#akira x kengo
shoceted · 11 months
have you ever made a ranking for each of the kamen rider seasons you've watched? which one is best for newbies, which one is your secret favourite, which one made you cry etc
i have made a ranking actually! i have a tier list that i very rarely share publicly because there's some spicy takes on there. but here's some thoughts on each season i've completed at this time because you gave me the excuse anon >:]
ryuki: i... really wish i liked ryuki more. i respect it immensely for what it did for the franchise and i think it's got themes, which is more than i can say of some seasons. but for the most part i ahhhhh... didn't love it? it's not my least favorite season i don't think but it isn't one that i'm going to revisit any time soon. i do love ren and shinji though; as a known sucker for a grumpy/sunshine primary/secondary red/blue pair they got me and they got me hard. i definitely am going to write some renshinji someday. and those last two episodes are some good fucking television. but overall ehhhh. i really do wish i liked it more though if only to fit in with everyone else :( (and it's not just the fact that it's heisei phase 1 that's the issue bc i'm loving decade and blade so far! and kiva also is there!). but yeah at this time my favorite ryuki is the one from japanese boy band mazzel stream carnival
double: DUB E X CRIME N THE CITY! i fucking loved w. it's just straight up damn good toku. and it literally took a single episode preview for terui ryu in all his stupid wet cat angstiness to captivate me forever. a single episode preview. like i will always remember finishing the 1st arc, seeing the episode preview for ryu's first episode right after, and being like "fuck" even though i intended to leave off there for the day and watched his first two episodes. DAMN U SECONDARY RIDER SYNDROME. i do think w would be a great place to start getting into rider tbh because it's just so good!!!!!!! i don't even have a lot to say about it but not in a bad way. it's just really really good. watch w. and make it soon. if you have not already. love is strong girls go on
ooo: so one thing you should understand is that i am literally watching ooo right now. like i'm sitting on my couch typing this and also watching episode 19 of kamen rider ooo. i legit watch through the entire second arc all the time. i think it's a very close second or third for my favorite season ever. eiji at the very least is tied for my favorite primary ever and that's saying a lot considering how much i love my other favorite primary ever. (which we'll get into.) ankh is just like me fr and i am going to eat his gender and HINA. BEST GIRL. 10/10. the very first ooo fic i started working on after watching this show (which i might fuck around and try to finish at some point even) is from her pov!!!!!! because i love her. AND DATE AKIRA IS THE MAN EVER (AND THE LEAST REPRESSED SECONDARY CONGRATION YOU DONE IT). the story the comedy the action the epic highs and lows of a hippie and his underwear and of a bird and his ice pops and of a girl and her brother and GAHHHHH. i love this show so so so much. i would absolutely start with ooo if i could go back in time. and i did not secretly cry, i cried a lot. openly. i want to make my boss watch it. i love ooo. i've been trying to design a hawktigergrasshopper shirt for months. i am literally watching kamen rider ooo right now and i will until i go to bed. you count the medals one two and three life goes on anything goes coming up ooo [i start crying]
fourze: my first exposure to kisaragi gentaro was when i watched heisei generations final for the first time, where i promptly freaked the fuck out because holy shit it's fuckin fukushi sota jesus christ jesse eisenberg moment. i actually watched one fourze movie (the winter one, bc i'm a h!p fan and manoeri is there. nadeshiko my beloved) long before i'd seen the series and forgot this. anyway i watched fourze in... like february-march i think? and i ADORED IT. kengo/gentaro is a top tier rider ship and i also have a wip of them that someday i will finish. the kamen rider club is SO GOOD (tomoko and jk are both just like me fr and miu!!! aka tomoyo sepakoi!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm the only person who liked that show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and meteor's suit is so pretty and fuck man the power of fucking friendship. i cried at fourze too. it took me like two hours to watch the two-parter where gentaro gets his final form. i love this show man. it makes me look up at the moon and think about happy things. my space kids. FOURZE YEAH!
wizard: so unfortunately i have the popular opinion that wizard is really long and poorly paced, especially towards the end. but that's straight up my only criticism of it. like that's it. i put wizard in the "free therapy" tier of my list initially but then moved it to "free therapy but you're a little bit high." haruto is a fucking excellent primary rider who i adore he's so my type i hate it here and like it makes me want to rewatch good morning call bc shiraishi shunya pretty and nitou... is definitely the character ever. to quote my own joke it's like one of the writers watched indiana jones on shrooms and had the idea to create the secondary of all time. (it's been like 10 years since the end of wizard do u think he's figured out that he's into haruto yet.) and RINKO MY GOD and koyomi... koyomi/haruto is proof het rider ships can also dissolve your bones... but most importantly. NARA SHUNPEI. HE IS JUST LIKE ME FR. lowkey highkey kinning him from his very first episode. i love that man. he just wants 2 be useful and you know what me too. but yeah so WAY too long but definitely good idc what anyone says; i ain't gonna hate a show that has the same moral as no pressure by novel core.
gaim: HEY SO DON'T START WITH GAIM. DON'T DO IT. DO NOT START WITH KAMEN RIDER GAIM. I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE. GET LIKE A FEW MORE SEASONS UNDER YOUR BELT AND THEN WATCH GAIM. i am speaking from experience. okay. now i feel like gaim has a negative reputation nowadays. BUT. despite popular belief gaim is not peak sexism in kamen rider (like dude... kiva. what the fuck.) so that is that myth busted; also the ending is so beautiful and tragic but overall good if you dedicate some thought to it! and the characters are fucking wonderful! like in any other show i wouldn't care about zack and he's like in the eternally rotating top 3 gaim characters for me. i fucking adore kamen rider gaim. it's about growing up and it's about fighting against your oppressors and it's about pokemon go and dance crews, what could possibly go wrong. like as much as i hate micchy (which is a lot bc he reminds me of my toxic ex rip <3) i can't deny that he's an incredibly well-written character. kouta is an excellent primary and his journey throughout the series breaks your heart, but isn't that what growing up does? takatora is such a well-executed character that it's fun to watch other people react to how the show makes your opinion on him change. and god, kumon kaito has been giving me brain worms since 2015-2018. crimson lotus of misfortune, tragic banana boy, would-be tyrant, gay ass. no matter what anyone says, he's a great character. bananaorange is one of my favorite rider ships ever; it's either tied for first or a close second depending on the moment. and MAI. mai!!!! ray of light. if she was a tarot card she'd be the star. i love that girl. but DON'T START HERE JUST LIVE MORE
drive: so my plan for this year is all of heisei phase 2 + decade and i watched drive pretty early because i knew i would have complicated feelings on it, because i'm black and i'm never comfortable with positive portrayals of cops in fiction. and i was... kind of right. like there are things i loved about drive (heart. namely. fucking adore heart. had me from the moment he said "that roidmude might have been a monster to you but to me he was my friend." i love love love heart so much. he was my lockscreen for MONTHS this year.). i think that everything after episode 40 or so is great. and i relate to gou as much as i relate to shunpei, except in the opposite direction, so him suffering and breaking down and dying of flowers and stuff is really easy, and also fun. and CHASE. he is the fictional character that i think of when i read the word babygirl. but it's also... like... a show where cops are out to kill an entire species... and that makes me uncomfortable. and i abhor that fucking belt. like spoilers but you see a man getting tortured and you just LEAVE???????? THIS IS YOUR FAULT AND ALSO WHY DO YOU NEVER TELL KIRIKO ANYTHING. AND ALSO, SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVE. seriously drive would have been p e a k if they weren't cops and kiriko was drive. i also wish heart and shin had more homoerotic tension with each other cause idk i would have liked to see it? anyway. drive. fwiw i think the way it ends is way worse than the way gaim ends, so :) spicy take for the day i suppose. so relationship status it's complicated. also i think shin is boring .
ghost: MY FRIENDS BORN IN THE SAME ERA AS ME WE THINK THEREFORE WE ARE!!!!! I LOVED GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously if wizard is no pressure ghost is jenga and to complete the trio of novel core therapy songs ooo is thanks all my tears and i'm always a sucker for media where the moral is that life is short and sometimes painful, but it's beautiful, and it's yours, and that's why you should see it through to the end. ghost genuinely makes me want to keep living. I LOVED GHOST. the pacing problems aren't a problem at all if you're not watching week to week i swear. takeruuuuuu my sweet baby my son who i raised myself. also nishime shun is super cute and only like a year older than me,,, i'm fine takeru is such a good boy and if you hate him you will die and go to hell. makoala my boys. they sure are gay aren't they. anyway i'm always a slut for older brothers so i love makoto and if alan was red instead of green i would want to eat his gender. and kanon is so precious but AKARI GOD DAMN IT I LOVE HER SO MUCH. PRETTY SCIENCE LADY IS ALWAYS MY TYPE. but i cannot pursue her because takeru/akari is one of my favorite rider ships ever and fuck you toei they're so fucking married by now. they have to be!!!!!! i refuse to live in a world where they're not! so they're married. thank you. they're also criminally underrated and i think i'm gonna publish my first het rider fic about them because they are so fuckign cute. goodnight. ghost is great. episode 6, my god, one of my favorites in all of rider. AND THE BELT NOISES. COCAINE IN THEM.
ex-aid: so my best friend in the whole world jack (hiiiiiii jack if you read this i love you) had been telling me to watch ex-aid for about two years before i watched it and now i know why: ex-aid has a disease in it and i don't just mean the bugster virus. ex-aid gives you a disease called ex-aid disease where you can't stop thinking about ex-aid. it infects you from the moment you watch it for the first time. symptoms include telling other people to watch ex-aid. watch ex-aid. i listen to excite at least once a day from monday to thursday on my way to work. i have one (1) gashat (tokimeki crisis for my wife who i am married to and is my wife, poppy pipopapo) and it is one of my greatest treasures. i. love. ex-aid. I LOVE EX-AID. kagami fucking hiiro god damn it, i should've known that the scene in sepakoi where kaneda cries would've had a lasting impact on my psyche because wow that boy can cry and be repressed about shit LIKE HIS GIANT CRUSH ON EMU WHICH HE SO HAS, MR. BL ASS SETO TOSHIKI GLOOMY GAY SADBOI. cough. i truly love all the characters though. it's just that kagami hiiro permanently altered my brain chemistry. the adhd lets me write gou and the autism lets me write hiiro. he's like my fucking muse. just god ex-aid is great the belt noises are great the suits are great the villains are great the soundtrack is great my wife is there (poppy) taddle legacy is my favorite final form ever and god it's such a beautiful fucking show. i miss takahashi shit like this because it's genuinely hard to believe geats was written by the same guy. i adore ex-aid. now would i start with ex-aid. no. do i know people who started with ex-aid. yes. but maybe once you've got a little early heisei phase 2 under your belt dive into the god damn gamer doctors. i'm on a mission right now. EX-AID. STREAM PEOPLE GAME
build: so build was my second season of rider, which i watched in late 2020-early 2021... aka when cherry magic was airing. i fucking loved cherry magic and i'll always be grateful for it because lmfttf was a really important fic in my personal fic writing history. but this is not about magic virgins this is about build which... really is another ryuki to me, but it's above ryuki for now because it really is enjoyable and akaso eiji is there and everything, but i don't feel very passionately about it. now when i first watched it i was ~*depressed*~ so that might be part of it, but it didn't have the power to bring me out of that depression that the season i'm going to talk about next does. it just was something i watched and then had watched. be the one's a great song though and the story is really good objectively. i'm also... about to commit sacrilege but it's fine here goes i'm not really into best match as a pairing??????? it doesn't feel as organic as some other rider ships and that sours me on it. while meanwhile you have shit like renshinji where it was 2002 or whatever and that changes my brain chemistry because oh! you genuinely were supposed to read this as friendship! while best match is like. explicitly bait for fujos. like advertised about being about heated drama between men, as opposed to naturally produced heated drama between men. but i did like it and i even have one of the best match rings (with the other with jack). no complaints about the story. but it's not something i'm super into. but they say it's a good place to start for a reason.
revice: so tl;dr at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 i was super depressed for a whole bunch of reasons. and then one summer day i found out that japanese pop singer and member of girl group beyooooonds maeda kokoro's older brother was the guy who was gonna star in the next season of kamen rider. so i decided to give it a shot. i genuinely just decided to give it a shot because of that. and it saved my fucking life. at first it was just that it was miles away from the aforementioned bunch of reasons i was depressed, something to look forward to every week that just didn't have anything to do with it. i'm a sucker for any tokusatsu show that's family-themed, so 8-10 did insane things to my brain chemistry. but really it had me from episode one. because ikki. igarashi fucking ikki my beloved. a fictional character has genuinely never gripped me like this. i literally buy merch of him every time i get paid. he is so special to me because his story was exactly what i needed to hear, and also because he's the prettiest guy on earth, my god. he's so my type that it's like he was created in a lab. i love igarashi ikki so much that actually we're married. like yeah does revice has problems? is the theme song not good? does the behind the scenes stuff & presence of kimura subaru (and again i'm black) make me uncomfortable? YES!!! BUT I ALSO LOVE THIS SHOW! it is a reason that i am alive and typing this right now! kamen rider revice is extremely special to me and my favorite season of rider ever. i don't know what could ever take its place. i love it so much. i collect vistamps of past seasons i've watched (eagle and jackal are next and i already have kamakiri and kong). the music aside from livedevil is fucking wonderful, the spinoffs are wonderful, heated drama between WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETWEEN WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a show that means so much to me and is so close to my heart. i love it so much and it's unmatched and it probably always will be. i'm so glad i watched it. thank you, past me.
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triset · 11 months
fave char from every toku ive seen i guess. god
kr 1971: tachibana
kuuga: ra baruba de
agito: hikawa
ryuki: shinji
faiz: honestly... smart lady
blade: kenzaki
hibiki: akira
kabuto: kagami
den-o: deneb
kiva: maya
dcd: natsumikan
w: wakana
ooo: ankh
fourze: genchan
wizard: haruto
gaim: mitchy
drive: chase
ghost: akari
ex-aid: nico
build: evolt
zi-o: sougo
01: naki
saber: rintaro
tiga: megumi
x: x
geed: laiha
r/b: tsuru
taiga: homare
z: haruki
trigger: kengo
blazar: emi
gokai: don
toq: mio
ryusoul: c...canalo?
kiramei: tametomo
kingoh: himeno
metalder: topgunder
dogengers: fukuokalibur
keitai sousakan 7: zero one
bima satria garuda: gackt
tokusatsu gagaga: yoshida
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cocotome · 2 years
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Ok! I know, I’m super late (this was supposed to be posted a few days ago) but here it is! The full list of seiyuu that will be present for Otomate Party 2022!
September 3, 2022
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Morikubou Shoutarou (Okita Souji) Toriumi Kousuke (Saitou Hajime) Yusa Kouji (Harada Sanosuke)
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Kakihara Tetsuya (Shin) Taniyama Kishou (Ikki) Miyata Kouki (Ukyou) Takahashi Hidenori (Waku)
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Charade Maniacs
Suzumura Kenichi (Banjou Tomose) Namikawa Daisuke (Chigasaki Mamoru) Furukawa Makoto (Dazai Mei)
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Cendrillon Palika
Uchida Yuuma (Ulen Muller) Namikawa Daisuke (Klone Spinel) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Rindo Westeria) Toriumi Kousuke (Natra Peony) Yashiro Taku (Shion Lalique)
September 4, 2022 - Day
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Nil Admirari no Tenbin
Okamoto Nobuhiko (Kougami Akira) Kimura Ryouhei (Ukai Shougo) Suzumura Kenichi (Migawa Shizuru)
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Piofiore no Banshou
Ishikawa Kaitou (Dante Falzone) Morikubou Shoutarou (Gilbert Redford) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Yang) Kimura Ryouhei (Nicola Francesca)
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Olympia Soiree
Uemura Yuuto (Amakusa Shirou Tokisada) Horie Shun (Himuka) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Tsukuyomi)
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Birushana Senki
Furukawa Makoto (Minamoto no Yoritomo) Fukuyama Jun (Taira no Tomomori) Kawanishi Kengo (Taira no Noritsune) Kondou Takashi (Satou Tsugunobu)
September 4, 2022 - Night
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Clock Zero
Maeno Tomoaki (Kano Riishiro) Toriumi Kousuke (Hanabusa Madoka) Sugiyama Noriaki (Saionji Toranosuke) Sudou Shou (Hanabusa Nakaba)
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Collar x Malice
Morita Masakazu (Yanagi Aiji) Kimura Ryouhei (Shiraishi Kageyuki) Ono Yuuki (Saeki Yuzuru)
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Cupid Parasite
Kimura Ryouhei (Gil Lovecraft) KENN (Shelby Snail) Yashiro Taku (Raul Aconite) Furukawa Makoto (Allan Melville) Okamoto Nobuhiko (Peter Flange)
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Shuuen no Virche
Hirakawa Daisuke (Lucas Proust) Amasaki Kouhei (Mathis Claude) Yashiro Taku (Adolphe) Okitsu Kazuyuki (Ankou)
This event is going to be amazing! So many awesome titles and seiyuu! Plus, it’s exciting to see how many of these otome have been localized for the West! I think it’s so odd that NamiDai won’t be there for the second day considering he’s in 2 of the titles for the night performance (Clock Zero and Collar x Malice).
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kabutoraiger · 3 years
toku pairs that could've kissed and it wouldn't change anything in the show?
a great question...
in rider:
we all know godai & ichijou shouldve kissed before the final battle
kissing mightve been too much for awkward boy takkun but yuutaku shouldve hugged
dategotou when date was "dying" in his arms
gentaro & kengo
alain & makoto
ryusen when they reunited in the new world. or at various other occasions frankly
in sentai:
marvjoe. ahimluka. honestly most gokai pairs if they'd smooched onscreen i wouldve said "seems about right"
champstinger and balancenaga
in ultra:
the fact that daichi never kissed x's screen is the greatest missed opportunity of our time
asahi & saki shouldve gotten a kiss on the cheek (a->s) or maybe a proper old fashioned kiss on the hand (s->a)
in other stuff:
akira & hayami. they come close like twice an episode anyway
liu bei & zhuge liang
ryuusei shouldve kissed topgunder on his round little head
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Skeleton Knight in Another World Previews Cast in Latest Trailer
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  The nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat — so with Skeleton Knight in Another World coming to strike us down in just under two weeks, the series' official Twitter account today released a juicy third trailer, previewing new and old cast members:
  The trailer first highlights five new additional cast members (in order of credit appearance):
  Daiki Hamano (Jean-Jacques in The Case Study of Vanitas) as Dakares
Kengo Kawanishi (Gen in Dr. STONE) as Sekt
Saori Onishi (Nozomi in Sonny Boy) as Yuriarna
Minoru Shiraishi (Sakamoto in Nichijou) as Cetrion
Akira Ishida (Shun in Tribe Nine) as Domitianus
A preview of DIALOGUE+'s ending theme song kicks in halfway, where the main cast is reintroduced:
  Tomoaki Maeno (Veldora in That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) as Arc
Fairouz Ai (Jolyne in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN) as Ariane
Miyu Tomita (Riko in Made in Abyss) as Chiyome
Nene Hieda (Douki-chan in GANBARE DOUKICHAN) as Ponta
Ryota Takeuchi (Elias in The Ancient Magus' Bride) as Goemon
Kosuke Toriumi (Edward of York in Requiem of the Rose King) as Dylan
Yuko Minaguchi (Videl in Dragon Ball Z) as Glenys
Takuya Eguchi (Loid in SPY x FAMILY) as Danka
Rumi Okubo (Nona in Death Parade) as Ebin
  Based on the light novels by Ennki Hakari and KeG, Skeleton Knight in Another World is being directed by Katsumi Ono (Symphogear) and Shigatsu Yoshikawa (Super Cub episode director) at Studio KAI and HORNETS, with series composition by Takeshi Kikuchi (Ragnastrike Angels) and character designs adapted for animation by Toru Imanishi (Girly Air Force).
  Crunchyroll will be streaming the series as it airs from April 7, describing it as such:
When Arc wakes up, he discovers that he has been transported to another world in the body of the character he was playing in an MMO. Looking like a suit of armor on the outside and a skeleton on the inside, he is the Skeleton Knight. If his identity is discovered, he could be mistaken for a monster and become a target! Arc decides to spend his time as a mercenary so as not to attract attention to himself. However, he's not the kind of man who can stand idly by when he witnesses evil acts take place right before his eyes! This isekai fantasy series about the Skeleton Knight's unintentional quest to make the world a better place has arrived!!
Source: Skeleton Knight in Another World official Twitter account
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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trashexplorer · 4 years
BLCD 2020: May Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta 💡
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Release Date: 2020/05/20
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Satou Takuya *boi you better get your act together
Synopsis: Yoshino is gay, thirty, and definitely not flirty - he's never even dated anyone. He seems to have accepted the fact that he'll die alone, until one night, in a gay bar for the first time in his life, he meets young, charming silver-haired Rou and grabs some drinks with him. Yoshino is drawn to Rou's mysterious charm and they spend the night together talking...one thing leads to another and suddenly that's not the only thing they're doing tonight...? A sloppy, happy love story between a handsome college student playing the game of love the easy way, and a working adult who has yet to know what love is.
Comment: Man, the SuzuMinta wave’s still going strong it seems. You're already so lucky to even have one of your works to be adapted into BLCDs, but to have five in a span of three years?! Hashimoto Aoi only has three while Yoshio Akira has two. 🤷 Well, the number of works and adaptations you have doesn’t mean you’re a good story-teller, though. 🙊
2. Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no ~ Third Stage ~ Nanao x Ai
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Release Date: 2020/05/22
Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Kawanishi Kengo
Synopsis: Adaptation of the novel/sequel of the same name.
3. Bokutachi no Kiss. Mount & Seitokai Hen 
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Release Date: 2020/05/29
Nakazawa Masatomo x Toki Shunichi
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Ono Yuuki WHAT STOp
(Mount) Ichijou Chiaki and Kisaragi Sou are childhood friends that were separated due to family circumstances. When they reunite again in high school, each of them have gained popularity to boast about. As both of their prides won’t make them live their lives without knowing who’s more popular, their fight escalated into a contest on who can kiss the other more deeply!
(Seitokai) Sannomiya Hikari is the somewhat detached student council president, while Uzuki Minato is the vice president who’s always wrapped around Hikari’s finger. They work together like normal, but then one day, when Minato happens upon a half-awake Hikari, the latter kisses him and tells him that he’ll be greeting him that way every day from that day onward. What did he mean by that?
Comment: Okay, first of all, ixnay on the Tachibana Shinnosuke x Ono Yuuki. Why??? I listened to the teasers and it would’ve been better if they switched casts for the two CDs and have Tachibana bottom instead of Ono. Also, Seiyuu Grand Prix is the one producing this, so I wasn’t surprised that they got Tachibana on board on this, buttttttt whyyyyy??? Y’all supposed to know better. 😂
4. Kono Koi wa, Kamisama ni Gohoukoku 💡
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Release Date: 2020/05/29
Cast: Taku Yashiro x Amasaki Kouhei
Synopsis: “For me, Yuuki’s existence is more important than anything else.” 
When Yuuki, a college student who’s also a priest apprentice, was starting his morning rituals, his childhood friend, Sawato, figures in a car accident around the premises of the temple. Rushing to the scene, Yuuki notices that Sawato has crashed into a sacred tree and that he was already standing beside him. Suddenly, Sawato falls in love with Yuuki then and there!
Comment: Yo, that synopsis is probably majorly inaccurate esp the names. I will come back to that when there’s more info about them. Also, this is the first BLCD that Lucky Bag has ever produced, so let’s see what they can offer. I actually did a double take seeing that the art was Isaka Jugurou’s, but the story is not theirs.
5. Tasogare Outfocus  🙏
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Release Date: 2020/05/29
Cast: Uchida Yuuma x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu *muy bien 👌
Tsuchiya Mao is roommates with Otomo Hisashi who is secretly gay, that's why they made 3 rules: I. Mao must never reveal Hisashi's secret II. Hisashi won't look at Mao as a romantic interest III. Neither of them can get in the way of the other's "personal needs" They had no problems living together until the movie club - which Mao is part of - decided to do a BL movie for their school festival project and casted Hisashi for the lead role.
May seems like a slow month, but those are really interesting titles overall.
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cannonette · 5 years
Otomate Party 2019 Titles!!
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[ 1 ] Spade no Kuni no Alice
1st Title created under the Sub-brand of Otomate [ QuinRose reborn ] New Title from the [ Heart no Kuni no Alice ] series 
Illustrator: Fujimaru Mamenosuke
Scenario Writer: Satsuki Kou
Theme Song: Hisano, Theme Song / BGM: Mari
Platform: Nintendo Switch Title
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[ 2 ] Cupid Parasite
Cute, Happy and Nonsensical Goddess x Marriage Hunting Love Comedy!
Director: Tatematsu Fumiyoshi ( Jakou no Lyla )
Scenario Writer: Yoshimura Ririka ( Jakou no Lyla ) 
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: TBA 2020
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Connecting Hearts in a Parallel Universe Adventure Game
Director: Yukizawa Riku
Illustrator: Suoh
Cast: Toyonaga Toshiyuki / Suzuki Tatsuhisa / Sakurai Takahiro / Kobayashi Yusuke / Osaka Ryota
Theme Song: Toyonaga Toshiyuki
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: TBA 2020
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[ 4  ] Tokei Shikake no Apocolypse
This is a Story that starts from the “Bad End”.
Director: Saito Asami
Scenario Writer: Amemiya Uta
Theme Song: Ogata Megumi
Platform: Nintendo Switch
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[ 5 ] Pio Fiore no Bansho -Episodio 1926-
Sequel Title to Pio Fiore no Bansho
Director: Takamura Asahi
Illustrator: RiRi
Cast: Ishikawa Kaito / Morikubo Syotaro / Okamoto Nobuhiko / Kimura Ryohei / Toyonaga Toshiyuki / Tachibana Shinnosuke
Platform: Nintendo Switch
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[ 6 ] Meiji Katsugeki Haikara Ryusei gumi -Seibai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyo-
Meiji Reform Romance Adventure Game
Planner, Supervisor, Scenario Writer: Takagi Ayumi ( Ichicolumn )
Illustrator: Suzushiro Karin
Theme Song: Shikura Chiyomaru / Sang by: +α /Alfakyun
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: TBA 2020
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[ 7 & 8 ] AMNESIA & AMNESIA LATER×CROWD for Nintendo Switch
AMNESIA V Edition & AMNESIA LATER×CROWD V Edition  Nintendo Switch Port Memory loss x Suspense x Mystery
Illustrator: Hanamura Mai
Cast: Kakihara Tetsuya / Taniyama Kishow / Ishida Akira / Hino Satoshi / Miyata Koki
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: September 12th, 2019
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 [ 9 ]  Collar×Malice for Nintendo Switch
Collar×Malice &  Collar×Malice -Unlimited-  Nintendo Switch Port 2 in 1 Game
Produced by: Shimra Reiko
Illustrator: Hanamura Mai
Cast: Morita Masakazu / Kaji Yuki / Saito Soma / Namikawa Daisuke / Kimura Ryohei / and others.
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: TBA 2020
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[ 10 ] Olympia Soiree
This is another Mythical Tale that you could’ve come to.
Director: Watanabe Wataru
Illustrator: Satoi
Scenario Writer: Katagiri Yuma
Cast: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu / Sugita Tomokazu / Shimazaki Nobunaga / Uemura Yuto / Uchida Yuma / Horie Shun
Platform: Nintendo Switch
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[ 11 ] Gensou Kissa Enchanté
Prallel Universe, Non-Human Café 
Director: Ninomae Joe
Illustrator: Yuuya
Scenario Writer:  Nakayama Satomi + Kojima Nao
Cast: Akabane Kenji / Umehara Yuichiro / Ishikawa Kaito / Ono Yuki / Suwabe Juinchi
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: October 10th, 2019
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[ 12 ] Birushana Senki ~Genpei Hikamusou~ 
A New Genpei War will now, raise its curtains.
Director: Itou Ai
Main Character Drafts: Haneda Kouji
Theme Song: Amatsuki
Cast: Furukawa Makoto / Fukuyama Jun / Kawanishi Kengo / Umehara Yuichiro / Saito Soma
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: TBA 2020
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Idea Factory Otomate brand announced six new titles and three ports for Switch, as well as offered updates on thrre existing titles, during its Otomate Party 2019 event.
Get the full overview below.
Alice in the Country of Hearts: Wonderful White World / Wonderful Black World (Switch)
The first title from Otomate sub-brand QuinRose reborn, this is illustrated by Mamenosuke Fujimaru, written by Kou Satsuki, and features a theme song sung by Hisano and composed by Mari.
Amnesia for Nintendo Switch (Switch)
A port of the December 2013-released PS Vita title Amnesia V Edition. A memory loss x suspense x mystery game with character design and illustrations by Mai Hanamura, and featuring voice actors Tetsuya Kakihara, Kishou Taniyama, Akira Ishida, Satoshi Hino, and Kouki Miyata. Launches September 12 in Japan.
Amnesia Later x Crowd for Nintendo Switch (Switch)
A port of the October 2014-released PS Vita title Amnesia Later x Crowd V Edition. Two fan discs in one. Featuring voice actors Tetsuya Kakihara, Kishou Taniyama, Akira Ishida, Satoshi Hino, Kouki Miyata, and Hiromi Igarashi. Launches October 3 in Japan.
Birushana Sensa: Genpei Hika Musou (Switch)
Otomate x RED. The curtain rises on a new Genpei War, directed by Ai Itou, with main character designs by Kouji Haneda, theme song by Amatsuki, and featuring voice actors Makoto Furukawa, Jun Fukuyama, Kengo Kawanishi, Yuuichirou Umehara, and Soma Saito.
Collar x Malice for Nintendo Switch (Switch)
A port featuring the original story and fan disc in one. Produced by Reiko Shima with character desgns and llustrations by Mai Hanamura, and featuring voice actors Masakazu Morita, Yuuki Kaji, Soma Saito, Daisuke Namikawa, Ryouhei Kimura, and more. Launches in 2020 in Japan.
Cupid Parasite (Switch)
Directed by Bunetsu Tachimatsu (Jakou no Lyla: Allure of Musk) and written by Ririka Yoshimura, this is a “cute, happy, and nonsensical goddess x marriage love comedy. Launches in 2020 in Japan.
Dairoku: Ayakashimori (Switch)
Illustrated by Suou, with a theme song by Toshiyuki Toyonaga, and featuring voice actors Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Takahiro Sakurai, Yuusuke Kobayashi, Ryouta Oosaka, this is a “heart-connectng adventure in another world.” Launches in 2020 in Japan.
Gensou Kissa Enchante (Switch)
Directed by Ijoo, illustrated by Yuuya, written by Satomi Nakayama and Nao Kojima, and featuring voice actors Kenji Akabane, Yuuichirou Umehara, Kaito Ishikawa, Yuuki Ono, and Junichi Suwabe. Launches October 10 in Japan.
Meiji Katsugeki High Kara Ryuuseikumi: Seihai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou (Switch)
A Meiji era world reformation love adventure game planned, supervised, and written by Ichicolumn Ayumi Takazu, illustrated by Rin Suzushiro, and with a theme song written by Chiyomaru Shikura and sung by +α/Alfakyun. Launches in 2020 in Japan.
Piofiore no Banshou: Episodio 1926 (Switch)
A sequel to Piofiore no Banshou, diected by Asahi Takamura, with character designs by Rri, and featuring voice actors Kaito Ishikawa, Showtaro Morikubo, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Ryouhei Kimura, Toshiyuki Toyonaga, and Shinnosuke Tachibana.
Olympia Soiree (Switch)
A mythological story directed by Wataru Watanabe, illustrated by Satoi, written by Yuma Katagiri, and featuring voice actors Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Tomokazu Sugita, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Yuuto Uemura, Yuuma Uchida, and Shun Horie.
Tokei Jikake no Apocalpyse (Switch)
Written by Uta Amemiya, directed by Asami Saito, with a theme song sung by Megumi Ogatam this is “a story that starts from the bad ending.”
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 an incomplete compilation of songs which remind me of various Vrains characters and ships (alphabetised by category). these songs have been picked from my personal collection mostly and have been picked for a selection of reasons; some obvious, i think, others not so much.
Akira Zaizen
Blue Collar Man (Long Nights) by Styx
Rock You by Helix
Ema Bessho
Midnite Maniac by Krokus
What Do You Do For Money Honey by AC/DC
Yankee Rose by David Lee Roth
Jin Kusanagi
Heaven and Hell by Black Sabbath
Holy Diver by DIO
Psycho Therapy by Skid Row
The Real Me by W.A.S.P
Steven by Alice Cooper
Wind Up Toy by Alice Cooper
Years Ago by Alice Cooper
Kengo Dojun
Dog Eat Dog by AC/DC
Metal Health (Bang Your Head) by Quiet Riot
No More Mr Nice Guy by Megadeth
Smokin’ In The Boys Room by Motley Crue
Sweet Little Sister by Skid Row
Ryoken Kogami
21st Century Digital by Bad Religion
Shoichi Kusanagi
Family Man by Fleetwood Mac
Hot Dog by LMFAO
Who Killed Bambi by the Sex Pistols
Dem Bones by Creature Feature
The Bird and The Worm by The Used
Mind by the Talking Heads
Nasty Habits by Oingo Boingo
Takeru Homura
Beat The Bastards by Accept
Slave To The Grind by Skid Row
Yusaku Fujiki
Skate or Die by Teenage Bottlerocket
Zombie by The Cranberries
Aso x Taki x Genome
Weird Science by Oingo Boingo
Rag Doll by Aerosmith
Ride The Wind by Poison
Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue
Sugar Magnolia by The Grateful Dead
Soul Stripper by AC/DC
Bad Boy by Cascada
Bruises and Bitemarks by Good With Grenades
Liar, Liar (Burn In Hell) by The Used
Paralysed by The Used
Pretty Handsome Awkward by The Used
Giving The Dog A Bone by AC/DC
Gone Shooting by AC/DC
She Goes Down by Motley Crue
Union City Blue by Blondie
Lady Red Light by Great White
Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac
Insects by Oingo Boingo
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soulburnings · 5 years
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Ships? Ships! ▮ @artificialinterference
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2. NOTPs for your muse?
I don’t have many honestly?? The only ones that I’ve seen around the fandom that are obvious no-go’s for me are Takeru x Kengo, but him shipped with anyone who’s obviously an adult by canon doesn’t fly with me regardless. So Takeru with someone like Kusanagi, Ema, or Akira are instant turn offs.
I’m on the fence about Fireballshipping and Phoenixshipping, but I think with the right partner and with the right amount of plotting time, I could probably make something with those work if I tried hard enough at them. They’re not bad, I’m just not completely sold on them yet.
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msyuksanh · 7 years
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Various photos from Star-Myu Fes 2017! (2017.10.08)
High School Star Musical Cast Anime: Hanae Natsuki, Ono Kensho, Lounsbery Arthur, Hosoya Yoshimasa, Maeno Tomoaki, Okamoto Nobuhiko, Uchida Yuma, Okitsu Kazuyuki, KENN, Matsuoka Yoshitsugu, Shimazaki Nobunaga, Takanashi Kengo, Umehara Yuichiro, Takeuchi Shunsuke, Suwabe Junichi, Toriumi Kosuke, Okiayu Ryotaro, Hoshi Soichiro
Stageplay: Sugie Taishi, Takahashi Kensuke, Yamanaka Shota, Sakurai Keito, Kitagawa Naoya, Hoshimoto Yuzuki, Tanzawa Seiji, Takizawa Ryo, Tsurimoto Minami, TAKA, Hatakeyama Ryo, Takano Akira, Suzuki Shogo, Kiyama Haruki
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VRAINS Opening 3 Analysis and Season 3 predictions (spoilers for episode 103)
After more than a year after VRAINS opening 2 GO FORWARD premiered, we finally got the 3rd opening Calling! And just like 2nd opening, the 3rd opening has a lot of hints of what we may see in the final season. So let’s see what we got so far! (I will also include some information from the cast lists.)
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So the opening begins with a falling duel disk, without Ai. If you look closely you can see tiny sparkles which may in a way represent Yusaku’s tears. This could symbolize Yusaku’s departure from Ai like he had known him so far - an AI inside of his duel disk. The lyrics may also hint that Ai has been reborn in VRAINS with his own heart, no longer bound to Yusaku.
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Falling cards represent many things. I believe they are showing that the battle is not over yet and despite no longer having Ai, Yusaku still has his primary weapon - his cards.
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We get nice two shots of the main cast. Among them, there are also Blood Shepard and Go. I can’t tell what their roles are going to be, but I guess Go will be getting a redemption arc anyway and Kengo will become an Ally. Even though Ryoken stated that he will remain to be Yusaku’s enemy as a Knight of Hanoi, I believe he will eventually become an ally once again. It is also interesting to note that out of the entire group, only Yusaku, Ryoken, Takeru and Aoi are shown in their VRAINS forms. Maybe this means they will act like a team again?
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Then it switches to Yusaku in the rain, staring up in the sky. The rain has been a symbol of sadness and grief many times in anime openings in endings. This could as well mean that Yusaku is sad about being separated from Ai and is silently grieving after him. The lyrics may suggest he is thinking of that moment when he was speed duelling Ryoken and Ai helped him to win. 
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That time he and Ai worked together to use Storm Acess for the first time. Many times Yusaku recalled that moment as something that symbolized their relationship.
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Then we have a new character! I’ve already seen his silhouette before he was officially revealed and I had several theories who he might be. It went from being Yusaku’s long lost brother, Artificial AI based on him like Bowman or even a brand new character. I needed a while before I noticed those two earrings that looked like Ai’s heads to realize this was indeed Ai! I was really surprised how similar and yet different he looks compared to Yusaku. I believe that lyrics are hinting that this Ai basically represent Yusaku before he became Playmaker - a lost grieving child who wants to settle the things with revenge. The first shot of him staring in the sky could represent his grieving after other Ignis and once he fixed his hair it kinda looked like he symbolically changed and decided which path will he follow.
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Akira and Aoi look like they are going to play an important part as well, which reminds me - it is still not clear if their parents’ deaths were really an accident. Now that the whole deal with Bowman is over they can focus on SOL. I’ve already said it and I’ll say it again - I believe SOL had something to do with their parents’ deaths. Maybe this time they’ll act on their own, researching their own Lost Incident and maybe try to expose SOL for their actions.
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Some material for all Aoi X Yusaku shippers XD. To be honest, I’m not that keen on their relationship, but I do believe Yusaku will try to open up to more people besides Takeru and Shoichi. I mean one of the last sentences that Ai to Yusaku before sacrificing himself was “Don’t be afraid to make friends!” Yusaku keeps that promise by trying to open up to Aoi more. Also, the place where they are at looks strangely familiar...
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Isn’t this the park where Aoi and Miyu played as kids? Even the fence, water dispenser and bushes are the same!!! Maybe Aoi doesn’t know how to interact with other people either, but she wants to rekindle their relationship so she turns to the closest thing to a friend, who happens to be Yusaku, for help. I hope to see more interaction between Aoi and Miyu in this season. The lyrics might be about building up relationships.
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Then we have Kusanagi. There was no sign of Jin in the opening, so he might finally be okay. Still, Shoichi has a serious expression on his face like the fight is still not over. This might mean two things: 1) Jin might still need to heal up in some way or another or 2) Shoichi is helping Yusaku in exchange for saving Jin. I believe Yusaku will need his friends more than ever in this season so the reason behind Shoichi’s serious expression is that he worries over Yusaku. Even though everything that Kusanagi did was for Jin, I believe that he has begun to see Yusaku as his little brother as well and will do anything to protect him.
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And we have the clash of the protagonist and his rival. In first opening it was Ryoken. In the second opening, it was Blood Shepard and Bowman. This time it is Ai. As of now, I still have no idea why would Ai act as Yusaku’s opponent. Yusaku is the last person that Ai would hate - Yusaku did anything he could to keep the promise of keeping Ai safe and make AI and human coexistence possible. What happened for making them face off like this? Even Yusaku appears to be shocked and then his eyebrows narrow down like he is ready to take him down. Plot-wise, I believe this symbolizes the development of AI - Ai already had a free will to begin with, and now he has a human appearance as well. Maybe that’s when Ai fully acknowledges himself as a living being and wishes to show that to his Origin - look at me, I’m completely independent now, I don’t need you to keep your promise, I can do that myself now.
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Whoever designed human Roboppi deserves a raise! She is so freaking adorable and the oversized jacket only makes her that much cuter. She has already stolen my heart with her little robot body but this? This is even better! From the looks of it, we will see her duel and her archetype consist of... vacuum cleaners shaped like animals? Oh well, she is a cleaning robot, she didn’t have much to choose from, considering her imagination.
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Blood Shepard will be back. Hopefully, he and Emma will rekindle their relationship through Kengo’s mother and eventually they will become partners. I hope they get to have a sibling tag duel too since I’m a sucker for siblings working together. What I also noticed is that their monsters are on the opposite sites. Is this the hint they will have their tag duel? Also, Emma has been appearing alongside Aoi a lot in the previous openings and endings. Does this mean she will focus more on the complicated relationship with her half-brother?
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 Go will be back and he looks like he managed to go back to his healthy weight. Personally, I’m not a big fan of him coming back unless he acknowledges that he was a dick both to Yusaku and Takeru and offers them his help to become a man he once was - a hero loved by children. If the new enemy happens to be SOL it would be also a good thing for exposing them. I know it was his own choice to become a guinea pig and have an AI implant put in his brain, but it was still a dangerous experiment that SOL approved without a second thought. Maybe he will eventually learn more about Lost Incident like he will see the footage of children being electrocuted and that’s when he will realize just what Playmaker and Soulburner had been through. Maybe he will see young Yusaku and Takeru as the children from the orphanage and realize just what SOL has been covering up and he will try to expose them for what they did. That would be a really good redemption arc for him and I would love to see him apologize to Yusaku and offer him his help in the next fight. There is also a tiny chance that a tiny fragment of Earth stayed in him and therefore helped him become a better person.
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Ryoken and Takeru are back as well, seemingly duelling whoever will be the main antagonist in this season.
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And we have what appears to be another sibling tag duel! This may hint that they will team up against the common enemy - most likely a person responsible for their parents’ death! I know this may downgrade Aoi a bit, since season 2 was a lot about her becoming independent, but I believe this will strengthen their bond. Cuz really, from the start Akira was convinced he has to protect Aoi from everything and that she is not capable of taking care of herself. Now he has more trust in her and treats her as an equal - just like Ghost Girl. I would really love to see Akira leave or crush SOL from the inside. From the looks of it they also don’t appear to be in VRAINS, but in some sort of data space, possibly SOL’s.
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And we have the clash of partners. In the first series, it was Atem and Yugi and in Zexal it was Yuma and Astral. Now we have Yusaku and Ai. Ai appears to have a dark version of Decode Talker and a pegasus monster that might represent Windy. I’m still not sure why the two of them would need to have a duel, but the lyrics appear to be a key: “Destroy the dark and weakness within me”. We know that Ai is dark Ignis so the dark might represent him. As for the weakness... I’m not that sure. Well, Ai is based on Yusaku, a six-year-old child that was tortured and starved for six months in order to keep on playing Duel Monsters. Ai was the one who saw him lose and win. He was literally constructed on how Yusaku duelled. In other words, he knows Yusaku’s every weakness and his deepest fears. I wrote many theories on why and when Yusaku will lose and I believe Ai might just be the one to beat him. Every other time Yusaku had to win because the world would be doomed if he didn’t. The Tower of Hanoi would destroy all the technology and Bowman would create a world where only technology exists. But Ai? Ai doesn’t want any of that. The only motivation he has is bringing his fellow Ignis back and rebuild Cyberse world. He most likely doesn’t mean to bring the world harm, but he might try to get revenge on SOL and Yusaku will duel him because he doesn’t want SOL to see him as dangerous Ai. From the looks of it, this Ai is much more confident and determined to get his way, even if his former partner stands in his way.
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So far, I’ve seen Yusaku have this same expression only once - when he duelled Shoichi. It is the anguish just before he is forced to duel his dear friend. This may as well be the expression he has just before he attacks Ai. Yusaku can save the world, but can he save his friends? He already suffered a lot and barely won when duelling Ryoken. Same went for Kusanagi. But Ai? Someone who has been helping him all this time? Ai has a big chance of winning against Yusaku and I really hope we will get to see Yusaku lose and then slowly pick himself up in order to help his friend.
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The first thing this ship reminded me of was Kaiba’s Zeppelin! Like does every rich yugioh corporation has a fancy airship? Well looks like that’s where SOL’s real headquarters are. We already got a hint that’s where Ai and Roboppi will go in the next episode, but if you look closely, you can see two people standing there. That’s right!
We are getting a duel on the top of an airship! Like how is this even possible??? Won’t people be blown away and pass out from the lack of oxygen??? I know I shouldn’t question yugioh logic but still, this will be one hell of a duel. I can already tell that one of those people is Ai since he is wearing a coat. As for the other person, it could be Yusaku, Ryoken or even Queen, considering it is SOL airship. 
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We got a little info on those AI robots in today’s episode and they could be a hint that Ai and Roboppi will use those to get on the ship. Ai heavily depended on Yusaku’s duel disk in order to appear in the real world so if he could get access to those AI robots, Ai could exist outside the network.
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Whatever Ai is doing looks strangely similar to what Lightning was doing when he was planning to destroy Cyberse World. It is also the same location.
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This robot reminds me of Queen for some reason. Is this a hint that she is not actually human but Ai? Or is this actually the Ignis that SOL has been creating using Earth’s data?
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Another shot from the airship and dozens of robots onboard... hmm it kinda looks like SOL is up to something. Or someone will use those robots (probably Ai) for creating something they shouldn’t. 
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The gravestones of the Ignis... by this point I’m really not sure if there is a possibility of them coming back... The new ending already showed Ai being the only one left and I believe his main motivation was to either get revenge or bring Ignis back. This kinda makes me believe Ai will become like Ryoga/Nash from Zexal and Yusaku will be his Yuma. He will duel in order to get Ignis and Cyberse World back, even if Yusaku will try to stop him. Considering Shin Yoshida worked on the last arc of Zexal a lot, it is quite possible he will write a similar conclusion for VRAINS.
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Roboppi is seriously too cute for her own good. 
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Takeru vs. Ryoken rematch confirmed. It kinda looks like the same forest where Lost Incident took place. This could be a way for Takeru to finally reconcile his feelings and let go of the tragedy that changed his life.
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The opening ends nearly the same way as the new ending did - with Yusaku’s duel disk, again without Ai. This time there are cards next to it - the ones that we can see are monsters that Yusaku had summoned alongside Ai for the first time or acquired through Data Storm. It could symbolize Yusaku’s memories of his partnership with Ai and in the last shot...
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Yusaku is all alone and really sad looking. This may hint that Yusaku will have to stop Ai at some point and even though it will be the right thing to do, Yusaku will blame himself for pretty much killing his partner, especially because he promised him to build a world where he can live a peaceful life. It will be really tragic if VRAINS ends on such note, though at the same time the conclusion will make sense and be more realistic. Whatever end is in store for VRAINS, it will most likely have Ai being permanently separated from Yusaku.
To wrap this up, I’ll go through the preview for the next episode:
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Ai is again in that location where Lightning plotted Cyberse World’s demise. He will likely plot there something too and that will be SOL’s airship.
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Kusanagi and Yusaku look really happy for a change! Maybe Shoichi just informed him that Jin was released from the hospital and is doing great! Good news is practically non-existent in VRAINS so hopefully, those will last for a while. Maybe Yusaku will also get to relax for a bit from everything that happened in season 2.
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Akira and Hayami might've discovered an interference in VRAINS system. And that interference are...
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Roboppi and Ai! It has already been revealed that the two of them get on the SOL’s ship in order to meet Queen. 
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And judging from Queen’s expression they’ve must’ve caused something shocking to happen.
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More Roboppi being cute while cheering for her big bro!
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From the looks of it, Ai challenges Queen, using monsters that symbolize Lightning and Windy. The reason behind the duel could be Ai seeking revenge for what Queen did to Earth or maybe something even bigger. In the opening, it was revealed that the ship has those robots on board so it could be possible that the two of them do something with those robots. It is not clear if Ai and Roboppi meet Queen in virtual reality or real world. In case they meet Queen outside VRAINS could be the reason behind her shock - cuz AIs can’t materialize without electronic vessel. Maybe Ai found a way through those robots and thought that’s the only way humans and Ignis can coexist. 
Another interesting thing - the episode where Lightning officially became an antagonist is called “Declaration of War”. The next episode is called “Declaring a Crime” and it will have human Ai meeting Queen - and that might be when he also acknowledges that he is not a good person because what he plans to do is a crime. 
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And another interesting fact - both Roboppi and Ai have very high pitched, child-like voices. How do you think they will sound in their human forms? It might surprise you, but you’ve probably already heard both of their “real” voices:
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Roboppi has the same voice actress as young Ryoken. It is kinda ironic that Roboppi speaks with the same voice as a person who has given Yusaku courage. Maybe that’s why he got her in the first place XD. As for Ai’s voice actor...
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 He voices quite a lot of characters in a lot of anime series, most notably Sasori from Naruto and Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy. If you’re curious how Ai actually sounds like, check out the other character that Ai’s voice actor, Takahiro Sakurai, voices and you’ll see just how different it is from Ai’s high pitched tone.
I’m really looking forward towards the new season and I can’t wait to see Ai and Roboppi next week to learn more about their motivations! What do you think season 3 will bring? I will gladly read whatever you think will happen!
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Windy x Ema - Deal
requests: paused until I finish this batch (3/4)
   The eyes weren’t his, they were too sunken in and pale, but the rest of his face was. The lilac hair, the scar, the nose which had the kink in it near the bridge. It was undeniable that that was his face beneath the mask of the morph suit. And it sickened Ghost Girl.
   The Mirror Link VRAINS was infested with Bits and Boots; not to mention Bohman and Haru, and Lightning, too and they had sent Windy, Echo, and him on this mission to keep anyone troublesome, like her or Akira, in the regular Link VRAINS.
   “A-Are you okay?” Akira asked, he was hesitant but he touched Ghost Girl’s shoulder.
   She bristled. Eyes watering. “No, I’m not o-fucking-kay, Akira. He has... He has Kengo. He has my fucking brother.”
   Ghost Girl ripped her shoulder back, from beneath Akira’s gentle touch. She marched forward and stared down the Ignis and his two servants, both of whom were dressed the same in genie clothes of emerald green. Her stomach knotted.
   “What have you done with Blood Shepherd?!” she screamed whilst tears streamed down her face.
   “Who?” Windy asked, lounging on the shoulder of his Echo. He looked around and exhageratedly noticed Kengo by his Echo’s side. “Oh? You mean this human? What’s his name? um, um... Doujun Kengo? This guy?”
   “Yes, I mean him.” Ghost Girl said through gritted teeth; her blood boiling.
   “Eh, he’s fine. Probably. Humans don’t really react well to having their consciousness data... reconfigured like that. But it’s good, it’s all sweet. But, I mean, if you’re so worried for this rat bastard we could, uh, we could uh talk? Make a deal...”
   “What sort of deal?” Ghost Girl asked.
   “Don’t listen to him, Ema! Whatever it is he has in mind, it isn’t worth it.” Akira told her; begged of her.
   Windy made a smug expression. “No, no, he’s right.” he said.
   “Just tell me.” Ghost Girl said.
   “You’re life for his.” Windy replied; eyes shining deviously.
   “On one condition.” Ghost Girl said. “You log him out. You put him back together better than how you found him. I want him safe and sound, you hear me, Ignis?”
   “Yes, yes.” the Wind Ignis replied, flippantly, waving his hand at her.
   “we have a deal then.” Ghost Girl said.
   “Excellent.” Windy grinned.
   He then snapped his fingers. Her brother gasped; as though he was waking from a nightmare and the avatar he was using disfigured. He was returned to his Blood Shepherd self and then, even if dissipated. The sparkles were blue and white; unfettered by hacking. He was logged out.
   Ghost Girl smiled weakly. And her avatar discoloured; turned white and jade green with gold highlights and then shattered. She screamed. Akira screamed. And Windy laughed joyously from his nestle on the Echo’s shoulder. Perfect.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Spring TV Anime Namu Amida Butsu! -Utena- Reveals 2nd Key Visual, 1st Epiosde Scene Visuals
    DMM.com has released a second key visual for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of DMM GAMES/
Visualworks' PC/smartphone game Namu Ami Dabutsu! -Utena- featuring its main characters, along
with scene visuals from its first episode to premiere on AT-X, TOKYO MX, and BS 11 on April 8, 2019.
  The anime's story follows the battles between Mara, the demon who once tried to disturb Buddha's
enlightenment, and a Buddhist organization "13 Buddha" headed by Buddha himself. In the modern-
day world, Taishakuten and Bonten start living together at Bonnou Temple to protect ordinary people
from Mara, along with the 13 members of the organization. However, the two can't get along well
because of an incident in their past.  
    Akira Oguro, who is widely known as the character designer for the 1998 TV anime Generator Gawl
and the Final Fantasy game franchise, makes his TV anime directorial debut at Asashi Production
(Omae wa Mada Gunma o Shiranai). Erika Yoshida (Tiger&Bunny, Touken Ranbu - Hanamaru-)
serves as series composition writer. 
    2nd key visual
  Scene visuals from the TV anime first episode
  2nd PV
   Main voice cast:
Taishakuten: Masaaki Mizunaka (Diablo in How Not to Summon a Demon Lord)
Bonten: Tomoaki Maeno (Hiro Hayami in King of Prism)
Shaka Nyorai: Showtaro Morikubo (Yusuke Makishima in Yowamushi Pedal)
Asyuku Nyorai: Yusuke Kobayashi (Natsuki Subaru in Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World) 
Amida Nyorai: Daisuke Hirakawa (Ken Mayuzumi in Aikatsu Freiends!)
Yakushi Nyorai: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Kirito in Sword Art Online)
Dainihi Nyorai: Tetsuya Kakihara (Natsu Dragneel in Fairy Tail)
Monju Bosatsu: Ryuichi Kijima (Mitsuki in Boruto - Naruto Next Generations)
Fugen Bosatsu: Shun Horie (Satou Pendragon in Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody)
Ziou Bosatsu: Taku Yashiro (Subaru Yuuki in Aikatsu Stars!) 
Miroku Bosatsu: Ayumu Murase (Shoyo Hinata in Haikyu!!) 
Kannon Bosatsu: Yuuma Uchida (Hayate Immelmann in Macross Delta) 
Seichi Bosatsu: Kohei Amasaki (Kirill Vrubel in Double Decker! Doug & Kirill) 
Kakuzou Bosatsu: Kishow Taniyama (Jean Kirstein in Attack on Titan) 
Asura-oh: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Makoto Tachibana in Free!)
Fudou Myouou: Kengo Kawanishi (Mikazuki Augus in Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans)
Karuraten: Daiki Yamashita (Sakamichi Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal) 
Mara: Takeo Ohtsuka (Kakeru Kurahara in Run with the Wind)
     Source: DMM.com press release
  © DMM GAMES / Visualworks /Mamuamiutena Project
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vrains-shiplist · 6 years
May I suggest Canineshipping for Kengo x Akira because Kengo has been described as a lone wolf and Akira is SOL's lap dog. This is connected to wolves and dogs being both in the canine family. Proof of shipping can be found here: /post/182017436803 which is on my blog.
Accepted! It’ll be added to the suggestions.
The suggestion period for Akira Zaizen x Kengo Doujun will close on Monday, January 21st.
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Gunpowdershipping and Firegunshipping are both accepted for Ryouken x Takeru.
- Mod Kisara
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Akira x Shoichi x Kengo
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? difficult to say
How quickly did/will they fall in love? shoichi is a sap so he fell first. akira develops feelings for anyone who’s nice to him enough times so he fell second. it could be years and the jury would still out on if kengo’s in it for the sex or for the emotional fulfilment (hint: its actually the latter but he’d never admit having feelings ever)
How was their first kiss? difficult. it happened at different times, different moods, different locations among each other. akira and kengo both still feel weird to kiss with the third leg in the room. shoichi is way too easy going.
Who proposed? -
Who is the best man/men? -
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? -
Who stressed the most? -
How fancy was the ceremony? -Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -
i don’t think any of them want to be that committed lol
How many children will they have naturally? -
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -
Who is the stricter parent? -
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? -
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? -
akira and shoichi want kids. kengo is not on board. adoption is also probably difficult in a three dads (or 2 dads and 1 noncommittal uncle) scenario.
Who does the most cooking? shoichi, when he’s not too tired from his day job, otherwise kengo steps up. neither of them like akira’s cooking.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? kengo
Who does the grocery shopping? shoichi or akira
How often do they bake desserts? not often at all but akira probably has the secret sweet tooth
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? akira eats salads. the other two are cave men.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? shoichi
Who is more likely to suggest going out? kengo but only to the most lowkey bars in the city and its forcibly casual
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? akira lol
Who cleans the room? kengo or akira. they can’t stand mess. but kengo is more likely to do purges of things they don’t need anymore or use. akira struggles in that department.
Who is really against chores? shoichi can be difficult
Who cleans up after the pets? kengo or shoichi
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? none of them but maybe kengo
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? akira
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? shoichi
Who takes the longer showers/baths? shoichi. he sings in the shower.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? shoichi maybe?? they’re all dog people imo
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? nope
What are their goals for the relationship? information broking probably
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? shoichi
Who plays the most pranks? shoichi
Mod Playmaker
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