#albrecht de vriendt
roehenstart · 1 year
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Charles V by Albrecht de Vriendt.
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countryimages · 1 year
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Queen with lady in waiting - Albrecht De Vriendt
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🟩⬛️ queens ⬛��🟩
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prettygirlgerard · 2 months
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Lia, a Bride from Bethlehem by Albrecht de Vriendt, 1882
I’m at the Denver Art Museum right now and all these portraits are making me emotional :,)
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ruby-lith · 1 year
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more gideon
pose based off this painting by Albrecht De Vriendt
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iseo58 · 2 years
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Albrecht De Vriendt
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zrom · 2 years
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Albrecht De Vriendt -The annual fair,  circa 1900
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oldpaintings · 2 years
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In Spring, 1873 by Albrecht de Vriendt (Belgian, 1843--1900)
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lux-vitae · 2 years
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John I of Namur by Albrecht de Vriendt (1889)
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loandbeholdbible · 3 years
✙ 3rd Station of the Cross: Christ falls for the first time
✙ 3rd Station of the Cross: Christ falls for the first time
“It is good for a man to bear the yoke from his youth. Let that man sit alone and in silence when the yoke is laid upon him. Let him bury his head in the dust; there may still be hope. Let him offer his cheek to those who strike him and endure their insults.” (Lamentations 3:27-30) V. We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you:R. Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the…
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countryimages · 2 years
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Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, at Fotheringhay Castle - Albrecht De Vriendt
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carloskaplan · 2 years
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Albrecht Frans Lieven de Vriendt - ca.1890
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bm-european-art · 3 years
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Philip I, the Handsome, Conferring the Order of the Golden Fleece on his Son Charles of Luxembourg (Philippe Ier le Beau, conférant à son fils Charles de Luxembourg le titre de Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Toison d'Or), Albrecht de Vriendt, 1880, Brooklyn Museum: European Art
Size: 55 1/8 x 34 7/8 in. (140 x 88.6 cm) Medium: Oil on panel
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Pieter Franciscus Dierckx - Self portrait - 
Pieter Franciscus Dierckx (29 May 1862 – 4 September 1950) was a Belgian impressionist painter.
Dierckx was born and died in Berchem (Antwerp). He studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and at the higher institute of arts of Antwerp. His teachers included Juliaan De Vriendt , the former's brother Albrecht De Vriendt and Charles Verlat.
Pieter Dierckx became a member of the Antwerp art society "De Scalden". He was appointed director of the drawing academy of Temse in September 1896 and also taught drawing. He changed the way and content of the teaching and brought the school to a higher level.
As an etcher and graphic designer he provided his services to clubs and societies.
In 1899 he illustrated the Studentenliederboek ('Student song book') of Karel Heyndrickx and in 1910 a few children's stories for the author Lodewijk Scheltjens (1861–1946). In 1912 he took part in the design of the historic procession in Rupelmonde in honour of the 400th birthday of Mercator.
During the first world war he mainly painted country scenes with titles such as Potato peelers in an old age home, A sober meal, A thatch making place, The lace maker, A clog maker, A basket maker, The small quay (1917), A burned farm, A level crossing attendant, A weaver family, The spinning wheel, Piety on the heather, etc. His main subject were landscapes, mainly of forest views. He belonged to the neo-impressionistic school, and light played an important role in his works.
He also worked in the historic-Romantice genre, taking inspiration from the leading Romantic painter Henri Leys. Franz Courtens held Pieter Dierckx in high esteem. He recommended Dierckx for an important commission in the town of Lokeren: two paintings for the town hall showing historic events. The first one depicts the emperor Charles V handing over the privilege of holding a market every week to the deputies of the city in 1555. The other panel shows the foundation of the Saint Sebastian guild by Albrecht and Isabella in 1613, while issuing the privilege for holding a yearly market. These are big paintings, confirming the greatness of the school of Leys. In addition they show that Pieter Dierckx has the ability to expertly picture an historic event.
In March 1919 he returned to Antwerp and started a painting studio. In 1939 he confirmed himself as a painter of historic events with the almost 5 meter wide painting of "Saint Willibrordus explaining the bible to the people living on the shores of the river Scheld around 700 AD". This painting can be admired in the church of the Holy Heart in the Lange Beeldekensstraat 18 in Antwerp. He also painted mythological scenes such as The dancing sylphides and Orpheus, the soft voiced singer of Tracia. The latter painting showed the theme of the first one in the background. He was also in demand as a portrait painter.
Since 1952 the "Pieter Dierckx Price for Painting" is issued biannually at the drawing academy in Temse. In 1986 the town of Temse honoured Pieter Dierckx by naming a street after him.
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Lot 87 EMILE VLOORS (1871-1952)
Allegory of summer or spring, 1896. Canvas. Signed and dated 'Emile Vloors/ 1896'.
The Antwerp painter Emile Vloors is known for his portraits and allegorical, decorative paintings. In his early career he also paints several historical scenes, sometimes in oriental setting. At a later age, he becomes the head of the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. A position which he will hold for 12 years. One of his most prestigious assignments is the ceiling painting in the foyer of the Antwerp opera. Several artworks of him feature in large museum collections such as the Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels and Antwerp.
Emile Vloors paints this signed and dated canvas during his studies at the same academy in Antwerp. He is a student of the brothers Albrecht (1843-1900) and Juliaan De vriendt (1842-1935). Two years later, in 1898, he wins the Price of Rome and travels through the entire Europe.
In the middle of a field with flowers, we see a scene with dancing women (nymphs) while making music in a blissful atmosphere. Their robes, hair with gold laurel wreaths and musical instruments -including a harp and some flutes and lyres-, look antique. The motive of the white peacock is striking. Presumably, this painting depicts an allegorical presentation of spring or summer. At the time, it was a popular theme with Vloors' contemporaries and he himself revisits the theme multiple times throughout his oeuvre. Vloors also reuses motives in later artwork such as the mysterious orange figure playing the flute and the orange tree. The colourful image seems rather sketchy, yet the composition is finished. It may have served as a design for later work in a larger scale.
This particular painting is a new addition to Vloors’ known oeuvre. The canvas remained undocumented in his personal archive and did not feature in any literature before. For a long time, it was kept in an Antwerp private collection where it remained unnoticed until today.
Result: € 6400
Sale June 22-24: A grand tour
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iseo58 · 2 years
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Albrecht De Vriendt
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