#all 3 of these were totaled to under 3mb lol
whatimdoing-here · 8 months
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Flashpoint | 3.03/3.12 - Follow the Leader
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archivistsrock · 7 years
Tutorial for Tumblr gif sizes
Some people have asked for help on how to properly size gifs and edits when creating tumblr posts. So I’m going to try and explain it (in crazy detail!) here. It’s going to get complicated bc tumblr sucks, but please bear with me.
BASICS 1. You can have anywhere from 1 to 10 edits/gifs per set. 2. Each gif has to be under 3MB. If it’s bigger than that, they won’t move.  3. You can have anywhere from 1-3 gifs per row. (remember that row is –> and columns are  ↓ ) 4. All gifs in the SAME row have to be the same height. 5. The gifs in row 1 can be a different height than the gifs in row 2, etc. 6. Sizes:               Old: 500px | 245px | 160px               New: 540px | 268px | 177px 
(I have basic giffing tutorials [here] and [here])
(Script everyone should install regardless of whether you make your own gifs or just like to look at them [HERE]. It will make posts on your dash look better!)
OLD SIZES VS. NEW SIZES This is what I’m referring to when I say tumblr sucks. A while back (omg 3 years now???), tumblr changed their code and it affected how sets appeared on people’s dashes. Basically, it widened the post width. Along with this, tumblr was resizing people’s gifs to in order to fit the wider posts. This made everyone’s gifs look blurry (especially apparent with text…the gifs just don’t look “crisp”). People were PISSED. It was bad. So people figured out NEW sizes to make the gifs so they look good on people’s dashes. Sounds straight forward, right? WRONG. 
While the posts on the dash got bigger, posts on people’s blogs (your main page) are still the old size. So if you started using the new sizes, they looked good on the dash, but looked bad on your blog page (because tumblr needs to resize the bigger gifs to fit in the smaller post width). Basically, when tumblr resizes gifs (up OR down), it makes them look shittier than they really are.
So now every gif-maker must face a choice: Do you want your posts to look good on the dash (use the new sizes!) or on your/people’s main blog pages (use the old sizes!)? This is s shitty choice to have to make. Most people see your stuff via the dash, so honestly most people might want to use the new sizes. But it just makes me super depressed to go to my page and scroll through my blog and see my posts look shitty. Also, I harbor illusions of grandeur and think that people actually go to my page and scroll through old stuff (lol right). I want my stuff to look good when they do this. SO I STILL USE THE OLD SIZES! So if my posts look kind of blurry and shitty to you on the dash…this is why. If you reblog something of mine and look at it on your page, it should look better (unless your theme is one that makes posts 400 px or blows them up super huge. If that’s the case, WHY??? WHY DO YOU USE THAT THEME??? ::cries::).
Also, THERE’S A STYLISH SCRIPT EVERYONE SHOULD INSTALL [x] that makes everyone’s posts look good on your dash regardless of whether the gif-maker is using the old or new sizes. I installed this, so I can live in ignorance and pretend like everyone is seeing my gifs look good instead of crappy. In this case, ignorance is bliss. lol. I also delude myself into believing that EVERYONE has this script installed, so the fact that I’m using the old sizes doesn’t matter bc they look fine on everyone’s dash bc everyone uses the script (REALITY is that most people don’t use it but SHHHHH leave me alone!).
In case you’re curious and want to investigate this, I use the old sizes and I know @mabesies uses the new sizes. So you can compare how our sets look on your dash. If you don’t have the Stylish script installed, Mabel’s should look nice and crisp and mine will look blurry and gross. Then go to my blog page and look at posts I made vs. posts of Mabel’s that I reblogged. Mine should look crisp, and hers will look a bit blurry. NO FAULT OF EITHER MINE OR MABEL’S!!! Just stupid tumblr. >.<
OLD SIZES 500px | 245px | 160px
The total width of the post is 500px. The 10px (seen below) indicates the white space between the gifs, which is why when you have two gifs in a row, they’re 245px, not 250px – you need to account for the 10px of space between the two gifs: 245 + 245 + 10 = 500px. And for 3 gifs you have: 160 + 10 + 160 + 10+ 160 = 500px.
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If you want one gif in a row, it needs to be 500px wide. It’s height can be anywhere from 1px to…idk. 810px I think??? (I really am not sure the max height for gifs, so don’t take this as absolute fact)
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But honestly, If you’re making a 500 px gif and you want it to be more than a few frames, you’ll probably aim for the height to be around 300 or less, otherwise it’s really hard to keep it below the 3MB limit. You can have a post with just one 500px gif. Or you can make a post with ten 500px gifs (and anything in between), but they each need to go in their own row. When I make 500px sets, I usually make them all the same height bc I think it looks aesthetically pleasing, but if you wanted them to be different heights, that’s totally cool. The top gif height can be 200px, the second gif height can be 300 px, the third 250px, etc. But the width on all should be 500px.
If you want want 2 gifs in a row, they need to be 245px wide and their height can be anywhere from 1px to 400px. (I think this is the height limit)
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Each gif in the same row needs to be the same height. So, for example, If you have a gif in the top row that is 245 x 150, then the gif next to it ALSO HAS TO BE 245 x 150. But if you also have 2 gifs in the second row, they don’t also have to be 150px. They can be any other height (between 1-400). But again, the two gifs next to each other (in the SAME ROW) need to be the same height. So your second row of gifs might include 2 gifs that are 245 x 300. It doesn’t matter that the gifs in row 1 and the gifs in row 2 have different heights. Every row can be different heights, as long as the gifs IN THE SAME ROW are the same height. So you CAN do this:
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Same rules apply for 3 gifs in a row. They need to be 160px wide and their height can be anywhere from 1-400???px. (I honestly aren’t sure how tall they can be…I never make tall skinny gifs and this is always tough info to find out. It might be less than 400px??). All 3 gifs in the same row need to be the same height. But different rows can be different heights (same concept as above). 
And you can mix and match all you want, but remember you can only have a total of 10 gifs per set. So you can have a set that looks like:
Top row: 1 gif that’s 500px x 250px Second row: 3 gifs that are 160px x 200 px Third row: 3 gifs that are 160px x 300px Fourth row: 2 gifs that are 245px x 190px Fifth row: 1 gif that is 500px x 150px
That’s 10 gifs, so you can’t have more. Notice that all the rows have different heights, but all the gifs in the same rows are the same dimensions.
NEW SIZES 540p | 268p | 177p
The SAME rules apply here as above, you just need to substitute the new numbers where the old ones are. ALSO NOTE: the space between the gifs is only 4 px, not 10. That’s why the math is a bit different. Just roll with me here. Don’t think about it, just accept it. lol
COMPLICATING FACTOR: For reasons I don’t want to get into, If you’re doing 3 gifs in a row, the middle gif should actually be 178px, while the 1st and 3rd gif in that row should be 177px. This is super annoying, and I don’t know how many people do this, but if you want to be a perfectionist, there you go. Here’s a good post for new sets: http://kimwoobinseyebrows.tumblr.com/post/139232304438
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