#aka twords
cantsaythetword · 11 months
My gf is sitting 2 people away from me at a 20 person dinner party
I've never felt more like a lost introvert at a party than right now 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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bikinigoldbaby · 6 months
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i’m at 292 followers :3 nearly 300 ! 🧁
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ticklepinions · 1 year
While I have your attention-
My friends keep telling me that they don't see me as a man but rather a genderless entity. Help, what does this even mean 😩?
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yourlittlettoy · 1 year
Gathering Return 💕
Hi everyone! Just wanna apologize really quick for being a little MIA. I just got back from a t-word gathering that went on this past weekend! My first one since my recent 3 year long hiatus lmao. Yes, it was everything one could ever hope for 🥰 how could a whole weekend with good friends ever go wrong!
I’m now emotionally, socially, and physically for nondescript reasons DEPLETED and am looking forward to recovering a bit and getting back to normal!
Having said that, my message response times are about to be even worse than usual 😅 I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE AND JUST WANTED TO QUICKLY SAY TO ALL OF U IN MY INBOX: I adore yaaaaaa 🥰 remember that as I make u wait two weeks before getting to ur message LMAOAKDJDOA
Truly nothing personal I’m just a hooman with a social battery that does unfortunately run low at times as well 💗
ANYWAY IGNORE ME AND MY OFF THEME TEXT POST lmao just wanted to talk to you pals a little really quick ☺️❤️ hope everyone is doing as well as I am with my after gathering high! Xoxoxoxo 😘
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jt1674 · 8 months
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ao3-shenanigans · 5 months
I have a fanfic related question im struggling with, and figured that this would be the best place to ask. So:
I wanna write fanfiction for a game franchise that may or may not have a super cool animate series that drew me in, but I find myself unable to play the game itself due to hardware issues. However, because of this (and the fact that the game is massive, thus making it an actuall challenge to watch on youtube as its like a good few dozen hours of content) I'm struggling to find ways to properly immerse myself in the setting so I can make my fics as cannon-accurate (aka as believable) as possible. I know timeline videos and the like exist, but in my mind there's a sharp disconnect between being told about something (a faction, a location) and being able to fully absorb and understand the details of it myself. And yet, I really, REALLY wanna write for this fandom. Any tips? In case it helps, the fandom in question is Cyberpunk.
Ah! I have friends in that fandom!
Everyone connects with fandom franchises differently, so to recommend a way to really connect will be difficult. One of my friends loves playing the games, another enjoys hour long video essays and another enjoys forums and discourse
My best suggestion is for you to just write. Write the story you want to tell and allow yourself time and space to fill in details that you want to be accurate later. Accurate is good- but honest and heartfelt in fanfiction is better.
The brackets method works really well for this, for example:
She turned her head twords the towering city skyline. The neon signs advertising [FILL IN ADVERTISEMENT] hurt her eyes.
For a series as massive as Cyberpunk with a game, an anime, AND a ttrpg, anything goes. There are so many cracks and crevices within the world that if you want Militech to go up against the Voodo Boys gang or whatever- it’s totally believable. Additionally, not many people read fanfic for the accuracy, more so the vibes (which I think a few play through clips can provide)
Ultimately, writing for a fandom should be about writing to enjoy yourself - so have fun with it! Allow yourself to not be accurate!
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jungkookslipring · 10 months
thank you so much for voting! Here’s a sneak peak (aka the t-word scene of my intro chapter to my long form fic)
this can also be read as a stand alone!✨
idk how to introduce this please don’t @ me lmfao😂😂😂
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Lee! Minho
Ler! Y/n
relationship: platonic
genre: fluff/tword (for this chapter)
AU or non AU: Non idol au
When you decided you had enough screen time for one day, you packed up your backpack and headed back to the apartments. When you walked in, Minho, Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeongin were all in the living room; it was chaotic. Jeongin was on the ground laughing as Minho straddled him, attacking his neck, while Felix and Hyunjin were on the couch smiling at the two. This was nothing new, tickle attacks were far too common for your friend group. When you came around the corner they all looked up at you with a smile. 
“Hi y/n!” Minho greeted without stopping his attack on Jeongin.
“Save mehehehehe!” Jeongin screeched as Minho’s hands dove into the poor boy's tummy. You grinned as you dropped your bag and ran over to the pair on the floor. You ran up behind Minho and started squeezing his sides. Minho yelped and launched himself off of Jeongin, falling onto his back. He tried pushing your hands away, but your hands were too quick, and he was growing weaker by the second.
“You traihaihaitor” he laughed out as you continued your attack. 
“Alexa, play traitor by Olivia Rodrigo,” Felix said sarcastically, laughing his ass off when the speaker started blasting said song.
“Be nice to our kids!” You jokingly scold the second you start digging in his ribs. His sweet laugh filled the room.
“HYUNJIN-AHAHAHA LIXIE HELP MEHEHE” Minho squealed while you effectively moved your fingers up and down his ribs.
“I’m not getting involved in that! She’ll come after me!” He chuckled with Felix snuggled into his side. 
“Then join the dark side and come hold his arms down!” You offer with a smirk. Hyunjin cringed.
“But Minho Hyung’s revenge tickles are 10x worse!” He said, shivering at the memories.
“He’ll get revenge on you regardless,” Jeongin said matter-of-factly. While everyone was having a debate on basically ‘you’re damned if you do and you're damned if you don’t’, Minho has been filling the room with his adorable laughter.
“Y/N I GIHIHIHIVE” Minho begged after you spent a good few minutes attacking his underarms.
“Fine, just don’t go after my kids!” You laughed as you got off of him. 
“How was school?” Minho asked after you helped him sit up. You leaned against the couch. 
“Not bad, I think I’ve become addicted to caffeine,” you shrugged. 
“Are you already pulling all-nighters?” Felix asked.
“Yeah, but it’s just a lot of reading, case studies specifically,” you said, grabbing a pillow and holding it in your lap. 
“Have there been any that were interesting?” Hyunjin asked.
“More like unethical, these stories are heavy,” you said, cringing at some of the stories you’ve read. 
“Do you have to write any papers on these stories?” Jeongin asked. You nodded.
“Eventually I will yeah, which will require more reading and I don't know how much longer I can keep reading these old case studies. I may need therapy,” you chuckled. 
“Well if you ever need a serotonin boost you always have us,” Felix said with a smile. You walked over and pinched his cheeks. 
“Awww thanks Lixie!” you squeal as he scrunches up his nose. Jeongin laughed.
“I’m so happy it's not me this time,” he joked. Minho smirked and grabbed a hold of Jeongin’s face.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t like it,” Minho smiled as Jeongin squawked out protests. 
“Remember what I said about going after my kids!” you joked as you walked towards him with claw-like hands. Minho was quick to stand up and try to run out but you were too quick, once again on top of him while his laughs filled the room. A few hours later the rest of the guys came home. You all had dinner, talked about your day, and had a friendly yet violent Mario Kart Competition.
Can’t wait to share with you the first chapter! ✨🖤
Taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Omfg do NOT let anyone tword you when you are just about to do OR have just finished an activity you're obsessed with that gives you all the dopamine/serotonin cause HOLY SHIT it's so so so much worse
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bikinigoldbaby · 6 months
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both so sleepie x_x
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mewpirate · 3 months
do you have any headcannons about poppy?
Oh another ask? I'll try to remember a few headcanons since I don't have a lot for this character.
- Poppy .... Isn't really good with kids actually, he really doesn't know how to take care of one ; He usually leaves Janice and Nathan to either Calvary and Percy. He does care about Janice a lot, but he doesn't really know how to express his feelings twords children since he really isn't fond of them. The struggles of being captain really keeps him busy and stressed out 24/7. (plus children are rarely seen at sea) Through the seasons and episodes he starts acting more parental twords Janice, and more close as the series continues.
- I'd say he's morally grey , he sorta has a parallel with Earl having a extreme form of "Justice" , aka him skinning Thade when Thade hasn't personally done anything wrong to him, Poppy wanted to feel heroic at some point and later regretting it.
- he's very impulsive, and does things without thinking via gambling.
- he does have some trinkets Janice gave him , one of them was a little seahorse charm. He has an entire collection of them, he really likes collecting them.
- voice headcanon is Fergus (the dad) from Brave. (I might remake my voice claims post soon since all of them don't really fit my interpretations of the characters anymore?)
- he does parallel Janice's dad in a way, they're both dismissive of the shit happening to Janice due to them having other stuff happening on their hands , both care about Janice deeply and feel sympathy twords her , but rarely show it .
- he is overall a jolly fellow , though not 24/7. He has moments where he can either be like really happy or moments where he can be really strict. You never know what's coming .
- He usually shows his "strict" form around Percy .
- He and Milo's parents were absent throughout their childhood, he had to take the parental role at a young age for Milo and learn to survive on both land and sea .
- he's semi- traumatized from the shit he's seen from the seas as a kid but hides this from Milo, which is the start of him coddling and being protective over Milo.
- Milo developed some "rebellious" sense from Poppy and became a man-child from Poppy coddling him .
- Poppy really doesn't care when Milo bullies or scares Percy , he only steps in if the fights get too intense or he knows that Percy is deeply affected by it.
- he and Horace's rivalry is so .....confusing ...? They have no idea why they're even fighting in the first place , they are literally bitter exes , I legit headcanon them has bitter exes . They have no real reason to fight each other , neither has done anything really bad to eachother back then , it's probably because rivalries are fun ig.
- i'd say he's literally the upset weirded out parental figure when their kid has a emo/goth phase. He's seriously weirded out and embarrassed of Milo doing random shenanigans. Whether it be new looks or idk Milo getting into some random trouble.
That's all I got for him :)
Tbh I don't really like how complex I made his character since it really strays from the wiki and doesn't fit my overall vibe of my interpretation of cc but I feel like he should have some complex moments .
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anxiouslee-little · 5 months
What’s a spot you wish got more attention and how would you like it tickled?
Any hated ticklish spot you don’t want tickled at all?
Thank you for the great ask!!
Personally, my armpits are my favorite spot to be tworded because they drive me fucking insane, and i love just simple repetitive spidering or slow scratches cuz theyre just so bad i mean good i mean bad and just askfioehnruiv-
As for a spot i do not like, i have a lot of health issues surrounding my back, aka a broken bone and a problem where my kidneys are very sensitive to touch in a bad way, plus i just have an awful aversion to people touching my spine, so unless i completely trust the person my back is an absolute no.
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glitchmaker · 1 year
Zero Day Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark
AKA: The one that goes through character development
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ZD Zorua-H
Hateful Fox Pokemon
HP - 64
Atk - 50
Def - 64
SpAtk - 75
SpDef - 64
Spd - 70
Dex Entry (Game A): This rare form Zorua can be found only in extremely hot or extremely cold climates. It feels as if it has no reason to exist, as a result it is incredibly spiteful twords other living things. Hates interaction.
Dex Entry (Game B): It's always cloaked in a harsh fire. Scientists have discovered it cannot set things on fire, although living things get severely burned. It can only die through unnatural causes.
Abilities: Illusion/Flame Body
Signature Move:
Airscorcher Firestorm:
Base Power: 75, Acc: 95 (Fire type, Special move) Has a 50% chance to burn one target it hits. If there are multiple targets, one takes slightly more damage (this is the one that possibly could get burned). Targets all opposing Pokemon.
Height: 3 feet 2 inches
Weight: 46.32 lbs
Gender Ratio: 75/25
Evolution Method: Max friendship and at least level 32
ZD Zoroark-H
Protective Fox Pokemon
HP - 100
Atk - 50
Def - 75
SpAtk - 95
SpDef - 85
Spd - 80
Dex Entry (Game A): When protecting those it cares about, the spirit-like fur that looks like smoke around Zoroark's neck combusts into a spectacular blue flame. It has achieved complete control over its own mortality.
Dex Entry (Game B): It has evolved from a Zoura that has found a reason to exist. Its life ends not long after its trainer, which is why it cannot be found in the wild. Outside of Pokemon battles, it would never attack unprovoked.
Abilities: Illusion/Flash Fire
Hidden Ability: Magnificent Flames (All of the user's fire moves have a chance to burn. The user's moves that can burn that aren't fire type have an increased chance to.)
Signature Move:
Blue Firewall:
(Ghost Type, non-attacking move), Sets up a protect shield that halves for both it and any allies in battle. If the opponent attacks, they take 1/16 of their health in damage and have a 25% chance to get burned. Cannot be used next turn.
Height: 6 feet 4 inches
Weight: 128.35 lbs
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mickeytheticklee · 2 years
XG as lees/lers (can be inaccurate but I love them! Best girls!)
Jurin: Cute and shy ler
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Like she's so cool and attractive on stage then BOOM flustered ler
Her weakness is hearing cute giggles
Which is sort of why she loves to tickle Harvey or Juria
Giggles from them make her instantly smile and be down bad like girl GET A GRIP
She's such a softie and now after discovering what tummy nuzzles are she now wants to do it to you
Tummy nuzzles, tummy kisses, then tiny raspberries that sent you into orbit
She's rarely evil, I somehow think she's a ler leaning switch if possible because she can't say the tword
Gives out birthday tickles (and it be the best thing ever)
May be shy but is never ashamed to admit how much she loves the member's tummies, she's makes everyone feel confident in their tummy
So support jurin possibly being a soft ler
Chisa: Tickle monster ler
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Definitely loves being a ler and has such an imagination with it
Which is fun but evil when you're hiding under your bed for dear life
Then being dragged by your feet and being tickled
She absolutely loves it when you hold your laughter and she hits that specific spot that gets you bursting, her fav concept
“Come on, let me hear that voice. I know you wanna let all those giggles out."
I'm sorry but if Chisa is tickling your feet she will find every way to tickle it even if you kick
You barely tease her bc if you do she's going to chase you all around the house
Loves either tickling your feet or sneaking a few pokes on your side
The last person you wanna call for help if someone else is tickling you (especially Hinata)
Best girl Chisa (fun fact no matter how loud your laugh is she'll love it no matter what)
Hinata: Lee....leaning switch possibly
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It's difficult to tell because her and Cocana wouldn't be big into tickling
But all the girls wanna tickle her
That smile is infectious like they need to see her smile everyday
Is the most ticklish out of xg, so they don't try too hard to hurt her. They just to simple pokes and little tickles at her neck
Won't admit it but is secretly thinking about being tickled tortured by all the xg members (it'll happen one day)
As for the small ler side of her, it only happens with you
Whether she's tickling your sides in an interview or pinning you down and tickling your armpits
The thought of tickling you makes her energetic
Also loves that she's strong enough to pin you down and give you raspberries like she loves that you can't escape in her embrace
Is close to being a ler like Chisa, all that's missing is for her and Chisa to team up (which will never happen luckily)
Harvey: Lee, the babiest lee #1
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Like she's so baby and her smile aww 🥺🥺
You wonder how she has a smile that cute but it's because of her teammates aka the six lers
It's mostly Hinata or Jurin tickling her bc of her preference of liking soft tickles
The members tickle her all the time and all those times she doesn't stop them
Especially if she likes to go on her member's lap as her way of asking for tickles
Whenever she does get tickled all the members just say she's cute and she starts to blush like crazy
Can never put herself into saying the tword, she malfunctions whenever someone asks if she can tickle her
But it tells whenever she pats her stomach for more raspberries
Again you would be surprised by how charismatic she is on stage only to find out she's a cutie patootie lee
Juria: Babiest lee #2
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She gives off big lee energy (I love her she's my bias)
Unlike Harvey she's more willing to say the tword
She craves tickles and will annoy and tickle any member to get tickles
Is more into much rougher tickles which is why she tries to attack Chisa (and Chisa isn't ticklish)
Also that smile whenever she gets raspberry or ankle tickles it's so mf adorable
It's crucial to tickle her bc she is the mood maker and battery charger of xg
If she isn't bouncing off the walls then it's required she gets tummy and thigh tickles for two minutes
She loves it so much she pretends to be sad sometimes
Which backfires when she gets caught, and her punishment is more tickles
A sneaky little lee Juria
Maya: Fun ler
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The only girl who can save you if you're being trapped by Cocona or Chisa
Overall she's not an evil girl like Jurin but her tickle skills....now...
She will tickle you until you're tired and sleeping next to her
Which is kind of wants she wants because she loves snuggling with you and her members
She knows how to tickle every spot but always goes wild and digs her fingers and thumbs into it
It's fun until you're hollering at how she's tickling your hips
But she's fun because of her energy and how you can tell she enjoys knocking you down with tickles
That cute ass smile after she tickles your belly button <3
Loves to play hide and seek with you
Random fact but I'm sure she'll love giving reward tickles since you never clean your room
Cocona: Random secret weapon ler
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At first she wasn't into tickling because she prefers to have her time alone
But ever since that time where you two cuddled and you were blushing at her hands being on your stomach she saw that it wasn't too bad
Lil jealous
Like how Jurin was giving you raspberries so Cocona trapped you into a room and gave you tummy noms and raspberries
She is a softie but annoy her the wrong way and she will bite back
Like she'll bite your ribs which you would never imagine would tickle so damn much
Won't hesitate to call Maya to join in on the tickling action
Isn't entirely evil, she just wants to cuddle you and have your tummy on her lap
Or just wants you on her lap to give you endless tummy squeezes when she's bored
It is true that tickling made y'all closer because now she rather be tickling you than being alone
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cxra-melty · 2 years
if you don't give me tword hcs for your favorite team star member i'm gonna get violent
-you know who it is
If nobody got me i know Giacomo got me can i get an amen yes lord i can
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Bro's a lee that tries his best to be a ler
I don't care what anyone says he has the dorkiest mf laugh.
He tries so hard to be intimidating but then someone tickles him and he just crumbles.
He's got lots of layers on! They protect him against some of it, but some stubborn people (aka Mela) won't let it stop them from wrecking his shit.
Flails a bunch. Has slapped somebody before on accident but will not apologize. Maybe if you didn't tickle him it wouldn't have happened.
He will get revenge on whoever tickled him. That is a promise.
He'll be salty for a while after, especially if he was tickled over something dumb.
"You're gonna tickle me? What are you, 5? Wait shit back up BACK UP-"
Gets tired real easily, so he can't be tickled for very long.
Please do NOT tickle him if he has any electronics in his hands because he'll either drop them or hit you with them. One time he hit Mela in the face with his laptop. It ended with a black eye, a bloody nose, 2 pissed off Star bosses, and makeup that wouldn't come off the back of Giacomo's laptop for hours. The test of Team Star refuses to let either of them live it down.
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soft--dragon · 1 year
also there was a tword scene in Clueless and im like lowkey in a mood rn like cmon bro leave me aloneeeeee 😔😔😔😔
Oh gods, y'all mauraders got LORE™ apparently akdjhdhe
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softnoobgirl · 1 year
Not really feeling it
A xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed fanfic
Set before future redeemed. Rex gives a depressed shulk a pep talk. aka rex becomes a therapist
Men talking about their emotions
Linka approached rex. " boss"
"Hmm what is it"
"Teach won't leave his room. We suspect something might be wrong. We've tried to talk to him but every time we knock on the door he yelled at us to go away
"I'll go check up on him myself. I might have an easier time with him then you guys."
"Thanks boss"
Rex knocked on the door to shulk's room. " shulk its me." There was no response. "Alright I'm coming in. Rex opened the door and walked into the room.
Shulk tossed in his bed and groaned into a pillow.
" well at least I know you aren't dead" Rex joked, trying to lighen the mood
Shulk replied with nothing but another groan
"Are you sick?"
Shulk let out a heavy sigh " no at least not physically."
Rex sat on the floor next to shulk's bed . Shulk gave a glare. "Alright what's wrong"
"Nothing I'm fine. "
"I can tell that's a lie ya know"
Shulk let out another small groan.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Shulk remained silent.
You don't have to if you don't want to. But it might make you feel better. I'm not going to judge ya know"
After a few more seconds of slience Shulk responded "I guess I just feel homesick."
"Homesick huh. To be completely honest I kinda feel the same way." "But aren't we in collony 9"
"It's not the same. Everything is in ruins. None of the people I love are here."
"I see. I've never thought about it that way. Must be hard to see that stuff every day."
" its just a simulation anyway."
"Ya I suppose."
"But there is one thing I fear most of all."
"Hmm" Rex said
" what if we never escape here. What if we can never go back home." Tears started to well in his blue eyes. What of i never see fiora, or dunban, or anyone i love ever again."
"I see. That's what has gotten you so down isn't it?"
"Ya" he replied quietly
"Shulk you know that's not true"
" but what if it is"
"I promise you now you will get to go back to your proper home. You will see the ones you love again. You just have to stick with us alright?"
Shulk stayed silent for a second before drawing a heavy breath to reply " alright."
There was slience for a few seconds.
" is that all you want to talk about."
" for now yeah"
"Do you feel any better now?"
"Suprisringy yes"
" do you want me to tell the camp that you aren't doing well today so that they go easy on your.
After giving it some thought Shulk responded. " yes. That would be nice."
"Alright is there anything else you need?"
" no. Ill be ready to be with you guys in a few minutes. I just need some time."
" alright" the younger man said getting up. He started to walk twords the door before he got intrupted
" what is it?"
A faint smile crossed shulk's lips
" thank you"
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