#alfie Solomons x you
warnersister · 9 months
“The silent treatment” Alfie Solomons x Reader
Alfie Solomons x Wife!Reader
You can’t stay mad and quiet at him forever, at least not if he can help it.
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You looked Alfie in the eyes before you shook your head and turned around, walking away from your husband. “Where are you going?” You stayed silent, walking up the stairs to get yourself ready for bed. He creased his brows and followed closely behind you. “You can’t just stop an argument by not talking.” You didn’t even acknowledge him, just undoing the back to your dress and allowing it to fall to the floor; unclipping your hair from your updo and letting it fall.
Alfie felt offended: that was his job; you always let him take down your hair.
“Ziskeit, the silent treatment isn’t the way to go about this.” He told you, but you just wandered off to put your slip dress and slide into bed. Alfie was still stood in the doorway in disbelief, watching as you went on about your day as if you didn’t live with your husband of three years.
“Poppet-” click the lamp beside your bed turned off and Alfie’s jaw was on the floor, tutting at you. How dare you? He went about his own nightly routine, trying not to seem wounded by his lack of goodnight kisses and giggles as he’d tickle your neck with his beard. Eventually, he laid beside you and put an arm around your waist but it was shrugged off. “Look treacle I don’t care how fucked off you are with me, right. But I should be able to sleep comfortably with my wife.” He said, gruffly into your ear; moving again to replace his hand.
Again, you’d pushed it off. “Fucking unbelievable. Cant touch my own wife.” He’s grumbled, turning over and crossing his arms to try to force himself to sleep angrily when all he really wanted was your embrace on a cold night.
The next morning, he’d woken up to you doing your hair at the vanity he’d bought you for your last birthday. He’d walked over and pecked your cheek. “Morning ziskeit” he said and you said nothing, didn’t even look at him. He sighed exasperatedly. “Still doing that are we.”
He put his hands on the back of your chair and leant down to look at you in the mirror. “Real mature of you this, poppet.” He told you, taking the hair in the pony tail and wrapping it around his hand. “Knew I’d married a younger woman when we said our vows but didn’t realise I’d married a little girl.” He tugged the hair sharply. “Perhaps you need daddy to reeducate you, hmm?” You looked back at him in the mirror and shivered, and for a moment he’d thought he’d won. You just picked up the nice little expensive perfume bottle he’d bought you and sprayed it twice on your neck, getting him straight in the face. He just huffed and let you be. You couldn’t continue this forever.
He trudged down the stairs and went to make you both some breakfast, simultaneously tightening jars and putting cans higher than he knew you could reach, placing a plate in front of you when you’d arrived downstairs. But before you could even look at it, Alfie had wagged his finger at you. “Only girls who use their manners get fed.” He said and you narrowed your eyes. He took your chin in a hand and hummed at you as though speaking with a disobedient child. “Hmm? So? You going to ask politely, ziskeit?” You clenched your jaw and swatted the hand away once more, standing to go feed Cyril.
It went on similarly for the rest of the day, you trying to open things, to no avail - just for your husband to swoop in like some saviour and offer to do it “if you just say please” to which you’d throw the jar in the bin. Or when you’d stretch go grab something high up, even trying to climb on the counter, feeling hands on your waist “I’ll give you a hand, just have to ask, treacle.” And you’d jump down.
And it was like Groundhog Day as he found himself in the same position he was in yesterday. “Please loves, just need to hear your voice I’m sorry.” He’d pleaded, watching you undress ready for bed. “Right-” he’d grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder, barely any garments covering your dignity. He gently dropped you on the bed and settled himself between your legs, ripping your undergarments off as he looked up at you “let’s see how long you can stay fucking quiet”
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 7 months
Alfie noticing that guys who are way younger than him (like Michael? John?) having a thing for reader, who is close to age to these young gentlemen but has only eyes for ol' man Alfie? Thoughts?
Near Deadly Sin
Alfie Solomons x F!Reader; fluff
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AN: IM BAAAAACCCCKKK hello my loves it’s taking me forever to write again but I’m glad to be back. I miss you all and hope you all are doing well!!! MUAH - Mo
No. No this acidic flame burning between his ribs is not jealousy.
Not at all.
The embers stoked in his chest. The flames licking up his neck and around his ears. These are normal… manly… sensible reactions.
Alfie had been invited for ‘drinks’ with the Shelbys. He had refused adamantly, and was only coerced upon your promise to accompany him and to never. leave. his. sight. As if you would ever be far from him or out of his thunderous gaze. But as he is sitting across from Thomas and Arthur and Polly, he is regretting ever bringing you near this nonsense. This den of wolves and snakes. The murmurs of Thomas faded like the crackle of a radio as he focused in on John Shelby’s lustful gaze over you. With every sweep of his young and unbridled eyes and suck of his teeth, Alfie became more and more enraged. Not that you noticed. You didn’t notice John’s roving eyes or the quickening pulse of your husband next to you. You were content sipping the tea Polly served, making quiet conversation with Ada in the corner, holding a babbling Karl.
Alfie knew there was supposed to be a deal or something tonight. Or maybe an update on a job. Or something. It didn’t matter. Fuck the business. Fuck the Shelbys. Fuck John Shelby. Fuck it all. Standing quickly, pushing through the screaming pain of his back, Alfie grunts, “Darling get your coat. We’re done here.”
Your head spun, “Meyn Likht?”
“Up. Coat. Now. Cyril needs us.”
You press your lips in a firm line. Holding back your tongue from lashing at him for his impromptu exit. You knew what he actually meant. Thinking of Cyril was his code for indicating murderous intent that needed to be snuffed out immediately. You watch Alfie as you slip on your coat, going to Thomas to whisper something just out of your reach. Had you heard him, you would have heard the volcanic timber of his voice promise, “You control that little brother of yours Tommy yeah? It’s against holy law to look at another man’s wife like he been doing. Will have to go back to Mosaic law if he don’t shape up.”
With heavy stomps he approaches John, who is trying yet failing to keep a stone expression. “You keep them eyes to yourself little boy. Or someone may just take ‘em from you.”
“Darling? Cyril needs to be let out and will not wait for you!”
With a firm pat on the cheek Alfie turned away, gripping your waist firmly, hand as hot as a brand on the skin under your dress.
It’s late now, Alfie is fuming under the crisp sheets and thick quilts layered living on the soft bed. He’s pretending to read. Putting on his glasses and taking them back off again to stare at the ceiling. You emerge from the bathroom, face flush from the hot water, and hair pulled away from your bare shoulders. Arms crossed across your chest, you sit on Alfie’s side of the bed, “You want to talk about it like a grown up now?”
He huffs and shifts lower into the bed, as if to hide from you. With a shrug you walk back to your side, shuffling your sock feet across. You crawl back in bed, back to Alfie to let him fume. It was better than fighting with him to get him to share his feelings.
“He was looking at you.”
“Well Karl is a baby darling.”
“Not Karl! John fucking Shelby! Little bastard was undressing you with his eyes! And you said nothing!”
Ah… there it was.
You let yourself sit up to look at your husband’s face. Folded up into himself, glasses precariously balanced on his nose, cheeks ruddy from rage. Jealousy was his greatest sin and vice. Bigger than rage. Bigger than his love of rum. He was an only child and as such he grew into a man who did not like to share. Not even your image. You curled up next to him, like a cat preening for attention. “Meyn Likht… I didn’t even see him. You shouldn’t be jealous of a figure of vapor.”
“What you don’t notice the… the young men just staring at you? Gapped mouths like dead fish?”
“Those children?” You hum, gently kissing his scruffy jaw and temple.
“Those… men closer in age… to you.”
With that you crawl into his lap, looping your arms around his broad shoulders. “Darling… what could I do with those men? I’d break them.”
“Break them?” He chuckles, gripping you tighter.
“They’re too soft. Too pretty. No. I like my men… rougher… more sturdy… someone who can stand strong and not worry about their pretty face getting dirty. I like my old man.”
“Do you now?”
“Love him even. Deliriously in love with him. Couldn’t live without him.”
Before you could take another breath, he was on you, kissing all over your face, tickling you with his rough beard and mustache. “Good Lord woman you make me feel 20 again.”
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charliehoennam · 6 months
gentle giant
Summary: The Solomons enjoy quality family time with their young baby daughter as per request by @j23r23
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!reader
Warnings: fluff, language, mentions of pregnancy and natural childbirth, oc!daughter, hints at smut
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"She can't even play with that yet, Alf. She's too small" you told him when he brought home a large and lavish dollhouse, carried up to your daughter's nursery room by a couple of his men.
"Course she can't now. But, she will someday. Nothing but the best for my little Laura."
You chuckled and shook your head at his excitement, deciding to let him be happy because he genuinely was.
He has never been prouder of anything in his life.
It was needless to say that Alfie wasn't like most fathers of the time. Every day, you woke up feeling blessed and fortunate enough to be his wife.
Now, you are the mother of his child. Of his first born princess that he was already spoiling with all the finest little clothes and toys.
It's been a few months since you'd brought Laura into the world and Alfie's pride radiated as if he'd just learned he was going to be a father. Having expected the high of newfound fatherhood to fade away with late night nappy changes and early morning hungry cries, you were surprised to find that he was still so thrilled about being a father.
Not only was he proud of his little Laura, but he was still amazed beyond comprehension at your body.
During the pregnancy, he constantly marveled at the growing bump in your belly. Alfie was no fool; he understood perfectly well how a woman's body works, yet it was still the greatest miracle to him.
He never stopped calling you a Goddess for having the power to create life.
The birth of your daughter left him complete ecstasy.
Most men, especially in Jewish traditions, it was uncommon for the father to be present in the room for such a thing. But, then again, Alfie was no common man. He was always far from ordinary.
He insisted on being present to watch the miracle himself.
You'd talked about it before and assured him the midwives would take care of you. After all, he had hired the best staff to take care of you before, during and after the pregnancy.
He still continue to insist on being present - as long as you were comfortable with his presence - to watch his beloved daughter come into the world. He would've brought her out of you himself if only he knew how.
You wondered if it might have been instigated by the jealous thought of having a doctor between your legs.
You were more than grateful that he had insisted so strongly because you truly believe that, if it hadn't been for his motivating words and endearing support, you couldn't have done it by yourself.
Alfie had never cried so much in his entire life as he did when he first heard Laura's cries. You knew right away that Laura would have him wrapped around her wrinkly little finger.
And you were right.
It's late evening when Alfie comes home from an exhausting long day of work.
After hanging his hat and coat, he greets his favorite dog and heads off to search for you and his little Laura only to find you naked in the luxurious porcelain tub of your bathroom with your young 6-month-old daughter, sharing a warm bath.
"Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes, eh?" he smirks from the doorway.
His heart warms as he sees your eyes light up.
"Baths always help her sleep better."
"Can't blame her," he nods unbuttoning his shirt. "Any room for me?"
"There's always room for you."
Of course there is. You hardly get much time to spend with your husband. The absence has him yearning for his family just the same.
He sinks into the opposite side of the tub with a tired groan, raising the water level to your swollen breasts.
"Give 'er here. Give 'er to poppa."
You carefully handed your daughter over to his hands.
Alfie holds her against his naked burly chest, kissing her head and cheeks as he informs her how much he's missed her in the softest tone.
"Daddy's missed you so much, princess. Yes, I have. Barely got see my little angel today. But that's alright, yeah? Poppa's here now, ain't he? You been good for your mother? Behaved yourself?" he questions as if she could respond, taking the small bowl to fill with water before gently pouring it over her back.
You watch leaning back against the porcelain, and admire the vulnerability of the big bad Alfie Solomons.
The word that spread around only spoke how cruel and cunning he was; of the horrors he was capable of and enjoyed inflicting upon those who betrayed him.
Yet, only you know how he could be the complete opposite. This version of him was for your eyes only and, for that, you felt blessed.
With his large hand cupped over Laura's little bare bum, he smiles as he relishes in the sounds of her giggles emitted every time he pours water over her back.
"Yeah, you like that, eh?" Alfie chuckles. "Want another go?"
She squeals happily as he repeats the action, excitedly pulling at his burly chest hair.
He yelps as he tries to unlatch her tiny fingers from his hairs.
"Got the grip of the Devil, don't she?"
"Tell that to my hair. Have to keep it up all the time so she doesn't turn me bald" you smile at him.
She giggles more enthusiastically as she pulls at them again.
"Ow! Laura, I am your father, young lady" he playfully chastises her.
"I think she takes after you."
"How so?"
"She enjoys hurting others."
"No, I enjoy hurting those who deserve it. I done nothing to deserve this" he chuckles at you.
"That's nothing compared to her biting my tits. If you think she's got hands of the Devil, try her teeth."
"They're starting to come in, innit?" he asks gently pulling her chin down to examine the two little white spots on her lower gums. "You never complained when I nibbled on them" he continues shooting a smirking glance at you.
"That was different" you chuckle back.
"I can be gentle" he replies with a wandering gaze at your chest.
"No. They're sore as fuck, Alf. They're off limits tonight."
"They're irresistible, they are. Fucking tripled in size, innit?" he chuckles. "Fucking 'ell, love. God is a cruel bloke, He is."
You laugh shaking your head. Alfie never fails to make you feel like a goddess, despite the worries you had about your changing body. It was exactly uncommon at the time for men to lose interest in their wives after pregnancy.
You'd seen many women go through it and you feared your fate would've been the same.
Thankfully, pregnancy had the opposite effect on Alfie. He was already eager to get started on the second child.
"All I'm saying is Laura will need a sibling when she's older."
Alfie's debating continued even after your shared bath. You're trying your cotton robe closed as he carries Laura into your bedroom where you had laid out her sleeping clothes beforehand.
"You say that all the time."
"Doesn't it make it less true. Besides, the fun part is trying."
Laying Laura down on the bed with a smirk, he stands upright and faces you.
The way he holds your waist has you melting under his touch. You take advantage of the moment to admire his details.
The wrinkles on his forehead, the disheveled light brown locks shining in the warm light of your room, the hairy tuffs that were peeking out from his robe.
You slide your palms up his strong arms until they rest on the back of his neck.
"Alright. I'll put her down for bed and we can have some fun time of our own" you smile sweetly at him.
His plush lips - hidden in his bushy brown beard - spread widely with mischief and excitement, infecting you with arousal as they made their way to press against your own.
You kiss him deliciously, letting his hand rest against your soft cheek. His tongue flicks against your bottom, already begging for entrance. You allow him it.
The kiss is more than enough to fuel the fire already sparked inside, in the depth of your cores. But you're both brought back to reality when Laura tiredly whines and rubs her sleepy eyes, kicking her chubby legs in the air out of frustration.
You part from Alfie's loving hold on you and bend down to scoop Laura up into your arms, assuring her everything is alright in gentle whispers.
Alfie watches how your loving nature is quick to soothe your fussy daugther in admiration. He loves watching you with her. His wife with his daughter in arms. His family.
All the words in every language would never be enough to describe the joy and pride you bring out in him.
Getting Laura to fall asleep is hardly a challenge. She was already tired from the long day and from staying up a bit past her bedtime.
Once you get her warmly dressed for the night, you sit in her nursery's rocking chair to give her one last feed.
She latches onto your nipple quickly, staring up at you with big doey eyes. The mixture of blue and gray remind you of Alfie. Her long lashes flutter as she slowly blinks, suckling for milk as she holds your index finger in her tiny hand.
You hum as you let her drink her fill, hoping to lull her sleep.
She can't resist the building sleep no matter how hard she tries. At this point, she's not even trying to drink anymore. Her eyelids grow heavier with every blink.
Gently tucking your breast back into your robe, you rest Laura's head against your shoulder as you gently pat her back to burp her.
She tries to fuss about having her favorite source of nutrition taken away, but her exhaustion dominates.
It doesn't her long to fall asleep.
Before setting Laura in her crib without stirring her too much, you kiss her head and thank the universe for blessing you such a precious little angel to care for and love.
Walking back to your room, you search Alfie but you find he's no longer there. So, you walk down the hall and the stairs in search of your husband, knowing exactly where to find him.
The office door is open as the light shines, providing the only light in the hallway. As you lean in the doorway, you smile and tap against the wooden door.
"She go down alright or put up a fuss?" Alfie smiles looking up at you from his paperwork.
"No fuss tonight. I think she was really tired." You walk into his office with a smile as you make your way towards him. "Now it's time for the grown-ups to have some fun."
Alfie smirks as his chair spins, watching you struct over to his side. His eyes scan over your frame, drinking in the sight of you as you untie your robe, letting the fabric part and shyly reveal your naked body.
"Unless you'd like to stay down here and work?"
He chuckles as he stands and kisses you tenderly, holding your face in his hands as if you're made of the most delicate and precious glass with his rough fingertips gently propping your chin up to make you face him.
"Love, the only work I've got to do is fucking you until you can't walk."
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Hello madam.
7.  “Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard!”
With our feral Alfie of course.
Can do, love!
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Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
To have him rucked deep inside you, while the morning is still lazy, quiet, and still, is the greatest of pleasures. Only the sound of rain softly pattering against the windowpanes is audible above the soft moans, Alfie's occasional deep, lustful rumble adding bass tones, his mouth gliding up your neck in slow exploration.
You cry out, and his kisses suck the breath from you, the tempo slow and rolling, no urgency, nothing fervid. It's like this with him more often than one would expect, the want and need for each other an unhurried chartering into the languidly erotic.
His big body fucks you deep into the mattress, the repeated grinding against your clit making sparks skitter, your hands clasping at the wide planes of his mountainous back, tits heaving beneath the crush of his thick chest. Taking your wrists, he pins your arms, sinking into you deeper, teeth grazing a spot on your neck that evokes the most blissful of glimmers.
It's rolling through you, gaining momentum as the rush hits hard, knocking you sideways, your flutters milking his cock until it jerks and floods you with cum, leaving you as mindless as you are breathless.
"Fucking hell," you pant, finally opening your eyes to see him smirking above you, soft kisses peppering your cheeks as his hands glide down your arms, releasing where he's had them pinned above your head. “Oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard!”
He rumbles a chuckle, teeth nipping your jaw. "You always say that, until the next time, innit?"
You suppose he makes a valid point.
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wonderlanddreamer · 2 months
I was wondering if you could write something on Alfie? Alfie seeking comfort in the reader after a bad day? Or soft seduction after a long day, either works
His Serenity.
[Alfie Solomons x Reader]
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Summary: After a bad day, Alfie just wants to be alone, or so he thinks. But then there's you, with your own sensual way to bring him serenity.
Warnings: Explicit content. Oral sex [m receiving]. 18+MDNI.
Word Count: 3086
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The faint, musty scent of old books and aged wood fills every corner of Alfie Solomons' office as you meticulously sort through the stacks of paperwork on his cluttered desk. The hum of the bustling distillery outside seeps through the walls, a comforting backdrop that provides a steady rhythm you've grown accustomed to over the months. Golden sunlight filters through the small, grimy windows, casting long shadows that stretch across the room, signalling the end of another arduous day. Just as you finish organising the last stack, the door slams open with a force that sends a shiver down your spine and rattles the windows.
Alfie strides in, his presence like a storm brewing in the confined space. His face is a mask of fury; his eyes are wild, and his teeth are gritted as if he's biting back a torrent of words. Papers cascade off his desk in a chaotic flurry as he sweeps an arm across it, sending documents flying. The sound of glass shattering pierces the air as he hurls a bottle against the wall, the remnants glittering on the floor like jagged stars.
"Get out!" His voice is a thunderclap, reverberating through your bones and echoing in the small room.
You freeze, your instincts screaming at you to obey, but something deeper holds you rooted to the spot. Leaving him like this feels wrong, unbearable, as if abandoning a ship in the midst of a storm. Despite the danger radiating from him, you step closer, your heart pounding so loudly you fear he might hear it.
Alfie's eyes narrow on you, his breath coming in heavy, ragged bursts that speak of barely contained rage. He snatches a bottle of whiskey from a nearby shelf, the motion abrupt and aggressive, and slumps into his worn leather chair. The fury in his movements still simmers just beneath the surface as he takes a long, hard swig, the tension in his frame almost palpable, like a coiled spring.
Ignoring the voice in your head that begs you to leave, you move behind him, your steps careful and deliberate. Your hands rest gently on his broad, tense shoulders, and you start to knead the tight knots of muscle with a practised touch. He tenses beneath your fingers, a low growl escaping his lips, a sound that mixes frustration with reluctant relief.
"I said, get out," he mutters, but the command lacks its former bite, sounding more like a plea than an order.
His protests grow weaker as your fingers work their way into the tension, soothing the rage bit by bit. The knots of stress begin to unravel under your touch, and you remain gentle, your hands a source of comfort to him and a balm to your own worry. Gradually, you can feel the tightness leaving his muscles, his breaths becoming more even and less ragged, as though the storm within him is slowly abating.
Feeling the tension slowly ebb from his body, you continue to massage Alfie's shoulders with a gentle, reassuring touch. His breathing steadies, the furious edge softening as the anger drains away. You can sense him becoming more receptive to your presence, his body relaxing under your ministrations as the tempest within him begins to calm.
After a long, silent moment, Alfie leans back slightly, his eyes closed as he savours the relief your hands have brought him. His rough exterior seems to crumble ever so slightly, revealing a glimpse of the vulnerable man beneath the tough facade. Without warning, his hand reaches up to cover yours, holding it in place as if to anchor himself in the newfound calm.
He lets out a low, rumbling sigh, and before you can react, he gently pulls you around to the front of his chair. The look in his eyes is different now, softened by exhaustion and perhaps something more profound. He guides you into his lap with surprising tenderness, his strong arms encircling you protectively.
For a moment, you hesitate, unsure of this sudden shift in his mood. But the warmth of his embrace and the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear offer a strange, unexpected comfort. Alfie's rough hand strokes your back in slow, soothing motions, his touch seeking out the solace you provide.
"Stay," he murmurs, his voice a gravelly whisper that carries the weight of unspoken emotions. "Just for a while."
You nod, relaxing into his hold, your fingers tracing idle patterns on his chest.
As you settle into Alfie's lap, the warmth of his body seeping into yours, your hands continue their gentle caress. The heat from his skin radiates through the fabric of his shirt, mingling with your own warmth and creating a cocoon of intimacy. You can feel the tension leaving him in waves, replaced by something softer, more intimate. Your fingers trace along his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your touch, a soothing cadence that matches your own.
In the quiet of the office, the only sounds are the distant hum of the distillery and the soft, steady breaths you both take. You become acutely aware of the subtle shift in Alfie's breathing, the way his chest rises and falls more deliberately. His grip on your waist tightens ever so slightly, and you feel the undeniable evidence of his arousal pressing against you. A flush of heat rises to your cheeks, your skin tingling with the electricity of the moment, but you don't pull away. Instead, you let your hands explore more deliberately, your touch both soothing and inviting, each stroke a silent promise.
Alfie's eyes meet yours, dark and intense, searching for any sign of hesitation or doubt. But you hold his gaze steadily, your own eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity, acceptance, and something deeper, an unspoken understanding. The corner of his mouth twitches into a small, almost vulnerable smile, as if seeking your permission, a rare glimpse of the man behind the hardened exterior.
In response, you lean in closer, your lips brushing against his ear with a feather-light touch as you whisper, "I'm here, Alfie. I'm not going anywhere." The words hang in the air, a vow as much to yourself as to him.
He closes his eyes, a shuddering breath escaping his lips as he pulls you even closer, your bodies fitting together as if they were meant to. His arms encircle you with a protective strength, and the tension melts away, replaced by a profound sense of connection. Your hands slide down to the small of his back, fingers tracing the lines of his muscles, feeling the heat of his desire and the depth of his need, a silent communication that passes between you.
Feeling the palpable tension and desire between you and Alfie, you decide to take things further. Your hands slowly slide down his chest, tracing the contours of his muscles with deliberate, tender movements. You shift your position with care, easing yourself off his lap and sinking to your knees between his legs, your eyes never leaving his. The intimacy of the moment deepens as you look up at him, your touch a blend of reassurance and invitation.
Alfie's eyes follow your every movement, dark and intense, filled with a mixture of surprise and anticipation. You can feel the weight of his gaze on you, a silent communication that speaks volumes. The atmosphere in the room seems to thicken with every passing second, the air charged with a palpable tension. Your hands, now trembling slightly with the gravity of the moment, fumble with the buttons of his trousers.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself as you work to free him from the confines of the fabric. The sound of your breathing mingles with his, creating a symphony of shared anticipation. Alfie’s hand reaches down, his fingers brushing against your cheek in a surprisingly tender gesture.
"Are you sure?" Alfie's voice is a low, gravelly whisper, laced with both desire and a hint of uncertainty. The question hangs in the air, a delicate balance of vulnerability and need.
Looking up into his eyes, you nod, your own voice soft but firm. "I've never been more sure about anything." The conviction in your words seems to resonate with him, his eyes darkening further.
His hand gently cups your face, his thumb tracing a slow, path along your cheekbone. With a sense of newfound determination, you finally manage to undo his trousers, your hands moving with more confidence as you begin to explore the warmth and hardness beneath. The fabric parts easily under your touch, revealing the intense heat and the throbbing evidence of his desire.
With Alfie's trousers undone, the anticipation between you grows thicker, almost tangible. You take a steadying breath, your lips trailing soft, exploratory kisses along his shaft. Each touch is a silent promise of what's to come. The warmth of his skin against your lips sends a shiver down your spine, your senses heightened by the intimacy of the moment.
Alfie's breath hitches, his fingers tightening in your hair as you continue your tender assault. The sensation of his touch, the way his breath catches, fuels your confidence. You take your time, savouring the moment, allowing the tension to build like a slow-burning fire.
As your kisses reach the tip, you feel a surge of electricity pass between you both. Your tongue flicks out, tasting him, eliciting a low, guttural moan from Alfie. The sound spurs you on, your movements becoming more confident, more purposeful, your touch a blend of reverence and hunger.
Your tongue begins to work along his length, tracing patterns, exploring every inch of him with desire. Alfie's hands, once tense, now cradle your head, guiding you gently, his breath coming in ragged gasps that speak of the pleasure you're giving him.
"Christ," he mutters, his voice a strained whisper filled with awe and desire. "You're fuckin' magic, sweetheart." The words, spoken with such raw emotion, sparked your ignition, your movements becoming even more deliberate, more intense, as you seek to bring him the pleasure he so clearly craves. You look up at him, your eyes locking onto his, and you see the raw need and admiration there. The intensity in his gaze seems to fuel your determination to pleasure him, to bring him relief from the storm that had consumed him earlier.
With each stroke of your tongue, each gentle suck, you feel him responding, his body tightening, his hips subtly moving in rhythm with your ministrations. The room feels charged with an almost electric energy, the air thick with the scent of his arousal and the sound of your shared breaths.
Alfie's grip on your hair tightens, his breaths turning into soft, broken moans. The sounds he makes, the way his body reacts to your touch, is a symphony of pleasure that echoes in the quiet room.
With Alfie’s moans echoing in your ears and the palpable tension between you, you decide to take the next step. You pause for a moment, looking up at him, ensuring that this is what he truly wants. His eyes, dark and intense, meet yours, and the gentle pressure of his hand in your hair is all the confirmation you need.
Slowly, you part your lips and take him into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the tip before gradually taking him deeper. The warmth and taste of him fill your senses, and you feel his whole body shudder in response. Alfie’s hand tightens in your hair, not forcefully, but in a way that guides and encourages you, his fingers threading through your strands with a tenderness that belies the raw desire between you.
You start with slow, deliberate movements, your mouth creating a rhythm that matches the rising and falling of his chest. Each time you take him deeper, you feel his body tense and hear the soft, husky sounds escaping his lips. The way he responds to you, the way his body reacts, pushes you to give him everything you have.
"Fuck," Alfie groans, his voice rough with pleasure. "You're fuckin' incredible. Don't stop." His words are a command and a plea, filled with a desperate need that resonates with your own.
Your hands find their place on his thighs, gripping them for support as you continue. The muscles beneath your fingers are tense, coiled with the anticipation of release. You hollow your cheeks, increasing the suction, and you can feel him responding to every move you make. The taste of him, the feel of his hardness against your tongue, and the sounds of his pleasure create a heady mix that drives you to go further, to push him closer to the edge.
Alfie’s hips begin to move in time with your motions, his breathing becoming more erratic. You can feel the tension building within him, his body on the edge of release. Your mouth works him with a determined rhythm, each movement designed to bring him closer to the brink, to draw out his pleasure.
As Alfie’s moans grow louder, you look up at him, your eyes meeting his. The connection between you is electric, charged with a shared intensity that transcends words. In this moment, you are his anchor, his solace, and his desire, all wrapped into one.
His grip on your hair tightens one last time as a deep, shuddering moan escapes his lips, signalling his impending climax. You brace yourself, ready to take all of him, determined to bring him to the release he so desperately needs. The anticipation builds within you as you feel him teetering on the edge.
Alfie’s body tenses, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. With a final, deep moan, he climaxes, his release filling your mouth. The taste of him is a heady blend of salt and musk, a testament to the intensity of his desire. You do your best to take all of him, savouring the moment and the intimacy it brings.
As the waves of his pleasure subside, Alfie gently but firmly pulls you up to his lap. His eyes have softened, now a mixture of gratitude and something deeper, more profound. He cradles your face in his hands, his thumbs brushing tenderly over your cheeks as he helps you clean up. The intimacy of the moment lingers, a quiet testament to the bond you've just deepened.
"Come ‘ere," he murmurs, his voice still rough from the intensity of his release. He reaches for a handkerchief from the desk, carefully wiping away any remnants with a gentleness that contrasts with his earlier ferocity. His touch is tender, each stroke of the cloth against your skin filled with a reverence that takes your breath away.
You sit straddling his lap, your arms resting around his neck, allowing him to care for you. There's a vulnerability in the way he tends to you, a silent acknowledgment of the connection between you. The room feels smaller, cosier, as if it has been transformed from the earlier chaos.
"Thank you," he whispers, his forehead resting against yours. The words are simple, yet they carry a weight of sincerity that resonates deeply within you. "You have no idea how much I fuckin’ needed that."
You smile softly, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. "I’m here for you, Alfie. Always." The promise in your words is solid.
His eyes meet yours, filled with a complex mix of emotions—relief, gratitude, and a burgeoning affection. He pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a protective embrace. The world outside may be chaotic, but in this moment, you both find a rare, fragile peace in each other’s arms.
Nestled in Alfie's lap, you find a comforting rhythm in the gentle sway of your bodies. His fingers trail up and down your back, leaving a path of warmth and tenderness in their wake. The roughness of his hands contrasts beautifully with the softness of his touch, each stroke sending shivers down your spine. The feeling is intoxicating, grounding you in the moment.
You lean in closer, resting your head against his shoulder, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. The steady thump of his heartbeat beneath your touch is a soothing lullaby. Alfie presses a soft kiss to your temple, his breath warm against your skin, a silent promise of his presence and devotion.
"You're somethin’ else, you know that?" he murmurs, his voice a quiet rumble that vibrates through your entire being.
You lift your head to meet his gaze, a smile tugging at your lips. "I could say the same about you, Alfie."
He chuckles softly, the sound deep and rich, filling the small space with a rare sense of contentment. His eyes soften as he looks at you, the hard edges of his usual demeanour melting away to reveal a man capable of profound tenderness. The transformation is striking, and it fills you with a sense of awe and affection.
You shift slightly, one hand coming up to cup his cheek. "It's nice to see you like this," you admit softly, your thumb brushing over the stubble on his jaw. "At peace." The admission is vulnerable, but it feels right, a reflection of the honesty that defines your relationship.
Alfie leans into your touch, his eyes closing briefly as if to savour the moment. "You bring out the best in me, darlin’," he replies, his voice barely above a whisper. "I dunno how, but you do." The admission is raw, honest, and it tugs at your heartstrings.
Alfie's hands continue their gentle exploration of your back, each touch a silent promise of safety and affection.
With a tender smile, you lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips, feeling the way he melts into the kiss. It's not urgent or passionate, but slow and lingering. The sensation is intoxicating, a perfect blend of tenderness and desire.
When you finally pull back, Alfie's eyes are half-lidded, a serene expression on his face. "Stay with me," he says quietly, his voice carrying a vulnerability that tugs at your heartstrings. "Just like this."
You nod, your fingers threading through his hair as you lean in closer. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," you whisper, your voice filled with a quiet certainty.
The two of you share a lingering kiss, a reaffirmation of your promises and the unbreakable bond between you. As you sit there, wrapped in each other's arms, you know that this—right here, right now—is where you both truly belong.
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Hey 😊 if your still taking requests for the peakys. Could I please ask for Alfie Solomons with A "ask me to stay" and D "dark secret" female reader. Thanks 💗💗
A/n: that's a wrap on Peaky Blinders requests from June!!! thx to all the lovelies who participated <3
The Wall Between Them - Alfie Solomons X Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2362 Content warnings: Domestic violence, reader murders the abuser, abuse, violence, blood/gore, protective Alfie, can't-be-vulnerable Alfie, trying-his-best Alfie, hints of soft!Alfie?
Her hands shook so violently it was a wonder she didn’t drop the pistol. If anyone had been watching the scene before them, they would have credited a guardian angel for guiding the bullet straight to his chest despite the treacherous wobble of the gun. Her eyes were closed when she pulled the trigger, tears streaming down her cheeks and mixing with the blood from her mouth. 
He fell like a sack of bricks. One minute he was lunging towards her, eyes trained on the pistol. A cold fear seized his heart as he saw the terror in her gaze melt away to black rage. All those whiskey beatings, harsh words and hateful years had backfired on him. Then, in the next instant, he died to the ear-splitting sound of a gunshot. 
The silence that followed was so loud she swore it would crush her. The walls around her seemed to be holding their breath. Was he really dead? Did she really pull the trigger? 
She didn’t let herself exhale until she saw a pool of blood - darker than she’d imagined it would be - staining the floorboards underneath him. She dropped the pistol; it landed with a heavy thud at her feet moments before her knees folded on themselves as if made of twigs. She pitched sideways, letting the hallway wall brace her fall as she deflated under the weight of realization. She knew in that moment that it didn’t matter how many times he’d hit her. The ghastly bruises and scars he’d left etched in her skin, the nights her mind had divorced itself from her battered body and wandered the halls like a ghost, the mangled monster he’d grown into… none of it mattered. All that others would see was a dead husband and a living wife with motive, means, and a guilty conscience. Even dead, that horrid man was imprisoning her.
She knew there was only one person who could get her out of this. And so, she wiped the blood from her rapidly swelling lip, picked up the pistol and slipped it into the deep pocket of her apron, and tied up the escaped strands of hair. It had been almost seven years since she’d seen Alfie Solomons, but she still knew exactly where to find him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Boss, there’s a lady here to see you.” 
Alfie barely heard Jack’s murmured comment above the jeer of the crowd. The Irishman was swaying unsteadily on his feet in the pen after taking a nasty round of hits to his right ear. Alfie could see his ear filling with blood. A busted eardrum, likely. Circling opposite him, the burly Hungarian Alfie knew as The Red Devil was snarling proudly as he surveyed his quarry. 
“Fuckin’ finish him!” Alfie called out, lifting a wad of bills in the air like a signal fire. The fight was fixed of course, and Alfie had fixed it. The Red Devil was turning into quite a lucrative investment, but his penchant for theatrics was tiring to Alfie. He preferred a quick win, efficient and clean. 
“Boss?” Jack edged slightly closer, waiting for Alfie’s orders.
“A lady, boss. There’s a lady here to see you. Asked for you by name.”
“Didn’t book a whore tonight,” Alfie replied simply, waving Jack off as The Red Devil moved in on the Irishman, holding the dazed man’s head as he drove his knee up into the exposed forehead until the bell rang to signal the end of the fight. The crowd erupted into a mix of appreciative cheers, boos, and cries to settle up or place new bets as another pair of fighters moved to the edge of the pen. 
“Don’t think she’s a whore, boss. Looks like a respectable lady. Bit beat up though.” 
Alfie fixed Jack with an incredulous stare. He wasn’t accustomed to his men pressing him on trivial issues like this. Especially not on a fight night. Jack flinched imperceptibly; he was well-acquainted with Alfie’s anger and bore a nasty half-moon scar the framed his left eye from being pistol-whipped after pressing Alfie’s limits. Alfie almost moved to strike him, until something about Jack’s words and the odd look in his eyes plucked at something. 
“She give a name?”
Jack shook his head, eyes glued to the ground. “No. All she said was you were ol’ friends. Childhood friends, I think she said.”
It couldn’t be. Alfie shook his head as if trying to shake out the thought. But, then again, there was only one person he’d ever met who’d claim him as a friend. 
“Beat up, you say?”
Jack nodded. “Lip’s split and she got a shiner.”
A memory flickered across Alfie’s mind. He hadn’t seen her in years, but the last time he had, she’d had a ring of purple and green bruises around her neck. She’d tried to hide it under a high collar dress, but Alfie had her pressed up against the wall of his office, their lips devouring each other, and he hadn’t missed the way she winced when he let his hand slide down the side of her neck on its way to undo the line of buttons at the front of her dress. He knew who’d done it and didn’t need her to say a damn thing. If she hadn’t begged him on her knees - her goddamn knees - to spare that pathetic man’s life, Alfie Solomons would have gutted him nice and slow. 
He hadn’t seen her since. She’d stopped writing, stopped answering her own front door, stopped going to the butcher shop below where Alfie kept a small apartment. He’d had her on every surface of that apartment, rabid with hunger for anything she’d give him. Then she’d just vanished. Told him she was due to be married, couldn’t carry on with him anymore. Alfie knew there’d been a silent request buried in her words. He’d heard her ask it with her eyes. Ask me to marry you, and I’ll leave him. Alfie cursed himself every day for letting that moment slip by like water on rocks. He wasn’t any closer to figuring out how to love someone now then he was back then, but in his quiet moments he wondered if maybe he could have figured it out with her, if only he’d been willing to take that chance.
“Boss? Boss, what do you want me to tell ‘er?” 
The sound of the bell announcing the start of another match jarred Alfie loose from his reminiscences. 
“Nothin’. I’ll talk to ‘er.”
Jack eyed him with surprise, but quickly smoothed the spark of interest out of his features rather than risk another scar from his mercurial boss. He’d never known Alfie Solomons to pause his dealings for a woman. Something about her must have been special. Jack followed his boss out of the smoky, cacophonous warehouse and towards the back of the building where Alfie kept his offices. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Alfie felt his fingers dig into the wood of his desk as she stepped out of the shadowy corner of his office and into the soft halo glow of his desk lamp. Her lip was split, blood dried on her chin, and one of her luminous eyes was swollen shut. Murder ripped through Alfie’s blood at the sight of her. 
“Before you say anything, Alfie, he’s dead.”
Her voice sounded different, thin and strained, like someone had scooped out her soul leaving nothing but an echo behind.
“He sure fuckin’ is.” Alfie was shaking he was so bloodthirsty. He couldn’t look at her and risk losing himself. How could it still be so fresh, he wondered, after seven long years?
“No, that’s not what I meant… Alfie, I-, I killed him. I shot him.”
A different man might have been horrified, or maybe even a little impressed. Alfie was none of that. Instead, he felt himself pitch forward over the lip of a hole of despair. 
His voice cracked when he ordered Jack and the rest of the boys out of the office. Once the door closed behind them, she sank down into one of the leather-backed chairs across the desk from him. Desperate to be close to her lest she splinter to pieces, Alfie rounded the desk to perch against its edge, stretching his long legs away from her in an attempt to give her space. She hardly looked up at him. 
“What did he fuckin’ do to you?” Barely more than a whisper. Alfie was glad the light was too dim for her to see that he was treacherously close to tears.
She looked up at him, shocked. Her one good eye gleamed at him. 
“Alfie, did you hear me? I killed him.”
He nodded, swallowing thickly. Alfie was full of tender urges and gentle feelings, but his mouth couldn’t seem to give them words or noise. All he knew was harshness and violence. It was the same wall that had kept him from reaching out for her hand and telling her all the things he felt the last night he’d seen her. Here he was, so close he could smell her lavender soap but his affection locked away so tightly and deeply that he couldn’t force himself to touch it even if he tried.
“Nothin’ he didn’t deserve,” he grunted brusquely after a few moments. He dropped his gaze, unable to tolerate the sight of her face bruised and misshapen. He noticed her hands were trembling in her lap. “What do you need, darlin’?”
She stifled a small sob at the sound of the pet name he’d reserved for her. 
“He’s still-... the body, I- I don’t know… I guess-”
“It’s done. Write down your address.” Alfie handed her a pen and paper, watched as she struggled to mark the street name and number legibly. Her knuckles were bruised, he noted with a twisted pang of pride and pain. She’d been fighting back, he realized. All alone these last seven years. And he’d let her. He’d stopped fighting to get to her. Let her close herself off to him. Let himself close off to her. And now, it wasn’t until she’d been pushed to the brink - maybe past it - that she’d come to him, and only because she knew that when violence and darkness was needed, Alfie could do it. But he couldn’t do the other things, the harder things. Like love her, protect her, tirelessly fight for her. 
She tore off the page and handed it to Alfie. He took it without looking at the writing, strode over the door and excused himself from the office. He thrust the paper into Jack’s hands. 
“Take care of it, Jackie. No loose ends, you hear me? I’ll fuckin’ rip you limb from limb if it ain’t done right.” 
He didn’t give Jack or the others time to argue or ask questions before he slammed the door as a dismissal and strode back to her. He reached for her, needing to feel her warmth under his fingertips just to prove she was here. She flinched instinctively, sending Alfie deeper into self-loathing.
“Do they know-”
“It’s done, darlin’. It’s taken care of.” 
Alfie poured himself a glass of whiskey, drunk it down in one gulp, and poured another. 
Her voice was so soft and yearning it broke Alfie in two. He turned to face her. Gods she looked perfect. 
“It ain’t fuckin’ happenin’ again.” The most solemn promise he’d ever made. 
She recoiled from him as if slapped. It took him a half moment to process why. 
“I ain’t lettin’ anyone hurt you. Ever again, you hear me? I’ll fuckin’ burn the world and every hateful man with it, it don’t matter.” It was all Alfie could find the words to say. 
Finally understanding his meaning, he watched her relax in the chair. She eyed him without saying a thing, a strange expression on her face. 
“I don’t want that, Alfie,” she replied softly. “I don’t want any more death. I don’t want to see someone hurt ever again. I just… I just want…” 
Her words trailed off into the quiet. Neither of them knew where the end of that sentence would lead. The space between them stretched and morphed until it felt like an ocean separating them. Strange, that two people who both wanted so desperately to be with each other could feel so far away.
“Don’t set any fires on my account, Alfie.” She rose from her chair and walked towards him, taking the glass out of Alfie’s hand and downing the whiskey with a wince. “Just ask me to stay.” 
Alfie felt his heart run headlong into that same old wall that always kept them apart. Here she was, the only woman who’d ever mattered, literally giving him the words she wanted to hear. And all that Alfie’s tongue wanted to say was more promises of vengeance, of violence in her name, of destruction. 
She watched him struggle, her gaze even but tired. 
“Ask me to stay, Alfie. That’s all I need.”
The openness those words threatened to expose in Alfie Solomons felt like a lit bomb nestled in the cage of his ribs. He choked on the air in his lungs. Come on, you fucker, he thought viciously as he struggled to press back on the urge to run. 
She watched and waited. Each moment, her shoulders sagged a bit more.
It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, and Alfie spat the word out as if it had poison between its letters. But was it close enough? 
Her heart thought so. She felt a softness take root there, a shred of hope. 
Yes, it was enough. 
She gave Alfie Solomons a soft smile. The way he crumbled at the sight told her enough about his feelings for her. Even if he couldn’t put them into words, she could see the love that she was so desperate to excavate from wherever he stored away the fragile parts of himself.
“That’s enough,” she told him sweetly, lifting a hand to cradle the side of his face. For the first time in seven years, she let herself relax into a man’s touch as Alfie’s fingers found hers…
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fandom-puff · 11 months
Hi! Just wanted to say I love your writing and was wondering if I could request "overstimulation + praise kink" with Alfie Solomons from Peaky Blinders please? No pressure though and thank you!!
Thank you so much!! I love Alfie <333
Warnings: contains Overstimulation, oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, praise kink
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x fem!reader
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“There’s a good girl,”
Alfie’s voice was low and gruff as he coaxed yet another orgasm from your oversensitive cunt, this time with his thick calloused fingers pumping deliciously in and out.
Your back arched, pushing your naked breasts against him, and you whimpered as your erect nipples grazed against his clothed chest. Eyes rolling back, your mouth went slack as slurred curses and groans of his name tumbled out in a muddled moan.
Alfie continued his ministrations, nosing at your neck and grazing his teeth against your throat, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “Doing so well, pet,” he murmured, sucking a mark into the juncture of your neck and shoulder. “Such a good, good fucking girl for me,”
As his thumb reached up to circle your clit, your legs clamped around his hand, squeezing his wrist as you rocked into his touch. White-hot pleasure seared painfully through every fibre of your being, but you weren’t willing to throw in the towel just yet. You could feel your own wetness smeared on your neck and chest, transferred from Alfie’s beard to your skin once he emerged from between your legs. He had drawn out several releases just from his tongue, and now he had moved onto using his fingers to tease you open, swirling your slick and his saliva around your sensitive pussy until you shook over and over with pleasure.
“Think you’re ready for my cock?”
It was a stupid question; of course you were ready for his cock, and you had been for the best part of two hours. You had even begged for it… about four orgasms ago. “Please,” you whispered again. “Please, need it, Alf, please!”
“So pretty when you beg, darlin’,” he told you, kneeling between your thighs and shucking off his shirt, before tugging himself from his pants. You groaned at the sight of his heavy cock, pushing your hips up towards him. He smirked, holding the base in his fist as he lined up with your entrance, running the tip up and down your wet slit. “Gonna be a good girl and milk my cock?”
When you nodded eagerly, he grinned, pushing forward, stretching you out in a way his fingers never could. “Fuck… good girl, YN, love… take my cock so well, you do,” You moaned, already trying to rock your hips up and down, eager for him to ruin your overstimulated cunt. “My good little pet, drunk on my cock,” he grunted, starting to snap his hips against yours.
It only took a few thrusts before your overworked pussy was spasming uncontrollably around him, and he held onto your thighs, holding you close to him to keep his cock inside you. “Fuck… good girl,” he praised, and smirked as you tried to wriggle away. “But I’m not done with this perfect cunt just yet,”
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justrainandcoffee · 4 months
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Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2
Masterlist 3
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lis-likes-fics · 2 years
Spoiled Brat
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Reader Word Count: 4.2k words Warnings: Smut, p in v sex, cunnilingus, overstimulation, spanking, slight breeding kink, slight degradation (blink and you’ll miss it), language... A/N: I don’t know why this took me as long as it did but it’s finally here. I don’t know when I became a slut for Alfie Solomons, but I did, so enjoy this smut fic of him. Thank you.
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Alfie Solomons was working late again at the distillery, burning away the hours of the evening as they faded into the late hours of the night. Alfie Solomons was working on some random paperwork he had no interest in as he ran his hand through his beard and grumbled about something trivial under his breath. Alfie Solomons was working away at God-knows-what while you slightly overstayed your welcome—although she insisted you hadn’t, even if her husband didn’t seem to agree—at your dear friend’s home. You left promptly, despite her invitation to stay and aggravate her husband even more (just for the fun of it, really).
You scratched her tabby cat behind the ears as he purred, resting its cheek in your hand and shutting his eyes. With a quick farewell to your friend, you were off onto the darkened street of Camden Town. Your heels clicked along the damp cobblestone as you wrapped your coat around your body. The moon was hardly present, a smile in the sky that showed little light to guide your way. You didn’t need it, you’d walked down that road a million times.
You could make out a few shadows in the dark, watching eyes that considered you for a moment before quickly looking away at the realization of who it was you actually were. They’d like to keep their heads fixed on their shoulders.
When you reached the building you knew all, you were greeted by the stragglers who usually stayed late, people who would also be leaving sooner than your husband. You regarded them with a little smile, and they returned it gratuitously.
You didn’t bother knocking on the door when you arrived at Alfie’s office. You twisted the handle and turned it open, stepping right through and hanging your coat and hat on the rack by the door. He didn’t have to look up to know it was you, as you were the only one who would ever think to let yourself in so boldly without permission from the big bad Alfie Solomons who kept a gun in his drawer next to the whiskey.
“Hello, love,” you greeted him warmly.
He grunted his reply at first before finally speaking after a prolonged silence. “How are you, dove?” he muttered, his face still stuck in the paperwork on his desk .
When you didn’t respond, he finally looked up at you. You stood in front of the door, your head tilted as you looked over at him through your lashes. He took in the sight of you and leaned back in his chair, watching your lashes flutter and your smile widen with a certain mischief he was all too familiar with in you.
“Uh, oh,” he said, setting his pen down and sliding his papers to the side. “She wants something.” His lips curled underneath his mustache with a grin he’d tried to keep away in the face of your pleading eyes.
“Alfie.” Your voice was small and gentle, raised a half step as you swayed a little with your hands behind your back. Your smile was that kind of smile meant to charm unsuspecting prey before they met their demise. Alfie knew it all too well, and has fallen victim to your hypnotic antics far too many times for his rough exterior and notorious reputation to handle.
He sighed deeply, holding his arms out wide to suggest one of his constricting bear hugs. “Come ‘ere, luv,” he requested. You gladly obey, walking over to him and taking your sweet time about it. You were just going to stand in front of him, tuck yourself between his legs and look down at him as he held your waist, but as soon as you were within arm’s reach, he pulled you down onto his lap and practically cradled you.
“Right, what is it?” he asked once you were situated, watching you with plenty of interest as his hand stroked along your back. You threw your arms around his neck, giving him your best puppy dog eyes—a look you and Cyril shared and only used for no good.
Then you bit your lip, and Alfie knew you meant only trouble.
“I’ve been thinking about things,” you began, trailing one hand to his chest and tapping your fingers there. He watched you like some sailor caught under a siren’s spell.
“What kinds of things?” he asked, humming deep in his chest. The sound buzzed underneath your hand, and he gave a little grin as he suggested, “Naughty?”
You chuckled lightly, “No.”
He huffed, his smile falling. “Right, then,” he said. “I dunno if I want to hear it now.”
You stifled your chuckle, granting him a large smile and using the full force of your pleading eyes. “Please?” you whispered, leaning in closer so your faces were hardly inches apart.
You were vividly aware of his finger tapping against your thigh as he held you in his lap. He gave in to your pleading with a sigh full of feigned exasperation. “Alright, alright,” he huffed. “Put them eyes away.”
You pressed your lips to his temple, buttering him up as you leaned your head on his shoulder and sighed. Alfie sighed, too. He knew every single one of your methods, and he still fell for them every single time.
"I know we already have Cyril," you began slowly, "and I love him to death, but I was just wondering… What if we…?"
"You want another dog, is it? Done." He looked at you, flashing a smile that had you rolling your eyes. He just shrugged. "See? Wasn't that 'ard."
You raised a brow at him, "I want a cat."
He stared at you for a moment, his brows furrowed slightly as he seemed to think over that. "Alright, forgive my language, luv, yeah, but that's a right fuckin' awful idea."
You looked back at him, your pout returning with a vengeance as you pushed your lip out, your brow crinkling. "Why?" you whined.
"We don't need no pussy cat," he shook his head, his hand patting against your ass as he smirked at you. "I'm fine with the one I've got."
"Alfie," you softly reprimand, the seriosity falling short with your giggle at his slightly crude joke.
He continued to refuse, much to your dismay. "It'll scratch everything up, break shit. Plus, they fuckin' smell like shit and they're jus' fuckin' mean."
You rolled your eyes, "No, they're not! I have a friend who has a cat, and he's brilliant!"
He lolled his head back dramatically, rolling his eyes. "Oh, so you've already been brainwashed, eh?"
You jutted your bottom lip out once more. "Alfie, please?" you begged.
Again, he shook his head, his word final as he pressed his finger against your bottom lip to push it back into place. "You can suck that lip back in, luv, 'cause it's still a no."
"I can take care of it," you pushed.
"I'll have Cyril take care of it."
"Alfie!" you scolded.
He shrugged remorselessly. "Yeah, no."
You pulled a desperate card that you knew had a very low chance at success.
"Don't you love me at all?"
Not only did it not work as Alfie fell completely silent, looking back at you with a face lacking any playfulness, but now you were sure you had gotten yourself in trouble. You hid your inhibitions.
"Right," he started out slowly, lifting a finger to point at you. "This is what we are not gonna do, yeah? We are not going to do that little manipulation thing you do, eh, like you're a pretty little pup who never gets what she wants." He popped the 'P' of pup, staring you down with an intensity that nearly had you shaking.
"You know what we're gonna do?" he asked. "We're gonna behave like a good little girl," he got in your face for the last few words, "and agree that we ain't gettin' no cat."
You slump, "But…"
He shakes his head, "No buts."
You huffed, removing your hands from around his neck as you moved to stand. As soon as you were lifting off of his lap, he pulled you down again by your waist and made you face him. It was the very last card you had as you forced a tear to slip down your cheek, staring at him with the biggest eyes you could manage and allowing your frown to deepen.
The way he stared at you was almost frightening. It was incredulous, almost frustrated as he watched you exaggerate your sorrow for being told a very simple 'no'.
"Right," he began, "I want that pout and that fake little tear off your little scrunched up face right now, or I'll wipe it off myself."
A tear fell down your other cheek, and you had to turn away to hide it from him. He grabbed your face by your cheeks, squishing them together to bring your attention back to him.
"You have to the count of three, luv," he warned, displaying his hand as he readied it to begin his slow countdown. "One."
Your expression did not shift, your pout remained and your two crocodile tears dropped from your chin.
"Right, then."
He did not finish his countdown. He grabbed you roughly, manhandling you onto his lap so that you were laying across his huge thighs. You yelped in surprise as you were folded over, your bottom on display for him.
He began lifting up your dress, adjusting everything to give him a clear view of your white, silk undergarments. Then he tore those off of you so he could see your precious ass.
"Since you want to behave like some spoiled brat," he said, "we're going to treat you like one."
He gave you no warning at all before his hand was coming down rather harshly on your ass. It burned, a bright pain blossoming over your skin and staining it with a deep shade that Alfie marveled at. A surprised cry slipped out of you. He grunted.
"There we go. Let's give you something to cry about, sweetheart."
And he did. Smack after smack, he painted your skin the darkest shades of red as the pain bloomed along your ass and thighs. You bit your lip and, until he reprimanded you for it, tried to muffle your cries.
There was a sick kind of pleasure you were getting out of this, the both of you. Being bent over his lap like this, scolded for not being "a good little girl", It was a type of pain that was twisting in your gut and leaking out of your cunt.
By the time the punishment came to an end, your face was streaming with real tears as he wrapped his hand around your throat and lifted you to see your face again. "Look at me," he directed. "Have you learned your lesson yet, luv?"
You nodded quickly, propping yourself up as best you could so you could obey his simple command. "Yes," you breathed. "Yes, sir."
He examined your face, flushed and stained with tears. "Nah," he shook his head. "Nah, I don't think you have." He dipped his hand between your thighs. He wasn't even touching your pussy, but he could feel the wetness spreading along the inside of your legs, warm and soaking.
You closed your eyes, suppressing a moan as you nodded your head again to convince him. "Please."
He bit his bottom lip for a moment, a wicked grin spreading over his face as he nodded slowly. "Yeah, see?" he whispered. "Still askin' for things."
You would have scoffed or called him out for tricking you if you were so fucking frustrated right now, in need of his thick fingers to finally stop teasing your sensitive thighs and bury themselves in your waiting cunt. "I'm sorry, Alfie."
His thumb swiped over your cheek as he nodded. "I know you are, luv, but I'm not through with you yet."
Before you had time to respond to his words, he leaned forward and swiped everything off his desks. Papers flew in the air, pens shot across the room, plastic and metal miscellaneous scattered over the freshly swept floors scratched up from previous beatings and scuffings of shoes.
He tucked his arm under your body and picked you up easily, his biceps flexing and bugling out of the rolled up sleeve of his white shirt. He dropped you onto the cold wood with less sympathy than if he were not as angry with you. The coolness of the desks seeped through your dress and threatened to bring your nipples to a harder peak as you grasp at the edge of it, chest heaving with the anticipation of what he’d do. There was a stretch of silence where you heard nothing but felt the security of your dress lessen.
Alfie took a hold of your waist, clutched your sides with a tightening and loosening grip, as if he was testing out your stability, your strength. He came to a determination, choosing to flip you over onto your back with a rough shove. You moaned lightly when the table dug into across your shoulder blades and he tutted.
You looked up at him through hooded eyes, waiting for Alfie to make his next move as he stood over you, thinking, calculating. He nodded a little, quiet and staring. When he finally moved, his hands came up to clutch around your dress as he slipped it off your body and discarded it on the floor like trash. At least he hadn’t torn it, he liked doing that.
Layer by layer, he yanked your clothes away until you were so completely bare before him. He admired you for a moment, just staring, thinking. “Right,” he mumbled under his breath, just another grumble of a word spoken into the air. He bent down, taking your face in his strong hand and clutching, your lips scrunching into a pout. “Since you want a pussy cat so bad,” he said, his eye contact searing, “why don’t I just pay some attention to yours? That should cancel out, eh?”
He didn’t leave time for you to respond before he was finally pressing his lips to your bare chest. Your back arched into him and a stifled moan wormed its way from your throat. His kisses traveled sparingly down to your soaked cunt. He hummed, a deep sound that rumbled in his chest. A surprised yelp cut through the air when his hand came down on your folds, a loud smack accompanying the quick movement as your body jolted.
“Alfie,” you breathed.
He looked at you quickly, “Right, did I say you could fuckin’ speak, girl?” You shook your head, laying your head back on the desk a moment before meeting his gaze again. “That’s what I thought. Do yourself a favor and shut your mouth unless you’ve a pretty little moan for me. Alright?” You nodded quickly and he nodded back.
He gripped your thighs, kneading the flesh and spreading it wide. He blew some against your folds, testing your sensitivity and smiling to himself when your legs twitched. He leaned forward and pushed your chest back down when your back arched at his warm lips wrapping around your cunt. His hot tongue laved over your folds, licking up the arousal that coated your flesh and working his tongue into your hole.
You bit your lip as you moaned, eyes screwed shut as your mouth fell open. He worked you up and kept you there, making you climb higher and higher as he brought you to the cusp of pleasure. Your little mewls and moans were music to him, and you sang the most beautiful songs to him as he grunted into you. You made a mess of him with nothing but your slick arousal, riding his face as best he could when his strong arms held you down so easily.
And when you came, you did so with the broken moan of his name, gasping and clenching and arching your back off the table. But he didn't stop, even as you tangled your hands in his hair, he didn't stop. His insistent tongue continued to lick and his talented lips continued to suck.
You were reduced to a mess of tears and slick and rambling cries. You were so sensitive, the overstimulation was too much to handle as he tortured you.
He pulled back finally, granting you mercy as he watched you, face drenched, beard sticky with your cum. His kiss-swollen lips smiled as he loomed over you. "Oh, look at that," he marveled. "Now those are some fuckin' tears, right. Some big fuckin' tears."
You panted as you tried to catch your breath, ignoring the tears that tickled down the side of your face. "I'll be good," you whispered. "I promise, I'll be good."
He leaned forward and kissed your lips, you could taste yourself off him. "I'm sure you will, luv. I'm sure you will," he said. "But I am gonna give you some more, alright? Jus' in case." You whimpered pathetically, watching him descend your body one more to press his tongue against your oversensitive clit.
And you cried and moaned and promised you loved him until he finally let up and granted you pity. He kissed up your body again until he reached your lips. "There, there, sweetie," he cooed, moving hair from your face with a smile. "Alright, look at me. Beautiful, luv."
He kissed your cheek and dipped down to your ear, his voice deep and quiet and rumbling in his chest. "Now," he spoke, sending shivers down your spine, "I'm gonna fuck ya, and I want to hear your pretty little moans. How about that? Can you do that?"
You nodded quickly, anything to please him. "Yes, sir," you gasped. "Yes."
"Good," he smiled, straightening his spine again as he pulled himself out of his pants, hard and thick and red. "Right, spread your legs for me."
He set his hand on your thigh, squeezing and pushing it aside to open you up. Still breathless, you yelped as he pulled you a little closer to the edge. He licked his lips, lightly smacking his hand against the wet juncture between your thighs.
When he entered you, you gasped. Your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his cock, thick and throbbing, filled you inch by beautiful inch. "Alfie!" you moaned, reaching up to grasp his shoulders roughly.
When he was fully seated within you, he lingered there for a moment as he let out a heavy sigh. "Beautiful. So tight, luv," he breathed, eyes fluttering shut as a slight ramble fell from his lips. "That's a good girl."
After making you wait too long, he began to move again. His cock slid in and out of you in long, slow strokes as he filled you to the brim. You bit down on your bottom lip, your eyes closing as you breathed a heavy sigh.
His grip on your waist tightened as he eased himself in and out of you. A groan rumbled in his chest as he sighed. He was hardly slow or gentle as he rocked in and out of your squeezing cunt. He was paced, although his rough thrusts were not forgiving, and they left you pleading for more. You threw your head back as a stifled moan caught in your throat, and your hands shot up to wrap around his neck to hold him closer.
He pulled your arms away from him, and you whimpered pathetically when his cock slipped out of you. He grabbed you harshly, flipping you over the desk to lay on your stomach as he thrust back into you again. The new angle had completely different sensations rushing through you, and you welcomed them with desperate moans.
Alfie nudged your legs apart, spreading you wide for him as he continued to fuck you, building in speed as his rough thrusts filled you with him. The pleasure echoed off your bones just as your sounds echoed off the walls of the office. Your open mouth was unrestrained with noise of lust and passion.
The arousal was leaking down your legs, painting the insides of your thighs like a canvas, offering a generous lather of paint to the space. His cock spearing into you made the dirtiest sounds—skin on skin, wet against wet. Your mouth fell open and you let out breathless cries accompanied with their own pleasure tears.
He bent down over your back, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck as he whispered into your ear at the sound of your whimpers. “Oh, is it too much for you, eh? You can’t take it?” he mocked. You responded with another pathetic moan. “That’s jus’ too bad, innit? You’re gonna have to, treacle.”
He seemed to go rougher after that, holding you close as he fucked into you from behind. You couldn’t control the obscene sounds falling from your lips. It was a mixture of “Alfie, Alfie, Alfie!” and open-mouthed moans that tore from your throat with the rhythm of the snap of his hips.
You were getting so close, driven to insanity by the passionate rock of his cock inside you. Your pussy fluttered as you grew nearer and nearer to your release. You could tell he was going to reach his peak too, with the way his moans become just a little bit louder, his thrusts become just a little bit more erratic.
“Alfie,” you gasped. “Alfie, please. Gonna cum!”
He sniffed, a little preoccupied but completely engrossed in your pleasure. “Yeah? You gonna cum all over my cock, luv? You gonna let me cum inside of ya and fill you up with our baby?” he whispered into your ear. A higher pitched moan squeezed out of you then, and he feels you clamp down around him. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Like the idea of being bred by me, eh?”
You spoke between gasping breaths and a quivering smile. “I’m surprised,” a breath, “you haven’t done it already–Ah!” He interrupted you with yet another rough thrust. “Husband, I’m gonna cum.”
He reached around you, his fingers finding your pussy and shifting until he reached your clit. With an expert hand, he rubbed your clit and had you seeing stars. “Smart mouth,” he commented, shaking his head with a soft tut. A knot built in your gut until you couldn’t hold it anymore as your silent moans caught in your throat. “Go on, luv. Cum for me.”
As your orgasm came crashing down on you, it was loud and hard and you felt like you might have blacked out for a couple seconds as your body was overcome with this beautiful intoxication. You screamed his name, gripping the edge of the desk and burying your face in your arms.
Alfie groaned as you clenched around his cock, squeezing harder and harder until he couldn’t hold back anymore as well. His arm wrapped around you, pulling you close to him as he seated himself as deep as he could, coming deep within your hot pussy. “Fuck,” he groaned deeply in your ear, his voice a consuming rasp that prolongs your own mind-numbing release.
By the time you were both coming down, your body was limp against the now warm wood of the desk as you laid there, trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure sparking in your muscles. Alfie let out a deep breath and pulled out of you, looking down as the mixture of cum slipped down your thigh from your sopping cunt. He groaned deeply in his throat before finally wrapping his arm around you once more to ease you up.
He sat heavily in his chair, sighing loudly as he pulled you into his lap to rest against his chest. You nuzzled your face in his neck, wrapping your loose arms around him as you caught back up to reality. You both sat in silence as he rubbed gentle circles into your back, whispering soft praises and shushing you gently.
After a beat of silence, he sighed and pursed his lips as he thought to himself. Then he gave in.
“You can get a cat,” he relented. You pulled away from the comfort of his neck, your arms still wrapped around him as your face lit up with elation. He was quick to add his condition, “But if it doesn’t behave, I’ll have Cyril eat it, yeah?”
You gave him a bright smile, one of those looks that reminded him why you were his wife. “Thank you! I love you, Alfie!” you exclaimed, holding him again as you pepper his face in excited kisses.
“Yeah, yeah,” he sighed. “I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Alfie Solomons, one of the most dangerous men in London, proudly allowed his wife to cover him in kisses. Alfie Solomons, a Jewish gang leader, preened under the attention of his lover as he held her close to him, cradling her with all the affection in his heart. Alfie Solomons, a man from Camden Town, smiled like a lovesick fool as he and his wife shared one of those “I’d give you the world” kisses before they would depart to finally go home in the late hours of the night to make love again before retiring to bed and beginning another day of business and pleasure.
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Peaky Blinders taglist: ... Tag yourself here...
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Imagine Tommy coming to you all bloody after meeting with Alfie
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Imagine Tommy coming to you all bloody after meeting with Alfie who you had a secret relationship with for several months now.
"What did you do?!" you scream at him as you think the worst had happened.
It takes a moment for it to click all together for him. Your frequent visits to Ada. The way you always asked more when he was dealing with the Jew.
"How..." he stops, even as dismayed as he is Tommy knows if he continued the 'how could you' you might walk out the door and he'd never see you again. So he goes with a quiet and calm, "How long?"
You are stunned for a second but you don't relent, even when it's clear you feel guilty. "Please," you beg with a trembling voice and tears in your eyes, "tell me you didn't..."
His brave little sister, he thinks, can't say the words and he knows it has to have been going on for a while. Tommy takes mercy on you and says, "It's not his blood, Alfie is fine."
You let out a stuttering breath of relief and hug him then, not caring for the blood anymore, and you cry as he tells you what he found out and asks for your help for the first time in your life.
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warnersister · 7 months
By the Book of Leviticus
Alfie Solomons x Jewish!reader
->Alfie while his wife is practicing niddah
niddah - “Biblically based in the Torah, these laws, also referred to as niddah, have developed into an intricate and detailed set of laws that prevent a menstruating woman from having sexual relations with her husband both during her menstrual cycle and for a period of seven 'white days' following”
Click here for the request
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You and Alfie slept in separate beds pushed together to make one. Alfie wasn’t fussed but it was as per your request, and he’d cut his own ear off and eat it if you merely asked. Two days before your monthly practise begins, you would push the two adjust slightly, so the two mattresses were no longer touching and hence; no longer any risk of succumbing to any late-night desperations that were so easily achievable.
Alfie strolled into the house with Cyril, hearing scuffling and scraping upstairs and quirking an eyebrow; eyes flicking over to the calendar and there it was: clearly marked in red pen ‘two days’, followed by five days scribbled out in the same red, then several crossed neatly with a pencil. Alfie hummed as his lips kissed his teeth with a tut. That’s why you’d been a bit agitated the past few days.
While practicing Jewish religions, Alfie was a lawless man who only used to turn to God at his darkest hour, breaking down to his Rabbi and shaking when that recent job was just that tad too delicate. Until he met you. Sincere, pure, religion. You were complete oxymorons of each other. Hot ice: shivering in the summer. You completely juxtaposed Alfie and it made him feel whole: holy, even. And it didn’t take long for your religious ways to start rubbing off on him. You weren’t completely blind sighted by the ways of God, but you were raised to practise in such ways and that was what you were going to do.
Alfie never argued when it came to judaism. You tell him what you’re up too, he steps back and lets you do what you need to do. When you’d first started seeing each other, he’d invited you back home after a lovely meal by the docks. You’d sheepishly agree and linked arms with the larger man, allowing yourself to take some of his weight to ease the ever growing pain of his sciatica.
When nearing his house he’d cheekily took his arm you were holding and wrapped it around your waist, leaning down to kiss you to which you instinctively lurched back in response. Alfie pulled away, hurt clearly evident in his eyes but you were quick to speak. “I practise being a niddah, Alf.” You say quickly and his eyes softened in understanding. “I’m sorry I should’ve told you sooner and god do I want to kiss you but I can’t, and” he stopped you by planting a kiss on the top of your head and smiling down to you. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, treacle. I understand. We’ll do everything or nothing when you’re ready.”
And after two years, a marriage certificate and abiding in the same home, he’d become accustomed to the monthly abstinence. Alfie let a tired Cyril march over to his bed and lazily plop down, eyes drooping as he silently moaned at Alfie for moving him. Alfie removed his coat, his shoes and his hat before moving up the stairs to you.
He leant against the doorframe as you’d victoriously placed the bed where it reiteratively sat every month, resting your hands on your hips to admire the handiwork you’d done without the assistance of your big strong Alfie who usually insisted on rolling up his sleeves and shifting it for you.
“See you don’t need me then, do ya treacle? Don’t need your old Alfie. Just an old bag in the wind, hmm?” He grunted, trying to seem unimpressed but couldn’t surprise the smile tugging at his lips when you pivoted to meet him, hurrying over and kissing him sweetly. “I’ll always need you, Alfie.” He smiled down at you. “Has it started yet?” He asked, head motioning over to your bed. You shook your head in response. “Not yet, tomorrow or the day after.” “Great” Alfie threw you over his shoulder and you yelped in surprise, carrying you over to the best and climbing on top of you. “Can have you one last time.” “What happened to the sciatica?” You teased, and he shook his head, already working on the zip of your skirt. “Hush now, darlin”
He loved making love to you before the practise of niddah, enough so you’d remember and carry a loving lisp until the day after it had finished so he was able to do it all over again. During niddah however, Alfie was completely respectful. Doing minimal, yet lovable touches reminding you he was still there. He’d make you breakfast and kiss the top of your head, hugging you close. He’d sit before bed and brush your hair gently. Regardless of his sciatica, he’d carry you through the threshold of the bedroom and to your own bed and tuck you in, telling you “a woman working as hard as yourself right now shouldn’t lift a finger.”
Sure, he’d get antsy at some point. But he’d never tell you that, instead humming a song to you and swaying you gently as he gritted his jaw and glare into the calendar, counting the days which seemed to prologue. But Alfie wouldn’t change it for the world.
And on that evening, when he’d walk back in with Cyril - cursing under his breath as a downpour had caught them by surprise half way. Mood dampened until he heard the all familiar screeching up stairs, beds reconnecting and he smiled, barely able to get his shoes and boots off and adrenaline easing the sciatic pain for a moment, half of his clothes off by the time he got up the stairs. Rushing into the bedroom, and pushing you gently but meaningfully onto the bed as you’d giggle as he’d devour you, a man starved.
Yeah, Alfie didn’t mind this life at all.
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 8 months
HCs of Alfie with a younger wife? Like in her mid 20s 💕
Hello my darling!!! I’m sorry this took forever! But I am back!!! Please enjoy this little nugget. Also y’all HCs are so fun!!!! Maybe I should do more.
He wasn’t planning on marrying a younger woman. Let’s be honest he wasn’t planning on getting married PERIOD.
But then you blustered in…
You came in. Full of wisdom so far beyond your age. Full of confidence that came from the knowledge that you were the best you you could be. Full of light that he thought would flee from a man like him.
He immediately was drawn to you. Your soothing voice that brought down his rage, which so quickly could come full force against him when he got too brash and foolish, reminding him that there’s no need to destroy what was not yet broken.
Despite the incurable draw to you, he said he would stay away. Be respectful. Be a respectful old man.
You would have none of it. Because truthfully he wasn’t that old. He was just snippy and preferred his habits. He hadn’t been a young man ever since the war. Regardless what his birth certificate said.
In truth it didn’t take too much to get him to relent. He’s just a man in front of a beautifully infuriating woman. And after a screaming match ending with you laughing at his reddening ears and hoarse voice, he let himself finally say it, “Right then. Now only my woman gets to screech at me like you do. So I’ll see you tomorrow night? Take you to the pictures and maybe dinner?”
And soon enough he asked for your hand, rumors and shaking heads be damned. He needed you more than air, and for some reason you loved him just as much.
Alfie expected his life would change once you were moved into his home. Was only natural. But he didn’t expect to change THIS much.
Or that he would like it. That he would feel like a chasm he didn’t realize he had was finally sealed up and healed with the first morning he woke up to you next to him.
Younger yes. Unorganized you were not. And very quickly upon your arrival did you see the bachelor pad state and work your magic to rectify. To turn this dragon’s cave into an actual home. Curtains and windows finally opened to let in fresh air. Ledgers and letters were filed away. The garden in the back finally being tended to to indicate actual humans lived and loved on the premises.
Remember that Alfie has been a bachelor the majority of his life. Any pretty women which came into his life were quickly shoo’d away. So to say he was puzzled by your… womanly… tools?? Weapons??… was putting it lightly.
“My dove now what the fuck are these? They look like tiny dinner rolls.”
“They’re rollers Alfie! For my hair! Gives it the wave.”
“Right right hair wave rollers yes of course. Now what about these… powders and things?”
“My rouge and lipstick darling.”
He didn’t get it at all.
Though Alfie is partial to opera and the absolute classics, he adores the new music you bring home. His family in Boston adore you immensely and have taken to mailing you the newest records in America.
If you’re extra sweet, you can usually coax him to dance with you, spinning yourself around him in a tizzy. By the end of your evenings he’s drunk without even a single sip of rum.
He’s never been so happy. So care free. But there is this nagging feeling in his stomach. One that won’t go away. That maybe you’re not truly happy. That you’re secretly wishing to be back out with the young people. To go out dancing in pretty dresses instead of in the living room in your dressing gown. To be fawned over in illustrious restaurants instead of cooking dinner together most nights. Had he robbed you of your youth simply because he’s selfish?
He never tells you this. No being a man means keeping your feelings inside and not letting your woman see you less than perfectly confident. (His words not mine)
But you read him so easily. It’s easy when you love someone so completely. Especially if your lover gets the deepest scowl on his face when he’s troubled, staring deep into space.
When you finally coax him out of him, he merely grumbled like a shifting mountain, trying to brush it off.
But oh how he wished he told you sooner. You assure him that you never really enjoyed the clubs and high society outings. You much preferred to stay home with your friends and other loved ones. What could possibly be out there that could even come close to what you have in the house.
When you do manage to get out of the house, either to the cinema, walking Cyril, venturing out for dinner, or because you insisted that walking is good for him, he is fully aware of the stares.
Some are… disapproving. As much as they can be towards the King of Camden. But the ones he is most irritated by are the love sick stares of the young men who trail after you. Clearly covetous and stupid enough to be blind to the beast that walks close beside you.
He is shocked you don’t notice. When he brings it up to you, you merely laugh, “Why would I be noticing men staring? The only man I’m concerned with is you.”
That comment makes him smirk wickedly, grasping firmly to your waist as you laughed brightly, swatting his chest playfully when he growls in your ear.
For all your ferocity and fiery eyes, Alfie still dotes on you and frets over you. Little presents are common. He insists on you bundling at the slightest drop of temperature or precipitation. And begrudgingly “permits” you to attend to errands on your own (you and everyone else knows he would never forbid you unless it was truly dangerous. But he loves to rile you up and tease).
You’ll never want for anything being his bride. Nothing is off limits for you. Even if he does make a show of pulling out bank notes, groaning about how his bank account suffers. Even when he’s the one that insists on buying you new things.
He may be the older one, but you are some how so much more wiser and practical. Anchoring him to the present when the nightmares come. Secretly convening with his doctors to heal the deep aches and malaise. He insists you’re magic.
To some it’s unconventional. Your love doesn’t make sense. But to those who truly know, you’re a match made in heaven.
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charliehoennam · 7 months
A/N: fulfilling @j23r23's request made here. Happy reminder that requests are open!!
Summary: Alfie comes homes late at night and finds his pregnant wife sleeping on the couch and confesses his fear to his unborn child
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x F!reader
Warning: sexual connotations towards the end, language, pregnancy themes
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Alfie was never one to be easily scared. He had a tough upbringing and, being the man of the house to his two older sisters, Rebecca and Debora, and their divorced mother, he had to grow up fast.
His father had left before Alfie was even born, leaving his son to become the only man of the house.
Sure, his mother was quite the mama bear herself. But there had always been resentment from Alfie towards his unacquainted father for leaving his mother to fend for her children on her own.
Alfie vowed that, if he ever became a father, he would support and help the mother of his child however he could, no matter how unconventional.
You felt like the luckiest woman in the world to be married to him. Alfie was nothing like most men. Most men would participate very little in these affairs, believing them to be limited only to women, but not Alfie. And if anyone dissed him for it, he'll tell those cowards to fuck right off because he wouldn't leave you alone in one of the most painful moments of your life.
It wasn't very common for you either. Part of you was so worried about just having him present for the birth. You worried he wouldn't want to go anywhere near you after it - obviously after you've healed - or have another child.
"Love, after the war I've seen, there is no amount of blood that can scare me away. Now, I won't pry if you don't want me to, of course. I'll respect whatever boundaries you have. But I would like to be there to hold your hand at the very least," he'd say.
He was hellbent on getting you all the best doctors and only the most experienced midwives to assist with pregnancy and the labor.
He didn't avoid making love to you because you were pregnant. It surprisingly turned him him on, made him certain about getting a baby back into you as soon as he could.
Every night, he came home to you with your favorite sweet and treated you to a warm bath together entitled to a foot rub and back rub just before bed.
Every afternoon, he'd meet you exactly at 3 when the weather wasn't too sunny or cold for a walk around the square or the block.
Every morning, once it became harder for you to bend over, he'd kneel down every time to get your heels on for you and compliment how beautiful you looked.
Regardless of the arguments you'd have, he was always consistent with his help. It didn't matter how he felt, he put his feelings aside as he reminded himself that they were nothing compared to the human growing in your body.
Your unborn child had reminded him of his sisters struggles during their terms. Crying over their husbands' affairs, neglected and alone, desperately wondering how they would raise the child. He was only a boy at the time, but he made sure to remember their names.
Once older and stronger, he tracked down all the men responsible for breaking his sisters' hearts and punished them with a beat-down they'd never forget. He considered offing them, but he figured the very least they could do is provide financial support. So, before they could even speak right or breathe through a healed nose, he put them into jobs his contacts proposed especially to him in order to keep a close on them.
That was simply Alfie's nature. Protective and vengeful.
Despite barely having to lift a finger for anything ever since Alfie hired an entire team to assist you, your body still felt exhausted and heavy from the weight of the growing baby in your belly.
You found yourself sat on the couch with Cyril snoring peacefully at your feet, warmed by the crackling fireplace before you.
You wanted to lie in your bed and rest your swollen feet in the comfortable warmth of your cotton linens, but Alfie still wasn't home. You worried when he got home late.
It took one look at the winding wooden stairs to convince you to swing your legs up on the couch, stretching them over the plush cushions.
Closing the heavy book in your hand, you tucked it snug between your side and the back of the couch for a quick shut-eye.
When Alfie arrived home, he tried to be as quiet as possible. He wasn't sure if you'd gone to bed, but he did know you had trouble sleeping without him. Your limited sleep positions were nothing as comfortable as snuggling up to his side.
Locking the door, he hung up his coat and hat. Just before he could make it to the first step of the stairs, he heard Cyril's snoring coming from the living room. That's when he noticed the light radiating from the fireplace, dancing against your skin as you slept soundly.
He stood in the door watching you for a moment, basking in the image of your sleeping frame. The warmth of the fireplace could not compete with of that which spread through his chest.
Alfie smiled to himself as he gazed upon you, his eyes admiring every crevice and hair on your face. The line of your nose, the eyelashes you'd bat at him, the shape of your lips and the faint curve of your smile lines. He loved knowing he'd been the main cause of those particularly.
But, as his gaze moved down to your protruding belly, he was reminded how close the day was. He wondered how the months flew by so fast.
He felt like he had so much time to prepare for fatherhood, but he felt just as hopeless as when you first told him about the baby.
Stepping into the living room, he walked over quietly to join Cyril on the floor in front of the couch.
He stared into the fireplace as cyril shifted to rest his head on Alfie's lap - his laziest greeting yet.
Alfie sat on one side, leaving his opposite leg bent to rest his arm over his knee. Your belly was just inches away.
Moving his gaze back your clothed bump, he sighed heavily.
"You know, I never met my father, right," he whispered to the unborn child. "I think it's wise you know that now, 'fore you come out. Didn't have one growing up, see? So I 'avent got the slightest idea of how to be one."
Lured from your nap by Alfie's voice, you slowly blinked your eyes open. Although Alfie's head of hair was all you saw, you realized he wasn't talking to you and he couldn't see you were awake.
Eavesdropping wasn't very polite, but you couldn't help yourself. You didn't want to stop him, but hearing him to the baby in you was quite heartwarming so you decided to let Alfie have a bonding moment of his own.
"Truth is you got me downright scared," he continued. "Even after months, I still am downright terrified and you ain't even 'ere yet... I know it's a lot to ask, yeah, especially since you're still in there, blissfully unaware of the horrors of the world. But I give you my word I'll try my best to be the best for you and your mum. I hope you can understand that even when you decide to hate me whenever I give you an earful. Though I doubt I can do it. Think your mum will have to sort you out," he mumbled with a playful smirk. "I'll try my best for you, yeah? I just hope it's enough."
Alife's smirk faded as she gazed at your belly. He felt pathetic, venting to an unborn child as if that would solve all his problems. Alfie hated admitted, and he would never admit it to anyone but you, but he was terrified of becoming a father.
You didn't blame him; you had your own fears as well, so you could understand why this precious and fragile life had him so frightened.
He still hadn't noticed you were awake or that you had heard his confession. Until you lifted a hand to stroke the hair on the back of his head.
" 'eard all that, did ya?"
He didn't exactly blush, but he did feel warmth racing around his face with embarrassment.
"You're going to be a great father, Alfie" you answered. "I know you're scared. I'm scared too. But as long as we're together and we have each other, we can get through anything."
"Yeah, I know, love," Alfie nodded and sighed. He hated talking about his emotions, even if it was to the only person he could trust blindly. "I just don't want to be a disappointment like my father, if you could even call 'im that much."
"You won't be, and I'll tell you why. You're nothing like him," you smiled, carding your fingers through his brown locks. "You're a good man, Alf. I know you do what you have to do out there, but what matters to me is the man you are in here. And in here, you're a good man. And I wouldn't want to be carrying anyone's child. I'm honored to be the mother of our babe."
"You really mean that?" he smiled trying to look over his shoulder at you, as far as his neck - and age - allowed.
"Every word. You're worried enough to ask your sisters and the midwives for help, Alf. Not many men care to even worry about that sorta thing."
"I'm not like most men," he smirked feeling a sense of pride. "How'd you know about that though?"
"Becca told me you been meeting her for tea every week for advice."
"I fucking knew it. I knew she'd blabber off to you," he chuckled shyly.
"It's nothing to ashamed of, love. I actually find your level of concern and willingness to help in whichever way extremely attractive," you smirked stroking the sensitive skin on his neck with your finger.
"Do you now?" He grinned mischievously knowing exactly where this was headed. One of the perks that came with your pregnancy, in the later stages of it, was the sharp peak of sexual desires.
There were no more worries about you getting pregnant - too late for that now - and seeing your belly swollen, with his child that he put inside you, only made him wish he could put more and more.
"I think I like where this is headed."
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murdockcastleslut · 3 months
heyy can I please request an alfie solomons x reader from prompt list 1, with these prompts: "i can't seem to take neither my eyes, nor my mind off of you, [name]." :''), "smile for me" or, "twirl for me" :)), searching for each other in a crowded rooms, finding each other everywhere (this is just love guys, top tier.)
thank youu :)
i am so excited to write this so lets see where my mind will let me take this! | request info here!
you or your husband were social people. and being seeprated in a large event for your husband's business partner was not what you had in mind.
alfie had been whisked away by tommy to talk about some business deal with other business deal while you were left to talk to their wives. though they seemed fairly nice, you wanted nothing more than to be by your husband's side.
you scanned the room looking around the large ballroom, you eyes stopped when you caught your husband's blue eyes. you smiled to him and excused yourself from the women that surrounded you.
as you got closer alfie also excused himself from the ever growing group of business men that surrounded thomas.
as you reach you husband, his arm automatically goes around his waist.
"poppet, i know i told yer this before we left the manor but you look stunnin. twirl for meh, once more would ya?" he asks with a cheeky smile.
you rolled your eyes at his flirting, trying to distract him from the growing blush forming on your cheeks.
"you're such a flirt alfie." you smile at him as you twirl in the gown you had bought you just for the occasion.
"goodness i cannot get enough of ya, treacle. my darling wife." he smiles at you.
"well seems right since, i can't get my eyes nor my mind off of you, alfie."
"you play a dangerous game, you temptress. because as those blokes went on and on about whatever the fuck, all i thought is how i want a nice glass of whiskey and you in my arms."
"are you going soft alf?"
"for you darling, i alread have." he kisses your nose.
you scrunch you nose at him in repsonse.
"can have one dance before we leave?" you question as you wrap you arms around his neck.
"of course we can, treacle." he smiles and wraps his arms around you waist.
the two of you enoy the music and sway in each others arms for not one, not two, but four more dances before the two of you ever look out of one another's eyes. and another two after that before you stopped dancing.
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wonderlanddreamer · 2 months
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Alfie Solomons x Reader
Summary: This fic is based on this request. I'm not sure if I did it justice, but as soon as I started, the words just kind of wrote themselves.
Warnings: Explicit sexual content. 18+ Only. MDNI.
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The familiar scent of freshly baked bread and the faint aroma of whiskey greeted you as you entered the bakery. The air was thick with the mingling fragrances, a comforting yet heady mix that immediately made you feel both at home and slightly tipsy. The place was bustling with activity, men in flour-dusted aprons hauling hefty sacks of flour and trays laden with golden pastries. 
You adjusted the strap of your bag, feeling a pang of nervousness as you approached the counter. Your brother had insisted you handle the administrative side of the family business, and the rough atmosphere of the bakery always put you on edge. Today felt no different, the air crackling with the intensity of a place where hard labour and harder men intersected.
"Oi, who’s this then?" A burly man with a thick Cockney accent barked, his voice slicing through the noise like a knife. He eyed you up and down with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. His companions, rough-looking men with hardened expressions, smirked, their eyes gleaming with opportunistic malice.
"Just here to see Mr Solomons," you murmured, your voice barely audible over the din of the bakery. You hoped the mention of Alfie Solomons, the notorious and respected owner, would be enough to deter any further questioning.
"Don't think I've seen you around here before, love," another man sneered, stepping closer. His breath reeked of stale whiskey and tobacco. "Maybe you’re lost, eh? Need a bit of help finding your way?"
Before you could respond, a pair of rough hands grabbed your arm, pulling you closer. Panic surged through you as you struggled to pull away, your heart pounding in your chest like a drum. The men’s laughter echoed around you, a chilling sound that made your skin crawl.
"Oi! Get the fuck off her, you filthy sods!" Alfie's voice boomed across the room, making the walls vibrate with its intensity. The men immediately released you, their faces paling as they stepped back, their bravado evaporating in an instant.
Alfie Solomons, with his rugged beard and piercing eyes, stormed over, his presence commanding respect and fear in equal measure. His dark overcoat billowed behind him like a cloak, adding to his imposing figure. Without a moment’s hesitation, he grabbed the ringleader by the collar and slammed him against the wall with a force that made the shelves rattle. "Touch her again, mate, and I'll feed you to the bleedin' pigs, you hear me?" Alfie growled, his voice low and menacing. “Now fuck off, the lotta ya.”
The man nodded frantically, his face pale with fear, and Alfie released him with a forceful shove. As he turned to you, his expression softened slightly, though his eyes still burned with an intensity that spoke volumes of his protective fury. "You alright, love?" he asked, his voice a blend of concern and restrained anger.
You nodded quickly, trying to steady your racing heart. "Yes, Alfie, I'm fine. Really," you managed to say, though your voice wavered slightly.
"Fine, my arse," he grunted, his tone sceptical as he gently guided you by the elbow towards his office. "Come on, let's get you a drink. You look like you could use one."
In the relative quiet of Alfie's office, the chaotic noise of the bakery faded into a distant hum. Alfie moved with a determined grace, pouring a generous measure of whiskey into a glass. He handed it to you, his rough, calloused hands brushing against yours with surprising gentleness. "Drink up. It'll calm your nerves," he urged, his voice softer now.
You took a tentative sip, the whiskey's warmth spreading through you, easing the tension that had coiled tightly in your shoulders. Alfie settled into the chair next to you, his close proximity making your heart flutter in a way it only seemed to do when you were with him. There was an undeniable tension in the air, an electric current of unspoken words and hidden feelings that crackled between you.
"I apologise for that," Alfie drawled, his voice low and rough, "New folk can get a bit rowdy. Usually I just leave ‘em to it, but you, love, you got this way about you. All sweet and innocent, makes a bloke wanna protect you."
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and you looked down, feeling shy under the weight of his intense gaze. "I don’t know what you mean, Alfie," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as your lashes fluttered up to lock your eyes on him.
"Oh, I think you do," he replied, leaning in closer. His breath was warm against your ear, and the intoxicating scent of whiskey and musk enveloped you. "You play all sweet and innocent, but I see it. The way you blush, the way your eyes light up when I talk to you like this, all close and whatnot. You like it, don’t you?"
The room seemed to shrink around you, the outside world fading as Alfie's words drew you into a private moment suspended in time. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, your pulse quickening as his proximity and the intensity of his gaze made it hard to breathe.
 "Alfie, I..." you began, your voice trembling with a mix of apprehension and desire.
"Shh, it's alright, love," he murmured, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin of your ear. The warmth of his breath sent a shiver down your spine. "No need to be shy. I like it. Makes me wanna do all sorts of filthy things to you."
Your breath hitched, and a surge of desire mixed with nervous excitement coursed through you. Alfie’s hand moved to your thigh, his touch gentle yet possessive, as though he was staking a claim. "Tell me to stop if you want, but I don't think you do, do you?" His voice was a low, seductive rumble that made your heart race.
You shook your head slightly, unable to find your voice. The roughness of his exterior and the tantalising words contrasted sharply with the tenderness of his touch, creating a heady mix that left you yearning for more.
"That's my girl," he whispered, his voice a gravelly promise of everything you secretly craved. "Let's see just how much of that sweetness we can turn into something wicked, eh?"
He moved his hand further up your thigh, his fingers teasing the edge of your skirt. Each movement was slow, deliberate, and torturous, making you acutely aware of every inch of space he closed. "You like it when I talk dirty, don't you?" he murmured, his lips brushing against you, sending a fresh wave of shivers down your spine. "You like being my sweet little thing, all innocent and pure, while I think about all the dirty things I wanna do to you."
You bit your lip, trying to hold back a whimper as his hand continued its slow, torturous path. The anticipation was maddening, the boundary between fear and desire becoming increasingly blurred. "Please," you finally managed to whisper, the word escaping your lips as a desperate plea.
His eyes darkened with desire as he watched you, a slow, wicked smile curling on his lips. His gaze held a fierce intensity that made you feel both vulnerable and exhilarated. "You don't have to be shy, love," he murmured, his voice a gravelly whisper that seemed to resonate deep within you. "I wanna hear you say it. Tell me you like it."
Your breath came in shallow gasps, each word he spoke sending a shiver through your entire being. The tension in the air was almost palpable, a charged moment that seemed to stretch into eternity. "I... I like it," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with a raw honesty that surprised even you.
"Atta girl," Alfie growled, his hand sliding further up your thigh, his touch both gentle and possessive. The roughness of his voice sent a shiver down your spine, igniting a fire deep within you. "I knew you did. So how much can a sweet lil’ thing like you take, eh?"
He leaned in closer, his lips grazing the sensitive skin of your neck, sending waves of electricity through your body. "You wanna know what I think about when I see you, love?" he murmured, his voice dripping with raw, unfiltered desire. "I think about bending you over this desk, ripping those pretty clothes off you, and making you scream my name for all of fuckin’ Camden to hear."
A whimper escaped your lips, your body aching with a need you had never felt before. The intensity of his words and the proximity of his touch were almost too much to bear.
"What, darlin’? Eh?" he teased, his hand slipping under your skirt, his fingers tracing the edge of your underwear with maddening slowness. "Tell me what it is you want?"
You closed your eyes, struggling to find your voice amidst the overwhelming sensations. "I want you, Alfie," you whispered, your voice trembling with desire and vulnerability. "I want you to touch me."
"That's my girl," he said, his voice a rough purr filled with satisfaction. His fingers slipped under the fabric of your underwear, finding your most sensitive spot with an unerring accuracy that made you gasp. "So wet for me already," he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. "You really are my sweet little thing, ain't you?"
You gasped again, your body arching towards him as he began to move his fingers in slow, deliberate circles. Each touch sent ripples of pleasure through you, building a tension that was both exhilarating and unbearable. "Alfie..."
"That's it, love," he said, his voice low and rough, resonating deep within you. "Let me hear ya. Let me hear how much you want this."
Your hands clutched at the fabric of the couch, your knuckles turning white as your body trembled with each exquisite touch. The world outside seemed to dissolve, leaving only the two of you in a cocoon of shared desire. "Alfie, please... I need more..."
He chuckled, a dark, satisfied sound that sent another thrill through you. His eyes glittered with a predatory gleam, his smile a mixture of dominance and affection. "Oh, I'll give you more, alright. But first, I want to hear you beg for it."
You bit your lip, your body trembling with a mix of anticipation and desire. "Please, Alfie," you whispered, your voice breaking with raw need. "Please, I need you. I need you so much."
"Good girl," he growled, his fingers moving faster, his touch sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. 
A moan escaped your lips, the sound echoing in the small, dimly lit office, your body responding eagerly to his every touch as you moaned out his name.
"That's it, love," he murmured, his voice rough and thick with desire. "Let go for me."
With a cry, you felt your body shatter, pleasure crashing over you in relentless waves. Your body convulsed in a series of involuntary spasms, a profound sense of euphoria washing over you. As the waves of pleasure subsided, leaving you breathless and trembling, you collapsed against him, seeking the solidity of his presence. 
Alfie's fingers lingered on your skin, tracing invisible patterns that sent electric currents through your body. His eyes, dark and intense, locked onto yours with a magnetic pull that made your knees weak. "Turn around," he commanded, his voice a gravelly whisper that left no room for argument. "Bend over the desk."
Your breath hitched at his words, a rush of anticipation and desire coursing through you as you obeyed, positioning yourself against the sturdy wooden desk. The cool surface felt grounding against the heat building inside you, a stark contrast that heightened your senses. Alfie moved behind you, his presence dominating, his large hands sliding up the back of your thighs with a deliberate slowness that made your skin tingle. The fabric of your skirt bunched higher and higher, exposing more of your flushed skin to the open air.
"Good girl," he murmured, his voice thick with desire and approval. "Just like that. Y’know, I reckon you've been waiting for this, yeah? Waiting for me to take you properly."
You couldn't muster a response, your body trembling with a mix of nerves and excitement that made it difficult to form coherent thoughts. The sound of rustling fabric filled the small office as he undid his belt, the metallic clink of the buckle sending a jolt of electricity through you, making your heart pound even harder. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you back towards him with a possessive strength, and you felt the unmistakable hardness of his arousal pressing insistently against you.
"You want this, don't you?" he growled, his breath hot against your ear as he leaned over you, his beard brushing tantalisingly against your neck. "Tell me how much you want it. Tell me you need it."
"I want it, Alfie," you whispered, your voice trembling with a potent mix of vulnerability and desire. "I need you. Please."
"That's what I like to hear," he muttered, his hands sliding down to your thighs, caressing your skin with a reverence that made your heart soar. "You're so good for me, love. So fucking good, just like I knew you'd be."
With a swift, decisive movement, he pushed your underwear down and entered you, filling you completely. The sensation was overwhelming, an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pressure that made you gasp. Your fingers gripped the edge of the desk, your knuckles turning white as your body adjusted to the sudden, intense sensation. Alfie paused for a moment, allowing you to acclimate to the feeling, his hands still firm on your hips.
"Fuck, you're tight," Alfie groaned, his hands clutching your hips with a possessive grip as he began to move. "So fucking tight and so bloody perfect."
Each thrust was powerful and relentless, driving you closer to the edge with every movement. The sound of your bodies colliding filled the room, mingling with your gasps and his guttural moans, creating a symphony of raw desire that echoed off the walls. The desk creaked beneath you, a testament to the force and intensity of his movements.
"Say my name," he growled, his voice rough and demanding, dripping with dominance. "I want to hear you say it, love.."
"Alfie," you cried out, your voice breaking with the intensity of your desire. The sensation of his powerful thrusts was overwhelming, each one sending a jolt of pleasure through your entire body. "Alfie, please, don't stop. Please."
"That's right," he grunted, his pace quickening, the force of his thrusts becoming almost brutal in their intensity. "You're mine, love. All fucking mine. Remember that."
Your body trembled, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable peak. Alfie's grip tightened, his fingers digging into your skin with a ferocity that sent shivers down your spine. You could feel the tension coiling tighter within you, a spring wound to its limit, ready to snap.
"Come for me," he demanded, his voice a rough whisper. "I want to feel you come around me. Now."
With a cry, you felt your body shatter, the waves of pleasure crashing over you again with a force that left you breathless and trembling. Every muscle in your body tensed, then released in a flood of ecstasy. Your vision blurred, and the world narrowed to the exquisite sensation of Alfie moving within you, his presence overwhelming and all-encompassing.
Moments later, Alfie followed you over the edge, a deep, primal groan vibrating through him as he found his own release. His body tensed against yours, the powerful surge of his climax filling you completely. He held you close, his breath ragged and heavy, his heartbeat thundering in his chest.
For a moment, the only sounds in the room were your ragged breaths and the pounding of your hearts, a symphony of shared intensity echoing in the silence. Then, slowly, Alfie straightened, his hands caressing your back with surprising gentleness as he helped you to your feet. The transition was tender, almost reverent, his touch a stark contrast to the raw passion that had just consumed you both.
"You're alright, darlin’," he murmured, his voice softening into a soothing rumble that seemed to envelop you. "I've got you."
You leaned against him, your body still trembling from the intensity of what you'd just experienced. The warmth of his body was a comforting anchor, grounding you in the aftermath of the storm. "Thank you, Alfie," you whispered, your voice filled with gratitude and something deeper, something more profound. It was more than just thanks for the physical pleasure; it was an acknowledgment of the emotional sanctuary you found in his presence.
He chuckled softly, his eyes warm and filled with a depth of emotion that took your breath away. A hint of a smile played on his lips, a rare softness that he reserved only for you. "No need to thank me, love," he said, his voice gentle yet firm, each word a vow. “I'll always take care of you, you hear?"
His words settled over you like a protective blanket, wrapping you in a sense of security and belonging that went beyond the physical. You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the lingering heat of the moment. It was a deeper, more enduring warmth that filled your heart and soul, a testament to the connection you shared.
In Alfie's arms, you felt safe. More than that, you felt cherished and valued. His fingers continued to trace soothing patterns on your skin, a silent promise of his unwavering devotion. The rough pads of his fingers were a comforting contrast to the softness of his touch, each stroke reaffirming his presence and his promise.
"Turn around," he commanded softly, his voice a gravelly whisper that made your heart flutter with a renewed sense of anticipation. "I wanna see your face."
You obeyed, turning to face him, your eyes locking onto his with a mixture of vulnerability and adoration. His gaze softened, a tender smile curling at the corners of his lips as he cupped your cheek in his hand. The roughness of his palm against your skin was a grounding touch, a reminder of his strength and the gentleness he reserved for you.
"You're mine now," he whispered, his voice filled with a quiet intensity that made your heart soar. The words were a declaration, a promise, and a reassurance all rolled into one. "Understand?"
"I understand," you echoed, your voice a breathless whisper as you leaned into his touch, feeling a profound sense of contentment and belonging. 
His thumb brushed tenderly against your cheek, a cheeky grin turning the corners of his lips. “Now, I do believe you came here with business to discuss?”
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
For event:
Alfie Solomons with
A - “Ask me to stay” + N - not good enough
Please. Thanks
A/n: hiiiiiii, i realized after i wrote it that i got over-excited and forgot the quote (the trope is there though!!) but i like this too much not to post it!
Alfie Solomons X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2229 Tags: angst, steam, canon-divergence, swearing, misogynistic themes
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Alfie Solomons was a man of many vices and few virtues. He’d gone to great pains to ensure that. 
Usually this fact was one he lived proudly. He lived violently, lavishly, and with reckless abandon. Spent his money foolishly, shot his pistols carelessly, and slept with women thoughtlessly. This earned him a larger-than-life reputation in Camden Town. It impressed his employees, amused his business partners, and irritated his enemies. Alfie Solomons was a thorn in the side of propriety, and he loved it.
That changed quickly after meeting you. 
Alfie wasn’t entirely sure when that change happened - he couldn’t finger a specific moment or blame any particular feeling - but he had realized some time ago that the man he’d spent his entire life growing into was suddenly a hindrance.
And it had never been clearer than now.
“Mr. Solomons, I am not a man prone to jokes or levity, especially in moments as grave as this.” Your father was sitting across from Alfie, his back as straight as a whipping rod, hands splayed on the small kitchen table between them. He was taller than Alfie remembered, with shrewd dark eyes that bored straight into him. The absent smile of regret slid off Alfie’s face when he snapped back into the moment, dragged out of wistful reverie. 
“No, n-no sir.” A stutter? Alfie Solomons had never stuttered a day in his life, but here he was, reduced to a stuttering, sheepish shadow of himself in your kitchen. He could hear the slightest creak of a floorboard outside the kitchen door - no doubt you and your three younger sisters listening intently to the near-midnight conversation about your future. 
“I must admit, Mr. Solomons, I am utterly perplexed. My daughter is a young woman with no means, very few prospects beyond that which marriage will afford her. It is my understanding that she intends to pursue a life in the church, in fact.” Alfie’s heart froze to solid ice in his chest. A nun? My god, what was this woman doing to him. Alfie Solomons swore silently to himself that he’d die before he saw you don a habit and wimple. The mere sight of that alone would kill him.
“Yes sir, yes, I understand. I understand well.”
Your father’s eyes narrowed as it was rather obvious that Alfie Solomons did not, in fact, understand at all.
“She is a good girl, but plain and modest in both looks, prospects, and background. Surely a man of your… stature-” your father’s voice pressed down on this word with distaste “- would have his pick of eligible brides.”
Alfie stifled a chuckle, recognizing that it would do him no good to appear cocky or dismissive of your father’s concerns. Your father was right on all accounts: Alfie Solomons was a gangster, a womanizer, and a criminal. You, on the other hand, were… well, words failed Alfie when it came to describing you, but to say you were everything that he was not was an understatement of the worst kind. 
He settled on what he hoped was an appropriately chaste nod. Your father leaned back slightly in his chair, eyeing his eldest daughter’s apparent suitor with bald antipathy. Alfie wasn’t used to people - especially other men - regarding him so openly. It made him uncomfortable in a manner he was quite unused to, as if he was being truly seen for the first time in a long time. He squirmed slightly in his chair, clearing his throat and fidgeting with the wide-brim of his best hat, something he’d had commissioned specifically for this occasion. 
The silence between the two men was widening into a chasm. It was more than you could take. Suddenly unable to stop yourself, you leapt up from the crouch you’d been in for the last half hour, eavesdropping from the stairwell with your mother and younger sisters. You launched down the stairs, despite your sisters grabbing at your nightgown. Your mother gasped as you flung open the kitchen door, almost unseating Alfie in the process. Your kitchen was as modest as your future prospects, and with the three of you crammed into the space it was mighty tight. The added pressure of your nearly-dashed hopes, your father’s broad disappointment, and Alfie’s hopeless attachment to you turned the meager room from cozy to positively stifling. 
“Papa, please! I love him! You can’t keep me from him, I won’t let you!” 
Childish and painfully simple, not nearly the eloquent protest you’d been mulling over all day. And a lie to boot. If push came to shove - as it so often did with your father - he could very much keep you from marrying Alfie Solomons. Your cheeks reddened in embarrassment at your outburst.
Alfie, for one, thought you’d never looked more perfect. Your eyes sparkled in the dim lamplight, your hair was undone and slung over one shoulder in a lazily constructed braid, small curls breaking free around your temples and forehead. Your skin flushed with the unseasonable warm of the September night in Camden Town, those beautiful pillowy lips he couldn’t get out of his head parted and pink. If he was a coarser man and the situation less important, he felt sure he’d grab you and pull you onto his lap right then and there, bystanders and naysayers be damned.
“Saints above, m’dear, come away and cover yourself!” Your mother had been only a few steps behind you. Unable to step fully into the kitchen, she settled for tugging on your arm. Your blush deepened to a shade of red bordering on purple as you realized you were standing in nothing but a summer-thin nightgown. Alfie’s gaze hadn’t made its way far enough from your face yet to take in the ample expanses of skin on display, but your father was glaring daggers into the opposite wall, his jaw set so tight you wondered his teeth didn’t break. 
Appropriately embarrassed, the element of surprise now lost to you, you bowed your head and let your mother tug you out of the kitchen. Your mother - a soft-souled romantic at heart - made gentle soothing motions against your back as silent sobs began to rack through you. You climbed the stairs in a fog, your sisters scattering at your mother’s insistence that ‘the show’s over, girls’. With each step higher, you felt certain that the future you’d imagined for yourself with Alfie was destined to be nothing more than a far-flung dream. 
The kitchen had sunk back into a tense silence, however for subtle reasons not quite clear to Alfie, your father seemed infinitely more disquieted by your scene than he’d have expected from the sour old puss. Those gnarled, knobby hands that had, until just a moment ago, been laid out like piles of kindling on the table all evening were suddenly clasped together and fidgety. Your father seemed shorter, his spine bowing under an invisible weight. Against himself, Alfie Solomons found himself leaning forward with a hint of concern.
“Sir? Are you quite alright?” 
Your father’s gaze had lost none of its venom, although behind that mask of derision was a spark of emotion. 
“How did you manage it, Mr. Solomons?” The question was as quiet as snowfall in winter. Alfie almost had to ask him to repeat it. 
“What, sir? Manage what, sir?” More stuttering. Gods be damned, Alfie Solomons was a mess. The image of you bursting into the kitchen, all softness and outrage and girlish desire, had tied him into knots. 
“My eldest daughter is many things, Mr. Solomons. A diligent student, a kind voice to her sisters, a steadfast helper to her mother. A pious child of God.” (Alfie struggled to keep himself from breaking into an impish grin, knowing that if your father had any inkling of the enthusiastic midnight rendezvous the two of you indulged in frequently that he most certainly would not dub you pious.) “And a passionate spirit, I confess. Yet… that part of her is… locked away.” 
Alfie found himself nodding, his memory dragging him back to the first few weeks of your acquaintance. You’d been all business - all ‘yes, Mr. Solomons’ and ‘right away, sir’. But he’d seen that fire in you, the same fire your father spoke of. It simmered deep in your eyes and bubbled up when you laughed. It had sent Alfie to the brink of madness to come so close to something he wanted so badly and to be denied it. But with diligence, patience, and focus - all virtues that Alfie Solomons had gone to great lengths to rid himself of - he’d finally won you over. He’d finally found that the fire inside you burned wild and free. You were raw and open and unfettered with him now. A gift he’d kill for. Hell, he’d die for it too. 
“But not with you, apparently.” Your father’s voice trailed off into quiet. Alfie wondered what he was meant to say. He settled on a noncommittal grunt of agreement. 
“How that came to be, I find myself unable to hazard a guess…” Another probing gaze, the kind that made Alfie squirm. “And perhaps I wouldn’t like the answer. In fact, I…” Your father stopped suddenly, clearing his throat and straightening his crisp Sunday jacket. A ridiculously formal choice for the occasion, Alfie thought, although he realized he could hardly cast stones as he looked down at his freshest suit, newest hat, and shiniest shoes. It seemed both of them had understood the importance of this night, and of the things that hung in the balance with their words.
“I am quite shocked to hear myself say this, Mr. Solomons, and I urge you to leave quickly lest I reconsider. But yes. You may marry her.” 
Alfie wondered if he’d finally drank himself into madness. This surely was a dream, a whiskey-addled fever dream. He gaped openly at your father, stammering out nothing more than shocked noises. 
“You don’t have my blessing, although I won’t stand in your way.” 
The door to the kitchen burst open again, and in you came once more, squealing and flying into a pair of outstretched arms. Alfie smiled as your father engulfed you in a surprised hug. You were bouncing on your toes, peppering the side of his freshly shaved face with kisses and earnest expressions of ‘oh thank you Papa! Thank you!’ Alfie was glad to see that you’d thrown on a housecoat and pinned up your hair in a style more akin to what he was used to seeing you wear. He didn’t trust himself around you with that just-woke-from-sleep blush on your lips. 
Always trailing behind you, in rushed your three sisters and your mother, exclaiming and clapping their hands as if it were a jubilee. How the entire family - plus Alfie Solomons - managed to fit into that pint-sized kitchen was nothing short of a miracle. Hugs were exchanged, and Alfie kissed so many hands he wasn’t sure who’s high-pitched voice was talking to him anymore. 
It wasn’t until he felt your familiar weight balancing on the toes of his boots that he felt himself begin to swim into reality. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you tightly, lifting you up off your feet into his embrace. You squeaked with joy, your soft hands finding their way to frame his face. Tossing all rules of propriety to the wind, your lips connected with his in a defiant, joyful, and soft kiss. You were warm under Alfie’s hands, and he was glad that no one but you could hear the groan of need he let loose as he tasted you on his tongue. For a moment, he let himself lose time in your mouth, hands resisting the urge to roam across your backside and around the swell of your hips. 
A pointed throat cleared, bringing Alfie Solomons down from the high. 
“As I suggested, Mr. Solomons, a timely exit would be a wise decision.”
Despite his generally somber countenance, Alfie could detect the faintest note of happiness in your father’s words. A confident declaration you’d made earlier that week drifted back to Alfie: Papa loves me, Alfie. He’ll have no choice but to say yes when he sees how in love we are. 
Alfie hadn’t believed a word of that back then, but he was grateful for your prescience. With a broad smile and a swelling heart, Alfie nodded graciously to your mother, sisters, father, and lastly to you, his bride-to-be, before making his exit. He donned his cap on the front steps outside your door, not minding the oppressive warmth of a sticky night even under his three layers of wool suit.
You stepped halfway out the door to wave shyly as Alfie retreated into the night, his feet barely touching the pavement beneath. He turned back more times than he could count to see you still standing there, bathed in the streetlamp’s light. He rounded the corner at the end of your street with the warm realization that, in a few weeks time, there’d be no more goodbyes from front stoops between the two of you. Only goodnight kisses - likely much more than that, if Alfie had any say at all - as one of you would turn down the bedside lamp, turning off the light on another happy day together in a future neither of you were sure would ever come to be…
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