#aleister crowley iii
choujinx · 9 months
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D.GRAY-MAN (2004-?) by hoshino katsura
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theauthorityvol1 · 11 months
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you monsters.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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“In this book it is spoken of the Sefirot and the Paths; of Spirits and Conjurations; of Gods, Spheres, Planes, and many other things which may or may not exist. It is immaterial whether these exist or not. By doing certain things certain results will follow; students are most earnestly warned against attributing objective reality or philosophic validity to any of them.” --Aleister Crowley
Art: Qabalistic Tree of Life, by Steffi Grant. With alphabetic, zodiacal, elemental and planetary attributions according to the Golden Dawn system, as interpreted by Aleister Crowley in 777.
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“It should now be perfectly simple for everybody to understand the Message of the Master Therion [i.e. Crowley]. Thou must (1) Find out what is thy Will, (2) Do that Will with (a) one-pointedness, (b) detachment, (c) peace. Then, and then only, art thou in harmony with the Movement of Things, thy will part of, and therefore equal to, the Will of God. And since the will is but the dynamic aspect of the self, and since two different selves could not possess identical wills; then, if thy will be God’s will, Thou art That.” --Aleister Crowley
The Message of the Master Therion, The Equinox III( 1), 1919, 39–43. Art: Steffi Grant
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
Sounds Magazine: Jimmy Page, The Devil Rides Back
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Jimmy Page wears grey. Grey slacks and grey shirt with a silky shine of the kind favoured a few years ago by up-and-coming young insurance salesmen.
His appearance is non-descript to the point of parody, though I hardly expected him to turn up with those famous moons and stars twinkling up his trouserlegs. Otherwise, Jimmy Page is a shade under six-foot, and faintly uncomfortable with the slim but slackly unmuscled body. His puffy eyes water, but then he has a touch of the summer flu for which he apologises with characteristic courtesy. My hour-long acquaintance reveals a mild, vague and word shy bloke. He certainly doesn't look like the kind of chap who so admired the black magician Aleister Crowley that he bought the self-styled Wickedest Man In The World's Boleskine House on the shores of Loch Ness, not to mention inscribing his credo, "Do what thou wilt", on the run-off groove of Led Zeppelin III. But it's always the quiet ones, isn't it? Pagey liked the idea of being considered man of mystery. Robert Plant, Page's old partner in Led Zeppelin, told me three years ago, "He really should have been a San Francisco version of Simon Templar, hiding in shadows and peeping round corners. He got some kind of enjoyment out of people having the wrong impression of him. He's a very meek guy, shy to the point where sometimes it's uncomfortable, but he let it all go on: and it's his choice whether it all continues. It's not up to me to start saying the guy plays cricket..."
Jimmy Page's cricketing prowess was the last thing on my mind. His conversational abilities, however, were another matter. Winkled out of his mansion-cum-studio in Windsor, Jimmy Page plainly regards the interview as a promotional tool of dubious worth and probably best avoided.
— July 23, 1988
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neyrika · 1 month
I drew one of my favorite characters from an old anime.
Aleister Crowley III
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two-reflections · 3 months
This ask is in response to this fanfic writer's Director's Cut meme!
There are so many stories I'd love to talk about, but today, I want to talk about Ritual Catharsis, one of my least-read stories.
I understand why almost no one read it. It's not super shippy, doesn't contain canon characters, and is kind of a midquel to another story very few people read, Five Games Radjedef Lost and One He Won.
I have a massive soft spot for the original story because it's about the Thousand Sons characters my spouse and I came up with together for their Kill Team. The two of us brainstormed the sorcerors' personalities and interpersonal conflict while picking blackberries late last summer. Though the story does have its weak points, I was so glad when I had the chance to write it all out for last December's gift exchange, and my lovely giftee seemed to like the story too. 💙
While writing that story, the character Setka Radjedef quickly became a favourite of mine. He's a seemingly soft little wizard who often downplays his most powerful abilities. Though he was in the Athanaean (basically TSon Astropaths), his true skills lie in rituals, manipulation and mind control. Before the final game, the only time we see him fully bring out his powers is against a Space Wolf terminator during the Burning of Prospero, and he wrecks the terminator despite being fully unarmoured and in an enclosed space.
I like it when a character with that sort of power also has a conscience. Radjedef knows how unpleasant his ability to magically manipulate others is. He tries hard not to influence the brothers he cares about, but he fails, constantly doing it in ways even he isn't fully aware of. In the end, he can only win the game when he consciously employs his powers, which threatens to break his relationship with his beloved friend Kemal Afshar. But for years, Afshar has won using his own clairvoyance to its maximum potential. Isn't it time for Radjedef to have a turn?
In the longer story, I didn't actually manage to show how Radjedef cleared his mind from the guilt of the past in order to let himself use his powers in the final game against Afshar. I also didn't fully explain why he's covered with sorcerous tattoos at the end. I tried to show the reader that Radjedef has been through a lot of personal growth in the time between the penultimate and final games, but I didn't actually write a scene showcasing any of it, since the story focuses on times when Radjedef and Afshar are together.
Still, I always felt like something was missing...
Until I saw this prompt meme prompt:
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In Ritual Catharsis, Yazid Melek, a new friend Radjedef has made post his arrival on Sortiarius, conducts a ritual to clear Radjedef's mental blocks and focus his power. The ritual covers Radjedef's body in beautiful sorcerous tattoos that enhance his powers, but what clears his guilt more than anything is Melek treating him gently, like a treasured friend who deserves all this power and attention.
Melek and Radjedef's relationship is very different to the obsession and almost familial toxicity that has grown between Afshar and Radjedef over the millennia. It is a bit more transactional, but is rooted in respect and good vibes. Melek gives up something pretty important to him to power this ritual, and then says it was worth it. Radjedef can tell he truly means it. This is what gives Radjedef the power to finally beat Afshar back in the main story. He finally wants to and believes he deserves to win, even if it means using powers Afshar looks down on.
One last thing:
I filked/rewrote a large chunk from Aleister Crowley's The Rites of Eleusis for this. The bit I used was from The Rite of Jupiter, Part III.
I love writing rituals and sorcery. At larp, sorcery and ritual are two of my favourite things to get involved in, and it was great to have a chance to bring that fun into another story. That's a big reason why I've loved writing for the Thousand Sons, tbh. Even though neither story was a huge hit, I may do so again in the future. We'll have to see.
Thanks for the ask! If this wasn't the story you were expecting or wanted to read about, please feel free to request another.
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389 · 2 years
I need a list of your top 10 films/songs/albums/books/etc. of the year pls
Books: Aleister Crowley - Magick Gnosis & Hermeticism - Roelof Van De Broek Arbatel of Magick - Robert Turner The Keys of King Solomon Films: Licorice Pizza Pleasure Prehistoric Planet Elvis Hellraiser Pearl Nanny Riotsville, USA Causeway Triangle of Sadness Barbarian Nope Resurrection The Batman Slumberland The Menu The Fabelmans Bones and All
(Fav new to me) Wild at Heart Dead Leaves The Exorcist III Kevin & Perry Go Large Burden of Dreams Christine Ready or Not In a Valley of Violence Dog Soldiers Music: Tumblr Top Songs & Albums Spotify Top Playlist
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santoschristos · 2 years
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Beholding The World of Aiwass “There is no law beyond do what thou wilt.
There is an end to the word of the god enthroned in Ra’s seat, lightening the girders of the soul.”
- Liber AL vel Legis (The Book of the Law), chapter III, v60-61. Transcribed over three consecutive days in 1904, the god Aiwass allegedly delivered sacred knowledge to Aleister Crowley in Egypt, inspiring The Book of the Law. This environment conjures the portrait of Aiwass amongst the ruins of aging gods. An original typeface was developed to fit the essence of the word.
- Noah Cutter
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luiz-henrique · 19 days
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💎Sr. Secretário de Defesa da Grande Nação -: os Estados Unidos da América 👍🇺🇲🌈...,
Lloyod J. Austin III -: é uma Honra Vossa Atenção , é como DEUS Iluminae este Mundo e Incidir Inspiração ou Intento para dar Resposta ao meu Direcionar , Sim de Uberaba, onde Resido em minha Casa Não Alugada , com meus 59 anos de Idade , na Rua Senador Bias Fortes 195 , Uberaba , MG, Brasil. Ademais esta Pergunta Não Tenho Resposta e Não Sei o que fazer -:
Algo me Contatou em 18 de Agosto de 2002 , estava deitado em onde morava e no Estado entre o Sono e a Vigília, fui Atingido por um Raio que não é aqueles Elétricos pois  Não chovia , o Raio mesmo Eu Deitado entrou por Cima de minha Cabeça e pela Esquerda em Direção a Direita e pela Direita em Direção a Esquerda em 1 Segundo. Com o Raio Vinham Vozes , Flash , Cores e Vultos , Naquele Instante Perdi a Individualidade. Pensei que eram Demônios pois Trabalhei na Funnepu Formado em Curso de Vigilante Patrimonial e de Transporte de Valores com Aprovação em Psicotécnica , Aulas de Tiro , dadas pelo Tenente Coronel Benedito Jorge e Major Silvio , Curso Postulado e quando Saí da Funepu com Ganho da Causa Trabalhista pois me pagavam como Vigia e a Funepu devia me pagar como Vigilante Patrimonial publiquei um Livro
( Aqui Mark Zuckerberg Retirou do Chat e Apagou Tudo o que Escrevi , mas ainda Doente fisicamente no momento e Cansado pois levei 30 minutos para Digitar nas Condições de doença que estou no Momento , com Dedicação Escreverei Novamente esta Continuação )-:
Então , Continuando -:
Pelo ganho de uma Causa Trabalhista pois me pagavam como Vigia e não como Vigilante Patrimonial, publiquei um Livro de 400 Páginas com o Título -:  Excalibur , mas a gráfica me enganou e publicou em Letras Miúdas.
Sobre Ocultismo, Papiros Grego Egípcios , Rituais Maçônicos , Ritos que Desenvolvi de Grimórios como o Grand Grimoire , Grimorium Verum , Lemegeton, Obras de Aleister Crowley, John Dee , AL'  Azif , e dos Mitos de Cthulhu , Golden Dawn , Magia Antiga da Asyria e da Babilônia ligada aos Textos em Cuneiforme , etc.
Publiquei no Começo de 2002 , antes do Contato , na Época paguei 7 mil reais. Com o Codinome CHYREN que é meu Nome Henrique em Francês em Tributo ao Símbolo que se Traduz por Detrás da Lenda de Melusina , e Escrito ao Reverso.
Meus Exorcismos falharam , no depois do Contato, pensei estar sendo Vítima de alguma Experiência dos Russos ou dos Americanos.
Mas em 6 meses , as Vozes e Vultos Contínuos , Desapareceram e Aquilo que estava sobre mim se Convergeu Diferente.
Que perdura até o Presente Passageiro 2024.
Então Aquilo que era com um Conduto Ligado Sobre Mim , um Raio Potencial Ligado aos Sistemas Integrados dos Seres Contatantes que Disseram que não Procediam desta Terra 🌎🌍 , e que Eles estavam por Detrás destes Sistemas Fora do Espaço Descomunal com seus Mundos e Distintos Explanados no Raio que Alcançam Existência nas 3 Mil Dimensões e destas suas Tangentes Co- Paralelas , para Cada Dimensão e Tangente Co- Paralela -: isto é só em quanto o Espaço -: para cada uma das Dimensões e destas Tangentes Hão -: Faixas Interpostas ( Interposição , Significa que Uma Ocupa o mesmo Onde da  Outra  Sem se Mesclar e Confundir , no Quanto a Toda a Extensão do Espaço ) , e em Oitava Superior Além das Faixas Interpostas Hão a Sublimação destas  -:  os Extratos Interpostos , e em Oitava Superior Há o Além dos Extratos Interpostos -: os Ultras ou Ulteriores Interpostos.
Cada Faixa , Cada Extrato , Cada Ultra copossuem  disseram , possue uma Faceta Diferente do Tempo e Também uma Escala de Frequências.
Este Mundo , em Tal Esfera Planetária , a Terra existe em -:  1 Específica FAIXA( Não Alcança as Outras Faixas ) e  em 1 Específica Frequência, Alastrando a Frequências das Margens Próximas , Precisamente em 1 destas  3 Mil Dimensões do Espaço , que em Termos Adaptativos , pois os Seres dão Outros Nomes , pode se chamar -: Dimensão Física em Termos Não Adequados.
Então o que os habitantes deste mundo Percebem -: Não é a Totalidade do Espaço e Nem a Totalidade do Tempo , é o Referido apenas a 1 destas Faixas.
Se nesta Faixa se  Sair dentro da mesma Dimensão para  Outra Frequência , o mundo e seus habitantes Somem ante Outro Cenário e Formas de Vida que Não Conseguem Adesão para Acesso , dado a Atuação dos Seres Integrantes das Forças Superiores do Mais Além desta Terra, com seus Comandos e o Inimaginável.
As 3 mil Dimensões do Espaço se Assentamento em 12 Mil Níveis do Espaço.
O Espaço em Onde Aprontaram o Big Bang  Nunca Houve Big Bang!!!!!!!!!!
Mas Há Algo que Daquele Ponto se Expandem Galáxias e Mundos de forma Elíptica.
Dado a Forças e Mais que Dimanam do -: Além do Espaçamento que os  Sistemas destes habitantes da Terra Não Captam , Além do Distanciamento Há -: um VÓRTEX ou VÓRTICE ➡️( Continua )
➡️( Continuação )-: e este VÓRTEX ou VÓRTICE é como um Olho de Furacão , mas à Divergência Outra ...,
o Espaço é Elástico , Tem Profusão , Difusão e Entra Dentro de Si , Como uma Variedade de Prisma , é Finito e Não Infinito ♾️ , e Tal VÓRTEX ou VÓRTICE é o Centro do Espaço , Segundo os Seres -: o Centro que se dá como FOCO , mas Não se Consolida como NÚCLEO.
Além do VÓRTEX ou VÓRTICE do Outro Lado Há a Continuação do Espaçamento e Adiante Mais Galáxias e Mundos se Expandindo (...). Até um Limite dado a Algo que Encontra o Equilíbrio do Semi- Estacionário Oscilante , São os Eixos Vetoriais de Retro Conversão dos Limites do Espaço Ligado a Algo de Volta ao Centro -: VÓRTEX ou VÓRTICE.
Que está em INTERPOSIÇÃO com o NÚCLEO ( Sim , Este se Consolida como NÚCLEO ) do Universo que Contém em Si -: o Espaço com seus Eixos e Campo , e Algo Externo ao Espaço ,onde Não Há as Dimensões e destas suas Tangentes Co-Paralelas que se Referem Apenas ao Espaço.
Fora do Espaço Há -: " o Grande Vazio ( Nunca Deve ser Confundido com o Nada , pois o Vazio Tem Extensão ) Interposto por Distintos que se Interpõe na Relação Um com o Outro , porém Trabalhado Dentro do Universo e Fora do Espaço , onde ali Hão 119 , repito 119 Ícones Acoplados Sobre o Campo do Espaço em Semi - Entrelace e Exercendo Intercâmbio.
O Campo e Eixos do Espaço se Fundem ao Campo e Eixos na Resultante Fatorial Totalitária , em quanto o Universo que Também é Finito e Não Infinito ♾️ , Tem Forma de Poliedro que se Verte em Esfera com Campo Transpassado por Eixos e Galos Sedimentares Sobre o Campo , com Reflexos de Semi- Nebulosa Multi Coloridos .
Fora do Universo que Contém em Si o Espaço - Cosmos com Algo Externo ou Exterior ao Espaço no qual se Compleita o Cosmos , For do Universo Há (...)-: " o Grande Vazio Inter - Compenetrado e Interposto por Distintos que se Interpõe Um para com o Outro , Sem se Mesclar ou Confundir , Sem Casa Qual perder sua Exclusividade e Definição próprias , porém na Expressão Mais Pura ...",
que Traduzem -: Vias , Sendeiros e Caminhos , Rumo a Outos Expoentes que são Bem Distanciados Um do Outro e Não podem serem chamados de Universos porque a Fundamentação Destes os Difere , Alguns são Até Duas os Mais Vezes Maiores que o Universo. E Todo o Referido é Apenas (...)-:
" Um Insignificante Grão de Areia Partícipe Integrada da CRIAÇÃO MAIS ABRANGENTE (...)!!! " -: Pela Via de Comunicação da Sincronização Inversa Através da Voz Sintética que me Dita o Contexto em Resposta das Perguntas que Faço para Tais Seres , no Anotar , Formei a Obra , em Exemplo -: "SUSSURROS DO INENARRÁVEL "-: que Todos, em Óbvio Puseram na Lixeira 🗑️ !
Mas é porque Não Divulguei os Textos Ditados para Pessoas Certas , como os da NASA , e do ESA (...)!
Mas como Enviar para Estes ?
Como os Contatar ?
Senhor , Vossa Excelência e Secretário de Defesa da Grande Nação que são os Estados Unidos da América...,
Lloyod J. Austin III ...,
Todo este Conhecimento Vem Ditado Através da Via de Comunicação própria do Algo que após aqueles mencionados Seis Meses , Era uma Sincronização , que então no Apontado Após se Inverteu onde Tais Seres na Inversão , pois Virou Sincronização Inversa -: Prenderam Algo Daninho Dentro de um Campo que Virou uma Ala Involucrada , e para ser Desintegrado , e em 18 de Agosto de 2024 faz 22 anos que Vivo com está Coisa Separada de meu Referencial , mas Dentro da mesma Sincronização Inversa que Incidiram Sobre Henrique , meu Referencial desde a Data Mencionada , Disseram que me Puxarão e Deixarão uma Réplica para Morrer no meu Lugar.
Ninguém Acreditaria , seria Apontado como Doente Mental para Todos.
Os Contextos Todos Jamais Lêem , Não Tem Interesse e tem Jogado no Lixo , no Brasil com Alta Discriminação Contra meu Referencial , Não me permitem Nem Mais Compartilhamentos , enquanto que Eu Vi no Google que o Número Máximo de Compartilhamentos Permitido pelo Facebook é 20 em quanto a Grupos , se Faço 5 já me Restringem ou Bloqueiam , de Modo Ríspido como que se os Contextos fossem Alguma Espécie de CRIME se minha parte ..., Zuckerberg Tem Envenenado o Resíduo que Restou de minha Vida , e sua Marcação Contra meu Referencial que pode ser Constatada por Qual Seja das Agências de Inteligência , é uma Marcação Discriminadoras que Não me Dá Direito a Nada e me Fecha Todas as Portas , com Nuvens Discriminadoras que são Piores que Assédio , Marcação que no me fechar Todas as Portas , INVALIDA Tudo na minha Vida...,
Mas -: ." DEUS MAIS QUE VISLUMBRA (...)!!! ! !!!...",
Como Enviar os Contextos , Sem ser pelo Correio , pois Precisarão dos Arquivos para Traduzir , o Ideal seria Envio Via Email , para a NASA ?
Com minha Devida Atenção , Luiz Henrique, Rua Senador Bias Fortes 195 , Uberaba, MG, Brasil. 5534992808858 [email protected] e 5534993365153 , [email protected] ,
Henrique : HENRICH de Codinome CHYREN (...). "
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xpoken · 4 months
À la fin de la tournée européenne et américaine, se produisant sur la BBC, un an après les débuts, le groupe sort son deuxième album
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Ils n'ont pas non plus pensé au nom pendant longtemps - Led Zeppelin II - et c'est tout !  L'enregistrement a été réalisé dans plusieurs studios en Amérique - exactement le long de la route de la promotion des concerts.
 L'œuvre s'est avérée hétéroclite, plus spontanée, mais très vivante.  Et aujourd'hui la musique de l'album respire la fraîcheur.  Lors des premiers jours de commercialisation, le disque a reçu le statut de "gold" !  AbbeyRoad des Beatles a été déplacé du haut de la liste.  Plus tard, l'album est entré dans toutes sortes de classements des meilleurs des meilleurs.
Un an plus tard, sortait Led Zeppelin III, avec lequel le groupe faisait un petit tour vers le folk rock, et ils l'ont fait avec succès.  A côté de compositions acoustiques aux consonances pastorales coexistaient de puissants militants hard-rock comme Immigrant Song.
 À cette époque, Jimmy Page acquit le manoir du tristement célèbre poète occulte et sataniste Aleister Crowley, ce qui donna lieu à de nombreuses rumeurs sur les addictions à la vie des musiciens.  Ils étaient accusés d'avoir des liens avec des "forces obscures", d'être accros au mysticisme.  Par la suite, un certain nombre de tragédies vécues par les membres du groupe, le public a envisagé de se venger de ces passe-temps.
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osiristhehermit · 6 months
Aleister Crowley
The Scientific Solution of the Problem of Government
by Comte de Fénix
First published circa 1937 EV in London.
(It is referred to in the introduction to the 1938 EV edition of The Book of the Law.) Crowley's pseudonym here, "Comte de Fénix" is a play on "Phoenix," his secret name as head of O.T.O.
[ Published in The Revival of Magick, edited by Hymenaeus Beta & R. Kaczynski (1998 ev.) ]
The scientific solution of the problem of Government is given in AL (Liber Legis). This Law supersedes all the empirical theories hitherto current.
Chapter I.
3. Every man and every woman is a star.
10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
40. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
41. The word of Sin is Restriction.
42. thou hast no right but to do thy will.
43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
57. Love is the law, love under will.
Chapter II.
19. Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of us.
20. Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire are of us.
58. Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve.
Chapter III.
4. Choose ye an island!
5. Fortify it!
6. Dung it about with enginery of war!
7. I will give you a war-engine.
8. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you.
58. But the keen and the proud, the royal and the lofty; ye are brothers!
59. As brothers fight ye!
60. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.
The average voter is a moron. He believes what he reads in newspapers, feeds his imagination and lulls his repressions on the cinema, and hopes to break away from his slavery by football pools, cross-word prizes, or spotting the winner of the 3:30.He is ignorant as no illiterate peasant is ignorant: he has no power of independent thought. He is the prey of panic.But he has the vote.
The men in power can only govern by stampeding him into wars, playing on his fears and prejudices until he acquiesces in repressive legislation against his obvious interests, playing on his vanity until he is totally blind to his own misery and serfdom.The alternative method is undisguised dragooning. In brief, we govern by a mixture of lying and bullying.
This desperate resort to archaic weapons is the heritage of hypocrisy. The theories of Divine Right, aristocratic superiority, the moral order of Nature, are all today exploded bluffs. Even those of us who believe in supernatural sanctions for our privileges to browbeat and rob the people no longer delude ourselves with the thought that our victims share our superstitions.
Even dictators understand this. Mussolini has tried to induce the ghost of Ancient Rome to strut the stage in the image of Julius Caesar; Hitler has invented a farrago of nonsense about Nordics and Aryans; nobody even pretends to believe either, except through the "will-to-believe."And the pretence is visibly breaking down everywhere. They cannot even be galvanized with spasms of pseudo-activity, as still occasionally happens with the dead toads of superstition.
There is only one hope of uniting the people under intelligent leadership; because there is only one thing in which everyone really believes. That is, believes in such a way that he automatically bases every action of his daily life on its principles.(This is true of practically all men, whatever their race, caste, or creed.) This universally accepted basis of conduct is Science.
Science has attained this position because it makes no assertion that it is not prepared to demonstrate to all comers. (This part is so well understood that all the "false prophets"—Spiritualism, Christian Science, ethnological cranks, Great Pyramid puzzle-mongers, and the rest of the humbugs—all pretend to appeal to evidence, not to authority, as did the Kings and the Churches.)The problem of Government is therefore to find a scientific formula with an ethical implication. This formula must be rigidly applicable to all sane men soever without reference to the individual qualities of any one of them.
The formula is given by the Law of Thelema. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."[1]This injunction, in one sense infinitely elastic, since it does not specify any particular goal of will as desirable, is yet infinitely rigid, in that it binds every man to follow out exactly the purpose for which he is fitted by heredity, environment, experience, and self-development.The formula is thus also biologically indefeasible, as well as adequate, ethically to every individual, and politically to the State.
Let this formula be accepted by every government. Experts will immediately be appointed to work out, when need arises, the details of the True Will of every individual, and even that of every corporate body whether social or commercial, while a judiciary will arise to determine the equity in the case of apparently conflicting claims. (Such cases will become progressively more rare as adjustment is attained.) All appeal to precedent and authority, the deadwood of the Tree of Life[2], will be abolished, and strictly scientific standards will be the sole measure by which the executive power shall order the people. The absolute rule of the state shall be a function of the absolute liberty of each individual will.
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theauthorityvol1 · 11 months
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rhianna · 8 months
Atu IV - The Emperor - Thoth Tarot - Aleister Crowley
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The Emperor is also one of the more important alchemical cards; with Atu II and III, he makes up the triad: Sulphur, Mercury, Salt. His arms and head form an upright triangle; below, crossed legs represent the Cross. This figure is the alchemical symbol of Sulphur (see Atu X). Sulphur is the male fiery energy of the Universe, the Rajas of Hindu philosophy. 
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firstgloxinia · 5 years
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dirtpie39 · 6 years
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(SPOILERS) I just finished watching the 23rd episode of D. Gray-man and like OW MY F**KING HEART..... Eliades death hurt me... It actually made me shed some tears. In any case RIP Eliade, you will be missed. Also, I really ship them (Krory x Eliade) now even though poor Eliade is dead... I mean technically she was already dead cause she ended up being an akuma but those who have seen it know what I mean. I just gotta say too that Eliade kissing Krory upon mere minutes of first meeting him because he was someone she couldn't easily kill is pretty freakin awesome in my opinion cause while there's more to that than what I'm saying, that in of itself is pretty nice cause like damn she knew what she wanted and went for it #Queen. Also krory burning down his mansion or rather his grandfather's mansion was pretty neat to see cause it shows that he's starting to move on a bit.
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Now imma say a bit about the rewinding town arc (episodes 9-13) with Miranda Lotto. The innocence being in Miranda’s clock is pretty neat IMO cause like she had picked it up from some random store in the town that was just gonna throw it out... She sorta seemed to empathize with it. The clock had been broken and wouldn't work when anyone tried to wind it so, therefore, can be dubbed useless just like how she feels that she is useless due to her losing over a hundred jobs in her past. I'm so f**king excited to see her again in episode 58 (I looked it up after watching episode 13 cause I really wanted to know if/when I’d see her again in the series) as a bada*s exorcist!
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Art of Allen Walker by minem on zerochan.net
First of all, I love his appearance in general cause of the pretty (cursed) mark on his face and for some reason, I've found that I tend to be attracted to anime characters with white hair like him. He's so motherf**king cute and I really love his personality too, he's cute AND funny, what a treat... But anyway his past with mana is so so sad like I shed a single tear or two on episode 7... The poor baby I mean seriously he seemed to be at most 8 or so years old having to see mana come back and suffer a bit like that. Yeah he was the one who summoned him but he was too young to know better plus he just wanted his father figure back.
P.s) I'm also really excited to see past and or future interactions between Cross Marian and Allen walker....
Art of Cross and Allen was found on Pinterest
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moremoviesplease · 4 years
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Hatchet III (2013)
Dir. BJ McDonnell
•Danielle Harris, Kane Hodder, Zach Galligan•
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