#alexander platz
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A billboard in Berlin
Get fucking destroyed by the mud wizard you bastards.
This is on the northern side of the Alexander Platz. A place with a lot of police presence for a long time and it's still one of the most unsafe places in Berlin.
Also there is an empty building in sight line of this billboard, which is used by the homeless since it has been empty for years, but the police regularly force everyone inside back onto the street.
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2-autisten-on-tour · 2 years
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cait-curious · 1 year
Alexander Goth dropped his younger daughter Johnna off at Sim State, his alma mater.
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"Wow, college! Maybe I'll meet some boys who aren't related to me!"
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Two of Johnna's high school classmates came to Sim State, too- Chandler Platz and Tegan Dreamer. Although she was happy to be spreading her wings at college, her cousin and now good friend Danny Welsh-Goth came to visit a few times.
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In fact, Danny visited Johnna so much that he became friends with Tegan, too. He called the dorm frequently, asking to speak to Tegan just about as often as Johnna.
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rumoursjunior · 2 years
Goth Family Round 1
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well we have an answer to this!
yes, that relationship happened.
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They Got married!
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then jumped for joy?
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Cass' Pregnacy Confirmed!
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Dina renovated the house.
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then quickly had her first child of many.
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named Orson Goth
Orson Toddler photos
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Then Cassandra had twins.
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William and Wilma
Now a Doble Honeymoon!
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Tanning and Burning.
Don and Dina went on a secret date!
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And right when they arrived home...
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Cassandra Left don
Mortimer stayed with Dina and they had two more children!
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and alex aged up with Chloe and Chandler
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and Alex had his first kiss, love, relationship and woohoo!
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and mortimer found a note and broke up with dina
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thats all
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bspoquemagazine · 3 months
BFW | Berlin Fashion Week SS25: HIGHLIGHTS 6 / 7
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juniper-simblr · 1 year
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Greetings from Pleasantview Year one: introduction
Here is the town of Pleasantview.
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It has a nice "surburban" feel to it and heavily features architectural gems from the 1950's, but also a more 'modern' district around Main Street with both condos and a shopping street.
There's currently 25 sims spread across 8 households in the town:
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150 Main Street: Lothario household. Don Lothario lives here alone.
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170 Main Street: Caliente household. Nina & Dina Caliente lives here.
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195 Main Street: Dreamer household. Darren & Dirk Dreamer lives here.
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Pleasantview Orphanage: The Oldie household. Herb & Coral Oldie lives here along with the five orphaned children of Pleasantview; Orlando Bertino, Chloe Gonzaga, Brittany Parker, Chandler Platz & Marsha Bruenig.
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170 Sim Lane: The Burb household. John, Jennifer & Lucy Burb lives here.
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165 Sim Lane: The Goth household. Mortimer, Cassandra & Alexander Goth lives here.
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215 Sim Lane: The Pleasant household. Mary-Sue, Daniel, Lilith & Angela Pleasant lives here.
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55 Woodland Drive: The Broke household. Brandi, Dustin & Beau Broke lives here.
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segretecose · 9 months
literally alexander platz auf wiedersehen c'era la neeeeve ci vediamo questa sera fuori dal teatro ti piace schubert?
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benkaden · 7 months
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"Viele Grüße von meiner Jugendweihefahrt"
APOLDA Alexander-Puschkin-Platz Brunnen am Alexander-Puschkin-Platz Bahnhofstraße Rathaus
Meiningen: Straub & Fischer Meiningen (V 11 50 S 4/81/3025 8265)
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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The Brave Headmaster: Dr. Erich Klibansky
He saved five entire classes.
Dr. Erich Klibansky was the headmaster of a Jewish high school in Germany who saved dozens of his students by teaching them English and arranging for them to join the Kindertransport to safety in Great Britain.
Born in Frankfurt to a religious family in 1900, Erich was an exceptional student who studied history, German literature and Romanian languages at university. He married Meta David and together they moved to Breslau, where they both taught at Jewish schools. Their son Hans-Rafael was born in 1928, and the next year the family moved to Cologne, where they had two more sons, Alexander and Michael. Erich became headmaster at the Yavne Jewish gymnasium (high school) in Cologne. It was the only Jewish high school in that part of Germany, the Rhineland. Yavne was a co-ed school teaching both Jewish and secular subjects. His wife Meta also worked at Yavne teaching English. The family found a spacious apartment in Volksgartenstrasse, a desirable part of town.
Erich – known to his students as Dr. Klibansky – was immediately popular with students and staff at the school. They appreciated his warm manner and personal interest in every student, as well as his strong leadership at a difficult time.
Germany was in a severe economic crisis, and as a private school Yavne didn’t get any subsidy from the state. Erich’s job as headmaster became focused on fundraising. Motivated to ensure that any Jewish student in Cologne could get a good education despite financial hardship, Erich successfully raised money to keep the school open. As his reputation grew, young Jews started coming to Yavneh from outside Cologne and soon the newcomers made up a quarter of the student body.
As the Nazis came to power in the 1930’s the situation grew grim for Jews in Germany. In 1937 the Klibansky family was forced out of their nice apartment in Volksgartenstrasse and relocated to a tiny flat in a squalid slum. After the Kristallnacht pogrom in November 1938, it became clear there was no future for Jews in Germany. At this point, Erich’s mission as headmaster of Yavne changed. Previously, the school was focused on training the students for exams and university but now the only important thing was survival. He heard about the Kindertransport, an organized rescue effort bringing Jewish children from Nazi-controlled areas to safety in England. Erich determined to get his students on the Kindertransport, and in fact hoped to relocate the entire school to England.
He re-focused the school curriculum to provide intensive English-language instruction for all students in preparation for their escape. Erich reached out to prominent Jews in London and got support for his plan to move Yavne high school to England. The Central British Council for Refugees arranged for the students to stay in a college dormitory.
By summer 1939, Erich was able to send five entire classes of students – a total of 130 people – on the Kindertransport to England. His plan was to get all the students out and then join them in England with his family. However everything came to a halt when war broke out in 1939. The borders were sealed, as was the fate of the Klibansky family and those students who hadn’t left yet. Erich, his wife and three young sons managed to hide from the Nazis until July 1942, when they were arrested and transported to an unknown location. On July 25, the family of five was shot in a wooded area in Belarus and, dying, dumped in a prepared pit.
The brave headmaster’s story has been largely forgotten, but in 1990 a square in Cologne where Yavne high school used to be was dedicated to him and renamed the Erich Klibansky Platz.
For saving the lives of 130 Jewish students, we honor Erich Klibansky as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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cocainaenvenenada · 1 month
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Alexander Platz — (East) Berlin (c. 1975).
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Nanographik ig (Arnaud Giroux)
"The dystopian world of Emigrate. Some images used (or not) for the CD version of “The Persistence Of Memories” Emigrate album. I guess this is where he is now…
#emigrate #emigratefans #emigrateband #digitalart #digitalartistsoninstagram #thepersistenceofmemory"
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"The dystopian world of Emigrate. Some images used (or not) for the CD version of “The Persistence Of Memories” Emigrate album. The Germans didn’t like too much seeing Alexander Platz underwater, I guess."
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fabiansteinhauer · 20 days
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Rechte wahrnehmen
Rechte wahrnehmen: das ist ästhetische Praxis. Recht besteht nicht allein aus Kommunikation. Die Ästhetik ist nicht nur Disziplin des Urteilens. Ästhetische Praxis ist die im Alltag geübte Kunst, bei der Teilung der Sinne passioniert und aktiv zu kooperieren: auch bei der Teilung ihres 'Tragens und Trachtens' zu kooperieren. In den letzten Jahren ist als Bilderstreit auch ein sog. Kampf um Sichtbarkeit bekannt und zur Agenda geworden, aber auch nicht darin erschöpft sich die ästhetische Praxis der Wahrnehmung von Rechten. Warburgs finale Arbeiten zum Recht entwickeln ästhetische Praxis nicht aus dem Urteilen heraus, sondern aus dem Kreditieren heraus. Sein Distanzschaffen gibt dem Ansehen-schaffen einen besonderen Sinn, nicht als Lieferung oder Dienstleistung, sondern als ein komplexes Kalkül, Verhältnisse auf wendige Weise durchschaubar zu entfalten. Auch Warburg kann nur ein Beispiel für ästhetische Praxis sein. Der Platz einer großen Referenz kann nur frei gehalten werden. Was die ästhetische Praxis wahrnehmbarer Rechte ist, muss noch einmal archäologisch wieder ermittelt und darüber hinaus entworfen werden.
Ästhetische Praxis lässt erscheinen, auch im Licht, auch im Schatten. Ästhetische Praxis lässt entfernen, sogar verschwinden (denn nichts verschwindet von selbst, alles nur durch Entfernung). Ästhetische Praxis misst in vollem Sinne (sie gibt Maße, sie zählt und macht, das etwas zählt, bis hin dazu, dass sie vermissen, also begehren lässt). Ästhetische Praxis schätzt und mustert: in ihrem Namen kann man fassen, was auch unter anderen Bezeichnungen, etwa Rhetorik, Poetik, ars, Kunst oder (Kultur-)Technik gefasst wird. Ästhetische Praxis fingiert, simuliert, dissimuliert, sie produziert Kontrafakturen, sie symbolisiert und imaginiert, lässt Worte und Bilder geben und nehmen, sie orientiert, lässt handeln und händeln. Ästhetische Praxis macht, was Censoren vor der sog. Enteignung der Wahrsager machten: Sie macht wahrnehmbar, ohne die Frage nach der Wahrheit zur Frage nach dem Gesetz machen.
Innerhalb der Frankfurter Schule entfaltet die Abteilung Benjamin, was ästhetische Praxis ist. Der bekannteste Vertreter der Abteilung Benjamin ist Benjamin - und für die ästhetische Praxis sind seine akademischen Schreiben auf spezielle Weise hilfreich. Ich fürchte sagen zu müssen, dass die Kritik der Gewalt mir nicht hilft (das Hilfreiche daran haben allerdings andere, das muss gesagt werden, hat vor allem Hamacher abgeschöpft). Benjamins Prosa, seine fulminant flatternden Zettel (die sog. geschichtsphilosophischen Thesen), seine Erzählungen, das traurige Tagebuch aus Moskau: das hilft mir, ästhetische Praxis zu entwickeln.
Dann, Schüler? Da denke ich, was Frankfurt betrifft, nur an die Abteilung Benjamin, also zuerst an Brock (biographisch gefördert) und an Alexander Kluge. An die Abteilung Nichtbenjamin zu denken, also etwa an Klaus Günther oder Fischer-Lescano, das fällt mir ehrlich gesagt schwer, vielleicht müsste mir mal jemand dabei helfen. Salopp gesagt: Im Sinn für Angemessenheit, ein Buch, an dem sich die Bezeichnung der Abteilung Nichtbenjamin entzündet hat, weil er erstaunlicherweise explizit nicht erwähnt wird, gibt esgar keine Bilder, nicht einmal Diagramme oder wenigstens Fotos, auch keine von Trachten, Kleidungen, Gesten und Architekturen. Der Sinn für Angemessenheit ist in Abteilung Nichtbenjamin der Sinn, der sich höher qualifiziert hat und nicht mehr soweit ins Sinnliche ragt, dass das zu berücksichtigen wäre. Und die Verteidigung einziger möglicher Wege, auf die sich Fischer-Lescano mit seiner Entwicklung des Einzigen und seiner Eigenkraft spezialisiert hat, kommt mir suspekt vor.
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togetherkru · 2 years
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Hi Sunflowerkru !! Here I am again after 5 intense days in Berlin with my 47 students. I’m so sorry for last week, i even didn’t tag anyone lol... We had some minor problems to deal with (a boy who smoked, some students who were sick) but nothing serious in the end. It was very cold (-2°C) but the city was already decorated for Christmas, and the atmosphere was magical. After 2 years of Covid and anxiety, it felt good. And the students were, I think, overall very happy. They saw a lot of things in a short time.
For the pics you’ll find : Alexander Platz, das Brandenburger Tor, die Hackesche Höfe, East Side Gallery, Schloss Sans Souci in Potsdam (I take the risk to show you the group, but i don’t think anyone can recognize anyone here...) and a Christmas Market.
Now my life is back on track, between work and family, and I am thinking of you all.
Tagging/sending much love to : @pendragaryen @natassakar @geekyogicheese @kateemcintyre @igotbellarkeforthat @roguetwelve @isweartobreathe @carrieeve, @ninappon @bookwormforalways, @lee-em-dee@broashwhat @moreflowersthanweeds @jeanie205  @kizo2703 @immortalpramheda @bellamyblake @infp-with-all-the-feelings (thank you sm for beginning BFSN last week Care <3) @brightblakes @heartbellamy and  @julibernardo
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tabsnaomi · 8 months
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ginkovskij · 7 months
tagged by @lafcadiosadventures
five current favorite songs*:
Кукушка, Кино
Мои друзья, Кино
Perfect Day, Lou Reed
Crisi Metropolitana, Giuni Russo
Alexander Platz, Franco Battiato
tagging in turn: @earthly-apples, @lenskij, @boyruggeroii, @suresne (if you want (: )
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