morrigancorvus · 2 years
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Humans ache for a greatness that is apparent to all those who watch.
They want to be aknowledged as "great" and "powerful"
and yet
The ones truly powerful and lethal in this world of ours are microscopic (Bacteria, Viruses, Radioactive Elements).
The most beautiful form of power is the inconspicuous one.
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vvyrmwood · 2 years
i need everyone on this websites help to manifest 100 billion fart smells in my upstairs neighbor’s apartment
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billiebustupofficial · 2 months
I have a question that it my sound silly,but it didnt really leave me alone,so:The characters aknoledge the musical numbers or its like in most musicals where is normal?For example do some characters ask about the singing,or is this an everyday thing for them?
Sorry if this question sounded wierd but im curios,thank you in advance if you will answer,and good luck with the game
I guess it kinda is! Sometimes I like to think music in itself is a form of magic uwu
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keith: i think i accidentally ate mold
keith: are we awknoldeging this or no
keith: i cant spell that word
keith: aknoledging
keith: awknoledge
keith: aknoeldgjng
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thehangingswiftie · 6 months
Ok so I was watching Joel's pov of hermit craft in one sitting and on the EP 10 minute 4, WE ARE MENTIONED! THE TUMBLR NATION IS AKNOLEDGED BY JOEL YAY
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7-ferrets-in-a-coat · 2 months
Ily guys I'm gnan start finalizing whatever little stuff (for now) we have abt the scientists / bishops !!!
Idk when I'll be done with that but i just wnna aknoledge the two asks i got in my inbox that i deffo cant answer today
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yes this is about you @lionacuty and @alienbuggz
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Cluster B culture is okay so maybe you're comfortable now, your convinced you have a support system and therefore want to take more risks and then everybody getting mad at you for even vaguely aknoledging the opportunity
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~France Pays A Visit to the Statehouse and Loui Ain't Happy~
TW: referenced child abuse and war
Louisiana and Florida were sitting together on Florida's bed one morning when both of their phones buzzed, meaning they had both received messages. They both took out their phones and sighed/rolled their eyes when they saw it was Gov that had messaged them. The message read:
Gov: Meeting at 4pm today. Everybody is required to be present (that probably isn't gonna happen but oh well). Also France is going to be there so please be on your best behavior (Florida and Louisiana, please you two 🙏).
Florida had to make sure he read that correctly before smirking chaotically at his partner in crime. Only, Loui wasn't looking at him, nor did he have that chaotic glint in his eyes and grin on his face that Florida loved oh so much. Instead, his deep purple/green eyes just continued to flick across the screen, seemingly rereading the message over and over and over. And he had not a chaotic look in his eyes, but a mixture of fear, anger, and sadness. 'But why would Loui be scare- Oh. Oh sh*t....' It took Florida a second to realize what was wrong. And he was no longer happy about France coming. He looked at Loui again and noticed his breathing pattern has changed unexpectedly and he was on the verge of a panic attack.
"Loui Loui- H-hey can you hear me bud?" Florida asked gently, not wanting to scare the smaller. He nearly sighed in relief when he heard Loui let out a small shaky:
"Can I hug you?" asked the Sunshine State.
"Y-y-yes p-please...." muttered the lankier state before allowing himself to be pulled into the taller's lap and hugged close.
Florida could feel how much the smaller state was shaking. Not much really scared Loui (that's kinda a lie-), but France most definitely did. He had heard of all the terrible things France had done to Loui, and he was PISSED about it. Loui was such a kind and caring soul, and such a sweetheart. He deserved none of that. And despite all the things France has done to him, he knew that Loui still somehow loved him. It was one of the things that he both loved and hated about Loui. He felt a few tears drop onto his shoulder, with brought him out of his thoughts.
He started rubbing gentle circles into the smaller's back, smiling fondly when he heard him sigh contently and practically melt. Loui's back had always been one of those spots that calmed him down instantly when rubbed or scratched (that sounds weird as hell but oh well), so Florida 100% used that to his advantage when comforting him.
"Hey Loui...?" He asked. Florida waited till he heard Loui's noise of aknoledgement. "You alright mi amor?"
The only response he got was a small whine and Loui burying his face in his neck.
"Dont worry, im not gonna let him touch you." Florida said.
"Really sha?" Loui mumbled.
"Never fear, Cher~ Your knight in shining armour will keep you safe!!~" Florida exclaimed in a half-assed French accent which got a small sweet giggle out of Loui. 'God I love this man...' Florida thought before pinning Loui down and peppering his face, neck, ears, and torso in kisses, Loui laughing even more in response. Laughter. That's good.....
(At the meeting)
Most of the states had showed up to the meeting besides a few Western states, and France was sat next to Gov.
Loui was practically shaking right now. He had hoped that France would've called off, but alas we don't all get what we want. He could feel a few worried expressions being shot his way from the states he was close to. Yes that included Mass, York, and Texas. Even them. He was quickly snapped out of his mind when he felt someone gently but reassuringly squeeze his knee. He looked at hand on his knee and recognized it as Texas's hand. He looked up at Texas, who returned the look with a small comforting smile. Loui smiled back slightly before turning away. For a split second, he made eye contact with his father, and his shaking started again a little bit when the country flashed a, not friendly, but evil smile.
At the end of the meeting, Gov was quite satisfied with how smoothly the meeting had gone for once and told everyone they could go. He was a bit weirded out when Louisiana BOOKED it out of there, but said nothing. He stopped Utah before he could walk out.
"Oh um- Utah? Would you please lead Mr. France here out of the Statehouse so that he doesn't get lost? I would do it, but I have a few phonecalls I have to make." said the Fed.
"Of course!! Come right this way sir!!" Utah said, leading France out of the meeting room.
As they were walking the seemingly endless hallways, France spoke up a bit.
"U-tah, is it?" He asked.
"Yes sir." Utah responded with a friendly smile.
"Great. Do you know where La Louisiane's room is? I thought I should drop by and say hello to him." Asked the country.
It took Utah a minute to figure out what the taller meant. "Oh, you mean Louisiana?"
"Oui, whatever he calls himself these days."
"Of course, we'll be passing his room in a little bit, so sure we can drop by!!" Utah said, not suspecting anything.
France chuckled slightly. "Merci, monsieur Utah."
"No problem sir!!"
About 5 minutes later, they arrived to Louisiana's room and Utah knocked on the door.
"Louisiana? It's me Utah."
A few seconds later, Loui opened the door with his usual friendly smile. "Oh Utah!! What a surprise, hehe. Do ya need somethi-" he started to say before looking up and noticing France. Suddenly one of his eyes turned orange (cautious) and started glowing slightly. He pulled Utah behind him as if to protect the taller and glared France.
"What the f(speaks NOLA) do you want??" he asked his father, with nothing but pure malice and anger behind his voice. This honestly confused Utah a bit, seeing as Loui was usually friendly towards everyone.
"Louisiane! That is no way to speak to your father!!!" France said, putting a hand over his heart dramatically.
'Im sorry, FATHER?!' Utah thought to himself, his eyes widening slightly.
"Father? Really? He. Hehe. Thats real cute, France. You are no father to me! How the hell do you expect me to call you 'fAtHeR' after all you've done to me and my people?!?!" Louisiana shouted, once again stunning the taller state behind him.
"You watch your language!! That is NOT how I raised you, young man!!" France said angrily, half expecting Louisiana to cower in a corner and ask for mercy. But nope.
Utah looked behind France and noticed Texas walking out of his room (that was right across from Loui's) to see what all the commotion was about. He used his eyes to gesture between Louisiana and France, and Texas seemed to understand what was going on but just leaned on his doorframe.
"I'm sorry....RAISED ME?! ALL THOSE YEARS, OF YOU BEATING ME, R*PING ME, AND MENTALLY ABUSING ME WAS CONSIDERED RAISING ME?!" The younger raised his voice, equally stunning the other three.
"Yes, it was. It was all you were good for anyways, you useless piece of sh*t." France said with a cruel smile and chuckle. And oh boy Loui mad now (both eyes are glowing red).
"What the F*CK?!" He shouted. "Connard- that's what you call 'raising' me?! I had raise myself damnit!! I think I did alright, no thanks to you!! You are no father to me, and you never truly were. A true father would've been there for me and not treat me like tha-" Louisiana shouted before getting cut off when France grabbed him and threw him at the wall. He ended up hitting his head/the back of his neck and basically passing tf out.
And now it was time for Texas to butt in. He got off of the wall and kicked France HARD in the stomach, making him double over with a groan. He then grabbed the taller by the back of the shirt and pulled him back and punched him in the throat. "Don't you dare lay another finger on him, your life is currently in MY hands right now, I'm just gonna tell you that." Texas said with a wild grin on his face as whipped out his gun and put it to the country's head.
Utah was kneeled down next to Loui and was trying to check on him with whatever little medical knowledge he had.
"Woah did we miss something?~" they heard Florida say from behind them. They turned around and saw him standing there with Mississippi.
"Uh yea ya did- Ya both just missed a big ol' father/son argument and France throwing Lou into a wall."
"I'm sorry, he did WHAT?!" Florida and Sippi both shouted in unison, both gaining a dangerous look in their eyes.
"Yup. He ain't gonna do anythin' now that i have a gun to his head unless this connard wants lead in his brain. Cuz the first time I shot someone may have been an accident but this time sure as hell won't be~" Texas continued, keeping that wild look in his eyes and smile.
"He better not~" Florida said, walking over to Sippi and Utah who were checking on their fellow unconscious state as Texas dragged France towards the Main floor so he could leave, still keeping the gun on his head.
Loui started to stir a bit and slowly opened his eyes to see Florida, Sippi, and Utah surrounding him, all with concerned looks on their faces.
"Ya alright Lou?" Sippi asked, running a hand through the lankier state's hair, grinning when Loui melted a bit.
"Yea I think so.... What the hell happened??" Asked the Pelican State.
Florida smiled in relief and picked Loui up before taking him and the other two to the Pelican State's room. "Doesn't matter, Amor. All that matters is that you're alright, and that perra de un hombre is gone." He said, doing his best to ignore the already forming bruise on the back of Loui's neck. He pecked Loui on the lips before saying: "Also, please don't scare me like that again, I thought you were dead for second there."
"Sorry sha, it takes a lot more than a hit to the head to kill me~" Loui said, smirking proudly.
"Are you sure about that, pretty boy?~" Florida said, laughing when Loui blushed brightly.
( @simpyfrog )
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bilosan · 5 months
Hiii!!! Idk if you are taking requests atm but if you are can i ask you for a parallel gifset of bobby + buddie aka all the moments where bobby has aknoledge how important buddie are for each other, there are so many: like when eddie wakes up and bobbys there and says buck took chris to school, bobby saying buck told him about chris on s2, bobby holding buck in 3x15 and seeing bucks desperation also when they are talking before and buck says so we dig, bobby being the one who tells eddie to drive in the lightning scene, god im sure im forgetting some and of course last ep when he says you dont have problem commiting to other things... anyway if you are not takibg requests ignore this msg lol but thank you in advance 💕
that's a lovely idea!! i posted it here for you 💖
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downhillbabe · 1 year
to forget-you-not
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To you he somehow had always seemed strange. He seemed, out of it, but in a sense where he would do certain things, and although you could understand his point of view, the way he acted never quite made sense to you. 
From the small gestures of his, like holding the door for you when you scurried to get home in time or when he would unsignificantly had you his umbrella when you would forget yours, to caressing your face whenever your hair got in the way. To those moment when he would make it all seem so insignificant so pointless. Because the moment any other woman would cross his path, specifically one of those “fan-girls” he had accumulated over the years. You were nothing but a fling.
How could you expect anything more from the one and only Tooru Oikawa.
He was special. In a sense where you would want to bash his head against a wall to the point his brain fell out his nose. 
You hated him.
How could you not. When he would treat you so tenderly as if you were his as i you meant the world, and then throw you away like a piece of unusefull trash. He made your heart flutter, and ache at the same time. He was the reason you stayed up at night. Worried of how he’ll act the following morning. Was today a day of tender pleasure? The sort of high-school romance you awaited every time your eyes met with him? Or will you get interrupted? Either by his lousy friends, or cheering fans, his nephew his mom his neighbour. Hell, even his middle-school rival?
It got tiring. At first it was somewhat of a game, and although annoying you enjoyed it. 
But now, Tooru Oikawa, was just a pain.
The more he played his nonchalant-hard to get role, his vision of a wannabe volleyball star, the prince of the school the face of the earth, the “king” or whatever he called himself. The more pissed off you would get.
And although you could not forget him, you had to leave him.
Truth be told you were never together. Not in the sense you had wanted. 
But it came around time for you to move on from this silly game of cat and mouse. And that was when you met Ichigo. He was a barista at a local cafe where Oikawa would often ditch you for practice. He was only one year older then you. And he was much more attentive to your needs. 
Of course you werent in love with him, or even all that interested; but he was nice, and the way he treated you was much more to your likeing.
“[name]-sa-n~!” you heard his sing songish voice coming from behind you. Only now were you expecting the bus to take you back home. Didn’t he have practice at this time? you questioned yourself. Eyeing him up and down Tooru had made his way to the bus stop just in time for it’s arrival. 
You didn’t say anything instead just nodding in aknoledgement. You both got on and eventually you heard that long awaited ding sound to come from your phone. Picking it up you read the notification message, unawere of Oikawas eyes scanning it over your shoulder. 
Are you still up for tonight? You read. 
Already typing your respone you elbowed the taller brunette behind you, muttering a back off. In respone he whined. For a second he looked like he was about to say something more. You brushed it off.
It was Tooru Oikawa afterall, what would he have to add. 
When you got off the bus rain had settled in. And as usual Oikawa would bring up his umbrella and slide it over your head. Initially you were going to refuse, but as usual. You had forgotten yours. 
The walk home was quiet, on your end at least. He would soemtimes make comments about his day, but you didn’t quite feel like responding. To the point where, he quieted down compleatly. The pitter pattering of the rain soon turned into a muffled thundering sound, and you found yourselves under the hanging of a shop, dripping with rain water.
It was quiet. And Oikawa seemed out of it. You broke the scilence.
“It’s cold...” He didnt respond.
Had he become... upset? “Oikawa-kun?” 
Again it was quiet, but before you could ask again he interrupted you. “You used to call me Tooru”
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AN: idk if this is any good. It’s my first time posting on tumblr so i dont evne know if the layout is going to look fine. If anyone likes it ill continue writing it, ill also take o requests or whatever for any Haikyuu characters, angs fluff. im not sure if ill dive into smut just yet. I can do headcanons anything really. even love letters. I could take things for other fandoms as well.  i just kinda wanna get better at writing fiction a bit. If you enhoyed this feel free to request some more, also someone thats more experienced if htey could help me with the whole tumblr thing like mby tutorials or smth that would be great, have a nice rest of your day! 
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
The truth is that if Taylor truly wanted to redeem herself for BTR she could have erased the song completely (I would've left a blank track if it were me for a more powerful statement on how wrong the whole song was) or replacing it with something else entirely, such as a "vault track" or even a melody with some feminist speech about slut shaming in a Flawless-by-Beyonce style. But of course she didn't even consider any other solution because the point is not even being oN tHe RiGhT sIdE oF hIsToRy but profiting from every single one of those songs as much as she can, and BTR is a song that 90% of her fandom loves since most of them are just as much of performative white feminists as she is.
I can't speak for anyone else but myself but honestly I think that the lyrics change doesn't make it better at all because the rest of the song still makes it quite clear what the point is and she STILL refuses to properly apologize to Camilla Belle. She just sounds as more of a hypocrite than ever by aknoledging the song had issues enough to change the one most criticized line but still trying to profit off of a song with a message like that. Not that I was expecting anything better from her but it always baffles me how she keeps purposefully missing the point of every form of criticism for the sake of making more money.
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fleshweavers · 1 year
making a horny post to tumblr.com: gay sex horny gay sex kinky gay sex bark bark
some fucking loser: okay but what if im not horny though. like sex can be had without it being gay or kinky. why arent you aknoledging the experience of non gay non horny non kinky people
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khoarwhore69 · 2 years
arcanenites season 1 analysis
Greetings whorelings. This is my offical season 1 anylsis of the arcanenites. So sit back and eat some fucking snacks or smthing while I tell u evrything u need 2 know.
so 2 strt off with, daezonik is ttlly a werewlf. this relly bcomes clear in the last episde of seson 1. it makes mre snse to if u think abt how they always wear their suit and helmet. the gear helps 2 keep them frm transfrming 2 werwlf form. thts why they slept with it on and they also covred themself when they remvoed the helmet bcause if they r exposd to the real air and the real sun and moon thn they prbbly will turn and then prbbly kill evryone.
now 4 seth. now this did not take me 2 long 2 figre out but seth is ttly a alien zombie. seth did NOT come frm anywher in the wolrd, he came from outrspace. but not only did he cme from oturspace he also is ded but not really dead he is jst a zombie. the reson he has soup is bcause it is 1 of th onl y things tht his bdy can break down as a zonbie but als as a alien bcause in oterspace thy dnt have normal food it is mstly liqid. thre4 the persn tht seth met with who said they wuld hellp him is also a alien and mayb a zombie too.
fenix is jst hrrible. she is annying and nt a good charcter. she is manipulating her frinds but not in a cool going to b evil way. she is NOT strng and NOT cool enugh to be an actul villain unless evrthing abt her is chnged. if u wnt to see how a real villain acts chck out my fic it is populr so yu probbly alredy know abt it bcause i mde villain!fenix poplar. als th reson fenix buried the drss aftr the maskerad is bcause she is selfcntred and she did nt want it anmore bcaus it had drt and blod on it and she dosnt evn know how 2 wsh her own clthes.
alto is bing set up to be a bbeg. i dnt think it going 2 happn immedately but alto is NOT norml anymre. wth the ring and the cming back form the deadd with the agnel of deth. alto has gne frm whit wings 2 balck wings and in cinnama they use thse colors to represent good and evil. i als think tht wth this route alto is ging to kill smeone in the party and we all knw who it shuld be.
veks is alaso bing set up to b a bbeg excpt for veks he is alrdy evil. lik relly open ur eyes idits. it has ben shwn so many times tht veks is evl and tht he is ging to btray the party. the real juicy details cme in how he is ging to do it thogh. his prnters that he hs and is lvning with. thy hve other cnnections to the ruby foxs that hve nt been rveeld. also kila and the brother kila. whch leads me to my next analysiz.
kila nd brther kila are antheros whch is just able to be seen frm how they alredy act. bt kila and broter kila are ging 2 end up agnst the party prbbly 4 mney. i fully blieve that they r going 2 end up knowing abut the ruby fox and helping thm to steal stff from the prty sinc theyh have alredy done it b4. thy wre also prbbly at the ball and manged to get out or were even broght out by the rby fox without anyon seeing it. als wth kila stealing the ring, tht is going to come in to play mch lter and cause a lot of prblems. the absncse of the ring mght cause altos finger to fall off.
nw 4 the maskerad in genral. frst the woman who put the evnt on and the leadr of the ruby fox were totlly in love wth eachther at one point and they brke up. the tensin was too strng adn thy aknoledged that they had a past 2gether. als wth the 2 peple from the maskerad who wnt to have a revlution thy are actuly going to b the ones who r the evil tyrnts and thy r going to take ovr the town onc the prty helps 2 ovrthrow the currnt govrnmnt.
some other side thngs tht r nt importnt but tht i hav analyzed:
callyflower is a god in dsguise and tht is the true reson that it has not died yet and is saggy. mybe evn sme kind of evil god whch is why th old man bunkel is not ded either.
the goo is nt cming back as a plt point until aftr the nxt arc. i thnk tht the grop is ging to get strnger and thn find out tht the peple who are the heads of the arcanenites hve either ben killd or kidnaped and tht the people wh r the heads now are actully bad guys who r controling the goo.
so ther it is. now remmbr tht this is techniclly an anlysis evnthogh i do hve my secrt sorces tht give me xtra informtion. tht bing said ths is still jst an analyss of wht i hve pciked up on so thy hav the abilty to chnge in the futre. regrdless im prbbly right bcause whn am i not? thnk you my loyal whorelings 4 sticking arnd and wrshiping ur empress. ill b back latr with sme new fics and other thngs.
your ever gracious, smart, and totally dark -KhW69
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zookapfan · 4 months
Bill Clinton: Haitians Have Died For Anericans To Live
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aknoledge. work. enjoy. repeat
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Peter Parker | Plea
Aknoledge your place play the game, if some don't abolish, some' gone need respect to face:
life's ahead, the maze runs of hunger that becomes not but flowers that are drones still, my heart, has days'
Father! Know that things are wrong Nature! Show her evening ways!
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