#all censored words are censored so as not to crosstag with people whom i do not want seeing this
cackled0g · 5 months
Okay, so this is something I didn't really want to address because I'm past this point in my life, but unfortunately I've been getting some traction on old posts lately.
I no longer wish to associate myself with the tr@nsandrophobia community or any communities similar to it who have a different name (transm1sandry, androm1sia, etc).
My thoughts on the bigotry towards trans men and transmasculine people are many, and too long to post here, but suffice it to say that I do believe trans men are impacted by transphobia and that, in some cases, this transphobia--while it may also be leveraged against other groups--is sometimes of a variety specifically aimed at trans men and transmasculine people. I think that some points brought up by those in the aforementioned groups are good, but I am disturbed by the level of transmisogyny I have seen in these spaces as well. There is no excuse for transmisogyny, and there is no excuse for ignoring it. I deeply apologize for anyone who may have been hurt by anything I posted related to these groups previously, and I apologize again that the only thing I can offer up is a commitment to doing better in the future.
For those within these communities that continue to follow me: look around yourself and ask yourself if you are truly acting in good faith. Ask yourself if you are truly entirely comfortable with the things some of the people around you are saying. Ask yourself if you have sought opinions from people outside of the group. I would also kindly ask that this post is no screenshotted (screenshat?) and shared around. I do not wish to hurt anyone with this, and this post is not an indictment of everyone who follows these groups. I am not seeking to blame the existence of transmisogyny on trans men or transmasculine people, and I am not implying that trans men have "male privilege" in any real sense of the word. This, and I say this with my entire chest, is not about trans men or their very real suffering at the hands of bigots.
If you are a part of these groups, don't hesistate to send an ask or something and talk to me. Feel free to keep it on anon. As long as people are civil, I'll keep anon asks on. At this time, I am deleting some of my old posts about this topic, and I will not be posting more.
As an aside to people who are incredibly anti-these groups, I would like to make a statement. My mind was not changed by anon hate or by fights in comments sections, nor was it changed by being publicly tagged on a large blocklist with other trans men and mascs. My mind was changed by seeing factual evidence and processing in my own time. Consider how the impact of outgroups of angry people sending violent messages to a group of gender minoroties may make them less and not more likely to seek out opposing views. I humbly suggest that you think twice before sending something hateful.
I don't have much more to say. This isn't a discourse blog. I haven't interacted with this community for over a year. I just want newcomers here to know where I stand on this issue, as a few older posts of mine with harmful opinions have seen recent activity. Be kind to each other, and question what you are told by strangers.
Once again, my asks and dms are open. If I have any mutuals or followers left from these days, feel free to talk to me, though I fear I don't have much more interesting things to say.
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