#all I want is for rex to hold my hand while we look up at the night skyyyyy
pearlywritings · 7 months
"Bring your kid to work" day
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synopsis: but sometimes it's very much unplanned.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao. Your family name is Rex-Lapis. Childe plays part in it too.
tw: modern AU, University AU, established relationship, fluff
word count: 2.8k+ words
a/n: Also a part of my University modern AU with history professor Zhongli
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The day started perfectly. Your older daughter was already at school with your permission to stay at her friend's house for a sleepover later, you had your day off, lounging in the living room with your son cuddling to you with his most favorite dragon shaped toy pressed between your bodies, listening to your husband walking around the bedroom, getting ready for the lectures at the University, being blessed with afternoon classes.
The day was perfect indeed. Until it absolutely isn't.
Sometimes you really want to kill your boss. It must be today that you are called to work to help with an emergency, that no one knows how to deal with except for you. And the fact that your boss does not consider any possibility of you having trouble with doing what's required, makes you fume harder.
"Li, I don't know what to do!" You cry in frustration, buttoning your shirt. "We can't find a babysitter in ten minutes! You have to go to work, I have to now too, we can't just ask Ganyu to cancel her plans, she's been waiting for this sleepover for weeks, and I can't take Xiao with me - by the sound of it I won't have a single moment to look after him."
It's been no longer than five minutes since you received that call, but you are already as stressed as after a week of non-stop work. Why must've the stars aligned this way!?
Your husband - bless his soul - is fully dressed and is holding your little son perched on his arm, supporting his back with a hand, watching your frantic movements with sympathy.
"I don't think I'll have many spare moments either, my love. Only breaks between lessons. Let me think," the man hums, leaning Xiao’s body more onto his shoulder and reaching for his phone with a free hand. The boy wraps arms around his neck, watching you brush your hair with a pout. The plan was to spend the whole day together with mama, watching cartoons, playing, maybe going for a walk or, ideally, taking a nap, finishing it all with making dinner and welcoming papa home. Now, it seems to him, all these plans are thrown out of the window.
However, Xiao was always a very perceptive and patient kid - he sensed somehow when the situation couldn’t be helped and him throwing a fit - not like he would - would only cause more trouble. That is why he is quietly waiting for what comes next.
And finally Zhongli finds a solution.
“I’m calling Ajax. He mostly spends time at the teacher’s lounge. As far as I know he really loves kids and has several younger siblings, he should be able to handle our son. And during breaks I’ll be taking over” “Oh,” as good as it all sounds, there is an instant hesitation in your mind. “‘Li, you sure you can ask him that? It’s a big deal after all…” “I know, dear, I know. That’s why I am calling him now in advance to make sure it’s alright,” your husband dials the number of his department’s secretary and puts the phone to the ear. “I don’t even mind paying him if he agrees.”
In reality you had nothing to worry about. The gingerhead was more than willing to watch your five-year old son. Maybe willing isn’t the right word even - the young man is excited.
Zhongli is lucky to arrive before the current class ends - the less attention is drawn, the better. He collected everything he could think of to occupy Xiao during his time at the lounge in a bag, which he passes to Ajax the moment his son and him are introduced. However while the secretary is wearing a wide and kind smile, the boy is glaring up at him from under the brown bangs, boring his strikingly golden eyes in the tall figure.
“Dad, I don’t like him,” the little boy pouts, hugging his plushie even tighter and throwing daggers at the gingerhead from behind the dragon’s mane.
“Ouch, little guy,” with a dramatic gasp, the young man clutches the shirt on his chest and presses the back of his hand to the forehead. “How will I live? Hated by Mr Rex-Lapis’ son…”
“Now, now, Xiao,” Zhongli gently pats his head, bending down to look into his eyes and finding displeasure there. “It’s only for today, baby. Me and mom are really sorry for not spending time with you today. I promise that soon I’ll be home for two whole weeks.”
To that the boy’s eyes widen.
“Two weeks… That’s fourteen days?”
“That’s right, sweety.”
“That’s a lot!” He jumps, elated by the news, no trace of dissatisfaction written over his cute smiling face.
“Haha, it is, dear.”
“Wow, Mr Rex-Lapis, your son is really smart!” The secretary stopped playing hurt, instead clapping his hands together in praise and nodding his head in approval. “How old is he?”
“He is five. Yes, he learns really fast.”
“No wonder, he has you and your wife as parents.”
The remaining 20 minutes before his first lecture Zhongli spends in attempts to make his son comfortable not only around Ajax, but also at the new place as well. All that time Xiao doesn’t let go of his ever-present companion - a toy dragon, which he is hugging close to his chest. He politely greets every professor that comes to the lounge, which makes the secretary’s jaw drop since he is the only one who’s been initially rejected and, Zhongli can swear, he saw his boy smirking in the toy’s fluffy mane.
Other professors can’t help but mention how much the son resembles the father, even making small talk with the boy, whom they’ve only heard about before or seen in the framed picture of your family on Zhongli’s desk. By how polite (sorry, Ajax) and shyly sweet he is Xiao quickly becomes everyone’s favorite, pockets currently full with all kinds of treats.
When it’s time to go, the man kisses Xiao’s forehead goodbye, promising to be back in an hour and a half for a break, and grabs the materials. Once he leaves alongside his colleagues, Xiao sighs and, ignoring his temporary caretaker, moves to the bag his dad left, starting to dig out all the candies to put them into its side pocket.
“Whatcha doin’, little guy?” The young man is at his side in two long strides, curiously watching the boy’s actions. Xiao gives him a side eye, before deeming the question plausible and turning back to his task.
“I don’t want them right now. I’ll bring them home and share with mom and dad.”
“I am sure they’ll like that,” Ajax hums, busying himself with the contents of the main section. “Oh, would you look at that! It seems that your dad packed some coloring books, toys and… oh, puzzles! You like puzzles?”
The boy quietly nods. Tiptoeing, he tries to see the two boxes his temporary caretaker is holding, and the young man immediately crouches down to let him look.
“This one is new,” Xiao finally points to the box in his left hand. Ocean blue eyes skim over the picture of a phoenix, drawn in a simple yet elegant style. Yes, that definitely looks like something Mr Rex-Lapis would’ve bought for his child’s entertainment.
“Alright, let's get you behind your dad's desk,” golden eyes sparkle and a glimpse of wonder appears on the boy’s face. Dad showed him his own space at the lounge; it's tidy and organized, with all the necessities sorted inside the drawers and some notes and pictures pinned to the corkboard on the wall to the left. He wants to see them closer!
His caretaker drags the chair back, but climbing on it Xiao performs himself. As Ajax is humming something while tearing off the tape on the puzzle box, the boy turns to look at the photos Mr Rex-Lapis has on display. It’s so funny, really - not so long ago this little fella’s father was an image of reserve to students, no one knew who his wife was or the fact he had two kids. The secretary remembers how just half a year ago he used to be among those only ones who knew of the professor’s secret (which, in reality, wasn’t a secret at all). Why hasn't he ever spilled any info to the students who adore him?
Well, what fun would’ve been in it?
“Is that your big sister?” Xiao quickly glances up, taking notice of how the tall (but not as tall as dad) man hovers over where he is sitting and points at one of the pictures. The boy looks at it again.
“...yes. It’s Ganyu.”
“I have a sister too,” the fond expression on that freckle-covered face and a seemingly lightened color of those ocean-blue eyes disarms the five-year old a little. He blinks, waiting for what more he can tell. “Not one actually. Oh, and I have brothers too. One is your age, by the way!”
“Doesn’t it get too… loud?” Small hands reach for the carton box, lifting the lid.
“It does, in a good way though. But when our two huskies join in on the fun… Let’s just say it’s a good thing we have our own house.”
“You have dogs? That’s so cool! I want to have a pet too,” Xiao unceremoniously empties the contents onto the table, yet carefully places the lid with the picture against the monitor of the computer. “Mom promised that when I get older, they’ll buy me a bird.”
“Oh? You love those?”
“Mhm… Maybe we’ll buy something as pretty as…” he pauses, looking at the fiery bird. Ajax quickly realizes the struggle.
“A fo-nuhks,” Xiao prompts.
“Yeah… A fee-niks.”
As the minutes tick by, the boy’s initial hostility seems to evaporate. He still doesn’t talk unnecessarily much, but he does talk to Ajax, so that's progress. He is quite quick to finish the puzzles, and his temporary caretaker makes sure to praise the child. They talk a bit more about their respective families, Xiao even introduces him to his dragon companion. And the gingerhead picks the small fox-shaped keychain his elder sister knitted for him to play toy pals.
For another half an hour it manages to entertain the boy, but as the end of the class is nearing, he grows more and more distracted, glancing either at the door or the clock hanging high on the wall. It’s not hard to guess he is missing his father and is anticipating his return, but both Zhongli and Ajax can do nothing to just speed the time.
What professor can do though, is excusing his class ten minutes earlier, quite happy they got to get through all the material he prepared for this lecture. Bidding the students goodbye, he locks the door of the auditorium with his suitcase inside and puts the key in the pocket of his fancy vest to come back in twenty minutes.
When Zhongli enters the teacher’s lounge, he finds the secretary showing his son something on his own laptop. However, once Xiao’s eyes spot his dad’s figure in the doorframe, the little guy is down from his chair and running all the way to the man.
“Dad!” Mr Rex-Lapis barely has time to close the door and scoot down to catch his son, who nearly bumps into his legs, threatening the man’s balance. Finally in his arms, with his own tiny ones tightly wrapped around strong neck, the carbon copy of Zhongli happily smiles and Ajax has to rub his eyes to make sure he is not hallucinating. Wow, this boy can smile like that (sorry, my guy, you are just not his favorite, though now tolerable at least).
“Hello, Xiao,” Zhongli plants an affectionate kiss on his son’s cheek. “I see you’ve missed me,” the words are answered with eager nods. “Did you have fun with Ajax?” At least some of it.
The gingerhead lifts his eyebrow when the boy looks back at him, holds the gaze of ocean blue eyes for a moment, and then turns to his father once more.
“I suppose.”
The older man has to clear his throat with a polite cough so as not to break into a smile at the image of the assistant's slack jaw.
“That’s good, my dear.”
“Are we coming home now?” His son wonders, fingers playing with the longer locks of dark brown. Unfortunately, the answer is a dejected sigh.
“I am afraid we are not yet, sweety. But mommy texted me recently that she’ll be able to come get you after my second lecture. And then I’ll have one more.”
At the promise of you soon arriving to take him home, Xiao’s just building pout quickly disappeared. It’s okay, he can wait for a little bit longer. And that fox-like man isn’t bad, his company is quite nice. He even showed him some pictures of his family - almost all of them are ginger. Oh, and he promised to download some simple games onto his dad’s computer so he could play. And he still has his coloring books back there and he believes he saw you packing a small book - there is plenty to entertain him with.
Only for all these thoughts and motivation to be shuttered when someone knocked on the door and a second later some student’s head pushed through the gap. None of the three people currently present in the room could’ve anticipated what a black hole is about to be opened.
“Good afternoon, is Mr Rex-La- Oh, professor, you are here! We were wondering if we could take the key to leave our bags inside? As always? Oh, hey kiddo- Wait, a kid???”
“Dad, who is it?”
Before anyone could do anything, loud gasps break their way into the lounge. It appeared that almost the whole group was standing in the hall and heard everything crystally clear. Of course students are curious. Of course, they know about professor Rex-Lapis’ kid - the news and that cute picture from an online lecture were still the talk of the whole faculty just a couple of months ago. Of course, they want to see those sweet cheeks for crying out loud!
Ajax is the one who has to get everyone who does not belong in the room out and calm them all down as more than a dozen youngsters beg and plead with Zhongli to bring his baby boy to the lecture. And the said baby boy doesn’t help the situation either, looking at his father with those striking eyes, silently asking to stay with him. “I’m gonna sit very-very quiet,” he even promises.
Is it really a surprise that Xiao ends up sitting at his dad’s desk with his coloring books while the man is reading a lecture? (Students almost crumbled when their tall, handsome, enigmatic history professor walked into the auditorium with his son’s tiny hand clasped in his? Look, he even had to bend his body a little to do so!)
And, as much as students want to gush all over their favorite professor’s small-sized carbon copy, they keep their best behavior, because the situation gives the “once in a century” vibes and they’d be damned to destroy the magic of the moment.
Well, maybe a little, because the smallest interactions between Zhongli and his son as the man lets his students finish writing down information from the current slide are mind-blowing. Groupchat-blowing too.
Even cuter the whole occurrence becomes when the boy stops drawing and lifts his head, curious of what his dad is speaking about. He turns slightly in order to see the presentation, golden eyes skimming over the pictures and words, though he does not understand most of it. But it’s alright though - he can listen to his father instead.
Zhongli is pleasantly surprised when no one can answer one of his revision questions and Xiao lifts his hand, giving him the answer he wanted (he misspells the word a little, sure, but he knew the right response nonetheless). Aaaand that’s probably when the students finally lose it.
By the time the lesson is over and Zhongli meets with you in the teacher’s lounge to pass your very happy and very proud son to you so you two could be on your merry way home, the man feels a little drained. Nothing that can’t be fixed by your tender cheek kiss and soft rubbing on his back, but he still exhales heavily and swears that when he comes home, you are in for a new story.
And by what Ajax had time to tell while you’ve been waiting, you're sure it’s going to be a hilarious one.
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taglist: @meimeimeirin Cause I remember how you once said you'd love to see more of this AU
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reallyromealone · 9 months
Lost and found 2
Angst omegaverse male reader
"Sanzu" (name) said disinterested as Mikey, Sanzu and Ran stood outside of the apartment "(name)" he said back as Ran smiled "hello~" he greeted as they were best friends forever "you two can wait outside, I don't want you traumatizing my daughter" (name) said blankly and Sanzu glared but Mikey raised a hand to halt him and the pink haired man glared but complied.
"Take your shoes off" (name) said to him as they closed the door "let me get her, I don't want her surprised or anything" (name) grunted, Mikey watching the Omega walk to the livingroom and quietly talk to the toddler, her little voice mumbling back as it was early in the day, she just finished breakfast after all.
"Ok come" (name) said poking his head around the corner and Mikey tentatively stepped forward, heart racing and feet felt numb as (name) spoke so lovingly to their daughter "sweety, this is Manjiro.. he's your dad" the six year old looked confused as she tilted her head, obsidian eyes looked back at one another "hi..." Mikey said crouching before the little pup who looked at him shyly "hello..." She said back and Mikey felt his heart clench at how precious she was "I brought you something" Mikey said softly, a gift approved by (name) of course.
(Daughters name) looked curious at the gift, the little girl had been really getting into a kids show lately, a power rangers- like show.
She looked starry eyed and (name) cleared his throat and the girl looked at Mikey in realization "thank you!" She gave a little bow and accepted the toy "wanna see my others?" She asked taking his fingers in her tiny hand and Mikey smiled "sure" and let the pup lead him to her toys.
(Name) watched with a heavy heart as the two interacted, the pup shy but still played with her dad none the less.
'hes here for her, not for me' (name) reminded himself when the two locked eyes, this is all for (daughters name) and (name) would make sure she was cared for.
"Roaaar!" She squealed as she played dinosaurs with her dad, the blond smiling softly at how sweet she was "daddy! Look at my Dino!" (Name) smiled at his kid "very cool! What dini is it!"
"Atta girl"
(Name) made sandwiches for the two of them, shaped like dinosaurs of course as that was (daughter name)s current fixation "thank you daddy" she ate her sandwich happily and Mikey noticed (name) hadn't eaten anything "aren't you gonna eat?" Mikey looked over his-- (name) worried and the other looked cold "I'm fine" voice clipped and icy, thankfully Mikey took the hint to drop it.
It was domestic, mikey and (daughters name)...
"So whaddya do?" (Daughters name) asked softly "daddy said you worked veeeeery far away" she looked so precious as she asked, Innocence radiating off if her as Mikey felt his heart break "I work in trade, I had to go for a long time"
(Name) went to the restroom at this time while Mikey continued "I'm sorry I had to be away but I'm here forever"
"Are you gonna be with daddy?"
"I'm working on that" Mikey loved his kid so much, the second he laid eyes on her he knew he would love her forever, his love for the two overflowing.
He didn't miss the hurt look on (name)s face, like he was holding back tears when he believed Mikey and (daughters name) weren't looking, the pain on his face all day.
"This was nice..." Mikey said softly and (name) looked cold at him as their pup had her nap "I want to see her again".
"Then we set ground rules"
"She doesn't go with you alone"
"She eats what I approve and she doesn't miss school unless it's *dire* and even then she is only picked up by me"
"And finally... She is never to be in your business, know about it or even catch a glimpse of it" (name) was dead serious as he stared at Mikey "we play by my rules, I'm not tolerating none of you're shit Sano"
(Name) was the only and will be the only person to get away with talking to him, the Omega finally letting Sanzu and Ran inside now that the pup was sound asleep "long time no see~" ran said merrily and (name) just looked uninterested in him "if you guys plan to follow him, there's rules"
(Name) explained the rules once more, ran pouting and Sanzu looked livid but didn't argue "and for the love of god, no drugs. Ever."
"If any of you pull her into your shit, there's no place on earth that will keep you safe from me" (name) didn't value his life the way he valued his daughters, no matter what she was first on his priority list and he made that clear with everyone.
"She has a schedule, on Saturdays she sleeps over at drakens, they work on bikes together and she's happy, we work around the set schedule" (name) looked done but didn't stop explaining his kids life and plans.
And Mikey listened to every word, taking it in.
The two made plans for the next meeting, until (name) deemed it ok, it would stay at (name)s house.
(Name) just hoped to fucking god that that asshole wouldn't bring his work to (name)s home.
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For the BSD x SAGAU event:
How about Fem! Reader with the characters, Teruko, Fyodor, Lovecraft, landing on Liyue? Then they also came across people who wanted to hunt down Reader (Zhongli, Ningguang, Beidou) and who wanted to help Reader (Yaoyayo, Baizhu, Qiqi, Xiangling, Xinyan, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Yun Jin, Gaming, Xiao).
You can choose one or two of the genshin characters who will help/hunt down the four, or even all of them. I wish you the very best and congrats on getting 1K+ followers! 🎉🌹
Thank you 😊
If you were not alone
Part VI
BSD Characters: Self-Aware! Teruko Okura, Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky, Self-Aware! Howard Philips Lovecraft
Genshin Impact characters: Liyue Characters
Reader: Fem! Adult! Reader
Warning: English is my second language
🐙 Your "adventure" has started at the top of one of the cliffs in Guyun Stone Forest. It took some time for you to get down. The cliff were slippery (either because of the sea or, perhaps, it was raining right before you got here), so, you tried to be careful. At the end, when you almost fall down, Lovecraft partly transformed (with his hands and legs are now replaced with tentacles) and simply crawl down, holding you, Teruko and Fyodor. You only hopped, that no one saw you. Transformed Lovecraft (even partly) was a strange, if not a frightening sight (for strangers).
And you jinxed it. Sailors from the Crux saw Lovecraft. And were thinking, that Osial got from his prison.
Crux left for the Harbor to get help.
While you and your friends trying to understand, what happened and how you got here.
🐾 Despite the fact, that you were knowledgeable about Teyvat, the situation didn't become clear. But, at least, you have a project of a plan. Go to Sumeru and ask Nahida for help. Maybe, she could give you some information on how to get home.
That's when a first stone spear fall from above.
If it wasn't for Lovecraft's strength, the spear would crush you.
Geo Archon's voice shake the ground.
"Osial! How dare you to show yourself! I will make you pay for daring to enter Her Holiness' land!"
Suddenly, everything became silent. Up above, you saw them. Zhongli... no, Rex Lapis and Adepti. For some reason... Xiao looked hesitant.
And golden draconic eyes stared right at you.
Next spear was directed at you.
And hell broke loose.
Morax, Adepti, Mililith and Crux crew attacked.
👧👩🧓🐙🐁Teruko, with her ability and sword, and fully transformed Lovecraft were keeping mililith away, while Fyodor was staying near you, ready to use his ability, if someone get too close.
When Lovecraft saw the opportunity, he grabbed you three with his tentacles, and plunge into the sea, swimming away.
On his way, he sunk Crux ship.
Beidou's curses were heard for long time and far away from the Stone Forest.
🐾 You returned to land somewhere in Bishui Plain. All of you were wet, hungry and exhausted. You found an abandoned hilichurl camp and decided to stay here for the night. After some grilled fish for dinner, you fall asleep in one of the huts. Teruko was the first one to stay on watch. Then you. Then Fyodor. And, finally, Lovecraft.
You woke up because someone was pocking your cheek and because of some tasty smell.
When you open your eyes, you came face to face with Gouba, who was pocking your cheek, and Lovecraft, who was keeping an eye on "panda".
Lovecraft tilted his head.
"We have guests. And breakfast."
🐾 Xiangling and Gouba were gathering ingredients for some big feast, while Xinyan, Chongyun and Xingqiu were helping them. That's when they found "your" camp.
And decided to help you.
When Lovecraft and Gouba, with you in tow, left the hut, you saw, that Fyodor and Teruko were already up and sitting near campfire, with Liyue Team. And then, Chongyun saw you. Exorcist particularly jumped.
"You! Your energy... It's pure... I knew, I knew, she was fake! I told you many times about it!" Last part, Chongyun hissed through his teeth, looking at Xingqiu. He raised his hands in defense.
"I knew, but.. We can't do much against her."
You glance at Lovecraft, then at Teruko and Fyodor. While Fyodor does look like he understands more, than the rest of you, he still looked confused.
🐾You got your answers during breakfast. Apparently, you looked like Creator Goodness, that rules Teyvat. And, apparently, because of that, most people will hate you and try to capture you. And, maybe, because Ningguang already placed a bounty on your head.
And Creator's political power is enormous, so, people would be afraid to help you.
The situation was bad... Awful...
Suddenly, Xinyan almost shouted.
"Doctor Baizhu and Qiqi! You can hide in Bubu's Pharmacy! They managed to keep it closed from sudden checks from Mililith, because they would bother patients!"
Teruko raised an eyebrow.
"And how we will get here? It's in the harbor, right? We would be attacked."
Xiangling smiles.
"With two little helpers."
🐁 Yaoyao was a great tour guide. And, what was most important, she knew, where to find Qiqi, when she was picking up herbs.
Yaoyao also was very talkative. And, because she overheard, how Fyodor was mumbling in Russian, she couldn't leave him alone. She asked him to say names of everything around her in "strange new language". Fyodor answered her questions. Soon Teruko joined the "educational program." Chongyun, who was staying near you, "masking your energy" with his yang energy. Lovecraft was last in line.
When you found Qiqi, with some help from Yaoyao, she took you to Dr. Baizhu.
For some reason, Qiqi stayed close to Lovecraft.
🐾 You were lucky again, because Baizhu let you four stay, until madness calmed down.
For two weeks, everything was fine. You and Fyodor helped in Pharmacy, Lovecraft and Teruko helped with picking up herbs.
You managed to meet Yun Jin and Gaming. Both of them believed, that you didn't do anything wrong. They even offered to help you, if they could.
And then, a scared Xingqiu appeared in Bubu Pharmacy.
Ningguang and Rex Lapis were ready to look through every house in Liyue to find "dirty imposter".
And if people resist? Well, they will face the wrath of rock.
And, currently, they doubled the number of mililith soldiers on streets.
Fyodor remained calm.
"I have a plan. Can you call for Yun Jin and Gaming?"
🐾 You four were leaving Liyue. But you still can hear sounds of music, coming from the harbor.
Opera and Wushou dance. The destruction.
That got the attention of mortals.
But not Geo Archon's.
🐾 His draconic claws were squeezing your arm. His spear were aimed directly at your chest.
Teruko, Fyodor and Lovecraft were helpless.
They can't attack him, he will kill you.
They can't kill him. You have told them about Havria.
Morax bared his fangs.
A finch flew closer to you and Morax.
Animo swirls.
Morax pained roar.
And Xiao, whose spear was plunges deep in Morax's shoulder.
"Run, Your Grace!" Xiao grind his teeth, trying to keep his hold on a spear.
Lovecraft grabbed you.
You four start running away.
Up in the sky, you noticed familiar cranes. They ignored you. Flying to where Xiao and Morax were.
Tonight, Adepti were fighting Geo Archon.
🐾 When you finally returned to the real world, and discover the portal, you asked BSD Cast to rescue some people.
They helped you four, despite, how dangerous it was. And you must help them in return.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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kurishiri · 12 days
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william v.s. darius . . . william rex END 🌹
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: a bit suggestive at the end.
Kate: Will, I have faith in your hunch, and I want to support you, so I’ll go with you.
Upon hearing my answer, Will smiled in satisfaction.
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Darius: Indeed, I also think the number one member of Crown would be bound to choose the correct path.
D: I’ll leave the rest to you guys then. I’ve had more than enough fun here in town and at the festival.
D: But before I go, would you be so kind as to tell me this one last thing, William?
Will responded with a questioning look, to which Darius’ smile deepened.
Darius: In Crown — and all the Cursed ones at that — you are among the top of the top.
D: I’m sure if the mood struck you, you could have the whole world kneel before you with your ability alone,
D: and you could destroy the root of evil as well, yes?
D: Yet, here you are now, serving Her Majesty and working for Crown.
D: On top of that, I’m sure like today, these evils will come round again and again, no matter if you crush it to pieces.
D: My mind just can’t seem to wrap around it.
D: I mean, just now, when we were chasing and closing in on that child, with one command you could easily——
William: Then I would be left on the short end.
Darius: ...And what does that mean?
William: It’s exactly as you say: I could easily make everyone kneel before me with a single command.
W: But, I believe not doing so——
Will turned to me, and I nodded in return.
Kate: Will holds a deep love for people’s freedoms.
K: One is their own master. Other people should not trample on that... that is what Will thinks.
Darius: ...Such is the wish of the ‘Self-Righteous Monarch’ then.
D: I feel I’m coming to understand what you mean when you say ‘unraveling a mystery’ now. ——Nonetheless, I had lots of fun today.
He left us a smile that resembled that of an angel, before heading off.
While running down the alley Will had chosen, I spotted some movement from a place hidden from view.
Kate: ...Seems like that child.
He was ravenously stuffing his cheeks there, and I approached him with Will.
Slightly dirty boy: ! It’s you guys... dammit! You just don’t give up, do you? What’s it to you guys anyway!
The boy we had been chasing wiped the fruit juice that stained his mouth with his sleeve as he bristled at us.
Kate: We’re sorry if we have the wrong person but, do you have my things with you?
Slightly dirty boy: ...I got no idea what you’re saying.
As though hiding the bulge in his pockets, the boy crouched, feigning ignorance——
William: We have no intention to complain about what you did in and of itself.
W: But, I do have one thing I want to ask you.
W: ——Why do you yourself want those things?
Slightly dirty boy: Urgh...
The boy’s back jolted with a start, seemingly shaken.
William: Would you tell us how you really feel? Do you truly wish to continue living like this?
Will’s voice was quiet, and in response, the boy raised his head.
Just moments before, his gaze had a sharp edge to it, but now he was pursing his lips, which started to tremble, and——
Tears started to fall.
Slightly dirty boy: ...hic, what... what other choice do I got though... hic, this is... just my job...
Slightly dirty boy: And yet... the guys who paid me, hic, they... they’re all gone...
Slightly dirty boy: And since then I was alone... [sniffle] I ate alone... and... I had no other choice but to do this... just to live... [sniffle]
William: So that is to say you don’t want to continue doing this?
Slightly dirty boy: Isn’t... isn’t that obvious... hic, doing these kinds of things... I don’t enjoy doing them at all...
Slightly dirty boy: ...but... if I don’t... I might starve to death... so...
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William: If your heart wishes to free yourself of this situation,
He extended his hand.
William: then you can take my hand.
Slightly dirty boy: ...Huh?
The boy’s eyes, wet from tears, stared straight at Will, as though trying to find if he was telling the truth...
Slightly dirty boy: .........is it okay if I... believe... you...?
William: That’s up to you to decide as well.
—— Time skip; evening city ——
William: If you take this carriage, I imagine you will be able to find the help to set your heart free.
W: Of course, whether you ride it is also up to what your heart says.
Slightly dirty boy: ...Then, could I study?
William: Of course, if you don’t tire of it first.
Slightly dirty boy: Yippee! There are so many things I want to learn about! ——ah.
I looked on with a smile when the boy’s sparkling eyes met with mine.
Slightly dirty boy: ...And I’m sorry, miss. Here, I’ll give this back.
With an awkward look, he took my things from his pocket.
Kate: Thank you. They’re really important to me.
His expression seemed to brighten as he went in the carriage, and he continued waving back at us from within until he couldn’t see us anymore.
(I hope that boy’s future is just as bright... just like the skies today.)
Kate: It takes courage to accept what the voice in your heart says. But that boy managed to do so.
K: And it was thanks to you, Will.
When I looked next to me, Will looked back, his eyes dazzling.
William: I simply wanted to witness the moment he sets his heart free.
W: But it’s at these times that I always remember — the day I first caught a glimpse of your heart’s voice, that is.
Kate: ...And I as well. I remember the time you brought it out of me.
William: Hehe, so? What are the things my robin has safely gotten back?
Kate: Ah, this is... it caught my eye from a shop. I was thinking it looked like your eyes.
I took out a brooch, decorated with crimson red jewels, and put it on Will.
William: I’m happy to hear. I did have an inkling that it was a present for me though.
Kate: Hm? It could have also been for Darius too, you know?
William: I know that such would not be the case.
W: After all, you’ve only been looking at me, right? ——To the point I’m unable to question my own vanity.
W: I know exactly how you feel.
Kate: ...Is that because you’ve been looking at me, Will?
In lieu of an answer, his red eyes narrowed.
William: The truth is, I have also prepared a present for you. I believe I mentioned it before we left.
W: That ‘it is a reward for a very clever and discerning little robin.’
Kate: Huh? Wait... that wasn’t you sharing the details of...
William: That may be so, but there is something I want to give you, and only you. Before that, though...
The moment his hands made their way around my back, he whisked me away.
When we were in an alley where not many people were around, my eyes met with Will’s, my back on the wall.
William: I do always lend an ear to your desires, but... what would you like to do, right now?
Seeing him smile so up close was so captivating, it took my breath away.
The blood red eyes that peered into me gave off a bewitching light.
And, tempted by that, my heart was dragged out in an instant.
Kate: I... want to kiss you.
Those blood red eyes narrowed even more as they stopped at my lips, before he slowly came closer.
Kate: ngh... haa...
He took his time exploring my mouth, and I could no longer think of anything or anyone but Will.
When we parted, I swallowed my saliva, wanting to hold onto any traces of the sensation his tongue left behind.
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Kate: ...I... I want more of you.
K: Not just your heart, but your body too.
William: Hehe, your selfish desires are a reward for me as well.
W: Let’s take our time to enjoy what comes after the festival, just the two of us.
to be continued…
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will vs darius jude vs nica alfons vs ring
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full masterlist 🌹🪽
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bundoesnotcompete · 1 month
This feels rushed to me but its been rotting away in my drafts and i at least wanted to finish it.
Reader is an adeptus and god. Goes from Ancient Liyue to Current day.
Spelling and wording errors to be expected i wrote this on mobile
Summary: Snippets of history between you and your husband. From enemies to lovers.
"General Mushen! The tales of the ruling god of Kunlun and Morax are numerous. From sworn enemies to close allies, there are many tales I could choose to tell." The storyteller began as he caught the attention of the crowd of him. The teahouse was packed full of both locals and tourists, all wanting to hear tales of the Immovable General Mushen.
The city was beginning festivites to celebrate the union of Kunlun Mountains of the Liyue region. It was one of the largest festivals in all of Liyue. The storyteller began to speak and the crowd was drawn in closer. A brown haired man with Amber eyes watched and listened intently, ignoring his companions grumbling.
"The story I will tell is of the beginnings of the union of Ancient Liyue and Kunlun."
As the guardian diety of the Kunlan mountains, you were highly territorial. No one stepped onto your land that wasn't allowed. The mountain's forestry would be hostile and moving through the mountains would be made near impossible. Humans and adepti alike were careful not to anger or disturb you. Angering a dragon adeptus often ended poorly, especially one of your power. In return, you protected those lesser than you. They were apart of your territory, afterall.
When what would become known as the Archon Wars began, many gods thought that they could take your mountains. You proved then wrong by killing all who intended to take what was yours.
The massacre of a village outside had also enraged both you and the rest of your people. While it had been outside off your territory, many adeptus and humans alike had family there. In a few short days, the army of Kunlun was ruthlessly being trained.
Though skirmashes were becoming rarer these days, you told your armies to remain alert. The cold war you were having with your southerly neighbor, Rex Lapis, was quickly turning hot. Other gods were also fanning the flames for a war between you two.
"My Lord." A bird like adeptus kneeled at your feet, her head hung low. Blood coated her armor and she looked hurried. Considering she came through your window, you were inclined to believe something major was happening. "Rex Lapis's forces are being held at the base of Ying Mountain. They believe us to have attacked them and now they are mounting for a fully fledged war." She flinched as the tea cup you held in you clawed hand shattered.
"General Guan Yu is holding the lines."
"Tell Fuxi to prepare his forces." You commanded harshly, your temper flaring at the audacity of Rex Lapis. "Inform all generals to defend their territories. They will deal with it from there. Go. Now." The growl of your dismissal had the adeptus shifting and fleeing to do as ordered.
For the next forty years, the conflict that followed was intense and bloody. Your forces were quick to push the enemy back, but stalemate had occured. Along with that, no matter how many times you bloodied and nearly killed each other, neither you or Rex Lapis was willing to give up. Th war was taking a war on both forces and other gods were beginning to prey upon that fact.
It was what lead you here, making a contract with your sworn enemy. Neither of you were pleased with each other's presence, and it was causing tensions. Both sides held deep disliking for each other.
The adeptus in front of you scowled. His companion next to him was smiling. Amber eyes drilled into you and you glared back. Your tail was thumping angrily on the ground behind you. The air between you two was thick enough to cut.
Both sides forces stood behind their leaders. Adeptus and humans mixed together in the crowds.
"Do not think of this as a permenant agreement Rex Lapis." You grounded out. "We both are wasting resources that could be used to quash other gods. Once it is just us two we will go back to trying to kill eachother. Until then this contract will keep us and our forces bound to help eachother in our times of need. Whether that be resources or war." The scrolls in front of you on the table flapped gently in the breeze. Both of you had signed the contract, and breaking it woild damn either of you.
Thus, the first contracts binding liyue the the Kunlan mountains together were made. After nearly fourty years of conflict, your war with your enemy was ended bitterly.
The contracts would be used throughly over the next few hundred years and tensions would die down as you begrudingly accepted your neighbor. Though the whole throwing rocks at you to be an annoyance was going to have to stop, else you might restart the war on your neighbor.
"Prehaps you are getting old." A swift hit to Rex Lapis's gut had him heaving as you two sparred one afternoon. The man smiled up at you from his spot on the ground. "Now dear friend, you know i don't mean that-" You kicked him across the field.
"I am not your friend you fiend." You growled as you approached him. He got up from the ground and was laughing. It was one of the few moments you got to see him truly happy. Ignoring the tightening in your chest, you approached him with the malicious intent to wipe that pretty smile of his face. He held his hands up as you tried to grab his arms.
"I surrender, this time." He spoke, smile on full display. You would be a liar if you said he wasn't handsome and fun to be around, but he was your sworn arch-enemy. You were not having a crush on him. You could not allow yourself to have such feelings no matter how much you generals told you that you could.
"Fine." You snapped out, pretending to not be a bit saddening by the surrender. It was no fun when he willingly gave up. "Now what?"
"Tea?" You grumbled at his response but agreed. The tea he often prepared was the kind you prefered, so you would allow it.
The memory would comfort you in the next years as conflict wore down on you. You ignored the sadness of not being by his side. Your temper mellowed by the end of Archon Wars. No longer did you scare and snap your companions and allies often. The draconic temper settled with your age and so did his.
"Celestia has declared me the archon of our lands." He spoke to you one day and you both layed on warm rocks in your mountain."I feel i am being unfair by claiming your land as mine to rule." A growl came from you. "They will not have it and will only see our territories as one. I am unsure of how to approach this dilemma. It is unfair to you."
You rumbled as you shifted to face him.
"What? I do not care that they see you as the ruler, you know your place and i know mine. You know this is my land." You responded to your friend. He hummed, tucking his paws under him and becoming vaguely bread shaped.
"Then how about a new contract to replace the old one. A union of our lands, but recognizing that they are independent of eachother. United but two diffrent states. We can even marry our human royalty to cement it."
You turned you head to him. "Why? Wouldn't it just be easier to marry eachother. Humans are useless and do not live long. They'd just forget it and ruin it anyway."
"Marry eachother?!" His surprised cry was ignored as you continued.
"No adeptus of mine holds high authority over the lands like i do. My generals already have lovers and my messanger will not marry anyone. Humans are too weak to hold the burden of such a contract. As far as I am aware no other holds a high power like you so that rules everyone out on your side too."
You stared at your companion's shocked face. A contract such as this was a heavy burden you did not want to place upon any in your land. You knew that you would honor the contract and trusted that he would too. Plus, with how much time you two spent together you were practically married anyway.
You watched the dragon in front of you compose himself.
"I do see your point. Knowing that the contract would be honored for as long as we live is a good idea." Morax began, shifting slightly on the rock. "Having such a comfort would be nice. But, this sort of thing is not something to be taken lightly. We would need to discuss it further."
Over the next weeks you two would discuss the contract and all that would be in it. Eternal companionship was something that was not taken lightly. Along with that came the binding vow were it would only break upon one's death.
Morax did not mind the marriage proposal and seemed rather taken to the idea. You two spent plently of time together and while not having a courting period would be strange, it wasn't unheard of. He liked you greatly anyway so why not make a realtionship offical.
So, in the beginning of fall, the Mountainous region of Kunlun and Liyue were offically bound together by marriage of its two gods. The celebration would then be celebrated around that time from then on. Even as humans turned the history into myths, you and Morax did not forget your vows.
Over time you and Morax grew to be truly in love with one another. While the jump to marriage was off putting at first, the friendship had turned to a deep affection and love that seemed to age like fine wine.
Even as wars and storms raged on, you never broke your vow and stayed by your husband's side. Even your spats and fights did not linger for long. Disagreements came and went. Though you did not like that you husband was practically a slave to Celestia's will, they did not call him often so you said nothing.
"Retirement?" You repeated one day during a sun bathing session on a rock. The brown and amber dragon in front of you nodded.
"My people seem to be able to handle themselves against threats. Of course my adepti will be there to help them, but they are largely self sustaining now. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to retire and spend more time with you." He stated, stretching out on the large rock beneath him.
"It is a plan not fully though out so it will be some time before i will. We could live among the humans if you want. I know you enjoy spending time eating human food and enjoying human activites. Prehaps even you can retire."
So, once he got a plan into place you agreed on his retirement. Soon he was able to get a job with humans and establish a life among them. You followed him and while you did not appear fully human like he did, you did walk among the people.
The people of Liyue knew you two as a human-adepti couple and some folk often joked that you aruged like an old married couple. Even Hu Tao took notice and joked about it. Though, you suspected she knew her consultant's true identity but she said nothing so you left it at that.
After the ordeal with Osial and Morax's retirement, you and your lover sat upon the cliff which your first battle with him took place.
"So, now what will you do with your free time? You know we cannot be together as often as we used to be." You spoke laying your head on his shoulder.
"Well, I will spend as much time as I can with you and continue to watch my people from the sidelines." He wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he spoke.
"The Celebration of Union will be happening soon. I say we spend time there first. I will live in the moment now that i am not worried about my people."
You hummed and smiled in repsonse to him.
"You sound like an old man, but that is an agreeable idea." You laughed. Yes, this retirement was going to be wonderful. You could already see it.
"Though Morax has passed, the Kunlun mountains and their god still honor the contract." You watched as the storyteller rambled on. The story he was telling was not entirely accurate.
You turned you head to you lover and he smiled at you.
"Do not blame them. They did not live the events. It is difficult to keep the truth when they only hear stories passed on from parents." He spoke softly to you before standing up. "It appears the story is ending, let's go try that food stand you wanted." You perked up and stood up with him.
As you both walked to the food stand, you could only feel happiness. Time spent together brought you joy.
Prehaps you should retire to be with your husband?
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kyber-kisses · 1 year
Hear My Voice
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader
Summary: being trapped in an underground bunker with a deadly virus wasn’t how the reader wanted to spend her last moments. . . But here they were.
A/N: have another terrible piece of writing by me! I’m just up in my Rex feels and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
Warnings: none.
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“I’m disappointed.”
Letting yourself fall back against the wall behind you, you slid to the floor, your legs kicked out in front of you.
“I always thought I would go out guns blazing atop a pile of battle droids not by some virus.” Looking up at the captain across fromyou you gave him a weak smile, though Rex only shook his head in return.
“You’re not going to die. No one else is dying.”
Letting out a sigh you cast your eyes around you. Several of the remaining clones mingled in little groups, taking in hushed voices as they sat on the ground. A foot or so away from you Padme was leaned against the same wall, Ahsokas head in her lap as they both slept, their bodies no doubt fighting the virus like yours was.
“I hope your right.”
“General Skywalker is getting that antidote for us as we speak.”
“And he’s half a galaxy away.” Letting out a breath you folded your hands in front of you. “You should sit down Rex, right now all we can do is wait.”
The captain was silent for a moment before taking off his helmet and sinking to the floor, leaning against the wall across from you. Hanging out in a hallway wasn’t the comfiest of places but it was the best you had to work with.
“How are you feeling?” Rex looked over at you, a slight tilt to his head as he spoke.
“I am the perfect image of health and vitality.” You joked weakly, knowing full well you looked anything but. You had caught your reflection in a shard of glass earlier. You had blue veins crawling up your neck and spreading out from underneath your eyes. Not to mention you were insanely weak.
“Don’t lie General.”
“Don’t worry about me Rex. How are you feeling?”
Fiddling with the helmet in his hand, Rex sucked in a breath. “I can feel the symptoms starting.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Looking up Rex found your eyes, the two of you holding your gazes until you felt an awkwardness settle over you and you let out a cough.
The truth was; if you were going to be stuck in an underground bunker waiting for death you glad you were with Rex. From the moment the captain had entered your life you knew you wanted him in it for a long time. Rex was like no one you had ever met.
He wasn’t the galaxy but you were sure that he was everything that made the galaxy good.
“So. . . What do we do now?”
“Sit and wait for General Skywalker and Kenobi.”
Slumping lower against the wall you let out a sigh. “Sounds boring. We should play a game.”
At that Rex raised an eyebrow. “A game? Like what?”
Sitting in silence for a moment you sucked in a breath. “I know. Interrogate me.”
“Interrogate you?”
“Yeah. Ask me any question you want and I have to answer in complete honesty. Only I also get to ask you question in return.”
Letting out a weak chuckle Rex relaxed further into his spot. One leg stretched out in front of him while the other was bent, his wrist balanced on his knee, bucket dangling limply from his fingers. “Alright, but why?”
“Because we practically see each-other every day and yet we still know so little about each-other.”
Rex was silent for a moment before he spoke. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Seriously you could ask any question and that’s what you chose?”
“You said any question.”
Folding your arms across your chest you gave the captain a look before answering. “For the longest time it was green. Growing up on Corucant I never saw the color much but when I did I was extatic.” You paused. “But then the war started and I supposed it changed.”
“To what?”
“Blue.” In truth you didn’t realize your love for the color until you saw it painted on the armor of the 501st troopers. Your favorite color wasn’t blue until Rex came along.
But it wasn’t like you were going to say that aloud.
“Alright captain, it’s only fair that I know your favorite color now.”
Rex studied you carefully for a moment. “I thought you didn’t like the question?”
“Yeah well you started it so out with it blondie.”
Yet again the captain was silent for a moment, deep in thought.
That caught you off guard. So much in fact you tilted your head as he spoke. You never took Rex for much of an orange guy.
But the truth was in Rexs mind it was the only right answer. It was the color of your lightsaber. It was the color of warmth and fire and energy. If you were a color that’s what you would be.
“Good choice, now hit me with another one but this time make it more interesting. . . No offense.”
Shooting you an amused look, Rex shifted in his spot. “Alright uhm. . . Do you like being a Jedi?”
A pause.
“That’s a bit more of a bold question.”
“Forgive me General, I overstepped.”
Shaking your head quickly you sat up properly, pulling your knees into your chest as you did. “You didn’t. I like the question, makes me think.” You were silent for another moment as you folded your arms over your knees. “I do like being a Jedi. I get to help people, I get to help make the galaxy better. . . But there are things about it I question.”
“Like what?”
“There’s so many rules. So many codes to stick by and sometimes it’s overwhelming and I can’t get myself to follow some of them no matter how hard I try.”
In truth you were thinking about a certain rule in particular. One you had never been good at following: No emotional connections.
How could you follow such a rule when having connections is a part of living. Without them everything would fall apart.
The deepest connection you had ever felt in your life had been with Rex. He felt like your other half and yet because of the Order and it’s rules they made you feel as if something was wrong with you for having such feelings.
“General? Are you alright?”
Looking up at your captain you hadn’t realized you had fallen silent. “Sorry, got lost in thought for a moment.”
“No need for apologies. . . Now if I’m correct it your turn to ask the question?”
“Right, right. . . Uhm, is your hair naturally blonde or do you bleach it?”
A laugh nearly escaped your lips as you watched Rex’s face go through a range of emotions, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to process the question. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I’m extremely curious. I need to know!” You mused, resting your chin atop your folded arms as you did.
“It’s natural! Why would you ever think otherwise?!”
“Aha! I kriffing knew it! Anakin owes me twenty credits!”
“You bet on this?!”
“Do you not know me and Anakin? C’mon Rex.” You smirked, only for it to falter a moment later as a sudden fit of coughing racked your body.
Force, you’d nearly forgotten you were sick and dying at the present moment.
“Are you alright?”
Waving him off you nodded your head as you inhaled air into your lungs. “I’m fine. You?”
“A bit lightheaded and nauseous but it’s nothing I can’t handle General.”
“You can call me Y/N, Rex. We’re friends and I think we can cease the formalities for now.” You spoke, casting your eyes around the hallway of the bunker. The little group of clones down the hallway were sitting on the floor, clearly now to weak to stand as they played a game of sabbac, showing that one of them had had a pack of cars on them during the mission. “Now ask me another question.”
Another band of silence.
“Tell me a secret.”
“ a secret?”
“Yes. . . I mean if you’re comfortable doing so of course.” Rex quickly added, his social awkwardness coming through as he sounded slightly panicked.
“We’ll let me think of a good one first.” You hummed, returning your chin to your folded arms atop your knees.
You weren’t sure what triggered it, what made your eyes suddenly sting with oncoming tears but all you knew was one second you were fine and the next you could feel the burn in the back of your nose signaling you were on the verge of crying.
Maybe it was the image of a slowly weakening Padme and Ahsoka besides you, maybe it was the ones you had already lost within the last two hours. . . Maybe it was the way you were sitting across from someone you loved deeply.
Either way you couldn’t pin point it.
“I don’t want to die, Rex.”
“. . . That’s not really a question but you’re not going to die Y/N.”
Sniffling slightly you turned your eyes back to Rex, peeking over at him from where your head rested in your arms. “You wanna know my deepest secret? There’s someone who I’m deeply in love with and I have no idea what to do.”
At that Rex fell silent, pulling his eyes from yours as he looked down at his gloved hands. He wasn’t good at giving this type of advice. He was a clone. He knew nothing about love.
Well maybe he didn’t but he still wasn’t entirely sure. It was like stepping onto a foreign planet for him.
“Well whoever they are I think they would be lucky to have you. You’re one of the most brilliant people I know.”
At that you smiled. Though your vision was beginning to grow fuzzy you could still make out Rex across from you. “Thank you. But I don’t think they could ever look at me in the way I look at them.”
Rex wasn’t sure what he was feeling in the moment all he knew was that it was something he hadn’t felt before. Was that. . . Jealousy?
“Well whoever they are you should tell them. If we get out of here of course.” He mused, letting his eyes glance around the bunker hallway as he did. “And we will.”
“I don’t think us getting out of here would help me at all.” As you spoke you could hear the way your voice wavered.
You were nervous now. Really, really nervous. But if you were going to die in here you might as well get it off your chest before you go.
“Why would you think that?”
Feeling the tears gather on your folded arms, you looked up at met Rex’s gaze once more. “Because he’s sitting across from me.”
You watched Rex through teary eyes as he tried to compute what you had said, his eyes widening as he quickly realized. When he said nothing for a good long while you squeezed your eyes shut before burying your head in your arms, too scared to look up anymore.
“You don’t need to say anything. I just wanted you to know. . . Since we’re, you know. . . Dying.”
Kriff you had faced both Sith and battle droid alike yet you had never felt scared like this before. You would almost rather face down an entire separatist army alone rather than sit here a face the fact that you had probably just ruined your entire friendship with Rex.
“You don’t need to hide.”
At the sound of Rex’s voice you looked up, startled by the fact that you hadn’t heard him get up and move to sit down besides you, his back resting against the wall as he let out a heavy and tired sigh.
“I’ve ruined everything between us, haven’t I?”
At that Rex shifted his head to look over at you, a confused look on his face. “Why would you think that? If anything I’m surprised Fives never cornered you and told you about how I feel.”
“How you feel?”
“No offense General but for a Jedi you are quite oblivious.”
“You never wondered why so many times I acted so awkward around you?” The captain spoke, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as he did, eyes averted to his lap.
“Rex, I thought you were that way with everyone—“
“Ah. . . Uh no actually. Just, just with you.” He spoke bashfully, his cheeks turning a dusty pink.
Reaching out slowly you grabbed onto the hand nearest to you, lacing your fingers through his. A second later he returned the grip, The small action enough to make your breath hitch in your throat.
Rex felt the same.
He felt the same.
“We are not dying in here.”
“No. No we are not.”
And that was a promise. You had just truly gotten each other, and you would be damned if you let some stupid virus take you out before you got a chance to kiss him true and proper.
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chibigo-ma · 7 months
Preview of ❝The Little Human Experiment❞ [Legoshi]
Summary: Misaki was just your typical teenage girl living in Japan, but not in the eyes of her society. She's a human in a life where animals live and think like "humans" in our society. She is now brought in as an experiment for her new life outside her facility to see if humans can co-exist with different other species. A certain wolf gets quite attached to our human friend as he is tasked to protect her.
Edit (13.07.2024): Man... after two months of being inactive... AhhCHOO 🫴 WATTPAD STORY LINK | AO3 STORY LINK I can't believe I didn't share a link..............
"Going already?" Mei asked as Misaki grabbed her bag. "Yeah, I have to go over there now to facilitate the choreography for the Light Ceremony," Misaki said as she patted Haru's head. "Get back soon!" Haru waved at her human friend before she left.
Misaki opened her phone to text Shiela that she would go to the clubroom as soon as she walked down the stairs. As she made her way to the clubroom though, she witnessed Juno carrying a sloth to the restroom. "Misaki-senpai!" Juno greeted with a smile as she placed the sloth down. "Ah, hello, Juno. Late for rehearsal?" Misaki asked as they walked to the clubroom together. 
"Yeah, I am. I apologize. Are you late too, Misaki-senpai?" Juno asked as Misaki texted Shiela once again that Juno was with her. "Not really. I come in and out of the clubroom as I have two clubs to deal with," she shared. "Woah, really? You must be very busy then. It's still remarkable as you're still the assistant head," Juno had great admiration for the human as she clung to her.
"Assistant director, but still the same," Misaki corrected as she opened the door. "Sorry, I'm late!" Juno announces her arrival while still holding onto Misaki. Misaki raised an eyebrow as she noticed how tense the room was until they came in the room. The majority of the members went up to the two.
"Come on, Juno! You're supposed to text Sheila-senpai when you're late," Els informed the first-year. "She was carrying a sloth to the restroom, so her hands were occupied. It was very kind of you, Juno," Misaki acknowledges Juno's willingness. "Why, thank you, Misaki-senpai!" Juno was happy with Misaki's compliment. 
"I've also made sure that Shiela got the memo and to not get you in trouble, so no need to worry," Misaki shared as everyone was wow-ed by Misaki's consideration. "But it doesn't excuse me for being late, so I want to clean the training hall after school. Sorry, Louis-senpai," Juno apologized as she bowed. 
"Oh, Legoshi-senpai!" Juno called out to the gray wolf. "I saw the dinosaur in the plaza. It was really pretty. The stage crew is doing their best, so we actors are going to do our best with our dancing practice. We're very inspired!" Juno smiled widely and only had her eyes on him. "...Mm, good, good," Legoshi doesn't seem affected by Juno's comment. 
"Yeah, you guys did great. Seeing as it's also my first time seeing it, I'm proud of each one of you. I'll be sure to take pictures of all of them when they're finished," Misaki smirked and showed that her lock screen was now the T-Rex Statue they painted, making sure she looked everyone in the eye. 
"Aww, Misaki!" Dom looked flattered. "I'm happy it exceeded your expectations!" Kibi smiled as everyone in the creatives team was appreciative of Misaki's honest remark. "Ah, speaking of, Misaki," Shiela walked up to the human and dragged her towards Louis. "We have some sudden news to share with you," she shared as Louis glared at the cheetah due to her comment before. 
"Yes, Sanu suggested that you'll be our main dancer," Louis mentioned and Misaki was shocked. "What!? What do you mean? I'll be at the front?" Misaki covered her mouth with her hand. "One of our dancers won't be available for the festival and you know the dances well. So, they made Juno be back up and you in the center since you know the dance very well," he shared.
"There's only two days left though," she looked worried. "You'll do fine, you the entire dance anyway," Louis was confident. "Did... did Tarok tell you that I'll be revealed too? Is that why you weren't opposed to it?" Misaki asked. 
"Yes, he did tell me. I asked his permission for the dance and he's fine with it. You won't be wearing that get-up anymore," Louis smirked and Misaki sighed. "Fine, fine. I'll do it. I'll text Haru that I have a big role here so they won't have to worry about my whereabouts," Misaki shared as she went to grab her phone to text her. 
"We'll do a quick fitting with you. I'm sure they'll just readjust one of the existing outfits," Louis told her as Misaki was ready to walk away. "I'll let Legoshi know," Louis smirked upon seeing Misaki frozen in place. He chuckled and patted her back and walked away from her to talk to Legoshi. She quickly ran to the changing room and walked out wearing her PE Uniform. 
"Woah, you do have fur in your legs," Juno wondered as she gave a close inspection of Misaki's legs. "They're called Hair for humans. Despite it being short and thin, they make sure they regulate our body temperature and keep dirt away such as my lashes here," Misaki pointed her eyes to let Juno get a closer look. 
"Woah, they're so tiny," Juno giggled. As everyone was talking to Misaki and was excited to see her fully perform on stage, Legoshi kept his eyes only on her. He looked up and down her figure as he felt aroused by her appearance. 
"Stop eye fucking, my sister." Legoshi snapped out of it and shrank away as Louis glared at him. Louis was most annoyed upon seeing Legoshi's wagging tail when Misaki came into the room. "Sister?" Legoshi questioned. "She's like a sister to me, so don't go hurting her," Louis crossed his arms as it would seem that he was finally open for Misaki to be together with Legoshi. 
"So whatever happened before they came in was a misunderstanding on your part," Louis pointed out. "You got the tape measure ready?" Louis asked. 
"Oh, yeah, I do," Legoshi went to pull it out, "Fix your problem first," Louis interrupted and he walked away. "Problem?" Legoshi questioned. He looked down to see a tent in his pants. He panics and quickly runs to the restroom. He could not believe he just had a hard-on. It embarrassed him more to notice his tail wagging faster than ever. He really wants to disappear.
"Where's Legoshi?" Misaki asked after she got away from the questioning members. "He went to the restroom real quick. Dom will be measuring you instead," Louis informed her as he tried hiding his laughter, which Misaki noticed but she didn't question it. She would truly have a heart attack if she knew that she had such an effect on Legoshi.
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euphoriacafe · 6 months
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This is based on a TikTok I saw today but I’m also a big Rex simp and kept getting Rex like nonstop when I did the filter so- here we go.
Reblogging, Liking, and following is welcomed but not a necessity. c:
Captain Rex x F!Reader
You were working a long shift at 79’s since someone decided to quit making things short staffed. The bar was packed to the brim with Troopers who were coming back from their missions but there was one face you haven’t seen in a while.
Mr. Captain Rex
You had your back turned as you were mixing drinks for customers as your two other co-workers took order.
“When did half cut shirts become the uniform?”
That voice…you knew it anywhere. Your eyes went big as you turned around and there he was. He was a little cut up but his ruggedness stood out. You couldn’t contain your smile as you walked closer towards him. The bar counter was the only thing separating you both.
You were wearing a shirt black half cut top that showed a bit of your belly— with some black pants hugging every curve you had.
“Hmm, when did you leave?” You asked playfully with a grin looking at him.
Rex gave a sly grin as he looked at you, while he leaning a bit against the counter. His voice was confident yet so genuine when he spoke to you, “About two months ago—I mean I’m not complaining but you’re definitely giving the shines out here heart attacks.”
You were almost thanking the fact that your manager wanted the lights in the building to be different colors- you felt your cheeks grow warm as you chuckled looking away for a moment. As you opened your mouth your manager came around the corner looking at you.
“Hey I need you to clock out now- I can’t afford to keep you longer for your shift so go on.” Your manager spoke in a hurry before leaving not wanting to hear a single peep.
“Seems like I must’ve came at a good time then.” Rex spoke as you began to smile and chuckle nodding slowly. “Well I have been here for almost…19 hours now.”
You walked around the corner coming closer to Rex.
“Well, since you’re off- let me buy you a drink and you can come sit with the boys and me.” Rex spoke as he looked at you in the eyes giving a small smile.
You could never reject an offer from Rex, especially when you secretly missed him being around in the first place. You nodded as you followed him to their usual spot in the bar to sit down. As you sat down sliding into the booth greeting the boys of the 501st.
You sat in between Fives and Rex.
The night went on with laughing, them telling stories from the events they had to go through on this past mission, teasing jokes, and drinking. You’ve always enjoyed their presence and how they almost treated you like someone important to them.
As you all decided to drink more and more the alcohol was definitely going to give you a hangover. The boys either went to the dance floor, left with some girls, or tried to retreat to go back to their dorms. Leaving you and Rex together alone at the table still talking.
You were practically buzzed— you knew how to hold your alcohol but it didn’t mean you were mentally there for some things you would say.
As you were still sitting beside Rex talking your pretty little lips off- you suddenly touched his soft cheek looking into his tired eyes that rested on your face purely.
“Oh~ Rex.” You spoke softly with a drunk little smile.
Rex hummed amused looking at you in the eyes, his body was turned to you looking down to you.
“I’ll never understand why you aren’t with someone already- I get that it’s forbidden but I mean after the war wouldn’t you want a family?” You spoke slurring a bit with a sort of cuteness to your tone.
Rex’s smirk was gentle as he pushed some hair behind your ear. “I never thought about it- but why would I need a family when I have my brothers-”
You cut him off placing a hand on his chest plate looking at him, “No-no-no- Rex- I understand your love for your brothers but don’t you want kids- a wife- a family?”
Rex scanned your face for a second, you could almost swear he wasn’t drunk as if he was giving real thought behind him, suddenly his voice was gentle and almost quiet like the topic was forbidden- “Let’s make a pack…when I’m 40 and we’re still single…when the war is over- let’s get married. We can love each other…have kids…get family land…get a pet.” His voice was becoming slow.
Rex sounded genuine as you looked up to him in the eyes- you were becoming sober from the things he said. He grasped your hand that was resting on his chest plate.
“You’re only say-“ you were cut off once more as he rubbed his thumb onto your knuckles.
“No…I mean it. Let’s get married…I’ll love you.”
Your eyes scanned his eyes to find any truth behind them.
“When this war ends…when we are in our 40’s… if we are both single- I know I’ll be—let’s get married.” His voice lingered to your ear in a breathy whisper.
You sat there falling apart under his presence but as he straightened his posture and stood up looking at you with a sly grin once more.
“I’ll more than willing to play the long way for you…”
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Wanna be apart of a story : click here!
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adhd-coyote · 2 months
Hi hello! Good morning!
Could I interest you in my Seventeen/Fives agenda and #32? 💜
Good morning, you may indeed! I had a lot of fun writing this one ;3
32 - A kiss while someone watches
Fives can’t get his fucking head on straight.
Your head has never been on straight, Fives, the little voice that sounds like Echo’s teases. Fives mentally flips him the bird. He’s having a difficult fucking time right now, alright? His brain is swimming in whatever drugs they’ve put in him, his head is still pounding from fucking brain surgery, and all of Kamino is on high alert looking for him. This is the only time he’s regretted tattooing his number on his forehead. It’s easy to blend into a crowd of people who share your face until you have a marker to set you apart.
He sends a silent apology to the Shiny he’s shoved into a storage closet and slips out, clad in stolen armor. It’s lighter than what he’s used to, missing all of the extra weight that comes with his ARC kit, but it’ll help him blend in, and right now that’s the most important thing.
There’s chips in their heads. Godsdamned mind control chips in every single vod’s head. Gods, Fives feels like he’s gonna be sick.
Keep it together, Fives. You’re a fucking ARC Trooper, act like it.
Easier said — or thought — than done.
Fives forces himself to take slow, even breaths as he marches down the hall in perfect form. It’s difficult, with his foggy head and racing heart, but he manages. Squads of troopers run past him, unaware how close their prey is, and Fives prays to the little gods that they stay unaware.
“Everyone’s looking for you, verd’ika.”
Fives freezes. Shit. Shit shit shit shit shit. Alpha-17.
He should have kept walking. Gods, why did he freeze? He could have played it off, now he’s given himself away-
“The hell did you do to cause such a scurry, huh?”
“Please,” is the first word out of Fives’ mouth. “I’ve- I’ve found something, something important, they’re gonna reconn me, sir, please, you can’t-”
“Easy, verd’ika.” Alpha-17’s large hand cups the back of Fives’ neck. On instinct, the tension bleeds away from Fives’ limbs, leaving him pliant in 17’s hold. He looks up, terrified, and meets eyes that look softer than Fives has ever seen before. “C’mon, let’s get you outta here.”
17’s hand leaves his neck and Fives is left scampering after him as he stalks off. He feels like he’s back in ARC training, trailing behind 17, desperate to prove himself worthy of Rex’s recommendation. “Off-planet? You- You’re helping me?”
17 looks back at him, eyebrow raised. “Did you forget I trained you? You’re a smart one, verd’ika, even if you don’t look it. I knew something was up when they wouldn’t tell us why we were after you. But you’re a long talker, and we don’t have time for that, so I’m just gonna have to trust that you’ve got a good reason.”
“I do!” Fives assures, struggling to keep up with 17’s long strides. Normally, he wouldn’t have any issue, but the drugs have made his thoughts slow and his limbs heavy. Alpha-17 puts a hand to the small of his back and pushes him faster. Fives stumbles, but manages to keep up without falling. He realizes the way they’re positioned is deliberate- Fives is between 17 and the wall, and 17’s bulk hides most of him from view. Not to mention that Fives looks a lot less suspicious walking with him than by himself.
“Here.” 17 drags him into what Fives recognizes as a private hangar. He immediately clocks someone else — General Ti — and straightens, hoping beyond hope that she won’t recognize him, already knowing she does.
“Good, you’re here. I’ve prepared the ship for takeoff, you need to leave right now.”
“Wh- What?”
Alpha-17 rolls his eyes and nudges him forward. “She’s helping, too. Got one of those weird Force feelings or whatever.”
General Ti nods, offering a soft smile. “Yes. The Force wants you to escape. So you must leave, now. 17 and I will stall them.”
“Oh.” Fives swallows around the ball in his throat. “Thank you.”
Alpha-17 snorts. “No thanking, verd’ika.”
He takes Fives’ helmet and lifts it away. Fives doesn’t get a chance to wonder why he’s done that, because suddenly there’s a large hand cupping the back of his neck and lips pressed to his. He’s still trying to process that when 17 pulls away, smirking, and squeezes his neck. “Go on, get going. Don’t get yourself killed, and there might be more of that later, verd’ika.”
“Y-Yes sir,” Fives stammers out, reeling. He’s got so much emotional whiplash right now, and no idea how to handle it.
“Fives.” Oh shit, right, General Ti is still here. And saw that. Shit. “There is enough supplies to last you a week on the ship. Go, now, and hurry.”
“Right.” Fives nods quickly, and with one last look at Alpha-17, scrambles aboard the ship and prepares to take off.
Kiss ask game
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Meows Morales coming your way!
Miles gasps meeting Spider-Hams gang, one character caught his eyes: Oh my god, look at his tiny Jordans! -he happily squeals spotting another version of him, but in a cat cartoon formed. He's so tiny, cute, with his Jordans being bigger than his slim self- You are so cute! -he picks up Meows Morales to hug him-
Meows wiggled: Hey, put me down!
Miles snuggles him: Awe, his voice sound tiny too! He's just so cute! -his hand scratching the cat's back-
Meow: Hey, I told you to be put me- Ohhh, yeah. I like that! More! More! -he did a cute low purring sound- Hmm, okay. I'll let you snuggle me.
Spider-Ham: Careful that one somehow is always blowing stuff up! -he climbs on Miguel's shoulder to sit- I don't know how. He's always causing chaos!
Miguel 2099 grunts: Ugh, and you think those would be good for our CAUSED! -pointing at their anthropomorphic Spideranimals-
Gwen snuggles Pengwen: Awe, she's a penguin! PenGWEN, get it!
Pav hugs his own: Ohh he's an otter! Pav PrabOTTER! Hahaha, cute!
Hobie smirks at the cool vibes' porcupines self: Heh, Hobie Pine, cool name mate! -The cartoon Spiderpine gave him a finger being relaxed with his own guitar- Heh, nice.
Miles eyes gleam: Miguel, you have to let them join! They are so cute. Look! Look at Meows Morales! His name is even cute! -he holds Meows in front of the leader-
Miguel 2099 scowls until Spider-Ham patted his head: Come on, they are good Spideranimals! Like them!
Miguel grunts then saw Meows' eyes gleam: Please, Mr. O'Hara!
Miles did his puppy eyes: Ppplllleeeaaaasssseeee!
Miguel sighs: Fine whatever. I mean, we already have a T-Rex Spiderman. -his eyes rolled then his hand scratch Meows' chin hearing a pleasant purr from the cartoon cat- Heh, he might be better than you.
Miles: Huh!
Meows purrs happily, then Hobie Pine jumps being jealous. His tiny self rushes over to kick Miguel's leg. His cartoony self shows how angrily red he is with hot steam coming out of his head: NO! you stop that, you big bloke! -his tiny kicks didn't budge the grown man-
Miguel rolled his eyes: Let me guess, Spider-ham... they're dating...
Spider-ham fake gasp: How did you know?
Miles giggles: For real! That's so cute! -he put Meows down seeing Hobie Pine picks up his boyfriend taking him away from Miguel with a huffed- Hahaha, that's how it is, I guess.
Hobiw slouches on his boyfriend: What do you mean by that, luv? -he playfully pouts-
Gwen chuckles spotting Hobie Pine snuggling with Meows while Pengwen sighs: I guess, that's how it is. Yeah, same, girlie! -she giggles along with Pengwen-
Pav nodded: For real! Awe, you're so adorable! -he snuggles his Ottor self-
Ottor Pav: You are too! Skin all squishy! -he pats at Pat's buff stomach-
Pav: it's muscle!
Meows struggle to break free from his boyfriend: Hobie, let me go!
Hobie Pine: No! I -he snuggles with his boyfriend-
Spider-ham: Should I bring Miguel Hare?
Miguel: NO! If he comes here, then that one would want to blow the place up -pointing at Hobie Pine-
Hobie Pine chuckles as he sticks the horn signs: All for the anarchy!
Hobie nodded: I like him.
Miles: Hobie, no! You gotta teach him how to control his jealousy! -he saw Meows pouting as he's stuck being with his boyfriend-
Hobie: Heh, alright... I'll get to it.
Miles: When?
Hobie: I dunno...
Miles: Hobie!
Spider-Ham turns to the fourth wall: That's all folks!
Miguel: A la puta madre! Have you been talking to that idiot Deadpool, Spider-ham?
Spider-ham fake gasp again: How did you know?
Hobie Pine winks at the fourth wall: Hey, mate that's it no more! Now, go away! -he rubs his cheek against his boyfriend-
Meows: Who are you talking to, bae?
Hobie Pine: No one! Gimmie a kiss! -giving kisses-
Meows: HOBIE!
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cc1010fox · 9 months
Gree, stepping into Fox's office: See? I told you he would be too busy. He's not going to do whatever it is you said would entertain us. Cody, following after him with the others: He's never too busy to entertain his brothers. Trust me. Rex: Yeah, just give him a minute. Wolffe: He's like a caf machine. You just have to wait a minute for it to deliver. Bly: TELL US YOU DIDN'T SLEEP WITH STONE! Gree: What!? Fox, standing up: I have a meeting with the chancellor. Commander Thire will arrive shortly to finish my flimsiwork. Cody: So...no episode today? Gree: Episode? Bly: Look, we'll come back tomorrow, and you'll understand. You'll feel dirty and wrong, but you'll understand. Thire, entering right as Fox makes his silent exit: What are you five doing here? Did Fox schedule a meeting with you? Wolffe: Uh, no, sorry. We'll just get out of your-- Thorn, walking into the office: Thire. Thire: Thorn. Fox is in a meeting. Thorn: I know. I also knew you would be in his office. Cody: You clever-- Rex: The confrontation! Bly: Do they know about Stone? You have a common enemy, guys! Gree: Why are you talking like they're not in the room with us right now? Thire, Thorn, do you need some priva-- Thire: Are you trying to intimidate me? Do you know what it's like to work with senators all day? Thorn: I would never try to intimidate you. You're Fox's best friend, and I want you to stay best friends. Thire: Say what you really mean, Commander Thorn. Gree: ...Damn. I understand what you mean, Bly... Bly: It feels gross and invasive, doesn't it!? Gree: Yes... Cody, pulling snack packs out of his utility belt and offering one to Gree: Do you want a snack? Gree, eagerly accepting: You know I do! Thorn: I said what I really meant. Fox needs you. He needs you as his best friend. Fox is...a lot as a partner. He's a lot of pleasure, I know half of the Coruscant Guard knows that, but he's also a lot of pain...I don't want that pain to ruin your relationship... Cody, munching on a snack: This is why I'm Team Thorn. Rex, holding out his hand for a snack: You told me you were Team Stone after episode four. Cody, pouring one into his hand: OH! Right. Yeah, because he's hot. Damnit, but so is Thorn! Wolffe & Bly: What about love? Bly: ...Team Love? Wolffe: Team Love. Gree, eating a snack: I need a list of the teams. Thire: I have been living with that pain for as long as I've known Fox, and it has never hurt our relationship. Rex, whispering: Team Thire. Thorn: That's because your relationship has never been as serious as ours. All of his sleeping around takes on a different meaning when he tells you he loves you... Bly: ...I don't want Thorn to be with Fox anymore... Cody, Rex, & Wolffe: What!? Bly: He's making it sound like Fox is hurting him... Wolffe: ...Ok, but it's Fox. Thorn knows the consequences of being with Fox. Rex: Team Love is breaking up! Cody: That's because Wolffe is Team Fox Finding Love. Thire: He has told me he loves me... Thorn: I mean like a lover, Thire. Thire: So do I. Cody gasps and starts to choke on his snack. Rex steps behind him to give him one hard squeeze around his middle, dislodging the snack. Wolffe, patting Cody on the back: That line took my breath away too. Rex, Bly, & Gree laugh. Thire: So nothing has changed between us. Thorn: ... Thire: The difference between us, Thorn, is that I'm willing to give Fox what he needs to survive this disappointing life. I'm willing to share him. Are you willing to do that? Thorn: I...am willing to get back to my office. The new troopers are arriving! Thire: It really is that time! Run! What will they do without you? Thorn, laughing while running out of the office: The shinies need me! Gree: That...was whiplash... Wolffe: WHY IS IT ALWAYS A CLIFFHANGER!? Bly: A HEARTBREAKING CLIFFHANGER! Cody: It never gets easier... Rex: Are we really not going to talk about how this series almost killed you? Cody: Worth it.
Episodes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 months
Triangulum - Chapter 2- Unsettling In
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— — — — — — —
“Dibs on being the first Pines inside the Shack!”
The old floorboards creaked lightly under Mabel’s weight as she bounded through the door, pausing only to drop her bags by the staircase before she continued on towards the living room. “Aww, I’ve missed this place!” 
She jumped from the small doorway step to the carpet, twirling on her toes like a ballerina before she gestured to the television set. “Hello, ancient TV that only plays local access channels~!” Her gesture moved to the large dinosaur skull in the middle of the room. “Hello, weird T-Rex skull that we use as a coffee table for some reason~!” 
She waggled her finger at the aquarium. “Hello, giant aquarium tank that only sometimes has an animal in it~!” she said with a giggle. “You can’t hide from me forever, Sir. Wiggleton the Pink!”
From the nearby couch where she had seated herself and Waddles, Wendy raised an eyebrow. “Sir. Wiggleton the Pink?”
“That’s what I call Stan’s axolotl,” Mabel explained matter-of-factly. “He’s very sneaky, and likes to hide a lot. I only got a good look at him, like, once last year!”
“Maybe he sneaks out when nobody’s looking?” Wendy suggested, then snapped her fingers with inspiration. “Ooh, what if he’s actually some kinda secret agent, one who goes out and fights bad guys? And that's why it's so hard for anyone to spot him in the tank, ‘cause he’s not always in the tank!”
“Yeah, yeah!” Mabel agreed enthusiastically. “Maybe he’s part of a whole secret organization of secret-agent animals! And they all wear funny little hats!”
While they laughed in unison over the idea, more creaking from the hallway floorboards drew their attention to the doorway. A moment later, Dipper’s body was propped against the frame for support, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he gulped down precious breaths of air.
Between the desperate attempts to catch his breath, he shot Mabel a sour look. “You know, most people might call ‘tripping your brother as he tries to pass you in the driveway’ something along the lines of—oh, I dunno, maybe something along the lines of—cheating?”
Mabel’s mouth curled into a coy little smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dipping Sauce~!” she said innocently. “Not my fault you don’t know how to avoid branches while you’re running.”
“You literally stuck out your leg as I was trying to pass you!” Dipper argued. “And then after I fell, you laughed about it once you were sure I wasn’t actually hurt and was only just mildly inconvenienced!”
From her spot, Wendy let out a cackle. “You tripped him? Brutal.”
“It was a branch!” Mabel insisted. 
“A branch shaped like your leg!”
Mabel waved him away. “Oh, we can go on and on about things I did or didn’t do all we want—”
“You did do it.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered anyway!” Mabel continued, tossing her arms up in the air. “I still called dibs on being the first Pines to step inside, and you can’t go against dibs!”
“She has a point,” a voice spoke up behind Dipper, seconds before Ford stepped into the room. “The International Dibs Protocol is highly respected across countless dimensions, with millions of interdimensional beings valuing the weight it holds when it comes to ownership over specific affairs.”
He pressed a hand to his chin. “I believe at one point, there was even talk amongst the council members here in town about passing a law that would make adhering to said protocol mandatory. But the idea was scrapped before the House could ever lay an eye on it.”
“Yeesh, so this town’s just fine and dandy with people marryin’ woodpeckers or deciding ownership of a place based on whatever chump’s got the deed in their hands,” Stan called from out on the porch. “But you call dibs on something and suddenly that’s going too far—hey, hey! Knock it off, Soos, I’m not gonna look!”
He cast a miffed look to his right, where Soos had firmly remained throughout their entire walk up the driveway. His arms were spread out as wide as he could possibly get them, and he had even crab-walked up the porch beside Stan in an attempt to block something from his line of sight. 
“Sorry, Mr. Pines,” he said, keeping his arms outstretched until both of them were safely inside the house. ”But I can’t risk you seeing anything on the other side of this building until I give everyone the tour later!”
Stan let out a gruff sigh as they joined everyone else in the living room. “Yeah, yeah, like I’m in any rush to jump right back into work stuff after a nine-month vacation.”
Soos gave him a pitiful look. “Wh-you mean you’re not excited for the tour of all the new exhibits and stuff?”
“...I said ‘right back into’, didn’t I?” Stan pointed out. “Gimme an hour, we’ll see where I’m at then.”
He moved to the couch, then paused with a look to Wendy. “They got all the rats outta this thing while we were gone, right?”
“Completely rat free,” she assured him, moving her hand to Waddles’ head for scritches. “Although you’re never gonna guess what happened after we chased the last of them out of the shack—”
“Well, that sounds like six voices,” a voice called from the kitchen, seconds before a woman peeked her head through the doorway. “Pretty sure that’s everyone, unless we’re also expecting the girls.”
“Negative,” Wendy replied, as Stan settled down next to her. “Mr. Pines put down a hard no on any sleepovers tonight. Well, any sleepovers with the under-fourteens, at least.”
“Dipper also put down a hard no,” Dipper added. “Also hey, Melody!”
“Melody! Hi!” 
Mabel’s features lit up as Melody stepped out into the living room proper, and both twins rushed over to greet her further with a hug. “Hey, you guys!” she said, bending down to reciprocate. “Been a while, huh?”
“Sure has!” Dipper said with a hearty laugh.
“It’s so nice to see you again!” Mabel added with equal amounts of enthusiasm. “How’ve you been?”
 “I also think it’s nice to see you again!”
Before Melody could answer, all three suddenly found themselves lifted up from the ground. “I know we were only gone for, like, fifteen minutes or so,” Soos said, hugging all of them close to him. “But still, that’s enough time to miss someone, right?”
Despite most of her face being squished against his own, Melody smiled up at him.  “Well, fifteen minutes is about the same amount of time it takes to complete Ladybug on Dancey-Pants Revolution—” She paused and wriggled an arm free to tick off her fingers. “—what, five times? Five and a half? Just saying, that feels like an eternity when you’re trying to hit a perfect combo, doesn’t it?”
“That is so true,” Soos said with a nod. “You have such a way with words, babe.”
A squeak of delight drew their attention to the teenagers smushed between their bodies. “Hehe, you guys are adorable!” Mabel piped up. “And nerdy!”
“Also you’re kind of squishing us,” Dipper added with a wheeze.
With an apologetic smile, Soos lowered the group back down to the floor. “Sorry, dudes! Got so caught up in giving Melody a hug, that I kinda missed you were there.”
“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” Mabel assured him as she straightened out her clothes. “Being squished like that made me feel like the ham and cheese in a lovey-dovey sandwich!”
She gave a nudge to her brother’s arm with her elbow. “Guess that makes Dipper the lettuce and tomatoes!”
“What? Why am I the vegetables?” Dipper asked.
Mabel shrugged with a smile. “Because even if they’re not the most exciting ingredients, it just doesn’t feel like a proper sandwich without them,” she explained, pressing her hands together as if she were forming a sandwich herself. “But you gotta put ‘em between the meat and cheese, otherwise their veggie juices get mixed in with the condiments. Then bread gets all soggy and fall-apart-y and the sandwich is just inedible at that point.”
“Okay first of all, rude and gross. Second of all, that is a very weird analogy which explains nothing.” 
He pressed a hand to his stomach. “Although weirdly enough, it is making me hungry.”
“Good thing I got a head start on dinner before everyone got here,” Melody said. “In fact, I just checked the timer and there’s only a few minutes left before I need to pull it out of the oven—oh, by the way, lasagna from a box is fine with everyone, right?”
She directed her question both to the kids and to the group that had gathered by the couch, earning her a nod from Ford. “Fine with me. Meals that require minimal effort to prepare have sustained me since my college years, and I see no issue with continuing that trend now.”
“Long as there’s no fish involved, I’ll eat anything,” Stan assured her.
Wendy, who had distracted herself with scritching the spot between Waddles’ ears, looked to him. “Got sick of seafood out there on the open ocean, Mr. Pines?”
“Got sick of badly-prepared seafood.” 
Stan shot a pointed look to his brother. “Apparently somebody can rip out the spine of a zombified fishman from the ‘Walking Bullhead Dimension’—” 
“We’re gonna start this again, Stanley?” Ford interrupted, giving him an flat-but-amused look that implied they had discussed this topic countless times before.
“—but you give the guy a regular tuna to debone, and suddenly it’s all ‘Oh, this is ~soooo~ hard!’” Stan continued in a jestful tone. “‘I’m gonna make my twin brother nearly choke on a rib bone! Or two. Or five.’”
“Their spinal cords are more delicate than what I’m used to handling,” Ford insisted. “The anatomy of an anthropomorphic fish person—oh, uh, make some room?”
“Huh? Oh, right.” Stan made a gesture with his hand for Wendy to move. “Hey, scooch over and put the pig on the floor so we can all sit down.”
“I can take him off your hands now, Wendy,” Mabel said, holding her arms open. “Although he’ll probably end up on the floor anyway; I know he’s been dying to root around in the carpet for burrito bite crumbs again!”
While Wendy readjusted and passed Waddles back to his owner, Ford seated himself comfortably next to Stan. “As I was saying,” he continued. “The anatomy of an anthropomorphic fish person resembles our own more than that of a non-anthropomorphized fish from our dimension. This size increase in bone structure makes it far easier to get a grip on their spinal column and just—” He made a tearing motion with his hands. “—rip it straight from the body—”
He paused and looked to the younger twins. “Only when such drastic measures are necessary to take, of course. Had the dimension been populated by living anthropomorphized fish people, I would not have resorted to ripping out anyone’s spines.”
Stan lightly bumped his knuckles against Ford’s arm. “Heh, sounds like a buncha fancy-schmancy excuses from a guy who never learned how to properly work a pair of fish tweezers,” he said, making small, pinching motions with his fingers. “What’s wrong, Poindexter? Thought you were used to usin’ delicate sciencey tools out in the field with your dainty little sciencey grip.”
“Nothing about my science or my grip has been dainty in over thirty years, and I think you know that.”
“Yeah, tell that to the octopus babe you tried to hook up with off the coast of Australia! When’d she leave again, less than half-an-hour into the date?”
While Ford responded with his own playful fist to the arm—one that Stan cackled loudly at in return—Mabel knelt to the carpet and set Waddles at her side. “Aww, it’s nice to see you two getting along so well now!” she said sweetly. “Does that mean no more fighting? I mean, actual fighty-fighting and not play fighting?”
“Psh, please, let’s not go that far,” Stan replied, with a wave of his hand. “Of course we’re gonna fight, we’re siblings. Or are you forgetting how you tripped your brother out there in the driveway?”
“It was a bra~anch!” Mabel insisted in a singsong tone.
Dipper gave her a flat look. “Still gonna go with that excuse, huh?”
“Yeah-huh~! Also it’s not an excuse.”
With a wink to them, Stan snaked an arm around his brother’s shoulder. “But if anyone’s worried about a repeat of last year’s performance, don’t be!” he assured them. “Nine months of punching sea monsters and nabbing treasure from sirens have made us thick as thieves, just like old times!”
“While Stanley’s claims are a touch exaggerated, he’s not wrong,” Ford replied. “Despite our petty bickering over fish preparation, there’s nothing quite like spending months out on the open seas with someone to remind you of what’s really important in life. Sailing around the world on the adventure of a lifetime—”
He cast a small smile in his brother’s direction. “—well, it puts a lot of things in perspective.”
With a faux look of disgust, Stan pushed him away. “Ugh, why’d you have to go and make what I said all sappy? What, you wanna make the kids blow chunks on their first day back?”
While the kids giggled at this response, Ford nudged him in retaliation again. “Well, if you’re going to be like that, we could always go back to our petty fish arguments,” he said with a smug look. “You’ve harped on my inability to properly debone a fish, yet you act as if you didn’t completely butcher the deboning of those seatrout we caught along the coast of Florida.”
“Hey, hey, I plead the Florida loophole!” Stan insisted. “Which clearly states that if anything funky happens within the Florida boundaries, it was caused by the fact that we were near Florida.”
He folded his arms firmly across his chest. “Can’t be blamed for anything when we’re sailin’ through territory that could give this town a run for its money in weirdness.”
“Oh, you two were down in Florida?” Melody piped up. “That’s exactly where Abuelita headed a few days ago!”
“She won a free trip in a bingo game,” Soos explained with a look of pride. “Man, you should’ve seen how jealous Agnes and Bertha got when she held up her winning card—”
The ringing of a timer from the kitchen turned everyone’s heads to the doorway. “Oh, sounds like the food’s done,” Melody said. “Better go ahead and start plating.”
“Need an extra hand?” Soos asked.
“Mmm, I think I can manage slicing up lasagna by myself,” she assured him, before casting another look at the group. “Besides, I know how excited you were for everybody to get here, and I wouldn’t dream of pulling you away from everything just to help me slop some food on a plate.”
Soos moved his hands to her shoulders with a solemn expression. “I love you. So much.”
With a chuckle, she leaned up to kiss his cheek before turning back to the kitchen. Once she disappeared out of sight, Soos let out a warm sigh. “Isn’t she the best?” he asked to no one in particular.
Stan turned to Wendy with a raised eyebrow. “So them bein’ all lovey-dovey with each other,” he said. “Is that a rare thing or am I gonna have to actually start stockin’ up on eyeball bleach for the summer?”
“Told you to keep it in mind earlier,” Wendy said, hand on her hip. “Also, you call that ‘lovey-dovey’? Kisses and random compliments for the other when they’re not even in the room barely crack a three or four on the Soos-Melody Romance scale.”
She tilted her head in thought. “Though I guess it’s been more about quantity than quality lately. Can’t go five minutes without one of them trying to smother the other person in affection because of…reasons.”
She raised a finger to her mouth before casting a look over at Soos, who smiled and pressed a finger to his own mouth in return. Leaving the Pines family to watch them with raised eyebrows and tilted heads. “Well, that’s not cryptic or anything,” Ford said.
“Yeah, what’re you two hiding?” Dipper asked. 
“C’mon, spill the beans!” Mabel added, with a quick glance around the living room before she followed up with: “...If there were any opened cans of beans lying around, you know I’d poke ‘em over for dramatic effect!”
“Hehe, that’d be so funny,” Soos said amusedly. “It’d be like…a callback or something! But sorry, dudes, no beans of any kind can be spilled at the moment. Whether it’s beans of the secret variety, or just the ones in a can.”
“Why not?” Mabel asked.
“I mean, I think we ran out of them yesterday so you can’t spill what—”
“The secret part, Soos,” Dipper clarified.
“Oh, that!” Soos pressed a hand to the back of his neck with a tender look. “Well, it’s kind of a big deal, y’know? And I wanna wait until Mel and I can tell you together.”
“Yeesh, this secret of yours must be big big,” Stan said with a loose chuckle. “What, are the two of you getting married or some…thing—”
The mild amusement in his tone faded as the punchline he was waiting for never seemed to come, while the giddiness in Soos’ expression only seemed to blossom further. His cheeks had brightened to a light shade of red and he’d pressed hand over his mouth as he tried—and failed—to hide the smile that was quickly taking over his entire face.
Wendy also slapped a hand over her mouth to hide her smile—her entire upper half trembling as if she were holding back the biggest laugh of her life—while a deafening silence of realization overtook the rest of the Pines family.
“Alright, who wants the first two plates?”
It was Melody who finally broke the silence, having returned to the doorway with a paper plate of lasagna in each hand. “Again, I would’ve prepared something better for a welcome-back dinner, but with Abuelita out of town and the party tomorrow—”
Mabel’s words were punctuated by an ear-piercing scream—one that earned slapped hands to the ears of everyone except for Melody and Soos—and she flung herself around the neck of the latter to hug him tightly. “You guys are getting married! I can’t believe it!”
Dipper hurried to join in the hugging of Soos with a hearty laugh. “Congratulations, Soos! I’m so happy for you guys!”
“Can I be the flower girl?” Mabel prattled on. “Can Waddles be the ring bearer?!”
“What?! Why Waddles?” Dipper asked, then looked to Soos hopefully. “Can I be the ring bearer?!”
Melody stared at the sight with a look of mild confusion, to which Soos shrugged apologetically. “Sorry, babe,” he said meekly, and slung an arm around both of them. “Guess my poker face needed a little work.”
She chuckled in response, and went to set the plates down on the t-rex skull. “Well, I guess that’s one way to spill the beans.”
“YEAH! I spilled the beans!” Mabel said delightedly, pumping a fist in the air. “The metaphorical beans!”
“I mean, technically Stan was the one to spill them,” Wendy said, flashing Stan a grin. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, dude, it was priceless!”
This earned her a pair of narrowed eyes from Stan. “Hey, hey, what’s with you and the jokes today? You should be a little more respectful to the guy who used to sign your paychecks.”
“Mmm, are you going to be signing my paychecks again now that you’re back?”
Stan opened his mouth to respond, before the implication behind her reply snapped his attention right back to Soos and Melody. “Woah, woah, hold on, go back a sec—you’re telling me that you two are actually tyin’ the knot?”
Melody held out her hand, an engagement ring with a beautiful, purple gemstone resting comfortably on her finger. “End of the summer’s our set date,” she confirmed. “Oh, not the end end of summer; Soos told me that the kids’ birthday was the last day of August, and he didn’t want to take the spotlight away from their special day with our special day.”
“Aww, what? Booo!” Mabel protested as she hopped down from Soos’ arms. “Come on, we can share the day with you guys! Right, Dip?”
“Yeah!” Dipper agreed. “If there’s anything that’ll make our birthday better, it’ll be sharing it with your wedding day!”
Soos pressed a hand to each of their heads with a warm smile. “Aww, man, now I kinda wish we did!” he said, with a hopeful look to Melody. “You don’t think we could—”
“Normally I’d say yes in a heartbeat,” Melody said. “But we’ve already booked the photography, and you know how they are about rescheduling at the last second.”
“But don’t you guys have three months?” Dipper pointed out.
“To a wedding photographer, rescheduling earlier than five months counts as last minute,” Melody explained. “Especially if your set date’s in the summertime; they’re usually pretty swamped from June to the middle of September.”
“You shoulda gone for a Vegas wedding,” Stan said. “You get in, get out in an hour tops and all you need is a witness.”
He crossed his arms with a scowl. “And I guess you’ll need a safe for your valuables, in case the broad’s only marryin’ you for your winnings and plans on running off with ‘em in the middle of the night. …On second thought, don’t get married in Vegas.”
“Well, thankfully I don’t have any plans to go running off with any of Soos’s valuables, so there’s nothing to worry about there,” Melody said, taking a look around the room. “Besides, I’m pretty sure the majority of his valuables are sitting right in this very room, and I don’t think I could carry most of you.”
This earned her a chorus of ‘aww’s from the kids and Soos, and a retching gag from Stan. “Yeesh, forget the eye bleach thing, I’m gonna need something to scrub out my ears with after hearing that.”
“You’ll get used to it,” Wendy said, rising to her feet. “You still want some help with the food, Mel? I’ll do it just so Mr. Pines has an excuse to stop complaining about all the mushy stuff.”
Melody pressed a hand to her mouth to try and stifle back another laugh. “Sounds like a plan,” she said, and gestured for Wendy to follow.
While Wendy hurried after her—Stan glowering at her until she was out of his line of sight—the kids continued to swarm Soos with questions. “So where are you guys holding the wedding?” Mabel asked, hands folded together. “Ooh, lemme guess! Uh, uh—the arcade? No, that’s not romantic enough. Hoo-Ha Owl’s Pizzamatronic Jamboree? Since it’s where you had your first date?”
“Here at the Mystery Shack?” Dipper guessed. “Or, you know, a regular church?”
Soos pointed at him. “Ding ding ding, Dipper got it! Or, uh, he was right with the first guess.” He tossed his hands in the air. “We’re gonna have it here at the Mystery Shack! We’re gonna make some space outside, maybe put the alter over in that spot by the totem pole—it’s gonna look so good!”
“Well, I know I’m happy for both of you,” Ford spoke up from his spot on the couch. “I mean, I might not know either of you very well. But from the little I’ve seen of you two together, this is clearly a big deal and I’m honored that we get to share this opportunity with you.”
Soos turned to him with a surprised, yet touched expression. “Wh—aww, thanks, Dr. Pines,” he said, placing a hand on his heart. “That actually means a lot, coming from you.”
Ford blinked in confusion. “It…does?”
“Well…yeah,” Soos said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I mean, I know you didn’t plan for this place to become the Mystery Shack when you built it. But because it became that, I was able to meet Mr. Pines, and then Dipper and Mabel—” He began to tick off his fingers. “—and they were able to help me learn how to get a date, which led me to meeting Melody at the mall—”
He paused, looking to his hand. “Hey, should I count the whole ‘killer video game girlfriend’ thing in there somewhere, or was that more just a…thing that happened and isn’t really connected to all of this?”
“Definitely more of a side thing,” Mabel said. “Like, it happened, but I think connecting it back to the shack is a bit of a stretch.”
“The very weird point they’re to make is that none of this would’ve happened without you building the shack to begin with, Grunkle Ford,” Dipper said with a smile in his direction. “So in a way, a lot of this is because of you!”
“This wouldn’t be possible without help from our friend here!”
Ford’s smile vanished, nails gripping the arm of the couch tighter than he’d intended as the shrill, high-pitched sound of Bill’s voice echoed through his mind. Cruel tauntings mixed with the vicious laughter of his surrounding henchman, all while he struggled desperately against the invisible binds that held him in the air—
“Grunkle Ford, is everything alright?”
Mabel’s voice pulled him from his thoughts, a expression of worry painted across her features. Not only hers, but Dipper was giving him a mildly concerned look as well.
Ford let out a slow exhale of air through his nose to steady himself. It was just a horrible, fleeting memory, as were all his memories of Bill. Outside of his nightmares, he had managed to keep a lid on most of them for the past nine months whenever they managed to snake their way to the front of his mind.
That’s all it was, just another bad memory. No need to dwell on it, especially not now.
“I’m fine,” he reassured the rest of the group with a smile. “I was just about to say that I don’t know if I would go that far with the compliments. I mean, Stanley’s the one who put all the time and effort into making this place what it is today, isn’t he?”
He looked to his right, an identical pair of eyes meeting his own as the older Pines twins stared at each other in silence.
While he and Stan had only been reunited for less than a year, falling back into the habit of picking up on Stan’s mannerisms had almost been second instinct for Ford. Despite the forty year gap between their teenhood and the present, so much of the way that Stan presented himself hadn’t changed in the slightest.
So naturally, Ford had also picked back up the ability to distinguish when Stan was hiding his displeasure with a situation.
It didn’t happen often; Stan had always been the kind of person to openly and fervently vocalize his complaints at the slightest inconvenience. A behavioral habit he had possessed since they were young boys—such a thought sent an uncomfortable wave of nostalgia rippling through Ford’s chest—and one that had clearly stayed with him throughout the years—more uncomfortable waves in his chest of a different sort.
So whenever Stan made the choice to to keep his grievances to himself, it usually meant there was more bubbling under the surface. More than he was willing to let anyone see.
And the way that his features had shifted, jaw clenched and a rigid look behind his eyes that was easy to miss if you blinked—
“Yeah, the heck am I? Chopped liver?”
Before Ford could think to question Stan, he’d already turned back to the group with an affronted look. “Or are you knuckleheads forgettin’ who even started this whole business to begin with?”
This sent a wave of laughs through the trio. “Of course we didn’t, Grunkle Stan!” Mabel assured him. “We’d never forget about you!”
“Of course not!” Dipper added with a laugh.
“Not for a second!” Soos added. “In fact, I was actually about to ask you—”
“More plates coming through~!”
Melody and Wendy reentered the living room, a plate in each of their hands. “Alright, dorks, come and get these before I eat them,” Wendy joked, passing both plates in her hands to the younger twins.
“And one for you,” Melody said, handing one of hers to Soos with another kiss on the cheek.
This got a small hum of delight from Soos, which was accompanied by another eye roll from Stan as he leaned forward to take one of the plates off the skull table. “Eugh, on second thought, I don’t want any sorta credit for this mush fest,” he said, bringing it to his lap. “In fact, unless you got more happy news to tell us, I’m turnin’ my attention to this mush fest instead.”
To emphasize his pun, he brought the back of his fork down onto the lasagna with an audible squishing sound, before shoving a large bite into his mouth. “‘Sides, the sooner we eat, the sooner we get to see Soos’s big, fancy shack tour, right?”
His point seemed to encourage the kids to dig into their own plates as well, although not without bombarding the happy couple with more wedding-related questions. Wendy, in the meanwhile, had realized that she was the only person left without any food and headed back to the kitchen to fetch herself a plate of her own.
Leaving the remaining plate on the dinosaur skull, one growing colder by the minute, for Ford to take.
He leaned forward to pull it to his lap as well, unable to resist giving Stan a glance out of the corner of his eye as he did. Stan’s expression had returned to a more relaxed look as he dug into his food, any previous signs of distress now nothing more than a memory.
Settling back into place with his plate, Ford turned his attention back to the group—specifically Dipper and Mabel as they laughed along with whatever Soos was telling them through a mouthful of lasagna. 
None of them had expressed any further concern for Stan’s behavior after it had happened, and the three of them had spent far more time with Stan than he had in the past thirty years. Sure, the two of them had spent the past nine months together out at sea, but the kids had gotten to know him over the course of the previous summer. And Soos had practically spent all of his childhood and young-adulthood around him.
If they had failed to noticed anything was wrong with him, did that mean that Ford had misinterpreted his reaction completely? If one of Stan’s closest employees and family members—people who had been around Stan for far longer than he had in the past few decades—hadn’t noticed anything wrong with him, then maybe there was actually nothing to notice at all?
“Ho-ho! Looks like Mr. Brainiac finally got smart!”
…Then again, he did have experience in not picking up on the obvious.
His grip on the fork tightened as he stabbed it into the remaining lasagna on his plate, letting out another slow exhale in the process. It was like Stan had said earlier at the bus stop. If the two of them showed any signs of stress regarding the events of the previous summer, then it was sure to stress out the kids as well.
He raised the fork to his mouth. And it was like he had said; It was a new summer. A chance for everyone to start over, and for them to start over together.
“We don’t have to do anything alone ever again, right?”
“We don’t have to do anything alone. Not now, not ever again.”
If there was anything truly wrong with Stan, he would say something. They could talk things out, find a solution together.
As he bit down on the lasagna, however, he couldn’t stop his gaze from uncertainly shifting back to his brother.
— — — — — — — — 
“Remind us again why we’re wearin’ blindfolds?” Stan asked.
“Oh, how the tables have turned,” Mabel piped up, and reached her hands out in front of her to blindly grasp at the air. “Are you going to make Grunkle Stan drive us somewhere with his blindfold on?”
“I strongly advise against anything of the sort,” Ford said quickly. 
“Nah, I’m pretty sure Soos just wants us to be surprised by all the new stuff he’s added to the shack,” Dipper pointed out, and looked towards where he had heard Soos’s voice. “Isn’t that right, Soos? …I think I’m looking at you, I can’t actually tell.”
“You got it, dude!” Soos said, giving him a thumbs up before adding as an afterthought: “By the way, you can’t see it but I gave you a thumbs up!”
Dipper gave him a thumbs up in return, while Stan folded his arms across his chest. “Yeesh, with how much you’re hyping this thing up, it better end with a boatload of cash.”
He flipped his thumb in the direction of the parked car and boat situated a short distance from the group. “And don’t think I don’t know how much a boatload is, we got the Stan-O’-War 2 parked right over there for reference.” A pause. “I’m pretty sure it’s over there, at least.”
“It is,” Soos assured him. “Alright, is everyone ready?”
Dipper gave a nod. “We’re ready, Soos!”
“Yeah, knock us dead, Mr. Mystery!” Mabel added encouragingly.
After a quick glance down at the stack of flashcards in his hands, Soos looked back to the waiting Pines with a big smile. “Greetings, ladies, gentlemen, and other assorted tourists,” he began in a rehearsed tone. “First of all, the Mystery Shack family would like to offer you a hearty welcome to the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon—”
He winked at them. “Or I guess I should really say welcome back to the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon! …‘Cause, like, you all came back to the town after leaving—”
Stan pressed a hand to his forehead. “You’re really gonna give us the entire pitch first, huh?”
From off to the side where her and Wendy were situated, Melody perked up at his remark. “He’s been waiting ages to show it to you,” she called to them. “He barely got any sleep last night out of excitement!”
“I kept opening my eyes and hoping it was finally morning,” Soos admitted with a bashful smile.
“Besides, aren’t you the one who’s always saying that buttering up the chumps that come through here is a good way to get them to toss more money at us?” Wendy added. “Why do you care if he gives you the entire pitch first?”
“Hey, never said I didn’t approve of it,” Stan clarified. “I especially like the part where he refers to the staff as a family.”
He gave a theatrical wave of his hands. “Paints a mental picture in those chumps’ minds. A picture that says ‘Hey! The people at this place must be really close if they’re callin’ themselves a family! And if they’re a family, they must have a bunch of hungry kids to feed! Let’s toss all the money in our wallets at them…for the children!’”
“Probably helps that you actually made us dress up like ‘the abnormally hungry twins’ for an exhibit last year.” Dipper cast a flat look towards Stan, then to verbally emphasize his point: “Which I will not be doing again this year.”
Stan waved him away with a scoff. “‘Course not; those extra inches on your height won’t make you pass as anything more than a starving teenager. And people aren’t as taken in by teenagers in need as they are kids.”
“An unfortunate fact, but a true one,” Wendy chimed in again. “Now shh, Soos worked really hard on preparing this speech!”
“Thanks, Wendy,” Soos said. “But I don’t mind any interruptions, especially not from Mr. Pines! If there’s anything my online forums taught me, it’s that running a business is like writing a fanfiction: healthy criticism informs me of the areas I can improve on, and makes me feel good about the areas I’m already doing well in!”
He tapped his chin. “There’s also a lot of overlap between the two when it comes to people who want to learn about how to romance a werewolf,” he mused with a chuckle. “Turns out the secret is just buying a lot of beef jerky, they go nuts for the stuff—”
“Keep it on track, Soos,” Stan interrupted with a roll of his hand.
“Gravity Falls, Oregon,” Soos continued. “A mysterious and strange town, full of mysterious and strange beings. Whether they’re human, animal, vegetable, mineral, something in between or something else entirely, the one thing they all have in common is that they call this town home.”
He tossed an arm in the air to gesture at the building behind him. “And lucky for you, our totally awesome family here at the Mystery Shack is happy to help bridge the gap between the mysterious and the…not-mysterious—”
He made a so-so motion with his hand. “This part’s a little rough, but we’re working on smoothing it out. I know there’s a good M-word that would fit there, I just can’t remember off the top of my head.”
Ford pressed a hand to his mouth, before he spoke up with a suggested: “Mundane?”
Soos’s features brightened with inspiration and he shot a finger gun in Ford’s direction. “Boom! That’s the one!” he said, fetching a pencil from his pocket. “Thanks, Dr. Pines! …By the way, I shot you a finger gun. If you don’t know what that is—‘cause of all the time away from our dimension—I can tell you! It’s when you take your finger and—”
“No need to explain, Soos,” Ford assured him. “The concept speaks for itself.”
While Soos scribbled a few edits onto his flashcard, Melody raised a hand from her spot. “Sorry to interrupt your speech, Soos, but I just want to make sure I’m getting things right now that everyone’s here.” 
She pointed a finger at the Stans, shifting it back and forth between them. “Mr. Pines is the founder of the Mystery Shack and Dr. Pines is the one who actually owns it, right?” she asked with a shrug. “Or—well, I know that technically we own it since we have the deed to the building, that’s such a weird law for this town to have—”
“You have no idea,” Stan added.
“—but you get what I mean, right? Dr. Pines is the name on the deed?”
“I gotcha, and you’re right!” Soos clarified. “Mr. Pines founded the mystery shack and Dr. Pines is the one on the deed.”
He turned to face her completely. “If it helps, you could try remembering it like this: Mr. for mystery and Dr. for deed to the shack!”
Melody considered this for a moment. “Oh, that does help, actually. It’s like a stalactite/stalagmite kind of thing.”
“You could also just call them Stan and Ford,” Mabel added. “Ooh, or Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford like we do!”
“I mean, technically they aren’t her great-uncles,” Dipper pointed out. “So that wouldn’t really make sense.”
With a tut, Mabel placed her hands on her hips. “Please, the title of Grunkle is less about being a great-uncle, and more of a state of mind.”
“...Yeah, the state of mind where you’re a great-uncle,” Dipper said pointedly. “Hence the combination of the two words.”
“You can call us whatever you please,” Ford spoke up. “Clearly there are plenty of options to choose from, and all are accurate to some degree.”
He pressed a hand to his chin. “Although I will admit that it’s been a long time since anyone has referred to me as Dr. Pines. It was far more common for people to call me that for the first few years after I finished college.”
“You know what, I’ll experiment with a few different names, see what sticks,” Melody said, then turned her attention back to Soos. “Sorry, babe, didn’t mean to interrupt. Go ahead and keep going.”
“Never hurts to double check,” Soos assured her. “Plus since the two of them are part of the Shack’s history, it doubles as a tour question! Ooh, we should write that into the speech, too—”
There was another pause as he scribbled something down on his flashcards. “See, that’s another reason I wanted to show you guys the tour as soon as possible,” he said to the Pines. “I’m adding so much that’s gonna knock the next group of tourists that hears it on their butts! Okay, let’s see, where was I—”
“Mysterious and mundane,” Dipper reminded him helpfully.
“Thanks, dude! As I was saying before, we here at the Mystery Shack are happy to help bridge the gap between the mysterious and the mundane—”
He playfully waggled a finger in Ford’s direction, before tossing his free hand in the air. “And hopefully after today’s tour, you’ll all be able to walk across that bridge alongside us! Welcome to the Mystery Shack!”
He squinted down at his flashcards again. “Is…is that good for a welcoming statement?” he asked. “Did I do a good job? Do you feel invested to learn more about what awaits in this fine establishment?”
“Oh, I know if I had a wallet full of money, I’d be tossing fistfuls at you right now,” Mabel said supportively, and dug a hand into the pocket of her skirt. “Ooh, wait, I might have some glitter I can toss instead—”
After blindly feeling around for a moment, she pulled her hand out with a with a disappointed look. “Aw, nope, false alarm,” she said, opening her palm to reveal a squished, blue blob. “Just my wad of that sticky stuff teachers use to hang up posters that I stole over the school year~!”
She dropped it in her pocket again and gave the side a pat. “Just gonna tuck that back where it belongs~!”
“And I’m always ready to learn more,” Dipper added. “So you don’t need to do much to convince me!”
“Sounds like a yes to me, Mr. Mystery,” Melody said. “We good to move on to the next part of this tour?”
“You know it!” Soos said, before looking back to the Pines. “Okay so that part of the speech would normally be followed up with me leading everyone over to the exhibits area and showing all of them off.” 
His gaze moved to the Stans. “But I know you wanted a quiet evening without tourists or sleepovers or parties—”
“We did,” Stan confirmed.
“I didn’t,” Mabel argued with a pout. “I’ll bet Candy and Grenda would’ve had so much fun on the tour!”
“Oh, they’ve taken it many times!” Soos assured her. “They’re practically honorary employees at this point, and sometimes they even help with the new exhibits!”
At this information, Mabel’s pout was immediately replaced with a cutesy smile and she squished her hands to her cheeks. “Aww, of course they do! Can we see some of the ones they helped with?”
“Well, uh—like I was saying, we knew Mr. Pines wanted at least one evening before all the loud stuff,” Soos said. “So we ended tours early for the day and sent everyone from the exhibits home.”
The Pines exchanged a series of confused, blindfolded looks, before Dipper vocalized their confusion with an: “Everyone?”
Soos looked to Melody and Wendy, who nodded in unison. “We sent everyone home,” he continued to the Pines. “But we still wanted to give you all a taste of the kind of tours we’d normally give on a regular basis! So Melody had the brilliant idea to leave out the empty displays and do a fake tour before cleanup!”
He gestured for them to follow. “If you really want to know more, you’re gonna have to come look for yourselves~! And to look for yourselves, you’re gonna have to follow me!”
“Refusing to explain further until we take the tour for ourselves?” Stan gave a proud nod. “Good, good, you’re reelin’ us in…”
“Uh, Soos?” Dipper said, and pointed to his blindfold. “How can we follow you if you can’t see?”
Soos froze, and pressed a hand to his forehead. “Oh, duh, forgot about that!” he said, and thought for a moment. “Uh…just carefully follow the sound of my voice and footsteps?”
He began to walk backwards, making wide gesturing motions with his hands as they blindly followed him. “Alright, dudes, just keep walking forward—oop, careful of that crack in the ground, Dipper! Okay, just a little further—”
“Still don’t understand why we can’t just take the blindfolds off,” Stan said, taking a few bold steps forward—
—and letting out a grunt of pain as he stepped on a small rock. “Also, since when did Soos know to call you Dr. Pines?” he asked, kicking the rock to the side. “Don’t remember you ever tellin’ him to do that.”
He directed the last remark at Ford, who was carefully toeing the dirt in front of him before taking a step. “Well, I did mention my college years back when I first stepped out of the portal,” he reminded Stan. “Perhaps he took that fact and came to the conclusion that using the Dr. prefix would be appropriate, given my numerous PhDs.”
Stan’s expression shifted for a moment. “Oh yeah, that did happen, didn’t it,” he said, before shaking his head. “Yeah, given your whole science guy thing, I’ll bet he woulda called you Dr. Pines even if you didn’t have the credentials for it.”
“I would’ve!” Soos confirmed helpfully.
“Ooh, Mabel just had a fun idea!” Mabel piped up, and pressed her hands together. “What if we called you Dr. Grunkle Ford?”
She smiled cutely in Ford’s direction, despite being unable to see him. “I’ll bet one of those PhDs is from mastering the study of Great-Uncle-ing, isn’t it? Hmm~?”
“Well, if we’re getting into the specifics,” Ford began. “The field of studies I majored in were biology, archaeology—dabbled in Hyper-Advanced Engineering and Fifth-Dimensional Calculus for three semesters, deeply regret trading the rest for an extra semester of Applied Quantum Phase Theory—”
He paused. “Oh, that was a joke, wasn’t it?”
Mabel let out a giggle. “The PhD part was, the Dr. Grunkle Ford part was not. That was also not a ‘no’ so I’m gonna tuck that away for later.”
She made a motion to grab something out of the air, and pretended to drop it into her pocket. “And just ‘cause you can’t see it, I grabbed the nickname out of the air and dropped it into my pocket,” she explained, patting her skirt. “It’s resting right next to my blob of sticky poster stuff as we speak.”
“Hey, Soos, are we able to take off our blindfolds yet?” Dipper asked.
“Just a little further ahead—ooh, okay, stop, stop!”
Soos came to a stop himself, smile wider than ever. “Alright, esteemed guests! You may now remove your blindfolds and behold the wonders the Shack has to offer! …Or, at least, get an idea of what the Shack has to offer when we’re not closed!”
Four pairs of hands met cloth as the Pines reached up to lower their blindfolds and take in the sight before them.
The area situated between the shack and the edge of the woods was reminiscent of a carnival after all the guests had gone home for the day—the grass a tamped-down mess of discarded pamphlets and trash, and a wide selection of empty displays surrounded them on all sides.
To their left stood a tall aquarium that stretched around ten by ten square feet, filled nearly to the brim with placid water. Further ahead was a lengthy presentation stage, littered in the remains of unidentifiable objects made of wood, stone—anything that looked like it would’ve been a challenge for a regular human to destroy.
Ahead of that was an artificial recreation of a magical forest glenn, one perfect for a unicorn to kneel before in a graceful and elegant fashion. A series of perches for winged creatures both big and small. A small pet bed the perfect size for a plaidypus. A collection of scattered Pitt Cola cans near a skateboarding ramp covered in massive, yeti-like footprints and tire tracks.
Empty display after empty display surrounded the Pines family as they looked around, each a clear indicator of what beings would normally occupy them during business hours.
And if the sight wasn’t enough, Soos was happy to confirm it as he lead them forward: “Now, this is our Main Exhibit Area,” he said, and gestured around himself. “Any live beings for these attractions would normally be gathered here for their demonstrations—”
“Live beings?” Dipper asked with a hopeful sparkle in his eyes. “As in we’ve started including actual, real monsters and creatures and stuff?”
“You know it, dude!” Soos said.
Mabel smooshed her face against the side of the large, glass tank, pupils darting back and forth while questions spilled out of her mouth at breakneck speed: “Is this a mermaid tank? How many mermaids are here? What are they like? …Are any of them Mermando?”
“Reminder that you’re in a relationship,” Dipper said.
Mabel pulled her face back with an audible pop, before giving her brother a pointed stare. “I wasn’t asking so I could date him again! It’d just be nice to catch up with an old friend!” 
She moved a hand to her forehead, rubbing the spot where skin had met glass. “Besides, you act like Dev wouldn’t be cool with being in a polyamorous relationship with a mermaid.”
“...You know, that is probably something he’d be cool with.”
“Soos said he had a feeling you’d like the mermaid tank,” Melody said, coming up beside them. “And Wendy had a feeling that you’d love to see me jump into it.”
Mabel stared up at her with a grave look. “I would love nothing more.”
“Called that one,” Wendy said with a smug grin.
Using the ladder near them, Melody climbed up and onto the wooden platform on top of the tank, pausing only for a moment to fiddle with something in the very center. After a few seconds, she lifted the half she was not kneeling on upwards and held it still for the group to see. 
Rather than being made completely out of wood like the other half, the ‘lid’ was made up of sturdy, steel bars with gaps between them. Like the bars of a jail cell, if the entire jail cell had been laid on its back and made of glass.
“We like to close and lock the lid between mermaid demonstrations,” she explained to the Pines family. “Keeps any bold tourists from trying to climb inside.”
“You lock your mermaids up?” Mabel asked, hands pressed to her mouth in horror.
“Wha—oh, no, don’t worry!” Melody quickly assured her. “We only lock it up once Mitch is outside of it and in his portable tank—hey, Soos, Wendy, can you guys—”
“Oh, yeah, one sec.”
Both Soos and Wendy hurried over to the opposite end of the tank and held out their arms, as if preparing to catch something out of the air. Once they were in place, Melody arched the lid up and over towards the side where they stood. While it quickly swung downwards at the two of them, they stood firm as they caught it in their arms, before gently guiding it to rest against the side of the tank.
Looking pleased, Melody turned her attention back to the kids. “Alright, I’m not even gonna try to do a proper mermaid dive into this thing because there’s a good chance I might break my neck,” she said. “So are we fine with a cannonball instead?”
“Cannonball! Cannonball!” Dipper and Mabel chanted in unison.
“Cannonball!” Soos added with just as much enthusiasm.
“Sounds like a yes to me!” Melody said, and took a small step back from the gap. “Get your cameras ready!”
Mabel held up her cell phone with a bright smile, before taking a cautious step back from the tank. “For safety measures,” she explained. “Don’t want what happened to Dipper’s phone to happen to mine~!”
“There was a chicken in science class, caught on fire and set off the sprinklers…” He shrugged in mild annoyance. “I had to get a new phone, it was a whole thing—”
“Shshshsh,” Mabel said, taking one hand off her phone to wave him quiet. “We can exchange cool stories after the tour! Cannonball time!”
“Oh, right—go for it, Melody!”
And with that confirmation, Melody took a deep breath jumped up and over the open side of the tank, folding her body into a cannonball shaped before she sank down into the water. Water that splashed up and out, soaking the grass around the tank and the toes of anyone who hadn’t followed Mabel’s example and backed up to safety.
While Melody breached the surface and swam to the tank’s side, Soos looked back down to his flashcards. “As you can imagine, normally a trick like this would be done by our hired merteen, Mitch,” he explained. “He would do a few tricks, explain a few of the basics of being a merperson, and then answer a few questions from the audience about being a mermaid and stuff.”
Melody propped her folded arms over the side of the tank. “And since I’m not an actual mermaid, I can’t really answer any real mermaid questions,” she said. “Or, at least, not as well as someone who’s been one their entire lives. But if anyone’s got any about how the exhibit works in other ways—”
“And Mabel’s hand is already in the air.”
Dipper flicked a thumb towards his sister, who was waving her arm about so frantically that it was a miracle that it didn’t go flying right off her body. Melody smiled and gestured to her with a damp hand. “Go ahead, Mabel.”
“Because I didn’t get any answers before, I repeat my questions from earlier,” Mabel said. “How many mermaids are here? What are they like?”
She turned her nose up at Dipper. “And would there happen to be an old friend of mine by the name of Mermando among them?” she asked. “One I am not interested in dating again, but one I would like to say hello to, despite what a certain someone might think—”
“Laying it on a little thick, aren’t we?” Dipper asked.
“Ehhh, we only got the one merman and I doubt you’d be interested in dating him,” Wendy answered. “He’s kinda dull, one of those beach-dude types who’s overly obsessed with surfing and sun…”
She flicked a thumb towards the skating ramp. ”Gets along pretty well with the Abominable Bro-men who hang out at the halfpipe, though.”
“Speaking of which, he headed down to the California coast for the summer,” Soos said. “Apparently he’s got a lot of family down there—”
“Makes sense,” Dipper said with a nod.
“Totally tracks,” Mabel added.
“—which means that the only mermaid exhibit you’ll get to see for the next three months is Melody’s,” Soos continued. “Unless another one applies for a job soon, that is. ‘Course we’ll still need to check their resume, confirm their resources are legitimate—”
“Which could happen,” Melody said, as she pulled herself up onto the edge of the tank. “I’ve got a couple of interviews lined up.”
She looked towards the older Pines twins. “What about you two? Got any mermaid questions for me?”
“I’m afraid any questions I might still have about mermaids would only be able to be answered by actual mermaids,” Ford said, and looked towards the rest of the displays. “And I assume the same applies to the rest of the exhibits.”
He cast them both a smile. “But I’m in full support of this method of showcasing them! I mean, using the supernatural beings of Gravity Falls as willing exhibits, and providing a chance for everyone to grow accustomed to each other in a neutral setting?” 
He tossed his hands in the air. “All with education lessons about each creature added to the mix? Quite the scientific approach to this sort of thing, color me very impressed!”
“Well, we kinda have you to thank for the idea, Dr. Pines,” Melody said. “You and the kids, of course.”
Once again, Ford found himself bewildered by the sudden praise and he tilted his head with a curious look. “Care to explain?”
“See, I spent sooooo much time with Dipper and Mabel last year,” Soos explained. “And they spent sooooo much of their time doing lots of cool, mystery stuff! Whether it was fighting some big monster or just trying to find out more about the super-mysterious author guy who wrote the journal that Dipper found in the woods—”
He once again pointed at Ford with a playful grin, before continuing: “—we learned about a lotta weird dudes! And with the town coming together and everything after Weirdmageddon, that meant a lotta those weird dudes were walking around in broad daylight. Which meant a lotta tourists started seeing those weird dudes walking around in broad daylight!”
“And as most tourists do, plenty had questions about them,” Melody continued from the water tank. “So with the Shack being one of the most popular locations in town, some talk was thrown around about us providing a space for those beings to answer their questions!”
“It probably helps that a lot of those weird dudes hid in the Mystery Shack during Weirdmageddon,” Wendy added. “So you know, didn’t take a lot of convincing to get them involved, since they kinda consider it a safe haven now.”
“That’s so cool!” Dipper piped up excitedly.
“It’s brilliant,” Ford agreed. “During my years of research, I spent so long studying all the strange and mysterious beings of this town. How they came to exist, how they functioned—”
He placed a hand to the side of the tank. “Not just them but the weirdness that surrounded the town as a whole. Why all of it was so drawn to this tiny, Oregon town out of anywhere else in the world—”
“Imagine it, Sixer—a whole dimension of weirdness! One where the strangest and most bizarre beings the Multiverse has to offer call home! All waiting for someone as brilliant as you to pop on over and show the world what they—and you—can do!”
“You really think so?”
“Buddy, I know so! This is the way genius happens! …With a little help from a friend, of course!”
The hand against the glass curled into a fist as Bill’s voice once again pounded through his skull, the memories of their ‘research’ together gripping his insides like a vice. All those years of hard work for naught, all that wasted time being fed promises from the honey-dipped spoon of a liar, the bitter truth hidden from sight until it was too late to spit it back out—
He slowly unclenched his hand with a shuddery exhale. Deep breath, just relax. Everything was fine. “—well, this whole setup is making me reminisce on more nostalgic times,” he finished with a forced smile in Soos’s direction. “That’s all.”
If Soos had caught on to his half-truth, he didn’t show any sign of it in his own expression. Rather, his own smile simply widened further as he looked to Stan. “What about you, Mr. Pines?”
Ford couldn’t help but look to his brother as well, and his eyes once again met a matching pair as the two of them stared at each other in another shared silence.
The rigidity in Stan’s features from before had returned. Far less prominent than it had been back in the house, but the way his jaw was set, the cold, studious gaze behind worn lenses—
“All I wanna know is how much this kinda stuff’s costing the two of you.” 
And quick as a flash, Stan had turned back to the rest of the group, arms folded across his chest and any sense of tension in his features nonexistent. “Don’t get me wrong; I think usin’ all the ghouls and goblins of this town to get more money outta tourists is a great idea—”
“You mean like what I suggested last year?” Dipper pointed out.
“Last year I was still playin’ dumb about all of that, in the hopes it would keep you kids outta trouble,” Stan reminded him. “Think we can safely say that ship has sailed by now. Besides, I ain’t the big man in charge anymore, so whatever changes you make to the shop are up to you and you alone.” 
He directed the back half of his sentence at Soos and Melody as he turned to face them again. “But you know me; always lookin’ at the side of business with the dollar signs. And I just wanna know if you’re turnin’ more of a profit than what you’re spendin’.”
Ford’s gaze continued to linger on his brother for a moment more, before he turned to them as well. “Stanley raises a good point. While I clearly support the desire and motivation to help others approach the supernatural beings of the Falls with a more respectful and scientific mindset—well, as Stanley put it so eloquently, such methods aren’t exactly cheap.”
“Oh, that’s nothing to worry about,” Melody assured them. “If anything, the Shack is making more money than it ever did before!”
“Oh yeah!” Soos agreed. “Even taking into account all of the paychecks we give out—of course we pay anyone who’s part of an exhibit—”
“They’re employees after all,” Melody chimed in with a nod.
“—even taking all that into account, we’re doing really well!” Soos finished, tossing his hands into the air. “In fact, the Shack is more popular than it’s ever been before!”
Ford glanced back at Stan, scanning his features for any other signs of distress. However, Stan only seemed to perk up further at Soos’ comment, even going so far as to clasp a proud arm around his shoulder. “Well, then I have no complaints whatsoever! Show me another one of these magnificent, moneymaking—uh, m—uh…whatever, just show me another one.”
“Sounds like my cue,” Wendy said, and turned to the younger twins. “Who wants to see me break something over at the Manotaur stage?”
This time, Dipper and Mabel’s hand shot up in unison, and Wendy laughed as she lead them over towards the empty presentation stage. Much like back at the bus stop, the adults found themselves left behind as Soos helped a sopping-wet Melody back down the ladder and into the grass. 
“Well, the tour might not be how we usually do things, but at least they seem to be having fun,” she said, and reached up to wring out some of the water in her hair. “Plus getting a chance to jump into a tank of water on a hot summer evening’s probably the opposite of a problem.”
“You cannonball like no other,” Soos said, tone full of sincerity before he looked to the older twins. “So you’re really enjoying the tour so far, Mr. Pines? I know you probably won’t get a proper feel of the new exhibits until you’re able to take a real tour, and I know this is a huge change from how you used to do things—”
“Like I said, it’s makin’ this place more money than ever so I’ve got zero complaints,” Stan said with a shrug. “Your methods are smart, keepin’ up with what the people want like any good business should…”
His features shifted to something that almost resembled genuine pride, if one looked closely enough. “You’re…you’re doin’ good, Soos. Really.”
A single touch could’ve shattered Soos like glass, eyes swelling with tears of pure joy.. “Thank you so much, Mr. Pines!” he said, and finally gave in to the urge he was probably holding since the moment the Stans arrived and scooped Stan up into a hug. “You’ve no idea how much this means to me!”
Any pride in Stan’s expression vanished in place of annoyance at being scooped, and he struggled fruitlessly against Soos’ embrace. “Alright, alright, save the huggy stuff for your fiance over there,” he insisted firmly. “Besides, didn’t Wendy say she wanted to show us another exhibit or whatever?”
“Oh, right!” Soos said, and looked to Melody. “Want me to hug-carry you over to the stage?”
“Soos, I’m soaking wet.”
“Then we’ll both be soaking wet!”
Recognizing a good point when she heard it, Melody shrugged and hopped into his arms and the two of them fell into a shared fit of laughter as Soos lead them both towards the Manotaur stage. 
Leaving the Stans as the remaining two near the mermaid tank. 
“Can you believe this?” Stan asked, with a light flick to the glass. “A mermaid exhibit with a living, breathing merman? And one not made out of random animal parts?”
“They really seem to have tapped into a brilliant method of showcasing the exhibits here,” Ford agreed, turning his attention to the glass as well. With Melody no longer inside, the water inside was slowly settling back to a calm and undisturbed state. “You really picked the right man to take up the reigns in your absence.”
“Yeah, I…I really did, huh?”
That heavy silence from before began to envelop the brothers again, nearly impossible to ignore by this point. Not even the whooping and hollering from the stage—apparently Wendy had started her demonstration without them—was enough to distract Ford from his growing suspicions that Stanley was hiding something.
With the way he kept looking at Ford, features set with that rigid expression that clearly obscured his actual feelings beneath, he was either hiding something or he needed to say something without the others nearby.
Well, they had a moment alone now. Best to do the straightforward thing and just ask directly. “Stanley, is everything alright?”
Stan snapped his attention from the tank to Ford so quickly that it was a miracle he didn’t pull something, and for a moment he did seem like he had something he needed to say—
—before his expression settled back into something more neutral as he leaned back against the glass. “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
It was an odd thing. With the many years of conning people under his belt, Ford had expected his brother to be far better at lying right to his face. “Are you sure?” he tried again, and leaned back against the glass as well. “You know you can talk to me, Stanley. It’s like you said before: we don’t have to deal with things by ourselves anymore. So, if you need to talk about anything, anything at all…”
This earned a small chuckle from Stan. “Throwin’ my own words back at me, huh? Cheap shot.”
He hesitated to reply for a moment, before giving him a halfhearted shrug. “I dunno, it’s nothin’,” he said. “I think I’m just having a hard time getting back into the swing of things now that we’re back in town. Just a lotta new stuff to get used to, stuff that wasn’t here last year…”
He cast Ford a smirk. “Guess you could say I’m having trouble gettin’ my land legs, instead of my sea legs,” he said, leaning over to nudge him with his elbow. “You—you get it? My land legs—”
Dodging the subject with a joke, and an incredibly cheesy one at that. A classic Stanley move to avoid talking about something he didn’t want to, one that only cemented Ford’s concerns further.
However, his first remark brought a thoughtful hand to Ford’s chin. “There have been quite a few changes in our absence,” he agreed. “It would make sense that it would be difficult for you to readjust, especially in regards to the shack.”
He cast a look towards the shack itself. “I mean, you were in charge of this place for what, thirty years? That’s about five times the number of years I lived here,” he said. “Not to mention Soos and Melody’s whole announcement, I can imagine that would be quite the surprise for you—”
“Only surprise there is that there’s apparently someone on this planet more nerdy than Soos,” Stan interrupted quickly, and crossed his arms. “What about you? How’re you holdin’ up?”
Ford stared at him, perplexed. “Me?”
“To quote the words you stole from me to then throw back at me; we don’t have to deal with things by ourselves anymore,” Stan said. “So do you have anything you wanna talk about?”
“Heads up!”
A shout from the stage sprung the brothers into action, and both jumped out of the way just in time to avoid a porcelain vase whizzing past at breakneck speed, right before crashing straight into the side of the cabin and shattering on impact.
“Sorry, guys!” Wendy called from atop the stage. “Think I put a little too much oomph into that swing!”
“I think you put just the right amount of oomph into it!” Mabel said from beside her, grin bright. 
“It was incredible!” Dipper agreed. “Can you do it again?”
“I dunno,” Wendy said, tapping the end of the bat against her boot. “The destruction of valuable properly really gets both the Manotaurs and the audience all riled up, so they tend to keep the going until there’s nothing left to destroy.”
She moved the end of the bat was moved to a discarded plank of wood near her feet, gently nudging it towards the edge of the stage. “And judging by today’s damage, it’s a miracle that one vase remained unscathed as long as it did.”
“Aw, boo,” Mabel said. “I wanna see more mindless violence!”
“Sadly that’s all I got for the big lugs for now,” Wendy said, letting the bat clatter to the stage. “You squirts know all about their deal already, so random trivia is kinda out of the question. I mean, I could always do the thing where they let someone from the audience challenge them in a fight, but ehh, I’ve already gotta clean up the displays on my day off—”
“Didn’t you choose to come to work anyway?” Mabel pointed out.
“—so I’m just gonna pass the baton to Soos,” Wendy continued, tossing a hand in Soos’ direction. “How about it, Soos? You’re the only one who hasn’t shown off one of the exhibits yet, it’s only fair you get a turn before we move on to the Big Stuff inside.”
“You make a good point!” Soos agreed with a nod, and glanced around at the remaining exhibits for a moment in thought. “Who wants to watch me try and do a kickflip over at the Abominable Bro-Men’s halfpipe?”
“Me! Me!” Dipper piped up enthusiastically. “You are absolutely going to fall and break your neck, so I’m in!”
Beaming, Soos turned back to the direction of the mermaid tank. “What about you, Dr. and Mr. Pines?” he called. “You wanna join us?”
The sudden vase attack had pulled both from their conversation long enough to grow distracted by the kids’ antics on the stage. At Soos’ call, however, the two of them exchanged a look with each other. “Like I was askin’ before,” Stan tried again. “Are you okay? You got anything you need to talk about?”
It was said in such a knowing tone, as if Stan could physically see the triangle-shaped echos that were permanently etched against the inside of Ford’s mind. As if he were just waiting for Ford to offer him the chance to swing another fist at them again.
But while swinging a fist at Bill had worked the first time around, Stan couldn’t exactly swing a fist at the nightmares that had plagued Ford’s head for as long as he could remember. And even if he could—
“I’m fine, Stanley,” he finally insisted aloud. “Really, I am. Perhaps it’s as you said, and it’s taking me more time to readjust to being back in town than I’d initially expected.”
He flashed Stan a weak smile, one that his brother hesitated to return for a few seconds. But eventually, the corners of Stan’s mouth curled upwards into a amused smile of his own. “Pretty sure my exact words were ‘having trouble gettin’ my land legs’,” he pointed out, clasping a hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Was a pretty good one, if I do say so myself.”
“Stanley, you realize that ‘getting your land legs’ is about as common of a phrase as ‘getting your sea legs’,” Ford pointed out.
“Nah, I’m pretty sure I made that one up,” Stan said, and plopping an arm across his brother’s shoulders. “Now come on, let’s go watch Soos break his neck or whatever he’s gonna do.”
“Personally, I’m not a fan of Abominable Bro-Men,” Ford admitted. “But with all this talk of neck-breaking, I think there should be at least one person there who knows how to reset a bone.”
“Oh, so you’re an expert with human bones—”
While the adults followed Soos towards the half-pipe, Mabel let out a disappointed noise. “Aww man, I wanted a chance to try and fight Wendy!”
“Eh, we’ve got all summer,” Wendy reminded her. “Besides, you’re telling me you’d miss a chance to watch Soos fall flat on his face?”
With a giggle, Mabel shoved her hands in her pockets. “Now I never said that—oh, wait—” 
She shuffled her hands around for a moment, before pulling them back out and peering into her pocket with an annoyed look. “Aww, dang it, I think my wad of sticky poster stuff fell out of my pocket somewhere.”
“Eugh, that probably means it’s all covered in dirt or something now,” Dipper said with a grimace. “Probably best to cut your losses and start a new one when school picks back up again.”
“Are you kidding?” Mabel protested, gaze now shifting around their feet and the rest of the stage. “I barely managed to collect as much as I did before the teachers started catching wind of my thievery!”
Taking care to avoid any of the broken debris, she dropped to her knees and pressed her face against the stage for closer examination. “By the time fall hits, they’ll probably have security guards around every single one of those cheesy pun posters that relate to each class’s specific subject! I’ll never be able to get the new one back to the size of the original!”
Dipper placed a hand on his hip. “You realize that this is a very weird and specific problem that only you could have,” he said, then paused. “You want me to help you look?”
“Nah, nah, you go ahead and watch Soos. Just snap me some pics with my phone.”
Without taking her eyes off the stage, she held out her cell phone to him. “Feel free to add whatever filters you want, I’m partial to the kitty-ears myself.”
“Of course you are.” 
While he hopped down from the stage and headed towards the half-pipe, Mabel continued to search on her hands and knees for the telltale blob. When the stage itself produced no results, she moved to retrace her steps from the stage to the mermaid tank, to the area where she was pretty sure she’d pulled the lump out of her pocket—Soos making them walk around blindfolded had been delightfully quirky at the time, but now it was just making her search all the more difficult—
The sound of something heavy hitting the ground snapped Mabel’s attention towards the edge of the forest, her gaze darting about wildly as she tried to locate the source. A goal that didn’t take long for her to accomplish; a conspicuous black mass was splayed out on the ground between a pair of nearby birch trees.
Her first guess was some kind of animal, until her gaze landed on a small, fleshy hand at the end of an arm. An arm, a head of messy hair, a pair of legs—
“Wait, that’s a person!”
Once her brain put two and two together, Mabel broke into a sprint towards the unknown—potentially unconscious—body. Sure enough, her suspicions were confirmed once she reached it and knelt down to investigate.
They were short, probably not much taller than her or Dipper at full height. And as Mabel rolled their unconscious body onto their back to get a closer look, further similarities between the mysterious person and Dipper presented themselves to her.
They had the same facial structure, their noses were the same rosy shade of peach that was slightly darker than the rest of their face. Even their messy mop of hair fell over their eyes in the exact same way Dipper’s did when he wasn’t wearing a hat, although his usual brown shade had been swapped for a light bleach-blonde that would make the entirety of Sev’ral Timez weep with envy.
Despite the similar physical features—the mysterious person’s fashion sense differed from Dipper’s in every way. Rather than the casual shirt, vest and hat combo that Dipper wore on a regular basis, the person was dressed in a black jacket and pants, bow tie, yellow button up—an unusually fancy outfit for someone who might’ve just fallen out of a tree in the middle of the woods.
“What’s wrong, Pumpkin?”
Drawing her gaze from the body, Mabel looked up to see Stan approaching her with a curious look. “I think someone fell out of one of the trees,” she explained. “I heard a loud thump, and saw them lying here. I think they might be a kid—”
“What’s going on over here, dudes?”
Stan turned to see Ford and Soos coming up behind him, a skateboard tucked safely under Soos’ arm. “I was just gonna wait until everyone was at the half-pipe ramp,” Soos explained. “Dipper said Mabel was looking for something, and I’m in no rush.”
He flashed a grin in Stan’s direction. “Even if I’d love to get to the inside part of the tour as soon as possible, you are gonna flip when you see it, Mr. Pines—”
“What’s wrong, Stanley?” Ford asked, echoing his brother’s earlier question.
“Accordin’ to Mabel, some kid fell out of a tree or something,” Stan said, with a look to Soos. “What, you’re just lettin’ kids climb in the trees around here now? You lookin’ to get sued by some Patsy or Jane with straight bangs and a failing marriage that she insists on makin’ everyone else’s business?”
Soos innocently raised his hands. “I didn’t let anyone do anything, I swear! Maybe he was part of the last tourist group of the day and got separated from them before they left? Haven’t had any parents show up looking for a lost kid, though.”
“Either way, we should probably call 911.” 
Ford knelt down beside Mabel and pressed two fingers to the unknown child’s neck. “Well, they have a pulse so they’re probably alive,” he said, then pulled his hand back. “Of course, a lack of pulse doesn’t rule out the possibility of them being undead. But if they did fall out of a tree, they could possibly have a concussion. So either way, it’s a concern.”
“Well, let’s hope you don’t have to rip out the spine of this one,” Stan said.
While they conversed, Mabel gingerly placed a hand on the kid’s shoulder and gave it a light shake. “Hello? Are you alright?”
There was no response, so she tried again with a bit more force. “Hey, kid, I hope you know that you just fell out of the sky!” she said with a bit more urgency. “Which is probably not out of the norm for kids in Gravity Falls, but still, it’s a little worrying!”
The child remained still for a moment more—
—before their body began to tremble with a quiet chuckle. A quiet chuckle that slowly morphed into a full-on laugh.
Any relief that might’ve started building inside Mabel was snuffed out in an instant as the laughter—that cold, cruel laughter—only grew more vocal, and sent her crawling backwards in a panic as the body slowly rose up from the ground and turned to face her.
Now that Mabel got a better look at his face, the similarities to her brother were so clearly skin deep. Their aforementioned features were the same as before, but Dipper never smiled in a way that revealed all of his teeth and gums at once, like a young child being told to smile for the first time in front of a camera.
Dipper’s limbs weren’t quite as gangly and limp as the other boy’s, like a marionette being controlled by an inexperienced puppeteer who hadn’t mastered the art of making their body move naturally.
And Dipper’s eyes weren’t that terrifying, familiar shade of jaundice yellow, complete with slitted, catlike pupils that bore deep, deep into her very being.
“Grunkle Ford!”
Her panicked shout—one that spilled out of her on complete instinct before she could even process what she was saying—was far from necessary. Ford had completely frozen when the laughter had started, features aghast and grim as he stared at the child, as that wicked, horrible laughter droned on and on—
And suddenly the laughter was silenced, and the same sound of a body hitting a ground as before drew Mabel’s attention back to reality.
The child was unconscious again, now with a decent sized welt on the back of his head. And beside him stood Wendy, the bat from before in hand and her body hunched over while she tried to catch her breath. “Saw…saw what was happening,” she explained between sharp gulps of air. “Heard the laughing. Panicked…”
The only sound to break the silence that followed for a few seconds was the faint rustling of the wind through the trees, until a pair of approaching footsteps against the dirt drew everyone’s heightened attention towards the sound in a panic. 
Much like the others had done, Melody and Dipper were approaching the group from the direction of the half-pipe. Upon seeing their petrified expressions, Melody held up her hands. “Woah, woah, hey, what’s going on?”
From beside her, Dipper lifted up something he was clutching tightly in his hands—one of the discarded planks of wood from the Manotaur’s stage. “I heard Mabel yell and saw Wendy run over here with her bat,” Dipper added. “Thought it’d probably be smart to grab a weapon, too—”
“Get a rope.”
Ford didn’t tear his gaze from the body as he responded in a low tone, as if it would vanish the moment he looked away. As if he, or everything around him, would shatter in an instant if he dared tear his attention away from the body that had previously been letting out that horrible, horrible laughter. 
The laughter that had haunted his dreams for four decades, the laughter still bouncing off the inside of his skull, even after Wendy had silenced the source.
When he didn’t elaborate further, Dipper looked to one of the other adults for an explanation—
“You heard him! Get a rope!”
It was Stan who replied next, and actually spun to face them with a grim expression. “A rope, chains…if it can be used to tie someone up, then get it!”
“It’s code yellow, Melody,” Wendy said quickly. “Soos, do we still got that unicorn-hair rope?”
“Same place as it always is,” Soos said, and looked to Melody. “Come on, we need to hurry—I’ll get the moonstones, you fetch the mercury.”
Recognizing their urgency, Melody looked to the unconscious body on the ground. “...That’s him, then?”
“Did you hear me, I said get a rope!”
It was Ford who spoke again, tone more demanding as he finally tore his gaze from the body to glare at them. “If I have to say it a third time—”
“Oh, okay, yeah, that answers that question,” Melody said quickly, and gestured for the rest of them to follow. “Alright, there’s a rope and a chair to tie him to in the shack. But who’s gonna—”
“I’ve got it.”
Letting the bat clatter to the ground, Wendy scruffed the unconscious child by the back of his jacket and hoisted him up into the air. “Let’s get him inside.”
With mild chaos, the group hurried towards the Shack with the unconscious child in hand. Leaving the bat, Mabel’s unfortunately-missed blob of blue poster tack lying several yards away, and the remaining exhibit displays abandoned as the first real hints of night began to peek their way through the tops of the trees.
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r-i-03-17 · 2 months
@yasammyweek So I've decided to do another one of these yasammy week things. And I decided to do the second one, which I believe is hurt/comfort. I did one of these yesterday so feel free to check that out as well as my other headcanons. Hope you enjoy.
Thunder and lightning shook the sky as Sammy sprinted as fast as she could through the forest of Isla Nublar. Her heart pounding so hard in her chest she thought it would give out on her, she couldn't breathe, couldn't see more than a few feet ahead of her, and couldn't hear anything over the rain constantly coming down, hitting so hard it stung her back. But out of the darkness a faint light shone through the rain and pitch black sky. The camp....if she could make it to the camp she'd be safe.
She sprinted on and on as hard and fast as she could, getting closer and closer until she finally made it to the base, but something was wrong...where was Kenji, Brooklyn, Ben, Yaz, Darius? They weren't in the ground waiting for her, or in the treehouse. She looked everywhere for them but nobody was there.
Something broke behind her, she flipped around only to see two red eyes, massive white fingers, attached to massive white claws, and Yasmina Fadoula pinned to the ground, covered in blood and mud, with the claws of the Indominous Rex digging into her back.
Y: Sammy....help me......please.....
Yaz was silently sobbing, begging to be helped, and Sammy wanted to, but something was holding her back, holding her shoulders were three hands, one dark skinned, one tan skinned, and one pale skinned. But they weren't attached to anything, blood dripping down the arms and onto the floor. Sammy was horrified, backing away and trying to find Yaz. But all she saw was the claws of the Indominous piercing her best friends back and dragging her away while she screamed and cried, desperately trying and failing to get away. Then it was silent, deadly silent.
Sammy had just seen her best friend die right in front of her, all her friends gone, except for one.
B: Why didn't you help us Sammy? We needed you and you weren't there. Why Sammy? Don't you care? It was your fault we got trapped here in the first place, but you couldn't even bother to keep us safe?
Sammy stood horrified as she watched Brooklyn, a limp figure in the jaws of a T-Rex, speak to her in a monotone voice and unblinking eyes. Covered in blood and dirt, tear stains visible on her face, reaching an extended hand to Sammy, beckoning her to come closer.
Brooklyn grabbed Sammy's arm and yanked her in close, for a minute having a clear expression of anger, fear, sadness and pain. Inches from Sammy's face, Brooklyn spoke.
B: You are the worst person on this planet, we supported you, forgave you for stealing my phone and getting us stuck here, and yet you couldn't even be here to help us? Kenji, Ben, Darius, and me are all dead because of you!
Sammy was able to speak for the first time, sobbing and holding onto Brooklyn's hand and apologizing as desperately as she could.
Sammy: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I was...I....I just... I didn't want....
B: What? Didn't mean for anything to happen to us? HA! A little late for that Sammy, isn't it? You know the saddest thing? Yaz was holding out hope for you, convinced you would save us, that you would be there when we needed you.....it's pathetic really, that girls love and admiration in you so strong that she bet her life on it.....and you let her down.
Sammy: No.....
Sammy fell to her knee's, defeated. Brooklyn was right, SHE was the reason her friends were dead, SHE was the reason they were stuck on the island in the first place....it was all her fault.
A black figure seemed to appear out of nowhere as Sammy sat on her knees in the rain. As the girl looked up, the lanky, spiky, figure was all too familiar for her, the Scorpius Rex. The creature from hell raised its tail and extended it's poisonous spikes. Sammy knew what was coming, somewhere in her memory she recognized it, and accepted it. Sammy closed her eyes, puffed out her chest, and lifted her arms into the air, as she felt a sharp pain in her side, and the world faded around her.
Yasmina Fadoula sat beside the hospital bed where her wife lay, scarred, bloody and bruised. Yaz had been at a contracting job (she was a carpenter) and was having an amazing day. She was planning on picking up some flowers and a special order from Sammy's favorite fast-food place for the couples 3rd wedding anniversary. She had invited Kenji, Brooklyn, Ben, and Darius down for the weekend and they were all planning to go on a special camping trip, where Yaz had rented a portable movie projector kit, and had ordered everyone to pick out their favorite movie to watch. That's when she got the call, Sammy had been in a car accident, swerved off the road to avoid a dog, and hit a telephone pole. It wasn't looking good, and she needed to come to the hospital right away.
Yaz had broken about 16 traffic violations to get to the hospital, and almost took out a handicap sign trying to park her truck. She raced into the hospital, to find Brooklyn standing outside the door to Sammy's room, and stopped her from entering. Before Yaz could speak, Brooklyn did.
B: Yasmina, I know you're worried, and you have every right to be, Sammy's looking rough. But she needs you to be calm, if you get worked up, EVERYONE will get worked up, and that won't help anybody, so I need you to take a breath, calm down, and slowly walk into the room with me, ok?
Yaz and Brooklyn walked into the room and it took Yaz a lot of self control not to freak out. Sammy was wrapped in bandages, hooked to a heart monitor, with her chest slowly rising and falling, soaked in a pinkish red. Ben, Darius, Kenji, and Brooklyn sat with her for 3 hours before anyone said anything.
Y: Why did this have to happen, why her? I was so excited for tonight, the movies, the food, the surprise, of COURSE this had to happen to her......like we haven't been through enough already.
Ben: Surprise? What surprise, Sammy knew about the camping trip and everything already right?
Y: Yeah....she did, but that's not what I was surprising her with.
Yaz sat back in the chair that she was sitting in, and everyone noticed that her stomach had seemed to have gotten a little bigger, but not from food.
B: Yaz.....are you....
Y: Yeah....4 months along. Sammy always wanted kids, and for obvious reasons we couldn't "technically" have our own, so I found a good donor through a reputable company and....
D: Yaz that's amazing, Sammy's going to be so excited, once she wakes up........
The room went silent after that, because there in lies the problem, they didn't know if Sammy WOULD wake up, the doctor was hopeful, but remained realistic, the crash did a number on Sammy, and was very clear the only reason Sammy even MADE it to the hospital was because she was wearing a seatbelt, and only hit the pole going about 30.
Sammy was unconscious, nobody was sure if Sammy could hear them or not, because she showed no signs of moving. But Sammy could hear them, and she knew if it was the last thing she did, she WOULD wake up, and WOULD meet her child, whatever it takes.....
6 days it took Sammy to wake up, 6 days of nothing but worrying from her friends, and a near heat attack for Yaz when Sammy's heart monitor started to speed up, Sammy's heart beat apparently skyrocketed for no reason. Turns out the heart monitor had a malfunction and Sammy was perfectly fine, Yaz was not. Brooklyn almost put the nurse in a hospital bed of her own, and DEMANDED the hospital check on Yaz and the baby. They checked on the baby.
When Sammy had finally woken up, she was greeted by her wife, friends, and smiling hospital staff. Yaz immediately asked how she was doing, and Sammy had assured her that she was okay.
Sammy: All I want to know is how "she's" doing.
Sammy said as she gently and weakly put her hand on Yaz's stomach. Yaz's eyes widened in surprise, before smiling warmly at her wife, and reassuring her that "she's" ok.
Y: So, you think it's a girl....I've always wanted a girl.
S: Me too. I'll love she or he no matter what, but a daughter has always been my go-to when I think of having a baby.
Sammy beckoned Yaz closer, and whispered something in her ear. The two women smiled and looked at Brooklyn, which made Brooklyn a little nervous, but they called her over.
S: Brooklyn, you are one of our best friends, an incredibly important person in our lives, and have been nothing but supportive of us since we've been together, and we wanted to ask you......
Y: Would you like to be our child's godparent?
Brooklyn was stunned, shocked, and so happy. She immediately accepted, and thanked them for the incredible honor. The entire group hugged and talked for the rest of the time Sammy was in the hospital.
5 months later, it was Yaz in the hospital bed, when the accepted Isabella Fadoula into the world. And it just so happened she was born on the day they returned home to their families. A consistent reminder of the best days of their lives.
Sorry if it's not the best, I'm tired and just threw this together on the spot, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless
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saviinika · 2 months
Just a boy standing in front of a boy
Last WIP wednesday before @codywanweek and I'm eeeeeeeeee with excitement. The clip is from a hurt/comfort fic; Cody is hurt, and Obi-Wan is leaving him voice journals so he doesn't feel like he's missed anything while in the bacta tank. Because that's what totally platonic colleagues humans do for one another.
“Is now a good time to tell you that as a result of my year with the Duchess during my Padawan days, Iam fluent in Mando’a? I suppose better late than never, really. I apologize for deceiving you and your brothers for so long, or making it seem like there was a necessity for private conversations around me. It was certainly never my intent; it just never seemed like a good time to tell you, especially when many of the topics of discussion were clearly not meant for my ears. I can’t say I blame you for the cold shoulder you gave both her and I during our whole escort fiasco evading Death Watch. I should have been more open about my pre-existing relationship with her. Hmm. That’s not the right phrasing. ‘Historical relationship’, perhaps. And yes, though she did say she loved me, and at one time I thought I had loved her, I would have been miserable had I stayed with her like I wanted when I was eighteen. You make my life so much brighter, my dear. I don’t think I would be a very likeable man had we never met.”
“You know, I did like Boil’s treatise on why all Jedi should have retractible cords around their wrists to better keep track of their lightsabers. I’ll be honest, for all my repeatedly reminding Anakin and Ahsoka to hold onto theirs, I think mine has decided to run away on purpose because it likes you, darling. There’s certainly no other logical reason why I lose it so often or why it always makes its way into your hands. Kyber crystal, which makes up the heart of every Jedi’s saber, is a Force-sensitive material and as such, exceedingly rare. Jedi do not choose the crystal that powers their sabers; the crystal, or crystals, choose them. And mineseems to have chosen you too. Forgive my chuckle, it’s just that every time you return it, my crystal is humming the most pleasing song. So you see, I’m afraid the evidence is strongly in your favour. Perhaps I should consider letting you train with it. You’re brilliant, and eminently capable, so basic Soresu wouldn’t be hard to pass on. If you’re going to keep finding it, you might as well be able to wield it effectively in your own defence.”
“There’s some sort of commotion happening with Rex and your Clone Force 99. You really will have to tell me the story some day of how you managed to ensure the loyalty of those four vode. They seem so far removed from your preferred method of warfare, although honestly, you did have to get your penchant for taking on BD-1s with your fists from somewhere. Anyway, Anakin is leaving with them shortly and Kix did let me go to bid them farewell under Mace’s heavy-handed supervision. To my surprise, he commented that I was looking rested and better fed. I suppose if the Master of the Order could tell that I was wearing myself too thinly, perhaps I wasn’t doing as good a job at muddling through as I thought. Oh, Helix is here now and he wants you to know that he scoffed at me for saying that. He also says that he finds these voice notes I’m making for you ador— No, I am not telling him that. Sorry for being overly familiar there, my dear. It’s hard to do this with an audience.”
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mattmurdocksscars · 10 months
Back From The Dead Epilogue
I know you guys waited a long time for this and I'm sorry it's so short. But the good news is, I've left it open for future installments and potentially requests. This won't be the last we see of Sweetheart and Matt, I promise 💖
So, without further ado, here's our temporary goodbye.
Word Count: 841
Pairing: Matt x Mom!Reader
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“Matt! Is Michael almost ready?” You called from the kitchen. Matt had been tasked with getting your two year old son ready for his birthday party while you finished getting everything set up. A herculean task given that the toddler had much to say about his outfit choices nowadays. 
“Incoming!” Was all you heard before the sound of little feet running across the hardwood floors reached your ears. You had just enough time to turn around before Michael was launching himself into your arms.
“Hello, my love! Look at you!” You exclaimed. Michael was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that said “Two Rex” with a T-Rex below the writing. Michael grinned then made a face like he was growling.
“That's right, baby. The T-Rex says rawr!” You heard a chuckle coming from your room and smiled, looking up to see Matt walking into the room. He was dressed down for the day, jeans and a simple blue shirt. He walked over to the two of you and wrapped his arms around you both, kissing first your head then Michael's. 
“Is he dressed to your satisfaction?” Matt teased. 
“Yes, he is. How'd you convince him to wear this shirt. He was so against it this morning.”
“I may have promised him extra cake if he wore it.”
“Matthew!” His deep chuckle rumbled through you as he grinned. 
“Come on, it's his birthday. Let him have the extra cake.”
“Alright, but when he's all hopped up on sugar and doesn't want to sleep tonight, that's on you.” You giggled. Your joking was interrupted by a knock on the front door and Michael immediately began wiggling to get down. 
“Uncy Foggy! Aunty Karen! Grammy Maggie! They're here!” You laughed as Michael ran for the front door, little hands reaching for the door knob but not quite able to turn it. Matt followed him over and opened the door, letting everyone in with a cheerful greeting. You put the finishing touches on the cupcakes you'd made just as everyone came around the corner. 
“Hey! Thanks so much for coming. We really appreciate it.” 
Foggy, who was currently holding Michael, shook his head.
“Like we'd miss this little guy's birthday for anything!” 
Everyone nodded their agreement and you and Matt smiled, glad for the little family the two of you had. It hadn't been easy, raising a baby, but the help you'd gotten from the three individuals in the room had been absolutely critical in the two of you making it through. 
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you guided everyone back into the living room where you all began to play and spend time focusing on Michael. The day passed by in a whirlwind of fun and before you knew it, everyone was heading home and you were putting a worn out toddler to bed. 
Heading to the kitchen, you quietly called out to Matt.
“I think I'm gonna have a glass of wine, do you want anything?” You were just reaching for the glass when arms wrapped around your middle and a warm body pressed against your back. Matt settled his head on yours and began to sway the two of you back and forth. 
“I don't think that's a good idea.” Your brows furrowed and you lowered your hand.
“Why's that?” You could feel his face shift and you assumed he was grinning. His hands shifted so one was on your hip and the other rested on your lower belly. 
“We're pregnant.” He breathed out. You froze, eyes going wide with shock. “You'll need to take a test to be sure but… I'd recognize that sound anywhere.” 
“Oh my God, Matt…” You felt tears well up, your hands coming up to cover your mouth. Anyone else would assume you were panicking but Matt, knowing you so well and knowing your body, knew you were excited. 
“Oops again?” He said, with a small laugh. It brought out your own laughter and soon the two of you were giggling like crazy. It took a few minutes for the two of you to calm down. You wiped your eyes.
“Oh, Matt. I'll get a test tomorrow and we'll check but I trust your ears. I can't believe it. How long have you known?”
“Just a couple of days. I wasn't sure at first but then we were laying together the other night and I had my head on your stomach. It was pretty obvious then.”
“Why'd you wait to say something?”
“I wanted to wait until after Michael's party. In case you reacted differently.” You hummed and nodded. That was fair. If you had reacted badly, it would have affected Michael's party and that wouldn't have been fair to the child. 
You turned in Matt's arms and faced him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“A lot of things are gonna change. You and I are gonna be evenly matched. Are you ready for this?” You asked him.
“Sweetheart, with you by my side, I am ready for anything.”
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coffeeandbatboys · 4 months
Right Here Waiting Part 2
Part 1
Pairings: Wolffe x Fem!Reader
Howzer, Gregor, Rex, Cody and Echo make an appearance too. Howzer picks out reader’s wedding dress because I feel like he’d be good at that.
Warnings: tears. Lots of tears, angst and a lot of fluff. Wolffe and reader are head over heels for each other. Wedding fluffies. No use of y/n.
Tagging @high-ct5555 who requested the original and @alegendoftomorrow who seemed interested
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Your hands are shaking as your heart thumps wildly in your chest.
The love of your life is on the other side of that wall and you've never been more scared to face him.
You're not afraid of him, at least. Rather, you’re afraid of the differences that will come because of the chips and order 66.
You flinch as the door to the makeshift medbay slides open…and there's Wolffe, looking so broken. Maker, what happened to your Commander?
“I uh…guess we should probably talk, huh?” He says, absentmindedly rubbing the bacta patch covering the surgical incision.
You nod. You want nothing more than to throw yourself into his embrace; but not yet. You both need answers.
After sitting down in the storage room, he recounts everything that happened after he left. The battle, the order, the general. He starts to break down a little at that point. You lean forward to take his hand in yours. Something clinks on the dainty chain around your neck and Wolffe's mismatched eyes go wide when he sees the two alloy bands that you never got to exchange. His face twists into an expression of guilt and grief.
“Oh kark. I know…I screwed up—” he starts.
“Wolffe-” You try to stop him but he keeps talking.
“What kind of di'kut proposes to his girlfriend and then doesn't come home to her for a year?”
You've had enough, as hot tears roll down your cheeks.
“One who never had a choice!” You cry, gripping his hand to emphasize. “Who would have been killed if he'd refused. Who came back to me because I told him to. And who gets a kriffing second chance because I still love him.” You punctuate the last statement by gingerly cupping his face in your hands. His own tears slide down and meet your palm.
His voice cracks and his lip quivers.
“Will you still have me, cyar’ika?”
You smile sadly.
“I will always have you, Wolffe.”
He surges forward to catch your lips, a hand tangling in your hair and gently tugging you closer.
You all but curl up in his lap and cry for hours. Later, when Rex finds the two of you sleeping—though uncomfortably—he smiles and knows better than to tell.
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“Do you think they'll like it?” Rex asks nervously as he checks the makeshift decorations for the hundredth time.
“Relax, vod.” Gregor laughs, setting down a simple white cake with the words ‘just married’ written in dark icing. “Anyone would think that it’s your wedding with the way you keep fussing over everything.”
Rex rolls his eyes. “Well excuse me for wanting to make my adoptive batchmate’s wedding as nice as possible while we’re all fugitives of the Empire!”
Cody and Echo snicker at Rex’s outburst when Howzer strides into the room, a smug smile on his face.
“The bride looks stunning. Turns out the dress fits perfectly.”
Wolffe is the last to enter the room. He looks nervous as he seeks out Rex, hands shaking uncontrollably.
“Rex.” He mutters under his breath, eyes wide.
Rex frowns and takes his brother by the shoulders. “Hey, easy vod.”
“Do I look okay?”
Rex smiles reassuringly. “You look great, Wolffe.”
Everyone’s attention turns to the opening door where you stand, aglow in your white dress with a bouquet of wildflowers in hand.
Wolffe lets out a shaky breath and manages a smile. He doesn't think he’s ever seen anything more beautiful in his life and he can’t wrap his head around the fact that you chose him.
The others take their seats while Rex stands with you and your soon to be husband.
Through the whole preamble, all you can focus on is Wolffe. He’s barely holding his emotions in check. You just know that as soon as he begins his vows, he’ll break.
And break, he does. Tears are flowing before he even gets three words in.
“Cyare. I don’t know how I got so lucky with you. You’ve made my life better in so many ways and now with these uncharted waters that we’re in, I’ll still have you. I promise to respect you, to always have your back, and support you in everything that we may face.” he squeezes your hands gently. “I love you so much.”
Tears prick at your eyes as you clear your throat. “Wolffe. How can I put into words the love I’ve found with you? Or the warmth that I have in your arms. Or the hope that I see in your eyes. I’m so, so thankful for the second chance that we have. I can’t begin to imagine what my life would be like without you. I promise that whatever happens, my heart belongs to you, as does my trust. I love you more than words can describe.”
At some point, both of you began crying your eyes out, wiping each others tears with shaky hands.
Cody hands you Wolffe’s ring, and Wolffe your ring. The last of the ceremony goes by in a blur and before you know it, you’re sharing your first kiss with Wolffe as husband and wife.
His calloused hands gently cradle your face as his lips claim yours in a sweet and reverent kiss. When it breaks, he pulls you into his chest with a shaky breath.
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. Ner kar’ta.
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