#all in all the day is saved thanks to nighteye
plusultraetc · 10 months
Saw the tags on the Toshinori post and do you have more to share?? Any insights? If so I’d welcome hearing them 😭 He really is so self-sacrificial and it hurts but it’s truly at the core of who he is
This has been sitting in my inbox for almost a week because I needed to make a futile effort at organizing my thoughts into something coherent--but this is as organized as they're going to get for now! Thank you so so much for the ask though bc I do love to yell about MHA <3
(Obligatory reminder that I'm watching this show in such a confusing order so if what I'm about to rant about has been addressed before and I'm harping on it unnecessarily I Am Sorry.)
(For anyone curious, this is the post btw)
SO. It feels relevant to mention that my sister and I were talking about All Might in the first place because we were talking about MHA Moments That Haunt Us. For me, it's the 'I am not here' sign hanging around the neck of the All Might statue in Kamino Ward after the Paranormal Liberation War. It literally lives in my brain rent-free 24/7 365 days a year, especially with the AM vs AFO fight being relatively fresh in my mind. The reversal of All Might's catchphrase and all it represents hurts, but to display it at the site of his 'last stand' in Kamino? That's brutal.
All Might vs All For One and how that rematch plays out is so so important to the story for so many reasons, but one of them is that the fight itself is a sacrifice. Toshinori gives everything he has, short of his life, to defeat All For One. He gives up his physical strength, his public image as the unbeatable Symbol of Peace, and, effectively his Quirk ("Goodbye, All For One. Goodbye, One For All" haunts my every waking moment, still!)
This battle is also the culmination of years of All Might's life and heroic philosophy (because Toshinori has been both practicing AND preaching self-sacrifice in the name of the greater good since we met him. It's what he thinks a hero does). Kamino is the sacrifice to end all sacrifices, if you will. Yes, he does get to walk away from the fight with AFO, but he walks away irrevocably different, almost unrecognizable. He's forced to totally change his focus and his mindset and his life. Everything he has given up is made literally visible in the deterioration of his body.
But most most importantly, All Might's sacrifice at Kamino was... all for nothing. Even if AM defeated him in that moment, All For One is free less than a year later. The world is in shambles. People are afraid, and their faith in heroes is crumbling. Heroes are afraid, and this time, they have no idealized symbol to rally behind. When Dostoevsky wrote "Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing," he was talking about All Might btw.
Toshinori gave this fight (and his career, and being All Might) everything he had, and it still wasn't enough. He sacrificed so much of himself, and so much of how he perceived himself and his purpose, and he didn't even save the world. He just bought them time--and not much of it. I think that's why he's so desperate to keep fighting, no matter the cost, no matter what condition he's in--even 'quite literally half-dead.' He can't let Kamino be the Symbol of Peace's final stand, because Kamino was ultimately for nothing. Instead of saving the world, it has been reframed through the sign on the statue as All Might abandoning the world. And ever since then, he's been scrambling to prove that he is still here.
(There's also probably something here about Sir Nighteye telling him that he was going to die. Since Nighteye used his Quirk on him, Toshinori has been anticipating sacrificing his life for good. Knowing that his entire hero career is effectively a fight to the death has probably maximized his self-sacrificial tendencies.)
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allmightluver · 1 year
some heartbreak for you, sorry if it's messy, I love your thoughts and fic and art of all might. it inspires me to write too.
anyway it starts with toshinori holding a bleeding izuku in city battle field. izuku has several rebarb piercing his side.
toshinori cradles izuku's head. tells him help is on the way when it's not. the city is devastated. the battle's tipped towards the villains favor. izuku knows this and so does toshinori.
izuku tries to talk and toshinori tries to stop him. "keep your strength, my boy." but the words are warbling and awash with tears.
izuku stubbornly ignores his mentor like he always does and reaches a bloody hand up to his father figure's face. he wants to tell toshinori, his hero, his mentor, his father, so much. but all that comes out is a weak apology about "returning gifts". izuku's hand drops, his thumb leaves a bloody smear across his mentor's lips. he doesn't see toshinori's wide, watery eyes. doesn't see toshinori transform, stepping back into one for all like battle warn uniform. he doesn't see his chosen father turn the tide of battle. izuku doesn't see the victory. but at the same time he does know. because he knows toshinori. he knows toshinori can move mountains. but like every hero's tale it takes a loss to win. izuku regrets that he makes the man live such a great loss a second time
(the first loss being nana)
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But thank you for the lovely compliments ☺️
That story tho 😭 at least all might could give it to someone else again once he’s saved everyone
Toshinori has had too many losses, Nana, his health, Nighteye, Dave (in prison), the will to live, his self worth… poor guys been thru it
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 31
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With Eri rescued heroes recuperate but there are losses on the side of good.
Words- 5999
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Injuries, hospitals, death, a bit of angst, fluff
Your body shifts almost going to move towards your family when you look back at the girl. The smallness of her as her wide eyes beg you to come with her. You knew that look, the look you gave to Tenko…to All For One. Those eyes asking for a chance, for safety, for comfort, for love, to be free. And at that moment…you took her hand.
With the raid being during a work day there were few civilian casualties only four people getting by with a few scrapes. Those still on their feet joined up with local heroes to conduct a damage assessment. But those that were injured in battle were taken to a nearby university hospital. Many of Midoiriya’s classmates and upper had gained injuries even himself but those were miraculously healed by Eri’s reversal quirk. But others weren’t as fortunate with making it though.
“Nighteye…” All Might says looking at his former sidekick, the weakness as he lay in his death bed wires and pumps coming from the massive wound in his stomach. He wasn’t going to make it to tomorrow.
“All…m-might... You didn’t feel like..coming to see me…until I was dying..?” Nighteye wheezes out barely shifting his head to look at the retired hero standing beside Midoriya.
“I don’t know what to say…how I…wronged you…” All Might says looking down tears clouding his vision.
“Nighteye! You gotta live! Hang in there!” Midoriya grabs the railing of his bed begging out. He knew that even the doctors and Recovery Girl’s quirks were useless but there was always a chance.
“No need..to be so uptight…I…I never held anything against you… I just always…wished for your happiness…that’s all. So…If you’ve decided to fight against fate…that’s fine…in my b-book..” Nighteye says his gaze foggy barely holding on.
“You need to fight too! Give me a chance to atone for what I’ve done!” All Might shakes his head. Their relationship was in shambles due to his selflessness and pride to continue to save people when he was at his limit.
“Atone? I’m the one ..who’s cause trouble..for so many…All this time…I wanted to keep you from getting killed. I searched for a way to change things…all this time…but nothing came of it…there was nothing... I could do..to change the future.” Nighteye says,
“But Midoriya showed me something today...I could never clear my head of those thoughts…’can’t change it.’ ‘nothing will change.’ that negativity was always in the back of my mind…but within thoughts is a sort of energy…I believe that now… energy from striving for a certain future when one doesn’t allow for doubt..a vision that strong..energy from wishing. It wasn’t just Midoriya…everyone..came together..and believed so strongly in that future. What we saw happen today…was perhaps the result of all that energy centered on Midoriya… The future is uncertain you’ve changed my thinking…and that’s enough for me…My one regret is…”
“Wait! Mr. Togata!” A female nurse cries out trying to hold back a battered Mirio, “You mustn’t be up and about!”
“SIR NIGHTEYE!” Mirio cries out bringing himself to Nighteye’s bed even though he sustains a multitude of injuries, “No! You gotta live! Don’t you die on me!”
“Mirio… I’ve put you through so much hardship…if only I’d been there for you…” Nighteye says looking at his intern that he had grown so close to.
“I only got stronger cuz of everything you taught me! It’s thanks to you that I’ve got the life I do!! You gotta keep teaching me!! You can’t die now!!” Mirio cries out tears streaming down his face and with the last of Nighteye’s strength raises his hand holding it against Mirio’s face activating his quirk and getting one last glimpse of the future of the boy in front of him.
“You’ll be okay…you’ll make…a fine hero…that is one part of the future…that mustn’t be changed. So…keep smiling!” Nighteye gives one last smile his hand falling back to his lap as the heart monitor slows down before a permanent flatline rings through the room.
With one life gone from heroes just in the same building, another was fighting for their own.
Pain. That’s all you felt. It just radiated through you from the tips of your toes to the top of your head it was just pain throughout. Open your eyes, you idiot. You could hear muffled voices but your body remain put. You wanted to move to scream anything but you were a deadweight. Putting all your focus into just something small. A small twitch of your pinky before fire unlike anything runs through your body. You try to scream out but you finally notice something choking you. You felt air entering your body and exiting but you couldn’t force yourself to breathe. Your body seemed to work for you and your eyes open up but everything was still muffled. The lights were dimmed and you stare at a blank ceiling but the feeling of being choked is still there. The faint beeping increases in speed before becoming louder as you try to gasp for air but whatever was down your throat was stopping you. Your body twitches as you choke on the thing down your throat unable to lift your arms to rip the thing out of you. The door slams open and suddenly someone is above you staring down at you saying something but everything is muffled. More people appear the voices loud but muffled as they try to calm you down your wide frantic eyes looking around for help. When you see a familiar face staring from the doorway. Staring back at you dressed in their school uniform their eyes tired but still widen in surprise…Midoriya. A hand moves your face to look at them as light is shine into your eyes which you try to look away.
“Pupils responsive.” A doctor calls out before another one appears this one looking like the head doctor.
“Ms. L/n can you hear me you’re in the hospital. I need you to calm down you are on a ventilator right now breathing for you. We need to do tests to see if you’re stable enough to breathe without it. Are you in any pain?” Her voice is calming as she looks at your rapid heart rate, “Can someone push 2 mg of morphine.” She says and your eyes move from her to see another nurse grab a needle filling it with some liquid moving to your IV. You rustle a bit trying to move away groaning in pain and in fear. “Y/n I need you to calm down we’re only trying to help you.” Her voice calls out as you look back at the doctor in fear as you feel liquid enter your veins. The pain radiating through your body fades for a second and she look over at your vitals satisfied by the results.
Your body now felt numb from the drugs running through your body as they continue to perform tests as you watch your eyes keep drifting to the door but not seeing the boy from before. Was he even here…? “Miss L/n we believe you’re good to breathe on your own. We’re going to deflate the tube I’m going to need you to take a deep breath and when I tell you to let out a strong cough.” She says as you look at her before she turns to another nurse next to her. She moves to your mouth pulling back the tape and holding the tube in place.
“Okay take in a deep breath,” She says and you take in as much air in your chest as it feels weird breathing in with something down your throat, “Okay a big cough…now.” You let out a cough feeling the tube pull up your throat and the second it’s out of your mouth your coughing intensely spits coming out as you try regulating your breathing. A nurse holds a tray in front of you in case you puke but once you settle down they pull away happy with the removal.
“Very good Ms. L/n. We’re going to be checking on you for your injuries and Recovery Girl will be coming by as well. But for now, just rest and we’ll let you rest. Your guardian is here for you.” She says and your eyes widen, your guardian and the door open and you see Aizawa walk in but following behind him was All Might. The two of them look exhausted well Aizawa looked more exhausted than normal and All Might looked like a wreck, his eyes were more sunken in and it looked like he hadn’t gotten a lick of sleep. The two of them thank the doctor who nods before leaving the three of you alone. It’s quiet before you go opening your mouth trying to say anything but it comes out in a wheeze and soreness.
“Don’t you shouldn’t be speaking yet,” Aizawa says moving closer to your bed grabbing the pitcher of water and a cup pouring you a glass while All Might moves to bring your bed to an elevated position, your eyes follow his movements before he steps back keeping his distance while Aizawa helps you hold the cup with shaky hands letting you drink some shaking your head when you were finish. Your teachers could tell from your expression you had so many questions, the last thing you remember was seeing Midoriya with Eri and everything else was a blur until you woke up here.
“Eri is safe. She’s being monitored now with her quirk, your classmates are alright as well a few were battered but they are all back at the dorms,” Aizawa explains and you listen in silence, “Overhaul…was apprehended, but the League-”
“Aizawa she doesn’t need to know.” All Might cuts him off but Aizawa shakes his head,
“She took that bastard’s quirk she has a right to know what her brother has been doing.” Aizawa says and you were surprised he was defending you. Tenko…you remember his eyes staring at him, your hand resting on his face those final moments…did he know you’re alive? “Shigaraki…the League attacked Overhaul’s transport I’ll just say it wasn’t pretty what they did.” You didn’t want to picture what your brother could have done but you almost forgot what you did to Overhaul yourself. Looking down at your hands your arm was wrapped in bandages going straight down to your wrist. You took his quirk, you had used All For One’s quirk and took it, nothing like copying it it was your power now.
“Nighteye didn’t make it..he suffered too many injuries.” All Might says and you look over at the former hero, the tension in his body saying those words. Nighteye was dead… You could still see his face in your mind when your protected Mirio and Eri.
“Thank you…Mimic.”
“Mimic. You’re done..you’ve done enough…”
And now he was dead. But so were you. You had died. You could have sworn so how did you? Aizawa and All Might watched as you stared at your arm the deep gash running through your arm had caused a lot of major bleeding as well as the chunk in your shoulder and the stab in your stomach.
“I don’t even know what you did Y/n…you were there for a second and then…you weren’t,” Aizawa says you would never understand how much it shook him in his core, seeing his students huddling over your body. Hearing Uraraka screaming out that you weren’t breathing, Asui holding him but even she was crying out…and Midoriya he would never get the image out of his head of him holding you in his arms and just begging for you to open your eyes.
“You suffered massive injuries the worse was the internal bleeding from your liver and the bleeding you sustain from the wound in your shoulder. The villain you were facing was able to cut an artery. I…I don’t know how you stayed conscious for that long but you lost a lot of blood. It’s a miracle you’re alive Young Shimura…” All Might says the two adults were there the entire time when you arrived at the hospital. Aizawa not moving from outside the OR even though doctors need to check on him for his injuries he forced them to treat him there. And when All Might arrived hearing of Nighteye and later found out about yourself he was a wreck. You had barely managed to survive the surgery flatlining multiple times, the bleeding being too much at times or your body was just too weak to keep you functioning. Even with modern medicine and the strongest healing quirks they had been forced to put you on ventilation following the surgery. Your injuries were handled but you were still too weak to function by yourself and so you stayed in a medically induced coma unlike you had woken up just hours ago. 
The miracle that kept you alive was just a little girl with no control of her power, rewinding you to a state where your heart was still beating still injured but alive to be transported. Eri had quickly fallen unconscious from overusing her quirk but was able to save you and you would forever be in her debt.
Having Aizawa help you with another sip of water before you stare up at the ceiling it still not hitting you the fullness of what happened. You had died fully and if it weren’t for a quirk you would be dead. A number of hero students were gone too soon. What if you stayed dead? What if you never went to the raid would someone else died instead of you? There were just too many thoughts running through your head that you couldn’t seem to process and made you just more confused and agitated. You wanted to go home and lay in your bed. You wanted this to be over.
All Might and Aizawa couldn’t stay long but they said they would be visiting you until you were alright with returning to U.A. You were constantly being monitored by 24/7 nurses making sure you were comfortable and helping you eat and drink as you slowly regained strength in your arms. Recovery Girl had come around giving you a scolding for being reckless but was glad to see you alright…well alright as anyone who just died could be. She used her quirk when you had gained more energy to help with your strength and you gained better control with holding things, the pain was still there but it was durable, and you were able to speak now still needing a lot of water but you were able to have small conversations. The doctors said it was alright that you could hold long conversations saying it was normal for a patient to still be processing returning from a coma just as it was alright that you were getting used to walking around as well. You needed a walker at first and a nurse holding you. The first time you had fallen your legs were unsure how to hold the weight of your body but you gained more strength with physical therapy. Time seems to lose concept to you, not sure how long you stayed in a coma or how long you were in the hospital but it all blended together. There had been a night when you had woken up from a nightmare, you were fighting that copy of yourself but instead of you getting injured you were forced to watch your classmates and teachers get brutally tortured in front of you as they cried out for you to help them. What really messed you up was seeing him there. Tenko crying out for you but he wasn’t being tortured the copy of yourself just moved behind him before driving a blade into his chest as his blood sprayed all over you.
Your screams filled the room as you tossed in your bed Aizawa tried calming you down holding you as nurses entered trying as well as you babbled nonsense that you couldn’t save them it was all your fault but what struck Aizawa and All Might who was entering the room hearing a commotion.
“Where’s Tenko?!? Please..please I want him!! I want my brother!!” You sob out your hands a death grip on Aizawa’s but once the doctors injected a sedative into your IV your cries weakened until you had fallen asleep. Following your nightmare the doctors advise All Might and Aizawa that there was a possibility of you having some post-trauma from the incident, they weren’t sure if it would pass with time or be stuck with you forever only time could tell.
It had been about a week of being awake after three days in a coma and you were sitting on your hospital bed just drawing on some paper you were given. There wasn’t much you could do it was either watch what was playing on the hospital tv or wander around the halls with your nurse though you didn’t need a walker anymore you still needed your nurse in case your legs grew too tired. And it wasn’t like your classmates were coming to visit, Aizawa reassured you that they were dying to see you, but given your condition, he didn’t want to overwhelm you. A knock on the door and you look open seeing your head doctor and entering Aizawa and All Might which surprised you as it was the school was still going on though it would be ending soon.
“Hi, Y/n how are you feeling today?” She asks coming by just to do a quick check of your vitals.
“As good as anyone can be.” You shrug, physical you weren’t in any danger and you were also drugged up on strong pain killers the same ones they give cancer patients. She nods moving to grab your charts and flipping through them before looking up at you and smiling at you.
“I’m glad to hear but I do have some news for you. Given your great progress we’ve decided you would be able to be discharged, you would still need to remain on painkillers though I suggest using them when you get flare-ups. We’ll set up for you to do visits to check on your healing and make sure you’ll be right back into hero work!” She says and you see Mr. Aizawa and All Might wince slightly at the comment toward your studies at becoming a hero, and you can see your doctor pauses realizing her mistake.
“What’s wrong…why do you look like that.” You say confused looking at the three adults. They all look at each other before your doctor speaks up.
“Following your injuries your body and nerves were very damaged from the quirks you faced and the time you weren’t breathing and your organs began to die. Because of that your quirk factors were damaged in the process, you’re body is still healing but the possibility that your quirk will be fully functioning as before is quite low.” You’re silent looking at her as she speaks.
“My…quirk is gone.” You say looking at her and the three could see the pain of losing your quirk affecting you.
“Not gone necessarily your quirk factors are healing the chances of your quirk returning is possible…but it may take some time.”
“How long…”
She frowns looking down at her chart the guilt of knowing she had to break the news to this young hero, “We…we aren’t sure.” It’s quiet in your room and she moves speaking to the two adults about discharging you and the process can be done as soon as possible, All Might leaves with your doctor to fill out the forms while Aizawa moves closer to your bed sitting on the end placing a small bag by your feet.
“Am I getting kicked out of U.A?” Your voice is empty as you stare at the wall ahead of you.
“You’re not getting kicked out Shimura. I won’t allow that to happen.” Aizawa says shaking his head, he would fight tooth and nail to make sure you stay at U.A.
“You heard what she said we have no idea if my quirk is even going to come back!” You say pointing out the door.
“You can still be a hero even without a quirk-” “Name one hero that is quirkless…”
You cut him off and he pauses, your point exactly there has never been a quirkless hero before. Mr. Aizawa sighs,
“There’s a chance you could get your quirk back,” He says and you go to retort but he gives you a look that makes you stop, “But even if you don’t…you still got into U.A. without a quirk..you can be a hero.” He says before standing up and letting you stew with your thoughts, “Get dressed, I’m sure you wanna be out of this place.”
Now dressed in just a baggy t-shirt of yours and some sweats the clothing that would have been comfy felt majorly loose on you, your body had changed since your surgery you had lost muscle probably weaker in a lot of areas, and without your quirk, you just felt empty. It was calming having something protecting you but also the fact you had your connection through One For All and even All For One. Seeing Nana and the past users but seeing Tenko. Did he even know you were alive was he out there with the League mourning for a second time but at that moment it was real?
The door opens disrupting your thoughts and it’s All Might and Aizawa. It was weird doing a final check before you were cleared and you were leaving the hospital. You didn’t realize how much you missed the fresh air once you were outside and you were led to All Might’s car with Aizawa helping you inside the two adults moved to the front and All Might started driving. Your gaze was glued outside seeing the buildings pass by resting your head against the cool glass. It seemed like forever since you’d been in that building the smell of chemicals ingrained into your brain and you couldn’t wait to wash the smell of your body. You see the familiar barrier grow closer and then you’re entering the main gates of U.A. You reached the parking lots by the dorms and Aizawa heads to your door to help you out while All Might grabs your bag. The three of you slowly make your way to the dorm mainly you getting used to walking for longer times without breaks. Reaching the dorm you pause staring at the sign ‘1-A’ why were you nervous going in? It was your home as well…what would your classmates say, the ones that saw you, the ones that are going to find out you lost your quirk.
“Come on no time just standing,” Aizawa says. All Might opens the door and immediately you could hear your classmates’ voices.
“It’s gonna be so cool with music and crazy lights and dancing! Don’t forget about the dancing!!” Mina’s voice rings clear through.
“Jiro you’re gonna create a killer song I just know it!” Kaminari says your classmates say all kinds of agreements. Your hand still grasping Aizawa’s arm as you enter the common area most of your classmates' backs were to you three but you see Uraraka standing up holding a cup when she makes eye contact with you. She lets out a loud gasp the cup falling from her hand spilling whatever drink onto the floor and it shattering.
“Uraraka!” Iida cries out looking at her shocked expression but when he turns to see what she is looking at pausing seeing you standing there. Most of your classmates turn and it’s quiet a pin could drop before it’s absolute chaos. They quickly come bombarding around you, Mina being the first to charge at you and All Might tries to block you but she slips past giving a gentle but fierce hug. You wrap your arms around the girl.
“I’m so glad you’re back!” She cries out not wanting to let go but she pulls away and Kaminari and Sero jump in pulling you into a group hug.
“We were so worried about you!!” “You’re too strong we knew you were gonna be alright!” Kaminari says before Sero points out and you smile, you’re quickly led over to more of your classmates all giving their greetings. Aizawa and All Might watch glad to see the smile on your face but they could notice the small twinges of pain laced in your features. You were trying to shift the weight between your legs still not used for standing for long periods of time, when someone would touch your arm or put any pressure on your stomach and shoulder you would grimace just a small crack but the two could notice.
“How about you all sit down? I’m sure Young L/n would enjoy resting her legs.” All Might speaks up and you give him a look of thanks as Mina and Kaminari lead you to sit. You let out a sigh of relief your legs aching but you were grateful to be resting.
“You all enjoy the rest of the night.” Aizawa says as the two teachers head to the door, “And don’t push her she’s still healing.” His eyes flash red in warning and your classmates all agree and the two of them were gone.
“So what you’re all good right..we heard you got super battered during the raid,” Hagakure says and you pause slightly your eyes catching with Uraraka’s who was still looking at you in surprise and almost awe. Did they…you give her a look and she shakes her head softly. They didn’t know you died. Everyone except the few that were on that mission hadn’t seen you die in front of them.
“Uh…I can’t really remember much from my injuries but the doctors say I’m all cleared to return to school.” You say and your classmates smile excitedly to see you back in action. They make some comments about you going back into hero work and classes and you force a smile on your face, the pain of knowing you may not ever get back into hero work without your quirk.
It seemed like hours catching up with your classmates those in the raid excluding Uraraka were finishing up work before returning back. You were sitting beside Mina as they talked about the band. You were surprised hearing that Bakugo was going to be playing the drums which he grumbles,
“None of you extras would do it justice.” He twirls the sticks between his fingers. You smile letting out a chuckle a flash of pain crossing your face which Mina notices.
“You good Y/n?” She says and you see some of your classmates look over, you couldn’t help but cringe feeling their stares the pity covering their features.
You nod, “Yeah just a bit sore I should probably take some pain meds.” Looking over at your bag Mina grabs it pulling out the prescribed pills.
“I’ll go make you some tea L/n!” Momo says and you smile in thanks.
“Oh look they gave you a copy of your file.” Kaminari points out seeing the medical record lying in the bag as he pulls it out. Your eyes widen and you try moving to take it from his grasp but he’s already sitting back down beside Sero and Jiro.
“Kaminari don’t!” You call out but it’s too late as he opens the file and you don’t even hear the front door opening. You see the blonde glaze his eyes over and you see his eyes widen before he slowly looks up at you his face almost pale.
“You were in a coma…” A pin could drop in the room as your classmates all turn to look at your frozen self. Flight or Fight was really happening right now as you contemplated just rushing off to your room and locking yourself in there until you graduated.
“I…i” You could barely get any words out your eyes flickering around to your other classmates at their confused faces until yours meets Uraraka and she looks just as surprised.
“Y/n…” His voice calls out and your head snaps over and you feel your heart stop but also cause warmth seeing him standing there. His bag was resting on one of his shoulders still in his school uniform, his hair looked less vibrant and his eyes had dark circles underneath but they seemed to gain a spark seeing you.
“L/N! You’re alright!” Kirishima yells out rushing over to you grabbing your hands and speaking really fast while your gaze is still glued onto Midoriya’s as he slowly makes his way over and Tsuyu moves sitting beside Uraraka.
“Oi Copycat!” Bakugo’s voice makes you look over at him as he stands over where Kaminari sits holding the file in his hand, “What the hell happened to you.” You can feel your classmates' eyes on you, you couldn’t run from this. They were going to find out sooner or later. Pulling your hands from Kirishima’s moving them to your sweater before pulling it over your head leaving you in the sports bra you had underneath. Quiet gasps come from your classmates as they look at the remnants of your injuries. The scar left from the stab wound and surgery. The raised skin from the scar running down your forearm but the worse was your shoulder, scar tissue when deep across your shoulder but there also was a divet in your shoulder from how much skin and muscle you lost. It wasn’t even the injuries as well the noticed weight and muscle loss that they hadn’t noticed because of the bagginess of your clothes. Your hands clutch the sweater on your lap as you look at the explosive blonde.
“Keep reading it there’s more..” You say and you could tell for once in Bakugo’s life he was conflicted to keep pushing but he looks down at the file and begins reading off.
“Medical induced coma due to severity of injuries massive internal bleeding from puncture liver, a laceration on right forearm, laceration in right shoulder…subclavian artery punctured. On scene time of dea-” He stops before looking up at you.
“Time of death was at 9:25 AM. But then it wasn’t.” You say and you could feel the intensity of their stares especially coming from one.
“You…you died,” Mina says her voice barely a whisper and you nod slowly throwing your sweater back on.
“I still don’t remember much but yeah…they said it was a miracle that I’m back.” You say your eyes meet Midoriya’s. Those who were there knew of the miracle you were talking about. Just a small girl with powers unimaginable.
“Why didn’t...I mean why didn’t the teachers tell us what was happening?” Kaminari asks and you shrug.
“I guess they didn’t know the fullness of what was going on either and they didn’t want you stressing out over me.” You give the best excuse you could think of. It did hurt when you asked if they could visit but they didn’t want to overwhelm you and they didn’t even know the severity of your injuries.
“Stressed out! If we had known we wouldn’t have been over here just thinking you were a bit injured not this much!” Kaminari throws his hands in the air.
“Kaminari our teachers had their reasons. We should just be happy that you are back with us again.” Momo says sitting beside you returning with the tea so you could take your pain meds. The mood was definitely tenser now and with no way to change the subject it seemed like the night was going to end on this tense note. Your classmates gave their pity condolences you didn’t know how to describe them as they each headed to bed. Until it was really just you and Midoriya. Your mind was yelling at you for letting everyone leave but your body didn’t want to move. The two of you just stare at each other before Midoriya speaks up.
“Let’s get you to bed.” You wanted to retort that you could do it yourself but the meds and how late it was really draining all the energy from you. Pushing yourself up your leg buckling for a second and your hand instinctively reaches for Midoriya’s arm as his hand shoots out grabbing your waist. The two of you go bright red pulling away slightly but your hand hovers over him in case your body fails on you again. Grabbing your bag you head towards the elevator and to your floor, the ride is silent as you lean against the wall and Midoriya rests across from you. The doors open reaching your floor and the two of you walk to your dorm you open the door your room is still the same as how you left it.
“Thanks for walking me back you didn’t really have t-” His lips are pressed against yours suddenly and you can’t describe it. Electricity runs through your body but you’re also cold and hot at the same time. Midoriya pulls away his face flush and your mouth is open in shock.
“I like you. Like something more than friends, I don’t know why I ran that day but I shouldn’t have. It wasn’t until the raid I knew I had to tell you. But then I saw you…and Uraraka said you weren’t breathing…I knew I failed. I failed at protecting you as Mr. Aizawa said, I failed at being there for you, I failed at telling you,” Midoriya says remembering defeating Overhaul and saving Eri and when he went looking for you and there you were. Uraraka over you crying out your blood covering her suit as she tried stopping the bleeding anything. And when he held you in his arms he didn’t care about the blood staining the suit he just wanted you to open your eyes. You were so cold in his arms as you just stared up into the sky and he didn’t know how to act he was a wreck. But then Eri saved you, she had brought you back. The paramedics and his teacher had to hold him back so they could take you away and help you. He didn’t leave the hospital for a day All Might and Aizawa had to threaten him to leave. Sitting beside your bed still in his hero suit watching you, seeing the machine keeping you alive as you heal. He talked to you about anything and everything hoping you were listening. But he just wanted you back.
“Midoriya…” Your hand cups his face swiping the stray tears from his face having to listen to him pour his heart out the trauma that would probably live with him for the rest of his life because of you.
“I can’t keep living my life here if you aren’t in it. Even if you just talk to me once a day will be enough...I can’t have you ignoring me you’re the only one who truly understands me.” He says grabbing your hand against his face his other holding your other one. 
You couldn’t help but think back to the similar words you said to him before. 
“I just feel like you’re the only person that understands where I’m truly coming from.”
You felt speechless the two of you taking in one another. You should say something anything and only one thing came to your mind,
“I missed you.” Your lips meet his and he quickly reciprocates your hands cupping his face pulling him closer and his hands wrap around your body holding you. It was euphoric you never wanted this feeling to end.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Pulling on the Strings of Destiny: Act 2 Chapter 15
Summary: Four days pass for Japan, and everyone is on edge.  They wonder, and wait. What will happen next for them? Will Midoriya  keep rising? What sort of things would she face. They all turned towards  the screens, wondering. None more so then the future class 1-A, more so  as they get a glimpse into their first sports festival, first  internship and their final exams. Watch as Midoriya’s future continues  to unfold, as she learns more about her family, society and herself.
Warnings: References to underage pregnancy and the assualt of a minor. References to child harm. Toga Himiko to, she is her own warning.
On AO3
 Fatgum carried the little girl to his agency, trying not to react. This girl saved herself? What did she save herself from? He knew the name Overhaul, an upstare Yakuza who styled himself as a big-time supervillain rather than the gangsters they were. Fatgum had dealt with his share of Yakuza in his time. They mostly kept to themselves compared to before and stuck to smuggling. Sometimes, it was simpler to ignore them sneaking in food or tech. Other times, they made a production of taking down the criminals.
 Overhaul was different. Dangerous, hard to predict compared to the other Yakuza or other villains. Sir Nighteye was on the case, though that may have changed with recent events. Fatgum couldn’t tell you why Overhaul had the girl Eri. He couldn’t tell you why the girl was crying.
 He just really hoped that her wanting to be like Limitless didn’t indicate the abuse she faced. He really hoped so.
 As Fatgum thought his words, Izumi herself continued cleaning the beach, ignoring the cameras that were focusing on her more. Cameras broadcasting her to the world. It was very unpleasant. Just the idea that people were so focused on her.
 She would be more disturbed to know that some people watching had darker impulses than she was used to. Toga Himiko watched with hungry eyes, tracing the screen with her fingers. Izu was so pretty, so perfect. She couldn’t wait until the girl’s blood flowed freely.
 Stain watched the broadcast on TVs in windows, watching the rise of Limitless. The girl was working well, benefiting society without expectation of praise. A good hero. He was sad she would lose her friend to his purge, but removing the rot was the best idea. Though perhaps killing would be too harsh… crippling Uraraka so she could no longer be a hero would be a much better idea.
 As Stain plotted, other people planned to take down the rising heroes. As the screen began, many had their plans ready to destroy any hope of a peaceful future. One of them being Overhaul himself. Kidnapping Izumi would take careful planning, but she would be under his gaze soon enough. Perhaps using Eri as bait? The pure woman found children important; even monsters like the girl would work.
Midoriya walks down the halls carrying her daughter and trying to calm her breath. She holds tight to Tomoe, who whines a little.
 “Sorry baby,” Midoriya sighs just as she turns a corner to find All Might’s skinny form walking with Shinsou. “Ah, Yagi-sensei! Shinsou!”
 “Young Midoriya!” the older man beams. “I ran into young Shinsou here and thought to walk with him to his stand while looking for you.” He holds his arms out, and Midoriya passes Tomoe, who happily enters the blonde’s arms.
 Hisashi glared at the screen, displeased by his granddaughter in the buffon’s arms. He would have to take time to hug his granddaughter to claim the number one spot in her heart.
 “Thanks, sensei. You did great, Shinsou!” Midoriya says to the purple-haired teen, who blushes, rubbing the back of his neck.
 “It was nothing,” Shinsou mutters. “Honestly, I should be thanking you for all your help,” he says to her. “I don’t know what I’d have done without your help or you getting me actually to make friends.”
 “Oh?” Midoriya asks.
 “I’d probably have used my Quirk to get a team, not thinking about how it would reveal my Quirk and-“ Shinsou begins, but Midoriya interrupts him.
 “Shinsou! That would make people hate you, for good reason, too.” She frowns at him. “We all want to do our best, and you taking that choice from their hands would piss them all off.”
 “...why though?” Hitoshi asks out loud. “Like… I would be giving them a chance to move on, right?”
 “But you’d also take away their free will,” sneered a classmate.
 “I don’t get it,” Hitoshi said in frustration. He didn’t understand why using his Quirk to make a team would make people hate him. Even if it wasn’t their choice, they still got what they wanted, right?
 “Choice is important,” another classmate told Hitoshi kindly. “You took away their choice, and it hurt them. Plus, some may feel they did not do their jobs properly if you just did that.”
 “...That makes more sense,” Hitoshi admitted. “So it’s more like they felt bad they didn’t do their best because I controlled them.”
 “Exactly, though again, a choice is important. Taking away choices isn’t a good thing, Shinsou. You obviously know that from your complaints about some of the things others have asked,” the classmate said patiently. She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I know I’m the girl you refused to make gay.”
 “That’s disgusting what she asked,” Hitoshi said. “...Also, I am so sorry but-”
 “Atakani Ino,” the girl laughed. “Don’t worry, you keep to yourself. But anyway, you would have taken away their choice outside of a fight. It’s one thing to use your Quirk as a hero and another to use it in a sports festival. You may be fighting to get into the hero course, but it’s hardly fair that you would take away their decision.”
 “That makes way more sense. Thanks,” Hitoshi sighed. “Empathy is hard.”
 “Well, my Quirk literally always has me seeing the other side,” Atakanti said. Hitoshi smiled at her. It was nice to have someone explain things properly.
 “I know, sort of? I don’t get it, but I understand,” Shinsou admits. “It’s one thing to use my Quirk in a fight, and it’s another to try and force a team up. You certainly showed that people would be willing to work with me if I tried.” And therapy helped with the rest, he thinks.
 “It’s a good thought to keep.” All Might voices. “Trying to enforce a friendship or a team up through any means other than agreement only ends in disaster.”
 “Like the team up last year with that hero Love Shot and Present Mic,” Midoriya says. “It caused so much property damage cause Love Shot forced Present Mic to go along.”
 “Ugh,” Hizashi made a face. Love Shot was a piece of work. Their Quirk worked by causing people to strongly desire to see their loved ones, meaning they often abandoned their crimes to head home or sometimes turn themselves in. A pretty good Quirk, and they were very proud of getting as high as they were in the ranks with their Quirk. They were skilled, talented and all that. But they also were a dick.
 They blamed every wrongdoing on how they were treated as a child and whined about being called a villain non-stop. Sure, they worked their ass off, but they were also an entitled asshole of the highest degree. They thought everyone should do what they wanted and that going against their thoughts was discrimination. Hizashi knew Shouta meeting them had been a turning point in his husband’s beliefs. The dark-haired man hated to admit he was as bad as some others about his slight bias against flashy Quirks, but Love Shot set him straight. Or at least somewhat, he tended to default at times.
 “I know now, don’t worry,” Shinsou says. Midoriya gives him a look but accepts his word, instead turning to All Might.
 “I’m going to head down; the break is almost over.” She says before waving at her daughter. “Be good for Yagi-sensei, baby!”
 “Bye!” Tomoe says cheerfully. Midoriya leaves, the men and baby watching.
 “I could really have messed up,” Shinsou muses. All Might shakes his head.
 “If you had apologized after, things could have been okay.” He tells the boy. Shinsou makes a face, shaking his head.
 Recovery Girl snorted hard as her son covered his face. For Hitoshi himself, he just slumped in his seat.
 Yeah, fat chance of that.
 “I wouldn’t have. I’m too stubborn.”
 “…well then,” All Might says. “You would have destroyed one possible friendship and could have poisoned many of your potential friendships. At least you didn’t here, though I’d work on that stubbornness.”
 “I’ll try.” Shinsou allows.
 The screen moves to show the field, Midoriya and Tokoyami facing off.
 “Let’s get the show underway, kids,” Midnight announces. “BEGIN!”
 Dark Shadow bursts out of Tokoyami, diving for Midoriya, who dives away, lightning covering her.
 “Too bright!” Dark Shadow complains as she tries to grab Midoriya, who moves away again.
 “Sunlight and lightning?” Fumikage mused. “We would have a hard time.”
 “But we’re gonna try!” Dark Shadow says happily as she leaves her brother to beam at the class.” Even if they lost, they would give their best shot.
 “The better to keep you away!” Midoriya says. This is going to be a constant game of dodging, won’t it? She thinks. It’s too risky to try and grab Dark Shadow. She could use it as a way to throw me out, too. She dodges more strikes, rolling and jumping. If I take the hits, I could be forced out like Yaoyorozu… Midoriya frowns, eyes narrowing.
 The screen switches to show the stands.
 “Who do you think will win?” Uraraka asks Iida, who shrugs.
 “Both Tokoyami and Midoriya have shown that they’re quick thinkers who can adapt plans.” He says. “Dark Shadow herself is no slouch either, though light appears to be her weakness.”
 “It’ll come down to who can think faster,” Yaoyorozu speaks. Ojiro gives a nod of his own agreement. “I will have to train that myself,” Yaoyorozu says.
 “Targeting you while you make things might help,” Tenya offered to the teen. Yaoyorozu nodded slowly, looking thoughtful.
 “Or real-time strategy games,” Kaminari said. “Hell, maybe even just RPG games in general? The Baldur’s Gate remakes use a lot of strategy.”
 “Turn-based might not be a great idea,” Sato argued. “Maybe Dragon Age? They remade the whole series when they put out the remakes, so it’s more strategy-based.”
 “Those would be good,” Kaminari agreed. Yaoyorozu looked at them in confusion.
 “I’ve never heard of those,” she admitted. Both boys stared at her in shock. “I’ve played some video games such as the Elder Scrolls remakes and Final Fantasy, but-”
 “Oh man, you HAVE TO!” both said at once. They dragged the girl into a discussion on strategy games that had the rest of the class backing away slightly.
 They were very intense.
 “We all probably will,” Ashido says. She points at Kirishima. “Some more than others, if you don’t mind the teasing, Kiri.”
 “Eh, you don’t mean it meanly. And you’re as bad,” Kirishima shoots back. The teens giggle as the screen morphs to show Jirou in the bathroom.
 The lively discussion dropped as everyone stared at the screen. That was a bit of a mood killer, showing Jirou like that. In turn, the girl flinched and curled into herself. Denki looked at her, feeling lost.
 He didn’t think she meant to be cruel towards him. He honestly thought she was a good person who might have done stupid things, but it didn’t make her a bad person. Just… not a great person? He didn’t know how to explain it.
Jirou looks pale as she stands at the sink. She splashes water on her face before turning it off. Her hands rest on the counter as she stares into the mirror. In a second, her image is replaced by a child’s.
 “Hey, look, it’s Lobes!” laughs the child, pointing at a much younger Jirou. The little girl rubs her eyes.
 “She has to wear earplugs and is dumb cause of it.”
 “Yeah, she’s so stupid she has to cheat with her Quirk!”
 Kyoka flinched, not looking at anyone as her mind reminded her of her mocking Kaminari. Of her kicking him into villains.
 She’s just like them—a monster who mocks others because she can.
 “No, I’m not,” Jirou sobs. It changes to show Jirou following another girl somewhere before a loud blaring sound has Jirou on her knees, screaming as the girl laughs. The screen morphs back to reveal the teenage version of Jirou staring at the mirror.
 “What have I become?” she whispers. She rubs her eyes and shakes her head, leaving the bathroom. Outside, she stops, coming face to face with Sato.
 “Jirou, I was hoping you were in there.” The tall teen says. “It would have been awkward… anyway, are you okay?”
 Rikkido moved to the purple-haired teen, abandoning the conversation with Kaminari more than before. He knew what would happen; he’d been thinking about speaking to her already.
 She would be happy to know she wasn’t alone in how she acted.
 “I’m fine,” Jirou shakes her head. “When did you follow me?”
 “After the Kaminari and Shinsou fight. You haven’t come back,” Sato says. “I was worried. You’re a good person-“
 “No, I’m not,” Jirou says bitterly. Sato frowns at her.
 “Yes, you are,” he insists. Jirou shakes her head.
 “I’m not. I’m just like the assholes back in elementary or middle school!” she says. “Mocking people and putting them in situations they can get hurt!” she glares at the ground. “I’m a horrible person.”
 “She’s not wrong,” a few teens muttered to one another.
 Fatgum though shook his head as he sat with Eri in his agency’s cafeteria, Tamaki going to get some food for her. The kid was a teenager, and sure her actions were horrible it didn’t make her horrible. Not when she is being confronted with the realization of where she went wrong and understanding it. Perhaps it was selfish for her only to realize it when she was compared to someone else and only really understand when she remembered her past, but that was human nature. People had a hard time understanding their effects on others until they could experience it often.
 It wasn’t like that Bakugou kid and man, Fatgum felt bad thinking like that, but he deserved it. Jiruo didn’t keep acting like a jerk and ignored everyone’s reactions while placing herself on a pedestal. She was surprised and upset, unlike Bakugou, who kept doubling down. He showed no sign of realization when Jirou did. That was the difference, the ability to realize she was wrong even if it took someone else.
 Though it was a possibility Bakugou was changing now, with the future shown. It's not like he’d met the kid yet.
 “So, Eri, can you tell me a bit about where you came from?” Fatgum asked gently. The little girl looked up with wide eyes, obviously scared, but suddenly she nodded.
 “Like Limitless,” she said softly.
 Fatgum had to hide his squeal. She was such a cute kid.
 “You aren’t,” Sato says. “You’re a teenager who doesn’t think that far ahead. That’s not a crime.” He tells her. Jirou rolls her eyes.
 “I know better.”
 “Okay, so you know better.” He shrugs. “That doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person; it means you don’t think things through or you just default to assuming things.”
 “How would you know?” Jirou asks. “I did exactly what all my bullies did but just kept going. It was okay because it was Kaminari!” she looks at Sato with exhausted eyes. “That’s not okay.”
 “If you were a terrible person, you wouldn’t act like this,” Sato says. Jirou gives him a dirty look, and he shrugs. “Hey, sounding like some sort of cheap after-school special or not, it’s true. Look at Bakugou and how the class acts around him. He refuses to see where he fucks up, so everyone avoids it. Meanwhile, you are realizing it. You know how bad it is, and I doubt you’ll willingly do it again.”
 “HEY!” Katsuki snarled. That was a lie! He didn’t refuse to see his mistakes! People just were too sensitive or didn’t understand him! Freaking idiot.
 In his agency, Fatgum made a note about the boy. He had identified the same thing he did after all.
 “Never,” Jirou promises. Sato grins, waving a hand at her. “…Why did you come?”
 “Because I saw you were spiralling and wanted to help,” Sato tells her. “I went through something similar. I was a really chubby kid, and my Quirk didn’t appeal to people. Plus, All Might is my favourite hero. Kid with super strength idolizing him? I got called a wannabe and mocked for years until I gained a few inches and started working out in middle school. It’s easy to forget that the ‘teasing’ you do to protect yourself isn’t all that good until it is too late.” Sato chuckles a little. “I did get it beaten into my head that the teasing wasn’t okay early, but I was lucky.  My classmate wasn’t. You just need a friend to watch out and make sure you can do it.”
 “It was my Mom,” Rikkido told Jirou, who had turned to look at him, still in shock but looking slightly better. “She heard me talking about someone nastily and made me volunteer at a soup kitchen while also taking me with her to one of her own volunteer gigs with permission. She teaches former villains how to bake. I sat there, listening to them and realized some of them were like me, kids who got tormented but received better treatment when they got older. It got to their heads. I also met homeless people who were treated like crap because of their Quirks. It was eye-opening.”
 “I didn’t…” Jirou said softly.
 “Yeah, you didn’t.” Rikkido agreed. “But again, you’re acknowledging your wrong. Kaminari might accept an apology sooner or later, and you can work from there.”
 “I’ll forgive her now; she didn’t mean harm,” Kaminari said. “It was annoying, but it isn’t like she meant it meanly.”
 “What happened to your classmate? If you feel like sharing?” Ashido asked cautiously.
 “He got put into a hospital after his ‘teasing’ drove the kid he was bullying too far,” Rikkido said. “And then he was expelled thanks to the kid’s parents suing the school for not helping their son until it got to the point of him attacking his bully. Last I heard, though, he refused to accept his fault.” A sad thing, and one that was honestly a bit ridiculous. If you couldn’t accept you were in the wrong even when you got hurt because of it, you were an idiot. Sure, light teasing of someone didn’t deserve being put into a hospital, but there was a difference between light teasing and bullying that was crossed long before that. And if you couldn’t understand it even when it was pointed out… you were an idiot. “Last I heard, he was wearing his old uniform still and going around calling himself Mustard, I think.”
 “Mustard?” Jirou asked.
 “He could create a gas that put people to sleep, kind of like Midnight,” Sato explained. “He got bullied for his Quirk 'cause they thought it weak until that one capture Midnight did like three years back. He got a lot of positive attention and decided he would tease a kid with a transformation Quirk who had a hard time with it.” Sato shrugged. “I haven’t seen him since; the Mustard thing is a rumour. He did say he wanted it as his hero name, though, so maybe he's gone vigilante or something.”
 Or something indeed, Midnight thought. She remembered a few months ago some kid running around causing mayhem with a gas Quirk and his claiming that ‘Midnight being a slut gives her leeway.’ He got probation, the last she heard. She hoped it wasn't the same kid, but you never knew.
 “We should deal with Bakugou,” Tomura muttered to himself as he scratched his neck. Sensei wanted to wait until Izumi could do it, but Tomura hated waiting. He wanted the bastard dead already!
 “…Thanks,” Jirou says, smiling a little.
 “No problem. Come on, Midoriya was still dodging Tokoyami last I checked. I wanna see her overcome the duo.”
 “You think she can?” Jirou asks as she falls into step with the taller teen.
 “It’s Midoriya. I swear we’re in some sort of anime with her as the main character.” Sato laughs as the screen morphs to show another dodge from Midoriya. She lands hard on the stage and pauses, staring at it.
 The statement was more right than Sato knew, Fatgum figured as Eri finished describing the base and the maid who had saved her. The poor woman probably wouldn't live much longer if Overhaul got her.
 The worst thing was Eri saying the man used her as an experiment because of her Curse. A Quirk that made her father disappear. Not… good. Not really. He was no slouch when it came to Quirk control, and he had his eyes on Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Sato, the first if he could get her away from Snipe at least. He already had mental plans for each of the kids for control and experimentation. But Eri? Risky to deal with. Perhaps that sidekick Pause… no, if Eri’s Quirk was risky on Pause, it wasn't a good choice.
 He'd have to call UA, then.
 “That might work.” She mutters before she digs her fingers into the cement, lightning arching.
 “And what is Midoriya doing?!” Mic asks over the intercom as Tokoyami and Dark Shadow watch in confusion. Midoriya responds by ripping out a large amount of the stage and throwing it. Dark Shadow yelps and blocks it. The green-haired teenager runs right at the bird duo, taking advantage of the startled behaviour of Dark Shadow to tackle Tokoyami. He takes it with a grunt, staying upwards. It's enough for Midoriya to lift and throw the teenager, though.
 “NO!” Dark Shadow squeaks, grabbing at the stage. Midoriya slams a foot onto the stage, causing it to shake from her superpowered stomp. It dislodges the other girl and forces her and Tokoyami out of bounds.
 “She picked us up and threw us!” Dark Shadow cheered. “HOT!”
 “Dark Shadow!” Fumikage groaned at his sister. It felt easy to adjust to consider her his twin. He already knew of her intelligence, so accepting her as his sister was an effortless next step. He could do without the commentary, though.
 “I think the fact she tore up the stage was hotter!” Kamianri cried out. He still looked worried over Jirou, but with Sato speaking to the girl, Kaminari had let them be. Fitting.
 Fumikage knew of the darkness and its ability to seduce others into its fold. Sato nearly falling to it was no surprise, and he offered a rope down to Jirou, who appeared to be on a ledge, able to free herself from it, much like someone who fell into a canyon to land on an outcropping.
 Sato reminded Fumikage of boys who rarely experienced discrimination outside the bullying he'd faced as a child. A boy with a Quirk fitting to be a hero and one who wasn't too bad-looking. He would have been a crowd favourite among his peers after, as he said, he got taller and bulked up. The reveal of Sato’s past did not startle the bird-headed teen. Too many were swayed by the masses into bullying others because they worried about becoming victims themselves—Sato’s strength in not succumbing impressed Fumikage.
 It made him wish his friend had done the same so long ago.
 “Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are out of bounds!” Midnight declares. “Midoriya is the winner!” Midoriya beams, smiling even as she jogs over to Tokoyami.
 “Good fight, you two!” she says to Tokoyami and Dark Shadow.
 “You as well,” Tokoyami says. Midoriya offers her hand, and Tokoyami takes it, prompting cheers. The screen moves to show the people watching.
 “She’s doing really good.” A heroine says to her neighbour. “I can’t wait to see what she does next!”
 “Agreed.” The man says. “She’s going to be a real contender in the future.”
 “Seeing her rip up the floor to throw was kind of funny,” offers a blue-skinned woman, obviously Bubblegirl. I wonder why Sir asked me to observe this area rather than the third year… maybe he wants a new intern? If so, I’d suggest her! She seems pretty smart.
 “… oh the IRONY,” Toshinori said as Shouta snorted at him. Hizashi just chuckled.
 Meanwhile, Bubblegirl pursed her lips, looking at the screen with displeasure. She didn't know what to do now. She loved working with Sir, the weird-ass tickling machine aside. They only ever used it to weird out potential interns or suspects anyway.
 But the knowledge he had lied had hired Togata to be a successor for All Might… what would he have done if the boy hadn't accepted the Quirk? Pour? Complain? Alienate him? She didn't know, but it was frustrating to her.
 She didn't want to leave Sir. She loved working for him and loved learning from him. But Bubblegirl didn't know if she could trust him. Not anymore.
 And it hurt.
 Uraraka is shown standing up from her seat, looking very nervous. Iida sees her stand. “Uraraka?” he asks.
 “I’m going to head to the waiting room,” Uraraka says nervously, glancing at where Bakugou sat, scowling at nothing. He spots her look and smirks at her.
 “Better say your prayers, Round Cheeks,” Bakugou says. It causes her to frown, the girl walking away. Iida follows her, not hesitating a second.
Katsuki smirked. Putting Round Cheeks in her place would be as satisfying as stomping out Deku, which he was eager to see. She better end up in the final round against him! He needed to make her pay for her continuing to turn everyone against him.
The screen moves to show Mioriya taking her daughter from All Might, smiling at her mentor.
 “Thank you again, Yagi,” she says.
 “Of course.” All Might laughs. Midoriya walks away, heading back to the stands. On her way, though, she runs into Uraraka and Iida.
 “Oh, hey…” Midoriya blinks, and suddenly, her eyes widen. “Oh.”
 “I…” Uraraka swallows. “I’m going to fight Bakugou.”
 “You are,” Midoriya says cautiously. Iida sighs.
 “There’s little I can say about it that won’t come off as patronizing. He’s the type to go all out,” the group's sole male says.
 “At least he won’t go easy on me 'cause I’m a girl,” Uraraka says shakily. Tomoe makes a noise.
 “Sleepy,” the toddler whines, burying her face into her mother’s shoulder. Midoriya pats her back as she studies her friend.
 “I could give you a few strategies I have for him, but I doubt you want them,” the green-haired girl says. “You want to beat him at his own game.”
 “Hell yeah!” Ochako said. She didn't know how she felt about fighting Bakugou. But she was going to try her best to kick his ass.
 Meanwhile, Katsuki scoffed at the screen. In Round Face’s dreams.
 “I… listening to the talk about Iida fighting that 1B guy and our discussion with Yaoyorozu, I know I’m a little… too focused on my Quirk,” Uraraka admits. “I have a few ideas myself, but… I don’t think I’ll win.”
 “You can,” Midoriya disagrees. “You can win, Uraraka.” The brown-haired girl shrugs, looking down. Iida looks uncomfortable, rubbing the back of his neck.
 “I hope so, but… well, I don’t have much strategy up my sleeve other than gleaning some from you and your analysis.” Uraraka frowns. “And my fighting ability isn’t that great. I won’t last.”
 “Don’t talk about yourself like that,” Midoriya orders. “You’re a great fighter. You brought up ideas on how to make weapons and improve your suit last time we talked!” she looks earnestly at Uraraka, who flushes in response.
 Ochako felt her cheeks warm. When Midoriya looks like that at you… it's hard not to feel amazing…
 “Teenagers!” was the consensus at the blush from Uraraka. All of them were just incredibly into other people half the time. Hormones were raging around. Plus, with heroics?
 Any teacher at a hero school will tell you that hormones are crazy and that Sex-Ed classes always come after an incident on an internship where some high-stress situation led to people making out or going further than that with their peers. They tried to emphasize other forms of stress relief, but after a near-death experience, some people forgot all about it. They tried to lessen it, at least.
 Still, it was pretty funny to see teenagers acting like idiots.
 “Still….” Uraraka let out a breath. “I’m going to do my best. I hope to see you both in the finals.” She straightened her back. “I’ll kick both your asses.”
 “You’re welcome to try.” Midoriya grins, stepping aside to let her friend pass. She turns to Iida. “She’s gonna make it.”
 “I hope so. Bakugou has little honour.” Iida frowns. “Though All Might-sensei has a point that sometimes honour gets in the way of fighting.”
 “Well, she’s at least going to put the screws to him,” Midoriya says. “He’s in for a fight.” She pauses. “How are you feeling about your match with Shinsou?”
 “Oh, I’ll lose,” Iida says instantly. Midoriya looks at him in surprise. “I watched him during his first match, and while I don’t know how he activates his Quirk, I don’t doubt he’s going to trip me up.” Iida shrugs. “He’s smart, and he’s trained with you.”
“Awww,” Hitoshi joked. “Cause his crush trained me; he thinks I'll win.”
 “Not going for her yourself?” Atakani asked.
 “Huh? Oh!” Hitoshi coughed, cheeks feeling warm. “I mean, maybe? She's cute, but I'd probably let her make the first move if she was interested. She's been through a lot.”
 “Makes sense,” Atakani said. “Though I'll point out he also said you were smart. Which you are even if you're a dick at times.”
 “Ouch,” Hitoshi snorted but had to accept it. He was a bit of a dick.
 “Why do both you and Uraraka say you get inspired by me, or my training can make him win?” Midoriya asks.
 “Because you’re honestly amazing,” Iida says. Midoriya squeaks, shaking her head even as her cheeks flush. Iida seems to realize what he said as he also goes red. “I… well, you are. As horrible as it sounds, you overcome so much in your life and keep standing. You’re so inspiring like that, and your analysis is brilliant.” He rubs the back of his neck. “You’re also an amazing friend Midoriya.”
 “You guys are too.” Midoriya disagrees. “You both accepted me easily and stood by me at the trial. You helped when mom kicked me out of the house, and you’ve always backed me up. I… I don’t think I’d be the person I am now without you guys.” She beams at Iida, who flushes even more, his eyes widening as the light in the hallways makes the girl almost glow.
 “She's freaking angelic,” Denki groaned. “Look at her! So earnest and kind!”
 “This is going to be hell having classes with a cute girl,” Sero agreed.
 As the people interested in girls sympathized with one another, Nezu chatted on the phone with Fatgum. “Of course, she can come here! Aizawa will be here after lunch to help with her Quirk!”
 And keep her out of the Commission’s hands. While not all of the organization was corrupt, enough of them were he felt uneasy about the potential of a young girl who could make people vanish with her Quirk being around them. It was something that they would take advantage of.
 At least the few good ones, such as Chang, were around to counteract the bad.
 “Mama, nap,” Tomoe says, interrupting the moment. Midoriya giggles a little, making Iida go even more crimson.
 “I’ll take you to the announcer’s booth. It’s mostly soundproof.” Midoriya says. “I’ll see you later, Iida.”
 “Bye,” the boy says reflexively as he watches her go. He then covers his face with one hand.
 “She’s a fucking liar, you know.” A voice says. Iida removes his hand to turn to see Bakugou glaring at him.
 “Seriously?!” was the general thought. Why was this guy continuing to butt his nose into things?
 “What?” Iida asks.
 “Deku. She’s a fucking liar.” Repeats Bakugou. “Auntie is the nicest person, and Deku just loves to-“
 “I believe Midoriya has made it clear that she is more of an expert on her own mother than you could ever be.” Iida interrupts. Bakugou glares at him.
 “Deku is a liar who is obsessed with me,” the boy claims arrogantly. “Always following me around and acting like-“
 “Stop with the lies.” Iida sighs. “No one believes you, Bakugou. No one cares what you think. I don’t know WHY you’re so obsessed with the idea that Midoriya secretly stalks you or that she… has some sort of thing against you? If anything, she has reason to, given your actions against her.” Iida waves a hand. “All you’re doing is making yourself look ridiculous.” He walks away, leaving a gapping Bakugou behind. A scowl crosses the blonde’s face.
 Nothing makes sense. His voice rings out his thoughts. I’m going to be the greatest hero! Why does everyone act like this?! I should be the one with everyone listening to me; I should be the one Half and Half challenged; I should be breezing through these fights, offered challenges but coming out on top! I should be top of the class! None of this makes sense!
 “Wow, that superiority complex is driving him today,” muttered a civilian. “I mean, come on. He's already been told off and is being confronted with the fact he's not the best before. Why does he keep DOING this?”
 “Teenager stupidity mixed with no one ever properly disciplining him.” his friend said.
 In UA, people congratulated Iida on standing up to Bakugou, while in his home, Katsuku scowled.
 It didn't make sense! None of it did! Why did he keep getting the short end of the stick? Okay, sure, MAYBE he was wrong about Deku a bit. But he was still the best. He had ruled Aldera; why wasn't he ruling UA like he should be? Why did they all seem to ignore him? He was proving himself now, right? Auntie Inko was changing, which meant he was right! Things would work out. He'd win the sports festival and show that he was the best. He knew it.
 The boy stomps off as the screen changes again to show Mrs. Midoriya sobbing with a tissue pressed to her face. She shakes as she watches the screen where Todoroki is shown fighting Asui, who leaps out of the way of ice blasts.
 “I messed up. Oh, Izumi, I’m so sorry,” the woman sobs. Her phone begins to ring, and she wipes at her face, reaching out to grab it. She checks the front and gives a shaky smile. “Dear?” she asks as she presses the phone to her ear.
 “Inko! I saw the broadcast; what’s going on?!” a voice asks. It’s the same voice from the shadowy figure seen before, the leader of the League of Villains. Inko bursts into tears.
 “Our baby got hurt, and I fucked up so bad, Hisashi,” Inko cries. “I thought she should focus on finding a husband because of her Quirkless status and have children to repopulate. Tomoe… our grandbaby was a distraction, and I drove her away!” Inko sobs over the phone.
 “Oh, now she sees where she went wrong when I'm proving myself,” Izumi muttered as Shouta got a call that he went to sit inside their car for. Izumi dropped an armful of trash onto the tarp they had for the junk. “Now?”
 She didn't want to think about it. She had been trying not to. But damn it! Why did she have to show up again?
 “What?” the voice asks dangerously. Inko sobs some more.
 “I… I was so mad and stupid, and she… she moved in with her teachers. I lost custody.” Inko cries. “I didn’t mean to! I just… she couldn’t be a hero; she was so delicate and gentle, and then she got that Quirk and…” Inko shakes her head. “I messed up. I couldn’t be wrong, but I was, and now she’s gone.”
“… I see.” The man’s voice goes soft and dangerous, but Inko doesn’t notice. She’s too busy crying.
 She also doesn’t notice when a portal opens behind her, and Kurogiri steps out. She vanishes through another portal, given no time to scream. Shigaraki steps out from the portal Kurogiri does, frowning.
 “… what?” Izumi asked.
 “Make it look like she ran,” the younger man mutters as he scratches his neck.
 “Of course Shigaraki Tomura.”
 The screen goes black.
 “NO!” Izumi screamed, eyes staring at the screen. What happened to her mother? What were they doing to her? What was going on?!
 “Izumi-” Toshinori said, a hand reaching out to touch her shoulder, but Izumi ignored him.
 “What happened? What is going on?! Why… did…” Izumi tried to think it through. What was going on? Why… a thought occurred to her, tumbling out of her mouth as she spoke, "Is that why she vanished now?”
-I saw a post talking about how Ojiro has a right to be annoyed with Shinsou and gotta say, I agree. So here’s the call out. At least in this AU, Shinsou never did that.
-Love Shot is kind of me poking at the ‘Shinsou has a victim complex’ stuff I’ve seen before. It’s a personal thing, but I find myself disliking a lot of these fics because they tend to go from 0 to a hundred in seconds. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve read great antagonist Shinsou fics and fics where he never becomes Izuku’s friend. But wow those fics are… yikes. Love Shot is someone who did have a few bullies and made it their entire personality. Fighting against discrimination! They have risen above their pasts! Blah-blah-blah. They’re just a fucking bastard. Good hero, still a dick.
-Jirou and Sato being bros, and Jirou realizing she’s not a horrible person!! Knowing I’m about to get a million ‘But Bakugou’ comments: Bakugou canonly keeps going back to his shitty personality. (or did at the time of this writing. Still not sure if the spoilers are true) He gives lip service to changing but defaults afterward. While yes, it takes time, the fact is in my opinion Bakugou won’t change until he has no choice but to. Jirou though is shown she’s wrong, and while she didn’t want to believe it, is forced into accepting it. She also has friends who will call her out, not like Bakugou who has friends who brush it off as ‘just his personality’.
-i have no clue where Mustard came from but here! While in AR he has a different story, I looked up his Quirk here and as far as we know it's just sleeping gas. So I went with this: he got bullied as a kid due to a weak Quirk that was ‘girly’ like Midnight until she proved her badassery. He started targeting another kid. While Sato did it so no one bullied him, Mustard did it cause he wanted to make others feel like he did. It exploded as said.
-The Tokoyami fight was fun. Solved by Izumi ripping up the floor? Good times.
-I had way to much fun with the Iida/Uraraka/Midoriya scene and then the scene with Bakugou, because he would follow. Look at him following Todoroki and Izuku in canon.
-Bakugou really doesn’t understand why no one is siding with him here, and it’s kind of really fascinating to write because like… he is that guy in canon. He’s just that arrogant. And the idea no one believes that Izumi is this villain confuses him. Nothing is going to his plan and he’s lashing out so hard because of it. In a way, I think I’m writing him with autism because I’m a little like that when plans don’t work out. It’s just Bakugou gets violent and his arrogance makes it worse, unlike me who just pouts.
-I debated about Inko, I really did! The idea of dragging it out, making it hurt so bad occurred to me but then I went: nah, Hisashi murdered Yamanaka he’s gonna murder her now to. But this is why on Tumblr I expressed regret for taking her out so soon in ‘present time’. Imagine her seeing this and realizing how little she mattered to her husband.
-Small announcement: I kind of have another reaction fic in the works!! It's vastly different and the basic plot is: Izumi is a trans girl who has a pact with a Fae Lord making her a warlock and she is in hiding with her little sister Eri. And that's just a very basic summary! It's going to be poly (Tenya/Izuku/Ochako/Tsu) and its going to be dad might to the core. It's still in the works but it's going to be fun to write both of these stories. It's also a slight D&D crossover (depending on how you define slight). I could make it its own story but I'm having fun with making it like a show so… yeah.
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chaos-event-horizon · 2 years
Skinny vigilante au prompt: All Might letting Rian see his scar
"Empathy is not a relationship between a healer and the wounded, it's a relationship between equals." -- Paolo Freire
(Longtime followers or readers of The Space Between Us All might notice some parallels)
He'd been considering it for a while now, especially after becoming aware that this week was the one year anniversary of saving Rian from the research laboratory... It was about time Toshinori let Rian see his scar.
He'd been courting the brunette for a few months, not that the kid had noticed, and both the visions and his experience with the young man had him feeling comfortable. He had a decent idea of how Rian would react, and was mentally prepared. So that day, after coming back from a bloody fight, the blonde was very casual about taking off his shirt right there in the laundry room, not three feet away from the other man.
It went mostly as expected.
He tossed the trashed shirt into the washing machine, running his hands through his hair to fluff it back out, and then turned to look at the brunette.
Rian was blushing as red as a rose, eyes vascillating between the older man's torso, the wall, the ceiling, and back to his torso at a rapid fire pace, his eyes eventually settling on the wall. "I-I... Uh...."
"It's okay, Kitten. You're allowed to look."
The younger man fidgeted for a moment before finally letting his eyes roam back to Toshinori. "That's... The scar?"
"It is."
The look of awe in his eyes showed that curiosity had overwritten Rian's embarrassment. In his hesitant, gentle way he stepped forward, hand hovering mere inches above the mottled tissue on the blonde's side. The vigilante couldn't help the goosebumps that ghosted over his skin, feeling something almost agonizingly familiar about the situation
"M... m-may I?"
Toshinori took a steadying breath and nodded. This wasn't usually how people reacted, and he was glad especially that Rian didn't look at him like something to be pitied. He watched as his young counterpart's hand carefully reached out, hesitated, then slowly spread to trace the sunburst pattern with gentle reverence. Rian was frowning, but not out of pity or revulsion… it was out of empathy.
"If I'm being honest..." The older man said softly, careful not to spook Rian, "The surgeries were worse than the initial injury. They saved my stomach and most of that lung, due to Nighteye forewarning me about the attack and causing me to be on my guard... But the hit was still brutal. I was unable to move for quite a while, and lost a lot of muscle because of it. It's thanks to my precious quirk that I can bulk up the way I do, even though my limit is only half a day."
The brunette slowly nodded, then stepped back again while blushing. "I'm... Just glad you lived, Boss."
"I know," he said with a chuckle, putting on a spare shirt to save the young man's brain from frying. "And I am too... Because living means that I was able to meet you."
Rian quickly turned away, starting the washing machine and practically scurrying out. "I-I'll start dinner...!"
Toshinori chuckled, not bothering to hide his smirk as he leaned against the wall. Yes... This life was a lot different from those before. He could feel it. Even with Rian running away at every compliment, he still stayed close enough to receive them.
You're still my Kitten, the older man thought, no matter how many times we dance to this song, that's never going to change. I'll get us back to how we were, and this time... This time for sure... We'll make it.
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Hi!! I waited a bit to ask this bc I didn't want to overwhelm you or anything, but I've been wanting to ask about your Greatest Showman au?? Could you talk about that please :O
OMG hello!! I cannot tell you how happy I was to get this ask-
I am. ALWAYS happy to talk about my aus, please feel free to send me ANYTHING at ANY time /gen :D!!!
Greatest Showman AU!!!! Of course!! It has been a long time since I talked about this au, and there's.......different routes for the au if that makes sense.
So to start off, if it isn't clear, most of my aus are made bc of me listening to music or musical songs/film music, and this leads to this sort of thing happening-
I made this au bc I watched the film and said "what if I drew my fav ships as the different songs?"........I still have the sketches for these that I want to finish one day-
It is a mostly Edgejeanist and Ectoloader focused au!!! (with a dash of some others)
(forgive me for my lack of knowledge on terminology and also for completely forgetting everyone's names /lh)
Main AU:
So basically follows the storyline for the most part!
Ectoloader are the married couple bc what kinda au would this be if I didn't make them a married couple /lh
They had the whole Childhood Friends -> Lovers things and do Circus Things together - they own the circus
Ecto did tightrope acts and I haven't figured out pl yet tbh-
Edgeshot is a Trapeze artist.
Jeanist is the guy that gets dragged into the circus by Ecto and they have that lovely Moment(tm)
Mic is the guy who gets the crowd all worked up, Aizawa does trapeze and that ribbon-y stuff- (lord help me i do not know terminology)
Cue romance and Circus Shenanigans between everyone!
Plenty of injury moments and fantastic performing stuff!
Shinya and Tsunagu get to have their 'Rewrite the Stars' Moment!
Ecto goes away to tour with Snipe! (nothing like the musical, just goin on a lil fun trip with a friend)!! Circus goes to shit!
Jeanist runs in to save Shinya, who was already out, who now runs in to save him- Tsunagu is very hurt.
Ecto loses his legs in the accident (suggested by an anon a while back and i really loved it)
Mic gets stuck, Aizawa rescues him!
Angst and Comfort ensue!!!
Not a lot of thought apart from "this is fun to imagine the characters playing as.....the characters..from the musical..."
And for fun, here is the "just here for the music" route:
All pro hero characters are kinda putting on a show, and these songs are being performed by certain characters.
(i have a big hc that Jeanist, Ectoplasm and Nighteye are besties... they're called 'The Distinguished Gays'...)
So the song 'The Other Side' just went perfectly imagining Ecto convincing Jeans to join him while Nighteye tended to the bar......idk its so fun to imagine in time to the music-
Jeanist and Edgeshot perform 'rewrite the stars' bc <3
'Come alive' is Aizawa and his students
'The Greatest show' is All the teachers and their students and some of the ua alumni popping up and making appearances!
And finally 'This is me' is absolutely everyone, and they get to have their cool moments and show off themselves and idk that song makes me feel things.
I often imagine the canon universe characters acting/voice acting in musicals for fun so yeah lol
Well! I hope that makes sense!!!
Thank you SO much for asking, I genuinely got so excited to see this ask bc <3333
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thelazyhermits · 4 years
You know, after giving it some thought, I really don’t think I’m ever gonna try to pick up where I left off with the TABF main story and continue covering canon events like the way I did with the main story. The reason for that being that after seeing recent manga events I really don’t think TABF wouldn’t go that route because of the changes I already made to canon.
So, in the end, I wouldn’t be following canon for long before it diverges into AU territory. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I don’t really see the point in trying to cover the manga’s current arc since it’ll end up being pretty anticlimactic, at least on one end, and Fortune wouldn’t even be present to see everything going on anyway. 
I’m not saying I’ll stop covering canon events period. I just don’t plan on covering every single arc that follows after the Cultural Festival arc. I just might do one shots here and there addressing certain events like how Secrets Revealed, the Shinsou hug drabble, and the Monoma drabble covered the aftermath of the Joint Training arc
I know some of y’all had been excited by the idea of me eventually covering future canon events, so I feel bad for disappointing y’all. But I just can’t see TABF going the same route as canon
Under the cut I’ll go into more details about my reasoning for this decision. The reason I’m doing it this way is since I’ll be mentioning manga spoilers and I wanted to provide a general explanation first for those who would prefer to avoid spoilers.
Okay, so not too long ago, I brought up my theory that Shigaraki’s big revival in the recent chapters wouldn’t happen thanks to Fortune’s and Nighteye’s Quirks and the fact that the heroes have the Quirk erasing bullets since Nighteye and Aizawa confiscated them before Overhaul was taken away from the police.
I still stand by that, but I wanted to add something else to that. The main reason Shigaraki revived was the fact that X-Less destroyed a machine that was still running and the live wire hit the water surrounding Shigaraki. That electric shock is what led to Shigaraki’s heart beating again. 
We’ve recently found out that the Quirk-erasing bullets that Shigaraki gave the doctor were in that machine. So, since he never got a hold of those bullets in TABF, neither did the doctor, so there would be no need for that machine to be on or even there period in TABF. Whether the doctor already had it or built it for the sake of creating more bullets doesn’t matter since there wouldn’t be a need for it to be on in that scenario. Ergo X-Less could carry on with his duty of carrying Shigaraki out of there while he’s still very much dead.
Not only that, since Nighteye is alive, I see him being a part of the hospital team so even if that machine still happened to be there and active, he would stop X-Less and make sure he carried on with his mission since by this point Nighteye has already used his Quirk and knows exactly how everything is supposed go down in the hospital.
Even if there was a way for Shigaraki to still magically revive, Nighteye would see it ahead of time thanks to his Quirk and would just use the Quirk-erasing bullets on Shigaraki before he can hurt anyone. So I really can’t see a way for Shigaraki to come out of this situation alive. 
While I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, Nighteye ends up working with Hawks in TABF thanks to Fortune’s interference. After she gets a vision of Hawks at that rally with the LoV and MLA, she realizes just how dangerous Hawks’ position is and what the heroes are up against, so she drags Hawks to Nighteye’s agency so Nighteye can look at his future and see for himself just how bad things are about to get.
After that point, Nighteye starts working with Hawks, getting ready for the big showdown with the villain army. Unfortunately, this meeting takes place just after the My Villain Academia arc so the two forces still end up joining together.
However, in the end, the heroes still have the advantage because they have Hawks and Nighteye. After he gets let in on Hawks’ secret mission, Nighteye starts doing his own investigation in order to learn as much as he can about the LoV and the MLA. This of course includes using his Quirk to find out what all is gonna happen in the future. 
It’s because Nighteye gets involved in this investigation that he tells Midoriya to intern somewhere else during the winter since he knew he wouldn’t be able to dedicate the amount of time Midoriya needed for Black Whip. Plus, he didn’t want to risk Midoriya getting involved with the investigation. That’s why Midoriya still ends up interning with Endeavor like in canon.
So, overall, I see things ending in the heroes’ favor with the hospital team. Now, I’m not saying that the rest of the villains or the MLA will get stopped since I could see Dabi and Mr. Compress trying to run once they see the odds are not in their favor. 
Considering how upset she was about Twice’s death, I think Toga would continue fighting the heroes until someone finally manages to stop her, but it’s also possible that she could find a way to escape being captured since I know she’s not one to underestimate.
I’m not sure what would happen with Gigantomachia since he only responds to Shigaraki, so since Shigaraki would die in this situation, I would assume either Gigantomachia just doesn’t do anything or he escapes thinking he’ll be receiving orders from Shigaraki eventually. It’s hard to say for sure, but I can’t see him fighting without orders unless he finds out about Shigaraki’s death and tries to avenge him. His situation is kinda up in the air since I don’t know enough about him to get an idea of how he would act if Shigaraki is successfully stopped.
In regards to the MLA, I could see the heroes coming out on top, but it’s possible that some of the army could escape. However, in TABF, Mirio would be in the team dealing with the attack on the HQ so he would give a lot of the army members a run for their money considering how strong he is. So the LoV and MLA would be at a bigger disadvantage since I could see Mirio taking out a lot of people on his own. 
So, even though Shigaraki would be stopped, I could still see some bad guys escaping this situation so they could become a viable threat down the line after they regroup. So it’s not like the heroes would have a complete victory.
To summarize, I can’t see the LoV and MLA being successful in the current manga arc in TABF like they are in canon ergo the series’ main antagonists would be stopped resulting in a lot of future canon events not happening.
Honestly, I have no interest in attempting to write this arc since Fortune wouldn’t be directly involved. She’d be at UA with Eri during all of this, so the most I could really write is her interactions with everyone before and after it. I won’t say that I won’t ever write something along those lines, but as of right now, I don’t plan to.
I’m really sorry for disappointing everyone who was looking forward to a direct continuation of the TABF main story, but I just think this is the best way to go for the series. 
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haptronym · 2 years
Some observations on this post discussing Izuku and All Might's relationship:
A notable thing about the scene where All Might and Izuku talk about Nighteye’s prophecy: when All Might says that Izuku inspired him to live, there are a series of flashbacks. And... for the most part, they’re not about times they had any emotionally close moments. We don’t see the heart-to-heart after Izuku cleans the beach, or All Might thanking Izuku for saving him at USJ. The anime shows a shot of the beach hug after Kamino, but the manga does not. Instead, the focus is on Izuku’s hero journey. They show times when Izuku pushed himself to his limits and refused to give up. 
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Izuku inspired him the same way he did at the beginning of the story. Even after so much time has passed and so much has changed, they still influence each other the same way: through their shared heroic goals.
Another thing that has always struck me is that, although Izuku’s example helped All Might find the strength to live in this specific instance... for the most part, Izuku’s inspiration has not been a good thing for All Might. In fact, that’s one of the things that fascinates me about their relationship: they are so good for each other, and yet so incredibly bad for each other at the exact same time. They relentlessly amplify each other’s worst traits, and end up becoming obstacles to each other that need to be overcome as part of their respective character arcs.
With Izuku, this is blatant: he’s held back by his tendency to imitate All Might. The story spells this out when he trains with Gran Torino and when he develops Shoot Style. In addition, All Might praises Izuku’s thoughtless, self-destructive tendencies over and over, “inspiring” Izuku to recklessly endanger himself to the point of permanent physical injury. This all comes to a head in the Villain Hunt arc, when Izuku decides to emulate All Might’s lone wolf tendencies too, and drives himself to the brink. Bakugo explains their dysfunctional dynamics really well in chapter 319.
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I think All Might’s internal dialogue in chapter 317 is the closest we’ve ever gotten to a "parental" mindset: he’s worried about Izuku more than he's worried about Izuku's heroic duty. But, it never properly manifests. As Bakugo predicts, even though All Might starts to realize the harm in the path he’s sent Izuku down, he is not the one to correct it and help guide Izuku to a healthier place: instead, class 1-A comes to the rescue. And later, as Journal's post points out, he gives exactly zero useful feedback when the two of them reunite.
Anyway, my point was that All Might also suffers from their interactions. Think about where he is at the start of the story: He’s injured, he will need to retire soon, he is clearly struggling with his new limits and having trouble finding a healthy balance. But now, enter this kid. Izuku’s “inspiration” embodies everything All Might should be avoiding: reckless abandon, pushing past limits, self-injury and self-sacrifice. And every time All Might draws on this “inspiration,” it’s to do something that further harms his health and damages his time limit, instead of trying to find some other solution, perhaps one that involves collaborating with others and sharing his burden. In fact, he became discouraged from changing his ways, because he needed to be a “good” example for his successor. He had to put on a strong front more than ever, even as it destroyed him.
Yes, Izuku motivated him to keep going and survive his fight with AFO. But how much of that fight happened the way it did because All Might insisted on modeling his hero persona far beyond when he should have, steadily weakening himself, insisting on fighting AFO alone instead of admitting to the other heroes that he was running on less than an hour of time and he might not be able to save the day without help? That “inspiration” saved him, but I’d argue that it was a large part of the reason why he got into such a horrible situation in the first place.
And again, Izuku wasn’t the one to help All Might overcome this problem. Instead, it was Aizawa, impressing on All Might the need to keep on living.
Although Izuku and All Might's relationship has changed over the series, I'd argue that this happened despite their interactions, not because of them. They tend to keep each other locked into rigid, role-based dynamics, and aside from their initial meeting and the granting of OFA, it’s by and large the other characters in the series who have helped them grow and change. Fingers crossed that All Might’s revelation in chapter 317 bears fruit in some way... but so far, that hasn’t happened yet.
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gentrychild · 3 years
the au ask: uh, not sure how this works, but, let's say an au where the slime incident never happens?
Anon, no! I have about five AUs for that! You could at least tell me if you want it to be angst or crack!
More seriously, it's such a fun prompt because it avoids All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk, which is the start of so many vigilante/villain/quirkless Izukus.
But since I am a benevolent writer, I will not talk about the AU where Tsuyu and Mineta dies, then Iida, then Kota, then Mirio, Eri isn't saved, and so on.
Okay, it got really long so it's under a Read More.
All Might arrests the Slime villain before he gets in the sewers so neither Izuku nor Bakugou are attacked by him. The problem is that it also means that All Might never meets Izuku, never break his little heart, and Izuku never has the chance to prove his worth to All Might so no OFA.
Life goes on. Izuku still wants to become a hero. However, since his homeroom teacher told his entire class that he wanted to go to UA, his entire class, led by Bakugou, has decided to make his life a living hell over it. Constant taunting and people laughing at him.
It takes its toll on him.
He still doesn't doubt that a quirkless hero can exist but the more days, weeks, months pass, the more he keeps thinking of how easier it would be if he had a quirk.
A dangerous thought. One he usually doesn't allow himself to think because why whine about what is impossible to have? But one boy can only take "What a useless quirkless Deku like you do?" before he starts to get haunted by strange thoughts. Cough... urges... Cough.
It also makes him eager to prove himself. Maybe that's why he intervenes that evening when he sees a villain trying to hurt someone. Except that once the civilian he helped is running to call a hero, he is reminded that he is a smol child made of only skin and bones and that the guy in front of him is about to bash his head in.
He tries to protect himself, his hand grabbing the villain by the head and in this moment, as he is sure that he is about to be killed, he thinks the one selfish thought that he ever thought:
"It's unfair... that this quirk belongs to someone like you... instead of me."
And just like that, Izuku takes a quirk for the first time.
The villain runs in terror and Izuku runs (in the other direction) in confusion. Soon, it's pretty clear that he apparently had the ability to take and give quirks (thank you, Mom, who has volunteered to try the villain's quirk. Though it's strange how she keeps trying to call someone on her phone these days. But it's probably not important.) Which is a very cool quirk.
Izuku now has to pass from "No quirk at all" to "Can have whatever quirk he wants", which is quite dizzying.
He is so fired up for the UA exam, five months from then. Ridiculously happy bean.
Meanwhile, Mirio gets OFA because no successor showed the self sacrificial spirit that could have inspired All Might and both GT and Nighteye kinda pressures him into choosing a successor ASAP.
This has disastrous consequences as OFA is way too powerful for Mirio and starts to put an insane strain on his body. One month later, while fighting a villain (he has his hero license), he collapses on the side of the road, black lines all over his body as the quirk is killing him.
Izuku finds him and calls an ambulance ASAP but Mirio is is really bad shape. He asks him what happened and Mirio, half delirious, tells him that his quirk is killing him.
Izuku is very "????" but he can help! He can take the quirk away! But Lemillion would be quirkless! He can't take this decision! But Mirio can so he asks.
Mirio is half conscious. Completely in pain. He didn't even want that quirk. He likes Permeation. So, half delirious as he was, he might have mumbled something like "Take that thing out of me."
Izuku does, realizes that Mirio has two quirks so he leaves him the one that doesn't feel as heavy as a freaking dwarf star. Lemillion immediately starts to stop looking like he will drop dead any moment from now and the ambulance arrives, taking the hero student away.
Since Izuku doesn't have the All Might telling him that OFA is a good quirk, he acts like a sensible person: this quirk doesn't feel normal and it apparently kills its user. So he waits about 20 seconds before getting rid of it. He finds a nice and sturdy lizard, who, unbeknownst to everyone, becomes the 10th user of OFA.
The quirk comes back to Izuku.
Quirks aren't supposed to do that.
The freaking quirk is cursed. Izuku accepted a cursed quirk.
I cannot begin to describe how Izuku doesn't trust OFA in this AU. He doesn't use it. He intensively dislikes it. He tries everything and more to get rid of it but no matter what living organism he selects, the damn thing keeps coming back.
Meanwhile, Mirio wakes up from the hospital alive :) then remembers he gave a host-killing-quirk to a smol child. O.O
Panic ensues.
All Might realizes that whoever took OFA put his hand on Mirio's head, the same way AFO does. So it was probably AFO with a fun new shapeshifting quirk.
More panic ensues.
Meanwhile, AFO, alive indeed and who has been watching Mirio wastes away and enjoying the hell out of it (though he would have preferred it had happened one generation sooner) is furious that Yagi 2.0 isn't dying anymore because it means OFA passed to someone else! And since everyone in the OFAteam is quite panicked, they apparently lost the quirk he gave his little brother!
He gets so upset about it that he somehow misses the hundred of phonecalls from his wife.
So AFO and All Might alike are looking for someone with OFA but since Izuku just isn't using it, they aren't finding it.
Meanwhile, the Vestiges went from "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, SOMEONE WITH AFO!!!! AHHHHHH!" to "What do you mean: You don't want to use us? We're not good enough for you???"
So OFA is doing the quirk equivalent of a cat purring and showing its belly so it can get some pet.
Izuku: "You know what? I know it's a trap but since I don't want to outright call a quirk evil, I will give you one chance to prove to me you're not a cursed power that wants my death."
Cue two broken legs.
Well, that's it. Izuku gave that nasty quirk the benefit of the doubt. He is never using it again. And since the damn thing is trying to contaminate his other quirks, he is vaulting it forever!
The irony is not lost on First.
The day of the entrance exam arrives and Izuku does quite well with his good, non cursed quirks, thank you very much.
And as he is leaving, he sees Lemillion! He is happy to see him in good health! He waves at him!
Meanwhile, Mirio spent the last five months trying to find that awful quirk he lost. He was half convinced he had given him to the Symbol of Evil and had trouble seeing the problem because if OFA would eat AFO, where was the problem? He is wondering if he condemned a kid to death. He Is Going Through A Lot.
He wants to say so many things, ask so many questions. And the one thing he manages to blurt out is "GET HIM!"
Tamaki and Nejire immediately shoulder slam a small child. They didn't even hesitate.
That's the story of how the Mighty team found OFA again.
Izuku loves hanging out with All Might but not even him can convince him that the quirk isn't cursed.
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junikshanasar · 2 years
so bakugou is dead (?)
and man i gotta say, what a cool and emotional death
this panel right here is super cool
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and dude, does he really carry the all might card aronud with him? that’s cute, maybe it’s like a good luck charm or something
i loved the end of the chapter and the build-up towards the panel’s reveal too, witht he whole “oof i wanted all might to sign my card” and “man that kid of ours doesn’t like rain” and it starts raining like yayy i love that sorta stuff
anyway with that aside, this was a completely unnecessary “plot twist”
shouto may be my favourite, but I like bakugou’s character, he truly has a wonderful character arc and is definitely the most dynamic of the origin trio. ofc, i don’t want him to be dead, but i wouldn’t be opposed to it either
while the death itself was pretty sick, the reasoning behind it and it’s (current) effect on the story is just absymal
storywise, this pretty much plays like,
uh, spoilers for jojo’s part 2
this pretty much plays like caesar’s death, and if you didn’t already know, caesar is one of my favourite characters in the series (i finally understood all the caesar salad jokes my brother made ಠ_ಠ)
anyway it’s unexpected, adds shock value, and it’s very emotional
but what does it add to the story and fight? nothing! nada! it pretty much just takes a strong character out to showcase how strong our mc is. however, the difference is that storywise caesar doesnt rlly add anything to the major plot rip, but on the other hand-
bakugou is literally one of our foils and the main rival. he’s not like sir nighteye or stars and stripes who sorta appear and then disappear (altho sir nighteye was infinitely more useful to the story and a better character than star, but that’s irrelevant rn)
well, there’s been a lotta weird choices in this ‘final battle arc,’ so let’s start with deku not even being here. with all their careful planning, it only makes sense for smthing to go wrong. it’s like one of the rules of storywriting: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong, or at the very least everything should not go completely according to plan or you won’t have any tension or interest
that being said, there's rlly no narrative tension at all to things ‘going wrong’ with deku ending up in the wrong area. his presence literally does nothing for uraraka, toga and the rest, and he literally skedaddles right away. that’s one wasted opportunity for, idk smthing. def NOT a monologue tho, thank god Tsuyu cut that off it would’ve been such a waste of time, especially during battle 
but okay, i understand the real tension comes from his absence where bakugou, the big 3 and aizawa are, but when we watch their battle and see just how badly they’re doing, it makes deku’s presence who we’re waiting on (for way too long, might I add) feel like it a deus ex machina of sorts, rather than the final key to their plan
it rlly just feels like wowowow shiggy too stronk we need op deku to save the day like bruh
on that vein, the reasoning behind bakugou’s death is straight up whack. ig it’s not super out there that bakugou would die, he’s all battered up after all, but here’s what it felt like we were building up for:
when deku finna arrives, bakugou and deku would hafta work together, deku with his whatever op power he's gonna one-shot shiggy with (maybe talk-no jutsu XD, idk), and bakugou with his understanding and quick pick-up of how shiggy thinks, fights and moves. together they would not only be able to anticipate shiggy's moves, but also have the firepower to carry through
but bakugou dying straight up nopes that, like what were you even building towards with bakugou predicting shiggy’s moves then???
Starting with that, one of the potential reasons for bakugou dying is that he feels the urge to help, because a hero doesnt stop fighting until they die, he must keep fighting, he needs to win
ok and? mans is one of the weakest fighters there + he’s not even in peak condition, he’s literally all beaten up. yes, afo is intimidated by him, but that’s because he’s literally kamikaze-ing this fight, when there is no reason for him to do so. his continued fighting is acc a burden on the others, since we can see they need to go out of their way to protect him (not that they succeed rip)
with all that said, i do understand it’s not in bakugou’s character to just sit back while he can ‘still fight,’ it just feels so immature and unstrategic of him, especially when he seems to have worked out shiggy’s fighting patterns which he could then communicate to the others, namely deku when he arrives. but, ig I hafta remember that bakugou is literally a kid and they are in the heat of battle, so I will put this argument aside for now
A counter argument is, he may have wanted to test out his theories on how shiggy fights, by acc fighting him. brilliant! he was clearly right! he also has absolutely no reason to do so, when earlier he was clearly observing through watching shiggy fight the others.
he coulda left it at that because a) pros like best jeanist and miruko who can still actively fight are there, b) the BIG THREE of ua are there, you cannot say that bakugou is on par with the big 3, that's just unrealistic. even if they cant handle it, what's he supposed to do? 
with regards to the big three tho, it’s obvious they’ve been shoved aside and are just sorta there. despite all the hype for tamaki’s big ko move, it ends up falling flat
Well, in the end bakugou is bakugou, he will join the fray regardless, so let me just BRING UP THAT LAMEASS FINAL LINE
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like in a certain context, this would be perfect. yes, this is exactly what deku has been doing for most of his battles up until now. but deku’s not even here
if bakugou and deku had been fighting together, and then bakugou got hit since he's injured and not at his best and then died? that would made a lot more sense, and had more of a narrative, but also emotional impact
yes, i admit it, i was not sad at all by bakugou’s death. shocked? yes. but sad or emotional? not rlly.
if bakugou had died while he was fighting together with deku, not only would it be a blow because deku's intelligence source abt shiggy fight patterns is out, thus tipping the supposed fight in shiggy's favour, but we also acc get that emotional tension from deku reacting to his death
acc, this is pretty much what happened when bakugou got stabbed like everywhere during the war arc while protecting midoriya. now that, i felt smthing. back there, it was done quite well and effectively, even tho bakugou didnt die. it affected the fight because deku went sicko mode (as most shounen protags tend to do), and it was in-line with bakugou's character arc
this death was too rushed! does it feel like parallels, like bakugou is experiencing what deku felt as is spoonfed to use by the top three text panels? 
no, not really. it feels like  we hafta show just how powerful deku has gotten by having his 'rival' literally kill himself trying to catch up to him. this death could’ve acc played out really nicely, and this line could’ve been really solid because ‘catching up’ has always been one of the themes between bakugou and midoriya. 
im just upset they did his death so half-heartedly, it's so obvsly more of a shock-value thing
phew, ok, had to get that off my chest. after that entire rant, i’d like to mention that bakugou might not be perma dead lmao
i’ve seen some ppl arent believing in the death until the whole fight is over, since bakugou is literally THE most popular character according to polls. i’ve seen others mention that gran torino also had an emotional ‘death,’ but he didn’t acc die
i’d like to point out that upon rereading, they never acc say mans died, just screamed abt his heart which got desecrated here:
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we only saw the image of bloody bakugou, but the last time we were only told and not shown smthing was when they were looking for the UA traitor and the chapter ended off with hagakure, who we all know is NOT the traitor
I’d acc be cheesed if after all those dramatics mans comes back to life without at the very least permanent consequences, but yea, there’s also a lot of references to the vestiges. afo relates bakugou to the second user,
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so we can also mayyyybe assume the second user might have an ability that can heal/help bakugou? in any case, we know the second user and bakugou are very similar, which i think most people suspected anyway
but also just all his interactions with the vestiges. we can see here that right before shiggy does that ‘final blow,’ bakugou’s eyes are shaped like stars
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plus all the star spars around him, so he might be connecting to the vestige world or maybe their powers in some way?? because right after that we see him talking to vestige all might in his head
maybe this is a sign he’s somehow connected to the vestige world through a panicked afo who did smthing idk, but regardless I suspect this isnt the end of bakugou
or i just overcomplicated things! who knows, who knows, gotta wait for the next chapterヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
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pairings: mirio togata, tenya iida, katsuki bakugo, aizawa shota, tomura shigaraki, dabi, hawks, mashirao ojiro, tamaki amajiki
warnings: hinting anxiety/anxiety attacks, reverse comfort, also tamaki’s made me cry so have fun lmao 
part one with mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou here!
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there was no way that mirio was completely fine after everything that had happened to him
he had lost his quirk, experienced a battle that could result in permanent trauma, and he lost nighteye-- the leader and hero that he had looked up to for so long
but when you told him that it was okay to be strong all the time, mirio had broken
he broke for the first time in what felt like years
“don’t worry a-ahbout me!” 
the saddest part about it?
he was smiling through his tears not even a few moments after his grin broke
his lips were trembling, his eyes were red and his entire body was shaking with suppressed sobs, but he had an unwavering smile.
and that... that was heartwrenching to look at.
his smile fell, his body trembled and he let out a strangled sobbut for some reason, this-- none of it had shown a single trace of weakness. it was a way of him to express very human emotions and reactions as everyone else could.
he wasn’t disappointing nighteye in anyway-- more of showing respect by letting it all out to be able to show genuine smiles in public
how come such human emotions were labeled as good or bad?
“i let him down,” mirio gasped, “i let him down, i hurt him, i could have saved him, and-”
“hey, it’s okay, you’re going to be okay. it’s just me baby, it’s just me,” you cooed as you wrapped your arms around him. “shhh, it’s just me. you’re okay.”
mirio’s hands trembled as he gripped tight onto you
his chest was getting tighter as he burst into struggled breaths. he was just so... tired.
a million thoughts zipped through his head at once, but he just had to calm the storm for a while in your arms
it was right after the accident in hosu city, and everything, everything had gone wrong
even though he didn’t show it at first, he felt used as an advertisement for hatsume, and then losing in a battle with todoroki and felt like he was thriving on dumb luck
he just wanted to make his brother proud, that was-
-if he could, anymore. 
he felt so weak for letting himself feel this way, his head racing and chest heaving as he struggled to breathe
letting your guard down will just make things worse. tensei wouldn’t want this.
tenya’s body visibly trembled as he let out a shaky breath in his dorm room, thinking everything over in the darkness
“iida?” you asked, knocking on the door.
immediately, his demeanor changed as he shifted over to a braver face. 
“hello, y/n!”
just breathe. they’ll be gone sooner or later. breathe.
“why are you up this late at night?” he asked.
“i was just checking in on you, but i should be asking you the same question, sonic boy,” you grinned, until you noticed his hands trembling.
and for some reason, that hurt you. his face was.. so put together with a brave smile, confident eyes, and his head held up high and posture straight and firm
but when you saw his hands trembling and an odd shifting in his chest, you knew something was up
“are you okay?” you tested the words. 
tenya tried. he tried so, so hard to smile and affirm with a confident, “yes!”
but he couldn’t.
“i-i’m not- i’m not sure-,” his voice broke into a whisper. 
“i don’t know.”
you melted into a hug next to him as you took a seat. “hey, you can tell me anything, okay? it’s okay not to have your guard up all the time, it’s not weak to show emotion. just- if you want, can you tell me what’s been going on?”
tenya took a shaky breath and pushed up his glasses. “of course, thank you for asking, i will.”
after his fight with deku, all of the willpower left in him to hold himself together disappeared 
katsuki had been exhausted after a long day of fighting, not just physically, but emotionally
he had tried to keep his head high for as long as he could, but the moment he went to his dorm room, he just... broke.
angry tears released and he choked out heavy, strangled sobs as he pounded his fist to the ground in frustration
katsuki cursed towards whoever was there, until he found you standing behind him
he was too tired to argue.
“the fuck are you doing here,” he grumbled.
“is something wrong, 'suki?” you whispered. “i was just coming by to drop off your water bottle, you left it during hero training,” you examined his face. “are you- are you okay?”
he loved you, he really did-- but today just wasn’t a good day. “mn-no,” he managed to say.
his chest was heaving and his eyes seemed to be searching the room, as if looking for an exit.
you noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the way his lips trembled. had he been crying?
you slowly cupped his face in your hands, noses touching as you two shared breaths, inhaling and exhaling together
katsuki was too tired to pull away. 
he felt so weak.
you could hear katsuki’s breath shaking but slowly dying in volume as he held him tighter
“hey,” you said softly, brushing your thumb across his cheek. “you’re gonna be okay ‘suki. you’re gonna be okay.”
they’re pitying me.
“this?” you said, holding his bruised hand up and motioning towards his trembling figure. “this isn’t weak.” you said, as if reading his mind. “this is strong. this is brave. being emotionally vulnerable is one of the most courageous things anyone can ever do, and you are so much more than that, m’kay?”
he nodded in response. even though he didn’t express it that well, he thought of it 
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everyone shut up i love him
all that he’s ever wanted and asked for in life was for someone to notice him for who he genuinely was, to be free to do whatever he pleased
it was late at night and you two were outside, the moon illuminating in the darkness as you slid against the wall of the city in the back of the building
“anything interesting happen?” you asked, staring up into the moon
the night was young and it had been a rough, terrible day at work for both of you, even though you had separate jobs and shfits-- the only thing that pushed you forward everyday was being able to meet with dabi right after, at exatly 11pm. 
sure, you did it every day, and it shouldn’t have been that impactful-- but for some reason, somehow, everything about talking to him was so... exhilerating. 
he didn’t reply.
“uhhm,” you shuffled nervously toward him. “dabi, you good?”
he let out a shaky exhale, which was odd.
hold the phone.
no, really, someone hold the phone because it was ringing
“oh, sorry, one sec,” you rushed, hurrying to answer. it was one of your co-workers. “hello!”
“uhuh. yeah. oh, cool... got it, mhm, be right ther-”
you noticed how dabi’s body language immediately changed as he turned around and crossed his arms gently over his chest and stared into the sky.
this really, really wasn’t like him. 
something had to be wrong.
“uhm, on second thought,” you said. “does tomorrow at... noon work for you? i have plans. yeah. mhm, sorry not tonight. yep, bye!”
dabi’s eyebrows furrowed, but he didn’t look at you. “who was that?”
“one of my coworker buddies or whatever. they wanted to have a drink with me, but i said no.”
“why’d you say no?” he deadpanned.
“uhhhm, well, you certainly don’t seem very... how should i say this, at your fullest?”
“but why?” dabi said. “you meet with me every day, and going with your friends is probably a lot easier than this. what’s so different about it..?”
you thought carefully as you shrugged casually, gently leaning your head against his shoulder. “if one of my closest pals were down, i couldn’t just... leave them like that. and even though i know you won’t tell me what’s wrong, i just.. i just don’t want you to feel alone, you know? like everyone in your life has left? and i- i don’t want to do that to you.”
even though dabi stayed relatively quiet for the rest of the night, 
just know that was the day he fell in love with you.
nightmares were the worst. 
for the record, he didn’t get them often, but when he did, and actually reacted to it... they ended up terrible
he gasped, grasping at the air for his mother’s embrace only to be met with nothingness
he clawed at his skin as his breath hitched, trying to control himself
“tomura?” you asked. “...are- are you okay?”
“get away from me,” he trembled. “i’m a... i’m a monster.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in concern. “hey, hey, c’mon. what’s going on-”
“leave me alone.”
his sudden change in tone made you jump as you stepped back and you watched his figure tremble. 
“if something’s wrong, don’t sugarcoat it. if something’s wrong, please, for the love of the world, tell me, okay? i just- i just want to see you... maybe..”
“what?” shigaraki deadpanned. “happy? satisfied? content? joyful? you people all want the same thing.”
shigaraki looked up. 
“i want to see you hopeful, m’kay? so just... please. you don’t need to tell me word-for-word, but-- if you need something, i’m here.”
he was not going to cry. nuhuh. no way. no way was he going to start crying. 
you wrapped your arms around him before he cautiously hugged back, letting himself slowly melt into your embrace, his satin gloves against your clothes
“hey. i promise you, i’m never going to be leaving. no matter how much you mess up, no matter how terrible you may feel-- you mean the world to me. please hold on just a little longer.”
it wasn’t supposed to happen until later, when he was actually able to get home and prepare himself for anxious feeling in his stomach to finally settle
but noooo, his mental state really just said yolo
so here he was, reliving his entire childhood with memories that he’d pushed down for so long, about to snap in a matter of seconds
your familiar voice rang through his head. 
he just wanted to be held by you.
the most beautiful part about being with hawks his that he genuinely didn’t care about his pride around you. he wasn’t insecure of what you thought of him. he didn’t freak out or try to act like he was fine when you were with him, because... why would he need to? 
so instead of putting on a brave face and getting scared of your voice as if being anxious was a crime, he melted into it.
“hey angel, i got you some food at the-”
“y/...y/n,” his breath hitched. your voice, that you often said you were insecure about-- was his safe haven. he felt safe when he heard your voice and let himself crumple. he didn’t have to worry about putting his walls up, because it was just you.
beautiful, loving, kind you. 
his love was something special that he gave to no one else.
even though you were far from him, your bags in hand and everything, you immediately dropped them and ran to your boyfriend
“hey, hey, baby, what’s going on?” 
he stood directly in front of you, his head down and not saying a word.
you let your breathing sync with his as you reached out to hold his hand, when he threw his arms around you before his trembling body was held in your embrace
“-hey,” you said, shocked by the sudden embrace, before you hugged back, slowly, rocking him back and forth. “you’re going to be okay.”
“you don’t have to tell me anything, just-- focus on me,”
“i’m never leaving you, okay? no matter what you do, you’re still going to be my hero.”
and hawks decided on that day that out of anything else in the world, you meant the most to him. 
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useless. useless. useless.
why wouldn’t his stupid quirk activate before? why couldn’t he be more optimistic? why was he always thinking about something else? why couldn’t he ever stay positive and cheery like everyone else?
how was everyone else so strong?
but laying in a hospital bed, in complete silence and vulnerability...
that scared him.
tamaki blinked back the sudden tears that prickled against his eyes-- nuhuh, no way was he about to cry when so many other people had it worse, no way he was going to break down when nighteye was dead, he was not about to cry if mirio could be strong and so many other people had it worse, and-
“tamaki, snap out if it!”
your cold hands cupped his face, as you stared him directly in the eyes. “what are you doing?”
tamaki jumped back at your sudden question. but for some reason, the way you said it wasn’t angrily, more like... a statement? a question? as if you were asking are you okay?
tamaki shook his head. “i don’t... i don’t kn-know..”
get away, get away, get away.
your hands brushed back a hair from his face as you crouched down in front of him, your hands still helping him cool down. they rested gently on his scalp and along his face as you felt his breathing grow uneasy.
“listen,” you began slowly. “i’m not saying you need to tell me what’s going on, but... i just- i have a feeling that you’re not doing okay. and i know that because no one was ever really there for me back then, so if you want to say anything--”
“--i’m here for you.”
tamaki crumpled then as he let the tears fall.
his entire mask shattered as his breath hitched, trying to hold back the sobs but only came out as strangled breaths. 
“hey, hey, hey, you’re okay, you’re okay.” 
you held up his chin and rocked him back and forth, slowly. “just because other people seem to be going through bigger things doesn’t mean that you should invalidate your problems. if something’s hurting you, that’s enough of a problem to take care of it.”
tamaki began to shake as he suddenly clutched onto you, his body trembling as he nodded. 
what would mirio, nejire, nighteye, fatgum-- what would they think of him now?
“whatever is going around in your head right now will all quiet soon, i promise you, ‘mkay?”
“it’s okay. it’s okay. you’re okay.” 
“you didn’t eat,” you said, staring at the takeout that was left in its packaging. 
you heard shota mumble under his sleeping bag. “i’ll eat after.”
“after what?” you said back from the kitchen. 
you weren’t exactly mad at him, you could say-- it was more of disappointment, maybe? concern? he had always been so concerned about his students that he forgot to take care of himself-- no wonder why he was so angry lately. 
(and no, it wasn’t his resting face, he was genuinely burnt-out the last couple of days and it wasn’t getting better.)
“shota, come on,” you said softly. “or else i’m taking your sleeping bag away from you.”
aizawa’s head emerged from the bag, the light from the laptop giving a lovely display of his eyebags. “oh?”
he smirked, even though he seemed so drained.
“yes,” you said, pointing your nose up in the air and crossing your arms. “and you better go eat before i take it away.”
aizawa raised an eyebrow, but obliged.
you watched him eat, but he kept his laptop on the table the whole time.
he was looking through the profiles of all his students, and that was-- insane
despite how much had happened to him, he always thought of someone else first, putting everyone else above him.
“you’re going to overwork yourself,” you finally said. 
“amazing,” aizawa sighed back. “had no clue.”
“oh, c’mon,” you egged. “you matter too, ya know.”
you noticed how tense his shoulders were, how his gaze was fixated to the screen and the way his veins were protruding from lack of sleep, and how red his eyes were.
sure, most of the time, this was normal-- but you just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.
“i suppose you’re not wrong,” aizawa ventured. “but sometimes, you realize that students make up most of the world. i want them to grow..”
his gaze on the screen broke.
“and for them to know a world of love and kindess, not-- whatever this is.”
you looked at him before wrapping your arms around him and kissing his forehead. “but they have a teacher who works so hard already, and you-- you deserve a break. you’re always working so hard, and you have to remember that you matter, too, okay?”
you smiled sadly. “i need to go to work, but please finish the takeout for me, hmm?”
he never told you this, of course-- but yeah, he thought of your voice every time he wanted to take a break. he never forgot the words you said. 
being forgotten was something that came way too easily for him.
everyone in class 1a was so good at everything-- they all either had good looks, a nice voice, talents, a cool quirk, technique, charisma, and he?
ojiro felt like he didn’t have anything.
but what did it matter, right? being the forgotten one was fine to him, at least. he was able to take time for himself. 
...kind of.
he was heading back from ua into the dorms, walking alone when he realized it started to rain.
picking up his bags, he ran, putting them under his shoulders so that they didn’t get wet-- it wasn’t a long walk, but it was a lot to have to run back and make sure everything stayed dry
ojiro turned around to find you, carrying your backpack in the air and waving your arms. “slow-” you panted, “down! god, where’d all the rain come from??”
he chuckled slightly, until he noticed your bag getting soaked, and before he knew it, ojiro called you over and said he could carry your bag
“are you sure?” you asked, in-between breaths. “i doubt you can carry both-”
ojiro laughed and waved his tail like a hand. “i can carry it.”
your face lit up. “thanks! okay, now let’s run back, c’mon.”
you two ran as fast as you could, trying not to slip as the rain began to pour even harder against your backs. 
but when you opened the doors to the dorms and your bag was completely dry, ojiro smiled.
(also y’all he’s an underrated king DO Y’ALL KNOW HOW PRECIOUS HIS SMILE IS?? PLS-)
“thanks,” you grinned. “your quirk is actually really cool. not just for keeping stuff dry, but uh, thanks. i appreciate it.”
something inside of him made his heart swell. 
“really?” ojiro asked. “do you really- is that true?”
he didn’t want to get his hopes up too quickly, but the way you nodded proudly and affirmed it was something he could never forget.
“yeah!” you said. “just because you’re not flashy as other people doesn’t mean that you’re a plain, boring person, you know that? you’re actually really cool!”
“huh. thanks,” he noted-- and don’t worry, he walked back into his dorm room with a grin on his face the whole time.
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hey bbys! reminder to go take a break and drink some water if you’re reading this! y’all are so amazing and beautiful, and please remember that you’re valid as well. what you did today was more than enough, please remember that!! i’m very proud of you for getting through today. ily <3
qotd, what song reminds you of a fictional character 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​, @xuxisushi-1​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​, @renegadedeca​, @viridevi​​, @cherriiirose​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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bisexual-queenie · 2 years
Part Two of the Pixie Hollow x BNHA thing!
- I kinda want Endeavor to be a human instead of a fairy (Partially because this is my au and therefore my rules, but also because I don’t know where to place him lmao). As a result, Shouto will be a human as well.
- All Might is Queen Clarion thats it lmfao. No but seriously he looks after everyone in pixie hollow :)
- Nighteye is gonna be the leader/ruler of the frost faeries and the other type faeries that live in the Winter Woods (This is so Edgeshot wont be so lonely as the only one of the main heroes on the other side, but also so I can have my Nightmight angst) Hes super protective of everyone (especially Edgeshot after his shenanigans with Jeanist, which almost cost him his life but shshsh-).
Now for some students!
- Deku is a tinker talent fairy
- Bakugou is a fast flying talent fairy (Think Vidia) and so is Iida (like his brother :) ). Nejire is also a fast flying talent fairy!
- Uraraka, Kaminari, Hagakure, and Jirou are light talent fairies (and are Mic’s little listeners who he took under his wing :) ) (P.S. thanks @irimevenus for the suggestion that Hagakure should be a light talent fairy because of how her quirk works in relation to light!)
- Sero and Tsuyu are water talent fairies
- Mina is a garden talent fairies
- Kirishima and Amajiki are animal talent fairies (they also are like children to Fat Gum, who is another animal talent fairy :) )
- Mirio is gonna be a dust talent fairy (they are the ones who give out the pixie dust to everyone else, which I thought fit Mirio’s goal to save one million people).
Some other notes:
- Iida and Sero have a developing romance between the two, and so do Uraraka and Tsuyu.
- Sero and Tsu are besties i don’t make the rules
- Eri was a stray fairy that had stumbled into Pixie Hollow, without a definitive talent since she did not come from where the other faries come through. Aizawa and Mic end up taking her in, and she is adored by everyone.
- All Might and Nighteye definitely have a past lmao. Back when they were younger, Nighteye curously wandered to the warmer side of Pixie Hollow, where he met All Might. They became so enfatuated with each other, and wanted to unite the warmer Pixie Hollow with the Winter Woods together, and eventually lead together as a couple. What they did not know was that the warm environment is exeptionally dangerous to frost faries, so Nighteye’s wings became damaged. All Might freaked out and took him back to the winter woods before quickly leaving (but first he said goodbye with a forehead kiss obvi). A few days later, the same thing happened but this time All Might spent too long in the winter woods and ended up damaging his wings. Nighteye freaked out and took him back, where they “broke up” and decided to bar anyone else from crossing the border. All Might continued to rule over the warm side, and Nighteye ruled the Winter Woods, both of them become overly protective of every fairy. Fast foward to the Jeanist and Edgeshot thing and Edgeshot almost dying because he was in the warm side for too long, they really cracked down on the ban. However, afterseeing how Jeanist and Edgeshot loved each other, they eventually let the warm faries cross to the woods if they covered their wings in warm clothes. Soon after, the two became close again and ended up getting back together, uniting the two sides liked they always dreamed :). Jeanist and Edgeshot also got together in the end, as well as every other pining couple mentioned previously
And Im done! Dear lord these were long but I hope anyone who reads these enjoyed! I do want to expand on this eventually!
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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Not The Forgiving Type
[Name] was a kind kid. He was poised to be number one until shit hit the fan. But he wasn't gonna let his dream die no matter who got in the way.
The one where All Might neglects his son a little. The son eventually goes apeshit and hurts the people that wronged him on his journey to becoming the Number One Hero
Warnings: Major Character Death, Vengeance, Murder, Blood Mentions, Religious Themes/Imagery, Christianity is not portrayed in a good light, All Might is compared to God, There is no good guy, sad ending.
The thing that [Name] hates most is his smile.
Christians believe that every human was born with sin. As such, you spend every day of your life abstaining from further sins as you try to erase the red from your ledger. You’re encouraged to do acts of service, not to win the favor of God but from the kindness of your heart. Because you care about people. Yet not doing those acts of service puts you years behind if you aim to present God with a clean ledger.
[Name] was kind. It wasn’t something that came natural to him nor was it particularly easy all of the time but he made the effort. Be kind to others, the family motto. His father was like God to the people he saved. Keeping a smile on his face as if at the shine of his teeth all life’s problems would flash away. And he’d give grand speeches for no other reason than he could.
“Power” his father would say grandstanding “is for the strong to be able to protect the week” [Name]’s father had the kind of power that made the weak feel untouchable. All might would save them. They were sure of it. [Name] was sure of it too.
‘Daddy’s so strong’ [Name] thought ‘I’m gonna be strong too.’ It was a shared thought between the two actually. He was the son of the number one. The son of God. Destined to bear the weight of everyones sins. The reincarnation, who stretches himself thin for the sake of saving others. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Strong should his resolve be, lest that head roll off of his shoulders.
[Name] was four when he got his quirk. Yagi was ecstatic. There was a slim chance that the boy would be born quirkless like Yagi himself and [Name]’s mother wasn’t in the picture. A one night stand who was paid off after she showed up on his doorstep with a baby. There was no way to be completely certain what would happen, but he believed. Hoping for all hope his little boy would be strong. At the proud look on his dad’s face, [Name] smiled. He would continue to make his father proud.
At the age of nine [Name] had all but mastered said quirk. He was a prodigy who’d trained with heroes like Nighteye, and Eraserhead practicing both combat and battles of quirk. Within the next year All Might finally thought [Name] was ready. And sometime after [Name]’s 10th birthday Yagi sat him down to talk about the possibility of him being the next person to wield One For All. [Name] was more than shocked to hear that his dad had been quirkless and possessed a rare, powerful quirk. In his nervousness all he could manage was a smile, a wide confident smile that masked all his hesitation and surprise.
“I’ll be the next number one hero dad” [Name] said “And i’ll make you proud”
Yagi gave his son a matching smile “You already have. And I can’t wait to see what you will do in the future my boy”
At age 13 [Name] took down his first villain. It was illegal of course, but things are easily swept under the rug when you’re the child of God. But why should he have been punished? He was doing good for the sake of good. Saving others with a smile on his face. That was the family motto. It mattered not that the streets were stained with the villain’s blood. No, he was a hero. Heroes saved the day by defeating the villain and giving hope to the people. His actions should please God.
“He’s not ready”
“He’s my son”
“And that’s why you can’t be impartial. Take a break, spend some time with [name] and teach him how to be a hero”
[Name] creeped closer to his bedroom door at the sound of the furious whispers trying to figure out who was talking about him and why. He leaned his head against the door not risking the chance that if he opened it to take a peak he could be seen or heard.
“He’s a great kid, with a powerful quirk. He cares about stopping injustice, and he gives people hope. Like I did. He’s primed to be my successor”
“All might you know I think of you as a great hero. But he’s too much like you”
‘Nighteye’ [Name] realized
“I think he spends too much time trying to be like you that he doesn’t know the true meaning of heroics. You’re right he’s a great kid but I don’t think he’s ready for the kind of responsibility that comes with One For All.”
“Who else if not him?”
Nighteye paused, and answered cautiously “I met a kid. Resembles you in looks, a little more than [Name] does. He has a strong work ethic and made his debut into class 1B at UA. His quirk isn’t exactly strong but he’s made it so. Give him a chance”
Toshinori gave a hesitant “maybe” and the conversation ended there.
Betrayal felt like a sharp stabbing sensation. Nighteye, his precious mentor doesn’t think he’s ready enough. Doesn’t want him to succeed. Wants his father to mentor another kid because he doesn’t believe in [Name]. Ouch.
The next morning, [name] is quieter. More unsure of himself as he asks his dad to stop training with Nighteye. The relationship between All Might and Nighteye is frayed and [Name] knows that. He’s the glue keeping them together so to get back at Nighteye, [Name] will sever the connection between idol and fan. He doesn’t need Nighteye, he just needs to please his dad. He’ll train on his own and become number one. Praise be to God.
Hands gliding through the air, [Name] played with a bright red colored mist that flowed through his fingers and gathered in the palms of his hands. He would flex them, some fingers pointing down, others curled inward as if he were grabbing something with that finger only. Depending on the weight of the object he moved, his arms would flex too.
In a fight his stance became wider, more sturdy almost as if actually shouldering the weight of the object. His knees bent when he planted himself into the ground, resisting the push and pull of gravity as he lifted things with a thought and a flick of his hands. He was powerful. The kind of powerful that makes you smirk at your opponent, not because you underestimate them but just because you know you’ll win. It’s a long hard road to becoming that powerful and [Name] was damned if he wasn’t going to show it. The perfect venue was coming up too. The UA Entrance Exams.
[Name] unconsciously used his quirk to stop something from landing in the koi pond he’d been walking past. “Poor fishies” [Name] thought as he grabbed the floating book. It read ‘Hero Analysis For the Future’  He casually flipped through it, silently asking for forgiveness. He’s not a snooper; he just needed a little guidance if he was going to be the best. It was a little burnt but thorough. He heard the noise of a bunch of boys walking by and he looked up. At the sight of Bakugou [Name]’s eyes flashed red. Bakugou looked away and scowled knowing he couldn’t beat the son of the Number One hero. Not yet.
��Oh [Name]-senpai you found my book”
“Izuku-kun. I came to you for advice. But also just because I wanted to see you.”
“Of course! We’re friends you can ask me anything”
“I’ve been training a lot on my own recently because I wanted to surprise my dad with my progress but pretty soon I think I’m gonna ask him to personally train me. The UA entrance exams are pretty soon. And I want to make him proud”
“I’m sure you’ll do fine! You’re a great hero already with an amazing quirk. I think he’ll be proud of you no matter what you do”
“Are you sure?”
“Thanks. I’ve gotta go train, my exams are way sooner than yours. You’ve still got about 10 months right?”
“You honestly think I can make it senpai?”
“I don’t know. But I like you and you’ve got the right attitude so I want to support you. Who knows maybe you’ll make history as a quirkless hero.”
[Name] smiled and bid Izuku farewell as he headed off in the opposite direction intending to train even harder to become the number one. Everything in his life was primed so he would be the best. He was Icarus chasing after the sun on his man-made wings. But he was determined not to fall, not to drown and he refused to fail even if the sun burned him up upon first contact.
[Name] passed his entrance exams and was ranked number one in the incoming first year class. His first number one. The sports festival being his next goal, and once he finally had One For All, there’d be no one to stop him. He was sure of it. And that’s what he wanted to tell his father the day Yagi came home and excitedly told him he’d met and befriended a young boy from Mustafu called Izuku Midoriya. [Name] smiled brightly happy that the two of them had met and instead promised himself to bring the topic up the next morning.
The opportunity never came considering All Might had gone missing from the house every morning before [Name] woke up and he’d come home deflated and exhausted. [Name] would just smile at the exhausted Yagi and make the two of them dinner or tuck Yagi into the bed when he’d fall asleep on the couch. It was pretty easy for a telekinetic to tuck their dad into bed without waking him. Sometimes [Name]’s eyes and hands would glow and he’d flutter his fingers near Yagi’s temple sending him sweet dreams. After about two months of this [Name] decided to confront Yagi, and he camped out on the couch that faced the front door. When Yagi tried to sneak out [Name] spoke up
“Where are you going?”
“I’ve got some work to do early this morning”
“Everyday for two months?”
Yagi’s eyes widened, not knowing [Name] noticed his habits. And that was a part of the problem. [Name] paid attention to everything, he was a strategist who had a degree in All Might. It was how he and Midoriya became friends in the first place and why they continued to get along so well
“I’ve been training”
“For what” [Name] asked and at the slight downturn of his father’s smile he realized he’d been asking the wrong questions. “Where?” He received silence
“Who are you training dad? And don’t lie to a mind reader”
“I’ve been training Young Midoriya”
“For his entrance exams? Why not invite me? The two of us are friends and I can teach him how to spar”
“It’s just between the two of us, no need to wear yourself thin. Focus on training for the sports festival”
“I’ve been trying to ask you to train me. This is the perfect opportunity”
“Perhaps later my boy”
The disappointment barely got a chance to sit on [Name]’s face before he smiled “Have fun dad. Tell him good luck for me, yeah?” Yagi nodded and headed out the door, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. [Name] was a good kid.
[Name] returned to training alone, and cleaning up after his dad, and going to school, and listening to his dad lie, and smiling. But the feeling that he was missing something took over him and set him on edge. So he went for a walk. And who better to find than Izuku Midoriya and his dad training on a beach. [Name] reached up a hand to wave at them before realizing this is what was setting him on edge. His dad was paying more attention to his quirkless kohai than his own son. He felt another stabbing sensation similar to when Nighteye had betrayed him but this time the pain was in his chest and didn’t go away. It was accompanied by the desire to cry. And so [Name] stood there hysterical with a smile on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks. The taste of snot reaching his tongue through his teeth.
[Name] waited for them to finish training before he followed Izuku pretending to just casually bump into the boy. “Oh wow Izuku you’re shaping up. My dad says you’ve been training lately” [Name] knew the boy was horrible at lying and would probably nervously blurt out the truth between the two, and if he didn’t there was always the option of reading his mind.
“Hehe, yeah” Izuku chuckled nervously
“So what’re you training for exactly? I know you’re aiming for UA but what’s your strategy for passing the exams? Just regular old strength training?”
“Actually All Might’s been training me for something else entirely. I’ve got to go but I’ll talk about it more with you later okay?” Midoriya screamed behind him as he put some distance between the two. He was smart, smart enough not to look in [Name]’s direction anytime he lied, a strategy that kept him safe for months. All good things must come to an end.
[Name] showed up on the beach one afternoon and demanded to know what was happening. His expression was serious and his eyes glowed the moment they tried to placate him.
“I’ve been training Young Midoriya to be a hero” All Might started
“Yes I know that”  
“More accurately his successor” Midoriya finished
“Wait what” [Name] frowned
“I knew you approved of Young Midoriya becoming a hero and when I saw him save Young Bakugou from the attack I saw myself in him”
“I’M supposed to be your successor. You don’t see yourself in me? Your son?”
“Don’t Bubs me. And You!” [Name] whipped around furious, hurt in his eyes as he faced Midoriya “I told you all I ever wanted was to be like my father and make him proud. I befriended you and protected you when I could. On the day of the attack I told you I wanted to train with him and you stole him. You took him right from under me.”
“I’m sorry” Midoriya stuttered out “But you have a quirk. You don’t know what it’s like being powerless and picked on. He gave me a way out”
[Name] looked at Midoriya sympathetically, simultaneously wanting to reach out and hug the boy but also wanting to make him suffer. At [Name]’s conflicted silence Midoriya continued “Senpai, please. Can’t you just be happy for me? I’m finally getting to live my dream”
[Name] looked at him apathetically “Why would I be happy you sacrificed my dream for yours?”
“Please” they begged and oddly enough, they begged in harmony “Don’t go. Forgive us, we didn’t mean to hurt you” Their eyes were pleading almost as if they knew the second he turned his back on them, it would be the end of their relationship. [Name] got a high off of their suffering. It was the first time in months he’d truly felt happy. They got a taste of what he’d been feeling.
‘This is karma’ [Name] thought ‘God’s in his heaven and all's right with the world’ He looked at the two of them and smiled. A reassuring smile. They let out breaths they didn’t know they were holding in as he laid a hand on the side of each of their heads. “I’m sorry” he said sickeningly sweet “I’m not the forgiving type”
Neither All Might nor Midoriya had time to react before [Name]’s eyes glowed and he sent them into a nightmare where they were abandoned and lonely calling out for help only to be betrayed. [Name] walked home with his head feeling more clear than it had in weeks. He’d always thought of his father as God. And if he were God that would make [Name] Jesus.
God made Judas, and All Might made a hero out of Midoriya.
Things were awkward in [Name]’s house after that. Yagi and Izuku were still training, and so Yagi would come home to a dark house and no son to greet him. If [Name] was around when Yagi got home, he’d pretend not to notice or leave the room immediately and have his things float up to his room. Yagi knocked on his son’s door one day and though he got no response he knew [Name] was listening.
“You can still be a great hero my boy. I know you’ll do great things”
“There’s no room for me to be Number One while One For All exists”
Yagi was disheartened and walked away leaving it at that. The day of the entrance exams was coming up and Izuku would finally receive One For All. He hoped they could take it one day at a time from there, considering they’d all be attending the same school for the next few years. Midoriya went on to pass the entrance exams and earned a spot in class 1A. Yagi was ecstatic and Midoriya got a taste of what it felt like to be a hero.
The UA Sports Festival made for a grand spectacle where Izuku Midoriya had called out to the world and said “I Am Here”. He showcased an amazing power but also his poor control over said power. About a week after the festival, Izuku was attacked by villains who believed the key to his strength was in his DNA. They knew he wouldn’t sit still and let them pluck hairs, so the easiest way was to make him bleed. They ambushed him, subdued him and took him to a second location where he was bled and beaten to death. His body was found a week after his disappearance. Broken arms, legs and lacerations all over his body. The police suspected most of his injuries came from him trying to escape.
The villains couldn’t remember why they took him. The harder they tried to remember the worse their heads hurt and their eyes would glow red. Even Naomasa with his lie detector couldn’t pick up the truth. All the villains knew was that his blood was supposed to give them a boost, like some of the other illegal quirk boosters on the market. The suspects were released on bail and disappeared several hours later.
All might of course felt responsible and was weighed down with guilt. He had killed Young Midoriya through his own negligence. Heavy is the head that wore the crown. Yagi was strong enough to keep his head on his shoulders but he could not move from the position he was in.
He recalled a conversation between himself and [Name] a day or two after Midoriya’s disappearance. The boy who hadn’t smiled once since their fight on the beach gave a twisted smile as he asked “How’s your successor doing? Have they found his body yet?
Yes, All Might had done this to Young Midoriya himself. He played the part of instigator and now he was the secret keeper. He was to bear the sins of his son and himself as he prayed that unlike [Name], Young Midoriya up in heaven was of the forgiving type.
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grapesinbound · 3 years
Mineta fic recommendations!
I saw @grapesodarush asking for recommendations for Mineta fics, and I remembered I created a whole document of really good stories featuring him. So, I will share them below, with summaries! I hope this helps you, and all you Mineta fans!
Long Stories
Amphibious - https://archiveofourown.org/works/13853361
Still a top-tier Mineta fic even with everything that’s come out after it. Follows the duo of Mineta and Tsuyu and their growing relationship during a 2-week hero activity, a lot of hilarious dialogue and is just entertaining in general.
Redemption of a Grape Hero - https://archiveofourown.org/works/27722885/chapters/67853456 
One of the best Mineta fics out there, I don’t know how it ends because I didn’t keep up but it was heavy, it made me feel awful and for that reason you should go read it.
The All Might Cafe - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23453290 
One day, Mineta talks to Momo in a cafe about certain regrets, and the rest follows their secret times together during their school days.
The Saint And The Sinner - https://archiveofourown.org/works/14478570 
Very popular Mineta fic following the duo of Midoriya and Mineta from middle school as they become the greatest hero team ever. One of the few stories that updates consistently. 
Symbiotic - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13580668/1/Symbiotic 
Mineta gets dark power from a mysterious person.
Smokes and Mirrors - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13500345/1/Smoke-and-Mirrors 
After losing an arm due to saving someone, Mineta and 1-A’s dynamic drastically shifts. Lots of drama.
Twisted Nightmare - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13262414/1/Twisted-Nightmares 
I don’t think I’ve ever been so genuinely shocked by a story like this one. I would have to stop and reflect for a moment. Check it out.
Stuck Together - https://archiveofourown.org/works/29626872 
X Reader fic. Thanks to someone’s Quirk, they and Mineta end up stuck together, and the story follows their lives together. Also, just read anything @gh0stw0rd has ever written, whether it be on their AO3 or Tumblr! They’re awesome!
Chance Encounter In The Gym - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13287487/1/Chance-Encounter-at-the-Gym 
Mineta finds a passed out Momo in the gym, and a heart-to-heart between the two sends Mineta spiraling on a new path to improvement. A must-read for Momo/Mineta fans.
For Want Of A Grape - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13191008/1/For-Want-of-a-Grape 
A failed Mineta gets sent back in time to his high school days to re-live his time in U.A. Things are quite different. 
Playdate - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24996637 
A cute fic about Mineta and Eri playing together, pretty much the perfect image of what their relationship should’ve been in canon. Cute.
Soft silence - https://archiveofourown.org/works/18357254 
Mineta, and Momo, and the title. It’s cute.
In Our Dreams We’ll Meet Again - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24818800 
Bakubro - https://archiveofourown.org/works/24239605 
Mineta is close to giving up on heroism, but Bakugo lays down some facts in classic Bakugo fashion.
7 - “I dreamt about you last night” - https://archiveofourown.org/works/22823299 
Mineta makes a pervy joke about Pony, Pony jokes back.
The Pervert and The American - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20318314 
Mineta goes on a date with Pony. Everyone is interested.
a conversation between collectors - https://archiveofourown.org/works/20956007 
Mineta meets Nighteye. They talk.
I Know A Joke - https://archiveofourown.org/works/23904802 
Mineta feels unloved and Momo comforts him and they are cute.
Hold Me Close and Listen to LoFi…Please - https://archiveofourown.org/works/21530377 
Mineta and Jirou and them being cute.
Dear Midnight - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13804718/1/Dear-Midnight 
Manga spoilers!!
Mt. Pervert - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13498748/1/Mt-Pervert 
Mineta wins a contest to spend a day with Mt. Lady, what events ensue during the runup to that day?
Advice - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13048784/1/Advice 
Midoriya gives advice on a crush Mineta has.
Mina’s Smile - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13513962/1/Mina-s-Smile 
Mina’s smile makes Mineta reconsider life. This one’s by me.
Once More - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13579936/1/Once-More 
Jiro and Mineta share a kiss. This one’s also by me.
The Purple Oddity Named Minoru Mineta - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13860938/1/The-Purple-Oddity-Named-Minoru-Mineta 
Mina thinks about the weirdness of Mineta as her love grows and grows. Surprise, I wrote it.
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Pro Heros Comforting an S/O with various chronic illnesses
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All Might/ Yagi Toshinori
For being a chronically ill person, you were a big baby about being sick. Well, for you, there was two types of ‘being sick’. One, the usual, was the everyday upkeep of your body, with the usual minimal discomfort of working a machine with missing or loose parts. On the other hand, another type of ‘sick’ would be you hunched over the toilet, or sweating in bed with a trashcan by your face, or sobbing in the shower because of how shit you feel. 
Today was one of those sick sick days. 
You never admitted to anyone when you were having an especially hard day like today, sometimes not even yourself. In between bouts of puking up the small amount of food you should’ve been able to keep down, you’d convince yourself that it was just because it was stale, or that this was a fluke, or even try telling yourself that you were over reacting. 
So when your boyfriend gently asked if you were feeling okay to be home by yourself, you enthusiastically replied, “of course I am! Go ahead and go to work, I’ll be fine!”
So, he did. 
And you were definately not fine. 
Mere moments after he left, you were hovering over the toilet bowl, heaving up bile. You screamed at your body to just stop, to please just give up, but it couldn’t hear you. Instead, it did what it knew how to do best: be sick.
Finally, it was over, and you found refuge pressed up against the cool tile of the bathroom floor. 
You were a mess of sweat, tears, snot, and puke. 
Thinking of that just made even more tears stream out of your puffy eyes. 
You shakily turned on the shower. Maybe a cold shower will snap you out of it. Your clothes didn’t matter; they’re just pajamas. So, you crawled into the shower, looking for refuge. 
The ice cold water pelted your blanched flesh mercilessly, providing both relief and shock to your system.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying your best to ignore your cramping abdomen and pay attention to the cool, refreshing liquid rolling down your back. 
In the end, though, you couldn’t focus on either of these things. 
Someone knocked at the bathroom door. By the way the person knocked, light and inquisitive, you knew it had to be him. 
He called out your name.
“Are you okay in there? Something told me to come check on you one more time,” he asked through the door. You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. He knocked again, a little harder this time. 
Still, you didn’t have the strength to respond. You rested your head onto the shower wall weakly. 
The doorknob wiggled noisily before he was in. 
“Oh, honey...” he murmured as he fully understood the situation. He flushed the toilet and opened the window to let in some fresh air. 
“I’m going to open up the shower now, okay?” 
He carefully pulled back the curtain and turned off the water. His heart panged to see you struggling like this. 
Like him.
He took a moment to cradle your cheek in his palm, cooing your name.
“I’m going to get you some fresh clothes. Don’t try standing up by yourself, okay? I’ll be right back,” he instructed gently. You nodded weakly.
He returned with some fresh pajamas and a towel. You shook your head.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he inquired, stroking your hair. You couldn’t help but begin to cry. It was so humiliating being taken care of. Hell, even needing to be taken care of was degrading. 
You squeaked out tiny words between sobs. He patiently tried his best to understand what had you so upset, but he just couldn’t hear you. 
So, his only chioce was to continue to clean you up. 
Gently, ever so gently, he dried you with the towel as best as he could with your soaked clothes on.
“Pumpkin, I hate to ask you this, but...can I take off these clothes to help you get into new ones? I promise I won’t look.” 
You sobbed pitifully. 
“I...Let me...let me try,” you managed to get out. He nodded.
“I’ll be right outside the door. Knock if you need any help at all,” he assured, kissing you sweetly on the forehead before leaving you alone. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t want him to see you naked; he already had done that. It was just...you didn’t want him to see you like this.
Shakily, you stood up, grabbing the clothes. Your feet stepped out of the tub, only supported on shakey knees.
Knees that gave up on you.
Within an instant, you were collapsed onto the floor. You gasped at the impact, the wind being knocked out of you.
Toshinori was by your side before you could blink. He helped you sit up, asking tenderly if you were in any pain. You shrugged.
He sighed deeply.
“I...I’m so... sorry. You shouldn’t-“ you stammered before he shut you down.
“No. I should. It’s okay for you to need help. I understand. It’s not an inconvenience.”
“...but... your job... your students...”
“They’ll be fine. Right now, let me focus on you,” he asserted. You nodded, allowing him to undress and towel dry you before redressing you.
“Can you stand?” He asked. You thought for a moment before shaking your head. Instantly, the bathroom filled with smoke, and he appeared to you in his much more muscular form in order to carry you.
He being sick himself could never hope to carry you in his skinnier state.
You didn’t care however he looked. It was just that he was there. That he cared.
You were carried bridal style to your bed, and placed down ever so gingerly. Smoke surrounded you once again, cradling you for a moment before dissipating and revealing your boyfriend in his true form.
He leaned against the bed frame, coughing into a tissue.
A pang of guilt hit you, seeing how he’d sacrificed just a tiny bit of himself to keep you comfortable.
You pushed the guilt away, replacing it with warm love.
Instead of apologizing, you murmured a “Thank you.”
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Aizawa Shouta
Today was a good day. Your joints weren’t achey, and you felt good enough to even go to the store with your boyfriend. Usually, he’d go by himself, or do a curb side pickup to save time, but you insisted that you wanted to go.
“Sho, please. I’ll be fine,” you assured him.
“I don’t want you to overwork yourself,” he replied skeptically. He knew your fighting spirit coming through when he saw your determined eyes, so he knew his words were of no use. However, he also was deeply worried about the pain that could show up later on that night.
Those were the hardest on Aizawa. He usually wasn’t home at night, so when he’d come into the bedroom and see the bedsheets strewn across the floor and your pain medications sitting idly on your dresser, the cap on sideways, he’d be instantly racked with guilt. He wanted to be there for you. Even if it meant seeing you in pain. He just wanted to be able to do whatever he possibly could to help alleviate things just a little for you.
Today, though, he relented, and you found yourself at the local grocery store. You chose to not bring your cane, opting to try to pretend that you were a perfectly healthy young person.
Bad idea.
About half way through your shopping trip, you could feel the beginnings of a flare up.
“Sho... Could you help me?”
He instantly took on your weight on one arm.
“Do you need to go home?” He asked quietly as to not stir the other customers. You shook your head.
“I’ll get you something. Hold on.”
And like that, he was gone and you were alone in the bread aisle.
You sighed, rubbing your forehead.
Stupid! You should’ve known better!
It wasn’t long before he was back, riding on a mobility scooter. He stood up, gesturing towards it.
You knew it’d help, but...
“What will people think?” You whimpered before you could even think about it.
He scoffed.
“Geez, baby. I hope you realize that other people’s opinions should never trump your own comfort.”
You nodded, still anxious about how it’d look for someone like you to be using something like that.
“But...what if someone actually needs it?” You ask as you guide yourself into the seat.
“You need it. It’s okay,” he reassured plainly.
That night, you had no pain. All your body was filled with was butterflies as Aizawa gently cuddled you to sleep.
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Sir Nighteye/Mirai Sasaki
You’ve always been sick. It was a part of your identity that you’d come to terms with. Sure, your life was shaped different than everyone else’s, but you didn’t mind much. 
You brewed yourself some tea, breathing in the fresh steam from the kettle. The warm air made its way past your oxygen tube, warming you from the inside out. Today was going to be a good day. You could tell that much by the light rays of sun filtering past the blinds, and the way you weren’t a coughing mess by now. Usually, you were signaled to remember to take your meds and do your treatments by your own sputtering and coughing, but today, things were going a little different so far. 
Your boyfriend came into the kitchen, stretching a little, causing his bones to crack and pop. He retrieved his black coffee from the pot, lightly and lovingly brushing his hand across your upper arm as he moved. 
You instantly tensed up.
“Don’t do that,” you frowned, glaring at him, “it’s too early in the morning to think about that yet.”
He raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence.
“Your quirk. Don’t use it on me.”
He put both hands up, “If you wish for me not to touch you, I won’t.”
“That’s...not what I’m asking for and you know it.”
He allowed himself a tiny smile. He did know that. 
You turned around, moving your attention back to your tea. Mirai stared at you lovingly as he sipped on his drink. 
Two sugar cubes plopped into the tea, honey and lemon being stirred in next. Just how you like it.
Just as you were getting enveloped in the whirlpool you made with your spoon, Mirai broke your train of thought.
“Today’s going to be a good day,” he murmured.
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