#aidan turner thirst
worfs-glorious-hair · 6 months
Pt. 3 Children of the kindly west (Kíli x Reader) — A tale of two dwarven hearts
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This is a translation, more of a re-write, of a fanfiction I wrote first in German during 2013 - 2015 when the Hobbit movies premiered and I was just as obsessed and enamored by that adorable prince like everyone else. And reading the Silmarillion for the first time this year in February brought me back to middle-earth and reminded me of my love of dwarves. And this brings me here today. Enjoy! Cross-posted on AO3 here. P.S. Feel free to tell me if any warnings or tags are missing. And if you want to be tagged in future parts! <3
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 *coming soon*
Warnings: Mutual Thirsting/ Pining, mentions of a naked female body under a nightgown, mentions of breasts, some sexual and romantic tension
New Friends
„Do you like Kíli?“, Syniver asked with an innocent face.
„I really like him!“, she continued. „He is so tall and funny!“
She laughed and rolled over a small sofa in the corner of the kitchen, standing up and giving an impression of Kíli when he huffed and rested his hands on his hips, when he was about to loose a game.
You smiled. You smiled about how wonderful your sister was and how much fun she was having.
But her question continued to linger in your mind, did you like Kíli?
Was one afternoon, one evening enough to say whether you liked your old acquaintance more than you had before? 
It probably was enough. You had not laughed as much in a long time, spending time with him felt natural and easy and you wanted more. 
More of him! You wanted to get to know the man he had become. The man whose eyes sparkled from within!
You met him again on the next day, when he came by to bring some knitted work that his mother had done for Syniver and your mother invited him to stay for an early tea.
And a few days after that you took the long route to the market, that led by the house of his family, hoping that you would see him. And you were lucky, he was outside shoveling snow from the pathway — you smiled at him and waved. He waved back with an excited grin and something deep inside you felt full and warm. 
You stopped to talk with him and he offered to accompany you again.
„But don’t you need to finish shoveling here?“, you had asked and he had just shrugged. 
„I’ll finish it later, or Fíli will do it. Or it snows more and then I have to do it again anyways.“
„Alright“, you had agreed and had taken his arm that he had offered you once again
„And besides“, he had added with the sparkle in his eyes that you had started to always look out for, „ I prefer your company over the shovel’s anytime!“
„I am glad to hear that I am more pleasant to be around than a shovel“, you had laughed but it had died in your throat as you had caught Kíli’s eyes on you and somehow you had gotten tangled up in them.
You had eventually torn your eyes away from his, missing the quick flash of confusion, as you had looked away and got out your shopping list from your pocket, ignoring the way your hands had trembled.
You were woken up by the repeated and unrelenting calling of your name a few days after your last day with Kíli.
You groaned, turned to the side and hoped that Syniver would be quiet soon, if she would not get an answer from you and your closed door.
Speaking of your closed door, you heard muffled voices on the hallway and a half-awake part of your brain chose to listen to them as you caught your name being said.
„Oh yes, she’s here. She’s maybe still sleeping. You can just go in!“, Syniver cheerfully explained and a horrified male voice answered.
„I can not go in there. I will not disturb her privacy!“
„Oh, why?“, asked Syniver’s voice confused and you thought the same.
‚Yes, why would he not come in’, the half-asleep part of your brain wondered, having him here with you would be heavenly, you could breathe in his musky scent of leather, pine trees, smoke and horse and it would surround you completely…
He would surround you completely.
Kíli’s voice sighed and then he answered.
„Just family can go to someone when they are sleeping, I am just a…“ He paused and you felt your heart hammering in your chest, what would he say now? What was he?
„I am merely a friend!“, he said slowly.
Just a friend.
What did you expect would he say?
Sighing, you threw your head back deeper into your pillows and opened your eyes.
Taking in the light of the day that filled your chamber you decided that you were awake now and got out of your bed. You turned to look for your dress that you had laid over a chair the night before.
And then your door opened. Syniver stood there and looked pleased with herself.
„See, she’s not sleeping anymore!“, she exclaimed loudly over her shoulder to Kíli, who stood behind her with a mortified look on his face.
The two of you stared at each other, mouth open and you felt the heat rise in your cheeks and saw how his cheeks reddened as well.
The heavy up and down of your chest brought you back to reality and you stumbled over your feet in an attempt to find something, anything to cover yourself with. You grabbed your dress from the chair and pressed it to your front.
Kíli had moved in the same time as you had come back to your senses, stuttering apologies over and over again and fled from the hallway, you heard his panicked steps on the stairs.
„Can you not knock?“, you asked Syniver over your heavy beating heart with more anger than she deserved.
„This was embarrassing!“, you sank back down onto your bed, resting your head against the bed post, suddenly exhausted, the dress still pressed to your body, that felt uncomfortably hot and aware of the fabric of your nightgown on your skin. You wore a simple white nightgown made from a light, fine fabric that could be quite translucent — oh Mahal, what had he seen?
He was never supposed to see you like this, hair open and unkempt, barely a braid in it and nearly naked. He was a prince after all! And he had offered you his company and his friendship, he had offered you his brilliant grin and sparkling eyes. 
You wanted nothing but to be worthy of his kindness and friendship, you had to be your best self! 
And this was barely your best self, just right out of bed! You groaned and looked at Syniver with pained eyes, who stood confused by your side and wondered why you and Kíli were acting so strange.
While you got dressed and tried to explain to Syniver why knocking is of importance and why you cherished your privacy, was Kíli running out of your house and straight to his. He spoke with nobody on his way, thankfully was no one home when he arrived, and gathered his bow and arrow together with his hunting gear and fled to the woods.
He went by foot, needing to run, needing to move, needing to get the image of you out of his head.
You bathed in sunlight, hair flowing freely over your shoulders, just a few little braids with golden beads on the ends sprinkled through it, cheeks and lips rosy and fresh from sleep —
You standing against the golden sunlight that made the fabric of your nightgown so sheer, that he could see the voluptuous contours of your breasts and the lush outlines of your waist, full belly and hips…
You staring at him with big surprised eyes, lips slightly parted, chest heaving, breasts moving with each breath under your nightgown.
And he had stared, he could not take his eyes away from you and your body, he should have looked away! He should have stopped Syniver when she opened the door!
He did not deserve to see you like this, fresh after the night, glowing like one of the goddesses of old that he had heard so many stories about. 
Who was he anyways? Just the second-born prince of a kingdom he did not even knew, he spat out this title in disgust, even in thoughts. 
And he was so oddly lean, too lean for a respectable dwarven warrior, his hair was too straight and he seemed to be unable to grow a beard.
People had mocked him, they have cackled behind their hands pressed over their mouths for all of his life. 
And amidst everything was you, beautiful, cheerful and well-spoken you.
You, whose eyes and face were kind to him, he felt seen in your gaze. In the best way possible.
When you smiled at him, laughing at one of your own jokes or his, when you two chatted away was he finally feeling like he could just be. 
He felt like he was enough, let the people talk, when he had your smile and your warmth next to him.
You had knocked him off his feet, literally.
Which was surprising and unexpected. He had barely given you a second thought in the past, the daughter of his mother’s best friend. Tiny and always behind him, his brother and other children. You had played together, spending more time arguing about a game than actually playing it. 
But you had found ways to arrange yourself and your games and still, he had never looked twice. You were just there. Until now. 
When your worlds had collided and were joined again by impact.
Oh Mahal, he slowed down his running and sighed, what have you done to me?
Later on the same day were you working in the kitchen, making a fresh batch of bread, and hitting the dough more than kneading it. 
You were still embarrassed about what had happened in the morning, still unsure on how to continue and you did not even knew why he had come to you in the first place.
A knock on the door made you pause in beating up the dough and you wiped your hands clean from flour on your apron while yelling “coming” towards the door.
You went to open the door and it was Kíli’s remorseful face greeting you with a shaky grin.
“Hello”, he whispered with a hoarse voice.
His eyes barely sparkled anymore, you noticed with a growing concern.
Was he not feeling well?
“Can I come in? I have brought you, I mean not you, you, I mean you and your family of course, some rabbits that I have freshly hunted today…”
And indeed, he had five already skinned rabbits hanging over his shoulder.
You smiled carefully and nodded.
“Of course! You are always welcome here!”
He breathed out in relief and his steps got his usual bounce back as he strode confidently into the kitchen.
And when he turned to you were his eyes sparkling again! You grinned, happy at the sight.
He gave you the rabbits and told you that he had already gutted them. 
“They are ready for cooking or smoking!”
“Excellent!”, you answered. 
“Mother will decide later on what will happen to them, my responsibility today is only the bread”, you nodded towards your kitchen’s worktop where still the bread dough rested. He followed your look. 
He kept his eyes on the dough and said quietly: “Can I talk to you? I have to apologise for my behavior today…”
He still was not looking at you.
“Of course…”, you nodded and got up to put away the rabbits into the cold storage room under your kitchen.
“Will you help me with these?”, you nodded towards the rabbits while climbing down the ladder into the storage room.
Kíli got up as well, without saying a word and handed you two rabbits at a time.
After he had given you the first pair he started speaking.
“I am awfully sorry for my disturbance in your privacy earlier! I should have never looked into your private chambers, Syniver had told me that you were still sleeping… I should have left right there.
It will never happen again!”, he said, voice coated with remorse and pain, while handing you the next two rabbits and you stored them carefully away.
“I have already forgiven you”, you answered after a quick minute, where you had gathered your thoughts.
“It was a stupid accident! And also quite hilarious, if you think about it. As if any visitor sees the people in a house in their night wear…”, you laughed and Kíli gave you the last rabbit and smiled slightly in an attempt to answer your laughter.
“Why did you come by anyways?”, you asked, as you climbed the ladder up again.
“Oh, I was just wanting to ask – CAREFUL!”, he suddenly yelled, as your foot slipped from
the last step of the ladder as you had stepped accidentally onto the hem of your dress. 
He grabbed you by the arm and you cling onto  him instinctively and he helped you carefully back onto the safe ground of the kitchen floor.
Your eyes got tangled into each other once again as he still held you close to him. 
*You were already standing safely back on the ground but neither of you moved, the two of you were not even blinking!
You breathed out and smiled at him, breaking the spell. He instantly released your arm and made a quick step back from you.
“Thank you – for saving me. This could have gone very differently without you…”, you shuddered as you looked down the ladder onto the dark, solid ground.
“We’re square now”, he answered with his usual grin. Everything was fine again.
“You ran into, well over, me and most certainly saved me from eventually doing something stupid that day on the market in regards to Fíli’s lover and now I saved you. We’re even!”
“I am glad”, you said. 
“You were just about to tell why you came by this morning…”, you reminded him.
“Oh yes, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend the day with me, hunting, riding in the forest…”, he looked at you with hopeful eyes and your heart melted instantly.
“Can we still do that? This sounds lovely!”
“If you want to, there’s still enough daylight left for a short trip. I know a lovely little pond, it is frozen now of course, but it is beautiful with frozen waterfalls…”, Kíli’s eyes sparkled and sparkled and your heart was full and happy. You wanted to ride through the forest by his side, you wanted to see the beautiful little pond, you wanted to see the world through his eyes!
You wanted to get to know his world!
And so you did.
Today’s ride through the forrest would be the first of many more to come.
He showed you hidden places, full of beauty and wonder. He showed you, where the rare white deer grazed during the winter months and you spent hours watching them from deep within the undergrowth of big, old trees.
„Some say“, he told you one day, „that these trees are older than the elves in middle-earth…“
You cocked your head to the side and looked at the gigantic trees around you, covered in all kinds of evergreens, moss and dead looking climbing plants — you knew that they would become lush and green soon enough when spring would arrive.
The trees were old, sturdy and had a rough bark that protected them from the seasons and weathers and apparently time.
„What they must have seen in all of these ages…“, you wondered and caught Kíli looking at you from the side.
You smiled at him, it was an instinct, you could not not smile when you saw or just thought of him,  and his eyes sparkled, when he returned your smile.
„The most extraordinary wonders“, he answered solemnly and kept looking at you and his smile lit a fire of gold and brown in his eyes, like a fragrant late summer day over freshly dug soil. 
You wanted to keep the happiness that radiated off of him in your life and your heart forever, it made you feel whole.
Of course, you were your own person but with him by your side, it felt like your life had doubled. 
Everything had intensified over the span of the days and weeks since Kíli had come back into your life.
He gave you so much. So much laughter, so much joy, he filled your heart and soul with warmth and let your insides tingle pleasantly.
His smile, his slightly curved pink lips, his sparkling eyes, his strong hands, his skillful fingers that flitted over the neck of his fiddle when he played his happy melodies…
He was all of this and more and you had started to wonder how you were ever able to live without the light he brought.
It was one of the evenings that you had spent with him in front of the fireplace in the welcoming living room of his family’s house — he and Fíli had played their fiddles and you had danced to their tunes, you had hummed along, happy songs about the most beloved treasures, of rare gems and of girls and boys flirting and dancing at their town’s festivals.
You had pressed your favorite book, that you had read to the brothers before, to your chest, taking it as your dance partner and swirled around the room, laughing and swinging…
But your eyes never left Kíli. You kept your eyes on him for the whole time.
You admired how he used his whole body to play his fiddle, how he moved along to the music, how his arms moved when he played, how he kept his full body tension —
pressing his chin gently to his fiddle to keep it stable on his shoulder and how his bow in his right hand danced confidently over the strings all while the fingers of his left hand bounced masterfully over the fiddle’s neck…
He was otherworldly beautiful, like a mythical creature from another realm, his dark hair in contrast to his sky blue tunic, his cheeks reddened from playing and laughing in the warmth of the fire in the room and always his eyes.
Sparkling. Fixed on you. Smiling slightly, as much as his play allowed.
And you danced, danced with your happiness and joy. Danced with a full heart and a soul that felt complete.
In the night that followed you saw yourself dancing in your dreams, your skirts twirled around you and you laughed.  The You that you observed looked directly at you and you saw her smile so brightly, so beautifully.
Your face rosy and a few strands of hair were sticking to the sides of your face, where sweat glittered in the light of the fire.
You were beautiful. Any doubt that you ever had about yourself faded as you observed your dream self.
She was glowing. She was everything. 
And you knew, even after waking, that she was not a creation of your mind, she was you and you were her.
Kíli saw himself this night in his dreams as well.
He saw himself like you had seen him. Beautiful, ethereal and worthy of your admiration.
He did not saw the little boy in the shadow of his brother and uncle, who was always trying to prove himself to them and the world. He saw a man, strong, capable and enough, even handsome, just like he was. And for the blessed moments that his dream lasted, he accepted your vision fully.
He just did not know that it was your eyes he had seen himself through.
Just like you did not know that you had seen yourself through his eyes.
Efís had stopped talking and the children all looked up to her with big eyes, questions flashing up behind their eyes.
“Why were they dreaming of themselves? Don’t you usually dream of other people and not about yourself?”, one of the older girls asked.
“Oh well”, Efís smiled slightly, her eyes fixing at a far point over the fire place, while she thought of her answer.
“There are stories, stories of old, that tell of bound, fated souls, souls tied together by Mahal himself, when He created them. 
Kíli and who was merely just his childhood acquaintance once were always destined to be more than friends or lovers. I believe firmly that their souls were promised to each other by Mahal, just like in the old stories . I believe they were the One for each other.
And the old stories also say that people, whose souls were were bound together in the moment of their creation, were able to see through the eyes of the beloved. Especially in dreams. 
They caught a glimpse of their own soul and it inspired them, healed them, nourished them and made the love in their hearts burn even brighter than before. If it ever was possible.
But the pair in our story, though fated, was not yet aware that it was love that was growing quickly and rapidly in their hearts.
But it would change very soon.
On a fateful day in the deep winter, when Fíli celebrated his 81st birthday Kíli and his One were both met with a burning desire for each other— and burning jealousy. But before I tell you about their hearts matters, do you want more cookies?”
The children screamed in joy and nodded ferociously.
“Very well then, dears, let me get the next platter!”
Efís laughed contently on her way to the kitchen, she was happy that the children, who came to visit her, shared her love for wonderful baked goods and the stories of old. This way was she making sure that the heritage of their people, stories, songs, everything that made their culture so rich, would be passed on for generations to come.
She continued speaking, after she was seated again and the children happily produced cookie crumbs on her carpet and the room was once again filled with eating children, their breathing, their sniffling and the crackling of the fire.
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 4 years
We don’t like to brag but our listeners are the best because they send us drabbles that make us swoon and giggle and we immediately put them aside so we can share the wealth on air. And so we did it again... 
We demolished the fourth wall to bring forth some of our amazingly talented thirst-buckets’ output. Quarantine has transformed you all from thirst-Padawans to thirst-Jedi Knights. May the thirst be forever in your favor. 
Or something.
So we got a drabble about John Boyega from Rae ...
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...and one from Mélissa about Andy Samberg...
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...and Mélissa AGAIN with a Seth Rogen drabble...
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... and one from Syahidah about Pedro Pascal...
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...and this one from Brooke in San Francisco about Aidan Turner that we promised to post in full but had to cut short on air cos it WAS HELLA LONG. (you people do not listen when we say to keep it short... 😂)
I pretended not to watch Aidan as he deftly swept Sternos into a bin, while I attempted to roll the stained and crumb-speckled tablecloths into vaguely organized lumps. Every encounter had made me like him a little bit more, and this was the twelfth shift we’d worked together since Lisa hired him to help during wedding season. Lately, being near him felt like a study in how much of an ass I could make of myself while desperately trying not to reveal that something as innocuous as seeing him button up his standard-issue black catering vest sparked a florid blush that mottled my chest and tinged the tips of my ears pink. The anxiety of this devastatingly hopeless crush was becoming unbearable.
Aidan jiggled his armful of Sternos at me and nodded at the pile of polyester fabric, blasting me with the full force of his canine grin. “Need any help with those? They’re kind of heavy, not to mention super gross. I’m pretty sure I saw a kid blow his nose in that one.”
I tried to maintain casual eye contact and not stare at his gleaming teeth or the light stubble shading his mouth and jaw. The word “wolf” pulsed somewhere in the back of my brain, like an alarm bell. Wolf. Wolf. Wolf.
“I’m good, thanks. Although by the end of this we’ll be able to tell just how many people chose the fish by smelling me.” I laughed weakly at my own non-joke, feeling a prickling heat creeping up the back of my neck. Oh god. Had I just said the words “smelling me” to this man?
Aidan twinkled at me, a closed-mouth smile dancing on his lips. Ignoring both my rejection of his help and my reference to smelling like half-eaten salmon, he started loading the piles into the laundry bins in the back of the van. With his back still turned to me, he called out, “So, um. What’s your schedule looking like this weekend?” I immediately snapped out of a lucid daydream of us dressed like the cover of a romance novel, me stroking the dark hair on his forearms while he held me from behind, passionately kissing my neck. If he wanted me to take his shift at the Osario-Miller wedding on Sunday, he had another thing coming. I may have it bad, but I’d already had my fill of bridezillas this month. “Sorry, dude, there’s no way I’m taking your Sunday shift. I got burnt out from just reading the bride’s notes for the menu. What even is a ‘paleo vegan cocktail’?”
Aidan barked out a laugh and turned back to face me, “I don’t think anyone knows.” His usual cocksure smile faltered a bit, and there was a curious expression on his face I’d never seen before. “But, actually, I was wondering if you were free on Friday? My sister gave me tickets to this Shakespeare in the Park thing, and I remembered you said that you were an English major back in college, and I thought…” he trailed off, running a hand through his mass of dark curls. “Anyway, if you’re busy that’s okay. But if you’re free, I thought we could go. We could also get food before, if you want. There’ll be food trucks there.”
I was suddenly keenly aware of the wet grass soaking the bottom of my pant legs, the hum of insects and retreating wedding guests, the sharp smell of the disinfectant we’d swabbed on the chafing dishes. Is this what a dissociative episode felt like – an acumination of all your senses? From somewhere outside my body I heard a voice. Mine. “Sure, that would be fun.”
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Brooke... you did that. Aidan approves.
We also answered a couple questions that came from right here on Tumblr! Hi, Tumblr! plus a couple of Thirst Sommelier requests... SOmeone was looking for a new crush to give them that Lin Manuel Miranda vibe (broad church!) and another was desperate for a replacement to fill the Terry Crews-shaped gap on her thirst vision board. We did our best and we think we gave a few suggestions that were happy-making. 
Thank you all for sending us your thirsts, big and small. We appreciate you more than you can ever know. Y’all are the best. 💜❤️
You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).
Subscribe to get new episodes delivered to your device automatically every Thursday. We’re on Apple and Stitcher and Podbean and Google Play and Overcast and iHeartRadio and Spotify and and and… Search ‘Thirst Aid Kit’ wherever you get your podcasts, and we’ll come up. Promise.
We’re on Twitter at @thirstaidkit. We don’t get to read all your drabbles out on the show but please know that we appreciate you sending them in! If you’ve got one for us, please keep it short! and send to [email protected]. And if you have the time and inclination, please feel free to leave a (five star? 👀) rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you! 
Stay cute and thirsty, but also be safe, OK? Mask up, stay home, and save lives. We appreciate you. 😘💜
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enchantzz · 3 years
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Summaries and Information
Art and Vampires - Fanfic Series
The stories can be read separately and out of order, but there is a certain progression in them. If you want to full experience of the slow-burn love story, I'd recommend starting with the first one😊
1. New Orleans - Chapters: 3 - (AO3)
Amy and Mitchell travel to New Orleans to visit an old mansion. Amy gets to see more of the supernatural world than she bargained for and Mitchell is reminded of his past.
1 - The Trip 2 - The Mansion - Echoes of the Past 3 - Old Friends
2. London - Chapters: 4 - (AO3)
Mitchell, Amy and Rick travel to the UK, with Ben and Alana tagging along. VAMPS is tasked with selling antiques and artworks from a mansion in London, but the deceased lady of the house doesn't want to part with her possessions just yet and attacks Amy.
1 - Reminiscence 2 - The Mayfair 3 - The Haunting 4 - Good Times
3. Lafayette/New Orleans - Chapters: 3 - (AO3)
Amy and Mitchell have moved to New Orleans, living together in the townhouse and taking care of the VAMPs business in the area. They land a case in Lafayette, which takes them on a search for a lost medallion. They call in the help of Lena, Amy’s friend, who is a witch, to try and locate the medallion. They run into an old enemy of Mitchell during their quest and he reveals his true face to Amy for the first time.
1 - The Locket 2 - Revelations 3 - Trepidation
4. Berlin/Amsterdam/Dublin/New Orleans - Chapters: 4 - (AO3)
Amy and Mitchell are far away from New Orleans, where a vampire gang has threatened them. While Rick and co are taking care of the vampire issue, Amy and Mitchell are taking care of business overseas, while hiding from the vampire gang.
1 - Berlin - Reconciliation 2 - Amsterdam - A sense of normality 3 - Dublin - A Storm is coming 4 - New Orleans - Home
5. Oxford - Chapters: 3 - (AO3)
Amy, Mitchell and Rick travel to Oxford, where Rick’s life as a vampire started. They find a clue in an antique box, which leads them on a treasure hunt for a book of spells.
1 - Memories 2 - Treasure Hunt 3 - The Book of Spells
6. New York - Chapters: 6 -(AO3)
A rollercoaster of events towards the end of the year.  Vampires, witches, humans, past,  present, future, magic, supernatural artifacts, angst and love in New York around Christmas time 🎄
1 - Venus and Mars 2 - Surprises 3 - New York Business 4 - The Dragon Claw Ring
5 - The Exchange 6 - The Christmas Lodge
7. San Francisco - Chapters: 4
Amy and Mitchell go on a business trip to San Francisco. They find themselves transported back into time, to Mitchell’s past in the 1960ies, when they stay at a client’s house to do the art inventory.
1 - The Golden City 2 - Blast from the Past 3 - Sixties Reminiscence 4 - Back to the Present
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Vampires One-shots in the series of Art and Vampires
Mitchell's diary
Excerpts from Mitchell's diary
Amy - Mitchell reminisces over his first encounter with Amy (AO3) The Heritage Dance - 3 Vampires and a Human go to a dance (AO3) Alana - About Alana
Mitchy Fics 🔥 - 18+ rated E Bitesized smutty story inserts (no pun intended) for the horny mind
Lost Mitchell and Amy get ready to visit a client, or are they? Payback Amy is getting payback for Mitchell not letting her off the hook for an assignment Late Night Snack Oxford tie-in - Amy drives Mitchell crazy with her outfit, leading to a late night 'snack'
Rick / Lari Fics 🔥 - 18+ rated E Hot vampire Rick stories to quench the thirst
Rick - Fem!Reader point of view on an evening with the vampire Rick and a bottle of whiskey
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Fantasy Cast - Characters -Face claims Amy Quinn - Dutch - human -Mila Kunis John Mitchell - Irish - vampire - Aidan Turner and has some character traits from both Aidan and John Mitchell from Being Human UK. Garrick (Rick) Marlowe - British - vampire - Richard Armitage Alana Lenoir (Lana) - British - vampire - Jaime Murray Benjamin (Ben) Sheldon - British - vampire - Ben Barnes Lena Parker - American - witch - Bianca Lawson
Yes, my vampires eat, they can see their reflection in a mirror, they can be caught on camera, they move in the daylight, they cannot fly, they do not turn into a bat. My fic, my fantasies.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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luna-writes-stuff · 3 years
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mcslytherin · 3 years
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The Ambitious and Cunning McKinnon Clan
Marcas McKinnon (Dylan McDermott)
Nicole McKinnon (Carla Gugino)
Martin McKinnon (Matteo Martari)
Magnus McKinnon (Aidan Turner) 
Malcom McKinnon (Aneurin Barnhard) 
Marlene McKinnon (Diana Silvers)
One of the oldest Sacred wizarding families, the McKinnons can trace their lineage all the way back to Morgana, Merlin’s eventually bested nemisis. Clan legend states that, Morgana, knowing her inevitable end, willed a son into existence, in hopes that after she was defeated, her descedents would continue on her legacy and  become powerful enough to finish what she started. This son, known as Morgan and given the name McKinnon as was common with unclaimed children in the Scottish village where he was found, grew up to be powerful, wickedly smart, and cunning enough to know that there was no way he could truly defeat Merlin on his own. He had three sons, who went on to have three sons of their own. This trifecta has continued constantly, without fail, as the McKinnon clan continued to make their mark on the wizarding world. The sons climbing higher and higher and becoming more and more involved with movements that promoted wizards and power above all else. The men of the McKinnon family claim that Morgana willed them all to be men, for she knew her only fault and the sole reason she was defeated was the softness that came with feminitity. Consequently, women who marry into the McKinnon family are destined for unhappy lives at best-and it is not uncommon for many McKinnon men to outlive their wives, and equally common for them to view women as disposable and beneath them. 
Due to their power and leginage, the McKinnon Clan owns the most wizarding property in all of Scotland with plans to gain more. The oldest son of each generation is tasked with continuing this conquest-his choices dictate the choices of the rest of the clan, younger brothers must listen to older brothers. Birth order is everything, and while infighting is shut down immidately, it is a vicious clan to be a part of if you are not at the top of the food chain. The younger brothers constantly are clamouring over each other, wishing for their kinfolks’ demises and full of hope that borders on delusion that they will inevitably be the one to fufill the ancient legacy left upon all of their shoulders.
Marcas McKinnon, the first son of many other first sons, was on track to be the most successful leader the Clan had ever seen. Marrying Nicole Selwyn, a meek and beautiful woman too desperate for a good match to say no, Marcas had three strong young sons by the time he joined Voldemort and the Deatheaters. Sensing his thirst, the Dark Lord knew just how to use Marcas, and he quickly became, and still remains, one of the most powerful wizards loyal to the Dark Lord. Marcas is proud of his sons; Martin, the most like him, just as desperate for powerful but in proper awe of his father, pre-burdened with the legacy that comes with appearing first. Magnus, the charmer, surprisingly satisfied with the role life had given him, willing and constantly ready to help his father however he could. Malcom, the genius, too smart to be stable but submissive and dedicated to the cause-the meekness from his mother actually hiding something quite sinister just beneath the surface. Even at eleven, as he was about to enter Hogwarts, it was evident that Malcom would be just as useful as his brothers. Marcas was set for success, with his two eldest signed on to join the Death Eaters before they even finished school. 
Until that same year, the unthinkable happened.
Nicole hadn’t realized until it was far too late. They had never been careful, it was never a possibility that they would have any children beyond the magically fated three sons. The swelling in her middle was easy to dismiss until she felt, with a terrifying realization, the unmistakable tug of life. 
She hasn’t spoken much since this pregnancy-the entirity of the clan questioned her, mocked her, shamed her. There was no way she could possibly be carrying another McKinnon son. It was only until Marcas’s own grandmother stepped in and performed the correct spells that anyone took Nicole’s word.
She hadn’t cheated. This child was Marcas’s. Everyone waited, counting down the days, with some wondering, if this fourth son was the destiny they had spent centuries waiting for. 
When Marlene was born, her father left the room in disgust. She didn’t have a name for the first three months of her life, only being named by Marcas’s grandmother, the only woman who could ever get through to him. Marlene’s childhood was lonely, confusing, quiet and neglectful-her mother wasn’t mentally strong enough to care for her and her father simply didn’t care for her at all. She was shuffled between different nannies and watched them all inevitably become too old for her father to sleep with. 
Still, the legacy of her family drove Marlene probably more than anyone else in the McKinnon clan. She entered Hogwarts vicious and precoucious and the Sorting Hat didn’t even touch her before she was sorted into Slytherin. She quickly became the leader of a horrible group of girls that she couldn’t stand-but if her father had taught her anything it was power in numbers. They bored her and were down right insufferable, but when Marlene told them to shut up or to hit someone, they listened. The control was intoxicating and the power went to her head. Students and professors a like seemed to be afraid of her, and that’s how she liked it. She was invincible.
She broke the day after her 15th birthday. She exploded-she doesn’t even quite remember it. Malcom was picking at her, doing what he knew would get under her skin and torture her and the next thing she remembered was staring at the giant burn that was taking over her brother’s body. She’d somehow created some sort of acid spell, and the healers couldn’t completely fix him, just minimize the damage. Sure that perhaps, finally, her father would see her value, Marlene was prepared to get praised-instead she was taught first hand how cruel McKinnon men are to disobient women. What her father hadn’t expected was for her to fight back-and it was only when her two oldest brothers joined their father in keeping Marlene at bay magically that she was defeated. But she’d seen it, just before she passed out; fear in her father’s eyes. They’d given Mungos some spell accident story and they knew better than to question Marcas. She spent all of that summer holiday alone in Mungos, recovering. She tested her powers, trying to see if she could get the sheer level of power back, but try as she might, Marlene couldn’t get her anger and power back to that level. She doesn’t know if this is something she can recreate-but she knows without a doubt that her life changed after that day.  She has not spoken a word to her father since and only was allowed to remain in the family home due to her mother’s hysteria on her behalf. 
In her silence, Marlene lost what she thought mattered. The girls she had so easily controlled turned on her, and the fear she had once relished now kept her isolated. 5th year was lonely, 6th year was bitter, and 7th year was when she started to realize that she was in control of her own destiny. Girls in other houses, the ones she had spent her early years tormenting, were slowly opening up to her, and somehow, she won Emmeline Vance over when they were care of magical creature partners. Em invited her to a party early on in year 7, and Marlene had been so nervous she drank two full bottles of wine. It came out-finally, as did she. As the victim of her family, as some sort of freak of nature, as queer. And shockingly, the girls who she had been so sure were her enemies, held her hand and let her cry. Without the burden of her family and with the pull of her clan long behind her, Marlene ran away and spent the rest of her 7th year as a ward of Hogwarts, helped out surprisngly by Horace Slughorn, who quietly (after he swore Marlene to secrecy) confided that he had never cared for her brothers or father. He asked her, carefully still, if she was interested in tyring to make things right. 
Marlene joined the Order, and Marlene found her peace. Finally, her viciousness, her harshness, someone showed her how to use it for good. And now, Marlene is determined to use it to take down the clan that made her. Perhaps what Morgana needed most of all was to prove the men who underestimated her to be the fools she always knew they had been. 
But Marlene, frankly, could give a shit about legacies and fairy tales-and she looks forward to the day where her father and her brothers have to face her-even if its 3 on 1 again, Marlene is certain she will not be defeated.
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decennia · 3 years
Ok I just gave up catching up on my dash full stop because Clementine and George and Wildest Dreams got my brain like this:
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I feel I desperately need to make an OC for George but he is YOUR precious lol
So instead while I'm here, give me and I mean GIVE all your George and Clementine headcanon
First things first, that image lives in my mind rent free.
Second things second, please create an OC for George holy shit please yes?! George has already been romantically (or at least sexually, because Sable is a hoe) linked to Ellis Grant from @chlobenet (nothing ever came of it, George developed an infatuation and was perpetually rebuffed by our Lord and Saviour Miss Grant), @perfectlystiles' Laurel Chase, and @randomestfandoms-ocs' Reese Masrani. It is my goal to accumulate enough George Cassidy romantic interests that I can make a Wives of Henry the Eighth edit, so literally go nuts. Everyone, Create An OC To Thirst Over George Cassidy Challenge!
The best thing about George and the other Corpsemen is that the only thing that makes them Jurassic World OCs is that they happen to be hired there. It is by no means their entire story, and although they've been around for literally three days (?!) I keep thinking of more and more things about them and I keep building their backstories to the point where dinosaurs are literally the least craziest thing they've experienced.
If I were to sum up Clem and George's relationship in a gif, though:
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(This got hella out of hand so keep reading under the cut if you want to know more about George and Clementine.)
A brief history on George "Sable" Cassidy and Clementine "Calico" Roscoe:
He is known as "George" to his friends, and "Cassidy" to his enemies. "Sable" when he's on the job, and "hers" when they're alone.
But it wasn't always like that. I'm not going to bore you with the details about George's fatherless upbringing, or his reasons for joining the British military, or how he'd always been a bit of a troubled kid. Where his story really begins is when he directly disobeys orders and murders the military hostages who were responsible for the attack on his unit. He is dishonourably discharged, and is sent back to the U.K. to await trial for murder and treason.
He manages an escape and goes dark; during which time, Clementine Roscoe, an agent at Interpol, is assigned his case. Unfortunately, after a year of searching (one close call where he was literally within breathing distance of Roscoe ) and a thousand too many mistaken sightings after that, the case goes cold, and she is assigned another case, one which results in the death of her entire family.
Clementine resigns from her position after she is denied leave to pursue the murderers, and spends the next few years methodically hunting down and executing the list of people she knew to be responsible. It was enough to impress Malcolm Drake, who located and recruited her into the Corpse Corporals (aka Gucci Suicide Squad).
All this time, Cassidy had been residing in Southern Africa, making a hefty living as a poacher under ever-changing pseudonyms (I had to make y'all understand that Sable is a bad man but y'all be forgiving Tom for murder and incest so here we are but honestly did it even work because here I am, being fooled, alongside you 😭). He runs a pretty decent operation, also dabbling in the smuggling of weaponry, and he lives a comfortable life. That is, until he is betrayed by his business partners (a brother-sister duo, FCs Megan Fox and Aidan Turner? Idk, still debating) and pushed out of the business under threat of death.
He is rescued by Malcolm, who has managed to track him down, and in exchange for his life spared, he agrees to work for Malcolm. His reunion with Clem is incredibly tense, with both of them pulling their guns on each other and refusing to work together. Malcolm snaps some sense into them (that, and the sum of the payload which had so many 0's added to the end, you couldn't be sure what the number really was other than "a lot") and they swallow their pride and work together.
They would continue to work together as Calico and Sable for the years to come, and when I say it is a slow burn, I do mean THE SLOWEST OF THE SLOW. But there is definitely a fuck ton of sexual tension thrown in there for angst, and a couple of near brushes with death (hazard of the job, really).
George is a prolific man whore, and he's bisexual and proud. So Clem has gotten used to an endless slew of people of all genders cumming coming and going from his hotel room, especially during the long cons where the Corpsemen go deep undercover for months at a time (Hector doesn't come on those jobs, he's got a family to worry about. He taps out at a month, max, if he doesn't get to leave to see his family).
George Cassidy is not a man who is used to not getting what he wants, but Clementine Roscoe is the only exception to that rule. He has come to view her as "unobtainable," this irreverent forbidden thing that he must not ruin. By the time the heat of their mutual hate had dissipated, it had turned into a friendship, and although there was an undeniable electric tension between them, they have never done anything about it. But it has that "will definitely be the best sex of your life" kinda energy.
They fight quite a lot, and disagree on almost everything. Have they tried to kill each other? Oh, absolutely. But they're also professionals, and although Clementine and George may be going at it, it never bothers Malcolm, because he knows that Calico and Sable will put those differences aside and do the damn job.
Clem only involves herself in George's sex life when it comes to people who she considers friends. She has the warnings already mentally scripted, because the thing about George Cassidy is that he cares about no one but himself, and nothing but his holy trinity: blood, money, and sex. He's an emotionally devoid sociopath at the best of times, and at the worst, he's a well oiled and dangerous killing machine.
He is not a good man, Clementine knows, but sometimes, you don't want a good man.
I have a gifset in store involving the two of them, and I'm busy compiling a list of headcanons as we speak. If you want, I can tag you in it :)
But this is everything about their past and a bit of their present, so if you want to create an OC please do and tag me so I can write up a crossover and make some gifs 💕
(And before anyone comes for me, yes, I am aware of the fact that George "Sable" Cassidy is a very toxic and fucking despicable man, I created him, and I made him that way. I am not condoning his actions, nor would I want to be in a relationship with him in real life, but this is fiction. It is not meant to be taken seriously, if you don't like my hot mercenary boyfriend, then please unfollow me, because he is my current obsession, and I cannot promise that I will not be thirsting for him on my TL at any and all hours).
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wyntereyez · 5 years
It's such a waste that AO3 has a section for "The Clinic," but there are only three fics (one in Russian) and they focus on Aidan Turner's character.
Also, in my desperation, I searched for Colin's character in "The Tudors." There are ten fics. I think he gets killed by Stormtroopers in one.
And that's it. There's no other category of Colin's work, aside from OUAT.
(And possibly Trollhunters...I forgot to look up Douxie.)
I have a Thirst, dammit. I need fics with Colin's other works!
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lostkitty420 · 5 years
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that time fucking Adain turner went to @amateurbitchcraft house, and her trying to tell he he wasn't all that. BITCH IM NOT OVER IT! the thirst is real.
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asortafairytale · 5 years
cleoselene said: sadly it was like a third rewatch of The Tudors that got me with Cavill. A THIRD! REWATCH! OF! A FUCKING TERRIBLE SHOW! His character is beyond awful which is why I looked past his hotness the first two times rofl.  but by the third rewatch I had embraced how awful everything was
I don't feel too bad now being slow on the thirst uptake because I feel like everyone else happens so suddenly. Like when I was really into Aidan Turner I think that just smacked me in the face, it was like HERE'S AIDAN TURNER and I was like HOLY SHIT IT'S AIDAN TURNER
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stelly38 · 2 years
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Because I’m thirsting hard today, and I could think of no better way to spend the afternoon, I’ve envisioned my Fantasy Reverse Harem. Obviously, I’d have one for every day of the week. Saturdays would be for group “activity”...maybe a threesome, perhaps a foursome, who knows?  On Sundays, I’d sleep all day while they cleaned my house and cooked me dinner.  They’d have to find stuff in the house without asking me where anything is, AND they’d have to clean up the kitchen afterward.  Clearly, the most ridiculous part of my fantasy is the last part.   @darklyhandsome
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girl-bones · 3 years
Going thru my old daddy tag and WOW i was thirsting so hard for Aidan Turner for like 4 years wtf lmaoo
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monleonrpg · 4 years
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Quinn Wilde (ANNABELLE WALLIS) is looking for their HUSBAND. 
Name: Caitlin
Age: 20’s
Pronouns: She/Her
Should applicants contact you before applying?: Not necessary but they can if they want to (@qvinnwildc)
Connection type: Husband
Who is this character connected to?: Mr Wilde can be connected to many people through his investments throughout town
Name: (UTP First Name) Wilde
Age: Late 30’s - Late 40’s
Suggested FCs: UTP, but suggestions are of any order (Eric Bana, Luke Evans, Omari Hardwick, Alexander Skarsgard, Aidan Turner,
Connection description: Imagine a speeding car. Sleek, slick, mastering craft and defying the mundane to end up first- a winner - earning acclaim, bone-chilling intrigue, envy and fascination. Mr Wilde is ruthless in his endeavours for success, power. He’s amassed a monopoly of influence over Monleon, with lucrative deals over businesses. To the public, he’s a charitable, inspirational man of calibre. Behind closed doors, he’s not above offering favours, deals, and merciless when it comes to unfavourable risk. Money and connections talk, and thus, he can chase what he wishes, feeling himself invincible, above the law in his demigod ways. Only time will tell if his thirst for success is worth it, as his reputation escalates, and his fingers are in too many pies. He’s a patron of several causes and businesses, including backing politicians -always aware of longterm gain with such actions.
He met Quinn when she was just a spirited news correspondent. Their courtship was hot, heavy, fast. His connections helped her earn a spot as an anchor, and without his influence, she would never be a household name on everyone’s morning television. Together, they’re a seemingly power couple. They own prime real estate right on the water, they attend galas, charity auctions, they have 2 kids, 1 dog. From those around town, their life seems enviable. In reality, the couple houses a masked facade the reality of their relationship facing turmoil as sins, greed, truth rears its ugly head behind closed doors. Step into the world of Wilde, and see what comes to the surface in their high-stakes game of life.
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meandrichard · 7 years
Hear that, Richard Armitage? Ladies love big noses
The most recent Thirst Aid Kit podcast. Around 4:30ish a caller asks for recommendations of people to lust after; Richard Armitage is discussed at 5:10ff. Aidan Turner also rates a mention.
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krakowergroup · 6 years
PR: Comrade Detective
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Featuring Original Music by Joe Kraemer
(September 28, 2018 – Los Angeles, CA) – Lakeshore Records proudly proclaims the release of COMRADE DETECTIVE– Original Television Soundtrack on Digital Download on September 28, 2018. The Album features original music by action Composer Joe Kraemer (MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – ROGUE NATION, JACK REACHER).
COMRADE DETECTIVE is fictional gritty 1980's Cold War Romanian police procedural steeped in Communist propaganda. Detectives Gregor Anghel (Channing Tatum dubbed for Romanian actor Florin Persic Jr) and Iosif Baciu (Joseph Gordon-Levitt dubbed for Corneliu Ulici) investigate murder of a fellow comrade in this action-packed and blood-soaked first season. Under the iron fist of Captain Covaci (Nick Offerman dubbed for Adrian Paduraru), the pair of red sleuths must unravel a counter-revolutionary plot against the Romanian state by what-else-but the greatest enemy: Capitalism.
Supreme Composer Joe Kraemer offers the following statement, “In the same way actors revel in being able to speak as different people, I had a lot of fun pretending I was a Romanian composer living in the early 1980s writing pseudo-American cop-show music for the communist government. The director, Rhys Thomas, and the producers at A24 and Channing Tatum’s Free Association, gave me tremendous freedom to chase after that evocative sound of early ‘80s TV.  I was delighted to be able to record the score in Vienna, and to be able to work with my friend, Dimitrie Leivici, as concertmaster, who is Romanian by birth!  He actually lived in some of the locations where the show took place when he was child.  It was also terrific to be reunited with the immensely talented engineer Casey Stone, who captured the sound so effectively and mixed the music so perfectly, just as he did for me on 'Rogue Nation' in 2015.  
It’s immensely gratifying to be able to share the music with everyone now, thanks to the two upcoming releases from Lakeshore Records.  The first is an LP, and vinyl is really cool, as the ‘retro’ vibe of the format meshes perfectly with the feel of the show.  The second, digital download format allows me to include a lot more of the score itself, which I am really happy to have available for listeners who have asked me about being able to hear it away from the show.  
COMRADE DETECTIVE was one of the most unusual projects I worked on, and it brings me great happiness knowing it will get a new look with these upcoming music releases.”
Joe Kraemer has carved out an eclectic career, writing music for over 100 films in a variety of genres, including nearly 40 television movies for the Hallmark Channel/Larry Levinson Productions, as well as episodic television, documentaries, and short films.  Highlights include his scores for John Putch’s The Poseidon Adventure and A Time To Remember, as well as the Mystery Woman series, and westerns such as Hard Ground, Lone Rider and The Trail To Hope Rose.  He has also written the music for The Hitcher II and Joyride 2 for director Louis Morneau, Framed for writer-director Daniel Petrie, Jr., and multiple films for writer-director-producer Mark Altman, including House Of The Dead 2, The Thirst and All Souls Day.  Kraemer’s close partnership with Altman led to scoring the TV series Femme Fatales, a sexy homage to film noir for HBO/Cinemax. Kraemer also wrote the score for the prestigious documentary An Unreasonable Man, an Oscar-shortlisted feature about Ralph Nader, for directors Steven Skrovan and Henriette Mantell.  Coming full circle from where he began, he reunited with director Scott Storm for Ten ’Til Noon.
Kraemer’s score for Rogue Nation went on to win Best Original Score for an Action/ Adventure/ Thriller film for the 12th International Film Music Critics Association, and he was named the 2016 Discovery of the Year Award at the World Soundtrack Awards.  His work was also mentioned as Best Score on FilmMusicMedia, Bplus Movie Blog, and MFiles, and his theme for the villain Solomon Lane was cited as one of the best themes of 2015 by Empire Magazine.
Since then, he has continued to show a preference toward unconventional projects over mainstream work.  In 2016, his new score for the 1927 silent film Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans was performed in 2016 by the Dallas Chamber Symphony at the Dallas Performance Hall to rave reviews.  2017 saw the release of the television series Comrade Detective and Creeped Out, both featuring his compelling underscores, as well as another performance of Sunrise, this time in Austria and conducted by Kraemer.  In October, his music was featured alongside the work of music legends David Shire and Terrance Blanchard at the World Soundtrack Awards at Film Festival Ghent, where it was performed live by the Brussels Philharmonic.  
Kraemer’s latest work is the just-completed orchestral score for The Man Who Killed Hitler and then The Bigfoot, starring Sam Elliot and Aidan Turner.
In addition to his composing work, Kraemer frequently does Masterclasses in composition for media for various colleges and organizations, including The Hollywood Music Workshop, ASMAC, Columbia College Chicago, and Media Sound Hamburg.”
AMAZON STUDIOS presents COMRADE DETECTIVE available now Internet-wide. Lakeshore Records pleased to announce the release of COMRADE DETECTIVE – Original Television Soundtrack EP on Digital Download on September 28, 2018.  The full soundtrack will be available on September 23, 2018.
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For more information contact The Krakower Group @KrakowerGroup on Twitter and Instagram
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'Game of Thrones': House Stark Forces Ranked
'Game of Thrones': House Stark Forces Ranked
With the stakes as high as they are on Game of Thrones, at least Jon Snow has one thing going for him: good company.
The King in the North takes on his new responsibility in season seven alongside some incredibly capable allies, some who are more warrior-minded than others. With House Bolton officially purged from Winterfell (not to mention the earth), Jon has the right home base and the right group of confidants to start making preparations for the coming war with the White Walkers.
While he lacks the sheer firepower that Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) is bringing to bear upon season seven, Jon more than makes up for numbers with quality of characters. Really, the list of people who are either currently in Winterfell or are on their way is an impressive one indeed, a veritable who’s who of your favorite people on Game of Thrones. 
Here’s the lineup, ranked in order of their utility in the great war to come.
10. Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen)
Chaotic times call for chaotic measures, and nobody thrives in chaos quite like Petyr Baelish. The smirking Lord of the Vale currently walks the halls of Winterfell, presumably plotting moves against Jon Snow. Not exactly a trusted person to lean on when the going gets tough, and “tough” is about to become a severe understatement as the White Walkers march toward the Wall. Littlefinger might not be an asset in that conflict, but given his self-preservation instincts, he might be the best bet to get out of the North before the snow hits the fan. 
9. Arya Stark (Maisie Williams)
Only on this list would Arya rank so low. And frankly, we don’t even know if she will make it to Winterfell this season at all. It’s entirely possible that her thirst for vengeance will take her elsewhere, like King’s Landing. But it’s that very bloodlust that raises red flags. Will she be focused enough on the White Walker war when the time comes? Will her thirst for revenge get in the way? Arya’s abilities learned from the House of Black and White could be useful in the conflict, though something suggests the Night King isn’t going to be so easily fooled by a veritable mask.
8. Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) and Podrick Payne (Daniel Portman)
Honor, loyalty and integrity aren’t often rewarded on Game of Thrones. In fact, those things often lead to terrible punishment: see Ned Stark for more. In the case of Brienne and Pod, however, these two soldiers have committed themselves to vows more sacred than their mortal forms. That kind of loyalty, backed up with actual skill, will go a long way toward navigating the Great War, and protecting the people who are ranked higher on this list.
7. The Brotherhood Without Banners
At the moment, Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer) is already the MVP of season seven, based solely on his flaming sword moment in the trailer. Whether or not his ragtag band of fighters can live up beyond that billing is anyone’s guess. In any case, we’re bound to get at least one breathtaking Brotherhood battle, an even more exciting prospect now that The Hound (Rory McCann) is traveling with the pack.
6. The Wildlings
Tormund Giantsbane (Kristofer Hivju) leads the Free Folk, whether he wants to or not, and he did so very effectively during the Battle of the Bastards. While they needed some assistance from the Knights of the Vale in the end, the Wildlings put up a hell of a fight against House Bolton’s forces. Plus, they know firsthand just how rough it’s going to get when the White Walkers finally arrive. Nobody has skin in the game quite like the Wildlings. Expect their grit to be tested even further in the episodes ahead.
5. The Night’s Watch
Dolorous Edd (Ben Crompton) has command over Castle Black, leading the last line of defense standing between Westeros and the White Walkers. Sadly, their numbers have diminished greatly over the years, not that they were ever really impressive at the start of Thrones. Even so, without the Wall, there’s no barrier against the army of the undead. If the Watch falls, Westeros won’t be far behind — and sadly, we think we’ll be looking at that very outcome before season seven ends.
4. The Great Northern Houses
Two words: Lyanna Mormont. The Lady of Bear Islands was the breakout character of season six, and with any luck, the trend will continue as season seven unfolds. More than any one individual, the Northern alliance is absolutely instrumental in the fight against the White Walkers; a divided North is the last thing Jon Snow needs if he’s going to stand any kind of chance against the greatest threat humanity has ever seen.
3. Davos Seaworth (Liam Cunningham)
A leader is nothing without at least one airtight ally in his corner. Davos is that man for Jon Snow. He’s unfailing in his loyalty, as seen through his dedication to Stannis all the way until the man’s dying day. He’s the one who convinced Melisandre (Carice van Houten) to bring Jon back to life. He knows better than just about anyone how much is at stake if the White Walkers invade Westeros. No one is going to have Jon’s back quite like Davos, and no one is going to match him for level-headedness and empathy — crucial qualities that must endure in the coming conflict.
2. Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner)
Sure, how much damage can Sansa do against a White Walker, directly? Don’t scoff: Samwell Tarly (John Bradley) would laugh right back in your face. That said, Sansa isn’t this high on the list because she’s going to drive dragonglass into anyone’s backs anytime soon. Instead, she’s the person who will hold the North together when the time comes, the person who has accumulated the necessary political acumen to keep the realm together when the dust settles on the war ahead. She might even be the person who can broker the necessary deals with Daenerys’ contingent. After all, Sansa is the one who has the Knights of the Vale on speed dial. How hard can it be to get a dragon’s phone number?
1. Jon Snow (Kit Harington)
He fought the White Walkers, and walked away with his life intact. He died at the hands of traitors, and somehow walked away again with his life intact — more or less, anyway. Now, he’s in charge of the entire North, the one man in a position of power who is willing to call out the true threat facing Westeros for what it is. There’s a reason Lord Snow survived death, and it’s because he’s needed in the battle that’s yet to come. He is the prince who was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire. It is known.
WILDCARD: Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright)
When Bran makes it back to Winterfell (something that both photos and trailer strongly suggest), he’s going to be the most powerful person in the room, full stop. He’s already arguably the most powerful person on the show, what with his ability to warg into other creatures and witness events across time — even interact with those events, based on the Hodor incident. Bran spent an entire season away from the screen because his power levels were growing at a faster level than any other character, faster even than Isaac Hempstead Wright himself. Now that we’re in firm end game territory, there’s no one with more destructive power than Bran — something that could be a huge boon in the war for mankind, but also has the complete opposite potential to backfire severely. After all, Bran still boasts the Night King’s mark on his forearm; is it possible that his return to Westeros will allow for the White Walkers’ arrival as well? Because his powers have so much potential for good and ill alike, Bran has to be considered the biggest wildcard in the mix by far.
Watch the video below for more on what’s ahead for Jon Snow.
Game of Thrones returns July 16. How would you rank the forces in the North?
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#Forces #Game #House #Ranked #Stark #Thrones
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stelly38 · 2 years
Changed User Name
I changed my user name just a little.  Used to be sely38; now it’s stelly38.  I had a reason, but have forgotten what it is.  Anyway, it’s still me, wasting time, reblogging pictures of Aidan Turner, writing smut, and thirsting in general.  Stop by and say Hi! 
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