#alien: sea of sorrows
silverskye13 · 2 years
So my favorite character in Alien: Sea of Sorrows is Silent Dave.
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kaeyas-beloved · 1 year
To Hold and Be Held
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Characters: Alhaitham, Diluc, Kaveh, Xiao
Summary: Who is holding who and why and when?
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Comfort + Snippets
CWs: gn!reader, angst/comfort in Xiao’s and Kaveh’s, only proofread in a half-assed kind of way
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To be held by Alhaitham is not rare but not common either. This act of intimacy happens primarily in the late hours of the night and the wee hours of the morning. It’s the times when he just can’t be bothered to let go of the pleasant warmth you give off as he stays snuggled in the covers, nowhere near ready to start his day. It's in the moments where you take a seat on the opposite side of the couch, sometimes even the other couch altogether, unwilling to disturb your lover as he reads. Yet, somehow, not even five minutes later the man will find his place beside you, eyes never leaving the page as he guides you to lean against him.
And even when you've found a comfortable position for the both of you, Alhaitham's arm remains in its spot around you.
To hold Diluc is to hold the weight of worlds because that is what he himself does. He carries the lives of everyone in the city when he takes up his place as the Darknight Hero, he manages a whole industry from its product to its staff, ensuring that both are properly taken care of. Most of all, he takes care of you. You who shall not see another day of harm or sadness if he has anything to say about it, you who shall always be loved by him.
To hold Diluc is to temporarily allow him to not shoulder these responsibilities, to let him relax, be loved and just be Diluc.
To hold and be held by Kaveh is like looking at the sea crash onto the sand then recede - sometimes there is more sand, sometimes there’s more water. This is an accurate way to visualize your relationship, sometimes Kaveh holds you and other times you hold him. To hold Kaveh is to let him know that just because he is sad doesn’t mean he has to hide it, least of all from you. Holding him means to shield him from the world just for a little while. To hold him is to let him calm down from venting or ranting, be the topic about Alhaitham or some client. To be held by Kaveh, however, is like drowning in happiness. If he’s holding you, the chances are high that he’s smiling earnestly, laughing at either something you’ve said or a situation he’s retold.
If you’re holding each other, the chances of him being happy are indisputably high. Really, if you’re holding each other, it’s no longer a chance that he’s content, it’s fact.
To hold Xiao is like holding a baby bird or glass figurine, so fragile and to be handled with care. Xiao is the furthest from being weak when it comes to physical or mental strength, but even he will one day succumb to the years of sorrow weighing on him, crumbling until it’s almost impossible to get back up. So to find him curled into himself, his agony hanging heavy and all-consuming, it’s only natural for your first instinct to be to embrace him. He’ll tense in the beginning, perhaps always remaining unaccustomed to physical affection, but the longer you hold him, remaining by his side and letting your warmth seep into his bones, the more the darkness backs away to where it came from.
It’s a long war to be fought, but in this instant, you can be sure you won this battle.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @saishin-michiyoshi // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @irethepotato // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @stage-lucida // @x-zho
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robinshandhurts · 3 months
Guys why do I keep having dreams about the ALNST finale, istg it’s happened two nights in a row. My brain needs to stop doing this to me right now.
I don’t remember the first finale dream I had but I remember the second and third (bcus they were back to back 😭).
The second one started as a normal dream where I was just looking for an apple at sea, then we sail past this warship and apparently it’s where they were keeping Ivan after round 6 bcus he supposedly got kidnapped after it. Then I turn into Till, my friend turns into Mizi, and my other friend just stays the same while we go in and mission impossible style rescue him.
The third was longer. I started off the dream as Till then Mizi then Ivan. We were storming this haunted castle (for some reason, idk why my brain can’t just stuck with the alien stuff) and for some reason we had a lore drop that Ivan didn’t die and he was just held hostage after the round.
ANYWAYS, the gang goes around breaking shit in the garden to use as weapons when fighting the ghosts in the castle. I don’t remember what Ivan and Till grabbed (although I definitely remember Till grabbing Ivan) but Mizi like the capable lesbian she is broke this glass pendant thingy that she apparently had and uses it to break more stuff. Like these haunted armour sets.
But thsi whole place so far has kind of been riddled with traps, so once they get to the castle obviously the gang can’t get in. Ivan reveals he’s secretly a parkour pro and scales the edge of the building to get to an open window. Idk how Mizi and Till followed him up but they did and now they’re walking through this hallway with doors and each for has a song one of the gang has made. Most of them are made by Luka, Ivan and Till but eventually we get to two doors; My Clematis and Black Sorrow (btw speaking of music the song playing through the entire dream was a Kate bush cover of the Mission Impossible theme 😭).
Mizi goes through My Clematis alone, she’s rlly sad abt it. While Ivan and Till go through Black Sorrow. I never found out what was behind My Clematis but behind Black Sorrow was…Ivan??! But Ivan’s been with us the whole time!….Unless….it was a fake Ivan!! It was really Aragorn from LOTR and now he’s going to make real Till kill real Ivan!
They get put on a stage. The lights are…dim. And they have ten questions each, every wrong question is a shot fired at the loser. But they have these cookies which will allow a question to be answered without any guns being fired at the loser. But they only have ten! (Ivan has six and Till has four, unfair ik) and there are twenty questions! The suspense is so high what will they do? Will one of them sacrifice their safety for the others- oh. Nope. Ivan’s just stabbed Till in the hand and run off. Even Aragorns looking at him like wtf.
In Till’s pov we see Ivan saying that he apparently had a plan but well never see that because I woke up. You’re welcome, bitches.
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lamemaster · 2 years
Origins of Love (Thranduil x Reader)
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Thranduil finds himself seated in an aloof corner of his library. A book chosen for the night and his wineglass next to him. Another day of his life as the King had come to an end.
Another day that he spent detesting the act of existence. Maybe...if he were better he would treasure life. He would look for his son who has been gone for months. But he is not the elf he once was. Weariness lays heavy on his shoulders.
Sighing he picks up the book only for a withered page to fall in his lap. Its edges folded yet, time had preserved it. Curious Thranduil flipped it open.
To the King of Greenwood the Great,
How does one come to love? I have always wondered about this question. Is it the strings of fate that pull two people or is the will of those people that bring them together in bond so special?
Reading books and listening to tales I thought maybe it was the beauty of thought and face that nurtured love. Some argued that it was the alignment of stars. While others contended that it was the matching of interests that led to it. Gods, fate, looks, personality. All seemed right but wrong at the same time.
I looked for love for so long. I knocked at all the doors others claimed to find it from. But all failed.
Even the open seas of Lindon promised the same confinement of my own mind and heart.
However, soon the answer came to me like a prancing doe in your thick forest. A haughty Sinda with the most curt replies to even the most pleasant greetings was the answer.
I found that it could lead to an attraction of virtues, faith, fate, or beauty but love stems from vices. It slithers in like a vicious snake and crouches in the heart. And despite the venom, the heart can't help but beat.
Love comes with the acceptance of a person despite their vices. And I have accepted you for all of yours. Your excessive drinking, your scathing remarks, and your prevalent tendencies to be obnoxious at the most unwarranted times.
These and other vices have failed to stop me from loving you. Such has been the case for ages. Instead, these vices fashion themselves into your infamous parties, your hilarious wit that I adore, your glorious cloaks that make me unable to look away from you.
Thranduil I am in love with you and your flaws. So much in love that I can't fathom any wrong in you.
Dragon burns or outward beauty matters little to me. I yearn for you and all of you not a figment of the past. I urge you to allow me to meet you and tell you how much I am in love with you in front of you while I hold your hand.
Let me be a part of your grief. Let me be a part of healing.
Waiting for You,
Thranduil's hands tremble as he barely holds on to the letter. Your letter from so long ago when he just became the King of Greenwood. After he had returned burned from the external flames of the dragon and continued burning ire the of his father's loss.
He had locked himself away from a world crueler than ever. He had done that uncaring of you. He isolated himself but in doing so he alienated you.
The letter had gone unread in his anguish. Buried in the pages of an unread book. He had kept you waiting for so long and you waited until life left you. 
So, alone, the King of once Greenwood the Great, which is now Mirkwood, waits. He waits for a day he can meet you on the shores untouched by sorrow.
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crustyfloor · 1 month
black sorrow by Ivan alien stage but its the english lyrics only
so black black as it can be
dark sea
like a black black sorrow
a story of such woe
such black, black sorrow
black sorrow
black sorrow
black sorrow
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fic rec friday 33
welcome to the thirty-third fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Rose-Colored Boy by melancholymango
“I missed you, you know.”
“Yeah?” Lance sighed, warm and giddy, clearly not absorbing how serious the words truly were. Keith nodded his head for a few seconds, not trusting himself to speak around the size of his emotions. He was suddenly brought back to the years alone on the whale, when all he’d had to keep him going was memories of his friends, of Lance.
“Yeah.” Keith said, more certainty in his voice now. He reached down, hesitantly threading his fingers through Lance’s and giving his hand a squeeze. Lance tensed next to him. “I still do.”
“I mean, I’m right here.”
“Are you? You still seem pretty far away.”
again i know im not really big on those fics that make the team out to be deliberately cruel, but sometimes its cathartic tbh. sometimes you remember canon and ur just like yeah what if he got angry. what if someone got angry for him. what then. and mango gives us that
2. Swamp of Sorrows by SwissArmyKnife
Pike gets exposed to acidic ooze, which leads Block (& Keith) to make a few discoveries about their party’s rogue.
“We can't leave them like this,” Meklavar said of Valayun and Pike, who’d been laid beside the fire. "Look at how bad those welts are." She came up with a bottle of oil and a cake of soap. "I can smell water nearby. We can get them washed and roll them in a blanket to sleep off the spore. What do you think?"
"I think it's our only choice," Takashi said.
monsters and mana fic!!!!! everybody say YES to righteous anger on pike’s behalf. and also say yes to pike bc i love him. this fic is interesting bc its a little tense and awkward bc this ragtag team of misfits doesnt quite trust each other yet but they also cant quite stop themselves from caring about each other. so even though they dont all agree on eveyrthing and dont agree about all, they do agree that pike needs more care than he got. also unrelated but the fact that shiro’s m&m name is fucking takashi kills me every time like man just wants to be himself ��
3. Beneath the Champagne Sea by SwissArmyKnife
The paladins make a diplomatic visit to a planet with sexual dimorphism roughly opposite that of Earth. Women are larger and more powerful, while men are leaner and smaller. Cue their horror at gaunt, sickly Pidge and mild disgust with the ’womanly’ Shiro. Lance hits the sweet spot. He's got the build and features to draw the eyes and the charm to keep them. Their hosts are quite taken with him, in particular the daughter of the queen, whose forwardness is a comic reversal of Lance’s usual dynamic with women. Lance likes the attention and finds her intriguing, but eventually things take a discomforting turn.
Lance tried to step around her, wanting to walk away from a conversation that seemed less and less likely to end well, but Leh’n seized his wrist before he could. Her grip was tight, and freeing himself would require an act of aggression, which he still wanted to avoid. ‘Think of the mission, of how important it is to get the castle up and running again,’ he coached himself.
Still, that did nothing to stop his blood pressure from skyrocketing as Leh’n leaned closer and said. “I am not accustomed to reluctance.”
i swear to god that ive recced this before, but i couldnt find it in my records so here it is!! this fic is endlessly fascinating. the exploration of gender roles is super interesting, considering who is impacted in this fic and how. the discussion about beauty standards, power imbalances, the alien wrench in things was so cool! and i think lance, who is very much someone who rides that gender lines in terms of presentation of hobbies and even chracter traits, makes sense as the main character here. interesting think piece. 
4. you had me at merlot by @ryomakun
“Oh my God,” Lance says as he covers his face. Keith’s tinny voice blares from his laptop speakers: “What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.” See, this joke might have been funny if someone charismatic and charming had said it, but Keith’s flat voice and even flatter expression effectively kidnaps, tortures, and then decapitates any chance of it being remotely humorous.
Keith accidentally starts a YouTube channel. Lance, of course, refuses to be left out. It goes about as well as you'd expect. (Ft. copious amounts of wine and a truly shameless number of references to MyDrunkKitchen, DailyGrace, and general pop culture)
this fic is HILARIOUS. its one of the firsts i ever screenshotted for the scrapbook i have of fics that made me laugh out loud. i offer you this one part that really made me giggle: 
““It tastes good,” Keith says petulantly as he glares at the accusing finger Hunk has pointed at him. “No offense Hunk but that stuff you gave me for my twenty-first tasted like feet and antiseptic.”
“That was a merlot,” Hunk wails. “The good kind, too!”
Ignoring them, Lance stands in front of the rum selection. This is why he didn’t want to bring anyone. They might call him loud and embarrassing, but at least he doesn’t yell inside WalMart about the virtues of a “real red wine.” An elderly couple passes through, eying the bickering three. Lance resolutely pretends he is here shopping by himself.“
the way they are so ridiculous that LANCE of all people is embarrassed of them...cinema. also this fic is peak bc it has klance as enemies to lovers and childhood friends to lovers at the same time. iconique
5. Flayed by @admiralcanthackett
Lance gets hit with a face full of spores and it leaves him wracked with pain. Touch is the only relief he can find.
yes i know i tag this author all the time but in my defense there was a point in my life where i was OBSESSED with faer fics. truly. anyways this one has unexpectedly protective keith, like to a very high degree, and im loving the heavy themes of trust and emotional as well as physical vulnerability 
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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ivanttakethis · 2 months
End of Round 2 - Tov’s Log
Vera (54) vs. Moran (45) -> Vera Win
“Do you believe in fate, Tov?” A voice nearby asks.
Tov doesn’t have to look up from her book to know it belongs to Moran. She hears it all the time.
Like yesterday after lunch, when Solei sat on the wooden stool in front of Moran’s makeshift advice stand and asked: “Moran, what happens after we die?”
“I do.” Tov says with a nod, “It’s all written in the stars.”
She sees wild red hair moving closer in her peripheral. “Do you think our fates can be changed, or do we have to follow them to their end?”
Tov looks up at Moran then. She’s deep in thought, as usual. Though her downturned blue eyes look a bit sorrowful.
It isn’t Tov’s place to pry.
“Fate isn’t set in stone. It’s always changing. Just like the stars.” She points at the swatch of night sky printed in her book.
“The stars are always changing. Old ones die out, new ones are born, sometimes a star will brighten or dim. Our fates can change in the same way.” She explains. “Even the smallest action can alter your ultimate fate.”
Moran is quiet for a moment. Thinking.
Tov waits patiently.
A slow, shaky smile spreads across Moran’s face as she meets Tov’s gaze again, “Then maybe there’s hope for all of us.”
Tov wouldn’t learn until years later the fate Moran wanted to change.
The final scores for Round 2 flickered to life in the hologram above the stage.
Vera 54. Moran 45. The same split that killed Azure.
Moran’s fate was decided.
Tov felt like a liar.
As the camera zoomed in on Moran’s face, like the scope of a sniper shooting to kill, Tov could see her shaky smile and the tears streaming down her cheeks.
Tov squeezed her eyes shut just before a single shot rang out to the raucous delight of the crowd.
She didn’t want to know if Moran’s blood matched the red of her hair, or the blush of her cheeks, or the autopsy markings across her chest and abdomen.
They dressed her like a corpse. She had been doomed from the start.
Just like Guardian Rheya wanted.
Tov hadn’t eaten in hours. There was nothing in her stomach to expel. But the bile clawed it’s way up into her mouth regardless.
She wished she could spit venom instead of acid.
This time Tov didn’t say anything as she left. Cassio didn’t say anything either.
She locked herself in her room and sunk to the floor, pulling her knees up and leaning her head back to rest against the door.
Any minute now, Guardian Rhyea would release a statement about Moran’s loss (not her death, she didn’t care about that).
She would spin a story about how Moran was in love with a boy named Adam. That Moran risked her life and entered Alien Stage hoping to win the competition and finally gain his attention.
But it wasn’t true. None of it was true.
Not that it mattered to Rhyea. All she wanted was a fame boost for Adam.
Tov knew he would be entered the following season. Moran had told her the whole plan.
White hot anger burned bright in Tov’s chest. She’d watched another person she knew die right before her eyes.
The last moment of Moran alive — with her smile and tear stained cheeks — burned itself into the backs of Tov’s eyelids.
Right alongside sea-green eyes that only sparkled under the open sky.
There would be another round tomorrow.
Another death to haunt her.
For now, she would grieve in silence.
Rhyea might’ve thought Moran was expendable, but Tov didn’t.
She wouldn’t let her friend go unmourned.
Sweet dreams, Moran.
I know you did your best.
So chat 🥹 how are we feeling 🥹 after Round 2? I’m barely holding it together, thanks for asking 🥹✌️
Tov’s reactions to the deaths of those close to her are starting to get more intense. It’s especially concerning because Tov doesn’t experience extreme emotions very often.
Her feelings are loosely tied to the stages of grief. Tov’s current stage of grief is anger.
We’re 0/2 right now on who I thought would win, so I won’t be making any predictions for Round 3 just to be safe.
Moran “The Thinker” belongs to @geospiral (I also referenced her art in the log here and here)
Solei belongs to @shakingparadigm / @solei-eclipse
Azure belongs to @4listr / @azureitri
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
'Awalie (Once; in the Past) Part 2
They rly dont be lying when they say fanfic writers be going through the most.
Guys i swear theres a plot twist in part 3 so pls stick around🙏
Anyway i hope ye enjoy part 2~
Part 1 Part 3
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Water lapped at the shoreline, bathing the sand in its cold richness and pulling what it could away with it as it retreated back into the sea once more. The sun way up in the sky was setting on the horizon in the distance and painted the sky a firey orange colour. At least thats how he remebered it...
He remebered the calm silence and then the laughter that filled the surrounding space but could not fill the void in his heart. For that memory, that reminder, only continued to push his heart further into the depths of sorrow.
She stood in that water. The water that lapped at the grains of sand under her feet, wrapping around her ankles as if trying to wash away any worry she had. It wasnt the water he was used to now but the one on the planet that was only a distent memory to him, the Earth. Her clothes flowed behind her in the wind as she waded in knee deep. She bent down slightly only to emerge once again back to her original position, yet this time instead of looking to the ravishing horizan her attention had been captured by something in her hands.
A shell. One she had just picked up. Quite a large one, splashed with a beautiful array of colours. It sparkled in the light of the sun, the one that cast shadows onto the scene that played out down below it. A kaleidoscope of colours spread out onto the surface of the glittering, rippling water and for a moment everything seemed just right.
But this and many other memories plagued his mind and burdened him with many more thoughts. Memories from through out his life. That laughter, it came from a beautiful face, one which no matter how hard he tried to picture properly, he couldnt. The mind is fragile and as time wore on the memories themselves wore down too.
The girl whos face was familiar, recognisable but blurred all the same. He knew who she was, how could he forget? He could never forget her. He never did. She haunted him. He saw her hair, flowing behind her with the wind, her skin tone, her shape, her size, her height, the sound of her voice like a calm melody on the winds that blew past them and her laugh. He remembered it all. But when he looked to the place where her face should be her features were not as in depth as they should have been.
Not as visable as he once knew them to be when he had seen her in front of his face, with his own two eyes, his human eyes. When he had seen and known her in his first lifetime, in his lifetime before he became one of the people.
Jake Sully suddenly awoke in a cold sweat.
He hauled himself out of his resting place, the place he lay asleep in the tent he and his family stayed in within the residence of the Metkayina clan. The clan they were all now officially a part of, since his eldest son lay with their ancestors.
It had been over a month since the funeral, his final send off and he often times now too apeared in his fathers memories. He had confided this in his partner, like he did often times because he was always weak to her, because he could share anything with his mate, his soulmate. He had shared his memories about that girl with her too.
He confided in her the memories of that girl that plagued his mind even before he had left for the alien planet he now called home and strived to protect. They never really went away, those memories he had of her. Over time they, the images, the memories, had faded slightly but the emotional impact always remained, never less but sometimes more.
Sometimes when he was down the most her image, that one at the beach mostly, would flash in his mind and he couldn't help but flinch. A face much like his old one but not himself would follow there after, a ghost of a person long since at rest, at peace. His older brother. And maybe that was why he had always been so hard on the one that now lay with Eywa.
Losing your siblings, your family, the ones you strive to protect, the ones who you love and who love you back no matter what, is a pain that is indescribable and one that no one should have to go through. He and his mate had both lost their older sibling and they could safely and knowingly confide in each other about those things.
Both were lost to humans and now the same fate became of his eldest son, his other childrens older sibling. He started to wonder if maybe they were cursed. If maybe it was always going to be this way, planned out from the start. Was the cause for all of it Eywas plan...or the humans interferance? For she only kept the balance of life.
Eywa could not reach the planet where the people had killed their mother. Fate was cruel and unkind but humans were even more so. They tricked and decived and thought themselves right and worthy of the things they stole from others. They stole their mothers heart and with gun in hand pierced the place where she had trusted them not to shoot. For loving someone is like having them point a gun at your heart and trusting them not to pull the trigger.
And so if Jake Sully has learned anything its that humans cannot be trusted. Not unless they have proven themselves worthy. Proven themselves to be one of the people. Proven themselves to be a child of Eywa or even a human who was worthy of not being called by the title of demon.
"Say that again?"
"Twenty-one, Sixty-nine."
"Repeat it" You continued to ask over again
"Two. One. Six. Nine." He stated for the third time
"One more time"
"The year is 2169!" Neteyam repeated himself for the final time, exasperated
You paused trying to wrap your head around what you were being told. This couldn't be possible. You looked the exact same age and it was fifteen years into the future, never mind just six years! You wouldn't be twenty-two you would be thirty-one!
"You've got to be kidding me...You're joking right?
This was way too wierd, you were definitely sixteen mentally and physically.
Neteyam looked almost as worried by your reaction as you were about the information he gave you.
"Theres no way I'm fifteen years in the future..."
"Wait. What did you say? You're what...?"
"Oh God, dont make me repeat it." You stated while biting your thumb nail
"You said your 'fifteen years into the future'... is that even possible?"
"I dont know but thats what your telling me by saying its 2169. The last memory i have is when it was the year 2154 so please tell me your lying." You asked almost begging him to give you a diffrent, better, answer.
"Im afraid im not. Im not the type to play pranks on people, especially in this situation." He replied matter of factly and you had no choice but to believe him.
"So how old are you now then, i thought you were around my age." He asked
"I got shot and went into a coma only like a couple days after my sixteenth birthday from what i can remember so...i dont know."
You paced back and forth thinking it over a couple times in your head as the much taller male observed you steadily.
"Also the fact that i died just a couple days after my sixteenth birthday...what kind of bullsh*t life is that?" You asked rhetorically
"I died when i was fifteen."
You stopped in your trackes and faced the na'vi boy, who was aparently younger than you, deadpan - parden the pun.
"...alright, point taken."
You took a minute to absorb his words and fully take in their meaning leaving you even more puzzled than you already were if that was possible.
"Wait...what do you mean you died when you were fifteen?"
"It's kind of a long story but basically the humans shot me too and i died...i think, even though im alive right now. I'm assuming it was a human that shot you as well...like with a gun."
"Ya, it was." You replied
There was an awkward silence between the two of you for a brief moment
"...Well look at us...in this situation...together... This is fxcked, i dont even know what planet im on!"
"We're on Pandora"
"Yeah i sort of got that from the giant rainbow trees and the...well you. What i meant was i dont really know much about this planet so im basically lost."
"They must have brought you here while you were in your coma if you dont remember coming here"
"Yeah i think so too. So what do we do now?"
Before he had time to answer you a figure in the doorway snapped you both out of the intensity of your conversation.
Two people who wore long white coats stood underneath the frame. You knew immediately who they were since those coats were all too familiar to you, you had seen it on, now your most likely deceased, eldest brother.
Scientists. Human ones.
Before you could get a better look at them they had already fled and you would bet everything you had, which right now was really only the clothes on your back, that they were going to alert the other humans. Alert them that the one person who they shot to death and the other who they performed experiments on had woken up and may be potentially hostile.
Humans. They always jump to the worst possible conclusions first. Well, its to be expected since they probably knew they were in the wrong.
Oh, the guy you shot and the girl you experimented on woke up? Yeah, they would probably be pretty pissed, wouldnt you think so too?
Neteyam and i had no choice but to jump straight into action. We ran out the door as well and after the people who saw us. We wove down and out twists and turns and long hallways and eventually the people split up and went in diffrent directions.
Deciding it was best not to split up ourselves, we followed the female of the pair. We ended up getting ahead of her by cutting through a seperate room and waited for her around a corner up ahead as she ran towards us.
"What are we doing?! This is pointless, the other person still got away!" Neteyam asked you as you peered ever so slightly around the wall, waiting for the woman who was much the same height as you to get close enough to execute your plan.
"Shushhh! Watch and learn newbie"
Neteyam wondered for a time how you knew he was new to being in actual battles but didnt have much time to dwell on it as you lunged into action.
In a minute, with not a sound from the victim, you had her down and out and Neteyam helped you to drag her into the nearest unlocked, windowless, room. Here you and Neteyam both changed out of your hospital attire.
Neteyam changed into the clothes he had taken from the room you had both awoken in. Apparently they had been the same ones he wore when he was shot, he had snatched them up before running out to catch the scientists.
You, yourself, had no such clothes but opted to use the ones the female scientist had on. You now donned a black top, a long white fabric lab coat, black baggy cargo pants and black combat boots. To finish the look off you grabbed the womans clipboard, files and all, and made your hair look as presentable as you could.
You had enough conscience to at least clothed her in your previous attire instead of leaving her in her undergarments. If you wore her clothes it was easier to seek around this way, if you both got caught you could make up an excuse saying you caught Neteyam after he had awoken. You just had to hope that whoever caught you guys wouldn't know every scientist in the place off by heart. A mediocre and generic plan but the best you could come up with given the timing and situation.
With your mind on that as you both changed, Neteyams mind wandered to how you took down that scientist woman. He wondered how you did that when you were only a little older than him, a year at best. He wondered if human children were taught to fight differently than na'vi children were.
Or if prehaps they were taught earlier or more vigorously since there seemed to be such a diffrence in strength between you both. He also thought, since his dad had never mentioned such a thing about humans, that perhaps you had just been influenced to train hard by a person in your family. Or that you wanted to live up to the expectations of your family like he did. He wondered if they were kind...your family. He wondered if you would have acted differently towards him if you had both met under different circumstances.
This was all only his speculation. He could ask you, you were only a meter away from him, but did you really even know each other? You didn't. You both had met only an hour ago at most and made an ulikely team due to a common enemy and similarity within your goals but could he really trust you? You were a human after all.
The same humans who drove him from his home. Who murdered the tulkans and himself. The same humans who his mother and father fought against in the war...but also who his father came from. Who he was...is. And if his father was human and became one of the people and even Toruk Macto than maybe they weren't all bad.
His father was trusted among the people, made up for the mistakes he made and strived to protect the world that embraced and loved him. So why couldn't there be others like him? Good humans.
He was sure there was. Like Norm and the other avatars who had remained on Pandora after the war and his friend Spider who he grew up with. They all cemented this thought in him; that not all humans were bad. All those people showed him the life that the humans and na'vi could live if only the wars and fighting stopped and they chose to live together in harmony instead of bloodshed.
They came from very diffrent places. Diffrent planets even. So they would not always see eye to eye but that didn't mean they could never get along with each other. This was proven by his own blood. The blood that was his Mother and Fathers. His mixed human and na'vi blood that would bleed the path to tomorrow.
They bled the same.
Humans and na'vi.
For all his mixed blood it did not look any diffrent, any stranger, than it should of and that was shown as it flowed down those rocks and into the water as he layed dying. It flowed to Eywa and met her at the cross roads of life, death and rebirth.
It chanted to her a prayer. A prayer that she simply interpreted and concluded ment; If his death enticed revenge, war, and hatred than his rebirth will call for peace, tranquillity and rejoice. It would bleed the path to tomorrow and he would take his rightful place once again.
Where his rightful place was Neteyam wasnt so sure about anymore. He always thought it was to be the leader of his clan and to be the perfect son and eldest sibling. But now his position of Olo'eyktan for his clan was no more and while he had protected his siblings he had died in the process. His last words, being his true wish, never once uttered otherwise, to return back to the home they knew, the one they hailed from.
So in the future, he would work hard to find his place in this world, his world, but if he was going to do that he would have to focus on the now. Focus on the situation he was in right now and getting out of it safely so that he could reunite with his family. That was all he aimed for and he knew he couldn't do it by himself, he wasnt that thick headed unlike his younger brother and so if he had to enlist the help of a human to do so he would not hesitate.
And if at times when she fought the gleem in her eyes or the sharpness to their gaze reminded him of his father than that was only sturring him forward. Like a little reminder in the back of his mind telling him not to give up and to just keep going, keep pushing through.
"How did you know i was new to fighting in actual battles?" Neteyam remembered his thought from earlier and spoke it aloud to the much smaller human girl
"It's so obvious, i can tell by the way you conduct yourself." You replied with a lightness to your voice and a small laugh at the first part of your sentence.
You were both done changing now and knew time was of the essence, so while Neteyam was left to ponder your words once again you listened to the sounds beyond the windowless room and peeked through the keyhole to see if you could spot anything amiss on the other side.
Suddenly a blaring alarm went off and you both looked at each other in fright. You knew you were on the same wavelength by the nod you gave each other and made haste while exiting the room you had resigned yourselves to while getting changed.
You ducked under windows as you passed hallways and rooms swarmed with people, who were decked out in weaponry and looked like army soilders, scientists and even some avatars. The walls were painted red with a blinding light paired with the blaring siren most likely alerting those in the spaceship of your and Neteyams escape. After a while and some close calls you both made it to the room you were looking for.
The control room.
You and Neteyam peaked a look through a small circular window which let you view inside the room. You saw the room filled with various diffrent machines and pannels and one or two people in avatar bodies as well as many humans. You had to lure them away from there, if you wanted to escape, that is, and you most definitely did.
The only question was how did you do that exactly?
Neteyam and you shared a look. Alarms were still blaring in the distance and you could hear the flustered footsteps of the people outside the control room shuffling around not too far away.
Thats when you both decided to split up. You gave him a signal, putting two fingers to your forehead and pointing them in the direction you were going. You were going to create a distraction while he entered the control room admitsed the chaos. But you could not put your plan into action before he grabed your arm, hauling you back before you could leave.
He didnt have to say anything, you knew what he was thinking, what he ment. You knew that it would be better for him to create the distraction while you entered the control room : Because if any humans stayed there or if the distraction didnt work, you would be less noticeable sneaking in than him. But you wanted to let him do it since it seemed more dangerous to let him go by himself deeper into the spaceship.
He had no real battle experience, you could see it in the way he conducted himself. Everything was so practiced, like he had been well trained but it was just that. It was too rehersed, too stiff ; his stances, his footwork, it wasnt like that of a real fight, of real experience. But you wained and finally gave in to the look in his eyes that somehow reminded you of your brothers, maybe it was the determination. To what? Prove himself?
To you? Or to himself? Even if that ment he would have to fight. If it ment he could get hurt. He had already died once so what was one more time? Although he might not be so lucky as to return from the dead like he had the first time.
Finally, not wanting to waste anymore time, you gave him a swift nod and headed to the room you had earlier pointed Neteyam to go into before you had switched roles. You didnt have time to talk about where or when you would both meet up again but that was the least of your problems. You had to focus on the task at hand and get yourselves out of there before you were caught once again : Because the next time they caught you, you knew they would make sure you could not escape again.
Neteyam slunk off farther into the spaceship and eventually dipped out of your sight. Hiding yourself away in a room just opposite the control room : you waited for whatever he was planning. You closed the door and rested your head aginst the door, listening. You could hear your own breaths, the beating of your heart ; with all the adrenaline pumping through your veins you hadnt realised how scared you actually were.
The dents in your palms from where the screws of the window pierced your skin earlier tingled and itched a firey sensation all along them. But you did not have time to think about that as sweat poured down your forehead and along the bridge of your nose as you waited anxiously ; flexing your fingers as if cracking your knuckles without any sound. You peered through the keyhole for any sign of the people in the control room leaving, any moment now they would.
Only you wondered if you would be able to get up now that you had sat down. Somewhat relaxed now, your legs felt like jelly once again, just like they had when you had first awoken. Only this time is was from nerves. Could you really do this? No. It wasnt a matter of wheather you could or not. You had to do this! If you didnt you wouldnt just be risking your own life but Neteyams as well.
No matter how scared, nervous, anxious or unsure you were, it was either do or die. Thats what the situation you were in right now was and there was nothing you could do to change it : Because you would rather die then let them experiment on you again and you would rather die than drag someone else down with you, even if it was someone you had only met a little while ago.
Noticing an air vent at the other end of the room near the floor, you made your way over and tried to see through to the other end. Only seeing darkness, you proceeded to look around the room again to see if you could find anything to help you take the screws off the corners. Grabbing a lone scissors off of the nearest table you got to work. Being as quiet as you could, they fell to the floor one after the other. A little while later you removed the cover of the vent from the wall and placed it on the floor before slipping into the vent.
It seemed to perfectly fit you and you couldn't have been more thankfull for it. You couldnt do nothing while Neteyam was working hard to figure out how to distract your captors ; You at least had to figure out where the vent led if nothing else and if it led somewhere that benifited you both than all the more power to you. You had already swiftly reached the end and started making your way back to the room you had entered the vent from when you realised how long it had been since Neteyam had left you by yourself.
Although you didnt know what distraction he was planning or how he would manage it, all you could do as you waited was feel how helpless you really were. What if he failed and got caught? How would you know? Would you have to go rescue him? Could you really do it on your own? What if they just kill him on sight? Then you would be all alone. You would have to make the distraction yourself ; get yourself out of there without anyone to rely on, to share your burden, to help you along. And for some unknown reason you already had a fondness for the teen you had met not so long ago.
In the momentary time you let your faith in him waver you were brought back to reality by the growing noise outside of the room. Scurrying over to the door once again you looked out of the keyhole ; a fare amount of the people in the control room had left it, running, for whatever reason. Whatever Neteyam had done it had worked wonderfully in your favor.
The only people left in there were the pilot and copilot and a person in an avatar body who had left the room and was now stationed patroling the hall right in front of the door. It seemed they had been planning for the ship to take off just before you and Neteyams little escape. Noticing the guard, you racked your brain, remembering every possible bits and pieces of training you had done. You had been just as energetic of a child as your second brother Jake, preferring the outside, the adventure, rather than the books like your eldest brother.
Although, they had both taken extra care to make sure you could take care of yourself. Sure, that ment being able to take down any guy that might creep you out while walking home alone at night and not taking down a guy in a nine foot tall avatar body but : Hey! Is it really that diffrent?
Not only that but you had also taken martial arts classes since you were small, even if your body was in a weakened state from being drugged, experimented on and out of use it didnt mean you would go down without a fight. You couldnt take on the person in the avatar body ; for all your jokes and stress induced confidence you knew it was an impossible feat. But now that Neteyam had granted you this opportunity you wouldnt let it slip away.
You watched the avatar pacing the hall and waited until he was at the other end before hauling yourself up and grabbing a rench that was next to you on the floor. You swiftly began banging as hard a you could on the pipes that lined the perimeter of the room. You didnt cheak but you were sure he had heard it, how could he not have?
Hiding behind where the door would open, you mentally prepared yourself for what you were about to do. You were certainly not this nervous when you took down that lady earlier. But she was much the same height and build as you, this guy was at least three or four feet taller than you and had the na'vi peoples build meaning he was faster, stronger and more agile than a human.
This would be no easy task and you were in a stupid position, if only you could take him down than you would be good to go and you could set the rest of your plan in action. The chances of you actually escaping and surviving would go up ten fold. Unfortunately for you, the sound of his footsteps was almost drowned out by the beating of your own heart in your ears. You felt like all the blood was rushing to your head in anticipation.
You learned how to take down an oponent that was bigger than you but could you take down someone who was that much bigger than you. Especially an opponent who was very very hostile. You would just have to find out.
And you would, as he got closer and closer until he eventually stopped outside of the door to the room you were in. Slowly pushing it inwards, you caught a glimpse of him through the crack in the door where it was hinged to the wall. Your heart leaped into your throat.
A gun.
How had you not seen it when you were looking at him before? Had it been strapped to his back or was he holding it down at his side? You swallowed hard and gulped back your fear. He strode into the room, seemingly fully confident he could take on anything he found within or maybe he thought the clanging he heard was a waste of his time. It was now or never. When he was far enough into the room, with his back still turned to you, you let the door slowly swing closed ; blocking the view of outsiders to what happened within the confines of the room.
Your plan had changed when you saw that gun. It was now your first priority, you had to get it away from the avatar. But the question was ; how? You didnt know, so you would have to do what you did best, not all your hard practiced training like some would think but instead what you were best at was ; improvising. Making the best out of a bad situation, as if what you had done thus far since you had awoken in an unknown and hostile place didnt prove that already.
The alarms that still blared in the distance worked in your favor, so did the frenzied panic of the humans who worked on the ship. It could cover any noise you made or the avatar made in the room, any gun shot, any screams ; At least to those far enough away. Seeing the table that you had gotten the scissors off of and noting how close it was the the avatar, the improvisation of your plan started to play out.
Chucking the rench in the opposite direction of the table to create a distraction you ran to grab the table which was placed behind the avatar. Pushing with all your might, the noise of the legs scrapping off the floor could be heard over the sirens but even so nothing could be done. Before the avatar could turn around to cheak what was happening behind him, having had his attention drawn to the noise the rench made, you had shoved the table against him with as much force as you could muster.
Slamming the avatar into the wall in front of him, the gun dopped out of his hands as he went to brace himself against the impact of the wall. Climbing under the table to grab the gun, it brushed your finger tips as a smile spread out along your features.
You had won.
Sure you probably shouldnt have thrown away your only weapon, the rench, but now you had something even better. You were too flustered to try and grab something else to throw instead of the rench in case he might have seen you and just shot you there and then.
Of course, you were still human though, letting victory go to your head before you had even a full grasp of the gun in your hand. Letting it slip out of your clutches as the avatar kicked it away from you both. The door to the room was fully shut now, blocking you both from the outside. It was just you and him in here, just the two of you, like you were in your own little world. Like you were in hell, where he was the sole victor, the sole ruler.
And as you slowly looked up only to see the table, the only barrier between the two of you, being flung to the other side of the room, by the avatar bodies enhanced strength, it truly felt like that. Slowly crawling backwards, you tried to think of something to do. Maybe you could be fast enough to reach the gun, maybe, just maybe.
Of course not.
What were you thinking?
How could a human ever out run an Avatar? A full grown avatar body and a small human sixteen year old child. It really was no debate. Grabbing you by the back of you neak the avatar yanked your body off of the floor like a rag doll. You felt the pressure on your neak tighten, felt the imprints of his fingers slowly obstructing your airways. You could do nothing but struggle, clawing at his hands, his face, anything you could sink your nails into.
Were you really going to die? When you had just gotten the chance to live once more, waking up from a coma where you were most likly brain dead. It was unfair. Just so unfair. What had you ever done to deserve this. And whats more, by your own species, your own kind, your own people.
Only just then as these though flowed out from your mind he dropped you curtly, seemingly remembering something.
"Shit, i forgot they said not to kill the human." He talked to himself "You really had me going there for a sec Missy, to bad for you" he laughed turning his attention to you now
That seemed to be a mistake on his part since this time he was focused on you so how would he ever see the na'vi teen, whos features had become familiar to you by now, sneaking up behind him. With rench in hand, in one swift motion it was brought up to the avatars height and rammed across the side of his head.
"...Well maybe your not as inexperienced as i thought" you breathed out in relief seeing the avatar body fall slack to the ground
"I think what you should be saying is 'Thank you'" Neteyam responded as he pulled you up from your position on the ground
"Right..." you breathed "Thank y-" you got cut off
"I dont know what you mean by that little miss, since i find you both entirely inexperienced"
Putting Neteyam in a headlock from behind, threatening to snap his neck, the avatar from before continued ; "You really believed that i was knocked out by that pathetic little swing? I should have become an actor instead of doing this job."
Taking out the gun, strapped to your back, that you had previously picked up off the floor and pointing it at him, you didnt hesitate, for fear of retaliation, to pull the trigger.
"Ya, you should of." Were your final words to him, followed by a loud bang
Body going limp, he fell to the floor for good this time.
"Holy Eywa..." Neteyam breathed out in a sigh of relief after being released from the mans grasp "That gave me a fright"
"...Hah, shouldnt you be saying something else?" You questioned recalling his earlier words to you
"Hah...right. You saved me, thank you" he remembered his previous statement
"Just returing the favor" you replied casually with a shrug
You held out your arm towards him, just like how you had when you first introduced yourself to him, just like he had done earlier when he pulled you up off the ground. Only this time when you locked hands you put your forearms together, this time, as the gleem in both your eyes studied the other, it was as a sign of trust. Trust that hadnt been spoken of, or established yet either, until this point. This point, when na'vi and human faded away with their past and there was only two people with equal goals and trust in each other.
Only Neteyam and Y/n, and the last name that they had yet to know they shared. But of course this was bound to happen from the start, you both felt it, even if you both had tried to be cautious and or wary of each other. This was because of something that had been engraved into not only your minds and hearts but also your soul since childhood. One phrase that, unbeknownst to the both of you, subconsciously lingered in both of your minds even now, holding true ;
"Sullys stick together."
I really wanted to write more but i think this will be a good place to end this part, im on summer holidays from school now so i promise not to take months for the next part to come out like i did with this one because of everything going on ; pls dont leave 🥲
I really cant wait to write the next part, there will be more interactions between Neteyam and Reader, so pls stick around and feedback helps lots thx loves 🤗
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- trust me if i had kept writing the clifhanger would have been way worse so u guys r actually lucky... this time👹 *evil laugh echoing in the distance*
@im-kaii @jackiehollanderr @bubble-blu @sweetdayme4427 @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @thehoneymushroomhealer @neteyamforlife @corgicord @myh3artttt @potato-studez-hungryformore @kumachii @lunamhm565i @ale122alex
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silverskye13 · 2 years
Sometimes I really wonder how Weyland-Utani get away with so much in the Alien universe when people hate them so much and then I think about how people who worked at Disney talk about their experiences and it makes more sense.
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 2 months
plotted starter for @kiigan
The local beach guard was so very annoyed and it was visible all over his face. "And what about your missing things? You forgot that happened, or dropped it into the tide. I am not going to waste my time here." The complaint was dismissed and it was natural to be dismissed, things get lost or found or the tide brings them back. Kids hide things in the sand and forget. But few locals were persistent that something with this small beach was not right. Something changed something alien came and stayed.
Sunlight softly danced over his sharp features black eyes shimmering from silver to black and into silver again. Shisui was very careful not to be spotted by anyone. Days were the most dangerous, the beach was full of people but they all were deceived and unaware. Shisui walked among them imitating humans was not that hard. The hardest part he has learned. Walking, feeling legs and skin instead of fins and scales.
Last of his kind, who would ever believe what he is. Humans defeated his kind. No one today believed in sea spirits, sirens, and sea monsters. Yet he lives. He tries his best to behave but loneliness presses hard on him, the call of the sea the sea song is not enough to keep him happy. And even when he didn't want to his cries and sorrow to the ears of mortals felt like an alluring song like a heaven calling them to dip into the arms of eternal peace and happiness.
That human came to meet him again. Song felt like a call of the sea and she felt like a last straw but she was not his. He had no right she was not his, what was he thinking, the outcome could be only his death, yet it was not. It was one more scar on his soul, she was dead. And the shouts of her husband calling her name echoed the darkness that covered the beach.
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A flashlight went over Shisu's face startling him. Shisui jumped, startled, and ran, not up the shore, but toward the sea. He could hear the whistle of the bullets as he ran. He ran into the surf, and it cut him across the waist and he dived between the waves, clean and neat, vanished. That man watched Shisui's head surface and then his arms as he stroked for deeper water. Then Shisui dived, and what splashed after him was the curving lines of a tail, like a whale, or a dolphin. He vanished under the waves.
The man who saw Shisui reported this and the death of his wife who was lying on the beach sand all wet her white shirt was colored with traces of red, her blood. To be precise her sides were cut up as if a tiger raked down his claws to open up his meal. It was strange and local people were afraid to go to the beach.
Shisui was still there he had nowhere else to go, he knew he was in trouble, he was not always near the beach. He found a gap in the mountains where the river was coming into the sea. In fact, he was going from the river to the sea. And today when he heard humans an expert would come and rid them of the sea monster. Deep down Shisui felt at peace, soon it would all be over they would end his misery.....
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fiercerdeities · 1 year
made a post about how oot Link was alienated from the life he'd known before and how he could never return to that, and briefly mentioned how he was alienated from himself too, but i'd like to take that a step further in being trapped in a body that has no shape to call home—what must that be like? what must it be like to lose your body, not physically, but to become so distant from it that you no longer know what it was you originally looked like in the first place? what must it be like to a be a stranger to yourself, to never be comfortable in your body, to move like an adult with limbs too short, to fight like a god as nothing but withering bones, to shamble like wood in the ocean, to stomp just a little too hard with a human leg that it hurts. to have your muscle memory pulled apart on the loom of rocks and skin and scales and fur and bones, stretched like taffy, pulled and folded over and over and over until it's all you and not you at all. to have been a fish and breathe sea water, to have been a maladjusted adult, to be a wolf hiding a human skeleton, to be so small when you had once taken the shape of a god...
what must it be like to be a stranger in your own body, even after death?
when you look in the mirror, what stares back at you? is it a hero with a tunic of green with not a trace of baby fat in his face? is it living rock with eyes staring from the grave? is it a mask with an eye that sees the truth, or a fox filled with riddles, a stone face that can't be seen, a missing fiancé, a sorrowful troupe leader, insomnia, captain of a dead army that doesn't know the war is over... is it a being beyond comprehension that is all of these things and none of these things, who is an entire world wrapped up into eyes that don't see and can throw the moon back into the sky?
is that you? or is that you, a singular, red eye hidden under the last armor you ever wore, shame and regret and agony hidden under dirt and vines and metal?
you don't know. but you do know what isn't you; faint glimpses of a young face with bright eyes and a green cap and a fairy that finally came to you.
boy with no face and no body, what could you ever possibly claim to be?
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Angel Exterminatus 9
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is he actually on the defensive here?
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that's not what you were mainly doing but this does successfully shift the conversation topic
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Oh, Fulgrim went full Nietzsche.
But also I don't actually know that Perturabo meant wrong in the moral sense here. but, then again, Fulgrim is also trying to go "i reject your reality and substitute my own"
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(eyes emoji)
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(eyes emoji repeated four times)
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I wonder if he knows that Fabius murdered Soulaka yet
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He's got a point you know
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WHEEZE How very 40k.
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whatever reason/plot he suckered perturabo into doing this for is still up and running
This is not going to go the way that Perturabo thinks it will.
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mood this is weirdly the most personally relatable perturabo has been in this entire book I realize saying that makes me come off like a maniac
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kroeger is just here for violence and i respect that just realized something kroeger would get along swimmingly with the combaticons aside from the whole fact that they're alien robots and he's as xenophobic as the rest of the imperium and he's human* and the Combaticons are as anti-organic as any given Decepticon *blah blah transhuman blah blah so the answer is simple: we trap vortex and kroeger together inside a get-along body bluejay you can't have sticking two people together inside a get-along body be the solution to everything
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forrix is the only one with any scintilla of common sense in this book well maybe wayland has some
anyways i think this was the bit that @krynnmeridia said was "one of the best scenes in the entire Horus Heresy"
OH the next interlude is baby fulgrim outsider POV this time
ah i figured out whither ferrus in the last interlude he's attempting to haunt the narrative but not doing a very good job of it you could say his flesh is his flesh was too
i will not apologize for bad jokes
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Perturabo is the guy on a dev team who avoids getting promoted like the plague the project manager is his nemesis a lot of the time he's also The Worst to have reviewing your code
he's repairing his limited edition transformers figure warhound titan automaton
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"what's giving up one more oath" vs "keeping my word is all i have" but also perturabo's lack of initiative strikes again "part of him looked forwards to it, because then he would be free of his debt to fulgrim" get help, please oh wait i forgot this was warhammer
okay if 40k Guilliman's song is Tongues by Joywave and Mortarion's song is Radioactive by Imagine Dragons I'm never going to let that one go either Sorrow by The National then Perturabo's is Sea Lion by Sage Francis, Or maybe Waterline.
Ma, Ma, look what I did, Ma Look what I did to my hands, I broke em You gave me the stone, gave me the chisel Didn't say how to hold em Didn't say give away every piece of the puzzle Till I was left with nothing But I took it upon myself to crush it up and distribute the dust Get in the bus, hop in the van Jump in the water, crawl to the land Build another castle out of the sand Break it down and then I get into the saddle again Going city to city I'm already lost, tell the boss Who is new in town I'm-a ride this horse till it bucks me off And I'm forced to shoot it down
come for the overused meme reactions, stay for the mid 2000s hip hop recs
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even in this freaking book i can't escape McNeill simping for Magnus
I'm pretty sure this is Ahriman's wine, ftr
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BAD especially since at the beginning of the scene it mentions how tired he is hey so like are their things that can drain your life force in 40k? ...what would Fulgrim even DO with his life force, though? eat it??? I still have a bad feeling about this though
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a lot, actually especially if he considers himself expendable or that his sacrifice would be worth it
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oh yeah a thought re: the entire play which is that mcneill, writing a book with no female characters, had to wedge in a spot so he could be weird about women
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Definitely some kind of life drain
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lmao is it though i think the one thing iron warriors do better than anyone else is no, perhaps i am being too mean. i shall remain silent.
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lmaooo that's the first time I've seen anyone call an Ultramarine a popinjay, that's not their usual type of epithet
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Help why is this so funny don't stare into the warp and drive, kids! it'll come back and bother you while you're trying to work
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I am feeling the Maoism in this Chilis tonight
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Methinks the primarch doth protest too much (re dramatics)
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i dunno i feel like the enemy you saw kills you a lot of the time in war but what do i know
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Hey remember all that dramatic irony with Lorgar back in the very long opening of Know No Fear? Yeah.
okay i know Perturabo survives this because he's at the siege of terra
Annnnd I hit image limit. To be continued next time!
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jellogram · 21 days
I think the reason the first three Pirates of the Caribbean movies hold up so well is that they are incredibly sincere. Like yes, they are silly fun pirate movies and Jack is cracking jokes the whole time. But the romance between Will and Elizabeth? Each of their relationships with their fathers? The sorrow of the undead Pearl crew at being cursed? Davy Jones's longing for Calypso and his eternal torment at sea?
It's all sincere. Jack might throw a joke at them sometimes to cut the tension, but the movie doesn't use it to dismiss the emotions of its characters. There's no "Haha, Jack said what we're all thinking when he told Will to be less dramatic!" It's not played like that. The movies let us sit in those emotions and it never degrades its characters for experiencing them.
If they were remade today they'd have to suck out all of that sincerity and flatten everyone to 2-dimensional cut-outs to avoid alienating anyone. But what really makes them greater than your average popcorn movie is that they didn't do that and I really hope blockbuster movies go back to that approach sometime soon.
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blackhardtt · 2 days
v. [abyssal eterna.] // Leviathan AU
Roderick, born from the depths of the abyssal ocean, carries the weight of his father's immense legacy as the son of the Leviathan King. In this world, the Leviathan King rules over a kingdom that exists deep within the darkest trenches of the ocean, where bioluminescent flora lights the endless caverns, and colossal sea creatures drift in the ink-black waters, whispering ancient secrets. His kingdom, known as Abyssal Eterna, is a place of both terror and beauty, a domain that echoes with the sounds of whale songs, the grinding of tectonic plates, and the thrum of life in all its primal, raw forms. Here, all creatures, both sentient and instinctual, pay homage to the King, who embodies the concept of the deep ocean’s indomitable will.
Roderick’s upbringing was steeped in both power and isolation. As the eldest son, expectations pressed heavily upon him from the moment he could shift forms. His father, a towering being with countless scales like obsidian blades and eyes that glowed with the light of the abyss, was a ruthless monarch who expected nothing less than perfection. Roderick was taught to wield the power of the ocean not just as an element but as an extension of his very soul. He spent countless hours training within underwater maelstroms, wrestling with krakens, and learning to command the currents that could crush cities with a flick of his wrist.
Leviathan Form
In his true form, Roderick is nothing short of awe-inspiring. When he unleashes his Leviathan self, he transforms into a creature spanning over 500 feet in length. His body is armored in interlocking scales the color of the midnight ocean, with veins of bioluminescent blue, turquoise, and violet running through them. These veins pulse with an inner power, glowing brighter when his emotions intensify, creating a light show that mirrors the auroras seen from the surface world.
His head is crowned with elongated, spiraling horns that curve backward, resembling coral formations hardened into obsidian. His eyes are massive, a deep sea green with specks of gold, radiating an ancient, almost alien intelligence. Rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth line his mouth, capable of tearing apart anything unfortunate enough to cross his path.
His fins, long and webbed, shimmer with an eerie, ghostly light, and when fully extended, they make him appear even larger and more terrifying. Roderick’s tail is barbed, capable of splitting boulders, and it moves with the fluidity and precision of a whip. He is capable of both brute force and agile, lightning-quick movements, which is rare for a creature of his size. This form is what the surface legends speak of when they tell tales of the sea rising up to swallow entire fleets whole.
Human Form
In contrast, Roderick's human form is much smaller, though still imposing, standing at an impressive 7'5" tall with a powerful, muscular build that speaks to the strength lying dormant within him. His long, wavy hair cascades down his back, black as the ocean’s depths but with streaks of iridescent blue and green that catch the light. It's as if the ocean itself weaves through his hair, refusing to release him entirely.
His eyes remain a startling green, flecked with gold—an echo of his Leviathan form’s piercing gaze. They possess an intensity that makes most humans feel exposed, as if he’s looking straight through them, and at the same time, they hold a deep, unspoken sorrow, reminiscent of someone who has seen and experienced lifetimes’ worth of suffering and joy. His jawline is sharp, and his features are rugged, with a slight angularity that suggests his otherworldly heritage.
Across his body are intricate tattoos that resemble the bioluminescent patterns of his Leviathan form. These tattoos aren't just for show; they glow faintly in darkness and surge with light when he channels his oceanic magic, making him appear like a living constellation. Scars also crisscross his arms, chest, and back, remnants of battles fought against deep-sea horrors or challenges imposed by his father to prove his worth.
Roderick's voice is deep, resonant, and tinged with an echoing quality, as if a thousand whispers accompany his words. When he speaks, it carries the authority of the ocean’s tides, a natural gravitas that commands respect and attention.
Roderick carries the ocean’s duality within him—calm, yet capable of devastating fury. He embodies the sea’s vastness, shifting between tranquility and tempest without warning. Despite his intimidating appearance, there is a kindness that runs deep within him, a compassion often masked by his reserved and stoic demeanor. He understands the fragility of life, having witnessed both its creation and destruction in the endless cycles of the ocean.
He is fiercely protective of those he considers part of his 'pod,' a term he uses to describe his chosen family and friends. However, earning a place within this inner circle is no easy feat, as Roderick has been betrayed countless times, often by those seeking to harness his power or exploit his heritage. Once betrayed, his wrath is as unforgiving as a typhoon, and he will not hesitate to unleash the full might of his Leviathan form against those who wrong him.
Roderick's relationship with his father is complex. There is a deep-seated resentment for the King's ruthless ways, yet an undeniable bond rooted in blood and legacy. The Leviathan King raised him to be a weapon, a tool to conquer and dominate. Still, Roderick seeks to carve out his own path, one not marred by the same violence and cruelty that has defined his father's reign.
Despite his immense power, Roderick often struggles with a sense of isolation. He longs to be understood, to find a place where he belongs. There’s a wistful melancholy that tugs at him—a desire to explore the surface world, to experience life beyond the confines of the deep. He’s fascinated by humanity's simplicity and complexity, often watching ships from afar, wondering what it would be like to live without the crushing weight of destiny.
Tidal Manipulation: Roderick can control the ocean's tides, summoning waves that can capsize ships or create whirlpools to drag enemies into the abyss. In his human form, he can draw moisture from the air or nearby sources, crafting weapons from water or using it to heal wounds.
Bioluminescence: The veins of light running through his body can be controlled to create dazzling displays, blinding enemies or communicating with other deep-sea creatures. This ability also grants him the power to emit light from his hands, illuminating the darkest depths or even using it offensively to burn or stun foes.
Pressure Mastery: Roderick is capable of manipulating water pressure, creating barriers or crushing objects with force equivalent to the deepest parts of the ocean. This ability makes him nearly impervious to attacks, as he can redirect the force around him.
Leviathan's Roar: In both forms, Roderick can emit a deafening roar that sends shockwaves through the water and air. In his Leviathan form, this ability is capable of toppling entire fortresses, while in human form, it can stun or incapacitate enemies.
Kingdom of Abyssal Eterna
Abyssal Eterna, Roderick's homeland, is a breathtaking and enigmatic kingdom that exists far beyond the reach of sunlight. It stretches across an expanse of the ocean floor, where towering coral spires coated in bioluminescent fungi rise like ancient skyscrapers, and forests of kelp sway to the rhythm of unseen currents. The palace itself is a massive structure carved from a singular piece of black coral, with windows made from the translucent shells of colossal sea snails, allowing soft, shifting light to filter through. The entire kingdom pulses with life, as if it breathes in tandem with the ocean.
The kingdom's inhabitants are a blend of sentient sea creatures, merfolk, and other humanoid beings who have adapted to life in this unforgiving environment. Schools of shimmering fish move as one, and bioluminescent jellyfish drift like lanterns through the city streets. Massive manta rays serve as mounts, gliding effortlessly through the water, while giant eels guard the kingdom's borders, their eyes gleaming with a predatory intelligence.
The Leviathan King rules Abyssal Eterna with an iron grip, maintaining order through sheer power and the fear he instills in those who dwell in his domain. It’s a place where strength and cunning are revered, and only the most capable rise to positions of power. Roderick, being the King’s son, is both revered and feared by the kingdom’s citizens. Many see him as their future ruler, destined to carry on his father’s legacy of dominance. Others whisper about his softer side, sensing the kindness hidden beneath his stoic exterior, hoping that one day, he might bring change to the kingdom.
Roderick’s Desire for Freedom
Despite his royal status, Roderick feels suffocated by the expectations placed upon him. The weight of his father's legacy presses down like the ocean itself, leaving him yearning for something beyond the endless expanse of darkness. He has often snuck away from the kingdom's boundaries, swimming upwards toward the surface to catch glimpses of the world above. During these stolen moments, he watches the moonlight dance on the water's surface, listens to the distant calls of seabirds, and wonders what it would be like to feel the wind on his face.
Roderick is fascinated by the surface world's transience—the way things seem to age and change so rapidly compared to the unchanging abyss. He collects trinkets from shipwrecks that sink into his father’s domain, keeping them hidden in a cave far from prying eyes. Pieces of broken glass, rusted coins, and torn sails all serve as reminders of a world he longs to explore. These items, mundane to surface dwellers, are treasures to Roderick, representing the freedom and experiences he has been denied.
His curiosity extends beyond simple fascination; he wishes to understand humans and their seemingly chaotic existence. Unlike the rigid hierarchy of Abyssal Eterna, where one’s role is defined from birth, the surface world offers choices, mistakes, and opportunities. It’s a place where destinies are forged, not imposed, and Roderick craves that freedom more than anything else. This longing creates a deep-seated conflict within him, as he feels torn between his duty to his kingdom and his desire to carve out his own path.
Exploring the Surface
Whenever Roderick can slip away unnoticed, he shifts into his human form and ventures to isolated shores. These journeys are always brief, for fear of his father discovering his disobedience, but they are moments of pure joy and discovery. He relishes the feeling of sand beneath his feet, the warmth of the sun on his skin, and the scent of salt carried by the wind. He watches children play, fishermen haul in their catch, and lovers whisper secrets to one another, all the while wondering what it would be like to belong to such a world.
He is especially drawn to music. The way humans express themselves through song and dance is something he finds captivating, as it is entirely alien to the structured, almost ritualistic sounds of his kingdom. He has spent many nights sitting on a cliff's edge, listening to the distant melodies drifting across the waves, feeling an ache in his chest that he can't quite understand.
The Dilemma of Identity
Roderick’s desire for freedom is complicated by his sense of responsibility. He knows that as his father’s heir, he holds the power to change Abyssal Eterna, to perhaps usher in an era of peace and understanding rather than fear and dominance. But doing so would mean defying the very man who raised him and risking everything he has ever known. This internal struggle manifests as a constant push and pull between his duty as a prince and his longing to live as an individual, unbound by expectations.
His connection to the ocean is undeniable, yet he feels more alive in his human form, where he can experience the world in a way that his Leviathan self cannot. This duality creates a deep sense of isolation, as he doesn’t fully belong to either world. While he commands the respect and fear of those within the ocean, he longs for the warmth and acceptance that humans offer so freely. It is this yearning that drives him to continue exploring, to seek out moments of happiness and wonder wherever he can find them, even if they are fleeting.
Roderick’s Relationship with the Ocean
Despite his desire to experience life beyond the waves, Roderick holds a profound respect for the ocean's power and mystery. He views it not just as his kingdom but as a living, breathing entity with a will of its own. He has witnessed its fury in storms that could flatten cities, felt its gentleness in the way it cradles him when he swims, and heard its whispers in the depths where no light can reach. It is both his cradle and his cage, and though he dreams of freedom, he knows that the ocean will always be a part of him.
This connection grants him an unparalleled understanding of the ocean's moods. He can sense when a storm is brewing long before the first clouds appear, feel the pull of the tides in his very bones, and understand the language of the creatures that dwell in the abyss. This bond is a gift from his father, one of the few things they share, but Roderick hopes to wield it in his own way—to protect rather than to conquer.
Roderick’s journey is one of self-discovery and defiance. He seeks to prove that he is more than just his father's son, more than the monster that surface legends speak of. He wishes to find a place where he can be both Leviathan and human, where he can live without fear of judgment or expectation. And in doing so, he may one day rise from the depths, not as a conqueror, but as a bridge between two worlds, uniting them with the compassion and strength that define him.
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Full Name: Roderak Thal’Varyn
Age: Approximately 7,500 years old (young by Leviathan standards.)
Species: Leviathan-Human Hybrid
Human Form: A giant, muscular figure at 7'5", appearing like a hardened warrior with traits reminiscent of his Leviathan heritage.
Leviathan Form: A massive, serpentine Leviathan spanning over 500 feet (eventually surpassing 2,000), capable of both water and storm manipulation.
Human Form:
Hair: Long, wavy black hair with streaks of iridescent blue and silver, reflecting his oceanic lineage.
Eyes: Piercing sea-green with flecks of gold, radiating an ancient, otherworldly intelligence.
Build: Towering and muscular, covered in intricate bioluminescent tattoos that mimic the glowing patterns found on deep-sea creatures.
Scars: His body bears scars from battles fought against other Leviathans, sea monsters, and even from clashes with his own father.
Clothing: Wears oceanic armor and garments fashioned from the scales of lesser sea creatures, with hints of coral and shells embedded in his attire.
Leviathan Form:
Body: A sleek, serpentine creature covered in overlapping scales of deep blue, silver, and black, shimmering with bioluminescent light that pulses like ocean waves.
Head: Crowned with spiraling horns resembling coral formations, with rows of sharp teeth lining a powerful jaw.
Fins and Tail: Broad, webbed fins that allow him to cut through water effortlessly, and a long, barbed tail capable of delivering devastating blows.
Unique Markings: Golden runes glow along his scales, a mark of his royal bloodline and mastery over his Leviathan powers.
Roderick is a blend of his human sensibilities and Leviathan heritage, making him a complex figure. He carries himself with a regal, confident air but is approachable and genuinely curious about the world outside the depths.
Bravery: Despite being the son of the Leviathan King, Roderick doesn’t rely solely on his heritage. He has earned his place in battles, proving himself worthy through sheer will and skill.
Rebelliousness: Unlike his father, who rules with an iron fist, Roderick questions the need for such absolute control. He respects strength but believes in compassion and the importance of experiencing life beyond the depths.
Compassion: He feels a deep connection with life in all its forms. Whether human, Leviathan, or lesser sea creatures, Roderick respects the delicate balance of existence, showing mercy and kindness where possible.
Conflict with Legacy: Roderick constantly struggles with his identity as the son of a king who expects him to be a conqueror. He’s torn between the expectations placed upon him and his desire to explore the surface world, experiencing its beauty and chaos firsthand.
Storm Manipulation: Roderick can summon powerful storms, calling down lightning and controlling the winds and waves. He can create waterspouts, typhoons, and lightning strikes, both in Leviathan and human form.
Tidal Command: He wields control over the tides, capable of generating colossal waves or calming turbulent waters. This power allows him to protect coastlines or destroy fleets, depending on his intent.
Electromagnetic Aura: His Leviathan form generates a natural electromagnetic field that can disrupt enemy technology or navigation systems. In battle, he can use this to shock opponents or fry their weaponry.
Regeneration: Roderick can heal rapidly when immersed in water, drawing strength from the ocean’s life force. His Leviathan form is nearly impervious to most weapons, and even in human form, he is highly resilient.
Voice of the Deep: Roderick possesses the ability to communicate telepathically with other Leviathans and deep-sea creatures. His voice carries a hypnotic, commanding tone, capable of calming enraged sea beasts or even bending them to his will.
Relationship with Other Leviathans and Kingdoms:
Father – The Leviathan King: Their relationship is strained, defined by clashing ideals. The King views Roderick’s compassion as a weakness, constantly pushing him to adopt a more ruthless and authoritative approach. Despite this, Roderick respects his father’s power but refuses to let it define him.
Kralithar (The Maelstrom Serpent): Roderick sees Kralithar as a rival and an elder brother figure, as Kralithar is always trying to prove his strength. The two have clashed several times, often testing each other’s abilities. However, there is mutual respect between them.
Charyx (The Abyssal Colossus): Charyx views Roderick as an upstart prince, unworthy of the Leviathan title due to his empathetic nature. Roderick, in turn, sees Charyx as the embodiment of everything he dislikes about Leviathan brutality. They maintain an uneasy truce but are likely to come to blows if their interests conflict.
Zephyraxis (The Sky Leviathan): Roderick admires Zephyraxis's freedom and aerial prowess. He often seeks out Zephyraxis to learn about the skies and understand the surface world's weather patterns. Their relationship is more of a mentorship, though Zephyraxis enjoys teasing Roderick for his fascination with humans.
Glaciryx (The Crystal Leviathan): Glaciryx and Roderick have a respectful, if distant, relationship. Glaciryx acknowledges Roderick’s potential but remains skeptical of his ambitions beyond the depths. Their interactions are often cold and formal, with moments of understanding.
Sargantor (The Coral Wyrm): Roderick feels an almost sibling-like bond with Sargantor, who shares his curiosity about the surface world. Sargantor often provides Roderick with information about coral ecosystems and has taught him how to blend Leviathan power with coral magic.
Tarrathul (The Silt Leviathan): The two maintain a professional respect, as Roderick sees Tarrathul as an embodiment of the strategic, adaptable side of Leviathan power. However, Tarrathul’s ruthless practicality sometimes puts him at odds with Roderick’s compassion.
Nyxhalos (The Phantom Leviathan): Nyxhalos is intrigued by Roderick’s inner conflict and often offers cryptic advice about his dual nature. Roderick respects Nyxhalos’s wisdom but is wary of the shadow Leviathan’s intentions.
Voltazeth (The Bioelectric Leviathan): Voltazeth and Roderick share a bond over their mutual mastery of electrical abilities. They’ve sparred countless times, honing each other’s skills, and Voltazeth often accompanies Roderick on surface world adventures, eager to explore alongside him.
Goals and Conflicts:
Finding Balance: Roderick seeks to find a balance between his Leviathan heritage and his human experiences. He desires to prove that one can be powerful and compassionate, a ruler and a protector, without being tyrannical.
Exploring the Surface: He is endlessly fascinated by the surface world and often slips away from the depths to experience it, much to his father’s disapproval. Roderick dreams of understanding humanity and perhaps even finding love or a sense of belonging outside his kingdom.
Conflict with the Leviathan King: Roderick’s ultimate challenge will be to confront his father’s expectations and the weight of his birthright. He must decide whether to claim his place as a ruler of the deep or forge his own path, perhaps even uniting the surface and underwater worlds.
Titles and Nicknames:
The Storm Prince: A nod to his mastery over storms and waves.
The Abyssal Wanderer: Reflecting his constant exploration and curiosity about life beyond the depths.
Tidebreaker: For his ability to shift tides and alter the course of battles.
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Possible meaning of An Ocean of strange Islands :
This poem explores deep melancholy and sadness through the metaphor of a solitary sailor on a crewless ship. From the start, Tuomas seems trapped in an endless, companionless journey under the cold light of the moon, in a state of perpetual isolation. The mention of "a few decades of immortality ahead" is not a celebration but a condemnation to an endless existence, a journey with no end that takes him further away from any hope of redemption or comfort.
The "islands" mentioned repeatedly might symbolize different stages of life or fragments of memories, moments of connection or rupture. However, the constant reminder of solitude ("a one-man crew for a one-way trip") reinforces the idea that despite the many islands or experiences, the speaker is trapped in a cycle of alienation. The waves kiss the shores, but "steep cliffs mock his waving hand," symbolizing the world's indifference or disdain toward his attempts to connect.
The "islanders," "villagers," and "universal mariners" may represent people the speaker has encountered throughout life, but these figures seem distant and vague, unreachable. The mentions of "monsters beneath" and "hurricanes on the way" suggest internal fears, emotional storms that he faces alone as he sails through seas of uncertainty and pain. Even the encounter with "shipwrecked lovers" carries an ephemeral quality, pointing to fleeting relationships that end in distance and loss.
The plea for a beacon ("Light a beacon so I can navigate") is a desperate cry in the darkness. Tuomas is searching for light, direction, or hope that would allow him to find his way through his personal "tempest." But deep down, the repetition of this request also suggests that this guide never arrives, leaving him stranded in a cycle of uncertainty and despair.
The poem also speaks of the past, with images of "ash covering the dead" and "an empty harbor by a wasteland." These are memories that evoke irreparable losses, people and moments left behind in a state of desolation. The past is presented as a "cemetery of wrecks," filled with broken dreams and missed opportunities.
The phrase "friends who were for a time, now grapes of sour wine" encapsulates persistent bitterness: what was once sweet and promising has now become a source of pain. Relationships have deteriorated, and what remains is the echo of a camaraderie that has turned bitter with the passage of time. However, Tuomas does not regret this ("Still, I rue no island of shared solitude"), perhaps because in that shared solitude, there was at least some comfort, though fleeting.
The poem ends in a kind of melancholic acceptance, a recognition of the deep sadness that defines the speaker’s life. "You who glow in deepest woe" suggests that even in despair, there is a faint light, though fragile. Tuomas seems resigned to his fate of sailing "carefree," with no other guide than his own sorrow.
In summary, the poem speaks of overwhelming and persistent loneliness, a life filled with fleeting encounters and deep losses, where the speaker searches in vain for comfort or direction in an indifferent world. Sadness permeates every line, not only for what has been lost, but for the inevitability of the speaker’s endless and solitary journey
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thornsent · 11 months
The First Generation of Unicorns was a tragic failure. One of The First’s sons fell in love with a mortal man, and they had a deep, long-lasting bond until inevitability arrived, and death took her son’s lover. These things happen. He passed away, peacefully, in his sleep. But the son, wrought with grief, could not tolerate this, could not tolerate his sorrow, and could not understand why he or his herd can never truly die. Over a period of several moons, this son single-handedly convinced his entire herd to walk with him into the sea, and they were never seen again.
All unicorns are, effectively, immortal. They cannot be killed by most conventional means and live extraordinarily long lives, the length of which has not yet been documented. There is the rare unicorn hunter about the world of God’s Nest, but these are very uncommon given how dangerous it is to pursue the unicorn as prey and how difficult it is to take such a beast down, be it to slay or imprison. These individuals are viewed as dangerous and often-unpredictable madcaps by most of society. 
Unicorns cannot be tamed, and are often called “feral”, although this is a bit of a misnomer. In reality they are sapient creatures who can and do communicate through speech, and can even shapeshift into a more human-appearing form, although with the extinction of humanity this form is viewed as alien. When in human shape they retain their horns, placed in the center of their forehead. Despite their approachable appearance, they do not abide by any common laws, but their own internalized morality systems instead. They do not, on a fundamental level, understand money, property ownership, war, and many of the other things which have plagued God’s Nest, or why these things should exist. 
This should not be taken as purity, innocence, or naivety; Unicorns simply have a different way of looking at things. They are, as mentioned prior, incredibly dangerous creatures. If their herd or forest are threatened, they will defend it with great brutality. They are primarily carnivorous, and could be considered apex predators. In rare cases of a unicorn’s death, ritual cannibalism is sometimes practiced.
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