#alien with snout
cosmikazie · 2 months
every science fiction show that deals with aliens should have at least a few furries in the writers room and design department bc my suspension of disbelief is slowly but surely burning out over people making aliens look like this
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gallusgalluss · 2 years
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ideas for an alien species, they're tripods with funky hand mouths
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beastwhimsy · 11 months
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guys watch out there’s a beast at the thrift mall watch out guys it might buy a secondhand shirt for $3 watch out (outfit I enjoyed from a few weeks ago)
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 month
My one big beef w/D2 designs is that I feel like their dependance on mocap for animation severely limited the versitility of their alien designs to just 'human but to the left' for all the major races apart from the Eliksni. Like take a look at Riven or Eramis and they have the coolest fucking 'clearly a creature from another planet' designs but then everyone else (minus maybe Lubrean legs) are just kinda meh
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rolledupsocks3 · 1 year
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Kila Valentina Portrait
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I wish Venom would stand up straight. That alien has been slouching his whole life and always hid it as an “intimidating crouch.”
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nasty-boi-dread · 2 years
Terfs and haters are wrong. I am definitely 100% a man, it's just taking me a bit longer to get there.
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smbhax · 2 years
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Wilfo and Yenx from PSI 5 Trading Company (C64). Art by Mimi Doggett.
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windheldland · 14 hours
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But what is that censored entity? Nobody knows, and the only found remains of that Acrylurcite was a small puddle of her blood.
The container of DIACO Mining Exodriver biocircuitry was never recovered. Productivity went down by 5%, and there was a lot of paperwork filled out.
The Acrylurcite's tracking and vitals collar went offline at the time of her disappearance. The invalidation of her collar meant that she was no longer a registered citizen of Acrylur. A small LED labeled with her citizenship code blinked before turning off. Her code now belongs to the 14,038,946,193rd Acrylurcite, who had recently been extracted out of the cloning arrays, collared, and is now undergoing development. The cycle continues.
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the-forest-cryptid · 1 year
Furry artists, I have a question! Do you guys have any good references or tips when drawing muzzles/snouts? Especially when the character is looking straightforward? My oc's are aliens and I've been trying to redesign them to look less human so I've been trying to use some furry art as references but I'm really struggling with the different perspectives of the muzzel/snout.
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assiraphales · 1 year
I remember there was this one episode of doctor who where some malevolent aliens experimented on a pig to make it look like an extraterrestrial (walked on two legs, wore a space suit) & it freaked out & began to run. a man shot it just before nine could stop him, and nine yelled “why would you do that! it was SCARED!” before cradling it’s head and gently caressing it’s snout while it took its final breaths. and I think that, at the heart, is who nine was. he was witty and sarcastic and mean and jaded but he cared. he cared so much about everything, and everyone, no matter how insignificant and fleeting they could have seemed in comparison to an entity like him.
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maulfucker · 27 days
it's so so sad that the aliens in the original and even the prequel trilogies look so weird and fucked up (which is great) and then newer stuff makes everything so smooth and human-faced. where's the meat greebles and nonsensical snouts
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
explaining the train of thought that got me to this would take way too much backstory but basically I had an idea and then I wrote it. I rewatched Scream recently so maybe that helps lol
cw: death (not of a canon character), mentions of blood and vomit
The call comes in at a little after 2 AM, and he almost doesn’t answer because he’s busy.
But Leo almost never calls him, and it’s a singular enough occurrence that he picks up the phone and hits the button.
“Hello, you are conversing with Donatello,” he greets. “Make it quick, Nardo, I’m elbow deep in the tank’s engine.”
On the other end of the line, Leo is silent. Or, mostly silent; Donnie can hear him breathing, a little too loud, a little too fast.
Suddenly, he’s on high alert. He sits back from the tank, speaking more urgently into the phone, “Leo?”
There’s another second of breathing, and then, finally, in a voice that is too high and panicked to be his normal joking tone, he says, “Hey, remember when I sent you that meme about siblings who will beat the crap out of each other one minute and hide a body for each other the next, and I said, “us,” and you gave it a heart?”
Donnie blinks. Processes that string of words.
“I think I recall it,” he says.
“Well,” says Leo. “I need to know if that’s really us.”
Donnie stands up and keys in the command to swap battleshells to the jetpack.
“Stay where you are,” he says. “I’m on my way.”
The body is male. Early twenties. About six two or six three. Caucasian. Wearing some ghoulish mask like the serial killer in a bad teen slasher.
Actually, now that Donnie thinks about it, there’s been stuff on the news lately. About a guy who likes to knife up co-eds. And Leo’s wearing his biggest, baggiest hoodie, and jeans, and in a dark alley like this it would be easy to mistake him for a normal, non-mutated human teen.
The puzzle pieces are all laid out for Donnie, but the picture it paints is pretty unbelievable.
Then again, he’s a mutant turtle who grew up in a sewer and recently fended off an alien invasion. His bar for believable is pretty low.
He takes in the body, slashed across the chest, ridiculous getup soaked in blood. Then he turns to look at Leo, curled around his knees against the wall. There’s blood all over him, too, but Donnie feels pretty confident that most of it is not his own. There’s a puddle of vomit nearby, and a dagger, and a katana, cast aside.
Leo raises his eyes to meet Donnie’s. “I didn’t know he was human.”
Donnie looks back at the body, and at the mask. Connects it to the dagger, which definitely isn’t Leo’s.
“Seems like he was a great guy,” Donnie says. 
“He stabbed my arm.”
“I meant it sarcastically.”
Leo laughs, high and reedy. Then he leans over and vomits again.
Donnie can’t help but curl his snout at that one. He looks away and waits for Leo to finish.
There’s a spit, then a sniff, then Leo says, “He stabbed my arm and I turned around and saw the mask.”
Ah yes, that. It’s pink and has a serrated smile. Little rubbery bits of slime and ooze. These things got popular after the invasion - they aren’t anywhere near the real thing, but in a dark alley, under attack, alone, when Leo had…
The puzzle pieces are there. Donnie doesn’t really need an explanation to put it together.
Actually, scratch that: he does need an explanation for one thing.
“Why are you so upset about this?” He looks back at Leo. “You took out a serial killer. Or a wannabe serial killer. At the very least a stabber.”
“I didn’t mean to kill him,” says Leo immediately. A little pleading. “I didn’t think that would… I didn’t know he was human.”
“He attacked you.”
“I could have disarmed him. I could have trapped him and let the police deal with him.”
“He came up behind you in this creepy mask and stabbed your arm.”
“He didn’t stand a chance against me,” says Leo, and it’s not swaggering and not boastful, but horrified. “It was like tearing paper, Dee. It was so easy.”
Donnie leaves the body to kneel in front of his brother. He puts his hands on his shoulders, looking him straight in the eye to make sure he listens.
“He attacked you, Nardo. He wanted to kill you. He made the wrong choice. Not you.”
Leo looks down, at the blood on his hoodie, and Donnie squeezes his shoulders until they lock eyes again. 
“He made the wrong choice,” Donnie repeats emphatically. 
Leo sighs, like he’s giving in, and a rueful smile grows on his face. “Thanks, hermano. But I don’t think the EPF is gonna see it that way.”
Ah yes, the good old United States government, and their hilariously poorly titled Earth Protection Force. Since the invasion, their existence had become known to the EPF, and they’ve been in an unspoken truce ever since. A “live and let live” holding pattern.
Unfortunately, Donnie has to admit Leo is right on this one: that this man is likely and most probably a serial killer won’t matter to the EPF. Killing any human crosses a line they won’t tolerate.
And so, there is only one solution here. The one Leo proposed when he first called.
Donnie is going to help him hide a body.
…Which means he is going to have to touch it.
Leo frowns at him. “Uh, Dee, what’s the yarf-face for?”
“I just realized how gross this is going to be.”
Leo laughs again, more than a little hysterical, and lets his head fall against Donnie’s plastron, the giggles shaking his shoulders under Donnie’s hands.
“That wasn’t a joke,” Donnie insists. Leo just laughs even harder.
Donnie scowls, even as he pulls Leo closer. “That meme really is us. I want to beat the crap out of you right now.”
Leo howls with laughter. Except it sounds a little more like sobbing now. Donnie gathers him up and holds him until he’s better again.
Across the Hudson, the sky is turning pink. Donnie stands with Leo, watching the water that the body disappeared under.
They’ve already scrubbed the alley clean of any blood traces - his and Leo’s. He also had his drones bring gloves with the cleaning supplies, so they didn’t leave any fingerprints. At least Leo had the sense not to touch anything. And it’s not like the government has their prints on file, anyway. Donnie’s checked.
There wasn’t anything they could really do to hide the massive laceration that led to the body’s death. Short of melting it in acid, but both of them had dismissed that idea as soon as Donnie raised it. Despite what Donnie thinks of himself, he isn’t actually a stone cold disposer of bodies. The idea of melting it was too gross to think about.
Besides, it doesn’t matter if the body gets found, as long as it doesn’t get traced back to them. And Donnie doesn’t see any reason it should.
He’s already hacked any security cameras near the scene and made sure Leo doesn’t show up on any of them. Leo’s a good enough ninja to avoid that sort of thing, anyway, not that Donnie will admit it out loud. The crabs and fish will take care of the flesh and the katana’s mark. Leo destroyed the weapon itself in a bright blue explosion of ninpo.
“It’s kind of a bummer,” says Leo after a minute, “that the murders will go unsolved.”
“No, they won’t.” Donnie pulls out a phone, holding it carefully with his gloves. “He helpfully took trophy photos.”
Leo’s eyes go wide. “Dude, did you fish around in his pockets?”
Donnie can’t help but curl his lips. “Ugh, don’t remind me. It was a very unpleasant experience and I don’t want to repeat it.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“Find where he lived and leave it there.” Donnie shrugs. “His body will turn up, or he’ll get reported missing. The cops will find it and everything will be wrapped up in a neat little bow.”
“Huh. Guess that takes care of that.” A pause. Leo shuffles a bit next to him. “You’re… really calm about this.”
Is he? Since the moment he got that phone call, he entered Fix It mode. He hasn’t really thought of anything else since.
“I don’t know if I will be later,” he admits.
“I’ll be there, if you’re not.”
Donnie hums an acknowledgement. There’s a weight against his arm, Leo leaning into him.
“Thanks, Dee,” he says.
“You’d do the same for me,” Donnie replies.
“Yeah,” Leo agrees. Simple as that.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 months
I had an idea about the dragon that popped up in the show a couple times, the one that Kara had to fight.
What if he wasn't an alien? What if he was just old... very old. A creature who has been waiting a very, very long time.
He and Kara tussle again after the finale, and this time Lena, with her long hair left loose in soft waves, calls out to her friend in concern from the ground.
At the sound of her voice, the beast stops in mid air. Its head turns towards Lena, and then he swoops down with focused intent. Kara's eyes go wide. "Lena!"
But the creature halts just shy of Lena, settling on the ground in front of her, so close that Lena can feel its warm breath on her face as he stares deep into her eyes. In its gaze Lena sees intelligence, but no malice. If anything, its eyes seem... mournful.
Tentatively, Lena reaches out and places her palm on its scaled snout. Something deep within her tugs at the contact, and she closes her eyes to let the dragon's warm, even breaths caress her skin. In that moment, memories come swirling back to her... memories of life lived long ago. One wrought with hardships, betrayal, and loss-- but marked with kindness, love, and empathy.
Lena opens her eyes and smiles in wondrous recognition.
"Aithusa," she murmurs. She gives the scales next to her hand a soft kiss, and hears a rumble of affection in return. "Look how you've grown."
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dancingdonatello · 1 month
Could you please do a fanfic if ROTTMNT fanfic!? Donnie X Reader (female) Basically everyone was going to a Jupiter Jim convention and April made a joke about Reader cosplaying Atomic lass and Donnie spent like a week trying to convince Reader into it. (She ends up doing it😂) TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY keep up the AMAZING work!!!
rise donnie x fem reader
“Is anyone dressing up?”
“We’re already in our costumes.” Leo posed, flexing green muscles. “Alien power.”
April rolled her eyes and turned her gaze to you. “You?”
“I dunno who I would even go as.” You answered, curled up against Donnie’s side. He was looking at something on his phone, barely listening or paying any attention.
“Why don’t you go as Atomic Lass?”
Like out of a horror movie, Donnie’s neck cranes to look at you from where you next to him. You have never seen his eyes so dilated in your entire time of knowing him. “Yes.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Why wouldn’t you want to?”
April began snickering and you shot her a glare. ‘Look at what you did’ was what you were trying to portray through your betrayed look.
“Because.” You stubbornly look away from his prying gaze.
“Because you hate me.”
“Because you want to cause mental and physical harm to my well-being.”
“Then do it!” He grabbed you by the shoulders, eyes glowing with the intensity of his gaze. “Think of all the possibilities.”
Leo wrinkled his snout. “Gross.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don.”
“Please?” He collapsed to his knees, clasping his hands together. “For me?”
“….” You quirked an eyebrow. “I’ll think about it.”
You think it’s been the best week of your life. A perfect(ish) dinner cooked just for you, your very own massage, Shelldon attending your each and every need without any teenage complaining, and Donnie being the sweetest ever.
It’d be way sweeter if you knew there wasn’t a motive behind it. So you roll your eyes when he brings your hand up to his mouth to kiss it. You sigh as he goes on and on about how you’re the perfect significant other and how you match him completely. You yawn when he nuzzles closer to you during the reruns of your favorite show, the one he so happens to just not hate as much anymore.
The closer you got to the day of the con, Donnie seemed to be giving up. He’d pester you less and just stare off into the distance, all somber. What a drama queen.
Coincidentally, you couldn’t arrive to the con with the turtles. Donnie was immediately suspicious, especially since Leo had his portals and could just portal you there.
You got there ten minutes before Leo planned to get them there, smirking in your full costume of Atomic Lass. You better get the best girlfriend award because as soon as Donnie laid eyes on you, he wrapped you so tightly in a crushing hug that you felt a few ribs pop out of place.
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝑨 𝑫𝒐𝒈 𝑨 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒆
𝑾𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒐𝒍𝒇! 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒆𝒊 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Description: Blue Lock had a secret and a serum but it wasn’t enough this time, fortunately there was something that could help Shouei —you, and nothing was stopping him get there.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI seriously. Kinktober + extremely descriptive + monsterfucking + werewolf Barou + knots + collar /marking/ breeding/ size kinks + fluff at the end I couldn’t help myself sorry <3 I love the ending tho 🥹 +
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The smash of glass was unmistakable as it echoed through your apartment, the recent phone conversation still rattling around your mind.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
You understood but none the less the information was a shock, a difficult thing to comprehend in a short space of time, monsters were real… it wasn’t just myth.
Aliens were easy to believe, it was never gonna be a shock when society admits they know of their existence… but werewolves?
That was something you really thought out of fiction… like those corny Halloween horrors of real weird looking wolf men made on a budget.
You stood in your living room, the phone in your hand that had ended the call not even five minutes ago, still debating on perhaps this was some kind of joke.
It all became very real when the heavy footsteps cracked over the glass, the low growl that could be heard made your throat dry, the hair on the back of your neck standing up as the hot breath behind it skimmed over your skin.
The low growl, the light clacking of teeth meeting, the hot pants against your neck.
“He will come to you and you won’t be able to run, this is no joke.”
It was too late to even think of running, Barou had already found you.
The growl this time was loud before a long snout appeared over your right shoulder, lips peeled back revealing perfect white teeth that were anything but human, long white canines dominated the rest, drool starting to dribble down onto your shoulder.
He sniffed, turning his head to you to nuzzle his nose into your hair and that’s what made you spin around, phone flying from your hand skidding under the table.
Red eyes were glowing in the darkness of your apartment, the low light from the TV causing a shadow to dance over his features and the only way you recognised this was Barou was from that cross on the side of his head, the fur not covering it like his hair when he was human.
He stood taller, a good 2-3ft taller and he looked ridiculous in your apartment, his shear size was five times his usual. His coat was black, long hair covering him but your could still see the muscle under it. Long claws flexed at his side which led you to look at a semi hard cock leaking, flexing as his gaze fixed on you.
The tip curved up at the bottom, appearing from a fur sheath, it was a deep red and glistening in pre, dripping from the tip which kept throbbing.
He hadn’t just grown in height and form, everything about him was physically different, physically enlarged. Human form he was big enough to take just about, still a struggle if you’d not seen him for awhile…. But this looked impossible now, length easily measuring your forearm but the sheer girth of it made it more intimidating.
A low growl was your only response, paired with him stepping one clawed foot forward, cock flexing again as he sniffed, glowing red eyes locked onto you.
“H-Hey B? C’mon you can hear me right? You understand?”
His lips curled upward into a snarl and you reacted out of pure instinct, turning to run but only managing to get half way around before he lunged and tackled you to the floor, thrusting his hips forward his inhuman cock pressing into your ass. You muffled a yelp, face smushed into the carpet below you as he began to rut against you, panting next to your ear and using his entire, enormous form to pin you down forcefully.
“Five years ago during the introduction to Blue Lock certain members were infected with a werewolf virus, to improve the players on the field. We created a serum before infecting them to stop the more… animalistic changes and traits to develop. However, there has been some reluctance to the serum during certain…triggers.”
You cried out under him, mixing with a moan when he changed his angle and lifted your hips to press his girthy cock against your covered core and you clenched around nothing. The feeling of panic and this being wrong was quickly leaving you from the pulses sent to your cunt, replacing with a fucked up curiosity for him to fuck you like a feral animal.
“He’s still Barou, he’s one of the few that keep good control over himself and he takes his medications religiously… They all take a serum to prevent them going into ruts so it��s why you’d never experienced it before. They also try to stay away from potential mates around their ruts as it does test the limit of the medication. The serum also stops them transforming on full moons, he’s had two doses but it’s had no affect and he’s even broke the restraints.. has anything happened recently that’s been odd? That might have caused his instinct to override the serum?”
Your silk night shorts riding up, his desperate rutting easing the material aside and you felt him rub up against you bare, a moan leaving you as his tip caught your clit, a deep rumble formed in his chest. His hips stuttered as he clumsily tried to angle his cock against you, the silk shorts too twisted and tight for him to work out in the state and angle he was in. Instead he slotted between your thighs and began rutting again, heavy balls bouncing against the back of your thighs and his curved tip grazing your clit harshly.
Your voice begging his name again made him suddenly pull away flinching, stepping backwards with an almost whine and backing up against a wall, you turned over onto your back, silk night top twisted leaving a strap off your shoulder and twisted shorts. Panting you watched him stumble through the living room into the darkness of the hallway knocking things over, snarls and whines coming from him like he was in pain.
You followed carefully stepping over the shattered glass, eying the claw marks that dragged down the walls knocking the collection of photos you gathered over the years with him.
You reached out when he herded himself into the bedroom where the large window was smashed in from his entrance earlier. The full moon glowed a beam into the room and on his form, panting heavily trying to leave back through the window. Your fingers brushed his fur only for him to swat at you and snarl again, baring his teeth and red eyes flashing, almost illuminating in the dark of your apartment,
Yet you didn’t feel threatened by him.
“It’s going to hurt him, as said Barou is more aware, there are only two others who can manage like he can. But he will be pain fighting himself. Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do if he gets to you, he’ll fight to the death if he sees you as a mate and if he’s during a rut like this we stand no chance, he’s the third most aggressive in the pack. He’s too valuable for us to risk injuring, so I’m afraid we are going to have to let you deal with it, it’s the only way he’s going to calm down.
Be aware that if this information gets out, we will deal with you ourselves, do you understand? Someone will be by tomorrow to drop off an antidote to prevent him infecting you —take it within 12 hours and once a day until he is out of rut. There will be a care pack for you, it will be by the door. I can assure you miss, you will be needing the pain relief, take one tablet a day.”
“Fuck off.”
His voice echoed with something behind it, something else mixing in with the voice you knew so well. He was drooling, silver spit watering through his teeth and sticking to his coat, he was panting hard through his nose like he was fighting for self control.
You released a shaky sigh, trying to relax yourself and your heart slamming against your ribs, you were sure he could sense it but smiled at him regardless, stepping back with the moonlight still glowing on your form.
Your hands rising to pull down the straps of your top, thumb hooking into the band of your shorts and you shimmied them off your body leaving you bare before him never breaking eyes with him.
His widened staring at you frozen, half looking over his shoulder from the frame of the broken window, seemingly calming for a few seconds as if he had registered what you were getting at but not fully believing it.
His foot on the ledge retracted back into the room and he turned around to face you, red eyes on your body like he was in some kind of trance, letting you step forward into his space.
“It’s okay, Barou.” You stepped forwards and he didn’t move back this time, watching your every move with glowing red eyes. You reached forward tracing it around the small formed knot that throbbed before running a finger up to the curved tip then pressing to the slit spreading the ridiculous amount of pre he had leaking from it.
“-fuck me, that’s what you need right? It’s what you want?”
His lips curled back, teeth bared and his ears flattened and you could almost hear him warning you not to fucking tease him. Wrapping your hand around his cock, fingers not managing to touch from his girth you stroke him to try to encourage him, his hips jolting forward as his cock flexed in your hand.
The deep grunt that left him made you laugh lightly at him, running your other hand up his chest noticing something hidden —a snapped chain resting in this thick fur. You wrapped your hand around it and pulled it forward causing him to lower slightly, you watched it trail up his chest and link to a thick collar as you pulled it from his coat.
It made you groan out in a pleased manner, pussy pulsing causing your thighs to rub together.
“I’ll take it, I’ll take you B. How about if I tug on this if you’re going too far? You can stop yourself, I know you can, you’re such a good boy..”
The smile you gave him was enough, your shitty humour showing even though he could hear your heart racing behind your ribs.
You walked backwards until the bed hit the back of your knees, pulling the chain forward encouraging him to follow you —and he did.
He was stiff and cautious, wary about his movements in fear of losing control of himself, not helped with you encouraging him like you were.
Made worse when you sat onto the bed, released the chain, leaned back onto your elbows and spread your legs for him.
The pink dusted across your cheeks, his glowing eyes focused on your cunt glistening for him and the smell of your arousal.
The worry in him flew out the shattered window.
Barou surged forward, large clawed hands gripped under your thighs, cupping your ass and lifting your hips from the bed until you only had contact with the bed on your shoulders. Throwing your legs over his shoulder and opening his jaws, his bite was so large you fit perfectly between them. Silver teeth glistening as they rested gently on your stomach, others pressing into your ass and lower back, his large tongue shooting out and licking a long, thick stripe up your cunt and he growled at the taste.
Your hands shot forward to bury into his fur, gripping just behind his ears. Mouth agape as you stared at him in shock, something flashed across his eyes and it was the last moment of mercy he gave you.
Inhuman tongue started to lap at you, over and over greedily and sloppily —you could hear his tongue against you. Messily swirling around your entire cunt, leaving nothing untouched. Your legs shaking already as he held you up to his chest. Heavy drool spilled down your ass and back, bucking your hips into him as he hit everything.
“F-Fuck, Barou S’so good, baby m’gonna cum if you ke-hah~! There, there -fuck M’cumming! You’re making me- fuck!”
Your eyes rolled back, no noise managing to leave you at the sheer explosion through your body from cumming so fast, practically convulsing against him as you came hard and he wasn’t stopping.
You babbled at him, trying to pull away from his rough tongue but he refused, claws digging into your skin as a warning, jaws clamping down on you keeping your body slotted between them.
The noise that left you was unholy, shoving his entire tongue into your pussy filling you, the feeling was foreign and it made you squirm under him as he practically cleaned you out of cum, his thick salvia coating your insides and covering you entirely.
He was panting hard as he pulled back, tongue lolled out to the side as he lowered you to his cock, legs over his forearms, large clawed hands holding your hips and weight easily as he glided himself along your pussy, using it to rut against and slick himself up, his red eyes fixed watching himself rut against you.
His now inhuman cock bigger than usual, slit leaking pre like it was drooling for you, his knot starting to get bigger.
Your shakey hand reached out to grab the chain again and he looked up at you, eyes locking with your own and he stopped thinking you’d changed your mind, cock flexing against you in protest.
Instead he seen no reluctance just you looking at him with needy, glassy eyes.
You nodded at him through heavy breathing, body still shaking from cumming so hard and your legs were still quivering, cunt clenching around nothing.
“G-Go for it, trust you B.”
His ears flattened like it was a show on uncertainty, pulling his hips back and sliding along you again until his curved tip caught your drooling hole. Easing himself in he stuttered above you, his sensitivity through the roof as he felt you start to stretch to take him and you were tight. He growled, a deep rumble from his throat as he bared his teeth again watching himself sink into you, frothy ring of white forming as his pre met with slick and spit.
You hissed at the burn, chewing the inside of your cheek and throwing your head back, one arm following to grip the sheets behind you with one hand. The others grip tightened on the chain leading up to Barou’s collar and you pulled him forward, unintentionally pushing him deeper swallowing his dick.
His thrust forward was impatient and rough, filling you instantly and stilling in you for a few seconds to regain his self control, cock flexing uncontrollably inside you and you huffed, the air knocked from your lungs feeling so full, looking down to see your stomach bulging from him being so big.
You moaned as he drew his hips back, dragging against your walls leaving no inch of you untouched inside, cock covered in slick and drool he used to make it easier for you to take him.
Claws planting either side of you he set a rough pace, a sloppy, wet plap plap plap echoing in the room. His hips slamming into you watching the bulge in your stomach move with each thrust, his panting becoming heavier as his knot started forming at the base, only just slightly thicker than he was. A link of slick forming and breaking each time it hit your clit, eyes so focused on fucking himself fucking you like this.
Instinct kicked in and he pulled out flipping you over onto your stomach with one clawed hand gripping yours, moving it down to hold against your lower stomach, he rutted against you clumsily sliding between your ass and thighs until he found your hole again. Crying out as he filled, you both feeling the bulge form in your stomach from his hand above yours.
“Feel… it?”
His voice was deeper, gruffer and sounded like two voices mixed together, you nodded dumbly against the mattress, your ass in the air as he mounted you from behind burying himself balls deep.
Switching to shallow thrusts, not using his length this time and you figured out why when you felt yourself started to stretch again, his knot was forming inside of you, Barou was keeping himself in so he could plug you.
The claw near your head dug into the sheets, piercing the mattress as he fucked you in short hard thrusts, panting against your neck, his tongue lolled out drooling on you.
“Mine, Mine..”
He was between growling and grunting, using his body weight to keep you pinned down as he fucked you into the bed.
Your eyes were crossing, unable to form words just pathetic little noises. Only grounded by the feel of him fucking his cock into your hand through the bulge was making your cunt clench around him. Swallowing his knot as it swelled in you, when it started rubbing against that spot your breath hitched in your throat.
“B-B m’gonna squirt if you-“
He was ignoring you, using you as he rutted against you like a desperate animal, unable to move from his entire weight over you, you could only lay there and take it. Your knees were starting to buckle and even when you fell to the bed he didn’t stop.
Your legs straightened between his and he only leaned forward more to press himself to stay in you, fucking you in prone bone instead of doggy. He slid his hand out from on top of yours between the bed, leaving you to feel the bulge, gripping your ass cheek he pulled it apart to watch himself spread you open.
“Fuckin’ cum-“
Barou rotated his hips, watching his knot prevent him from pulling out, the squelch of slick mixed with pre was lewd. He started to thrust again, those short hard punches watched by his glowing eyes and he growled when your hips perched up, crying out as you came, squirt releasing from your cunt over his fur as he kept pounding into you.
You were practically screaming under him into the mattress, convulsing under him as he fucked you into seeing stars.
Unable to pull from you, your walls clenching around him painfully brought him with you, a stuttered thrust and he spilled into you. He watched his knot pulsing as he emptied everything he had, growling when you came again around him begging him with babbling words.
“Keep it’ in,”
“M’full, Barou I can’t take anymore, I’m full —s’too much.”
“Said could, so take..”
He thrust forward to make his point, claws digging into your ass keeping it open so he could watch your pussy pulsing around his throbbing knot.
“Fuck - fuck it’s too much.”
Barou felt your body trying to push him out, cock drench in cum that he’d unloaded into you, when his knot deflated he pulled from you with a lewd pop watching as it all poured from your swollen hole. Your skin red from his vicious slapping, small cuts from his claws as he dug them into you.
His ears flattened again, looking up your body seeing it shaking lightly, breathing uneven as you tried to calm down, leaning over you he nuzzled into your neck as if trying to give some kind of comfort.
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Waking up alone didn’t feel right, the bed empty of Barou felt different to when he was away for soccer. The dull ache between you legs was weirdly pleasant, but your whole body was aching more painfully, neck difficult to turn and your hips hurting.
Your eye caught a small white bag on your beside table, sitting up onto your elbows you noticed a glass of water and a large red pill with a white line through the middle sat there.
Along with a note that was in Barou’s ridiculously neat, pretty writing.
𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒖𝒑 -𝑩
You recalled the phone conversation, about them sending you something to prevent getting infected and pain relief but you’d never seen a pill like this before.
You swung your achy legs out of bed, grabbing the glass of water and pill to swallow.
You noticed the sheets changed and clean, you were also in one of Barou’s hoodies that drowned you being so big but you didn’t remember any of that…
Had you passed out or something?
It was comforting that he was obviously feeling himself, being the neat clean freak that he was.
The door shutting caught your attention and you stood, walking towards the kitchen, the claw marks still down the wall but the glass and broken pictures had been cleaned up.
You arrived in the kitchen the same time as Barou, who was carrying a bag of groceries, also drinks from your favourite coffee place with a small food bag, however the only thing you focused on was his expression and it was stormy.
He wasn’t happy.
At all.
“Hey B-“
“Shut up-“
You frowned, pouting and looking else where as he turned to look at you, striding over to you in no time and his hand curled around the hoody at the front, pulling you up close.
“Are you fucking stupid? The fuck do you think you’re doin’ pulling that shit last night? You realise I could have—“
He paused his words, just staring at you unable to find it in himself to actually finish the sentence and it made you look back at him.
Barou Shouei never cried, he claimed he never had when he was born and you doubt he ever would, but the closest you’d ever get to seeing that was now, his red eyes glazed ever so slightly and his jaw clenched. It was a mere second but you caught it, your hand lifted to his face tucking the stray strand that had fallen from his messy half man bun.
“You’d never hurt me in any way, it doesn’t matter what you are it’s still you, I guess I felt that. Plus you needed help and you came where you should for it, besides…” you prodded his cheek, before patting your chest and puffing it out “-I’d say I was very brave! The loyal ol’vagina never fails you does she?”
He released you, shoving his hands into his pockets and glaring off down the hallway over your shoulder. Wisely not reacting to your shitty humour, as he calls it. You noticed how tired he looked, unusual bangs under his eyes just noticeable.
“I thought you hated the half man bun look anyway?”
He rolled his eyes and turned back to the kitchen, grumbling something he didn’t think you’d hear under his breath.
“You like it, spoilt brat.”
You cackled before running up to him and jumping on his back, despite his grumpiness his hands wrapped around your thighs as he gave you a lift to the kitchen, sitting you down on the island next to the groceries.
He went to walk forward and grab your coffee, but your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling his back against you and kissing the cross on the side of his head.
“You still have this when you’re… y’know,”
He managed to turn in your grip, planting his hands either side of your hips, his eyes skimming over the bruises on your thighs from his hoodie riding up.
“-you uh, you still got that collar Barou?”
Surprisingly it didn’t take much convincing to get it around his neck again, your hand wrapped around the chain as he buried himself balls deep into you. Pulling him forwards he rested elbows either side of your head against the bed to hold himself up, hips rolling into you beautifully as he sent a steady pace, his human self looking far for familiar than what fucked you last night.
“You wanna breed me, good boy?”
He sneered at you, looking a little pissed off but his cock flexing inside of you said otherwise. You tugged on the collar as he choked out noise before glaring at you.
“You keep doin’ that I’m gonna cum, fuckin’ stop it.”
Rolling your hips up into him he let out an airy moan, meeting yours with his own response, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from laughing.
“Thats the point-hah- fuck feel s’good-“
Your head rolled back into the mattress, Barou dove forward locking his mouth around a nipple as you arched up into him, his knees spread keeping your legs over his hips, your thighs over his and your hips elevated. His more human cock stretching you out as he rutted down into you, the squelching and slapping of his wet balls against your ass.
“Keep makin’ that noise-“ he looked up at you, thrusting harder again and angling himself, the same beggy noise leaving you “-yeah, that. I found it huh? Gonna give it up, or I gotta keep fuckin you dumb like this?”
“N-No m’gonna c-cum, don’t stop, don’t stop-“
You pulled again and tightened the collar unintentionally as your vision went white, you came around him so hard he couldn’t pull his cock back, he moaned against your skin, hips jolting as he suddenly released, the tension on the collar almost choking him out and he was drooling.
“Ah, fuck-“
Barou held himself over you, cock flexing as he shot out hot cum into your swollen cunt, his stomach twitching and hips jolting as he kept unloading himself into you.
“M’still damn cummin’ shit..”
You clenched down on him, rolling your hips to encourage him to move and he planted his hand at your hips to stop you, a choked noise leaving him before he glared at you, his cock too sensitive to handle it.
“You sure you ain’t the one ruttin’? Acting like such a needy brat. You took the medicine right?”
You nodded dumbly, falling slack to the bed and waved him off as he pulled from you, wet cock slapping against his thighs watching as cum drooled from you, replacing with his fingers abruptly making you wince and jump up.
“S-Shit Barou w-“
“Stop pushin’ it out, I just cleaned the damn sheets! Get your ass in the shower!”
“Have some damn modesty Barou! It’s not my fault you’re cumming so much!”
“Quit whining and move! Shower.now.”
“I ain’t a puppet ‘Sho you can’t have your hand there and expect me to walk!”
Grumbling under his breath he wrapped his other arm around your waist, swinging you around with him until he sat under you, standing he threw you over his shoulder keeping your ass up as he walked to the bathroom.
“Such a fine ass, Barou Shouei. Look at it go! Such pride.”
The slap you gave it rang through the apartment, followed by a scream as he turned the water on cold.
Watching you panic under the stream, slapping at nothing in hopes of hitting him and you ranting out unfavourable names, he smirked at you.
His heart racing in his chest, the weight lifted from him knowing you’d accepted this side of him —his disappearing around full moons and ruts would be no longer, he’d stay with you.
The last thing he just had to do was put that damn ring on your finger that had been sat in his locker for the last five months.
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©pharix/lonelystarrs 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
Footnotes: “he’s the third most aggressive in the pack.”
So that was my twist on him being the third best fighter in Blue Lock, after Shidou first and Kunigami Second (this is actual canon btw!)
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