#all i wanted was a lokius kiss and a thor reunion and now he's all alone
darknight3904 · 11 months
marvel when I catch you marvel...
Can't wait to see how all the fix it fix writers (me included) figure that last episode out.
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papa-nihilism · 3 years
Hello There! If it wouldn't be too late to ask for a fic (please feel free to ignore if so), may I please possibly request #61 and #69 for Lokius? I would truly appreciate it!
Anon, I am SO SORRY that it took me too long to answer you. I wanted to watch the last episode before jumping into ideas for the prompt you gave me and honestly, I'm glad that I did. It was nice to write again for these two and I feel like I know them a little bit more now - however, excuse me if any of them sound a little bit out of character and please warn me if I do so. I'm always trying to improve haha Anyway! You asked for: love confessions + flirting under fire. I didn't knew what flirting under fire was - at least, not with a NAME to it and it's one of my favourite tropes. It reminded me of that Pirates of the Caribbean scene with William and Elizabeth and it was such a nice memory. I took the liberty of creating some back story for Mobius and throwing some prophecies for the end of the show. Oh, btw, I am always taking requests (not only for Lokius, Winterbaron or Marvel pairings), so feel free to message me whatever idea you have! <3 I hope you like it! As usual, the story is available under "read more" and on ao3 as well! Reblogs and comments are more than welcome! <3 Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3.
"This place is going to explode in a few minutes, come on," Sylvie's voice was urgent as the trio made their way through the halls of the TVA in a hurry. Loki's left arm rested on Mobius' shoulders as the god walked with some difficulty, practically being dragged by the ex-agent through the halls to the exit of the institution, where they would use a temp-pad to escape.
Los Angeles, California, 1996.
The location and time had been handpicked by Loki after stealing one of the TVA files contained in a specific folder. The folder about the recruitment of Mobius M. Mobius. As far as he had read, Mobius used to work in a local marina, organizing the rental of spaces and, mainly, Jet Skis. The irony of it made him laugh - even though it was a powerful group, the TVA had not been able to erase some of the most intrinsic things about Mobius the mortal, the Midgardian: his passion for his work and for water sports, even if the ex-agent did not know where it came from. Loki allowed himself a few sentimental moments while reading the files, before Sylvie took them from his hands and offered, "so, are we going to save your Prince Charming or not?"
The Asgardian could not even consider the possibility of not accepting that offer.
It didn't take long before they were inside the TVA again.Sylvie had been busy fighting the plan, while Loki had searched the rooms for Mobius. It was not an easy reunion - the agent still held grudges over Loki's supposed betrayal of his trust, and even though he had explanations, the Asgardian knew he deserved some of that treatment. "I promise it will all make sense later but please come with me," he begged - and to the surprise of both Mobius and Loki, the mortal followed him without question.
And there the three of them were, running away from the remaining TVA guards, following the plan of the one who, until recently, was the main reason for the union between god and mortal, variant and variant.
They were a few feet from the temp-pad when one of the guards' bullets hit Loki's other shoulder - not enough to endanger the other's life, but enough to slow his steps, which were not remotely as fast as they needed them to be. "You two, run to the temp-pad, I'll slow them down. Don't leave without me!" uttered Sylvie to both of them, and nodding, Mobius dragged Loki to the temp-pad on a rock, resting the brunette there as he fiddled with the settings.
"Mobius...," mumbled Loki. They hadn't had time to talk, and even though he didn't want to have that conversation there, in imminent danger of one of the two of them getting hit and to the sounds of Sylvie's screams in the background, he needed to talk. Now. “Not now, Loki”, said Mobius, without looking at the others' faces. Underneath the frown, Loki knew he was scared - the whole situation was a little scary for himself and, in a way, he was living it twice - as Loki and as Sylvie. He could feel her fear and, in some ways, he knew that he was experiencing the same fear. The thought that coming back to the main timeline could end his or hers existence had crossed their minds a few times and they both had talked about that - she was willing to sacrifice herself after her job was done. He wasn’t, but he would do that to keep her alive as long as she promised that she would look after Mobius and try to find Thor. Sylvie had promised she would do her best but, in the end, none of them knew what could happen when they cross the timelines. The irony of it all would make him laugh if it were an Asgardian party tale and not something he was actually experiencing - something that could cause him a real loss in his life.
The agent, for his part, was... being liberated. What was he so terrified of? That didn’t made sense but he could feel the fear both in the air and in his eyes. "Mobius, pay attention to me. Don't change the date on the temp-pad. I... looked at your files. We'll get you back to your life before all this, before... the TVA declared you a variant and imprisoned you here," Loki explained, finally drawing Mobius' attention to himself, who was staring at him visibly confused and alarmed by the offer being made. As if he was insulted by what Loki had said. "Loki, what makes you think I would ever want to go back to my previous life? I've seen too much, I'm not the same person as before. The 90's may have been a few years ago but I don't know how to be who I used to be," Mobius was direct - he was looking at Loki intently, hoping that his eyes would make sure of how serious he was being about this.
He hoped, too, that Loki could tell between the lines of what he was saying that he didn't want to be separated from him again. And a significant part of the agent hoped that the feeling was reciprocated by the other man in front of him. The black-haired one, on the other hand, was watching Mobius with visible confusion, not understanding how he could deny himself the possibility of coming back to the life that was stolen from him. However, soon he could understand why and a little smile appeared on his lips.
Allowing himself one last impulsive act, Loki leaned his body on the rock at his back and brought both hands to Mobius' face, sealing their lips in a delicate, yet urgent kiss - a kiss that reflected the peculiar mixture that was the impulsiveness of his act in the midst of how much he had wanted to do it for so long, even though a significant part of that time had been spent denying himself that desire. He felt the reciprocation on Mobius' part - as hesitant and as intense as his own, in a contradiction that completed itself. If it weren't for the occasion and the moment they were living, Loki would have appreciated how "a contradiction that completed itself" seemed to explain the whole trajectory of the two of them up to that point.
Something inside him, however, told him that that would not be the last time he would have Mobius' lips against his own.
"Hey, could you two hurry up there?" shouted Sylvie, approaching the two of them with urgency, interrupting their moment without any hesitation. Loki held on to Mobius, seeking support, and held on to Sylvie, trying to keep her close to him while she manipulated the temp-pad.
Whatever happened when the three of them returned to the main timeline would be up to fate - as long as he was with those who had become his true north, he would be fine.
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