ajsmiiles · 11 months
Mind Your Own Business Legacy Challenge
Love making simoleons? Want more of a challenge hitting the motherlode? Like the sound of kaching? Do you want to play with parts of the game you haven’t touched in a while? This business legacy challenge is just for you!
I present to you the Mind Your Own Business Legacy Challenge, a ten-generation legacy that revolves around being an entrepreneur.
Basic Rules:
Heirs are NOT allowed to join any career paths through the “Find Job” option. Must make money through other means.
Spouses are allowed part-time jobs, but the main focus must be to help with the business when applicable.
Must begin legacy with initial starting funds only. Money cheats can NOT be used in this challenge. Rags to Riches rules are allowed if you choose.
Can live in any lot and any world you please.
Every generation must complete their aspirations, max out specified skills and all rules listed.
Normal lifespan is encouraged but not necessary.
Each generation is represented by a color, this is optional but can add to the fun!
This challenge does use a good amount of pack, but I wanted to make a challenge with aspects of the game I haven’t played with fully or in a long time. The packs included are Get to Work, Spa Day, Dine Out, City Living, Cats & Dogs, Jungle Adventure, Get Famous, Eco Lifestyle, and Horse Ranch. Feel free to adjust the challenge to suit the packs you have.
Generation One: Music Master (Blue) – Base Game
Since you were a child, you knew music was in your bones. Unfortunately, the gloom hovers like a rain cloud, making it difficult to write your own music. Collecting figurines helps but nothing beats the support of true friends.
Traits: Music Lover, Gloomy, Loyal
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Business: Licensing Music
License 5 songs
Complete Musical Genius Aspiration
Master 3 musical skills
Become good friends with five people (full green bars)
Complete MySims trophies collection
Generation Two: Retail Ruler (Red) – Get to Work
You and your childhood friend have always dreamed of owning your own retail store. Although you and your friend parted ways due to them accusing you of stealing their favorite toy and pulling too many pranks, as an adult, you decide to go forward and open your own retail store.
Traits: Ambitious, Childish, Kleptomaniac
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Business: Retail Store – Can sell any item you choose
Open a retail store
Complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration.
Master the charisma and mischief skills
Steal from ten homes
Generation Three: Muscle Masseur (Yellow) – Spa Day
Raised in a stressful household, you decide to focus your life on peace and better living. This has shown to be quite difficult as everything seems to get under your skin. Yet you decide to devote your life to self-care and hope to share coping skills with the world.
Traits: Good, High Maintenance, Vegetarian
Aspiration: Self-Care Specialist
Business: Spa
Live in a small minimalist home (tiny home)
Complete the Self-Care Specialist
Master the wellness, fitness, and logic skills
Collect all base game crystals
Generation Four: Culinary Champion (Pink) – Dine Out
Food is your life, and nothing beats sharing it with your friends. It isn’t until you become an adult that you realize that your true calling is to share your amazing recipes with the community. With each platter, you bring people together. Plus, we all know that the best way into a person’s heart is their stomach.
Traits: Foodie, Flirty, Outgoing
Aspiration: Soulmate
Business: Restaurant
Open a restaurant (any style of your choice)
Master cooking and gourmet cooking skills
Complete the Soulmate Aspiration
Marry a glutton sim
Generation Five: Knick Knacks Keeper (Black) – City Living
You move into an apartment to start a new life. You are determined to make money selling your “valuable” collectables. Your keen eye to beautify helps you find the best collectables. Due to your focus on your work, you don’t see a future with a family in your life... at least not on purpose.
Traits: Art Lover, Geek, Hates Children
Aspiration: City Native
Business: Yard Sell
Complete City Native aspiration
Never get married
“Accidently” become pregnant
Only have one child
Complete snow globe collection and the posters collection
Generation Six: Critter Clinician (Purple) – Cats & Dogs
Since you were a kid, you always wanted a pet, but were never allowed. Now, you want to care for as many animals as possible. Also, since you grew up in a quiet, empty, and loveless home, you dreamed of having a litter of your own one day with the most loving partner.
Traits: Family Oriented, Good, Cat/Dog Lover (choose cat OR dog, not both)
Aspiration: Friends of the Animals
Business: Veterinary
Run a vet clinic
Complete Friends of the Animals aspiration
Own at least one pet
Have three kids
Complete frog and feather collection
Generation Seven: Antique Advocate (Brown) – Jungle Adventure
Smothered by such a big family, you can’t wait to get out. The moment you age up to a young adult, you desire to explore the world, specifically the jungle. It isn’t until you become an adult that you decide it is time to settle down. You decide to set up shop and sell the amazing things you have collected on your travels.
Traits: Self-Assured, Loves Outdoors, Active (Adventurous if Snowy Escape is installed)
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Business: Treasure Selling
Complete Jungle Explorer aspiration
Master athletic and Selvadoradian culture skills
Sell treasure on selling table or retail shop
Get married as an adult to a Selvadoradian sim
Generation Eight: Media Manipulator (Orange) – Get Famous
You know you’re good at anything that you put your mind to. You decide to utilize your natural confidence to create something for this new age. You realize your tech skills are the perfect thing to help you get noticed. You quickly realize you love the limelight and the drama of being a celebrity. You will do anything to stay relevant.
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Goofball, Jealous
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
Business: Media Production
Master Media Production skill
Make money using either the Mix Master Music Station or More Views Video Station
Complete the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration
Leave a celebrity at the alter
Generation Nine: Eco Entrepreneur (Green) – Eco Lifestyle
You can make things out of nothing unless you drop them. Your hands are all the tools you need to create. You believe that life is too short and must be lived to the fullest. You never want to get tied down to a job, a partner, or even location. You want to be able to experience as much as you can while creating things you can share with the world.
Traits: Maker, Clumsy, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Master Maker
Business: Selling eco crafts
Master fabrication, juice fizzing skill and one additional craft skill of your choice
Complete Master Maker aspiration
Vote for Neighborhood Action Plan each week
 Have at least three different romantic relationships at the same time
Live in two different worlds
Generation Ten: Nectar Natural (White) – Horse Ranch
You love settling down at night with a good book and an excellent glass of nectar. You decide that the only way to do it right is if you do it yourself. You decide to make your own. Little did you realize that yours was obviously the best and decide to expand your business overseas.  You reach out to people far and wide to inform them of your great nectar.
Traits: Snob, Bookworm, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Expert Nectar Making
Business: Selling Nectar
Complete the Expert Nectar Making aspiration
Master Nectar making and gardening skill
Complete Postcards collection
Marry a Rancher sim
I hope you enjoy playing the challenge!
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