#alisaie and alphinaud at odds
anneapocalypse · 28 days
What is "the occult" in FFXIV?
Ever since I first laid eyes on the EE3 bit about Urianger's parents I have been noodling on one thing in particular. Encyclopedia Eorzea volume 3 refers to "the occult" as Urianger's parents' field of study (and the reason they were so absent from his life). Every since that discovery, I have been curious what that actually means. What is "the occult" in a universe where magic is real, measurable, and a highly legitimate and prestigious field of study?
So, where else is "the occult" referenced in the game?
Thanks to this invaluable searchable transcript, I've found a few other references in MSQ.
The first use of the term "occult" in MSQ that I've found is way back in the Gridania starter quests when some Ixali "Occultists" are trying to summon Garuda at the Guardian Tree. In isolation I'd take this one with a grain of salt since it's very early in ARR, but I think it's consistent with other usages. The description for Whorleater Extreme also uses the term, referencing "the occult knowledge of the Ascians," so from the start there is an association of the occult with Ascian magicks and specifically with summoning.
The only other mention in MSQ comes from Alphinaud in Endwalker, where he and Krile are giving us the tour of Sharlayan, and specifically Phenomenon:
Alphinaud: As the center of what would later become the Studium, it was established to promote the study of aetherological phenomena, hence the name. Alphinaud: Though with aether being a fundamental aspect of nature, its scope expanded to include every conceivable facet of life and even the universe itself. Alphinaud: And then, in the four hundred and thirty-second year of the Sixth Astral Era, Phenomenon was decreed complete and the Studium officially opened as a place of learning. Alphinaud: With a long and storied history, it is without question the world's leading authority in aetherology, the arcane, the occult, astromancy, and countless other fields, standing proud as─ Alisaie and Krile: ...Sharlayan's foremost educational institute!
Okay, so "the occult" clearly falls within the general field of aetherological phenomena and magic, though that we could have guessed already. Something that catches my eye is how in more than one place, "occult" is contrasted with or referenced as distinct from "arcane." This is the case in Alphinaud's speech above, as well as in the Blue Mage quest "Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting," wherein Bluehood says, "No occult tricks or arcane incantations can contend with the all-surpassing might of blue wizardry!"
In the Loporrit Allied Society quests, we also get this odd little quest "Hare-Raising Thrills," in which we're asked to make "Occult Paraphernalia" for a Loporrit called Thrillingway. Depending on crafting job, dialogue with Keepingway will elaborate thus:
"It seems he requires a pair of shears─but not just any pair. No, he desires blades sharp enough to carve fur clean off!"
"He wants a sturdy coil of rope suitable for binding all four limbs of…a 'friend,' allegedly."
"Seems he wants a highly acidic gel for some dubious purpose I did not have the heart to inquire about. Honestly, I think it's best if we don't know."
Which. I mean. Okay. lol. Do what you will with that.
But probably most illuminating is the use of the word "occult" in a couple of Red Mage quests, and in the Sky Pirate raid quests.
In "The Weeping City," Cait Sith says, "Thus did the Mhachi magi construct an occult device that would more securely bind the voidsent to their will..."
And in the Red Mage quests "With Heart and Steel" and "Traced in Blood" we have, respectively:
"The tomes with passages pertaining to the voidsent Lilith are all forbidden occult works..."
"...the secrets behind Lambard's occult transformation."
In both contexts, "occult" seems to be connected to voidsent, specifically to Lilith in the case of the Red Mage quests.
And this ties back to the references in ARR as well, since from the beginning Ascians have been connected with the Void, even before we knew what the Void actually was. So it's safe to say at this point, I think, that "occult" can refer to magicks connected to the Void and to Ascians.
There's just one more reference I found that flummoxed me a bit, and that's this description of the Arcanist class, which refers to arcanist weapons as "occult grimoires." I found it odd initially because in most other contexts "occult" seems to refer to magicks seen as illicit, as opposed to the socially acceptable "arcane." But it does make a kind of sense, given that it is from Arcanist that we get Summoner. If summoning of primals is occult, then by extension so is summoning in the arcanist sense, even if it's not truly the same thing. This would seem to be the exception to "arcane" and "occult" being distinct categories, which leads me to believe that the distinction is more cultural than ontological.
So I think from the above, we can consider "occult" to be a fairly broad term that may be used in several distinct but overlapping senses:
Magic related to the summoning of primals.
Magic related to the Void, voidsent, and Ascians.
Magic which is taboo, forbidden, or otherwise outside of that which is socially accepted.
As a footnote, I think this is particularly interesting in the context of Urianger being introduced as our resident expert on primals, despite the fact that that's... really not specifically his field of study but merely adjacent to it. Urianger's primary interest is prophecy, and certainly plenty of prophecy seems to reference primals and Ascians and that's where we see him doing a lot of his research, but it's not the same field, merely overlapping.
Without more information we can't know for certain what his parents were actually studying. Maybe they were interested in primals, or Ascians, or the Void. Maybe they were studying Void-related magics. It's also possibly they were simply arcanists particularly interested in the summoner side and we shouldn't read much more than that into the reference to "the occult." Who knows.
But nonetheless, several of these interpretations would mean that in a way, Urianger has followed in their footsteps despite their making apparently little effort to guide him that way, which I find to be an interesting angle to his character and also profoundly sad in its own way--not that he found his own interests in those areas, but that the Augurelts had a child so naturally inclined toward their own interests and still took so little interest in him.
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lilbittymonster · 22 days
Day 4: Reticent
Read on AO3
Alisaie took a deep, deep inhale of the sharp Sharlayan air. Her breath billowed out before her as she released a contented sigh, and to her left Alphinaud was similarly taking in the familiar skyline. Kitali and Estinien were still hanging back at the gates while the others all meandered off to their familiar haunts. The pair of them were scanning the arches and gentle slopes, tracing paths invisible to Alisaie’s eye.
“Allow me to welcome you to Sharlayan. The proper Sharlayan, this time,” Alphinaud said with a sweep of his arm. “Shall we be your guides, or would you prefer to explore alone?”
“I think I shall explore from above for the time being. I’ll find the rest of you later,” Estinien said, already walking off.
“Looks like it’s just us,” Kitali said as she joined them. “Lead on.”
Alisaie tugged excitedly on her arm, pulling her towards the Last Stand.
“Let’s start at the most important place; food,” she began authoritatively.
The entire time, Kitali took in the city with the same neutral gaze, expression never changing and her tail purposefully still as they walked. She garnered a couple odd looks, but mostly everyone was too involved in their own work to pay much attention to them. At the lack of bright eyed enthusiasm that she had seen from Kitali before in Norvrandt, she felt more and more like she and her brother were failing some sort of test.
“And this,” Alphinaud said as they crested the hill, “is the Leveilleur Estate. Our home.”
Finally, Kitali’s expression shifted with a single raised brow. “This is where you grew up?”
“I-yes, it is.” Her brother sounded oddly sheepish.
“Why, what’s wrong with it?” Alisaie asked defensively.
“Nothing, it just-” Kitali laughed a bit. “I’m not being mean, I promise, but this explains so much about the two of you.”
Alisaie felt her face flush. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” she grumbled.
Kitali just gave her a look.
“You both have come a long way,” was all she said.
“A-anyway, shall we head inside?” Alphinaud, his ears matching the red that Alisaie felt must be lighting up her cheeks by now. “It’s midday, so Father shouldn’t be here.”
“Let’s go see this palace of yours,” Kitali said with a nod.
Alisaie jogged ahead of them just a touch to push open the front door, the resounding echo feeling as well-worn as the soles of her boots. The house staff looked up in surprise, then joy at recognising who it was that had entered.
“Welcome home, Mistress Alisaie, Master Alphinaud!”
“Is Mother home, by any chance?” Alphinaud asked.
Before anyone could answer, the doors to the second floor opened, and the woman in question came gliding gracefully down the stairs.
“I thought I head familiar voices from outside,” Mother said cheerfully. “I hadn’t expected to see you two so soon, but don’t worry, I’ll not tell your father you were here.”
“We’re giving Kitali a tour of the city, since this is her first time here,” Alphinaud said. “This felt a fitting final destination.”
“Ah, so this is Kitali,” Mother said warmly, turning to face her. “I’ve heard so much about you from these two, I feel as though I know you already! I’m pleased I can finally put a face to the name.”
Behind the back of her coat, Kitali’s tail twitched irritably just enough to catch Alisaie’s attention, and a prickle of unease rose at the nape of her neck.
“And I’ve heard almost nothing of you, Madame Leveilleur,” Kitali said coldly. “It seems I’m at a disadvantage.”
The prickle of unease turned into a spike of dread down Alisaie’s spine.
Maybe this was a mistake...
“Well there’s always time to remedy that!” Mother said, oblivious to the change in tension. “In the meantime, you two, I have gifts for you. They’re already in your rooms.”
Alphinaud’s eyes lit up, and he immediately dashed upstairs. Alisaie lingered, looking back to Kitali where she stood, arms stiffly crossed. She gave her a thin smile and motioned with her head for her to follow her brother.
“I won’t go anywhere,” she promised softly.
Praying to Thaliak that her mother and her sister would get along in the meantime, Alisaie climbed the stairs three at a time to her room, where she found a wrapped box sitting on her bed. Ripping open the paper she lifted the jacket first, and then the shirt...and.
Well, it certainly was a garment. She would have to ask Tataru to do some discreet tailoring work later.
Not wanting to disappoint her mother after not seeing her these few past years, though, she donned it anyways. The legs were a bit too tight to be truly comfortable and the sleeves on the jacket fell just short of her wrists, but it hardly surprised her that her mother would fail to account for the beginnings of her growth spurt. She wondered idly whether Alphinaud would have the same problems with whatever his gift was. She flexed her fingers in the gloves, and at least those still fit just fine.
Quickly strapping her sword and focus back at her hips, she thundered down the stairs again, resisting the temptation to simply leap down to the floor. Mother was still talking animatedly at Kitali, who had not moved an ilm in the interim. Her gaze slid past her mother to meet Alisaie’s and she could see just how close Kitali was to losing her patience.
“Has Alphinaud already left?” she said as she approached the pair, rescuing Kitali from whatever her mother was saying.
“Oh, no, he hasn’t come down yet.”
As she finished speaking the sound of jangling metal came from behind them, and Alphinaud descended the final step dressed in what looked like a set of vintage sage robes.
“Oh, good, they fit!” Mother exclaimed. “I was worried they’d be too big. You look just like your father in those.”
Alphinaud adjusted the cuff of a sleeve self consciously.
“Are you sure he won’t have noticed that his old clothes are gone?” he asked.
“You leave him to me to worry about,” Mother said with a conspiratorial wink. “Now, I know you Scions must have pressing business to attend to, but your father shouldn’t be home for several more bells if you’d care for some refreshments.”
“I’m alright,” Kitali said before either of them could answer.
“Are you quite sure, it’s no trou-”
Alisaie and Alphinaud exchanged a glance at the unmistakable steel in Kitali’s tone, steel Mother either didn’t hear or simply wasn’t acknowledging.
“We did promise Krile we’d all meet with her shortly,” Alisaie said quickly. “Perhaps another time?”
Mother gave a dramatic sigh, but didn’t press the issue.
“Well alright, if you must. Give my best to everyone, and it was such a pleasure to meet you, Kitali!”
Kitali smiled as she turned towards the door, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Alphinaud went and embraced their mother briefly before following her, as did Alisaie with a muttered apology. Kitali was already halfway across the bridge by the time she caught up to her. The trio walked in silence until they reached the Agora.
“So...what do you think?” Alisaie asked hesitantly. “Of the city in general.”
Kitali was silent for a few more moments.
“I think the sooner we can leave, the happier I’ll be,” she said at last.
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starlight-brainrot · 11 months
FFXIV - Academic Rival AU (x reader)
Characters: Aymeric, Alphinaud, Urianger, G'raha Tia, Y'shtola
Tags: fluff, high school AU, academic rival AU, gn reader, miscommunication (g'raha's)
Warnings: since it's a high school AU, it's assumed that wol/reader is the same age as Alphinaud.
Word Count: 1336
Mr. class president
Chess club leader as well?
You, meanwhile, are the captain of various sports teams
As well as boasting a more than stellar gpa
It ends up being a competition of who will have the better college application - him, or you?
Whenever the two of you meet, it feels as though sparks are flying
The two of you will share pleasantries, but make no mistake - the tension is thick.
For every competition he wins, you make sure to win a couple more. For every academic ribbon you earn, he’s right there behind you.
Haurchefant and Thancred secretly have an ongoing bet to see when the two of you will finally get together.
And as time goes on, more and more of your friends join in on this bet
It seems that the feelings between the two of you are obvious to everyone… but you.
Every stolen glance, every blush, every rant about the other - it was maddening to have to watch two idiots clearly in love avoid their feelings over an inconsequential rivalry.
It’s only after the two of you graduate and receive acceptance letters into the same college, both with full ride scholarships, that Aymeric nervously asks you out.
“I know that we were at odds in high school… but seeing as we’re both here and our rivalry has ended in a tie…”
“Would you like to grab coffee with me?”
Congrats to Alisaie, who won $20 from everyone in your friend group.
The two of you are fellow debate team members
…however, the two of you are constantly trying to one up each other.
Who will capture the attention of the audience?
Who will have a more airtight argument?
You were known for your iron logic. It was tough, if at all possible for others to oppose your arguments
Alphinaud was meanwhile known for capturing the hearts of his audience
Surely a formidable duo, if only the two of you could get along…
As the semester drags on, the big competition for your debate team inched nearer and nearer
With all your mock debates with Alphinaud, you felt like you had done all that you could for tomorrow’s event
But it felt like something was missing…
It was Alphinaud who approached you, wanting to go over strategies
Begrudgingly, the two of you recognized that the other could provide helpful tips
Alisaie gives her brother a knowing look as the two of you settle in with your laptops and coffee. He avoids her look with red cheeks.
He feels sick the morning of the competition. He’s so nervous!
But when he hears you say that he better not lose to anyone but you, he feels some semblance of peace, followed by determination for the day ahead of him.
To no one’s surprise, the two of you crush your competition, leaving your opponents floundering for words as you leave them behind in the dust
No, the real surprise is how loudly the two of you cheer for each other upon victory - how proud you are for Alphinaud and how proud he is of you.
You’re unsure of when or how the two of you started competing to see who could read more books in the library.
Perhaps it was that the two of you saw each other there everyday
Or the fact that Moenbryda and Y’shtola seem to constantly egg the two of you on
Little did the two of you know, the roegadyn and miqote were trying to get the two of you together, as they had been trying to do for the past four years.
Maybe this will be the year…
Urianger found himself exploring sections of the library he wouldn’t usually frequent in hopes of being in your presence just a little longer.
His puppy love felt silly to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop, especially if you kept looking at him with that soft smile of yours
If given the chance, he’d make a whole new library for you filled with poems and flower words detailing his feelings for you.
If someone were to find one of your names in a library book’s checkout card, it was near guaranteed that the other’s name would be just under it.
Your name became synonymous with his, and vice versa
But a competition that was never meant to be one in the first place will fall apart, have its lines blurred and crossed.
Moenbryda and Y’shtola receive their answer one day when they approach your usual reading spot, only to find the two of you lounging together in one of the library’s bean bags, books long forgotten in favor of sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace.
G’raha Tia
Could the two of you really call it a rivalry?
As far as anyone could see, the two of you just had a string of unusual coincidences.
The exact same schedule, lunch spots near each other, both being on the Tennis team - you saw him every hour of every school day.
So then, was it coincidence that his heart eventually began beating faster when you were around?
G’raha felt like he was going to explode, constantly in your presence
So, like any healthy and sane person does, he begins to (try to) avoid you.
Unfortunately for him, it’s almost impossible to avoid someone who shares your whole schedule
Oh, and you definitely noticed what he was doing.
Had you done something to offend the miqote?
Slowly, your friendship morphed into avoiding the other, both of you running from your feelings
When I say that everyone is tired of the two of you making puppy eyes at each other when you think no one is looking
It’s the twins who eventually get fed up and decide to act on it, forcing the two of you to put the tennis equipment away together, just to get the two of you to talk.
The silence is deafening as the two of you awkwardly clean up
It’s when the two of you brush fingertips and he recoils like he’d been burned that you snap.
“Am I really that disgusting to you?” You question, frowning.
Upon recognition of what he’s done, G’raha scrambles for an explanation, but eventually sighs and gives in, telling you the truth, he’d always had a crush on you, and hoped it’d fade away with time.
News flash, his feelings only got worse
He sincerely apologizes, not expecting any reciprocation or forgiveness
And is shocked when you give a relieved giggle.
“I’ve always liked you too, idiot.”
Y’shtola was going to destroy you.
Well, perhaps that’s a bit too strong.
There was an internship available for fresh graduates under a well known researcher, and both you and Y’shtola were competing for a recommendation for said internship
Anyone who witnessed the two of you would admit that it’s a bit scary to watch the two of you interact.
As they say, an immovable object met an unstoppable force.
Even your teacher is a bit intimidated by whatever’s going on between the two of you, but given that they’re receiving help from the two of you, they’ll keep quiet about the fact that they can give you both the recommendation.
Though the two of you were at odds, it didn’t stop you both from completing your work together swiftly and without complaint.
You couldn’t help but feel as though Y’shtola enjoyed riling you up - but even as you tried to resist the temptation to reply to her, you failed every time
Luckily for Y’shtola, out of everyone she could have this silly competitive streak with, it was you. Oh, how cute you look when you’re upset, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.
Upon the realization that both of you got the recommendation, an eerie silence entered the room.
All that competition for nothing?
How embarrassing.
And if anyone noticed the two of you walking to a coffee shop, hands entwined after this whole mess?
They’re better off not mentioning it.
a/n - I apologize if I wrote anyone ooc hehe... I'm not used to writing for many characters so I just took em and ran (shrug)
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driftward · 14 days
Title: FFXIV Write 2024 - 11. Surrogate Characters: Zoissette Vauban, Y'shtola Rhul Rating: Teen Summary: An odd shaped family, but a family it is, despite missing pieces Notes: WoL|Sette timeline, sometime after Ultima Thule
There was peace, for a time, and in its joyful succor, new life.
And that new life in the Scions' orbit just now consisted of three young children. Doenstymm and Melusine were Klynt's oldest and youngest, respectively. Of an age just between the other two was Adrian, Aymeric's child, who often served as the connecting bridge between the older Doenstymm, looking after the other two, and the younger Melusine, who looked up to them both in many ways. The Scions often after looked after Adrian, serving as a family of sorts to them, bonds strengthened by their time together, the latest in a long string of favors traded back and forth ever since their time in Ishgard.
While their parents did not force them together, they often found themselves together nevertheless, looking after one another, protecting one another, and, of course, antagonizing one another in the matter that siblings tended to.
And what an odd family they were a part of. Doenstymm and Melusine shared a mother, but had different fathers, and Adrian with a father, but no mother to speak of at all. And the Scions themselves were an odd group, serving as aunts and uncles and cousins, making sure the children always had an adult nearby they could rely upon.
Zoissette stood back with the other Scions, a faint smile on her face. She had just gotten done retelling the stories of the Doman Adventurer's Guild to the three young children, and now they were excited to have adventures of their own. Before they were allowed off, however, Y'shtola was not so much lecturing as she was teaching them. Lessons were interspersed with brief anecdotes they each found amusing, and she asked questions of them to keep them engaged. Once satisfied, she let them go, and the three ran off, arguing about whether to mimic those adventures or try to have some of their own.
"You two are awfully good with children," said Alisaie to Y'shtola and Zoissette.
"Tis no small matter to instruct them for their own safety, but I believe they now know enough to make their mistakes their own. Such shall allow me later to confidently tell them that I did indeed 'told them so'," said Y'shtola with false primness, coming to stand up on her tip toes and give Zoissette a kiss before standing at her side.
"What a group of adorable ragamuffins," said Alisaie fondly, watching as the three found Alphinaud in the markets and begin to swarm around him, pestering him with questions as he twisted around and laughed, trying gamely to answer them and keep an eye on all three of them.
"What is that I hear in your voice? Considering motherhood?" asked Krile mischievously, looking up at Alisaie with a grin.
Heavens, no," replied Alisaie. "I think I shall leave continuing the family name to Alphinaud. I think he has more the temperament for it."
"Does he?" replied Krile, watching as Doenstymm started scaling up Alphinaud like he was an ambulatory tree. "Perhaps if he learns to not let himself be bullied by children."
Alphinaud was still laughing, even as he tried to fend off the other two while wilting under Doenstymm's robust Roegadyn weight.
"I'm not quite certain he even knows he -is- being bullied," said Alisaie. She glanced over to see that the smile on Zoissette's face had not faded, only softened, as Y'shtola intwined their arms and leaned against her.
"And what of our Warrior of Light and her paramour?" asked Alisaie. "You two ever consider following Klynt's example?"
Zoissette looked over at Y'shtola, then down at the ground.
"I do not think I would make a very good mother," she said.
"Oh, come now, you're good at just about everything else."
"So was my mother," said Zoissette, her voice quiet.
Krile and Alisaie exchanged looks.
"Oh, I am sorry!" said Zoissette brightly, turning to Alisaie. "I did not mean to bring down the mood. It is just, that, well."
She stopped, and Y'shtola stepped in gamely. "As for mine own perspective, I would mislike to follow in Matoya's footsteps. I love her as my own mother, but, well, you have met her. I do not regret my childhood, but I am not sure I would wish to put another through that self-same experience. That I was well suited to the circumstances under which I was raised was fortuitous."
"Well, not that I wish to influence you one way or another," said Krile. "But while it is traditional for the student to follow in the footsteps of her master, I believe it is also celebrated when their path carries beyond that set for them. I think you would make a wonderful mother."
"Perhaps," said Y'shtola, looking up at Zoissette, who was now distracted, watching the children.
"And as for you, I should think you've got the chance to do a fair bit of good yourself," said Krile to Zoissette, her tone gentle. "I've seen the way you and Y'shtola take turns with the children. How you teach them, how you so obviously care for them. And you're both wise enough to lean on us as necessary. I don't know your history, but I feel you've got a good chance to do a fair sight better than most parents, if you took the chance."
"A chance is not worth the risk," replied Zoissette, so quietly as to almost unable to be heard.
It was many bells later, after the children had been put to bed. Zoissette lounged on her back on a couch where she could see the door to the children's room, Y'shtola laying on top of her, her head on her chest.
"Adrian is a good child," said Y'shtola. "They all are."
"And Aymeric an excellent father," said Zoissette, slowly and gently running a hand up and down Y'shtola's back.
"Mayhap we could be, as well."
"Aymeric is a good father, for good reasons," said Zoissette. "You remember what he said, when I asked him why he wanted to be a father."
"To raise a child in the new Ishgard, free of the fetters of the old. To watch as that child became, grew up, full of the potential of that newness. Whatever path the child chose, it would be of their own choosing, and Aymeric wished to witness that, and support that. Of course I well remember. It was very well spoken, as usual, but also... well. Sentimental, but inspirational. I full felt a joy at the idea."
Zoissette nodded.
"Good motives. Noble motives. He will do fine. If I were to step in to such a role, however... Shtola. I would just be trying to not be my mother. That is no way to raise a child. They deserve more than to be something to someone trying to ... make up for their own hurts."
"I have similar fears," murmured Y'shtola into Zoissette. "But Krile has the right of it. We have all the Scions with us, to share wisdom, to share effort. 'Twould not be a lonely endeavor, but a shared one, and how much richer we might all be for it."
"Aymeric can also afford to be present for his child nearly all of the time. We are absent a lot, Y'shtola, you know that."
"Yet Klynt manages."
"Klynt... Klynt has an intuition for how these sort of things will go that I lack, a gregarious nature, several fathers who see each other kindly and help share the burdens of parentage, and a spirit that allows her to be and share a freedom I lack," said Zoissette. "I do not know how she manages it, to be honest. I am not sure I could."
Y'shtola sighed into Zoissette.
"A risk not worth the chance," she said. "But is that risk not already present? We could try, you know. You could step forward. I would be with you. You know this."
"I know," said Zoissette, wrapping her other arm around Y'shtola, and giving her a hug. "But I cannot bring myself to believe it would be the right thing. Not while I still harbor this anger against Elspeth. Against my own mother. Not while I... they deserve better."
Y'shtola nodded. "Well. The children are well loved, anyroad. Perhaps it does not matter. And perhaps you are right. I too am worried that in practice I would be little better than my own Matoya."
Zoissette relaxed under Y'shtola.
"We might sleep in our own bed," suggested Y'shtola.
"Maybe," said Zoissette.
Neither moved, both keeping on eye on the children's door, even as Zoissette reached and pulled a blanket over them both, even as they both fell asleep.
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 month
The Journal of Shio Shinju: The Coming Dawn (Dawntrail, Journal I)
Spoilers for: MSQ up through "The Coming Dawn".
Today, I was asked by Erenville to meet a client - not as Warrior of Light, but as a hero and adventurer. It is... Pleasant, to have someone recall that I do not wish to be always seen as the hero of the land.
The client is a Xbr'aal by the name of Wuk Lamat, who was recommended my services by Erenville. He is very careful with his words, but knowing that he has tacitly endorsed the task that Wuk Lamat wishes is enlightening, even if he is loathe to show it.
To demonstrate that I am sufficiently skilled for her task, Wuk Lamat had me accompany her for a miscellaneous task upon the Isle of Haam, wherein we dispatched an overgrown colibri - the kind of thing I used to do in the days before the Scions as odd jobs for the Adventurer's Guild. Apparently, my prowess with the blade was enough to convince her to lay out the task she wished of me, in addition to a bevy of personal details about her.
Wuk Lamat is the child of Gulool Ja Ja, Dawnservant of Tuliyollal - nation and capital city both - which lies at the heart of governance of Tural. It seems that there is to be a succession, as the current Dawnservant is aging past his prime, and so four claimants have stepped up. Erenville and Wuk Lamat both are rather quiet on the subject of most of the claimants, but one of them is "A man who is too ambitious by half", who "cannot be allowed to rule".
Concerning as this is, apparently Gulool Ja Ja expressly encourages the claimants seeking aid from outside of Tural, and so Wuk Lamat reached out to Erenville, who she considers a close friend. (Erenville professes to consider her an acquaintance at best, but see my note above, regarding whom exactly he recommended for her trial.) I was assured I do not need to give an answer this day, and so I will return to my room to ponder this - seeing a new land will be a wonder and a relief, and to be hired as what seems to be, in essence, a bodyguard sounds like a refreshing reprieve from my usual fare.
As a client, Wuk Lamat seems... Dishonest, but not in a malicious way. She lies as casually as breathing, but in the way that I have witnessed many people do when they are insecure, afraid, or both. She lies about her capabilities, and she lies about those lies, in order to make me like her. It accomplishes the opposite. But, I have worked for worse clients. I could work for her, easily enough. Leaders lie all the time. She seems to affect a gregarious visage when the mood strikes her, I could very easily see her rubbing elbows with Nanamo, Aymeric, and suchlike. She could very easily be a leader with such a skillset.
But I do not think she would make a good leader.
I think I shall have to see this other claimant with my own eyes - the one who is "too ambitious by half". Take his measure for myself.
Side-note: Investigate Turali language, a constructed language of all of the peoples of Tuliyollal, attain fluency without Echo ASAP.
Before I was able to retire to my chambers for rest, the (allegedly) retired Scions waylaid me - specifically with Alisaie hearing about the new job, and the twins setting out to attain their own invitation from Wuk Lamat to join the voyage to Tural - to further their goals of rebuilding Garlemald. Loathe as I am to share yet more of my time with the Scions, I can only hope that they recall that I am no longer their employee and no longer required to feign friendship with them. Cordiality shall be my refuge, I feel - Grandfather wishes me to not let asymmetrical feelings fester in my mind, and so I shall not.
I do, however, wish that whomever was primarily responsible for tutoring the Leveilleur twins taught them how to ask things, rather than assume or state them. Wuk Lamat has been polite and careful to always frame things as invitations or queries, and I hope that this habit of hers is not eroded by exposure to Alphinaud and Alisaie.
Krile, on the other hand, concerns me considerably less. While I have enough familiarity with her tactics vis-a-vis interpersonal relationships to not trust her (such as her manipulations with Estinien), I can understand her desire for an understanding of family and legacy. I will support such as best I can, while maintaining a cordial distance - although, if it comes to a conflict of her own interests against that of Wuk Lamat's claim for the throne... I cannot rightly say.
Too much unknown, too much hinging on the mystery of this "unfit claimant".
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fisherrprince · 9 months
Alphinaud goes down first. 
It’s a case of divided focus, something he prides himself on being able to do, being why he volunteered for it, but… it is too much. 
He tries to cast teleport. Multiple times, he tries, he has Ch’ari and Alisaie’s tethers, if he manages to cast it he can get the three of them out of here (out of plain sight, the middle of a disgusting field of churned earth and smoke and bodies in all directions, warmachina and the smell of burnt aether almost choking in their intensity, they weren’t even meant to be here it’s just there’s nowhere to go anymore and the teleport is straight to Doma where he knows the fighting hasn’t catastrophized yet and maybe Hien or Yugiri is still alive) — and yet when he pulls together enough mana for the spell between casts of ruin and shields and directing his carbuncle to and fro, it’s not like it doesn’t work. It’s more like it reaches out and never reaches past… here, the aethernet slowed to a halt, the cast stuck in an eternal loading screen. It tries, like a dying man tries to breathe. Alphinaud grips the pages of his grimoire with the realization that they aren’t escaping the ruins of Vylbrand. There is not enough aether to pull together the connection from here to Doma. 
A magitek reaper crushes his carbuncle under one foot, the poor creature disappearing with a yelp, and Alphinaud feels his heart skip a beat and his footing falter for a second as the magic between them is snapped, and without a shield the opportunity is taken before it can be snatched away and a lance buries itself between his ribs and throws him to the dirt. 
It knocks everything out of him. His grimoire skids just out of reach of his fingers. His vision hits the floor after his body does and keeps going, smearing colors like wet ink, and he doesn’t feel pain as quickly as he feels the odd sliding sensation of things moving that should not be. The lancer — dragoon, how ironic and unfairly cruel to die to — yanks the lance back out (a strained cry is forced out of him as it does) and hastily starts forwards, weapon raised as if they were feeling lucky after the success, and is thrust violently to the side as Alisaie buries her rapier through their stomach with a snarl. She kicks the corpse off her sword and makes as if to rush to her brother, eyes wild and pulled wide like a cat’s, but her focus is yanked away from her as another unlucky figure takes a powerful verthunder and vaporizes with a scream. 
The shield is gone — that was Alphinaud‘a job. Carbuncle. Alisaie skids to her knees at his side, panting harshly with her hair tangled in her face and begins casting vercure, only to grip her focus tightly and fling a spell backwards that explodes in a wall of fire. 
“Can you heal yourself?” She barks. Oh, she’s yelling like she’s upset. That’s not a helpful thought, because it’s quite obvious, but it strikes Alphinaud that he doesn’t want that to be happening. The sticky tear through his chest is starting to feel like ice when he breathes. 
“Carbuncle,” he wheezes, instead. 
Alisaie grabs his hand with hers and slaps it down on the grimoire, the requisite magic from their combined casts rushing into the spell as if from an unclogged drain pipe, reluctantly and then all at once. Moonstone — bless his moonstone carbuncle, he crafted it to be intelligent and it far exceeded his expectations, it pops into existence and immediately creates a shield big enough to shelter the three of them and zips off to attack any stragglers. Alisaie, checking her surroundings again, fumbles with Alphinaud’s soaked through cloak and returns to healing magic. 
Tries to return. There’s so much spent mana in the air it’s almost like shining a flashlight into a summer day, the way vercure stutters and hums weakly. Alisaie growls and pushes more mana into the spell, and it pulses as it slowly pulls aetheric particulates into itself to work.
“You okay?!” shouts a hoarse voice from some fulms away, right on the edge of the shield. 
Right — Ch’ari, not looking at them, locked in battle. Past the giddiness that pervades his attitude in a fight, strained into desperate focus. The only reason they’re not already dead, and she has no trouble admitting it. Ch’ari stands in a perpetual crackling, crystalline magic circle, Hydealyn trying to preserve Her champion, firing off spell after spell that explode between combatants in fierce, blinding reams of energy. Between casts, he flips his staff around and launches through warmachina, the azure dragoon in full sorcerer’s gear, more effective in close combat. In the little circle that surrounds them and the shield, Ch’ari fends off the army trying to kill them, growing more and more exhausted the more he doesn’t have help. 
“We need more time!” Alisaie yells. 
“Anything but that, Ali, I can give you anything else!”
“Then we need to leave, Ari, I can’t cast! We can’t stay!”
“How’s the—“ he turns, to look at them finally, his ears flat as his eyes widen in shock. “Hells,” Ch’ari hisses, and turns and slams his stave into the ground, the magic circle glowing and then brightening substantially as the ground surrounding the carbuncle’s shield cracks and explodes upwards with light, rending and throwing metal and flesh and forcing Alisaie to squint. 
When she can see again, Ch’ari has backed up to be close and enclose them between him and the mutilated rock Alphinaud fell against, trying again to cast teleport. The circle is gone — and this time, the cast barely even starts. Buying them time, using the ley lines to channel magic into the earth, used up any significant amount of aether left in the atmosphere, and she can almost taste the absence of life on the dry air. It tastes like the Burn. Like blood — though it’s tasted like blood for hours. 
Ch’ari brings his hands to his face, in concentration if not prayer, weak magic spiraling about his feet, when his ears flick up and he drops the spell and manages to cast manaward as—
Just to pin the final nail on the coffin. A mangled, half-finished and tendon-bare imitation of Ultima drops from the sky and buries itself four feet into the ground, and it screams, cracking the carbuncle’s shield and causing the creature to let out a defiant shriek. 
Ultima reels, confident as a puppet yanked into position by dogs, and a sharp note rings out through the air as it aims and fires a beam of pure ceruleum energy into the shields. 
Ch’ari skids backwards and stays standing, both hands braced against his staff, stumbling backwards and nearly over the twins. Manaward isn’t strong, the blessing of Light the only thing keeping it up, but the drain on the star itself leaves it shimmering and wavering, almost obscuring what approaches from the wrecked wasteland behind. 
It’s almost like tendrils of nothingness. Shadowy hisses and steam-trails of pure black, bereft of magic entirely. They creep from nowhere and slip into the cracks, pushing at the edges like a meal awaits inside the eggshell. Almost alive, but so spread and so lifeless as to be an inevitability. 
Ultima shatters the carbuncle’s shield, and Alphinaud cries out, flinching as the tether breaks again. Ch’ari grunts with the effort of just keeping the shield up, no sign of the attack actually stopping — and Alisaie, unable to leave the shield area or she dies or her brother dies or anything, doesn’t cast a spell and just tries to channel aether into the Warrior of Light. 
The black fog seeps through the cracks made by the weapon, tugging them wider, longer. Drier. More and more blank, nothing. 
Ch’ari drops his staff drops the cast and turns and skids to his knees, grabbing both twins and pulling them close to him as manaward shatters. Ultima howls in triumph, bracing itself to fire again, but it hardly needs to, not to ensure the end of this story. The smoke rushes in, and blurs the world into unrecognizable nothing. 
Everything slows, and… stops. 
Alisaie feels it first. Underneath the stinging sensation of unhealed wounds the gentle tug as time begins to pull backwards, the way the particles in the air almost like stars begin to blur and streak. Ultima never fires again, immobile like a glittering metal statue, and from where her head is pressed into Ch’ari’s shoulder, she looks up and sees faint, astral spell lines.
She almost laughs. She does, in confused disbelief. Ch’ari’s grip loosens ever so slightly, ears swiveling to pick up the quiet shimmer of something far beyond him reaching out and pulling. 
You… only you…
Alisaie can’t help it, her hoarse laugh turns into giggles, and Ch’ari picks his head up entirely, still holding his twins but hearing that voice and hearing something else within it. Alphinaud’s fingers curl into Ch’ari’s coat, even through the haze of near-fever. The air cools, softens, and glows with blue smears and swirls of time. The edge of Ch’ari’s lips twitch, unsure but surrounded by familiar senses as the swirls speed up, faster and faster until the world blurs out of view entirely, replaced by streaks and starlight. 
Let expanse contract, eon become instant!
History must be changed!
And Thancred collapses to the floor, unconscious. 
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umbralaether · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023
Prompt: Ring
A pair of ring-shaped stains of hot cocoa left behind on the desk.
That was the first haunted piece of him she discovered after the initial purge of his things from her room. She could not stand to see the remnants, the things left behind after his soul ceased to be, and chose to pack them away and deliver to House Fortemps. “Take them, please, I cannot bear it.”
It nagged, though. A sharp sense of loss, of emptiness.
She forces herself forward, into her duty, picking up odd jobs on the side. She wanted to stay busy, occupied enough to prevent more ghosts from sneaking in, yet no joy was found in helping others. They saw benevolence where she hid her pain— she was only doing it to quiet the noise of blame ringing over and over in her ears. Should have been faster, stronger… should have never let him come…
After the empty, came the numb.
She no longer cared about the lingering stares of others when the lack of sleep formed dark rings under her eyes— a consequent worth the cost, for memories that refused to fade. She begged to forget, not continue to find him in yellow blooms and light blue cloth, in the smell of chocolate and mint, rich and delicate. She swears to never love again, not like this.
But time goes on, as it always does. The loss fades, and wounds heal, the grief now but a small wisp of hurt.
She feels the warm glow of joy in her chest again when helping others. She laughs when Alisaie and Alphinaud bicker, finds fascination with Y’shtola’s theories and Thancred’s attempts at beating her at cards.
She warms, and learns to smile again.
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brineffxiv · 2 years
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It is time.
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My friends impart their memories to the spirit vessels, and Angelo the porxie does his thing.
Angelo would make a cute plushie. They should sell those, they'd make bank.
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Now it's up to me to take my friends safely back home.
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Here we go...
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Now we just hope this works. And that we put the right vessel next to the right person.
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I think it's working!!
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Welcome home, my friends! It's been quite some time for several of you. If I remember correctly, Thancred spent 5 years on the First, while Urianger and Y'shtola each spent 3.
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Oh? Oh! I can go wake up G'raha!
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Hehe, look at me run. Off to get my man.
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I run all the way there, until suddenly the orange constellation crystal comes flying out of nowhere and lands next to me. Which is odd, because I didn't realize I no longer had it with me. Little confused, but glad to have it back?
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Scene change! Several days later, Alphinaud is having tea while Alisaie motions exasperatedly (and hilariously) at our other friends...
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Who thanks to Tataru (and Feo Ul), with a bit of assistance from our friends the various heads-of-state, have their preferred outfits back!
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I love you Urianger.
This entire scene is perfection. It must be appreciated in motion, however, and I do not know how to gif.
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It's him! My boy! I love him. Look at his little hair clips, he's so cute!
G'raha has secured the Crystal Tower, and with that done he's free to join the Scions! And come adventuring with me!
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Off we go!
Meanwhile, Zenos and his Ascian buddy have retaken the Garlean palace. For reasons as yet unclear.
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Yeah, seeing that every night might be one of the reasons you're so fucked up. One reason among many.
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Not!Asahi is performing his ass off, and Zenos is completely unaffected. It's funny.
My read on this is that Not! Asahi desperately wants something, and that something can only be got with Zenos' cooperation. So this guy is acting the simpering servant to his lord, but like, Zenos is so detached from anything approaching "normal" that it's like acting against a wall. LOL.
Hey, tangent, is Zenos the Emperor now? Not!Asahi calls him "your radiance", but that might have been meant in mockery, it's hard to tell.
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lol, I already knew he was using Asahi's body from his voice, but the confirmation is good. Ah, poor Asahi, that his idol doesn't even remember his name.
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Figured you were an Ascian, I--
I'm sorry. What is your name??
Ah hahahaha!
Fucking... Daniel???
We got an array of nigh-unpronounceable names - Lahabrea, Igyorhim, Nabriales - and then... DANIEL. Okay, okay, Fandaniel.
I'm sorry *wheeze* I'm okay... I'll stop laughing now.
It just. Undercuts your seriousness... just a little bit.
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Oh. Oh dear. I have a feeling it's not a good thing that he realizes he's no longer got a boss.
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And somehow I doubt your version of "living for the moment" involves harmless acts of spontaneity. Like getting a burger or spending a day at the beach.
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Oh, my friend, I have missed you too.
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UNF. He's so hot when he's evil.
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meximango · 5 days
Day 20 - Duel - Cahsi + Alisaie - G
Summary: Two red mages have a friendly spar
“I challenge you, Cahsi–to a duel!”
The teen had come bounding up to her just as she set her backpack down on the table. “Wh–now? Alisaie, I just got back from a long day of channeling my aether into injured folks. As you know. I was with your brother.” 
Cahsi didn’t heal often, preferring and excelling at an offensive role instead, but she didn’t want to get rusty at it–so she’d spent the better part of a day playing the part with Alphinaud. Even after getting rid of the threat to Tuliyollal, there were still plenty of people who needed aid with their wounds. They’d both left when they felt their mana reserves fizzing out faster and faster between bouts of applying lucid dreaming and ethers. “Does that mean you forfeit? Afraid you might lose?” The cheeky grin wasn’t quite genuine. The poor girl was betting on Cahsi’s competitive nature getting the best of her and prodding her into complying. Alisaie would hate to win by default. “Hey now, I didn’t say that… But I’ve always known you to be a chivalrous young lady. Doesn’t this seem a bit underhanded, asking me when I’m exhausted? It wouldn’t be a fair fight!” “I do feel a bit guilty about that, but it’s just a friendly spar, Cahsi. The stakes are low.” “You know I love a spar between friends, but if you’re itching for a fight, I could probably find some quests for you to take on, or there’s always Arya. She’s more at your level, so a spar between you two could benefit you both. Also, she probably misses you. It’s been a while.” Alisaie's face reddened a bit at that, whether from guilt or something else, Cahsi didn’t know. 
“Mor Dhona is a bit far… I’ll visit her soon, but I want to duel you. Right now, if you’re amicable to the request. Besides, a one-on-one fight with you is never fair. I would have to gather at least a light party of our compatriots to even the odds. This is my best chance.” Cahsi chuckled. It was probably true, but all of the former scions were incredibly competent, when it came down to it. After everything they’ve been through, she really couldn’t ask for a group of people better at what they do. She’d trust any of them with her life any day. Cahsi didn’t run through everything alone, she had her companions to help her where it mattered. “You’re selling yourself short, Ali. You really don’t have to wait until I’m low on aether to ask for a duel. I’ll do it anytime–yes, even now. You’ve done amazing things I couldn’t have even dreamed of doing when I was your age. I’m pretty sure I was just  cleaning tables at the Drowning Wench at that point. Hadn’t even picked up an arcanist’s tome yet!” Alisaie flushed again, this time at the praise. She was so hard on herself, Cahsi would need to remind her more often how fantastic she was. 
“You’re right… I want to challenge you as a true test of my skills, to one day overcome you when we’re both at the top of our game. But I never beat you at anything!” “Not true. You are quite the little diplomat, often more tactful than me, though we both lack patience. And you could beat me at navigation skills or cooking any day, trust me.” “Well. I never beat you at anything I care about, then.” That had earned her a smile, at least. 
“Oh, then what about flips! You always do more than me during battle. Show-off.” “Please, your style is just as dramatic and full of flair. You compensate with pirouettes and moves that shine as brightly as you–literally. You are not allowed to limit break anymore, you’re going to blind us all at this rate–” “Says the girl who is always doing it before me, first chance you get! Greedy.” Cahsi shoved Alisaie’s shoulder playfully. She didn’t really mind, but the teen was one to talk! She started making her way back outside, with Alisaie following close behind as expected. “Not my fault you wait on it too long.”
Cahsi shrugged, then pulled out her rapier and magic crystal. “I’ll try to be quicker next time, then. Now, would you care to do this out here in the training grounds or find a clearing? I’m not sure how far you planned on going with your moves.”
“We probably won’t be too destructive, what with your mana levels. I was thinking this could be more of a physical fight, after all. You’re right, I shouldn’t take advantage of your low magical reserves. But your muscles are perfectly intact, so have at you!” Alisaie went and grabbed two wooden training swords (close enough to a rapier), threw one at Cahsi who naturally caught it without issue, and changed her stance. She bent her knees and made a ‘come hither’ motion.
“You’re on, sister!” And with that, Cahsi gave her friend no more time to prepare herself before she lunged forward with her weapon.
Normally, one or two people on the outside of their track would be keeping track of the score, but they hadn’t bothered to find anyone to act as referee. They hadn’t agreed on normal rules, but they never sparred any other way, so the head was off limit, but a tap to any other part of the body with their fake sword counted as a point. The first to ten points was the winner of that round, and they generally did the best two out of three as the overall winner.
Both red mages excelled at offensive moves rather than defense and parrying, so it tended to turn into a race of who could move faster, harder, more unpredictably to get a jump on the other. They could spin and flip out of the way here and there, but mostly they jumped forward and stabbed at each other wildly (and lightly! Though there might be some bruising later).
In lieu of a ref, they counted out loud: “That’s one for C!”
“Yeah, well that brings it up to three for A!”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I just coun–oof!”
“Two for C.”
“I was still right about my score.”
“Yeah, but you let yourself be distracted. Eyes open and light on your feet, girl!”
“Still winning here, aren’t I?”
“Not for long~” Cahsi sang out.
It went on for a few minutes before the first round was won by Alisaie, ten to nine.
“You better not be going easy on me!”
“I wouldn’t dream of it. You got that last point before me fair and square.”
Cahsi knew it would just make Alisaie angry if she didn’t bother trying, so Cahsi was putting effort in, but she was distracted. Despite not doing any physical work today, the spellwork made her more sluggish overall, and she had forgotten to eat or drink today (and normally Alphinaud would have been on her ass about it to make sure she was being healthy, but while they separated to take their lunch breaks at separate food stands, Cahsi had run into Thancred and spent the entire time talking to him instead), so she was beginning to feel faint. She’d powered through far worse, though, and her pride wouldn’t allow her to end this early.
Round two nearly ended much the same, but Cahsi gathered a burst of strength and speed to let it end in her favor. The score was tied. “Last round declares the winner. Think you’ve got this, Ali?”
“You bet I do! I will gracefully sweep victory from your hands on this day, I can feel it!”
“I look forward to it.”
About halfway through their final round, Cahsi stumbled as she became dizzy. Her partner must have noticed, because she stopped mid-lunge to check in with her, concern drawing her brows together slightly. “You good there?”
In lieu of a verbal response, Cahsi gave a slightly shaky thumb’s up, but her stomach betrayed her, taking the chance to growl loudly enough, it could startle a beast into fleeing. The elezen in front of her widened her eyes. “We can grab dinner after this, if you’d like? Loser pays?”
“Sure.” The lackluster response from Cahsi made Alisaie’s eyebrows pinch together in worry.
“I don’t think I’ve heard such a loud grumble from you in quite a while. Didn’t my brother feed you? He’s the one who dragged you along with him on his job, it was the least he could do.”
“Eh. Don’t get mad at him, It’s not his responsibility. I got caught up in other things during our breaks. I’ll make sure to eat plenty after this to make up for it.”
“I’ll hold you to that! Are you even good to finish? You look a little pale. I don’t want you keeling over in my moment of triumph, that wouldn’t feel very satisfying.”
Cahsi waved her off, took a few deep breaths and shook her hands to get some feeling back into them. She flashed her a winning hero’s smile. “Thank you for your concern, but I’m perfectly fine to continue, see? The sooner we finish this, the sooner you can buy me some tacos.”
It was convincing enough apparently, because Alisaie sighed and relented. “Fine. Here goes our final few points. May the best warrior win!”
Despite the disadvantages, Cahsi still managed to pull through. She could have gotten away with letting the other win, especially with how she’d given the other a little scare about her low blood sugar, but Cahsi didn’t want to just give away a free victory. It was for the sake of not only her pride, but Alisaie’s as well. The girl would accept nothing less than a win on her own. She got better and better each day and trained hard, so Cahsi knew it wouldn’t be that long before she’d be able to match her, and from there, surpass her.
“I’m proud of you, that was a really good match!”
“I still lost…”
“It was very close, to be fair.”
“You weren’t even at your best!”
“Lies, I’m always at my best.”
“I am literally half-carrying you right now because you almost fell over during your victory lap.”
Cahsi laughed sheepishly. “Well, you should take that as a sign of your skill. You really tired me out!”
Alisaie sighed. “I’ll get you one day, Cahsi.”
“You’ve already got me, look!”
The hand around her waist tightened a bit, and the teen’s face predictably got red. Cahsi suspected the kid crush never fully went away, so she’d have to stop teasing her or let her down easy if a confession ever came (partially why she wanted to get her to visit Arya again. She knew the sparks would fly between them if they just spent a bit more time together!).
“Save your energy, we have a lot of stairs to go before getting to the restaurant.”
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ooeygooeyghoul · 1 year
Tell me about YOUR WoL! Rapid fire!
Favorite food vs. Comfort food
A childhood memory
That one thing that they don't need but can't let go of
Best friend
Something people are surprised to learn
And a pet peeve.
Favorite food vs. Comfort food
Shiun is a simple man, he enjoys most dishes with a large portion of meat. Roast dodo, smoked raptor, meat pies, grilled fish- doesn't matter what it is as long as it's dead and cooked. His comfort food, however, would be some good old pickled plum riceballs. They remind him of home.
A childhood memory
Shiun's childhood was... rocky to say the least. Growing up in Doma during the Garlean occupation, things weren't easy. Most of his memories of his younger days are tainted by Garlean oppression or the scathing words of his father whenever Shiun refused to follow the path his parents laid out for him. One fond memory that lingers in his mind, however, is the time he snuck out of the house in the middle of the night after a bad argument with his dad when he was about 9. He encountered a lone man out in the countryside, practicing his swordsmanship on a withered tree. Shiun watched him quietly from the tall grass for a long time, completely enraptured by the man's fluid movements and grace with the weapon. Eventually, the man sheathed the blade and called out to Shiun, seemingly aware of his presence the whole time. Embarrassed, but curious, he came out of hiding and into the open. Apparently, the man was a samurai and was training for the day Doma would rise up against Galemald. Something stirred in Shiun's soul as the man waxed poetic about hope and his faith in the Doman people, the desire to do the same one day grew inside him. He told the samurai that he wanted to learn to fight too, and he was ecstatic when the man allowed him to use his sword and gave him a few lessons on how to wield it. When he returned home that night, he had a newfound resolve to become something more. He never got the man's name, and he can't remember his face, but he'll never forget what he taught him (even if he ended up being more fond of axes than katanas and swords).
The one thing that they don't need but can't let go of
Shiun stubbornly holds onto every axe he's ever used. He's got an odd sentimentality about the weapons he's sliced enemies apart with over his journey, each one a sort of old friend he doesn't want to get rid of (even though he's running out of space for them.) He also holds onto the bandana/eyepatch thing Thancred used to wear during the Dragonsong war as a sort of "good luck charm." He'd rather die than let anyone know about that though, so you didn't hear anything about it okay?
Best friend
Out of the NPCs, he's the closest to Alphinaud and Alisaie. He's kind of adopted a big brother role over them, and being around them really draws out his more aggravating personality traits. Especially with Alisaie, they two play off each other to bully their other friends in an unfair tag team of sass. Player-wise, his best friend is my best friend's WoL, Gholi- a sharp-tongued black mage lala. You'd never guess they're friends just by looking at them, because they are literally always at each other's throats, but they actually get along swimmingly. When they're hanging out, Gholi is usually hitching a ride on Shiun's shoulder because he gets sick of not being able to keep up with the Au Ra's ridiculously long stride.
Something people are surprised to learn Everyone is always surprised to find out that he's a cat person. His favorite minion is his gaelikitten named Potato (thanks to a friend group poll lol), and he would die for that little dude. No one expects the 7'5" Au Ra with the perma-RBF and enormous axe to fawn over a tiny little kitten with silly wings.
Pet peeve
The quickest way to get on Shiun's nerves is to give him unsolicited advice about how he should be doing things. His parents were major micro-managers, and it drove him crazy. He's going to be doing things his way thank you very much.
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meowww-ffxiv · 2 months
Dawntrail spoilers.
Following up on the other post.
Liios and the twins.
After the events in Living Memory wrapped up, Liios spent approximately two weeks not leaving his room.
He didn't do it against his will or anything, but the fact that he fainted after fighting Zoraal Ja scared him more than it scared anyone else, honestly. And his friends were rather comforted by the fact that he wasn't japing around doing bullshit (inb4 he did WORSE by fighting in the Arcadion but whatever), so no one said anything to Liios.
They were used to his moods by now, whenever he felt like shit. He didn't talk to them, and if they tried to make him talk, he would grow truly angry and say something both parties would regret. Estinien visited, and Y'shtola who didn't give a shit about Liios's tantrums visited, and Ptolemy visited. That was it.
Alphinaud and Alisaie didn't come by for a week and a half. Mostly because neither of them knew what to say. At least, nothing that wouldn't sound like a borderline accusation.
Liios notoriously never said shit to them about his health. They found out when either, (a) he keeled over or (b) he dragged himself back from whatever he got into half-dead, blood gushing out of his gullet as he tried to say something like, "You should've seen the other guy."
And this was no different. It really wasn't. But it was the third fucking time it happened, and at this point Alisaie really would just call Liios selfish.
She almost did. But his asking her if she and the others were really strong enough to fight their enemies without him and still incur no permanent injury or loss, and her being unable to answer it because she honestly didn't know, rattled her. It rattled Alphinaud too, because that was... It was the truth. None of the Scions knew for certain if Liios not being there wouldn't have made a decisive difference.
His was not just martial might. Even if a problem existed and the Scions each worked their part to figure it out, he was still the one to propose the final solution and oftentimes the one who had to implement the final step. They relied on Liios for anything related to technology or complex, engineer-level aetherology. But most of all, they relied on him to smile and say, "Very well. This is doable. We can wager on these odds."
...They relied on him to say, specifically, "I can do this."
To all of Alisaie's anger and Alphinaud's offense, Liios had only replied, "I cannot back down because I am your Warrior of Light."
And it made them wonder if they were the ones who had done this to him. Not the Lightwardens, and not the Endsinger, and not the empire or all the enemies they had faced. But them. Alphinaud and Alisaie. And the Scions.
Not that they could say that to him because they already knew how that conversation would go. Liios would smile his quizzical smile like what they said didn't make sense to him, why were they worried about this? It wasn't like he was a person, much less their friend. He was the Warrior of Light, was he not? Was that not enough?
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snow-system-wol · 2 months
As much as Menphina's goal was subtlety -- if she was needed, then that took priority.
(Menphina + Wuk Lamat POVs) ~2.8k
[Spoilers up til start of lv94 msq]
You were quite capable of counting, especially for a number as low as four. From the moment that Alphinaud decided he should stay behind to help an injured man while the rest of you went onward, you quickly realized the potential issue... group combat composition.
Wuk Lamat was more than capable of leading and defending this group, and had already proved it in the last few days. Your beloved charge, S'ria, was merely a fighter, steel in his hands and a spare holstered pistol.
The issue lay, then, with Krile and Alisaie being the only remaining two. Krile had proven herself an asset on the battlefield, and you would be glad to have her – and Alisaie was really a sight to behold once you really let her go after enemies.
But oh, Menphina… you could see the problem. If Alphinaud were not present, who would take care of the rest? Who would keep Wuk Lamat on her feet while she risked her life for you?
You could easily see the potential outcome as well, if you kept quiet – Alisaie would offer. Wonderful, brilliant Alisaie, drawing her battle prowess away from the fight to do something she was not fully equipped to do and would surely find incredibly draining.
You had the aether to handle it, though, the diversity of knowledge to help the group as much as possible, and you wanted Alisaie where it suited her well. The best outcome was for you to take S'ria's place for the climb up this mountain.
The only singular problem was that you were trying to avoid such a thing.
You were not certain about the ramifications of your existence being known. The Scions were rather kind about it, and you felt no shame in being the way you were, but you were also well aware that there were certain… judgements that may be made, if the Warrior of Light’s multiple selves were to be known to others. Your intentions, which S'ria had no complaints over, were to not share such things frivolously.
But there was no such thing as subtlety for a maneuver like this. Despite the way she may compare herself negatively to Koana, Wuk Lamat was quite bright and perceptive. And Erenville was very quick, even if his demeanor did not give much away on what he knew.
There would be far too many tells to alert both of them, even with Erenville keeping his distance during combat. Your stances, skills, magicks – they bore no resemblance to S'ria's. In fact – for those who fought alongside him, it should have become rather clear at that point that S'ria did not use magic. So for him to cast aside fighting to take on a healer's role would be impossibly suspicious, and that did not even take your own personal mannerisms into account.
You acted rather differently than him with loved ones like the twins, and – try as you might to keep your voice more like his, that would not last long into a heated battle.
So be it. Whatever was best for your family.
“You need not worry – Wuk Lamat, if you lead the way, I shall keep us safe.”
While she looked at you with very clear surprise, you were at least not questioned about your capacity for the role. You received a simple smile and “thank you”, and that was all.
Alisaie slid closer to you, pitching her voice to something soft. (You hadn't the heart to tell her that you were fairly certain Hrothgar had the same sharp hearing as you did and Wuk Lamat may hear regardless.)
“Yes, I am.” You placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder – missing once due to forgetting she had become nearly as tall as you now. “All will be well.”
“Are you certain?”
Wuk Lamat tended to be rather focused in battle, but at the foot of the mountain, all was yet quiet and S'ria held her full attention. She loved the opportunity to learn more about her traveling companions, but it was simply so odd when it conflicted with what she'd already figured out about him.
S'ria was a simple sort in battles. He did as much damage as possible. He drew the attention of enemies away from his friends when they were in trouble, but seemed happy to defer to Wuk Lamat when she was in the fight. He had his weapons – a viper’s, if she was not mistaken, but he did not use their fighting styles – and a gun that she had yet to see him shoot.
S'ria did not weave spells. He carried no stave or spellbook or whatever Alphinaud was wielding.
So why then would he offer so freely to heal?
Having been by his side for so long already and seeing what he could do, Wuk Lamat would not question his judgment or capabilities.
They began up the mountain trail and Wuk Lamat caught the motions of S'ria removing his necklace from his shirt, undoing the tie, and lacing it about his wrist instead. She saw the briefest glimmer of something crystalline in his hand before it closed around the pendant.
There, that was his Focus, he was a caster after all. Surely that explained it all – if she did not question any further strangeness.
Even if she put his sudden role shift aside, there were other oddities.
Firstly, the way he moved. There was a grace to it now – not that there wasn't before, but it had been more like the grace of a coeurl stalking its prey, and this was something else.
When they stumbled across their first pack of enemies, most was as Wuk Lamat expected. There was a warmth settling in her veins at S'ria's continuous healing, but it was a different matter when she suddenly felt strength fill her body. She kept a half-eye on S'ria and that time she saw it – a series of delicate dance steps, looking light on his feet despite her knowing the truth of how much his leg bothered him. Wuk Lamat knew she was in danger of making silly mistakes if she didn't stop looking at S'ria, but these few simple enemies were not dangerous enough to make her do so.
Instead she watched S'ria make a few careful movements – and she swore she heard soft bell-like sounds ring out as though jewelry was jostled by his dance steps, despite S'ria not wearing anything like that – and then a barely visible wave of aether swept the area and that newfound strength returned again.
That was definitely all unusual, to be sure – though she enjoyed the help.
Additionally, there remained the matter of S'ria's… voice. It was never particularly low, aside from the few times she'd seen him fully angry, but it was still an entirely different pitch. The simple short call-outs – “Look out!”, “I have you”, “Hold on” – they were higher and more melodic than S'ria ever spoke. 
Or, for that matter, that simply wasn't S'ria.
There was no other way to put it – that simply wasn't his voice. 
Wuk Lamat had wanted to say something, at the top of the mountain, but a screech rent the air so horribly that any thought of it left her mind. When she looked at S'ria, there was a familiar sharpness in his eyes again, a determination to fight. All seemed normal enough.
Wuk Lamat hadn't imagined it. S'ria was back to acting like he did on the mountain once they returned to the village – healing the worst injuries with practiced skill and a gentle voice. It was the same as they went off to go fight Valigarmanda – his weapons remained fully holstered.
To be honest, she felt like there was… something she was on the outside of. The rest of their group was surely sharp enough to notice the differences. But Alisaie and Krile seemed unbothered, Alphinaud back in town had easily fallen into healing alongside S'ria, and those other two Scions – Urianger and Thancred, she recalled – looked only briefly surprised. After that singular moment of shock from them, Urianger had simply nodded and smiled at S'ria, drawing a card with a flourish.
Much later, after the battle, Wuk Lamat realized that the moment must have been Urianger agreeing to work together as healers – without exchanging so much of a word… they all truly did seem to know each other well. It was a bittersweet feeling, somehow.
Wuk Lamat had not fully forgotten in the few days since, but she was also bogged down by her own thoughts that had quite little to do with S'ria. Or at least, not directly – they more so concerned S'ria's role as her companion in this journey, not he himself. She'd shaken off much of the doubt that’d plagued her, but it was a weight not fully lifted.
So it was not until they prepared to journey to Yak T’el that she was fully reminded of what'd previously been a lingering question in her mind.
Wuk Lamat knew there was no need to hide being afraid. Her companions had already seen how she handled boats, after all, and it was easier to bear these things when not trying to force on a brave face. 
S'ria had at least insisted the airship was far less likely to make her nauseous, but that didn't stop the far more pressing fear of instead falling out of the sky. She could not stop her legs from feeling weak at the idea of being so high up in the air – but even so, it was a surprise for the words to suddenly slip out, all but begging S'ria to hold her hand for reassurance.
There was a small shift in his stance… his back straightening, shoulders relaxing, eyes softening – and then S'ria was offering his hand and pulling her onto the airship deck with a gentle smile. 
They both sat down, shoulder to shoulder and hands still clasped, and Wuk Lamat tried not to overreact to the shuddering of the ship preparing to take off. S'ria was so kind, distracting her with promises that all was well and trying to keep her attention. She felt as though she should've been offended, with him purring and murmuring that she'll be okay like she was a child – yet somehow she was entirely at peace with this behavior. It just didn't feel demeaning in the ways that it really should've, just oddly soothing.
But it raised the same point as the prior days – S'ria didn't really act or sound like this.
So it was at a campfire in the forest, resting for the night partway to Iq Br’aax, that Wuk Lamat finally found an opportunity.
It'd been quiet for some time. Food had been eaten, chatter had died down, and now it was only the fire crackling. 
“S'ria – can I ask you about something?”
Well, she put it out there at least. It may be clunky and inelegant to navigate the question to follow, but the first step was at least done. 
S'ria nodded, a touch hesitantly, and Wuk Lamat did not miss a sharp look shared between both twins – it felt like, royalty or not, that she would incur their eternal wrath depending on what she next said. It did not make it any easier or less nerve-wracking to choose her words.
“I just want to start by saying that you are a close friend and ally, and I trust you…”.
S'ria had enough time in the pause to narrow his eyes, face otherwise kept neutral. “...but?”
Wuk Lamat put her hands up, quickly shaking her head. “No, no, it's not a ‘but’ so much as a – can I start over?” She took a slow breathe in and out. “You were really kind and helpful on Worqor Zormor! And earlier this afternoon, you were so nice to me – it made getting here way less stressful than I'd thought.” She crossed her arms thoughtfully. “You just weren't acting at all like you usually do. Not that you aren't usually nice – but it was just… different.”
Wuk Lamat could not tell if it'd been the way she wanted to put it, foreign territory as this chat with S'ria was, but her actual point of curiousity had finally been said.
Perhaps it was not hers alone. Erenville was not sitting with them, but rather some few yalms away, sorting through supplies under the cover of a tent. Despite how preoccupied he seemed, she caught the movement of his ears the moment she brought up S'ria's odd changes in demeanor.
S'ria himself definitely was not confused about the question – his responding sigh sounded more defeated than anything else.
“If we are traveling together long-term like this, I suppose it's only right that you know.”
Alisaie turned sharply towards S'ria, nudging his shoulder. “You do not have to, you know.”
S'ria smiled at her. “No, I – I think it's good for allies to know, and I'm trying to be less ashamed of it myself. I simply… hope that it does not make me seem less capable of an ally.”
Wuk Lamat leaned forward, resting her elbows on her legs. “We’ve already been traveling and  together for most of a moon. I don't think anything you say is going to make me doubt your fighting abilities, I know you have my back.” 
“Ah.” S'ria's tail agitatedly flicked behind him. “Well, I guess that's… Ugh, I still don't know how best to put it though. Easily too clinical and too personal.” He closed his eyes for a moment, eyebrows drawing close together. “Sometimes I'm me, and sometimes I'm Menphina – and sometimes we're working together. It's one body, but not one mind. And you met Menphina those times you mean instead of me.” S'ria winced. “That wasn't a good explanation, but I don't want to tell my whole life story just for it to be clearer”.
It took Wuk Lamat several moments to piece together the details and implications. Oh. Oh!
She sat up as S'ria looked away, his body betraying fear. That needn't be the case – she understood perfectly now, it was fine. She beamed at him when she responded.
“Just like Papa!”
Whatever S'ria was expecting in response… that did not seem to be it, because he stared blankly at Wuk Lamat for several long and silent seconds.
“Well, there's the Heads of Reason and Resolve – they each have their own personalities and skills, but they're both still Papa.”
S'ria blinked, still processing. “I'm sorry, I wasn't prepared for such an… excited response. I guess that's not an off-base comparison – but there are more than just Menphina and me, and our body is the same as anyone else's.” He laughed quietly, adding another comment more to himself than to her. “Though, I guess calling Fray as Resolve and Menphina as Reason wouldn't be wrong.”
Wuk Lamat tilted her head in curiousity, but shelved questions about this “Fray” for another time. Clearly there were at least three then, yes. She looked at S'ria and a frown snuck onto her face. “You seemed really scared to tell me this. For us, the Blessed Siblings are admired and praised, not shunned.” She held back a comment about how ones like Bakool Ja Ja could perhaps do with a little less praise and shook her head to clear it from her mind. “Is that… not how it is for you back home?”
Wuk Lamat immediately knew it was the wrong thing to ask, the way his face closed off.
“It really isn't. I wasn't born like this, it's more… a condition.” He sighed heavily. “Look, maybe a dozen people on the entire star are aware of the others – Menphina and the rest, I mean. It isn't the sort of thing that's safe to be public knowledge. I'm… sure I don't need to tell you two that this is a secret?”
You two? Wuk Lamat glanced to her side and saw a startled Erenville, who had seemingly forgotten at some point that he was at least pretending not to be listening. With how quiet the man could be, she was sure S'ria hadn't even needed to warn him to stay silent on the matter.
…Or perhaps it was a good idea, she'd heard a rumor that gleaners could be notorious gossips.
Regardless, Wuk Lamat had not realized how few people were allowed to know this – and yet, S'ria had told her.
“Thank you, for sharing something this important with me. I won't betray your trust.”
Wuk Lamat laughed, well-aware of the situation. "Yes, officially."
S'ria smiled at her. “I know you won't. I wouldn't have told you if I was worried about that.” Despite his words, there was a clear note of relief in his voice. He laughed to himself. “Well, considering who else knows, I guess this makes you two honorary Scions.” His eyes widened and he hastily flung out the obligatory follow up. “Of course, not that the Scions exist anymore, we disbanded. Officially.”
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woltourney · 1 year
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Zuveh'a Khulaa (@zuveha-xiv) v. Bertilak Hautdesert (@dutifullyscentedkid)
Zuveh'a Khulaa:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Zuveh'a Khulaa - He/him (trans male)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Keeper Miqo'te/Hrothgar (half and half)
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Main: Warrior / Secondary: Scholar and Thaumaturge
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal Mateus!
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Zuveh'a is…a very scarred man, emotionally and physically, but he is healing with his support system that he finally has thankfully. He's more on a gruff and stoic side, but it's not terribly hard to see him smile, especially when around his family or you can manage to get on his soft side. His story deviates little from MSQ, except he is from Ul'dah, unlike the Canon WoL who is from another land, but the Scions do see his turn-around from pre-ARR and eventually offer him a place, even tho he's hesitant at first. He honestly does not find satisfaction in being a Hero sometimes, as he does personally like reward for whatever stupid struggles the common folk put him through. He was a sex worker and assassin before the Scions, after all. His free time is often spent at brothels, admittedly, or doing odd jobs for money.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Because I'm sexy, why else?"
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He has piercings on his lips, ears, and nipples :)c
Bertilak Hautdesert:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Bertilak Hautdesert (Berti for short), He/Him
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Roegadyn
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Astrologian
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Lich, Light EU
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Berti was adopted from a young age by Gridanian parents and until his late 30s lived a quiet life as a botanist in the Shroud. At the beginning of his life as the WoL he was resistant to the idea of being a hero - and is still uncomfortable when anyone overly praises him or admires him - but thinks he owes it to everyone who believes in him to do what he can. Along the WoL journey he became very close to Alphinaud and Alisaie, basically becoming their surrogate father. He's very protective of them. Towards the end of Stormblood he began a relationship with Raubahn and by Endwalker they're married. He's a pretty humble guy, sometimes limited by his lack of big-picture thinking or understanding of all the Aether stuff the Scions talk about. After all WoL duties are done he likes to have a beer in the woods and admire the plants.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. "Well…my husband tells me I'm alright, so maybe that counts for something. " (Laughs)
q. Anything else you wanna add? a. He's a big green healing machine
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that1nkyone · 3 months
you got alphinaud so i gotta get an alisaie for the ask game
First impression
Hello! Oh... goodbye. It seems a shame to introduce her and then have her go away for a while. : / Well, guess we'll be stuck with her brother, for now.
Impression now
My daughter, who is full of love and anger and is kinder than people give her credit for. Saw impossible odds and went "bet." She's come so far since her ARR days, where she was uncertain (and clearly mourning) but now she is Determined, and slams her foot down on any self-sacrificial nonsense. I want to see her Thrive.
Favorite moment
Anytime she pulls a quick one on Alphinaud. But ironically, probably her monologue when waiting for rescue in Garlemald. And Angelo....
Idea for a story
I want her and Arya from the Red Mage questlines to meet. There is the fact that Arya and Tesleen do bear a resemblance - and with all the talk of different shards and such, I want to see the conversation that may arise from that. (It won't be a fun one, of course, but it could result in some healing for the two of them.) Another one, but involving Alphinaud - the truth comes out to the rest of the Scions on what happened in the Coils of Bahamut.
Unpopular opinion
Alisaie isn't just The Angry One. ... like yeah, she's Angry, but there's more facets to her than that.
Favorite relationship
No ships here, but her bond with Alphinaud most certainly. I also like her relationship with Urianger in early-game, though I suspect that suffered a bit thanks to post-Heavensward. I also think she and Zero need to hang out, more. And I hope she visits Ga Bu a lot! (i also would love for her to have a girlfriend who doesn't die on her)
Favorite headcanon
She can probably lift Alphinaud without trying too hard. Alphinaud hates this. She is also, much to her horror, almost just as nerdy as he is. She just hides it better.
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applecubeblog · 1 year
Head cannons about a friend's OC
I do not control the muses. When they offer me ideas, I can only hope I'll have the MP to write those ideas down, no matter what they may be. In this case, it was about my friend's Warrior of Light, Shio Shinju. You can find her over on @the-littlest-kojin. Now, despite looking like a Raen, she was raised by the Kojin of the Blue, and is one, far as I'm concerned. It did get me to thinking, how would other NPC's respond and react to learning that about Shio? Nice as it would be that they would all be lovely, supportive, and accepting, they are not perfect. As anyone who feels their body does not reflect who they are will tell you, there can be a wide range of reactions from people. Thus I present, a list. Please note, there are some names on this list that do not pop up until later expansions, including names that don't pop up until the latest expansion. The names for Endwalker I'll try to put put under the Read More. So consider yourself warned.
Minfillia- doesn't understand, "tries", messes up a lot
Thancred- doesn't understand, still tries, never messes up
Y'shtola- doesn't understand, asks a lot of questions that end up bordering on, to being, actively rude. One time, a Thancred that was already having a bad day snapped and started flipping Y'shtola's questions back on her. She quickly got the idea and the questions have significantly lessened. 
Urianger- went on a near poetic spree about how it's the soul that matters, not the flesh. Never messes up. 
Lyse- tries to understand, doesn't fully get it, but tries anyway. Sometimes messes up. "confused but she got the spirit" 
Papalymo- outright refuses. This earns him an earful from Lyse (and Thancred in private) every time. 
At this point Thancred is recognizing and standing with Shio on her identity just as much out of spite as anything. Part of it is still trying to respect Shio, but part of it is out of spite now.
Alphinaud- doesn't understand, trying to, but questions are worse than Y'shtola's somehow
Alisaie- kind of gets it, is trying since it makes Shio happy. Actually does her own research and chastises her brother. 
Tataru- very confused, but does try. She also messes up, but her apologies feel more genuine than Minfillia's. Incorporates little turtles somewhere in each outfit made. 
Krile- understands and accepts immediately, never messes up. Something something echo. 
G'raha- may be the worst. Says he understands, says he cares, but clearly has not, can not, and will not internalize it. His words and his actions blatantly at odds.
Estinien- kind of gets it? He assumes it's something akin to how powerful dragoons are basically part dragon. Having seen Shio's prowess in water, he assumes all Kojin are this amazing aquatic warrior race. This was all internal, so Shio may not be aware that was his logic, but he did seem to get it, and didn't mess up. When he was visiting the Far East, he did stop in Tamamizu, and upon talking with the Kojin there, came to understand better. He apologizes next time he sees Shio, saying only "for not fully understanding you". 
During Stormblood, Lyse and Alisaie comment on how Shio is "like a Kojin!", something they've both done often, not realizing. But this time it was within earshot of one of Shio's brothers, who pulls them aside and explains why what they are saying is wrong. Shio is not like a Kojin, she is one. Alisaie and Lyse understand, and feel awful, apologizing. Both do not make the mistake again. 
Hien, Gosestsu, Yugiri- immediately understand and accept, apologizing for ever messing up. 
Also Hein has a discussion with Shio late one night, after a bunch of sake, when he thinks Gosestsu and Yugiri aren't listening. He wonders if he might be happier as Xeala, talking wistfully and joyfully about his time among them in the Steppes, how now in this palace he feels out of place. He claims it was merely a joke. He's lying to himself. It was not. 
Aymeric- smiles, nods, doesn't understand. Gets what literature he can, but it only confuses him more. It's not until Estinien comes back and explains it to him, does he kinda sorta get it. 
Raubahn- at first, thought that's what Raen called themselves. It wasn't until meeting Yugiri that he was corrected, then had things explained to him. Understands better now, though also believes the Kojin are a powerful underwater warrior peoples. 
Nanamo- confused, asks questions earnestly, trying to learn. Thinks she gets it, and kind of does. Would like to see Tamamizu one day. 
Merlwyb- really does not get it for the longest time. She does eventually come around, and makes clear any sign of calling Shio anything but Kojin is a sign of disrespect, but it does take her a bit. She may be a force for progress and change in Limsa, but she's still Limsan. Stubborn as any of them. 
Kann-E Senna- genuinely hard to tell. Always keeps that same practiced smile on her face. She calls Shio "Kojin", but does she believe or understand? Unclear. 
Gaius- "Why would you ever want be one of those beasts-" gets cut off by angry turtle
Zeno- "If I gutted every beastman there, then would you fight me with that same fervor?" which threatening that does work, much to his joy
Feo Ul- first needs an explanation of what Kojin are. Then points out "well of course you're one! You swim better than any other, you have respect for the spirits, and I've seen my precious sapling take hits from those nasty lightwardens straight to her back and been fine! So clearly you must have a hard shell back there!" then after a moment. "[appropriate pet name], if you are displeased with your form, know that I can shape it into whatever will make you happy. I'll adore you no matter what shape you take."
Matoya- Doesn't care what Shio is (and that is how she terms it), just leave her alone. She does chastise Alphinaud and Y'shtola at one point- "Let people be who they are, and mind your own!" 
Ameliance- welcomes "Shio of the Blue", having already been told in letters. Does her best to be supportive. 
Fourchenault- very pointedly avoids referring to Shio by anything. Eventually is called out on it by Alisaie. 
Vrtra- accepts it. No big fanfare or anything, just accepts it
Nidhana- rolls with it easily, just wants Shio’s help and to research Shio
Meteion, Hermes, Hythlodaeus, Emet-Selch (past), Venat- have no point of reference for Kojin, so assume Shio is just what one is. Should be noted the description is eerily similar to Azem’s true form.
Emet-Selch (present)- knows what a Kojin is now, and that it is similar to Azem’s true form. He knows it should be Shio’s true shape, and that, if things were right, she could take that shape easily. The fact that she can’t disgusts him.
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fisherrprince · 1 year
Oh hey! Welcome to stormblood :D! So, how are your overall opinions of Heavensward now that you're one the cusp of new expansion?
Hello hello! /bow
I liked it!! I liked it quite a lot I think, but I definitely think the best parts were about the dragons (the first half of base expansion with Ysayle and then 3.2-3 with Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr and Estinien) (I got sad when we left Ysayle :( ) — which, admittedly, is probably because I really love dragons. But it’s also I think structured more engagingly, I was really interested in what everyone had to say and react to. I think I stopped to talk to almost everyone anytime I could, and I really want to remember to look at item descriptions because they have TEXT in them and sometimes they’re FUNNY.. The dungeons got progressively cooler too :D
I wasn’t quite as interested in the allagans this time (or the pope I kept forgetting about him— to be honest the ishgardian half of the story was really interesting as it contributed to the whole of the story, I love how the writers are handling the complexity of human conflict and rage thus far, but I found that chasing down the pope at the end took quite a while because we also had the scions stuff in there too, which was more interesting, and I think the amount of interest just conflicted with the pacing. If I look at Heavensward without the post patch quests it has very odd pacing but with them it’s perfectly fine.) (but also the — what’sit the whale primal trial — I’ve heard is disliked but I found it really really fascinating when I did it for the first time! Maybe because it’s novel) (and also while I LOVE the hand that gives the rose, I cannot get behind unbending steel. I can’t tell if people are joking when they say it’s one of the best songs. I don’t… like it, it sounds goofy to me), but that’s also just because Azys Lla is, all offense to allag, butt ugly?? The Crystal Tower is so pretty how did you create this narsty place. Bring me back to G’raha. I also think the interjections with the Ul’dahn syndicate early on were hit or miss entirely, sometimes very satisfying and investing and sometimes I just… I don’t like the wizard lady or her wizard hat.
anyways, Hilda is my new friend, I like her. I, um, don’t think I got as attached to haurchefant as many others did, but I appreciate how well-written a good death scene is, I do. And I really felt like we got to see way more (and deeper and better-articulated) character personality and interaction than we did in arr! I liked that!!! We had little flavor text jokes everywhere! I like my friends tataru and alphinaud and although I will have to decline Aymeric’s request for a date, I would love to hang out. I will be going on a date with Vidofnir. I want to see more of where dragons actually, like, live.
also both the “final battles” were very very cool. Like immensely cool I think I legit cackled to myself a couple times (hraesvelgr’s eye being one of them) thank u dragons everyone say thank you dragons. Also everyone say thank you to soken and uematsu. And the cinematic animators. And the fight designers. And
and — I’m not sure where post-heavensward stops and pre-stormblood begins, but I assume it ends with nidhogg and starts with the warriors of darkness? in that case I’ll hold my opinions of pre-stormblood since I’m not done. bless it for having alisaie leveilleur. goodnight
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