#all I really have is I want to cuddle with Heathy ... and kiss him and bury my face in his chest--
lordfreg · 2 years
you havent done dating headcanons for b&b raph and that is a crime
joking, obviously. but seriously, do you think you could do dating headcanons for b&b raph?
no no you’re right!! how could I exclude him?!
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Good
-he is SUPER dedicated, like will not leave your side EVER!!
-love language is acts of service; will get things for you!! loves to take care of you like a baby ngl
-he LOVES to cuddle, he doesn’t really get a lot of snuggles from his family so he’s going to fill that gap with you 💖
-NO PDA, he’d get too embarrassed if you tired to hug/kiss him in front of anybody. Also would try and hide your relationship status even if everyone already knows
-he would honestly be REALLY cold to you out of nowhere; to protect himself from being vulnerable with you. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you!! It’s that he has a bad boy image to keep up
-he feels SO lucky to have you, he just feel so much like a monster, that if you could love him…maybe he could learn to love himself❤️
-he appreciates shell scrubs with a hog hair brush. He has a real problem with shell itches, so that really helps
-as much as he’s uncomfortable with affection, he will make it up to you. In any way! He’ll buy you things (with Donnie’s wallet), he’ll take you out to places, he’ll feed you and even help train you!
-he may be angry, but he’s not dangerous. If you have pent up anger, he’ll help you execute it in a heathy way. (Example; training, drawing, mediation or talking about it)
-he’s less on the scale of talking things out, but he will if asked! He will do everything he can to make you feel loved and appreciated❤️
The Bad
-Raph has a bad habit of blowing up on people for little to no reason (we all know the reason, he never talks about his emotions.)
-he’s also prone to just straight up ignoring you if he feels too many things. Like, he’ll literally not be doing anything and just… not answer his phone
-he flirts with other people ALL the time(💔), he sees that being flirted with makes other people happy, and that’s just how he is ☹️
-he’s okay about touching, but he does see view it as a bonding thing to cuddle, so that’s why he doesn’t really like it too much
-he might also pressure you, MILDLY!!! Like “Common, babe, try this drink! It’s good, I swear.”
-he’s kind of a bully, to be honest. He’ll pick on you CONSTANTLY, even prying at the things that make you self conscious.
-he’s ALWAYS arguing, like, if it was a love language, that’s his 💀. He can’t have a normal conversation, he HAS to make it a friendly argument
The Ugly
-he might try to press himself on you/come off too strong. He’s really direct with what he wants, and that so happens to be you 🫣
-also sometimes emotionally absent at times, just not feeling anything and doesn't want to feel better.
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bakuvantea · 3 years
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ‘it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Matsuno brothers comforting an s/o
Because I am in dire need of comfort rn <//3
Since I feel like pure shit pls send Matsuno rqs 😎
(Also I’m p sure u can rq as an anon now! Not sure tho since I’m kinda new to this stuff)
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Osomatsu actually feels really fucking sad whenever you’re sad, he wants to take it away as fast as possible. He comes up with whatever advice he can to fix it, even if it’s not a good solution to your problem. Suggests drinking with him, but that’s not a heathy habit to get into lol. Also suggests rough sex with him, not even him being a perv (for once), it’s just what he can think of, if you couldn’t tell, he panics when you’re sad. However if you know what you need, tell him and he’s on it.
Karamatsu hates seeing you sad, he’s good at comforting and praising you and overall giving you good words of encouragement. He’s so sweet, it’s hard not to instantly feel better with his compliments and him talking about how much he loves and adores you. If somebody is the cause of your sadness, he will be quite upset himself. He’s relatively good at listening as well, and will always be your shoulder to cry on. Will take you out to eat and spoil you if you want (even though he doesn’t exactly have the money lol). Honestly would give you the whole world if he could, he tells you how much you mean to him. Lotsa kisses and affection if you’re okay with it.
Choromatsu is good at listening, out of all the brothers he’s the best at listening to you vent and sits quietly mostly. Maybe a few I’m sorry’s, but mostly he is quiet and listens. Might make you some food if you want it, or if you just wanna relax and cuddle he’s okay with that too, it’s about you after all. Like oso, has some suggestions to try and fix your problems. He hates seeing you sad and would like to fix whatever’s going on, his are much more helpful though and actually relate to the subject at hand. He has some more healthy ways to cope as well, yelling about it and ranting about it, writing it down, even seeing a therapist if needed to help with it too.
Ichimatsu mainly listens. He hates when you feel like this, mainly because he knows what it’s like to feel shitty and the fact you feel even an ounce of what he feels makes him feel really awful and he wants you to get it out any way that you can. Like oso, his mind might go to alcohol or rough sex but he doesn’t suggest alcohol… just the sex. Mainly because of how bad of a habit it is to drink when you’re sad. However, while he doesn’t give much advice on your issues (since he knows he’d just give bad advice) if he feels like he could give good advice on certain things then he will but is overall silent on the matter. He will comfort you, or make you something to eat if you need. Whatever you want.
Jyushimatsu is really sad whenever you’re sad, so his usual smile isn’t on his face. He listens to you intently as you talk about it. He may not pick up on it right away but when he does he wants to hear all about it. Is all for cuddling you to make you feel better, like Kara will send you praises and compliments. It’s hard to be sad for too long when this boy is just being such a sweetheart. He’ll just ask you “what can I do for you?” He wants to make you feel better, whatever you ask he’ll get. Even if it’s… kinda bad? Kinda depends though, he’s not giving you drugs or something crazy but he’s not against getting you completely wasted either if it’ll make you feel better lol.
Todomatsu actually suggests you two take a shower, since it can be calming. If you want to… it’s totally not for pervy reasons but he will definitely ask you and if you’re fine with it then yeah it’ll happen. Whatever takes your stresses out tbh. He will try to make you go to sleep after that though, maybe have something to eat but he figured you need some rest. Or if you want you can use one of his older brothers as a punching bag but.. eh. Watch a movie till you fall asleep? He’s down for mainly whatever you want as long as it’s at home and you’re relaxing because he wants you to just fall asleep, he figures that’s what’s best for you. If you wanna vent though too then go ahead but yeah..
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello, could I use your talent again? I was thinking: How would lords from ikesen react to the quarantine because of pandemic like we have today? You can choose historic or modern settings, it's up to you!
Hey there, love! Thanx so much for the request! Hope ya enjoy it! 
Sidenote I don't how thing are in other countries so I'm writing this from the perspective of mine, hope that's okay! Let me know if you want me to do the rest of the warlords 
Modern AU: Warlords reacting to quarantine
When the news breaks the two of you suit up to go to the shops like you are suiting up to go to battle, and sprint to the nearest store to buy all the candy you can.
Turns out the the only thing you bought was candy lol not one other single necessity ooops
Mitsuhide visits the two of you in a trench coat late one night and delivers you guys some necessities like gloves, masks, and sanitizers in the most shadiest way possible.
He is surprisingly well informed about the virus
Two of you aren’t too bothered by the happenings of the world, cause his whole world is in the small apartment *cough that would be you cough*
Probably powerful enough to buy the supermarket supply chain, and low key distributes food and essentials to the less fortunate during this time
The two of you are stocked up enough to not leave the house for a loooooong while, thanx to all your friends and fam
Two of you don’t really watch the news but rather opt to watch movies snuggled up to each other.
Will probably live off of candy during the whole quarantine time
He turns his phone off cause Hideyoshi won't stop calling reminding him to stay safe and stop eating so much candy
Somewhere along the line I can see the two of you playing Strip Go, a past time favorite 😂
Spends the whole quarantine in each other’s arms playing video games, the two of you will probs conquer the virtual world by the end of the quarantine
The two of you will be cuddled up together watching tv when you hear the news of the COVID-19
He low key freaks out, you tell him the two of you should go and stock up on supplies before the lockdown
Looks at you and smiles, “I have prepared for this moment my whole life.”
Walks to the grocery cupboard opens it and gestures to the bottom shelf
HOLY SHIT! Looks like he bought all the hand sanitizes in the shops
Leaves the news on in the background to stay informed about the new numbers and updates
Have you washed your hands? Are you wearing your mask? You better not leave this house young lady, can’t have you getting sick?
Spends hours on the internet getting more accurate information about the virus
This mother hen will spend hours and hours on the phone, calling and texting all your friends and family to make sure they are staying safe!
Sneaks Mitsunari to you house cause he low key doesn’t trust this boy on his own
You just pull Hideyoshi to a big hug while kissing his cheek telling him to calm down, and that panic and social media are probs more dangerous than the virus itself.
The two of you do yoga in the morning to calm the nerves and stay healthy. Followed by the two of you sitting together while having a nice warm cup of tea with honey in the morning sun
Knows before anyone else there is going to be a quarantine before it happens
Has already fully stocked your apartment to last you for the whole year, never mind just a few months.
Does a crazy amount of research to make sure he is well informed about all the ins and outs
The night before the lockdown is due to start, he drives to Nobunaga and shadily hands him some essential supplies he forgot to buy.
Makes sure his little mouse doesn’t get panicked. Will watch murder mysteries all day with you.
The two of you will be nestled in each other’s arms under a fluffy blanket, while he gently rubs your back to keep the anxiety at bay
Will make his little mouse takes vitamins in the mornings to keep your immune system up!
Will TEASE you causing you to get angry and chase him around the apartment. This is how he makes sure his lil mouse gets in enough exercise! This will probs end in another form of exercise…. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄  ahem
Will spend hours on the phone trying to get Hideyoshi to stop worrying about everyone
Will make your time in quarantine fun! Turn your apartment into a murder mystery for you to solve
Will let you put make-up on his face and play with his hair to turn him into a pretty princess
He will return the gesture by letting you fall asleep in his arms while soothing playing with your hair
Lots of cuddles from Mitsunari to keep the nerves and anxiety at bay
Two of you will build Blanket forts to keep the two of you safe from the outside world
Will spend so much time cuddling up together while reading in you little blanket fort that you low key lose track of time
The two of you will probs avoid the negative vibes from the news and get most of your info from Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi!
Mitsunari will make sure to keep both of you healthy by making sure u guys take the multivitamins Ieyasu dropped off  
And also eat the yummo nutritious food that Masa kindly dropped off
The two of you would binge-watch all the Disney movies! Will probs sing and dance to all the songs, using the remote as a microphone
You guys never run out of fun activities to do!
Will learn how to paint and paint the most terrible portraits of each other but beam at each other at how terribly good they are and hang it up around your house regardless
The two of you spend most of your time sitting together in your reading nook, with your head on Mitsunari’s chest while he reads to you
Makes the best most nutritious foods for his lass to ensure the both of you are healthy and well nourished
Will land up making enough food for an entire army
Will package the extra food and give it out to friends and fam to make sure they also stay heathy during this time- specifically the troublesome trio (Mitu’s+ Nobunaga)
The two of you will use humor to deal with the panic of it all, cause everyone knows laughter is the best medicine for every situation.
Will have meme making competition, where the loser has to give the winner a kiss
You convince masa to do your favorite workout with you from your favorite fitness YouTuber. This ends in both of you breaking out in laughter at how ridiculously the two of you look. You both will continue anyways cause the best way to stay healthy is to stay fit
Masa makes sure that every day in quarantine is a new fun adventure
Each day you guys will play a new game twister, risk, monopoly, 30 seconds, you name it the two of you will probably play it
Masamune will do the food runs for the two of you, he doesn’t want to risk exposing his precious kitten to the outside world will drop off his food packages on his food runs!
All and all you, and Masa will turn being in quarantine into one big adventure whether is ticking fighting each other, playing games or just spending quiet nights together in each other’s arms, it will be a good time
The two of you live your lives basically social distanced from other people anyway, so its business as usual.
When the news breaks Ieyasu will rescue as many stray animals he can, to care for them during this time
Luckily the two of you live on a big plot filled with rescued animals so what’s a few more cats and dogs off the streets
The two of you keep fit by playing with all the animals on your farm
Ieyasu will make medicine packages, packed with multivitamins and flu fighters for you, and all your friends and family
During a food run Ieyasu will drop off his medicine packages
Will serve you herb tea and breakfast in bed to make sure you stay healthy and well
Even though he will never admit it he worries about Mitsunari, felt better when he heard that Hideyoshi had taken him in for the time being!
He will be as prickly as always, making contradictory comments as usual. One day after he makes a slightly cheeky comment, you smack him in the face with a pillow! OOOOh, this is war. The two of you engage in a full-blown pillow fight!
I can see the two of you sitting for hours on hours together building a 3000-piece puzzle
The two of you are often snuggled up together while Ieyasu gives you the sweetest little Eskimo kisses and cheek kisses.
Hope ya enjoyed it! and as always if its shit..... I'm sorry I haven't done many HC’S😞 >”<
Anyways hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!  Remember to wash your hands, not touch your face, and stay inside as much as you can! Sending all my love <3
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hold-my-hand-kuroo · 4 years
earlier today, i received a request to write for kenma, akaashi, and bokuto with a reader that suffers from bulimia. for privacy reasons, i’ll be writing this request here, instead of responding directly to the ask like i normally do!!
that being said, if you are suffering from an eating disorder or are having any type of problems that have only been intensified by the self-quarantine, i encourage you to talk to some you trust and seek professional help. at the end of the day, your health is the most important ❤️❤️❤️
warnings: (obviously) mentions of bulimia, eating disorders, + body dysmorphia
Kenma, Akaashi, + Bokuto w/ a bulimic s/o
being rather observant, kenma first notices your unhealthy relationship with food after seeing you rush to the bathroom rather large meals
at first, he didn’t pry too much into it, wanting to respect your privacy, but when it happens over and over again and he sees you continually restricting your calorie intake, he can’t help but confront you about it
it’s a tentative ask, since he doesn’t want to offend you. if you willingly open up to him about your eating disorder, he’d be grateful, but would be understanding if you were to react with hostility
since he doesn’t really speak much and is rather reserved, he tries to help you through his actions. he’ll always listen to your worries and will be there to reassure you via kisses. rather than saying that you’re the most beautiful person no matter what, he shows it by leaving an increasing amount of kisses all over your body whenever he’s cuddling with you
will also encourage you to seek professional help and will accompany you if you wish for him to do so. no matter how tired he is from gaming or streaming all night long, the trip out of his house is worth it for you
not much of a cook, but would take notes from your dietician on what nutrients you need and instead orders heathy take out
after meals, he’ll try to distract you by asking you to play games with him. if that doesn’t work, he’ll remind you that getting better is the goal and that maintaining a nutricious diet is the most important
i see him being the most knowledgeable about eating disorders out of the three, so he’s super quick to notice
rather than confronting you about it immediately, though, akaashi tries to tackle the smaller problems around it
when you two are out, he’ll compliment how you look no matter the outfit, and he’ll introduce you to his most encouraging friends. he knows bokuto is only ever capable of saying good things, so he thinks he’ll be a good influence
he’ll try to wait as long as possible for you to open up to him, but when he sees that you’re losing weight to an alarming agree, he can’t help but step in
even if you’re against it, he practically drags you to a physician or clinician. he knows you might end up hating him for being so insistent, but he can’t think of a better way for you to get immediate help
will go out of his way to cook for you in order to break your calorie restriction. reassures you that he only uses the best ingredients, so everything you’re eating is healthy. if you’re still concerned about it, he’ll make time so that you two can exercise together, since it’s the healthy way to burn calories
it usually ends up with the two of you messing around and making jokes, though
big on the check-ups and forces you to go to them regularly and always listens to your anxieties
not the most educated on this topic, especially since he’s the type of person who loves food
only notices when you start looking weak and literally begs for you to tell him what’s wrong; he doesn’t like being clueless about what’s bothering are hurting you and would definitely cry if you refused to tell him
at first he doesn’t quite understand. food is good, you’re beautiful, and when he’s eating with you, he feels extra extra good
becomes upset with himself that he isn’t able to return the same happiness at meals
tries to become educated by reading articles or watching videos online, but will ask his friends (keeping your name anonymous of course) on parts he doesn’t understand
he’ll ask you if he sees that you’re comfortable talking about it
the most vocal about reminding you on how gorgeous you are. not an hour goes by without him calling you or texting you about how you’re literally the most perfect person he’s ever met
he knows he’s not the brightest bulb per se, so he’ll also highly encourage seeing a professional for help. if you’re against it, he’ll carry you all the way, being conflicted that he’s making you upset while knowing it’s for the best
still, he’s a foodie at heart, and often shares whatever he’s eating with you. he’s less pushy about it if he notices you being uncomfortable, but always reminds you that you’re perfect the way you are before relenting
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