#aiga x reader
grad603-caitlin · 2 years
Week 1: Johnson Witehira
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Johnson Witehira is a New Zealand artist, designer and researcher of Māori and Pākehā (British descent). Since completing his Masters in Graphic Design (2007) and then Doctorate in Māori visual arts (2013). Witehira's writings have been published in some of the worlds leading academic journals and books including; Visible Language (University of Cincinnati), The Graphic Design Reader (Bloomsbury), AIGA Eye on Design (US), Novum (Munich) and Monocle (London).
"My kaupapa (mission) as both an artist and designer is to bring Māori visual culture back into the lives of all Māori. This is done through careful consideration of how indigenous culture, design and technology intersect."
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Beyond design, Johnson maintains a practice as a contemporary Māori artist where his work is centred around tinorangatiratanga (self-determination) and how Māori aspirations might be brought to fruition. In 2012, Johnson's Toi Māori X Times Square project was exhibited across 34 digital billboards in Times Square, New York in the first-ever synchronised display of digital art.
Johnson's work is most prominent in Wellington, New Zealand where three current art projects are on display; Waituhi (2013), Those who live in darkness (2014), and Ngā Kākano: the seeds (2017).
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Works from his Ko Aotearoa Tēnei (2012) series are on permanent display in a number of New Zealand Embassies and Consulates (Shanghai Consulate, NZ Embassy in Dublin, NZ High Commission to Canberra and the NZ Consulate Hawaii).
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Sources: Johnson Witehira
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emilyartg210blog · 2 years
summary no.6
[Don Norman: how design fails older consumers]
Design is a helpful device for everyone, and the elderly are no exception. But led to use products that in their daily life are seemingly unhelpful and difficult to use, divides their livelihood from others. As one gets older, we tend to loose many abilities we have; such as hearing, seeing, tasting, etc. Design isn’t as accepting of these things, and it affects everyone at one point or another, if not always. Going forward we need to design with the idea of engaging everyone, so everyone can use things comfortably.
“Designs that make it easier for elderly people often are of equal value for younger people. In fact, for everyone.” 
[Design Issues: the state of the ballot]
The case for the bad design of the voter’s ballot, specifically the controversy in Palm Beach, Florida. Many magazines and editorials expressed the lousy design of the ballots; bringing light to the issue. A handful of designers gave their ideas to help make the ballot more understandable and useable, such as adding colour, moving around the layout, and making little tweaks to what was already present. The end of the piece explains the need for government to value design, and that they should use design to make a helpful difference. Pointing to the annual conference AIGA planned to put on, where it’s the theme for this year was “Voice” and how “design can affect the world for the better or worse”, the author said we should also make politicians aware of the importance of design.
[RGB: Access-ability]
Planning and Management:
Accessibility should be the “core consideration” from the get-go. Many clients when asked, don’t understand what they are asking for, so make sure you are on the same page, and if need be, educate your client. To lead to a positive client-designer relationship, your client should be actively involved. Teach the client about the importance of accessibility, the range of possible disabilities their audience may face, supporting technologies, legal requirements, and how accessible design is good for business. Help the client prioritize which to work towards in accessible design first, which can be looked into later. “Be honest and direct with your client”, and oversee their expectations, aim to make the project “as accessible as possible”, but never that it will be perfect accessibility. There is always room for improvement with accessibility design, and it requires active “commitment and evaluation”. 
Design Fundamentals
Since it is impossible to look into every individual characteristic of every person we need to focus our attention on the “extremes of human diversity”. As a jumping-off point, we need to put into consideration the diverse sensory abilities of the audience such as eyesight, and hearing. We also need to look into cognitive consideration; people with conditions that affect their abilities to “process, understand and communicate information”. Understand “cognitive load”, and minimize it by maximizing the accessibility of the design (eg. by grouping content together, chunking, hierarchy, anchors, consistency, and grid usage.)
Be aware of languages usage, and how complexity of language can lead to a higher cognitive load for the reader (make it simple).
Be aware of people’s perception to colour, and understand hue, saturation, and lightness, and their connection to one another.
Make sure your content is readable. Choose text fonts that are in a style that is easy to read. Consider stance, width, stroke contrast, weight, countrerforms, apertures, and x-height.
Be aware also of alignment, line length, and spacing.
accessibility is for everyone
core consideration
be aware
different in perception
inform for change
0 notes
sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
Launch - Aiger x reader
Word count: 1,265 Warnings: None A/N: I wrote this in November 2019 and finished it in one day. This is personally one of my favorite beyblade fanfics I’ve written.
"3," you got into position.
"2," your stance felt just right.
"1," your muscles tensed in anticipation of the next series of movements.
"Let it RIP!" Pulling the ripcord while simultaneously performing your signature moves, the bey launched out of your launcher with top speed. A satisfying jerk was felt from the power of the launch, pushing your hand back slightly.
It circled the arena in a graceful and precise motion. A trail of light emitted from where the top traveled, creating a perfect circle before fading. This was one of your best launches yet.
"Yes!" You pumped a fist into the air at your victory. The spiraling bey was as smooth as ever, as if being propelled on a track.
Then you looked around, no one saw. It was the morning and you were using a stadium in the park that was typically unused. The excitement from a perfect launch faded quickly as staring at the spinning, unopposed bey got boring. You slouched at the realization.
"Man, this is no fun with no one else," you pouted. There wasn't really much point in a perfect launch unless there was someone to blade against. Aiger Akabane, a loud, maroon haired boy, was supposed to meet you to practice blading against each other.
"Speaking of him, where is that doofus?" you mumbled while looking in the direction of the Beigoma Academy farm where Aiger had his tent set up.
Shrugging, you swiped your bey out of the stadium while it was still in motion and jogged to where you expected Aiger to still be. Running up the hill out of the park was tiring. Guess he was making you get in your exercise. The morning air cooled your lungs. Aiger was typically good for his word when it came to training together, which meant he was most likely still sleeping. You and his sister, Naru, had to wake him up several times for important events.
Once you reached the fencing, you placed on hand on the wood fence to vault yourself over it and onto the soft grass. The sheep in the field merely gave you a look, then continued on their munching. Leaping over to the orange tent, you gave a soft knock, although it emitted no sound.
"Aiger, are you in there?" you sweetly asked.
A snore erupted  from inside the clothed shelter.
"AIGER!" That probably meant he was still sleeping and that it was safe to open up the tent.
A zip cut through the regular noise of sheep as you opened the top part of the tent's opening.
Aiger was still in his white and red beyblade pajamas. He had somehow managed to wiggle out of his sleeping bag, sprawled out with a drop of drool hanging out of his mouth. On the left side was Ranjiro, who also was out of his sleeping bag. There was quite a number of green and yellow lollipops strewn on the floor beside him.
You would have thought Aiger looked cute like that if you were not focused on having a battle.
"Aiger, wake up!" You preferred to not have to go inside to shake him awake. That would be an invasion of privacy in your opinion.
This time, he began to stir. Groaning, he started to sit up and rub his eyes.
Ranjiro woke too. "What's up?" His voice was tired.
"Just getting Aiger for the practice he promised me yesterday."
The small boy suddenly appeared wide awake and his eyebrows widened. "Oh yeah! That's right!" He sprung out of the tent. "What are we waiting for?!"
"Uh, Aiger, you're still in your PJs," you said.
"Oh, right!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
You swore that kid did not have any other volume level.
 "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Both beys flew out of the launchers. Your launch wasn't nearly as perfect that time, however it was still impressive.
It was just you and Aiger, having fun training together. Ranjiro had to go meet with the Wild Bey Gang, meaning he couldn't come just yet. Although, you didn't mind at all. One on one training was always fun.
"Go straight in!" You shouted as Aiger took the middle.
They collided heavily, but as your bey rolled off of his, Achilles simply re-centered himself. Wobbling ever so slightly before steadying himself like nothing happened.
"I see you went for the middle unlike your usual technique," you teased, only looking to him for a second then concentrating on the battle again.
"Just trying a new style," he laughed with his hands on his sides in a prideful pose.
"Well, you won't last much longer," you said. You launched a barrage of attacks, that hit Achilles from all sides.
It came out of the middle and started spinning around the stadium, but with less speed then your bey. This was your chance, you thought with a smile. Making your bey swerve, it slammed into Achilles from the side, sending it flying.
"Yes!" you cheered, expecting Achilles to soar over the edge of the stadium, hit the ground, and for you to be the victor.
Then, an unexpected event occurred. Achilles hit the top edge and managed to launch itself back into the arena, heading straight toward your bey.
A red aura former around Aiger. His blue hair tie broke, causing his hair to lift upward and turn red from the resonance while making a motion cutting downwards. "Z breaker!"
It seemed to be slow motion as the red bey slammed into yours with an incredible force. It was amazing how sturdy beys were. Yours began to fly upwards and, before leaving the stadium, burst into three pieces. You gasped as they fell with three clangs and Achilles spinning, progressing back into the middle.
"Aw," you sank to the ground. "How is your resonance so strong?" You reached into the bowl-shaped dip and gather the parts. Picking up your towel, you wiped the sweat off your forehead.
"Hey, you gave me a good fight. Besides, I'm way too awesome for you to beat me." He smiled teasingly.
You threw your towel at him with a smile. It hit him in the face and took him a few seconds to process. After he did realize what happened, he threw it back at you. Standing, you repeated the motion and the soft cloth landed back on him.
"Well, I'm keeping this now." Aiger ripped a handful of grass out of the earth and tossed it at you.
"Hey! Give that back." You copied his action, although, admittedly, very few blades of grass actually hit him. The whole time you were giggling.
Getting closer for better aim, you tossed another handful at him. He began to bend over to get more grass. You decided to stop him by tackling him. Both he and you tumbled over each other until stopping side by side next to a tree. The two of you landed on the dirt, loudly snorting at the situation.
On your backs and arms and legs stretched in an x. His left arm lay on top of your right. As the excitement faded, you both took deep breaths and stared at the clear sky, only disrupted by a handful of clouds. You were incredibly happy, enjoying his presence. Just being around him seemed to make your day and improve your mood. It felt so nice, with... a slightly strange feeling in your chest you couldn't identify. Nevertheless, it felt perfect and that was all you could think about while staring off into the sky.
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sassaetcie · 3 years
bird of a feather flock together
You have been walking for several hours now. One, two, three, perhaps... Let it rip. No, no. This isn't it. Four hours... Five hours, probably. Certainly not "one, two... etc". You took a stroll in order to forget what happened.
-You liar! You're lying! Don't tell us you can see spirits in Beys or whatnot! That's not true and you know it! You're just trying to take space in the spotlight! You ain't Zac or Valt or Shu or big shots! You're just like us! Liar!
If they were several or one voice, it's hard to recall. They would almost make some kind of disgust for Beyblade weedily blossom in your being, whether it be your bones or brain. So you went away. Perhaps they'll think it over. Maybe they'll stop talking to you. You cannot know for sure as for now.  You may have gotten lost amongst this huge world, with only a Beyblade you're not sure you cannot trust anymore. The world sure looks bigger. Looming over. A circle of blue, yet not a circle. A kind of Jörmugandr, and yet not an ouroboros either. But you saw something. For sure! Valt Aoi, Shu Kurenai, Free de la Hoya saw it too. Not yours especially. But them. They said they've seen theirs. And you've seen them too. Their descriptions match. So you are not hallucinating. You may have, before. You may someday. But now...?
Where are you? Where were you? That wasn't grass and tiny stadiums anymore. Or at least, you don't see them. Big chunks of concrete. Big vertical chunks of concrete. Chunks of glass, stuck to it. Chunks of tar on the ground. Chunks of paint on it. Chunks of blue high above, perhaps further. Chunks, chunks, chunks? Probably chunks of Beyblade somewhere. No... Not chunks. They're not chunks. They have a spirit, right? You didn't hallucinate, did you? You didn't, for sure. So, they aren't chunks. Perhaps everything is a chunk right now. But it ain't going to last. Soon they won't be chunks anymore. You look at your Beyblade. She shines. "It" doesn't shine. She shines. Yep, for sure, she glitters, she glimmers, she shines, she radiates.
-Oh... Is it possible that... No. You are a Blader, right?
A chunk of voice... Nope. A soft, or maybe a, bit deep, voice. Red eyes. Yes, the one facing you sure has two red eyes you have known for a while. Was he part of the reason you first started Beyblade? Probably not. You didn't like him at first, after all. Kurenai Shu had been arrogant, and somehow condescending at some point. To the point where he lost himself. But he had been better and better during all of these years as well. So this white hair didn't look like a chunk of bone anymore. His black coat sure had gone smaller over the years, especially since the last time he wore it, he seemed much younger. What have you answered, already? He just took your hand. He seemed sad, somehow. White, white skin. Will it become pearly? Jellyfish-like?
-Hey, come on. You are a Blader, but you don't seem like playing Beyblade right now, right? Let us walk a bit, shall we?
It wasn't like being alone in that situation would have been any better, anyway. Even if he was older, he could have been stupid, sure. But he had learned about the Blading Spirit and passion, after all. ... Maybe his scar was redder than ever, and yet perfectly delimited. Or the other way around. Chunks of green. Small pieces of grass, yes. "Blades of grass"...
Ferris wheels. Toy horses. Music.
-Ah, maybe you did not want to hear that much noise, considering you were seeking peace. We'll just be going through. Is it alright with you?
A Blader inviting you to some kind of amusement park then cancelling his plans sure sounded like a hoax. Especially coming from Shu Kurenai. Although that could have been Akaba Aiga, Valt Aoi... who knows whom. You walked along. He walked along. Chunks again, or pure things. The ferris wheel sure was full of people. And there were... lights everywhere. Blue, red, pink, purple, green, orange, yellow, at least. One, two, three... one, two, three. Two x three, perhaps. And three x one, maybe. Furthermore, one x two? It was very likely possible to count all of them. For sure. It would take time, yeah. Not that much with someone... Well, maybe still a while, but still, divided by two at least. Horses, cows, perhaps foxes and mascots, were working on the carrousel.
-Be careful. If you were to collide, you may end up falling and losing your Bey.... She would be sad, wouldn't she?
A sorrel horse. By decaying yet shining paint covered. The glittering color was still on his wood body, no matter how rot tried to grab him. Someone would paint him over, with the exact same hue. And the chestnut horse, or perhaps foal, would live on. Partnership would keep his black, almond eyes, alive. His barely pointy hoofs were tainted by lustruous black. His sorrel mane seemed made of ropes, somehow. He disappeared at the other end of the carrousel's globe.
You... reached the end of the soon-to-rotate-in-time amusement park. The numerous, rainbow-like, lights were in your back, now. For sure, they were. Some of them kept on lighting the way, yours, and Shu's. Probably 5 of them, yes. A red one, a blue one, another red one, a purple one, a green one. Five of them. That you could shake off. That you could count for sure. As long as there was... someone by your side. But these "someone" could as well make mistakes...
-My, my! Would you see that... The Moon Thief!
-Ciel, ciel! Would you see that... Le Blader Justicier!
A smoothy-haired silhouette projected on the wall, from the right, maybe. A spiky-haired silhouette projected on the wall, from the left maybe. Shu didn't move, and you neither. The first one, yes, the first one, for sure, clad in large clothes, breathing darkness onto the wall. The second one, shielded by short, usually tight clothes. Two known voices. The voice of the night, of the almost-silence, of the polite writing. The voice of the day, overflowing, of the short writing. Large, indecisive, rounded gloves of the softness of the clouds. Sharp, thin, fingers facing the sun.
-My mask is my true self, not what I aspire to.
-My mask is what I aspire to be, not myself still.
-Without her, I can't hope to understand you, shiny faker.
-Without her, I can't hope to understand you, nasty Lupin.
-My brother, yet not quite.
-My brother, yet not quite!
The thief moved as a bird on the wall, was a stork. The idol dropped as an owl. They reached out as ravens, walked back as sparrows. Took off their Beyblades. They took each other's hands, and disappeared, jumping or dropping again.
-I thought it would be interesting not to interrupt them. I hope you understand.
You nodded. You sure did understand what the hell these two clowns were doing. Because they probably weren't clowns.
-I see I wasn't wrong about you. Well, then...
Five of his soft, devoid of gloves, fingers clasped around yours. Not the same, not the same, not the same. Hands of bladers, hands of bladers, hands of bladers. He smiled, definitely. He smiled, definitely, to you. Eyes of red, asking you several things, but only two in the end.
-...want to beybattle now? Spriggan will help me to understand you. I want that.
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Worlds Collide - Asra headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship:  Asra x Reader
Characters: Asra, Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 707
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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Series masterlist
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He's a part of Aiga but he absolutely hates it there.
He's a free spirit and that place has way too many strict rules.
So he gets in trouble a lot.
Especially since his parents were also free spirits and raised him as such.
It's a shame they weren't here anymore. Things were much better with them around...
His favorite time of day is when he doesn't have classes cuz then he gets to roam the grounds however he wants.
Yeah it's a limited space with fences keeping anyone from leaving but it's better then nothing.
He was out exploring the grounds one night, laying on the grass underneath a tree near the fence, watching the stars shine as he dreamed of a different world. One that wasn't so strict, one where he could be himself, one where-
His train of thought is interrupted as a backpack floats past him and gets caught on the top of the fence.
He's eyes widen, shining with interest. The backpack was floating! But that was impossible! Unless-
The fence rattles as a person climbs up it, except they were upside down!
Asra can't stop staring as this strange person continues climbing, before he can think he blurts out
"You're an invert!" His voice was full of awe. He's heard of people who's gravity was reversed but he's never seen one before.
That startles you out of your concentration, nearly causing you to fall. You blink as you slowly registered who had spoken.
Panic consumes you try to quickly climb back the way you came but in your hurry your grip slipped, causing you to fall.
A scream ripped through the otherwise quiet night as you fell.
Luckily though two arms grabbed yours, stopping your deadly descent.
You froze, trapped by the gaze of your savior. He had the most gorgeous purple eyes that almost appeared to glow in the faint light. His white hair was a stark contrast to the surrounding darkness, wild curls freely exploring every direction they could.
His was also frozen in place, the sky and stars underneath you made you appear angelic. The exact opposite of what Aiga said inverted were.
As his mind drifted so did his grip, you screamed again as you felt yourself falling. He snapped out of it and quickly tightened his grip. You also grabbed onto his arms, making sure you wouldn't slip again.
Asra smiled reassuringly at you. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall."
"T-Thank you." You stuttered. Asra noticed you kept glancing down fearfully.
"I'll take you somewhere safe." He started to walk down the hill. Your inverted gravity mixed with his normal gravity made walking awkward.
In his attempt to adjust to it he missed a rock in his path. He tripped over it, falling down the hill. You yelped as you felt yourself falling again, grabbing tightly onto the stranger helping you.
Asra's eyes screwed shut as he braced for impact. When it never came, he quickly opened them back up.
His eyes widened, you both were flying! More accurately you were both falling slowly down the hill due to the combination of your gravity. But it felt just like flying!
He let out a happy laugh, enjoying the wind whipping around him. You joined in his laughter, amazed by the sights around you. There wasn't sky or grass where you lived, only rocks and metal.
But the beauty of this new world paled in comparison to the person above you. He was strange, able to walk through this world with no fear of falling. But he was also kind. He held onto you tightly, making sure you didn't fall to your doom.
Before you knew it he was back on the ground, leading you into a small shed.
A relieved sigh left your mouth as your feet finally touched solid ground again.
Asra watched you explore the strange upside down building, wonder shining in your eyes as you finally had the chance to take in the strange world you were now in.
Asra didn't know anything about you. He didn't know your name, where you lived, what you were like. But he did know one thing.
No matter what happens, he'll never let you fall.
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Watch Patema Inverted 👁️👄👁️
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Series masterlist
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On Seeing, A Journal. #277 Above and Beyond, Matthew Carter. October 23rd, 2018
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I feel safe in saying that all of the viewers of this journal have read the work of my latest “Above and Beyond” subject. Matthew Carter is not a writer, however; he is a type designer who is without a doubt the most famous creator of print and digital fonts in the world of modern media.
Honored with a MacArthur “genius” Award in 2010, Carter has designed dozens of type faces that are by now ubiquitous. In fact, a 2005 New Yorker profile described him as “the most widely read man in the world,” considering the amount of text set in his commonly used fonts.
Most readers, myself included, tend to take typefaces for granted. Until we have to make choices. A magazine editor friend of mine told me that when he was starting a new magazine and his art director announced that he had to choose the type, he spent the next several days studying fonts and falling in love with one after the other. I have had the same experience choosing type for my books. The emotional response to how letters are formed may be subtle, but it is undeniable.
Among the most utilized of Carter’s many typefaces are the classic web fonts Verdana and Georgia, and the Windows interface font,Tahoma. His other well known designs include Bell Centennial, which he developed initially to be legible in telephone directories, even when printed on flimsy paper at small sizes.
Carter has won numerous awards for his contributions to typography and design, including a Doctorate of Humane Letters from the Art Institute of Boston, an AIGA medal in 1995, the TDC Medal from the Type Directors Club in 1997, and the 2005 SOTA (The Society of Typographic Aficionados) Typography Award. A retrospective of his work, "Typographically Speaking, The Art of Matthew Carter," was exhibited at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in December 2002.
Besides Carter's commercially released fonts, many of his designs have been privately commissioned for companies for their own use. These include work for Le Monde, the New York Times, Time, The Washington Post, the Boston Globe, Wired, and Newsweek.
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HS: How do you design a new font?
MC: I always start with the same sequence of letters. Always do the lower case before the capitals. I generally start with the lower case “h,” followed by “o,” followed by “p.”
The reason being, “h” is a straight-sided letter, more or less, with a descending stroke and also an x-height stroke. “o” is round, of course. “p” is sort of half of one and half of the other, and it has a descending stroke. So I’ve got a lot of the metrics in just those three letters. It’s like a sort of DNA.
I can look at those together, how they relate. Very basic things, does it have serifs or is it sans serif, what’s the thick/thin ratio, all those things can be studied just with those three basic letters.
If you’ve got an h, you’ve got a lot of information about m and n and u. If you’ve got a p, you’ve got b, d, q and so on.  So, you can extrapolate from one form and build more from that.
After h-o-p, I probably do an oblique letter like v, because that’s another condition. I tend to work a lot on a small subset of the alphabet. Maybe half a dozen letters. And it’s only when you’re fairly confident about them—their forms and their spacing—that you do start to build it out.
A lot of people think that you start with the most interesting letters. The Baskerville G has a gap in the bottom loop, so it’s easy to identify.
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Or my Miller Banner Italic Q which has a nice curly tail.
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But those are the last letters I do. They’re capricious. They don’t tell you anything about other letters.  
People say what a difference the computer made to type design. Well, it’s true, but the real difference was the coming of the laser printer. As soon as possible I like to print a text. I have one or two kind of funny texts that only use about 12 letters of the alphabet. But I can print those out and get a much better sense of the texture of what a font is going to be.
I tell students that the most important period in the development of a new typeface occurs between when you first think it’s finished, and when it’s actually finished. Because you can see a proof, and you can say, that looks pretty good. I can read it. But at the same time, if you’re honest with yourself, you say, I’m not quite sure this is right. What happens if I change this, or I change that? No, that makes it worse. So you make changes to see what happens…and so on.
You go through a period that requires a lot of patience and perseverance, where you are really sort of testing yourself, to see whether this really is finished. And there is a point where you have to satisfy yourself that this thing is as good as it can be.
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HS: What are the emotional factors deciding between something simple as serif versus non-serif?
MC: This is a question a lot of people have studied: The emotional content of typefaces. I’m hopeless at this. I don’t see it. People get an emotional investment in typefaces. Maybe only at a subliminal level, but they do.
If somebody said to me, we want you to design a typeface that would be very welcomed by…I don't know, teenage girls, or 80-year-old men, I wouldn’t know what to do. I very rarely have subjective feelings about a typeface… this is a great typeface, or a terrible typeface, and so on. Because for me, it’s all dependent on what it was supposed to do, and does it do it.
And you know, type designers, we’re at the bottom of the food chain. We’re hostages to typographers, to graphic designers, art directors, everyone up the ladder. And we can’t police that; we can’t pick up a book and say, oh, you know, this is set in Times Roman, it should have been set in Baskerville. Go change it. You can’t police the use of typefaces. Not in the retail market.
So, the only thing I can say is, where my own work is concerned, it’s very nice when you see one of your faces used well. It’s gratifying.
But it’s also very interesting to see it misused. Because sometimes you learn things. You learn more from seeing a typeface of your own in a situation that you would never have anticipated, never would have used yourself.
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I had asked Matthew Carter to send me a number of his fonts.   He generously obliged. I put them to “work” creating his portraits.
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megantodd2415-blog · 5 years
Project 4: Research
-Co-Art Director of Harpers Bazaar in the 60s
-Art director of the NYT Magazine beginning in 1974
-Vanity Fair reinvention in the 1984; Living record of the HOllywood obsessed go-go 80s
-1983: revamped house & garden
-Rock n Roll Flair
-“Showed us how magazines, at their best, are a vital visual record, a time stamp for an entire age”
-“Magazines give you an idea of what it was like to be alive at a certain time”-Ansel
-Work with the best people+white space+ let it happen
-Grew up in the bronx
-Loved movies
-Graduated from Alfred University in Western NY with a BFA in ceramic design
-Began at Columbia records under Bob Cato
-Married to Bob Gill; Who introduced her to “NY Design Mafia”: George Lois, Robert Brownjohn, Saul Bass, and Ivan Chermayeff
-Travelled Europe after marriage to Bob Gill
-1961: moved to NY to work with Henry Wolf at Harpers Bazaar; Got hired by Marvin Israel even though she had NO experience; No cliches to unlearn; Taught herself to develop a critical eye, “to be curious seven days a week”
-“Magazines were the closest thing I could find to films”
-“Child of the moment”
-Must be brilliant and be able to execute the brilliant
-Became co-art director with bea feitler after Israel was fired; She was in her 20s; Helped to forge a revolutionary new direction for harper bazarr; Conceptual photography + pop art + street fashion + rock music + film
-In motion, dark, intelligent, introverted, beautiful
-1990s: formed her own studio and designed monographs and began a highly productive collaboration with Tim Walker
-Design wall graphics in 2012 for a London exhibition organied around the publication of Storyteller
-Simple design; Effortless
-Four rules: Provoke something new, Inform yourself and be sensitive to the culture around you, bring it into your work (Constantly be changing and evolving), Entertain your audience (Juxtaposition), Inspire others and get out of the way
-1960s: Harper's bazaar co-art director (1963); 1965 Iconic cover of Jean Shrimpton
-1970s: NYT (1974), House & Garden (1983), Vanity Fair (1984 as Art Director), & Vogue art director
-1957: began working under Bob Cato at Columbia Records
-1992 opened her own design studio where she still creates today: Dark Odyssey by Phillip Jones Griffiths, The Sixties by Richard Avedon, Women & the white oak dance project by annie leibovitz, Ad campaigns for versace, club monaco, and karl lagerfeld, Jerry schatzberg photography book, Elsa peretti the life and and work
-In 2009 she presented her work at moderna museet in stockholm sweden
-Hall of Femmes: Ruth Ansel
-2011 received art directors club hall of fame award
-Art directors club: gold medal for design in 1970
-AIGA Medalist in 2016
-Design award for continuing excellence in publication design by the society of publication
-Art director, designer, and lecturer
-Created the film titles for the cult film: My dinner with andre
-Designed alice and wonderland, the end of the game by peter beard, dark odyssey by philip jones griffiths, the sixties by richard avedon, women and the white oak dance project by annie leibovitz, monograph for taschen by peter beard, ad campaigns for versace, club monaco, and karl lagerfeld, monograph of the work by Denis Piel for Rizzoli
-One of the first females to hold art director positions
-Private (purposely publishes fake emails so people can’t reach her)
-Lives in Manhattan's upper west side; Black clothes, mary janes, a big orange watch, and a turquoise ring
-Pop art, street fashion, rock & roll music & film
-Born in the bronx in the 30s, her father was in the china import business and her mom ran a small lingerie shop
-Always interested in movies and art; BFFs with Nina castelli, daughter of leo castelli and ileana sonnabend; Spent summer in East Hamptons where she got to see William de kooning paint his woman series, meet jackson pollock and larry rivers at dinners, saw her first ballet, robert rauschenberg and Picasso exhibitions
-Earned a bachelor of fine arts in ceramic design from alfred university
-Briefly married and moved to France to look for adventure, but after 8 months she ran out of money; Never felt that she was taken seriously
-Movies as an escape; Narrative, visual, invention, entering other peoples lives and words
-“Responding to what’s going on out there”
-Magazine: entertainment + information + inspiration; Lucky to begin at a great magazine; Harpers bazarr best accident to happen in her life; Drawn to the cultural magazine
-Must be curious and have curiosity
-Learn by watching
-Influenced mostly by picasso and Matisse; Imitations - but never near there talent; Genius; Brilliance
-Great work of art: moving
-April 1965 Avedon up and pop issue - avedon guest edited - influential issue of its time, exploration of the moon; Understood what was happening socially in the world; First woman astronaut
-Do your work and you move on, you do what’s important to you; There are always great women artists and designers, that fall through the cracks the higher up they go
-NYT: wanted to respond to what was going on in the world, better care about things other than art; Also admired the NYT; Women treated shabbily - women subjects; Sexual harassment - continued with her work
-Telling stories through pictures
-Fired from harpers bazar
-“Not taking a risk would lead me to a safe place that would hold fewer creative challenges. And pretty soon you’re repeating yourself, and you’re no good at all”
-“Find out who you ar. Hold on to your passions and dig deep while trusting your instincts. Step outside of what is expected. Embrace accidents and know that eventually you will discover the perfect solution to a creative dilemma and be very joyous while doing it. Understanding the changing dynamics of what’s happening the world today allows you to dare”
-“Who dares wins!” - Zaha Hadid
-Gives back
-“On a short list of the strong, incomparable art directors” with whom Avedon worked with
-Your perceptions grow and change throughout time; So does culture
-“There are bridges between art and design”
-Continuity, love of craft and invention, privilege of collaborating
-“What a graphic designer does, is not so great historically”; “What I do becomes an instant part of the popular culture and my working language can influence if not direct, for better or worse the contemporary visual landscape”; “You see the moment more clearly, and change is what you reflect, but if the design team is strong, then the image can become the content itself, it tells the story”
-Believes in the image desperately
-Continuously develop a style and modify an image; Which is likely never how you pictured it
-Design Philosophy?; None; I just indicate a sense of direction and believe in my team and trust them, I just guide
-Eclectic: fascinated with everything
-Magpie Aesthetic
-Critical Eye is important
-Must demand the highest level of artistry
-Simple design that appears effortless
-Incredibly influenced by the movies
-Never did a magazine twice
-Magazines: tell stories; Great magazines appeal to your imagination and transport you; Reinvent yourself; To be like the people on the pages or be apart of the beautiful world
-“Magazines are the mirrors of social history”
-“Without the basis of loving what you’re doing, you aren’t going to get too far”
-Provoke, Inform, entertain, inspire; Above all else; Foundation
-“What can we do that reflects what’s happening in the time we’re in”
-Illusion: there is no reality, it is our projection of reality
-Thinking outside the box
-Lasting design
-Breaking rules
-Women focused, but not looking down on them, for smart women
-“A photograph is mutable, it’s changeable… we live, we die, it is about remembering, it’s about being here, it’s about marking our existence”
-“Bring those moments into view for readers”
-Big advocate of how things were done in the past, layouts done by hand, reshoots
-Advocate of women
-Tried to make the covers of NYT Magazine as posters
-A key figure in shaping magazine design as we know it
-“Photography is a metaphor for all our experiences, and in the hands of passionate individuals, it can heighten them. The photograph is history”
Most memorable pages at Harper Bazaar
-Space Girl
-Out of this world
-Mercury rising
-King of cool  
-Having A Ball
-Fashion Flasher
-Team Spirit
-Power Stripes
-Going Dotty
-Married, divorced, went to europe, failed to create film titles and ran out of money, then moved home and worked for magazines, because why not
-Landed at bazaar by calling them and asking for a job - cold called
-New editor=fired
-“I hate deadlines and I am lazy”
-“I had to be tuned in to what was going on. I was hardly ever turned down”
-“Books, fashion campaigns, identities, branding”
-“A magazine is supposed to reflect, like a mirror, the time we live in, and if it’s a good magazine, it reflects it provocatively. That’s what we did.”
-“I’ve always been more interested in attracting attention to the page than bringing attention to myself”
-Began at harpers bazaar in 1961
-Inspired by coworkers marvin israel, dick avedon, diana vreeland
-“Touched by brilliance”
-Girls given the chance because it was a girls magazine
-Speaking about the NYT: “Personalizing the story was the key, for me… You want to create impact with an image. My goal was always to exist subliminally, so that the reader would think, “this is a great photograph””
-“The important ingredients are the right editor, the right idea, and the right team at the right time”
-“It’s all fiction in one form or another”
-One of the most important female voices in the graphic and product design industry
-Clean and modern work
-Modern and elegant, approachable to youth
-Empowerment women at the decade
-Being the first women and creating the stories she did
-“Used art, photojournalism, and graphic design as tools to open doors and to break with the standards that were established”
-“Jean shrimpton that came to the planet’s rescue, in a metaphor to empower women as a reckoned force in the sixties
-Woman: “in motion, a dark, intelligent, introverted, beautiful woman”
-Attention to detail and hand on approach
-Special energy
-“Designing a magazine is a little like designing a face. No two faces are alike but each has the same essential structure- two eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Each magazine, even each advertising campaign, pretty much has the same ingredients. Whether it’s fashion, beauty and accessories, or home, architecture and lifestyle, what you must do is constantly rearrange and reinvent the relationships, pay attention to the content and context, pay attention to the time you live in, pay attention to what is newly creative and who is creating it. If you do that it will work and live on as good design”
-You want to do things that haven’t been done before, that are out there, that might not be accepted
-Figured she would find a man and get married
-Wanted to work at the most sophisticated fashion magazine at the time
-Paris > NY was a major shift (avant garde > NY)
-Image was king (Harpers) > Word was King (NYT)
-Wasn’t treated as an equal, no woman was
-Right photographer is the key
-Must be of your time to capture what’s going on
-Looking for an education
-“Went where my instincts led me”
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ashleeswebster · 7 years
Typography Research
Began when scrolls were still used in libraries
Man created standard woodcut letters to stamp - originally hard to read when used for body text due to complexity of letterform
Used Roman letterform - as carved into marble and stone
Began with only Serif typefaces with three subcategories - old style, traditional, and modern
Eventually, Sans Serif developed and subcategories developed, including Geometric Sans [futura], Humanist Sans [Gill Sans]
Terrence Weinzierl (typographer)
Works for Monotype on typeface design and lettering.
Typefaces he has released include Joanna Sans Novo and Kairos. Typeface revivals he has released include Romany, JMC Engraver, and Feldman Engraver. All three of these are decorative, display typefaces. Joanna Sans Novo is the only typeface in the Eric Gill series that wasn’t initially designed by Gill. It is a Humanist Sans Serif typeface based on Joanna by Eric Gill. Features include a larger than usual X height for higher legibility, although it can still be used easily for body text. 
Type Designer working with Monotype
dedicated to designing typefaces, lettering, and typography since 2008
worked on fonts for Monotype, Microsoft, Google, Barnes & Noble, and Domino's
“I use capital Rs a lot because they have straight, round, and diagonal features. It contains a lot of design DNA, just like the lowercase a and g. I always draw an easy one too, like an H or n when deciding on proportions and stroke contrast.” http://adcglobal.org/terrance-weinzierl-clean-cut-in-control/
Weinzierl’s modular multi-layered Pizza Press typeface for Domino’s won a Certificate of Excellence in Typeface Design from the Type Directors Club in 2014 Joanna Sans, designed by Weinzierl as part of the Eric Gill Series release, was chosen by Barnes & Noble for inclusion in its Nook GlowLight ebook reader A regular speaker at events, Weinzierl has addressed audiences at conferences including TypeCon, AIGA and the Game Developers Conference
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lewiskdavid90 · 8 years
50% off #Creating a Responsive HTML Email – $10
Create attractive, responsive, HTML Emails, that work in over 30 combinations of the most commonly used email clients.
All Levels,  – 1.5 hours,  34 lectures 
Average rating 4.3/5 (4.3 (133 ratings) Instead of using a simple lifetime average, Udemy calculates a course’s star rating by considering a number of different factors such as the number of ratings, the age of ratings, and the likelihood of fraudulent ratings.)
Course requirements:
A modern web browser, capable or viewing responsive design An HTML/code editor (free or commercial) Willingness to do some coding A little bit of patience
Course description:
Did you know that over 46% of email is now read on mobile devices?
Designing HTML email can be quite challenging, considering the limited capabilities of many email clients (readers). In contrast, most new email readers supports many of the latest trends in web design. What to do?
Enter Responsive HTML Email. This course will show you how to design and construct an HTML email design that will render properly in such email readers and Outlook 2003 and Gmail, all the way through modern Android, Apple, and Windows phones. We will also explore online tools and services that will help you test your campaigns. Learn what is possible with HTML email.
Running Time: 88 minutes
Full details Learn to create an HTML Email layout compatible with a wide range of email clients Discover techniques to design elements that will “gracefully degrade” in older email clients without loosing the design integrity Add CSS to your HTML Email to take advantage of newer email clients and varying screen sizes Designers, marketers, or anyone tasked with creating HTML Emails across a range of screens and devices.
“just repeting the code he is typing, he doesn’t explain why he is doing a lot of stuff. Definetly, not a good teacher !” (Mr Bruno TALOUARN)
“Chris is very easy to understand and he explains the concepts very clearly. I have plenty of experience with modern web design but HTML email design is very different because it hearkens back to principles used in web design before I started diving into it.” (Adam Lane)
“The course is very clear and explains the base of everything so you can truly learn, not just imitate. However it goes to fast. Nevertheless I still think that will not damage the fact it is really a good course. Maybe in the future just make it a bit slower and with some light background music.” (Estela Gaspar)
  About Instructor:
Chris Converse
Chris has over 22 years experience in graphic design and interactive media, with a unique focus on both design and development. Chris possesses development skills across such languages as HTML, CSS, JavaScript (including jQuery and AngularJS), and PHP, making his design execution optimal across various media. In addition to designing and teaching online, Chris speaks at number of industry-related conferences, including HOW Design, Adobe MAX, Adobe ADIM, AIGA, and the Creative Publishing Network.
Instructor Other Courses:
Creating a Calculation Tool with AngularJS 1.x Chris Converse, Designer and Developer at Codify Design Studio (19) $10 $20 Creating a Responsive Web Design Creating a Quiz with AngularJS 1.x …………………………………………………………… Chris Converse coupons Development course coupon Udemy Development course coupon Web Development course coupon Udemy Web Development course coupon Creating a Responsive HTML Email Creating a Responsive HTML Email course coupon Creating a Responsive HTML Email coupon coupons
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Worlds Collide - Muriel headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship: Muriel x Reader
Characters: Muriel, Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 694
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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Being a part of Aiga wasn't a choice for him.
He hated the place and everything it stood for.
But the one person he cared about was there, so he had no choice but to stay.
That doesn't stop him from wandering the grounds at night. Especially along the fence, where he could stare past the metal barrier and imagine how different life could be.
He was lost deep in his thoughts when you came climbing down the fence.
He didn't notice you, but you certainly noticed the mountain of a man looming in front of you.
You stayed still, hoping he wouldn't see you. Once you realized he wasn't paying attention you started to slowly climb back the way you came.
Your foot got stuck in the fence so you gently tugged it but it didn't budge.
A harder tug was a mistake. Sending you off balance and causing your grip to filter. You started to fall before you quickly grabbed the fence. Which unfortunately resulted in making enough noise to alert the man.
Green eyes snapped to yours, both of you frozen, unsure what move to make.
You start to panic, fearing for your life.
In your hysteria you don't feel your grip loosen until you're free falling into the dark void of the sky.
You're jolted as a large hand grabs you, breaking your fall.
In blind panic you grab a fistful of his black hair and pull as hard as you can
"Let me go!"
"No, you'll fall…"
His voice is gravely and deep, but it's somehow still very soft.
You let go of his hair, avoiding making eye contact.
"Oh, sorry…um thanks for saving me."
He avoids looking at you too, only acknowledging your words with a small nod.
You both stand there awkwardly for a few minutes, unsure of what to say. His strong grip holds you steady, but you still clung tightly to him just in case.
Finally you broke the silence.
“Can you please put me down now?”
Muriel blinked, realizing he had been holding you for quite some time now. His face burned red as he helped you back onto the fence.
You thanked him but hesitated to leave. You really wanted to see more of this flipped world.
“Hey um, Mr. Mountain...could you possibly help me? I want to explore this world but uh everything’s upside down. Could you help me not fall? If you don’t want to that's okay! I-”
“You’ll help?”
“Thank you so much!”
He didn’t know why he had agreed to help you. He tended to avoid people whenever he could.
Maybe it was because you reminded him of himself. So different and out of place from your surroundings.
Maybe it's because he’d feel bad if he let you fall to your death. You were obviously going to explore with or without his help. He figured helping would be the option that let him sleep peacefully at night.
He held out his large hands, securing them around your arms. His weight easily stopped the both of you from falling into the sky.
You looked so small in comparison to him and the endless sky underneath you.
There was fear in your eyes, but also trust. He was taken back by that. He was a stranger, how could you trust him so much? His grip was the only thing between you and certain death.
He averted his gaze, too afraid to dive deeper into that.
Instead he walked around the grounds, showing you what he could without getting close enough to alert any guards to the invert he was holding.
Slowly, he started to look at you more, taking in your appearance and how different your clothes were from his.
He also took in your expression. There was still an underlay of fear, but it was taken over by awe and wonder. You were fascinated with this world, it was the opposite of yours.
As he watched you he was surprised by the warmth he felt in his chest.
Muriel didn’t know when he started to care about you, but he knew he’d do anything to protect you.
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Watch Patema Inverted 👁️👄👁️
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Worlds Collide - Lucio headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship:  Lucio x Reader
Characters: Lucio, Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 437
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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Aiga loved Lucio. His parents were in charge, so everyone respected and feared him.
They all were forced to do whatever he wanted, too afraid of what would happen to them if they didn’t.
Essentially he was a brat.
An extremely powerful brat that no one could defy. 
Which is why he was roaming the grounds at night.
Technically you weren’t supposed to, especially near the fence. But he enjoyed the fact that no one could tell him no.
As he walked, a person came crawling up the fence. Upside down.
He stopped, never having seen an invert before but he’s certainly heard a lot about them.
Before you noticed him he grabbed your arms, ripping you off the fence and dangling you above the endless sky with a loose grip.
“Look what trash I found.” He snarled.
You screamed but he tsked.
“Stop screaming or I’ll drop you right here and now.”
You quickly shut your mouth.
He observed you, other than being upside down you looked normal. Not at all like the filthy sinners he’s parents described them as.”
“Why are you here?” He questioned. You didn’t answer, still staring in shock at the upside down person standing before you.
Lucio smirked “Like what you see?”
“You’re upside down!”
Lucio pouted. You should be impressed by his looks, not his gravity.
“Says the one I’m stopping from falling into the sky.”
You laughed “Well, you got me there!”
He stared at you, confusion painting his features. You shouldn’t be nice or cute or making jokes, you’re an invert. You should be a terrible person. Someone so bad that the earth itself is trying to get rid of you by making you fall into the sky.
Lucio’s entire world is being turned upside down, thankfully not literally.
Without a word he walked off, dragging you with him.
“Wait! Stop! Where are you taking me?”
He didn’t answer, mind racing as he rethought everything he’s been told.
If his parents were wrong about inverts...what else were they wrong about?
He took you to a shed where you could stand properly, which you thanked him for. Relieved to be able to stand properly again.
After some silence he started asking you about your world, your life, anything he could ask about.
You said you’d answer any of his questions if he’d answer yours.
It was a deal.
As the two of you talked he discovered how shockingly similar inverts were to the people of his world.
The only real difference was which way their gravity was...
Lucio realized in shock, he had been very wrong about inverts.
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Watch Patema Inverted 👁️👄👁️
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Worlds Collide - Julian headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship:  Julian x Reader
Characters: Julian, Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 718
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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Julian was an outlier in Aiga.
He enjoyed dancing while everyone else read books. He wanted to see what was beyond the fence while everyone else wanted to stay where they were.
He was just too rowdy compared to the others.
Sure that got him in quite a large amount of trouble but he was a slippery man and was always able to get away with less severe punishments.
Tonight he was going to possibly get in the worst trouble yet. He was going to explore beyond the fence.
He stole a backpack full of supplies and was staring down what looked to be a bottomless pit. He swallowed nervously, one wrong step or hand hold and he would fall to his death.
That risk wasn't enough to stop him though. With one last look around to make sure no one was about to witness his departure, he descended.
As he climbed his full concentration was on making sure he was careful, so he didn't notice you as you came falling up the tunnel towards him.
You slammed into him, knocking the breath out of him as the both of you shoot up towards the sky. You desperately clanged to the lanky man as he just stared at you with wide eyes.
Slowly the two of you began falling back down. He started to scream before noticing the two of you weren't following at the correct speed. It was slowed down, which was impossible. Unless…
As you descended into the depths you came to rest on a ledge, standing perfectly upright as he desperately clung to you.
He finally snapped out of his shock.
"You're upside down!"
You laughed at him.
"You're the one on the ceiling!"
"Oh...I suppose you're right about that."
You finally got a chance to look at the man holding onto you for dear life. His Auburn hair was unruly and covered one of his eyes. The one visible was a lovely shade of grey.
As you admired him he did the same to you. His face became quite red from being stared at for so long by such an attractive person. He cleared his throat.
"So um...come here often?"
You laughed
"I live here."
"Oh uh yeah... that- um- makes sense."
From there you two talked about what led to you meeting and discovering each other's worlds.
You both wanted to explore the unknowns of your worlds. Unfortunately you had accidentally fallen on your climb down, but luckily Julian had been there to break your fall and save you from an untimely demise.
You thanked him for that while he just blushed and brushed it off saying it was no problem.
Then a promise was made, you would show him your world if he showed you his.
So as you walked around your city he clung to you. He stared in awe at this new world. You told him all about the people and how the world worked there, about your childhood and life. He listened, hanging onto every word.
The people of your city were curious about the upside down man. Everyone watched you walk by. Some kids were even being bold enough to approach and ask the man why he was on the ceiling.
He simply smiled and explained it to them. Telling stories about how different his world was as well.
You quickly noticed Julian was great with not just stories, but people as well. As he talked more people began to gather. First more kids, but then slowly people of all ages were gathering around.
You watched in awe along with the crowd as he recounted his tales. Now you really couldn't wait to see and explore his world.
After a while the stories ended and with them the crowd.
By the time you finished showing him your world the both of you were exhausted.
You both agreed to get some rest and go explore his world after some much needed shut eye.
You took him back to your house. He pulled out some blankets and a sleeping mat from his backpack and set up a makeshift bed on your ceiling above you.
You both bid each other good night.
As he fell asleep he decided that exploring the unknown was the best decision he's ever made.
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Watch Patema Inverted 👁️👄👁️
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Worlds Collide - Portia headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, F/F, Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship:  Portia x Reader
Characters: Portia, Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 584
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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Portia was many things. Adventurous, mischievous, unique. She was everything Aiga hated.
And so she decided to leave the place behind for good.
Though the only other place there was to go was over the cliffs.
They were blocked by a fence but barriers had never stopped her before.
So she packed any supplies she could get her hands on and sneaked out under the cover of darkness.
Her climb was difficult, every step careful as she tried her best not to fall.
She didn’t make it far before something hit her, knocking her off the cliff’s rocky wall.
She screamed in horror, in response someone else screamed and latched onto her. Startled she lashed out, trying to push whatever it was off of her.
You were drowning in a sea of orange while you plummeted to your death.
Not a good combination.
You quickly freed yourself, noticing who the curly mess of hair belonged to. A stunning woman with vibrant blue eyes.
Her face was twisted in terror and with a start you realized the situation. You both were falling. Or more accurately, you were going up. The opposite of a few moments ago when you were falling to your doom. The woman you were clinging to was the one falling. Your eyes widened, she was upside down!
Luckily the opposite gravity evened things out, causing you to fall at a slower rate. You pointed that out to the screaming woman.
“It’s okay! We’re not gonna die! Look!”
Somehow you managed to convince the frightened redhead to open her eyes. They widened in shock and amazement. It felt like she was flying!
You in the beautiful sight of her excited laughter. Her curls framing her face like a beautiful fire.
You were so distracted you didn’t notice the walkway quickly approaching.
Ow!” You grabbed your head.
“Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” The woman moved her hands to your head, gently rubbing and trying to soothe the pain.
It certainly helped. And her hands felt very nice...your face burned red.
“Ah thank you, I’m fine!” You pointedly turn away from her and grab the walkway, pulling yourself up along with her. You stood upright now while she was the one clinging to you.
You smiled reassuringly at her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall!”
She smiled back. “Thank you!”
You took her with you to your city. She was shocked to view an entire world from upside down. It was strange but it was so cool!
You showed her around, introducing her to anyone curious enough to approach, telling her stories from your childhood.
Even though she stuck out like a sore thumb in the flipper world, she loved it there!
It was definitely better than where she had come from…
And you were there too! An amazing person that was kind enough to introduce her to your world!
Eventually though, you started talking about your interest in her world.
How you were going to explore it when you had accidentally fallen and crashed into her.
It was very lucky for both of them that they decided to adventure into the unknown at the same time!
You started asking questions about her world and life, which she happily answered. Loving the look of wonder on your face.
Her own turned nearly as fiery as her hair as you smiled at her.
Portia hated the thought of returning to her world, but she wouldn't mind temporarily going back just for you.
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Worlds Collide - Nadia headcanons
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, F/F, Multi, Other
Fandoms: The Arcana & Patema Inverted
Relationship:  Nadia x Reader
Characters: Nadia Reader, You, The Apprentice
Additional Tags: Patema Inverted AU, inverted gravity, headcanons, Headcanon, AU, Alternate Universe, Reader-Insert, Reader Insert, x Reader, First Meetings, gender neutral reader, no specific pronouns used for the reader, Female Reader, male reader, invert, invert reader, inverted reader
Words: 593
You live underground in a world made of metal, but things change when you fall into a world of grass and skies where everything is upside down. Luckily for you though, there's someone to help you from falling into the sky.
I recently watched Patema Inverted cuz a friend recommended it and omg it's so freaking good!!! Y'all should really watch it, it's amazing!!!
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She's a pretty proper woman, but even Aiga is too proper for her.
There's no room for individuality, everything and everyone is the same.
And it's boring.
But every time she tries to be different she gets in trouble.
And so she eventually just stopped trying.
Until one night, when she's taking a walk through the land surrounding the school.
It was peaceful at night. With no one around criticizing her every move it almost felt like an entirely different world.
Her peace was shattered though, as a person screamed
"You're upside down!" You shouted, clinging desperately to the fence. Your grip being the only thing keeping you from certain doom.
Her eyes widened comically large. In front of her was someone climbing the fence, upside down.
"You're mistaken. You're the one that's upside down." She pointed out.
You just ignored that. "Please help me!" Your hands were getting sweaty, making it harder to hold on.
She hesitated a moment too long. Your hands slipped, sending you falling.
Nadia reacted quickly though, jumping to grab your hands. But despite her gravity you kept falling.
Nadia watched in awe as the world she knew started to drift away. Aiga looked so tiny from within the clouds.
As you started to fall you screamed, before quickly remembering your backpack. You shook it off, letting it fall into the sky.
The loss of weight caused you both to float back down. As you descended you finally got a good look at the woman that helped you.
She was gorgeous, with bright red eyes and pink hair that faded to purple. What was truly stunning was her look of awe as she observed the sky.
As her feet touched the ground she turned to you. Upon being caught staring, your face went red and you averted your eyes, staring anywhere but at her.
She smiled softly. "Let's take you somewhere you can properly stand."
As she walked you held as hard as you could to her arms and she held you just as tight.
You approached a small shed and she helped you inside. You sat down, exhausted from holding on for dear life.
Nadia just watched you. Curiosity shining in her eyes.
You were unlike anyone she's ever met before. You could defy the strict laws of gravity. You were amazing.
As the night went on the two of you grew closer. You talked and learned about each other's worlds.
You told her about your world of rocks and metal. A place so far underground you could never see the sky.
She told you about her world, a place that was beautiful yet so cruel to anything that didn't fit their mold.
For the first time since her family died she talked about the stress she was constantly under, how unhappy she was with her life, how she longed to be allowed to be herself.
It became apparent very quickly how you both didn't belong in either of your worlds. You both wanted to explore and be free, but with the way things were it was practically impossible.
The both of you were still awake when the sun started to raise over the horizon. Though neither of you cared as you were too invested in each other"s stories and words.
As you told her a story from your childhood, the rising sun illuminated you from behind, making you appear even more out of this world. As she watched and listened, Nadia realized something very important.
Aiga was wrong. There was nothing bad about being different.
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Watch Patema Inverted 👁️👄👁️
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sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
Hello, this is my other blog where I will be writing (oneshots and headcanons) as well as reblogging things and talking about Beyblade Burst characters because people don’t talk about them enough.
Also in all x reader fics the reader will be about the same age as the character. Unless specified, you kinda get to choose the age your both at. So... this will be fun.
Also favorite characters are Aiger (Aiga), Hyde (Hartz), and Gwynn!
Other blogs: Main (multifandom) BNHA (students/heroes) BNHA (villains)  Transformers Prime
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