#alaynas strange encounters
dreamkeeperstomb · 2 years
id just had a most strange occurrence.. i thought id mention it here.. i was walking my dog just now and crossed through an empty feild area where a jungle gym is placed for children and there was someone around the area alone, playing the saxophone.. it was loud and very odd, i didnt say anything, and i didnt want to interupt them.. i couldnt see who it was cause it was so dark.. they were just standing somewhere in the jungle gym area playing the saxophone alone at 8:30 at night….. …
then after i saw a gaggle of men in white.. they were playing in the street and ran away when they saw me.. i was by myself..
though i did have a good time.. the music was really beautiful.. and i am sort of used to it by now as i have strange things happen all the time like that.. but this one was much stranger in particular cause of how loud the saxophone was.. and that i couldnt see literally anyone ?? i feel really at peace, i think this experience is very comforting regardless..
i just wonder deeply for the energy i attract.. life is so interesting.. no matter what i imagine theres always something else..
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dreamkeeperstomb · 2 years
you place the happy chemicals nowhere..
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dreamkeeperstomb · 2 years
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theres something over there..
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dreamkeeperstomb · 2 years
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the thing that appears in the apparatus of a wrapped human figure is back.
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