#ahahaha he do be!! any excuse to get a hug
kukuandkookie · 1 year
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Where Character A sort of experiences seeing Character B get injured (whether due to being inside someone’s memory or here because they look alike) so when Character B shows up, Character A feels the need to hug them and confirm they’re actually okay and safe in front of them.
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Zhang Li: Let me hold you for a moment. Just for a moment…
He saw Sute’s puppet brother being torn to shreds by the trap’s thread and immediately thought of Lunkhead falling apart, so he wanted to hug Mimi.
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He’s taking note of how Mimi’s body is trembling and how his heartbeat is strong, meaning he’s still alive and it’s okay. 🥹
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This body is trembling… His heartbeat is strong… He’s still alive… Perfectly alive…
He needs the reassurance,,, that he’s okay,,,, 😭😭😭😭
Also speaking of Sute…
He’s pretty terrifying LDGJKSHDSJ. I love insane green tea bitches like him, and it’s really cool to see who he is now that his mask is off. 👀
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Zhang Li asked him if his neck still hurt (from when he was grazed by Zhang Li’s arrow), and Sute tackles and strangled him, demanding, “Little guard, does your neck hurt?”
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He’s definitely holding a grudge against Zhang Li and has now completely adopted his ragtag corpse puppet as his true beloved, protective brother, with him telling him he’ll get him new hands—and a proper heart—in the future.
Ever since Erha and other similar stories, I do find these kinds of characters—especially with their twisted interpretations of love—really fascinating. He came close to killing Zhang Li today but couldn’t, so I’m excited to see what else Sute gets up to to get back at them.
In comparison to his brother though…
Even Zhang Li now is realizing how much like Lunkhead Mimi is, and he’s wondering when it started or if it’s always been like this… But he also thought about how Mimi is acting like this now because he’s pretending to be his guard.
Something something about their classes and ranks being different and Mimi having to play the part of a tyrant king/pharaoh and all the sad connotations that come with that…
But God, before we get into any of the potential sadder things the author would intend to explore with this couple, I just appreciate them for being them. They’re so adorable. Mimi especially!
In the panel below, he’s asking Zhang Li not to recklessly put himself at risk with no regard for his own life again. Excuse me as I go sob. 🤧
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ALSO MIMI YOU’RE SO BAD AT YOUR JOB (those bandages are atrocious) AND I LOVE YOU FOR IT 🥹
He held back his temper at Zhang Li since he’s injured (and because he loves him *cough cough*) but he yelled at Xiao Wei for it. Poor Xiao Wei ahahaha. He had to save Zhang Li and then he gets fed dog food by the PDA of these two and then he gets yelled at by his boss even though he’s injured too lol.
But okay final note because I’ve hit the Tumblr post image limit:
Holy fuck Zhang Li you’re such a boss. You’re one of the most capable protagonists I have ever read about…
Not only did he manage to get back the hands on Sute’s puppet brother for Kaba, he even poisoned Sute. 👁️👁️
So they’re at an advantage now!! I can’t wait to see what happens next!
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leconcombrerit · 3 months
Coming to terms with the fact that being so stubbornly put-off by the "ahaha you'll be my slave peasant boy" part of We Are is the main reason I haven't been watching it. Don't get me wrong I want to give it a chance but my brain is constantly raising a very judgmental brow and if I don't start thinking about something else in the next four seconds it goes on a lenghty rant about the way this very specific power dynamic IRKS ME OFF LIKE FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE YOU FUC-
(Seriously though it's overdone overused and abused. While I can excuse the sort of very unequal dynamics in, say, Kinnporsche where the whole setting is about powerful people, I start retching the second I see it anywhere else.)
Fourthgemini in Moonlight chicken ? Couldn't get into it because of how it started. Dangerous romance ? Yeah I'm gonna let you guess how well that one went for me. Even The last Twilight left a sour taste in my mouth, although slightly different. Clearly one could decide to fire the other at any point while knowing he couldn't find any other job because of his criminal background and took quite a few opportunities to dangle it to his face. Or to not make it clear he wouldn't. I found no balance at all there.
Dead friend forever did it with Por but it did well, no romance and 100% got as good as he gave. Law of Attraction didn't do bad either, but Tanthai was begging Thi for a hug rather than slapping him, the father did. Holy hell even Love Mechanics (for all the other. problematic stances and. weird definition of consent. it had) put a sort of more interesting twist here by having the rich guy be the one getting the short hand of the power balance. Or just look at Bad Buddy, Pat and Pran being equals was a huge major theme, and it was still great ! They still grew !
Not Me, which is all about inequality and power and money, could have gone that route and gotten sort of the same pass as KP, but Toddblack is perhaps the most perfect example of how to avoid it and get. your. characters. as. equals. Goddammit.
Look you can even have your rich asshole throwing money at every and anything to solve every and any problem and be an insufferable little shit if you want, I love that. For all Ray insulted Sand and how many issues he put him through, it was well-established from the very beginning that he couldn't buy him with money. That was the one (1) boundary Sand placed and he kept to it. Ray didn't go all "well I'm rich so unless you do everything I say I'm going to send you to jail or bankrupt you or something ;)) ahahaha I lly sm". Did he resort to emotional blackmail instead ? Yeah.
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celestialarchon · 4 years
The Celestial Archon
Chapter Two: The Moonlight Phenomenon
Genshin Impact x F! Reader
Warnings: major Genshin Impact Spoilers! Possible grammar errors.
Tag list: To Be Added. (sorry it needed to be published!)
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With the return of a mysterious archon, celebrations began! The night was filled with laughter, food, and memories being made. One person was amiss during the celebration, Mona still found herself unsettled and unable to be as excited as the others. An eerie feeling of unrest and anxiety has settled over our esteemed astrologist as our beloved heroes celebrate.
“I’ve finally found you,” Mona’s intense astrology session was interrupted by a cheery high pitched voice.
“Hello, Seraphim.” Mona turned to greet the beautiful woman.
She nearly gasped as the woman walked in, her hair now styled and her eyes shining brighter than before, the mysterious tattoos seemed to have faded and though she was still striking she looked far more human than before. The Celestial Archon merely smiled at the woman’s surprise and stepped towards her, hand out.
“We should talk, my child. Fate had brought us together, an astrologist with a water vision instead of a celestial vision is strange enough.” The woman was calm but not cold as Mona took her hand.
Mona was warm as the gentle archon interlocked their fingers and led her to the corner of the room, sinking down into a comfy chair and pointing at the one next to her. Disappointment creeped up in the astrologist as her idol released her hand. It was quickly replaced with embarrassment and a soft flush across her cheeks. Mona was wholeheartedly captured by the mystery goddess.
“I’m sure you’re aware,” The bright eyes goddess sighed, “That my arrival in Teyvat has stirred up some trouble.”
Mona frowned slightly, “There was already trouble, your sudden appearance is not the cause of it.”
“That’s good, but I still feel that my presence is going to stir the pot a bit. I am connected to all the stars and spaces of this world, I can feel and see things so deeply and I am well aware that there are challenges coming. It’s annoying in some ways.” Her eyes were distant again.
Words were lost on Mona for a moment. She couldn’t begin to imagine how stressful it was to feel so deeply, to constantly be overwhelmed by information and one’s connection to the world. Every piece of text written about the Celestial Archon was very vague. Information on the god of stars was hard to find and many details had been lost, yet one thing seemed to stay the same in ever piece of information Mona had consumed.
Even when the world was teeming with elemental energy and gods were far more common, the goddess of the sky, Seraphim, was an oddity. Before the Archon war, Seraphim was a lone wolf being without many ties. The last god of stars kept to herself and had no desire to interfere with the other’s problems, despite knowing so much of them. It was incredibly lonely and sad.
“You said it’s strange that I have a water vision,” Mona finally spoke.
“Yes,” The archon clicked her tongue, “Had I been around, somebody like you would’ve received a vision from me. However, you did not receive one of my visions and ultimately that should’ve impacted your abilities over astrology but it did not. You are quite the gifted character, aren’t you Miss Mona?”
Mona’s face was tomato red at the words of the beloved celestial archon, “I am honored to be complimented by the goddess of stars.”
“You’re very formal,” The starry eyed goddess laughed.
“Excuse me,” the two were interrupted by none other than the acting grandmaster, “I would like a word with the Lady of the Stars.”
Mona was hesitant, not wanting her idol to slip away but nodded and escorted the woman to the door. She was a bit dissatisfied with the conversation they’d had, wanting to know more and more of her long awaited god. The woman turned back to Mona, eyes twinkling, and embraced her. The normally level headed and somewhat haughty astrologist stiffened in shock but returned the warm hug. A sigh escaped Mona’s mouth, but she didn’t mind. The goddess was warm and something about her affection put Mona at peace.
“I am so lucky that somebody as beautiful and gifted as you awaited my return, Mona Megistus. Until we meet again, my darling.” The woman’s grasp around Mona tightened as she whispered in her ear.
The water mage watched as the strange goddess gracefully glided away with Jean. She was ethereal with the moonlight filtering in from tall windows, her skin illuminated as she hung on to every word Jean said. Even the confident and ever busy acting grandmaster found butterflies swarming her abdomen at the sight of the goddess. Jean felt as if she could be swept away by the young woman.
A part of Jean felt guilty for several reasons. As acting grand master, it was her duty to know about the citizens of Mond, it was her duty to work without personal emotions interfering, and her duty to oversee the safety of all the wind borne citizens. The Celestial Archon was challenging all of these duties. It was only natural for an astrologist to be obsessed with a god of stars, and Jean had interrupted the conversation. The Dandelion Knight couldn’t help but feel an innocent sort of crush on the goddess, she was kind and beautiful and she really seemed to want to get to know everyone. Ultimately, Jean was also aware of the danger a new archon posed.
Even so, the beautiful knight couldn’t help but want to push all those thoughts aside and capture the attention of the goddess for hours. She shook off that thought, attempting to focus on her duty as Mondstat’s respected Grand Master. Jean explained the general politics of the city of freedom and the individual jobs of the knights of favonious. She even went as far as to explain the adventurer’s guild and the recent trouble with Storm Terror. The Celestial Archon hung on to every word, nodding and asking occasional questions.
Jean took the time to explain the place they were in, a place between Mondstat and Liyue, and the teleport points that marked both countries. She was diligent and had already prepared some documents for the 8th Archon, maps and other things needed in the world. Jean had even communicated with others to ensure each safe place for the archon was marked. The allied domain was the middle ground, but Mondstat welcomed the new Archon with a living place and much to do. Liyue had also prepared a small home in the city for her.
The archon stared in wonder at the map. The knights of Favonious had prepared a room for her in their own head quarters, even the esteemed Tycoon had set aside a room. Wangshuu Inn welcomed her and Liyue Harbor gave her quarters close to Rex Lapis. Small notes were written for her, both Xiao and Diluc noted the stars were best seen from where they were while the traveler and Paimon had starred their favorite places to eat.
“Ah, Master Jean.” The Goddess spoke slowly, bowing.
“Please, Seraphim, there’s no reason to be so formal!” Jean’s voice rose nervously, “You are an archon after all.”
“Yes, that’s true. You do not serve me though, please refer to me as my chosen name. Formalities aren’t my taste much.” The Archon remarked bashfully.
Jean nodded, rose dusting her cheeks.
“I,” The Archon sighed, “Really need an open space so I can, uh, deal with my weapon situation.”
“Oh, oh!” Realization hit Jean.
“Oh, I am so sorry,” Jean babbled nervously, “Here let us go out to the cliffs, it should be okay, right?”
“Mhm,” The goddess followed the knight to the exit.
Aether and Paimon were also by the exit, turning at the sound of approaching foot steps. Aether grinned and waved at the Celestial Archon, she waved back and beamed. Paimon immediately took off, throwing herself into the Archons arms as the woman giggled. Jean’s face was priceless, attempting to process how this small otherworldly creature could just tackle and archon without shame.
Aether and his companion followed the two women, curious about the weapon another archon would wield. The group made their way to the edge of the cliff, the stars seeming extra bright and the moon full. The goddess lowered herself, feet on the lush grass and put her hand forth, palm out. Swiftly, she struck the air in front of her with her pointer finger, an unfamiliar constellation connecting at each point.
“Return to your master, Destroyer of Divinity.” Her words were clear and calm.
The constellation burst into a ray of white light, Aether covered his eyes as Paimon whined. Darkness fell again and he opened his eyes, gasping at the sight in front of him. The goddess held a long weapon close to her body, above her shoulder was a large opalescent curved blade, below the hip on the opposite side, another shimmering curved blade could be seen. No weapon in Teyvat was even similar.
“I-Is is that a scythe?!” Jean sputtered.
“Aha, well yes,” The goddess blushed at their reactions, “Destroyer of Divinity is an unusual weapon, meant to slice through dimensional and spatial barriers. I didn’t mean to shock you.”
Aether stood, mouth agape, “Even its name is terrifying! What the hell?”
“Ahahaha,” the archon continued to laugh nervously, “Well, its existence is basically to bring judgement from the heavens upon those deserving so yeah it’s a bit intimidating.”
Aether nearly screamed. How could she say something so casually?
The traveler was feeling a bit nervous, as anybody would if an Archon decided to tag along for their daily commissions. Paimon and the Celestial Archon chattered away as Aether spoke to the Katheryne in Liyue. It did not help that the three had left before the others awoke and the Celestial Archon had left a note declaring it as a “friendly date.”
The last thing Aether wanted was to piss off literally any of the adepti, the Geo Archon himself, and even Jean who had taken a very noticeable interest in the goddess. A cloud seemed to look over the blonde but Paimon didn’t notice. The eighth Archon gave the teenager a sympathetic smile and put her hand on his shoulder, attempting to ease his nerves. Only one thing could make the situation worse, and unfortunately that particular thing was heading straight towards Aether.
“Let’s run,” Aether grabbed the startled archon’s wrist and dragged her to the teleport point nearby, ignoring the calls of a certain troublesome individual.
The archon chuckled, “I didn’t know daily commissions would be so exciting!”
Aether smiled sheepishly and let go of her wrist, trying to focus on which commission to start with. He was distracted by a sudden commotion, people yelled out as a hooded figure darted past the trio. Liyue Harbor’s guards thundered after the thief, knocking the poor panicked goddess off her feet.
The eight archon shut her eyes and prepared for the impact of the fall, but was yanked back by a pair of strong arms.
“Hey, girlie. Hold still.” A charming voice said.
The goddess watched as the lanky ginger haired man moved forward and shot an arrow, narrowly missing all the guard and hitting the suspicious character in the back. Aether’s eyes were filled with shock and panic at the sight of the man. Immediately, the goddess side stepped away from her hero, on high alert.
“Now,” He turned to her beaming, “What exactly is such a beautiful young lady doing with this kiddo?”
Her starry eyes met his azure eyes, “I’m just a new adventurer from Mondstat, learning the ropes from the best.”
“Hmm?” His gaze was questioning, “Well then, I’m Childe. Number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers. We should definitely get to know each other.”
The goddess moved to Aether in a quick swift movement. Suddenly, she wanted very much to escape Liyue Harbor. The Fatui were trouble, the goddess was new to the era but even she knew that they were dangerous. It was one of the first matters addressed at her arrival. She no longer knew the Cryo Archon, and this Tsarita sounded troubling.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” an annoyed voice chimed in, averting the red head’s attention.
A shorter man with a large hat and ominous aura stood behind the tall harbinger. Aether tensed up and the goddess wrapped her arm around his shoulder. Slowly, the trio made their escape at the expense of Childe. The older harbinger was chewing the younger man out for flirting and wasting time, both harbingers bickered as the traveler and his companions fled.
“You shouldn’t be wasting time on trying to get laid you, fool.” Scaramouche scowled, still ripping into his subordinate. “Especially not that woman, even from a mile away I can tell she’s trouble. You’re a harbinger not a host, get your shit together, Tartaglia.”
Childe smirked, looking down on his superior, “So you noticed her, too. I wonder what someone like that is doing with my favorite traveler.”
“We should alert the Tsarita of that girl,” Scaramouche mumbled, avoiding the earlier comment.
“I actually agree,” Childe’s eyes narrowed, “I was hoping to see for myself what she is, but that kid stopped me of course. There’s something strange about her but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe I can charm it out of her?”
Scaramouche slapped his comrades back, “Let’s go you useless fucking playboy.”
Wangshuu Inn looked beautiful and the aroma of food was far too enticing. Aether sighed as he watched his small, chubby companion chase after the eighth archon. The woman was supposed to be divine, yet in some ways he reminded her of a puppy or a kitten. She was somewhat moody with her affections and spacey like a kitten may be, and still somehow clingy and energetic like a puppy.
Luckily for the two, Aether had a commission from Verr Goldet. The blonde tried to maintain composure as he saw a familiar dark haired yaksha speaking with the Inn Keeper, not wanting to admit he’d accidentally led the Fatui straight to the Archon. The traveler watched in fascination and amusement as Verr’s face twisted from composed to horrified when Xiao was knocked over by the goddess. The conqueror of demons merely grunted and stood back up, clutching the ethereal woman to his chest.
Xiao’s eyes were cold as they met Aether’s, clearly annoyed with the boy, but his expression softened at the yawning goddess in his arms. Once again, the traveler was overcome with curiosity at her behavior. Only moments ago the woman was bubbly and hyper, now her eyes were fluttering and she was snuggling up to one of the most dangerous beings in Teyvat. Without a word, the tattooed man spun around and carried the goddess upstairs.
“I’m here for your com-“ Aether began.
“Who was that?!” Verr Goldet burst out, “I’ve never seen Adeptus Xiao so damn agreeable. What just happened? Is this a dream?”
Paimon giggled, “He loooooves her! That person is the one we told you about before! Even Xiao can’t be in a bad mood around her, it’s amazing!”
“Oh,” Verr blushed at Paimon’s words, “She’s that person? No wonder he’s been so restless.”
“Wait, restless?” Aether questioned.
Verr Sighed and beckoned the two to a guest free area. The two followed her into a small back room, exchanging glances. The boss lady pulled out an old book and brushed the dust away. Aether and Paimon peered down at the book, puzzled by its appearance. It was a dark leather with carvings of the moon and clouds on the front.
Carefully, Verr flipped the book open and turned it to the two. Paimon shot up, shrieking. The book looked like a book you’d find in a library but was strange. Instead of ongoing text, the pages had scraps and pieces stuck on the pages with various notes scribbled around. Verr turned to the first page, placing her middle finger at the beginning text and giving Aether and expectant look. The traveler leaned down and began to read the text.
“The moonlight phenomenon: Legend of Liyue.
It is said that there was once a ruler of the stars, one who ruled over the sky as the Gods rule over our land. When tides of war overcame Liyue, Rex Lapis sought out the monarch of the sky to form a contract.
Seraphim granted Rex Lapis the moonlight phenomenon. Liyue’s skies were never to dim even on the darkest of nights, the moon and stars would remain as guides for Liyue always. It is said that this contract assisted in bringing the evil gods to their doom, the sky illuminating the way to victory for Liyue and all of Teyvat.”
Verr flipped the page as Aether exhaled trying to wrap his mind around the strange passage.
“The Contract: Seraphim and Rex Lapis.
The circumstances of the moonlight phenomenon still remain unknown. It is an ancient mystery that many still attempt to solve, what exactly did the Geo Archon barter for his people?
Nobody knows, still. However, the most common theories are that the contract has not been fulfilled or that there was no contract to begin with. Many believe that Rex Lapis and Seraphim were secret lovers, and this was Seraphim’s gift to her beloved. Others hypothesize that Seraphim’s wish was never fulfilled, as her death sealed the victory for The Seven Archons.”
Aether shuddered. People in Liyue believe that The Celestial Archon died in the Archon war? Verr flipped to a page in the middle of the book.
“Liyue’s Priestess Seraphim
It is said that a woman with eyes vast like the galaxy beyond and mysterious astrological powers once enchanted all of Liyue.
Seraphim, the last Celestial wielder was Liyue’s last hope. Though she is not honored as an archon, she is known vaguely as a priestess. The woman who captured the attention of the archon’s themselves and was adored by the Adepti. Few remain, but Liyue’s legends claim that the priestess of the stars was the lover of Rex Lapis, the lover of the Vigilant Yaksha, or the lover another adepti.
Even fewer discuss the devastation that occurred when she fell from grace. Her death was the catalyst of the only known battle between Liyue’s very own Archon, The Anemo Archon and his people, and the Adepti. A lesser known battle that almost forced both Mondstat and Liyue into Civil Wars.
When the dust settled, all that stood was the full moon. Many Adepti still honor the priestess under the moonlight by fighting evil spirits and demons.”
Aether’s eyes widened at Verr. She solemnly shook her head as the traveler’s face fell. Xiao, Ganyu, Zhongli, Venti, all of them suffered so terribly. It was confusing to the boy that every text described the Celestial Archon as deceased. His head began to hurt from the information. Verr sighed and led him back out.
“Once you finish commissions, why don’t you two stay here? I’ll prepare a room for you,” The boss was sympathetic.
Aether grimaced but nodded, leading Paimon out to finish their duties.
Somewhere in the shadows of Wangshuu Inn crept a Fatui agent, slipping away as the traveler set out. The shadowy figure grinned at the piece of paper in their hand.
“Protected by the traveler and the Adepti. Master Childe will be interested in this,” His eyes were dark as he approached his fellow Fatui agents, “She could be very useful to us, this (Y/N).”
The suspicious shadows began to slink away, overcome with desire to inform their boss of the new information. Only a few feet away, a strange creature ducked down to avoid being seen by the agents, fidgeting.
“The angel is here!” The creature shrieked as the cult like group left it’s sight, “(Y/N) will be ours.”
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so this is a tiiiny bit longer than the drabble i set out for it to be... clearly i have no chill and get carried away far too easily. also, i wrote most of this whilst incredibly hormonal/sleep-deprived, so please excuse any mistakes. i will probably go through and proof-read it at a later date. maybe. in the meantime, enjoy! <33
(Prompt Post)
12: Come cuddle!
17: I’ve never been more embarrassed in my life...
Knock, knock.
“Vee? Are you in there?”
 Virgil’s brow furrowed a little, but he didn’t look up from his switch screen as he fiddled with the buttons to reorganise his inventory. “Who is it?”
 “Your favourite dad!”
 A tiny smirk pinched at the corners of his mouth. He wriggled into a more comfortable position on his beanbag, lifting the console closer to his face. “You can come in, Pat.”
 Patton pushed the door open, scanning the room for his son. A beaming grin appeared on his face when he found him, and he made an immediate beeline towards the pile of cushions on the floor. 
 “Hey, kiddo!” He flopped down right next to Virgil, pulling him into his chest so that he could wrap him in a bear hug. 
 Virgil grunted in surprise, dropping his switch in his lap as Patton squished his arms to his sides. He squirmed a little, trying to sit up, but Patton only held him tighter, smushing his cheek against Virgil’s soft, purple hair. “Can I help you, Pops?”
 He could feel the excited hum of his words vibrating through his scalp. “Come cuddle!”
 Virgil squinted. “... Is that not what we’re doing right now?”
 Patton giggled. “No, silly! I meant in my room! I’ll bake cookies, and I’ll build us a pillow fort- oh!” He bounced on his knees. “And I’ll even let you choose what movie we watch! As long as it’s not the scary one from last week, with all of the monsters in it.” Virgil rolled his eyes fondly as Patton shuddered. 
 “The Nightmare Before Christmas isn’t scary, Pat.” He wriggled one arm free and used it to pick up his switch, going back to his game. “Why don’t you ask Princey? I’m kinda busy right now.”
 “Oh, come on, kiddo. You can put down the video games for a couple of hours to spend some quality time with your old man, can’t you? Plus…” Patton leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “We both know how much you love your cuddles.”
 A choked scoff escaped before Virgil could stop it, his ears turning pink. “I- you- I do not-”
 Patton giggled, blowing warm air on the back of his neck. “Yes, you do!~”
 “No, I don’t!”
 “Don’t lie, Vee. I’ve seen you in action. You’re really not as slick as you think you are, cuddlebug.”
 Virgil’s face was so red he thought he was about to burst into flames. He didn’t realise the others actually noticed the way he slowly migrated towards whoever was sat on the other end of the couch during their movie nights, curling his legs up on the cushions so that he could worm his way under their arms and bury his face in their chest. Or how he would drag his beanbag into the common room and plop it in front of anybody in there, sinking down and not-so-subtly leaning back to rest his head against their knees so that they would play with his hair and let him drift asleep. Patton had caught him out, and he’d never been more embarrassed in his life.
 In his final attempt to hold onto the last, tattered shreds of his dignity, he turned to the only sensible option left: sulking like a child. He folded his arms with a petulant huff, glaring at the ground. Patton couldn’t help but laugh.
 “Awww, what’s wrong, kiddo?” He teased, wiggling a finger under his chin. “Where did that little smile go?”
 Virgil’s scowl immediately flattened out, the corners of his mouth twitching as he scrunched his shoulders. Intrigued, Patton repeated the action, grinning delightedly when Virgil made an ‘mmph’ noise, his hand coming up to push him away.
 “Wait a second... Is somebody ticklish?” 
 He pulled Virgil into his lap and tweaked the curve of his waist, earning a loud squeak as the dark side lurched away from the attacking hand, struggling to hide what was unmistakably the beginnings of a flustered smile.
 “Oh my goodness,” He gasped, spidering his fingers up and down Virgil’s sides. “This is the most adorable thing in the whole entire universe!”
 Virgil whined, premature giggles already beginning to bubble up as he batted at Patton with one hand, burying his burning face in the other. “Shut uuuup!”
 Patton chuckled. “Oh-ho, I would watch what I said if I were in your position, Mister.” There was a devious lilt to his voice that wasn’t there before. Virgil’s stomach dropped. “The tickle monster really doesn’t take kindly to that sort of language.”
 He would deny the way that he shrieked when Patton reached down to poke his belly until the day he died. Virgil’s hands immediately shot down from his face to protect himself- but unfortunately, that was exactly what Patton was betting on.
 “Uh oh! We’d better get those-” He caught both of Virgil’s wrists, pinning them against his chest so that he was effectively trapped in Patton’s embrace. “-out of the way. There we go!”
 Virgil whimpered, nervous giggles spilling out as he tugged uselessly at his arms. “No! Pat, plehease!”
 “Please what, Vee?” Patton grinned mischievously. “Pleeease… Give you all of the tickles?”
 “Aw, kiddo! All you had to do was ask!”
 Ten wiggly fingers suddenly dug into the spaces between Virgil’s ribs. Combined with the teasing and his current helplessness, it tipped him over the edge just far enough that he couldn’t hold back the bright, child-like laughter that spilled from his lips. It was the sweetest sound that Patton had ever heard- and it was coming from Virgil!
 Oh, yeah. He was never letting this go.
 “I can’t believe that you kept this a secret from us!” He moved to pinch Virgil’s lower ribs, chasing the cluster of sweet spots towards his back that had him squealing and arching away. “Oooo, that was a good spot, huh?” Patton chuckled, reaching over to his other side and repeating the action.
 “Ahahaha- Pat! I cahahaha-!” Virgil collapsed against the moral side, his laughter tinged with hysteria as Patton’s fingers started poking his all of ribs randomly, making him squirm so much that he was now practically laying flat in his lap.
 “What was that? You can’t believe how much fun you’re having?” Patton cooed, grazing his midriff using his fingertips. “Well, aren’t you just the sweetest! And don’t you worry- we’ve got plenty of other places to explore before we’re anywhere near finished~”
 Virgil groaned as Patton lifted his wrists above his head, allowing him to catch his breath. He screwed his eyes shut, preparing for another attack, only to jump when he felt Patton’s hand cup his cheek, gently stroking the soft skin with his thumb. He blinked and looked up to see the moral side smiling back down at him.
 “You okay there, kiddo?” He chuckled.
 Virgil flushed, leftover giggles spilling out as he panted. He was giving him a chance to escape. Asking him if he wanted to continue. Making sure that he was actually enjoying himself.
He knew that he liked it... And he was okay with it?
 Swallowing, Virgil nodded. His timid smile morphed back into a wide grin within seconds as Patton’s fingers scribbled their way down his neck, his collarbones; looping over his shoulders before they wormed their way into his armpits, scratching at the taut skin and causing Virgil to fall right back into loud laughter.
 “Ehehehe- gehehet out of there!” He cried, pulling at his arms. Patton laughed along with him, still reeling from his wonderful discovery. The sight of a happy, squeaky, ticklish Virgil was a million times cuter than he could ever have imagined.
 “Huh? You mean here?” He wiggled a single finger right in the centre. “Okay, sure!” Patton switched to the other side, vibrating his fingers deep into the hollows. 
 Virgil squawked, promptly falling into uncontrollable cackling. By this point, he was so weak with laughter that he could barely even fight back. Not that that was such a terrible position to be in, but he’d be damned if the others ever figured out that he liked this, as well. Having the resident goofball know was bad enough, but he’d never hear the end of it if word spread around the rest of the mind palace.
 However, Virgil didn’t have much time to sit on it, as all comprehensive thoughts evaporated from his head as soon as Patton started to graze his fingernails up and down the underside of his left bicep.
 “Nonono-nohoho!” He pleaded, curling his arms around his head, not unlike a baby hedgehog. “Pat! Pahahat! Lemme gohoho!”
 Patton laughed. “Oh, I’m afraid it’s too late for you now, stormcloud. I’ve got you trapped, and you’re mine forever!~” He booped his nose gently before moving to the other arm, his lips curling up into a playful smirk. “Plus, I couldn’t possibly let you go before finding your worst spot.” His fingers slowed to a halt. Virgil felt a shiver run down his spine.
 “And I’ve got a feeling I know exactly where it is…”
 Virgil immediately broke down into nervous babbling, wriggling and giggling desperately as Patton trailed his fingers down the length of his body- stopping whenever he found a particularly ticklish spot to give it some attention- before he arrived at his middle. Slowly, dragging out the process as much as he could, he lifted Virgil’s shirt, the soft material brushing against his skin and lighting up every nerve in his torso, sending the poor dark side into fits of anxious giggles.
 Patton tittered amusedly. “Well then, it looks like I guessed right, huh, Vee?” And with that, he used all five fingers of his free hand to form a claw, spidering across the sensitive skin of his stomach.
 Virgil shrieked, bursting into loud laughter and kicking his legs out. Drained of his strength and hopelessly giddy, there was nothing left to do except lay there and take it as Patton’s tickly fingers crawled all over his belly, pinching and squeezing and scribbling every tiny, hidden spot until Virgil was sure he’d go insane. It was completely unbearable, and he never wanted it to stop.
 “Gitchy-gitchy-goo! Tickle-tickle-tickle!” He cooed, scribbling at the skin beneath his bellybutton. “Gee, kiddo, I think you’ve got to be the most ticklish person on the planet!”
 Virgil’s laughter dialled up even further, blushing so hard he could feel it in his ears. Oh, God, not the teasing! He was pretty sure whatever was left of his brain had now melted entirely, leaving him a loopy, flustered mess. 
 He scrambled around to try and pull together a suitably snarky comeback, when Patton began to scratch at the sides of his stomach and he finally, finally lost it.
 “Nahahaha! Stop! Stohohahap!”
 Patton gradually slowed down, eventually stopping and pressing the palm of his hand firmly into Virgil’s abdomen, rubbing away the phantom touches that lingered on his sensitive skin. His head lolled to the side, resting against Patton’s hip as he gulped down air, hiccupy laughter bubbling up in between each breath. 
 Patton chuckled. “You alright there, giggles?” He ran his fingers through Virgil’s hair, mussed up from all of his wriggling. 
 Virgil, with the remains of a dazed grin still stuck on his face, nodded, nuzzling against the soothing touch. He let his eyes slip shut, the occasional, solitary giggle escaping. The moral side smiled warmly.
 “I’m glad. You definitely needed that laugh.”
 Leaning forward, Patton switched off his gaming console from where it had been abandoned on the floor, before carefully scooping him up into his arms to carry him back to his room for the snuggles he was promised. Just as he was about to close the door behind him, a quiet voice interrupted him.
 “Thank you…” Mumbled Virgil, sleepily.
 Patton chuckled. “You’re welcome, kiddo.”
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wesimpforxiao · 3 years
Inception: Chapter 5
"Pft! I-Ahahaha!"  You were doubled over the table trying to stop yourself from choking on your food while Ajax crinkled his nose in disdain.  The two of you were at Xinyue Kiosk for a late-night dinner that he had insisted was his treat.  You've only ate at fancy food places like this every once in awhile; these meals were so freaking expensive! Your initial hesitance to join Ajax on the basis of money was soon overshadowed by the entertaining sight sitting across the table.
"Tch...tsk..." With every effort, he grew more impatient and frustrated.  It didn't help that you were watching and laughing at his incompetent efforts to use chopsticks!  "Ugh! Forget it!"  He gave up and stabbed one of his sushi rolls rather violently before shoving it into his mouth with a pout.  Ajax turned away from you as his face grew redder and redder, but he couldn't help glancing back to see the smile on your face and the tears of joy rolling down your cheeks.  Well, as long as this brought you joy...at his own expense...He let out a huff before reaching for his drink.  At least whatever bitterness you held towards him last week seemed to disappear.
"I-I can't believe you...! I can't take it!" At long last your laughing fit died down enough so you could breathe, and you reached up to wipe your tears away.  "Pft...! I'm sorry, but this is too funny!"
"Yeah yeah," Ajax sighed yet again, his confidence deflating like a balloon and his posture slouching.  What a way to impress a girl.  He should've went for the fork first!
Noticing his sudden change of attitude, you slipped out of your seat and joined his side, leaning over him.  "Here," you swiped the chopsticks off of his plate and placed them in his hand once again, this time so they were in the correct positions.  "Now you've got the right hold on them."  Your fingers were still draped over his while you guided the sticks to another piece of sushi.  
Contrary to your concentration on helping, Ajax was a bit more flustered than usual and it wasn't because of the chopsticks.  For some reason his heart fluttered at the sudden lack of distance between the two of you, just like that night under the light of the Mingxiao lantern.  'You think I'm in love with childhood friend?  My my my, Mr. Zhongli, perhaps you've finally lost your marbles after spending so much time with mortals,' he recollected.  No...there's no way Zhongli's right about this.  This is all a fluke!  But your hand was so warm, no doubt because of your pyro vision...how long had it been since he felt such gentleness from another person?  The closest he's ever come to human contact was by beating his foes senseless!  And when was the last time he had a genuine hug?  It's been years, he realized, since before the inception of my Fatui status.
"There, see?  You'll get the hang of it."  He snapped back to the present when your hand quickly left his.  Whatever light had begun to gleam in his eyes faded just like the heat from your touch, and he watched you sit back down at your end of the table.  "You're not completely hopeless at chopsticks," you smirked.
"You're right, ojou-chan.  One day I'll surpass you when it comes to these cursed utensils!"  He hid his feelings by attempting to put your lesson to use, but failed drastically again and again.  It was obvious he didn't pay attention to a single thing you had told him to do! The boyish desire to one-up his best friend made you giggle again.
Somewhere behind the decorated divider that made up your private dining space sat the eyes and ears of the wolf.  Following Master Childe around proved to be fruitful just as expected; while the harbinger often held private meetings and dinners to get closer to clients, this one felt different based on all the others that Charlie had followed him to.  There was a distinct familiarity--one that Childe was definitely not faking for the sake of deceit and was shared with the mysterious girl sitting at the other end of the table.
I see, thought Charlie while his ears strained to pick up the other noncoherent whispers on the other side of the screen.  He'd been following Childe around all week and had quickly picked up on the harbinger's avoidance of his own men so that he could spend time with you.  Clearly, this woman must hold a special place in Childe's heart--an old flame, maybe?  Regardless of the specifics of your relationship with him, it would make the most sense for you to be the vigilante Childe has neglected to capture; the merciless blood-thirsty harbinger would've gone in for the kill if it were any other person, but since it's you...you'd be protected. Sheltered.  Allowed to get away with tormenting the Fatui since you're so close to Childe.  You're untouchable.
Of course, this was all just a theory.  To properly identify you as the vigilante Master seeks, he'd have to follow you around instead.
A chill ran down Childe's back out of nowhere; something's wrong.  While he continued to struggle with the remainder of the sushi, his gaze darted to every which-way to identify anything out of the ordinary.  He was sure the two of you weren't followed, and he had made every effort possible to avoid his subordinates on the way here, even setting up a private room that isn't too common in the Kiosk.  Still, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. You noticed the sudden tension in the air around him, and stared until he noticed.
"What's wrong?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing," his voice lower than a minute ago, "Please excuse me, ojou-chan.  I need to use the restroom."  He slipped out between two of the dividers and froze once he was out of your sight.  The remainder of the room was deserted. How odd...the tension in his shoulders slowly faded as he was put at ease.  
"Excuse me," a petite voice drug him out of his thoughts and he was greeted by the waitress.  She held a silver platter with a pair of matching deserts on it.  "Oh, have you changed your mind on desert after all?"
"No, not at all.  Please, allow me."  He took the tray from her and watched her exit the room.  With one final skeptical glance around the room, he returned to the inside of the dividers.
"Oh, and before I forget," Childe began to dig into a delicious chocolate desert you didn't remember the name of but seemed to be some sort of cake.  "I have a business trip coming up at the end of this week in Mondstat."
"Oh really?  That sounds fun.  How long will you be gone?"
"For a few days at the least.  Actually, I was wondering if you'd join me."
Your forkful of chocolate-something froze in midair.  "...Join...you...?  But I don't have anything to do with your company...I'd be a distraction, don't you think? Plus there's my business with the funeral parlor and I don't think I can request days off on such short--"
"I've already spoken to Zhongli about it.  He and Hu Tao cleared you as of last night.  So, what do you say?  Wouldn't this also give you the chance to visit some of your friends there anyway?"
"Well...yes..." you mumbled with a slight blush.
"What do you have to lose?  Think of it as a much-needed vacation.  You work too hard from what I've heard from Zhongli!  Besides, we can use this opportunity to learn more about each other, don't you think?"  Seeing your hesitation, he let out a defeated chuckle and shrugged.  "Of course, that's if you want to come with me.  If not, I understand."
"I..."  Well if my superiors approved, then I guess there's nothing wrong with taking a trip, right?  "Okay, I'll come with you."
The quiet peacefulness of Liyuan wilderness was disrupted by an exhausted groan and the dragging of feet.  "Ugh, since when was it ever this hot in Liyue?"  Your clothes were soaked in sweat from the summer-like heat despite your vision granting you resistance, but Childe appeared mostly unbothered--mostly.  He didn't show it, but when you'd look elsewhere he'd often pull at his collar and reminisce of the harsh winters of the Motherland.  "Thank the archons that the sun is finally setting."
"We've already passed Wangshu Inn, but it's not too late to turn back and spend the night there.  Are you sure you want to sleep in the woods, Reed?  You'd be passing up the chance to cuddle me, you know."  He reveled in your half-disgusted, half-flustered reaction while you struggled to fully comprehend his words.
"Q-Quit it!  Like I've said before, this wouldn't be my first trip to Mond.  I have no problem lying on the ground!  Or are you saying you can't handle it?"  Flipping the subject onto him did no good at hiding your flushing skin; the arrogant smirk on his face proved it.  "...Why don't we stay here?  There's the creek nearby, and a clearing up ahead."
Childe eyed the surrounding area and set his pack down.  "If the lady insists."  The pleasant aroma of packed food filled the two of you with delight.  "Shall I begin cooking dinner?"
"I wouldn't mind," you practically drooled.  Ajax's cooking was amazing! After that initial dinner when both of you reunited, he would sometimes surprise you with homecooked meals to take home and man were you excited for the next time he offered.  A toy seller and a cook...his younger siblings must live a luxury!  "I'll get some water!"
The creek wasn't too far away--perhaps some fifty feet or so.  The crystalline waters murmured quietly over the pebbles and stones, some spaces louder, others quieter where the fish gathered.  If it wasn't getting darker by the minute and the threat of hilichurls wasn't so prominent, you could've stayed here much longer.  Not that hilichurls posed that much of a threat to someone acquainted with your fighting skills, but you've only come across them once or twice, and the giant ones could easily bulldoze through you if given the chance.
Once the pot of water was full you rose to walk back to your little makeshift camp.  Ajax had insisted on bringing fresh produce since the trip to Mondstat wasn't a particularly long one and the trip was rather straightforward.  Maybe he was going to make stew?  Whatever he chose, you just hoped none of the food spoiled from the sun beating down on the packs all day.
By the time you got back, Ajax had already managed to start a fire and was humming some unknown tune while preparing the produce.  You couldn't help but raise a brow and tighten your hold on the pot.  "Um...really?"
"Hm?"  His eyes slid to you, then back to the fire.  "Oh! Sorry, I wasn't thinking.  Don't worry, Reed.  It won't bite you."
"I'm not coming close enough to feel the heat on my skin.  Here," you thrust the pot towards him and he made sure to grab it before the water spilled over.  Your light footsteps got quieter the further you strayed from Ajax and the fire, taking shelter beneath one of the far trees where your packs lay.  
"Relax, ojou-chan.  I won't let it hurt you."  A small chuckle escaped him before he resumed his humming session without a second thought or noticing your silence.  
You really don't remember...You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.  What did they do to you, Ajax?
Your silence carried on until the crickets duetted with the occasional hoots of a nearby owl and the crackling of the fire weighed heavily on your mind.  "I'm sorry, ojou-chan."  
"Mm?"  He had stopped rambling about some disagreement he and a coworker had about communication and was now looking directly at you.  
"I'll put out the fire," he moved.
"No, you need to stay warm."
"I wouldn't say that."  He drug out a blanket from his pack and laid it in the space between where he sat by the fire and you, who sat at the tree behind him.  "Here.  You'll lay on that side, I'll lay next to the fire."
Your eyes narrowed at the flickering flames behind him.  "Is that even safe?"
"Well if the fire ever gets out of control, you or I can put it out," he reasoned and pat the spot next to him until you reluctantly obliged.  He didn't lay down until you were settled in with your back facing him.  Silence befell the campsite until he took a deep breath.  "What's on your mind, Reed?"
It took a few minutes for the answer to come out.  "Do you not remember our last encounter  before my mother and I left Snezhnaya?"
"Now that you mention it, not really."  He remembered a vague goodbye, but nothing else about it.  It was sometime right after he returned from the abyss if he got his timeline correct.  Feeling a tad nervous for whatever reason now, he let out a small laugh.  "Could you possibly enlighten--" You rolled around so you faced him and met his gaze with tears. That's when his memory came rushing back.
"Ajax!  Ajax!"  You ran at him full speed with hot tears spilling down your cheeks until you collided with him in a tight embrace.  "I--I thought they got you too!" He seemed to freeze under your touch, so you pulled away to look him over.  He appeared tired and wild for lack of a better term, with eyes as wide as saucers like a snow leopard meeting a human for the first time.  He was different, but you couldn't put your finger on how.
"The Fatui," you sobbed.  "A day after you went missing, my house...my daddy..."
His words came out as harsh as the cold with not a hint of his kind demeanor shining through. "Spit it out."
"You know how my daddy fights against the Fatui in my town? They burned my house down and...and daddy..." Was your face red from crying all day or from the cold?  "...he burned with it."  Ajax didn't seem injured, so some of the stress weighing your shoulders down dissipated a bit now that you knew your dear friend wasn't hurt.
But instead of Ajax explaining where he was or consoling you for the loss of your father, a horrid giggle pierced through the snowscape.  It was inhuman, what with its pitch sending an icy chill down your spine and instantly replacing your expression of sorrow to one of confusion and horror.  "Ha...Hahahaha! Hahahahah!"
"Why are you laughing? This isn't funny!"
"Ahahaha!  Silly Reed," he chided and pat your head like one consoles a younger sibling, "in this world, only the strong survive.  Your father wasn't strong enough." The girl before him trembled at his words.  "He was too weak if he died like that."
"Th--This isn't funny, Ajax! Cut it--OW!"  You were shoved into the snow with an unfamiliar strength.  Ajax never raised a hand at you, even when you two played together.  What was he--
A dangerous glint danced in his eyes like the fire that consumed your house two days ago. "No, you cut it out!  You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep acting weak.  The world has no mercy on people like us.  It's kill or be killed.  Do you understand that, Reed?"
"Why are you...What is the matter with you?!  Don't you care? What did the Fatui do to you?!  Who even are you?"  Hot tears rolled down your cheeks until the cold froze them in their tracks.  Yet the boy that stared down at you was uncaring, cruel, and held no life in his eyes.
"It wasn't the Fatui," he muttered to himself.  "Hurry up and get on with it already.  What was really so important that you needed to tell me your dad died?"
"My mama and I...we're leaving tomorrow.  I came to make sure you were okay and to say goodbye.  We won't see each other again, Ajax," you finally rose to your feet and clenched your fists.  "But you don't care, do you?"
"No.  I don't.  Leave me alone already."
"I..." Ajax blinked several times as he processed his long-forgotten memory.  "I'm so sorry, Reed."
"If you're so sorry, then tell me what happened.  What did the Fatui do to you?" Even in the dark, you could see a hint of sadness in the depths of his eyes.  "If they hurt you too I swear...I swear I'll make every single one of them pay."  Heat radiated from your body at the thought.  "I promise." Yet even as you said this, there was another, darker, more bittersweet emotion in his expression.
"I...fell into the Abyss."  Those were the only words he muttered before rolling onto his other side, facing away from you.  And though you didn't really understand what he meant, his empty tone struck a cord within you.  Warm arms gently wrapped around his torso with a heat softer than the campfire that lulled him to sleep.
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tsuy4n · 4 years
NZHZHSNS HI HELLO UH I JUST REMEMBERED WHAT I ACTUALLY WANTED TO REQUEST— so uh remember that drunk fic that you did? umm, what would the MC's reaction be when she sees the video? and would her interactions with everyone change? anyways thank you !!!
Okay. Okay. So I'm very sorry. I just saw this. Me is busy with stuff and so, yeaaaa! Let's do this!
Drunk: After
"Ugh...My head."
Mc groans out while looking for their D.D.D to check the time.
"Why did I even drink that much??"
They stand up, still half asleep while heading towards their bathroom to fix their self.
"My head feels like exploding. I don't wanna go to school and just stay here to sleep..."
Mc whines but changed their clothes into their RAD uniform and head to RAD nonetheless, after taking the hangover pill that Lucifer left at the table, along with her breakfast which had a note.
"Surprisingly everyone had an agreement of making your breakfast. You must be having a massive headache, so if just want to take a rest for the rest for today, go ahead. -Lucifer."
They chuckle and kept the note with a smile on their face.
"...Why am I having this feeling of disgust towards myself?"
You ask as you shiver, having goosebumps while looking confused.
"I regret my decision now."
They grumbled as they walk at the hallway, the noise making her head to ache more.
"I should've just stayed home and lazed around."
Mc continues to grumble, not even realizing a hand coming towards her shoulder.
"Good morning, Mc. Are you feeling okay? I thought you would be staying and resting at home."
Simeon greets then questions with a bright smile.
"Huh? Oh, hey Simeon. And yeah, I'm doing fine..I guess."
They replied, mumbling the last part with a sheepish smile.
"And I just didn't like the thought of missing today's lesson. It's my fault for drinking too much anyways."
Mc felt the shame crawling its way towards them, making them completely confused. Wondering why they're feeling such shame and disgust towards their self.
"Well, if it isn't Mc."
Solomon enters the scene, somewhat looking completely smug as he smiles at them.
"It's great to see you attending RAD. I really expected for you to be resting at the House of Lamentation."
You felt like sweating, and feeling nervous in front of the angel and human sorcerer.
Just what is this heavy shame feeling on my shoulders???
They thought as they stared at the two handsome males, who seemed somewhat shining bright and looking so smug, especially Solomon, the human sorcerer.
"What are you being so smug about?"
Solomon hums as he continues to smile that you even cursed at his handsome face for making your heart so weak, that made you pissed.
"Ah, that's right. You said that we should be giving you some warning before smiling, right?"
You stared at him with wide eyes, confusion completely written all over your face.
"Huh??? What???"
The two of them laughs, finding your confused look adorable for them that it just made them want to tease you more.
"Anyways, don't have a heart attack when one us smiles, okay?"
Simeon says, patting your head that your confusion meter kept rising.
"That's right. Ahaha."
Solomon winks at you, and it seems that an arrow just pierced your heart and...eyes. But, of course, you responded with a small smile.
Luke runs towards them, smiling brightly as he gives them a hug.
"The demon brothers said that you'll be absent today because you're sick! Why are you here instead of resting? Are you gonna be okay taking classes when sick??"
Mc couldn't help but be in awe at the little angel, thinking he's just the most cute and absolutely adorable being they have seen.
"Of course."
They replied with a soft smile, completely forgetting their head aching somehow.
"Anyways, I'll get going now. See you later guys."
You said your goodbye to the three, now remembering that feeling of shame and disgust once again.
"Did I miss something? I don't remember anything after taking my 7th glass or something."
They take a deep breathe, a small smile showing.
"I'm sure I didn't do anything weird."
Soon you felt someone tap your shoulder, which made you turn around with a hum.
"A pleasant morning, Mc!"
Diavolo greets in a joyful manner, looking completely in a great mood, along with Barbatos. Both of the demons seems to shine brightly like Solomon and Simeon.
"Oh, Good morning, Lord Diavolo."
You simply greeted with a smile, finding them cute looking like that. But Diavolo pouts, making you wonder if you said something wrong.
"So they're not calling me Dia anymore, huh?"
Diavolo mumbles to himself which you raised an eyebrow, wondering what he had just said.
"Hello, Mc. Should you really be attending class today instead resting?"
They chuckle and smile.
"Yea, Don't worry, I'm doing great."
"Would you look at that! It's Mammon and Leviathan!"
The prince shouts with a laugh. The two demon brothers looked up and saw Diavolo, Barbatos and...You.
OMG! It's Mc! Gotta act natural!
"Hi, L-Lord Diavolo, and M-M-M-Mc!"
Levi stutters out, his face bright red, along with Mammon.
"Mc! What're y-y-you doin' here?! Shouldn't y-ya be r-resting at home or s-s-somethin'?"
Mc opens their mouth, an eyebrow rising.
"Uhh..It's lonely and quiet there without you guys, so yeah. And why are you both so red and stuttering so much???"
You put each of your hands on their forehead, checking out the demons temperature if their sick.
"Wow, hot. You two must've caught a cold or something."
Levi backs away, looking like he'll pass out any second because of your hand.
"T-The great Mammon isn't someone w-who'll g-g-get some dumb c-c-cold just like that!"
Mc scoffs and waves her hand.
"Sure, whatever. Don't go complaining when it gets worse. See you later Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, Mammon and Levi."
You walk away from the four of them, now getting weird out about the boys.
The f*ck is happening?? Are they just in a good mood or they're just high or something???
Now all those thinking is making their head ache more again, that it made them groan and grumble.
"Sweetie, Mc! You're here!"
Asmodeus hugs you from behind with a big smile on his face, startling you.
"Being in a place without you is so boring~!"
The avatar of lust whines then giggles.
"Uh, yeah. Sure. Whatever."
You push Asmo away making Satan to chuckle lightly, satisfied a little at what you did.
"Why are you getting so touchy? Just what is wrong with everyone today???"
Satan and Asmo stares at each other then laughs.
"Oh, honey. I knew you wouldn't remember anything about yesterday after getting si wasted like that!"
Asmo starts as he takes his D.D.D out, opening its screen.
"That was the most cutest, adorable and the precious thing I have seen of your side so far!"
Satan nods his head, completely agreeing.
"Indeed it was. It was definitely funny and cute seeing you act like that, Mc."
You stared at them with that confused expression once again which you had done many times for today.
"Here, watch this~!"
And so, that is when you felt like stabbing your eyes for seeing such things that you would never think of doing when drunk.
"See?! Especially when you smile! You see how charming thiz b*tch Ish?!"
You cover your eyes, completely bright red as shame, disgust, and embarrassment consumes you.
B*tch?! Did I seriously called Solomon a b*tch?!
They groan, then after that. They seemed to cough out blood and felt their self slowly crumbling, after seeing the scene of them hugging everyone and hearing them asking everyone in the room to marry them.
F*cking end my life.
The video ended which resulted a laughing Asmo and Satan, remembering the incident yesterday and a 100% want to experience it again.
But they flinched when they the lifeless looking Mc, who's soul seems like would leave their body any second now.
"Thank you for making me remember about my shameful and embarrassing actions of yesterday. Now if you would excuse me.."
You said, speaking sweetly with a smile.
"I would like to find a very deep hole and live there for the rest of my life."
They flinched as they saw Mc quickly dash away from them, startling both of them.
"Wha-?! Mc?!"
They both run after you to catch and stop you.
"You can't do that Mc!"
Satan shouts, holding your wrist.
"No! Let me go!"
Lucifer, Belphie and Beelzebub soon arrives, wondering what's that bickering is about.
"What in the Diavolo is happening here??"
Lucifer questions, arms crossed.
"Lucifer! Listen here, Mc wants to burry their self inside a hole!!"
Asmodeus shouts to his older brother.
"I said live! Not bury myself, damn it!"
You stop and stay quiet for a second, making them confused and worried.
"But that'll do much better!!"
"Why am I here with you all when I'm trying my best to ignore all of you earlier.."
You said as you sulk on a corner, covering your face.
"Come on, Mc. You shouldn't do that. You're making us sad..You won't be able to see our handsome smiling face."
Your face turns red once again, and you face Solomon.
"Don't tease me..!"
The sorcerer laughs and hugs you.
"Okay, Ahahaha. Here, let me hide you."
Everyone doesn't seem to like what's happening in front of them. Not one bit.
"He's definitely taking advantage of this."
Belphegor deadpans, earning a nod from his twin brother, who's eyebrows both furrowed.
"Hey! Get away from Mc, you shady sorcerer!"
Mammon shouts, while pointing his finger at him.
"Yeah, get away!"
Luke also shouts, pouting his lips.
"I want to be in the hole of shame."
You grumble as the demons continue to bicker and glare at Solomon.
"Ahaha. Don't worry about what happened last night, Mc. What happened has happened. There is nothing to be embarrassed about."
You stare at Diavolo then laughs flatly.
"Uh, yeah, no. This is why I like to drink alone! I will never have to be worried about what weird stuff I did!"
Simeon chuckles and pats their head with a smile.
"Come on, Mc. No one even hated what you did last night."
Lucifer nods his head, cursing Solomon inside his head.
"Yes, indeed."
"In fact, we all quite enjoyed the affection you gave to all of us."
Barbatos joins as well, grinning. You sunk down, covering your bright red face.
"Well the sober me didn't."
Asmo chuckles and skips towards you, smiling brightly.
"You were so cute last night. Did you know that Mc?"
You deadpan an expression at the demon.
"All I know is that I'm horribly disgusted, ashamed, and embarrassed of myself."
Leviathan shrugs his shoulders while taking his phone out to play with it.
"I know how that feels, lol."
They all turned their heads to glare at the purple head demon.
"Come on, Mc. I'm sure you didn't meant anything you said last night, as much as it hurts to admit."
Diavolo assures, along with a soft smile but somehow looking like a puppy.
"Augh! I tend to be very honest when drunk, so this is killing me!!"
Beelzebub steps forward then stares at you.
"Do you want me to give you some of my warmth, Mc?"
You stare at the large demon and remembers that line you also said to him last night, which made you shiver in disgust at your own self once more.
"From no on, I will be limiting my drinking. 3 shots is enough. No more than that."
They deadpan and spread their arms to hug Beel.
"But why, Mc?! That side of you was absolutely adorable and precious!"
Asmo whines which made everyone to nod in agreement.
"If I ever get drunk, I will blame you Asmo "
The demon shrieks and points at Mammon.
"That's Mammon's job! Not mine! Blame him!!"
The white haired scoffs and coughs.
"T-The great Mammon a-also...wants some hug...."
You stare at him, wondering what he said.
"You want some bug???"
You stare at him in disgust for asking you for a...bug. Lol.
"Anyways. I need some time alone for the time being. Don't look for me until I show myself to you all."
Mc quickly leaves the room, making the boys to chuckle which only made Luke confused.
And so, for the rest of the day, Mc avoids all of their friends. Not wanting to remember their shameful actions.
"Mc? How are you doing?"
Satan questions as the brothers continues to do their thing, but is actually listening to what they'll be answering.
"Huh? Oh, I'm doing great."
They replied with a big smile.
"Besides for the fact about what I did last night is eating me up, so yeah. I'm doing absolutely great."
Everyone discussed at chat after having dinner with their human.
"Then it would be best to not bring up what they did or about what happened last night."
Diavolo informs, which everyone responded with a demoji nodding its head. And before Diavolo puts his D.D.D down, he chats one last time.
"Have a pleasant night everyone. Take good care of Mc. Good bye."
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gay-disneyy-prince · 4 years
Li Shang Headcanons
Summary: Requested from a friend of mine who shall remain nameless for privacy reasons (if ur reading this, yk who you are), I give you: Li Shang Headcanons! Also including NSFW
Pairing: Shang X Female Reader
Tags: Fluff, nsfw, sfw, smut
Warnings: nsfw, sex, positions, smut, bdsm (i think??)
I didn’t want sexuality to be the first thing but HEAR ME OUT... Shang is bisexual. or at least also likes men.
I can also see him having slight ocpd too because of that scene in mulan 2 where he’s like “eXCusE mE?? wE aRE nOT wInGiNG iT wE aRe tAKiNG tHe mAP-”
I can also totally see him a perfectionist and slight neat freak ok just ocd then.
He probably cooks AMAZING food tho.
Like if Gordan Ramsay’s cooking skills was a chinese soldier it’d be him
Also he’d probably give the best hugs and cuddles.
Like imagine those big strong killing machine arms just warmly embracing your body.
But he’d also prob be very gentle with you when hugging you in fear he’d cut off your oxygen supply.
So you hug him tighter and he hugs you tighter since he takes that as a message you want more extreme cuddles.
Always big spooning you in bed.
Would never admit it but, he loves to be little spoon. 
This is starting to sound like bottom energy ngl
Loves when you hug him from behind.
Bro, the dates he takes you out on?? 11/10.
Dinner dates, movie nights, netflix and chill, you name it. With Shang, he always finds a way to make it better.
His favorite is watching the stars in the park or even on the hood of your car, just silently enjoying each others company while he warms you up with his big boi body heat.
In my opinion, if he were to propose to you, it’d probably be on a date where its just the two of you.
He’d probably be nervous asf about it tho because he comes from a traditional family so he most likely has little to no experience on dating.
Which is why he considers himself so damn lucky to have you
Whether your in the Imperial Army with him or not, they’ve definitely heard of you and Shang.
And you can bet your ass that somehow word got around that he was thinking of proposing.
The reason he didn’t tell anyone is because he feels he should stay professional there, also he’d prob get embarrassed and doesn’t want his soldiers to see his soft side or something. 
Yao’s probably the one to hype him up about it tho and Chien-Po is super happy for him. 
“Listen, General, don’t worry bout a thing, alright? That’s a fine lady you got yourself there, and you too are SO deeply in love. She’d be crazy not too.” (Correct me if they don’t call him general, I haven’t watched the movie in a while!)
“Gee, thanks, Yao. And watch it, that’s my girlfriend your talking about!”
Again this is when if he were to propose to you
All in all one of the best boyfriends you could honestly have
As said before, Shang most likely would come from a traditional family so he doesn’t have much experience in dating. Or sex.
bb’s a virgin
You’re his first lol lucky
So when ya’ll first did it, you totally took the lead bc he was nervous
Like he removes his clothes and just doesn’t know what to do next
It was definitely slow and gentle with some hesitance (did I spell that right?)
Lots of “Are you okay? Are you sure?” “Yes, Shang.”
But you gotta admit it was lowkey cute how nervous he was
He treated you like a queen too
He’s very vanilla
His favorite position is definitely missionary
He don’t mind doggy style tho either
He likes to see your ass
His hair would be let loose as he’s on top just thrusting slowly into you
Soft manly moans intensifies
It drives him CRAZY when you run your hands through his hair or wrap your legs around his waist
Maybe even scratch his back a bit
He very much would rather do it at your place because it’s way more secure there
He’s mortified at just the thought of anyone catching you two. 
Also... fucking you on the desk or couch? EVEN ON THE FLOOR? It turns him on to the MAX @geminiofficial on tikok
He never told you that because he’s kind of embarrassed of it
You figured out though anyway
“Yes, babe?” 
“Do you enjoy the sex anywhere other than the bed?”
His face immediately went red “What? I mean.. no- err, well yes- if you enjoy it too.”
“We can have different turn ons, you know.”
He got like super embarrassed and just became a stuttering mess 
Then you pushed him on the couch and got on top of him
Boner 100
“You don’t have to hide it from me, I enjoy it too.” You looked at him innocently while stroking his hard cock through his pants.
Ya’ll fucked then and there
ahahaha... lmk if ya’ll want part 2? anyway hope ya’ll enjoyed, sorry for any mistakes i don’t really proofread my work lol
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
hello, kay! i hope you've been taking care of yourself well and that life has been kind to you for the most part. i want to ask, how do you feel about kita shinsuke? your akaashi is exquisite and incredibly characterized that i always find myself coming back to your stories should i need my keiji fics, and i realized that it would probably be really interesting (and beautiful) to meet kita through your words. no pressure, tho! as always, i am grateful for whatever you write. ♡ all the love x
you’re an absolute sweetie -- i hope you’ve been well too! i’m honestly at my wit’s end but we’ll survive somehow, right? ahahaha // i’m still incredibly flustered whenever someone mentions how much they like my keiji characterization -- he’s one of the ultimate comfort characters for sure! so thank you for giving my keiji fics that honor <3 
i’ve definitely developed some love for kita over time! i love anyone who’s incredibly dependable -- my love language (that i’ve recently re-discovered) is acts of service and i can see him embodying that! 
i got carried away: here’s ~1.7k of some hazy kita appreciation, or some strangers-to-lovers ideas sprinkled together. my brain has died from finals, but i hope you like this anon!
the first time that kita shinsuke even crosses your mind, you mistakenly think, “he’s certainly a bit dull.” 
it’s not that you forgot he existed by any means -- the boy certainly carries a presence and emanates it in a calm, quiet manner. you just can’t remember him saying anything that wasn’t related to speaking out loud in class or social pleasantries. he’s certainly not much more than a blank canvas to you, and the only splotch of color thrown on is that he’s a member of your nationally recognized volleyball team. other than that, you know nothing else.
it all changes when you two are paired for classroom cleaning duties your third year. 
when your homeroom teacher announces your name after his, you glance away from the window to the boy sitting diagonally in front of you to your right. his back sits upright, elbows bent to indicate he’s probably sitting with his hands linked on top of his desk, legs still and placed together underneath the wood. besides the two-toned grey and black hair, you would think he’d be the perfect poster child for japanese education. 
the first morning of cleaning duties, you’re sprinting through the halls in your slippers, hoping that the student council president isn’t anywhere near your classroom. the subway was absolutely packed and nobody seemed to be in the usual pace of the morning rush, which caused some delays and for you to cut it very close. you slide open the class door with all the force you can muster, panting and out of breath with apologies falling off your tongue. unbeknownst to you, your brain had been expecting kita to give you a small smile and ensure that it was okay for your two minute tardiness -- instead, you were at the receiving end of a blank yet heavy stare, and seemingly scathing words of, “don’t be late next time.” 
your second thought of kita is that he’s too rigid and austere for a seventeen year old. bitterness festers in your chest as you practically stomp towards your desk, setting your stuff down before you head to the erasers in front of the chalkboard. even though there isn’t much dust left on them, you’re searching for excuses to calm down and be a little more level-headed. 
you’re so caught up in your thoughts and staring out into the open sky that you don’t register kita’s presence looming near. but it’s his timbre voice that startles you out of your stupor, though they’re nothing more special than, “you can sweep the other half of the classroom. i’m getting started on the desks,” and he walks away. 
in gliding the bristles over the wooden floor, you take another peek at your partner for the time being. it’s hard to miss the way he methodically cleans each wooden surface, leaving no corner unwiped, no speck of dust lingering. something about it is somewhat endearing to you, a rather drastic juxtaposition to how you were feeling not too long ago. maybe you were wrong about him -- kita shinsuke might still be a little boring to you, but he’s just...diligent. 
in home ec, you’re partnered up with ojiro aran (which proves to be in the best of your luck). but he’s good with small talk, and it’s not like you two have never spoken before. so three weeks later over the folding of meringue into the other batter, you decide to pop the question of, “what’s kita-san like as captain?” 
aran can’t contain his muted surprise at your inquiry, seeing as you two rarely ever get into the details of his volleyball playing, much less so about his team. but it doesn’t stop him from giving a truthful answer, “he’s no nonsense, keeps everyone in line. we have some rowdy underclassmen and no one scares them more than shinsuke.”
“a hardass?”
“when he needs to be,” aran chuckles. “but he’s very thoughtful and goes out of his way to care for everyone. the guy lives and breathes by routine.” 
there’s something that stirs within you, a small flame being lit, one that flares the next morning when kita walks by your desk and greets you, “good morning, l/n-san.” seeing as he usually never does, you stumble over your reply and shock, all the while berating your heart for beating as fast as it is. kita’s just being polite and using social pleasantries, nothing more. 
but he does it the next morning, and then the next, and even incorporates, “how are you?” into his line of words on days you two clean. little by little, you get to know more about him -- not a lot, but enough to correct yourself for ever thinking that he’s a dull, austere, mean human being. you tell yourself it’s nothing more, especially when you start looking forward to their games and join the student cheering squad. it’s nothing when you eagerly await for the moments that kita gets subbed in; absolutely nothing when he looks away from the court and into the crowd, catching your eyes and allowing his lips to slip into a demure smile before turning back around. the pounding of your heart and sweating of your hands aren’t related at all, just physiological effects of the game. 
and before you know it, graduation comes around and you think you’ll never see him again after this. you’re laughing and taking pictures with your classmates, later spotting aran over the crowd of families. he catches your waving arm and bounding figure, bright grin on his face as he congratulates you. “i’ll miss you all,” you confess and aran affectionately pats your head. “same here. have you seen shinsuke?”
your brows furrow. “no, why? is he looking for me?”
“you sound confused by that. weren’t you two friends?”
“i wouldn’t overassume that...but i doubt i’m on his mind right now.”
aran only nods and adopts a pensive look, taking a moment to think before confessing, “you meant something to him. after all, he greeted you every morning, right?”
you nod. “but what does that have to do with anything?”
aran’s parents interrupt and attempt to drag him away before he can answer, but he beckons for them to give him another minute. quickly, he pulls you into a one-arm hug, telling you over the bustling crowd, “you were part of his routine.” 
you’re stunned, frozen in your tracks as aran and his family walk away. their departure creates some space between everyone, and you find yourself looking straight into the golden eyes of the man that had been plaguing your thoughts for months now. he doesn’t back down, not out of defiance though -- rather, he seems to be trying to convey that he sees you, acknowledges your existence and long wedged a placeholder for you in his life. 
but the spell is broken when one of your relatives tugs on your arm for you to leave and go home for a big lunch celebration, and that’s the last you see of him.
at least for the next two years. you have a part-time job at osamu’s onigiri shop, having met the man in some cooking classes over the years. while you’re up front most of the time, you occasionally help out in the kitchen during rush hours. evidently, you missed any of the information on the exact source of the rice, remembering nothing more than the fact it was special and held a certain place in osamu’s heart -- because when kita shinsuke walks in to make a special, personal visit, your brain splutters and ceases all deep cognitive functioning.
he looks well, happy, strong, more than he did back in high school. the same air of confidence still surrounds him and encases the entirety of the shop, and instincts nearly have you dropping to your knees so you can hide behind the counter and catch your breath. 
“oh shinsuke, you’re here!” osamu calls out from behind you, popping out of the kitchen to help with the rice bags. the most you can muster is a gentle bow before messing with the cash register, pretending to be busy organizing receipts and bills. you tune out most of the conversation cleaning counters, checking customers out, wiping down tables, and anything else that’ll take your mind off the guy your heart could never seem to forget. 
but osamu bidding goodbye to kita snaps you out of your reverie. and instead of walking towards the door, kita’s figure approaches you until there’s nothing but 5 feet of wood between the two of you. “it’s good to see you,” he greets softly, a gentle expression casting onto his face and tone. 
“i-it’s good to see you too, kita-san,” you barely reply in time, doing everything you can to fight the blood rushing into your face. 
“i’d like to take you out for coffee when your shift is over, if that’s okay.”
“oh, well, yes, but um, my shift doesn’t end for another hour and--”
“oh, you’re good to go for the rest of the day,” osamu calls out with his head popped out the kitchen door, sending a knowing look towards his former captain. in fact, you remember that the owner had been somewhat insistent that you come work today of all days and you never knew why...until now.
that fucker.
shinsuke’s eyes glimmer as the realization hits you, the same demure smile as the one he sent you all those years ago during a volleyball game sitting on his lips. excitement bubbles within you, and you attempt to tease, “only if you can untie my apron for me?”
there’s no hesitation in his demeanor as he walks around the counter and plants himself right in front of you, mere centimeters between the tips of your shoes and his. you can’t bear to look away as an arm reaches around easily undo the bow at your lower back. neither do you miss the ghosting of his fingertips at your waist that burn through the cotton of your t-shirt, and you’re just thankful that no customers are around to witness this heated, intimate moment. 
“lead the way, captain,” you can’t help but say. something dark and dangerous crosses his eyes, sending a thrilling shiver down your spine. and you think that yes, yes indeed, you’d like to see those eyes more often if you can. 
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masseffecthoe · 4 years
Forbidden starfruit
Wanted to write a little one shot, plotless porn... so here’s part 1/5 :)) Some plot wiggled itself in, oops. I just wanted the reader not to be a goody two shoes, couldn’t find any fanfics, so I wrote one. Classic story.  Y/N is not evil, but definitely on the morally grey, leaning dark side. Seduction to the grey side if you will.
Spam me any ‘seduction to the dark side’ stories with OC/reader tho, Poe, Kylo, anyone. I crave MORE!
Summary: Poe meets a stranger in a bar. They bang.
Warning: uum the no pants dance. sucking the oyster.
EDIT: AHAHAHA OMG the paragraphs didn’t paste in order!!! FFS... fixed it now >.<
Probably ooc, probably some wrong tech/lore. Wrote for fun.
I like mood boards.
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The bar was packed, the music loud and energizing. People were either chatting on the margins, tables full of drinks, or enjoying themselves on the dance floor. Poe checked the time again, remembering to keep his expression relaxed. The informant was almost four hours late, something must have went wrong. Or he'd changed his mind, or perhaps he never existed. It was not everyday that they received intel about the First Order from a supposed deserter - the possibilities were endless and the factors unprecedented.
Everyone thought it might be a trap, but the chances for it were dwindling by the minute. Surely if this was some kind of ploy something would have already happened by then. He took another short sip of his drink - his second cup of ardees already - trying to stall for as long as possible. His eyes wandered over the crowd again, a small smile forming on Poe's lips. It was nice to see them having fun, aliens and humans alike, no worries of the oppressions of the First Order. Or the constant pressure for duty in the Resistance. He felt like he could be a part of that, in a simple pair of trousers and a white T-shirt he could pass as one of the party goers and pretend, for just a selfish moment, that he was carefree.
A flash of red caught his attention and he turned his head, dismissing the previous heavy thoughts. The source of the vibrant color was enticing, the silky fabric of her crimson dress hugging all the right curves as the woman made her way to the opposite side of the bar. Skin glistened in the brighter lights from behind the bar. Two drinks were placed before her and he noticed she was accompanied by another woman, the pair clinking the glasses and gingerly sipping on the neon colored liquid.
Her friend whispered something in her ear and she turned towards him, piercing eyes meeting his for a split second, landing straight on him as if guided by some unknown force. It lasted but a moment, the two women giggling between them the next.
"Something caught your eye, Black Leader?" Poe let out a small sigh and shook his head ever so lightly. He was not supposed to answer and in fact, they were not supposed to use the channel at all, except for an emergency if the whole operation had turned out to be a trap. Chatting about a stranger in a bar did not sound like an emergency. Still, a silly smile played on his lips. How long had it been since he'd done something so... mundane, like going out drinking and meeting a woman who was not also his colleague in the resistance. "Heads up, she's coming your way."
Poe panicked for a moment. He was on a mission! Even if the chances of the informant coming were close to none and at that point and they were about to call it a day, he was still on duty. For about another 15 minutes maybe. The woman could spook the mole, or worse, get caught in some twisted First Order plot that made him waste time and credits in a bar on some nondescript outer planet... Ok, there was probably no evil plot and a beautiful woman was drawing closer.
"Hi. Mind if I sit?" She gestured to the stool beside him. Her voice was smooth and pleasant and she seemed to strain a bit to be heard over the noise. She was pretty, but there was something more to it, something in the way she stood tall and proud, those sharp eyes, playful and wise at the same time.
"I'd be a fool to refuse." Her smile widened and she sat gracefully on the cushion, his eyes immediately drawn to her backside. He snapped them back to her face, but the all-knowing smirk on her plush lips told him he did not go unnoticed.
"I'm Y/N." He reached to shake the outstretched hand, her skin soft against him, but she had a good grip, not as delicate as he'd imagined. His name passed his lips before he could think of an alias, or a reason to use one.
"Poe." He could almost hear Temmin's scoff on the other end of the comms, even if they hadn't been turned them on.
"Nice to meet you, Poe." She almost purred his name and he had to remind himself that they were on a Resistance mission. Focus! "Now tell me, who had the audacity to stand up a guy like you?" He raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask she continued. "I saw you coming in a while ago. Was mustering my courage to come over, but you looked like you were waiting for someone. Didn't want to cause any trouble." Somehow he doubted the last part. He couldn't place the mischievous little glint in her eyes.
"Not used to being the one to make the first move?"
"On the contrary. I've learned in life you have to seize what you desire." Her eyes traveled slowly across him, right hand playing with the rim of her glass.
 "You risk someone else stealing it from right before your eyes. Like I'm doing right now, I suppose. Your date missed the chance, and here you are with me instead."
"Turned out in my favor I'd say." He let his own gaze wander, from the soft features o her face, down the curve of the neck and all the down her low cut of her dress, the valley between her breasts exposed to him.
"We shall see. We've barely met after all, but the night is young." It really wasn't that early anymore, midnight was just hours away. "Tell me about yourself, Poe."
"What would you like to know?"
"Are you a local? You don't look like it, though." There was that look in her eyes again, playful but observant, not letting anything escape her.
"I'm not, I'm from Yavin."
"Long way from home." He shrugged, sipping his drink to give himself time to find an excuse. He'd already given his real name, probably shouldn't follow with 'Resistance pilot' right after. 
"I'm a freighter pilot."
"Ah, hauling goods across the galaxy. You must have seen so many place!" He was not expecting her to be so enthusiastic about it, but he welcomed the attention. For once someone was interested in just him, not the star pilot of the Resistance.
"You wouldn't believe half of them." She scooted over, or maybe he just thought she did, wished it so, but she felt closer nonetheless, lashes fluttering as she fixed him again with her eyes. Her voice was low, like they were sharing a secret, despite the music still blasting around them in the bar.
"Well, what it the strangest place you've seen?" He tried to quickly excluded some of the more famous ex-Empire location and obviously Resistance related ones, but truth was he'd only ever traveled for his work. It was fighting the First Order here and looking thought jedi sites there, endlessly searching for a trace of the Luke Skywalker, one day after the next, it was always related to the conflict between light and dark.
"Probably Telos. The sheer determination to build up a chunk of a planet just to keep it together... it was an impressive sight, motivating." She hummed nodding her head.
"I've always wanted to travel and see everything. So many different ecosystems, cultures, creatures... I get a little sad when I think I'm never going to be able to discover them all."
"You travel a lot then?"
"When the job allows me." She paused and bit her lower lip, drawing Poe's eyes like a magnet. "I'm a glorified errand girl, but I get away with some little excursions." She leaned a little closer still, he could see a faint scar right below her eyebrow, easily missed with a trick of the light. He could feel the genuine excitement in her voice. "I strayed a bit off course once to this planet in the Belderon sector, Lola Sayu. Don't think 've seen anything quite like it... half of it is missing, blown up ages ago, but the atmosphere formed around the missing part, encapsulating it. It made this giant ball, yellow and purple mashed together.
"The Belderon sector? What were doing all the way there?"
"Ok, ok, I strayed a lot off course, like a week maybe, but I just had too see it."
"Seize what you desire..."
"Exactly! We only have one life and we never know when it might end. I plan to make the most of it." Poe stared at the woman for a long moment. She was bright and smart and oh, so beautiful - it was more intoxication than his long forgotten drink. A mouthful of fresh water after days in the desert, her view of the world, simple but joyful, gave him a surge or energy, of hope. Temmin's voce in his ear was low, but the words were exactly what Poe needed to hear.
"You deserve a break, Poe. Our contact ain't coming and we are to leave only in the morning. See you at the ship tomorrow. Black Two, out."
He wasn't sure who leaned in first, but one moment her hand was on his thigh and the next his own hands were cradling her closer, pulling her off her stool and onto his lap. His senses were assaulted all at once, the loud music, the sweet taste of her mouth and the flowery perfume he hadn't notice before. Her lips were soft but the kiss was relentless, both devouring one another, her body pressed so close to his.
She smiled, a little curve of her lips that stirred things in him, that promised passion and a reckless abandonment, and took his hand to pull him along. He craved for more, more kisses, more skin, so he followed without a second thought. She skipped across the street and they hastily made their way to her room on the first floor, stealing kisses in the doorway and on the stairs.
He pressed her against the door as she was locking it, her ass pushing back deliciously. His mouth fell on her shoulder, hands going up her sides, slightly pulling on the fabric of the dress, making her body shiver in anticipation. The damn thing had to come off. Her arms lifted as if thinking the same, so he backed up and pulled the dress over her head with ease. His fingers traced the expanse of her back and hooked on her lace thong pulling it slightly. With a small gasp she turned, eyes dark with lust, only in heels and the flimsy little piece of red lace. Poe couldn't remember a time he had been more turned on.
He kneeled and lifted her leg over his shoulder with little warning. She gasped as his fingers traced the lace, already seeping wet and ready. The thong was pulled aside and his mouth was on her, sucking and biting eagerly, his tongue circling her bud, lapping at her flowing juices. She moaned loudly, her fingers twisting in his hair.
"Not fair..." She panted from above, but her hips bucked towards him. He smirked and pushes a finger inside her, then a second, lifting his head to look at her. She was gorgeous, ragged breaths and knees trembling as he pumped his fingers vigorously, thumb stroking her clit. The obscene sound of her moans and dripping pussy filled the small room, tantalizing. He got up, mouth clasping over a nipple and she arched her back pressing to him, head rolling back against the door as the walls clamped over his digits. Poe backed up barely an inch to look her in the eyes as he brought his fingers to his mouth, needing to taste her one more time. She let out a straggled breath, half sigh half moan and roughly pulled on his T-shirt. "Clothes off. Now."
"Yes ma'am." He was happy to oblige, his dick straining in his boxers, already damp with precum. His clothes flew off unceremoniously, their hands bumping as they both pulled on the fabric, rushed to unzip his pants and pull down his boxers. Hand on his chest, she backtracked him until his legs hit the bed then pushed him on it. Her hands traced up his legs, crawling in between them, eyes never leaving her prize as she laid kisses up his thighs, nails scraping at his skin, closer to where he needed her the most. He took hold of her upper arms and spun them around so she was caged beneath him.
"Not fair." She breathed out a moan as his dick rubbed against her folds. He wanted her, needed her like air.
"Next time."
"Deal." He pushed inside her in one swift move, rougher than he intended, but she let out the most erotic sound he's ever heard, a loud and lewd groan, ringing in his ears as her body purred. Her words slurred from her pretty little mouths in short breaths.
"Shit, Poe, you're driving me, insane." She had no idea what she was doing to him. His mouth was on hers again, drowning her moans as he rocked his hips, plummeting in her core. Her shaking arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer like her life depended on it. He hooked one arm beneath her knee and pulled her leg up, spreading even more, going even deeper. It was raw and desperate, passion in its purest form. Her nails dug at the skin on his back, his name chanted from her lips like a prayer as his rhythm turned merciless. Thank the gods he'd told her his real name. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, nipping and sucking at he tender flesh.
Her eyes rolled in back of her head and his entire body shook above her as her pussy milked his dick with greed, clamping around him like a vice. Their breaths mingled, their skin sleek with sweat, but tingling still. With the last sliver or power he had, Poe rolled on his back and pulled her with him, her leg slipping over his, her hand on his chest. He was still in a daze, but looking at her she was not better, eyes half closed and unfocused, her fingers drawing lazy patters on his chest. He remember bringing her hand to his lips before falling asleep.
He woke up first, Y/N still curled over him, hair sprawled on the pillow behind her. She had pulled a silky sheet over them some time after he passed out. He smiled, lips pressing gently on the top of head. He pulled her closer, almost not believing she was real. She stirred, letting out a contents little sigh, but didn't wake up.
Poe enjoyed the feeling of her in his arms a moment longer, his brows more furrowed by the second, his lips pressed in a thin line. He had to go soon and he didn't know when he would see her again. His hand trailed the smooth skin on her back, not wanting to leave the bed, taking in every detail of her beautiful face. When the sun had finally fully risen there was no more time left.
He went to collect his scattered clothes, his mind running a mile a minute, thinking of how to tell her he was actually in the Resistance, wondering his she will react to him lying about his work, about his identity, but most importantly if she would want to see him again. Gods, he hasn't even left her room yet and he was already dreaming of when he'd hold her in his arms next. Poe smiled, he felt like a teen again, the only care in the world the affection of his lover.
But the world was cruel and he was not a silly boy back on Yavin. He found his T-shirt thrown all the way near her side of the bed and as he bend down to retrieve it, the holopad on the nightstand beeped loudly three times before a robotic voice boomed in the small chamber, the dark figure projecting from it chilling his blood.
"Y/N, I assume the traitor has been dealt with already. You better be on the Supremacy when I arriver to continue our training. You have an hour." Poe's breath caught in his throat, his mind so overwhelmed it first went blank then exploded with the possibilities and implications. The idea that he'd spent the night with one of the First Order's top assets... Did he steal something off him? Had it been a trap? 
His eyes fell on the holopad again, the blinking light showing she had a message. From fucking Kylo Ren! She was training with Leia's kid, she was dark side.
She was evil.
But she couldn't be, could she? 
Poe was so lost in thought he didn't even hear her as she stretched in bed behind him, the yellow glint in her eyes catching in the morning sun as her gaze fell on him.
Chapter 2 >
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sayakas-dr-imagines · 4 years
Would u be alright with writing Nagito, Hiyoko and Chiaki who have an S/O who is the Mastermind of the killing game? Sorry if I’m bad at wording things!!
- Mod Sayaka
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Nagito Komaeda, Hiyoko Saionji and Chiaki Nanami With An S/O Who Is The Mastermind Of The Killing Game!
Nagito Komaeda
- You were always his hope - his reason to stay alive another day. You were kind and compassionate, and you always raised his self-esteem. Even if it wasn’t by much. You were exactly what he needed to keep going. You were exactly what he needed to feel complete.
- You were so kind to everyone, even when he was ranting about hope you would kindly ask him to stop. You never said a bad word about anybody. Everyone saw you as their hope, too, he could tell - he recognised the way they all looked at you. 
- They looked at you with admiration, desire and genuine interest no matter what you were saying. Everybody felt a certain need to protect you from danger. And so did he, most of all. He never let anything hurt you - and he was constantly worried that his luck would act up whenever you were around. 
- So why were they looking at you with disgust, fear and hatred now? And why were they accusing you of being the mastermind? They’re wrong. They have to be. You would never-
- He was cut off by maniac laughter coming from you. It didn’t sound like you at all - it was brash, loud and harsh on his ears. You were always gentle, kind and understanding. Why? This can’t be real, it can’t be.
- Everything seemed to slowly piece itself together as people went on, exposing you for your crimes and your true intentions. You had intended to get everybody to rely on you, to want to protect you, to love you - because the despair on their faces when you were revealed to be the mastermind would be amazing to you. You wanted nothing more than for them to feel despair.
- “So that’s it?” Nagito finally spoke up, looking at you with an emotionless expression. Nothing on his face could be called emotion - it was more just disappointment. “Anything else you want to get off your chest?”
- It was strange. He didn’t feel like he was saying these things to you. Because that’s just not something he would do to you - it’s not something he would say to you. His body was working on its own. He wasn’t in control anymore.
- “Nagito, there was never an ‘us’.” He wanted to cry. He wanted to break down as ask you why, beg you to tell him why. But he didn’t. He stood still, too still for it to be natural. 
- “So you never loved me?”
- “Oh, no, dear. I did love you.” You smiled. Your smile was wicked and spread from ear to ear, unlike your usually gentle smile that warmed his heart whenever he saw it. “But the despair that comes from loving you and having to do this anyway... it’s... it’s amazing!” You giggled. 
- He didn’t understand. He couldn’t bring himself to hate you yet. Sure it hasn’t been too long since it was revealed, but you were the complete opposite of what you were. So why can’t he hate you?
- “I loved you! I really did, I really do! But don’t you feel it, Nagito? The despair? It’s the only reason I did this! It isn’t-”
- “Shut up. I don’t want to hear your pathetic excuses.”
- “Excuses?”
- He couldn’t focus on anything now. His mind was running too quickly for him to focus on one thought at a time. 
- As things went on and he was one again, left out, he looked down. He heard the room go quiet as you began laughing again. That stupid laugh. He hated it so much. But he still couldn’t hate you.
- “I should’ve known.” Is all Nagito said. He was quiet for god knows how long, quietly connecting the pieces in his mind.
- Now he knows why he couldn’t hate you.
- Because the you that he always knew? The you that is kind, gentle, affectionate and supportive is a completely different person that the bold, brash and despair-obsessed you that came to light just recently.
- He loves you.
- But this?
- This isn’t you.
Hiyoko Saionji
- You were always so kind to her. You were one of the very few people in her life that she was able to trust without question. She loved you so much - and she was sure that you loved her.
- Everybody else clearly felt the same, looking up to you like you were some sort of role model. You were. You were the very definition of a role model. You had taught her so much, and you even convinced her to be a little nicer to Mikan. It didn’t help much, but Mikan appreciated it, and Hiyoko did too. Though she’d never admit it.
- Hiyoko was always a very difficult girl to understand. Her thought process was unclear to most, and she always covered up her true feelings with a mask. She developed her mean personality to hide herself behind it. But you broke down that wall, and although it was still there, she never fully put the wall back up completely.
- But she felt it going back up as soon as you were accused of being the mastermind. She was quick to defend you, no matter how irrational she found herself being. “What? Shut up! You’re stupid if you actually believe that! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!”
- She kept arguing, mostly throwing insults at whoever dared to accuse you, until she was cut off by you, yourself. “How cute, Hiyoko. Yell all you want - they aren’t wrong.”
- For once, she was stunned into silence. She felt her eyes water up and tears start spilling down her cheeks. She felt the other’s pitiful stares on her, but she managed to ignore them. “What? N-no, S/O, d-don’t- don’t do this to me! S/O! You’re not! This is some kind of sick joke?”
- She was screaming at you, telling you that it had to be a joke. There’s no way. Absolutely no way that the one person who was able to make her be nice to that nasty pigshit Mikan was the mastermind - this couldn’t be real. And if it was, then she refused to believe any of it.
- “I lied to you, Hiyoko! Did you really think I cared about you? You’re a stupid, annoying little girl. Good luck finding somebody who really loves you!” You were laughing the entire time while saying that statement, and it seemed that not only Hiyoko was silent after that, but everyone else was too.
- “Yes! Yes, the despair on your faces! Ahahaha... It’s amazing! Amazing! Amazing!” You seemed much too joyful to even be human to her, and as tears rolled down her face uncontrollably, she just silently looked down at the ground, with no more words left to say to you.
- Everybody in the room was staring at you with disgust. If she could, she would do the same. But she wouldn’t be able to form much of an expression with how much tears are flowing down her cheeks at that moment.
- She hated you.
- She hated this.
- She hated herself.
- “Is this really it, S/O? I thought I could trust you! Please, please don’t do this to me! I beg you, S/O! I... I love you... please...” It was pathetic, even to her. A crying little girl afraid of letting her S/O go because of everything they’d been through together - it seemed like a cliche movie plot.
- But this wasn’t a movie, or a game. She was really faced with the biggest betrayal of her entire life. And it broke her inside.
- “Why...” Is all she could say in her hysterical state, looking up at you. Others in the room were staring at her with pity in their eyes, and she hated it. She didn’t want pity, she wanted you. She wanted you back!
- She wanted to feel your warm hugs again. She wanted you to gently stroke her hair and tell her that everything is going to be fine.
- Because the last time you did that...
- Was when you promised that you’d both get off the island together.
Chiaki Nanami
- Chiaki had always known that something was wrong with you. It wasn’t in something you said, or your personality. But your entire demeanour felt... wrong in a way.
- She trusted you, though. And she loved you more than anything. You were an inspiration. Everyone loved you, but she was the only one you let into your personal bubble. She would be able to go to you whenever she was hurt or upset. And you could go to her when you needed comfort, too.
- She cared so much for you - and she thought you cared for her just as much. You always assured everyone that you’d find a way to get off the island. You said there was no doubt about it - we’d all get off the island together.
- And as she stared at you, having now been revealed as the mastermind behind this sick game. She was still so stoic, putting the pieces together in her mind. “So you pretended to care, so that when you were exposed, we’d all feel despair?”
- “Yes! Brilliant, isn’t it, sweetheart?” She flinched at the nickname. You no longer had the privilege of calling her that, and she knew that you knew that. You knew that you had no right to call her that anymore. You just wanted to her to feel as much despair as possible.
- And as much as she hated it, it was admittedly working.
- “My name is Chiaki,” she corrected you. That sick grin never left your face for a minute. It hurt her so much to have to confront you like this. She can’t hate you. But you’ve done so many terrible things.
- Chiaki continued, exposing all of your crimes for everyone to hear. People seemed shocked that she wasn’t breaking down at the fact that her S/O is the mastermind, but what they didn’t know, is that she was.
- On the inside, she felt broken. Incomplete. You were what made her feel complete, you helped her through so much, and now all of that was stripped away from her before her eyes. But she had to stay strong. For the sake of everyone else.
- It took all of her an unbelievable amount of willpower to not break down crying while breaking down what her plans were for her and the others. It was just so terrible.
- Just a while ago, you were promising everyone that you would do your best to find a way off the island. You were supporting everyone, keeping their hopes up high, just for the sake of crushing them at the end.
- And she hated that she couldn’t bring herself to hate you.
- “It’s all for a good cause,” you said, causing most people in the room to shift their eyes to glare at you. Everyone was filled with such hatred immediately - that was what she didn’t understand.
- Everyone else already brought themselves to hate you so much, so why couldn’t she? Why couldn’t she hate you, like everyone else did?
- She knew it was irrational to want to hate someone just because everyone else does. But this time, it’s different that when most people do that. Now it was because the most important person in her life betrayed her and thought they could get away with it.
- She was silent after exposing everything you’d done, letting other people have time to speak to you, or ask pointless questions.
- She knew very well that asking “why” was pointless.
- So was asking if they really cared.
- And so all of her questions were kept to herself, and she tried to answer them herself.
- That was pointless too. Because all the answers she gave herself were answers she really didn’t want.
- It really wasn’t fair.
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woozisnoots · 4 years
modernized pucca*!hoshi au aka hoshi is a delivery boy being clingy
° pairing: hoshi x reader ° word count: 1.1k ° genre: fluff ° warnings: foul language, mild violence ° a/n: terms with a * are explained below
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it’s five in the morning when your alarm woke you up
and first you think what,, the fuck? why??
you did nothing to deserve this
but then you realize it’s monday fUNday
then you’re like,,, fuck i gotta gO
you live alone in small apartment downtown since you moved out of your parent’s place a couple years back
bUT just a couple of months ago your parents crashed their car into a tree
… yeah you don’t know how that happened either
nor do you think you wanna know?
so like now they don’t have a car
your lil siblings are afraid of any public transportation
and their house might as well be on a remote island bc anywhere else is too far for them to just walk
so being the a n g e l that you are, you offer to drive their parents to work in the morning AND your siblings to and from school
in exchange for money of course
bc that’s about an hour to drive to their place and you need GAS
also bc like you’re a national winning karate champ and you need new equipment
bobs* + safe guards + weapons = 5-6 digits worth of mula,, no big deal
so you drive to their place, take your parents to work, and drop off the kiddos to school, thanking the gods above that you got their just in time
you hang at your parent’s place until you have to pick up your siblings later
there’s like 8 hours to kill before you gotta pick ‘em up so you decide to train
some of your old equipment was left at your parent’s place so you decide to use those
you also greatly appreciate the fact that you left a katana in the hands of a nine year old child :)
fastforward, it’s been a couple of hours,, water is leaving your body via sweat (gross) and you’re incredibly famished
you don’t wanna use up gas so you call up a delivery from a chinese restaurant that your parents recommended
do you all see where this is going :)
you take your training outside and start working footwork and punch combinations
“you should try front punch, back punch, back fist!! that one’s always a classic!”
startled, you look over your shoulder and spot your eyes on a,,, uhhm quite,, cute boy standing just over on the other side of the fence
if it weren’t for his tiger printed cardigan
“are you the delivery boy?”
“yes ma’am :)”
“alright how much do i owe you?”
“for you? nothing but i would like to kiss you on the cheek tho” ;)
...excuse you what :)
you laugh it off and just give him a 20 and respond with “keep the change” as you take your food and started heading inside
before you could place one foot passed the door you heard him yell, “i guess i’ll see you later!!”
confused, creeped out, and slightly dare you say,, excited? to see him again?? whatever the heck he meant?
then that feeling started to dwindle once you realized that this boy has just been coming by the house to give you food
for the past
for the entire week, that was the routine
you wouldn’t even call for food,, he was just already there
and now you have mountains of food in the kitchen fOR NO REASON
friday came and it was time for you to pick up the kids from school and as you start to leave you see,, him coming towards the house
getting in your car as fast as you can, you yell, “I’M LEAVING PLEASE JUST LEAVE THE FOOD ON THE DOORSTEP AND NEVER. COME. BACK. maybe wait a month. THANKS.”
and off you went
,,,but there he stayed
and to makes things more incredibly weird, you’re siblings seemed to know him?? like they did this (secret) handshake and gave him hugs?
so you ask one of them how they knew this hamster looking, tiger obsessed freak?
apparently he’s always the one that delivers to their house, known to be really nice and give extra food, sometimes even invites him to play inside if it’s his last delivery
“so do you guys normally order this much food or does he just have a soft spot for you guys?”
“what the hell no!! even on our regular days, he doesn’t give this much extra food. and we’re his favorite”
well you be damned
you decide to leave it be and head back outside to clean up the equipment
out of NOWHERE,,, once again
this boi transports himself in front of you to ask for you guys to spar
,,,ahahaha what? “you’re shitting me? why would i want to do that?”
“bc i like you :)”
“if i get you to the ground, i get to kiss on the cheek. deal?”
this crazy ass motherf***** “yeah no. i don’t want to be responsible for any injuries that you might acquire after this encounter”
“bet :)”
tired of his bullshit, you dropped the boxing gloves to the floor and drove a straight front punch to catch him off guard
to your surprise, he was able to move to the outside at the 10:30*
and now he’s directly behind in which you delivered a back elbow
but ya still didn’t hit ‘em
and he’s not striking back
frustrated, you started throwing random strikes to different targets that were opened
hook punch to the kidney
uppercut the jaw
back fist to the temple
roundhouse kick to the IT band,,, THE IT BAND FFS
he dodged them all and you were getting tired
annoyance fills your body as you unintentionally throw a haymaker* aiming for the side of his head
and jUST LIKE THAT you knew the fight was already over
bc bitch you just gave him the opportunity to move in, stop your punch, and wrap your arm around
just the position for him to take you down
(insert ‘take you down’ by chris brown)
and he in fact,,, did (ya loser) with a sweep of a leg
“the names soonyoung by the way. lots of people call me hoshi tho. but you,,, can call me tiger” ;) cRIngE
before you got the chance to get up and potentially smack the cute smile plastered on his face
you see his figure bend down and plants a small kiss on your cheek
and you didn’t need the faint sound of your siblings giggling in the background to know that you face had turned bright red
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pucca: a Canadian-South Korean animated tv series revolving around pucca, a girl who is in love with a ninja named garu
bobs: a punching dummy shaped like a human being (they’re all named bob... all of them)
10:30 angle: imagine looking ahead and you move forward to the 45 degree to your left :) it’s confusing i know 
haymaker: like an exaggerated hook punch,,, like the ones that high school teenagers throw in movies  
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alvacchi · 4 years
Phantom Thief Hanako-kun AU Story: Chapter 8- The Search For Mitsuba
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((Edit: I completely forgot a small recap so allow me to just add 😂))
In case it wasn't clear, this story does have its dark themes...
-Last time in the previous chapter...
-Yashiro accepted a missing case from Yako
-Hanako unexpectedly came into Yashiro's apartment with a fever and Yashiro took care of him
-Mitsuba got a visit from Tsukasa
-and Kou got missed calls from Mitsuba
-The story continues!
-The next morning
-Hanako slowly opened his eyes
-He hadn't slept that well and soundly in so long
-As his eyes adjusted to his surroundings
-He started realizing where he was
-That ceiling. This bed. And.
-He looked over to his side
-To what he was holding
-Daikon legs
-Which means
-He looked up to see Yashiro sleeping peacefully
-What kind of weird sleeping position did he take???
-No, that wasn't the point right now!
-He got up letting go of her legs, flustered and touched the top of his head
-His eyes widened
-Gone. His hat's gone.
-He patted himself in search of the jewel he stole during the heist
-That's gone
-He looked down at himself
-He wasn't in his clothes
-All the rustling and movements on the bed woke Yashiro up
-She stirred and got up, still slightly out of it
-As her eyes adjusted, she faced a flustered Hanako who looked at her in horror
-Yashiro: "Hm...? Hanako-kun?"
-Hanako: "Detective, what were you...??? What was I....???"
-He couldn't seem to form the words
-Yashiro snapped out of her sleepy state as she looked at Hanako
-Seeing him getting so flustered was making her blush as well
-They were both on the same bed
-Add that on top of him wearing some of Yashiro's clothes
-Yashiro sure was seeing a new side of him
-Hanako didn't seem to remember all of last night's events, judging from his reaction
-But Yashiro still did
-Yashiro: [flustered] "Nothing happened last night! You were just really sick."
-Hanako: "Oh..."
-He fidgeted
-Hanako: "Could I have my clothes back?"
-Yashiro: "Ah, right!"
-Yashiro gave him his clothes back
-Hanako quickly changed and regained his composure
-He didn't feel any jewel in his clothes
-He must have hidden it away somewhere like he did before
-Hanako: "Well I'd best be on my way"
-Yashiro: "Wait!"
-Yashiro grabbed Hanako on time to stop him from going out the window
-Yashiro: "You're not going to disappear again, are you? We still have that deal. A gentleman should keep his word, no?"
-Honestly at this point, the deal was an excuse so they could hang out more
-Hanako: "Heh~ You remember what I've said before. You want me to still visit?"
-Yashiro: "Yes!"
-There was no hesitation in her reply Hanako noted surprisingly
-Hanako: "...Very well then. I'll come by when I can"
-He doesn't seem to be so bothered anymore? Thank goodness
-Yashiro sighed in relief
-Yashiro: "Oh good. I thought I might have to resort to this."
-She pulled out the jewel which she kept in a box during the clothes swapping
-Hanako looked shocked
-Did that mean he came here immediately after the heist without a care?!
-Wow, he was not thinking straight at all
Hanako: "Oh god I didn't know you're such a savage. You got me"
-Hanako looked down and held his hand to cover his face
-He couldn't stop smiling
-Yashiro: "I can be when I want to! I shouldn't even be doing this but well..."
-Yashiro put the jewel in his hand
-Yashiro: "Here."
-Hanako covered his eyes with his bangs and looked away, turning his back
-Hanako: "Um....thanks. I'll see you some time soon."
-If Yashiro looked closely at him, the back ends of his ears were blushing bright red
-Yashiro: "See you"
-And with that, Hanako took off
-Yashiro got ready to go to Tsuchigomori's detective agency
-She just received a call from Tsuchigomori to come report
-She may still be investigating Yako's case but she should get back to the agency whenever she can in case she's needed
-She's an apprentice learning from Tsuchigomori after all
-Once she arrived at the office, Yako was sitting there annoying Tsuchigomori
-Tsuchigomori: "Don't you have anything better to do?"
-Yako: "I'm worried!"
-Yashiro: "Good morning, Tsuchigomori-sensei! Good morning, Yako-san!"
-Yako: "You're back! Any news? Good news??"
-Yashiro: "Uh I would still need more time to investigate. I'm sorry that I haven't found anything yet."
-Yako: "Ugh you're all useless! Misaki could be suffering at this very moment!"
-Yashiro: [sweatdrops] "Ahahaha...."
-Suddenly, the office door slammed open
-And in came a very worried Kou
-Kou: "SENPAI!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun?! What's wrong?"
-Kou: "It's Mitsuba! I don't know where he is!"
-Yashiro: "HUH?!"
-Kou: "He called me a few times last night and I didn't pick up but now when I try to call him back, I don't get a single response!"
-Yashiro: "Wait but this was last night, right? Maybe you're overreacting? He could be busy"
-Kou: "I thought that at first but then I thought about Yokoo and Satou. They haven't been responding to my messages either and they seem to have mysteriously disappeared from the traffic department for a couple days already so I'm worried."
-A bit of background:
-Yokoo and Satou were Kou's police buddies
-They trained together as novice police cadets way back
-Since they transferred to the traffic department, they gave Kou a traffic safety amulet, saying it suited him since it was a pun (The word on the amulet is pronounced "Koutsuu" in Japanese)
-Kou initially wore the amulet around his neck but now wears it on his right ear
-Kou's whistle was also a gift from them when he got promoted to a police officer
-Alright, back to the story!
-Yashiro: "What??"
-Yako: "Wait, what did you say? So, it wasn't just Misaki who disappeared?"
-Kou: "Huh? There's another person missing?"
-Yashiro was puzzled
-Were Kou's missing friends connected with the missing Misaki case?
-It was too early to conclude
-Kou: "Senpai, please! Could you help look for Mitsuba? I don't know about Yakoo and Satou but they're still part of the police force and they got each other so I believe they are able to take care of themselves. Mitsuba though...he doesn't seem to have anyone with him so I want to find him as soon as possible!"
-Yashiro: "Leave it to me!"
-Kou: "Thank you! I'll come along too! I feel responsible"
-Yako: "Hmph, if it's not about Misaki, then I'll just hang here."
-Tsuchigomori: [facepalm] "...I wonder how you're a policewoman"
-Kou and Yashiro left the agency in search for Mitsuba
-They started with places Kou believed Mitsuba would be at
-Then, they just looked around the city
-Kou had a worried look on his face the entire time that Yashiro couldn't help but worry for him
-She tried to think of a conversational topic to get his mind off the case for a bit
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun, I baked some donuts a couple days ago and I was reminded of you since you taught me how to make them"
-Kou: "Oh really? I'm glad that you like that recipe!"
-Well, he smiled a bit. That's good
-Kou and Yashiro ran into Teru in the middle of their investigation
-Yashiro: "Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Nii-chan!"
-Yashiro: "What are you doing here?"
-Teru: "I'm patrolling this area. What about you two?"
-Kou: "We're looking for Mitsuba! He might be around this area"
-Teru: "Then, let me join you! I may be able to help."
-Yashiro: "Thank you, Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "Thank you, Nii-chan!"
-As always, Teru was so cool!
-But wait
-As Yashiro stared at him, she noticed that she didn't seem to feel as strongly attracted to Teru as before
-But why?
-Maybe because she spent the last couple days worrying her head off about Hanako?
-She did seem to think about Hanako a lot lately and when it comes to him, she gets flustered easily....
-Wait why does that sound like...?
-No. Perish that thought.
-It was stupid.....right?
-Oh gosh, maybe she should talk to Aoi about this
-Yashiro crushed on a lot of hot guys in the past and Hanako just didn't apply to that category in her terms
-So it was really strange
-As the three searched, Teru stopped them at one point
-Teru: "Maybe it's better if we split up to cover more ground. We could widen our search and then come back to a spot together when we're done. Whoever finds Mitsuba could bring him over."
-Kou: "Ah! Sounds good, Nii-chan! The city does have a lot of people so it should be alright. Senpai, what do you think?"
-Yashiro snapped out of her zoning out
-Yashiro: "Huh? Oh yeah, sure. We could do that."
-Teru: "Then, let's meet back at that statue over there in half an hour. That should be enough time to cover this part of the area"
-Yashiro & Kou: "Got it!"
-And so, they split up and Yashiro was left to investigate one part of the area on her own
-She found there were back alleys in some sections so she decided to have a look into them
-She's a detective's apprentice so she should be able to handle this
-As she searched however, she felt a pair of eyes watching her
-And they gave her the chills
-Yashiro: "W-who's there?!"
-No response
-She suddenly had vivid flashbacks to that time with Tsukasa
-She still hadn't gotten over that
-And before she knew it, she was getting a bit scared as she walked through the back alley
-She's got to pull herself together
-The longer she felt herself being watched though, the more scared she got
-She started running and she didn't know where she was now
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Now, she was yelling for them
-As she turned the corner, she bumped into someone and fell down
-Yashiro: "Oof!"
-"Detective! Are you alright?"
-That voice. That nickname.
-She looked up
-Yashiro: "Hanak--"
-She immediately shushed when she realized Hanako wasn't alone and he wasn't even in his uniform
-Hanako was actually dressed up as Hana from before
-And nearby she saw Mitsuba
-Yashiro: "Mitsuba-kun!"
-Mitsuba: "Daikon-senpai!"
-Not so long after Yashiro found Mitsuba, Kou and Teru came running towards them
-Kou: "Senpai!"
-Yashiro: "Kou-kun! Minamoto-senpai!"
-Kou: "You weren't at the statue by the agreed time so we--"
-Kou then spotted Mitsuba
-Kou: "MITSUBA!"
-Kou proceeded to tackle and hug Mitsuba
-Mitsuba: "Minamoto-kun?!"
-Mitsuba: "Ah...I figured you would be. I tried to call you before but you weren't picking up so I left a voicemail."
-Kou: "Oh. I didn't check that. Oops."
-Mitsuba: "Stupid."
-Kou: "But wait, then why weren't you picking up my calls??"
-Mitsuba: "I had my phone turned off! I may have also left it behind. Did it not click for you that I am busy? I tried to let you know that!"
-Kou: "Mitsuba...I thought you went missing"
-Mitsuba: "What? Are you worried that my cuteness would get me kidnapped? I hope you don't plan on handcuffing me and you together again!"
-Kou: "That was a misunderstanding! I thought you were a criminal! And I didn't know how it worked at the time"
-Mitsuba: "I was being an undercover journalist! I can't believe you didn't even have the key to unlock them and we were stuck together for some time. AH YOU PERVERT!"
-Kou: "That again?!"
-Yashiro: "Ahem...you guys could squabble about that later?"
-Kou: "Oh sorry. I forgot you guys were there. Thank you Senpai for the help! You're the best! And of course Nii-chan too!....Oh Hana! You're also here! We meet again!"
-Hanako: "Ah yes! It's nice to see you again!...."
-Hanako was sweating under Teru's glare who was eyeing him suspiciously
-Hanako: "Well I got to leave so I'll get going now. Bye bye!"
-Hanako left the scene, everyone watching him go
-Mitsuba was recalling their conversation earlier:
-Mitsuba: "You can drop the act now. We're alone. I know it's you, Hanako."
-Hanako: "Oh? Did you just figure it out?"
-Mitsuba: "No. I knew it was you the moment I inspected your face at Daikon-senpai's apartment. Minamoto-kun may be an idiot but you can't fool me. Don't underestimate me."
-Hanako: "Heh~ but you didn't say anything."
-Mitsuba: "I didn't say anything because I figured Daikon-senpai didn't want to reveal you. I do care for her, for your information. And Minamoto-kun...I don't know if I want him to know"
-Hanako: "So why did you drag me out here then? If not to arrest me?"
-Mitsuba: "I wanted to ask you something personal. I noticed it before but I didn't mention it."
-Hanako: "And what's that?"
-Mitsuba: "Why are there bandages underneath your clothes? In my photos of you, I could spot a glint of them now and then when the wind is strong enough to reveal more of your skin."
-Hanako: "Oh? Are you concerned for my well-being, gentleman?"
Mitsuba: "No. I do not care for you at all. If anything, I do not even want to associate with you. The only reason I'm even bothering is because Minamoto-kun is worried about you and Daikon-senpai seems to be protecting you for some reason."
Hanako: "In that case, I assure you I'm perfectly fine. No bandages here."
Mitsuba: "...Let me rephrase that. Why WERE there bandages underneath your clothes back then? Even if you say that, the times you had bandages were infrequent and unusual. There were times you did have them and times you didn't. They don't seem ordinary to me and I don't think you got hurt that badly during your heists. Those bandages seemed almost as if to say you got hurt...on purpose."
-An eerie silence followed
-Hanako: "Do you really want to know that badly?"
-Mitsuba felt some odd terror
-That's when Yashiro bumped into Hanako
-So, Mitsuba didn't quite get his answer but there was definitely something going on
-As he pondered while they walked out the alleyway, he felt like he was being watched
-He turned in the direction he felt them
-But then it was gone
-Was it his imagination?
-Hanako was back at his hideout where a bunch of Mokke were playing around
-He was in the middle of thinking
-While he noted that Mitsuba was quite a sharp and observant boy, there was also something else on his mind
-Yashiro was looking for Kou and Teru before she bumped into him
-And she seemed very close to Kou
-Hanako was wondering when Yashiro started calling Kou "Kou-kun" instead of "Minamoto-kun"
-It didn't bother him before but now suddenly, it did
-He thought of when Kou was being all cheery with Yashiro
-A sharp pain went through his chest
-Mokke: Something smells
-The Mokke started inching away from Hanako
-His heart was aching and he didn't get why
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Rules Of One’s Soul Ch 2 A Game of Souls
(Mak belongs to @coffincrawler )
It was a miracle. It was a d*mmed miracle barely anyone saw the scrunched up, sobbing mess of the Duke of Puzzles surrounded by Heart attacks from a certain insane jester. Only the night guard wondering the halls had seen. Curious by the noise of the elevator being used. The same second he saw the duke, he was threatened to be put on 'feeding Jevil' duty if he said a word of what he saw to anyone. Terrified him enough to keep his mouth shut at least. The rest of that awful night was a blur as he couldn't remember stumbling back to his room or managing to even fall asleep with the loud storm or the lingering mixed emotions from the encounter he had less than a minute ago, but he chalked that up to being too emotionally drained from that.
He woke up still groggy in the morning, and wouldn't have gotten up if it weren't for the fact that the King would've been displeased and no one wanted to displease his highness for fear of his anger. And because Lancer needed someone.....
The next few days fell into a similar routine of getting up, putting up a fake smile, and just doing anything but go near that elevator or trying to remember that night. He busied himself with his noble duties of puzzle making and being what Lancer put into terms a 'Lesser Dad'. Or in his own terms, a permanent royal caretaker. Which was basically what he was being told to do anyways, so no real loss. He really didn't mind. He could use the distraction. Honestly he didn't know how much time had passed. Days, weeks, a month or two maybe? Didn't matter. As long as he didn't see that thing ever again he was totally fine. He had a hard enough time dealing with the anxiety and empty feelings that came with the memories. Made him constantly want to vomit.
About maybe a year had passed since the incident and it was slowly starting to get better. He didn't improve on puzzles but he made an upgrade to the control crown that seemed useful. Until the fateful day the lightners fell down. That was a day he truly wished he didn't see the king's anger. But thing's turned out much for the better it seemed. 'King' Lancer was much more friendlier and trustworthy than his father though there was still work needed to be done. It was when he announced releasing all prisoners prior to his father's downfall, that the real melt down started.
The possibility of Jevil running around?? Free?! Where that lunatic could attack him-....anyone at any given moment and spread his insanity like a plague?!?! All the feelings of unwanted belonging, sickness, and that kiss- if he could even call it that- all came rushing back at ounce and he nearly passed out from all the overwhelming thoughts alone. By god he tried as nicely as he could explain to the child that releasing the kings and many common folk were fine, but the Jester would be too mean to let out......
It didn't work.
The overwhelming feeling of dread filled him the very day the other kings were released and slowly everyone were reinstated back to their positions as Kings, servents, civilians, guards, etc. While all of this was going on, the spooked duke didn't see any trace of that menace or hear any of that wicked laugh or gibberish wording. Lots had noticed the Duke's strange behaviors, and only Lancer had a mind to talk-
The child came bounding up to him, tugging on his pants leg to get his attention. "Hey, Lesser Dad. You aren't looking too hot. Are you sick or something?"
A flinch. The Duke brought another strained smile to his face and gave the boy the calmest look he could muster. "O-Of course, mine littlest worm. W-What ever gave thou that silly thought?"
He cocked his head to the side and gave an obvious confused look. "Well, you're acting really weird. Like, when Dad used to yell. Are you sure you're ok?"
"Ahahaha. No need to worry about-t mineself. Thy King should just tend towards his d-duties and thine subjects."
"Ok...If you're sure-?"
"I am! Don't worry non. Eh..." His eyes glazed off to the side for a moment as if uncertain about something, before looking back to the child. "B-But on a curious notion......have thee seen thine foolish inmate a-around lately?"
Lancer tilted his head further with a blep, not exactly sure what he was talking about for a moment, before realization flashed across his face. "Oh, you mean Uncle Jevil??" He flinched at the name, but Lancer didn't seem to notice. "Someone unlocked his cell, but he won't come out...But he still eats stuff."
"Well, we cannot simply force thee to cometh out if he doesn't wanteth too, can we? Ahe....W-Will thou excuse me?"
Carefully prying the hands of the child off him, he turned and began to walk away-
"Where are you going?"
He looked over his shoulder for just a brief moment, "I just need to makest sureth of something. G-Go on back to doinge what thou waseth attending too."
"Oh...Ok, Dad."
He watched as Rouxls quickly made his exit towards the other side of the throne room and out one of the giant doors. What was going on with his Lesser Dad?
A few days had passed since the incident and he wasn't sure whether to be relieved or not. On one hand, the lunatic hadn't even left his cell even though it's open, which was good. On the other hand, the stupid cell door was wide open and he could get out at any given moment, which was unacceptable! His own fears escalated by one thousand when Lancer said the words 'Uncle Jevil'. How-.....WHEN did that come to be?! When did Lancer even have time to even sneak down there let alone give that menace the title of Uncle?! Where did he go wrong!?
Luckily, Lancer was too busy with his new duties as King to even worry about Jevil. For the moment at least. But the sensation of knowing the innocent child could be easily influenced by him, and get hurt in the process.....He tried not to think too much about it or let his emotions cloud his trust in Lancer's new abilities as King but it all came to a head when one afternoon the child rammed headfirst into his leg when exiting the kitchen. The small child landed on his rump with a thud and a metal plate clattered against the ground, sending food all over the ounce clean floors.
"Lancer! Watch'est where thou runeths off too," he said scolding the round child, "What would thine people think if they seest their king running into things with food in his hands?"
"Sorry, Rouxls." He quickly got up to give the much taller man a hug around the leg before swiftly turning back around to pick up the scattered dark candies. Rouxls rose a brow at all the sweets and sighed.
"Lancer, you shouldn't eat so much junk food this early into the day. Tis most unbecoming of a king."
"Oh. They're not for me."
"Then whom art thou-?"
"Uncle Jevil likes sweet things. He really seems to like dark candy from Mr. Seam's shop, so he's gotta like these."
Rouxls froze. He suddenly felt his body nagging him and the familiar rock feeling in his stomach fly back at lightning speed. He swore he would've fell over if his body wasn't frozen in utter horror at the moment. Lancer, not noticing his father's sudden silence continued-
"I haven't seen anyone take him food in a while. They say they're too scared of him attacking them, which is weird if you ask me. So I'm going to make sure he's fe-"
The sudden shout startled them both as Lancer flinched back up to meet the melting man's frozen posture. Thinking quickly, Rouxls smiled that strained grin of his and gave a small chuckle, a habit he inherited to mask stress or emotions the King wouldn't be pleased with. Old habits died hard as they say. Lancer was still staring up at him in disbelief before asking-
"N-No?....Why not?"
"I- Um- He-......Y-You can't go down there?!"
"Why not?"
"I-...Because it's..." He could feel the slimy sweat start to run down his face, he had to think quickly if he wanted to keep the child from becoming suspicious. "B-Because thou cannot just s-simply leave thine's position as king now, can thee? W-What if there's an emergency that requires thou's attention? Being king means you have to take a lot more responsibility now."
"Oh. That's a good point. I don't want to miss anything." Rouxls sighed in relief at the notion he wouldn't go- The sickeningly sweet smell of the star shaped candy hit him before Lancer thrusted most of the picked up candies at him with a toothy grin with his tongue sticking out. "Then you can do it instead!"
"What?! L-Lancer, you can't be serious? Art thou?"
The young spade held up his paws again. "Yeah! You help me with lots of things, and no one else will do it, but you're really brave Lesser Dad!" His tiny tail wagged behind him. "If you can talk to Ex-King Dad then you can feed Uncle Jevil!! He's not scary anyways, he's actually really fun!!"
"B-B-But-.....Ahehe. L-Lancer, doth thou know that a king needs his royal advisor? I-I won't do it when you-"
"Lesser Dad, who's king?"
He sighed. "Thou art king. But I-"
"Then as King Lancer, I order you to feed the Royal Fun Uncle!"
"Lancer, I shouldn't-"
"Follow the rules, Lesser Dad."
He stared down at the blepping child for a while opening and closing his mouth like a fish. There was no loophole around this, and he must follow the kings given out by his liege.....No matter how young they were or how terrorfying it was. So sucking a deep breath and ignoring the flair up of dread in his stomach, he made a graceful bow before hissing-
"Of course, Mine Majesty. I'll be sureth thine jeaster gets nourishment- OOF!!"
The sounds of candies scattered against the floor as his body was tackled by the happy spade child in a hug. Rouxls fell onto his rump just as the energetic spade let go and hopped off.
"Thanks, Lesser Dad!," he happily shouted over his shoulder before running off, "I have new king stuff to do before bad stuff happens!"
The taller man watched the round child bound off down the hallway and around the corner before disappearing. Leaving him sitting there on the cold stone floor surrounded by scattered dark candies. The sinking feeling in his stomach got heavier. He would have to go bad down there and feed the touched starved lunatic. He just hoped that he wasn't on the menu.
He flinched hard at the soft ding of the doors as they slowly opened to show the stone steps leading into the dark abyss below. The Duke remained routed to the spot staring straight down into the unholy darkness, faintly making out the outline of the bars and stairway thanks to the few torches lit up on the walls. But no yellow eyes looked up at him. No insane laughter echoed off the walls. Nothing. He cautiously leaned out and took a good look around the entrance -he wasn't about to let that maniac spring out on him again- and nervously ran his eyes over the cold stone walls with what light was available to him. Nothing.
His body slowly began to melt from the added pressure that the small imp could literally be anywhere in this mess, the emotions of fear and anxiety bubbled up, and the urge to just leave was very strong. But he couldn't. He couldn't ignore the rules to follow when it came to his majesty's orders. He'll just leave the food by the door and run. Yeah that'll work. His body trembled as he slowly took a step forward, and placed it on the first step. Nothing. A small bubble of relief came over him. So taking a deep breath, he slowly placed one foot after another and descended the stairs, the sounds of his footsteps echoing off the walls. A strange feeling nagged him closer to the bars as he lowered into darkness, heartbeat increasing. He ignored that heartbeats and feelings that twisted in his gut and just kept going. When he had gotten to the bottom of the stairs he stopped.
He stared silently ahead. Frozen.
Silence echoed throughout the cell with the only sounds being the drips from the ceiling and his heavy breathing. He could see the many plates of food that was left there, most likely by a guard in a hurry to get the task done and get out of there, they were all indeed empty which meant two things. Jevil never really left, or they had a rabbick infestation in the lower half of the dungeons. Either way, it was terrible to him, and something that needed to be done. He'd just get it over with. He slowly turned his head over to where the cell door was, to Rouxls horror it was wide open for the world to see. He took a moment just staring at the open doorway with mixed emotions....before starting towards it. He could just leave Lancer's gift right where the other's left the food, but....I don't know. Something just compelled him towards the opening. Like a moth to a flame. It was probably just his parental instincts telling him to make sure, for Lancer's sake, but.....There was something else. The nagging feeling and tugging his soul received everytime he even remotely thought of the dungeon or Jevil. He just needed to look to make them go away. And the only way to do that was too look. If Jevil wasn't in there, then he had a big problem.
The cell door was a little smaller than he anticipated which caused Rouxls to bow down in order to go through, but it didn't shake his feeling of dread whatsoever. And all too soon he found himself just standing a few steps away from the entrance staring out at the surrounding darkness. It was so dark he couldn't tell where the back wall was, it was certainly dark enough to hide a person yet it seemed completely empty. There wasn't any noise at all or anything to indicate any living being was here other than the abandoned empty plates outside. Whatever, he had a bigger problem to deal with now. Keeping Lancer safe from that freed Lunatic-
"Rouxls, Rouxls? Have you come back, back to play our game?"
Two yellow pinpricks appeared from the darkness, making the Duke freeze. From the darkest corner of the room, the jester's face emerged along with the rest of his body. The two just stared at each other for a moment, not moving. Jevil staring almost like not believing the man before him was real, before a wide fanged smile started to spread across his face. Rouxls reacted by giving a small strained smile of his own feeling more of his body start melting. The urge to just turn and bolt grew, but this time....THIS TIME his heartrate increased in a strange way that sent heat to his face and he mentally cursed the stupid soul mate conspiracy.
"Have you come back, back to me? Noone's ever returned on their captured, captured free will?" He asked in a hollow voice. But it didn't sound like the emotionless hollow voice of a madman, it sounded more devoid of any happy expressions except maybe a little hope stuck into it. From the way the yellow orbs eyed the taller male, it seemed he was searching for some concrete. They stopped at the small amount of food in his hands. His smile just became a little bigger and he looked back up to Rouxs with a hopeful feeling in his eyes. "You brought me dark candies, candies? Feeding me?"
"...L-Lancer has toldeth me t-thou has a liking for....s-sweet things? *a-hem* H-Here. These art meant f-for thou," he somehow managed to stammer out while holding out the plate of food towards Jevil.
"For...me, me?" He stared at the plate in Rouxls hands for a moment before he blinked and began to approach the larger man from the other side of the room. "You brought food to me?"
"L-Lancer wouldn't have wished it any other way." His eyes wary looked over the smaller jester approaching. He never really noticed before, but Jevil seemed a lot smaller when he wasn't forcfully hugging him or bouncing around his cell. His clothes looked worn, not exactly old, but had a few tears here and there and missing a patch or stitch. The ruffled collar around his neck and his shoes seemed to be new though. Probably Lancer's doing? He didn't look the least bit grimy or dirty as a prisoner should be. He looked.....strangely almost normal. Or as normal for a court jester to look. The bells on his hat jingled the closer he got to the duke and for maybe the first time, didn't look that threatening. But as he learnt from before, don't underestimate anything down here. "I-I'm surest thou will like thine delicacy to thou's ta-"
The plate was quickly snatched from his out stretched hands, he froze in surprise as the Duke watched a smiling Jevil open his mouth wide and just poor the candies into his open mouth before snapping it shut like a trap puzzle. The snap echoed around the room followed by the clatter of the plate when Jevil dropped it. The jester happily giggled at the shock on Rouxls face, wagging his tail and jumping up into the air to sit crosslegged in mid air. How could he even hover?? A clawed hand grabbed at his own, and when he didn't pull away, clung onto it.
"I almost thought for sure, sure you'd never really, really come back since yesterday. Lancer was kind enough to open my freedom, freedom for others to come join, but sadly, sadly no one has stayed for too long. Only giving me plates and food and nothing more, more." His eyes widened just a little as he let out a series of giggles. "I was sure you'd come back, back!"
"Thou...did?" Was he expecting Rouxls to just waltz down the stairs at any moment any day since ...well since who knows when? That was a bit...sweet. But also a bit weird.
He gave a dry chuckled and gave a face that could've been sheepish. "I knew you'd want to finish the game, game you started.~ Just couldn't resist the urge to back, back down from a challenge to your captured rules.~" Oh, good lord. Did he think Rouxls came down there to give him food because he missed him?! "I admit I maaaaaay over down my heart's, heart's desire for you-" Rouxls internally winced at the mention of the heart attacks. The cut on his shoulder stung for days. "-but it's all in the name of your opponent's affections, affections.~" Wait. Was he saying that the heart attacks was his way of showing his affections?...He wasn't sure how to take this strange news. "But I wonder what the great Duke of Puzzles, Puzzles will make as his next move?~"
Rouxls stared at him for a moment and he couldn't help the next words that stumbled out of his mouth. "Art thou forgetting what happened the last time I visited thine prison cell?"
"Which part?~," he purred almost dreamingly. His hand now kneeding Rouxls's held hand, "The usual, usual retreat and gathering of wits for the game, game is to be expected-"
"How about when thine attacks or didst thou forget my reaction to that...." he shuddered a bit "...kiss? What was that? A surprise sprung on thou's opponent to lower mine defences?"
Jevil giggled and rose a brow to being questioned. "Maybe, maybe. But You can't deny, deny your soul's calling towards me.~"
Without warning, he reached out his other hand to place on his chest, over where his soul throbbed at the touch. Rouxls flinched at the sudden reaction his own soul had towards one touch. What the-? Jevil however looked rather pleased at his soul's reaction to his own and sighed in a content way.
"Opposites, opposites do really attract.~"
"N-Now holdeth on one moment," he stammered out as his face flushed a lighter blue, "Thou does not see t-the rush thou's pushing?! A-And what of mine feelings?"
"Your soul calls out to mine, mine. You came back, back. What more feelings do you possibly need?"
He didn't say anything for a second. "Well....I say we take thou's......game slower."
"Slower?" He asked tilting his head.
"Y-Yes. A-As you can see-" He straightened his back up to speak professionally. "-I-I'm still Lancer's caregiver and thine majesty needs a royal adviser and whomst tis better than I?"
"Understandable.~ Lancer's naivity could cause problems."
"And who'll take care of other things liketh lawkeeping, mine shoppe, thy puzzles,-? Certainly not Lancer."
"Of course not."
"Then you understand?"
"Of course." He sighed in relief, which was shattered by what he said next. "I've always wondered, wondered what the outside of freedom had turned to be. Is Everyone still, still trapped or free? Perhaps it's time to make a journey."
He felt his stomach drop again."Wha....What does thou mean?"
He grinned. "I think it's time to take our game, game.~" He purred and leaned closer to rouxls who gulped and leaned back slightly from Jevil's advancing face. He felt his face flush hard at the sudden closeness as the imp whispered. "To the next level. Level.~"
A quick peck from the imp's cool lips got him to freeze in place as Jevil giggled and seemed to jumped around him and out the cell door behind the frozen duke. Rouxls stared blankly ahead as his brain processed what had just happened, and he could only say one thing about the situation-
"Oh, fucketh me...."
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dylshoney · 5 years
when you’re ready
 requests:  maybe a shawn fic based on “when you’re ready” but you’re not the girl he sung about? and the girl shows up 10 years later and tries to get him back and you guys have been together for like 3 years and it just causes insecurities ?? does this make sense?? (love your work btw❤️)
Hellurrr! I have a request, if you will? TW Anxiety Attack Like if the female!reader has an anxiety attack because she thinks she's not good enough so Shawn helps her and holds her?
a/n: this was my first time trying to write angst (cause im usually an optimistic ass bitch) so if its bad just lie and scroll post ahahaha but i wanted to try and @superiorsoph sent this request in and i couldnt resist. im sorry i didnt follow it exactly, but i hope you like it love.
warnings: language, angst
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“Stay still!”
 You hear him say for the umpteenth time, but you pretend not to hear him, twirling around in the dress, laughing and shaking your hips.
 He makes noises of disgruntlement and soon you hear the shutter of his camera go off, the flash blinding you for a few seconds, but you don’t care. You glide over to the full-length mirror on one side of the store and smile at your reflection. He was right, the dress is gorgeous.
 You push down the fabric, loving the smoothness under your fingers and twirl once more. You can see Shawn roll his eyes in the reflection, but you can see the hint of a smile threatening to peak through. He places his camera back in the casing and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning down to press his head on your shoulder.
 You’re both silent for a moment, just staring at the pair of you in the mirror. You hum, your head falling back into him, “I think we found the one.”
 “I told you I’d be useful,” he tuts, pinching your hip. You flinch, turning around to smack his chest, “You only just started being useful. The past hour has been torture.”
 He’s laughing, the beautiful crinkles on his face making your heart melt but you love teasing him, so you can’t give in just yet, “Trying on twenty dresses definitely wasn’t necessary.”
 “No.” He agrees, smiling down at you with a shit- eating grin. “But we had to test all out options, didn’t we?”
 You shake your head, turning back around to see yourself in the reflection, triple-checking that this was the right choice.
 “You have to delete those photos, you know?”
 “No!” He sounds almost offended. “Those are memories, there’s no way I’m getting rid of that.”
 “But I look horrid,” you pout, blinking innocently.
 “Don’t give me that face,” he shakes his head, “They’re all blurry anyway.”
 You grin victoriously, winking at him, “The music in here is just too good – I couldn’t resist.”
 He pauses for a moment, raising his finger to the ceiling, eyebrows raised. You focus on the sound of #Selfie by the Chainsmokers, your ears getting hot as you begin to nod slowly, “It has a nice rhythm?”
 He shakes his head, but you’re already dancing again – thankful that there was no one else in the store on an early Wednesday morning.
 “If you dance like that tonight, I’m going to pretend I don’t know you.”
 You ignore him, taking his large hand into yours and spinning into him, his laughter getting louder as the two of you stumble around together.
 The music changes to Troye Sivan’s Dance to This and you squeal a bit, getting overly excited as the two of your start shouting the lyrics at the top of your lungs. You can see the nice sales associate trying to contain her giggles as she pretends not to watch you, but you don’t care.
 You’re watching Shawn. Your eyes never leaving him as he throws his head back, laughing as you mess up the lyrics. His hands pull you into him, your chest hitting his as you begin doing some sort of heightened version of a slow dance. His hands are warm against you, sending a current of energy through your body.
 You’ve never smiled wider in your life, your heart clenching as he places a kiss on your forehead and you can’t believe that you’re still so in love with him after two years of being together. It’s never stopped being butterflies and sweaty palms with him – you’re body reacting to his touch like it was the first time.
 Everyone around you recognized that as well, even the sales associate as she checked out the dress a few minutes later. You two are adorable, how long have you been engaged?
 Shawn had squeezed your hand extra hard as the two of you tried to contain your giggles, explaining to her that the ring on your finger was a promise one. But Shawn made sure to add that he was hoping to fulfill that promise soon.
 You felt like you were on cloud nine, leaving the store with a flutter of butterflies in your stomach. You knew that Shawn was it for you, never once doubting that he was the person you were going to marry.
 You just didn’t expect that maybe; you weren’t it for him too.
 Later that night you found yourself at yet another event with Shawn, wearing the pretty red dress and smiling widely as people approached you.
 You were happy to find that you could easily recognize and talk to many people, a stark comparison to how you were when you had just started going out with Shawn. You were more confident now, excepting that you belonged next to Shawn, that if you stood up straight and acted like you were meant to be there – people would believe it too.
 You were sipping a Shirley temple, bopping your head lightly to the beat of the song radiating through the room, talking to Lina – the daughter of a famous record producer. She was probably your closest friend related to the industry, but she was usually too busy to attend these kind of parties – so you were taking in every second you could get with her.
 “Ok look at Marsha,” Lina lifted her chin, motioning to a woman a few meters away from you, “She’s about to go talk to Roger. For the sixth time tonight.”
 “No way.” You shook your head, cringing as Marsha started making her way over to the older man again. “He’s said no to her single like a million times already.”
 “Have you heard it?”
 “No.” You paused, “Wait? Have you?!”
 She snorted, “I wish I didn’t.”
 “Come one!” You threw your head back, “I would have paid to see your reaction.”
 “I can perform some for you, if you’d like?”
 You were quick to shake your head, but she was already going.
 “If I could fly … I would never leave you dry ….”
 “Stop! Please!” You were bent over, holding your stomach as you tried to contain your laughter. She was so off pitch that you were tempted to cover your ears.
 “Maybe we could last forever ….”
 “I don’t know what sadder,” you heaved, “The song – or the fact that you know it by heart.”
 “She made me listen to it six times!”
 “That sounds like – ”
 “Excuse me.” You turned around at the sound of the voice, feeling a light touch on your shoulder. You were greeted with the sight of a beautiful blonde staring at you with a small smile.
 “Hi.” You were quick to return the grin, trying to figure out if you remembered her from somewhere. She looked oddly familiar.
 “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for Shawn?”
 You smiled, “I can go get him for you. Give me just a second.”
 “Thank you so much!”
 You found Shawn in the back, talking to someone you recognized to be very important, but his eyes lit up and he was on his feet the second he saw you.
 “Hey angel, everything okay?”
“Hey,” you nodded as he wrapped a hand around your waist pulling you to the side, “There’s someone looking for you.”
 You took his hand in yours, leading him through the mass of bodies in the space, over to where Lina and the stranger were waiting.
 “Hey!” Your tone was light as you called out to her, “Found him!”
 She turned around, an expectant look on her face before her eyes finally settled on your boyfriend.
 “Kate.” Shawn’s voice was laced with shock, a smile gracing his features as he let go of your hand and shot forward to hug her.
 You made eye contact with Julia from behind them, her light ones wide and looking at you with something you could only describe as sheer worry. You tilted your head, trying to understand what she was mouthing to you.
 “It’s been so long.” You could hear Shawn say as they pulled apart, his tone laced with something you didn’t recognize.
 “It has. You look amazing, Shawn.” Now that was something you did recognize.
 You placed a hand on Shawn’s back, his eyes wide as he turned back to look at you, almost as if he’d forgotten you were even there.
“Kate,” his eyes were back on her immediately, “This is y/n, my … girlfriend.”
 You hated the hesitation in his voice, but you didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, smiling gently at her, “It’s nice to meet you.”
 “So, how do you two know each other?” Julia stepped forward, sipping on her drink as her narrowed eyes trained on Kate.
 There was a moment of reluctance, which definitely didn’t help with your unease.
 “We go way back.” Shawn finally said, Kate, giggling in response. Your smile faded. So they went way back. That was definitely code for used to date.
 You hated the jealously that flooded through you. Your stomach clenching as your boyfriend continued to stare at the girl with an unrecognizable look.
 Everyone was silent for a moment, Shawn’s eyes not leaving Kate, something you weren’t too happy about. You were used to being the center of his attention. And you felt selfish the second those thoughts filled your mind.
 “What are you doing here?” He asked, the wide grin never leaving his face.
 She smiled for a moment until her eyes traveled over to you and the expression faded, “I uh – was hoping we could talk?”
 You didn’t like the look she was giving you, and you definitely didn’t like the sound of that. But Shawn was nodding and not even a second later he was turning to you, “I’ll be right back.”
 You didn’t respond, he didn’t give you the chance to. He was already walking away, hot on her heels.
 “What the actual fuck.”
 You didn’t know how to answer. So instead you turned over the bar, immediately ordering four shots, making Lina talk them with you.
 You had hoped that the alcohol would ease your nerves, but instead, you found yourself pacing in the bathroom, your head spinning as you tried to explain to Lina what was going on in your mind.
 She did her best to try and calm you, easing your mind that it was nothing. Shawn loved you. It didn’t matter that he was slightly tipsy. Alone. And talking to his ex.
 You trusted him with everything in you, but you didn’t trust the look in Kate’s eyes. And the look in his.
 Shawn came back a half hour later, his eyes bloodshot and begging you to leave with him. You didn’t hesitate to agree, taking his outstretched hand and following him to the car.
 You were both silent for a few moments but there was unspoken tension hanging in the air, your hands folded in your lap – trying to figure out how to phrase your words.
 “Are you going to tell me what happened?” You finally blurted, hating the way his hands tightened on the steering wheel.
 Shawn was silent for a few seconds, before he cleared his voice, “Everything’s fine. Kate just wanted to catch up.”
 You rolled your eyes but didn’t argue. “How long were you together for?”
 You could see him tense again, his shoulders tightening, “We weren’t. Almost though.”
 “What happened?”
 “I don’t know. She wasn’t ready, I guess.” His tone was clipped; sounding like he had uttered those words millions of times before. You could feel your breath catch in your throat.
 She wasn’t ready.
 You replayed those words in your head a million times before you could finally utter something else. “When was the last time you saw her?”
 Shawn could sense the uneasiness in your voice, the unfamiliar tremble as you tried to calm your breathing.
 His hand was quick to take yours, twisting it out of the clasp in your lap and holding it in his tightly, “Baby –”
 “I’m just curious – I know there’s nothing to worry about I just –” your voice was higher than normal, Shawn’s hand tightening around yours.
 But he was silent. Staring straight ahead at the stoplights. The bright red glow illuminating his impassive features.
 “There is nothing to worry about, right?” You found yourself saying.
 “Of course not.”
 Your heart was in your stomach, and you suddenly felt like there was no room in the car – no air.
 “Shawn,” you whispered, “Did something happen?”
 He swallowed again, “No.”
 You were both silent for the rest of the ride home, Shawn’s hand holding yours – the only thing stopping you from falling apart.
 The second the car parked in your driveway, you let go of him and jumped out, not waiting for him to follow – speed walking to the front door. Your hands were shaking as you tried to stick the key into the lock, your blurry eyes making it hard for you to focus.
 “Y/n – ”
 You could hear Shawn coming up behind you, but the door burst open just in time – saving you from having to look at him, “I – I have to go to the bathroom.”
 You could hear him shout something back but you were already sprinting up the stairs and into your shared room, shutting the door behind you and bolting into the bathroom.
 You were shaking, pulling your phone out and googling the one thing on your mind since the second you heard it.
 The lyrics to Shawn’s When You’re Ready showed up on screen and you tried to calm your breathing, scrolling for a moment before your tears began collecting again and you were sobbing.
 You gripped the sink, your breaths choked up as you tried to control your heart rate.
 You could feel a tightness expanding through your chest, like a weight that was pulling you down. You were on your knees before you had a chance to blink, your hands wrapped around your dress as you tried to get a grip on yourself.
 Moments passed but your breathing wasn’t picking up, you tried to blink away the tears, but they kept flowing as your shallow breaths increased.
 You stood; your head spinning at the sudden movement, making you fall back and steady yourself against the sink. A jewelry box slid off at the impact, falling and smashing on the floor.
 You flinched back at the noise, your ears registering a muffled yelling from behind your door, but you couldn’t make it out. You didn’t understand any of it, your chest heaved as you fell back onto your knees, sounding like you were chocking on air. Black spots began to cloud your vision, the room starting to spin.
 Arms wrapped around you, pulling you back into a hand chest, but your mind was too cloudy to process any of it.
 “Breathe – ” you could just make out his words, “You’re having a panic attack.”
 “I can’t I –”
 Shawn spun you into him, on his knees before you, his hands cupping your cheeks as he placed his forehead on yours. You tried to make out the golden color of his eyes but you couldn’t focus on anything but the tightness in your chest.
 “I need you to listen to me, okay?” His thumbs were lightly massaging your jaw, “You’re going to inhale for me on the count of three.”
 “1.. 2.. inhale.” You obeyed, your chest filling up with air as you shook in his grasp.
 “Now exhale,” he said, his voice shaky, “Now again.”
 It was working, your mind slowly clearing as you focused on the sound of his voice.
 You sighed easily for the first time in a while, your eyes finally opening and meeting his tear-streaked ones.
 You pulled away from him immediately, falling back onto your butt as you crawled further away, the cold tile the least of your concerns.
 “You – you.” You heaved, trying to catch your breath, “You wrote it about her.”
He tilted his head, looking like a devastated, confused puppy, “Angel I don’t know –”
 “When you’re ready! You wrote it about her, didn’t you?”
 Shawn blinked, a single tear falling from his eye as he crawled over to you. You flinched, scooting away until your back hit the wall.
 “Y/n I –”
 “The song was written four months into our relationship.” You sniffled, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your dress, not caring about how much money you had spent this morning. Now, that seemed like a lifetime ago.
 “You had said that Teddy wrote most of it. That it was a spur of the moment thing. That none of your songs were based on anyone until you met me.”
 He was silent, tears streaking down his cheeks as he tried to catch his breath, “Baby –”
 “You were waiting for her. This entire time. Weren’t you?”
 “No!” He tried to get closer, but stopped at the expression on your face, “No! I love you, I –”
 “Cause ain't n –nobody like you. F- familiar disappointment every single time I do.” You began to recite, your hiccupping sobs making it hard to understand.
 “Y/n. Baby, please let me explain – ”
“Every single night my arms are not around you. My mind's still wrapped around you.” You shut your eyes, your entire body shaking as you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to figure out how this was happening to you.
 “Baby, tell me when you're ready.” You opened at the sound of a choked sob coming from the other side of the room. Shawn was on the floor, his head between his hands as he sobbed, shoulders shaking.
 You were silent, trying to stop yourself from rushing over to him and holding him in your arms – something you had grown so accustomed to that now you felt like you were having an out of body experience.
 “Do you still love her?” 
That wasn’t what you had planned to say, but you needed to hear it. You needed to know if the last two years were a waste, if the ring on your finger had ever meant something to the boy you thought was going to be yours forever.
 Shawn was silent, his shoulders slumping as he threw his head back.
 “Shawn?” Your voice was sterner than it had been all day.
 “I – ” Another wrecked sob flew through him.
 You covered your mouth as you felt your chest close up again. Shaking your head, you took a deep breath – you were not about to have another panic attack right now.
 You gripped the vanity to your left, using it to pull yourself to your feet. Your mind went hazy from how fast you rose, your head already pounding from how hard you’d been crying.
 “She told you she was ready, didn’t she?”
 All Shawn could do was nod, his eyes not opening as he placed his head back in his hands – his elbows on his knees as he started crying again.
 You threw your head back, urging yourself not to cry – but nothing could stop the whimper from flying out of you, your eyes shutting again.
 Everything was silent again. For a few moments, you hoped that he would say something. That he would get to his feet and explain that everything was a misunderstanding – that he would take you in his arms and hold you, telling you that you were the one he loved. The only one he loved.
 However, things weren’t that simple. They never were with Shawn. But never before had you doubted where you stood with him.
 “I – I can’t do this.” You found yourself saying, his head snapping up – bloodshot eyes meeting yours.
 He was on his feet before you could blink, “No. Y/n – let’s talk about this, please.”
 You hesitated, before shaking your head. It was too late for talking now. You had waited for him to act and he had left you dry.
 “You need to figure yourself out before we can do that Shawn.” You spun the ring on your finger. “I can’t be with you if you’re not a hundred percent sure about me.”
 “I love you.” His voice cracked, a single tear traveling down his sculpted cheek again.
 “I love you too.” You sniffled, taking the ring off your finger – Shawn immediately flinching back, “Please. Please don’t leave me.”
 “You lied to me. You used me as a placeholder for her. You still love –”
 “I don’t. I don’t.” He was shaking, his hands coming up to fold behind his head, “It was a spur of the moment, baby – ”
 “I know you, Shawn.” You were tired, and he was delirious. You couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore, and you were afraid that if you kept this up any longer – he could convince you to stay.
 “Call me when you figure everything out. And then we can talk.”
 You placed the ring on the counter, the clang of it hitting the marble making Shawn flinch again, but you didn’t let yourself get phased.
 You took one long look at him, before turning around and walking out of the bathroom – and ultimately the house.
 He didn’t call after you once.
permanent taglist:  @tw-stydiaaf @egg-in-a-spork @alone-in-madness @yourwonderbelle @musiclover1263 @spideyshcllands@savingmartinski @unconditionalcalum @carolinabiondi  @polishcrazyone @mendesmusical @prettymuchnew @melli-studies @sharkboy-mara @itrocksmysocks @alinashawn @jerseygrayson  @royalexperiment256 @aboutthefantasyinmyhead
please let me know if you want to be added/removed!
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nctzendreamz · 5 years
NCT 127: They Make You Feel Unwanted
have no fear! I’ll do this reaction with all the units if you guys want! just let me know <33333
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In reality, he had just been really busy and not in the mood to have deep conversation these past couple of days, but you couldn’t see it that way. You just knew that he was going to break up with you because he was falling out of love.
He was currently laying on the bed, resting his eyes when he felt pressure beside him.
“What can I do?”
He couldn’t help but to let a confused expression rest on his features. “What are you talking about, Y/N?”
“What can I do to make you stay?”
Suddenly his eyes were open, staring at you. “Huh? I’m not leaving.”
“Then why don’t you talk to me anymore? Or ever want to spend time with me? What did I do?” He couldn’t even believe what he was seeing right now. You were never the type of person to beg for anyone, so to see this made his heart ache.
He sat up, bringing your face in his hands. “Baby, you’ve done nothing and i’m not leaving. I’ve just been tired but that’s not an excuse for how I’ve been treating you. Come here.” he brought his lips to yours in a soft manner, “I love you okay? I’ll never leave you.”
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For the last twenty minutes, you had been listening to Johnny and the girl he referred to as one of his “best friends” have the deepest conversation of 2019. I mean really, you couldn’t keep up. What made it worse was the girl clearly wasn’t trying to include you in the conversation, and your boyfriend didn’t seem to mind it. You couldn’t take it anymore, so you got up, going outside to get some fresh air.
Maybe you shouldn’t have, because now it was a week later and this was the third time Johnny was leaving to hang out with her. He had also been acting very weird. He didn’t even kiss you before he left the house nowadays.
“Johnny, wait.” you spoke, reaching to grab his hand. “What’s up with us?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you act like you don’t want to be with me anymore.”
“What? How?”
“You’ve been spending more time with Jihun than me these days.”
He took a deep breath, and you were terrified of what he would say next. “Well I’ve kinda had to Y/N after you were so rude to her.”
You couldn’t hold in a snort. “Are you fucking joking? You literally didn’t even include me in your conversation, but I’m the bad guy for walking away?” you stormed off into the bathroom.
“Y/n, wait!” he yelled after you, feeling horrible about what he said because he didn’t mean it at all.
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In the beginning of your relationship, Taeyong would tell you anything you wanted to know. Now, not so much. You would try to get him to open up to you, but he refused to as if he couldn’t trust you or something. You hated to get so mad about it, but you couldn’t help it.
Here he was, sitting in silence on the couch. Something was clearly eating at him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” You said, sitting on the floor infront of him.
“Talk about what?”
“Well actually, there’s a few things we could talk about. First let’s discuss why you don’t tell me anything anymore. Have you been telling someone else all your secrets?” Your voice was soft, but your eyes were telling a different story. You were hurt.
“No.” He sighed, as if he knew exactly what you were referring to.
“Then what?”
“I just...i don’t want to feel like a burden to you.”
“Taeyong...you’re my boyfriend. Your burden is my burden regardless of whether you tell me or not. Always know that.” The minute you saw a tear running down his cheek, you got up from the floor to hug him.
“I’m sorry. I’m gonna tell you everything.” He said through his tears.
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This was his fourth raincheck in the last 2 weeks. He had no schedules, so you couldn’t think of a reason why he would be trying to avoid you other than the fact that he was having second thoughts about your relationship. At this point there was no reason to respond to his texts.
When he called, you answered but didn’t speak.
“Hello? Y/N why haven’t you been responding to any of my texts? Are you okay?”
“Yeah? That’s all you have to say?”
“So you can cancel four dates in a row, but when I don’t respond to your texts it’s a problem? Bye Yuta.”
You honestly expected not to hear from him for the next couple of days, so you were very shocked when the doorbell rung and he was standing outside, flowers in his hand.
“Just let me explain.” he stepped in quickly. “You have every right to be mad at me. I’m sorry that I’ve been avoiding you, but it’s not you. It’s just...I get so nervous around you all of sudden. I can barely breathe. I don’t know why but I need you to know how much I want to be with you. I’m not leaving.” He embraced you as soon as he finished.
“Oh, baby.” you whispered, rubbing your fingers through his locs. “It’s okay I understand. Always remember you can talk to me about whatever you feel.”
“I guess I was just scared it would sound stupid.”
“Nothing you feel is stupid to me.”
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He was never the one for extreme affection, but for some reason he really hated it today.
“Y/N can you go and be annoying somewhere else? Please?” He didn’t even mean to say it, it just slipped.
“Yeah whatever,” was all you said, going into your room to cry. Yes, you were acting like a child but you hated upsetting him. You knew you were overdoing it just a tad but you just wanted him to give you some attention.
“Y/N, can I come in?” you heard him say as he knocked on the door.
You decided on silence, expecting him to go back into the living room, but he came in with a somber expression on his face. He sat next to you on the bed, rubbing your shoulder softly. “Can you look at me?”
You kept your eyes on the floor.
“I didn’t mean what I said, Y/N. You know you never annoy me and I know you were only all over me because I wasn’t paying you any attention. I just had a bad day at practice and I took it out on you. I’m sorry.”
“Mhm.” was all you said.
“Mhm?” he questioned, and you knew what was coming next. Suddenly he was tickling you.
“Stop!” you screamed, even though you were laughing.
“Say you forgive me.”
“Okay okay.!” you yelled, easing up on him.
He leaned into you, pressing light kisses to your nose. “Good.”
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Usually, Jaehyun was all over you when the two of you were alone. Recently though, it was as if he never wanted you. You tried to cuddle with him and things of that nature, but he always pushed you away. You couldn’t help but feel insecure from this. Was he not attracted to you anymore?
Here you were once again, the two of you watching a movie. He attempted to watch it, but couldn’t focus with you trying to sneak under his arm. “Let’s watch.” he whispered.
You took the remote, pausing the film. “Why don’t you ever want me on you now?”
“Huh?” he said nervously.
“Every time I try to do something, you make up a reason not to. What’s up?”
“No, baby. I just...I just know how much you hate people touching you.”
“Why would you think that?” you asked confusedly.
“I heard you talking about it on the phone.”
“Jaehyun, if I’m trying to be all over you, don’t you think that means I like it from you.”
“Yes.” He said embarrassingly, forcing you into his arms.
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You and Winwin’s relationship was already on the rocks when you were both stationed in Korea, but now that he was in WayV, it couldn’t have been in a worse place. There was an obvious distance, and it was breaking your heart by the second. You figured it was a long shot to video chat with him, but it was worth a shot right? When you saw him answering, your heart dropped into your stomach.
“Is everything okay?” Was the first thing he said. He looked so tired you couldn’t help but feel guilty.
“Yeah...” your sight became foggy from the clear awkwardness of the phone call. You were crying because it didn’t used to be like this. Even in his tired state, he used to greet you with eyes full of love. “I miss you.” You whispered.
His hands ran through his hair as he refused to deny you eye contact. “I miss you too.” You heard him speak, but it was almost as if it was routine for him. Like he was saying it but only because he felt obligated.
You wiped the tears from your eyes, feeling awful. “I didn’t mean to bother you. Go to sleep.”
“No, Y/N. I’m sorry.” He said suddenly, making you look at him again. “I just...this is really hard.” He whispered.
“I know.”
“And I love you so much, baby. So much.” His voice began to shudder, “but I can’t do this right now. You deserve better. I know I’ve been distant and this hasn’t been working and I’m not going to put you through that any longer. When I come back, maybe we can fix this, but not now.” He was crying now.
“Okay. I love you too.” Was all you said before hanging up the phone. In less than a second you were both breaking down.
Oops did I go too far? ahahaha.. :)
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Jungwoo has been begging you for weeks to let him introduce you to his friends, and when you finally agreed he couldn’t be happier.
He had gotten you excited about the whole ordeal, but what he didn’t mention was that when he said introduce, he literally meant “This is my girlfriend,” and that’s it. Now you were sitting on the couch on your phone, and that was all.
You knew you could be doing something more productive, so you found Jungwoo in a room laughing. “I’m gonna go home.” You whispered in his ear before walking away. Truthfully, you didn’t expect him to follow you. He had been ignoring you all night, so why would he stop his conversation now?
“Y/N wait!” He was able to catch you in the empty hallway. “Why are you leaving?”
“You’re not even paying attention to me, Jungwoo. I thought you wanted your friends to get to know me.”
He looked like he wanted to protest, but he thought about it. “You’re right.” He confessed, grabbing your hands. “I just got so caught up in catching up, I wasn’t even thinking.”
“Well I appreciate the honesty, but ow.” You said.
“Come with me.” He said suddenly, attempting to drag you in the room he just left.
You were pouting, but you weren’t gonna say no. He deserved a chance to redeem himself. “Okay.”
For the rest of the night he wouldn’t let you leave his sight or arms for that matter. All of his friends could see how much he loved you from the constant looks and kisses you got from him all night.
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Boy, did you love Mark more than anything. Even in times like these, where his focus was on everything but you. In your relationship, you were the mushy one, while he was more go with the flow, but it added an interesting dynamic to your relationship so the two of you pretty much ignored it. Well, until now.
“Mark, are we gonna spend any time together today?” You questioned as you watched him frantically writing lyrics on his notepad.
No answer.
“Baby,” you called out, attempting to touch his shoulder before he scooted his chair to the other side of the room. You didn’t have the energy for this, so you decided it was best to leave. You knew he heard every word you said, but ignored you so you would get the message that you were clearly unwanted.
If he didn’t want to hang with you, he didn’t have to, but that didn’t mean you were staying in tonight. You went out with a group a friends, turning your phone off to save battery. When you walked into your apartment, you saw Mark sitting on the couch looking very upset.
“Where were you? I was worried.”
“Out.” Was all you said, placing your keys on the counter.
“I’m sorry.”
“Are you actually apologizing?” You questioned. It was like hearing a baby say it’s first words.
“Yes. I shouldn’t have ignored you. I was being such an asshole but I really needed time to be alone.”
You walked over to him, straddling his lap. “Well next time, tell me that. Say, “we can hang out later, but right now I need to finish these lyrics,” you pressed a sweet kiss to his lips. “You know I understand alone time better than anyone.” You chuckled.
“You’re right. You’re always right.” he sighed as he began pressing kisses on you. “Speaking of...when’s the last time we had some alone time? Movie date?”
“It’s been forever.” You whispered. “Movie date it is.”
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Lately, your boyfriend was extremely distant, and you didn’t know why. You retraced all the steps from your past few weeks together, but you knew you didn’t do anything. You even asked his members, but they couldn’t think of a reason either.
The two of you were supposed to be hanging out, but he canceled, saying he had practice. You could sense he was lying, and confirmed it with the other members.
Was he cheating on you? He wouldn’t...right?
You didn’t know why, but something told you to go the the practice room just incase.
Your guardian angels were correct, because there he was, dancing aggressively in the mirror.
“Haechan,” you spoke softly, causing him to look up at you in fear.
“Shit Y/N, what are you doing here?”
“I think the real question is what are you doing here?”
“I told you I had practice.”
“Practice by yourself?”
“Yes.” Was all he said, trying to continue his dancing before he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
“What’s going on, baby?” Your eyes were so sad looking into his.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He said, brushing your hand off.
“Well I’m not leaving until you do.”
He wanted to yell at you, but he knew it wouldn’t phase you. “I’m just stressed, okay?”
“About everything.”
He rolled his eyes, catching his breath. “Us. My job. Life.”
“Why are you worried about us?” You asked in a shocked tone.
“Because I’m never around. I’m always working.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “And I’m still not going anywhere.” Your plump lips connected to his own.
“And I have so many schedules I can’t even keep up.” He said, resting his head on your shoulder.
“It’s okay. Is it stressful? Yes. But you can get through it baby I promise. And always know I’m gonna be at the finish line waiting for you. I’m never going anywhere. I love you.”
He took a deep breath, allowing his worries to come out as well. “I love you too.”
A/N: I’m sorry this came out WAY longer than expected but I love you all! 😭🕺🏽
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amenomiko · 5 years
Real Gender of Her (KASUGAYAMA CASTLE)
Other than Sasuke himself, MC is his favorite vassal and though he won't admit, she is his best friend whom he will search for to rant and she is the best supporter to his lust for battle.
The way he greets MC varies. It could be a surprise attack and it would just be a normal greeting.
But then one day when he spar with her, she suddenly squeak and quickly excuses herself while covering her chest.
Kenshin, assuming he had hurt her, followed her (after a few minutes of "it's not that I care, it's just I won't let a worthy vassal to be in that state" thinking to himself), and pauses in front of her room, still with a sword in his hand.
Because he decided to be a bi- good lord to test her skill eventhough she is injured. Then without announcing himself he bursts into the room with a chuckle and before she could protect herself, his eyes widened to her bind on her chest and accidentally sliced it in the middle, revealing her breasts.
"HYAAA!!! M-m-m-my Lord..! Oh gosh pardon me oh no oh no I just slapped him- AH MY VOI-" In the midst of didn't know which to react on, she eventually hugged herself and circle into a ball and turn her back on him, leaving him still shocked from the slap. ....and... Her breasts.
That night, both of them didn't talk to one another. Especially when she is dressed in a kimono and all the vassals go "OOOHHH" "AAAAHHH" over her.
But then again before Shingen could flirt with her, he already unseath his sword and hold her close to his chest. (EHEHEHEH)
MC is the best informant and spy that works for him. She is considered to be the best among his link of spies and Shingen is fond of her.
Shingen always said that she looks like a girl, because his "Goddess Antenna" says so. (He learned the antenna word from Sasuke of course)
But he shrugged it off. It could be one of her skills that he got trapped in; to think she could bring two genders in one time. He is very impressed of her and he would always pat her head.
One thing that makes his antenna goes "beep beep" is when she smiled giddily when he pat her head. She would act like a puppy, and he finds it adorable.
But hahaha nope, ____ is a guy. I'm a man for Goddess so I won't enter the other world. He smirked to himself.
Until... He had to visit her when she has to disguise in one of the villages. He was taken aback when she "disguised" as a Young Woman character (which she only just reveal her real self and only wear a kimono dowh :B).
"Ahahaha as expected from ____. Your skill is always top notch. How did you even get this fake "chest" of yours?"
MC slapped his hand away when he wanted to poke her breast. "P-please stop it."
He is amazed again. "You even changed your voice? Any more surprises you want to show me? Hmmm? Hahahaha I'm just joking-" He pauses when he see her blushing, looking away with a frown.
"Eh-.. Uhm-.. D-don't tell me you are-"
Antenna goes "beep beep beep *crack crack* BOOOM" on his head when she nods shyly to him.
"Ah.. Ahahaha.. Amazing-"
Shit. He just find her C U T E.
She visited him in Azuchi, laughing at him when he has to blend in among the sellers in the market.
"Of all the items.. Lord Shingen is doing this on purpose, huh?"
"S-stop laughing already..! He said it's for my own good. Own good of what? In understanding woman?? Oh please..! This thing didn't even sell even once..!"
She shrugged with a playful smirk. "Well that's because you didn't approach them. You have to improve your strategies, like this."
Before he could retort, she already took one of the hairpins and untie her bun, and promote his items. "Welcome to all the beautiful ladies out there..! Aren't you looking for an item that could enhance your beauty?? You can come over and have a look here as we recommend you to not miss the mesmerizing accessories here..!"
As the crowd starts to pay attention to her, she wheel around, making her silky hair dances in the air with her. "See? Isn't this hair pin just glowed like the sun?" She winked. Then not only girls rush towards her, the guys are too (just to look at her and checking her out).
Yukimura's eyes as big as a plate. "Oh- okay. I know you are Lord Shingen's spy but to go all the way and change the character that you bring here-"
"Who says I'm in a disguise?" She stick her tongue at him.
"Eh- eh- EHHH YOU- YOU ARE A G-..!!"
His face is redder than the red apple as she flipped her hair.
Kenshin had demanded Sasuke and MC to go to Azuchi to buy all of the best sake to bring back to Kasugayama. Despite being a girl, MC had no problem to carry the heavy bottles and so she didn't seen as a suspicious person for her disguised gender.
But as they are on their way home, they were attacked by enemy ninja that chases them up into the forest areas. MC insisted she will take care of them but Sasuke refuses in doing so.
He believed her, just like his bond with Yukimura's, but as a fellow ninja he is still worried about MC and so after he get to tie his horse on the nearby tree and secure that all the bottles is covered, he ran after her.
MC had been pinned onto a tree with the enemy's kunai, making her movement caged. Sasuke was glad he made it on time but before he could pull out his smoke bomb to save MC, his eyes widened the moment MC shred her upper clothes, revealing only the binds on her chest, and her long hair flow out from its bun when she dodged another attack.
A slash reveals her breasts, but with a single counterback from her, the enemy ninja died.
She sighed to her breasts. "Now what I'm gonna do with this-"
KLANG! His kunai dropped from his hand.
She gasped and turned around, "S-sasuke..?? Oh no-..!" She covered her mouth. "P-please don't tell Lord Kenshin about this.."
For her soft voice? Sure. For sure. He want to keep this secret only for him to know. It took him a while to move from his spot until he come into one question in his mind.
Not "Why did you wear a disguise?" But "Does she have a boyfriend?"
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