#alfred morales
godwaltz · 2 years
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like that one scene from the cars movie
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xan-izme · 2 months
Dubble Life 12 (ATSV x Reader x Batfam)
A/n: Just a chapter full of fluff for now(Or is it 🤡)
Part 11
You stared at the therapist with a blank expression. Irritation was clear in your eyes. Your defining silence and small glare did not affect the therapist.
"I was told by your father, that this isn't your first session with a therapist." The therapist, Mrs. Dean spoke with a firm yet soft tone. She very beautiful. Maybe in her early to mid 30's. Her hair up in a neat bun, but some curls managed to poke out in a graceful way.
". . . yeah." You gave a short response.
"Well, you already know the drill. So, I'll dive right in. You originally lived in New York. How are you adjusting to Gotham." Mrs. Dean crossed one leg over the other while waiting for your response.
"It's okay." Your eyes seemed to be more interested in looking around the office.
Mrs. Dean nods and intertwined her fingers while letting her hands lay on her lap. "And school? I've heard your practically a genius."
"I guess." You spot a hand drawn picture on Mrs. Deans desk along with a little teddy bear. There was a small corner that looked like it was for kids. It had dolls. Other types of toys. A small table for kids.
Mrs. Dean noticed you looking at her little kid corner. "I work with a lot of kids that your age and younger. It helps the younger kids feel more comfortable."
You nod and let out a small thoughtful hum and focused your eyes back on Mrs. Dean.
Mrs. Dean gives you a small smile. "Back to you."
Bruce had put you into therapy. Which you were not happy about of course. You didn't need therapy. It made you feel weak, and it's not like you can tell your therapist everything. Most of your trauma was due to your life as Spiderwoman.
You got back from your session. Walking into the manor your hit with the smell of fresh baked sweets. You get curious and walked into the kitchen where you see Alfred baking and Damian doing his homework on the counter.
"Hmm. Smells good." You spoke as you walked into the kitchen.
"Sister!" Damian spoke up. His tone with slight excitement. You walked over and ruffled Damians head. "Hey cupcake." You mumbled with a small soft smile. Damian turned his head up to you as you wrapped your arm around the youngers shoulder.
"Ah, Ms. Y/n. How was your therapy session?" Alfred spoke as he pulled out the first batch of cookies from the oven.
"Oh, it was great. Had a wonderful time." Your tone was clear with sarcasm.
"Seriously?" Damian piped up, seemingly not taking your sarcasm into note. You chuckled as you smiled down at Damian. "Your funny cupcake." You ruffled his head once more and smuggled him with a hug and kisses.
"Ugh- stop!" Damian struggled to push you away. You were surprisingly strong. (He wasn't actually even trying)
Alfred watched the sweet scene in front of him with s fond smile upon his face.
Jason walked in. Looking like he just woke up with messy hair while wearing boxers.
"Where's my kisses?" Jason spoke up while staring at you and Damian. You and Damian frown at the sight of Jason.
"I can punch you." You gave the older man a "sweet" smile as you held Damian close to you.
Jason flipped you off while Alfred had his backed turned. Which you and Damian returned by flipping him off together.
You and Damian were watching a drama show while eating popcorn. It was fairly silent. Damian had his head on your shoulder while you had your head on his.
". . .Sister." Damian spoke up in a quite tone while you two kept your eyes on the tv. You let out a small hum of acknowledgement.
"Do you hate it here?"
Damians question made you pause. You lean your head away from his to look at him. Your brows furrowed. "Why would you think that cupcake?''
Damian stared up at you, his expression a little sad but mainly conflicted. Wondering if he should tell you what was on his mind. Worried if he does say what was on his mind, whatever you respond with might confirm with what he asked. "Well. . . I overheard the argument you and father had."
You let out a sigh while turning your head away, clenching your jaw. "Right. That."
Damian frowns and held his head down. You turn your head back to stare down at Damian with small frown. ". . . Hey. Look at me."
Damian slowly looks up at you. Expecting some sort of deep frown or a sad look on your face. But he's greeted with your usual soft smile.
"What I said to Bruce was. . . wrong. I didn't mean it. But most importantly. I don't want you thinking I hate being here. I got you here with me, what's to hate?" You pinched his nose and hugged him. Damian hugs back while letting out a small sigh of relief.
While hugging Damian, you glanced down and see a bruise underneath back of his shirt. You frown and lean away from the hug to tug on the shirt and get a better look at the bruise.
"What is this?" Your tone turned protective. Damian was quick to pull away.
"Nothing! . . . I bumped into a bookshelf pretty hard in the library yesterday."
"Oh. . . Okay." You still had a small doubtful look on your face. A still a little worried.
A week goes by and your back in Ms. Deans office.
"So, do you have any friends?" Mrs. Deans asked with a small smile.
You were seated across from Mrs. Dean. "Yeah."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You don't talk much about them."
"They don't live here in Gotham. But we keep in contact." You were referring to your friends in the Society. It was a lie about keeping in contact part. Of course, you knew you were the problem for that.
"I see. Have you tried to make friends here in Gotham? In school or outside of school?"
You shook your head with a small bitter smile. "A lot of people already know I'm Bruce's daughter. Hard to make friends who, actually want to be friends. You know?"
Mrs. Dean nods in understanding before asking another question. "I'm sure there are a lot of pros to being Bruce Wayne's daughter."
You let out a chuckle. "Yeah. I got a little brother. A dad. Money. I was broke as hell."
Mrs. Dean chuckled at the last part.
"Anything I want I could ask for. I can get it. . . But sometimes I want go to the past."
Mrs. Dean's brow raised at your words. "Now why is that."
You paused for a moment. You had a faraway look on your face as you spoke. "Everything before. . ." You sighed as your mind wondered back to her.
"Never mind." You mumbled as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Mrs. Dean seems to already know what you were about to say. But she doesn't press you about it. Not yet at least.
"You mentioned your brother?" Mrs. Dean thankfully changed the subject. She watches your uneasy expression turn into a fond smile. "Damian. Yeah. He's a tough one. He acts so tough and mature, but in truth he's just a little baby. We weren't close at first. . . he actually hated me."
You chuckled to yourself as you thought back to your first encounter with Damian.
"What changed?" Mrs. Dean tilted her head.
You seem to think deeply about her question. ". . . I guess I kind of saw myself in him."
Mrs. Dean became more interested by your words.
"I used to do that too when I was younger. I acted like an adult. Thought if I did that people on the streets would take me more seriously. No one would mess with me if I acted tough." You had that faraway look on your face again. Thinking back to the past.
"I never really got to act like a kid. Felt like that was the only way to be taken seriously by others. To be trusted to do things on your own. I saw that In Damian. But that's not how a kid should act or worry about." You held your head high and gave Mrs. Dean a confident look.
"I don't want him to worry about stuff a 12 your old shouldn't even worry about. I know I probably can't give him what he already has. But I got my love. And that should be enough. . . right?"
Mrs. Dean smiled. "Yes. I'm sure your love is enough."
"Ugh, why the hell is this level so hard." You grumbled as you set down the controller. Getting frustrated over a game and a certain level you couldn't pass.
Tim chucked as he watched you stress over it. Jason right behind him reading a book. "How long have you been stuck on this level?"
"A week." You mumbled as you turn to look at Tim. Catching Jason make an amused face at your frustration.
"Shut up Jason." You glared at the older.
"Wha- I didn't even say anything!" Jason looked offended.
"Your stupid face did." You huffed in annoyance. Tim laughed and hopped over the couch and sat next to you. "Can I help?"
Your eyes lit up with hope. "Oh my gosh really?" Tim gave you a smile and nods. "Yes! please help."
Since Tim already played this game and finished it. He showed you multiple ways to beat this level. You had fun with Tim. You and Jason would argue here and there. But overall, it was fun.
As it got dark. Tim and Jason suddenly got an Alert on their phones. "Sorry Y/n. Me and Jason have to go. But I'll play with you next week."
You were a little sad. And confused at the sudden rush, but you understood. "Oh, okay. Bye."
Jason ruffled your head as he followed behind Tim. "Hey!"
Jason quickly ran out the room as you threw a pillow towards him.
"Do you ever feel left out?" Mrs. Dean asked as she watched you play with a small ball you picked out from the kids corner.
"Left out? No not really." You tossed the ball up in the air and caught it.
"How about I sum out the question. Do you feel left out in your family? With the Waynes I mean."
You hum as you thought about it. "Sometimes, I guess. Everyone treats me good. But I kind of feel like, an outsider sometimes."
"Do you think it's because of the way you were raised that you assume that. Suddenly living one life then now to this." Mrs. Dean watched as you let her words sink in.
"Yeah. I guess so. They knew each other longer and stuff. So that's probably why I feel that way. . . but. It kind of feels like something more."
Mrs. Dean's Brow raised "Why do you think that?"
You shrugged as you fumbled with the small ball in your hands. "It's like they all have this, thing. Like a bond with each other that I probably won't understand. . ." You seemed to think about it before shrugging "Maybe because they are all guys? I heard fathers have deeper connections with their sons."
Mrs. Dean hums and leans back into her chair. "Well, that can be some cases. Do you think Mr. Wayne doesn't pay much attention to you than your brothers?"
You shook your head. "No, he gives me attention. He's. . . a good man. He wouldn't neglect any of his kids. He's also a busy guy. So, if he's not around much I don't hold it against him."
Mrs. Dean nods. "You seem to be a very open-minded person."
It was late in the night when you had awoken from a nightmare. You tried to go back to sleep. But your mind betrayed you. Keeping you up and refusing you sleep for what felt like hours.
So, you wondered downstairs. In hopes of getting something that could make you fall asleep. You slowly enter the kitchen that was engulfed in darkness. Before you could reach for the light switch. The light was turned on by another.
"Ms. Y/n."
It was Alfred.
"Hey Alfred. Sorry I just came for something to drink." You mumbled as you approached the fridge.
"A nightmare?" Alfreds question caused you to pause. "How did you-"
"I know the look of a child who has come out from a bad dream Ms. Y/n." Alfred shooed you to sit at the counter as he made you a warm drink.
You just sat in silence as Alfred spoke.
"Do you usually get nightmares?" Alfred still has his back turned to you as he made your drink. ". . . Sometimes. Nothing too bad. Just need to lay off the horror films I guess." You let out a small chuckle.
"I see. Your father had a lot of nightmares as well when he was around master Dameon's age." Alfred slides the cup to you. You take the warm cup into your cold hands. The warmth sending a sort of satiation through you.
"Bruce?" You took a sip from the warm drink as you eyed the Butler. Alfred nods as he turns to clean up. "Especially after Master Bruce's parents passed."
Your expression dropped slightly. Both parents at such a young age.
"Must have been hard." You mumbled as you thought to yourself.
Alfred glanced to your slight glum expression.
"Yes. Same for Master Dick, and Master Tim. Along with Master Jason. All boys lost their parents at young ages. Master Damians mother left him with Bruce after the death of his grandfather. It took him awhile to move on after that."
You stayed silent as Alfred spoke.
". . . Why are you telling me this." You were lean back against your chair as you stared up at Alfred with slight confusion.
Alfred turned back around and handed you a treat.
"Everyone here has lost someone. Your brothers and Master Bruce will understand your pain. You don't need to hide it."
And with that the butler walked off back to where he had come from. Leaving you to let his words sink in.
"You have trust issues."
You couldn't help but let out a chuckle at Mrs. Dean's words. "Whoa, I just got here. And I'm very trusting. I'm here talking to you. I tell you my feelings and thoughts."
"Yes. But you don't tell me the full truth. Which I don't expect you to. But having trust issues doesn't mean you don't trust someone when it comes to talking about your feelings and thoughts. Trusting someone with yourself is different with trusting yourself with another. You, Y/n don't trust yourself."
"What are you going on about." You lean back into the chair as you gave Mrs. Dean a look of confusion.
"You don't trust that you would do the right thing. You don't trust yourself when it comes to situations that involve you being needed. You make yourself look bad, but not too bad to the point where others don't trust you." Mrs. Dean flips a page from her clip bored.
"You always talked about others in a good honest light. I ask a question about you, and you would either answer in short answers or divert the conversation about another."
"Come on now. It's not like that." You chuckled a little with a lazy smile. Mrs. Dean narrows at how nonchalant you're acting. You're acting. You're a good actor. And she sees it.
And you know she knows.
You are acting smug about it. But why. Why are you playing around like this-
Mrs. Dean catches you glancing to the teddy bear on her desk with a knowing look.
You smirked as you see realization creep upon Mrs. Dean.
There was a nanny-cam in that toy bear. You spotted it on day one. Yet you didn't say anything. You spoke about your thoughts and feelings to her. Most of it was true as well. You were yourself in the sessions you had with her.
You did all that while knowing of the nanny-cam.
"How did you. . ." Mrs. Dean spoke in a low tone. Almost like a whisper as she stared at you with wide eyes.
You simply smiled. "Like you said. I'm practically a genius."
@huening-ly, @mariadvorak @superherosdystopiafreak @chelluv, @houseissofine, @esposadomd, @greyeyedmockingbird, @1-800-daisy, @c0c0-puffsxxx @arthurswife @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @josiepapen @natashanice165 @amber-content @mahbeanz @azurewisteria @seraph101 @skepvids @lara20aral @iwasveronica @jackrabbitem @nickey-diano @idonthaveanameforthisacc @sekidekiboombeki @masters-blog
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p1nkshield · 2 years
I like to think that when Jason is baking everyone immediately turncoats and become the bestest sibling™️ ever in the world so he’ll share.
Like Damian is about to do one of his look alive sneak attacks on Jason but everyone tackles him like NO NO NO NO! he’s baking
Dick immediately goes to the book store and buys one of those hardback, gilt in gold classic books as an “impromptu gift for my favorite Jaylad! Oh, what are you baking! Looks great!”
Cass shows him cat videos/pictures as he measures out the ingredients.
Damian goes up to him and watches pretty much everything he does in quiet curiosity before offering a terse compliment and leaving.
Tim orders high quality Dutch process cocoa gives it to him without a word
Duke doesn’t really have to do anything he’s on the premium list with Alfred.
For Bruce seeing his kids genuinely enjoy a hobby is enough.
Steph just openly begs.
Jason is aware of all of these bribes and attempts to get in his good graces but that’s not gonna change the fact that this croquembouche is for his crew.
Good thing he made two.
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gifsofhubris · 1 month
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57 notes · View notes
royaltea000 · 1 year
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I give my sloppiest toppies to the goofiest men
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writingkitten · 1 year
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New photo genre: Alfred Molina drinking in-character
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reuripotte · 3 months
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Alfred Molina as Ricardo Morales
• Law & Order: LA | S01 EP14
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heythereimashley · 9 months
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120 notes · View notes
punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Atsv DC variants but by someone who actually reads comics cause y'all are racist misogynistic weirdos that know jackshit about superheroes and like making it everybody elses problem
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@theautisticcentre @insomniac-jay @coffeemilkcatz
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obeydontstray · 6 months
Molina-verse character playlists (edited, forgot two playlists!)
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
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Sometimes You Have To Play The Role Of A Fool To Fool The Fool Who Thinks They Are Fooling You.
Alfred is an interesting character for me to draw/think about.
He is our sunshine boy, our golden retriever-type lad, our idiotic sweet summer child. But also he is a cunning, idealistic, and egoistic genius of a man who earned his place at the top.
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godwaltz · 2 years
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gay people doodles from september
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xan-izme · 3 months
Dubble Life 10 (ATSV x reader x Batfam)
Summary: When will you learn to trust?
Part 9, Part 11
TW: attempted assault, violence, slight angst, cursing
Loud music blasted in your headphones as you were landing multiple hits against the punching bag.
Flashes of everything that frustrated you. Miguel. Jason. Your own feelings that went against being Spiderwoman.
Your breathing increased as you hit harder and harder. Focusing all of your anger and frustrations on the poor punching bag.
You had to stop before you break the punching bag with your super strength. You took a seat on a bench and began to drink some of your water. Still stuck in your own thoughts. Ignoring everything and everyone in the gym. You sighed as you leaned your head against the wall behind you. The music playing from the gym speakers calmed you a bit.
The music being calmer than your intense hateful playlist.
You've gone back to hitting the gym. You had a lot of time to yourself. A lot of grieving. You needed to get yourself together. Even if you didn't have the mentality to do so.
After lifting a few weights for a few more hours. You head out the gym. A little reluctant to do so, but it was getting dark, and you don't really want to get a lecture from Alfred like last time.
He went on about you being a young lady, and how it was far too dangerous for you to be out at night, especially in Gotham. Which you understand. His concern for you is nice. You appreciate it greatly, but you just don't have the patients tonight.
As you walked past a diner. You could smell the food. You stopped and sighed. Trying to resist the urge. There was dinner at home.
Of course. You gave in and went into the diner. Ordering a meal and taking a seat in a booth.
You happily ate. Finally seeming to cool down. The anger you had washed away. Now you were just sad. You sighed when you finished eating. Giving your waiter a sweet smile after you paid the cheek.
You silently sat brooding to yourself. wondering of the future. Of the past. Possibilities. What will your downfall be? when will your downfall be?
will you die alone? under that mask you hid under for years?
or surrounded by family. By loved ones.
You decided it was probably time to get up and get back to the manner. You left the Diner and walked down the almost empty street. Police sirens from different directions could be heard
Suddenly. You felt your spider seances spike up. Thats when you heard a scream come from an alleyway down the street.
You wasted no time and sprinted down to the alleyway. You immediately spot about 7 men trying to assault a woman. You grab a trash bag that was filled and hit one of the men.
You were quick. Punching one of the men who had a bat and ripping it out from his hand. You get punched in the gut. And in the face. Causing you to stumble back.
Before you could do anything else. A flash of black was seen. And someone stood in front of you. Tall. Dressed in black with. . . a cape?
You noticed the men all freeze. Staring at the figure in front of you with absolute terror. You slowly look up to the figure. And you felt your heart drop to your ass.
"Batman. . ." You mumbled at you stare up at the vigilante with wide eyes. The Batman stared down at you. Just. Stared down at you. Before you could do anything else, Batman rushed to knock down all five men. You tried to search for the woman from before. But she was already running.
Your spider senses spike up again. You duck down from a punch thrown by one of the men. You turn to deliver a hard punch back. But was beaten to hit.
Another man in a suit his colors noticeable. Nightwing, grabs the man and throws him against a wall.
You backed away as you watched The Nightwing take care of two other men who came at him with ease.
You were wondering if you should run. You turn around and attempted to leave. But you were stopped.
"Hold it kiddo." A firm grip was on your shoulder. You turn around and see Nightwing. Batman close behind. Both men staring down at you. You got really nervous.
"Hey, your safe now." Nightwing pats your head reassuringly. It was. Oddly familiar.
"We're taking you to the police station." Batman suddenly spoke. You got nervous again. You greatly respected Batman. But you were scared.
And you know they could see it. You frowned deeply and took two steps back.
"Thanks, but I'm good." You gave them a cold look. You turn to walk away. But Batman was suddenly in front of you
"Shit-!" You took a step back. Batman frowns. "Language. I wasn't asking. We will take you to the police station." He suddenly grabbed you and lifted you off the ground.
"Whoa! Hey, let go of me!" You shouted as you were thrown over his shoulder.
"Hey, um. Maybe you should put her down I don't think she's comfortable with that-" Nightwing gets cut off by Batman's glare.
"Neverminded. . . I'll just shut up." Nightwing looks down to his feet to avoid Batman's glare.
You were taken to the Police station unwillingly and had to wait for an unhappy Alfred and Jason who was mocking you for getting in trouble. Which you responded with a middle finger.
"Imagine getting arrested?"
"I wasn't arrested jackass."
"Alfred she just cursed at me!"
"Did I stutter? Or are you going deaf. From that chunk of grey hair you got, hearing loss got to be one of the many stages of getting old."
"Excuse me?"
"Your excused."
You and Jason continued to bicker in the back of the limo. Alfred reached his limit with the two of you when you two kept cursing at each other.
"If you both do not stop bickering, I will report you both to Master Bruce, am I understood?"
You and Jason were quick to quite yourselves down.
Bruce stormed around the Batcave while taking off his mask.
"What was she thinking?" Bruce grumbled as he walked up to the controls and big screens.
"She was trying to help." Dick spoke as he leaned on a wall. Watching Bruce get onto the computers and get onto the surveillance cameras around Gotham. Replaying you leaving the gym. Then leaving the diner. And then running straight to the alleyway. Into danger.
Dick frowns slight. He does agree
"She could have gotten hurt. Those men could have had guns. They could have-" Bruce clenched his fist. Stopping himself as he switched the cameras to live surveillance of the manor
". . . She's safe now Bruce. Look." Dick pointed to the live surveillance of you entering the Mannor with Jason and Alfred.
Bruce let out a small breath of relief. You were safe. At home. Were you are protected. Where he can protect you.
The next morning, you were alone with Alfred. You were in your room in your bathroom. Seemingly working on a new invention in the bathtub while listening to music.
Crying a little while working on your wires. Letting out a frustration by crying a little helped a little bit.
While you were in your own little world. Bruse came up the stairs, your bedroom door was open as always. but you were not at your desk. He sees the bathroom light on and calls out for you. But you don't respond. So, he knocked on the bathroom door.
You still didn't hear him due to your headphones. You shocked yourself a bit, causing yourself to curse and drop your little gadget. In a hurry to catch it you hit your head against the shower glass causing the headphones to fall off and causing you to curse louder.
Bruce heard the commotion going on in the bathroom. He knocked a little harder and called your name again.
"Are you okay?" You can hear the worry in Bruce's voice.
"Um- Yeah! I'm okay. Just--shiiiii. . . ow." You grumbled.
Bruce awkwardly stood at the door. "I'll just. . . wait out here."
Bruce takes a seat on your bed and just waits for you to come out. He glanced around the room. He's happy you decorated the way you wanted it. Instead of leaving the walls and shelves bare.
You came out of the bathroom. Kind of looking like a mess yet smiling at him nonetheless.
There it is. You had that smile that said something was wrong.
"Hey. Sorry I just. Tripped."
As you rant on whatever excuse you had. Bruce watched your movements. Clenching your jaw as you spoke. Pacing around the room. Rambling. Looking anywhere but at him.
You're stressing about something. But what. You won't tell him. He could ask, like he's done before. But you always seem to create this wall after he asks you if you were okay. Or how you were feeling in any emotional way.
The wall always seems to be getting bigger and bigger.
"I wanted to talk to you about setting a curfew. And, laying down a few more rules." Bruce spoke as he stood up from your bed.
You paused. "Oh, okay."
Bruce sighed. "I just- You haven't told me about what happened last night." He was still upset with the attitude you gave Batman(him) that night. Completely different from how you are with him.
"Oh, I just thought since Alfred already told you. . ." You stuttered a little.
"Things like this. You were in serious danger. Why didn't you just call for Alfred to get you?"
"If I did that. What would have happened to that lady then?" Your tone firmer now. It seems you want to stand ground.
"You could have called the cops. Call out to other people to help. But you went in alone!" Bruce spoke with a deep frown as he took a step forward.
"Cops would be too slow. There were people around but they were doing nothing. Even after she screamed!" You didn't like how Bruce was scolding you. Scolding you just like how she used to.
"She was alone. Screaming for help. If I didn't do anything she would have been-"
"You could have been met with the same fate if those vigilantes didn't get there when they did!" His voice raising slightly. Silence fell upon the room as your jaw clenched, you avoid looking him in the eyes. You were getting angry.
". . . I had it handled."
"No you did not! It was you against a bunch of grown men. There was nothing you could have done to prevent what could have happened." Bruce was just worried. Frustrated. Angry.
You look back at him, your eyes narrowed as you took a step forward. Speaking before thinking. "And what do you know huh? You know nothing 'bout me! you know nothing! You think you can waltz in my damn life and take me away from all I know you can tell me what I'm capable of?" Your voice began to raise as your tone became more aggressive.
"You might got the papers to prove you my pops. But you're not, you're not! So, stop playing daddy and acting like you know every fucking solution to my life when you weren't even there!"
Absolutes silence
It took you seconds to realize you just lashed out. And so many things that should have been kept in.
"I- Im sorry I didn't mean it. . ."
Bruce lets out a small sigh as he turns around and spoke in a solomed tone "Your curfew is 9:00." He shut the door behind him.
". . . Fuck."
A/n: So, whoever wants to get tagged for this series than comment so I can tag u. Ik a lot of people have been asking and I'm sorry I'm late. I also got a question of the readers age, she's 16.
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gifsofhubris-a · 3 months
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Alfred Molina as Ricardo Morales in Law and Order: LA Episode 15: Hayden Tract
Join my discord server for access to all 75 gifs
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gifsofhubris · 1 month
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Three extra Ricky gifs
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creativesplat · 8 months
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a little doodle of my favourite fire emblem guys (modern au!)
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