#aiger x reader
lyx-writes · 1 year
Hello!!(⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Is it possible if you can do Aiger Akabane beyblade burst surge x Fem!reader where he meets the reader and he reliazed that she's fubuki's sister even though no one knew he had a sister expect Shu.
oh, my apologies for not noticing this sooner!
I’m pretty busy as of now, but I’m not confident in writing for Aiger… hell, not sure if I’m too good with beyblade characters at all anymore, so I might get rid of that soon… but once I can, I’ll definitely try! Though, I can’t promise it’ll be out anytime soon…
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sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
Launch - Aiger x reader
Word count: 1,265 Warnings: None A/N: I wrote this in November 2019 and finished it in one day. This is personally one of my favorite beyblade fanfics I’ve written.
"3," you got into position.
"2," your stance felt just right.
"1," your muscles tensed in anticipation of the next series of movements.
"Let it RIP!" Pulling the ripcord while simultaneously performing your signature moves, the bey launched out of your launcher with top speed. A satisfying jerk was felt from the power of the launch, pushing your hand back slightly.
It circled the arena in a graceful and precise motion. A trail of light emitted from where the top traveled, creating a perfect circle before fading. This was one of your best launches yet.
"Yes!" You pumped a fist into the air at your victory. The spiraling bey was as smooth as ever, as if being propelled on a track.
Then you looked around, no one saw. It was the morning and you were using a stadium in the park that was typically unused. The excitement from a perfect launch faded quickly as staring at the spinning, unopposed bey got boring. You slouched at the realization.
"Man, this is no fun with no one else," you pouted. There wasn't really much point in a perfect launch unless there was someone to blade against. Aiger Akabane, a loud, maroon haired boy, was supposed to meet you to practice blading against each other.
"Speaking of him, where is that doofus?" you mumbled while looking in the direction of the Beigoma Academy farm where Aiger had his tent set up.
Shrugging, you swiped your bey out of the stadium while it was still in motion and jogged to where you expected Aiger to still be. Running up the hill out of the park was tiring. Guess he was making you get in your exercise. The morning air cooled your lungs. Aiger was typically good for his word when it came to training together, which meant he was most likely still sleeping. You and his sister, Naru, had to wake him up several times for important events.
Once you reached the fencing, you placed on hand on the wood fence to vault yourself over it and onto the soft grass. The sheep in the field merely gave you a look, then continued on their munching. Leaping over to the orange tent, you gave a soft knock, although it emitted no sound.
"Aiger, are you in there?" you sweetly asked.
A snore erupted  from inside the clothed shelter.
"AIGER!" That probably meant he was still sleeping and that it was safe to open up the tent.
A zip cut through the regular noise of sheep as you opened the top part of the tent's opening.
Aiger was still in his white and red beyblade pajamas. He had somehow managed to wiggle out of his sleeping bag, sprawled out with a drop of drool hanging out of his mouth. On the left side was Ranjiro, who also was out of his sleeping bag. There was quite a number of green and yellow lollipops strewn on the floor beside him.
You would have thought Aiger looked cute like that if you were not focused on having a battle.
"Aiger, wake up!" You preferred to not have to go inside to shake him awake. That would be an invasion of privacy in your opinion.
This time, he began to stir. Groaning, he started to sit up and rub his eyes.
Ranjiro woke too. "What's up?" His voice was tired.
"Just getting Aiger for the practice he promised me yesterday."
The small boy suddenly appeared wide awake and his eyebrows widened. "Oh yeah! That's right!" He sprung out of the tent. "What are we waiting for?!"
"Uh, Aiger, you're still in your PJs," you said.
"Oh, right!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
You swore that kid did not have any other volume level.
 "3, 2, 1, let it rip!" Both beys flew out of the launchers. Your launch wasn't nearly as perfect that time, however it was still impressive.
It was just you and Aiger, having fun training together. Ranjiro had to go meet with the Wild Bey Gang, meaning he couldn't come just yet. Although, you didn't mind at all. One on one training was always fun.
"Go straight in!" You shouted as Aiger took the middle.
They collided heavily, but as your bey rolled off of his, Achilles simply re-centered himself. Wobbling ever so slightly before steadying himself like nothing happened.
"I see you went for the middle unlike your usual technique," you teased, only looking to him for a second then concentrating on the battle again.
"Just trying a new style," he laughed with his hands on his sides in a prideful pose.
"Well, you won't last much longer," you said. You launched a barrage of attacks, that hit Achilles from all sides.
It came out of the middle and started spinning around the stadium, but with less speed then your bey. This was your chance, you thought with a smile. Making your bey swerve, it slammed into Achilles from the side, sending it flying.
"Yes!" you cheered, expecting Achilles to soar over the edge of the stadium, hit the ground, and for you to be the victor.
Then, an unexpected event occurred. Achilles hit the top edge and managed to launch itself back into the arena, heading straight toward your bey.
A red aura former around Aiger. His blue hair tie broke, causing his hair to lift upward and turn red from the resonance while making a motion cutting downwards. "Z breaker!"
It seemed to be slow motion as the red bey slammed into yours with an incredible force. It was amazing how sturdy beys were. Yours began to fly upwards and, before leaving the stadium, burst into three pieces. You gasped as they fell with three clangs and Achilles spinning, progressing back into the middle.
"Aw," you sank to the ground. "How is your resonance so strong?" You reached into the bowl-shaped dip and gather the parts. Picking up your towel, you wiped the sweat off your forehead.
"Hey, you gave me a good fight. Besides, I'm way too awesome for you to beat me." He smiled teasingly.
You threw your towel at him with a smile. It hit him in the face and took him a few seconds to process. After he did realize what happened, he threw it back at you. Standing, you repeated the motion and the soft cloth landed back on him.
"Well, I'm keeping this now." Aiger ripped a handful of grass out of the earth and tossed it at you.
"Hey! Give that back." You copied his action, although, admittedly, very few blades of grass actually hit him. The whole time you were giggling.
Getting closer for better aim, you tossed another handful at him. He began to bend over to get more grass. You decided to stop him by tackling him. Both he and you tumbled over each other until stopping side by side next to a tree. The two of you landed on the dirt, loudly snorting at the situation.
On your backs and arms and legs stretched in an x. His left arm lay on top of your right. As the excitement faded, you both took deep breaths and stared at the clear sky, only disrupted by a handful of clouds. You were incredibly happy, enjoying his presence. Just being around him seemed to make your day and improve your mood. It felt so nice, with... a slightly strange feeling in your chest you couldn't identify. Nevertheless, it felt perfect and that was all you could think about while staring off into the sky.
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sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
According to Plan - Suoh x yandere reader
Word count:3,293 Warnings: yandere, slight described gore, attempted murder A/n: I enjoyed writing this. It’s a perspective that I haven’t seen a lot in x readers. Fun fact: I finished this on Bakugou’s birthday (2020). Reader is the same age as Suoh
The salty sea air filled your nose. The light breeze ruffled your hair. You were on a boat in the middle of the sea alright. The Battleship Cruise to be precise.
Like the Wild Bey Gang and Naru, you had stowed away on the ship. Only the bladers invited and the ship crew were allowed, but you knew you had to go. Unlike the others, you weren't there for Aiger or Ranjiro, you were there for Suoh. You knew him from Beigoma academy, though you hardly ever talked to him. You could never find the courage, yet you knew you wanted to be close to him and be with him. It may sound silly that you liked him that much, and never talked to him, you even admitted that to yourself. The reason was that you were worried of accidentally ruining your chances with him, or getting a rude comment. If he decided to talk to you himself, you'd handle it a lot better. Though, it seemed like that wouldn't be happening any time soon.
Even if you didn't talk to him at all, you still wanted to be around him. It made you happy and your heart beat faster from simply seeing him. Who knows, maybe if you were around him long enough, he'd end up falling for you. Even if it was small feelings, it'd still be something.
Currently you were wandering around the ship just for fun. You had nothing better to do. There was a perpetual smile present on your face as your arms swung freely by your side. You bounced on your feet as if springs were installed in them. Simply being on a cruise ship radiated a joyous, carefree feeling.
The wind floated into your ear with a sound that brought you out of your obvious, blissful daydream like flicking off a television. It sounded like someone said Suoh's name. It could have very well been the wind, simply playing tricks on you and taking advantage of your tied up heart. However, you wanted to investigate, just in case and to satisfy your curiosity.
You listened intently, your ears trained for any sort of sound that could be words. As you approached, you began to pick up a conversation. The voice sounded familiar, yet you couldn't place who's voice it was. You bit your lip in frustration and paid attention.
"... That day, y'know, the one when you strutted into the Wild Bey Gang like a boss."
Who was that? 
Judging by her mentioning the Bey Gang, it might have been Gumita. You came to a stop at a corner, the one that covered the entrance into the ship. Upon looking, you immediately saw that it was Gumita talking to Suoh on the starboard side of the boat, opposite of your side.
What. The. Heck. Was. She. Wearing? Instead of her usual loose, pink, jumpsuit, she had a white, flowy sundress with a large brimmed hat. She looked like someone out of an old, summer romance movie. Where did she even get it? You would have thought she'd never want to be caught in an outfit like that. Was there a store on the ship she bought it from or something?
Anyway, that's why her voice sounded familiar. But why was she talking like that? She never sounded like that before? Why did this sound like a scene from a sappy romance? And what kind of bull dung was she feeding Suoh?
From where you were, you could see there was a pink blush covering her cheeks. You had to strain to hear. "You remember? I was the one who called your victory. What a special day."
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the corner. What she said wasn’t so bad, aside from the end, but the way she said it was so sappy. It all seemed so fake. It made you want to barf.
"My heart was, like, totally racing. Has anyone ever told you that you're super strong? I even thought so the other day." She smiled up at him.
Your jaw clamped up, causing your teeth to grind, as your nostrils flared up. It was a good thing your fury resulted in you stiffening like a statue rather than running up and strangling her. Was that liar trying to take your boy? Then again, you had already guessed as much with everything else. He doesn’t care about your heart, he doesn’t want it! Besides, wasn’t it incredibly obvious that he was strong, probably the strongest on that boat?
Suoh's mouth opened slightly as he let out a sound of surprise with his eyebrows raised. It wasn’t a look you liked when he was looking at another girl. Don't tell me, he's falling for this sappy syrup-covered trash! You're mind yelled out so loud you dug your teeth into the inside of your lip.
She noticed him looking at her, now having his undivided attention. She immediately panicked, waving her arms around like a chicken and squawking before turning around and covering her face with her hat. You inwardly rolled your eyes, since you found yourself unable to look away, at her over dramatic actions. Normally you didn't have a problem with Gumita, but right now she was ticking you off. Like every annoying, irritating thing you’d ever experienced had just re-entered your life and was mocking you. That's how it felt. It was torture.
You strained to hear more, when a high pitch, friendly voice said, “Hey, (Y/n!”
Whipping around as if you had just been caught doing a crime, you spotted a little blue haired girl waving to you. It was Naru. You took a deep breath and calmed yourself. This sweet girl, who did nothing wrong, didn't deserve to see your fury.
You plastered a sweet, convincing smile on your face and paced to where Naru was. You pushed the previous dark aura aside to act like everything was cheerful and right with the world. You wanted to do anything but walk away. The farther you got, the less you were able to hear. Though it would seem suspicious if she noticed you were spying from the corner or if she walked over to see you were staring at them and somehow sense the circulating ideas in your mind. You stopped in front of her, maintaining the sweet face though inside you were cringing that you could only hear snippets of the other conversation, and that was if you strained.
"Were you doing something?" she stared up with such happy innocence that it almost calmed your silent rage. ... Almost.
"No, not really." Faking a smile with the same expression Suoh might have had in that situation.
"... be cheering for you..." you caught Gumita saying within the short moment of silence between you and Naru. What was happening?! Did she confess her love to him and they're dating now and she's saying she'll support him?!! That &%R%^*!
"Boat Mom wanted to show you how to make tonight's meal. She said it was a little harder than the other ones." She turned and headed for the entrance to the boat, expecting you to follow.
"Of course." You're choice of words was much more polite than usual. Perhaps it was you subconsciously hiding the emotions hiding underneath.
You strained to hear one last time. It would probably only make you even more angry, yet  your curiosity created this constricting desire to have as much information as you could about this.
"Do you mind if I ask a favor?" His voice sounded so nice, like silk woven from honey, the kind that would make you melt. But it angered you he was talking to another girl in that gentle voice.
Unfortunately, you had to leave. You followed step by step while a strange, dark serpent wrapped itself around your heart and mind. The events replayed in your head like a broken record. It stayed the only focus in your mind, even on basic facts that didn't need to be thought about for longer than a second. You tasted blood. A cut was left in your lip from biting it and a stream of sweet and an iron taste, with an unmistakable lingering flavor was flowing out of it.
"You're being quiet," Naru noted as she skipped through the corridor.
You smiled and shrugged. No one plots a murder out loud.
 A knife was firmly in your hand. You stood by the counter, carving meat for dinner. You weren't exactly sure where everyone else was. Boat Mom was getting something she needed to prepare the meal, if you remembered correctly. You were partly still out of it, one foot in reality and the other in your thoughts. What happened earlier stayed singed in your head.
The door clicked open and pulled you back to the present.
Looking over, you spotted it was Gumita. She just quietly stepped in. She only glanced at you.
"Hey," she said in a monotone voice and waved.
"Hi." You put a quick grin on your face and waved back, only at the last second remembering to use the other hand that didn't have the knife.
She began to quietly do her own thing to complete the jobs Boat Mom gave her. Putting on an apron, she walked to the back room and turned around the corner. You tightened your grip on the knife. It was only you and her in there.
Unable to push away the impulse, you silently followed her with the blade still in hand. Even if she saw you, the beauty of being a kitchen is that no one questions when you have a knife. She never noticed you. She bent down to open a door beneath the counter to pull out a pot. The magnetic force drew you closer. A few steps away from her, your hand began to flinch up. Your subconscious plotted what you would do next as you followed the unknown instructions in a daze.
Thankfully, thinking ahead stopped you before you could make a horrible mistake or even look suspicious. There was a clear flaw in disposing of the fake now. If you got rid of her here, you would have nowhere to hide the body, and no way to get rid of it without getting caught. The one thought of putting her in the trash chute crossed your mind, but that wouldn't work. Someone would find it, and they would file an investigation and there was a large chance you would be caught. You had to make her disappear, without any evidence of a murder.
You spun on your heels and went back to the meat. At that moment was when Naru and Boat Mom came in. It was very fortunate you thought before you acted. Now, the thoughts flooding your mind were now tedious plans on how to end this nightmare.
 It was hard to believe that you had planned and gathered everything you needed in only a day. It was strangely satisfying to have created such a perfect and thought-out plan, someone may have called you a psychopath. But thankfully, it was such a good plan, that it was sure to succeed without anyone ever knowing. You're cautious nature would only add to the probability of success.
You had everyone's typical schedule written and a blue print of the ship. You knew just about where everyone would be and the best places to get rid of her. You were wearing dark clothing. In your bag that you had prepared, you had a knife, latex gloves, napkins, and wet wipes. Everything was prepared.
You picked up the bag and set off to complete this mission. You made your way out of the interior and onto the walkway of the deck, a prefect view of the ocean to your right. Just as you predicted, you saw Gumita and silently followed a few yards behind her. You waited for the time she could be in the ideal area to take her out.
The plan was reviewed in detail within your mind as you followed her in secret. You would put on the gloves so fingerprints wouldn’t get on the knife and to not get blood on your hands. That way you could quickly take them off and not have visible stains on your hands while you tried to find a sink. Then you would get right behind her while cover her mouth with one hand and used that arm to pull her close to you and hold her there. That way you could keep her from screaming and increase the chance of you stabbing into the right place with the right amount of force. You would stab into the solar plexus, the weak point in middle area right below the ribs, and stab up to try to hit one of the lungs. You would have preferred to just jab right into the heart, but you probably didn’t have the strength to force the blade through her chest without hitting a rib. It would also give her an opening to get away. At least by aiming for the area below you would get her to lose a lot of blood and possibly hit a vital organ.
You had to do all of that within a very short amount of time. There would probably be a few extra stabs and you would pay attention to how easy it was to hold her up to get an idea if she was weakening or not. Once you believed she was weakened or injured enough you would attempt to pick her up and toss her over the side. This would be somewhat difficult to do without her seeing you. You planned to just heave her up and over the edge with her back facing you. The dark clothes you were wearing would make any blood that got onto you, before or during this step, less noticeable.
You didn’t want her to know it was you, so she couldn’t tell on you if she somehow did live. Plus, there was something about the thought of her scared expression when she realized it was you, or the thought of her even knowing it was you, that sent a sense of dread though you. Maybe it was because she considered you a friend.
Hopefully she wouldn’t hit the side of the ship and make a red spot. And hopefully she didn’t spin too much on the way down, either that or her vision would be too blurred to tell it was you. After that, she would hit the water and die from drowning or blood loss as the boat unintentionally left her behind. Then you would wrap the knife in napkins it wouldn't get blood everywhere in the bag, clean up any extra mess with a wet wipe, and go to a bathroom to clean yourself and the knife off. Then the last bit would be to return the knife, change your clothes, and wash the dirtied ones.
Because of when this would happen, it would be hours before anyone started looking for her, and even longer until anyone realized she was nowhere with the size of the ship. It was possible that whatever-that-wild-bey-gang-boy’s-name-was would look for her sooner than you anticipated, but that wouldn’t matter. Even if someone somehow found her body, the water would probably have mangled and distorted her body in a way that it would be hard to tell she was stabbed.
You smiled at how well thought through this was. It hadn’t even happened yet, yet you could picture it. Your heart did somersaults at the anticipation and fear of it going wrong. Planning and acting it out was very different.
She was about to turn around the corner and was almost in the perfect spot. You began to open your bag and pull out the gloves to put them on. Your hands twitched like your body was struggling to reject or override your brain’s commands, as if it thought the whole scheme was wrong.
At that moment, before you had even finished putting the gloves on, you felt someone presence approaching.
“Suoh!” You jumped and immediately straightened, like it would somehow improve his opinion of you. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Good afternoon, (Y/n). Just taking a stroll.” His magical, smooth voice drifted into your ears.
“Me too.”
You looked in front of you and saw Gumita turning around the corner and out of view.
“Gumita…” for whatever reason, you felt the need to comment on her, “she’s…”
“Annoying,” Suoh filled in.
Your eyes immediately turned to him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. You almost laughed at how blunt and brutally honest he was. “Yes,” you blurted out without a single thought.
This reaction got a similar expression out of Suoh, caught between shock and amusement. He actually stopped walking and stood in his place. This was reasonable since he had never heard you say anything bad of anyone before and he knew you were friends with her. A grin grew on his face at this agreement.
“She and I had an interesting conversation yesterday,” he began.
“Really?” you pretended to not know. Your stomach tied into knots at the fear of his next sentence being about getting together with her. Some of the concern accidentally crept into your voice which made you mentally kick yourself. You looked back to the corner. Gumita was probably far from the optimal killing point by now.
“She acted as though she had feelings for me.”
“And what did you say?” you asked sadly.
“I told her to stay away from me.” He let out a small chuckle. “I don’t think she’ll ever try something like that again.”
“Really?” you laughed. You clapped your hands together with a huge smile spread on your face. A great wave of euphoria washed over you. It took a large of effort to not jump around and whoop in joy. “That is great! What did she say?”
Your response and joy at this action seemed to please him. His smile grew and you felt you could feel his opinion of you rise. “To say the least, she didn’t seem very please. She got loud. It was clear she was faking it.”
“Oh my gosh. Serves her right if she was. She’s normally smart, but she was dumb to think that a genius like you wouldn’t see through that,” you continued laughing. This new fondness only improved your mood. “But why would she do that in the first place, she’s usually very sensible,” you wondered out loud.
“I believe it was to convince me to train with Ranjiro Kiyama for the battle we were assigned to team up in. Though there’s no need to train when you’re the best. If anything, he would only get in the way."
“That’s the truth.”
He smiled more at your words. You noticed that he was now facing you and giving you his complete attention.
“But that was the worst plan ever,” you continued. “Then again, it sounds like her to risk even her dignity for Cap’n.”
The corners of his mouth turned upwards and he seemed very close to laughing. “I know. It is quite humorous.”
At this point you completely forgotten about your bag. You couldn’t ask for anything more than this. To be talking with him and bonding like this. You were really glad that you ran into him and had this talk before you accidentally killed someone innocent, who wasn’t preventing you from getting Suoh at all. The current moment was perfect. You were almost certain that this talk was the beginning of a good friendship and you couldn’t wait for every conversation and moment with him after.
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sunshineandbeyblade · 4 years
Hello, this is my other blog where I will be writing (oneshots and headcanons) as well as reblogging things and talking about Beyblade Burst characters because people don’t talk about them enough.
Also in all x reader fics the reader will be about the same age as the character. Unless specified, you kinda get to choose the age your both at. So... this will be fun.
Also favorite characters are Aiger (Aiga), Hyde (Hartz), and Gwynn!
Other blogs: Main (multifandom) BNHA (students/heroes) BNHA (villains)  Transformers Prime
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