#aleksander- plays along
kasagia · 1 year
I'll be back for you
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/General Kirigan/The Darkling x reader, Kaz Brekker x reader Summary: The Moon Summoner ran away with Alina from the Little Palace with the help of Kaz Brekker's crows. The group successfully escaped from Darkling's hands, but that doesn't mean he will forget about his Y/N. He's going to chase her until she is in his arms again. However, Mr. Brekker did not let his childhood friend disappear without a trace from his life again. He will protect her. For all costs. After all, she was his newest investment. Warning(s): Darkling, Kaz fights haphephobia (but not as severe for him ), reader argues with Baghra, reader has internal moral conflict, curses, fights, and their red aftermath, I used a quote from TVD and The Invisible Life of Addie Laurie because… they fit and I love them veeery much It's my first one-shot for both Darkling and Kaz, so please be gentle (I'm very nervous and excited at the same time to publish it) <3 Word count: 14k (too long, someone should take me away from the keyboard in the middle of this)
~•♤♤♤•~ Part 2 (end) ~•♤♤♤•~
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Every night since you escaped with Alina and Genya with the help of your childhood friend Kaz and his crows from Ravka, you've been haunted by nightmares. No. Not the usual horrible flashbacks of your past in Ketterdam or the Little Palace.
HE visited you.
The Darkling. The Black Heretic. The man who promised to keep your heart safe and broke it in two along with your trust.
Genya has a right to warn you about powerful men. But you, the lost girl kidnapped by slave hunters from Ketterdam, the girl who has nothing to lose and was happy enough to somehow end up in the general's tent and find out about being one of the most powerful Grisha, didn't want to listen to her.
You foolishly believed that you, of all people, were able to charm the most dangerous man in all Ravka with your beauty, character and mind.
You believed that sweet words, longing glances and tender moments between you were real, that they meant something.
But it was all just a game. A game that brought him your affection and blind trust. And Kirigan, Darkling, or Alexander played in it like mastermind.
You should have listened to Genya. At least those damn dark eyes wouldn't haunt you every time you closed yours.
With the taste in men you have, you should have predicted that the first guy you hooked up with would be a psychopath. Fate could only be a little bit more favorable to you and not connect you to the hundreds-year-old black heretic who created the fold.
You've always had a weakness for villains and gray characters.
Your first teenage crush only proved it.
Because who else but you would fall in love with a bastard boy from the barrel who started his criminal career with the Dregs, who couldn't stand the touch of other people, and who wanted nothing more in his life than revenge on Pekka Rollins?
If I survive this shit, I really should find someone normal to be with.
You thought before you somehow managed to fall asleep for the first time in a month, hoping that your bond with the Darkling would weaken for those few hours when you tried to find peace.
It was pure darkness around you. Not that one when all the lights went out and it's only you and your bed. No. They felt too familiar for you to confuse them with anything else. Those were his shadows.
He must have been near, playing with you as he always had.
You carefully took one step forward. The shadows parted in front of you, so you could see the ground. You bent down to your boot and pulled out a dagger, hiding it behind the sleeve of your blouse. You had to be ready for anything. Even if it meant fighting the shadow lord himself in your own subconscious. You sighed, stepping uncertainly into the darkness.
Your eyes quickly adjusted to the place around you, allowing you to move faster along the path. You recognized this bloody spot. The path in the woods you raced down when he took you for your first ride. Then he dragged you to HIS fountain, telling you nonsense about how it's only here among other Grishas that you discover your true self. He was already weaving his manipulative web around you, and you fell into it like an oblivious fly.
The snap of a twig stopped you. You looked around, not seeing anything at all except for the fountain in the distance. You flinched as his shadows gently pushed you forward.
"I'm not going to play another of your games, General!" you screamed as you spun around, walking forward. If he was already disturbing you, at least he might have had the honor to step out of the shadows.
"Call me Aleksander…"
You shivered as you felt his soft whisper against your neck. You spun, summoning your light and shooting into the space behind you. Unfortunately, it didn't encounter any Black Heretics on its way.
You huffed angrily, continuing your walk until you reached the fountain.
It was different than when he brought you here last time. The engravings have changed. They no longer told the story of the Black Heretic who created the fold. They were of you and Aleksander. Slowly falling in love.
"The union of darkness and his light." you felt your body tremble as the fabric of his kefta brushed your hand.
"I would never have taken you for such a sentimental fool." you turned to face him, taking a step back to increase the distance between you. With a very smug smirk, you noticed that he had dark circles under his eyes. Good. At least the son of a bitch suffers as much as you do. "Especially not after what Baghra had told me."
"My mother has the amazingly irritating gift of ruining my plans. She also doesn't like the people I care about much."
"Hmm… what a pity. Maybe if you weren't planning to use us as weapons in your plans, I'd care more. Also, don't try to tell me that there are people in this world who are more important to you than yourself. We both know I'm not going to fall for it again."
"I understand your resentment." you laughed, shaking your head in disbelief as you turned your gaze back to the fountain. "What's so funny?" you relished every irritated word directed at you. Maybe you couldn't seriously hurt him physically, but at least you could be a pain in his ass.
"I just forgot how easy it is for you to choose words that both tell the truth and work in your favor. Please, continue. I didn't truly laugh for a very long time."
"You're making a mistake." he stood next to you, grabbing your arm to turn you toward him.
You yanked your arm out of his grip as soon as your powers met in that familiar dance of dark and light. You both sighed, stunned by the sudden combination of your powers coursing through your veins. You opened your eyes, which you closed in the flow of the moment, meeting his tender, longing gaze. The man reached out to cup your cheek, but you pulled away from him before your skin had a chance to touch again.
"Funny. That's what I heard from your mother before she made me realize what shit I got into."
"One conversation with my mother, and you're ready to give it all up? Just because she was faster than me? Because she revealed a truth about me that she had no right to? What if I wanted to tell you right after I dealt with the group that wanted to attack you and Miss Starkov?" the grudge in his eyes only fueled your anger. He had no right to resent you for running away from him at the earliest opportunity when he had been hiding this important piece of his past for so long.
"What does it matter, general? None of it was real anyway." you growled, turning your back on him again so as not to reveal your hidden emotions to him. You didn't want him to know that you still cared. Indifference was a worse punishment for him than your wrath.
"So c'mon. Prove your point. Turn around, look me in the eyes, and tell me that you didn't feel anything towards me for even the slightest moment."
You wanted. You really did. To look directly into his soul-black eyes and say that he meant as much to you as the dust under your shoes. However, you both knew very well that it would be just a poor lie. And you both knew each other well enough to know when the other was lying.
"Just because my foolish heart longs for something, it doesn't mean I'll give in to its stupid desires. Wasn't you the one who told me that wanting makes us weak?"
"You should know I've changed my mind by now." the sound of leaves crunching under his boots was the only warning you got before you felt his presence behind you. "You. You are changing my mind."
"Don't tell me I have any influence over you. It's a poor play. You can do better, Kirigan."
"You and I may change the world, Y/N…" you flinched as you heard the exact same words he said here so many months ago. You turned to face him when you felt the coldness of one of his shadows wrapping around your leg. You pointed your dagger at the man standing only one, little step away from you. He didn't seem affected at all as you pointed the dagger at him. He didn't even look at it. His eyes were only on yours. "You may not see it now, too blinded by your righteous, but not entirely fair, anger at me, but deep down, you know that we are destined for greater things than others. You, me, and Alina together can be the strongest creatures in the world." 
"You know very well that we never wanted to live like this. Neither of us."
"Do you? Alina maybe doesn't want to be the Saint, but you, Y/N?" you took a step back and another as the black heretic approached you with his every word. He stood in front of you, letting the dagger you were holding in your trembling hands touch his chest. He smiled almost mockingly, seeing that your weapon against him was exactly the same one he gave you on your birthday, provoking your anger again. To spite him, you summoned wispy beams of white light that began to radiate from your hand to chase away his shadows.
"You don't know what I want." you growled, pressing the dagger harder against his heart to remind him that you were in control here. He could sneak into your dreams, but at night you were the most powerful Grisha in this bloody world. And even he had to reckon with your power.
"Yet I still see a desire in your eyes." you shifted your gaze to him, watching him silently and with hostility as his face was illuminated only by your powers. You were disgusted to find that, despite his betrayal, he was still equally handsome to you. "Not only for me but also for my power. You, my little moonlight, you want to be just like me. Strong, powerful, and ageless." he raised his hand deftly, dodging your dagger, and, under your watchful gaze, brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, stroking your cheek as he did so. He took a step towards you, causing you to press the blade against his neck as he got close enough to whisper in your ear. "You can run as far as you want, but you don't run from the truth that's inside you. And when you finally understand what you really want, I'll be there for you, waiting with open arms for my saint moon."
"Have fun waiting for this day, Morozova." you whispered, not giving in to his piercing gaze.
"I am a very patient man, after a thousand years on this earth, you will be too, Y/L/N."
"I'm not you, Aleksander. I don't wanna live forever, and I'm not gonna. I won't see the only people I truly love and care about die before me. Even eternity and unimaginable power are not worth it."
"They're still people you love and who can share this fate with you. Who will live long enough to be with you forever." one of his shadows began to wrap around your hand, forcing you to remove the dagger from his neck.
He leaned closer to you and rested his forehead against yours. You sighed, shivering as the scent of his familiar perfume enveloped you after so many weeks apart. You were tempted to give in to him again. And that dark desire in your heart terrified you more than the capabilities of the Black Heretic caressing your cheek.
"This isn't love. It was just a game. We were just playing a game. The same one you created a long time ago to earn my trust. But I'm no longer that naive girl who is desperate for somebody's attention and love. You made me stronger, crueler, ruthless. And believe me, general, I'll repay you for all you have done."
"You don't believe that. You can't have believed my mother that I am your villain so easily." in other circumstances, where your heart wasn't beating for his, you'd probably laugh at the desperation in his voice. But now that every fiber of you longed for the man before you, there was only one thing you could do.
"Then tell me, Aleksander..." you leaned in to him, rubbing his nose with yours as he closed his eyes and waited for your lips to finally touch after weeks of craving your slightest touch. "Why was I so tempted to do this?" you dug into his tempting mouth, giving you both what you needed.
In your head, you explained this crime against your friends as wanting to do what was originally intended to be your primary goal. The gentle prolongation of your longing, amazing, desperate kiss before you plunged the dagger into his side without the slightest hesitation wasn't your fault at all. Aleksander moaned into your lips, pulling away from you as he felt blood trickle down his side.
"Leave me alone, or I will make myself your villain." you whispered into his mouth before you somehow managed to get yourself out of your "dream".
"Y/N?" Alina's soft whisper wakes you up. You opened your eyes, feeling how your chest was burning for fresh air and your heart beating faster than it should. The woman was sitting next to you, holding your hand.
In the corner of your eye, you can see Nina standing in the doorway of the room Kaz graciously assigned to you after you arrived in Ketterdam. You can swear on saints that Inej was looking through your window before she went - probably going to tell Kaz about your fourth nightmare this week.
And it was only Tuesday.
You felt attacked from all sides. If not Inej through the window, then the madmen through the door or in your dreams.
"What are you doing here? It's well after midnight." you asked her, gratefully accepting a towel from Nina to wipe the sweat from your face. Alina and Genya lived far from the club, in motels on opposite sides of the city.
"Just in case someone betrays us. At least one of you will save yourself if the Darkling comes to these parts."
Brekker's brilliant and preventive mind had already terrified you before you stepped off the boat onto the familiar land of Ketterdam. The fact that he thought through and arranged your accommodation before anyone could ask him was either another display of his otherworldly mind or a blatant act of arrogance and overconfidence in his strength against the Darkling. But you knew Kaz too well to assume that he underestimated the power of the Black Heretic even for a moment.
"Nice to see you too. Kaz sent for me."
"Since when does the sun summoner do all the Dreg king's orders?" you asked, making Nina laugh.
"Since the moon summoner is constantly skipping her bedtime. You have to sleep. You can't always be on Jesper's special energetic drinks." she scolded you like a little child, to which you snorted indignantly.
"I will take a gorgeous, lovely, very long nap right after we kill Kirigan. Before then, nobody can make me do that. And tell Kaz I remembered him as braver the last time we saw each other on your way back to the motel."
"We are just worried about you, Y/N. You slept the whole night only once since we left."
"Don't tell me you're surprised. If you were me, you would do the same."
"Maybe. But we both know you're stronger than me. I know you can beat him, and even if you can't do this alone, which I doubt…" she wrapped her hand around yours, making you look into her eyes again. "You must know I will always be by your side, like you by mine. It's you and me against the darkness, Y/N."
"You know, you've spent way too much time on that boat with your toughts. You sound like an old uncle giving good advice or something."
"Speaking of advice, if I were you, I wouldn't insult the only person who can wake you up from… this." Nina waved her hand in a circle, pointing to the miserable state you were in.
"You should see Kirigan. I stabbed him." you replied with a self-satisfied smirk, watching the heartrender gasp in shock and Alina shake her head in disapproval.
"What have I told you about starting unnecessary arguments with him and maiming him?"
"That this is a good way to vent my anger and frustration?" you asked innocently with a huge smile.
Alina drew breath to argue with you, but a knock on the door distracted her. You glanced at Jesper, peering into your room, and wrinkled your nose at the light-burnt sheets you and Alina had left.
"The boss wants you, moon girl."
"Not only him." you murmured, pulling the remnants of the quilt from yourself. You took your clothes out of the closet and turned to the people in the room with your hands on your hips. "Are you leaving or staying for the show?" Alina mumbled a silent apology, blushing in embarrassment as she left, along with a laughing Jesper and an amused Nina.
You sighed as you stood in front of the mirror and brushed away the sweaty hair that was stuck to your face. Thanks to Inej and Kirigan, it looks like you'll have a long conversation with Kaz about your safety again. Your friend was sometimes a bigger pain in the ass than you—an achievement that wasn't granted by you to just anyone.
"I just fucking hope you're writhing in pain right now." you muttered to yourself, not believing for a moment in the sincerity of what you just said.
"You wanted me." you entered the Dirtyhands' office without knocking, taking a place of honor on one of the two comfortable armchairs in the room. Kaz didn't look up from his papers, but the slight crease of irritation on his forehead told you he had noticed your presence. You were surprised that, after years of separation, you could still read him easily. "It's rude to ignore your guest."
"It's rude to come in without knocking." he replied to your provocation, tracing something he had just written. You snorted in amusement, seeing that you managed to distract him.
"Well, I didn't come here for no reason. You sent Jes for me."
"Jes?" a diminutive you used for his sharpshooter, has earned the man's attention. He gave you a questioning look, throwing the papers on his desk.
"What? Can't I make a friend other than you?"
"I'm your boss." he hummed, getting his cane up from his desk and walking to his dresser. You rolled your eyes as you watched the man's back. The son of a bitch knew perfectly well that you hated it when he didn't look at you during a conversation.
"Sure, if it helps you sleep, tell yourself what you want, Brekker."
"You live at my club, sleep here, eat with my crows, and waste my time taking some useless gossip from downstairs." he enumerated, turning over his things and searching persistently for something.
"And I'd been doing this for four years before you became Mr. Scary Dirtyhands from the Barrel. You just proved my point, Kazzle. We are friends."
You got up from your chair and stood next to him. You glanced at the contents of his drawer and frowned, noticing something familiar. You reached for a small silver box with his REAL initials on it, but the man slammed the drawer shut before you could get your hands on the find. You snorted indignantly as you noticed the smug smirk on his face as he nearly clipped your fingers for your meddling.
Kaz Brekker was sentimental enough to keep the ashtray you gave him.
You involuntarily remembered what you told him when you handed it to him.
"I know you don't smoke and don't celebrate your birthday, but I think that's a pretty nice metaphor and the closure you need."
"What? An old ashtray from the market? Which you probably swept from under the noses of some heavy smokers."
"No, genius, in case you haven't noticed, it has a special engraving. Read it."
"For K.R., let him rest in peace. What's that supposed to mean?"
"You can consider it what you want. A keepsake of your former self, a lost life you might have had, an urn for the ashes of your former self... we both know you're not the same man you used to be. And you have every right to be, Kaz. It's just... I think you deserve something commemorating your old self. The boy who stole half-rotten apples with me to survive. Now you are someone else—someone stronger, wiser, cunninger... but know that I will never forget Kaz, who was my only light when I was at my worst."
"That's pretty sentimental for you. Also, calling me light is not quite an appropriate metaphor." he replied coolly, returning to his book.
You nodded to him, saying goodbye. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him stroke a silver object for a moment and put it in his pants pocket. You smiled. Apparently, you weren't the only sentimental fool in Ketterdam.
"Then, as my friend, you won't mind telling me about that strange connection between you and the Darkling that keeps you from sleeping without threatening to set my club on fire with your dazzling moonlight?" he asked, snapping you out of your flashback.
"No, because, as my friend, you won't be nosy, and out of politeness, you won't ask."
"I anticipated this reaction. That's why I got this." a velvet ring box magically appeared in his hands.
"Are you going to propose to me? Oh, Kazzie, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this! You don't have to kneel, sweetheart. We can call Jes, and he'll do it for you. It's a perfect opportunity for him to practice before asking Wylan."
"Can you be serious for just one moment, please?" he asked, blushing slightly and trying to give you one of his famous menacing looks.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist. Besides, you could have foreseen in that plan of yours that I would never waste such an opportunity."
"Just open it." he sighed, tossing you the box. Too curious to find out what was inside, you decided to leave the poor boy alone and refrained from commenting further. You widened your eyes as you saw the real ring. "What? No enthusiastic and loud: "Yes, Kazzie, I'll marry you!", so my crows can tease me about it too? To be honest, I'm disappointed, Y/N."
"Well, I could have been joking about it when I didn't have a ridiculously beautiful ring in front of me. Sorry that I'm a little confused, Kaz."
"It's good you like it, but I'd rather know if it works as it should. Put it on your finger."
"As romantic as always." you murmured, trying on a silver ring with an opal and small diamonds around the stone. You raised your hand and, by using your power, increased the light reflected by the moon that was still in the sky so it could illuminate your new jewelry. "It's beautiful, but I have absolutely no idea what it is supposed to do."
"Protect you." you glanced back at Kaz, only to discover that he had been staring at you the entire time. The white sparkles in his eyes caused by your light captivated you more than the shining diamonds. You shook your head, remembering what happened the last time you gave in to your stupid crush.
"Protect me?"
"I've been doing some research with Alina and Nina about the bond between you and him, the amplifiers… we believe this will weaken the bond between you enough for you to sleep peacefully. He will not enter your mind uninvited." he said, spitting out the words about the Darkling like he was a plague. But you were more interested in something quite different from his open dislike of the Black Heretic.
"Why? Why are you getting through all of it for me? It's not your war to fight. You have no interest in it."
"I have. Since I got you out of the Little Palace, you've been my investment. And I protect everything I invest in and what's worth my time. No matter what."
"You do realize I won't bring you any profit? Alina would be a better choice than me." you questioned his choice. Kaz turned to the window, as if looking for Inej, whose arrival would interrupt this uncomfortable conversation.
Unfortunately for him, the saints had no watch over him. And one of them was waiting for him to gather his thoughts and answer her question. He had to do this without betraying the emotions that had been bubbling up inside him since he had first seen her at one of the Dreg's raids. He was lost the second he saw her and completely fated to love her after their first conversation.
But she couldn't know it.
She couldn't know that his heart was gone with her and that it took him ages to find himself after she disappeared. He promised himself to keep her away from him. To make sure he wouldn't fall for her beauty, mind, eyes, smile, and laugh like he had done as a child. But the second he saw her again, he knew that his heart was hers. Hers to keep, hold, break, play.
But she couldn't know it.... At least not now. Not when he had just snatched her from the Darkling's grasp.
Not when he wasn't ready to love her the way she should be loved.
"That's for me to evaluate and for you to make sure I won't regret this. Besides, I only invest in one-of-a-kind. I don't need more narcissistic saints to go into my office like it was their own." he said after a long silence, without taking his eyes off the window.
He was afraid that his eyes would betray the truth hidden in his stupid heart. He was grateful to all above that she wasn't a heartrender and couldn't feel his treacherous heart beating madly every time he looked at her. He just had to make sure Nina didn't reveal his little secret. He didn't know that the woman had been blackmailed into a similar case by the moon summoner.
"So I'm pretty lucky. I would die if I had to sleep on those inconvenient motel beds."
"Considering how much sleep you actually get, you're unlikely to notice a difference." you gasped, feigning indignation at the mischievous, amused tone of his voice.
"You're a cruel bastard, Kaz Brekker." he finally turned to you with a small smirk on his face. You giggled, only widening his smile.
"Go and check your ring. I hope you won't be threatened by any ugly faces."
"Yes, boss." you saluted, walking towards the door. You opened it and were about to leave when an idea popped into your head. You leaned against the door frame, looking at the man taking his place at the desk. "Kazzie?" you asked sweetly, biting your lip to keep from laughing too soon. The Bastard of the Barrel gave you a questioning look, fearing the familiar tone of your voice and the question coming. "As your fiancée, am I going to get half of your club?"
"Over my dead, cold body." he replied without a second of hesitation, perfectly prepared for such a provocation from your side.
"You know, you need to work on sharing if you plan to be husband material in the future. I feel sorry for your future spouse, unless it'll be your job."
"Go to sleep before I put you in bed myself."
"You should know better than to scare me with a good time, sweetheart!" you shouted back, leaving and pushing your way through the crowd of a few shocked Dregs who had probably heard the part about the fiancée and whom Kaz called to his office as soon as he saw them.
And as soon as he is done with them, Kaz will rip your legs out of your pretty ass. Even Alina and Nina will not be able to help you.
The ring worked great. From that night on, you slept like a baby every day. The Darkling's face appeared only occasionally in your nightmares (both bloody ones and… more pleasant ones). But it wasn't REALLY him. Just a messed-up version of your sick imagination.
In the meantime, you trained with Alina and Nina (the woman needed the presence of other Grishas in Brekker's gang; besides, she was an amazing friend, and she also made wonderful waffles); you developed your powers; and you two gossiped with Genya, as she changed your looks every week so that no one would accidentally recognize you (by the way, you learned that David was heading this way to reunite with the love of his life).
You became close to Jes (you had the honor of being trained with HIS PISTOLS) and Inej, whose comforting company was invaluable (as well as the rooftop stealth lessons. Kaz cursed her after the first time you scared him by climbing through his office window and giving you a barrier. Of course you had your mind, and you didn't listen to him. Your unexpected visits to his office only became more frequent.)
So you could say that everything was on its way back to normality.
But it wasn't. Because one fine day, when the crows, Kaz, you, Alina, and Genya were eating breakfast at his club, someone showed up at your door.
Someone you didn't want to see more than the Darkling himself.
"What the fuck is she doing here, if I may culturally ask?" Alina gave you an apologetic look as Baghra walked casually into the crows' kitchen like she belonged here. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Kaz taking any sharp metal objects from the table that you might have used to attack the woman.
You and Baghra had a rough relationship. Due to the fact that you and Aleksander were something, the woman did not look at you very favorably. You had no intention of fawning over a woman who wanted to kill her own son, either. Maybe your feelings for the Darkling were... unclear, but you wouldn't wish anyone, not even your worst enemy, a mother who was willing to stand against her own child, to spurn him instead of doing... anything to help him out of his darkness. It was not in line with your moral views. But no one here seemed to care since they invited the mother of Satan to your table.
"It's nice to see you too, Y/N."
"I don't even have enough respect for you to lie to you and admit that seeing you didn't ruin my day. I will ask one last time..." you got up from the table, shielding Kaz and the crows as you summoned your power. "What are you doing here?"
"My son is looking for you all over the world, do you think I won't try to get to you first before he does?"
"Oh, you've already shown how much you care about outdoing Kirigan in reaching us. I'm asking you, what do you want from us?"
"I came here for you. Because of you, child." you stiffened slightly, wondering what else the old woman had to say. But you would die before admitting that Baghra's help would be invaluable to your little band of rebels. Your pride was both your greatest strength and weakness.
"Well, excuse me, but I have more important things to do than listen to some old lady's ravings. I haven't finished my breakfast yet, and I'm far too sober for another conversation about how everyone wants to use me as a weapon."
"Every day I'm less surprised by how you ended up with my son. You two are a perfect match for each other." she snapped, annoyed at your indifferent attitude.
"I'd suggest you get to the point. You were the one who wanted to meet with us. As our moon summoner mentioned, we don't have to listen to you. And trust me, I have absolutely no intention of stopping her when she wants to kick you out of my club." Kaz stood next to you, measuring the woman with a watchful gaze.
You were proud that he believed in your and Alina's powers and wasn't afraid to provoke the shadow summoner in your presence. You cast a fleeting glance at him, watching as Baghra gave him an appraising look.
"Mr. Breaker. It would be better for you and your club if work with the summoners of the sun and moon ended in Ravka. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
"I never make ill-considered decisions, and certainly not out of fear." he replied with his poker, business face.
"This is only a trait of the greatest winners or greatest losers."
"You don't have to worry about him. Mr. Brekker is always on the winning team." you answered for him, having had enough of this woman. Unfortunately, it looked like she wouldn't be leaving you so soon.
"Turn that light out, girl, before the Grishas swarm here. I won't hurt your boyfriend and his friends." you frowned as you heard Jes coughing in the background, trying not to laugh. With a wave of your hand, the white light around you vanished. You watched in displeasure as a smirk began to form on Baghra's lips.
"He is/I am not my/her boyfriend." together with Kaz, you both uttered these words as Baghra pushed past you. This caused you to turn to one another and exchange equally awkward, perplexed looks.
"Whatever, just get your lovebird butts over here." she murmured as she unfolded the map on the table and took a few items out of her bag. You snorted at seeing a small wooden statue of Aleksander.
It was going to be a long and tiring morning.
"We have to hurry before your boy gets here. Good thing he is walking with the cane, at least it keeps him from sneaking up on us." Baghra growled at you. She'd only been here a week, and she'd already ruled everyone. You were no longer surprised at where Aleksander inherited his incredible self-confidence and arrogance.
"For the love of God, I'm telling you for the last time, KAZ IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. Besides, if I were you, I wouldn't underestimate him. You could actually learn from him. You'll need a cane soon, too."
"Can you two just stop arguing for once and focus on the task at hand?" the sun summoner lingered, following you to the basement of the Crow Club.
"I'm sorry, Alina, that I'd rather banter with that witch than figure out how to seduce her son, lull his guard down, pluck the antlers of a wonderful steg out of his hand, and break the link between us once and for all."
"Start by undoing a few buttons on your blouse and letting your hair down; that should be enough for him to lose his mind." she advised you, making you and Alina shudder, both equally abashed.
"Seriously?" you asked mockingly, giving her a disgusted look. Nevertheless, you followed the woman's suggestion. "What is the next step? Shall I wear some nice underwear?"
"Not necessarily, but it would be nice to take off that ring. I doubt Aleksander would appreciate that someone other than himself gave you such gaudy jewelry." you snorted, taking off the only thing keeping the Darkling from crossing the walls of your mind.
You bypassed Baghra's outstretched hand and handed the ring to Alina. The older woman snorted indignantly at what you stuck your tongue out at. She didn't expect you to trust her with anything, even something as small as Kaz's ring, right?
"Done. What's next?"
"You need to make a connection. Every time he thinks of you or you think of him, you seek each other out and make a link. Imagine his face, voice, and silhouette; recall some memory associated with him; do anything to have him in front of your eyes. It should work and take you to where he is now. Just like when you two were getting into each other's dreams before Mr. Brekker gave you this ring."
"I did not seek him of my own free will. It just happened." you defended yourself, not wanting anyone to think you were looking for the Darkling like a lost puppy.
"You know him. He will continue to invade your thoughts and your life to convince you of the error of your ways and choices. This ring can work now, but what happens when you two get stronger in the future? It will stop working. You will be condemned to endure his pervasive presence. In the morning, afternoon, nights, and midnights. He won't let you go. Never. You cannot extract the stag from your own body. So you must find a way to block him permanently. Not by some magic ring."
You sighed, realizing she was right. You will be free of him only when any bond between you is gone. The only thing you were afraid of was that it existed between you and the Darkling long before you killed the stag...
Darkness and its light. Moon and shadow. Destined to be together. United at the end of the day.
"And what if I fail and he chokes me, stabs me, or just uses the cut on me?"
"We will observe the energy around you. If we see too many shadows or your light, we'll pull you out."
"All right. Let's get this over with." you sat down, leaning against the wall of the Crow Club basement, praying to all of Inej's mighty saints that your plan would work.
You closed your eyes, remembering the moment before your big performance at the winter fete.
You had to pretend that you didn't know Kaz, and then you had no idea what he was doing here wearing one of the soldiers uniforms. He promised to explain everything to you, but then Aleksander came.
"I'll take her from here." he said to Kaz, letting him know that he was no longer needed.
But he has not left you. Aleksander ignored him, examining your kefta carefully. It was beautiful. Genya decorated it with silver threads and embroidered stars and moons in different phases. However, the fact that probably delighted him the most was its black (but actually dark navy blue) color. But he didn't care about the true color of your kefta as long as it looked black to any other observer.
A clear signal that you were his moon.
"I have something for you." he whispered as he leaned closer to you so that your noses were practically touching. He pulled something shiny out of his sleeve. He held the silver chain up to your eye level so you could see the pendant. Moon with a star. You shifted your gaze from the shiny object to those mesmerizing black eyes staring at you in pure adoration. "I know you're practically festooned with these symbols, but I wanted you to know..." he interrupted, brushing your hair over one shoulder so he could place the necklace over your neck. He planted a quick, tender kiss on your nape as he clicked the silver jewelry. "That you're not just a Saint Y/N, summoner of the moon. You're mine moonlight in the worst darkness of mine. My hope and peace. The only light I let through my shadows."
You grabbed the pendant, noticing your initials carved into the back of the moon.
"It's beautiful." you turned in his arms to whisper in his ear, making him shiver as you kissed his earlobe. "Aleksander..."
You opened your eyes.
A dim light illuminated Kirigan's war room.
You did it. Now all you had to do was seduce him. Piece of cake.
You let yourself watch him flick through some papers, wrinkling his nose and occasionally running a hand through his hair. The exact same one with the stag antler still stuck in it. You shook your head, remembering your task. You had to outsmart him. And in such a wise way that it didn't cross his mind that you might have bad intentions towards him.
"Aleksander." you whispered as you stepped out of the shadows. The man either really didn't notice you or he was a brilliant actor, judging by the pure shock that painted his face the moment he turned to meet your gaze. "You seem surprised to see me."
"I am." his mask of indifference and self-confidence quickly fell back into place. "But perhaps I shouldn't be. I should have known you'd prove to be an apt pupil. Not many can learn that trick." he placed the papers on the desk and leaned against it. "But after our last meeting, I had the impression that you didn't want to see me again. What changed your mind to seek me out?"
"I hate to say this, but I realized you were right."
"How so?" he began to watch you with interest, too curious to know what you were going to say to repay you for stabbing him last time. The fact that he didn't pounce on you with his shadows the moment he saw you gave you an odd sense of confidence. Maybe you could have made it.
"I was meant for more. And you were the first person to see me as I truly am. First to help me realize what I'm meant for. First to tech me how to use my power and how to see it as something more incredible than terrifying. First to see, I was more than a scared little girl. That I was powerful Grisha and I can do anything I want." with every word you said and every step you took towards him, you could see his mask crack open, revealing his true emotions. However, there was still a shadow of uncertainty and suspicion in his eyes. You had to remove it if you wanted to win this battle.
"Was I? And what about Alina? Or your helpful friends that take you away from Little Palace?" you hoped you didn't show that his words affected you. You were afraid that somehow he might have discovered a little help from Kaz and his crows.
"They… they don't understand the power growing within me. I thought that Alina might share my feelings, but … it seems to me that we understand our possibilities completely differently when it comes to our powers. And my friends… I think they're more afraid of what I can do than admire it as… as you did."
"That's not their fault. I did try to warn you. Tried to explain that with so much power that flows in our veins, usually comes fear from the side of our loved ones."
"I know. I think I'm starting to finally understand that now." you took one slow step towards him, feeling his watchful gaze on you. "There are no others like us, and they never will be. We are connected by our powers. Alina can live without us, but you and me… you and me are destined to work together and to stand by our sides. There is no darkness without light, but it's the moon that brings it into the night and that lives among the shadows, working with them… Like calls to like, right, Aleksander?"
In his eyes, you could see how much he wanted to believe you, how much he wanted the words you said to be true... but you knew that Aleksander lived too long to believe only empty words. He needed conclusive proof that you were on his side and that you were only his moon. And you had to convince him somehow.
"As I delighted as I am that you found your way to me, what do you want?"
"That thing that binds us. I think you fear it more than you actually care to admit."
"I fear everything there is to fear; it makes me strong. I understand things about power that you've had years yet to learn, moonlight."
"Well, as you said, with a good teacher, I'm a very apt pupil. But I think we both know… that it's not all about power, though, is it?" you walked the distance between you two and stood chest-to-chest with him. "What about the other bond we share? That one I was avoiding for too long." you slowly cup his cheek, making him close his eyes at the touch of your soft skin. You tenderly stroked one of his black scars on his cheek, which made the Black Heretic sighe in relief. "I want you, Aleksander." he opened his eyes, looking at you in disbelief when he tried to seek any sight of lies on your face. "And being in your presence terrifies me as much as making me feel… like I finally belonged somewhere. Like I was made by saints to be next to you. It felt... right in some crazy way."
"Love is for madmen, Y/N. And I've already told you…" you shivered as his cold fingertips touched the hot skin of your neck. His fingers went to the silver necklace—your only sin against your friends. He took the pendant in his hands and kissed it, not taking his eyes off yours. "You're my moonlight. Nothing has changed, and I doubt it ever will... for both of us."
You pulled him by the hair to connect your lips in a long-awaited kiss, too annoyed with how long you had to work him out. (Or too scared that his words are true.) You moaned as he bit your lips, and in one sweeping motion, he scooped you up off the floor and sat you on his desk.
He pulled away from you, dropping his kefta on the floor, and went back to kissing you as if you were the only one that mattered in this world. But the next amplifier's whereabouts map you laid on as he kissed your soul out of you was a glaring reminder that you could never have truly had him.
You would never be his first choice.
"Forgive me for stabbing you, then." you whispered into his mouth as you broke apart for a moment to catch your breath. He pressed into you more fervently than before, caressing your waist tenderly.
"I will have kissed these tempting, sweet lips, even if it means I'll get stabbed by you, every time I do it."
That was good to know, you thought, throwing your arms around his shoulders and slowly pulling out the dagger from your sleeve as he continued to kiss you greedily, like he wanted to sate himself with you while he still had you in his arms.
"Your words, not mine." you murmured, catching his mouth with yours while driving the dagger into his hand. He snarled, breaking away from you and trying in vain to yank the metal out of your hand. You tried to pry the last stag's bone out of him.
But suddenly, just as you were about to do it, you find yourself back in the basement of the Crows Club.
You were breathing fast, frantically looking around the room. Kaz was kneeling a step away from you and watching you worriedly as you tried to calm down.
From the cane that was on your leg and his firm grip on your arm, you figured out pretty quickly why you suddenly came back. You yanked your arm from his hand in your anger, forgetting his phobia of touch and how much of an achievement it was for him to hold your arm.
"What the hell, Brekker?! I had him! I could end this right there! UGH! Why did you let him break our connection?!" you screamed in frustration, looking resentfully at Alina and Baghra.
"You nearly blew yourself out with your power, and they couldn't bring you back."
"I had it under control, Kaz!"
"Oh, really?" he asked mockingly, struggling to his feet with the help of his cane and walking over to you with equal anger painted in his eyes. "Because it didn't look good from my point of view. You could have blown up the whole club..."
"Of course you would only care about your stupid, fucking club! Forgive me, Dirtyhands. Next time I'm going to save the damn world from the Darkling, I'll pick up a place other than one of your fucking bases!" you yelled at him, pushing past a shocked Alina and Baghra.
"Y/N, come back here!" he shouted after you. The distinctive sound of his cane told you he was following you.
"I'm not your fucking property, Brekker! I can go anywhere I want!" you screamed, running as fast and far for him as you could, thanking everyone above that Brekker wasn't able to catch up with you. You needed a moment to yourself. And you only knew one place in all of Ketterdam where you could be truly alone.
For a long time, you hated harbour. It was a reminder of your weakness—a reminder of a girl who got kidnapped by slave hunters. Then you met Aleksander and became one of the strongest Grisha. From then harbour was for you to remind you of the birth of Saint Y/N. Moon summoner. It was funny for you to see how easy it is to get on the ship and go anywhere you want. Be anyone you want. But you don't have this choice anymore. Not until your past stops chasing you whenever you close your eyes.
"I knew you'd be here." Kaz's voice below you made you shiver, but you didn't grace him with your gaze. "You'd be too merciful to me by choosing an easily accessible spot, wouldn't you?" he grumbled as he clambered next to you on the crates of goods. He sighed as he managed to climb up. He tossed his cane, catching it spectacularly and resting it against the crate beneath you. He leaned forward, staring out at the harbour with you, when the wind blew his hair, messing up his always perfectly styled hairdo.
"Nobody made you follow me around, Kazzle." you murmured, casting a fleeting glance at him, grinning mischievously at how tired he was of climbing crates. Someone here was in bad shape. Brekker must sit with these plans and papers for too long.
"I did." you turned your head to meet his piercing gaze. "I already told you. I take care of my investments."
"Maybe you're making a mistake."
"I'm never mistaken. I know when and how much to invest in something valuable."
"But what if I'm a lost cause? What if you're wrong this time? Why do you think I'm done with the Darkling? Me and him have so much in common... what if I become like him? Are you not afraid? That one day, in my naiveté, I'd decide Kirigan was worth a second chance and betray you? That one day I'll stop controlling my power and that I'll hurt you? How can you sit here so calmly and..."
"Because I know you better than myself. I may not believe in saints, but I believe in you, Y/N. I will always believe in you."
You swallowed, looking down in embarrassment. You didn't deserve this.
"I get caught up in it sometimes. That I return with memories to the Little Palace. I wonder what I could have done differently to prevent all this. How could I reason with him, what could I do to dissuade him from his plans. How to behave, what to say out loud, and what to keep to yourself. And I'm furious with Baghra that, being his mother, she didn't fight for him to the end; she gave up before we could do ANYTHING for him together. And I curse myself every time I feel guilty, knowing that I left him utterly alone. So tell me, Kaz, knowing now all these doubts growing within me, do you still believe in me?"
The killing silence told you everything you wanted to know.
"Come on. Go right ahead, Kazzie. Call me a fool, an idiot who wants to believe that everyone deserves someone close, someone they can trust. Who stupidly believes in giving people a second chance." you said, afraid to look up to see the revulsion in the eyes of the only person you could always count on.
Kaz said your name, but you ignored him completely, feeling tears slowly welling up in your eyes. Suddenly you felt the cold steel crow's head of his cane under your chin. Brekker forced you to look into his eyes. And you thanked all the saints for the tenderness that was still present in them.
"You know, I don't think that about you. You are a Grisha. The moon summoner. The only beacon of hope in the darkness. I think that in your job description lies faith even in the most deprived, lost, and broken souls."
"I didn't know that poetic side of you, Brekker."
"I've changed since the last time you saw me."
"Really?" you asked, nodding at his gloves and cane. He caught your eye, gripping the crow's head tighter. "Hey. You have every right to do that, Kaz, okay? I was kidding, and I didn't know it was still a sensitive subject. I'm sorry. Apart from that, I can name more. For example, you still have a stick in your ass when it comes to pranks. It was too easy to get on your nerves with Jes." you said, trying to make a joke to lighten the atmosphere.
"Looking now at you, it's better for humanity that you haven't become a saint. Saints, protect some wretch who would have asked you for help." you smiled at him, glad he understood your intentions.
"Now, I feel hurt, Kazzie. Wouldn't you pray to me if they hung my holy image up here somewhere?" you asked, offended, putting your hand over your heart.
He knew he would spend hours, days, and weeks praying to her, only to see her face again and hear the voice of the Saint of his heart...
"No. No saint has ever watched over me. It wouldn't make sense to pray to you either. Especially since I knew you personally before you became a mighty Grisha."
"Well, I'm no saint yet, but since I'm your newest investment, I guess that means I'm supposed to serve you in some way. And since I'm not going to be your errand dog or spy crow, I guess a good compromise would be if I became your bodyguard. Then you can't say that there's no saint watching over you."
"I don't need a guardian angel."
"It's good then that I'm far from being an angel." you stared at each other, the wind blowing your hair, as you enjoyed the understanding between you and the unspoken acknowledgment of your closeness.
Kaz Brekker could not have a weakness. This city would use it against him very quickly. But he felt that perhaps his weakness could be powerful enough to be his greatest asset instead of his darkest burden. Maybe he didn't have to worry about her that much.
"Ketterdam was boring without you. It was also harder to work without your… skills." he said uncertainly, averting his gaze from your piercing, mesmerizing eyes.
"Is that your way to tell me you missed me?" you were teasing him and pushing his cane. He almost fell over when you broke his only support. You almost couldn't prevent yourself from laughing.
"We could have gained much more kruge if you had been here."
"I didn't want to leave." you whispered, involuntarily remembering the day they kidnapped you.
"I know." he leaned towards you, forcing you to look into his eyes. "You don't have to worry about them. I made sure they were six feet deep underground before you even set foot in Ketterdam." your heart warmed at the thought that he was chasing them for you.
He made sure you were 100% safe and comfortable before he brought you back home. Home. You didn't think you'd find him among the crows, thieves, and the Dreg Club. You didn't think you'd feel this way about him—one of the men whose lifestyle was far from normal and safe.
"You're getting soft in your old age, Brekker." you replied with a half smile, holding back unwanted tears. You weren't that weak girl anymore. You were Grisha. And thanks to the man sitting next to you, you were (almost) free. You grabbed his cane, right next to the crow's head, where Kaz's hands were. His gaze flicked to where your hands were so close together. He turned his head to meet your watery eyes. "Thank you, Kaz. For everything. It means a lot to me. Even if it was foolish to break into the Darkling's palace and kidnap us like sacks of potatoes."
"It was the perfect plan! Nobody noticed us." he was indignant, immediately defending his action.
"Yeah, but what I and Alina get hit with every time Jesper and you steer that wooden cart over rocks is ours. You could really choose a path that wasn't made of stones."
"Next time, it's up to you to make a plan to escape the 500-year-old shadow summoner. We'll see how you do." he snorted, offended, but didn't move an inch. Contrary. His hand moved closer to yours, wrapping precariously around yours on his cane.
"Less than a week back in Ketterdam, and you're already letting me into your plans? Aww, I love you too, Kazzie."
He would give all the kruge of this world to hear those words from you for the rest of his life... and it surprised him that he wasn't afraid to admit it to himself at all.
"And I almost forgot how annoying you can be."
"Don't worry. I have all the time in the world to shrink your inflated ego and remind you of that, boss." Kaz held his breath. He stared at you searchingly, trying to find in your face the answer to whatever question he was asking in his head. You unknowingly scooted closer to each other so that your shoulders rested against each other.
You were much closer to each other before. Kaz (on his good days) even felt comfortable hugging you for a while. After years apart, you thought it would take ages for him to get used to your presence again and the brief touch without going underwater with Jordi.
But you were here. Holding hands, leaning against each other, and staring into each other's eyes.
You shivered as you felt his breath against your cheek when he leaned a little closer to you, testing his border.
"You're shining." he whispered softly, hypnotized, afraid to break the silence between you.
"Your eyes are shining." his trembling hand took your cheek as you were watching him speechless. Even in your wildest dreams, you wouldn't suppose he would hold you like that. He truly changed. He beat Pekka, and now the King of Ketterdam was fighting with his demons. You were so proud of him and also sad that you weren't with him at the beginning of his road to healing. "And the light is coming out of your skin. You're shining like a star for lost souls."
"You're not lost... not anymore." you whispered, your voice trembling, fully understanding what he had left unsaid.
"I was. But now the moonlight is lighting up Ketterdam's darkness again."
"Kaz... I..." you held your breath, staring at him in anticipation. You didn't know what for. All you knew was that taking your eyes off him for even a second was an unforgivable crime.
Your noses were almost touching, your lips were the closest you've known each other. And Kaz was as calm as if he'd never had a haphephobia. As if the situation with Jordi never happened. You were afraid his waters would finally rise, interrupting your moment, but as soon as your foreheads touched, all the logical thoughts in your head went to hell. It was just you and him.
And you would still enjoy that closeness if the sound of breaking glass and Jesper's curses hadn't driven you apart.
"Here you are! How the hell did you get in there?! Get down! We're leaving in half an hour!" Jesper shouted to you from below and disappeared as quickly as he appeared. You cleared your throat, realized what Jes said after a long moment.
"We are leaving?" you asked, surprised. Bastard didn't say a word about going anywhere.
"Yes. I'll explain everything to you on the ship." he gave you a brush-off as he began his downward journey.
"On the ship? Kaz, what have you planned?!" you shouted angry as you followed him.
"This is the dumbest plan ever made, and believe me, I've been to more than one of his idiotic ideas." you said, pointing at the offended Kaz.
Your great friends (and Baghra) have decided to sneak into the Darkling's palace, steal his maps and war plans, and set the Little Palace on fire.
You started to doubt their good sanity... or sobriety.
"Sooner or later, we have to sneak in there. Aleksander has stolen from me all the books and records of our ancestors; he is in possession of immense power, and we can not allow him to make use of it." you clenched your fists, almost ready to pounce on the woman for revealing the Darkling's true name.
"Who is Aleksander?" you ignored Kaz's question, nervously twirling the ring he gave you on your finger.
"Was he able to steal something from YOU? And you let him do it? How surprised I am."
"What are you implying?"
"I implying that we are in some huge coach driven by your men, leaving Ketterdam on your initiative and entering the lion's mouth because you said so. In my place, you'd be suspicious too."
"The odds of me betraying you are as high as the odds that you will."
"And why is that?" you hissed, furious at how easily she got on your nerves.
"Aleksander has a knack for manipulating people. A few sweet words, and even your boyfriend won't be able to count on your devotion anymore."
"Watch your mouth. I'm not her boyfriend." Kaz growled, tensing up next to you, thereby stopping your quarrel. Baghra shrugged, continuing her quiet conversation with Alina. In your mind, you were planning the old lady's slow death until someone's hand grabbed yours in a strong grip.
You turned your head towards Kaz. He stared blankly out the window, completely ignoring your gaze. Instead, he started drawing circles on your palm, trying to calm you down somehow. You turned your head in the opposite direction, smiling to yourself at the tender gesture. Unbeknownst to you, Kaz had the same smirk as yours on his face.
The rest of the trip to the city was uneventful. As planned, Alina and you stayed in Baghra's secret stash while the rest went off to play heroes. Your job was to distract the Darkling, and Alina was supposed to watch over you.
You'd agree to their plan if your role wasn't just to stand by while others risked their lives trying to get the information you all needed.
But you decided not to argue with the others about it this time. After all, they couldn't control you once you got into the palace. You might as well have snooped around, looked for what you needed, and done most of the work for them. Closing your eyes and getting ready to connect with the Darkling, you only hoped that your little disobedience would go unnoticed.
You just finished searching Kirigan's study, war room, and bedroom. You were on your way to the last room - the library, when you bumped into the one person you wanted to avoid.
You were paralysed as soon as you saw him walking down the hall. You hoped he wouldn't look in your direction, but the general (alert as always) glanced at you briefly before disappearing from your view. You had the faintest hope that he would think you were a vision, but all of it vanished when you felt a hand gently wrap around your neck and pin you against the wall.
"You either have too much free time or you enjoy haunting me at random times, little moon." you didn't answer, too scared that the moment he touched you, all your power took on a life of its own, merging with his shadows, as it usually does when your skins meet for the first time after a long separation. You were defenceless. Kirigan frowned, watching you with growing interest. "Speechless? Not any irritating responses? Do you fear me, Y/N?" his taunts brought you to your senses, forcing you to calm down immediately. You couldn't wait for Alina to be rescued. You had to fight him yourself.
"That's what you want, isn't it? To have everyone and everything under control, too scared to say or do anything against you."
"Fear is a powerful ally and also loyal."
"Not as loyal and lasting as love, trust, respect." you tried to break free from his grip, but all attempts to remove his hand from your neck proved futile. You were lucky that instead of tightening the grip and cutting off your air, he just wrapped his other arm around your waist, pulling you closer so that your faces were mere millimetres apart. "We could have had it, Aleksander. All of it. All you had to do was set me free and make me your equal."
"You'll come to feel it towards me someday. For now… even though I truly want to, I have no time for you, moonlight. Your friends are waiting for me. But don't get the wrong impression…" he leaned towards you, stroking your cheek tenderly as he whispered in your ear. "I will be back for you, my Y/N. Wherever you are hiding from me."
You shivered as he kissed your temple, making this terrifying promise to you. At some point, his shadows enveloped you completely and sent you back to the room where you and Alina were hiding.
And after one look at the sun summoner, you both knew what you had to do.
You couldn't remember the last time you ran so fast in your entire life. It must have been back in your Ketterdam days, doing some little errands for the Dregs.
But this time, you weren't running to save your life. You ran to save Kaz Brekker's ass, who was the only one (not counting Inej, who was already hidden somewhere with Alina, waiting for you in harbour) who didn't return from his mission. As you expected, everything went to hell without you, and if you and Alina hadn't arrived, half of the crows (including Baghra) would have been captured by Aleksander's grishas. You wouldn't feel sorry for the old woman, but Alina insisted on saving her.
Jes, Wylan, Nina and Baghra searched other parts of the Little Palace, trying to burn everything in their path. You could still make it. If only Brekker hadn't gotten lost in the meantime. You knew you should go with him. You've always been a team player, and pairing you with Alina for this mission and leaving you behind was their worst idea.
You promised yourself that the next time you'd strap that risky idiot to your hip.
That's why you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw him at the end of the corridor. But instead of running up to him and yelling at him for his thoughtlessness, you hid in the shadows as he backed away slowly. Someone had to catch him. You caught his eye for a moment, glad he noticed you and started to head your way. Thanks to this, you could assassinate his attacker and try to escape from the palace.
Piece of cake. If he wasn't talking to a fucking Darkling.
"I know you kidnapped my moon summoner. Now you're going to tell me where you stashed her." you cursed internally, feeling yourself start to panic. You guys were officially screwed.
"We didn't take her. She fled on her own." you marvelled at how Kaz could still keep his composure with an angry Darkling a few feet in front of him. Sometimes you forget how mentally strong he was.
"I don't doubt in it… where is she? I won't ask you again."
"I don't know. I don't own her… but it's pretty clear she wasn't interested in being a captive anymore."
Aleksander got even angrier at the little insinuation that Kaz took better care of you, that he didn't treat you like an asset, unlike the general. You cursed Dirtyhands for wanting to mock and taunt the Darkling, even though you could see that he wasn't so confident around him.
"I heard about you. And your crows. It would be a shame if something happened to such a talented group." the Darkling summoned some of his shadows, causing Kaz to back away and reach for the light grenade that you and Wylan had prepared. "It's good for you that you have the decency to show signs of fear."
"I'm afraid of what I must."
"And yet you are not so defenceless." Kaz raised an inquiring eyebrow. "Don't make a fool of yourself, Mr. Brekker. I can feel my moon's power everywhere. Especially when it's imbedded so much into one small object."
You tensed, remembering that you had given Kaz the necklace before he left for the Little Palace. A necklace whose pendant you poured so much moonlight into that no shadows could surround him while wearing it or only holding it.
Defence against the Darkling. Specially prepared for situations like this. However, handing it to him, you hoped the two would never meet, growling at each other like two rabid dogs.
"Y/N must have strong feelings for you to give you some of her power. And you for her. Putting your people and yourself at risk, your profit, your club. In the name of what, Mr. Brekker?"
"If you did thorough research on me, you'd know that all of Ketterdam knows I don't need a reason to do things."
"You'll never fully appreciate what she really is. But that's alright. Because I do." Aleksander let Dirtyhands' insult pass over his ears, trying to annoy him that much, so he let his guard down. You knew very well that method, just like you knew that Kaz wasn't foolish to fall for it.
"You've right. I'll never use her as a weapon or treat her like a saint. That's not what she wants. You may understand her powers, but you have no idea who she really is. What's in her mind. What are her dreams and desires. All you care about is her power, which I don't give a damn if she has or not. You see her only as a moon summoner. Not Y/N. You don't know the woman she was before Grisha's thing. You will never know how amazing and indescribable she was before Ravka. This is part of her that only I was allowed to see. You can't change the fact that I know her better than you."
"You're forgetting one important fact. You are a child, and she is Grisha. Y/N may take years to forgive me… but I can wait. Take away my shadows, and I still have something you don't. Time. Meanwhile, you will grow old. Your hair will grey, but she will remain ageless. Like me. Not mention your little inconvenience. Do you think you'll be able to touch her for more than a few minutes before your body grows old? That you'll be able to give her the life she deserves? We both know that one day, maybe a year from now, maybe fifty, she will realise that she has only one equal. There are no others like us, and there never will be. Even you can't change that, Mr. Brekker." he gave him a hostile look, laughing mockingly as he noticed that Kaz continued to back up with each step the Darkling took towards him until he did not stand in front of your hiding place. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. Time will do it for me." he summoned more of his shadows, wanting to scare him with his power. You three knew very well that with your necklace around his neck, no cut would kill him."You should have stayed in Ketterdam, Mr. Brekker."
At this point, you both decided to step in. Kaz threw his grenade, and you summoned your power, blinding the two of them. You grabbed Kaz's arm, and you both ran (as fast as his leg would allow). You stopped only a few corridors and stairs further, at the crossroads where you were all supposed to meet. Along the way, you avoided several fires that the tidemakers were busy with.
"What are you doing here?!" he growled furiously at you as you finally stopped, only making you more angry at his recklessness and attitude. He attacked and insulted the most powerful grisha. An 18-year-old with a cane and no powers.
"What am I doing here?! You tell me, what are you doing! You made him mad for no reason! You think now that he knows your identities, he'll let you go so easily? He will hunt you as long as he lives, just like me and Alina! Congratulations, Brekker!"
"I knew the risk." he replied angrily, looking around all four corridors.
"No, you didn't. You'd know a flimsy toy like that one, fucking grenade wouldn't be enough for him with all the amplifiers he's got."
"Well, I guess your little gift was strong enough to protect me. Which brings me to the question… why am I the only one blessed with this power from you?" he asked as he walked over to you, standing a few inches in front of you. You were both panting with quick anger, rage, and adrenaline, which was slowly draining from your systems.
"It's not your business, Brekker." you growled into his face and took a step, trying to avoid him, but his firm grip on your elbow stopped you.
You turned to face him, ready to yank your arm out of his grip and scream at him to fuck off, but all thoughts flew out of your head as soon as you looked into his mesmerising eyes, which were looking at you with concern and… love.
"It is my business." he leaned closer to you, just enough for you to feel his warmth and his scent, and far enough away not to touch you any more than he already did. "You... you're my most important business. And if something happens to you, if he catches you again..." he sighed, shaking his head, trying to find the right words as he licked his annoyed lips, unconsciously drawing your gaze to them and making you hold your breath for a moment, wanting something as forbidden and holy as kissing them. "I don't know how to... express my feelings. I don't know if I even understand them well enough. All I know is that I would rather die than see you enslaved and sorrowful... and it pains me to know that I'm too weak to protect you. That I'll always be too weak FOR YOU."
"You are literally everything but weak. In my eyes, you're the strongest person I know, Kaz. One of the very few to whom I would entrust my life in the blink of an eye."
"And yet I'm not enough for Grisha's love."
"How could you not be enough for something you already have?" Kaz's head snapped up as he watched you, befuddled in complete silence. You hesitantly reached for his hand, giving him enough time to pull away. He did not do. "And because I love you, I cannot be selfish with you. I cannot risk your life just because I have loved you since we were stupid teenagers." he squeezed your hand, too overwhelmed by his emotions to say anything. Fortunately, you understood him without any words.
Slowly, as if time had slowed down just for you two, he leaned towards you, resting his forehead against yours. You stood like that for a moment, enjoying the other's presence, forgetting that the palace was burning around you and probably 100 Grishas were chasing you.
"I will have you, Kaz Brekker. But only when it's safe for both of us." you promised him, whispering with your eyes still closed. "And for that to happen, I have to stay here. I have to make sure he doesn't go after you, that he will be distracted by me instead of planning your death.." you were about to extricate yourself from his grip, but the man only pulled you closer to him, not wanting to let you go.
"Please, don't. Stay with me. You're not a saint or a hero. You said it yourself. More than I could count."
"Kaz…" you took the ring off and put it on his little finger. "Keep it for me until I'm back. As a promise that whatever is going to happen next… I will be back for you." testing your luck, you placed a quick, tender kiss on his finger, feeling him tremble under your lips.
Before you got a chance to change your mind, you ran in the opposite direction, following the voice of the fighting Grishas.
You didn't turn around. You didn't steal a second glance at him, even though you knew he was watching you until you were out of sight. You knew the moment you looked into his eyes again, you'd change your mind.
You had to be strong.
For both of you. For your common future.
When you regained consciousness, you weren't surprised that your hands had been handcuffed, so you couldn't use your powers. You were surprised to be greeted by the familiar sheets of Aleksander's comfortable bed.
And the Darkling himself was lying right next to you with his face towards you.
His eyes were closed, giving you a good look at the darker shadows under his eyes than before. Without knowing why, they disturbed you more than those lazily hovering around the bed. For a moment, you listened to his measured, calm breathing, which would probably confuse anyone else and give the illusory belief that the man next to you is sleeping. But you knew him much better than to fall for such a simple trick.
"I know how you breathe when you're sleeping, Aleksander."
"Maybe I was trying to fall asleep."
"Wearing a kefta? Doubtful." he opened one eye, staring at you silently. You felt your heart start beating faster from the nerves. You had no idea why you were here. Or at least you didn't want to admit it to yourself, so you decided to play the fool. "Are the dungeons undergoing some kind of refurbishment, or are they so full that you haven't found another place for me?"
He stared at you silently, deep in thought. He took his time to answer, playing with the strands of your hair that had escaped your bun from an earlier fight.
"It didn't seem like the right place for you" he finally whispered, making you even more suspicious.
"And where is my right place? After I stabbed you in the back so many times? In your bed? In your arms? As a weapon for your use? Where do you see me, Aleksander?"
"By my side. I've always seen you by my side." he answered at once, without a trace of hesitation in his voice. His shadow circled the room, caressing you from time to time. You didn't know if he was planning to let your guard down or if he had completely lost his mind.
"I don't understand. You should be mad at me. Why don't you hate me? Why are you still looking at me like... like you really have feelings for me? This is another one of your games, right? You want me to go completely crazy this time, don't you?"
"No, my little saint moon." he whispered, undaunted by your anger, gently cupping your chin so you had to look him in the eye. "All I ever wanted was someone equal to me. Why should I get mad at you when all you're doing is trying to find your way to me?"
"I don't…"
"Then why did you let them catch you? Don't try to lie to me, Y/N. I was there. I saw with my own eyes how you backed away from running away at the last moment. Why?"
"You know why." you whispered in a shaky voice. You closed your eyes, trying to protect yourself from the Black Heretic's penetrating gaze and show him the tears beginning to form in your eyes. "I have a million reasons why I should give you up, why I should hate you more than anyone else, but the truth is… my heart wants what it wants. And I don't think I can resist this anymore." you couldn't control your tears, but from the tender touch of his hand as he wiped them from your cheek and the clank of the handcuffs opening, you figured they were necessary for him to believe you.
"You have no idea how long…"
"No." you cut him off before he could say anything more." I have one question for you. Answer it right, and I'll forget about the last few months. Answer it right, and I promise you that you will never have to be alone again, that I'll always be by your side, along with your shadows and everything else that you truly are. That I will accept my destiny as being your moon. I won't let anyone scare me away from you ever again. I just… I need you to be completely honest with me. This one time." you cursed yourself at how weak your voice sounded when he grabbed your hand, kissing tenderly the places where the handcuffs were marked. "You don't have to tell me your whole plan; I just want to know… are all of these lies, battles, wars, deaths… just to keep the Grishas safe? You have no other intention behind this than to give our people home, where they don't have to be afraid of people who hate us and our powers?"
"I swear to you, my little moonstone, there is no other reason. I'm not a maniac drunk on power, as everybody tells you. I just want our people to be safe; I want to give them a world where we can explore the abilities of our power without fear of getting killed for being extraordinary. I can only do this with you by my side. As my equal. As a person who thinks like me and can keep up with my plans. As my partner. As the only one I can trust."
"Good." you nodded, cupping his cheek as you pulled him closer to you, so your lips caught each other again.
And maybe it was naive to think he bought your story about being completely devoted to him; maybe it was just another one of his games; maybe this time he really believed your words. Or maybe he was tired of pretending you didn't feel that strange attraction every time you were together.
You did not know. And you didn't want to know.
You gave into that burning desire every time you were near him, explaining to yourself that you had to earn his trust.
But there was much more to this one kiss than just lust.
It was a promise to you.
You will break his heart and make him hate you. You will drive him mad, drive him away, and then he will cast you out. Aleksander will come to think of you not as his lover but as his greatest enemy. Alina, Baghra and you gonna end the circle of unnecessary deaths.
And then you will finally be free...
Or at least... you will kill you both while trying to hate him as you should from the beginning.
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marvelmusing · 1 year
The First Time
The Sequel to ‘A Night of Firsts’
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being married to Aleksander is a dream, but after your honeymoon he begins to withdraw from you. The happy couples surrounding you have you wanting to build a family of your own, so you ask your husband to grant your wish.
Warnings [18+]: smut, unprotected sex, soft dom!Aleksander, breeding kink, talks of having children (nothing explicitly described), wife kink, praise kink, smidge of pain kink, a hint of dacryphilia, mentions of sexual acts, oral (fem receiving), fingering, loss of virginity, and plenty of dirty talk from Aleksander.
My Masterlist
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The honeymoon lasts two weeks. Two blissful weeks of Aleksander teaching you countless new ways to succumb to pleasure.
Heated kissing sessions in the library that end up with your bodice untied and his hands up your skirts as he mouthes firm kisses along your throat and over your breasts.
He helps teach you to take two of his fingers, ensuring that you’re slick enough to withstand the unfamiliar pressure of his long digits stretching you from the inside. The wet sounds still make your cheeks burn with a pleasurable mixture of arousal and embarrassment.
Whenever you become too shy, Aleksander takes your hand and splays it over the front of his trousers, allowing you to feel the size of his erection in response to whatever he’s doing to you.
He allows you to touch him. With curious hands and an eager mouth you trace over every inch of his body, letting him guide you whenever uncertainty takes over. Hearing his breathing hitch and his soft groans always send a shiver down your spine.
On a particularly rainy day, he spends hours between your thighs, kissing the tender skin there before he kisses your cunt lazily. Flicking his tongue over your swollen clit and suckling on the delicate nub as you writhe beneath him.
He calls you his sweet little wife, his darling girl, his beautiful bride. He makes you feel precious and desirable in a way no one else ever has before.
One evening he settles you in his lap and instructs you on how to drag yourself over his thigh, grinding your hips down so that your slick cunt can gain a dizzying amount of friction that makes your toes curl.
He teaches you how to touch yourself, taking your much smaller hands with his own to run over your body, accustoming yourself to your own touch. Aleksander knows your most sensitive areas. He knows how to encourage your body into an orgasm.
Praises and sweet nothings are murmured into your ear every time you climax, as he tells you how proud he is that you’ve trusted to give him so much of yourself.
But now the honeymoon is over.
The rooms you occupy are yours alone and whilst there is a door connecting your bedchamber to your husband’s the sudden separation stings. But you have your work to get on with, as does he.
Unfortunately, now that you are the wife of the Second Army General you also receive an increased number of invitations for afternoon tea and various societal functions with the noble ladies.
They all fawn over your wedding ring and tell you how beautiful your dress was. They complement the ceremony and the reception and tell you how lucky you are.
When they ask about your honeymoon you agree with them, you are very lucky to have such a husband, and they all seem thrilled as they discuss baby names. The shift in conversation catches you off guard, Aleksander has never made love to you therefore you cannot be with child, but no one can know that.
So, you play along with the ladies excitement and questions with as much enthusiasm you can muster.
The days go by.
A quiet dinner with Aleksander before he has to rush away to a meeting. Picnics with the noble ladies and watching their toddling children cling to their nursemaids skirts. Holding Lady Antonova’s chubby little baby in your arms.
Aleksander gifts you small signs of affection in public, a hand on your waist or a kiss to your hand, whilst offering nothing in private.
Then one night you break, opening the door into your husband’s rooms wearing a midnight blue silk camisole and black lace panties underneath your bathrobe. The fabric sways as you move towards him without a word.
He pushes his chair back a little from its place in front of the war table, discarding his papers immediately as he turns to look at you.
When you begin to settle in his lap, he gives you more space to adjust yourself and you bury your face against his chest as you cling to him. Squeezing your eyes shut, you plead,
“Give me a baby, Aleksander.” He freezes beneath you. “I won’t ask anything else of you, ever again. Please. You won’t ever have to see me again afterwards.”
He leans back, holding the back of your head so that you’re facing him directly.
“You think that’s what I want?”
Glancing down, away from his eyes, you shrug lightly.
“You haven’t touched me since our honeymoon, and even during then we didn’t consummate.”
“Because I wanted to give you the chance to choose. To have children or not. To have me or not.”
At his last words, you frown.
“But on our honeymoon…”
“I enjoyed every moment we spent together, but I will not force you into marital duty if that is something you do not want.”
“And if it is something I want?”
“Then you still have the opportunity to choose how that happens.” Before you can even ask what he means, he begins to explain, “If you want to continue working with our baby on your hip and another on the way then you can. If you want to devote your time solely to raising them then you can.”
The consideration he’s offering you is unheard of among noble families like yours, but you’re far too focused on the picture he’s painted of your possible future.
“Two?” you question hopefully.
He smiles.
“As many as you want, my darling wife.”
Leaning forward, you capture his lips with your own. He cups the side of your face gently, moving his mouth leisurely as he matches your pace. When he pulls away you’re bright eyed and breathing heavily with your kiss swollen lips parted.
He smirks darkly, his gaze roaming over your flustered expression and the low neckline of your camisole that is revealing a generous amount of your chest.
“I know that look. Has all this talk of babies made my wife soak through her panties?” he teases.
“Do you know how babies are made, little wife?”
Blinking coyly, you glance wide-eyed at your husband as you bite down on your lip.
“Will you show me?”
He groans through his teeth, breathing out a harsh laugh as he lifts you up into his arms and stands.
“I’ve turned you into a little harlot, haven’t I?” he remarks as he carries you into his bedroom.
At that, you smile. Considering the fact that you had never even touched yourself before your wedding night with Aleksander, you would agree that he has lit a fire within you that burns for his touch.
As he lowers you down onto his sheets, you cling to him, tightening your hold when he attempts to withdraw from you.
“Aleksander please, I need you.”
He places his hands over each of yours.
“You’ve made the decision to have a baby. Now let me make the decisions.”
He adjusts your position, tucking some of his pillows underneath your lower back and spreading your legs wide. Heat prickles through your body as you realise he is ensuring that his seed will take.
“Comfortable, my love?”
You nod in response, looking up at him as he continues to fuss with the pillows.
“Aleksander?” His dark eyes flicker to meet yours immediately. “I love you.” His expression remains still. “I think I have for a while now. I mean, I’ve always admired you and thought you were attractive and I’ve only just realised-”
He halts your nervous confession with a gentle brush of his thumb against your lips.
“I love you too,” he says softly.
“You do?” you whisper.
He leans over your body, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before his nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck.
“Why do you think I asked you to marry me?” he murmurs against your skin. “I knew your parents wanted you to wed. I could not bear the thought of another man having you.”
Tilting your head back to give him more room, you sigh.
“I’m yours.”
He nips lightly at your earlobe and you loop your legs around his waist as he says,
“Say that again.”
“I’m yours. I’m your wife, Aleksander.”
He kisses you fiercely. Hands wandering over your body, caressing the places he knows by heart already. The moans you make rattle through your body as he muffles the sound with his lips. Without much preamble, he removes his shirt and trousers.
Then he moves down your body, using his large hands to squeeze at your thighs. He tugs off your panties, his dark eyes blown wide as he spreads your legs and stares down at the spot between your thighs.
“There’s my favourite sight, that sweet little cunt of yours,” he purrs, nuzzling his face against one of your thighs.
He continues to kiss your skin leisurely, leaving small bite marks that he traces his tongue over which makes your whole body shiver with need.
“Aleksander,” you whine, realising that he isn’t intending on putting his cock inside you any time soon.
He kisses your inner thigh gently.
“Who’s making the decisions?” he asks with a brow raised sternly.
With a pout and a whimper, you admit,
“You are.”
He nods in agreement.
“Good girl. Now I’d like to apologise to your pretty cunt for neglecting you.”
Before you can even begin to insist that his apology is unnecessary, his tongue plunges between your folds, licking an eager stripe against your slick cunt. A sigh heaves at your body and you immediately grasp onto his hair as a means of keeping yourself tethered to him.
He groans lowly at the taste of your arousal and your cheeks burn at the sound of his enjoyment. Pleasure prickles over your skin, dancing delightfully as you gasp and continue to grip onto your husband’s hair.
He takes your hands in his, releasing his hold on your thighs which allows you to lock your legs around his head and grind against his face eagerly whilst he intertwines your fingers lovingly with his.
Hips stuttering as your limbs fill with tension, you moan loudly when he begins to suck on your clit, pressing his tongue down against the hardened bundle of nerves.
The rhythm of your heart pounds through your entire body as your cunt tightens rapidly around nothing and bliss floods through your veins, blooming in your stomach.
“Aleksander,” you cry out. “I love you. I love you so much.”
The words lose their coherency as you reach your climax. Thrashing your head back into the mattress, you attempt to settle your breathing while Aleksander laps gently at your twitching cunt. He hums quietly when your legs relax, draping themselves over his shoulders.
He presses a few delicate kisses to your cunt and then your inner thighs and you shiver at the sensitivity of your skin. Such pleasure always makes you a little shaky so Aleksander’s motions are firm and soothing as he moves back up to your face.
The taste of your arousal clings to his lips as you kiss him slowly. He pulls your camisole up your body, tugging it over your head and discarding it onto the floor somewhere.
He hovers above you, his dark eyes wide with awe as he admires every inch of your naked body, skin glossy and glowing from your first orgasm. Licking over each of your nipples, he watches the small bud stiffen into peaks before he takes one of them into his mouth.
Feeling so observed sends a rush of heat down between your thighs and the warmth of his mouth has you arching your back eagerly. He holds onto your hips firmly, keeping you in place for him to torment with his mouth.
Slowly, he moves his way back up towards your face, trailing kisses along your throat and jawline.
“Aleksander,” you whisper. The next words hesitate on the tip of your tongue and you hide your face into the crook of his neck before you speak. “I want to make you a papa.”
A startled sound catches in his throat and he grits his teeth together hard.
“You cannot say something like that and expect me not to fuck the living daylights out of you.”
“Please. You won’t break me, I promise.”
“It’s your first time,” he argues.
“You’re my husband,” you counter. “You know me better than anyone.”
He bites down hard on his lower lip and for a moment you worry that he might hurt himself. Then he all but rips his underwear off and reaches down between your legs to slide two fingers into you. The stretch has your eyes fluttering closed but the discomfort is lessened by the amount of slick gathered there.
Aleksander thrusts in and out of you for a while, curling his fingers against your most sensitive areas until and you wrap your fingers around his wrist tightly to ground yourself.
When he’s satisfied, he pulls his fingers out and replaces them with the head of his cock at your entrance.
“Remember to breathe for me,” he instructs you, cradling your face with his hand. You nod.
He pushes into you slowly, carving out a space for himself inside you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you try not to give in to the searing, burning pain that accompanies the stretch.
A small sound escapes your throat involuntary and Aleksander stops. The muscle in his jaw is tense as his darkened eyes study every inch of your body.
“Does anything hurt more than you can handle?” he asks. You shake your head.
“Keep going, please.”
He huffs out a breath of effort as he thrusts his hips forward. A grin tugs at the corner of his mouth when he hears you moan and he repeats the motion again.
“Do you like it when it hurts a little?” he asks as you cling to him.
You nod.
That’s all the incentive he needs to begin jerking his hips forwards. With every thrust, your body flows with his, gripping tightly onto your husband and taking everything he gives you. Loud cries and moans and gasps fall from your lips with reckless abandon.
All your life, you never thought that this would feel so pleasurable. With every nudge of his cock against your tight walls, he claims what no one else has ever touched. He claims you eternally as his.
“Aleksander,” you gasp. “Love, I’m so close.”
His voice is an encouraging whisper against your ear.
“Let go for me.”
Pleasure clouds your mind, until you can focus on nothing be sensation as Aleksander’s cock pushes against your tightening cunt. Bliss floods through you in a heady rush of slick that gushes around him. A small cry escapes you as you climax.
Aleksander holds you still, allowing the waves of pleasure to roll through your body as your cunt clenches around his cock. He gives you small kisses over your glossy collarbones as your chest heaves.
He suckles one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue caressing the bud rather lovingly and you thread your hand through his dark locks. When he withdraws, he brushes his nose against your breast, giving it a small kiss before he moves onto the other one to give it the same treatment.
“I can’t wait to see these all swollen and pretty for me,” he muses quietly.
Once you’ve caught your breath you glance up at him with a frown when you realise his cock is still rock hard inside you.
“You didn’t finish.”
“It’s alright, I can get myself there.”
His nails scrape pleasantly over your arms, grounding you in the moment. Then he settles his hands on your waist.
“May I continue?” he asks. You nod.
He continues to move slowly inside you, a gentle rock of his hips as his cock slides through your soaked entrance. Still sensitive from your second orgasm, there’s a brief moment of discomfort. Then you realise how much more of him you want.
Pleasure buzzes in the back of your skull, running down your spine as your skin tingles. Clinging onto your husband’s shoulders, your nails dig into his pale skin leaving crescent moon prints and reddened lines in their wake. Tears prickle in the corner of your eyes, spilling down your cheeks.
Aleksander’s eyes widen at the sight of your tears, cupping your face with his hand and lifting your gaze to his.
“Oh darling, do you want me to stop?” he asks in a near whisper.
Closing your eyes, more tears slip out as you shake your head.
“No, please don’t stop.”
Aleksander moans lowly, kissing your damp cheeks as he rolls his hips leisurely against yours.
“You look so pretty when you cry, my darling little wife.”
His cock nudges that sensitive spot inside you, drawing out a whimper. He hushes you tenderly, smoothing stray locks of hair from your face.
“I’m close, I promise. All I need to do is think about my sweet little wife taking all of my spend inside her.”
His voice breaks at the end of his words and you wonder if he would appreciate some encouragement.
“Please Aleksander,” you whisper against his ear. “Please fill me up. I want to feel you for days. I want everyone to see me and know that I’m yours.”
His hold on your waist tightens, his fingers digging into the softness of your hips as he chases his own release. He presses his forehead hard against the crook of your neck, breathing out harsh pants of exertion as he becomes swept up in pleasure.
He groans, his thrusts losing their momentum for a moment before he gathers the strength to continue. After only a few more jerks of his hips, he begins to spill inside you.
Aleksander places his hand over your stomach, the warmth of his hand mirroring the warmth of his release inside you. Both of you moan softly, as he comes down from his high and you relish in the feeling of being so thoroughly filled.
He’s careful with his body, ensuring that his weight doesn’t crush you no matter how much his body must want to simply collapse after such an orgasm.
He hooks his hands under your knees, keeping your hips elevated as he pulls his cock out of your soaked cunt. When you whimper in protest, and because of the prickle of discomfort, he presses a kiss to your thigh.
Aleksander settles beside you on the mattress, thrusting a finger slowly into your cunt.
“We just need to keep it all inside, don’t we?”
Eyes fluttering closed, you nod. Aleksander breathes out a small smile at the sight of your compliance. When his thumb grazes your clit lightly, you whine and clench around his finger weakly.
He shushes you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he withdraws his finger. Aleksander licks his finger clean, lapping up the mixture of your release and his - a sight that would usually arouse you though you are far too tired to do anything except nuzzle into his side.
Soon you’re straddling his stomach, cheek pressed against the space between his collarbones with his hands settled on each of your thighs.
“What would you want - a boy or a girl?” you ask.
There’s a small pause before he says quietly,
“I don’t mind.” He traces his fingers over your naked form, smoothing patterns against your bare skin. “But having a sweet girl who looks like her mama would make me very happy.”
That makes you smile and shift closer to him.
“I want a boy,” you mumble sleepily against his neck. “A boy who looks just like his papa.”
There’s a long pause.
“And if he’s just like me?”
Tilting your head up to look at him, you find uncertainty in his dark eyes.
“If any of our children are Grisha, that is a gift. If they have your power it only makes them even more precious.”
He kisses you softly, unshed tears glossing in his eyes.
“Does anything hurt?” he asks as he sits the two of you up. His gaze scours over your body intently. “I can send for a healer to check you over.”
There’s some marks on your hips and thighs from when he was gripping you and there’s some soreness at your core, but nothing unpleasant. You shake your head.
“Nothing hurts. I feel good.”
He presses a kiss to your forehead.
He untangles himself from your embrace, standing to retrieve your bathrobe. Nuzzling his face affectionately against your cheek, he drapes the fabric over your shoulders.
“I’ll call for some servants to change the sheets and run you a bath.”
Once he’s spoken to the guards posted outside his door, Aleksander returns to you.
“I don’t think I can walk,” you admit and he breathes out a soft laugh.
Scooping you up into his arms, he carries you bridal style into his bathroom and settles you down on the small chair beside the bath. It doesn’t take long for the requested servants to arrive.
As the steaming bath water is being poured into the tub and Aleksander’s bed sheets are being replaced with fresh linens, he pours you a glass of water and holds it up to your lips.
Drinking eagerly, you can focus on nothing except your husband as he dotes on you wordlessly.
“Thank you,” he says once the servants have finished. “You may leave us.”
Aleksander slides your robe down your body, kissing along your shoulders delicately.
“Would you like me to bathe you?” he asks.
The response you give him is a near whisper as you nod.
Aleksander places you carefully into the warm water, using his hands to ensure your body has been rinsed before he reaches for his toiletries. The familiar scent of his soap fills your senses and a pleased hum settles in your throat as he begins to lather the suds between his palms.
Placing your hand over your stomach, you glance over at your husband who is now sitting in the chair beside the bath tub.
“How long will it take for a healer to know if I’m with child?”
He smoothes his soap covered hands over your body, lathering it over your skin with a small frown of concentration creasing at his brows.
“Around a week,” he says. “Depending on how you’re feeling, we can try again tomorrow. Or wait a week and see if it takes the first time.”
Aleksander reaches for a wash cloth, submerging it into the water before he uses it to clean your body. He’s particularly careful around any sensitive areas, cupping your breasts delicately and cleaning between your legs with the utmost care.
He gifts you kisses between each of his touches, rewarding you for staying still for him.
He cleans himself up afterwards, threading his wet hands through his hair to keep it slicked away from his face. He looks younger like this, a soft sparkle in his eyes and his shoulders loose and relaxed.
The two of you share kisses and sweet touches as you soak in the tub for a while.
Aleksander helps you out once you’re finished and pats you dry with a soft fluffy towel which he then wraps around your body.
Setting you down on the chair in front of his vanity table, he dries the dripping wetness from your hair before he begins your nightly routine, ensuring that your hair is prepared properly and all the necessary creams have been smoothed over your skin.
He presses a kiss to your temple.
“What would you like to wear for bed?” he asks.
“Can I have one of your shirts?”
Instead of answering, he moves over to his wardrobe and opens up the large oak doors. He rummages through the clothing there for a moment before he selects an item.
“Will this suffice?”
With a smile, you nod.
He removes the towel from your body and slips the large shirt over your head. This particular shirt is loose on Aleksander, with billowing sleeves and a large neckline. He ties the drawstring at the front to preserve your modesty and you’ve never felt so comfortable.
Aleksander smiles widely, evidently pleased with your outfit. Once he’s also dressed for bed, the two of you settle under the covers together.
“I love you, Aleksander.”
He kisses the crown of your head softly.
“I love you, my sweet wife.”
Lying with your head against his chest, you’re soon lulled to sleep by the gentle motion of his breathing and the steady beat of his heart.
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @veescorneroftheworld
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
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Alright, I'm going to attempt to hopefully clear up a few misconceptions and assuage some worries about this Disco Elysium sequel and the general situation at za/um right now.
I see the shitshow that is unfolding on social media, and as someone who has known about this whole disaster for over half a year now I'd like to weigh in on it and provide some context for everyone who may not know the full story.
First off, Robert Kurvitz was fired at the end of last year. December 2021. As is strongly implied on Martin Luiga's twitter, the reason for this is greed (calling them "money men" and "crooks" and other similar statements for like, months now), and the executive producers, Tõnis Haavel (who has previously been tried for fraud) and Kaur Kender (who has previously been tried for... other things.) screwed everyone over. Kender provided funding for the game, as the majority of the original za/um cultural association did not have the financial means to.
The original za/um cultural association consisted of Robert Kurvitz, Jüri Saks, Martin Luiga, and Aleksander Rostov, originally founded in in 2009. The group, along with Argo Tuulik, played many different ttrpg campaigns over the years, several of them set in Revachol (centred around Precinct 41), and slowly built the world up from there. Kurvitz released the book The Sacred and Terrible Air, set 20 years after Disco Elysium, back in 2013* but the novel flopped, and it was decided that they would make a video game. Rostov has always been more than just an artist for Disco Elysium, as you can see from the dev threads he frequently updated promoting the game, as well as on his personal instagram, tumblr sketch blog, and several other accounts he used while the game was first gaining traction.
*The most notable credits for TSaTA are as follows:
Author: Robert Kurvitz, Editor: Martin Luiga, Cover Design: Aleksander Rostov, Worldbuilding: Robert Kurvitz, Martin Luiga, Kaspar Kalvet, Argo Tuulik. Helen Hindpere and Kaur Kender also appear in the credits.
I say this because some of the staff at za/um are now accusing fans of being unable to overcome the "auteur theory" of it all (ie. seeing Kurvitz as the singular creative mind behind it all) but the fact is that they have now lost not only the original ttrpg campaign's game master, The Sacred and Terrible Air's author, and Disco Elysium's lead writer/director (Kurvitz) but also their lead writer for the Final Cut's political vision quests (Hindpere) as well as their "co-founder" and art director/designer (Rostov). They are all CREATIVE LEADS, and not just well known only for their reputations/titles.
Luiga himself (who originally broke the news) was an Elysium world builder and provided much of the pale and innocence-related lore. He was also a part of the original tabletop campaigns (Chester McLaine is his player character!), but left midway through Disco Elysium's development due to creative differences (or as he says, "bad vibes" at the company). He is credited as an editor, but claims to have written a good chunk of the text in the game, including much of Joyce's dialogue about the pale. I have seen people discredit him due to his early departure, but Rostov also tweeted out confirming that he, along with Hindpere and Kurvitz were no longer at the company, with no additional comments. Rostov also posted a drawing on his twitter several months back depicting a man jerking off over an NDA, so take that as you will.
So what does this mean for the future?
Luiga has said that he has hope for the sequel, which could either mean that the script was finished or nearing completion before Kurvitz was fired (likely, and fits a pattern in the industry) and it's just a matter of finishing the actual game development aspect, or it may be that he has hope for the original za/um creatives to be able to re-acquire the IP.
I think it's worth pointing out that the original pitch for "Disco Elysium" was actually "The Return", and Disco Elysium was meant to be the smaller-scale prequel to introduce players to the world. Considering that the team was planning on this sequel all along, I think it's possible that a large amount of the "original" game was written years ago, so it's not all that far fetched to believe that the basic outline may be finished, or even that a large portion of the script already exists. Keep in mind that there are a large number of writers for both Disco Elysium and The Final Cut, and it may still be possible to work with a base that the others provided. We have no idea how far into development the sequel may be. Of course, proceeding without three key members of the original team is kind of a kick in the balls, and imo really quite disgusting, especially with how long the company has been keeping their departures secret (dishonesty is not a good look lmao), but it may still be canon, true to the authors' vision, and genuinely a good game in the end.
Argo Tuulik, original Elysium world builder and part of the old ttrpg campaigns, as well as a main writer on Disco Elysium, is still working at za/um. Justin Keenan, former writer on The Final Cut who wrote the political vision quests alongside Helen Hindpere, still works at za/um (and has been promoted to lead writer, according to his LinkedIn), as does Kaspar Tamsalu, who painted several character portraits, (René and Gaston) and worked as a concept artist on the original game. Plenty of the original creatives still remain. The sequel could very well still be in good hands at the development level, even if the higher ups are "crooked".
So, in conclusion... If this game comes out and they still haven't worked things out with Kurvitz, Rostov and Hindpere? Honestly... fuckin' pirate it. But it is very likely it could still be a great game that plays out as it was meant to! All that being said, FUCK za/um as a company, don't support them through Atelier or their merch store. I wish everyone luck if they do attempt to get the IP back, and I sincerely hope this fan pressure will help get things moving for them.
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oeldeservesthenorris · 11 months
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I absolutely despise that know-it-all blowhard Thomas Drance, so I rarely acknowledge his "insight", but for once he got it right and as an FYI so, enjoy this copy and paste article from The Athletic cause I really don't like to give them any more $$ than I have to:
Drance: Why Quinn Hughes has something to prove — ‘A lot of guys don’t watch the West’
SUNRISE, Fla. — There’s a quiet intensity to Quinn Hughes. It’s always been there, simmering a bit beneath the surface.
When it comes out, at least in terms of his public commentary, it’s expressed with almost stunning clarity.
Hughes lives hockey. His family lives hockey. There’s a reason he’s one of the smartest defenders in the game today, and it’s because he knows this sport inside and out. He tracks obscure records, he’s aware of the statistics and the conversation around the league, and yes, he noticed where he stood in recent lists of the best players in the NHL compiled both by ESPN and The Athletic.
“Oh yeah, I saw the lists, but I’m not going to comment on it,” Hughes said Saturday after playing his best game of the season, and perhaps the most complete single game of his career, in the Vancouver Canucks’ 5-3 victory over the Florida Panthers. “Maybe at the end of the year.”
Regardless of where Hughes ranked in the preseason lists, two things are certain moving forward. The first is that the Canucks’ first-year captain is clearly out to prove something this season: that he’s among the NHL’s best defensemen and that he can lead this team to the playoffs.
The second is that if he plays like this consistently, and if this team succeeds on his back the way they did on Saturday night, Hughes’ two-way play and his standing as a dominant blueliner will be completely undeniable.
Hughes, after all, was dominant on Saturday. In a game that featured a legitimate MVP candidate in Matthew Tkachuk, a perennial Selke nominee in Aleksander Barkov and Vancouver’s two near-40-goal scorers in Elias Pettersson and Andrei Kuzmenko — who broke the game open in multiple instances — Hughes was the best player on the ice. And it wasn’t close.
He had the game on a string and dictated the pace in all phases of the contest.
When the Canucks built their lead in the second period, it was Hughes who kept the puck alive on a Panthers clearing attempt, then walked the line when he retrieved the puck and uncorked a shot through multiple layers of the Panthers defense. His shot caused chaos in the Panthers crease and Florida took a penalty. Soon after, Vancouver took the lead.
Then as the Panthers pressed, dominating play in the third period, it was Hughes who proved capable of calming down the game. On multiple occasions he got in on the hands of Panthers wingers Carter Verhaeghe, Evan Rodrigues and Sam Reinhart along the wall, cleanly stripping them of the puck and turning play in the other direction.
It wasn’t perfect, and as the Panthers cranked up the pressure on Vancouver, Hughes was on the ice for a goal against. It was the first goal against that Hughes had been on the ice for all season. He’d logged 115:40 of total ice time in all situations to open the campaign before an opponent scored against the Canucks while he was on.
That may seem like an obscure stat, but it’s another one Hughes was aware of and tracking.
“Do you know that was the first goal against you were on the ice for this season?” I asked him postgame.
“Yeah, I was keeping track of that. By myself. I wanted to see how long I could go with that one,” Hughes admitted.
“Do you know how long you went?”
“Well, I know I went four games, 25 minutes a game, so that would be 100 … oh but wait, it’s only five-on-five …”
“Oh, I have the number for everything.”
“Whatever. OK, I was only tracking five-on-five. You counting everything?”
“Yeah, it’s 115:40.”
“Oh man, I was going to guess 118.”
“Pretty close, so you’re all over it.”
“Of course, I mean, I always hear it,” Hughes responded thoughtfully, that old chip on the shoulder beginning to show. “Y’know how it is. ‘He’s an offensive defenseman, but he’s not good at defending.’ And I’ve been plus the last two years, and playing big minutes. So for me, the stereotype is there. A lot of guys don’t watch the West, but I’m out here trying to do the best I can.”
Obviously, Hughes’ best is sensational, and not just offensively. Even traditional plus-minus — which dings a player with Hughes’ offensive profile given that he eats fake dashes for short-handed goals against and empty net goals deposited against Vancouver when it’s trailing — underrates his contributions. The simple fact of the matter is that last season when Hughes was on the ice five-on-five, the Canucks outscored their opponents 81 to 61 — for an on-ice goal differential of plus-20 (a far better statistic since it doesn’t arbitrarily mix game stats). When Hughes was taking a breather, Vancouver was outscored 88 to 131.
Or to put it simply, for those in the Eastern time zone: When Hughes was on the ice five-on-five over roughly 1,500 minutes, the Canucks outscored their opponents at a rate comparable to (and actually better than) what the Vegas Golden Knights accomplished as a team last season. When Hughes wasn’t on the ice five-on-five, Vancouver was outscored at a rate comparable to what the Anaheim Ducks accomplished as a team last season.
“He does some stuff though that’s world class,” said Canucks head coach Rick Tocchet postgame. “And when he defends, he defends with quickness. And that’s OK — he can still win a Norris defending with quickness, you don’t have to kill a guy in the corner.
“I think Huggy, he’s got a little chip on his shoulder about (the idea) that he can’t defend,” Tocchet added later in his postgame briefing. “About the idea that he’s just an offensive defenseman and no, he can defend. And I like that.”
Honestly, it’s past time for Hughes’ savvy, well-rounded, two-way game to begin to garner the respect it’s due.
Of course, it also speaks to the extent to which Hughes’ control of the proceedings in Sunrise on Saturday night jumped right off of the ice sheet that we’ve yet to mention his goal — his first of the season — which opened the scoring.
The goal came after Hughes made one of the most preposterous keep-ins at the blue line that I’ve ever witnessed live; an absolute marvel of hand-eye coordination on which the broadcast angle on the play — which still captured how impressive the play was — did the degree of difficulty zero justice.
Later in the shift, Hughes received a pass from J.T. Miller, changed the angle on the wrist shot and stepped into that first goal.
“Walking the blue line and shooting, he’s got a couple of moves that he worked on this summer,” Tocchet said when asked about how dominant Hughes was on Saturday night in South Florida. “Man, he worked a lot, I don’t know if people realize how much he worked. I don’t want to tell you what he does, I’m not going to give the other team a pre-scout.
“I’m not trying to put pressure on him, but his capability of walking the blue line is outstanding.”
Hughes’ newfound shooting mentality has been one of the most noticeable evolutions in his game in the early going this season. Through five games, Hughes is averaging north of three shots per game and nearly an additional shot-and-a-half per contest above his career average going into this season.
“I’m shooting more for sure, but it’s more about putting myself in spots where I can beat a guy and then shoot,” Hughes said. “Connecting my feet and my hands, beating a guy. In the past when I’d beat a guy, I wouldn’t be in a position to shoot it. I’m focused in on that now.”
Of course, there’s a balance. Hughes’ best skill is his passing and on a team loaded with world-class finishers, there’s a balance he has to strike in terms of distributing the puck. Of course, that’s a balance that comes naturally to a signal caller of Hughes’ calibre.
“I think the more I shoot, the more will open up,” Hughes said when I asked him if his new shooting mentality could open up additional passing lanes. “It’s more than my shot, it’s rebounds and tips. But on the power play, pre-scout, if I’m shooting a bit more they have to worry about that.
“That said, I have to be aware. Like would you rather my shot or Petey’s slap shot? It’s going to be Petey’s slap shot every time. And his slap shot opens up my shot, and when that happens, I’m going to try and use it.”
While Hughes managed to beat Sergei Bobrovsky with a point blast for his first of the year, his evolution as a shooter is about more than just his goal on Saturday. It’s that, in truth, he could have two or three already in this young season.
“Honestly, I think I could’ve scored in every game,” Hughes said. “I know the exact plays, too. I could’ve scored in Philly, I should’ve scored in Edmonton, I hit the post in Philly, but I also had a mini breakaway and should’ve just tried to go five-hole. I know I’m getting my looks so I know it’s going to come. And I’m getting more looks because of my mindset.”
Getting his first goal of the year was also something of a weight off of his shoulders. It took him until Dec. 27 last season to score his first of the campaign.
When he finally scored, he was nearing an ignominious record. It was a milestone Hughes was aware of, though it received little meaningful media coverage as it approached.
“It feels good (to score my first), I mean obviously I almost broke the record last year,” Hughes said when asked how he viewed his first goal.
“Huh, what record?” I interrupted, confused.
“Most games by a guy scoring a point per game without a goal.”
“Yeah. No, I think I was two or three games away, and that’s not a record you want to break.”
“Wait, were you tracking that?”
“No, but the trainers were busting my balls about it.”
There will be no ignominious goal-less milestones for Hughes to sidestep this season. And no ignoring Hughes’ dominance — on offence and in his own end, too — if he keeps playing like this.
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aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 3 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
And now we will dive into his "Siege and Storm" salty moments. I will analyse them, make comments and flesh them out. Prepare yourself for some real dramatic shit (he's just built like that).
(Here's part 1, here's part 2, here's part 4, here's part 5 and the bonus content btw🖤)
Grab your snacks and let's go!
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So what's the translation here?
"I won't kill him now. But I will at some point 'cause his time is long overdue."
Part 237721 where he uses Mal as leverage against Alina.
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Leigh herself has confirmed it:
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From this small paragraph we can draw so many things out.
He took some time out of his planning and leading to take care of her. Make her eat and get better (after letting his nichevo'ya bite her). That shows me at least, that he keeps going back to her out of his own loneliness. She is the only one like him. He seeks her presence and gets tender with her by stroking her cheek. Even if he can't be sure that she can feel him or see him, he still does it.
Secondly, the moment she says Mal's name he quickly withdraws his hand like he got electrocuted. He got instantly angry and jealous that the first person she thought and called out was him.😒
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Damn man calm down😭
There are four words that he uses here that are crucial. And I will highlight them.
"I want to watch your tracker die slowly with my knife in his heart."
He wants to see every detail of his death.
He wants him to die slowly and in agony.
He wants to do it himself with his own knife.
He wants to plunge it into his heart. Not just in any random spot and that's it. No. Into his heart.
This is personal vendetta at this point😭
Also, he ALWAYS picks the most gruesome ways to kill Mal (feed him to the volcra, gut him, slowly and painfully plunge a knife in his heart).
He holds a lethal grudge against him for taking Alina away from him. For keeping her hidden from him. For the love they share and makes him insanely jealous. And that last one makes him even think to throw Alina overboard too. But he can't and he won't.
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Can he be any more petty?🥲
He is so possessive here. Primarily, he did it to get on Mal's nerves and actually displays such competitiveness. Like "Look what I do😏", "I touch and caress her".
But! There's no way he also didn't do it for his own pleasure.
(He's so thirsty bye-)
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He sees Mal's reaction and knows that what he fears most is Alina sleeping with him. So he plays along and threatens him with that iconic line down here:
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Not that he doesn't want it to happen deep down of course but ANYWAY
The fact he wants to ensure that Mal will hear it when he makes Alina scream is again so petty. He wants to make sure that he will throw it in his face when it happens.
Also the confidence😭
The sure confidence that he can make her scream while the two...*hem hem* you know.
I could post more pictures but I chose not to 'cause next we have the tether and chapel scenes. And I want these to be in one post but I hope you enjoyed this! 💛
(Also tell me if you like this meta)
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Kinktober 2023
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This years Kinktober is going to look a little different. Due to a whole lot of things I was only able to complete five fics. So starting October 22nd I will start posting and I will be posting a fic every other day up until Halloween. I also will be leaving the prompts a surprise until I post them! Massive thanks to @clint-aww-no-barton as always for not only putting up with me but being my unofficial/official editor.
I will be posting this post ahead of time with tags so if you want to be tagged in any Kinktober fic please let me know! I will be using taglist from last year along with most recent taglist from fics.
Also I will be using the tag agentwhiskeysdarlinkinktober if you don’t want to see any of this you can mute!
All fics will be posted at 7pm central time.
Day 1: Bath & Praise-Jack Daniels
Day 2: Breath Play & Thigh Riding-Aleksander Morozova (The Darkling)
Day 3: Public Teasing & Edging-Logan Delos
Day 4: Roleplay-Joel Miller
Day 5: Knife Play & Sugar Daddy-Billy Russo
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chopinbabe · 1 year
Part two of my fav exhibits in the FC Musuem! 🇵🇱
1. Chopin’s pencil ✏️ (Before 1848)
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Chopin used pencils not only to make notes in his diary, but also for drawing and to add comments to his pupils' scores. He was known to break them in anger while giving piano lessons. As Frederick Niecks, one of Chopin's first biographers, wrote: 'Madame Rubio [... informed me that Chopin was very irritable, and when teaching amateurs used to have always a packet of pencils about him which, to vent his anger, he silently broke into bits!]
I’m sure he’d break all the pencils and chairs if I were his student. 🤣
2. Chopin’s tie pins and pendant 📍
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'Impeccably dressed, he wore, after the latest fashion, a navy-blue tailcoat with gold buttons, fastened over a white waistcoat, pearl-coloured trousers with clasps. A long tie, fastened with a diamond pin, encircled his neck' - wrote Chopin's pupil Georges Mathias
Choppy was very fashionable! ✨
3. A copy of Chopin’s armchair in his last apartment 🪑
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This rosewood armchair is the only authentic piece of furniture belonging to Fryderyk Chopin that survived after the auction of items from the composer's last apartment. It was bought by Chopin's close friend, the artist Teofil Kwiatkowski.
4. Chopin’s portrait in 1843 (Teofil Kwiatkowski)
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What a cutie!!! 😚
5. Chopin’s portrait (Franz Xaver Winterhalter, 1847-1861)
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A portrait probably made after a pencil drawing that Winterhalter produced from nature on a May 1847. 👇🏻This one!
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In a letter to his family, Chopin related: 'Yesterday I posed for Scheffer again, and the portrait is coming along. - Winterhalter has also done a small pencil one for my old friend Planat de la Faye (about whom I wrote to you once).- A very good likeness. Winterhalter is no doubt known to you by name, a good honest man of great talent'
6. Chopin’s piano 🎹
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7. Chopin on his deathbed😿 (Teofil Kwiatkowski, after 17 October 1849)
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In this picture, besides Fryderyk, we see Princess Marcelina Czartoryska, Chopin's sister Ludwika Jedrzejewicz, Wojciech Grzymala, Fr Aleksander Petowicki and Kwiatkowski himself.
8. Chopin’s travelling hat box 🎩
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Choppy kept his hat in this box when travelling. He was known for his sartorial punctiliousness. In a letter to Julian Fontana, he wrote: 'apart from that, I forgot to ask you to have a hat made for me by my Dupont on your street. He has my measurements and knows what light ones I require. Have him give it this year's form, not overstated, because I don't know how you dress these days!’
Omg I don’t even know hat box is a thing, cute! 😍
9. Chopin playing the piano 🎹 (Teofil Kwiatkowski, 1847)
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Urghh I love this sketch so much!! ❤️
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
I don’t have screenshots, but I saw a tiktok that said something along the lines of:
“Going into the second season knowing all the Darklina shippers will defend everything he did because he’s played by Ben Barnes.”
Which is me paraphrasing, but that was the the gist of it.
Like, bestie. A: I don’t ship Darklina. B: I’m not defending him because he’s played by Ben Barnes. I’m defending him because he was right.
I've read the books after the show was out, but I didn't watch it, until I've finished the trilogy. I thought the Darkling wasn't wrong during my first reading.
I've changed my mind during first chapter of Six of Crows, and decided Aleksander's been too soft. I'd annihilated anti Grisha bigots centuries before he even threatened them with the Fold.
I almost stopped shipping Darklina during the waiting for second season, because Sasha deserves better.
As you can see, none of it is Ben's fault. If anything, his and Jessie's chemistry's what makes their interactions at least a little enjoyable even though show!Alina's writing's probably even worse than book!Alina's.
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Being canonically hot, or played by clever handsome lad is just a sweet bonus for us, the Darkling stans, to make up for being called dumb sluts by antis.
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euphoniumpets · 1 year
Warnings: none.
A/N: i'm still in my Nikolai Lantsov era so here are the aftermath of shadow and bone where everybody is happy and that Aleksander's past is forgotten and now we dig in by the lantsov children's story instead. I'm tagging the people who were on my tag list for the calm before the storm, if you guys want to be untag or still be tagged for the story, please comment down below. This series is inspired by the show ''bridgerton'' and it will somehow play out by that show.
Tag list: @lyria-skyfall@khaleesihavilliard@shine101 @waddlingwanderer @clqudias @ducks118 @xceafh @peakyispunk @wilmasvensson @parbatai-winchester @priincehoseok @riot-in-my-soulsoul @feyredarling92 @vendy021 @ssprayberrythings @goldenpoison @shine101 @lili-of-the-dream @xushisuxi @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @jennylil @themermaidscales82
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Dearest reader, the time has come to place our bets for the upcoming social season. Consider the household of the Baron Featherington, three misses foisted upon the marriage market like sorrowful sows, by their tasteless mother, tactless mama.
Far better odds might exist in the household of the Queen and King of Ravka, the Lantsov family. A shockingly prolific family, noted for its bounty of perfectly handsome sons, and perfectly beautiful daughters.
''I am already roasting,'' The youngest complained as she walked down the stairs along with her other siblings. ''Are you to complain the entire day, Eloise?'' The middle sibling questioned her as she walked from behind with annoyance on her face.
''Surely I cannot be expected to bear these fashions the entire day,'' Eloise complained with disgust. ''I feel like a princess, do I look like one?'' The other youngest next to Eloise asked with a beaming look on her face and glanced down at her dress. ''Do you truly wish to know what I think you look like?'' Elosie asked her.
''On your left!''
''Gregory!'' The youngest exclaimed when the youngest brother angirly as they rushed down the stairs to chase each other. ''Is our dear sister still not ready?'' One of the older brothers asked Eloise as they walked down. ''She's only been readying herself the entire night, poor Genya who has to be up there,'' The middle child replied.
''You mean her entire life,'' Eloise remarked. ''I shall run upstairs and hasten her along,'' One of the brothers spoke.
''Colin, wait, I'll do it,'' One of the brothers stopped Colin from going further. Colin rolled his eyes toward the not subtle gesture Benedict who had a small crush on their maiden Genya. ''Oh please, we all know that you have a crush on Miss Safin,'' Colin teased him, earning a glare from his brother.
''Says the one who has a crush on General Nazyalensky,'' Benedict snapped. ''I do not!'' Colin exclaimed before pausing in mid sentence.
''Besides, sister, likes me better than you, Benedict,'' Colin argued and looked at his brother with a cocky expression. ''Did she say that?'' Benedict asked with a offended expression.
''Everyone says that,'' Colin remarked with a smirk on his face. Eloise groaned and had enough of her brother's banter before she walked to the stairs. ''Daphne!'' Eloise shouted as everybody in the hallway looked at the youngest child, screaming at her sister.
''You must make haste!''
''Do you think that she heard me?'' Eloise asked and turned around to look at her brothers with a proud face. Colin looked at her with a proud expression while Benedict looked at her with the same disappointing expression whenever their mother would look at them.
''Darling, the whole country heard you,'' You spoke and entered in the hallway. You wore a white and gold kefta as you had your hair up in a bun. ''Where's your sister?'' You asked them and you heard footsteps from the staris.
''Why does mother wear a kefta instead of a dress and why can't I wear one?'' Elosie complained next to her brother and looked down at her dress in disgust.
''It's because she's the queen, dear sister,'' Benedict replied.
''I'm coming!'' You heard Daphne's voice from above. You all turned and saw her standing along with Genya next to her. She wore a long white dress that matched with her sandy blonde hair that she earned from her father.
''I'm sorry mother,'' She apologized as she ran down the stairs, Genya hurrying from behind. ''It's okay, the carriage has arrived on point,'' You replied, placing a small kiss on her forehead before urging the rest of the children to go out.
It has been said that: ''of all bitches dead or alive, a scribbling woman is the most canine, if that should be true, then this author would like to show you her teeth. My name is Lady Whistledown, you do not know me, and rest assured, you never shall, but be forewarned, dear reader, I certainly know you.
additional casting:
corey mylchreest as george
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farrahda5hywrites · 2 years
Sin Nombre
Pairing: Aleksander Morozov(a) x Implied!Moon Summoner!Reader
Summary: Your life as a vagabond changes rapidly as you encounter a strong force.
Warning: None, I can think of. Can be read as a standalone drabble
Hey, so this ficlet was originally a little gift to @marvelmusing until I decided like a dingus to write a little sequel. Heads up, everything I know about Shadow and Bone is from Marvelmusing's writing and the vibes I picked up along the way. (Ben Barnes' depiction of the Darkling was very in line with one of my original characters from 2019, so I fell into this rabbit hole the gifs, my homie.)
Anyway, please enjoy this little drabble
When your kind fled, you couldn’t find fault in them. No one was left to be a voice for your people, and your people would most likely be the first to be captured and executed. So much had happened that you couldn’t tell what was rumor and what was truth. But still, you refused let fear keep you from finding a way to survive.
The guilt, however, swelled in your lungs as if you were being held underwater. You were cursed and blessed at the same time: Grisha blood, but couldn’t summon. Deep knowledge of powers, but could never manifest your own. Potential, but no outlet. You could be a great help to your people if only had something more to offer: a safe haven, food, or a warm cloak. You were a vagabond, a situation that left you cold but protected you at times.
What you could give was advice. Travel at night or at early dawn. Keep the little ones and your elderly in front of you so they don’t fall behind. When you get your powers, don’t use your powers unless absolutely necessary. Always keep your head up.
The advice wasn’t much, but it was what your mother and grandmother told you when you were young.
You got nervous when a family approached you, but something inside you immediately told you that they were Grisha. The Mother was the one who stepped forward and asked a question concerning travel.
You looked up at the sky. “It’s going to rain soon.” You said, smelling the scent in the air and examining the clouds. “Probably won’t be too bad. I’d keep going if I were you.”
With a small thank you in the form of a piece of bread, the family was off with the little ones walking quickly in front of their parents.
A few days later in the next town, a young couple approached you at night. Both of them looked ragged, and that nervousness filled you again. If the wrong people knew found you, you’d be dead. You knew down in your spirit they meant know harm, but you weren’t sure how much you could afford to risk your own safety for rest of your people.
After a brief stare down with the couple, the young man spoke to you. “We keep running into trouble, and we got separated from our group…we don’t know how to travel at night.”
You didn’t question him further on what exactly he meant. Instead, you pointed up to moon in the sky.
“If the moon is high, play it low. If it’s a Harvest, go slow. But if it’s full, then go. Everything in between will guide you. If you can’t see the moon in the sky, then you best stay put.”
The moon itself was full moon, and the couple spared a coin and quickly departed in the other direction.
The last of the winter wind was determined to toss you around like a leftover dry branch. You survived on the gifts from the various people you’ve helped and the advice you have given. Unfortunately, you never learned what do in the midst of powerful storm. The moon quickly disappeared while you were walking in the early morning way before dawn, and an impossible storm was chasing you down ready to overtake you to go about its destruction.
You make the mistake of looking down at your feet, and your body is thrown against a tree by the strong wind. The pain in your body rivaled a knife’s blade to the chest, hindering you from calling out for help from the Saints. The darkness overtook the area so quickly you almost couldn’t tell if your eyes were closed.
“What is your name?” The voice sounded so soft, yet deep that you swore you were hallucinating.
“I have no name.” It took you a moment to reply, but in the moment, you knew you were going to die.
With what ever strength you had in you, you were going to attempt to fight. You refused to be used an example to incite fear in your people.
“I heard that you’ve been helping Grisha, little one. Can you tell me when the storm will pass?”
Before you could stop yourself, the words slipped out. “This is not an ordinary storm. It will be short, but its effect will last for decades. No one will out run it.”
“I will find you again when I need you.”
Your vision returned as if the darkness and the wind hadn’t overtaken you. You stood in an empty field, moon shining directly on you. You looked around for any trace of what just occurred, but you found nothing.
You had a few hours until dawn, so you made your way back to your destination. The wind pushed by, causing you to put your hands inside your cloak. You felt a piece of loose cloth, and you pulled it out briefly and paused to take a look at it. The cloth was embroidered with a moon in eclipse: at least that was what you assumed it was. You swore you recognized the emblem, but you tucked it away and went about your journey.
It wasn’t until dawn that you realized you didn’t just meet an ordinary grisha, but one of the most important.
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orlissa · 3 months
Day 4: Watercolors
Some hundred years before the appearance of the Sun Summoner, Aleksander courted a woman—or was courted by her; it was a rather strategic affair. She was vapid and shallow and peacock-like and overly willful without a lick of common sense or understanding of how the people beyond the fence of grand estates lived, but sadly she decided where her father’s head turned, and her father pretty much decided what could the military afford.
And since she, this insufferable little countess, wanted him, he played along so he could clothe and feed his soldiers through the winter.
See? A completely strategic affair.
So indulged her, her fantasies and quirks and fancies, and her interest of the month. For a short while, as it was popular at the time, it was watercolors.
It wasn’t that she was utterly talentless—a good, well-paid master can make a semi-decent painter out of even the most hopeless cases—, it was that she lacked vision. Her works, as decent as they were on a technical level, lacked creativity, lacked feeling. Still, he oohed and aahed over them, complimenting her to the heavens, playing the role of the devoted beau. It was pure torture.
When she moved on to a new hobby and a new suitor the next month, Aleksander was relieved—and also quite convinced that he had had enough of the fanciful pursuits and so called art of gentle ladies, who should have never picked up a paintbrush, for a lifetime.
An opinion by which he stood for nearly a century.
But then Alina came.
“So… what do you think?” she asked with a nervous lilt in her voice, her lower lip caught between her teeth.
He looked at the sheets of paper spread out in front of him, his lips curling into a slight smile despite himself. As far as technique went, she clearly had a lot to go yet, and still… She had vision. Her watercolors were not just simple renderings of flowers and buildings and landscapes, but compositions full of longing and yearning and optimism and earnestness. Put in a somewhat philosophic, and maybe a tad superbolic way, she didn’t paint what was, but what she wished would be.
He was captivated.“They’re beautiful, milaya,” he said softly, fingers absently caressing the petals of a painted iris, and his heart, that old bastard, skipped a beat when she beamed.
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marvelmusing · 1 year
A Night Of Firsts AU where after finding out the baby is a darkling Aleksander starts taking time out of his day not only for his family but also taking time out of his day to train her 😭😭😭 so cute and your writing as amazing <333
Sunny Days
From the At First Sight AU
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Aleksander has always been apprehensive about showcasing his power in front of your children - afraid of frightening them with the darkness that he can summon with the barest hint of a thought.
But Sonya, your eldest, had been delighted by his shadows. As soon as she could speak, she was babbling little stories for the shapes her father created over the wall of the nursery.
The twins follow you everywhere, protecting their mama like Uncle Ivan and Fedoyr protect their papa. Two little adventurers, always seeking mischief and urging Aleksander to join in on their games. After all, having a real shadow maze to trek through is far more exciting than a make-believe one.
Lidiya is always in Aleksander’s lap. It’s her favourite place to be, since it’s the prime position to play with his hands. Ever since she was a little baby, she would cling to his finger with both of her tiny little hands as if she knew, before any of you did, that her own hands held the same power.
Now, with your children growing up faster than you can believe, seeing Aleksander help your daughter with her summoning brings a soft smile to your lips as you watch them.
“Clasp them together, Lidochka,” he instructs her gently. “Like this.”
Her dark brows furrow together in concentration, her tongue poking out from the corner of her mouth as she copies her father. He nods encouragingly at her.
“Now call your shadows.”
Wisps of darkness slither through the air towards her hands and Aleksander’s eyes are alight with pride.
“Well done, solnyshko.”
The summer sun isn’t too hot yet, since it’s still early in the morning, so your little family has taken advantage of the lull in heat and settled yourselves on the grounds of the Little Palace.
Sonya is sitting beside you, her face buried in a book that had been a birthday gift from you and Aleksander. Her eyes are distant as they skim quickly over the words on the pages, her attention fully immersed in the story.
The twins are playing over the grass, their red keftas discarded onto the floor as they chase after one another. Peering up at the position of the sun, you realise it won’t be long before the Crown Prince - little Kolya - will be arriving to join in on their fun.
King Nikolai and Queen Zoya have done a considerable amount of good for Ravka, with plenty of help from you and Aleksander, and their son has a firm friendship with the twins. He also enjoys asking Sonya questions which you know she secretly enjoys answering. Given that the Prince is only a year younger than her, the two of them appear to get along well despite their drastic differences in personality.
Days like this are among your favourites, with your little family gathered together. Aleksander lifts his eyes to meet yours and from the soft smile on his face you know he feels the same. His smile widens at the sight of you becoming slightly flustered by his gaze.
“Let’s go show your mama how well you summon.”
Her entire face lights up at the prospect of showing you her power. Aleksander has always tried his hardest for her to be proud of her gift with the shadows. She clambers into your lap easily and you help her balance herself with a gentle hand on her back.
“Mama, look.”
Shadows twirl around her fingers with much less finesse than her father’s but to an otkazat’sya like you her power is no less of a marvel.
“Clever girl,” you say, smoothing your hand over her dark curls. “Are you excited about going to school in the autumn?”
She nods.
Aleksander unbuttons the front of his kefta as he sits down the chair next to you, crossing his long legs at the ankle. His eyes skim over to check on the twins, his expression softening as he observes their laughter before his attention returns to you and Lidiya.
“We’ll have to have her measurements taken for her kefta.”
He reaches for the teapot at the centre of the table, pouring a cup for himself.
“Black?” you ask.
He tilts his head slightly as he decanters two cubes of sugar into his tea.
“Genya suggested a blue kefta with black embroidery for everyday use - full black for formal occasions. I wanted to ask what you thought of such a thing.”
You hum quietly, brows drawn together in consideration. Black is not only the colour for a shadow summoner but also the leader of the Grisha.
“I’m not sure.”
Lidiya will already be different from the other Grisha because of her power, wearing a unique kefta will set her apart from them even more but you don’t want to feel as though she should hide her power.
The little girl in question slides down from your lap, running off to play with her brother and sister. As you ponder Aleksander’s suggestion, you keep your eyes on your daughter, trying to picture what will be best for her.
“I think we should keep her in blue whilst she’s in school, to keep her the same as the other summoners.” Aleksander sips on his tea, nodding. “When she’s older she can decide if she wants black.”
“A graduation present perhaps?” he suggests.
You nod with a soft smile. The thought of Lidiya finishing school at the Little Palace seems forever away.
Aleksander turns his head to look at your eldest.
“How is your book, zolotze?”
Aleksander is one of the few people who won’t receive a small frown of confusion in response when Sonya is disturbed from her reading. Instead, she smiles at him.
“It’s good, papa.”
“Will you have finished it soon?”
She hums quietly, her brows creases together in thought - a mirror image of her younger sister - as she considers the book in her hands.
“I think so.”
Aleksander smiles. Sonya reads just as voraciously as her father.
“Why don’t we go to the library tomorrow and pick out a few new ones for you?”
She nods with a smile, closing her book and placing it aside to reach for the cup of tea you’ve poured for her.
Clouds shift above you, allowing the sun to shine down over the grounds of the Little Palace. As you finish your cup of tea, you glance fondly at your husband while he watches your children playing. Lidiya has joined her two older siblings, her shadows dancing at her ankles as she chases after them.
Aleksander turns to look at you, emotion clouding over his dark eyes. The smile he gives you is heartfelt, a tender expression filling his features as you reach for his hand. His fingers curl around yours, bringing them up to his lips for a gentle kiss.
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A Tide That Turned Everything: Chapter VI - We Can Do This Together
Chapter Summary: You finally face Alina and her allies in the Fold. Each one of you believes to be one in the right and is ready do fight till the end. But when Aleksander's condition suddenly becomes worse, what will you be willing to do to save him?
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Alina Starkov/Mal Oretsev, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Fruzsi, Fedyor Kaminsky, Ivan, Mal Oretsev, Nina Zenik, Zoya Nazyalensky, Inej Ghafa
Word Count: 4578
A/N: This chapter contains some plot from episodes seventh and eight of season two. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089560564/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559891/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089554965/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089554960/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559865/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089571761/
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You wake up to the feeling of arms around your waist. You smile and focus on this feeling. You missed it so much. For a moment you allow yourself to believe you're in Aleksander's bed in his bedroom in the Little Palace and everything is as it should be. You want to stay like this forever. But reality is calling.
Outside the tent you can hear voices of Grisha getting ready for a battle. You sigh quietly and attempt to sit up. Attempt. The arms around your waist tighten their grip. You can't help but smile.
'Where do you think you're going?' Aleksander murmurs in your shoulder.
'Well, I'm not sure if you've been informed, but there's a battle to fight,' you answer.
'Outrageous, no one told me a thing,' Kirigan plays along. 'And I should know. I'm the Black General.'
You laugh and turn around. Your eyes meet. You smile.
'Hi, pretty boy,' you greet him.
'Good morning, lapushka,' Aleksander hums, caressing your cheek. 'Did you manage to sleep after I woke you up?'
'Yes,' you answer and peck his nose. 'Shall we?'
Kirigan just nods. Reluctantly, he lets you go. You both get out of the bed and get ready. You finish first. Years of being a servant taught you to always dress fast. So, you walk to Aleksander and help him.
'Still missing that?' Kirigan asks.
'Some parts,' you admit. 'Dressing you for one.'
'I always thought you preferred undressing me,' Aleksander teases you.
'Yes, but that I haven't stopped doing after becoming Grisha,' you say cheekily. Kirigan laughs and you grin. He looks at you fondly. You turn around and make the bed. Aleksander adjusts his cuffs.
'Unless I screw this up again, I'm going to marry you,' he says. You freeze for a second. Then, you resume your task.
'Well, you better not mess this up,' you say casually. This time Aleksander freezes. He looks at you with wide eyes. Hope, which he criticised just a day ago, shines in them. His heart skips a beat.
'Do you mean it?' he asks. Slowly, you finish making up the bed. You turn and walk to him. You look each other in the eyes.
'You know that I am not perfect but you make me feel perfect and beautiful in every way,' you say. 'I thank you for that. So, yes. I do mean it. Ask me properly when this is all over and I'll accept your proposal.'
Aleksander grins. Before you can smile back, he takes you in his arms and presses a kiss to your lips. You sigh and answer it with passion.
'General- Oh,' a familiar voice says. 'Sorry.'
Aleksander sighs and pulls away. You turn your heads and see Fedyor and Ivan standing at the entrance. Both of them are stopping their smiles.
'We just wanted to say we're ready,' Ivan says. Two Heartrenders quickly turn and leave. But not without winking at you.
'Why do we keep them around?' Aleksander asks, annoyed.
'Because they ship us more than we do,' you answer. Kirigan laughs and kisses you again.
'Shall we?' he asks. You nod.
'I just need a moment,' you answer. Aleksander nods and leaves the tent. You exhale shakily and walk to a mirror. You adjust your hair slowly. You're scared. Of losing. Of facing Alina. But as you told her, you're with Kirigan for better or for worse. So, you turn and leave the tent, joining the others. Just in time to hear Aleksander speaking to others:
'Your orders are very simple. Kill the King.'
'And the tracker?' Fruzsi asks. 'His existence puts everything at risk.'
You wince. You did a good thing telling Aleksander about Mal. Obviously, others that were with you have told the rest. You look at Kirigan and see him already looking at you.
'The tracker is not to be touched by anyone other than me,' he says harshly. 'Is that understood?'
Others bow their head and confirm. You smile slightly.
'Good,' Aleksander says and turns to leave, as others disperse. But Fruzsi stops him by asking:
'And how do we know he hasn't already sacrificed himself to amplify her?'
Aleksander turns. His eyes meet yours again. You walk to stand by Fruzsi. She looks at you at once.
'I believe she would die before allowing that to happen,' you answer. Aleksander nods and walks away. He faces a familiar orphanage. You join him.
'Strange,' you say. 'I thought I will never come back here again.'
'How did it look like?' Aleksander asks. 'You didn't grow up here.'
'My family's house used to be not far from here,' you explain. 'I used to sneak out and meet Mal and Alina here, on this meadow.'
Aleksander nods. You both stare at the orphanage. You sigh.
'Are you sure about this plan?' you ask. Kirigan simply takes your hand in his. You smile and look at him.
'Together?' he asks. There's only one answer you can give. So, you say:
Everyone but you, Aleksander, Fedyor and Ivan go to ambush Nikolay's team. The four of you rides on your horses toward the Fold. You stop by it and get down from your horses. Aleksander helps you and you two share a smile.
'Are we sure about it?' Fedyor asks, eyeing the Fold.
'Yes,' Aleksander answers, taking a special lantern. 'This is where we shall bring the fight.'
You all turn to the Fold. You shiver. You still hating entering it. But Aleksander goes in it and you follow him.
After a moment, you stop. Kirigan passes you the lantern. You hold it and he focuses. He weaves his hands. The Fold rumbles as it slowly spreads. You wince.
'That part I could do without,' you murmur.
'It's necessary,' Ivan says. You roll your eyes. Fedyor hides his smile behind his sleeve.
You hear a screech behind you. You turn just in time to see nichevo attacking a Volcra that was about to attack you. After the Volcra is dead, it disappears.
'I thought they protect General?' Fedyor asks, puzzled.
'Protecting [Y/N] is above their the purpose to protect me,' Aleksander explains calmly, continuing to spread the Fold. Ivan and Fedyor look at you. You blush.
'Shut up,' you murmur.
'We're not saying anything,' Ivan says, smirking slightly. You exhale slowly. You ignore your companions and focus on the Fold. Soon, it encompasses the fort. You feel sadness. Your former friends are there.
'What will it be, Miss Starkov?'Aleksander asks, after dropping his hands. 'Your convictions... or your heart?'
You watch Volcras flying toward the fort. Part of you screams at you to run there and help the ones inside. But you shut this part up and follow Aleksander.
'The heart of the Fold now?' Fedyor asks.
'Yes,' Aleksander confirms. 'This is where Miss Starkov will go.'
'Unless a Volcra eats her first,' you say. 'It can happen.'
'No, she will get there in one piece,' Aleksander says. You shrug.
'Fine,' you say. 'But if a day passes and she's not here, I'm not the one that's going to see what is left of her.'
Fedyor snickers. Ivan sighs.
'Must you always be so pessimistic?' he asks.
'I'm just saying the Volcras are unpredictable,' you say. 'They don't know Aleksander wants her here.'
You and Ivan continue to bicker. Fedyor and Aleksander exchange a look. It's going to be a long walk.
Still, you finally make it. You look at the ruins in wonder. But in silence. You must be vigilant now. Your former friends may arrive any moment.
And soon they come on a flying ship. You see Alina, Mal, Zoya, Nina and a girl you don't know. You smile, seeing Nina is safe and sound.
'Now?' Ivan whispers. Aleksander shakes his head. So, you watch your friends for a moment. Finally, Alina and Mal embrace and she gains power. Light, different than usual, floods from her. It forms a dome around them all. It slowly becomes bigger.
'It's beautiful,' you can't help but say quietly. You smile, as Alina and Malina kiss. Of course, this is the moment when the dome reaches you and allows others to see you. And Aleksander, naturally, must ruin the moment by speaking up.
'How touching,' he says. Alina and Mal jump away from each other. Starkov, with eyes wide, pushes Mal away from herself, making the light disappear. She spreads her arms, glaring at Aleksander.
'I almost feel bad for what I have to do now,' he says, walking forward. 'He is family after all.'
Mal and Alina exchange a look. But then Mal notices a nichevo trying to get through Alina's sun barrier behind Nina and others.
'Get down!' he shouts to them, pointing his gun at the nichevo. He fires some shining bullets at it, forcing it to back away.
Alina prepares herself to make the Cut. But suddenly, she groans and wavers. Mal looks at her in alarm.
'Alina!' he shouts, supporting her. He looks at your group, expecting Ivan and Fedyor to be doing something to Alina. But to his surprise they're not there. They've already sneaked away and are now engaging in a fight between Nina, Zoya and the third woman. Instead, he sees you holding your hands together and staring at Alina.
'Did you know that up to 60% of the human adult body is water?' you ask casually. 'And more of 70% of the heart is composed of water?'
The moment you say that, Alina groans and grabs her heart. Mal looks at you, horrified. It costs you everything not to break your façade. Because you hate do hurt Alina this way.
'Mal, I don't want to do this,' you say. 'Just come-'
You gasp and grab your throat. Your concentration breaks and Alina breathes in deeply. This time Aleksander grabs you in panic. He looks up, looking for the culprit and sees Nina holding her hands together and looking at you with pain. Because you used to be friends and she hates to hurt you.
'Fedyor! Ivan!' Aleksander shouts. But the Heartrenders are too busy fighting with Zoya and the other woman.
'Remember our conversation?' Mal asks Kirigan. 'You said you had nothing to lose. And I asked you if [Y/N] was nothing then. Is she?'
You're really curious when did Mal and Aleksander talk, but the fact you can't breathe is a bit more important now. You get angry. You like breathing. It's one of your favourite activities. So, you focus on that fury and bring your hands together.
Nina, Mal, Alina, Zoya and the woman gasp, when they feel pain in their bodies. You control water in their bodies, hurting them. Nina's concentration breaks and you can breathe again. You take in a deep breath and fall into Aleksander's arms. You let your hands drop and free others of your hold.
'Let's end this,' Alina says after catching a breath and summons light. Aleksander pushes you away and takes the blow on himself.
'No!' you shout. But he's fine and he answers Alina with shadows. They start fighting. Ivan and Fedyor rush to help, but Zoya and Nina stand in their way. The woman fights nichevo'ya with some sword that actually seems to destroy them. Which means there's only one person not occupied besides you. Your eyes meet Mal's.
'I don't want to hurt you,' you say softly.
'Me neither,' Mal sighs. 'We used to be friends. Very good friends.'
'I know,' you say. 'But I can't let you hurt him.'
'And I can't let you help him win,' Mal says. Before you can respond, he jumps on you. You can't even bring your hands together. You barely miss his blow and you have to fight back to stay standing. You're really grateful for all the training Botkin forced you to take.
At one point, Mal manages to kick you in the legs. You fall on your back, but you manage to bring him down with you. He lands on top of you and you start rolling. Still, you're the one who ends up on the bottom. Mal holds your wrists and pins them on the sides of your head.
'What do you even see in him?' he asks you angrily. You glare at him.
'Everything you lot don't,' you answer and headbutt him. He groans and his grip on you loosens. You manage to bring your hands together and he groans, feeling you controlling the water in him again.
'He's not perfect,' you say, 'but he's all I want.'
You push him from you and knock him out. Then you turn around, panting, and gasp. Alina and Aleksander are on the ground. Starkov stands up slowly but Kirigan is not moving. You sprint forward. You put yourself in front of him a moment before Alina creates the Cut. You quickly do the same.
Your Cuts meet in the middle. The force of the combined power pushes you both back. At the same time a blinding lightness surrounds you all. Before you hit the ground, a thought enters your head.
Ah, yes. Water reflects and amplifies light.
You open your eyes and are greeted with a sight of Volcra flying at you. But then nichevo shows up and kills it. Well, at least you know Aleksander is still alive.
'Saints,' you groan and sit up. You look around and see Fedyor rushing to you. You couldn't have been out for long, then.
'Aleksander?' you ask when he reaches you. He helps you up.
'Ivan is taking a look at him,' Fedyor answers and looks you over. 'Are you okay?'
'I'm fine,' you assure him. You find Aleksander not far behind you. True to Fedyor's words, Ivan is by his side. He sends you a gloom look.
'It's not looking good,' he informs you. 'What do we do?'
You look at Aleksander. There's a wound on his side. It's glowing. No doubt Alina's work. He's unconscious and breathing heavily. Add the merzost to that… Fear seizes your heart.
'Alina!' you hear. You turn your head. Mal and others rush to Alina. She's awake now as well. They help her up. She looks straight at you. You can almost hear her thoughts.
'[Y/N]… please,' she says. 'You can't truly want all this. People are dying. Your friends.'
'Don't listen to her,' Ivan says harshly.
'Ivan,' Fedyor silences him. He knows what is the most important to you right now. Your eyes fall on Aleksander's tormented face.
'You, Mal and me, [Y/N],' Alina says. 'It's always been us. And we can be the ones to end this. We can bring Ravka together again.'
'Destroying the Fold won't reunite this country,' Ivan says. 'And our enemies will strike at us at once, while we're not strong but in fear we can be.'
'Together with Nikolay we can reunite this country and keep it safe,' Alina insists. 'Please, [Y/N]. Think of Ravka and its people-'
'I've never cared about this country nor its people,' you snap and look at your friend with pain. 'Why should I? It never cared for me. Not when I was little girl on the countryside, not when I lived in a big city, not when I was a serving girl, not when I was Grisha. This country is broken, Alina. It needs a miracle to be fixed. Or someone strong enough and with strong convictions.'
Your eyes fall on Aleksander's chest. It's moving irregularly. Your heart aches.
'I don't care if it gets fixed,' you say. 'I've never felt love for it.'
'What about its people?' Alina asks. 'Do you want them to die? Because many will if Aleksander will spread the Fold even more.'
'I don't care about them either,' you say and pause for a moment. 'But I know you do.'
You look at her. Alina stiffens, seeing in your eyes you've made your choice.
'Promise me you'll let us go after this… and never look for us,' you bargain. Alina's friends want to argue, but she raises her hand.
'What about your parents?' she asks. 'If you go… you may never see them again.'
'That's alright,' you say sadly. 'I'm not the person my parents wanted me to be anyway.'
Alina looks you in the eyes. She's searching for hesitation. She finds none.
'Deal,' she agrees. You nod.
'[Y/N], we can't,' Ivan protests, as Alina and Mal face each other. They talk in hushed voices, glancing at you.
'He's dying, Ivan,' you say quietly. 'It's the only way for him to live.'
'He may not live long after this anyway,' Fedyor says quietly. You exhale shakily.
'But he may,' you say. 'And that's all I care about. Like I told Alina, I don't care about this country. I only care about him.'
Fedyor nods, ready to support you. Ivan sighs and looks at Aleksander.
'He'll have our heads for that,' he says grimly. You smile.
'If it means that he will live, then so be it,' you say and turn to Alina. She's already embracing with Mal again. She looks at you, to make sure you're still going to fulfil your end of the bargain.
You raise your hands in answer and concentrate. You start weaving them and a moment later streams of water flow all around you. You make them spread across the whole Fold. At least you hope for it.
Alina smiles. Mal looks at it in wonder. But quickly he's occupied as his lover's mouth are on his. A beam of sun goes out of her, brighter and more powerful than before. It hits the water you have summoned and at once you're surrounded by blinding light and rainbows. You shield your eyes and watch in wonder how it defeats the darkness of the Fold.
It's over soon. Volcras are gone, they have flown away from the light. The Fold has disappeared. You look up and see sky and sun. You can't help but smile.
'Blue skies…' you hear. You whirl your head around. You see Aleksander looking up in amazement. But his eyes soon close.
'Aleksander,' you say and hurry to his side. 'Aleksander? Aleksander!'
'You did it,' Mal says not far from you, smiling.
'We did it,' Alina corrects him. Mal looks at her and they kiss again.
'Wait,' he says, pulling away after a moment with a frown. '[Y/N] and Kirigan.'
'I promised them, Mal,' Alina says quietly. Mal sighs but nods. He lets go of Alina. She clears her throat.
'[Y/N]-' she starts, turning around. She cuts herself off, stunned.
'Where are they?' Zoya asks, rushing to them with Nina and the woman, Inej.
'I…' Alina says, puzzled. 'I don't know.'
Where a moment ago were you, Aleksander, Ivan and Fedyor, there's no one. You're gone.
You're not sure how long you've been riding through this forest. Hours? Days? Time is blurring. Same as images in front of you, because of your falling tears.
'Please, Aleksander,' you whisper. 'Hold on.'
Just then Ivan and Fedyor stop their horses. You force yours to do the same. Aleksander's horse stops by itself when you do. He's been galloping loosely by your side, since his rider is riding sprawled in front of you. You insisted on it.
'Why are we stopping?' you demand.
'The horses need a break,' Fedyor explains. 'And so do we.'
'We must also plan what to do,' Ivan adds, dismounting his horse. 'We can't just continue riding forward.'
You feel the need to do that. But you nod, understanding their reasoning. They gently take Aleksander from your horse. Then, you dismount her yourself.
'How is he?' you ask, as they lay Kirigan on the ground. They check his vitals. Fedyor winces, while Ivan becomes even more grumpy.
'Not good, then,' you sigh.
'We've managed to heal the wound Alina inflicted on him but… there's more damage in his body,' Fedyor says, exchanging a look with his lover. 'Damage we can't heal.'
'Merzost,' you sigh. Fedyor and Ivan look at you sharply.
'I'm not blind nor deaf,' you scoff. 'I know it's been killing him. I hoped we could find a cure but…'
'He and Vladim were close,' Fedyor says. 'Maybe I should go back, try to find Vladim?'
'We don't even know if he's alive,' Ivan protests. Fedyor looks at you, ready to do it if you order it.
'No,' you shake your head. 'Ivan's right. We must… find some other way.'
Just then you hear a twig snap. You surround Aleksander, taking defensive positions. Your heart is beating fast. Did Alina break her promise? Or are these Nikolay's men?
But from behind the trees comes an old man with twigs in his arms. He stops, surprised to see you. He looks harmless, but none of you lets your guard down.
'Grisha,' the man says, eyeing your keftas. He huffs, clearly not pleased. Then, his eyes fall on Aleksander. He stiffens, shocked.
'The Darkling,' he whispers. You and your companions shift to stand more protectively in front of Kirigan. The man looks up at you and sees traces of tears on your face.
'Come with me,' he says after a moment of silence and turns. He starts walking away. You and your friends exchange a confused look. The man stops and looks over his shoulder.
'Come if you want him to live!' he barks and resumes walking.
'This can be a trap,' Ivan says after a moment.
'Honestly, what do we have to lose?' you ask and walk to your horse. You take her rains. Ivan and Fedyor put Aleksander on his horse, groaning. Then, you follow the mysterious man.
He leads you to a small cottage. You take Aleksander there. The Heartrenders take him to a sleeping area, to which the man has pointed them. He then leaves the house, murmuring something under his breath.
You look around. You walk slowly, hesitantly, afraid of traps. You stop by a table. There are notebooks on it. You tilt your head, curious, reading the only open one.
'[Y/N]?' Fedyor calls you. You hurry to the sleeping area. Aleksander is laying on the bed, breathing heavily.
'We think he's waking up,' Ivan says and leaves. You sit by Kirigan's side and take his hand.
'He doesn't want to be here when I tell Aleksander about what I did?' you guess.
'Probably,' Fedyor sighs. 'Do you want me to stay?'
'No,' you deny, shaking your head. 'I think it's best we'll be alone for this.'
'Thank Saints,' Fedyor murmurs and hurries out. You crack a smile and wait.
A few minutes later Aleksander wakes up. He looks around groggily. When his eyes land on you, he smiles.
'Hey, beautiful,' he croaks out. You smile and almost start crying again.
'Hello, pretty boy,' you greet him. 'How are you feeling?'
'Weak,' Aleksander answers and frowns. 'Where are we?'
'In a hut in a forest,' you answer. 'You need to rest and recover.'
'I saw… the sky,' Aleksander suddenly remembers. 'She destroyed the Fold, then? We lost?'
You brace yourself for it. You're afraid he may hate you for your decisions.
'I helped her with that,' you answer and Aleksander looks at you with surprise. 'In return, she promised to let us go and don't look for us.'
'Why?' Aleksander whispers, looking at you with hurt. 'What happened with "your battle is my battle"?'
'This was the only way to make sure you'll make out of this alive, but we can go and attack them again,' you answer at once. 'The deal was, I help her and she lets us go. I never said we won't be back. So if you want, we can do that. I will follow you everywhere. But you need to be alive for that. And at the moment you're in no good condition.'
Aleksander stares at you, stunned. He sees devotion in your gaze. But also stubbornness. You won't back down on this.
'You're dying, Aleksander,' you say. 'The merzost is killing you. Yes, I know about it. What, you think I didn't hear your cough? Didn't see the black stuff on your handkerchiefs? Haven't noticed you becoming weaker? I have eyes and ears. I wanted you to tell me yourself… but you kept a secret from me once more.'
'Not really if you were aware of it,' Aleksander murmurs. You stare at him sharply. He sighs.
'I didn't want to worry you,' he admits.
'Idiot,' you say. 'As if not telling me what's wrong would make me worry less.'
'I'm sorry. I should have told you.'
'Yes, you should have. And I'm sorry, too. I know I failed you. And betrayed you.'
'You tried to save me. I can't be mad at you for that. I'm just sad it was for nothing.'
'Don't say that…'
Aleksander answers you with a fit of coughs. He can't even cover his face and black stuff falls on the sheets. Tears well up in your eyes. Just then the old man shows up in the door.
'You must leave the room if I am to save him,' he says. Aleksander stares at him with wide eyes. You glance at the moment.
'Just give us a moment,' you plead. The man murmurs something and leaves. Aleksander looks at you.
'Who's that?' he demands. You sigh.
'The owner of this hut,' you answer. 'We met him in the forest. He recognised you and told us to follow him if we want you to live. Honestly, I didn't see what we have to lose.'
'Your lives,' Aleksander answers sharply. 'You think I want to trade mine for yours? You know nothing of this man. He may sell us to the First Army. I'm dying anyway but you-'
'It's worth the risk,' you insist and look at him with pain. 'If this man is my only chance for saving you, then I'll gladly pay the price. Because I am not losing you again.'
Aleksander freezes. Then, he understands. You already thought him to be dead, after the first battle in the Fold. You already grieved him. You can't do it again.
'Forgive me,' Aleksander says quietly. You shake your head.
'Just let him try,' you plead.
'We don't know who he is,' he sighs. You hesitate.
'I have suspicions,' you say slowly. 'I think… it's Ilya Morozova.'
'I beg your pardon?' Aleksander asks, stunned, after a moment.
'Your mother herself wasn't sure if he really died that day,' you say. 'And think about it. Who else would know how to help with your poisoning with merzost? Also… I saw notebooks on the table in another room. I didn't manage to read the words but the handwriting… It was very similar to the ones from Morozova's diaries.'
Aleksander stares at you with disbelief. He opens his mouth to say something but the man… Morozova?... enters.
'If we do this, it must be now,' he barks. 'Or he will die.'
You nod and stand up. You lean down to Aleksander. You stare at each other for a moment, fearing it's the last time you see each other.
'I love you,' you say at the same time. You smile at each other. You kiss him softly and straighten up.
'Live,' you plead him. 'For me.'
Aleksander nods. You leave, not looking back. You join Fedyor and Ivan outside. You exchange a look, then look each your own way. All you can do is wait now and hope for the best. For Aleksander to live.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49965037/chapters/126767995
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 5 months
𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙊𝘾 ✸ 𝘓𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘻𝘰𝘷𝘢
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It started with a women and her son. The women was strong willed, care free, and beautiful. She was elegant and wise. She loved her son deeply and wanted him to be independent and brave. She taught him the ways of the Grisha and she told him stories of how they were ostracized and unwanted from the rest of society. From his mother he learned how to be tough and to stick up for himself. He became very protective of his mother and wanted nothing more for her to be safe and happy. The women one day decided she wanted more for her son. Seeing as a child would want more than just his mother for company, she went into town and sought out a strong Grisha whom she would take to bed.  When the girl was born, the boy knew that he would do anything to keep her safe and happy just like his mother. As she got older she began to show her powers as a Tidemaker differing from her mother and brother. Even though their powers differed, they taught her everything they knew. 
As the boy grew more powerful and gained more control, the girl stayed by his side. He never made a decision without consulting her first and together their grew the second army. Unlike the boy, the girl quickly fit in with all of the other Grisha her age. She ate with them and went to classes with them, even though she was way beyond their knowledge in summoning. She was an extremely social being. As she grew up she became a bigger part in the court. She would often accompany her brother to the Grand Palace and she became an excellent diplomat. She was poised and elegant like her mother and resembled a queen. She was beautiful and quickly caught the eye of many of the boys at the many balls and dinners she would attend at both palaces.
She noticed her brother hovering and did not mind in the slightest for she did not have her eye on any of the boys except for one?
She had met with the royal family many times and quickly became close with the youngest prince because of his witty banter and his playful nature. Them being very close in age, they have hung out together since he was thirteen and her and her brother moved into the  little palace. Other than her brother he was the girl’s closest friend. They often snuck out at night to run through the grounds and play by the lake away from the palace. They confided in each other about their troubles— mainly ranting about their annoying older brothers— and laughed together throughout their growing years. They shared both of their first kisses together and, knowing of her brothers distaste for the girl having a relationship, snuck around the two palaces stealing kisses in empty palace rooms and at their spot along the lake after it was dark. Her brother remained protective of her, and he remained oblivious of their relationship as she promised him she had no interest in anyone. He knew that she was old enough to make her own smart decisions but he was terrified of someone hurting her so he kept her to himself. And hurt was exactly what happened to her
G͏E͏N͏E͏R͏A͏L͏ I͏N͏F͏O͏R͏M͏A͏T͏I͏O͏N͏:
F͏u͏l͏l͏ N͏a͏m͏e͏: Larissa Anastasia Morozova
A͏l͏i͏a͏s͏: N/A
S͏e͏r͏i͏e͏s͏: The Darkest Sea
L͏o͏v͏e͏ i͏n͏t͏e͏r͏e͏s͏t͏: Nikolai Lantsov
A͏g͏e͏: 21
S͏e͏x͏u͏a͏l͏i͏t͏y͏: Bisexual
P͏r͏o͏n͏o͏u͏n͏s͏: She/her
G͏r͏i͏s͏h͏a͏ T͏y͏p͏e͏: Tidemaker
F͏a͏m͏i͏l͏y͏: Baghra (mother) Aleksander Morozova (older brother)
E͏t͏h͏n͏i͏c͏i͏t͏y͏: W͏h͏i͏t͏e͏
N͏a͏t͏i͏o͏n͏a͏l͏i͏t͏y͏: N/A
S͏p͏e͏c͏i͏e͏s͏: H͏u͏m͏a͏n͏
F͏a͏c͏e͏c͏l͏a͏i͏m͏: Claudia Jessie
H͏a͏i͏r͏ C͏o͏l͏o͏u͏r͏: Black
E͏y͏e͏ C͏o͏l͏o͏u͏r͏: B͏l͏u͏e͏
Q͏u͏a͏l͏i͏t͏i͏e͏s͏: Witty. Kind. Independent. Confident. Soft. Brave. Emotional. Compassionate.
M͏o͏r͏a͏l͏ A͏l͏i͏g͏n͏m͏e͏n͏t͏: Neutral Good
M͏y͏e͏r͏s͏ B͏r͏i͏g͏g͏s͏ T͏y͏p͏e͏: ENTP
H͏o͏g͏w͏a͏r͏t͏s͏ H͏o͏u͏s͏e͏: Ravenclaw
↳ reading books
↳ adventure
↳ visiting the coast
↳ respect
↳ stating opinions
↳ manipulation
↳ arrogance
↳ disrespect
↳ forced marriages
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✨ Taglist: @eddysocs @megandaisy9 @ginger-grimm @arrthurpendragon @misshiraethsworld @faerieroyal @daughter-of-melpomene ✨
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Please say more about the modern AU!
I’ve already talked about this in the server so you probably know this lol but basically modern AU where Nikolai and Alina are broke students dating at university, but he’s been really cagey about his family that he never talks to. And has been receiving weird calls and texts from someone Alina assumes to be an ex he broke up with badly. Just like all around kind of weird vibes.
The money situation gets very bad for him and he can’t get student aid (bc of family! they make too much!) which could force him to drop out. He decides to visit them despite ill feelings and ask for money, convincing her to come along for moral support. LOL turns out he’s RICH. or his family is. He’s essentially cut off unless he comes back full time/stops being no contact. But his father, mysteriously ill and kind of senile, has turned to increasingly eccentric and occasionally occult directions in his old age, especially after the death of Nikolai’s older brother (enter the Apparat) and Nikolai wants Alina to play psychic to get their money. His reasoning: it’s his inheritance anyway! They’re just getting it sooner.
The curveball: Aleksander (the ex!) handles all the family’s money/is the father’s power of attorney for the foreseeable future. He berates them for trying to take advantage of a sickly old man, etc etc but also. He’s open to being. convinced. to sign off on their scheme.
The idea is toxic messy Darnikolina fic because they’re all like making each other jealous with each other lmao. I don’t have very much drafted atm (because I’m not supposed to be working on this project lol) so you’ve almost def seen this already but an excerpt:
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
I’ve been meaning to make this post since season 1, but particularly with a book-based fandom as an exclusive show-watcher, it felt premature. After season 2 and the elements added to the narrative, I have an itching in my fingers.
What makes the Darkling, as a villain, so very compelling is the fact that his incredibly fucking valid motivation is just completely swept under the rug. And I mean completely.
I think there might be less appeal to him if there was more acknowledgement to the shit going on in this world, to be honest? I just find it completely impossible to actually root for the “good” guys because I don’t... see an argument made for what they stand.
It’s a tale as old as time, when it comes to storytelling.
You have a character and his motivation is that his people are being mistreated, abused and straight-up murdered by an oppressive force and he won’t stand for it anymore.
Now, here’s the problem with that. This does not read like a villain’s motivation. Not at all. So the author will sprinkle a good amount of murder and atrocities in there to show the audience that This Is The Bad Guy and the majority of the audience with then nod along with this. And, gotta say, really working well in this fandom, it’s baffling how much blind hatred I see for Aleksander based on all of the murder and atrocities but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone outside the people who like Aleksander bring up that what he actually stands for is right. So, that worked, I guess.
The bigger problem with these narratives however, the much, much bigger problem, is that usually, it creates a hero who doesn’t stand for anything. Because instead of giving the hero the same motivation - especially in cases where the hero comes from the same oppressed group, and they usually do - and making the hero find a better solution for this problem, a heroic solution, a no-murder-and-no-atrocities solution, the hero just... fights the villain.
The hero fights the villain to ensure the status quo, very often even directly in the name of the oppressive force. And that’s exactly what’s happening here and I’m not having a good time with that, fellas.
I love Nikolai as a character - would love him 300% more if he was just a pirate and not a prince. Because now he is just... the latest... in a long line of monarchs. And Alina aligns herself with the same bloodline that’s been oppressing Grisha for centuries. And Alina fights in their name and at their side. And Alina is now, in the aftermath, rebuilding... the status quo.
She wants Zoya to train the Grisha, back at the palace, so they can once again serve the royal family and work under the non-Grisha. She is actively helping Nikolai claim his family’s throne. Again, I like Nikolai as a character, and you could give me a whole list of book spoilers of what amazing changes he may make once he’s king or whatever, that doesn’t change the core premise of what he symbolizes and what system is being supported here.
If it were at least the narrative of her wanting the throne, her wanting active change. A Grisha on the throne, who would rule the people, would change the laws and the way her people are ruled, but instead, she’s playing side-piece to the exact same royal family and helping them stay in power and... what about that is satisfying?
What about that is worth rooting for? Why am I supposed to be on that side?
Everyone seems to have very personal feelings on that matter that really are about Aleksander, as a character, and are very specifically about the atrocities and murders that were written for this exact reason and I... really struggle with this.
It’s so lazy. I think the Grishaverse is a very interesting world with a whole lot of potential and the characters in it are absolutely amazing - this world does live off its characters alone, honestly. But the very core confrontation that we’re presented with is incredibly lazy and unsatisfactory.
I understand that Aleksander is supposed to be the villain. I understand you’re not going to have Alina join his side. But... Alina didn’t have to join the side of the monarchy either. Alina could have had her own side, she could have fought for genuine change and true freedom for the Grisha and that would have been a cause to get behind.
But as things stand? As things stand, I quite honestly rather support the guy who has seen centuries of oppression, enslavement and murder of their kind and wants to end it with all means rather than the side that fights for the status quo.
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