#alcina x unnamed maiden
Hi, I'm not sure if you do requests but I came across your ongoing fic about Alcina Dimitrescu and the maiden. I was wondering if you could write an angst piece about the family involving Ethan Winters and him carrying out his mission in the castle (as hinted during gameplay)? You can make it as sad and gory as you want!
Ah thank you for the ask, I really tried to go all out with the piece! Also please note this was written before canon details of the girl's weakness was revealed.
The Inevitable
Warnings: Graphic violence, death of main characters, implied suicide, details of injury and blood, use of blades and guns and not suitable for minors.
Anguish consumed her entire being as sobs were ripped from her throat, each more violent than the last. Her chest heaved, becoming more breathless as tears relentlessly trailed down her cheeks, falling only to land on the creamy expanse of Alcina's dress.
Being the last to have turned, Ethan presumed her mortal connections of humanity lingered longer than most. The emotional intensity of the scene that unfolded before him forced him to avert his gaze as guilt threatened to tear through his heart. He was the cause of such destruction; he had laid waste, bringing about the death of a family in reparation and retaliation for the loss of his own.
He called them monsters, but there was always a chance he was wrong. Was it he who was becoming the villain of the story?
Forcing himself to face the consequences of his actions, his stomach turned. Recalling the events that led him to believe that the brunette was the first he had slaughtered. She had walked into the hall unsuspecting of the company hovering above on the bannister, perched in wait, ready to leap onto her frame. Unable to swarm and seek help from her sisters, Ethan had plunged a blade through the skin and muscle of her neck with such force even the crunch of bone and cartilage echoed alongside a gurgled scream. Her eyes had widened, arms flailing helplessly as her mind continued to fight, hoping that this was not her untimely end.
"Cassandra," the cry of her name rang throughout the expansive room and with force, Ethan was flung from his position over the fading woman. The redhead looked torn; anger and sorrow clashed together like waves against a cliff. Her bottom lip trembled as tears threatened to spill over with the force she blinked, a truly futile effort to contain them.
"You can't go, Cassie; who will I bicker with?"
Ethan had recovered by then, his heart aching with a drop of adrenaline as these sisters were forced to part, separated by planes of existence by his actions. The brunette now lay lifeless in a pool of her own blood, cradled by whom he knew to be Daniela. The very same redhead remained unguarded, vulnerable, and against his better judgement, he retrieved his gun. Solely focused on Cassandra's corpse, Daniela had less than a second to react as she unsheathed her sickle, refracting the bullet, so it embedded within wooden panelling rather than her head. 
"You bastard," with sloppy movements, she swung the blade that remained coated in her previous victim's blood. Advancing with ferocity, Ethan was compelled to retreat; his steps backward created a minute distance only to be quickly eliminated by Daniela's persistence. With both knife and gun in hand, Ethan continued to parry, deflecting potentially lethal blows, waiting patiently for an opening.
Two sounds followed in succession, first a second shot of the gun, then the thud of a fallen body. Not far from her elder sister lay Daniela, her body shaking as she slid across the marbled floor leaving behind an abhorrent bloody trail in her wake. Her effort was not in vain as she curled into Cassandra's now cooling body, hoping for a semblance of comfort in the absence of her mothers and only remaining sister.
Seconds later, the matriarch's wife stormed in, her fury no less palpable than her youngest’s. "No," her voice was soft as disbelief seeped in; ignoring the direct threat before her, she came to her daughter's side. The redhead forced a smile, hoping to alleviate the distress that crossed her mama's face.
"Mama," that sole word was enough for the maiden to hush the girl who she pecked on her forehead.
"Relax, Dani, you did so well, my darling. I am proud, so proud."
The slight smile, still as toothy as ever, cracked the maiden's heart, knowing it would be the last she caught from her daughter.
"Cassandra will be waiting, so do not fear, for you won't be alone."
The comfort Daniela sought was given in tenfold as always, and as she closed her two-toned eyes for the final time, she was only aware of her mama's delicate fingers carding through her hair. 
Much like her daughter, who had just passed, the blonde could not contain her pain at the sight of her deceased children. Although before Ethan could act, the two remaining ladies of the house emerged, summoned by the ruckus he was responsible for.
Bela surged forward after a single glance to her younger sisters; her protective nature had not dulled even in their deaths. On the other hand, Alcina flew to her wife's side, sharing in the grief that constricted their unbeating hearts. Never had she thought that a single man could enact such damage.
Bela was relentless, her anger conforming to her will and an advantage as she slashed with precision. Her blade getting too close for comfort for Ethan's liking, but he was prepared. Blocking and countering with his own attacks saw the blonde thrown off-kilter, her movements becoming sluggish as she expended her energy far too much over the course of the evening.
Observing her daughters struggles, Alcina moved to step in, only to be too late as Ethan used Bela's momentum against her. With her sickle wedged within the hearth of the fireplace, unable to rip it out in time, both blade and bullets penetrated her unprotected abdomen. The inhuman cry from Alcina sent Ethan staggering as she pulled Bela into her embrace, coaxing and pleading for her to stay awake. Quickly cream became crimson within seconds but was ignored in favour of re-joining her wife. Held safely in her mother's arms brought Bela a semblance of peace; she desperately wanted to stay but knew there was nothing to fear anymore, for she had her sisters to join.
"I'm sorry, mother, mama," she looked to them in turn as she spoke their favoured terms of endearment, eyes fluttering with each movement.
"Nonsense dragă mea, you were perfect." 
A small nod from the maiden confirmed Alcina's statement, confident that her daughter had succeeded. "Rest Bela," was the last thing the blonde heard as she slipped into an endless sleep, still held and cradled in the soothing caress that her mothers provided.
Only when they were sure did they let go, allowing Bela to lay by her sisters, placed with such delicacy it surprised Ethan. Only two to go; it was a thought that crossed his mind as both women stood, bodies stiff and ready to pounce as though they were predators and he was their prey.
Both matriarch and her wife were riddled with injuries by the end of the fight, Alcina more so as she had taken blows in an effort to save her beloved. Foolishly it was this notion, her own sentimentality, that brought about her end. Having collapsed her wife catching her with practised ease, Alcina was held against the blonde's chest. With an urgent need to convey her love, Alcina forced herself upright, seeking the lips of her maiden. Granting one of her last requests, her beloved closed the distance, savouring what would be the final kiss in which the matriarch would or could reciprocate. A hand rose to Alcina's cheek as she came to rest her head in the column of her wife's neck, fingers tracing skin with unparalleled tenderness. Ethan's own heart ached, he had lost his wife, his Mia, and he was the reason his ancestor was losing her own.
"I'll be with you soon, my love; I promise even death won't separate us."
Alcina hummed, although not in disagreement; she too did not want to be parted in the afterlife. "You are mine dragă mea."
"I am yours just as you are mine; that will never change."
Smoothing out tangled curls, the maiden pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her wife's head. Seconds later, Alcina's chest stilled and only then did the final Dimitrescu shed her tears, leading to the scene Ethan saw before him.
"Where is my daughter?"
No success, her sobs continued to wrack her body, oblivious to the man's question as she pressed her face into the top of her wife's head.
"Where is Rose?"
He demanded louder each time, growing more frustrated with a lack of results he had hoped to achieve from this massacre. Eventually, without any patience left, he drew closer, his footfalls treading carefully across stained floors. Extending an arm, allowing a hand to come into contact with the blonde’s shoulder, snapped the maiden’s attention to the man who murdered her family, her innate fear of being removed from her beloved squashed upon meeting his bitter gaze.
"Why would I tell you anything, Ethan Winters?"
For once, he had no response, but she filled the silence with her resentful tone, despite her wavering voice and quivering lip. "You hold no more bargaining chips. You played your cards much too early. How foolish a man to have made such avoidable mistakes."
He scoffed as if to refute her statement; despite all of the stacking evidence that she was right, some small part of his mind refused to acknowledge or toy with the concept that she was wrong.
"You want a daughter you will not find; I will not divulge a secret of which I was entrusted with. For you killed my daughters, my wife, my everything. Nothing you can say or do could repair or undo the damage you have caused. You will leave here knowing you have failed."
With that said, the maiden prepared for the inevitable, for Ethan's weapons to end her life much like he had the other four Dimitrescu's at her refusal to share what information he desired. Holding her wife tighter and an arm resting across her daughters, she waited. But the blow nor bullet she anticipated came, leaving a hollow, empty sensation festering in her chest.
"I won't kill you until I leave with what I came for."
"Unfortunately for you, that is the opposite of what will happen."
Before Ethan could stop her, she grabbed her youngest’s discarded sickle, and for all to hear, she said aloud, "In life and in death, glory to Mother Miranda." The weapon was swung with force, finalising the end of the Dimitrescu household, allowing the last member to come to rest, still clutching her wife's body with a loosened grip.
Ethan had failed.
Only hours later, without hearing from his sister, did Heisenberg approach the castle. Lacking his lycans or other substantial back up he entered silently, aware of the games that may be ongoing. He did not want to spoil his niece's fun.
Entering the hall brought about a shock; in the light of the fires dying embers lay those who he had called his family. Untouched from the fight, Daniela was held between her sisters, flanked on either side, just as she had adored as a child. Alcina was to their right, body held by her wife, who distinctly lacked the sickle once embedded in her skin. The very weapon was strewn to the side, still marred by her blood. Those emerald eyes Alcina adored to talk of were now closed in respect, an unforeseen gesture carried out by none other than the man who wreaked such havoc before having absconded. The matriarch's wife had her arm extended, albeit stiff with rigour mortis, across the girls, forever comforting them in a maternal gesture.
Never did Karl anticipate an ending like this, although he was only thankful for their departure together, for they remained a family even in their time of death.
But for now, it was time to inform Mother Miranda of their demise.
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classyfruit · 3 years
ClassyfruitbASKet - Part 2
Hello and good day my friendos! 💕 Another week went by just like that *snips fingers * and I feel like my head is still stuck back in March.😅 But that means it is time for another episode of ClassyfruitbASKet and for another 10 asks about my art. So, if you’re curious about what I’m planning next or you just want to relax your brain while reading through my rambeling, you’re most welcome to stick around.  Let’s begin!
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Ah yes, hello my dear Anon and Heisenberg-connoisseur! 😁 As far as I can tell from the amount of really well done Heisenberg art out there, you’re definitely not alone with your love for the dilf with the big... hammer. 😏 And of course, your preferences are always valid! 😘 Our favourite metal wielding, uno-having werewolf cowboy will definitely be featured in my art occasionally, but as I myself am a lesbean, my focus lies... elsewhere. 👀 But yes, AHEM! Thank you for the ask, moving on!
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Hey there, totally different Anon! 👋😊 I suppose MC stands for maiden character? As far as that goes, no, I don’t yet have my own personal MC that I share on social media. I want to vary the appearances of the maidens as much as possible so that everyone can have a turn. So to speak. If you all decide you want to see my personal MC, I will gladly draw her sometime! Just let me know in the comments. 
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Hello dear Anon #3, first of all, I’m SO happy that my art gives you life! I often read that my artwork is responsible for killing of some poor unsuspecting lesbeans, so it’s nice to not have another murder on my hands! 😋 Also I’m very grateful for getting you on the Donna and Miranda hype train! Welcome aboard! I will definitely draw some more Alcina x insert x Miranda content in the future because we all need that! 🥵 And yes, I’m including myself! Thanks for your question, don’t forget to stay hydrated! 💗
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Hi shy bean #4, it’s good to see you! Thanks for getting in touch! I will choose 1 ask about commissions per installment until I finally get my act together and post a commission sheet. 😅 Currently I’m really full on commissions but PLEASE don’t let that deter you from DMing me on Tumblr or Instagram and I will still slot you in for when I’m open again. And of course, if you just want to stop by to say hello and chat, you’re all welcome to do that, as well. My DMs are open! 💕
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Hi my silent warrior #5 and thank you SO much for your very valid question!  💛 🤍💜🖤 I think none of the RE women would mind an enby partner at all. If they love their partner, they love them for their heart and soul and everything that they are. They would cherish them all the same. 
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Hello my friendo incognito #6, I agree VERY MUCH that Donna needs ALL the love and even more scenes with her and one or several of her ladies attending tea parties, picnics or something like that. Ahhhh, that would be the dream. 🤭
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Good day to you, my masked stranger #7, I am always down for new inspiration for Lady D’s pets, but I can’t for the love of me find anything about brenat. So if you would take pity on me and explain some more in another ask or comment, that would be grand! Sorry, apparently I am a clueless grandma now! 😑😂
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Hello my unnamed hero #8, thank you so much for your ask. That actually put an idea in my mind. I will definitely look into it and someday try to stream my painting process! 😊 I’m not really sure if people would find it so interesting to hear be waffle on about nothing while painting, but then again, at least I’m doing something productive while talking, right? If I ever can get ovar ze German agzent, I will do zat. Zank you for ze ask! 💖
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Heya beautiful stranger #9, I love your mind and YES I need to draw more Donna and several of her maidens. I’m sure she collected quite a few of them. Maybe they live in a small cottage not far from the Beneviento estate? I mean, she needs ALL the love. And thank you so much for complimenting my art, I’m so glad you like how I draw her! 🖤
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And you’re being last but certainly not least, mysterious guest #10! I did actually include a plus size woman with Donna I think, but I’m absolutely very inclined to draw even more voluptuous gals. And I’m super happy that my art gives you the happiness you deserve! 😘 _____ And there you have it, that’s it for this week’s ClassyfruitbASKet installment.  🍉 🍇 🍓 As always, thank you to EVERYONE who left a DM or ask for me. I’m still reading them all and I promise, sooner or later, I will get to YOUR ask. Yes you, the one reading this! (You should really drink a sip of water! Have you stretched?) Thank you very much for all of your support and each and every one of you that keeps commenting and getting in touch with me. I adore you all to bits and I’m looking forward to next Tuesday! Much love, Classy 
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steelwingedpegasus1 · 4 years
Alrighty, since some folks have made their OCs for the big milk truck vampire mutant lady... here’s mine, I guess, lol. And yeah, she’s in the thirst fic I’m writing. :x Soz, no art because I can’t art, so have this wall of text instead. I’ll probably commission someone for it eventually, though.
The Reaper, is an unnamed woman in her mid-20s who was an ironically cowardly horror blogger (the Blogger) and had a horrible personal life. Once she earned enough money doing her schtick, she ended it at her peak and managed to escape her horrible family... where she’d end up in Castle Dimitrescu somehow during her travels. She caught Alcina’s interest when she cowered in fear instead of running.
Either way, that night, they had some fun, and the Blogger gets turned into the Reaper, where she has the same “ENBIGGEN CLAWS” ability, though her preferred style is extending one long claw, so it resembles a scythe~
She has long brown hair, brown eyes, and pale skin, some ear and nose piercings, and she wears a bomber jacket, jeans, and a flannel. She’s super short, but she’s a big lesbian (TBH, she would simp for Jill Valentine and Ada Wong)~ After mutating, she has crazy teeth and the sort of tongue Venom has, so she has a bandana usually wrapped around her mouth.
The Reaper serves as the lady’s underling, trying to lure maidens into the castle. Sometimes she enlists the help of the daughters (with her lady’s permission, of course), sometimes things turn into a shitshow (”sorry if she tastes disgusting... had to drown her in the swamp because humans are unpredictable”), and she thanks Alcina for taking her away from her old life. She’s very much in love with the mutant vampire, because of course, so she has undying loyalty to the Dimitrescu family.
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