#aliens and the new version of spirituality which essentially promised me everything as long as i believe strong enough lol
beneaththeskyway · 7 years
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Trinity summer festival 2017 I went to a festival this weekend. A paranormal and metaphysical local festival. And I must say that I’m so glad I did some research on what I want to resonate in my life, and how to connect with more like minded people. I found out about this festival doing research to find things in my area where I can connect with kind souls and essentially good spirits. I requested two days off of work to just be able to connect with every single vendor at this festival. I never request time off of work anymore, but as soon as I went back I knew I would be surrendering a lot of my free(me) time for a not so fulfilling job.

When I first walked in, I didn’t look around at all of my surroundings to take everything in, like I used to do. I’m an empath and too easily I become stressed by, and I don’t even have to try it just HAPPENS, taking on everyone’s emotional status around me. And at this festival, I learned that where I bring my positive energy I found that more people followed my energy.

I walked in and saw the alien set up first. YES IM NOT ALONE ALIENS DO EXIST. And it was so amazing to connect with those people at the first two tables. My goal after walking in and seeing that first vendor, and I decided this on the spot, was to go to every single vendor station and try to see if I could connect with these people. And I only wanted to put my money in the pockets of people who were working to fulfill their life’s dream.

Recently, I came to the realization that I Only want to surround myself with artists, poets, spiritual people, musicians, and creators of all kinds. Because that’s all I want to do: create beautiful things.
I also don’t find myself being surrounded by people who don’t have faith in anything. Whether it be god, spirituality, a higher power, or even Themselves.
So, at this festival, I met a bunch of wonderful people. One on one. And that’s how I prefer it.
My moms ex lover was there with this girlfriend as she was vending. And as I was walking up to the next tent, in the line of vendors, I was reading these amazing inspirational quotes and I felt myself being drawn towards the positive energy within that specific tent. And then I heard someone call my name, “Allie!” I honestly thought I was hearing voices haha. I was Not expecting to see anyone I knew.
The guy my mom had been with in the past, his name is John. He is awesome, I loved a lot of my moms old lovers, and he was just so genuine and awesome. And he’s a huge horror buff. He owned a haunted house by the shore for a long time, I remembered. We went to the Eastern State Penitentiary when I was in 7th or 8th grade, and I had a BLAST. I wish that I could’ve just walked around the place as it was, without all of the flashing lights, fake cobwebs, and people in masks and suits jumping out and attempting to scare us. I was scared, but only because they touched us, and I didn’t know that was allowed lol 🙈🙈
But, anyway, I went into this tent because I heard my name and was drawn in more, and I met Johns girlfriend and I love her spirit. She writes poetry, I could tell by the journals and pictures she had sprawled out across the table tops. I found out after talking with her a bit that she was an English major and she’s a teacher. That’s so beautiful. I love the English language. More people need to expand their vocabulary more.
Now, I recently bought a bunch of notebooks to try to organize my life better, and I spend so much money at staples(I finally got a rewards card since I always spend more than triple what I was planning on when I walked in lol.)
But I realized that
My personal thoughts
Growing up, I’ve always kept a diary or a journal. Just so I could write down the beautiful moments in my life and be able to walk down memory lane when I opened them up 10/20/30 years down the line.
I CONNECTED to this journal. I connected to it. It was the first thing I saw when I walked up. I couldn’t stop staring at it. It was exactly what I needed to read, and feel, and connect with.
I went around to every vendor on the first day, and I didn’t spend buy much, if anything. I have to be careful with my money since I have to support myself fully, and I wanted to make sure I was investing into passionate people’s dreams.
Because too many dreams die when people are younger than 12.
And I’m Going to pursue my dreams. I don’t need anyone to understand that, because it’s not their life to lead, it’s mine. It’s My journey. I was not put on this planet to live another person’s life.
It’s my life.
I am so happy I had the opportunity to connect with all of these beautiful, amazing, like minded people.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be the best possible version of yourself, and the universe will do everything in its power to help you and push you to accomplishing your goals and fulfilling your dreams.
I connected with this one wonderful human being, Jenn, and she makes bracelets. And that’s one of my hobbies I just never found the correct way to keep good track of my beads hahahaha. And I saw her method and it made me so happy.
The reasons I went to this festival was to get my palm read(which was EPIC AND AWESOME,) get an angel card reading(I’m avoiding tarot cards bc the energy is more associated with things I don’t want to connect with,) and to buy some moonstone and aquamarine(my birthstone.)
JENN, my new found Leo friend who was sent to me from God, made me a bracelet specifically for me. With moonstone! And amethyst! And I can’t remember the last one, but it’s a darker shade of green. And purple and dark green are my favorite colors right now. She presented me every single bead she brought with her. And she had SO MANY BRACELETS ON. And now I know she made them all herself I could imagine.
She asked me which pattern I wanted, and she had shown me one of her bracelets, one with moonstone. And I LOVED the pattern. It was a moonstone, separator, amethyst bead, separator, moonstone, separator, amethyst, and so on.. And I asked for her to make me that exact one but instead of it being only purple, I wanted to incorporate the darker shade of green in that as well. And she made me this bracelet. Specifically how I wanted it. And it amazes me. I am so happy I met her and connected with Jenn the way I did.
I even met someone, who another friend of mine(who was also vending at this place!!!! Who I had tried to help vend at Froggy Daze last fall, but the weather was atrocious being an outdoor festival.) had recommended for me to go speak with to learn how to handle my situation better. Someone who suffered from Crohn’s disease for half of her life. And she found out she was sick when she was 22. I am 22. I loved her and her energy so much that I bought all of her books on wellness, crohns and colitis, and a book about family hardships and values, and one yin yang book that she had an excerpt in.
***i forgot to mention how this one girl was selling her artwork, and I bought one after I talked to her about the concept behind why she made it the way she did. And it was beautiful. And it had to do with a diary excerpt from Vincent Van Gogh. She was selling her prints for 4 dollars. This lady who gave me a spiritual reading refused to let me pay her, and it filled me with so much happiness that I started to cry and I had to hug her. The girl who was selling her pictures, I gave her a ten and I told her to keep up with the good work and to never give up on her dreams
Surround yourself with beautiful people 
People who bring out the best possible version of you, and who want you to strive to reach your goals. Do it, please. I beg of you. I promise you that once you make that step of being more conscientious about who you invest your time into, your life will change for the better.
💞💞 Love yourself 💞💞 
And don’t forget to MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. 
–Allie Sun
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