#ahhhhh i love doing these i hope yall enjoy these as much as i do hehehe
justkindalivin · 2 years
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a/n: AHHHHH hello!! I’m Lottie and I've been so horrifically obsessed with dealer Ellie that it's not even remotely okay. I had an idea for a fic and instead of requesting it from someone else, I decided why not write it myself! I’ve never posted any fics before bc I’m lowkey ass at writing so if any dialogue is awkward or the grammar is bad I'm so sorry :(  Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy it, have a great day I love you ♡    part 2
I kinda modeled the reader after me subconsciously, so the reader is a bit shy and bi (sorry to my lesbian baddies I luv yall, its only one line). Also, I just made up a random roommate named Sam, very sorry if your name happens to be Sam. 
Summary: After being dragged to a party by your roommate, you escape out to the porch for some air. Not realizing it was already occupied, you end up having a lot more fun at the party than you thought you would 
warnings: language, modern!au, dealer!ellie, weed, shotgunning, collage!au, things get the tiniest bit spicy (only a tad)
wc: 1.6k 
The music pounded in your ears as you pushed past all the sweaty bodies in the middle of the room. Parties had never quite been your scene, but Sam had begged you to come with her and that girl does NOT take no for an answer
This all started with Sam bursting into your shared dorm, ripping your headphones out of your ears, and standing beside your desk with her hands on her hips. “Bitch, you never come out with me! It's like all you do is sit in the dorm all day, you gotta get out there!!” She excitedly screamed, pulling you to your closet to pick out what you should wear. 
You and Sam had been randomly paired as roommates but quickly got close despite how different the two of you seemed to be. Sam was always out at parties being social and seemed to know absolutely everyone on campus. You on the other hand... well were almost the exact opposite. You always joked that you were like the crotchety old man of your floor who only left for food or class, and just wants all those damn kids to quiet down while you’re trying to sleep. 
“Sigma Nu is throwing tonight, you HAVE to come with me. I’ll be lost without you please please please!” 
Sam was, in fact, not lost without you. She had practically ditched you the minute some frat boy asked her to play pong with him, leaving you alone and painfully sober in a sea of drunk college kids. As much as you loved Sam, she always seemed to do this whenever you come out with her. She’d beg that it wouldn't be fun without you but would leave as soon as you got there and you’d be stuck on babysitting detail for her drunk ass for the rest of the night. After about the fifth push and second drunk couple not noticing you leaned up against the wall and making out basically on top of you, you decided to leave in search of some desperately needed air. Weaving through sweaty drunk people should be a fucking Olympic sport because holy shit- you barely escaped with your life. After going through the kitchen, you finally found your way to a sliding door, quickly getting it open and stepping out into the cool night air. 
“Jesus christ why did I fucking come here,” you say under your breath, leaning against the porch railing and putting your head in your hands “And I can't even leave because I have to make sure Sam’s okay- god damn it”. Scrubbing your face with your hands, you look up at the sky and get lost in your own head until the sound of someone clearing their throat startles you. 
You quickly whip around, hand on your chest, to look at the other person who has also been occupying the porch without your noticing. A girl with short auburn hair and beautiful green eyes stands leaning up against the house. Her face is dotted with freckles and she’s wearing a comfy-looking flannel over a plain white tee, one hand shoved into the pocket of her jeans and the other holding a joint between two fingers. She is, without a doubt, one of the prettiest girls you’ve ever seen. You’re so entranced by her that you barely even notice when she says something to you. 
“oh...uhm- what?” you oh so eloquently reply, internally debating if you should throw yourself off the porch to make your escape from this awkward ass interaction. The girl smirks as her eyes scan you up and down- if you didn’t know any better you would think she was checking you out. 
“I said are you good? No offense but you kinda seem like you're freaking the fuck out” She repeats, smirk still present on her face as she brings the joint up to take a drag from it, blowing the smoke in your direction.
You blush, embarrassed that someone had been witness to your mini breakdown. “Yeah, I’m good. It's just a lot, you know? I don’t go to parties too often.” As soon as the words leave your mouth you cringe internally. Don’t go to parties a lot? You seriously couldn't think of anything cooler to say? Way to embarrass yourself in front of the hottest chick you’ve ever met. Your downward spiral continues until the girl breaks the quiet with a chuckle
“I get that, frats aren’t really my thing either but I get good business here so... here I am”. You nod your head, looking back up at the sky. “I’m Ellie, by the way. What's your name gorgeous?”. Your face feels like it's on fire, your brain practically short-circuiting trying to process that this actual goddess just called you gorgeous. You quietly tell her your name and when you look back at her, she has a wide smile stretching across her face. “Pretty name for a pretty girl.” 
Holy shit this girl is going to be the death of you. You’re sure that your face is going to melt off from how hard you’ve been blushing, the ability to speak has left you altogether. You’ve had flings in the past, with both boys and girls, but no one has ever been so brazenly interested in you. You find yourself desperate to know more about her, maybe run your hands through her hair and cup her face as you lean in for a- WOAH. You’re goin wild right now, you need to cool down
“So um... what do you sell?” You ask, trying to change the topic and give yourself some time to chill out. Ellie looks at the joint in her hands, then back at you with raised eyebrows. “Right right, sorry stupid question” you huff while looking down, embarrassed yet again by your lack of rizz. Ellie lets out a full-on laugh, pushing herself off the house and making her way over to you.
“You ever smoked before, pretty girl?” she asks while leaning on the railing next to you, so close you can feel the heat radiating off of her. Looking up, you’re surprised to see that her face is so close to yours that your noses are practically touching. 
“A few times, not a ton. I cough a lot though, so it's kinda embarrassing to do it with other people”. Ellie taps off the ash at the end of her joint, seemingly contemplating something before turning her attention back to you
“Well if you’re down to smoke, we can try a different way that maybe will help you cough less. That is, only if you want to”. You’re surprised by how quickly you accept her offer, asking her what she had in mind. Ellie moves from beside you to directly in front of you, planting her empty hand on your waist and bringing the joint she held in her other hand up to your face. “Okay, so it's called shotgunning. Just open your mouth after I take a hit, sound good?”. All you can do is nod, mesmerized as she brings the joint to her lips. The moon reflects off her soft skin, the end of the joint burning a deep orange as she inhales. After her hit, Ellie looks over at you and you do as she said. 
Flicking away what little is left from her blunt, Ellie cups your face with her now empty hand and brings her mouth to yours. As she’s kissing you she blows the smoke into your mouth, but you can barely concentrate, too focused on the feeling of her lips on yours. After only a few seconds, Ellie pulls away but keeps her forehead pressed to yours and you blow the smoke in her face as you both giggle.
You reach up and brush away a bit of hair that had fallen to cover Ellie’s eyes, running your fingers down the side of her face until you are cupping her cheek as well. You look at each other for a beat before you both lean in, lips meeting again. Ellie caresses your cheek before her hand moves to join her other one on your waist, finding their way under your shirt and stroking the skin there. She tries to deepen the kiss, licking your bottom lip which you playfully deny. Suddenly, Ellie pulls away for a moment to lift you up onto the porch railing. Your legs fall open and Ellie steps between them, connecting her lips to your neck and kissing down the side to your collarbone. Letting out a breathy moan, you grip the hair at the base of Ellie's neck and throw your head back. 
The noise startles you and you pull away from Ellie, much to her annoyance. Looking at the sliding glass door, you notice some obnoxious frat boy has thrown it open. 
“Hey, you deal right? I need a pre-roll if you have em”. Talk about a fucking cock block. Ellie all but growls into your neck, whipping around ready to give this dude the verbal thrashing of his life when you stop her by placing your hand on her shoulder. 
“It's okay, I need to find my roommate and get going anyway. But um... do you have your phone on you? Maybe I can give you my number and we can do this again sometime?”. Ellie smiles at that, pulling her phone out of her back pocket and handing it to you. Feeling bold, you give her one last kiss on the cheek before heading past the frat guy and back into the house.
You really hope she texts you. 
an: tf kinda noise does a sliding door make? Def not schwoop but thats all my brain could come up with lmao. so thats my first ever fic, my writing could use some work so i’m def open to any feedback! Stay super freaky, have great vagina, I LOVE YAAAA 
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myvillainfam · 2 years
My review of XH's Overload!!
First I'll be giving my first thoughts of the song, typing whatever comes to mind. I'll have my actual review right after. This is a long post so if you don't feel like reading everything, I'll be leaving my overall thoughts of the album and a ranking at the very bottom! :)
Oooo groovy!! GUNIL!!! oh~ okay~ is that ode?? damn okAY JUNGSU!! Tralalala bring it back! Yesssss SING THOSE LYRICS LIKE YOU OWN THEM (cuz you technically do) There's the part from the teaser!!! Ahhh it's so good. Very pop rock!!! The rap part! Ode wtf do you mean you don't know what you did? SIR YOU SLAYED MY HEART. I'M BACK ONLINE FEELING LIKE THE AIR~!!! GOING DEEPER AND DEEPER INTO THE CONNECTION~!!! BANANA GIREO GIREO GI~REO GIREOGI(and I can't make out the rest. forgive me I don't know Korean) THATS IT??? wish it was longer TT_TT
Actual review: 10/10
I loved it! I was a bit hesitant when I heard this song in the album teaser because I though it would sound to much like generic pop. But I'm pleasantly surprised! It's very much in the genre of music I listen to, pop rock!! I also felt a Day6 influence, whether or not they actually intended it. This song is wacky and very fun. It gets you ready to party! It's a great start to the album!
Hair Cut
I listen to this from their comeback show case. Unfortunately I did not write down my first thoughts. But here's my review on it:
Definitely leans more to the rock genre but honestly I didn't like it as much as I'd hoped. The bridge was beautiful—the best part in my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised to hear if this song was made with Hello, world! mini album. It has those HW! elements in there. I do like the song but its not the one I'd listen to the most. Score out of ten? 7/10
As I queue this one, I wanna say that I really like how XH explained this song. It sounded like they really had fun making this track. Here go my stream of thoughts!
Interesting. Beginning notes remind me of a "spooky" song. AHH I wasn't expecting that scream LMAO. low-key scared me. oh okay starting with gaon! I'm enjoying the guitar. oh going slower. building up for the chorus? im still hearing the "spooky" sound lol. Oh! oh! bass drop??? YESSS!!! I'm just keeping it right~! this part really reminds me of the band All Time Low, maybe their For Baltimore song? No, but definitely something off of that album, Don't Panic (btw i really recommend to listen to this album if you haven't. its my favorite ATL one) WOW very emotional bridge! The ending was too abrupt! I expected more! I'm too greedy lol
Actual review: 10/10
I think this is my favorite song off of the album. It's just reminiscent of many rock (read emo) bands I used to listen to. After a few more listens, I don't think its very spooky but it's a song I'd listen to when I'd want to feel badass lol. There's just something about this song that really gets me excited.
Crack in the mirror
LMAO the beginning guitar sound reminded me of the Knight Rider theme song. OH OKAY EXCUSE ME I FEEL ATTACKED. MR LEE YOUR VOICE IS GREAT. GIVE MORE LINES TO JUN HAN HE SOUNDS AMAZING (or is that gaon?? either way damn) okaayyyyy giving some bad boy energy i see yall. AHHHH THE GUITAR REMINDS ME OF BMTH ahhhhh i live for this harder rock!!! GAON YOUR ENGLISH IS SO GOOD i melt every time i hear this man sing in english. he has a good deep voice that is just chefs kiss rewinded just to hear that part again and his voice reminded me of Andy Black. ode also has very fluent intonations in his english. if i didnt know anything about this kband I would have thought that gaon and ode would be the english speakers. OMG THE BRIDGE THESE DUDES REALLY KNOW HOW TO MAKE THEM
Actual review: 10/10
Another song where i feel badass! This one was hard for me to compare with the rest. I really loved the way it sounded. It goes hard. The vocals in this one are just amazing. I think this one would be one of the songs I would recommend to people that aren't really into Kpop but are willing to give it a try.
ANOTHER SPOOKY VIBES ONE. this time its more like scary clown. IM TELLING YOU GAON'S ENGLISH IS HEAVEN. this whistle part has been stuck in my head this WHOLE DAY (since i saw the showcase. the whistle is ADDICTING. i really like the chorus. ode!! i love hearing him rap. THIS SECOND PRECHORUS DAMN. IM BROKEN~! *whistle*
Actual review: 10/10
Ah I don't even know how to properly put this one into words. It's GOOD! There's a tad bit of aggressiveness in this song with a bit of desperation??? Like I said I'm not sure how to explain it. (I'm looking for the translation of the lyrics maybe that will help me) Okay so it seems that I got the interpretation right. I can think of it like a tragic love where the lover dies or the narrator cuts them out because of their toxicity (i'm leaning toward the latter). Anyways it's a very beautiful song. The whistle is what pulls me in with the "i'm broken~" lyrics. It's paired beautifully.
LAST ONE!!! i'm not ready for this album to end. i'm having fun listening.
OKAY I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT. UMMMM GAON????? theres a reason this man is my bias wrecker. SPOOKY VIBES IM TELLING YOU oh oh this chorus!!! the prechorus!!! the bass in the second verse!!!!! vibing with this song. JOOYEON THAT BRIDGE WITH JUNGSU. i mean they are the main vocalists for a reason
Actual Review: 8/10
Ah the song where Jungsu said he wanted to play on Christmas. I think it's too creppy to that but it still sounds sort of Christmas-y? This is one of those songs that I don't really know how to feel about it. I guess it kinda has one of those vibes like the Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a "spooky" song but also not at the same time??? It's a good song but idk if I'd rate it top 3.
Overall Thoughts and Ranking:
I really enjoyed this album way more than Hello, world! Their progress from that album to this one is really astonishing. I really did enjoy this album and I've been listening to it on repeat. With that being said, this was a very hard album to rank it tracks mainly because I really got into it after listening them on repeat. It's a solid album. The first track really gets you pumped for the rest of the album that just blows you away. Most of the tracks are really on the same level as each other but if I had to put them into a list of which I liked the best on the first listen it would be this:
Crack in the mirror
Hair Cut
I'm not actually satisfied with this ranking mainly because each song has their own uniqueness that shines thru if your listening for different things.
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clumsyexpression · 2 years
Kiyomasa Kato x Fluff Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet - A, C, D, J, N Modern AU X Reader
//rawr :3
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A - Attractive (what they find attractive)
Of course there’s looks, but he definitely finds wit and sensibility attractive. Having what he defines as ‘common sense’ is incredibly attractive to him since it helps with avoiding pointless arguments and just being able to understand one another. Oh, yeah, and physically he’s definitely a butt guy. And wrists, he becomes enamored with the way you seem to paint a picture when you your hands for emphasis and your wrists are exposed. He finds bangles and bracelets to be very cute  ♡
C - Cuddle (how they cuddle)
He enjoys cradling you in his brawny arms; it’s an outward expression of literally guarding you in his arms and that you’re safe within them. He loves to envelope you since he’s your blanket and will get a little disappointed when either of you have to break the embrace. He loves to show you off in the same manner when y’all are in public – scooped up in his arms embraced within his security. Y’all are actually the textbook definition of the amusement park couples who are always holding on to each other in the long lines for the rides.
D - Dates (what dates with them are like)
Being of high energy, Kiyomasa would like for y’all to do something engaging, like rock climbing or going out for horseback riding. He knows that’s what he enjoys, so he’ll keep into consideration that you may not enjoy so much physical activity. He would also enjoy taking you out anywhere to your liking, as long as he gets at least one say-so in the day.
J - Joker (do they pull pranks?)
Kiyomasa chalks up pranks to being ‘childish’, but if you initiate a prank war with him, you’re gonna to wish you didn’t even want it with him from the get-go. This man is crafty and great with his hands; depending on how good you get him, he’ll either settle with putting down bubble wrap onto the floor and have you step unknowingly into the room or somehow get all of your belongings in said room onto the ceiling and refuse to ground them until you call a truce but also declare him the winner. Pick your battles wisely and avoid all out war is all I can really advise lol
N - Nickel (do they spoil?)
He loves to spoil you with shopping trips every now and then and actually takes pride in being able to hold all of your shopping bags when you're going on a spree. Definitely doesn’t mind spending money on you and will do what he can to get you your heart’s desire as long as it’s within reason - aka not astronomically expensive or beyond his means. He’ll make a comment or five about all of the amazon packages the house may receive, but really he’s glad that you’re able to find things you like and that he’s able to provide that for you.
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unfriedough · 3 years
‘Delusional’- Zuko x fem!reader (waterbender reader)
Part 1 II Masterlist <3
An: GOOD DAY FRIENDS. Today I present to you: Lightning part 2! This one ends in fluff so be excited yall. Oof this one's a long one-. Anyways, if you want to read this, I recommend reading the first part beforehand. Love you all so much, enjoy!
(p.s: a part of part 1 was edited bc it made no sense, so maybe go check that out lol)
It’s been 2 months since they ended the war, and since Yn passed, yet Zuko still hasn’t been able to move on.
Warnings: Crying, nightmares, passing out.
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“Yn?” Zuko called out.
He was in a void, nothingness. Nothingness, except for Yn, who stood before him. She clutched her stomach as she shivered.
“You did this to me.” she cried.
“YOU'RE THE REASON I’M DEAD, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU!” she yelled as she stumbled towards Zuko.
He was paralysed in fear, unable to do anything as she came right up to him.
“It should have been you,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face, before pushing him into the void.
He screamed as he fell, a black spike cutting through his body. Blood dripped from his stomach and when he looked forward, he saw Azula, and Yn - both eyeing him manically. Azula laughed before shooting lightning at Zuko.
“AHHH-” He screamed, frantically looking around.
He was in his room, not in the void, not being murdered. He was safe. He sighed before rubbing his head, attempting to calm himself.
“Just another nightmare, Just another nightmare. It’s not real. It's not real.” Zuko mumbled slowly.
That was the third time he had that nightmare, and that’s just that week. In fact, Zuko estimates he experienced it more than 20 times so far - and it’s only been 2 months.
2 months. 2 months since he lost her.
Sighing, he pulled himself out of bed, and onto his desk. He pulled out a sheet of paper and began writing.
“Dear Yn,
I had another nightmare. My days are becoming more unbearable by the second, I can’t hang on for much longer. I miss you. So, so much. I miss your laughter, and your face, and your kisses, your hugs, even your witty comments. I miss the feeling of you holding my arm, and sometimes catch myself doing it, to fill the void. I have never felt more empty. I can only hope that somehow, I’ll be able to see you again. I hope the spirit world finds you well.
Lots of love,
Your loyal boyfriend,
He carefully set the pen down, and placed the paper in his drawer, a pile of letters for Yn sitting inside. It was how he coped, but lately the amount of letters has been growing quite rapidly. He tucked the papers into the drawer, before getting ready for the day.
That day was supposed to be fun, his friends were visiting! But Zuko felt really out of it, especially because of the troubles he endured that morning.
After spending a whole day with the gAang, he retired to his room, where he stood on the balcony. Zuko chose not to sleep, in fear of his dreams, and so here he was. All alone.
The firelord flinched as he heard ruffling from inside his room. He quickly turned around and ran into the room, only to be met with his letters all over the ground. He almost sprinted out of the room to catch the intruder, but something caught his eye. A letter. But not in his handwriting, and not directed at Yn - but at him. He furrowed his brows and walked over to the letter, gently moving the pen off of the paper.
“Dear Zuko,
I miss you more than you could ever imagine. Life in the spirit world has been great, and I managed to speak with some knowledgeable spirits. Somehow, my body isn’t fully transferred in, and so, we found a way for me to be brought back. Y-”
“NO THAT CAN’T BE IT! NO NO NO!” It appears Zuko walked into the room before the writer could finish their message.
But the young firelord knew one thing, that handwriting was Yn’s - somehow.
The next night, Zuko stood out on the balcony again, this time full of excitement. He had set up a pen and a paper for Yn to write on, and now had to wait patiently. After two hours, he heard soft humming and rustling, she finally came! He bounced back and forth on the balls of his feet, and listened to the melody that was her voice.
He felt a tap on his shoulder, and he whipped his head around. Only to see his door open, and the letter complete. He ran over to it, sliding onto his knees and picked it up, continuing where he left off.
“You need to be in a place which holds the wonders of spirits, dangerous yet tranquil, sweet yet poisonous. And to a sky lit pond where the animals drink for prosperity, only then will you be given further instructions.
Lots of love,
Your faithful spirit-girlfriend,
Zuko gasped, he needed to tell his friends!
The next morning came relatively slowly, because Zuko couldn’t sleep. They were all seated at the dining table, and the gAang had surely noticed a change in his attitude. He carefully slid the letter on the table, Katara raising a brow as she pulled it closer.
“Zuko what?” She read, “Wait this is Yn’s handwriting.”
Sokka snatched the paper from Katara, and examined it himself.
“Where did you get this?”
“Actually I think her spirit wrote it, in my room.”
Everyone stared at Zuko, wide eyed.
“I’m sorry, WHAT?”
“Surprisingly, he isn’t lying.” Toph assured.
“Well, give us a few more details,”
“Um, well, basically. I was on my balcony and I heard someone in my room. When I went to look, there was an incomplete letter with her handwriting addressed to me. The next night I did the same, and I heard her humming a tune as she finished the letter, then she tapped me on my shoulder to signal she was done, and now we’re here.”
“I don’t know Zuko, this all seems very weird, maybe someone broke into your room?” Aang said.
“I’m not crazy! I know what I heard!” the firelord snapped.
The gAang all looked at him worried, and he realised what he looked like - an insane widower clinging onto any hope of his girlfriend. He sighed.
“Well, we don’t even know what this means, ‘a place which holds the wonders of spirits, dangerous yet tranquil, sweet yet poisonous’?”
Zuko stormed out of the room, angry at his friends' behaviour. DIdn’t they miss her? Or care for her? Or even like her? He heard Aang calling to him, but all Zuko could see was red. He would have to do this on his own, somehow.
Nightfall came, and the young firebender couldn’t decode the riddle.
“C’mon Yn, couldn’t you have made this a little easier!” He huffed as he threw his head back and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Knock knock!
Zuko stood up and slowly walked towards the door, to find Katara on the other side.
He raised a brow as Katara slid into his room, closing the door behind her.
“I solved it.”
It took a second for Zuko to understand but when he did, his jaw fell slightly. She sat on his desk, pulling out multiple papers.
“Look,” she said, signaling for the firelord to come near.
Once he was at his desk he scanned the sheets and sure enough, she came to a conclusion.
“Wisteria Valley, at the fluorescent pond,” Zuko muttered.
The waterbender smiled.
“Get ready and meet me on Appa, in 10.”
He nodded, and she slipped out of the room. He frantically ran to his closet, pulling out a fully black outfit, and packing a simple bag.
He sprinted out of his room as quietly as he could and made his way to the Bison - quickly climbing up with the subtle assistance of the disguised water bender.
“Yip Yip, Appa!” Katara whispered as she took the reins.
“There, let’s land here.”
Zuko nodded as they landed. Once they grabbed all their stuff, they opted to leave Appa outside. Katara had a few connections and was able to safely keep Appa with a friend of a friend.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
The duo walked through the valley, admiring the surrounding nature. Friendly chatter filled the air every once in a while.
“So, Katara, why exactly did you choose to help,”
She forced a light smile before replying:
“Well, I can’t help but feel partially involved in her death. Maybe if I was a little stronger.” She bit down hard on her lip.
“I’m sure she doesn’t blame you Katara,” he smiled at her.
She offered a smile back before looking ahead.
Rustling could be heard near them, both of the young adults on high alert. A small fairy like being emerged from the trees. It neared them slowly, the two of them suddenly mesmerized by the creature.
“What do you think it is,”
“I-I’m not sure.”
As it played on Katara’s shoulder for a bit, Zuko looked around.
“Illusionist wasps,” he muttered, after seeing the hive, “WATCH OUT!”
He pushed Katara away, and the wasp began to chase them, however now it was in a pack, and in its natural form.
“Of course!” Katara face palmed.
They continued to escape it, but not too long after, they got cornered. They both instinctively tried to bend, but it wouldn’t work - this was really the end. They held onto the tree behind them, and braced for impact.
Zuko kept his eyes shut tightly, and little by little, he heard the wasps evade. When he opened his eyes, he was met with a confused Katara.
“They just left? H-how is that possible?”
“Maybe because,” he racked his brain for a possible reason.
“Maybe because a spirit invited us!” Katara yelled.
Zuko hummed in agreement.
“Is that the pond?”
The waterbender’s face lit up as she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the small body of water. They both stared at it in awe as it began to light up.
A spirit emerged. Just as it opened it’s mouth to speak, a catdeer disturbed the waters. And just as fast as it came, it disappeared.
“NO NO NO,” Zuko yelled in frustration.
Katara simply fell to her knees, staring at her reflection.
“We failed,” she said slowly.
Zuko began to sob, his knees gave up, sinking him to the grass below. He was shaking and crying, unable to fathom the fact that they were so close.
“Uhh Zuko, what’s happening?”
The firebender’s eyes shot up as he looked around. All sorts of spirit animals gathered around. A young saber tooth moose lion spirit carefully went into the water, splashing around. Just then, it was picked up by the water. Zuko looked at Katara, but she shrugged.
“That wasn’t me,”
Their attention was brought back to the pond, as a figure began to form. Figure made purely from water. The being picked up the small moose lion and set it on the land, before walking up to the pair. It moved from between them and signaled for them to follow. They exchanged looks but ultimately followed. She led them to a more secluded part of the forest.
She looked at Zuko and motioned lighting with her hand.
“I think she wants you to shoot lightning at her.”
“But why though.”
“Is that really the only question you have. If I were you, I would just do whatever walking water here wants.”
The spirit seemed to find that nickname funny, as bubbles emerged from her laughing mouth. Of course they couldn't hear her, but it was quite obvious.
“Uh okay.”
She signaled for Zuko to wait as she sat down on the ground. She motioned an ‘action’ slice with her hand, and Zuko shot. He didn’t expect for lightning to emerge (his bending hadn’t worked earlier) but it did, and the lightning was purple. The spirit began to glow, and glow, and glow, until she was so bright that the duo couldn’t see. They passed out.
They awoke hours later, the sun directly above. Zuko looked around, locating Katara and Yn.
Wait, Yn? Wait Yn! He nudged Katara, effectively waking her up, before running over to Yn.
“Zuko?” She whispered.
He nodded and pulled her into a tight hug. She pulled away slightly, and wiped a tear that fell from his eyes, before moving to Katara.
Yn ran into Katara, holding her tight.
“It’s not your fault,” she said.
Katara smiled and nodded.
“And it isn’t yours either,” she turned to Zuko again, giving him a bright smile. Somehow, she knew they both blamed themselves for her demise.
“Okay let’s go home, this forest is creepy,” Yn said, finally breaking that ethereal spirit voice.
Katara and Zuko burst out laughing. She was finally back.
“Ya know, Zuko,” Yn started.
“Mhm,” He smiled.
“The letter you wrote was so cute, I didn’t know you were so poetic.” She teased.
Zuko immediately blushed and she pulled him in for a short and sweet kiss.
“I love you,” He said.
“I love you too,”
Katara smiled after hearing this conversation, the guilt she felt could finally be released.
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An: I FINALLY FINISHED IT. Sorry this took forever, I have a short attention span ig. This story is all over the place LMAO. Anyways, AS ALWAYS, hope you enjoyed this story, SEE YA!
Taglist: <3
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zhongli-simp-blog · 4 years
The Gym Room
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Pairings: Wooyoung x Male Reader
Word Count: 2k
Requested: yes
Warnings: smut, deepthroating
A/n: took awhile to write this, I had so many different ideas. But I hope yall enjoy it
imagine, you were walking pass the ateez dorm, you were about to pass the room where their home gym was, you noticed Wooyoung in there alone, you saw how he didn’t even bother to put on a shirt, you were so aroused that you didn’t even notice that you were staring, when you did you opted to just act like you walked pass by, you hoped that woo didn’t notice you staring, you ofc walked back, but this time you were only peeking, you noticed that woo was looking around you wondered for what reason and looked around as well once your vision refocused on woo he had completely removed all of his clothing, you noticed he was hard, probably cause by the adrenaline rush of lifting so much weights, you notice that he sat on the bench press when he started to work his member off, you were so aroused you didn’t notice woo looking at you with complete lust, he invited you in, telling you of how much you loved seeing him like that, he ordered you to kneel and suck him off while he was lifting weights, when he reached ten he put back the weight and pushed you down on his cock, his hand raked through your hair feeling his fingerless glove pushing your head down making you take all of him at once.
Wooyoung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, as his free hand started gripping the leather seat, “fuck Y/N you suck so good, don’t stop.”  As his hips buck upwards making your nose touch his pubes, “fuck, look at me baby,” your eyes look up seeing Wooyoung’s body glistening from the sweat and his eyes filled with lust. This only turned you on even more as you started rubbing yourself through your pants as your head was bobbing up and down, Wooyoung was lost in ecstasy as he watched his cock disappear into your mouth with your moans vibrating him.
He propped himself up on his elbow holding your head in place as his hips started to thrust upward into your mouth. “Ahhhhh, fuck that feels good Y/N,” as his he continues to fuck your face hitting the back of your throat over and over again. You looked up at Wooyoung with eyes glazed over with a begging look, “you want more?” Woo removes his cock from your mouth slapping it against your cheek, “you want more of my cock baby?” You nod sticking your tongue out letting Woo hit his member against it, “yeah you like that cock don’t you, such a whore.”
Wooyoung stood up from the bench making you lay on your back with your head hanging over the edge, rubbing his cock against your lips, “open wide baby.” You opened your mouth and let Wooyoung’s cock ease into your mouth, feeling it slide all the way back as your chin was to his pubes and nose to his balls. “Relax your throat and let me take control,” you nod letting Woo take full control over everything. He leaned forward using the bench as support to keep himself stable, once he was comfortable Woo started moving his hips feeling the bottom of his cock slide against your tongue as the tip hits your uvula.
The feeling of his cock in your mouth was sending waves of pleasure through your body, as your pants grew tighter, “let’s remove these,” as he uses his free hand to pull your pants down letting your hard cock free. “Shit baby, you are already leaking,” he says rubbing the pre-cum around the head making your hips buck up. “Oh? Does that feel good?” Has he continues rubbing your pre-cum around the head of the cock, the moans you were releasing were sending vibrations around Wooyoung’s cock feeling it twitch in your mouth. You were close to your high but Wooyoung kept removing his hand only to continue stroking you off. He stood back up holding your head in place as he pulled all the way out then slammed it back in hitting your uvula making you gag every time he entered. “Fuck yeah Y/N take all that cock baby, show me how much you can take, fucking gag on it” he says as he pushes his cock deeper so your nose was pressed firmly against his balls trying to hold back your gagging. As he pushed his member further down you reached your high releasing over your stomach, “shit babe, you came without me touching you.”
His member was dripping from your saliva making a mess over the bench and dripping down your face, “ooh baby look at you making a mess,” he said wiping up the saliva. Using his free hand he opened your legs as he used his other hand to tease your hole, “such a nice little hole.” He says as he slips one of his wet fingers into you making you whimper around his member from the intrusion, Woo never stopped face fucking you as he started to finger your hole as he inserted another one. “Ooh fuck yeah, such a little whore for me aren’t you, I think you need a reward.” As he pulls out from your mouth and placing both your knees and hands on to the bench. “Stay still baby,” he coos.
You felt the cold breeze as he spread open your cheeks and his lips against them, “such a beautiful ass baby,” as he gives you a slap. You were ready for him to fuck you but was meant with something wet instead, you were taken by surprise since Wooyoung was never into giving you a rim job. “Fuck Woo, that feels good,” moaning out from the new found pleasure, you knew he was skillful with his tongue but him using it on your hole was euphoric.
Woo pulled away and stuck two of his fingers in you again adding a third one right after, “look at you getting nice and loose for me.” Giving your ass a few hard slaps, “please, Woo” you let out. “Hmm? What was that baby?” He slaps your ass again, “please, I want to ride you, please.” He smirks, enjoying the complete mess he has made you, “does my little whore want to ride me? Hmm?” As he starts to squeeze one of your cheeks.
As he removed his fingers Woo helped you stand up bringing you into a kiss, he then sat onto the bench rubbing his member as he positioned himself, “alright come here,” he says as you go to straddle him, ‘No, no babe, turn around” twirling his finger. You turned so your back was towards him as he helped you position your entrance over his member, you slowly slid his rod into you letting out little whimpers. “That’s right baby, all the way down, take all of it in,” he says as he grabs a fistful of your hair making you arch your back.
You let yourself adjust to his size before you started moving letting your ass slide up and down on his member, “yes, ride it baby,” Wooyoung moans throwing his head back against the bench. His grip on your hair tightened as he took control and started thrusting upward, “yes! Yes! Yes!” You scream out every time his cock hit your prostate, Woo bit down on his bottom lip as he continued to pound into your ass even harder, the sound of skin slapping and moans covered the room and sweat covering both yours his bodies.
He slowed his pace down letting you catch your breath but kept himself deep inside of you not letting an inch of it out, “is this what you wanted baby? You wanted to ride this dick? It’s all yours babe,” pulling you back further so your back was touching his abs and sucking on your neck. “Yes, I want your dick so badly Woo, I want all of it,” resting your head against his shoulder still riding his member. Using his free arm he wrapped it around your torso holding you in place, “I love the way your ass feels baby, it takes my cock so well,” he says thrusting upward earning a whimper from you.
Using his arm that was wrapped around you, he held your hips down as he thrusted upward making his skin slap against yours. “Fucking take it bitch,” he growls into your ear biting down and thrusting even harder making your moans almost into screams of pleasure.
“Who makes you feel this good?” Thrusting up
“You do.” Moaning into his ear
“I’m sorry,” holding your hips down again as his dick goes deeper hitting your prostate, “what was that?”
“You do!” screaming out.
“Say my name,” as he grabs hold on your cock while still holding your hips down onto him.
“Wooyoung,” you gasp out, barely able to speak.
“I can’t hear you, little whore,” this time he used both his hands to hold you down sure to leave a few bruises after.
“Wooyoung!” You scream loud enough that the neighbors can hear.
“That’s fucking better baby, let everyone know who fucks you this good,” he says picking you up and pinning you to the wall as he held both of your legs in place. “I remember you wanted to be fucked like this right?” His member in the perfect angle to hit your g-spot over and over again. “Fuck-“you breathe out, “yes!” Trying to find something or anything to hold on to, “hold on to me baby, I don’t want to drop you.” Pressing his forehead against yours letting you wrap your arms around his neck.
You felt your body getting starting to give out but you weren’t ready to end this moment, “harder-“ kissing him lightly, “please,” Wooyoung smiled as he fastened his pace making sure to hit the right spot every time, “harder!” Now screaming out and Woo happily obliged with his grunts being more frequent and both of you completely covered in sweat, you were now unable to form any sort of sound except for the occasional small whimpers, and your fingers digging into Wooyoung’s back sure to leave a few marks, from the overwhelming pleasure running through your body.
Woo couldn’t keep that position long, so he had you bent over the bench as his held both of your arms behind your back as he fucked you, making sure every inch of dick was deep inside of you. Your knees were getting weak, using the bench to keep you balanced getting close to your climax again. “Fuck Woo I’m close.” Your words only coming out as low whimpers, “what was that baby? You want to cum?” Reaching around and started to pump you. “Yes, yes, yes” you repeated with every thrust “please,” now begging for him to let you cum.
“Cum for me baby, and only for me,” he whispers into your ear.
Your body instinctively reacted to his words as you released again over the bench, making your walls tighten around his cock, “Oh fuck Y/N! I’m coming!” He grunts out biting into your shoulder feeling his hot liquid filling you up.
It took both of you a few seconds to catch your breathes, Woo placed his forehead against your back not really worrying about pulling out, “fuck that was hot Y/N,” you let out a forced laugh, still unable to form any real words.
“Oooh, FUCK!” You both turn around and see Mingi in the door way with his now cum dripping cock hanging out as he fully rubs out his high. He looked over and saw Wooyoung and you starring at him, “oh shit,” he mutters before pulling his pants up and running away.
“Well I guess we gave him a good show, didn’t we?” Wooyoung comments, "Yeah I guess we did," joking as sleep started to take over not really wanting to move and unable to due to how sore your ass is.
"Let's just sleep here, if anyone walks in ooh well" Woo suggests only recieveing already a few light snores from you. "Sleep well Y/n."
(Credit to @panpandami for the first half and letting me use it)
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Ahhhhh I’m in a Mood, sorry for being absent :( but also I have zero requests so ! Here’s a gift 4 yall :) based off of the weeknd song
Save your tears
Pairing: Scaramouche x f!reader
Warnings: angst? he’s drinking bc he’s an adult
Word count: 826
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Scaramouche swirled the mixing stick and watched the velvety red drink stirred in the sweating glass. He sunk his chin into his palm, letting out a deep exhale from the bottom of his lungs. “I’m so bored,” he grumbled, eyeing the man next to him, at the empty table, who swayed back and forth in his chair to the beat of the music.
The man, with a stretched grin across his face, laughed and shimmied alongside the chorus. “Find someone to dance with or something,” he sang. “I already know who I’m gonna dance with.”
Scaramouche rolled his eyes and looked to the crowd of people on the dance floor. How could anyone find joy in the middle of that heap? Sweating, hot, and so close to each other. “No thanks,” the grumpy man slouched back into his chair. “You’re the only person I know stupid enough to enjoy this crap, Tartaglia.”
The taller man got to his feet as the song ended and faded into the next. “I don’t know,” he winked, jutting his thumb to his prey on the dance floor. “I think you’re the only one stupid enough to not enjoy this crap!”
Scaramouche clicked his tongue in annoyance and watched the man slide on the dance floor to a beautiful woman. She was too far to see clearly, but she was definitely too beautiful for Tartaglia, for sure. Scaramouche snickered at the idea of stealing her right from under him, thinking that he was much more in her league than the Snezhnayan punk that didn’t even order a drink.
‘That’s it,’ the older man thought, flicking the mixing stick out of his cup and downing the rest of his drink in a couple of gulps. He was going to have fun tonight, even if it meant dancing in that cesspool of people. He got to his feet and straightened out his blazer, stalking over with each step to the beat of the song.
He ran a hand through his hair and put on his sexiest smirk, staring her down knowing she’d feel his gaze and look his way. And that she did, as she danced and smiled with Tartaglia, stopping her movements abruptly when they made eye contact. Her deadpan stare made him skip a step, nearly tripping over himself and feeling his skin grow hot and clammy.
‘Wait,’ he thought, slowing his pace until he came to a stop. A single tear fell from her eyes, her lips quivering as her feelings overcame her. She shook the tears away and marched on and toward him. Scaramouche felt his heart lodge in his throat at her face. She was still so breathtaking, making his lungs burn from suffocation.
As she got closer he realized she wasn’t looking at him, but the exit behind him. He reached his hand out and forced a twitchy smile, hoping she’d stop to talk to him. “[Y/N]—”
Your perfume wafted into his face as you brushed past him gracefully— confidently— making him turn to watch you leave. His heart ached, yearned for you as he gazed on your backside. If he could go back in time and do it over again…he would.
Scaramouche felt a hand squeeze his shoulder, and a man standing next to him. “If you could’ve seen your face when you saw her,” Tartaglia chuckled. “Who was she anyway?”
Scaramouche shoved his arm off of him and stuffed his hands in his pockets, stomping back to the table and throwing himself in it. He’d never tell Tartaglia who you were to him. He’d never give him that satisfaction.
Because you were something painful to him. Something bittersweet. Something better. You were his first and only love, the last person he’d ever share his bed, time, and life with. You made him feel good about the things he hated about himself. You celebrated his weaknesses and loved his flaws. You wanted to see him do better, be better. And he wanted the same for you.
He’d never admit to himself that he left you because he thought you deserved better. No, because he was Gods’ gift to the world. And yet, that wasn’t good enough for you in his eyes. But he’d never admit that. If he had to say, he would say he “didn’t know why” he ran away. But deep in his heart, he knew why.
You would never take him back, even if he promised to stay. You wouldn’t give him a second chance. But that’s what he liked about you— you knew you were worth more anyway. The image of your heartbroken face when you saw him made tears of his own sting his eyes. You were probably out there crying somewhere over him. He scoffed, blinking his tears away. ‘Don’t cry over me, [Y/N],’ he thought, rolling his head to the side and staring at an unimportant, and seemingly dead crowd. “Save those tears for another day.”
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Hi… uh… I’m rarely on Tumblr and when I do, I rarely read fanfiction so idk how to do this but yeah, i just want to say that one day one of your writings just came through my suggestion like it’s fated and i absolutely love the way you write. I exceptionally love how you write the takeover and bon voyage and have been regularly checking if they’re updated. I won’t ask about any update schedule, though. I just want to say that to make a muggle like myself enjoying them this much, you’re definitely an amazing writer. I just want to know if you had fun writing? Cause for giving me such pleasure in life, I hope you do. Please have a good day! :)
I'm so happy you love the takeover!!!! That story gets the least amount of love so I haven't thought about it as much, but I'll work through some scenes with your sweet comment in mind. 💗💗
Do I have fun writing? Short answer, yes lol. Long answer...
Most of my stories start with me fixating over a dream or particular idea until I feel like I'm going crazy, like the story is just clawing at my brain to be released...recognized...heard. Some of those dreams are good ones, exciting, really fun to write stories (Like Bon Voyage!). Some are devastating, painful to write, but do I still have fun writing them? Yes, because it's like a release, even if I'm bawling my eyes out, it's still fun. If you laughed at a line, I probably laughed at it for five minutes straight and then again when I edited it, if you cried over a scene, I probably sobbed over it for an hour, if you yelled at a character I probably imagined a hundred different ways to get payback on them lol. I'm having a lot of fun, but a month or so ago when my follower count doubled out of nowhere I was having a lot of trouble because I felt like all these new followers expected something of me and I felt guilty about writing anything else, so I would force myself to keep editing a story when I really wanted to work on something else and I could barely write and it became this awful cycle and then I realized, why am I doing this? Me writing what makes me happy is how stories like RRR came to be and yep Bon Voyage and also Yoongi is a Rock and so many others. So writing has become this like tug of war, where I try to make readers happy but also myself 😅 I'm okay with this situation, I've seen it happen to lots of writers I just never expected it for me, I used to imagine I was in a room with all my readers, now it scares me too much to do that lmao. AHHHHH I've been holding that in, now yall know.
Thank you again for going out of your way to reach out to me lovely reader, it means so much. I hope you are having a great day!! Eat some good food and have fun today! 💗 Because you did this for me, I'll do this for you: here is a sneak peek of the takeover for you! 🥰
Yoongi’s voice begins to break up in your earpiece until only static remains.
Green light floods the laboratory with only the backup generators now working. You, Jimin, and Jungkook move as a unit, slow paced and alert for any movement in the dark corridors. The doors are all open except one. One with light coming from its small transparent glass window.
“How are we going to get in?”
You hold out a key card. “Swiped it,” you whisper. You hold the metal card to the blank keypad and the locks start moving, “Well, look at that.”
“Stay behind me!” Jungkook hisses, pointing the rifle at the enlarging gap into the next room. The frightening green light casting over his features slowly becomes overtaken by serene blue fluorescents, until finally you're all in the light, able to see the truly horrifying scene in front of you.  
“What is that?”
“Is that?”
“W-What do we do?”
“Get them out!”
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missmorosis · 4 years
Sokka S/O Headcanons!
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from my matchups <3
i found a couple of em cute and decided to combine em all LSKDJFLKSDF
i got rid of the ones that were too specific to the person, but other than that, here you gooooo
here’s the zuko version, if you’re interested!
aang version here!
suki’s version here!!
toph, ty lee, and katara’s here!
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if you like hugs, he’s your man
he loves giving you hugs
he’ll SQUISH you
just THINK about the art dates you two would have
“okay okay, just try to guess what this is”
he would eagerly shove his drawings into yours
you would have no idea what it is- poor baby i- he tried, okay
MEANWHILE he loves loves loves your art sm and thinks its SO GOOD
he would def try to recreate some of your art and it would just be the sweetest thing 🥺💖 even if it doesn’t look exactly the same :)
even though he’s not nearly as good
its something both of you enjoy!
“LOOK AT MY DRAWING!!” “wow sokka... it’s.. great! what about mine??” “it’s great, but not as good as mine 😎”
yall could sass each other back and forth
both of you would MAYBE hate each other sometimes but then yall would get along so well AHHHHHH
probably would tease each other a lot???
he’s pretty kindhearted- although sometimes he may tend to focus on goals and whatnot
and sometimes he can be a bit... aggressive?? is that the word lskdjflskdf
overall, he’s a caring person <3
he will TOTALLY put in as much effort into the relationship, if not more!!
he’ll totally throw a bunch of parties for you!!
“hi sokka i’m ho-” “SURPRISEEEE” “what’s the... occasion?” “NO REASON!!”
he is definitely someone you can have fun with!!
it’ll never be boring with him as your s/o
tell me yall wouldn’t have prank wars
whether it’s you drawing on Sokka’s face when he’s asleep (which is often) or him replacing your toothpaste with frosting- it goes on forever, and none of you mention it directly
SOMETIMES it gets annoying, but issokay cuz you prank him back :D
the gaang def finds it annoying tho
“DID YOU TWO DO THIS.” “of course 😏”
LOTS of laughter between the two of you <3
he’ll take you on trips to the beach
he’ll totally splash you in the waves
too late-you’re already drenched in sea water 🤪
looking for crabs together!!
or mayhaps a walk at the park!!
he just wants you by his side the whole time
crunching on dry leaves in the fall :D
yall would go out for ice cream after hehe
movies for dayysssss
he’ll totally watch movies with you!!
you guys would have movie nights every Friday~
he WILL cry if it’s a sad movie (no shame in that tho I CRY ALL THE TIME WHEN WATCHING MOVIES)
“h-he’s deAD 😭😭😭”
he has definitely cried while watching up. definitely. 
you would totally be comfortable with sokka!
he’ll make you feel SO SO loved
he’s literally so supportive and you would feel right at home with him :)
yall can quote tiktoks and vines together
“uhm chile anyways”
*debby ryan*
“can you read this for me sokka?” “no because what up, i’m jared, i’m 19, and i never fking learned how to read” “SOKKA JUST READ THIS FOR ME PLEASE”
10000/10 supportive baby
if you’re into music, he’ll go to EVERY SINGLE PERFORMANCE 💕
even if it’s a dress rehearsal
he’s screaming your name, cheering so loud lskjdflskdjf
if you like to flirt, he’ll flirt back
will OCCASIONALLY get flustered at first
but pickup lines with this dudeee
if you like skating, HE’LL SKATEBOARD WITH YOU!!
he kinda gives me skater boy vibes 😎
you two would skateboard around the neighborhood
if it’s during the day, you would skate and talk at the same time
can you even skate and talk at the same time sljkdflkjsdf IDK IDK
if it’s late at night, you would skate to an ice cream place that’s still open
he’ll get you ice cream, and yall would chill together for a bit :D
if you like to cosplay, he’ll take you to a convention
he’s there for the food ngl
you’ll cosplay together!!
yall would probably have a cute matching costume :D
2am convossss
“is water wet?”
“oh my gosh sokka it’s 2 in the morning. But no, water isn’t wet.”
“but like… water makes stuff wet.”
“yes, but it’s not wet. can water be dry? no.”
“OHH. okay. good night.”
“good night <3”
“... what about me? am I wet? hm. not yet 😏”
he’ll be so so happy when you get him gifts
“of course!!”
hiking to the top of a mountain together hehe
“let me carry you if you’re tired!!”
stubborn you would reply “i’m perfectly capable of walking mysel-”
too bad you’re already on his back lsjdfkl
he loves to braid your hair when you’re reading!!
it gives his hands something to do
he’ll chat with you and braid at the same time!!
the braid itself isn’t very good, but the time spent together is 🥺
please cook for him omg- he’ll love all the food you make him!
he’ll lift the food out of reach and you end up giving up 😔
you guys would go to a mall or outlet together!
first, get a snack, like a pretzel or a smoothie :D
then yall would head to the clothing shops!
he would choose an outfit for you, and you would choose one for him hehe
make him fashionable 😌
he would either get something really cute OR really fugly on purpose- it depends on his mood
if he wants to laugh at you for a bit, expect something hideous :D
if you like music, you two would have a playlist yall work on together 👀
“ooh I like this song! Put it in our playlist.” “this song reminds me of you, add it”
he would make you bookmarks!! 
if you like to read, he would make you bookmarks for fun! maybe those photos from the photo booth?? Yknow the line of multiple photos 
he would laminate those and decorate them for you to use 😭😭💕
stickers are a bookmark’s best friend :D
and every time you open up a book you see you and sokka posing in the goofiest poses
sokka would love ALL of you!! 
Including your flaws
overprotective baby 😌
he will do all that he can to make you feel as safe as you can
he would do ANYTHING for you!!
would rest his chin on your head when you’re just on your phone or reading, and wrap his arms around you!
sokka would LOVE you and would def make you feel like the most important person in the world
play a sport? he would CHEER YOU ON and would love that you play a sport like
is so excited for every game/match/practice
would play with you, even if he wasn’t good at it
helps you practice and get better :D
you would help him get better until he masters it
then it turns into a competition between you and him 🤷‍♀️ can’t help it
you two would have the cutest art-related dates???
just chilling together, sokka drawing and you’re writing
would def make posters for your writing and advertise it for you
“yall see this poster”
“its for y/n’s writing 😌”
“you need to read it”
you two would talk everyone else’s ears off
everyone’s lowkey tired of you guys
even sokka gets tired of you sometimes 😳
“can you just… shut up for a sec”
“no 💗”
but yall are cute so issokay :D
hiking trips with sokka hiking trips with sokka hiking trips with sokka
he would be the one planning them, ofc
mapping out the routes and stuff, perfect scheduling
he’ll make sure you guys get home on time
“can we stop for a sec- it looks so pretty here!”
“okay, you have 5 minutes before we need to move on”
“it's all part of my schedule.”
if you’re anxious, its okay :D
sokka will def help you feel better
will cuddle you
so much.
i hope you like cuddles sldkjflsjkdf
he’ll make Zuko make you tea so you can feel calmer!
this baby literally loves you sm <3
hope you enjoy hehe <3
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karasunology · 4 years
➜ a walk through of tsukishima's love languages told through headcanons.
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ tsukishima kei <3
[ ♡ ] you've received one love note from jae ! would you like to read it ?
💌 . . . finished writing this 8 minutes before the day ends, and i'm already drowsy y'all. but i had another headcanon to write for iwaizumi😔✋ so f.
💌 . . . edit, now i'm posting this and realized i'm better at writing whenever i'm half asleep😌 anyways, hope you bubs enjoy this !! <33 aone would probably be next i hope. also requests are open!! almost done with my inbox & i have nothing to do, so send an ask and i'll write em.
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➜ tsukishima, just like iwaizumi, is not the best at pda.
➜ but not because of the same reasons.
➜ homeboy was just not the best at showing those type of emotions, preferably to try and mask those in snarky, and obnoxiously mean remarks.
➜ bb boy needs to lay off his salt
➜ like he'll have a kidney stone one of these days ngl
➜ tsukishima was, surprisingly enough, the first one to confess between the two of you. reasons being that these overbearing feelings of his, that he was unaccustomed to was a bit too much for him and just decided to confess to you out of flustration.
➜ and in his thoughts, and i quote
“ just to get this over with ”
➜ he knew you wouldn't accept it so atleast he could it it off his chest and cry himself a river and get over it
➜ mans was too practical lmao
➜ but you didn't reject him, and in fact you returned the same overbearing feelings he carried that would create a whirl wind of emotions in the pits of your stomache, and he did not, in fact, cry himself a river
➜ because holysh!t you actually like him back ???
➜ homeboy never thought this through
➜ tsukishima never would have thought you'd accept his confession
➜ but nevertheless, he asked you out right after, still in deep shock and as if he was still floating in cloud nine.
➜ tsukishima was awkward when you guys started dating, no; it's probably you too.
➜ physical affection was OUT the window in the first start of your guys' relationship.
➜ and when you guys DO start attempting physical contact, he'd be so stiff lmaoo
➜ tsukki isn't showered in these types of affection okay?? you're probably his first s/o
➜ whenever you'd hug him with people around, he wouldn't buldge or would just entirely deny you of it
➜ s h i t  hurts tsukki :(
➜ it wasn't like he doesn't like you ─ goodness no, bb boy was probably wrapped around your finger.
➜ it wasn't an everyday sight seeing tuskishima with an s/o
➜ he just couldn't for the life of him do pda justttt yet, especially with all the eyes watching you two interact
➜ whenever tanaka or noya comments that he's too cold to you, or if anyone says that you deserve better, he'd do that shit-eating-grin, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANN
➜ and say
“ atleast i have an s/o & not just go around asking kiyoko-san for her hand in marraige. ” to tanaka or noya
“ and you think you're better for her ? ” to anyone that dares say anything about y'all's relationship
➜ but would also have this guilt-tripping churning on his stomache because you probably did deserve better
➜ the day you guys had your first kiss was when a guy called him out, saying they were better for you than he could ever be.
➜ and out of his built up insecurities & flustration, y'all just had this tension between you two and next thing you knew, you guys were kissing
➜ which may or may not ended up as a makeup session🤪😳
➜ and he was just surprisingly?? good ?? at it??
➜ ugh sanaol
➜ after that incident, tsukishima and you talked your relationship through and his insecurities ( also another sign he's whipped for you, because he never does these type of shit. )
➜ bb boy was a bit more comfortable at physical affection with you
➜ pda? he'd probably kiss you in front of the person the person commenting unnecessary about your guys' relationship, or if anyone dares to flirt with you in front of him
➜ and he'd have you out of breath from it and would have that smirk on his lips
➜ fook let me just kiss you ahHh
➜ but other than that, he prefers to stay low on pda, though, holding hands is a must
➜ but not without a remark from our mcdonalds fry
“ your hands are too sweaty ”
➜ would 100% flick your forehead
➜ like if he ever thinks you're annoyingly cute, he'd just flick your forehead lmAOOO
➜ one time y'all were away from each other because he had training camp, and when you guys finallu saw each other again, you couldn't help but run up to him & kiss him mwahhh
➜ and he'd be like 😳🤢
“ disgusting, do it again. ”
➜ but would be the one to pull YOU into a kiss
➜ phew CHILEE🥵
➜ physical touches are already something
➜ but what about non-physical ones?
➜ nicknames
➜ N I C K N A M E S
➜ they are a MUST in your guys' relationship
➜ if you're short, homeboy would call you chibi-chan.
➜ if you have a huge forehead, bb biy would call you forehead-chan
➜ while you would call him megane-chan/kun
➜ tsukki is also a good one
➜ bitch too
➜ half would be so weird but are still endearing to the both of you
➜ doesn't let anyone else probably other than tadashi, akiteru & his mom to hold his glasses for him
➜ and you too
➜ he would let you touch it and wear it, though without a playful roll of the eyes and maybe a side remark, since he is tsukishima kei
➜ one time he was teasing you and acted too tired to put on his glasses and made you do it
➜ and while you guys were eye levelled as you guys sat in his bed, almost nose to nose👀😳 the second you put on his glasses on him perfectly, he'd pull your arm gently towards him as you landed safely onto his chest, his head ontop of yours and you guys just sat in silence;
➜ and with nothing but your two beating hearts created a whole new melody once they were molded together
➜ would call your grades trash✋ but would offer to study with you
➜ thus born, was your study sessions/dates
➜ has bought headphones just for the sole purpose to listen to music with you
➜ 😭😭😭
➜ AND IF YOU WOULD DO THE SAME, HE'D DROP ON HIS KNEES AND JUST MELT AND SAY “ i will marry this bitch one day ”
➜ y'all would probably listen to both playlist alternately while you guys just either vibe to it or fall asleep with each other
➜ i have other things to say but i have to stop myself from spoiler my new mini headcanons series coming soon
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Grace, i really enjoyed/still enjoy reading your fic feat. britney spears LOL --- this fic is a treasure...! but i'll save my rants for comment section on ao3. why i'm here: i'm about to start on your western au, but i'm not familiar with the genre so my question is, do you have any list of movies/shows that might help me visualize while reading it? also, check your kofi page >:D
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Oh my goodness YOU ARE TOO KIND AHHHHH !!!!!!!!Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!! Omfg I was in shock when I saw this message I am in such gratitude and I’m kissing you as we speak 🗣
I’m so so glad you enjoyed the fic and I hope you like RNR too !!! Western films are all over the spectrum and they’re often about revenge, community, and fighting corruption (those are the best ones IMO) Classic spaghetti westerns are still considered some of the best films ever made for a reason but they can also be super long, with little dialogue, very dramatic, very gripping and violent. The land around the character is always a character itself in these stories, def one of the tenets of the western genre, BUT…… it’s a nonsensical white myth that the ‘frontier’ was untamed and uncivilized, and it really functions as revisionist history in the worst way sometimes. As usual, media affects and reflects our reality and history, but people have to create that media, and most of the people creating these, Wild West, empty frontier, battling with ‘scary tribes’ films were white men (or Italians..) who wanted and needed people to think the west was empty, uncivilized, and needed to be protected and claimed by white people.
Writing RNR has led me to learn so many new things and I think once you get interested in the time period and keep digging, you will learn so much you might have never been taught in school or seen in a movie. But I also keep in mind this time period was not that long ago and what I can research for fun is real shit that still affects people today. When you start thinking about the horrible genocide, displacement, murder, and slavery that America was founded on, the western genre starts looking pretty… out of touch, honestly. The experiences of both enslaved and free Black people, Mexican people whose land we were taking, and Chinese immigrants who basically built the railroad system that allowed more travel to the west- they’re pretty much completely ignored in this genre, and Indigenous tribes are very cruelly represented, if they are at all, despite the objectively horrible way white Americans treated (and treat) them. And forget about gay or trans people! I would love to see WAY more films/media in general that really centers the people who weren’t lone gun slinging womanizing white cis cowboys (also a myth, most cowboys were Black or Mexican, and they were frequently, secretly fond of each other) so if anyone ever has any recs….. please drop them to meeeee!!! I heard The Good The Bad and The Weird is a really good non-American western, that’s next on me list. That being said here are a bunch of movies I’ve watched that influenced me in some kinda way. They’re not all ‘great’ or historically accurate but….. neither is RNR LOL. Posse for example is pretty infamous for that but it’s totally worth a watch for its story about Black cowboys! And you’ll also notice a trend of like, the white savior and ‘noble savage’ stereotype if you start watching westerns. Hostiles is a good example of this, I think they wanted the story to be inclusive of the Cheyenne Nation POV/history but then they should have actually centered those characters instead of the white people trauma but I digress……I put an asterisk next to the ones I personally think are most accessible as far as plot/general vibes. I’m not like endorsing these all as Amazing Historical Films obviously but here they are!
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(I put Seven Samurai on there as it is formative in general if you haven’t seen it yet. I think I was also watching a lot of Westworld when I first started writing RNR, and that has some beautiful settings and costumes, [I deleted a long rant about westworld here lol], and True Grit was actually the film that set off my whole RNR writing experience.)
Many western films or what we think of as the ‘wild west’ time period overlaps with the American Civil War. A lot of people point to the Ken Burns doc as the definitive place to start and I certainly watched it in school but again, it’s a very white man-centric doc and even actively sympathetic at times to the Confederacy so.. don’t bother with that. This article discussing it is worth a read.
Honestly, scrap this entire list and just watch Blazing Saddles. It will explain everything.
Some other good resources to start with
Read about BASS REEVES!! The legend - the Lone Ranger!
Western Violence, Law, and Order
What Wild West saloons were really like
How did westward expansion impact the Native Americans?
Black Cowboys: the overlooked heroes of the west
The true origin of country music
We Shall Remain
The Forgotten Trans History of the Wild West
Ok this is getting super long but I hope that is a good place to start!!! Also here is my huge 350+ song playlist I listen to when I write, has a large mix of different genres and artists. You can also check out my rnr stuff tag or just the rivers and roads tag, I’m working on consolidating them into one but that’s where I sequester the vibes as I find them. ENJOY I LOVE YALL SOOOOOO MUCH
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imaginedisish · 6 years
Happy Together (Five Hargreeves x Reader) (The Umbrella Academy)
A/N: OOOOHHH MY GOOODNESS HELLO EVERYONE!!! So before y’all read...lemme say that Five is not 13/14/15 in this imagine!!!! He is a normal 20 something year old human...and so is the reader!!! This is kinda like an alternative universe sorta thing...idk...it was a request. (also my 17 year old self has a huge crush on Aidan Gallagher now uwu...he’s turning 16 this year...and we’re like a year apart so ITS OKAY YALL CHILLLLLLLL) I love The Umbrella Academy...and more imagines will be coming. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 900 FOLLOWERS AHHHHH!!!! Okay...now enjoy :)
Summary: After altering the timeline to save your life, Number Five gets in some trouble with The Commission...which prompts a not-so-welcomed visit from The Handler.
Warnings: LANGUAGE, angst, blood, fighting, implied violence/murder, FLUFFFFFFFFF 
Word Count: 2,413 holy shit i went IN LADIES AND GENTS
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Rays of sun reach their fingertips through the ancient curtains above you. The dust particles that had accumulated upon the books surrounding you glow as each individual spec basks in the light. To your right, sitting properly next to you on the plush couch, was a well-read copy of The Great Gatsby, your favorite novel. 
You look down at the coffee that rested between your hands, the steam radiating off of it slowly dissipating, cueing you to finally take a sip of the bitter liquid. Grace hums a tune as she passes through the dark library, duster in hand. 
“Grace,” You call out, and Grace immediately stops to face you, “Do you know where Five is?” Just as Grace opens her mouth to answer your question, a loud clanging sound erupts from above you. 
“Goddamn it!” A familiar voice shouts, followed by the violent thumping of footsteps down the stairs. 
The footsteps continue, the sound of the dress shoes against the cold tile echoes throughout the academy, until finally Five appears in front of you. He looks disheveled, exhausted, and incredibly angry. You hadn’t seen him like this since you saved the world together. He looked so distraught, something was clearly wrong. 
Five begins to pace back and forth, his hands traveling to rub his eyes every now and then. You want to say something, but you know he’s far too lost in thought to answer. Finally, Five stops, and walks towards the bar at the end of the library. 
You hear Five rummaging through the bottles of liquor. You turn around to see an expensive bottle of whiskey in his right hand. With his left, he grabs a short, crystal glass, and he begins to pour away.  
“F-five, is everything okay?” You ask quietly. Five stops his pouring, and slams the bottle of whiskey on the counter. 
He looks up at you, a vulnerable haze of fear presents itself across Five’s face before once again masking itself in an angry and distant gaze. “Everything is just golden,” Five remarks sarcastically, taking a generous swig of alcohol from his glass. 
You decide to ignore his tone as to not start a fight with him, and instead stand up from the couch and walk over to him. You pull out a stool, and sit down. Five remains where he is, on the other side. 
“Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to make it come out of you?” You ask, jokingly. That was your power, you had the ability to make people tell the truth. You could also read minds and freeze time, which made you a perfect foil to Five, who could move through it. 
“It’s The Commission…” Five trails off, taking another sip of his whiskey. “They know what we did.” Your jaw drops. How the hell did they find out so quickly? You think to yourself. 
A month ago, you and Five had altered the timeline. To be more specific, Five had altered the timeline in order to save your life. While searching for Five, who had saved the world from the apocalypse once and for all, the Commission came across you. They knew that you were important to Five, and decided to kidnap and torture you. 
When Five had found you, it was far too late. But, that was a thing of a past. It was a memory that you were never able to experience, since Five took it upon himself to change the timeline and save your life. 
You two had grown close since Five had met you, since he had helped you learn to use your powers. But, you didn’t realize how much you meant to him. He risked so much by altering the timeline, and that was becoming increasingly evident. 
“Look, things can’t be that bad,” You say reassuringly. “There has to be some sort of way to fix th-,” 
Five cuts you off. “No, things aren’t bad, they’re terrible. They’re going to kill me,” Five’s voice is firm and filled with anger. “Or worse…” His voice is soft as he trails off, his eyes drifting down to the glass of whiskey on the counter. 
“Or worse, what?” You ask as you search Five’s dark brown eyes for some sort of an answer. 
But he gives you none, shaking his head in contempt, refusing to say a thing. He picks his drink up, and begins to walk towards the other side of the room. Just as you think he’s about to stop, the pacing begins again. You roll your eyes. 
“Five, stop, let’s talk about-,”
Five cuts you off a second time. “There’s nothing to talk about, (Y/N)!” Five shouts, his eyes widening. “Things are going to absolute shit!” He knocks back a final, generous swig of whiskey before violently slamming the empty glass on the end table to his left. Five darts back towards you. “We lost! Don’t you get it? They’ve won! They’re going to find me, or you, a-and, a-and…”
You shake your head. “You’re being ridiculous, Five,” You pause for a second, collecting your thoughts before continuing. “You just need to calm down, we haven’t lost just yet, we haven’t even started fighting.” 
“And there’s no point in fighting back to begin with. They know you’re here, they know everything, (Y/N),” Five says, swallowing harshly as he closes his eyes tightly. “And don’t tell me to calm down.” 
You scoff. “I’m just trying to help. We can fix this-,”
“Stop! No we can’t! I’m going to lose you. Don’t you understand that?” Five yells, his voice booming throughout the library. Silence looms over the room. You don’t know what to say. “I can’t lose you…not again. I just can’t,” Five finally croaks. 
Your heart flutters in your chest at his words. “Five you aren’t going to lose me,” You say, your voice is soft and sweet as a smile stretches across your face. 
“On the contrary, darling, I think he just might!” A sarcastic, shrill voice rings from the opposite end of the room. You look to where the voice came from. A tall, gray haired woman stands near the fireplace, holding a gun in her hand. “Hello, Number Five. Long time no see.” Her smile is wide, almost reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. 
“I swear to god if you touch her,” Five points a finger in the woman’s direction, “I won’t hesitate to take you down, for real. In fact I thought Hazel already did that for me,” Five taunts.  
The woman cackles loudly. “Oh Five!” She slaps her knee. “God you crack me up! You know silly stuff like bullets, or grenades,” She raises an eyebrow, “can’t kill me. But it can kill you, or her.” The woman nods her head towards you, aiming her gun at your chest. 
A shot rings out, and a flash of light appears in front of you as Five pops in front of the woman, pulling his arm back to punch her in the face. But, before anything happens, you close your eyes tightly, clutching both hands into fists. Suddenly, time freezes. You walk forward towards Five. The bullet is inches away from his chest, suspended in thin air. You push it to the right, making sure that when time starts up again, it won’t even have the chance to hit him. 
The woman scoffs, surprised at your abilities. “Who the hell are you?” She asks, staring you down. 
“(Y/N), Number 8, also known as Eon, and you’re about to be so fucked,” You stare deeply into her eyes as you begin to search the woman’s mind. Her alias is The Handler, she’s killed thousands of people, and she isn’t one bit scared of you in this moment. 
Well, that’s about to change completely, You think to yourself. You tighten your hold on her mind, and you watch as the Handler winces in pain. 
Part of your mind reading ability was to allow the person you were reading to relive the memories you came across as you searched his or her mind. In this case, you went for the traumatic experiences; for instance, murders, attacks, and other crimes The Handler committed, watched, or experienced. You had found through previous ventures that making someone relive the past was overwhelming and draining, to the point of death.  
God I hope this works, You think to yourself, taking a deep breath as you swallow harshly. You had one shot, one chance to make this work. You begin to search through her mind, picking out memories that seemed horrendous, even to you.
“Wh-what the hell are you d-doing?” She stutters, her fingertips reaching up to either side of her head. You force her to see each and every person she’s ever killed, which slowly but surely begins to have an impact on her. “S-stop,” The Handler pleads. “I-It h-hurts.” 
But regardless of her pleas, you don’t let go. The gun in The Handler’s hand falls to the ground as she begins to tremble. You don’t know how much longer you can stay where you are. Your grasp on time begins to weaken, and things slowly start to move again. You’re losing energy. 
“F-fuck,” You whimper, trying your best to stay strong. You search deeper into The Handler’s mind, seeing even more murders, more traumatic experiences, forcing her to relive each and every one. 
The Handler screams out in pain. “Shit!” She screeches, collapsing down to the ground. She wheezes, and coughs roughly. Her breathing weakens, just as you thought it would. 
“How does it feel?” You manage to shout, regardless of the fact that it feels as though every ounce of energy has been drained from your body. You continue on nonetheless. 
“I-I c-can’t b-breathe,” The Handler chokes, grabbing her throat. “S-stop…” Her eyes flutter shut. “I-I’ll l-let y-you l-live…” She struggles to speak as her eyes open up again.
“Bullshit,” You say firmly, walking closer to her. “Any last words?” You question, going deeper into The Handler’s mind one final time. Her body seems to tense up, and she writhes in pain one last time. 
“I-I’ll b-be b-back, k-kid…t-trust m-me….I always e-end up c-coming b-back…” She trails off, her eyes shutting tightly. Then, the writhing stops. The tension in The Handler’s body seemingly disappears. Her body goes completely limp. You did it. It was all over. She was gone. 
You let go of your hold on The Handler, since there was no longer anything to see or do in her mind. It was blank, a black hole if you will. You let go of time, and things begin to move yet again. You collapse to your knees, absolutely exhausted. 
“(Y/N)?” Five calls out, and you hear the bullet you had directed away from Five hit into the wall. “What the hell happened?” Five chuckles a bit. You feel his hand rub up and down against your back. 
“I-I took care of things…” You say, breathing heavily. “You don’t have to worry about her anymore, or at least I don’t think you will.” You look up at Five, a confused expression spread across his face.
“How did you…” Five doesn’t know what to say as his eyes frantically search yours for some sort of an answer. 
“I made her relive every shitty thing she ever did, or experienced. It wasn’t a silly thing, that did the bitch in,” You explain nonchalantly. “It was natural causes, in a sense. She did it herself.” 
Five smiles widely, his brown eyes catching rays of light. Just as quickly as his smile appeared, it slips away. “They could still come after us…” Five trails off nervously, standing up and walking towards the bar. 
You shake your head, gathering your strength and following behind him. “Don’t worry about that, okay? With The Handler gone, things will be easier. We can take down whoever stands in our way.” Your voice is calm and reassuring. 
Five stops in his tracks, his eyes studying your face thoroughly. “All I can do is worry. Just because she’s gone doesn’t mean I won’t lose you,” Five says, his voice firm, yet still laced with fear. “I care about you too much to lose you again. Last time, my heart…it…” Five can’t seem to finish his sentence as his voice becomes shaky. His eyes become glossy, and he turns around so you can’t see his face. 
“You can talk to me Five. Please, just tell me what happened,” You beg, walking closer to him, extending a hand out towards his, your fingers colliding with Five’s. 
He turns around to face you. “Fuck I hate feelings…” Five complains before continuing on. He takes a deep breath. “My heart felt like it stopped beating. I-I sobbed over y-you…” Five tightly closes his eyes shut, a single tear falling down is cheek. He wipes it away with his free hand. “I can’t go through that again. I won’t, I refuse to. I care far too much about you…I-I…” Five looks down at the ground and back up towards you. He steps closer to you, the gap between you and he closing. His eyes drift back and forth between your eyes and your lips. 
Suddenly, a pair of soft, warm lips come crashing down on yours. The kiss is slow and languid. You can’t help but smile against Five’s lips. This was something you had wanted for such a long time. 
You’re left wanting more as Five’s lips part from yours. He smiles widely as he steps back from you. You’re almost a bit shocked, as Five rarely ever shows affection to anyone. 
“I didn’t know how to say how I’ve been feeling,” Five explains. “You know I’m terrible at emotional shit, but (Y/N), you make things seems so natural. I’m happy when I’m with you.” 
A smile stretches across your face. “So let’s be happy together, then. You don’t have to hide things. We can be a team.” 
Five nods, grinning as he closes the gap between you two once more. “Happy…together…two words that I’d never thought I’d use to describe my life.” 
“Well I suppose you’ll just have to expand your vocabulary, then Five,” You say sarcastically, giggling lightly. 
“I suppose so, (Y/N).”
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Discord pt 98
[Date: 19/03, 06:01 AM GMT - 19/03, 06:50 AM GMT]
[CW for unethical floral experimentation, injury mention]
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kateza affectionate: “mona, don't be so hard on yourself, ok?”
Maxwell: “....i....think we should tell her about the other stuff
Little-K1ng: “............theres more????”
Marcus: “.........heh”
Little-K1ng: “uh. heh?”
Maxwell: “I saw syds observation post from yesterday...it had a scrrenshot of something I said, and jack and them told me thats what you didnt want me seeing yesterday....”
Marcus: “Oh that
Little-K1ng: “O_O
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Marcus: “...that’s kind of what the argument was about”
Little-K1ng: “,,,,,,,,,,,,um
oh fuck. i
Maxwell: “im not upset”
Little-K1ng: “i just...”
Maxwell: “i took some time”
Little-K1ng: “you're... not?”
Maxwell: “and i get why you did it
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kateza affectionate: “you're in an unprecedented situation. a situation that keeps getting worse and worse with seemingly no reprieve. I don't blame you for slipping up here and there- there's so much stress involved that it's almost expected for you to be upset. i don't think anyone blames you for doing these things. that's all i wanted to say.”
Maxwell: “its gotten worse
baroness has images of more times where i've slipped up
at least twice during my argument with her”
Little-K1ng: “oh christ”
Maxwell: “and then I switched back to ender for certain words....”
Little-K1ng: “i.....”
Maxwell: “and....i sent prince an ask on faer blog....”
Little-K1ng: “you... did?”
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Maxwell: “saying i was sorry for upsetting faem and i hoped i could see faem again soon”
Little-K1ng: “oh no oh no
oh max....”
Maxwell: “fae said "see you soon, page"”
Marcus: “...max signed the ask as page as well”
Maxwell: “no no
the was the second one”
Marcus: “..there was one before??”
Maxwell: “after he answered the first one i closed my eyes to breath”
Little-K1ng: “how can i be getting worse so much faster....”
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Marcus: “.....I don’t...remember”
Little-K1ng: “unless...”
Marcus: “...huh”
Little-K1ng: “oh fucking christ no non on ono nonon ono nonono.....”
Maxwell: “and when I opened them like three minutes had passed and I had sent an ask as page apparently”
Little-K1ng: “did..... did crown do something? did he get in? did he get in when i left the door open??? and make it worse???????”
Marcus: “...I don’t
...max i don’t remember you sending an ask
Only page”
Little-K1ng: “is it my fault? did... did i do that? did i really.... i..... left you vulnerable....... i....”
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Maxwell: “no it isnt your fault”
Little-K1ng: “i just....... this doesnt.... this doesnt hurt me nearly as much as it should.... im not... im still not upset..?”
Marcus: “Mona, Crown didn’t come in...I would’ve seen him. It’s not your fault”
kateza affectionate: “this isn't your fault mona
you're probably emotionally tired”
Little-K1ng: “but i just... i still just feel empty about it. i feel fully justified about this and i know i fucked up but im not hurt”
Raeva: “oh...”
Maxwell: “uh....I have marigold tea if you want some”
Little-K1ng: “i cant even fucking apologize right”
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Marcus: “You didn’t mess up
...max what”
kateza affectionate: “you're emotionally burnt out, Mona. This is a bad situation”
Little-K1ng: “wh. where did you get marigolds?”
Maxwell: “oH
Marcus: “max”
Little-K1ng: “....;max????”
Maxwell: “hm.....well....
Little-K1ng: “max i dont have any tea except dandelion root
you're 16 you dont have money or a car
where the fuck,????”
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Maxwell: “fetch was hurt....and i wanted to make sure I could help him tomorrow if he came back home tomorrow”
Marcus: “.....arent the flowers on your laurel...”
Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “max you didnt”
Little-K1ng: “mAaAaAaX??!!!!
what the HELL”
Marcus: “Don’t yell at him!”
Little-K1ng: “ahhhhh??????????????
im ??? not yelling on purpose im just????????
what the hell ??????”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help and it works?!”
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Marcus: “you tested it???”
Maxwell: “yes”
Little-K1ng: “thats such a silly idea max of course it worked??? magic is like that sometimes??? but why would you have even thought about it ?????????”
Marcus: “max”
Maxwell: “i...”
Little-K1ng: “thats so silly how did it taste wh”
Maxwell: “i knew marigolds have the ability to help heal wounds...they can help speed up the process sometimes by a couple of days”
Marcus: “Are you okay??”
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Maxwell: “they can help with blood flow”
Marcus: “Which ones did you cut off? Did you only cut one?”
Little-K1ng: “are you???? ok max first of all. heavy metal poisoning speedrunning. nice one. but also. dude cmon they double when you do that”
Maxwell: “and can sometimes even be used to treat infections...
i only cut one but it workss”
Little-K1ng: “one flower for how much ??”
Marcus: “...”
Little-K1ng: “like. did the water change color? bubble strangely? make fucked up ender noises at you??”
Maxwell: “i got a scrape on my arm when I was pacing outside waiting for fetch and I dipped a paper towel in it and put it on the wound”
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Little-K1ng: “god maybe i am emotionally exhausted”
Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”
Marcus: “...I kinda hope it made ender noises that would be funny”
[Maxwell: “it almost fully closed instantly”]
Little-K1ng: “hUH”
Maxwell: “it healed the wound faster than normal
not completely but enough”
Little-K1ng: “oh you better hope you dont do that too much and find out once your laurel wilts the wounds just open wtf”
Marcus: “I don’t think normal marigolds do that”
Little-K1ng: “thats like. supremely fucked dude??? thats weird.”
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Maxwell: “.....”
Marcus: “...interesting”
Little-K1ng: “if you only used one did you??? just use the one i cut?”
Maxwell: “i wanted to help fetch
no the...one you cut was a bud
i needed one with petals that was bloomed...”
Marcus: “Y’know Max, I don’t think anyone else would’ve tried that”
Maxwell: “also the bud hasnt wilted despite being cut off a day ago...
but yeah i needed petals”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “i tried to take em off when it was on my head but it felt like I was pulling out my hair so i stopped and just....”
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Little-K1ng: “no, i understand the need. i get it. i want to help fetch too and honestly? i would have done the same”
Maxwell: “took a whole one”
Marcus: “...are you okay?
How did that not wake me up”
Little-K1ng: “im. i just. i feel so screwed up about this whole thing.”
Maxwell: “i didnt yell”
Marcus: “...”
Maxwell: “i numbed it with ice and grabbed the scissors
fetch wasnt happy when i told him”
Little-K1ng: “well of course not”
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Maxwell: “jack saw it as an experiment”
Marcus: “...you talked to fetch?
Like directly?”
Little-K1ng: “you told him???”
Maxwell: “no he was messaging her”
Little-K1ng: “i dont even tell him when i hide a pill in some cheese for him
wait dont tell him that i said that”
Marcus: “I thought he just gave an update and that’s how you knew about stuff”
Maxwell: “to let us know he wouldnt be home tonight
yeah and i said i knew a way to help heal him”
Marcus: “...”
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Maxwell: “he...knew i was gonna do something I shouldnt have
theres still quite a bit left”
Marcus: “....i can see why he would think that”
Maxwell: “it's in a bowl....
....you can use some if you need it”
Little-K1ng: “...........ok. would it be weird. if i drank it
like a little bit
maybe itll?? pick up my mood or something”
Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”
Maxwell: “i dont know if it works for moods”
Little-K1ng: “god i WISH”
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Maxwell: “uh give me a sec”
[Marcus: “What if it cures your migraines”]
Maxwell: “you could try but as far as i remember it wont work
it works for wounds and inflammatory stuff”
Little-K1ng: “damn”
Marcus: “Why would you give it to me-”
Little-K1ng: “yeah ill be honest i maybe do not want the weird rat juice . at least not right now”
Maxwell: “its...flower
i put the petals in a pot and boiled em”
Little-K1ng: “Brain Flower of the Rat is not exactly the most appealing tea flavor, max. with all due respect”
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Maxwell: “then i strained them”
Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”
Maxwell: “actually tastes slightly like normal water...
if anything slightly sweet
jack said it might taste like rose water”
[Marcus: “Juice of Brain Flower of the Rat then”]
Little-K1ng: “sick new lacroix flavor”
[Maxwell: “jack said it might taste like rose water”]
Little-K1ng: “.....rose water?”
Maxwell: “yeah you boil the roses then strain em into a bowl
like i did with the marigolds”
Little-K1ng: “i like rose water... :/ guess maybe i do want the fucked up rat brain plant water”
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Maxwell: “you could try some its not like I cant make more”
Little-K1ng: “....hm !!! dont like that
do not make more rat water”
Maxwell: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i will try some but do not make more”
Marcus: “...please stop calling it rat water?”
Little-K1ng: “marcus?? do you want to try some (Patent Pending) Maxwell Ratatouille's Funky Fresh Brain Tea™️?”
Maxwell: “....
im too tired for this shit”
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Little-K1ng: “im coping max.”
Marcus: “....”
Maxwell: “ fair”
Marcus: “I don’t have any injuries?”
Maxwell: “im.....i might go to sleep soon....
Marcus: “Who?”
Little-K1ng: “we dont have injuries
okay so uh?? bottoms up i guess”
sip sip
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Marcus: “..oh wait
My elbow?
Does it work on old injuries?”
Little-K1ng: “uh. hm
it tastes good?”
Maxwell: “oh yeah its burned! it wont get rid of the injury but it might help with any lingering pain?”
Little-K1ng: “it tastes nice actually, the rose water thing was actually accurate
kateza affectionate: “I’m gonna head to bed. Stay safe y’all. Much love /p”
Little-K1ng: “gn Kate !
hm. okay”
Maxwell: “hm?”
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Marcus: “What Mona?”
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Little-K1ng: “so. i may have forgotten to mention out loud to yall but i have some pretty bad joint pain
like, typically, its a mid level pain all the time
and its jsut? less
less pain
thats nice”
Maxwell: “told ya it works!”
Little-K1ng: “it.... does !
dont make more though
ill enjoy this for as long as it lasts but for gods sake max dont pick the laurel for tea”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more rat juice max”
Little-K1ng: “gonna do a rat juice high five marcus
try it??”
Marcus: “I’ll..try just applying it to my elbow”
Little-K1ng: “something something dab joke”
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Marcus: “Man you really are tired huh?
Little-K1ng: “i am so tired
work was hard
and i came home, expecting like, the remnants of a fight”
Marcus: “Okay- oh”
Little-K1ng: “only to realize that like, just about every problem for the last 2 days are probably entirely my fault”
Marcus: “Mona”
Little-K1ng: “and i dont actually have it in me to think i actually did anything wrong and i keep getting angry and snapping at people who dont deserve it”
Marcus: “Mona it’s fine
I promise”
Little-K1ng: “<:(”
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Maxwell: “you okay marcus”
Little-K1ng: “^this is an incredibly forced frown. again, i dont feel bad”
Maxwell: “the water didnt hurt you right?”
Marcus: “Huh?
No it’s quite soothing actually”
Little-K1ng: “yeah weird right ??”
Marcus: “A bit”
Little-K1ng: “i WILL physically fight you max if you try to make more though
i will get mad. dont”
Maxwell: “....sorry”
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Little-K1ng: “i mean dont be sorry for trying it, that was a good idea
but you've done it once, thats enough”
Marcus: “Please don’t make more max”
Little-K1ng: “for safety reasons”
Marcus: “Yeah”
Little-K1ng: “i dont know how easily those stems get infected
and with how deep they run i really dont want you to find out
i already endangered you all this far, please dont help me do that
guys... you both look so tired”
Maxwell: “you wont endagenr us its fein”
Little-K1ng: “maybe you should go to bed”
Maxwell: “im fien”
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Little-K1ng: “sounds like it ,':)
head to the tulips, dormouse :)!”
Maxwell: “fuckign what”
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Maxwell: “awwwww i love emas”
Little-K1ng: “do you guys want to sleep in the living room? my bed is pretty huge”
Maxwell: “oh iv emafe a neast on the fllor”
Little-K1ng: “oh perfect, and it looks like marcus is already asleep :) thats okay!! goodnight you guys”
Maxwell: “nihgtn”
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magical-xirl-4 · 5 years
Now that every episode of S3 has aired, I’m going to be watching Heart Hunter/Loveater and Miracle Queen. And so, I present to you, my thoughts on Battle of The Miraculous:
Which was super annoying, cause I was halfway through the episode. But I’ve managed to remember most of it
Anyway, that was annoying, but I still remember what I wrote:
- Marinette narrating in the beginning about loss, was honestly a big oof, since I know what happens in these two episodes
- Ugh, Cat was being petty about making LB jealous for sure
- Luka and LUKANETTE WAS SO CUTE I’M-- I love him so much, and I love them. They’re the light of my life right now. (also when he finishes Marinette’s melody, it’s totally going to be the theme of the show) THE BIKE RIDING AND CHEEK KISS WAS CUTE TOO
- Heart Hunter’s design is bad (Gabriel also totally gave them that cloak so they’d get pissed at each other)
- Adrigaminette rights!!!
- Adrien has a crush on both Ladybug, Kagami and Marinette, change my mind (He was smitten when he saw her with her hair out, like seriously) Rip to him scrolling through LB’s photos too, I felt bad but I had to laugh
- Kagami watching Adrien play piano is the softest shit, I died (Kagami and Adrigami in general is great in this episode)
- Also I freaked out when Adrien was grabbing Mari’s hand, and just hers. Like boy stop denying your feelings.
- Andre didn’t say poly rights but he did say Kagaminette rights
And now, back to where I left off in the episode:
- ooof now things be getting intense, Hawkmoth’s figured out that she goes to Fu whenever she’s stuck
- RIP she saw Adrigami in action
- uh oh... she didn’t de-transform
- NO don’t choose Kagami, ffs this is like what happened in Desperada, don’t let your personal agenda interfere!
- Okay but Hawkmoth standing in front of the merry-go-round window is kinda funny
- POCKY GAME ADRIGAMI- oh never mind it’s just a kiss anyway
- Ladybug just straight up kidnapped her. Anyway we got some Ladygami/Kagamibug because she was carrying her :3
- I like how Mari was actually making her voice a little deeper to conceal herself... I’ve noticed that she does that in this season more often (her voice does change slightly when she’s LB, but not like what she used to sound like in S1)
- NOOO we didn’t get one aghh
- YES BITCH, Jade Turtle let’s goo
- I am actually really enjoying this battle 
- Lmaoo Ladybug called out Cat’s flirting with Ryuuko 
- Oh my jesus Hawkmoth and Chloe talking I CAN’T
- Yeah I’m real worried about Fu’s whereabouts now
- OOF ADRIGAMI KISS. lmaoo Andre just staring at them
- Mari crying is the worst BUT LUKA BEING SUPPORTIVE IS SO GOOD
Okay, now, after that, let’s finally move into the last episode: Miracle Queen.
- Oh my gosh, seeing everyone getting stung (families like Alya’s and Max’s especially) and Marinette narrating over it again... This shit is hurting
- AGh Luka saving her, I can’t do this
- I’m glad she thought to use Aqua Tikki. Anyway- OH. OH SHIT ADRIEN’S REJECTING KAGAMI?
- Well, ok, not really, but still...
- AH she saved him
- Seeing everyone being mind controlled is a bit worrying
- ahaha the first one who didn’t have glasses was Kim (”I thought that was a requirement”) oml that was actually funny
- The Kwami’s aren’t going to do or say anything seeing them brainwashed??
-  Noo she’s upset again ;-;
- ohh shit Hawkmoth’s gonna use Fu to reveal their identity’s!
- Okay but... Rena Rouge, Roy Singe, Pegase and especially Viperion are so deadly all together I have no idea how they’re going to win.
- NOO no. No. NO. I do not want to see Cat and Viperion fighting. Even if Luka is brain washed, I dont think I can handle it.
- Was gonna say, poor Sass, but at least he got some food.
- Hell yeah SNAKE NOIR.
- Thank fUCK for Second Chance
- Can’t believe Chloe really thought she could get Akumatized AGAIN when LB is right there
- HEYEHEYEHHEYEY CHLOE WTF STOP. she has no idea that she literally can’t do that. she’ll crumble mentally is she uses all the miraculous
- anyway it’s super funny that all the Kwami’s are pissed at her. (Honey it don’t work like that, they’re not going to let you order them around)
- OOF *that zoom on HM’s face when Fu said LB will be the next guardian aha*
- HAHA I like how Hawkmoth and Mayura just rode off on the Sentimonster
- Goodbye and good riddance, Chloe
- It’s sad hours now boys... Fu doesn’t remember anything... Wayzz’s face too, ugh :(
- Fu was ready to throw everything away, everything in that locker... Oh my god, I’m not ready for this
- Marianne! AHHH (he remembered her in some way, gosh damn this is bittersweet)
- WHAT.. what.... what the.... Adrien and Mari getting ice cream together, smiling.... AND TALKING normally, I...
- The way that the camera followed them... the fact that they said goodbye to each other to go sit apart from each other...
- Luka’s tune was so similar to the theme song and I’m... yeah I’m getting chills OKAY, I’LL ADMIT IT
This... holy shit this finale was good. Like... damn I loved how it ended. There were some good moments that I appreciated, and all together it was really nice.
I need to know how season 4 is going to pick up after this one, so much has changed. I want this show to be better, I really do, and I’m hoping the next season really takes the wind out of us.  
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rqs902 · 6 years
qcyn ep 8 aka the loss of some real talent..... (but also, thankfully, some needed recognition was given as well)
psa im probably gonna be posting stuff involving some spoilers soon, so ill tag them as #qcyn spoilers and you can feel free to block those posts if you dont want to see them!
awwwwwww shi mingze helping mingming get people’s attention is the cutest friendship!!! mingming is so quiet... i love a supportive mingze!!! also thank you iqiyi for giving him more screentime!! i can notice it already!
LOL sun zelin in this rap heavy group..... but this group is already the most fun group hahahah omg ye ziming talking about the fact that he knows he’s not likely gonna make it so he needs to help those kids who are more popular get better......... UGH WHY DO PEOPLE NOT RECOGNIZE THIS AMAZING CHILD. oh my goodness this is so sad.... the fact that THE KIDS WHO KNOW WHAT THEYRE DOING had to make a club dedicated to helping the kids who dont.... bc they know theyll make it instead of themselves....... that just means that they all know the next elim is gonna get rid of a whole lot of real talent. thats so messed up.... this whole montage is like iqiyi being like “thanks for helping our kids look nice on stage, once you’re done, you’re gonna be forced to leave. byeeeee” 
LOL lian huaiwei is just so funny just talking LOL. wait. so about that clip of lin mo helping chaoyuan and youwei that came out earlier this week. chaoyuan and youwei arent even in his half of the group. that means lin mo went out of his way to help them even tho he hasnt been practicing with them as closely as like huaiwei. wow he not only helped his own group but he went out to make sure everyone in their larger group got special help, AND youwei still called him “teacher” which means lin mo is probably regularly helping him. wow. man,, they didnt show any of lin mo’s group’s practice wtf........ i swear iqiyi is about to drop jia yi or something bc i thought theyd at least wanna show some of him.... but the small bit we saw of their dance wow lin mo is gonna do sooo well ahhhh he looks so good already, even in these lumpy practice clothes, im so excited to see him on stage
lol yaoyao (yao bolan) is in the super cute grouppp hahahhaha but ahh him talking about every faking their happiness really.... shows how observant and sensitive he is to his friends’ feelings, which is aw....
OMG THEY JUST SKIPPED ANNOUNCING the lower ranks ???? i mean i get u gotta be time efficient, but thats a little too efficient??? omg but sun zelin!!! and wu chengze!!! and wu zelin!! omg wang jiayi dropped so much. iqiyi has seriously just dropped him like a hot potato wow. CHEN SIJIAN WENT UP WHOOOO lol the creativity is real in this one hahahaha his speech
ok im sorry but wtf how did these three (14-16) get in front of lin mo, excuse me???? sigh.... oh well, at least hes still within top 20, i just want him to at least make it to top 20... lol they only let like 3 kids talk...... this is just too efficient yall.....
omgosh........ shi zhan and yaoyao........... ahhhhhhhhhhhh my heart ;;;;; yaoyao’s smile......... another bg project boy is gonna leave ahhh 
yao chi’s speech omg..... the child has seriously been through a lot of mental trauma look at how much he’s shaking goodness
omg i cant believe jia yi dropped so much...... wtf.......... are people blind???? iqiyi is really about to drop him omg i really think they havent been giving him enough screentime alskdjlk wow way to randomly cut off jia yi’s thank you to zhan yu.... wtf i need more jia yi + zhan yu time.... zhan yu is like jia yi’s favorite gege.... omg zhan yu’s tears ahhh zhan yu may say that he wishes he could be the maknae but he honestly cares so much for jia yi, even tho he’s not much older than him, its so aw.....
omg i just looked up ye ziming on weibo and hes friends with guanguan, changbin, zhu zijie and zhong yixuan??? omggg fandom clash wowow 
this segment with these kids with disabilities........ i dont know how i feel about this...... it feels problematic to me....... the trainees dont know what theyre doing, so how is this benefitting these children? if anything its just to make the trainees look like theyre doing some great charity work or something, but i dont appreciate the attitude some of them have towards these kids... i get theyre frustrated and werent properly prepared to interact with them, which i dont blame them for, but its like why is this segment even a thing, iqiyi??? theyre just coming in and using these kids as a backdrop to make themselves look nice, and not actually doing anything sustainable or meaningful to help them... what good is it to get these kids to like them and get familiar with them just for them to leave within a few hours? its just another person who came and left........ 
omg guan yue is second omg good for you, child!!!!!!!!!!!!! good good good im glad, he deserves it!!!!!!!
lol they better show the other rounds of this basketball tournament in the extra clips..............
these ads are getting more and more ridiculous im ??? cowboys ??? ?
NOOOOO ZHAN YU!!!!!!!!! 37!??!!?!!! I CANT BELIEVE THEYRE SO CLOSE AGAIN!!!!! ALSKDJLKJLK FIRST ZHEN NAN 61 AND NOW ZHAN YU 37 AGHHHHHH ok but i cant even be mad at yuzhi bc i know he deserves it too.
omg boyuan!!! they really like boyuan hahah but he deserves it too and zhuo yuan being so so happy for him is the sweetest ahhhh and junjie crying ahhh i love these 3 roommatesss
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS ZHAN YU!!!!!!! YESY YESYEYS YES!!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?!??!? THAT MEANS WE HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE ALL 3 TYGERS ON THE SAME STAGE!!!!!!!!!! ALKSDJLAKSDJLAKSJDLJK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS OMGOMOGMOMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH i was thinking “they really like zhan yu hahhaa they picked zhan yu last time, maybe theyll pick him again”---- THANK GOODNESS AHHHHHH ok but im kinda disappointed they literally didnt show lin mo’s reaction... only jia yi’s.... which i feel like is bc they enjoy playing off of jia yi’s emotions more.... which makes me feel (again) like theyre using the other tyger members as backdrop for jia yi, rather than respecting their friendship and group as a whole? like theyre all really amazing friends and people, theyre not just “jia yi and his friends”, if you get what i mean... but jia yi being so so happy i love!!!!! im so so so happy for them ahhhh yessssss you go zhan yu, you are amazing!!!!!!!!! get that recognition!!!!!!!
omg zhuo yuan being so happy for his friends is honestly the cutest. im sad that he didnt make it... yao chi and mingming being so happy i love!!!!!! good for yechen! his voice is honestly really nice and very unique!
frick i cant believe they didnt notice ye ziming.... and su yuhang.... they deserved better......... cheche crying ahhhh li you and kou cong deserved better too... ahhh seeing guan yue crying more than cheche or mingming crying more than kou cong, or ye ziming comforting others... its like the kids who are left are so sad for them, the kids who were actually eliminated.. this friendship is ahhhhh
man, i was just getting to know and like yaoyao and cui shaopeng too...
this is so sad for zhuo yuan and jiahao tho, like all the kids around them, physically and also in the ranking, went up, but not them.... i wonder if jiahao had been given screentime during his last stage, he wouldve gotten more votes... but bc of the hair thing, he got cut out of the ep even tho he was center......  
man, fangzhou is the last core one member left........
oh my goodness.......... that ending................. oh my goodness.................. why does this have to happen to huo zhong.................... oh goodness thats gonna be such a drastic change from huo zhong to the super cute song...... i hate to say it, but i feel like none of them would want to go there LOL ahhhhh how will guan yue choose???? laskdjlaskjlk ok im hopeful that he at least wont choose zhan yu (because hes not cute LOL) but i really really hope lin mo can stay too oh gosh.......... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh guan yue....... (i know ding feijun is also there but im guessing guan yue is gonna be the main decision maker) but if hes smart he wont choose kids who will have trouble learning a whole new dance, which means.... he is likely to take more skilled trainees....... UGH IM SO WORRIED. but tbh i guess.... even if lin mo goes from super cool handsome center to a super cutesy backup dancer.... i guess... he’ll get to challenge himself and try a new style.......... which i guess... isnt terrible........ he’ll be cute, im sure.... so as long as he can still make it into top 20, i wont be terribly distraught. honestly i feel like im being rather reasonable as a lin mo stan, like I’m not asking for him to get as much screentime as like wenhan, just at least enough so that we can tell that he exists and was there (COUGHepisode7COUGH), and I’m not asking that he be center every time or that he get into top 9, i just want him to get recognition, respect, and into at least top 20. I think he can do it!!! hes working so so hard, despite being injured, and hes helping so many other kids..... i just wish his work can be acknowledged. 
oof now thats its down to 2 votes a day... its time we see who people’s real biases are... im guessing theres gonna be some drastic changes in the rankings from here, bc the kids who are just well-liked by everyone but not actually “biased” will be dropped like crazy. i know who im gonna vote for, but im sad it means i wont be able to vote for some kids who i know will really need votes too..... but i believe you can kinda tell which kids are “bias” material and which are more just generally well-liked. that’s all im gonna say about it, but for everyone who’s voting, just choose wisely bc some kids will need your votes more than others, just saying.... 
lol guan yue’s psa to eat more fruit..... okay guan yue, okay hahahahhaha
wow i cant believe chen you and li you both got clips in the ending credits and also ye ziming even got 2 clips......... i swear they only started giving ye ziming screentime after it was too late??!!!? like they finally realized hes super funny and talented and #amazing and felt bad but ITS TOO LATE IQIYI laksjdlaklklk ill say it again ye ziming deserved better. on his weibo he says he’ll be coming out with new stuff soon tho!!! so im super excited and will def be keeping a lookout bc im sure itll be legit c: 
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gyeommine · 7 years
Walking In On You Changing (EXO)
“Exo reaction to walking in on them changing, if that's allowed/not too busy 💕💕💕”
(gif creds to the original owners)
Suho: He would be super friendly and back out quickly, apologising over and over again. But, he would definitely wink or make a dumb joke when you were done changing. You’d be completely red in the face as you threw a sofa cushion at him, and he’d say he actually felt really bad after he had chuckled at the flung cushion. He’s still a gentlemen, trying his hardest to get the image out of his head.
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(from goof to rood to cute in like 3 seconds my poor heart)
Xiumin: Cute blushy bb will completely cover his face with a sudden shriek, which made you jump. Your face would be on fire as you quickly covered up. He quickly stumbled out of your room. After you’d done, you walk out and he would bend 90 degrees to apologise and you would mumble it’s fine. “For a 28 year old, you sure do blush a whole lot,” you’d joke and the poor boy would be even redder.
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(i was literally cackling at ‘knowing brothers’)
Luhan: I think he would jokingly call out “nice view” and you’d be as red as a beetroot as you hit him out of the room. He’d be lowkey content that he’d made you blush you so much. When you confronted him, he would apologise. Just as you were walking way, however, he would mutter just loud enough for you to here “I wasn’t wrong though” and that’s the kind of flirty friendship yall have.
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(he’s so charismatic i cri)
Kris: He’d probably try to back out but walk into your dresser by accident, after which you’d turn around and you’d both be like rabbits in headlights. Then, you’d quickly cover up and shoo him out. He would feel so bad but still would find it hard to look you in the eye. But, he would apologise so many times bc he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
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(what a qt)
Lay: All he wanted was to get something from your room and he went in w/o thinking. He would exclaim out of surprise, his eyes wide as his hands covered his eyes. He would walk out slowly, his hands still covering his eyes. He would definitely the most extra when apologising, and for sure the most respectful. He would feel so bad, and claim over and over that he didn’t see anything. You’d beam, accepting his apology. 
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(i missssssssssss lay so much !)
Baekhyun: This lil’ shit would smirk, raise his eyebrows when you still hadn’t noticed him. The door was ajar, and he had sauntered in. “I didn’t know this was a w benefits w situation, but it can’t be helped” he’d comment smugly, and you’d slap him out. He’d be cool and collected as you confronted him after, he’d shrug and say “not bad”. You’d try to stammer an insult but you’d be too red in the face. Honestly, the amount he flirts y’all could probably end up that way.
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Chen: He’d probably scream, in his typical loud ass way, which would make you jump out of your skin. “AH (Y/N) WHY DO YOU HAVE TO CHANGE HERE?”  “KIM YONGDAE THIS IS MY ROOM” at which he’d sheepishly slump out of your room. He’d apologise with that cheeky grin, to which you’d just roll your eyes and push him playfully. Through it all, he would be trying to hide how flustered he really was.
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Chanyeol: He would yell out in surprise, covering his eyes like a child that’s just seen adult material. He just wanted to see you where you were in your apartment but now he was completely flustered. The lanky boy would clumsily stumble out of your room. You’d go to see him after changing and his ears were bright red, and he couldn’t meet your eyes. He’d stammer out an apology, still replaying what he’d seen in his head.
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D.O: With his eyesight, he may not even notice at first when he walked in trying to find something. It was only until you’d half shriek his name that he’d realise what was happening. Blinking rapidly, he’d meet your eyes. Then, he’d snap back into focus and promptly leave your room. As soon as you’d walk out, he would walk over and bow, apologising sincerely.
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(oh bless him and his eyesight:( i love kyungsoo a lot)
Tao: You better believe he’s going to be cheeky. As soon as you met eyes with him, he’d wiggle his eyebrows. “Aish (Y/N) not now, maybe later?” to which you’d yell at him to get out as he giggled like a teenage boy. You’d hit him lightly as soon as you were done. You’d glare and he’d apologise quickly, not wanting to anger you. Ofc he highkey enjoyed what he saw but he doesn’t want to over step any boundaries.
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(i have probably used this gif a lot but fUCK why would i not??)
Kai: He would get so shy. He would freeze, unintentionally, as you both then locked eyes. He would quickly turn around and stutter out a quick sorry, before stepping out your room. He’d be in a slight daze from the sight, but then would feel bad for even thinking of you in that state. He’d make several other apologies throughout the day but you’d only retort “you dance sexily on stage for a living, seriously HOW are you not used to-” and he’d cut you off w a huge blush.
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(he’s adorable mmmkay bye)
Sehun: Another member who would be sassy as shit. He would raise his eyebrows and then melodramatically shield his eyes. “Aish (Y/N) don’t blind me!” and you’d yell his name out of protest. He’d remove his hands and be like “I am only kidding ! “  w a sly as shit wink. At this point you’d ask “why are you still here ???”  and then he’d realise he was casually talking to you w no shirt on. “Oh yeah” and he’d slide out. I actually think he’d be quite nonchalant about it afterwards and not cause a fuss.
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(he’s such a bitch and he knows it jfc)
Ahhhhh exo ot12 reactions take me SO long bc i get so distracted and then i bat an eye and i have been on tumblr for 30 mins when i am only on lay and aghh. anyway, it’s done i hope y’all enjoyed ! <3
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aesjae · 7 years
Boyfriend! Ten
#2 of Boyfriend! Series
Taeil | Johnny | Taeyong | Yuta | Kun | Doyoung | Ten | Jaehyun | WinWin | Jungwoo | Lucas | Mark | Xiao Jun | Hendery | Renjun | Jeno | Haechan | Jaemin | Yang Yang | Chen Le | Jisung
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Word Count: 1,154 Style/ Genre: Headcanon/- Date posted: 19/08/17
omg my bias
i'm probably going to make this extremely cute and kill myself in the process
so ten as a boyfriend
would be really adorable
it's the kind which you always fantasise about, those you always see in dramas
those that give you butterflies in your stomach at the thought of it
at the start of the relationship, he would be a really sweet and shy boyfriend
even though ten is usually seen as a self-confident and cheery guy
i would actually see him being really conscientious around the person he likes
every time he sees you, he would have this blush upon his cheeks
not those furious red blushes, but red enough for people around him to tease him about
he would have a lot of formulation in his mind on how to be smooth af with you
but in reality, he would be too shy to actually carry them out
constantly over thinking that he may make a fool out of himself
he might be really hesitant to hold your hand, and would fiddle with his fingers nervously
but when he turns to his side to look at your side profile,
and just to realise how you weren’t perfect, but how you were perfect for him,
his heart would overwhelm with bursting emotions
and he would have this sudden surge of courage and confidence
swooping down to interlock your fingers with his, as his warm palm was pressed against yours
and you can literally feel the electricity flowing through your veins
it was one touch, but it made your day a whole much better
ten would be a very careful boyfriend, planning his next actions meticulously
if your birthday was coming up,
he would plan a really nice birthday party for you
inviting your family, friends, and of course the nct members, who you are also close to
it would not be a very grand celebration, but it would definitely be one that's lively enough to excite you
but then the next day, he would have a special private birthday celebration planned for you too
just for the two of you
it wouldn't be something really extravagant, neither would it be extremely romantic or cheesy and or, but enough to touch your heart
to make you realise how thankful you are to have such a splendid boyfriend
ten may seem like one that is able to speak very well, but he also likes to express his feelings through actions
he might write you a letter for your birthday, fully expressing his raw love for you, saying words that he had never been able to properly express verbally because he's too shy
and he would give you a beautiful necklace with a key pendant with several diamonds on it,
and at the back of the key, you would see your name and your birthday engraved on it
ten may let out an embarrassed giggle, looking up at you sheepishly, commenting how you had the 'key to his heart', and that only you could unlock his heart for him to reveal his whole bare self to you
you knew then that you couldn’t love someone else more than you loved ten
ten was the one for you
and ten felt the same towards you
he wouldn’t want to exchange you for anybody else 
you were the best coincidence that occurred in his life
ten would also be a very encouraging boyfriend
whenever you were feeling low, he would make sure to do everything to make you feel better
as the relationship matures, ten would start to open up to you even more
he would also continue being the lively and positive bean he is
he may buy you your favourite flowers and snacks
to appear at your doorstep in the evening
ready to snuggle on the couch with you
watching movies
maybe disney
which ten may squeal during the parts when the prince and princess finally fall in love
and cry when the villain decides to intercept
maybe horror
when ten would assure you that everything is purely fiction and attempts to protect you
but he ends screaming louder than you
he may have occasional deep talks with you too
even though ten has more of an extraverted personality,
i feel that he may have a more introverted mindset and have deep thoughts running in his min from time to time
he might just sit down with you one day,
maybe just talking about his or your recent concerns, 
and then soon uall will find yourselves comfortable, having a heart to heart conversation
even though by opening up your heart to ten, or to anyone tbh, it makes you feel vulnerable, as you never know who might decide to use your insecurities against you,
you felt completely safe, secure and protected in ten's arms
his arms wrapped around you were like protective boundaries, protecting you from harm in this cruel world
the sound of his heartbeat was something that gave you warmth and comfort
as if a reminder to you that somebody will always be by your side
and that's ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
as if both of your hearts were connected by invisible strings
the sound of his breaths into your ear provided you a sensation of bliss
even if the world was constantly beating you down, you were assured of the fact that you were able to return to the arms of your loved one
he was a hero
your hero
a short one
but still one
ten might enjoy teaching you dance moves from time to time
and more often than not, you would find yourself laughing blissfully with ten,
twirling and tripping in the living room of your house or his dorms
if you had a performance/ showcase, 
he would make sure he is able to attend every single one
not forgetting to get you a bouquet of roses for every performance
him being your best supporter ever
"(Y/N)!! The prettiest! The best! The most talented! The most attractive! My (Y/N), let's go, wooooo"
you'd be hiding your face in embarrassment but unable to stop the wide smile from forming on your tomato red face 
he would boast about you to all his friends and family
never forgetting to mention the good qualities of yours
he acknowledges all your faults,
yet you're still the best star shining in his galaxy dark eyes
where can i get somebody as supportive as this
you would enjoy teasing ten about his embarrassing pre debut past,
and now it was his turn to hide his flushed face into your shoulder/ neck
"stop it ah (Y/N)-ahhhhh"
"nAW neVeR"
" wuuuu ㅠㅠ"
whiny ten 
i'm so soft for ten
but overall
he would be an amazing boyfriend
always by your side
always putting you first
making you think every time 
about you managed to meet and fall in love with such a brilliant Thai prince
This was a bit short, but i hope yall like it! 
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