face of Leon
Producer: “Congragulations on your fine marriage!” He said, laughing his ass off
Both Leon and Vincent looked at each other without saying a word, but they definitely had a mutual agreement to murder that darn producer.
Ian looking at his chicken spouse in a bride outfit because no other contestant wanted him: “I’m so gonna go to jail for this…”
Chicken: “Bwak!”
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