#akihiko、mitsuru、shinjiro、ken、aigis and minato all mean a lot to me
mymp3 · 2 years
oh btw p3 update, i think im a little over half ways through.
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narrators-journal · 2 months
The SEES sexuality (plus a bonus)
To break up the persona 2 content and feed my persona 3 fans, have some thoughts on the SEES’ sexualities. Excluding ken, of course, and koromaru lol.
Yukari Takeba
Possibly a hot take for the p3 fans, but Yukari...isn’t my cup of tea. So, I don’t tend to comb over her character the same way I do Minato lol. So, the only real thing I have to go on for her sexuality is vibes, and the movies to say that she seems like she’s a bit of a man-hating lesbian type. Maybe she doesn’t know it, but she’s got that vibe to me.
Mitsuru Kirijo
Mitsuru vibes like she’s got too many gender issues to be dealing with sexuality too, but I think she vibes like she, like Yukari, likes women more than men. But, she also vibes to me like she doesn’t exactly look to date, maybe is some flavor of asexual and/or aromantic.
Akihiko Sanada
Akihiko is so fuckin’ gay. Namely for Shinji, but he doesn’t seem to show any interest in women in general in my opinion. I mean, he’s got a whole fan club that he seems to avoid more than anything, and while part of that is his tunnel vision on fighting shadows and protecting his friends, him and Shinjiro definitely have somethin’ more there lol. So, I think Akihiko is pretty solidly gay. At least for the most part, I’ll give him some bisexual wiggle room with Kotone.
Fuuka Yamagishi
Fuuka is a weird one. Like Yukari, she doesn’t really spark a lot of combing through and picking apart, but she also doesn’t give any strong energy. I can see her going either way, being hetero, or being bi, or maybe even having no real interest in relationships. But, if I had to chew on it, I’d say she’s maybe bisexual, or lesbian. She seems to have a fat ass crush on her best friend, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she got flustered about Aki being shirtless, or seeing Shinjiro being a sweetie.
Minato Arisato
This is gonna be another slightly heated one, but I think Minato is pretty firmly gay, or maybe grey-ace or some level of aromantic. Because in the game, his relationship with men seems just...so much more intimate. Like, Kenji gave him a damned choker, and Hidetoshi refused to frame him for power. Mans gave up his life goal to protect Minato. Something’s there. In contrast, his bonds with the women, while not stiff, don’t feel like they develop natural chemistry. Plus, in the movies, I just never got the vibe that he liked damn near anyone outside of Ryoji. So, I can’t really see him liking women almost at all. He’s either grey-ace, gay, or ryoji-sexual to me lol.
Shinji Aragaki
Shinji strikes me pretty strongly as unbothered by relationships. He doesn’t seem very interested in dating, since...well, y’know, his personal shit. That being said, he does strike me as pretty firmly bisexual. He has no real desire for a relationship, but he’d sleep with a woman or a man, Aki or Kotone, doesn’t really matter to him.
I don’t think Aigis’ asexual like some might assume because she’s a robot. After all, she ends up basically growing a proper sense of self/a soul in the game, so she’s pretty well human. But! I do see her as demisexual and biromantic. She takes emotional connection to develop any sexual feelings, but either gender can get her romantic attraction.
Ryoji Mochizuki
There’s no competition. Ryoji is aggressively bisexual. He’s not choosing shit, he wants both lol.
Junpei Iori
I think Junpei is heterosexual, but bi-curious. Because, naturally, he seems very interested in women, but he seems to have a big ol’ crush on Akihiko, and maybe Minato. Would this grow into a proper bisexuality? No clue, but let’s be serious, we all know it doesn’t matter.
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ragecndybars · 1 year
Persona 3 Characters Ranked By How Good of Hugs They Give
kotone/hamuko/minako. best hugger in sees. she's a hashtag empath, so she always knows when you need a hug, too. will tug your head down to rest on her shoulder and start rubbing your back and everything. the technique? perfect. 10/10 no notes.
shinjiro. he's a lot less likely to hug anyone but aki, but when he does, it's big ol bear hug and he's not letting go until they feel better, period. he feels slightly awkward about it, but once he's holding on, he's committed. he's got that weighted blanket swag. (he doesn't smell the best though which holds him back from first place)
ryoji. hug will be a bit awkward at first but then he'll find his stride and suddenly he's a good hugger for all the same reasons as kotone. he had to get it from somewhere, after all. loses some points because he can be a little overly familiar, so he might employ back-rubbing in situations where it's unneeded.
fuuka. she's a little shy and less likely to hug, but if she does, she'll do it with all her heart!! a very gentle hugger who will try to console you as you're hugging. she might also start crying if things get emotional tbh but she won't get your shirt too wet. she also isn't likely to let go until you're smiling again.
aigis. she may be made of metal but i think we know from the ending of the game that she will cradle her loved ones so gently and with all the love and protection in her whole body <3 probably hugs a little tentatively because she doesn't want to crush the recipient of her hug. she's surprisingly warm, not cold, and her arms are less rigid than you would think.
i HAD to put koromaru this low because he technically can't hug you. but you can hug HIM and he is soft and warm and loves you so much.
yukari. she has good hugging technique, like fuuka's, but she's much more hesitant to actually hug and is more likely to pull away prematurely because she suddenly gets bashful. if someone else hugs her, she might even freeze up rather than hugging back, even if she wants to. her mind is racing with other thoughts as they hug, which makes her hug a little awkward and distracted.
theodore. gives an excellent gentle hug but he has no idea what to do next. he'll just stand there totally still indefinitely, and you have to kick him to get him to let you go.
elizabeth. hugs very enthusiastically but she will be saying some weird eccentric shit into your ear while you're trying to enjoy the hug. you could be on the verge of tears and she'd be like "oh my, is this what you humans call a 'bear hug'? should i summon a bear persona? ohohoho."
akihiko. he will hug with reckless abandon, but he is very awkward about it and hugs way too tight. like, a firm hug is nice and all, but akihiko please i cant breathe you'rE CRUSHING ME AKIHIKO--COUGH COUGH HACK--
minato/makoto. very stiff and wooden while he hugs you, so the hugging technique itself is pretty poor, but he has good awareness of when a hug is and isn't necessary and knows exactly when to squeeze a little and pull back. a quiet, slightly awkward hug.
ken. would be higher up on this list if he could just accept that he is Small but whenever he hugs someone he has to attempt to hug them in a Big Boy way which means he'll be trying to pull you down so he can hug you from "above", like with your head on his shoulder, and your back is gonna hurt like hell afterwards because he is just way too short.
junpei. gets self conscious and jerks away in the middle of a hug, just like yukari, but his technique is also awkward and wooden like minato, and if he's emotional enough to hug without feeling awkward then he'll be squeezing too tight like akihiko. worst of all worlds.
mitsuru. oh god. you're hugging her. why are you hugging her. what does she do with her arms. where should her face be. oh my god you're still holding on. are you saying something? she is not listening. she is too busy standing completely still like you're a t-rex whose vision is based on movement and if she just stays perfectly still you'll forget she's there and wander off.
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sorry for the random ask but i am curious. what are your favorite persona 3 character dynamics. not necessarily romantic ships, i mean just the relationships that you spend the most time thinking about. for me it's probably aigis-kotone, minato-yukari-junpei, akihiko-shinjiro-mitsuru, yukari-mitsuru, and kotone-shinjiro-ken (but it was rly hard to narrow it down lmao) :3c
dont worry about it, i love getting random asks!!
so for p3 its probably kotone and yukari (no surprises there) and akihiko and kotone. i think yukari really needs the company of someone cheerful and more lighthearted like kotone, since i think being so lonely kinda contributed to her being prickly at times. and likewise kotone would need a friend like yukari who she can go to for "girl stuff" kinda advice without any judgement (kotone is so so trans to me and yukari is some flavor of nonbinary to me, demigirl perhaps) like how to actually put an outfit together, hair care, shopping for clothes, etc.
aki and kotone is a lot simpler but no less fun; they're gym buddies to me. like i think akihiko would love to coach somebody in boxing or have someone to go on runs with him, and kotone would definitely benefit from a healthy way to blow off steam. and of course getting a bite to eat afterwards (aki has no idea where she puts all of it. like in game she has him order appetizers (plural!) and extra large ramen bowls and she just destroys it. he is both impressed and a little scared that she doesnt eat enough)
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houseisekai · 4 years
House Isekai: Valentine’s Day Special
House Isekai Masterlist
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[Mezame no Waltz - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
Yuki hummed happily as she stepped through the dorms of Garreg Mach Monastery, boxes of chocolates in her arms.
She finally arrived at the entrance to House Isekai’s classroom and opened the door.
Inside, Byleth, Megumi, Towa, Sharon, Doomguy, Sara, Angelica, and Cocytus turned to look at her.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan?”
(Angelica) “Oh yikes, that’s a lotta boxes!”
Angelica, Sharon, Doomguy, and Towa walked over to Yuki and helped take some of the boxes.
Each one of them had a box yet Yuki still had a tower in her arms as she sat them down on the table.
(Yuki) “Whew, thank you! That was getting heavy!”
(Sara) “Are these chocolates?”
(Yuki) “Yup! I made these with Mercedes, Ashe, and Dedue! We made it for everyone in House Isekai!”
Yuki excitedly grabbed the boxes and handed them individually to the staff members.
(Byleth) “We appreciate it, but what’s the occasion?”
(Yuki) “Well, Fodlan seems to share the same calendar as most of us, and right now it’s February 14th! Which means its Valentine’s day! Normally these are given to the people you love in our world, so that’s why I’m giving it to everyone!”
(Byleth) “Valen...tine’s?”
(Sara) “...So, when you say hearts you mean-”
(Sara) “Ok, figured. Just wanted to make sure, we never know with your group-”
(Towa) “A-Anyways! Yuki, thank you so much!”
(Megumi) “You still have a lot of boxes Yuki-chan, do you need our help?”
(Yuki) “Nope! I know you guys are really busy, so leave it all to me!”
(Sharon) “If that is what you wish. Again, thank you very much, Miss Yuki!”
Yuki saluted the staff and walked off with significantly less boxes in her arms.
Doomguy was the first one to open his box of chocolates.
It seemed fairly standard, heart shaped chocolates, but several appeared to be something similar to dog treats. They had the label “For Daisy.”
And more importantly, he had a note specifically for him.
“For Slayer: Thank you for being so nice, even though you can be really scary!”
Doomguy was seen smiling through his helmet as everyone else opened theirs.
“For Towa: Thank you for working so hard!”
“For Angelica: Thank you for not hitting on us!”
“For Cocytus: Thank you for teaching Kurumi how to fight!”
“For Sara: Thank you for looking out for us and Megunee!”
“For Sharon: Thank you for being House Isekai’s retainer!”
“For Byleth: Thank you for everything you’ve done for us!”
“For Megu-nee: Thank you for being the best teacher ever!”
Everyone looked back at the door smiling. Except Angelica.
(Megumi) “Yuki-chan...”
(Sara) “Hah, bet she’ll lighten someone’s day.”
(Angelica) “...Do I really hit on people that much?”
(Everyone) “Yes.”
Rest of House Isekai under the cut!
Abyss, Denizens of Nazarick’s Room
[Oath of Loyalty to the Supreme Being - OVERLORD OST]
After saying hello to Yuri and the other Ashen Wolves, they directed Yuki to where Ainz’s group was.
Ainz knocked on the door politely and waited.
There was no response for a minute before she heard something behind her.
Turning around, Demiurge was right in front of her, looking down.
(Demiurge) “Ah, Miss Takeya. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s Day! I’m giving everyone some chocolates, including you Mister Demiurge!”
He took a moment to examine one of the boxes and sure enough, there were labels for each member, including Ainz.
Demiurge nodded and opened the door for her.
(Demiurge) “Right this way.”
As she followed Demiurge, she failed to notice that several members were now eyeing her suspiciously.
(Shalltear) “Oh, it’s her.”
(Aura) “Weird, Yuki’s got a lot of boxes.”
Demiurge stopped in front of Ainz, who was in the center of the room with Albedo, overlooking a war table of some sort.
Ainz looked at Demiurge, then at Yuki.
(Ainz) “I see we have a delivery.”
(Demiurge) “So it would seem, my lord.”
(Yuki) “Yup, I got a box for everyone here!”
This made Ainz curious. Yuki making something for them?
(Ainz) “Everyone, to the center of the room.”
Everyone in the room dropped what they were doing and followed Ainz’s instruction, getting on one knee.
Ainz grabbed a box and opened it up.
“For Ainz: Thank you for being a good friend to everyone, despite our differences!”
(Ainz) “Ah, a Valentine’s box.”
(Yuki) “Oh, you know what it is too, Ainz?”
(Ainz) Lots of Valentine’s events happened when I was playing Yggdrasil. Never cared too much about these since I never had a girlfriend or whatever but...eh. Made for fun collectables throughout the years. Why discard this one? “Yes, I do. Thank you very much.”
(Shalltear and Albedo) “WHAT?!”
[Shut up, lower life form - Overlord OST]
Ainz immediately noticed that they were frothing with rage.
(Ainz) Shit! That’s right, they think this is solely romantic! “AHEM! Do you have a problem with this gift, you two?”
(Albedo) “Of course, Lord Ainz! How could the man I love accept a gift so precious and romantic from...FROM HER OF ALL PEOPLE?!”
(Shalltear) “IT’S UNACCEPTABLE!”
(Ainz) You got to be fucking kidding me-
(Yuki) “Romantic? But these are friendship chocolates! I made everyone here friendship chocolates, including you two!”
(Ainz) Oh thank god.
Yuki grabbed their boxes and happily walked over to them.
Albedo and Shalltear looked at each other with an eyebrow raised, then opened the box.
Sure enough:
“For Shalltear: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in the Monastery!”
“For Albedo: Thank you for protecting us when we’re in battles!”
(Albedo & Shalltear) “...Oh.”
Demiurge, Aura, Mare, Sebas, Pandora’s Actor and the Pleiades got their chocolates as well.
“For Demiurge: Thank you for giving us the knowledge of Fodlan!”
“For Aura & Mare: Thank you for being someone the younger students of House Isekai can talk to!”
“For Sebas: Thank you for helping Sharon and the other staff out!”
“For Pandora’s Actor: Thank you for always making us laugh with your fantastic performances!”
“For the Pleiades: Thank you for keeping us safe!”
(Yuki) “Anyways, that’s all I wanted to do! Thank you for your time!”
Yuki bowed and quickly left the room.
Ainz slowly turned to Albedo and Shalltear, who started sweating.
(Ainz) “Of all the people to be skeptical of, you really chose Yuki...?”
S.E.E.S, Dormitory
[Iwatodai Dorm - Persona 3 OST]
(Minako) “Oh, hey Yuki-senpai!”
(Yuki) “Hello! Happy Valentine’s!”
Everyone turned to the door and saw Yuki unloading chocolates.
(Junpei) “Oh, sweet! Chocolates!”
(Yukari) “Jeez, the year flew by so fast!”
As Yuki handed the chocolates out, some of S.E.E.S spoke amongst themselves.
(Akihiko) “Can’t believe she’s the same age as us.”
(Mitsuru) “It is a bit weird, isn’t it?”
(Shinjiro) “Who cares how old she is? She’s more considerate than some people I know here.”
(Akihiko) “Hmph.”
(Koromaru) Bark!
(Aigis) “Yuki-chan, Koromaru wishes to have some chocolates.”
(Yuki) “Oh, sorry! I don’t think you can eat any of these, but don’t worry! We did make a tasty treat for you!”
Koromaru wagged his tail excitedly.
(Ken) “Thanks, Yuki-senpai!”
(Junpei) “I think this is the first time I’ve gotten chocolates from a girl-”
(Yukari) “Jeez, Stupei! Is that ALL you can think of right now?! This is obviously friendship chocolate!”
(Junpei) “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I was just makin’ an observation!”
(Fuuka) “A-Anyways, thank you so much!”
(Yuki) “Sure thing!”
(Minato) “...You could at least say thank you before stuffing your face, Minako.”
(Minako) “Huerh?Owhrite!Thamfkyu!”
Minato rolled his eyes and finally noticed the note written to him.
“For Minato: Thank you for being so nice!”
“For Minako: Thank you for helping Yuuri out with her problems!”
“For Fuuka: Thank you for helping me with tech problems!”
“For Junpei: Thank you for helping Kurumi how to fight better!”
“For Yukari: Thank you for teaching Miki how to use a bow!”
“For Mitsuru: Thank you for being smart to help us out in battle!”
“For Akihiko: Thank you for helping Kurumi train!”
“For Shinjiro: Thank you for teaching me how to cook!”
“For Aigis: Thank you for protecting us in battle!”
“For Koromaru: Thank you for playing with me!”
“For Ken: Thank you for your help with studying!”
(Yuki) “Okay, that’s it for this group, I have to go now!”
S.E.E.S waved her off as she left the dormroom.
(Minako) “Hah, being nice? That’s a first-”
(Minato) “Piss off.”
Investigation Team, Dormitory
[Signs of Love - Persona 4 OST]
(Teddie) “Hey, it’s Yuki-chan!”
(Yu) “Hey, what’s with the boxes?”
(Yuki) “Valentine’s!”
(Chie) “Jeez, that’s a lotta boxes! Here, lemme help you with that!”
(Rise) “Oh, that’s so nice of you, Yuki-senpai! Thanks so much!”
(Teddie) “Is...Is this a confession?! I don’t know what to say!”
(Yosuke) “It’s not a confession, idiot! It’s friendship chocolate!”
(Teddie) “Yikes! It was just a joke! Why do you sound so angry? What, do you have firsthand experience on getting nothing but friendship chocolate?”
(Yukiko) SNRK!
(Naoto) “Thank you for your gift, Yuki-senpai.”
(Kanji) “Cool, love chocolate! Thanks man!”
“For Yu: Thanks for always taking the time to help out Yuuri!”
“For Yosuke: Thanks for being like a big brother!”
“For Chie: Thank you for being like a big sister!”
“For Yukiko: Thank you for the gag glasses and making us laugh!”
“For Teddie: Thanks for always making me smile!”
“For Naoto: Thank you for spending time with Miki!”
“For Rise: Thanks for helping us with the Ball concert!”
“For Kanji: Thanks for teaching me how to knit cute animals!”
(Yuki) “Alright, I have a few more stops to make, catch you later!”
Everyone said goodbye as she walked out the room.
(Yosuke) “...Wait a second, when did you give Yuki gag glasses?!”
(Yukiko) “That would ruin the surprise!”
(Chie) “Ugh, great. I thought we got rid of all those by now...”
Phantom Thieves, Dormitory
[No More What Ifs (Instrumental) - Persona 5 Royal]
(Yuki) “Hello, Valentine’s delivery!”
(Akira) “Oh, it’s already Valentine’s?”
(Ann) “I didn’t even know Fodlan had one!”
(Makoto) “They most likely don’t, but they do share our calendar year. I suppose it makes sense for those from our world to celebrate it.”
(Ryuji) “Eff yeah, hand that stuff over!”
(Haru) “Oh, how thoughtful!”
(Yusuke) “Hm, it has been a while since I’ve had any food...”
(Futaba) “Dude, you get FREE food for being a student, how the heck have you not eaten?!”
(Morgana) “Hmph...Wish I could cook chocolate, then I could give mine to lady A-”
(Kasumi) “Thank you, Yuki-senpai!”
(Akechi) “...You know how I am and you’re still giving me chocolate? Ugh, fine whatever, hand it over.”
“For Akira: Thank you for being so fearless in fighting!”
“For Ann: Thank you for all the sweets you’ve shared with me!”
“For Ryuji: Thank you for teaching us how to run and fight better!”
“For Yusuke: Thank you for your wonderful paintings of our class!”
“For Morgana: Thank you for driving us all around Fodlan!”
“For Futaba: Thank you for playing video games with me and Kazuma!”
“For Makoto: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Haru: Thank you for teaching us how to garden!”
“For Kasumi: Thank you for teaching us how to protect ourselves and jump out the way of danger!”
“For Akechi: Even though you don’t like a lot of us, me included probably, thank you for all that you’ve done for us!”
(Yuki) “Okay, 3 more groups to go, see you all around!”
(Akira) “How sweet of her.”
Akechi stared at his box, then shrugging, making no comment as he ate his chocolate.
Class VII, Dormitory
[Afterschool Hours - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel OST]
(Emma) “Oh, hello Yuki!”
(Yuki) “Hello, I have Valentine’s chocolate for everyone!”
(Fie) “Thanks.”
(Elliot) “Oh, thank you, Yuki!”
(Laura) “I believe this is the first time I’ve gotten something like this.”
(Machias) “It is very much appreciated.”
(Jusis) “You have my thanks.”
(Alisa) “Aww, thank you!”
(Gaius) “These don’t look half bad, thanks.”
(Crow) “Hell yeah, hand that good stuff over!”
(Emma) “Thank you!”
(Rean) “If you needed some help passing these out, we would’ve been glad to, you know!”
“For Rean: Thank you for everything that you do for House Isekai, don’t wear yourself out too much!”
“For Alisa: Thank you for teaching me how to use the bow!”
“For Elliot: Thank you for teaching us how to play music for the concert during the ball!”
“For Laura: Thank you for giving Kurumi combat lessons!”
“For Machias: Thank you for teaching Miki how to play chess!”
“For Fie: Thank you for teaching me how to nap anywhere!”
“For Gaius:  Thank you for teaching me how to paint!”
“For Emma: Thank you for teaching me how to be a better student!”
“For Jusis: Thank you for helping us out with the more physical chores!”
“For Millium: Thank you for always making us smile!”
“For Crow: Thank you for teaching me how to gamble!”
(Yuki) “Okay, two more to go! See you later!”
(Rean) “Crow...”
(Crow) “’Sup, Rean-bean?”
(Rean) “When did you teach Yuki-”
(Crow) “GOT TO GO.”
Konosuba Gang, Mess Hall
[You should have many companions - Konosuba OST]
Kazuma sat alone on the docks as he was fishing, Megumin, Darkness, and Aqua not too far behind, speaking to each other.
(Aqua) “Oh, hey Yuki!”
(Kazuma) “Yo.”
(Yuki) “I got chocolate for you four!”
(Megumin) “Oh, sweet!”
(Darkness) “Ah, thank you dear.”
(Kazuma) “Put it over here, yeah?”
Yuki nodded and gave everyone their chocolate.
“For Aqua: Thank you for your water tricks!”
“For Darkness: Thank you for always protecting us!”
“For Megumin: Thank you for casting the coolest explosions ever!”
“For Kazuma: Thank you for always being so nice to me. And to everyone when they really need it. I know you don’t get along with Kurumi well, but it means a lot that you try to.”
(Yuki) “Okay, I got 3 left! See you later guys!”
Kazuma didn’t say anything as he smiled, looking at the box.
He shook his head and continued fishing, putting a chocolate in his mouth.
(Kazuma) “...Being so nice, huh?”
School-Living Club, Dormitory
[Yasashisa ni Fureta Toki - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
(Yuuri) “Welcome back, Yuki-chan.”
(Kurumi) “Busy day, I take it?”
(Miki) “Are those boxes?”
(Yuki) “Yup, handed them out to everyone in House Isekai! I saved the best group for last!”
Yuki gave the final three boxes to them and smiled.
(Yuki) “Happy Valentine’s!”
“For Yuuri: Thank you for getting us through the hard times we had in our world, and for never failing to look out for us, even when it hurts yourself to..”
“For Kurumi: Thank you for protecting the three of us, from last world and even now.”
“For Miki: Thank you for becoming my friend, and for joining the School-Living Club.”
Yuuri put the chocolate down and smiled. She gave Yuki a hug, which Kurumi joined in.
(Kurumi) “Come on, not gonna join in?”
(Miki) “I-I think I’m good, thank you!”
(Kurumi) “GET OVER HERE-”
(Miki) “WAH!?-”
Kurumi reached over and had Miki join in the group hug.
Miki was flustered for a moment before just sighing and embracing her fate.
Yuki had a tear running down her eye as she hugged them back.
(Yuki) “W-Why...am I crying? We’re all together...So...Why...?”
(Everyone) “...”
Yuuri, Kurumi, and Miki hugged each other tighter as sniffles from Yuki were beginning to grow louder.
Megumi looked through the door and wanted to say something, but heard a voice behind her.
(Sara) “...You haven’t told Yuki what happened to you, yet?”
(Megumi) “...No. I’ve been trying to find the right time.”
She smiled at seeing her students safe. Even though she didn’t know Miki all too well, she was glad they had found another survivor.
That means there were still people alive other than them. There had to be.
(Sara) “Well, I won’t tell you when to speak to them but, if you don’t act, then you may lose that chance forever. Not many people get a second chance like you.”
Megumi stared at her arm where the infected’s bite used to be. It was thanks to Aqua that she didn’t turn.
(Megumi) “...Right.”
Sara smiled and hit Megumi’s shoulder.
(Sara) “Come on, let’s grab a drink together. We can complain about our single lives together this Valentine’s.”
(Megumi) “Huh? But that’s never been an issue for me-”
(Sara) “Tonight it will!”
Megumi sighed but smiled, it was going to be a lively night.
Yuki opened the door and saw Megumi walk off with Sara. She wanted to say something to her but instead just smiled.
(Yuki) “I can speak with Megunee later...”
Nodding, she walked through the dorms, humming to herself. Her Valentine’s day plan was a success.
Give something to the friends she loved.
[Harmonize Clover - Gakkou Gurashi OST]
The chit-chat on the way home It's girl's secret, right Even if the 5 o'clock chime rings We talk enough yet, I wonder why?
The small four-leaf clover Fu... swaying in the breeze Hey, of course, yes, of course Hope that tomorrow will be sunny
The road I walked with everyone "The usual place" is the watchword Ah... the sheep cloud that looks like going to be burnt Dazzling Some day, days like these Even if the memories fade Hey... A lot of smile I feel like to give it now
Guess this kinda gives away how I feel on Valentine’s, huh? 
To me, Valentine’s is a day where you give appreciation to the people you love. Friends, family, whoever means a lot to you.
So, this is kinda my lame way of saying I appreciate everyone who follows this blog.
If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t have been able to make a blog of this caliber, write something that means so much to me, or even just have fun stupid ideas with ya’ll.
I’ve been writing on tumblr for a long while, but I think this is the first valentine’s where I’ve written something from the heart.
Being able to appreciate House Isekai, something I hold dear to me, with ya’ll.
I hope you all can appreciate this too, with many more posts to come, especially Shadowbringers!
Thanks for your support, love ya guys.
- Chris
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
I think Makoto's Brand New Days should have Aigis dancing it.
Soul Phrase should've been a dual dance between Makoto and Kotone
Darkness (Erebus fight theme) should've been a Ryoji/Metis DLC
Yup yup! I agree totally with all of that. Darkness def would be a Metis DLC with Ryoji as one of the partners. I’d love to see them react to each other DX Same with Sho vs Minato/Hamu
Tbh, while I think P3 has more danceable songs in general than P5, and the dancers and dances are a bit better.....I think Atlus still could've been better with the song selection (really they should've had A LOT more songs). Here’s a list of at least 3 songs (tho I think 4 or 5 would work, esp since we could get more remixes). Hamu should’ve def been a main dancer (screw it let’s pretend Metis/Ryo were also main dancers too!)
Some songs will change, some will stay the same (Yukari, Junpei, and Fuuka I think mostly stay the same with some additions). 
Makoto: Mass Destruction, Moon Reaches Stars (I always shorten this name sorry), More than one heart
Hamuko (I'll accept Kotone when we get her in an actual Atlus game, it doesn't feel right to cherry pick her stage play name just cause Atlus was too lazy to do a separate adaptation, esp since it means ignoring the male's name): Wiping All Out, Way of Life (OG or Remix), Place of my Heart
Makoto/Hamuko special duo dances: Soul Phase, Burn my dread last battle, Never ending night (the Pachinko song), Place of My Heart Duo ver/Remix, Our Moment
Aigis: Brand New Days (reg or remix), Heartfelt cry ATLUS Konishi Remix, some techno remix (she’s a robot for christ sakes, I don’t care steal from Junpei’s list if we have to, Maybe a Techno remix of Fate In our Hands).
Yukari: When the Moon Reaches for the Stars P3D Remix, Want to be close P3D remix, Changing Seasons Reincarnation (except an updated ver?)
Junpei: His two songs are ok (even if I think Aigis should have the more techno songs), 3rd song should be Want to Be Close reincarnation, Dorm Song remix
Mitsuru: Snow Queen (OG or Remix, not necessarily the DLC one Atlus gave us but just a remix), Living With Determination Reincarnation, Enduring bonds/Tranquility mashup-remix (just a lighter and more elegant song)
Fuuka: Deep Breath Deep Breath Reincarnation, Time ATLUS Kitajoh Remix, Tender Moment Jazzy Remix
Ken: Wiping All Out Ryota Koduka Remix (or a diff Remix), Light the Fire Up in the Night P3D Remix, 
Akihiko: Unavoidable Battle Reincarnation ver, Danger Zone Remix, Light that fire P3D remix (I dunno have him more leaning towards battle songs)
Shinjiro:  Wiping All out/Mass destruction mashup, Danger Zone/Master of Tartarus mashup, “One Hand, One heartbeat” remix (I think having him deal with mash ups of the two MC’s battle songs symbolizes his POSSIBLY different fates, with a more mellow song from the movie he’s featured in)
Metis: Battle Hymn of the Soul Remix/Heartfelt Cry Remix/Brand New Days Remix, Darkness, P3 FES extended (I need an extended ver in my life DX)
Ryoji: Battle Hymn of the Soul, Snow Queen Remix (OG or diff remix), Burn My Dread Last Battle, Falling Down
Why give the girls Tender Moment even tho it only appears on FeMC side? Just cause I think those two would fit well with a pop and jazzy remix of it. I can see them dancing to it over the boys (tho.....my memory wants to tell me Tender moment may appear with the girls too but my brain fuzzy and tired)
That’s not even me going into Arena/Ultimax or PQ2 music (or looking more into PQ1 music too), and probably barely scraping the surface for the movies tbh. They should’ve had 80-90% of the Reincarnation OST in P3D, those songs are def danceable u_u P3 has a lot of entries and a big library (as big as P4′s) and they could def remix to their hearts content. 
Edit: not me forgetting to give Ken a 3rd song I’ll do it tomorrow DX
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princekirijo · 4 years
For the character asks, Shinjiro?
Oh nice my boy!!!
Give me a character and I'll answer:
Do I like them:
Oh god yes absolutely. I love him so much!! He’s such a complex character and he’s just so interesting. Like I absolutely adore his relationship with Ken and Akihiko, it’s honestly one of the the best written in the game. I think he’s a super realistic character too, I like how he deals with his guilt if that makes sense? Like shutting himself off from his friends and society makes a lot of sense. And I absolutely love how he comes back to SEES to protect Ken. I also love his love of cooking and how he gets on really well with Koromaru (I adore that scene in the movie where Aigis catches him feeding Koromaru and he’s wearing that apron it’s so funny and cute).
5 good qualities:
Well I talked about this a bit above but I love his relationships with the other characters (Akihiko being the stand out), I love how he handles his grief (even though it’s better to go see a therapist Shinji PLEASE), I love his voice acting I think it’s really well done and his persona design is awesome too. Also probably a little controversial BUT I do like the way he can be saved in P3P. Not just because it’s like yay Shinji doesn’t die but also because it isn’t as against the themes of the game as some people think it is? Like OK I saw something about this somewhere recently (can’t remember for the life of me where) BUT it’s supposed to be like a different way of looking at death? Like by having the ability to save Shinjiro, the FeMC is showing him that life is precious and can be taken away at any moment so you should live it to your fullest, which resonates with the games theme of death and living your life the best you can. The post I’m thinking of puts it way better so if I find it I’ll reblog it (if it was on here that is curse my shitty memory 😔).
3 bad qualities:
OK this is tough because I love him so much. I guess my only point here isn’t really on him BUT I would have loved to have seen more of his relationship with Mitsuru? I mean like he’s know her the second longest after Akihiko so I think it would have been nice to see them interact more. I honestly just want more senpai squad content I love them. Oh ALSO I wish we got more interactions between him and Minato. Like not even a full on social link but just some more interactions would have been nice.
OK so I am torn between two here: Akishinji and Shinjiham. I love them both so much. There’s so much I like about both that I really can’t pick. I love Akihiko and Shinjiro’s relationship in game and I think they work together romantically. Plus there’s like a ton of amazing content out there for them. And as for Shinjiham I really love Shinji’s social link and I can see how much Shinjiro cares for Minako. It’s really sweet.
Shinjiro and Mitsuru. Like I said earlier I want to know more about their friendship!! I saw a post that was like their friendship is just them daring each other to ask their crushes out and that is literally perfect. I also think they tease each other a lot and definitely LOVE teasing Akihiko. They’re very good at it too, unfortunately for Aki. Also just the senpai squad in general they are my kids.
OK SO HERE ME OUT: Akihiko/Shinjiro/Minato. I’ve wanted to talk about this one for a while but basically: I love Akishinji. I love Akimina. SO why not combine the two? I also think that Shinjiro and Minato would really get along (emo solidarity lol) and they would have a lot of fun teasing their crazy boyfriend (Akihiko is getting BULLIED tonight Shinji approves). I just think the dynamic between the three would be really cool and I want to make content for them because I think I’m the only person who ships this oof.
Mitsuru and Shinjiro. They’re friends and Mitsuru’s a lesbian all Mitsuru/male ships make me super uncomfortable oof. OH also Senpai Squad OT3. I don’t know why but this one makes me super super uncomfortable it’s probably my least favorite ship in persona :/ (no offense to anyone who ships this go you for doing so, it just actually makes my stomach hurl I don’t know why I have such a violent reaction to it 😔)
Best Quote:
This is how it should be. No I am not sorry.
Head Canon:
He’s non binary! I like the idea of Shinji being a he/they I just think it’s neat. Also after the events of P3 where he’s saved, he moves to a small town (Inaba maybe ahaha) and he opens a small restaurant and adopts a load of dogs.
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sirenspells · 5 years
can i ask for multiple characters? cuz like,, persona protags,,,
Oh hell yeah here we go
(No Aigis btw, I’m only doing the main protags)
Minato Arisato
How I feel about this character:
I love him with my entire heart and soul. Dare I say he’s my favorite persona character of all time.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ryoji, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Yu, Yukari, Fuuka, Aigis, Bebe, Theodore (I ship him with lots of people leave me alone)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Hamuko (especially twin AUs)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I mean it’d be cool if he was revived, and I absolutely love revival AUs, but I know that Atlus probably never would and I’m somewhat ok with him just staying dead in canon at least
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Him and Ham barely got to interact in PQ2 despite them being the same person being so hyped up leading to its release and I’m so angry about that! So basically I wanted them to bond over them both liking music, and perhaps comforting each other when they find out that both of their parents died.
Hamuko Arisato
How I feel about this character:
AAAAAHHHH I’m love her,,,
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Aigis, Yukari, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Akira/Ren, Ryoji, Elizabeth, Azami (my persona 4 femc, technically an OC ship so idk if it counts but whatever) EDIT: I FORGOT RIO AND SAORI THEY ARE ALSO HAM’S GFS
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Idk how unpopular this is but I can’t see her being shipped with Minato in any setting. If it’s twin AU, then yuck, gross don’t ship them, but even in say PQ2 it kinda makes me uncomfortable with them literally being the same person. Idk it weirds me out.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
She should’ve been in the dancing games!! They could’ve easily made her DLC!
Yu Narukami
How I feel about this character:
I REALLY don’t mean to sound mean but out of the main p3-5 protags, he’s the one I care about the least... I still love him, I just like the others more lmao
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Yosuke, Minato, Rise
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Maybe the reason I like him the least is cause I’m tired of seeing this bowlcut bitch everywhere. I’m tired of him being in spinoffs and shit let him rest. Also his design is my least favorite of the p3-5 main protags
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I kinda wish his Shadow had more prominence when it appeared in the anime. It has such a cool design but Yu just goes “ur me lol” and it’s gone in like 30 seconds.
Akira Kurusu
How I feel about this character:
He’s such a sweet kitty boy...I care him lots
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Goro, Ryuji, Mishima, Haru, Hamuko, Ken
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Futaba (big eyes emoji I can’t do cause I’m on my laptop)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I wasn’t nearly as excited as others for him being in Smash and I kinda don’t care about it. I mean, it’s definitely really cool, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not as engaged with it idk
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
He shouldn’t have had to move away at the end of the game :(
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alternis-dim · 5 years
Persona 3 for fandom thing!
just as a note before I continue: I haven't played p3p so I can't talk abt any of the characters or changes in it, sorry!
Favorite character: Minato Arisato to absolutely no one's surprise
Least Favorite character: Isako Toriumi. I absolutely hate that she exists and that I suffered through that social link
5 Favorite ships: Minato/Aigis/Ryoji (in any combination! Minato/Aigis is my favorite canon pairing), Minato/Elizabeth, Yukari/Mitsuru, Junpei/Chidori, and as a total rarepair Minato/Akira
Character I find most attractive: Aigis I guess? her design is really cute
Character I would marry: ? Aigis again I guess
Character I would be best friends with: Aigis... I Just Think She's Neat
a random thought: it's literally impossible for me to listen to Kimi No Kioku without at the very least getting that prickly sensation in your eyes that you get before you start crying
An unpopular opinion: The Answer may have been grind heavy but it was still good you cowards. also every person who says they hated Yukari because of how she acted in it will die by my blade
My Canon OTP: Minato/Aigis... their social link made me super emotional, as did their final scene. and also the entirety of The Answer.
My Non-canon OTP: Yukari/Mitsuru! god, I would love to say that they're canon, but Atlus is too homophobic for that. the way their relationship developed over the course of the story was genuinely some of the best writing in the game, and you can tell that they really came to understand and mean a lot to each other. they're lesbians, Harold
Most Badass Character: it's Aigis. of course it's Aigis. she has guns for hands and got in a fistfight with Death
Most Epic Villain: Ryoji Mochizuki... I'm such a sucker for antivillains and he made me super sad. I miss you, you strange shadow boy.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Mitsuru with literally any man
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): I'm gonna be honest, Persona 3 is one of very few games where I feel satisfied with the writing for the entire main cast. the fact that their ultimate persona awakenings weren't tied to completing social links and instead were tied to their growth throughout the story did wonders for their character writing whereas P4 and P5 sometimes fell short. so I guess my only character writing complaints are that Toriumi exists and that Kenji Tomochika is Like That
Favourite Friendship: the wild dynamic going on between Akihiko, Shinjiro and Ken tbh. I was very invested in their story
Character I most identify with: it's Minato. it's Minato to the point of me analyzing all of his ingame monologue and dialogue choices, lines in spinoff games, and characterization in the manga and movies in order to write a ridiculous amount of meta about his growth as a part of the themes of Persona 3 as a whole. to the point of doing both rp and fanfiction involving him so I can explore said meta. to the point that my friends keep calling me a Minato kinnie. help
(really though, the themes of P3 touched me deeply and I related to Minato a lot so I'm happy to have found a character I vibe with so much)
Character I wish I could be: I feel like my last answer probably says it already sgdhfjfj
thank you so much for the ask! sorry this got kinda rambly... I have a lot of feelings abt P3
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tacitusauxilium · 5 years
verse;; flip flop
Tumblr media
In this verse:
Every Phantom Thief and couple confidants are swapped--meaning that Persona 3 people and Persona 5 people are in different universes. Instead of Akira/Rin being the leader, it is now Minato leading the phantom thieves.
Personas are the same as of now. I have not thought THAT ahead into what Personas they might have with them being thieves, or if they would stay the same.
I also haven’t taken outfits into consideration.
And, also, this story would take place IN IWATODAI, just that the areas will be a bit different--so that everyone can go to the same high school.
Which leads me into the next few points:
Minato <--> Rin/Akira
So, he does have a twin sister, Minako, but she had a mental shut down and he wants to know what the hell cause her to have that happen (his parents also had mental shut downs too). Which lead to his parents sending him to Iwatodai to live with SHINJIRO, which will be explained further down.
Yukari <--> Ann
Yukari is a model in this verse, on the side just like Ann, and she still does Archery. She uses her modelling skills to save money for her and her mother--her mother is a bit more friendly this time around. The baseball coach hits on her, sexually, and leads to her almost losing her confidence, but Shiho keeps her going, no matter what.
Junpei <--> Ryuji
Junpei does get into the extra-curricular of baseball. However, his team was brought down by Kamoshida--he whacked a baseball bat at Junpei when he was late to a practice (his father, in this verse, is still a drunkard of sorts, but once his dad found out he had liver cancer and has to help him, Junpei still hates his dad, but is more willing to help him now), hence he has a limp on his right leg, a scar still on the back of his leg when they tried to fix up his knee.
Koromaru <--> Morgana
This is an odd one--a talking Koromaru, yet what would he look like in the Metaverse? I’m not so sure, but it’ll be something similar to what Morgana looks like--I feel Koromaru would be talking very elegantly, since Shiba Inus are just pretty and everything. XD He would have the same motives that Morgana does, but he was just a random dog picked out of the blue who got lots of attention because he was a loner and his owner died.
Mitsuru <--> Makoto
I feel this is obvious since they are both student council members--presidents especially. She would still live with her father, a top prosecutor in the area, just like Sae, and they would also explore his dungeon, too. There really isn’t much difference with them, tbh, I just can’t think of anything to really remove or add at the moment.
 Akihiko <--> Yusuke
Akihiko got into his school’s program because of his boxing scholarship--so it shows he is itching to fight and to let off some steam. Aki’s personally isn’t as wild as Yusuke’s. They do go after Akihiko’s boxing coach because he started to give drugs to those who aren’t fit to make it to the top (usually steroids), and Akihiko doesn’t want that to happen to him--he knows he is the best and that’ll happen if he does do well, also he can’t leave because if he leaves, he loses his scholarship. So his coach also has a palace as well
Fuuka <--> Futaba
THIS IS GONNA BE LONG. I figured this was would be very obvious. I mean, WHY NOT? Anyway, so here is where Fuuka and Shinji play into the story--Fuuka’s parents were very acclaimed doctors, as they were in P3. So, they were working together with cognitive psience and with Minato and Minako’s parents as well--they were great friends and knew what they would doing could kill them. Literally. 
Fuuka’s parents had mental shut downs, Minato and Minako’s parents did as well, and Minako was Shuji Ikutsuki’s first subject to see if the mental shut down truly worked. It did. So Minato was transferred into safety before Minako and their parents died. Fuuka was basically parent-less, Minato was being transferred to Iwatodai, realizing that his parents must have died along with his sister (now, he was living with some family BEFORE moving to Iwatodai), and Fuuka wondered the streets, unsure of where to even go.
Hence, she stumbled upon Chagall coffee shop and almost bumped into Shinjiro as he was leaving. Fuuka explained what she knew, making Shinjiro sympathize with her--he didn’t have any parents either, that he knew of very well that is, and he began to let her stay with him, ready to adopt her. I SHOULD NOTE THAT EVERYONE IS THE SAME AGE AS THEY WERE IN P3.
Shinjiro, however, is in his mid 20s.
Anyway, so he is ready to adopt her until he finds out that Minato is going to be in his care, since Shinjiro was friends of the Arisatos, only because he took care of the twins when they were younger--knowing Minako was dead, along with her parents, took him by surprised, but then he took Minato instantly and tried to welcome him with open arms.
This makes Fuuka a bit...sheltered and lonely. Shinjiro, unintentionally, gives his focus to Minato, since they knew each other. Fuuka does’t ask for Shinjiro’s help for much of anything, feeling that maybe she should have died with her parents so she wouldn’t have to feel this loneliness--this leads to her having her own palace.
I also have a feeling that Fuuka would totally make Aigis, once she focuses her efforts and has her Persona--albeit it might be a tiny robot a la a certain character in Dangan Ronpa 2. 
Ken <--> Haru
Now, I was really REALLY not sure about this. I wanted to substitute Shinjiro in instead of Ken, but thought this might work wonders.
So, Ken meets Koromaru inside of his own mother’s palace--not sure how that will go since I wouldn’t know what she would do as a living--perhaps a toy company? Or maybe a food company like Okumura?
Granted, the only way they would see Ken is whenever he would hang out with the other kid who has the social link with the game and the cheater (I cannot think of his name).
Ken would be motherless--no father in the picture too. 
So his family would own Gekkoukan High, as well as another establishment--his family will feel discomfort because they didn’t realize how fucked up a couple teachers were at the school and they have to do crowd control.
I haven’t developed much of anything with him tbh.
Shinjiro <--> Goro
So, this is where I was gonna have someone like Aigis here--since she didn’t really truly belong, but she did in a way. So, I thought Shinjiro would be interesting here. He’d only help--during Fuuka’s palace, since he is her guardian, and soon to be more? Eh. I don’t wanna push ships just yet.
Shinjiro isn’t going to back stab the team -- he’s only helping with the one mission because he felt he owed it to Fuuka. Something he tells the Phantom Thieves is that there is a group that are possibly pursuing the same goals as they do, but he believes that they are the ones doing the mental shutdowns as the Phantom Thieves are not. Shinjiro was suppose to be a part of that group (STREGA), but he changed his mind the day he was going to go join--Fuuka popped up and changed his mind.
So, that’s the one and done deal with him--he doesn’t bring up his Persona much. Now that I think about it, I think he’ll come back to take down the members of STREGA, for sure, knowing they killed Minako, Fuuka’s parents, and the twins parents.
This was going to be in Goro’s spot--but, I think this would be interesting to talk about as a separate group of people.
So, Jin and Takaya are the main issues--the group has to take them down since they knew that Ken’s mother died because of them and that they were the ones who took down Fuuka and Minato’s parents, as well as MInako--this makes Fuuka, Minato, and Shinjiro furious and they get more motivated to help everyone take them down.
Jin and Takaya get taken down towards the end of the Metaverse--Chidori is taken down during Shuji’s dungeon, because Jin and Takaya took her down by themselves, surprised that they would take down someone like her, a navigator of sorts, too. She knew too much and getting attached to the thieves was her demise.
Jin would be taken down before they go after the holy grail, whereas Takaya is taken down before taking on Yaldabaoth, calling for salvation and all that BS.
Haven’t thought of them much--just randomly came to me while typing this all up.
This is all I could think of at the moment--I think the only social links that will change is possibly... ...Sae’s, which would be Mitsuru’s father social link, and Sojiro’s and Goro’s, since Shinjiro is taking up both slots, more or less. I think Chidori might be the one who’ll take a social link FOR Goro, since it’ll make sense since she seems to be a bit neutral on the whole matter--she is more outgoing, happier (much compared to P3), and a vocalist who gets interviewed about the thieves.
But yeah? I did it! :D Now to shoot myself in the foot.
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selenecrown · 6 years
Persona 3 Persona-User Relationship Headcannons
Author's Note: So, I have been going through Persona 3 playthroughs recently and I have noticed that while in Persona 3 a lot goes down, I do see that in Tartarus, S.E.E.S. is actually well-taken care of, even in the anime and manga. Which sounds crazy, but it reminded me of how I made a Persona-User Relationship Headcannon for Persona 5 not too long ago. So, I decided to try this out for S.E.E.S. And leave it up for debate for people to see and hey! If this gets enough notes, maybe I will do this for the P4 cast, which will be very difficult for me, since there are so many transformations of Personas in that game my gosh and also that require rewatching a P4 playthrough. Probaby NicoB's since I like him so much.
Also, there is huge spoilers for Persona 3! And, I mean huge spoilers for the game! Like, if you don't like spoilers and read this, your experience will be ruined! So, I will put a read more for those who do not want spoilers! 
So, here I go!
Minato/Makoto and Orpehus 
- Orpehus and Minato actually get along very nicely, as most protagonists of the Persona series do.
- Orpehus is more quiet and reserved, but he is powerful. He prefers to fight with physical attacks to save on magic, believe it or not.
- Orpehus often is the Persona that looks after the group in Tartarus runs, but he pays the most attention to his Contractor. 
- Orpehus often will give Minato advice about Minato's personal life, but this are often once-in-a-while suggestions Minato takes heed of. 
- Orpehus, other than that, doesn't really get too involved in Minato's personal life. 
- Orpehus does actually understand Minato's Wildcard ability is powerful and can be used to help his friends, and he often encourages Minato to use it wisely.
- Orpehus teaches Minato how sing, now, Minato doesn't sing often but when he does, it's very good. Also, he teaches Minato how to play the lyre. And, if Minato can get his hands on one, he can play just as good as he sings.
Minato/Makoto and Thanatos
- (Literally you can figure out his relationship with Thanatos with Ryoji since Ryoji is Thanatos. And so is Pharos, too. It's not too hard to figure out from there.)
- Thanatos isn't a Persona used often, but shows a much darker side of Minato.
- Thanatos is more of the dominant Persona that gets violent if angered. So, everyone tends to let him do what he wants and not interfere. But Thanatos is actually a decent Persona once you talk to him. You just gotta deal with his anger issues.
- Thanatos actually looks after the team, and doesn't like it when the team pushes themselves. If someone is pushing themselves, Thanatos will often guard them and sometimes say something. Often, Akihiko and Mitsuru are the ones who deal with his lectures.
- But, he also does show he cares for Minato, as he will make comments about Minato's life. Mostly, Thanatos is Minato's anger embodied. But, he can be nice and make comments that are helpful to others.
- Well, until he becomes Ryoji, and well, play the game to figure what happens with their relationship.
Minato/Makoto and Messiah
- Minato's relationship with Orpehus carries over to Messiah, for the most part. Thanatos is in there, but he's more or less subdued.
- But Messiah and Minato often talk while Minato is the Great Seal. Because there isn't mush else to do.
- But Messiah often encourages Minato to look after his friends, and even S.E.E.S. is disbanded, Minato still looks after his team.
- Messiah also doesn't like to fight. He prefers to heal. But he knows that sometimes fights are unavoidable.
- Messiah is quite a fighter. But out of all the Personas, he's the one who wants peaceful resolutions.
- If that gave you the impression Messiah is basically a hippie, you're only half wrong. 
- Messiah also gives trivia of many different religions,  which can be odd at times.
-  Messiah also encourages and often is like an older brother figure (for lack of a better term) to the other Personas, and will always help them out if he wishes.
Aigis/Aegis and Palladion
- Aigis and Palladion get along quite well, despite what the situation looks like.
- Aigis is kinda attached to Palladion, and the two often chat with one another. And their talks can be very interesting to listen to.
- Palladion also likes Aigis too. Palladion often will look after Aigis and give her help when she feels Aigis is in trouble.
- Palladion is a warrior, and as such she will teach Aigis Greek battle tactics. Even though Aigis doesn't think it is applcable to her situation, sometimes you will see Aigis use Greek battle strategies.
- But some Roman stuff gets thrown in, too. Which is why Aigis is actually very knowledgeable about Greek and Roman history. 
- In Orgia mode, both she and Aigis both become much more powerful in attacks and Palladion always manages to impress the other Personas everytime with how much power she truly has.
- Palladion also tends to give Aigis advice in school. But, it doesn't help most of the time.
Aigis/Aegis and Pallas Athena
- When Palladion becomes Athena after S.E.E.S. tells Aigis she is more than just a simple machine but a dear friend of all of them, nothing much changes in the relationship between Aigis and her Persona, minus they are much closer than before.
- But now Aigis has better battle tactics and more wisdom on her side. 
Mitsuru and Penthesilea
- Mitsuru and Penthesilea actually have sort of a meh relationship.
- Mitsuru likes Penthesilea because how both powerful and badass she is, and like how she can be both a navigator and a fighter. Sometimes that really saves her life, she can tell you.
- Penthesilea watches over Mitsuru since Mitsuru can be naïve. Penthesilea also will often also give Mitsuru advice with the rapier and battle tactics. She would help Mitsuru be reminded of things, but other than that, she wouldn't get too much into Mirsuru's personal life.
- But both don't really talk much, until after Mitsuru's father and Shinji died. Then, Penthesilea went to Mitsuru and became closer. Helping Mitsuru balance all her responsibilities and at the same time, helping Mitsuru move past these deaths.
- Mitsuru doesn't call on Penthesilea's help too much, but when she does it's either in battle or when Mitsuru is in trouble socially. 
Mitsuru and Artemisia
- When Penthesilia becomes Artemisia after Mitsuru and Yukari had a heart-to-heart talk which helps Mitsuru gain her confidence and hope back, the relationship between Mitsuru and her Persona does not change.
- Well, Artemisia encourages Mitsuru to stay close to her teammates, mainly Akihiko. Not because of Caeser, but more because Mitsuru understands Akihiko more than any other teammates, and Akihiko understands her, too.
- Artemisia also asks Mitsuru look after Fuuka. Well, almost all the Personas ask their Contactors look after Fuuka, but Artemisia has a somewhat soft spot for Lucia since she was a navigation Persona.
Shinjiro (Shinji) and Castor
- Um, I mean I don't think so?
- I think these two aren't in a good place with Castor going out of control. 
- They have much more of an unstable relationship compared to everyone else. Shinji always has to suppress Castor, leading to various fights between the two.
- I also think Castor sometimes will threaten Shinji. 
- But when both of them are in Tartarus and in trouble, the two of them will stand together. But other than that, I don't think they ever really got along.
- Well, maybe when Shinji was in S.E.E.S. with just Mitsuru and Akihiko. I personally think then, Castor and Polydeuces got along really well so Castor could be controlled that way. But, he did have his moments.
- But in the present S.E.E.S., it wasn't so good. Castor could only be controlled due to the pills being there, as Castor and Polydeuces had lost touch.
- But I do think that in Shinji's final moments, Castor and Shinji were able to make amends with one another after being killed by Jin because of Ken, because Ken was endangered, I think both of them could agree that while both of them had made mistakes in the past, they had a job now. And after Shinji died, the two of them were able to talk it out with one another. It wasn't pretty, but they were able to move the past to the past.
Akihiko and Polydeuces
- I actually think these to got along well. 
- Both were fighters, and had been through a lot but was trying to move forward. 
- I personally think Akihiko and Polydeuces talk a lot with one another. They aren't super close to one another, they are more like close acquaintances.
- Polydeuces doesn't look as much after Akihiko as he does the younger teammates. He may not look it, but he does have a soft spot for youngsters. He particularly looks after Ken.
- After Shinji's death, Akihiko became really depressed and Polydeuces kept telling him to get off his butt. Telling Akihiko moping around won't help anything, but Akihiko doesn't listen until he figures that out himself.
Akihiko and Caeser
- And so, Polydeuces becomes Caesar.
- The only thing that really changes between the two are differences in battle tactics, and Caesar asking Akihiko to be more wise in battle. And Akihiko is doing so.
Junpei and Hermes
- Junpei and Hermes are actually pretty close.
- Junpei got really close to Hermes since he fought a lot with him, which makes sense, especially when he has issues with his self-esteem.
- Hermes does give Junpei some help with his self-esteem problems, but not too much. Not for any personal reasons, he just firgured Junpei needs to work out his self-esteem problems by himself.
- But other than that, the two mostly don't really talk with one another, unless in battle.
- They bonded mostly in battle, but when S.E.E.S. was told once they get rid of the Dark Hour, there powers will be gone, too, things between them became much more interesting.
- Junpei became indecisive as to what to do. And Hermes did tell Junpei that it could happen, and he needs to accept that life isn't always fair. Sometimes you need to sacrifice something for the greater good. Which Junpei didn't really want to accept.
- Hermes did encourage Junpei to go after Chidori, and Junpei did.
- Which, didn't go too well for Junpei. As he almost got himself killed until Chidori healed him. 
Junpei and Trismegistus
- And, after Junpei was brought back from the dead, Hermes became Trimegistus. 
- The relationship doesn't change much, besides Junpei listens more to Trimegistus and Junpei becomes wiser because of that.
- Junpei becomes more mature, and he becomes less of the village idiot to an advisior.
Yukari and Io
- I don't think Yukari and Io had as good of a relationship with her Persona compared to her teammates. 
- They were more acquaintances than friends.
- Yukari and Io talked, but it was mainly in battle. Other than that, they didn't talk.
Yukari and Isis
- At least, not until after Yukari found out the true video her father sent.
- Then, the two started talking more. But the more they talked the closer they got.
- And soon, they became really close.
Fuuka and Lucia
- Fuuka and Lucia actually were pretty close.
- Fuuka and Lucia would talk often, and Fuuka would often ask for Lucia's help.
- Which, Lucia is happy to provide. Both of them work great in battle, even though they don't do too much combat wise.
- But other than that, Lucia helps Fuuka out with her many problems in life, like her parents or her femininity problems. 
Fuuka and Juno
- After Fuuka realizes that one is not truly alone, Lucia becomes Juno. 
- Juno and Fuuka become closer and Juno gives Fuuka lots of advice, too.
Ken and Nemesis
- Ken and Nemesis were close.
- Nemesis heavily encourages Ken to find his mother's killer. But, he does tell Ken that it takes time.
- So, Nemesis is partially responsible for Ken's actions by heavily encouraging it. 
- Nemesis is kinda what keeps bring Ken down to a depressive state. So, That's why Ken isn't really in a good place mentally.
- And, Ken lets Nemesis' constant remindings of his mother's death happen. Which helps neiter of there situations.
Ken and Kala-Nemi
- Until, Nemesis becomes Kala-Nemi. 
- In which, Ken and his Persona's relationship become much more healthy.
- Kala-Nemi does try and make their relationship better, which does work out. 
- After lot of bonding, Ken and Kala-Nemi are very close.
- Kala-Nemi and Cerberus do become close, as Ken and Koromaru did. Which, if the team did Partner Attacks, would be a really good and cool attack.
Koromaru and Cerberus 
- Koromaru and Cerberus are very close.
- As, sometimes Koromaru feels like only Cerberus can understand him. 
- So, when Koromaru didn't feel like being around S.E.E.S. Koromaru would find a secluded spot and talk with Cerberus. Cerberus would competely understand Koromaru's pain, and comfort him about it.
- But, Cerberus does encourage Koromaru to stay with S.E.E.S.
- Cerberus has a soft spot for Koromaru's human teammates, as, he often will protect them from Shadows, even when he can't help.
- Cerberus also advises Koromaru on battle tactics, which is why Koromaru is so good in battle.
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