#alex is like jesus christ ivy let me catch my breath
WAIT WAIT WAIT Alex and Ivy Monster F*ck1ng 😮‍💨 the possibilities.😂 I honestly hadn’t thought about it but would Ivy really be into it? 🫣
Ivy is still Helion's granddaughter, you know? She's got some fears. She's eyeing that golden monster in front of her like, I don't know about this Alex.
She's also her mothers daughter. And Elain Archeron likes to run through the forest hoping to get caught.
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littledreamybeth · 7 years
Miya Ivy
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Part one
A/N: I really feel like I suck at writing recently! :D I try not to compare myself with other writers because everyone works different but well it’s hard. I think this is one of the side effects if you have not English as your first language! Anyway, hope you enjoy this! (Picture is not mine)
“She’s almost there, love! I need just a few more pushes!” the lovely midwife called, encouraging the young woman lying in front of her who had her legs spread wide open. (Y/N) had been in the process of delivering their second child to the world and to be honest she was nearly at the verge of giving up. A wave of immense pain consumed her whole body, giving her the feeling of being ripped apart in two halves. It was the most aching birth that she ever had to endure.
Her back was pressed against her husband’s chest who sat right behind her. One hand ran through her now wet and sweaty hair while his other hand was intertwined with hers to give her the opportunity to squeeze it whenever she was in pain. His own eyes swam in salty tears and sweet words of encouragement left his mouth. Knowing that his wife was going through so much pain, more than she could ever handle and he was just sitting there with desperation and worry, made him feel helpless. All he wanted to do was taking the pain away from her but he knew he couldn’t.
He was concerned about her health because there had been a few moments where (Y/N) struggled with her breathing. Her entire face took a shade of red whenever she was ordered to push and Alex had to remind her more than once to breathe.
“I-I can’t anymore!” (Y/N) cried, wishing with her entire heart that it would be over soon. Her body was almost drained out of power and she had no more strength to keep pushing.
Alex peppered her temple with kisses, telling her that she was doing great and that she needed to hold on. He wiped away the tears that escaped from her eyes with his thump.
“A little bit more, darling and we’re going to hold our baby in our arms,” he sweetly spoke to her. “I know she’s going to look so much like you, like her beautiful mother. She will have your eyes, your nose, your lips, and your incredible personality. She will be just like the woman her father loves so much. We’re almost there, love. You can do this! I believe in you. You’re a strong, my love.”
Another contraction hit (Y/N) and with a loud scream she gave a next push.
“The head is out!” the midwife called with excitement. “You’re doing great, love! Come on give me a one last push.”
And (Y/N) gathered all her strength, all the power that was left in her and pushed and pushed and pushed until the room was filled with a baby’s cry. She rested her back again on Alex’ chest, exhaustion and tiredness overwhelmed her.  This time tears of relief ran down her cheeks as the midwife wrapped the newborn in a towel and laid it on her chest.
“There we go. A healthy baby girl.”
“Jesus Christ, she’s so tiny,” Alex breathed out, looking at his baby in awe. His mind couldn’t really process that she was finally there. He was completely embraced with shock, but also happiness. He carefully stroked the tiny cheek of the infant, feeling its softness consuming him. He couldn’t put into words how he felt right now. He was utterly proud of his wife.
While the baby was cleaned and put into some baby clothes, Alex helped his wife to get cleaned up while uncountable words of praise left his mouth. (Y/N) had made him a father for a second time and he was beyond grateful for this gift. He loved her more than his life but right now he shared more love and more passion for this woman than he could ever express. She gave him two precious children, something he was very grateful for. He would spend his entire life to make it up to her. Every pain, every scream, every tear would be replaced by affectionate actions of pure love.
(Y/N) placed the newborn in her arms and weighted her back and forth. Alex was beside her with a wide smile on his lips. His shining green eyes could have brightened the whole world in no time.
“Miya Ivy, welcome to the world, little baby girl,” he greeted his new love. He promised he would do anything to protect her and her older brother Luke. His family meant so much to him, without them he would be a no one. He was so grateful of getting the privilege of being a father. With Alex by their side, they wouldn’t be alone in this world, he would make sure that they got everything they needed. He would work hard for them so he could fulfill every wish they had.
“She’s so beautiful,” (Y/N) sighed. “I really don’t know what to say.”
“She’s a pretty little one, eh? Just like her mummy.” 
He kissed his wife softly, expressing his emotions that flooded through him with a single kiss.
It was in the middle of the night as Alex stormed out of his bed when he heard his baby girl crying. When it came to Miya, he had a very good hearing. Whenever she cried because she needed something, Alex was not too far away. He would cradle her in his arms and would make sure that she felt better. It would be an understatement to say that he was not protective over her. No, he was very over protective. More often than once he caught himself getting jealous once somebody who was not him or his wife held her. They received many visits of family and friends and honestly, Alex couldn’t wait them to disappear so he could spend some time with his little girl again. Every minute was precious and important with him. One day his baby girl would grow to a wonderful and pretty young woman and times like these would be over.
He was afraid and not ready for this. He wanted to savor every second with his children.
“Hey, baby girl,” he cooed as he arrived to the nursery, taking her out of her crib. They had placed a rocking chair right next to the crib and Alex sat onto it carefully with his baby in his arms.
“Don’t cry, darling. Daddy is here. You don’t have to be afraid anymore. What’s the matter, huh?”
Alex started to hum a lullaby, which had become one of Miya’s favorite. She calmed down immediately whenever he sung that to her. Besides Alex had a very good voice, that also soothed and relaxed his wife when she was stressed out.
“I really hope you’re not hungry yet because I can’t bring myself to wake up your mummy.” 
He laughed slightly. (Y/N) had already spent many nights without rest and sleep because Alex had to work the next day. But he wanted to support her as much as he could. When he was out of the house, earning money for the family, (Y/N) was required to take care after two little children. Luke could be a hard deal sometimes and (Y/N) needed all her patience and strength. And now with Miya around it would be harder for her. That’s why Alex made sure that his mother was at least there when he couldn’t.
“You’re daddy’s girl, aren’t you? Daddy loves you so much, princess. And you know what? We will have so much fun together. You and me and Luke and mummy. I will buy you as much as dolls as you want, as much as toys as you want because daddy wants you to be happy, princess. Whatever that is what you wish you will have it, I promise. But just for your information, no boys until you’re not out of college, yes? Daddy wants to be the only one for his baby girl. I want to be your hero, darling.”
“She will always look up to you.” 
The sweet sound of his wife’s voice startled him. (Y/N) leaned against the doorway with crossed arms, watching her husband interacting with their daughter.
“Why are you up, darling?” Alex asked. “Go back to sleep. You need it.”
(Y/N) entered the nursery. “I woke up because a certain someone was missing. You know I cannot sleep without you. The bed is cold without your warmth.” She bent down to kiss his forehead. Alex closed his eyes at the tingly sensation that her kiss had left on his skin.
“She’s lucky to have someone like you as her daddy,” (Y/N) said. “She doesn’t know right know but she’ll figure it out when she’s older. But we can’t keep her forever.” She referred to what he had told Miya before (Y/N) interrupted the father-daughter moment.
“I don’t want her to grow up, neither Luke,” Alex mumbled truthfully. When he just thought about how fast three years have passed since Luke was born, he couldn’t even imagine how it would be the same with Miya Ivy.
“Me too, love. But let’s not think about it for now, okay? Whatever happens, she’ll always be our little girl, the same goes for Luke as well.”
(Y/N) made sure to treat her children all equally. She didn’t want any of them to feel less valuable. Especially Luke shouldn’t feel this way because Miya was now around. The little boy often asked his parents if they still loved him because he noticed that his parents had not much time for him anymore like they used to. Alex made sure to explain while certain things had changed, but they would still love him so much.
The young couple gazed at the infant, watching her chest lifting and falling. Miya slept so peacefully with soft snores escaping her little mouth and Alex couldn’t dare to place her into her crib again.
“I’ll go ahead,” (Y/N) informed him. “Don’t be too late, okay? I already miss you in bed.”
“I won’t,” he promised.
After spending a few more minutes with his baby girl, carefully placed her into her crib again, covering her tightly with her blanket so she wouldn’t catch a cold. Giving her a kiss on her head, he whispered, “Goodnight angel. Sleep well.”
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