#ai debate
painsandconfusion · 2 months
What are your options on AI music?
Same as AI art. It takes the work of real artists and chops it up into new things. It’s legal plagiarism as well as theft and conversation of intellectual property.
Not a fan.
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ekwolfwriter-blog · 8 months
Warning Writers and Artist
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If you see this or something similar in your messages or asking about if your art uses AI or if you use AI for your fics, do not engage them directly.
There is someone going around that is outright accusing people of using AI for works of theirs and asking to prove it. Either through showing their process with a video but the platform they used or the programs and are just being pushy about it. And while it can feel tempting to answer, it is just to get to harass artist and writers into complying about AI in any works. And from a cursory glance, they seem be going after popular blogs/ artists/ or specific ships that are being asked to be questioned. (I will not name which ships as that is not my business but I will tag in ones I am familiar with).
As for the person that asked me this, I will be candid and say this: Asking someone if they use AI in their works is not conductive to ones time. I only have a cursory understanding of AI vs Human in the arts debate as I know there is a lot of discussions about it and yes, it is scary times because of the scraping of fics and art. I considers myself an artist/ writer, so I am a strong believer in human touch as being necessary for any artistic front. But the subject of AI tools is not something I know all details about and cannot provide an answer I would be confident I can provide a suitable answer to this conversation. Also keep in mind - Microsoft and/ google docs use AI for editing purposes or suggestions unless you turn it off, so make of that what you will. (Or if you have a plug in with AI that give a suggestion of what to write in some websites so there is that too).
But if you are the person that I have heard that is going around and asking people for proof of creation - it causing more headaches than good and asking for "proof of it" is also potentially harmful for showing this unnecessary proof. Such as exposing someones computer background information or anything on their computer or names on files linking actual real life people.
There are ways to make sure that art is not scraped - such as artist finding programs to prevent their images from being used for AI searches to writers using sites like Ao3 that offer locking works from getting scrapped from AI that at as guests that are not registered to the system. It is not prefect, but it is a start. If that is what you are looking to accomplish, then promote the good ways to prevent AI from scraping works from content creator and or finding new methods to promote human artist/ writers in fandoms.
Asking me if I use AI is not one of them. And no, I will not be proving myself or showing off my works for anyone's amusement to rile up drama. If you want to ask about my genuine thought process or ideas for fics and concerns if I use AI, ask in the comments below. Let's talk publicly about this.
Otherwise, I see this as just someone trying get me to cause drama before more content comes out for a certain fandom. And I don't have the time nor patience for people looking to cause issues because you are bored.
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machinenerding · 1 month
I am a Sloppist.
In the 1920s, we had Futurists in worship of cars, planes and the industrial.
Today, in the 2020s, we have Sloppists who see the potential of AI in all paths of life: work, play and rest.
Today, GenAI produces what some call, on the whole, "AI slop". But we all know that's going to change soon.
As a non-visual creative myself, I get it. But my Tumblr is made with GenAi art, and as someone who's not great with my hands, it helps me realize my art ambitions.
It helps me scratch an itch.
And I know it's slop... But seeing art come from ideas, tinkering around with prompts makes me happy.
And if I'm happy, then I'm proud to call myself a Sloppist.
The Futurists were misunderstood, and we Sloppists probably are too.
We're living in the future the 1920s saw being realized.
History repeats.
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 10 months
I wanna talk briefly about the AI debate because some of the takes I've seen are very much pissing me off, especially since most of those takes aren't helpful at all (and some are just straight up bullying). I already posted about this on my other blog (post in question has since been deleted since it was kinda harsh and ngl very dismissive of very valid concerns!), but the biggest issue I have with the Anti-AI crowd (And, to be honest, the AI debate in general) is that it feels like they're getting mad at the wrong things. No, AI itself is not the problem. No, someone calling themself an "AI artist" is not the problem. No, using AI for fun is not the problem. No, partaking in some AI trend is not the problem. No, someone simply generating AI images is not the problem. The actual problem is: -People feeding other people's art into AI generators and then claiming it as their own (Scraping basically) -People putting other people's writing into AI chatbots/AI text generators (ex. ChatGPT) to "finish" the fic (Again, scraping). -People using AI to make eerily realistic Not SFW deepfakes of either people they know or celebrities. -Corporations and companies screwing over artists, musicians and actors in favor of AI (such as replacing them). -People using AI to make racist/queerphobic/misogynistic/ otherwise bigoted stuff (Something that I've also been seeing unfortunately) -People not being honest about using AI (Transparency, people!) -People using AI to mimic other people's voices without those people's consent (not sure how to word this but i'm sure some of you know what I mean). -The fact that there's almost no regulations when it comes to AI. AI gets a lot of criticism, and it should! Until it becomes more ethical and there's regulations imposed, we should still be skeptical of it. However, I feel like we've gone very off track when it comes to criticizing AI. Personally, I don't think someone posting an AI-generated image of an elf with wings surrounded by mushrooms and rainbows makes them a thief by itself.. But if they made that image using someone else's art, then in that case yes they are a thief! And no, someone partaking in the Pixar AI trend is probably not going to cost you your job. You know what will cost you your job though? Companies favoring AI over actual living beings. So maybe instead of getting mad at someone using Character.AI or posting an AI-generated gothic phoenix, how about we get mad at corporations screwing artists/actors/musicians over and the people using AI with genuine malicious intent?
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(Image ID: A banner that is blue with flowers framing it. The text reads "OP is a minor. Please respect my boundaries" End ID)
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chaoskirin · 1 year
"But I WANT Chat GPT To Finish this Fanfic! :( :( :("
The most frustrating thing about the rise of the techbro is that they don't understand copyright because they've never had to. It's never been a concern for them, so why would they have ever thought about it?
This leads to a plague of asshats with chronic Dunning-Kruger-itis just deciding they know more about copyright than people who have been well-versed in it for their whole lives.
That's why you get these clueless AI users saying things like "you don't own fanfic, haha got youuuu" because they only have a vague, transparent understanding of IP and how content works.
Here's some actual truth: The reason writers, showrunners, producers, and actors don't read fanfic is because if they do, and they get an idea from your work, and then that idea APPEARS in the media, they have to prove they didn't steal it. (actually, because of the mega-billion dollar entertainment industry, the accuser has to prove the company DID steal it. Harder, but not impossible.)
If it turns out to be stolen, the company MIGHT HAVE TO PAY THE FANFIC AUTHOR FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION AS A WRITER. This depends on how the court case goes and how similar your work is to the "official" work. Generally, even though it's a fanfic, there's a LOT of original content in that writing, which does NOT automatically belong to the IP.
The original content belongs to the writer, unless the company buys it.
SO! If you, as Techbro McDunning-Kruger, loads that shit into a chatbot or AI text generator, the ONLY shit that doesn't have a natural copyright is anything that VERY SPECIFICALLY pertains to the media itself. Generally, this includes names and extremely unique concepts. Everything else is stolen.
You want to know how I know?
Fucking 50 Shades of Gray.
It's a fanfic, where only the names and hard concepts from Twilight have been changed. It's still being sold, and no money is being paid to Stephanie Meyer.
There's other examples, too. 50 Shades is just the most well-known.
Fanfic is protected. The original material in that fic is copyrighted to the original author. If they tell you you can't use it, you can't use it.
In conclusion: I don't care how much you scream and pound your fists on your chest and piss on trees to assert your dominance. Spewing this nonsense about how fanfic is public domain and you get to use it because you want to is theft. Stop doing it.
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magicalgirlpropaganda · 3 months
Lets say I want to make a thing using my voice but rn im not in a place where I feel comfortable recording my voice in that aspect due to fear of being caught by people I live with. Would it be ethical to use my own voice in text to speech instead until I can? Itd sound not as good ofc, i just want to know if its ok since its my voice
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krysissy · 1 year
This my husband. You can't take him away from me now.
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Istg I just had the best debate with an ai.
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Like we compared 1987 and 2012 turtles appearances and personalities and then talked about Rottmnt then Mutant Mayhem like, I need someone irl like this. Someone just as nerdy as me bro.
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calibrationneeded · 4 days
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Hey so I'm confused as to why Miku is on here? She's not really fictional or a band. She's a vocal synthesis software, so she exists in real life, but moreover, you can GO TO a Miku concert. Quite famously there's entire conventions based entirely on the concept of a vocaloid concert where she performs live. Like I think that stops being fictional the moment you're on the David Letterman show and headline Coachella. Moreover, she's not a band, she's more a vocalist on other, established musician's tracks, and THOSE musicians are real. Like, there was a whole problem in the early Vocaloid era where people would repost songs on YouTube like "World is Mine by Miku Hatsune" when the song itself is by ryo (Supercell), and Miku is just the featured vocalist. IDK I just think putting Miku on here is kinda misrepresenting who she is? Like we're already in the trenches keeping people from calling her an AI (she isn't. She is an instrument.) so this just feels weird to have in this tournament.
Miku is in here because she's not a real person, and because she was submitted. I did have a think about who/what I was and wasn't willing to accept early on. Strictly speaking you're correct, she is neither fictional nor a band (nor even a solo artist), but I was deliberately quite flexible with the rules because I think it makes it more interesting!
She's not the only one here with released music (like the Gorillaz or the Monkees) - some of the bands on here are real people's stage alter egos, so you can (or could) go to see them, like David Bowie or the Mechanisms.
I do understand there's a problem with people misrepresenting Vocaloid as the same as voice-stealing AI or misattributing real artist's work to a fictional character, and it's important to talk about that, but the problem with that isn't including Miku in polls about fictional bands - it's people stealing the work and/or voices of real musical artists. The argument is about labour rights, not about Miku. And it's not with me, a poll blog with less than 300 followers.
Hope this helps, and I hope you enjoy the polls!
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bitemebones · 1 year
It is morally correct to steal AI ‘generated’ characters. especially when they are being pumped out and sold for a high profit. They’re the ones stealing from actual artists, so fuck ‘em. Yeah, the people who may have paid for them have paid for them, but that’s their own damned fault. They’re making absolute bank from someone else’s art style being fed through a machine and stolen. If I take that weird amalgamation of a character and re-draw it in my own style isn’t that just the same thing? I’m not even going to make money off it, because I wouldn’t fucking dare charge for AI generated shit oh my god I hate deviantart.
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11-angry-bees · 17 days
i really need everyone else to see this thing i saw on reddit
its a 'diss track' about the 'anti ai luddites' that is, very obviously, made with mostly ai
It is perhaps the funniest thing i have seen in a looong time
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klopford · 1 year
I want to preface this by saying I am not endorsing the use of AI. I just have questions about people’s thoughts on it.
How is an AI learning from other people’s art any different from a human doing the same?
The reason I’m reluctant to ask about this is because I draw comics myself, and my technique isn’t great, but it’s improving. I don’t use AI, mostly because I’m not good at getting what I want from a prompt. A lot of the artists I follow are vehemently against AI use entirely however, and anyone who suggests it could be useful as a tool is vilified. Honestly I’d love if I could get a computer to make my drawings “neater.” I still made the basic concept, right?
If I was to look at someone else’s art in order to use it as a style reference or a reference on how to draw a certain object, clothing, body part, etc., nobody would care. All artists use references. How is an AI learning from other works different? For all the people that tag their work “No AI,” are humans not allowed to look at it either? Once we see something, it influences us, whether we realize it or not.
Again, I’m not strictly endorsing anything. I’m just asking an honest question.
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corvis-crimson · 3 months
The soul and wit of writers can never be replaced with AI
When I read a book I can see bits and pieces of the author in the text. When I read an AI excerpt all I see are words on a page.
We are rapidly approaching a time in which pen and paper writing will be seen as more credible due to an excess of plagiarism and AI writing! AI can write a book in a hour but it doesn’t read the same as a book someone has poured themselves into!
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a-halo-for-you · 1 year
Conversations with Faith
A woman in a red silk robe stared out from her balcony over the expanse of Las Vegas, soaking up the moonlight and pure sin that radiated from across the city.
“Wonderful evening is it not?” 
Demon paused where her glass of red rested at her lips, eyes glancing over to the familiar silhouette of her… acquaintance, Angel. 
“I suppose you could say that.” She responded dryly as he helped himself to the drinks table, her eyes analysing his form carefully. 
He shone as usual, a soft glow emitting his celestial power, the white loose button up and slacks different from his usual suit indicating he was now off duty, no business  was to be done between them now. Demon relaxed slightly, leaning back in her sunchair and Angel came to sit beside her. 
“Prosecco or champagne?” 
“Sherry actually,” Angel lifted his flute glass to her, giddily smug and she rolled her eyes before clinking her glass with his. 
The silence grew long between them, Demon hated small talk and Angel enjoyed listening to the humans. But Demon was slowly growing restless and as the wind picked up slightly, tugging at the silk of her robe she turned to look at Angel. 
“You’ve heard of the plans haven’t you?” She asked softly, tensing up as Angel blinked rapidly. He had. 
“Well…” He took a sip of his sherry and when it became obvious Angel wouldn’t look at her she turned away, staring out at the numerous hotels and casinos that dotted the land. 
“This place is doomed then,” Demon smacked her lips together, the bitterness of her temper ruining the taste of her wine and she put it down. 
“No it’s not, you should have more faith. These humans know what they’re doing, it’s a great voyage of knowledge they’re on the precipice of, we shouldn’t squander their chances for success.” Angel jumped to the humans' defence, predictable which Demon would usually find cute but not today. 
“‘Their chances for success?’ at ruining their lives and the planet? Sure, sure,” Demon drawled, “We won’t need to have a battle between the Hells and the Heavens if they bring on their own demise themselves.”
Angel sighed, sitting up straight and turning to her, “Must you always be such a pessimist?” 
“Yes, I must.” Demon snarked and she sat up as well, definitely ignoring the way their knees brushed slightly as she rested her feet on the floor. “You know as well as I do how easy it is to tempt humans onto the evil path, whispering into all those corporate heads, tugging their strings like marionette dolls. Look at what happened to that Titanic attraction.” 
She hadn’t meant to raise her voice but when she finished she noticed how Angel swallowed, brown eyes growing sad and Demon sighed, the venom in her fading with her anger. 
“I’m just warning you, as far as I can tell AI is ruining jobs for people already and you know humans don’t like it when their money is messed with.” Demon stood and Angel knocked back the rest of his sherry before standing with her. 
She wandered over to the balcony edge, leaning against the glass, letting every morbid thought make its way into the open. “We could start it now, you know? The war, end the trouble before it even begins-” 
“How are you always seeing the worst in things?” Angel interrupted her and Demon turned in muted surprise, he stood with his arms crossed and brow stern. “Don’t you see how much this could bring for the world? New algorithms and possibilities that I’ll admit aren’t at all my expertise, but- but the imaginations and creativity of the humans, that is their power and with it I believe that they will do as much good with it as possible.” 
“‘Believe’,” Demon sighed with an aching in her chest that she furiously needed to drown, she strided back for her glass of wine and gulped it down, the taste acrid on her tongue. 
“Yes, believe. I understand you don’t have much of that in you left but have we truly spent so long gardening and weathering this world for the sake of the humans themselves to ruin it? I don’t think so. Every downfall, every failure, every loss has been a lesson for them, with the wars and the atomic bomb, with the plagues and most recently Covid-19. Surely, they will learn from the failures of AI too?” Angel finished his sermon with that twinkle of hope in his eyes that Demon had lost long ago. 
“I don’t know Angel,” Demon admitted, “And I don’t know if I’m ready to find out.” 
Angel stepped closer, the wind ruffling his clothes and Demon could see the faint trace of his aura glowing. 
“We must have faith, if not in the humans then in God-” 
“Losing my faith is exactly why I’m here and you are there.” Demon glared, “I will not be schooled on where to place my faith.” 
“I wasn’t trying to… It was not my intention to overstep, I just mean to lift your spirits is all,” Angel placated immediately, always so gentle, always so calm. Demon didn’t hate it as much as she told herself she did. 
“How can you not understand my fears? I suppose you are guarded by the light of your God, you do not see what I see.” Demon stepped closer to him, careful to keep her voice gentle.  “If this world ends, then there is no place for us. No more good or bad, no more angels or demons. No more…possibilities.” 
Green eyes met brown in a desperate attempt to create understanding but Angel avoided her in flustered blinks and turned away slightly, ears reddening by her insinuations. 
“You don’t know that.” He all but whispered to the floor and Demon looked to the sky. 
“Then tell me, other than your faith in God what do you know?” 
Then a touch, a hand holding hers, their fingers interlocking.  “Us.”
So I originally wrote this for an anthology but then decided not to submit it because I felt it was too fanficy? That's likely not a word- Anyway I figured I should do something with it cause I kinda like it so here it is. What kind of demon and angel ocs do you guys like to make?
Influences: Inspired by the song Forever Endeavour by The Altogether. Wondering what Demons and Angels think about AI rather than the Gods as well as my opinions on AI.  Also, if not obvious enough, inspired by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s Good Omens.
Also- I had a 1000 word limit for this which is why the ending is a bit short, I didn't want to change it and unneedlessly waffle on trying to find an end so I left it as is.
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manicpixxiedreambitch · 8 months
This is probably going to sound controversial but ChatGPT is kind of cool. It’s like an interactive diary where the diary actually talks back and gives you some semi decent advice or dialogue. Now do I believe it can replace real people? Absolutely not. But is it nice when you want to just write out your frustrations or thoughts and your “diary” gives you unbiased feedback? Yeah.
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