#alex boyajian
sinceileftyoublog · 10 months
Dazy, Lifeguard, & Illusion Of Choice Live Show Review: 12/4, Cobra Lounge, Chicago
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I'm not sure what Dazy does at a faster pace these days: tour or release tunes. Since we caught his Chicago debut of full-band arrangements in January, he's come to town twice more, including last night's stop at the Cobra Lounge. And mere months after releasing OUTOFBODY in 2022, in March, James Goodson shared songs recorded around the same time in the form of the cheekily titled OTHERBODY. The record continued the vibe of Dazy's debut LP, from the "Revolution" crunch of opener "I Know Nothing At All" to the sugary noise of "Every Little Thing". Just two months ago, Dazy shared the Ryan Hemsworth-assisted "Forced Perspective" (Lame-O), a collection of rounded country pop guitar riffs, a chirpy electric beat, and an uneasy, yet anthemic chorus.
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Dazy's James Goodson
Always writing and always playing, it must be hard for Goodson to pick a setlist on a nightly basis. A year-plus removed from OUTOFBODY and over two years from MAXIMUMBLASTSUPERLOUD: The First 24 Songs, Dazy's set at the Cobra Lounge felt like as close as you can get right now to "the hits," the crowd pumping fists, banging heads, and singing along to favorites "On My Way", "Split", "The Perfect Crime", "Pressure Cooker", and "Invisible Thing". I was just as happy, though, to see Goodson lean into the sweet, softer side of Dazy. "Forced Perspective", with its curly bass and guitar scrapes, was a highlight, as was "Every Little Thing", "could be a country hit" "Rollercoaster Ride", and set closer "Out of Body". "Is that my brain hanging by a thread?" Goodson sang on "Out of Body"; as much as he may have been disassociating at the time of writing the song, his everyday anxieties have certainly provided ample creative fodder for some of the best power pop of the past half-decade.
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Chicago's Lifeguard opened for Dazy, which was perhaps anybody's final chance to see the band in an opening slot at a venue as small as Cobra Lounge. The hyped three-piece, formed in 2019, signed to Matador Records earlier this year. Let's get it out of the way: Yes, drummer Isaac Lowenstein's sister Penelope is in labelmates Horsegirl, and bassist Asher Case's father is Brian Case of FACS (and formerly of Disappears, The Ponys, and 90 Day Men). Thankfully, Lifeguard is a beast of its own, combining chanted vocals with clanging, metallic guitars and dexterous, repetitively pummeling drums. Earlier this year, Matador re-released the band's 2022 EP Crowd Can Talk along with a collection of new material, Dressed in Trenches. Live, Lifeguard showed what they're truly about: off-kilter time signatures, uneven song sections, moments where you can't tell when they're warming up or about to switch gears. When they played "17-18 Lovesong", Case's rounded bass and monotone vocals wiggled around Kai Slater's stabbing guitars and falsetto off-beat harmonies, though the band never let you get too comfortably hypnotized in a groove. They finished with their newest song, the uncharacteristically poppy and straightforward (yet very welcome!) "In The City". You never know what's next with Lifeguard, and they're just getting started.
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Illusion of Choice
Starting off the night was another local institution, four-piece shoegaze indie rock band Illusion of Choice. Most of their songs revolved around the atmospheres you'd expect with a genre descriptor like that: Alex Rackow's distorted guitars, Judith Pelkowski's heavy bass lines, Alex Boyajian's mammoth snares, and Tyler Tumminaro's sharp, nasal vocal delivery. Occasionally, they added elements of jangly surf, but for the most part, they chugged along deliberately, like on "Circling the Drain" and standout set closer "Bad Boy". Overall, Illusion of Choice offered an appropriate middle ground between Dazy's hooks and Lifeguard's deconstructed songs.
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armeniaitn · 3 years
ANCA Summer Interns Rally to Block U.S. Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Expand Artsakh and Armenia Assistance
New Post has been published on https://armenia.in-the.news/society/anca-summer-interns-rally-to-block-u-s-military-aid-to-azerbaijan-expand-artsakh-and-armenia-assistance-75804-03-07-2021/
ANCA Summer Interns Rally to Block U.S. Military Aid to Azerbaijan; Expand Artsakh and Armenia Assistance
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Hybrid Remote and DC Program Continues 35-Year Tradition of ANCA Youth Empowerment   WASHINGTON—The 2021 Armenian National Committee of America Summer internship class is championing Congressional advocacy efforts to defend Artsakh, strengthen U.S.-Armenia ties, and secure justice for the Armenian Genocide, as the organization celebrates the 35th year of the Leo Sarkisian Internship and expansion of the Maral Melkonian Avetisyan Fellowship (Maral Melkonian Fellowship) and Hovig Apo Saghdejian Capital Gateway Program summer internship (CGP Internship).   “This year’s hybrid – remote and Washington, DC-based – program is designed to leverage the best of online and in-person training opportunities to help ANCA Summer internship participants take their pro-Artsakh/Armenia advocacy to the next level,” said ANCA Programs Director Alex Manoukian.  “We are excited to welcome these incredibly talented university students from across the US and UK, as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of our Washington, DC youth empowerment initiatives.”
  The initial focus for Leo Sarkisian Internship, Maral Fellowship, and CGP Internship participants has been to zero-out U.S. military arms and assistance to Azerbaijan, encourage over $250 million in aid to Artsakh, and $100 million in aid to Armenia as the U.S. House and Senate begin consideration of the Fiscal Year 2022 foreign aid bill.  Interns are working closely with ANCA Government Affairs Director Tereza Yerimyan in reaching out to U.S. Senate and House members to discuss the latest challenges facing Armenia and Artsakh resulting from Turkey and Azerbaijan’s attacks last fall, and the Aliyev regime’s ongoing aggression and illegal imprisonment of over 200 Armenian POWs.
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The Leo Sarkisian Internship – named after the late ANCA Eastern U.S. community leader and Hai Tahd advocate – empowers dedicated Armenians in their efforts to achieve justice for the Armenian Genocide, freedom for Artsakh, and a secure and prosperous Armenian homeland. The LSI was established in 1986 and now has hundreds of alumni across the world.  For the third year, LSI is running concurrently with the Maral Melkonian Avetisyan Fellowship, named after the devoted youth advocate who dedicated her life to helping the Armenian homeland.   LSI interns and Maral Melkonian fellows are selected through a highly competitive application process with acceptance based on academic excellence and demonstrated capacity for community leadership. While in Washington, DC, summer interns will stay at The Aramian House, an eight-bedroom former bed and breakfast located in Washington DC’s historic Dupont Circle neighborhood, just a short walk from the ANCA headquarters.   The 2021 Leo Sarkisian interns are Antranig Asmarian, Mari Bijimenian, Nvard Chalabyan, Rita Cherchian, Shaunt Kludjian, and Garen Meguerditchian. Joining them are ANCA Maral Melkonian Avetisyan Summer Fellow Anais Boyajian, and Capital Gateway Program interns Alex Avanesyan, Alenoush Nahapetian Davis, and Eric Nazarian.   Meet the 2021 ANCA Leo Sarkisian Interns
Antranig Asmarian is a senior at Indiana’s DePauw University, studying political science with a minor in philosophy. Antranig grew up in the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) in Syria and today is active in strengthening U.S.-Armenia ties through various organizations.
“No matter the trauma, distance or status quo, Armenians are bound by not only our history and culture but as well as our commitment to our Homeland,” stated Asmarian. “Armenia’s future is dependent on the vigilance and resilience of its youth, and as the youth of Armenia we promise to make our ancestors and future generations proud.”
Mari Bijimenian is a rising senior at St. John’s University studying sociology and philosophy, active in the New York AYF Hyortik Chapter leadership and Holy Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church Armenian Church Youth Organization (ACYOA).,
“By participating in the ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship Program, I wish to learn how the political platform in the U.S. can be used to further the Armenian Cause. I look forward to acquiring the skills necessary to further the work of Armenian advocates that have come before me and achieve justice for the Armenian nation.”
Nvard Chalabyan is a second-year student at University College London pursuing a BSc in bioprocessing of new medicines (science and engineering). She is one of two interns participating from the United Kingdom and serves as president of the University College London Armenian Society.
‘During a time when I am feeling powerless, unable to help Armenia, the ANCA Leo Sarkisian Internship gives me the opportunity to empower myself, empower my voice, and empower my community,” explained Chalabyan.
Rita Cherchian, also from the United Kingdom, recently graduated high school and will be attending the University College London, studying law. She served for years as an assistant teacher at London’s Armenian Saturday School.
“My ambition is to emulate the ANCA’s actions in the United Kingdom, advancing recognition of Armenian legal and political issues whilst raising a greater appreciation for Armenian culture in my local community,” said Cherchian. “As a prospective Law student, my experience as a Leo Sarkissian intern will arm me with the skills I need to advocate for international justice, both for Armenians and as a greater humanitarian obligation.”
Shaunt Kludjian is a rising junior at the University of Southern California studying political science, and active with both the USC Armenian Students Association and ANCA Western Region.
Kludjian is interested in developing a greater understanding of how to advance the Hai Tahd. “Helping Armenia has always been an interest of mine and my peers. We are all ready and excited to work in service to the Armenian nation in the United States,” stated Kludjian  
Garen Meguerditchian is a rising sophomore double majoring in applied math and quantitative economics at Tufts University, where he is active in the Tufts Armenian Club.
“Growing up as a proud Armenian-American, from a very young age I have been instilled with the duty to preserve and champion the Armenian Cause both within the Diaspora and in the fatherland,” said Meguerditchian. “During this inflection point of my life, as I acquire new skills and propel myself into the professional world, the Leo Sarkisian Internship serves as the perfect opportunity not only to hone skills and build connections in a field I find fascinating but also to better understand the modern hurdles for my people, and the means in which I can not only be beneficial but lead lasting and meaningful change.”
Meet the 2020 ANCA Maral Melkonian Avetisyan Summer Fellow
Anais Boyajian is a rising sophomore at Seton Hall University studying diplomacy and international relations, and actively working to restart the Armenian Students Association at her university.  She grew up an active member of the AYF New Jersey Arsen Junior Chapter and the St. Leon Armenian Church community.
“Growing up, I have been active in my Armenian community, and always admired the passion and perseverance of our people and culture,” explained Boyajian. “I chose to participate in the Maral Melkonian Avetisyan fellowship because I want to be able to help further Hai Tahd within both my local community and nationally.  I am looking forward to bringing what I will learn from this internship to the pursuit of my diplomacy degree as well as my school’s Armenian Student Association.”
Meet the 2020 ANCA Capital Gateway Program Summer Interns
Alex Avanesyan joins the ANCA summer program as a rising high school senior at Washington DC’s prestigious Sidwell Friends School.
“By participating in this program, I aim to become a more impactful advocate by learning about ANCA’s work with the federal government and the Armenian-American community,” stated Avanesyan. “I also hope to develop the skills I need in order to work to further the Armenian Cause, in addition to deepening my connection to my community and my heritage.”
Alenoush Nahapetian Davis is an incoming freshman at the University of Delaware, double majoring in history and Japanese, who grew up active in the Washington DC AYF Sevan junior chapter.
“I wanted to intern with the ANCA this summer to reconnect myself with the Armenian community, and do my part to help the Armenian Cause,” said Nahapetian Davis. “I’m so happy that I am going to be an active participant at the ANCA, and help my fellow Armenians here, and around the world.”
Eric Nazarian is a rising senior at George Washington University, studying political science and minoring in history.
“Being an Armenian from Yerevan and studying abroad my whole life has taught me the importance of connecting our Diaspora with our Homeland,” said Nazarian. “I hope my new experiences at the ANCA will shape and sharpen my analytical and diplomatic skills so that I can bring more investments and interests into Armenia.”
Read original article here.
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arxiv-astro-ph · 6 years
[ Authors ] Joseph R. Schmitt, Andrei Tokovinin, Ji Wang, Debra A. Fischer, Martti H. Kristiansen, Daryll M. LaCourse, Robert Gagliano, Arvin Joseff V. Tan, Hans Martin Schwengeler, Mark R. Omohundro, Alexander Venner, Ivan Terentev, Allan R. Schmitt, Thomas L. Jacobs, Troy Winarski, Johann Sejpka, Kian J. Jek, Tabetha S. Boyajian, John M. Brewer, Sascha T. Ishikawa, Chris Lintott, Stuart Lynn, Kevin Schawinski, Alex Weiksnar [ Abstract ] We present high resolution observations of a sample of 75 K2 targets from Campaigns 1-3 using speckle interferometry on the Southern Astrophysical Research (SOAR) telescope and adaptive optics (AO) imaging at the Keck II telescope. The median SOAR $I$-band and Keck $K_s$-band detection limits at 1'' were $\Delta m_{I}=4.4$ mag and $\Delta m_{K_s}=6.1$ mag, respectively. This sample includes 37 stars likely to host planets, 32 targets likely to be EBs, and 6 other targets previously labeled as likely planetary false positives. We find nine likely physically bound companion stars within 3'' of three candidate transiting exoplanet host stars and six likely eclipsing binaries (EB). Six of the nine detected companions are new discoveries, one of them associated with a planet candidate (EPIC 206061524). Among the EB candidates, companions were only found near the shortest period ones ($P<3$ days), which is in line with previous results showing high multiplicity near short-period binary stars. This high resolution data, including both the detected companions and the limits on potential unseen companions, will be useful in future planet vetting and stellar multiplicity rate studies for planets and binaries.
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