#aids doctor
sayruq · 6 months
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
“I think I’m going to move to Gotham,” Jazz’s tapped away at her laptop, clicking through her college acceptance letters. Danny sat up from where he was scrolling through his phone and stared at her. “Thoughts?”
“And prayers,” he sassed. “Because you’re going to need them. Why the would you pick Gotham when Harvard accepted you?”
“Gotham has Arkham. And Doctor Quinzel.”
“Isn’t she Harley Quinn? The Crime Princess of Gotham?”
“Yeah, and an acclaimed psychologist with hundreds of published work that revolutionized the mental health field! Sure, she’s more criminally inclined now, but I’d kill to pick her brains.”
Danny grinned. “Interesting word choice. You’d fit right in. It’s just weird that all of their psychologists turned into villains.”
“Okay, but I won’t. You’d stop me.”
“Or I’d join you,” Danny rolled back onto the floor.
“Don’t you dare, Daniel Fenton. You’d better stop me if I went villain.”
“But I feel like you’d have a pretty good reason for it though?”
“I appreciate the trust, dumbass, but I’m always this close to loosing it.” Jazz rolled her eyes as she jabbed a finger at Danny.
“Hah! You’ll fit right into Gotham!”
Jazz hummed. “So, Gotham?”
“Yeah, why not?”
“Little busy!” Danny dodged a blast from a GIW agent.
“Why’d you pick up, then?”
“You don’t call often- hey, can you guys knock it off? I’m on a call!” Danny shouted. Surprisingly the agents stopped.
“Woah. You guys actually stopped?”
“We’re anti-ghost, not rude cavemen. Finish your call, Phantom, so we can get back to capturing you.” The agent with red hair said. Her partner nodded their head.
“Riiiight.” Phantom floated away a bit. “What did you want to talk about?” He asked Jazz.
“So, Dr. Quinzel-”
Danny heard a further off “Call me Harley, darling!”
“Harley,” Jazz continued seamlessly. “Is dating Ivy, a meta! Which, totally cute and their relationship is so healthy. Goals, honestly-”
Danny heard another far off comment, “Awe, thanks, Jazzy-wazzy!”
“But long story short, they got in touch with the Justice League about the GIW and they’re getting pulled back! And disbanded! Are you fighting the agents? Can you see if they’ve got the order to pull back?”
“Wait, seriously?” Danny perked up, the exhaustion from the fight all but gone. “I’ll ask.”
Danny turned to the two agents, pulling the phone away from his ear. “Hey! Did you guys get orders to stop hunting me? I heard the Justice League got involved.”
“What? We didn’t-”
“Shit, wait, we got orders.” Her partner jabbed their phone at her.
“Fuck. This isn’t over, Phantom!”
“Yeah, yeah! Shoo!” Danny watched them peel away. “Thanks, Jazz! Maybe I’ll finally get a peaceful school year.”
“R.I.P.” Jazz solemnly intoned.
“Dead-ass.” Danny replied, just as seriously before the both of them broke. Cackling, Danny said goodbye to Jazz.
“Maybe I should get some gifts? Hm… Undergrowth has some rare plants.” Danny muttered as he flew back home.
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horusmenhosetix · 5 months
Hi, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.
I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again.
I cannot afford the surgery but it would drastically improve my quality of life.
I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain.
Can people please reblog this so that it can get traction?
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themathomhouse · 1 year
this disability pride month, stop making jokes about people in wheelchairs standing up or walking.
can I stand and walk? sure, for a short while and with pain. the consequences for trying to be out all day without a wheelchair are that I'll be in bed for the rest of the week, too tired and in too much pain to move.
but the government won't give me my own wheelchair because they have the same attitude as these jokes - I can stand up, so I don't need one. exercise is good for you, you should walk!
it keeps me trapped in the house, unable to do anything more than short stints anywhere without borrowing or hiring a wheelchair - one that causes me pain to sit in and relies on someone to push me (usually with difficulty), because they're not going to have a high-end chair for that sort of thing.
it's not a miracle that a wheelchair user can stand or walk. it's something we should aspire to see more often.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 2 months
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I wanna laugh and say the Ghost/ExAid movie was the most un-serious thing i've ever seen but it was actually so stressful. Nice job writers!!
Putting this one under the cut cause I gave up on it lol:
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2lemon4lyfe · 3 months
Hello there, 👋
I am Tamer Aldeeb, a dentist from Gaza.
We have suffered greatly from fear, displacement, and the destruction of our home and my clinic, and everything we literally own...
We want to save ourselves from what seems like an inevitable death.
I hope you can take a look at my campaign on the pinned post on my profile ,and help us by donating or sharing our campaign to reach the largest number of supporters.🌹🌹
Our campaign is verified by @90-ghost , @ibtisams , @el-shab-hussein , @nabulsi and @fairuzfan 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thanks a lot in advance ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you so much for reaching out to me, Tamer.
Everyone, Tamer is a denist from Gaza whose dreams were shattered when this most recent Zionist occupation and bombardment began. He planned to move to Germany for his career, and was saving to support his stay abroad, but had to give up that dream and use his savings in order to keep his parents and brother alive. They have lost their home and community, both in terms of infrastructure and friends, and have been dispalced 4 times since in an attempt to escape bombardment. He is now assisting with surgeries at Al-Aqsa where he witnesses unbelievable levels of suffering and tragedy. He and his family hope to cross the Gaza-Egypt border and restart their lives away from bombardment, starvation, and terror. They need between $6,000-8,000 dollars per person in order to cross, and have raised €14,758 of their €40,000 target. Please donate what you can, this family is suffering and Tamer only wants to keep his remaining loves ones alive. Sharing is also greatly appreciated!
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octylish · 2 months
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I need that old man to be able to kick the fuck out of someone ok
additional doodles (with updated legs)
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genericpuff · 4 months
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hi this is your obligatory reminder from a Mi'kmaq-Saulteaux pal that:
1.) the ribbon skirt is a traditional ceremonial garment worn by many First Nations women to celebrate their connection to Mother Earth and reclaim their Indigenous identity from and in spite of colonization;
2.) the RCMP was literally founded as a colonial police force meant to drive Indigenous / First Nations peoples out of their territory to make way for settlers (see: the "starlight tours")
3.) racism towards indigenous people in Canada is still alive and well (the last residential school didn't close until 1996) and so the RCMP adopting ribbon skirts is not only incredibly tone deaf towards their own history and the role they played in wiping out Indigenous culture, but insulting to the practice of ribbon skirts and what they mean to many Indigenous people across the country
4.) when a government entity limits who can comment on their posts, that should tell you exactly where their priorities and intentions lie.
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duality-disability · 1 year
happy disability pride month to those with degenerative/progressive disabilites:
-Those who know what their disability is and why its getting worse
-Those whos disability hasnt been diagnosed yet but the symptoms and degenerative nature of their illness is still taking effect
-and those who have to watch their bodies steadily decline while their healthcare professionals refuse to treat them (for no fault of their own)
-to the ones who are told they are too young to have their body declining
-'too young' to be using their mobility aids, or seeing certain specialists, or who notice they're the youngest patients in certain clinics by years if not decades
You deserve to be seen, and heard, and supported; You deserve kindness and respect and to be taken seriously about your medical concerns and the nature of your disability/ies
having a degenerative disease can be really fucking scary, I wish that tomorrow is kinder than today was.
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blighted-lights · 2 months
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@novafire-is-thinking gave me the idea of glit hanging out on pharma's engine nozzle and i decided to draw it <3
pharma is SO hard to draw for no reason, forgive me. this is pre-war so i wanted to make pharma look a bit softer but i think it backfired 😔. anyways will b drawing much more of these two soon, i think of them so much.
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h0wlcastle · 4 months
just checked my credit report again and $3929 is practically the only thing in the way of being able to rent my own apartment while i go to school. the debt is for rent and electricity bills i could not pay in the last half of 2020.
getting my own apartment would be monumental for me. not getting into too much detail, but id be able to get away from my ex & move out of this health hazard of a house. (yeah definitely lots of mold and asbestos in these walls and floors. which are crumbling and breaking btw. i think i hauve mold poisoning.) and id be allowed to pursue decisions that actually improve my life vs. forced to adjust everything to fit around someone else's, etc
frankly, my ex has his own life to worry about, which seems to be taking him in directions that are actively hostile to my existence. (i mean states that have governments hell-bent on taking away trans/queer rights.) but aside from that, i am tired of making all these plans to become independent, only for the rug to be pulled out from under me at the last minute.
if i had my own place, id have control of my own life again.
if anyone is able to help me get out of this hellish living situation, my venmo is julesam.
i know we're all broke and stressed so no judgment if you scroll past this. but reblogs are also very much appreciated
(sorry for e-begging on tumblr dot com. im v embarrassed and humiliated to be posting this but i am genuinely out of options here.)
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gregorygerwitz · 4 months
Remember when I was so excited that the state was finally paying me? Yeah, that was a premature celebration. My employer has decided to take over paying my weekly short term disability payment, so I'm getting less than half what the state got to pay me for two (2) weeks. It means I got comfortable and stepped back from Dashing (which is getting harder to do as my condition gets worse) and now we're almost $1k short for June rent.
We have until the 30th to pay for rent this month (plus a $200 late fee) or we will be evicted.
I hate that I have to keep asking for help, especially with everything else going on in the world, but keeping our home is so important. I'm hoping I will feel better tomorrow and next week and be able to make some money, but because that's not a guarantee, I'm gonna keep being anxious over here and crossing my fingers that my employer will extend my medical leave without having to jump through a million more hoops.
I'm not including my etsy link this time because I'm not physically capable of filling any orders right now
paypal venmo: amwallace95
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alaaalkhateeb · 4 months
This is how my family starts the morning 😞
While every normal person around the world is lighting the fire with one click on the stove, my family spends more than 2 hours lighting the fire and heating a little canned grains to satisfy their severe hunger after months of being deprived of eating meat, chicken, fruits, eggs, and milk due to the high prices in the war. 💔😭
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One click can save the life of an entire family of 6 people Please, my family needs help. If you cannot donate, share the post
Donation link 🙏🙏
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joy-haver · 2 years
Something to understand that not all pain gets better by doing nothing. Sometimes laying in bed makes it worse.
Sometimes my hip fucks up and the only way to make it better is to walk on it, carefully, for like an hour.
Sometimes my back hurts in a way that means I can’t use my mobility aids without making it worse.
Sometimes my throat has issues only singing can fix.
So the whole “oh you said you were injured / in pain but then you went and did (__activity__), so clearly you were faking it” thing is entirely fucking meaningless.
You aren’t “catching fakers”, you are just fundamentally misunderstanding the human body.
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commiepinkofag · 10 months
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Dr. Gao Yaojie: Dissident doctor who exposed China's AIDS epidemic, dies at 95
Her work uncovered how businesses selling blood led to the spread of HIV in the countryside.
She was at the forefront of AIDS activism in China and traveled across the country treating patients, often at her own expense.
A gynecologist by training, she encountered her first AIDS patient in the central province of Henan in 1996.
While she was not the first Chinese doctor to expose the AIDS epidemic, it was her efforts that made the situation known to the country and beyond.
She told the Associated Press in a previous interview that she withstood government pressure and persisted in her work because “everyone has the responsibility to help their own people. As a doctor, that’s my job. So it’s worth it.”
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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