#airlock's FE sorter adventures
airlock · 5 years
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what? no, don’t give the stone to her, give it to me
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airlock · 5 years
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I’m not biased, you’re biased
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airlock · 5 years
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this decision will drastically change the course of the story.
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airlock · 5 years
well, that top 3 makes no secret of what to expect from the headliners, but still, let’s have a look at my full list, eh?
#1 Claude
#2 Lysithea
#3 Hilda
#4 Lorenz, Ignatz
#6 Leonie, Marianne
#8 Seteth
#9 Flayn
#10 Alois
#11 Dimitri
#12 Ferdinand
#13 Sothis
#14 Dorothea
#15 Ashe
#16 Ingrid
#17 Annette
#18 Petra
#19 Manuela, Catherine
#21 Edelgard, Dedue
#23 Hubert
#24 Bernadetta
#25 Shamir
#26 Hanneman
#27 Rhea
#28 Felix
#29 Caspar
#30 Linhardt
#31 Raphael, Cyril, Gilbert
#34 Mercedes
#35 Sylvain
#36 Byleth
#37 Thales
#38 Solon
#39 Kronya
#40 Jeritza
I was thinking that doing this might get me a sharper sense of Proper Faves off this game when I basically love all the cast almost equally, but I feel like no progress was made on that front. like, I was trying very very hard to avoid ties, and you can see there have been very few, but maybe it’d have been more honest if I’d actually let the indecisive dice fall where they were meant to! who would’ve thunk?
so yeah, as seems to be par for the course with my final lists, take these rankings with a grain of salt; there’s usually less of a sheer preference across any two rankings, if we’re not talking a massive difference like, say, Byleth to the top 10
of course, though, you can take the rankings of Such Individuals Who Carry Themselves Through Motions Most Resemblant Of A Snake’s Crawling Within The Confines Of A Low-Lighting Environment for what they are exactly-
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airlock · 5 years
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oh my god. we killed ferdie
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airlock · 5 years
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speaking of fights that are just an at least once-weekly event,
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airlock · 5 years
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god man, I was wondering if the sorter’s pool was even going to potentially be able to acommodate kinslaying this time around, but there it is without any sort of a wait
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airlock · 5 years
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a contest against the voice in your head... so, like, a tuesday-
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airlock · 5 years
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there might be some of those ghoooooooospffffhahaha
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airlock · 5 years
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gronder field liked this post
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airlock · 5 years
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airlock · 7 years
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dem hasn’t played FE8... guess she’s just gonna miss out on tonight’s kinslaying!
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airlock · 7 years
so, 2k17 is about to end and there’s one (1) FE continuity for which I haven’t done the sorter
not on my selectively tidy ass’s watch! sorter party tonight for magvel.
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airlock · 7 years
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you implying something, sorter?
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airlock · 7 years
the final sorter adventure thus draws to a close! although I’ve been thinking on whether I can maybe string up some random rolls myself in order to try at determining the favorites among the favorites... still, what a furiously stressful exercise that’d be, huh? maybe I should really just start remembering that tier-based favorite lists are the superior approach to this kind of stuff from now on
ahem, anyways! the results for Magvel sorting lie below the cut
#1: Eirika, Forde, L’Arachel
#4: Tana
#5: Joshua, Knoll
#7: Tethys
#8: Duessel, Ephraim
#10: Cormag, Glen
#12: Gerik
#13: Ewan
#14: Garcia
#15: Myrrh
#16: Innes
#17: Caellach
#18: Lyon
#19: Natasha, Selena
#21: Orson
#22: Gilliam
#23: Artur
#24: Amelia, Saleh
#26: Valter
#27: Hayden
#28: Moulder
#29: Franz
#30: Lute
#31: Kyle, Marisa
#33: Ismaire
#34: Rennac
#35: Syrene
#36: Dozla, Neimi
#38: Seth
#39: Ross
#40: Riev
#41: Fado
#42: Colm
a truly pervasive sense that I got here is... that I really need to get around to those FE8 support rereads, because damn, there’s quite a few characters for whom I can barely remember any of the characterization!
(not that this necessarily changes much for... those of my least favorites who people usually like, I guess; I’m probably not going to start liking Lute or Marisa more soon, for example)
magvel is also surprisingly consistent with the villains here -- only Riev really hit the bottom echelons of the list. for this exercise, I’ve been very consciously making the effort to keep a clear distinction between how much a villain entertains or interests me vs. how much I’d like to meet people like them; for example, Orson is right there on the middle of the list -- he’s not a better person than most anyone he’s beating, but man, his depravity is just amazing to watch. it’s not for no reason that we made memes out of it.
(still, Caellach ultimately took the cake here out of the bad guys -- he’s, how to even put it... like a significantly more grounded Ashnard who’s still in the blood pact making process? I think I’m a lot more interested in it than most of the fandom appears to be I guess)
... hey, I only just noticed Vanessa hasn’t showed up at all! man, the sorter was serious about accidentally considering her a tellius character, huh?
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airlock · 7 years
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these two battles happened one directly after the other and I’m going to throw things at the wall
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