#all day everydayyyy
cluepoke-archive · 1 year
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PSA don't feed the geese !!!
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introspectionera · 2 months
I told Hanna I wish I picked to do my informative speech on something easier instead of having to memorize all these stats, etc on adoption and the foster care system and she goes “Isn’t it easy because you were an orphan” LMAOOOOOO
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yutofia · 3 months
Heyyyy! You are like my FAVORITE Ruben acc ever! (And the best ofc) I just want to say thank you for posting every single day and feeding us with horny content 🤭. You are amazing and deserve all the happiness in the world!! Ruben girlies love you sm! <333
AWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON YOU'RE SO KIND❤️i love you so much more and i love talking with you girls everydayyyy🥹you made my day w this
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e-of-west-glendia · 4 years
*deep breath* Let’s do this
30. Favorite band?
— Queen
31. How I feel right now?
— Like murdering tumblr :))
32. Someone I love?
— My younger brother. He’s a little shit but I love him to death.
33. My current relationship status?
— As my friend Mary would say “I’m a single Pringle”
34. My relationship with my parents?
— Welllll that really depends on the parent lol. Dad, good! Mom, ehhhhh.
35. Favorite holiday?
— Imma have to go with Christmas. Not because it’s like the best holiday ever, but because it gets me out of school for 2 weeks.
36. Tattoos and piercings I have?
— Just thé standard lobe ones
37. Tattoos and piercings that I want?
— Already answered but it’s quite a few lol
38. The reason I joined tumblr?
— Pinteresttt. I saw a bunch of iconic tumblr posts and I was like I just find the source. Also,, I wanted more fandom content.
39. Do I and my last ex hate each other?
— Nope!! Molly is a sweetheart,, and my writing buddy and fellow film nerd!! We collab on a shit ton of writing projects :))
40. Do I ever get “good morning” or “goodnight texts”
— Yeep everydayyyy. And I usually send quite a few too.
41. Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
— I don’t think so????
42. When did I last hold hands?
— Sometime back in March when Corona didn’t steal all my hugs from me :((
43. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
— Really depends on how quickly I have to be ready. But generally 20-30 minutes
44. Have you shaved your legs in the past three days
— *snort* no
45. Where am I right now?
— In my room.
46. If I were drunk and can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
— Maybe my friend Gabby?
47. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
— You mean At Full Volume isn’t a reasonable level?! (But really it depends on the song lol)
48. Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
— Only my Dad, but yes.
49. Am I excited for anything?
— I’m writing a TV show! And a book series!! I’m excited for those to finally be done (whenever the hell I actually decide to start writing.)
50. Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
— Definitely my brother. My friend Marco tho too.
Sorry this took me so long to get to!! Tumblr kept fucken deleting it everytime I got 3/4 way through >:(
Thanks for the asks, love 💙
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callmehopeless · 4 years
Just wanted to stop by and say that while I know everyone has bad days where they feel super insecure, you’re genuinely my favourite writer on this hell site, and one of the major reasons why I’m still on here (as I check your blog everydayyyy). I’m so so so in love with your writing and depictions of all of Adam’s characters. You’re so damn talented and have such an eloquent and beautiful style of writing that is honest, emotional, and descriptive. I hope you’re feeling better today Hope! -T
You’re such a sweet angel, bless you! Thank you so much. I’m feeling quite a lot better - still a little bit stiff, but I’m working on it!
I really do appreciate it; I can’t even tell you how much. I always feel my trademark style is heavy on description and worldbuilding, which is just *chefs kiss* my favourite type of thing to read, too
Thanks, darling <3
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seanfalco · 4 years
I follow you because you're fucking amazing. And the best. And I'm so beyond glad you reached out that day, because I'm so fucking shy, that I never would have said anything. And now we talk all the time and watch stuff together and you're honestly one of my favorite people. I love your fics and I'd die for your Misfits content. And I love our friendship. I think the world of you and I'm so fucking glad that I get the honor of following you (on tumblr, not in a creepy way). ILY! 💖💖💖
;lfkaj;flakjd;faljkfa  YOU’RE AMAZING OKAY I’m so glad to have met you and I also think the world of you.  I know I say it like everydayyyy lolol ily tooooo
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nawalieee · 3 years
Honeydew all day everydayyyy
oooof, gr8 choice ✨
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yoosungiib · 7 years
heey i love your headcanons and i love ray so~ can i get some ray during the holidays (halloween, christmas, etc) headcanons?:D
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like my headcanons. And yes, Ray is our precious baby whom we must protect!! I did my 4 favorite holidays - I hope that is alright!
Ray during the holidays
Valentines Day
Ray treats Valentines Day very seriously. As if it’s the most important holiday of the year.
Everyday day he shows his love for you through sweet words, kind touches and flowers, but Valentine’s Day is a reason for him to go above and beyond!
He’s a hopeless romantic this day.
Precious boy is still shy, even if he’s been with you for a long time. He’ll worry he’s over stepping boundaries or he’s going to do something wrong leading in you leaving him.
But that would never happen and you need to remind him of that.
Expect tons of chocolates, more flowers than usual – each meaning something different, lots of cuddles, kisses, a nice dinner, and a very sexy night~
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Not gonna lie, this holiday can be a little unnerving for him. He doesn’t like the idea of children dressing up as monsters and going around begging for candy.
It scares him.
But then again, candy.
He likes sweets so he’d be willing to dress up with you only if he could get candy.
You’d break it to him slowly that it’s the children who get the candy, but you promise to give him what is left. 
If he’s dressing up, he’s dressing up as a flower. o k.
If he can’t find a flower outfit he’s dressing up as ice cream.
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Not the most important holiday to him, but if you like it, then he likes it.
He doesn’t really understand thanksgiving.
He prefers that you cook Thanksgiving dinner.
Though he knows how to cook, he has this fear of exploding the turkey… he’d rather have you blow it up tbh.
This is probably the most quiet holiday for you two; you guys will have your dinner and say thanks, then you guys will sit on the couch by the fire drinking tea and maybe having ice cream.
“I am thankful for nature, ice cream, being reunited with my brother, and you,” he’ll say kissing your hand, looking deep into your eyes. “What about you, flower?”
“I am thankful for you, my love, and the rest of our wonderful family.”
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Well I wish it could be Christmas everydayyyy!!~
Constantly holding mistletoe over you guys so you can kiss. I mean you guys already kiss frequently anyways, but he needs more of a reason to!
Blue roses are red roses for the season.
Tons of cookie baking. Most of them are devoured by you guys but under your request, some are brought to a food pantry.
Decorating the tree is so much fun. You guys are kinda goofy and just throw things on the tree. There is a lot of tinsel, lights, and ornaments that are kinda out of place or clashing with each other but you guys don’t care. It is stunning in your eyes.
There are also many reeves around the house.
You guys have matching stockings. His is a light blue that says Mr. Choi, and yours is your favorite colour saying Mrs. Choi.
All of your presents to each other are handmade. You guys don’t see the point in buying gifts when the best thing you can do for each other is give something from the heart.
Christmas day ends by you guys slow dancing by the tree in the main foyer, Christmas carols playing in the background, kisses shared every once in a while.
Bonus! If you guys have a child, they’ll be asleep on the couch cuddling a stuffed cat given to them by you guys, Ray’s magenta coat draped over them to keep them warm.
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Check out my masterlist page to see rules for requests!
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sayemanadira · 4 years
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I miss getting ready and planning outfits for the day. All we do now it eat, sleep, shower and change to PAJAMAS EVERYDAYYYY
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gotyouscreamindanii · 5 years
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My man crush everydayyyy 😛😍Thank you for showing me for the right person I’ll never be too much 🖤 thank you for showing me I don’t ask for too much😘 thank you for appreciating me, spoiling me and plastering a smile on my doofy face all day every day 🖤 thank you for being you babes, you make me so happy 🥰😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6-f9XKjl3UF8UhSWihk2ThkZPJVT6EE5cMAPk0/?igshid=2awiyadw9dfh
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kyandice · 8 years
Dear Bryannnnnnnn,
I write so I can organize my thoughts that are always a jumbled mess. So when you asked me to tell you how I feel about you, the only way I could try to make sense of it all was to write it all down. (i seriously hope this wouldnt turn out cheesy omgg i will cringe myself tbh )
The first thing that came to my mind was the fact that I am in love with you.(fuck this is alr so cheesy and cringey. How does one write a love letter and make it not cringet and too cheesy)
ok nvm fuck it idc let me be cheesy for this once.
I am in love with your personality. You are a strong, intelligent, kind, hardworking, reliable, dependable, responsible(kinda hehe), honest, trusting, playful, and lovable individual.
I am in love with the things you do for me. You are so kind and generous towards me. You kinda help me with my homework, always starving yourself so you could eat lunch with me (but apparently i always end up eating without you :( ) and buy me other small things that I need (like that lipstick, i really love it , i use it like almost everydayyyy), but you do it anyway because you want to.
I am in love with who you are. I love your dorky smile, your laugh, your hugs and your kisses. I love the fact that you are more ticklish and physical more sensitive than I am. I love that we are always joking around with each other and never take anything seriously. I love that you always want to spend time with me. I love that it is so hard to say goodbye every day. I love the randomness of our relationship. I love that you think I’m beautiful (but you always find other girls more pretty :((((  i dont really mind but it kinda makes me insecure but it’s just me so you dont have to worry. Like cuz it’s a lie if you said im the most beautiful woman lmaoooooo) . I love that you see so many good qualities in me. I love how you listen to my random rants about things. I love how we sit in that playground and talk like really long about everything (even if sometimes we’re just purely making out). I love how passionate you are about football (kinda i guess???), and I love that you are trying to show me that part of your world. I love how caring you are. I love that you are always doing small and simple things for me and you go out of your way for me. It means the world to me. I love that you are such a good listener. I love that you remember little things about me and pay attention to small details. I love that you are willing to deal with all parts of me. I love that you know everything about me and never judged me. You are always there to listen to all of my problems. You are so understanding. I love how comfortable we are with each other. I love how you actually found my blog here and read everything on what i liked in guys, and like started opening doors for me its so fucking cute i swear hehe.
I am in love with our love. You care for me in a way that no one else ever has. Your love feels so warm, blissful, comforting, and inviting. I am so happy because this love is everything I want and so much more. I am so scared because when you have everything, you have everything to lose. It would break my heart if this love was taken away from me. I care so much about you. You make me feel so special and lucky. I love that I could open myself up so quickly and let you into my life, and I love that you let me into your life, too. This feels like home to me, and I want to have this feeling forever.
Thank you for just being you, idk if you would read this but im secretly hoping you would . I hope that maybe this makes you smile and feel special because you are to me. You are my stars, galaxy, basically the light of my life. Thank you for being you and sticking with me. I love you.
Im so fucking sorry, this fucking cheesy.
Love Candice hehehehe
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katelynyeoman · 6 years
not really an ask but i wanted you to be able to post this, your blog is solid freakin gold and we have the same board 🤙🏼 hope you're local 😂
aww omg thank you so much this is so sweet! hope you fw ur board as much as i do! and yesss O town all day everydayyyy
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thaknucklehead · 6 years
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It’s a real niggahs birthday day 😎🤙🏻 happy birthday bro! I don’t even know where to start always been ya number one fan bro! Lmaoo follow the Cooley train! 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️ all day everydayyyy b 😋 from staying up all hours of the night in high school to going to all your football games in college too asking if I can play the game In your room while you are at work Lmaoo I love you dalton 😂😂🤙🏻
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jackieemariee · 6 years
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2018.05.13 - happy mother's day 🌹 i have the most amazing mom in the world. she is shown me over the years that her strength, love, selflessness, and faith has no boundaries. I don't know what me and my sister would ever do without her. She is beyond anything we could have ever wanted or need in a mom. Thank you for all that you do. S/O to all the other Moms --- my Tita Anying for helping rraise us and always being there for my Mommy. @belovedladyann HAPPY 1ST MOTHERS DAY!! @makay1115 Thanks for being such a great mother-in-law and always being there for me and kiko when we need you!! && to all the other mommys, grandmas, godmoms, aunts, etc....i hope you feel loved and appreciated everydayyyy!! Enjoy!! 😍😍😍
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