elifinchsart · 5 months
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chorby v sketch im probably never going to clean up
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sylversterlingstarz · 4 months
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after a few weekz of motivation loss and art block, i finally finished the married couple of the tournament, with annie and the professor, i feel like the canon ending with them truly winning isnt mentioned much, and id admit, therez a little charm to the entries with them that makez me feel some way, whether itz happy, sad, heartfelt, tense, and yea, i like it, especially the final entry with them, good luck to them to clear their criminal recordz tho
also this took my 9 hours to complete wha- (idk who to draw next now)
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(both annie and the professor belong to blacklillian/terriblenerd)
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lonestarbattleship · 8 months
USS JUNEAU (CL-52) underway.
Date: February 1942
Note: photograph heavily retouched by censor.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: NH 52361
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babylulururu · 1 year
I'm tired and I just wanna get out of the car I've been stuck in for 13 hours but the traffic gods said nope, sit though yet another accident!
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michelebutcherjones · 11 months
WordCamp Atlanta Afterthoughts
WordCamp Atlanta was filled with a lot of learning, shenanigans, and tacos.
Tacos, great talks, and business growth. Heading home from another joyous weekend of WordCamp shenanigans, and this time it was WordCamp Atlanta. This was my first time at Atlanta’s camp and I heard great things about previous years. Of course like always, I wish I would have taken more pictures but I was too busy enjoying the people and moments. This was my first official event as the Chief…
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etruatcaelum · 1 year
🍾 A school memory for ozpin
[ ozpin is a lightweight. ]
“People make fun–” By people he really means Glynda. “—people always make fun of the initialisms.” Ozpin doesn’t wobble as he steps outside, crisp autumn air bracing against the stultifying warmth inside; no stranger who glimpsed him ambling south along the sidewalk would guess he was remotely inebriated, although a sharp-eyed friend might intuit slightly too much wine from the unusual care in his steps, and the rambling. “The team names. I don’t know why. I thought it was clever—but that was a long time ago now—
“It’s just, you see, it’s like acrostic… or a word puzzle, it just takes a little flexibility—say you have four students with the usual number of names, that gives you eight letters—with eight letters it’s quite simple. Quite simple. One only needs to be thoughtful about it. And of course it’s important not to take it too seriously. Glynda complains when I pun on the leader’s name.” He exhales, morose. “This quarter she’s cross with me for naming a team EVAN. Led by Evan Caeso. That’s not a color, she said. It’s confusing, she said. Well, I’m the headmaster and I say it isn’t, so there!
“D’you know what was confusing? Team IRON! We were in the same year as James! When our classmates weren’t puzzling over who was the ‘I’ and who was the ‘O’ they were assuming we were Ironwood’s team—I’m not sure what Headmaster Cardoon was thinking—I was the ‘O,’ in case you’re wondering. Owen Iglesias was our leader. All surnames. I suppose that part was unavoidably confusing. But there’s no excusing IRON! We could have been… oh, I don’t know, ONOR. See? It’s easy. And Evans blue is a dye, thank you.”
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cityseeker789 · 1 year
Uncover the Enchanting Charms of Alanta, Lithuania: From Sculpture Park Wonders to Weeklong Adventures!
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Welcome to the charming town of Alanta, Lithuania, where picturesque landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture await you. Among the town's many attractions, the Moletai Sculpture Park stands out as a must-visit destination. In this guide, we'll show you how to spend a delightful day in Moletai Sculpture Park and suggest exciting activities for the rest of the week in Alanta. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty of Lithuania and make unforgettable memories!
Day in Moletai Sculpture Park:
Moletai Sculpture Park, near Alanta, is a true paradise for nature and art enthusiasts. This unique open-air museum spans over 25 hectares and features an impressive collection of sculptures crafted by both local and international artists. Your day here will be filled with wonder as you explore the picturesque pathways, uncovering hidden masterpieces among the lush greenery.
Start your morning by strolling through the park's main entrance, where you'll be greeted by awe-inspiring sculptures that blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings. Don't forget your camera, as every corner is a perfect photo opportunity!
Next, head to the Sculpture Symposium area, where artists gather annually to create new sculptures, adding fresh artistry to the park. Witness the sculptors in action, and if you're lucky, engage in conversations with them about their creative processes.
As you wander deeper into the park, take a peaceful break near the serene Alanta Lake. Enjoy a picnic by the water's edge or rent a boat to explore the lake's enchanting nooks.
In the afternoon, challenge yourself to find the "Stone Woman" sculpture, a hidden gem within the park. With a map in hand or by asking friendly locals, the quest to find this sculpture becomes an exciting adventure of its own.
Before leaving Moletai Sculpture Park, don't forget to visit the "Iron Bird" installation, an impressive symbol of freedom and unity. As the sun sets, its metal wings catch the rays, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.
Rest of the Week in Alanta:
Having experienced the magic of Moletai Sculpture Park, you'll undoubtedly want to explore more of Alanta, Lithuania’s touristy treasures for the rest of the week.
Alanta Castle: Discover the town's history by visiting the Alanta Castle, which dates back to the 14th century. Explore the well-preserved ruins, climb the castle tower for breathtaking views, and learn about the fascinating tales of medieval Lithuania.
Lakeside Adventures: Alanta is surrounded by numerous lakes, and each offers unique activities. Spend a day swimming, fishing, or kayaking in the crystal-clear waters, or simply relax on the sandy shores.
Cultural Immersion: Immerse yourself in local traditions by attending traditional Lithuanian festivals, music concerts, and theater performances. Engage with the warm-hearted locals and savor delicious Lithuanian cuisine in charming cafes and restaurants.
Treetop Walking Path: Embark on a thrilling adventure at the Treetop Walking Path in Anyksciai, just a short drive from Alanta. Walk among the treetops, experiencing nature from a new perspective, and take in breathtaking panoramic views.
Horseback Riding: Explore the picturesque countryside on horseback, as Alanta offers various equestrian centers that cater to all experience levels.
Author Name Wcities Admin
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hansumswife · 6 months
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chris sturniolo x angelina hamilton
chapter two
After flying out to Alanta, Angelina and Skye had walked around the town and went shopping, had a nice fancy dinner before coming back to their hotel room.
The sisters ran in with giggles, dropped their bags on the floor and jumped onto the bed. Letting out a big sigh before laughing with each other.
“Are you having fun so far?” Angelina asked with a wiggle of her eyebrows, sitting up on her elbows. Skye smiled and pretending too do a thoughtful face, earning a scoff from her sister and pillow to the face.
“Hey! Of course I’m having fun!” she smiled. “Just wish I didn’t have to wash the dishes…” she dragged, earning a pointed look from Angelina. Sky laughed, hiding her face in the bed before looking at her elder sister. “But really, thank you. I mean it.”
Angelina nodded before making a fuss. “Awwwe! Sky you’re so sweet! Aren’t you glad you have a big sister!” she coo’d, tickling the girls neck before being pushed away.
As Angelina fell off the bed Sky barked out a laugh, “Truce!”
The morning came and so did the day of the tour. Skylar has woken up early to get ready, waking up Angelina due to the loud blare of the iPhone alarm. They both showered and did their make-up before it was time to chose their outfits.
“Okay, I’m team Nick so I need to wear purple! We can’t be the same team because… well we aren’t. You have to wear either blue or orange!”
“Well I don’t know! What do the colours even mean!” Angelina exclaimed, searching through the small suitcase she had brought along - pulling out blue bell bottom jeans.
Skylar rolled her eyes, throwing the purple jersey she had made herself over her neck. “They’re the different teams dummy!”
“Well which one is the good side!”
“There is no good side!”
“Well I don’t wanna be the bad side!”
“There is no bad side!” Skylar sassed, squatting down to ruffle through her sister’s suitcase, due to her sister now pouting on the bed. “Look! This is a nice orange top wear this!”
Angelina looked up as Skylar fished out the bright colour. Only nodded as she stood up, grabbing the top and jeans before walking into the bathroom.
Soon both the girls were outside the hotel. They were both having a mini photoshoot for their instagrams as they waited for their taxi to the tour.
“Wait pose like this!” Skylar exclaimed, showing Angelina how to pose before going back to taking photos. Soon the girl got bored, so she decided to use up Angelinas storage and vlog like she promised her friends she would.
“Sky! Hurry the taxi!”
tags: @st7rnioioss @its-jennarose @timmyscomputer @kriissy4gov @liz-stxrn @sunrisemill @mattssluttywaist @riasturns @mx0qin @junnniiieee07 @sturnzsblog @mattslolita @ariieeesworld @alorsxsturn @annasturn0lo
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qixjone · 1 month
aftg but at the airport to go to the ut alanta game his fake passport/documents where found out going through security
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e-reblogs · 3 months
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I don't know where the post is but they was a rumor going around that Mike might get hurt badly or might save someone else (Most likely Will or Holly)
But I think maybe he used his sleeves to tie around a wound on someone or somehow when he got injured his sleeves got ripped off.
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isumugui · 9 months
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baggiest jeans in alanta
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felvidek · 18 hours
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Minden családi összejövetelen meghallgatom, hogy focista apámnak rosszul esett, mikor a kisgyerekként a pályán ösztönből ráültem a labdára. Már csak ebből kiindulva is feltételeztem, apaszerepben biztosan el tudom kerülni azt, hogy nyomást gyakoroljak a fiamra mondjuk a társasjátékok kapcsán. Aztán csak megvettem neki... ööö... magamnak a Karakot (pont másfél évvel korábban, mint kellett volna), mert cuki, a lehető legegyszerűbb dungeon crawler, jó lesz az, némi bemelegítés után játszhatjuk majd az egésznapos játékokat. A terv bizonyos értelemben nem jött össze. Csak mostanában kezdtünk úgy játszani, hogy őszintén tetszik is neki a Karak és pont úgy fejlődik, mint egy átlagos hatéves fiú. Végül is ez a happy end. A Karak valóban az a játék, ami a legalapvetőbb, legegyszerűbb szintre rántja le a dungeon crawler-élményt. Ez ugye az a műfaj, amiben a hősök lemennek a kazamatába, felkutatják a labirintusokat, megölik, aki az útjukba akad és hazaviszik a kincset. Minden játékos kiválaszt egy karaktert két rettentő egyszerű különleges képességgel, majd a saját körében lép és lapkát húz, ha felderítetlen területre téved. Minden lapkán megjelenik valami új, jellemzően egy szörny vagy kincs. A szörnyet hősies küzdelemben le kell verni (azaz két hatoldalú kockával meg kell dobni a célszámát), a kincseit magunkhoz venni, a fegyverként funkcionáló kincsek növelik a dobásaink értékét. A csatornában ott rejtőzik valahol egy sárkány, ha valaki legyőzi, véget ér a játék és a legtöbb kincset összeharácsoló játékos nyer. Végleg meghalni nem lehet, ha valakinek elfogy az életerőpontja, egy gyógyító kútnál némi időveszteség árán feltöltheti magát. Interaktív elem, hogy a múmiaszörnyek átkát azok legyőzése esetén a játékosok egymásra dobálhatják át, semlegesítve a másik képességeit.
Nos, az a helyzet, hogy le is írtam a teljes játékot. Rettentő egyszerű és gyerekbarát, aki tud pöttyöket számolni a kockákon, már játszhatja is, vicces szörnyeket ölni móka, a harcok pedig véletlenszerűek, de legalább gyorsak. Nem az a játék, amit bárki is előszedne egy társasjátékos estén, de pont az a játék, amivel leül játszani a kisfiával/fantasyrajongó kislányával. Pontosan belőve a 6-8-10 éves korcsoportra. Néha nem kell ennél több.
Ennyien játszhatják: Legalább ketten, az alapjátékot legfeljebb öten. Versengve vagy kooperációban is működik, optimális játékosszám szerintem nincs (bár minél több a játékos, annál nagyobb a körök közti holtidő).
Ezért ajánlom: Az első lépés egy nagyon csúszós lejtőn, aminek a végén ott a larp, az rpg, rosszabb esetben az irl rpg. Alantas módon megteremti a lehetőségét, hogy fantasy-meséket mondjunk az utódoknak. Nem birizgálja a gyerek a mobilt. Könnyű sikerélményt ad. Nagyon egyszerű megtanulni. Sokfelé kapni és vannak kiegészítői, meg egy kicsit bonyolultabb második része.
Ezért nem ajánlom: Az összes harc egy kockadobás, a véletlen szerepét a fokozatosan felvehető bónuszok némileg mérséklik.. de csak némileg. Ha versengő játékosok játsszák, akkor a kicsiknek lehet kudarcélménye - ha nem ők szerzik meg a legtöbb kincset, nem ők ölik meg a sárkányt, rossz bögrében kapják a vizet, a kishugi elviszi a kockát, rángatják a széket, lemorzsázzák a drága játékteret... elkalandoztam. Azért nem ajánlom, mert ha nem vagy specifikusan egy kisgyerekes apuka, nem ezt a játékot keresed.
Korábban: Bevezető, Game of Thrones, Catan telepesei, Pippo, Munchkin, War of the Ring, Arkham Horror, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride, Starcraft, Doom, Castle Ravenloft, Shanghaien, Lunch Money, Smallworld, Love Letter, Pandemic, Dungeon Lords, Dungeon Command, King of Tokyo, Bizzarie, Cyclades, Alhambra,Colt Express, Rune Age, Dominare, Coup, Avalon, Sheriff of Nottingham, Star Realms, Torres, Spyfall, Welcome to the Dungeon, Dice City, Camel Up, Scythe, Exploding Kittens,  Viticulture,  Spartacus ,  Saltlands, Onwards to Venus, Root, Kemet, Nemesis, 7 Wonders Duel, Mississippi Queen, Lords of Waterdeep, The Mind, Windward, It’s a Wonderful World, Kingdomino, Terraforming Mars, Tiny Epic Kingdoms, Path of Light and Shadow, Hellapagos, Unmatched/Legendák Ligája, Fesztáv, Adventourist, Dune: Imperium, Furnace, Pax Pamir, Cascadia, The Genius:), Hegemony
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hyunjinbiased-blog · 29 days
Ok here is a sneak peak at part 3 of And Hell Followed please can someone let me know if I am writing a southern accent correctly
John was already on his couch, a bottle of whisky sat on the table with two glasses next to it.
"I thought Joseph said alcohol was prohibited in Edens Gate?" I asked him as I took a seat next to him.
"Yeah well he dudn't hafta know" John sighed as his accent started to show itself.
"So where all’a y’all from?" I asked, my own southern accent starting to show.
"Y'ain't tryin' make fun of me Dep?"
"Na, just tryin' to make conversation"
He paused for a moment before responding "Rome, Georgia originally until the Duncans adopted me and I moved to Alanta, the accent comes and goes, you?"
I laughed a little before saying, "Take a guess, Cher."
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dilfsalltheway · 3 months
Daryl dixon fanfic- Temporary
Description- Aria delacruise is left alone in atlanta after loosing her sister. riddled with grief and guilt she is forced to survive day by day after a promise she made to her little sister Gracie before she died. one day she sees a big group enter the abandoned clothes shops opposite where she was holding up she stays hidden having seen what people are like now that the word has gone to shit. a few hours later she hears screaming for help the group had gone all but the man they left handcuffed to the roof. will she help him get back to his group or will she let him fend for himself.
It's going to be a slow burn type of fanfic
TW-mention of abuse
I was walking down the car park my arms full of shopping that would last us the month. i was wearing black jean shorts and a green tank top, i very rarely wore my hair down so it sat on top of my head in a high pony tail. Everyone was acting strange but i continued to my car at my normal pace i wasn't rushing around if i didn't need to. i eventually made it to my car and put all my shopping in the back seat. pulling my phone out of my back pocket i swipe away all the emergency news alerts that stated people people in Atalanta town square were going insane and attacking each other ending up seriously injured, some even went as far as to say they were the dead coming back and eating people. i sigh out of annoyance,. why did people have to be dramatic people fraught all the time it was normal. Looking at the time i realize i took too long shopping i had to pick my little sister, Gracie, up from school in half an hour and if i was late my dad would loose his shit. i get in my car and speed to her school not caring about speeding tickets i just wanted to avoid another argument with my father. As i drove my inner voice told me to avoid alanta square even though i didnt believe it i didnt want to chance it.
When i got to Gracies school i spot her waiting and wave her over saying "Gracie over here" she walked over with a small smile on her face. when she got in the car and we started driving her smile dropped and she timidly spoke "has dad been drinking... i dont like when he drinks he always mean to and shouts". her timid voice made my heart shudder in my chest i hated seeing her upset she was only 13 she shouldn't have to worry weather our father is going to be drunk again, i take a deep breath my eyes darting in her direction for a split second before focusing back on the road as i say "im not too sure gray, but if he has been you just go straight to your room and close the door i wont let him come up to you and if u hear shouting you put your headphones on" she looked at me worriedly as she knows that when he shouts most times out of ten he follows it up by hitting me and then storming off to the bar. i get lost in my thoughts, It didnt used to be like this we were once a happy family me, mum, dad and Gracie, but not long after gracie was born mum and dad got into a massive fight and mum left in a fit of rage as she was fed up with my dads constant drinking. she didnt come back that night, she had wrapped her car around a lamp post and died on impact. i pulled myself out of my thoughts as we i notice us pilling onto the street. i notice Gracie looking down the street towards the house and i knew when her eyes widened that she had found what she had hoped wouldnt be there; my dads banged up orange pick up truck... he was home and by the looks of he was drunk as he had left the car door open.
we entered the house, Gracie going straight to her room like i told her, i walked into the living room where my dad was slumped in his armchair with a beer in his hand and empty cans scattered around the floor at his feet. i had spent all day cleaning the house and now he had messed it up. "put your shitty cans in the bin when your finished dad does the floor look like a bin" i sneer. my dads face contorts with rage and he lunges up stumbling drunkenly towards me shouting "WHO THE F-FUCK ARE YOU SPEAKING TO" my anger boils and i snap "im talking to you dad your supposed to be the fucking adult not me i do my fair share cleaning YOUR house and i dont complain the least you can do is put your shit in the bin" before i could even comprehend what is happening i feel my dads fist connect with my face sending me to the floor as he shouted "YOU FUCKING L-LITTLE S-SHIT ILL KNOCK YOU INTO FUCKING NEXT YEAR! TALK TO M-ME LIKE THAT A- AGAIN I DARE Y-YOU" I stay silent on the floor like i do most times after he hits me. i grip my cheek in my hand feeling it throb under my touch, tears sting my eyes as watch my dad scoff and storm out of the house slamming the door behind him.
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sportsbianism · 6 months
could you tell us about your apprenticeship?? how did you get into it etc? i'm really thinking abt moving towards a trades career but it's a bit intimidating
depending on what trade u r going into and where u are going into it it can be a piece of cake or a bit difficult. here in alanta joining the union is easy as fuck. i haven't even taken my exam yet and i am already placed in a job. definitely did not require a resume. the exam is high school english and algebra. if u pass, you immediately get a raise and begin your official apprentice period. but for the same union, if you apply in portland for instance, you are competing against thousands, must submit a portfolio and go through two interviews, and your job placement is dependent on how high you score on the exam. high scorers getting the first and best placements, low scorers having to wait potentially months and months for placement. honestly still worth it bc the pay in that area is sooooooo good, and it's still doable, not that crazy, certainly not harder than getting into college.
whatever your trade, definitely consider going union if possible. one great thing abt the union is, if you hate the company or crew you are working with, you can request a new job assignment very very easily. so if there's a crazy or sexist guy giving you a hard time, you can just go work somewhere else, it's a piece of cake. plus these guys are really not trying to lose their pensions or get into trouble w the union. but if u work for a private company and not the union, much more difficult to get out of a shitty situation.
i think electrician is a great way to go for women. i think machinery mechanic or crane operator (chachingggg $$$$$) could also be a good way to go... hvac could be cool, i know a lot of female carpenters but not on my jobs bc my local is mainly industrial and not residential.... pipefitters and sheetmetal workers make good money but tbh i haven't seen any women in those crews so far, they're a bit heavier on the heavy lifting, and the guys seem like fucking knuckleheads, but idk. women make superb welders. from what i have seen.
cnc machinist could be cool but idk if the money is all that good. there's a based as fuck aircraft mechanic here on tumblr, that's a cool option. pilot is another cool ass trade, high demand rn, with a strong union presence though it works a bit differently in their area.
also a good option? ups? but if u go ups try to get that first package handler job at an air hub, not a ground hub, way more women and dykes in the air industrial sector in that company.
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tv21pollshowdown · 8 months
Stingray Episode Showdown
Elimination round - Group Four. Which was your favorite episode out of these five? There will be no abstain/see results option this round.
Top four proceed to the next round. Synopsis below the cut, taken from wikipidia.
Hostages of the Deep. An undersea being kidnaps a World Navy admiral and his wife as a trap for Stingray. The Man from the Navy. The World Navy Missile Test puts Stingray in Danger, But Troy is more annoyed by the opposing Captain. Stingray (pilot). When a World Security Patrol submarine is mysteriously destroyed, Troy and Phones are assigned to investigate. However, they are captured by the Aquaphibians and sentenced to death by King Titan of Titanica.
 Marina Speaks. Audio Drama Alanta and Commander Shore discover a letter from Marina that reveals how she and the rest of her people came to be mute. Aquanaut of the Year. Named "Aquanaut of the Year", Troy sits before a live TV audience as a selection of his adventures are recalled as flashbacks.
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