#aka forth tricks beam into talking about his feelings while eating
weilongfu · 5 years
Because 2Moons2 Ep 7 was pretty good and I loved @andwebegin‘s headcanon in the tags of this post.
Even if Pha and Kit called it “sulking” or “mood eating,” Beam was not going to deny himself the pleasure of a treat to break his mood.
And there was plenty to be moody over.
After that night and several days of chasing, Forth had suddenly vanished. At first, Beam had been pleased. Maybe his refusals had finally sunken in and Forth had given up. A week later, Beam had been snippy with Yo and Pha had nearly bitten his head off. 
“Don’t get fresh with my N’Yo,” Pha had said sternly before dragging Yo away. Beam’s phone had pinged with a message a moment later from Yo apologizing on Pha’s behalf.
Beam sighed as he pushed open the door to his favorite cafe. The cashier was all smiles, recognizing their infamous regular, and Beam fought with his cheek muscles to mimic the expression.
“Ah Moh Beam! Your order is ready,” the cashier said cheerfully as she set down a tray in front of him. His favorite kind of bitter iced americano, extra black, coupled with a very sweet and rich slice of chocolate and raspberry cake. The very comfort food Beam had been craving.
“But... I didn’t order this yet?” Beam looked around. “Is it someone else’s order? I can-”
“Not at all!” The tray was nudged in Beam’s direction. “It’s all been settled and paid for in your name!”
“I... Huh...” Beam tilted his head to the side for a moment. “Right. Thank you then.” With a slightly more genuine smile and nod of the head, Beam took his snack and wandered off to his favorite table with a window view of several trees.
He missed the man with a denim jacket and a smirk on his lips leaving shortly after.
A few days later, after a grueling exam, Beam found a convenience store bag tied to the side view window of his car. It was filled with his favorite snacks and a few bottles of fruit juice. Everything was still sealed and there was a tiny note that simply said, “Fighting!”
Beam couldn’t place the handwriting, but he took the snacks anyway. 
He didn’t notice the motorcycle driving off, even as the revving of the engine echoed around the parking lot.
At the end of two weeks of silence, Beam found Forth sitting quietly playing his video game where he had seen him do so last time. Beam sat next to Forth and before he could announce his presence, a bar of Beam’s favorite kind of chocolate was pressed into his hands. 
“You don’t look happy. Eat. You’ll feel better.”
Beam raised an eyebrow. “How do I look unhappy? You haven’t even looked at me once in two weeks.”
The corner of Forth’s lips ticked upwards just a bit more than usual. “That’s how I know you’re unhappy.”
“As if!” Beam put down the chocolate carefully. It was good chocolate after all. Why waste it? “Who would miss you?!”
“I wonder as well.” The other corner of Forth’s lips ticked up. 
“This means nothing,” Beam announced as he tore open the chocolate wrapper. Forth’s smug grin be damned. 
“Of course not.”
“I still think it was just a fling.”
“I’m not gonna date you.”
Forth put a box of rice cakes in front of Beam as he crumpled the chocolate wrapper. Beam automatically reached for it and tore it open. “Of course you won’t.” 
“You can’t fool me, Ai Forth!”
“I’d never try.” This time, Forth put a bag of skewers and sticky rice in front of Beam and it was also easily snatched up.
“I don’t even... I mean I can’t...” Beam paused mid bite of a skewer. “Do I really like men?”
“What’s so bad about it?” Forth looked up from his game before pushing a bottle of tea in front of Beam. “You know I’ve done it with guys and girls right?”
Beam rolled his eyes, already taking a swig from the bottle. Forth was practically glowing. “I don’t have anything against that! I just...”
A bag of chips was offered and torn open. “Just?”
“I’ve never really thought about it.” Beam played with the chip he had picked between his fingertips. “I didn’t think I’d ever...”
“So what? You’re allowed to change your preferences.” Forth moved to take a chip from the bag and Beam pulled it away before eating several in rapid succession while glaring at Forth. Forth took it all with style and grace by returning to his game. “You’re allowed to discover you like other things, you know.”
“Like other things, or like you?”
Beam rolled his eyes, but finally caught sight of all the food wrappers he’d gone through. “Shit! Ai Forth! Why did you let me eat so much junk! I’m gonna have to run at the gym forever!”
“I let you eat all that?”
“Oh... Well... Will you let me take responsibility?”
Forth leaned in and Beam found he didn’t want to lean away as badly as he thought he did. “I’ll take responsibility and help you burn it all off.”
Beam felt his face turn red. “You-”
“We’ll go to the gym. I’ve been helping Ming too,” Forth rambled on as he collected the mess and pulled Beam to his feet. “We’ll start easy with some push ups and squats and then...” 
Forth’s grip on Beam’s wrist was light, but warm and secure. And despite how silly it all was, Beam found he was happy where he was. Perhaps Forth was right. Discovering more about yourself wasn’t a bad thing at all.
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pastellhunny · 5 years
•Under the Red Sky•
Chapter 1. The Introduction
Alastor walked mindlessly down the side walk of a crimson world with an everlasting smile upon his lips. His golden yellow teeth sharp as razors always glaring at passerby's. With all the killing he could do Alastor found himself to be quite bored with things nothing that interesting has happened besides his normal day to day things like talking to Rosie and laughing about the other low life's flooding into hell. That's the thing though instead of evil and tormented petrified souls coming to the place they belong in they're getting fished out like side dishes at an all you can eat buffet. The yearly purge or "cleanse" as it's called due to overcrowding flushes out hundreds upon hundreds of demons every 666 days. Alastors smile stretched as he remembered that the all mighty god and his children orchestrate this event. "How pitiful" Alastor thought to himself. A God who destroys his own misbehaved children by having his well behaved children wipe them out of existence. Ironic maybe..
Alastors thoughts were interrupted by the sound of static and a female voice singing, an annoying sound to him at most, the tv static not the singing. Thanks to his "pal" Vox just hearing the incoherent noises a tv makes in it's void of connection makes him wretch. But still with a smile on his face he turned to the source. Almost instantly demons crowded around the class that guarded the tvs. A flicker of intrigue shined through the red demons florescent eyes as he looked on at the screens. A closer look was indeed needed as the princess of hell herself was beaming upon the screens. Alastor stepped forward his presence alone sent chills down the other demons spines as they swiftly moved away from the radio demon. On the screen the princess of hell seemed to have been promoting that new hotel that was built. yet she was singing about a "happy hotel?" Alastor laughed to himself, "What and absolute sham.." Yet Alastor couldn't shake the feeling of interest the young demoness sparked within him. He certainly couldn't resist after a quite hilarious fight broke out between the princess and one of the demon news reporters. "Oh what a nasty brawl wish i were there in person to see!" Alastor yet again laughed to himself, his mind was made up and his boredom seemed to be quenched, it had found its next source.
Charlie returned back to the hotel which in a sense was her home. Well especially since she lived there after all. After a sh!t show that was the news broadcasts only meant to promote he hotel she felt quite terrible. An overbearing feeling of dread filled her as she suspected her fathers words to be true. Vaggie and Angel were getting into it so charlie just slipped out the front door to make a quick call to her mother. Not that her mother would return it, it just felt nice to at least pretend like someone was listening to her.
Little did she know someone was listening to her. Alastor had arrived at just the right time to see a gleam of dispair shine through the usual happy and giddy princess. A side he figured lingered within her like everyone else but seeing a lady cry never made Alastor happy. Alastor stood proper and prim as he made his way over to the damsel in distress only to have her turn and shut the door on his nose as soon as he reached out to tap her on the shoulder.
Charlie walked back inside and closed the door but not a second later a knock came to the door with the sound of radio static outside. Charlie's eyes widened as she carefully reached for the and opened it to reveal a demon in a red suit and color scheme.
"Hell-" the door closed but charlie's opened it again to make sure what she saw was real.
"lo!-" she closed it again.
"Oh god." she said aloud to herself. She opened the door slowly this time and peered her head around it carefully.
"May i speak now?" the Radio demon said as his smile widened. His eyes lowered to her soft rosy cheeks. "what a sight" Alastor thought.
"Um you may but can i ask are you here to be redeemed?" Charlie asked with a glint of hope and a little smile on her face.
Alastor noticed this little smile it made his eyes soften for a moment before he went back to his usual demeanor. He opened the door with a burst of energy letting himself in. "HAHAHhaha, no ofcourse not my dear!"
Charlie was a bit bewildered, "Then why are you here? Please if you've come to mock me you can let yourself out i know you've probably seen the news anyway." Charlie said as she gestured towards the door with a bit of sadness in her voice.
"What? No ofcourse i don't want to mock you my dear! Why that show was quite entertaining and it's just what i was looking for!" Alastor beamed as he projected his voice enough for the other patrons, aka Angel and Vaggie, to hear.
"Oh yeah and what's that?" Charlie asked referring to what he was searching for.
"Why something to cure my boredom you devilish girl!~" Alastor said whilst spinning round charlie and ending with an arm around her shoulder and his face awfully close to hers
Charlie blushed at the sudden closeness and creeped her way back to her own little bubble. "So you're gonna help with the hotel just cause you're bored?"
"Precisely! Let's call this investment for my entertainment." Al said with a big showy smile on his face once again leaning down to meet charlie's gaze and popping her little personal bubble of space. "I want to watch the scum of the earth and all sinners alike climb the ladder of redemption only to fall back down in the firery pit of failure" Al finished with a red glow in his eyes along with an amused expression at the very thought of it.
"Um Yeah." Charlie brushes off nervously. Just then the other patrons, aka Vaggie and Angel come scurrying you're see who the new person was.
"Oh hey guys." Charlie said with a nervous smile as the tall red demon loomed over her and stared at the other patrons with a sickening smile.
"Oh charlie tell me you did not just make a deal with the radio demon!?" Vaggie blurred out as she drew her spear and pointed it at Al.
"No no relax Vaggie i didn't make any-"
"Unless you'd like to make a deal my dear!" Al quickly proposed as his brow furrowed and his smile widened.
"NO no no deals! Okay?" if charlie knew anything it was to not make any deals with a demon let alone the radio demon himself.
Angel piped in with a little giggle, "What? you scared of this guy. He looks like a strawberry pimp HA!"
Vaggie slapped Angel on one of his arms, "Show some respect he could kill us in the blink of an eye." she said quietly as she gritted her teeth.
A little rumble of static sifted its way through the air around Alastor not before stopping the moment Charlie turn to Al suspiciously.
"Okay so no deals but by the power and status invested in me i hear by ask you to stay and aid the hotel.. for as long as you'd like... and no tricks or voodoo magic or anything got it." Charlie finished as she eyed Alastor up and down.
"You have my word my dear." Al said with an unusually more sinister smile than before. Little did Charlie know his shadow had its claws crossed. Al stood confident as he forged an idea of what exactly he could obtain from this little adventure with the princess. His smile grew ever so widely, his pupils small he had somewhat of a deranged look in his eyes as he realized what he really wanted to do. He laughed to himself quietly as Vaggie and Charlie talked back and forth about their situation. "Those angels will get what they deserve and so will the big man upstairs." and with that thought Al stepped forward and swooped his arm around Charlie as he pulled her forward and away from Vaggie. "Now come my dear enough of this senseless bickering its time to do business!"
(So the rest just follows in suit to what happens in the pilot, like Alastor bringing Nifty and Husk into the whole ordeal.)(to note Charlie and Vaggie are not together in this au but still are really close friends)
A few weeks have passed since Alastor joined the gang. No other demon has showed up to the hotel other than to maybe throw food or make fun of the mere idea of the hotel. Funny thing is even if Alastor has no care for the cause he still scared the living daylights out of anyone trying to tarnesh the hotel and its name. On the outside could be mistaken for Alastors boredom getting the better of him, afterall demon hunting was a fun hobby of his. Yet perhaps it was something deeper than that that kept him around going out of his way to do things for the hotel. Besides what Alastor was plotting, the hotel was rather enjoyable especially when the princess would be around him. He did enjoy her company though and found himself to do things in her favor. Maybe just to please her to get closer to her and his goal or rather something else. Alastor shook away his thoughts when he saw the young princess scurrying around like a madman. "What is she up to?"
Al snuck up behind Charlie as she fumbled around with books looking to be some sort of old phone books.
"My dear may i ask what you're doing?" Alastor said whilst leaning over with a curious grin on his face.
Charlie jumped in surprise, "Oh god you scared me Al"
Al huh a new nickname for him but he didn't appose to the sudden change. He kinda liked how comfortable she was getting.
"I'm just uh sorting through some old phone books to see if i can rent out a place for the hotel" Charlie said as she flipped through pages.
"Space? Don't we have enough of that here! haha" Alastor joked while he spun and gestured to the wide open space of the main area.
"Yes but it's not preferable for dancing." Charlie laughed with a little smile.
A sudden radio blip crackled through Alastor.
Charlie thought to herself "Did that startled him?"
"Dancing? DANCING? Why my dear no need to waste money this room exact is perfect for a ball. Why i'll have this place ready in no time for you my dear-"
Charlie jumped up and put her arms on Als shoulder for just a second then retracted them a little out of fear but just to calm him down. "Hey, hey that's okay look i know we have plenty of room i just don't want the hotel trashed by people who don't even care about it."
Al noticed the sudden jerk of her arms when they retreated. Another blip cracked through him with a little static as he tilted his head to the side with a smile. For a moment Charlie mistook it for sadness in his smile but when she looked again it was gone and back to its normal sinister self.
Alastor hummed in response then took up a few books.
"Hey i need those?" Charlie said with a confused look on her face.
Angel who was passed out at the bar awoke to a giant book being slammed next to his face.
"AGHHHHHHH jeez what'd you do that for smiles?!" Angel cried as he jumped up from his nap.
"Hey you insulant porn star help Charlie look for a dance room or so help me." Alastor threatened as static loomed around him and radio cracks and blips seemed through but this was to no avail.
"Yes sir, i like it when you take charge~" Angel commented with a perverted joke as always and a wide smug smile present on his face.
Alastor pretended he didn't hear that and reluctantly went over to Vaggie. Him and Vaggie haven't gotten along in the slightest since his arrival at the hotel. He glared at her as he handed her the book, Vaggie sneered at him as she took the book from his grasp. And with that Al gave a book to both Husk and Nifty and had the whole hotel staff searching for a place.
part 2 part 3
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innerkonics · 7 years
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Request: I would like to have a scenario for WINNER SONG MINO He is mad at his gf and she tries to make it up for him in many ways (fluff/romance)
Genre: The tiniest bit of angst ever and fluff at the end
Word Count: 1638
“Okay...I’ll talk to you later th...” The sound of a hung-up phone rang abruptly in your ear. “Hello?” You spoke into the phone, knowing full well that your boyfriend was no longer there. You huffed and aggressively slammed your phone down beside you and threw your body back on your bed, crossing your arms and sulking like a child who didn’t get what she wanted. Mino had been annoyed with you for what seemed like a week but was actually only four days. You had been being extra sweet to him, texting him and asking him how he is and he’s been giving you the most irritating one worded answers ever. How many times would you have to say sorry for him to get over it? So, you’d done something he warned you not too, you wouldn’t have done it if you knew that this is how he would react. You would have preferred if he just ignored you instead of treating you like some kind of acquaintance. You played with your nails as you thought about what you could do to get everything back to normal again. All you wanted to do was cuddle him and kiss him and tell him that you love him, but he had just hung up on you so there was no chance of that happening any time soon. You almost gasped when your brain began to work. Of course! Why didn’t you think of this before? There was no way he wouldn’t forgive you after this.
 The Next Morning
Mino: Thanks.
You: Do you like them? It took me sooooo long to find them, and that one was literally the last one.
Mino: Yeah. 
“REALLY?!” You shouted, the fury in your voice filling your empty apartment. Mino had wanted these stupid shoes - that you didn’t even particularly like - for the longest time and continuously complained how he could never find them and you finally found them and paid extra for next day delivery (and they were already so expensive) and all he could say was...thanks? THANKS? No phone call? No “I love you”? NO EMOJI’S?! You felt like going off on him but you knew that there was no point because he’d just ignore you. You let out an incoherent whine and huffed. “What do I have to do?” You mumbled, throwing your phone on the couch and stomping over to the kitchen. You found yourself bringing out the flour, sugar and eggs without even thinking. Desperate times calls for desperate measures aka food.
Later That Evening
You rang the doorbell once only, not doing your signature knock. You didn’t feel like it, and frankly you couldn’t. You had literally spent your whole day making food, enough to feed a village. You had made Mino cookies, cakes, brownies EVEN SUSHI. Your arms were dying as you waited for someone to open the door. Finally, the door swung open, you were greeted by a frowning Mino who probably saw you through the peep whole. You smiled sweetly, despite your tiredness and said a small “surprise!”. He looked at your face, and then your hands which were caring bags of food. He was completely expressionless. He moved to the side, allowing you to walk in and to the kitchen, disappointed by his reaction. 
“What are doing here?” He asked, coming into the kitchen and watching you empty out the bags of treats. 
“I made you food...” you pouted, not being able to help how down you were feeling. He looked at you with the most empty eyes ever and it just made you feel absolutely worthless. He nodded and went to get a glass of water, 
“thanks” he mumbled, barely even looking at you. You felt the tears brimming at your eyes as you scrunched up the plastic bags to try and calm yourself down. Was this how he was going to act forever? You had no idea what you were going to do. You bit your lip as he drank his water and you stood there awkwardly. 
“Aren’t you going to eat any?” You spoke, while playing with your fingers, not wanting to see what kind of depth-less expression he’d give you next.
“I’m not hungry.” He answered and began making his way to his room. You huffed, 
“Are you really still mad at me? I’m sorry! What else can I do? I made you sushi! SUSHI!” You spoke in your complaining tone, and watched how he stopped in his tracks, but did not turn around. “I said I’m sorry but you just keep on ignoring me and all of my efforts. Just tell me what to do instead...or shout at me...or do anything else. Please just stop acting like this.” You felt a single tear trickle down your face like a rain drop and you hastily wiped it away. Mino knew that you would be crying from the sound of your voice and spun around just as you wiped the tear from your cheek. He beamed widely as you ducked your head to avoid his gaze. Did you seriously just see him smile? You suddenly felt his presence beside you, and heard the click of a container opening. You looked up and saw him pick up and brownie and put in his mouth. His eyes over dramatically lit up and he looked at, 
“WOW! Jagiya! These are so good! Did you seriously make these?” He opened the next container hastily and bit into one of the cookies, gasping. He continued to do this with all the food until his mouth was full and he was just chewing a mixture of everything. His eyes were wild with excitement, a complete contrast to what they were like previously. You stared at him in utter confusion. He finished chewing and took a second to grin at you in delight. You took his wrist as he went onto the next container. 
“Mino...what...” you began, but you were cut off by his lips stopping yours from speaking. You gasped when you felt him kissing you and your eyes flew open for a second. You couldn’t force yourself to relax into the kiss. You were too confused. What on earth was going on? Was he still mad at you? Was he ever really mad at you? He pulled away and raised his eyebrow at you, 
“Yah. Why aren’t you kissing me back?” 
“Because...what? What are you doing?” You pushed him back a little, needing to study the expression on his face. He only smiled. “I’m so confused. Are you still mad at me?” He chuckled and pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you tightly while swaying back and forth. He sighed as you stood frozen in his arms, 
“ahh, my little y/n. My sweet, sweet y/n. Look at everything you did just to make me speak to you properly.” It took you a few seconds before you realised exactly what was going on. You pushed him away and hit his chest, he only laughed in response but you were being absolutely serious. 
“Are you being serious right now Mino?! This was all just a stupid...test! Really?! Do you know how much those shoes were! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO MAKE ALL OF THIS FOOD?!” He laughed again at your irritated expression and seriousness. 
“Yep.” He gave you a thumbs up and quickly backed away, avoiding your fist. He couldn’t stop laughing and came closer to give you a pat on the head as you glared at him. How did you not see this coming? 
“Are you annoyed?” He took you by your shoulders and looked you in the eye, still not being completely serious. 
“Yes. You jerk.” You answered and he still smiled as if you had just told him you loved him. 
“Good. Now you know how it feels to be annoyed.” He gave your shoulders a little shake before getting off of you and going back to the food. “And this food is really good you know. It must have taken you ages....wha...HEY!” You snatched the brownie that was edging towards his lips and put it back into the container. You placed the lid on it and clicked it closed. He smirked, “what do you think you’re doing with my food y/n?” 
“You’re food? You don’t deserve this after tricking me like that. You’re so mean. Do you know how shitty I felt? You absolute...” you moaned in annoyance as he kissed you again to get you to shut up. You pushed him away, 
“stop that!” You groaned, trying to stay annoyed. 
“Stop what?” He kissed you again as you were about to speak. 
“Min-” you tried again, but just as before your voice was turned into silence as he put his lips on yours. You hit his shoulder to get him off but he didn’t budge. You rolled your eyes and just gave in, unable to resist his lips for too long. You felt his cocky smirk against your lips as you finally kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. You pulled away once you were feeling a bit out of breath. He placed several small pecks on your lips before looking at you and tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Don’t do that again okay?” He mumbled, being serious for once and looking at you dead in the eye. You nodded and he smiled, winning whatever competition he believed the two of you were having in his head. 
“You too! If you ever do this again...I’m going to kill you.” You took the brownie in his hand and took a bite, earning a playful glare from him. 
“Deal.” He nodded, taking your bitten brownie and putting it in his own mouth. 
Sorry this took long. I hope you liked it anon xx. 
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