#ahahahahahhaha fuck
amedouce · 8 months
choi san pls save me
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stinkrascal · 1 year
whenever i try to cook something ive never made before it gives me so much anxiety
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15000bugs · 1 year
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bl00dlight · 2 months
about people who think you're unfair when it comes to depicting aemond... are just delusional who mayhaps read aemond x reader or fanfictions or some headcanons... aemond is and will always be a villainous person, when he was a kid he wanted to bash the head of his nephew with a rock ( this resulting in him losing an eye and he deserves it, sorry nog sorry ) + his pursue for powers will be his well-deserved downfall. he's a raging misognist like the rest of the entire family, like... aww he is crying when helaena bluntly tells him the truth ? hope he'll rot with his guilt. you are totally right, he's a piece of shit and i can't wait to see his demise.
I mean AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. Speak your truth diva.
Look I love Aemond. Okay... let me just say.
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BUT, yes no you're right like. He is fucking awful and the worst. And I do want to see him rot with his guilt a little, especially what he did to Helaena. Like I love him, and I understand him. And I do feel sympathy for him.
If I was Helaena would I have have said yes before he'd been finished his sentence? Yes. Would I have girl bossed it and proposed to him like Rhaenyra did to Daemon? Yes. Would I hypothetically let this fictional man suck and fuck on me?.... undeniably. Is this a parasocial relationship? Yes.
But it's undeniable that so many girlies on here fucking act like tradwives defending their right wing, MRA adjacent, wife beating man. Like you can want to cook him dinner and also call him out for genocide. Really gets me concerned about... well... how some of yall interact with men irl. A man like Aemond irl, is an incel.
Someone said this on reddit about the balcony scene, that it was like when an incel goes up to his crush to try and get her to be on his side before he shoots up a school. And AHAHHA exactly.
They act as if Aemond is indeed a victim through and through, who has done no wrong and is a sweetypie. And is it self insert fluff fics fault? Yes it is. People are attracted to Ewan... and their idea of Aemond. Not really Aemond as he is. And many don't want to interact with analysis of his character. Which is fine. No hate, you do you. But it is a problem when others make it fans like myself, problem.
And as someone with a disorganised attachment style? As someone who upon watching the Harry Potter series as a child who had their sexual awakening upon seeing both Draco and Luicus Malfoy. As someone who has been a Sharpay Evans defender since it came out and as someone who agreed with Rosalie Cullen that Bella was a boring ass... whiny as bitch....
I gotta say? Mean, evil and toxic platinum blondes? I'm here for them and I love them. And I am basically attracted to Aemonds character/interested in him because of the fact he is a fucking asshole. Okayyyy soooooo. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of soft, vunerable Aemond. But I can only love that because it's a rare thing for him. Because he's main mode is acting like a horror movie villain. I've always been about that life of loving dark characters. It seems many upon here are just... well... they find him hot and wanna smash. Which is valid. But it's not valid to project your personal sexual/romantic fantasies onto other fans who are just... discussing canon characteristics of Aemond.
And even reddit neckbeards do it to because they relate to Aemond. They'll swear he was this valiant, dutiful, scorned boy. They'll swear he wasn't a Valyrian supremacist. They'll swear he would never hurt or betray his family. But it's like? So basically how the fuck does someone campaign for the fucking third reich *House Strong Edition* be day and be a loving family man by night who would never betray his family if he felt abandoned/humiliated or hurt by them? So you know... the fanboys who thump the book like it's the bible also are FUCKING ANNOYING.
It's actually crazy.
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minzart · 5 months
also. THE CROWN TALKS???THE CROWN FUCKING FEEDS ON SIN??? ALL OF THAT RIGHT AFTER SO LONG KALLAMAR??? goddam I only knew the new building and the CROWN becoming a lil snake thingy NOT THAT IT TALKS
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skxtchyghost · 23 days
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eyeseyesclowneyes · 8 months
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Две версии потому им Стаху и Данковскому это одинаково подходит.
Two versions because it's the same for Stakh and Dankovsky.
A: Ahahahahahhaha *Writing on the wall*
S or B: )
A: Are you fucking so fucking restrained or what, you're not gonna get a fucking laugh you fucking asshole!!!!?
A: He sent his fucking ONE BITCH BROWN BRACKET
К сожалению английский не передаст прелесть русских ругательств, но я старался.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 10 months
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Fuck you giuliani
Die broke in a gutter you fuckin pig!
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dani-the-goblin · 11 months
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ahahahahahhaha fuck
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maverickbackalley · 2 years
i need to hear you talk about krisnix
What why? I'm totally normal about them ahahahahahhaha..haha.. 😞
Okay so I don't waste hours of my time (Future Mav: LIAR) and yours: I love them, your honour. It's not a relationship anyone should put up with in real life so there is a shock and appeal to their dynamic that none of the other main ships can offer. Krisnix ooze venom, animosity, and this indescribable tension that's fascinating to see blossom in these two powerhouse attorney's dynamic. The pair is just so damn diabolical, manipulative, and ideally comes with so much psychological horror that makes you question your own sanity and realise how quickly you would lose the game if you were swapped out with either of them. Underneath it all though, Krisnix is basically a pathetic pissing contest between two cunning individuals and that's stupid enjoyable for me to watch from the sidelines. I love how many different routes people can take with their actual romantic relationship too. Is it all an act? Rivals with benefits? Do they care about each other? Are they just keeping their enemies close and maybe at some point took the saying a little too literally?? Are there genuine feelings there after 7 years and one or both of them absolutely hate themselves for it??? So many possibilities and it's so riveting to think about. Like, 7 years is a LONG TIME to put up with someone purely out of spite. These idiots routinely ate dinner together in canon for crying out loud! Neither of them seem the type to happily put up with that with zero gain or case development for that long. (For my own reference: My longest relationship was almost 8 years and while it feels like no time at all looking back in the present, if I sit down and truly dissect it so much positive and negative change and development took place during that timeframe that it's actually quite jarring. I think that's one of the things that makes it hard for me to believe that nothing happened between them.) Kristoph is such an enigma and so full of sinister potential that his clash with an established bleeding heart like Phoenix is so compelling. I honestly have a hard time describing their appeal and always feel like there is more that I just.. can't quite put into words. So hopefully even an ounce of this makes a lick of sense outside of my head.
On the flip side, I will say I'm not the biggest fan of every portrayal of the ship. I feel like some people lean too heavy on physical domestic abuse (not talking BDSM. I don't want it misconstrued that I see these as one and the same since I believe there is also a large chunk of BDSM!krisnix out there) and completely neglect the brilliant minds at play. Or focus too much on making Phoenix an absolute pushover like he's too dumb to catch on to even the bare minimum attempts of Kristoph manipulating him. To be honest, some of these feels like throwing Dahlia-era Phoenix at Kristoph and it's like.. hmmm.... noooo. He's not that same person if you're writing for Beanix. I think that would probably be my personal gripes with the pairing if I had to be critical of it. There is a fine balance to their dynamic that's hard to capture, in my opinion. Like I don't even feel I could properly do them justice outside of memeing it up. Which is partially why I haven't done any real art for the pair despite them being one of my personal favourite and being all too aware that they have little to no content. They are like the definition of "It's Complicated" and I love canonically knowing how the story starts and ends. But that 7-year gap is just a juicy wealth of knowledge soup that I and others can throw whatever the fuck we want into it and boy does almost every spoonful taste delicious.
...Well that was more than I expected to write. ENJOY. Feel free to let me know your krisnix thoughts as well!
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chaotic-orphan · 15 days
Have to jump on the Oskit discussion here because I am INVESTED. Not the biggest fan either but the other anon who said that Ambrose and Jude would be a power couple made me laugh out loud purely because Ambrose would totally bring up Jude’s ugly shoes later on and he might completely revamp Jude’s closet which….*snickers*
Now I am the biggest fan of Kit and Ambrose having somewhat sibling vibes but I think it might only happen if there’s like a forgiveness arc or something cuz I don’t know about Kit but I ain’t forgiving no one who essentially stole a month of life and cut me, like hello? But jeez have I begrudgingly started to like Ambrose. This is the problem with good writing lmao!! Also I love Kit with all my heart if I have to already mentioned it.
After mulling over the latest chapter (which was delicious by the way), I have decided Mr. Silver is indeed not the supervillain. Will be re-reading the story again this weekend to see if you’ve sneakily introduced a character 😤 that I might have forgotten about.
Can’t wait for the next chapter 🫶🏽
OMG AHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! Ambrose would absolutely have to revamp Jude’s entire wardrobe because, and he would say this to Jude: “I can’t be seen with a slob” and then “we’re burning the shoes.”
Yes I completely agree, Kit will never be able to undo the scars that Ambrose forced Kit to give himself. Like you cannot get over that, and Ambrose sat and watched it the whole time while Kit cried for him to stop and show mercy and Ambrose *enjoyed* it. Kit could never kiss him because that is all he would see and he’d always wonder in the back of his mind, if Ambrose was compelling him to love him or not, which is a fun road for gay angst, but not in this timeline baybayyyyy!
No, stop, because I love absolutely cruel, sadistic, stoic, cold whumpers and now Ambrose is growing as a person and thinking about people other than himself and his found family of friends he built for himself, and it’s such a change in him that I am like wait, you’re kind of a decent-ish person? Doesn’t excuse or forgive his actions towards anyone but he’s trying to do better?!?!!! Or is he just doing it all for his own selfish gain of defeating not just Mentor publicly, but Supervillain too?🤔🤷
I’m a be so real rn, the Supervillain is going to have to be retroactively hinted at, because I only decided like two chapters ago who it was and how it could be, and like it’s going be a lot of exposition and infodumping and backstorying for it to make sense because I’m not the planning kind of writer I’m the go with the flow kind of writer and honestly Supervillain walking in and fucking everything up was so organic that i was like WAIT FUCK. WHO TF ARE YOU?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!
And Supervillain was like: “i’ve always been here biiiitttccchh”
And I’m like: ???? You literally are not in the story?!?! Make it make sense?? Like that’s not how this works
*then Supervillain just appears in the story and fucks shit up and turns the whole thing upside down when it was just meant to be a simple fun whump fic of gratuitous violence and magic whump and control, but nope!*
He just showed up, announced his arrival and destroyed all the vibes and said: “this is my story now 3:)” Thank you for sharing ahahahahahhaha Ambrose would absolutely have to dress Jude, it would be a control thing or else he wouldn’t be seen with Jude😂😂😂
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that's fucking ridiculous lmao
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mickgaydolenz · 2 years
speaking of dreams that reminds me of one i had back in high school that is so fucking funny/cringy i need to share.
i used to work at the “local” theatre in my city, so in my dream i was working a shift on concession and everyone was abuzz about the rumours that there was going to be a new adaptation of interview with the vampire (this was back when there was actual talks of this happening/a new movie adaptation of the vampire lestat irl and robert downey jr. was supposedly in talks to play lestat). i was excited as a fan of the books, but i also wasn’t really participating in the conversation at all. meanwhile a customer came up to my till and i did my whole spiel of offering a combo and asking for their points card before i even looked at them, but when i did immediately i knew that this person in front of me was the REAL lestat de lioncourt.
and i just kind of froze. like i had no idea what to do or say because i both wanted to acknowledge that i knew who he was, but i also didn’t want to alert anyone else to the fact that he was there. but of course because of dream logic lestat knew that i was struggling with that, so he just casually lent in and asked if i was familiar with him. and of course i just kind of nodded dumbly, but that was enough to kind of start a conversation. i don’t remember what we said, but there was this feeling like we had a deep connection even though we just met, so when i finished getting his order he told me that he’d meet me after work and we could talk more. i was so insanely excited because he was going to tell me all this stuff that never made it into the books, so the rest of my dream shift just flew by.
i can’t really remember too many details after that, but we did meet up and, this is the really funny part, but he could fucking fly (as he does in the books eventually) so he fucking FLEW US to the top of this large apartment complex and we just spent the whole night talking and by the morning we were really good friends 😂. WAIT it was cringier than that, like legit we had a moment where we were like it feels like we’ve always known each other, and like we were destined to meet!! eventually armand showed up too (like next evening ish in my dream, and he was just lurking outside my bedroom window), but he was jealous that i was getting close with lestat, so i had to explain to him that we were just friends and i would literally never get into a relationship with him ahahahahahhaha
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pancake-bun · 2 years
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sarasa-cat · 10 months
Was working on something else (working on actual work) when I put on my headphones and my music app just began to randomly play songs from my EPIC playlist for “Even The Littlest Monsters Cast Shadows Long and Tall” (FFVII - Vincent focused).
Now all I want to do is work on writing it.
But, when I think about it — hooboy. All of these scenes I imagined and repeatedly rehearsed and refined in my head while listening to music and workworkworking allllllll day (on non-verbal things so I could be verbal in my head) back during those bizarre fucking workdays at [WORKPLACE REDACTED] (oh those years during the twenty-teens).
So, Monsters is theoretically a story that“fills gaps in canon” but rather than filling some cracks in the cement it just builds entirely new city neighborhoods that sprawl and sprawl and are interconnected by whole new highways.
After all, the actual canon for Vincent, Grimoire(!), Lucrecia, Hojo, et al. in the 1970s pretty much fits in a thimble. Okay, maybe 30-40 minutes in total (being generous here) if we cut all of the relevant scenes together from Dirge plus FF7:OG.
But, from my point of view as an ex-academic/no-longer-practicing scientist who (unfortunately) has a lot to say about how the sausage is really made, my brain just went wild filling in all of those gaps.
Every suggestive little word in canon. Every suggestion in every little gesture, symbol, (hysterical) voice acting, just ALL OF IT — oh so suggestive of S-T-O-R-Y.
And then my ever growing playlist started coloring all of that story.
By the time I finished the outline for all of the pre-FFVII:OG parts, Monsters was wellllllll into definitely a novel territory. (And then there were the tricky bits in how I wanted to create a back-n-forth timeline for writing Monsters, flipping between the ‘past time’ in the 70s and ‘present’ time covered in the canonical games, movie, short stories, my ideas for post-canon ... but this became a bit complex in my outline and I wasn’t satisfied with it despite wanting it to work.)
So, assuming I just took my outline and partially drafted scenes for the 1970s part (which I actually start in the 1960s), the whole thing takes no more than 30-40 mins of scattered canon and turns it into a novel that might as well become an original novel.
Except the whole bit about Jenova is just so bizarre that, well, ahahahahahhaha.
Honestly, it would be far more fun to write it *as* final fantasy fanfiction even though it would probably be smarter to set aside what is worth keeping for original fiction and whittling Monsters down to things that really just want to be fanfic.
But that would not be as much fun.
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babylulururu · 2 years
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I knew this was coming since his was the only one that hasn't ran yet but still.
Goodbye 1.9k s chips.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if his Xmas partyland card reran during this event ahahahahahhaha that would be funny wouldn't it?
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