#all my life ive been waiting and giving up dreams.
whatthewindsows · 5 months
My brother din't let me keep my favorite but worn out boot.
He said that I would be keeping trash, a
picture would be more than good.
But I have lived of trash for all my life, what of is there to live for if not that?
Being alive doesn't make me more than just trash.
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knightelf · 27 days
maybe i do need to go to therapy bc its probably not good that ive been living on autopilot and the last 7 years went by so fast but also bc i was deliberatly Wanting the time to go by to put as much space between me and the events of 2017-2020 as possible all while somewhat knowing my young adulthood was slipping me by and now both my teenage years and my early 20s are gone and i still feel like my 19th birthday was yesterday yeesh!!
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#i do feel like im out of time completely and its kind of.making me insane bc its not fair lol#life could be worse! but it couldve been a lot better too#like on one hand i think i had a normal reaction to exceptionally traumatic shit happening to me with no support system.#and everything that happened was caused by shit out of my control and i Know that bc i spent my teen years specifically working hard to Be#in control#like i did make the choice to give up sure. but that was when absolutely every effort had been exhausted#and theres only so much a human being can take especially when i was so young#but on the other hand!! even when i found a support system and things are better now than they were#i still feel like im trapped perpetually in this Waiting period#waiting for life to begin Waiting for an OPPORTUNITY to make my life begin already#and no effort on my part yields anything so i have no choice but to WAIT#but im TIRED. of waiting#im sick of seeing videos of people way younger than me making art ive always dreamed id have made by now#theres also this invisable wall i have always had built around me that is Impenetrable and i keep hitting it#and its gotta be me but it really feels like the universe has some unseeable chains on me which aounds so stupid#but im not allowed to get passed it#im way past the point of even being capable of showing the agony it causes me now like its just a dull joke#ANYWAY the fact ive typed all this makes me think ok. yeah maybe it is time to talk to someone LOL#carry on im fine this happens to me all the time. helps to get it written out at least
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tellafairy · 20 days
thoughts on shifting + manifesting with ease. (as someone who's shifted many times, alongside manifesting)
coming back to this side of tumblr after spending years away from it has made me realized how many do you are truly the problem, it might sound kinda harsh but really. so many of you ask the same questions over and over again.. "but HOW do i do it?" "how do i shift" "how do i manifest" JUST DO IT. stop looking for signs, stop looking for methods or "cheat codes". just do it man.
your mind is so powerful and it actually kinda irritates me how many of you doubt it, just because it "seems to easy". you don't understand how you've been manipulated by society to not see your power. how have you been on loa social media, shifting social media, for soooo long — yet still don't see it?? let me tell you..
the moment i got off social media, the moment i took time to erase everything in my head and stop overthinking everything, was the moment everything came to me. i already had it, i just needed to stop telling myself i didn't.
it took me less than two weeks to get used to convincing myself i had everything i wanted, i shifted to my desired realities, and everything worked out in my favour. AFFIRMING IS ALL YOU NEED. I AM YELLING AT YOU. JUST AFFIRM.
really, please, affirm. the routine is so simple.
1. any bad thought is instantly turned positive.
ex: "i really want her waist"
"am i stupid ... i have her waist.. tbh mine even looks a little better.. am i crazy?? like actually? this must be a glitch or something cause my waist is practically identical to hers.. i literally love my waist"
exaggerate, say what you need to say to erase the negativity.
2. it's yours, so act like it..
ex: talk about ur DR normally. it's your reality, not a fantasy land you made up in a dream. ITS REAL. it's a reality. for example, i'd watch videos of my s/o in this reality, and speak about our lives in my dr. "i can't wait to see __ tonight... god i love __, it's so nice hanging out with them everyday.. wow they look so pretty in this video — i'm so lucky their mine". it's natural, they're yours aren't they? exactly, so act like it.. this is used the exact same way when manifesting..
you see someone with something you want? thinking of something you wanna do? something you wanna be? ... it's urs... so can you act like it?? like whyre u feeling sad someone else got a job promotion 😹😹 you literally got a better one ...
3. that's literally it
you don't need a fancy method (although it can give u some peace of mind.. let's be real, a lot of methods set y'all back and make you overwhelmed, blocking ur beliefs and making everything seem harder). you literally just need to live. tell yourself it's done, over and over again. nothing matters. it's done, it's yours, you have it, you're happy and fulfilled. other peoples sucess should really mean nothing to you negatively. it shouldn't make you stressed, shouldn't make you feel behind.. why would it when you have everything, you can do everything, go anywhere, and you can be anything.
it'll seem like manifesting blogs and shifting blogs just repeat the same things.. which is true, they do, because i'm telling you there's nothing more to it than what you've already read. it is that easy. all it takes is your mind. decide, and tell yourself.
as i said before, it took me barely anytime to switch my mindset once i actually started focusing on myself, my journey and not every body else's results. repeating stuff to yourself WORKS. repeating is literally ALL i did. choose what i want, told myself it's mine in any way i could describe it. and there, it's mine. ive shifted to many different realities, along side gaining a better life in this one after years of convincing myself there was nothing for me. if i can break out of the cycle, trust me you can too. i cannot describe how desperate i was at the beginning, how long i took in false info and wasted time on methods all while doubting every single thing.
so why don't you believe it? you'll sit there and tell yourself over and over again that you're ugly, or broke, or friendless... but you won't tell urself that you've shifted? that you have your dream body...? girl okay i guess....
once you realize nothing besides your mind truly matters, is when you'll be free with yourself. circumstances don't matter, past feelings don't matter, doubts don't matter, your mind is all you need.
yes this is just loa explained longer, that's the point of the post because some of u still can't get it in ur heads
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hughjackmansbicep · 15 days
The Seamstress
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Summary: Youre a seamstress and he seems to have an endless supply of holey clothes....
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: None :D
a/n: haiiiiii ive always loved this trope in fics !!! tehe!! srry for not writing much recently i got fired from my job LOL anywayssss... i was listening to the smiths writing this unrelated but related.
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Most days bled together, the same mundane routine playing out in front of you each day. Wake up, go to work, go home, eat takeout, and pass out to some soap opera. Currently, the highlight of your life was finding out what was going to happen next on The Days of Our Lives. You were a seamstress in the middle of Manhattan; you owned a small shop off 64th, and although you were living out your dream, nothing excited you anymore. Every task felt exhausting; you couldn't even find passion in sewing anymore. That was until he stumbled into your shop.
“Hi, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be able to sew this up for me.” He grumbled, holding up what appeared to be some yellow and blue jumpsuit. You'd almost forgotten to respond, completely captivated by his sheer beauty. His gorgeous face, chiseled body, kitty-like hair, and you can't forget the unusual yet totally working for him mutton chops. “U-um, ahem, yeah, I totally could.” You manage to choke out, reaching for the clothing item. “How long do you reckon it'll take?” You examine the clothing carefully; it's decorated with rips and holes everywhere. He's lucky if I can get this finished by the end of the week, “Tomorrow.” Your mouth moves quicker than your brain can. “Cool, I'll come by at 10? Is that alright?” He asks, slowly backing out of the shop, his eyes never leaving you. ‘10am? I can't begin to do that either; I mean, I wouldn't get to sleep tonight’. “Yep! See you at 10!” Cure that mouth of yours; you give him a smile and an awkward wave as he makes his way out the door.
You blow your breath out as if you'd been holding it the entire time, sinking down into your chair. You silently cursed at yourself for agreeing to such a stupid timeframe, but this meant you could binge Days of Our Lives tonight, so maybe it wasn't half bad.
The rest of the day went just as you expected. A couple hems, a few cinches—nothing out of the ordinary apart from the comic book cosplay you agreed to revive back to life. It was currently 3 o’clock in the morning; you'd been sitting there sewing the garment for 7 hours. Honestly, you'd been making great time; you were so close to finishing, maybe 20 stitches left total. Somewhere between the last stitch and a doctor getting slapped, you'd passed out on your living room floor.
You'd awoken to the feeling of your feline licking your cheek, causing you to immediately shoot up off the floor. Your eyes frantically searching for a clock, the power Must’ve gone out sometime around 5 in the morning because that's all you saw flashing back at you on the stove. In a frenzy, you started throwing random clothes on, praying they'd match, shoving the costume in a garment bag, and running out the door. Thats when you finally looked down at your phone, seeing the time read 10:03, “God damnit.” You whined under your breath. Your shop was only a couple blocks away, but that was still a 15-minute walk, so you sprinted. You probably looked like a complete lunatic, but you couldn't care less right now. The incredibly hot customer probably waiting outside your doors was the utmost important thing on your mind.
Dripping in sweat and hyperventilating as you turned the corner to where your shop was, you saw him just as you thought you would. Leaning up against the door, one arm crossed over his torso as he took a drag from his cigar with his other. God, he looked heavenly, and you... Well, maybe not your best day, but definitely not your worst. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” You breathed out, hands resting on your knees as you caught your breath. “But I've got your thingy.” You hold the garment bag up; he just furrows his eyebrows at you, cocking his head to the side. His silence makes you feel more embarrassed than you already do. You get up to unlock your doors, ushering him to follow you inside.
You check him out at the register; the only words being exchanged were the cost of the repairs and where he can tap his card. He walked out with a smile and a nod, a soft ‘Thanks’ escaping his lips before the door shut. You throw your head in your hands, feeling shame wash over you. You were hoping and praying he was going to leave his number on the receipt, but obviously he did not. I mean, why would you have had him waiting and showed up looking like a complete mess? Not very good looks. You simply had to chop it up as a loss and return back to the mundaneness of your life.
The very next morning, though, he was here again, this time holding an old brown jacket. He'd said there was a small hole in the pocket he wanted fixed. This time it only took you all 20 minutes. You asked him to wait upfront as you brought the jacket to the back to repair it. When you returned, you checked him out the same as before, and he left exactly the same as before. This became an everyday routine for the two of you. Every day he'd walk in with some worn-out article of clothing asking you to stitch it up; you always obliged, even if the clothes looked and smelled like they came from 1987. You always did wonder how this guy had so many ripped-up clothes just lying around, and why wouldn't he just bring them in all at once?
This charade had been going on for 2 weeks now when you finally decided to break from your usual script of ‘thank you, come again’. “Why is everything you own torn apart? Is everything okay back home?” You asked as he slipped his card into the machine. You could see the heat rising to his cheeks as he tried to hide a smirk creeping its way on his face. “You want me to be honest with you?” He looked up at you, pursing his lips together in a thin line. You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue, “I honestly thought you were gorgeous when I first walked into your shop.” Now your cheeks started burning red as your eyes went wide. “So every day since then I head into Goodwill and find anything I can with a hole in it so I can find an excuse to come see you.” This was the first time you'd ever seen this man avoid eye contact with you. You couldn't find your words as your throat had gone dry. He was into you??? And here you were this whole time thinking you ruined your shot (and that he was homeless, but you weren't going to tell him that). 
"Well, say something.” He exasperated, snapping you out of your daze. “I honestly don't know what to say; I’m shocked. I get off at 6 if y’know... You wanted to grab something to eat?” You offer awkwardly, smiling through the pain of how anxious you sounded. He looks up to you finally meeting your gaze, a soft smile painted on his lips. “Ill be here to pick you up at 6 doll.” He grabs your hand, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle. He walked out the door, leaving you in utter shock and denial for the rest of your shift.
hi ps u can always request me shtuff to write! :3
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willownwisp · 8 months
love on me
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iv. you're exciting, boy come find me. (di!leon x fem reader)
author's note: yayyyyyy, fourth entry !
cw: NSFW MDNI. love hotels. p in v. oral (f receiving and m receiving).
part 4 of ree's leon valentine's advent
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If he had been born under different circumstances, Leon swears he'd surely become a beach bum. Better an idle man rather than get smacked by bioweapons day in and night out, not only that, but have the top brass of good ol' U.S of A breathing down his neck constantly. Yet, he's a man who has seen things, he'd already vowed to protect whatever and whoever he can. Cold and cruel this life may be.
So he loves the warmth of the sun on him, lying down on a sun lounger sipping on dry drinks. Enjoy the view in the tropics of crystalline beaches and white sand on his feet, letting loose and relaxing himself.
Unfortunately, after the events of Alcatraz, maybe he's had enough of the sea for now. He gives himself a pat on the back, takes out a chunk of his savings to go to Japan because you've been eyeing it. You said you were interested in the food, culture, and sights.
So here he is, you in hand, his cute girlfriend clinging onto his bicep like a bunny that hopped in excitement at every interesting thing you see because you're adorable to him like that.
You were extra flirty too, Leon had chalked it up to you being over the moon because you were finally in Japan after so long of dreaming it, he's smug and pleased with himself, he likes the good boyfriend brownie points, but you had other things in mind.
"Bunny, aren't you cold?"
Leon cocked his head to the side to take a look at you, in your skirt, crop top, and cardigan combo. He's not the type of man to control women and their clothing. Come on, don't people listen to Beyonce? Girls run the world. He doesn't really know who the fuck Beyonce is but he does know Sherry listens to the song.
You give him a cheeky grin, shaking your head.
"Besides, you'll warm me up anyway."
You say this with a wink as you both card through the busy streets of Tokyo as Leon gives you an innocent grin, oblivious to your intent.
"Of course I would bunny. I take care of my pretty girl."
He coos, before giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead, you giggle at how he missed your innuendo before smirking.
"I wanna go somewhere."
You reply as you slide your hand to lace both your fingers together, his calloused ones enveloping your own as you all but drag him to the busy streets.
You turn him around to an alley, google maps pulled up on your free hand as you show him, what seems to be a rather flashy building illuminated by red neon lights and blinged up signs. It was like the establishment wanted to be purposefully flamboyant.
"What am I looking at bunny?"
You flash him a toothy grin, Leon knows that glint of mischief in your eyes as you reply.
"A love hotel."
Leon is floored.
"A what now? A motel? Bunny, if you were horny I'd be hauling your ass back to the hotel room right now."
He breathes out, smoke escaping from his lips as he quirks an eyebrow at you, but you giggle.
"This is different!"
No shit.
Leon thinks inwardly as sapphire eyes scan the building once more. Motels for sex used to be inconspicuous during his time. He really is getting old.
"You wanna check in bunny?"
You nod your head quite excitedly with a huge grin on her face, there's no mistaking it. Your eagerness, and Leon relents. Of course you would want a vacation and his cock. No surprise there.
Leon sighs and squeezes your hand, being the gentleman that he is, leading you inside of the garish establishment. He'd be lyin g if he says he isn't the least bit interesting, you were always the more exciting and free-spirited one.
On the reception counter, he waits for the key, with you standing just beside him, hands still entwined. As Leon grew curious, you grew embarrassed. The lobby was decorated with red. Red hearts, mirrors, sensual posters, and oh god, the brochures on a nearby rack that had photos of toys and costumes
You're fairly aware that love hotels are popular, but now that you're gonna experience this for yourself, bashfulness and your own eagerness had you blushing.
Leon could see you, feel how you'd gone and overheated in his arms and you both aren't in the room yet. He chuckles, squeezing you. You got him going now, as a shiver runs down his spine.
"Are you interested in a specific suite? You can take a look on our brochure here."
The receptionist asks and Leon shakes his head.
"We're fine with anything."
The receptionist nods, handing Leon the key as he cooly leads you to the designated room. Despite his laidback demeanor, Leon is already briskly walking, adrenaline in his veins. As you both reached the designated room, he eases the key in the lock as it opens with a low clicking sound. He leads you inside first, following behind but not before locking the door while you turn the lights on. Another clicking sound, the lighting is a kind of low red and Leon blinks as he follows in, you both inspect the room with amusement and fascination. There inside the center of the room is a queen round bed, with a heart-shaped headboard, covered in satin sheets and what seems to be a confetti of hearts on the foot of the bead, even the pillows were heart-shaped, and the most ridiculous part were the mirrors. Everywhere. Mirrors on the wall, on the ceiling, mirrors of various  shapes and sizes at each of the walls. Red, heart-shaped lounge chairs and a faux tiger rug. Gaudy as the room is, it certainly looks like a place to fuck alright. 
Your eyes slowly adjust to the light, but you were beaten by Leon, who is certainly not the least bit captivated by the interior choices. He did, however, wanted to fuck you in it. He's already dropped his coat on the floor before proceeding to toss his shirt away as he stares at you with an amused smirk while you stood speechless.
"You embarrassed now?
He asks while putting his hands on your waist before turning you around to face him. Face his smug face smirking at you.
"Who? Me?"
You reply with a cocky tone.
You wink at him and he chuckles, he takes your hand pulling you to him as he strides to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Figures," he shrugs "You always wanna fuck me. Don't you, bunny?"
He coos before kissing your palms, your fingertips brush across his lower lip, and he kisses your fingertips one by one, the small act only making you shiver.
"Is that a problem?"
You ask him as that familiar warmth pools in your stomach, he had just finished unbuckling his belt and is now rubbing his hands on your thighs, before peeling your skirt off of you.
He gives you that same handsome grin, there was a sparkle in his eyes and you blush. You take off the rest of your upper clothing to help him before Leon pulls you to sit on his lap, his pretty bunny.
He presses his lips into yours in a sweet kiss, before sweeping his tongue on your lower lip, a cue to open your mouth, proceeding to stick his tongue inside your mouth, tasting you and you sink into his lap. The kiss a passionate tango and as you both part for air, his lips connects to yours with a thin strand of saliva. He swipes it with his thumb before chuckling.
"You're so fucking pretty."
He breathes out before lifting you up, only to place you gently on the bed. Leon's eyes roam over your voluptuous figure, smirking at the dampness on your underwear, he kneels down, peeling that last pesky article of clothing off of you, already admiring how swollen your clit is already.
"So fucking hot too."
He murmurs against your skin as he trails kisses on your ankle, your knees, and up your thighs.
Your breath hitches on your throat, you feel yourself soaking the sheets with every kiss.
Your blissed out face doesn't escape Leon and he smirks, he presses another kiss on your pelvis, before he presses a kiss on your clit. It was like a greeting, in his silly mind.  
His cold breath against fans against your skin before he takes a long, languid lick on your pussy.
Your hands immediately reach down to grip fistfuls of his dark hair, pulling him closer as he licked over your slit, lapping at your essence.
"Fuck, Leon."
You whimper, tossing your head back and Leon smirks against your pussy. He always liked seeing you coming undone with his mouth. His tongue dips into your entrance, the wet appendage flicking and curling inside you.
He presses his thumb on your clit while his mouth still worked on you, relishing in your sweet taste and breathy moans while you could only shut her eyes closed and sob his name helplessly. He doesn't let up, he pulls his tongue out to wrap your clit in his warm mouth and sucking it, inserting two fingers inside your sopping wet pussy. Scissoring and curling inside you while his tongue flicks and sucks on the hood of your clit. It doesn't take look that you gush around his fingers in an orgasm and he smirks. He let's you breath, admiring your flushed face as he stood up. Takes his boxers off and his thick cock springs out, already erect leaking with precum. He stands beside your face. "Suck."
Despite his domineering voice, he looks at you with soft eyes and you turn your body to his direction, you sit up on the bed. With a lick of your lips, your fingers trail over his abs, before your tongue sweeps across his slit, swiping it clean with his precum and he grunts, his body tensing in your touch.
"Fuck yeah."
He hisses through gritted teeth as your tongue swirls around the head before engulfing his dick with your mouth. You dip your head, swallowing him deeper as your hands grab his waits, until his length reaches the back of your throat, knowing he was looking, you don't break eye contact and you suck his cock, thick on your tongue and rolling your eyes while he looks.
"Shit, bunny. So pretty sucking cock like that."
Leon's voice is throaty and you know he likes what he sees, his dick practically jumped in your mouth and you moan. The vibrations make him shiver violently, and he grunts.
He breathes, patting your cheeks, A signal for you to stop and you peels yourself off him with a pout like he had just taken your favorite lollipop. Which is true, he is after all, your favorite lollipop.
"Don't be upset now. You suck cock so good, I won't last long."
You both laugh in unison as he breathes in to calm himself, while stroke his cock, he twirls a finger around.
"Turn around for me, bunny. On your fours if you wanna be good."
You hum in response, turning your back to bend over for him. You arch your back, with your ass perked up against him. In that moment, you understand why Leon wanted to fuck you from behind. The image of you bent over and him standing up, his dick plush on your ass is reflected in all of the mirrors on the walls and you let out a scandalized gasp while Leon only chuckles, sensing your embarrassment.
"Wanna see you moan while I pound you into that fucking mattress."
Leon winks at you from the mirror and you see his smug expression reflected everywhere. He kisses your ass cheeks, he's too horny out his damn mind now. He's inside you with one strong thrust, his thick cock all the way inside and he shuts his eyes close. Stilling for a moment to let you adjust to his sized as you close your eyes and whimper.
"Jesus Christ… no matter how many times I fuck this pussy."
He groans, sweeping his auburn strands before steadying his grip on your waist.
"It never gets used to me. Poor little thing."
The fullness makes you squirm and he savors the addictive feeling of your walls clenching on his cock desperate to get him to just fit. You're pressed against the mattress, your pathetic moans muffled by the sheets.
When he starts to thrust, finding that rhythm, your body jerks forward with every rock of his hips. His body moves to cover your own.
"Watch us baby."
He whispers, his tongue sweeping on the shell of your ear and you could only whimper. Clutching the sheets as he finds his rhythm with his hips rocking against yours.
"Look. Don't hide."
He raps before tugging on your hair to forcibly lift up your face while his free hand tug on your arms. You find yourself feeling small with Leon's muscular body covering you. The muscles on his arm flex as both his hands are now grabbing your arms and your hair. The way his muscles pulled and flexed as his hips slams against her ass, the way your ass bounced on him, the thin layer of sweat that coated his torso, the way his mouth hung open in ragged breaths, the way your breasts bounce at every thrust. You feel so turned on at the sight it was crazy. It looked so erotic. This only elicits louder moans from you, while you move back against him, meeting his thrusts.
"Shit!" Leon groans, clenching his jaw. This positions and rhythm was blowing his mind, coupled with how your face twists into pleasure and the heat that coiled in his stomach. This was so fucking hot, he really wouldn't last long.
"Come here" He whispers, planting a kiss on your shoulder, before pulling out which makes you whine in displeasure. He chuckles, both his hands grab you, picking you up. Manhandling your ass to pin you down the mattress. "Shh," he coos. "Not done with you yet bunny."
He chuckles before kissing your nose, guiding himself back inside your pussy. You chuckle as you look at the mirror on the ceiling.
"You've always had a nice ass."
You tease, despite the breathlessness of your voice and Leon only cocks his head to the side in confusion before following your line of sight, remembering that there was a mirror atop the ceiling and he chuckles, a rush of desire running through his veins with the sight of tangled limbs.
"Yeah, so?" His tone full of sass as he smirks. "Jealous much?"
You laugh as he places his fingers under your jawline, bringing your face close before crashing his lips down yours in a sloppy kiss, before moving inside you again. His pace rougher and faster, cock slamming down your pussy like a freight train as you lock your legs around his waist tight, bringing him close before you bite down on his shoulder and Leon hisses a curse.
He peels your legs off of him first before hooking your legs above his shoulders. He growls, this position slips him in deeper, and you squeeze his cock tighter.
"Holy fucking shit!
He exclaims, it's no secret that you both are vocal in the bedroom. You both love verbally assuring each other that the pleasure is mutual, you were always the louder one, but this time it was Leon. Completely pussy whipped with every clench of your walls.
"Got me drunk on this tight fucking pussy."
He grunts and your hands reach out to grab his hips, slamming down on you rougher with every thrust. Your nails digging on the flesh of his waist and he moans. His jaw slacked, sweat dripping down.
"I'm gonna cum inside yeah? Gonna fill this tight pussy up for making me this rabid."
He laughs as his thrusts become erratic. He knows you're close, just like you know that he's close as well.
"Goddamn, got me addicted to pussy."
He moans and your toes curl as he slams into you one last time. His body tensing up, shooting ropes of his cum inside you as you both climax together.
"Yeah, bunny. So good for me. Creaming on this cock like a good girl."
He soothes you, kissing your forehead as you tremble beneath him in the intensity of your orgasm, he looks at you intently. Rubbing your body gently. Not pulling out yet as you gush around his cock.
"You're so pretty when you cum."
He hums. You both cuddle up for a minute to calm down before he pulls out.
Much to Leon's surprise, you whine.
"Lovey… don't pull out yet…"
Leon chuckles, pulling you into his arms to cradle your body.
"Yeah? Give me a minute. Have mercy on the lil guy."
You giggle softly, you were feeling fuzzy and the throbbing in your pussy suggests you were not fully sated yet, and with the way Leon looks at you like a hawk, he wants another too.
"There's nothing little about that."
You retort, giving his chest a little slip and he has a proud look on his face.
"Yeah? Maybe I'll compare it with those next time. Gonna use it on you."
He winks, pointing at the assortment of toys just neatly placed on the bedside table that went unnoticed in the heat of your lovemaking, as you both share a hearty laugh.
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martiansodas-blog · 2 months
hi I’ve been obsessed of your work, so can I request a fanfic where reader is heavily pregnant (8-9 months) and needy and art helps her.
if that’s too uncomfortable or out of your confort zone I apologise
you’re so kind ! this sat in my drafts for so long it grew roots, i’m sorry :( i do appreciate every ask i get, i just work nearly everyday.
🎾 🤍💐✨🎀
art is a family man.
he always wanted the americana, white picket fence, nuclear family.
to make it even more cliche, he wanted two kids; a boy and a girl.
and you were about to make his dreams come true.
when art saw you interact with lily he knew he had to make you a mommy as soon as possible.
the need to give his daughter a sibling clawed his way into his chest and never left..
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“he’s very active today.” you said happily
arts head is rested in your lap as you lounged on the couch. your hand in his soft blonde locks, his resting over your rounded stomach.
“wants to get out of there, i bet.”
you scoffed, “he’s not the only one.”
he loved quiet moments like this, times when it was just the two of you—or three now.
your son kicked against his hand.
“can’t wait to meet him.” you murmured
his fingers traced hearts all over your belly. ever the loverboy.
“me neither. just a couple more weeks.”
it was unbelievable how much his life had changed.
“you’re gonna be such a good daddy. again.”
a small huff left his nose. he leaned a little closer, leaving a soft kiss.
“you hear that, little man? ive got big expectations to live up to here.”
you chuckled “you nervous?”
he let out a low sigh, moving so he could see you clearly. a lazy smile painted his face as he nodded.
“me too, but there’s no one else i’d rather have a baby with.”
he intertwined your fingers and kissed them.
“feeling is mutual.”
art loved you pregnant. it awakened something primal in him. knowing he did that. knowing it’s his kid you’re carrying.
you had a glow to you. not just on your face, but your whole body. beyond that- your essence.
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he watched you do your evening skincare from the king sized bed. you looked beautiful—he had always thought you were beautiful, of course… but there was something about the way you looked in this moment. how your curves seemed more pronounced. how there was more of you to love. how you were barefaced and smelling good straight out of the shower.
“you coming to bed soon?”
“why, can’t sleep without me?” you teased
“of course not.”
you padded over to him as he pulls back the covers for you.
you lay on your side, facing art. he grazed his hand over your arm, admiring you.
even this slightest touch from his calloused fingertips gave you goosebumps, made your nipples perk up. like an automatic response.
“how’s your back?”
“eh,” you rolled your eyes, “closer i get to the due date the more it hurts.”
the look on arts face told you that’s unacceptable.
“turn around, i’ll massage you.”
“not gonna say no to that.”
arts warm, big hands acted as a soothing balm.
“you have so much tension, baby. should’ve let me know, i’d have done this a lot sooner.”
his words were barely comprehensible to you, your body finally being relaxed allowed your mind to do the same. for once.
art bit back a laugh, not wanting to seem like he was making fun. you were just too cute is all!
this was an easy way for him to express his love language.
after merely a few minutes you had to press your legs together. just a little pressure. that’s better.
you figured since you were under the blankets he wouldn’t be about to tell. but this is your husband we’re talking about. nothing goes unnoticed by him.
he brings his mouth right behind your ear. warm breath tickling you.
“is there tension somewhere else i need to get out?”
you let out a pitiful whimper. you can’t help it. you just leaned you head back on his chest.
“aww,” he chuckles, “it’s ok , sweetheart. your hormones are all out of wack, aren’t they? needing me to keep you stuffed all the time. you poor thing.”
“yes,” you whine, trying to press your body back into his as much as you could. it was pretty hard, considering the extra weight you’re hosting.
he smirks and moves you on your back, hovering over you. you don’t have to lift a finger. art will do it all for you. that’s precisely how he liked it.
“well what kind of husband would i be if i couldn’t keep you satisfied?”
art wastes no time. having only wore his little underwear to bed, he quickly removes those. he lifts up your oversized shirt to reveal you didn’t bother with putting any on anything underneath.
he’s not going to waste time. he knows don’t need foreplay. you haven’t in weeks. wanting to fuck just as much as when you were trying to get pregnant.
he doesn’t mind, of course.
the best part about being pregnant? no need to worry about protection.
you couldn’t get enough of arts rigid cock sliding inside you. your walls practically molded to him.
“ohh, that’s it.”
he sank into you, slowly, lovingly. resting his head in the crook of your neck. that’s it’s home. all his moans amplified there. he had to maneuver a bit to not put too much pressure on your belly. always so careful. but hes 6 foot, it’s hardly an issue.
“god, i want to get you pregnant again and again.”
he moaned as he forced cock in all the way. the whole room echoed with the sound of his balls slapping against your ass.
you whimpered as your nails took residence on his back.
“god, your so beautiful carrying my baby. so sexy. all filled up.”
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he brought his fingers to your puffy clit.
sex during pregnancy was always slow and soft. he’s terrified of hurting you.
sometimes you’ll simply cockwarm him. you’ve both grown to love it. being that close. feeling love from the inside out.
art stuck two fingers in his mouth then brought that down to your clit. keeping eye contact with you the entire time.
“hnnnh! art!” you gasped
“what, close already darlin?” he cooed
you nodded. you felt like you could cry. which wouldn’t be saying much, you cried a lot these days. to be expected. but this time it’s welcomed.
“please, art, fill me up again.” you begged
it was the again that got him.
everyone already knew you’ve been filled with his cum. strangers in the grocery store, your wholesome religious mother, the other fucking guys in the neighborhood who’s eyes always lingered too long.
art has always had a somewhat high sex drive. so when your third trimester hit and you couldn’t go more than a day without being pumped full? it was like heaven to him.
“yeah? want me to remind you how we made our baby?”
you nodded your head furiously as filthy noises escaped you.
“comon baby, i know you’re almost there. i want you to cum with me and then i want you to taste it.”
you came and came and came around art. time seemed to stop and drag on at the same time. you had to tap him so you could catch your breath. otherwise he would’ve kept fucking you until well after his dick chaffed.
he stilled, remaining inside of you.
“atta girl.”
he gifts your feather light kisses on your forehead.
“did so well for me. always do.”
on your cheek.
“my perfect wife, how lucky am i, huh?”
on the tip of your nose.
you can hear the smile in his voice.
when you come back to earth, he’s there waiting. you opened your eyes you saw those roses cheeks you fell for so long ago.
he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“thank you.” you whisper
“dont need to thank me, love. it’s an honor to experience your body, and to see you.”
the tenderness you got to experience with art is something you’d never grow tired of. truthfully you thought men only said stuff like this in movies. his actions only doubled when you showed him that pregnancy test.
“i can’t wait to give you a baby.”
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charmedreincarnation · 10 months
Hey, guys! I've been receiving a ton of messages in response to my last post. It's reminding me of how I first discovered shifting. I feel like doing a little story time since Ive just passed the three-year mark of my discovery, and I've been reminiscing with friends about it.
I remember being in a very dark place when I stumbled upon shifting. I was depressed, and very suicidal. Yet, there was this unshakeable optimism inside me that I was meant for an extraordinary life. Despite my mental state, I had a lot of knowledge of subliminals and the law of attraction (-_-). These gave me hope, but they weren't enough tbh. I didn't want to attract my dream life through practicing gratitude or becoming a magnet for my desires or whatever. Nor did I want to have to listen to subliminals for years on end to achieve my goals. My list of desires was so long, and I needed everything to change that going step by step and waiting years for each one to manifest just wasn't feasible.
But I refused to give up. One day, after a particularly hard day of being sad per usual, I searched on Quora for something like "fastest most powerful subliminals on YouTube ever" (Y’all 😭😭). Among the recommended sub creators, I found a video called "Desired Life: Reality Shifting". The description promised everything I had ever wanted: waking up with all your desires fulfilled permanently in short. It piqued my curiosity so much. Could I really just wake up with my dream life, family, house, wealth, all based on my scripts and imagination?
Growing up, I was a heavy maladaptive daydreamer. From ages 10-17, I created alternate lives in my head, telling myself I would go there someday. I was always doing SATs (State Akin to Sleep), and I think that's what kept me from ending it all. I was constantly in the wish fulfilled state, even though I didn't know what that was at the time.
Back to my story, I went into the comments of that video and came across a guy who claimed that after a week of using this subliminal, he woke up with a new life as a multi-millionaire living in his dream penthouse. I messaged him, and he gave me his Instagram which showcased his luxurious life. He had what seemed like a perfect relationship, he was very attractive, had so many cars, and travelled 24/7 while having a six figures amount of followers. He was living proof that this wasn't just scripting. Also the law of attraction community is known for their mad expensive coaching.. like hundreds of dollars per hour for questions and he was answering it all for free something I didn’t see the law of attraction community. And I talked to him for hours! He never got mad, he had proof, and he was kind, proof and the behavior of someone who really had mastered the art of life.
After our conversation, I spent the next couple of months doing research. I found numerous stories about glitches in the matrix, accidental shifting, people entering parallel realities, and eventually, shifting communities on platforms like Amino and Reddit. It was stuff I already believed in and did in my imagination; I just didn’t know there was a term for it.
Then I got reminded of a memory that I had seriously repressed bc it was so fucking weird. When I was 6 and my brother was 3, we were absolutely obsessed with dodo birds. One day, we were outside playing, and on god time seemed to stop. Out of nowhere, a dodo bird appeared. I know you’re probably like “maya be so fr rn you were a kid” but no, This wasn't just our young imaginations running wild - there was a bird that was huge, dinosaur-like, exactly how dodos are described in books and pictures we had.
Then things got weirder. Suddenly it started raining eggs. Big, large eggs everywhere it was so gross and my brother and I were a mess. We were young, sure, but not stupid. We knew this wasn't normal. My brother and I rushed inside to tell our dad. When I managed to drag him outside, he was furious, accusing me of throwing eggs everywhere. To this day, he tells the story of the time I "trashed the backyard with eggs." And every time, I'm like, "Dad, where would I get that many eggs?" We didn’t have eggs but so he assumed I stole them and we went inside for hours and it was magically cleaned. So he also tells the story of how responsible I am and how I took accountability for my actions even as a child. I didn’t clean that shit bro and I tell him that too and he just laughs it makes me so mad.
My brother, who knows I'm into reality shifting (though he doesn’t really believe in it), can't explain that day either. He often shrugs it off as a "glitch in the matrix," which honestly, well no duh it is a shift dummie. He does believe in manifesting but only bc he has seen me use it and he experiences the good things I manifest as well. They’re the same thing anyways but that isn’t the point
The reason I'm bringing up this bizarre childhood memory is because during my months of research into shifting, I found countless stories of accidental shifts, people entering the void, entering parallel universes, time glitches, examples of the Mandela effect first hand, glitches in the matrix and etc. It was like uncovering a myriad of experiences that confirmed what I already believed: we can change and choose our reality. I just didn’t know the phenomena had a name. Obviously in the future I came across other things like the law of assumption, the void state, etc etc but this was where it started.
I wish I had saved all those fascinating stories, posts, and blogs. I might go back and compile everything I found because they were so real and enlightening. It will probably take forever tho if I do choose to do that, but I think it's worth sharing.
In the meantime, check out this accounts of accidental shifts that my friend shared with me this account https://instagram.com/tessicavision?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== based off the Glitch in the Matrix subreddit which is also a goldmine of people experiencing similar phenomena. It helped me make sense of my own experiences and might do the same for you.
I don’t want this to be too long and I already got to the point I think! but regardless stay curious and realize you’re really not that special. I mean ofc you are, i mean this is not some tumblr thing teens girls discovered or created and isn’t even limited to “spiritually/manifesting inclined people” I think at the beginning of my journey people talking about accidental shifts and such, inspired me more than purposeful success stories because they really have no reason to lie and they were looking for answers just like I was.
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mochidoie · 1 year
all i see is you - lee haechan
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listen to: you by dj regard and poison by nct dream genre: fluff, hopelessly pining badboy!haechan wc: 720 warning: none, written in lowercase only
a/n: i felt very inspired by poison's track video, i can't stop thinking about the lyrics too ive been waiting for dreamies to do a rnb song for so long!! read part two!
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"you're so bad for me." you push playfully at haechan's chest and god, just how he melts at how cute your smile looks under the night sky.
haechan leans against the street lamp post and smirks devilishly at your comment, hooded eyes eating up how prettily your attire fits you tonight. "if you mean bad meaning good, then i agree."
there goes your sweet laugh again, "very funny." your sarcastic response is typical, he could read you like an open book. spine against a table, pages flipping by the edge of his thumb.
"i'm serious, y/n. when are you gonna give me a chance to take you out?" haechan butters you up just like how you like it. his finger twirls the end of your skirt flirtatiously, causing your heart to race in your chest.
you can't stop the shy smile that appears on your red painted lips. "in your dreams, hyuck. i'm in no place in my life right now to be dating anyone." scoffing, you cross your arms.
you're goal driven, hardworking, you weren't going to let some sleazy guy distract you from chasing your career. despite all his efforts, you genuinely had to consider how haechan would actually throw you off track. your lifestyles are too different to meet a compromise.
he drops to your feet, noticing your shoe had been untied for the past two blocks. without a word or shift in conversation, this man obediently wraps the string around his fingers and brings the knot to a complete bow. this kind gesture never fails to swoon you.
"so don't date me. let me take you out from time to time, treat you nice and right. when you want to sleep in someone's arms at night, give me a call. i'm here at your disposal." haechan stands and hovers over you, polite hands hovering over your lower waist as he closes the distance between the two of you.
the way you blink at him with wanting eyes has him spiraling, he wants you so bad. just one glance and he's swept away, wind picking up his feet and has him tumbling.
"that is unfair to you."
"it's sweet to know that you care about me." haechan meant it, but the playfulness in his tone seems unserious. he isn't sure how only you can make him this way. it becomes hard for him to really express how much he dreams about you.
"of course i care about you." your eyes drop to his lips momentarily and his chest feels tight. it's almost criminal how good you two would be together and how happy he could make you.
slowly, you're drawn into him even more until his breath is against your cheekbone and you can hear the beating of both of your hearts in the silence of the night.
"you want me to be honest?" his voice is feathery and raspy, like he's trapped in your trance due to the proximity of your warmth. "i've lost count of how many times i've wanted to kiss you."
you call his name, pulling away slightly. a tinge of sadness and guilt in your tone, but haechan isn't having it. he shakes his head, "i know. i shouldn't be so selfish.. but you don't know how many times i fall to my knees just thinking about you."
your eyes meet at the end of his sentence and the desire intensifies between the two of you. lightning bolts zapping in the gaze, you can feel the blood rushing to your face.
something about how desperately infatuation haechan looks sparks a burning flame in your abdomen. how all he sees is you, his reflection full of your figure. how his plump lips are itching to touch your own.
his usual confident, playfully flirtatious personality is nowhere to be seen. you've never seen this expression on him before and it shocks you how much he has been holding himself back.
"pick me up at 8 tomorrow. no exceptions." you say firmly and with that smile he can't get enough of. backing up from him, you walk toward your door.
his ears are perked up, noting your words very clearly and not wanting to let this chance slip away from him. he smirks coolly and shoves his hands into his jean pockets, "you know i won't let you down."
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read part two!
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Too Late to Dream ༓ jjk (m)┃ch. IV
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✑ Summary: You did it. You married your college professor. You even bought a house together. Against all odds, everything had fallen into place. But after two years of marriage, you begin feeling something was missing. You want a baby but your husband can’t say the same.
Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, smut, fluff, marriage au, age gap, series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 4,174
Warnings: 8-year age gap, professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), jungkook snaps, lots of family drama, mommy issues, oc being accommodating, fighting, pent-up issues/desires, jk has daddy issues but trying to be good hubby, jk gives oc more hope!
Now Playing: Make It Right, Tryna Be, Infinity, It Will Rain, Heaven+
A/N: this week's flashback hint–nothing like a little dilf rivalry! Also, this chapter gives more of a reason why jk is adverse to parenthood 😶 My closing notes offer some explanations. Let's go! 💞
<< ch. III ༓ ch. V >> | series masterlist
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For the first 22 years of your life, you had zero partners.
Most people labeled you as being jaded, stuck up, or having too high of standards for it. But fuck it. Why couldn’t anyone accept that you weren’t about to settle down with the first interested guy just 'cause of peer pressure?
Of course, you'd likely end up with someone eventually. You have gone out on a couple of dates before. Yet they were never that promising. The men, or excuse you, boys roughly your age did nothing to woo you. They just wanted a late-night fuck at 1 a.m. or a nice, cute girl to take home to their mom.
Not that you gave a hell what others were into or anything, but you had other agendas. Getting married and birthing children before kick-starting your adult life was not in your playbook. Neither was jumping into bed with random guys every week.
So you haven't had much luck in the romance department. Good riddance to it!
What you were waiting for was a gentleman. Someone that was responsible, mature, and experienced. Bonus points if they were into the arts. But it was rare to find a suitor of such quality–who wasn't ridiculously off-limits that is. Obviously, some other strong-willed man or woman sunk their claws in before you got the chance. Drats.
4 years ago
“I can’t believe you,” your best friend giggles. “You’re going to that fancy new art exhibit downtown just to run into Dr. Kim! You’re so shameless __.”
You roll your eyes and stick your plate in the dishwasher. You’re best friend Na-Rae has been one of your closest friends since your second year of undergrad. Now into your third year of friendship, you consider her as close as a sister.
Unlike you, Na-Rae is utterly fascinated with all things STEM-related. She’s currently in med school aiming to become a surgeon, which is one of the many reasons why you and her are currently roommates.
“I’m telling you one more time, I’m not going for him. I actually want to see the paintings which should come as no surprise to you. Dr. Kim just happens to be going too.”
Na-Rae leans against the kitchen island, tongue in cheek. “If that’s what you wanna tell yourself, babe. But how, may I ask, did you know he’d be there? Are you stalking him online now?”
“Of course not. I’m not a creep Na-Rae.” You throw her a dirty look. Honestly, she really thinks you’re some obsessed fangirl. Like yes, Dr. Kim is really hot for an older guy, and the fact that he’s basically the second dean of the art department? He may or may not visit you in your dreams. Especially after studying for Dr. Jeon’s fifteen million econ exams.
Now there’s a guy who definitely knows how to stick it to you.
“Besides,” you continue. “Dr. Kim doesn’t have social media.” You don’t notice how contradictory that statement sounds until your best friend lets out a sinister cackle.
“Looked him up did you?” She hits your arm, wiggling her eyebrows tauntingly. “I knew it! I knew you were stalking him!”
“I–I am not! Stop that!” You ignore her looks, seeing it best to avoid eye contact altogether.
"C'mon, you know I can't understand that. You did what?"
"I over…heardhimalkingintheallway," you repeat, skirting most of the sentence again.
"For the love of might __! Why are you being so–"
"I overheard him talking in the hallway!" Once you blurt the words out you scurry out of the kitchen. "Gotta get my laundry, bye!"
"Uh-__!" Na-Rae races to catch up to you. "Explain to me how that's not being stalkerish!"
You grab your laundry basket and set it next to the dryer. "It wasn't intentional alright? I happened to be passing by at the right moment." You pop the door open, stuffing your clothes in the basket. Na-Rae casually watches you from the doorway.
"Right," she says. "Just happened to overhear Dr. Kim's whereabouts on a Friday night and just happen to be going to the same place. But definitely not planned because the dress you're currently trying to hide from me isn't meant for him to coincidentally see. Oops, my bad."
You release said dress from your hand aggressively. "Dr. Kim is at least a decade older than me and he's a high-level faculty member of the university. I'm not seriously trying to present myself to him in any romantic sense. That would be so inappropriate! And as far as the dress goes, it's the grand opening tonight. Everyone's wearing these kinds of things. So no, you're wrong."
"Very well, if the lady persists," Na-Rae shrugs, checking her phone. "Shoot, I gotta get to work in fifteen but I expect a full report later!" You watch as she hustles to her room.
The exhibit's doors open at 7 pm sharp. The line to the entrance runs about three blocks which is far longer than you were expecting. Most people came in groups or pairs, making you wish Na-Rae didn't have to work tonight.
But you're right about this being a formal affair. Everyone is dressed to kill. Some lean more towards black tie while others choose to show off their highly expressive, avant-garde nature.
You look down at yourself, suddenly feeling quite underdressed. You're wearing a simple black dress that's cinched at the waist. If one were to look close enough they'd see hints of gold throughout but no one would get that close.
The artwork itself is stunning. Varying from abstraction to impressionism, you get a sense of pleasure in taking in others’ inspiration. Many of these works are from locals in the area which is one of the main reasons for the number of interested guests. You wonder if anyone here knows the artists directly.
You make your way to the next set of pieces, studying the first in line. You immediately recognize the particular style as post-impressionism. It's clear the artist has great influence by Van Gogh evident from the similar large yet controlled strokes.
As you continue observing the work you feel a second body, looming close beside you. Naturally, you shift your eyes over to see the source. His hair brushes past his face as he leans closer to the painting.
After about three seconds you quickly dart your eyes away, careful not to stare. The man appears to be equally as focused on the work in front of him, as you were. It'd be a bit embarrassing if he noticed your gaze and snapped at you for it.
The man next to you slowly straightens his bent-over posture. He moves to the other side of you, viewing the next painting on your right. You barely catch the slight glance he gives you in the process, now able to see his full face.
It's not Dr. Kim–it's Dr. Jeon.
This isn't weird, you try convincing yourself. It's perfectly normal for you to see your professor in public. Besides, who knows if he actually recognized you yet. No need to make this awkward if you simply pretend not to notice him.
You think about whether to sneakily slip away or continue to feign ignorance until…
"Are we going to keep side-eyeing each other or can I say hi?" Dr. Jeon lightly smiles at you with playful eyes. His glasses are different today–thinner design. And oh, is that a...lip ring? Is that new or has he always had it? You don't remember seeing it before. "If you keep staring at my lips like that I might get shy."
"Ahha, Dr. Jeon!" You fight the stirring of your nerves. "Hi! Sorry, I didn't mean to stare or anything. I wasn't expecting to see you here."
"Please, __. Outside of class, Jungkook is fine. Though I understand if that's a little out of place for you."
A little?! You've been calling Dr. Jeon, well, Dr. Jeon for the past two weeks. It's unlikely that will change. "If it's alright with you," you start, hands restless. "I'd like to stick with the usual."
Jungkook nods, giving you a brief once-over before replying. "Sure, no problem. I'm hoping you'll warm up to the idea though. Dr. Jeon makes me feel old." He lets out a throaty chuckle. "I'd ask what brings you to this art exhibit but I think I have the answer, given the amount of sketches I see you doing while I'm lecturing."
Oh god. Your professor calling you out for both gawking at his lips and doodling in class under the span of five minutes? You've never wanted to disappear more. The sketches you do aren't meant to look like a distraction and honestly, you didn't mean to gawk at the tiny ring, it was just there!
"Sorry," he continues. "That wasn't intended to be passive-aggressive. I really don't mind as long as they don't hinder your learning. Dr. Kim does the same thing whenever I'm talking to him too. I've summed it up to an itch all you artists have. I've come here in support of him actually." He gestures to the collection of paintings next to you; the post-impressionism ones you were intent on studying earlier.
"Oh wow," you gasp stupidly, following his gesture. You didn't even clue in to read the artist's name.
Stigma by Kim Taehyung.
"I had no idea Dr. Kim had some of his work displayed here. I feel so foolish. I was viewing his pieces for I don't know how long just a few minutes ago."
You were sure Dr. Kim was attending the exhibit for the same reasons as you. But while it was partially right, you obviously missed the biggest point.
"Don't fret," a deep, honey-coated voice comes from nowhere. "Any admirer of my work is a friend of mine." He strolls up to your left, Jungkook still on your right. "I don't believe we've met yet. Dr. Kim Taehyung." He tosses a hand out for you to shake.
Oh no, no no no. You hope to death you won't start sweating. You've never been this close to Kim Taehyung before and he wants you to hold his hand! "Pleasure to meet you Dr. Kim. I'm __," you say, struggling not to burst inside.
Okay, so it's not exactly holding hands but it's close enough. His fingers are so long and elegant. You can't wipe the grin off your face.
You're squeezing it now, stop stop stop. You mentally slap yourself and retract your hand as naturally as you can. Thank fuck no one can read your mind.
"I'm sorry your name is __?" Dr. Kim freezes as if suddenly needing to remember something. When you think he's recalled whatever it is he needs, he flicks his head over to Jungkook with a twinkle in his eye. "__," he repeats aloud.
"Uhm, yes..." You're definitely missing something. You look between the two men, apparently both intent on keeping you in omnious silence. What's so facinating about your name?
Taehyung whips his head back to face you, flashing a blinding grin. "You're the little artist in Jungkook's class aren't you?"
That's what this is about? He looks far too proud of himself for connecting those dots.
"Yeah I take ECON 602 with Dr. Jeon." You make the mistake of looking at Jungkook mid-sentence. For some odd reason, his previous mirthful expression has changed to one of bitter distaste.
"She isn't little," Jungkook intrudes, nearly snapping at the older man. "Little is what you call a child and it's inappropriate for you to call her that."
What the hell....? How is Dr. Kim calling you little bothering your professor more than you?
"My apologies," Taehyung says. "But she's your student, right? The one drawing during your lectures? I think she drew you once. Exquisite may I add. You captured his pissed-off look so well." He gives you a pleased look but you're too sheepish to form a reply.
"Yes, I wasn't having the best day. Can I talk to you a moment Dr. Kim? We'll be right back __, just a second." Jungkook grabs the older's arm, yanking him out of your earshot.
"What the hell are you doing, Taehyung?" Jungkook spits. "You're making my student uncomfortable."
"Aha, so she is the artist. Look I admit that using the term little was a misstep but I think she's alright. I apologized didn't I?"
"Yeah sure, but she's not alright." He makes air quotes. "Since you've also made it seem like anything she does in my class, I spill to you! Don't you see how uneasy that would make someone feel? Especially me being her professor. She could be thinking I tell you weird things too! See what you've done?!"
"But Jungkook," Taehyung drawls, face scrunching. He's not sure what's gotten Jungkook so worked up. "You do in fact regurgitate everything to me. You've been talking about her for the last week just to one-up me that she's an artist. Now I get to have a face to the name. I'm kinda tickled about it but also, what weird things are you referring to?" Taehyung pauses, eyes going as big as a saucer. "Oh my god, bro. Are you–"
Jungkook grunts firmly, shutting the man up at once. "Absolutely not Tae. Whatever you were about to say, it couldn't be a bigger no. All I'm asking is for you to keep the private things private. I don't want you blubbering everything to her."
"Very well," Taehyung hums, stealing a glance at you behind Jungkook's shoulder. From where he stood, he had an easy view of you moving down the line of paintings. You stop in front of each one, curiously examining them the best you can. "However, she's quite intriguing. I can't make any promises that I'll hold myself back."
"You better be talking about her mutual interest in art. She's my student and we have an obligation through the university not to fraternize with any–"
"Yes yes, your student. I don't need a reminder of where my boundaries are, but perhaps you do....bringing up fraternizing and all." Taehyung moves past Jungkook, striding back over to you. "Whatever else can there be besides professional or academic affairs? Of course, we're keeping our witts about us Kookie."
Behind him, Jungkook huffs and follows his lead. Then wipe that stupid smirk off your face, he thinks.
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Dinner is rough.
Jungkook's parents showing up unannounced and uninvited throws you both in a very quick, downward spiral. How can two people have so much time on their hands? Retirement, that's how.
You try your hardest to keep the conversation light throughout dinner, but it's obvious the air has grown thick between your husband and his mother.
"Why didn't you come to the reunion last year?" your mother-in-law presses for the second time tonight. She clutches the napkin in her hand, anxious for his response.
Jungkook sits across the table. His posture stiffens at the question. "I'm sorry, I had a lot to do. The reunion is always so close to when I have to go back to the university that I just didn't have the time."
A loud, impatient sigh comes from back across the table. "You didn't have the time or didn't make it? Honesty Jungkook, you expect me to believe that?"
When Jungkook doesn't answer, you and your father-in-law exchange troublesome looks. "Honey," Mr. Jeon speaks up, placing a hand on her shaky one. "You know how full the school year is for Jungkook. Don't blame him. Maybe he can come this year if we reschedule for a more convenient time." He pleads with his son, hopeful eyes.
"Stop helping him." She looks at Mr. Jeon and then back to Jungkook. "I don't think I'm asking for a lot. I just want you there, you and __."
At that, you find yourself gripping your husband's arm from under the table. Jungkook shifts in his seat and stares dead straight into his mother's eyes. "Funny you say that," he seethes. You tug on his arm in desperation to calm him. "Seeing that you keep dropping by at random times throughout the year, I'd say you expect a great deal from us."
Mrs. Jeon immediately snatches her hand from your father-in-law's. "Maybe I wouldn't have to if you'd come to the reunion. Or called, texted, or even emailed at this point. If it weren't for my efforts, I wouldn't hear from you at all."
"Please," Mr. Jeon pleads again, this time to both parties. "We're having dinner. Let's continue this later." He reaches for the bowl in the middle of the table but he's quickly ignored.
"You're right." Jungkook cuts. "Maybe I should come. Because it's one more way you can get what you want, isn't it? All those years of hard work so you can show me off to everyone."
"Don't you talk to me like that," Mrs. Jeon grits. "If I wanted to show you off it'll be when you give me a grandchild! I'm lucky to even have a daughter-in-law by now."
Chair legs scrape against the hardwood floor and your arm snakes out from Jungkook's arm. Your husband stands at the table, Mr. Jeon follows suit. "Okay, okay, let's just–"
"Dad," Jungkook interrupts. "Can you please take Mom home for the night?"
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"Are you okay?" you pop the question once your in-laws leave for the night, a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Mrs. Jeon looked completely bewildered, whereas Mr. Jeon looked deeply troubled; conflicted between wife and son. You have a feeling he has a better understanding of what happened than you do right now.
"I wish she hadn't come today," Jungkook plops on the bed. You sit beside him. "I'm sorry about what she said about you....I knew she was here for something."
You won't lie. When Mrs. Jeon mentioned being lucky to finally have a daughter-in-law, it stung. You detest being seen as an achievement. "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that since she said it out of impulse. It was a tense moment," you say. "As far as what she was getting at though, it was for you to go to the reunion."
"No." He shakes his head and then glances at you. "It's not about the reunion. She only wants me to go so she can show everyone how smart and successful her son has become–all her doing of course. It's been like that since high school. And she wants you to go for a similar reason."
"I knew your mom had a bit of a thing for status but I thought that mostly revolved around her profession. Also, when she was talking earlier about you not keeping in touch she seemed more hurt and sad than mad. I think she really just wants you there."
"If she seemed hurt it's because she didn't get her way," Jungkook says, nonchalant.
"I'm sorry but it's true" He adjusts his position, angling himself to face you. "Mom's used to calling the shots– at work, at home, even with our neighbors growing up. You've seen how dad is around her. Yeah, he pushes back a little but at the end of the day, he does what's asked of him."
Frightened to ask the next question, you swallow hard. "What aren't you telling me Jungkook?"
He gently takes your hand from your lap, rubbing small circles on the knuckles. "Growing up, she was hardly around or involved in my brother and I's life. Most weeks, she and Dad would be at work, and we'd be with a babysitter or nanny. Dad did what he could to take care of us but Mom? All she would do is prune us to be just like her...smart, successful, and a dash more to make up for all the achievements she couldn't make."
"Jungkook...I don't know what to say," you murmur, trying to take everything in. "But your PhD–"
"My decision but her influence. Though she wasn't pleased when I said I'd be relocating ten hours away."
You remember him telling you this part before. His mother had a hard time coping with his reluctance to stay nearby. Maybe she did want him to follow in her footsteps. "Your brother didn't have as much pressure on him did he?"
"He did, but he still bends to her will. Except for the grandchildren part." Jungkook grimaces, averting eye contact. "I guess we have that in common."
"Hey," you urge him to lift his head. "Please don't feel bad about telling me any of this. If your picture of parents has largely been their absence and desire for self-fulfillment, then I understand your grounds for not wanting children. And as far as tonight with your mom, I'm so sorry. I feel like it's partially my fault for agreeing to host them for two days."
A pair of soft eyes rest on you in the dim room. The sun was near set now and all the light previously shining into the room had come from the window. If this wasn't a serious moment you might take a candid shot of your husband.
"You're the best thing that's happened to me __," Jungkook coos. "Don't ever think your kindness is a fault." He pauses then continues. "I still want both my parents in my life but I need to draw boundaries or I will completely snap and that's not something I want to happen. Especially since we have a possible baby to make one day."
"Hu–huh?" It's the repetition of the last sentence that makes you utterly dumbfounded.
Baby? Baby with Jungkook. One day?
Your husband draws his hand up to barely caress your cheek. "Why does that always seem to stop your heart?"
You catch his wrist mid-movement and throw yourself into him. Your arms link around his neck, chest flat against his. "It doesn't stop my heart," you say, playing with his hair. "It makes it beat faster."
"Wow." Your husband hugs you closer. "So cheesy." He leans back after, pressing a soft kiss to yours.
The two of you continue making out like teenagers again; Jungkook tumbling on his back.
"Kook." You lay on top of him, straddling his sides. "Have you ever thought about seriously talking to your mom about you know, everything you told me?"
Jungkook hums, before answering. "Somewhat but, I'm not sure how that'll go."
"It might be worth it instead of having little pieces slip out when you get into conflict...like tonight for instance."
"I suppose it's not a far-fetched idea. I'll consider it but it might take some more time. For now, I think I'll start by calling her tomorrow. I'm still mad but I don't wanna leave things the way they are now. Plus, I'm sure they don't have plans to go back home early. I'd hate for them to stay in the hotel the rest of these two days."
"Sounds like a plan," you say, snuggling into the crook of his neck.
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"Mom." Jungkook holds the phone to his ear. "What are you and Dad doing today?"
"Oh, I–," his mom stutters from the other end. "We're not up to too much. I think your dad wants to swing by some bookstore around town. Uh, what about you?"
"__ at work and I'm home by myself. Are you hungry? I thought maybe we could go out for brunch."
Jungkook hears his mom's tone lift. "Are you sure? I mean that would be lovely but if there are things you need to do then we don't want to...impose."
Mrs. Jeon's sudden willingness to check in is unexpected. Jungkook still senses traces of guilt but at least she's making somewhat of an effort.
"It's my treat," he assures, a little shaky. "I'm sorry about yesterday, mom. Maybe we can talk about it more in person."
"I think that would be good," she agrees simply. "Where and what time do you want to meet up?"
"Drive over here in twenty minutes. We can pile in my car and head over."
Once finally agreed, Jungkook ends the call. He opens his messages and shoots you a text.
Jungkook: Well I did it  😬 [sent at 10:42 a.m]
__: Proud of you ❤️ if anything happens, call me. [sent at 10:44 a.m]
Jungkook: I will. Also, sorry to bring it up but I gotta give Yoongi hyung an answer by tomorrow. Are we babysitting his twins Saturday? [sent at 10:47 a.m]
__: Ahm, it'll likely be the evening, right? [sent at 10:48 a.m]
Jungkook: Probably [sent at 10:49 a.m]
__: I guess, sure. We're going to need to put some stuff away though 😅 And get something fun for them to do! [sent by 10:51 a.m]
Jungkook: Noted but I'm sure they'll bring lots to do. Yoongi hyung is a big sofie for his girls. He buys them everything–literally 🫠 [sent at 10:52 a.m]
__: True. I have to get back to work now but love you xoxo [sent at 10:53 a.m]
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A/N: Surprise! jk has mommy issues and they've has been triggered. Was hoping how he talked, thought, & acted towards her in the last chapter gave hints. On the brighter side, jungkook is another step closer to babyville! And next flashback will be something exciting! Lmk if you wanna be tagged or have thoughts in comments or asks! 💞
@frieschan @oldermenluverrr @tatamicc @kookswifesblog @llallaaa @sunnybyeol @namtaeh @exactlygreatcoffee @whipwhoops @yoongisducky @ktnj91 @junecat18 @thvlover7 @yoongiworshiper @ellesalazar @monbebe234-blog @parkinglot-nights @borahaexoxo @hobiswhore @kimseokjinbangtan @jjk97091 @mk-id @blueberry711 @givemethemaknaes16 @iammartian07 @jjkluver7 @itsdingdong @jiminshi20 @sweet-sourhotcoco @lovingkoalaface @starsinsky1999 @rockstarrgyu @chaconnelatte @lubtou
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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smicksstuff · 1 year
maman said: “the best people in life are the ones who loved you when you werent very lovable”. yn finally understood what that meant.
The PitBox Crew Series
Power, Beauty and Soul
(f1drivers x yngasly)
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hope you like it 😆
30 April 2023
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liked by lance_stroll, pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 892, 672 others
yngasly little miss watching cars go around in odd circles every weekend
view 802 comments
lance_stroll 🤍
pierregasly seeing you every week? what the heck did i sign up for !
yngasly no getting rid of me now 🤗
username2 how rich is this girl? she is at every race so far!!
yngaslyfans her brother races every week, she goes with him
username2 oh, where do i sign up to be gasly sibling too
yngaslyfans ive been asking the same questions
carlossainz55 chiquita why are you studying in baku?
yngasly because i have schoool 😭
landonorris so it wasnt an excuse when you said you were busy studying?
yngasly yes lando, it wasnt an excuse 😐
arthur_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
lancestrollfc lance comments hearts and he gets a feature in the post? hmmm is this our mystery girl?
lancelot i would love if she is
username4 lance can do better, no way his dad will approve of her.
astonmartinfc if she is the mystery girl, it will be the best couple on the grid.
norris4 im still rooting for her and lando tho! they are so cute tgt!!!
scuderiagasly yn studying during the race weekend? new studying aesthetic unlocked!
user5 @yngasly what are you studying?
yngasly im currently wrapping up my final year at the University of Buckingham. Im studying Marketing and Media Communications. All my classes are online, hence me being able to travel with my brother to races ! 👍🏼
user5 holy crap she actually replied!! thats so cool!! all the best for your final year!!
liked by yngasly and 202 others
scuderiagasly omg does that mean you are gonna work in paddock after you graduate??
yngasly 🤷🏼‍♀️
olliebearman paddock bestie 🧸
liked by yngasly and 8,930 others
arthur_leclerc hey dont steal my bestie
1 May 2023
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liked by scuderiagasly, yngaslyfc and 9,048 others
f1wags Have we cracked the case? Is our mystery Coachella girl from Lance Stroll's instagram story the one and only Yn Gasly?
Since the beginning of the season, Yn Gasly has been rumored to be linked with McLaren's Superstar Lando Norris or Ferrari's Star Boy Charles Leclerc. Since then, another hotshot driver was added to the mix; the Pride of Aston Martin F1 Team, Lance Stroll.
Since the Australian GP, Yn has been seen out and about Monaco with friends and family and she also attended Coachella in California bumping into Lewis Hamilton. Lance Stroll on the other hand was also spotted at Coachella after soft launching his girlfriend on Instagram Story. Right before, he was on a date night in Monaco.
The timelines match up, is Yn Gasly the new girlfriend of Lance Stroll? What are your thoughts?
view 9,103 comments
scuderiagasly TEAM LANCE
liked by 7,890 others
sirlancelot its definitely Lance! Maybe im being delulu but i really want them together!
lancestrollies Lance and Yn as a couple ??? They are gonna be so cute!!
strollygirls PLS BE TGT!
norris4 TEAM LANDO
liked by 7,624 others
landino Yn and Lando are literally carbon copies of each other!
norris4life match made in heaven
mookiesquad this is just giving me Best Friends Brother Vibes
liked by scottyjames31 and 890 others
strollyfamily OMG YES!
astonmartini is this confirmation that it is LANCE and we are not simply being delulu???
cowboyric if this is true and Lance is dating Yn, it wont be the first time Scotty leaked information about Lance!
2 May 2023
charles_leclerc and pierregasly added to their story
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9 May 2023
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liked by pierregasly, lance_stroll, danielricciardo and 927, 902 others
yngasly Miami Dreams 🌴❤️
view 9830 comments
pierregasly Best Hotlaps ever!!! 🏎️
yngasly NEVER AGAIN ! its like you wanted to kill me!!!
francisca.cgomes the look on your face when you came back 😂
yngasly it was the best and worst experience of my life
alpinef1team can we do it again but this time we record it 🥺
yngasly yes we can i will do it with esteban or jack not my brother.
frenchies OMG do hotlaps with YN and let all 3 drivers take turns
liked by jackdoohan, pierregasly and 8,902 others
maxverstappen1 i finally made to Yn's Race Weekend Recap!! 🏆
yngasly what are you talking about i have posted you here before
maxverstappen1 really? since when?
danielricciardo double trouble back in the paddock 👊🏼
yngasly they dont know whats coming for them
heidiberger_ yall are such kids
yngasly you love us too much
heidiberger_ thats also very true
lance_stroll missed having you in the garage! come back soon!
liked by 7901 others
yngasly definitely will be back soon 😙
sirlancelot 💚💚💚
lilymhe my wife ❤️‍🔥
liked by 788 others
yngasly loml ❤️‍🔥
alex_albon im right here guys 👀
10 May 2023
chloestroll and heidiberger_ added to their story
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14 May 2023
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liked by chloestroll, scottyjames31, lance_stroll and 1, 902, 587 others
yngasly F1 Royal Wedding of the century ❤️
view 31,723 comments
pierregasly Bellissimo ❤️ congrats scotty and chloe !!
liked by scottyjames31 and 728 others
lance_stroll ❤️
liked by 1,463 others
landonorris looking good bestie!!! 🤍
liked by yngasly and 578 others
liked by scottyjames31 and 7,234 others
danielricciardo who took those pictures??? they are amazing
yngasly the wedding photographer was amazing
lance_stroll 100% committed to the job. made sure to capture every moment, even in the bathrooms
danielricciardo hey its an in-thing to take mirror selfies in the toilet
lance_stroll true, got to admit that was the best picture
riccc3 can someone pls post the mirror selfie
chloestroll maid of honour understood the assignment!
scottyjames31 when i got married i never thought that i would have to take care of a kid as well
yngasly chloe is pregnant????????? CHLOEEEE???
yngasly oh my bad,, hehe yea we are a package deal 😙
chloestroll @scottyjames31 we discussed this babe, my mini me is always included
scottyjames31 geez okay! go hang out with your racer boyfriend mini me! its my honeymoon time 😎
yngasly what racer boyfriend?
pierregasly @scottyjames31 3...2...1... SCOTTY REALISES THIS IS YOUR MAIN
scottyjames31 fuck me! not again!! 😩😳
sirlancee racer boyfriend???? which one ?
16 May 2023
Venice, Italy
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liked by yngasly, pierregasly, landonorris and 2,494,933 others
lance_stroll Us? I like the sound of that ❤️
view 100 comments
yngasly mon amore ❤️
liked by lance_stroll and 9,028 others
pierregasly if anything happens you know whats coming
lance_stroll yes ofcourse!
yngaslyfc am i the only one dying to know what the pep talk was ?
scuderiagasly pls i wanna know too!
charles_leclerc she may be yours but she will still wear ferrari 👍🏼
pierregasly HEY WHAT
landonorris WHO AGREED TO THAT?
carlossainz55 ferrari 55 merch 👍🏽 🌶️
lance_stroll 99% Aston Martin 1% the rest of you 😎
yngasly maybe i like motogp now 🏍️
chloestroll MY BEST FRIEND AND MY BROTHER !!!!! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
liked by yngasly, lance_stroll and 1,383 others
sirlancee i just wanna know chloe's reaction to this
yngasly stuck with me forever now ♾️
chloestroll im not complaining! i love this ❤️
scottyjames31 you are welcome ?
lance_stroll thin ice scotty 🧊
scottyjames31 you still love me tho
lance_stroll we will see about that
gaslystroll scotty is an absolute matchmaker
ln4 and we all thought it was lando who couldnt keep a secret
teamlance THEY ARE SO CUTEE!!!!
comments have been limited
daniel3.jpg added to their story
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taglist: @fangirlika @threedalla @sticksdoesart @ophcelia @gothicwidowsworld @nmw-am @h0e-xoxo @inthestars-underthesun @tyna-19 @champomiel @pitconfirmbutton @clcspeonies @67-angelofthelordme-67 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @fulla02 @mehrmonga @myescapefromthislife @deviltsunoda @lithiscool @bat-shark-repellant @harrysdimple05 @majx00 @baw-sixteen
credits: all pictures found on pinterest and instagram.
a/n: thank you for reading this far!! if you have any suggestions send them to me! i would love to include them in the next chapter!!
if you would liked to be tagged in new chapters, comment your username below 👇😗
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awesamcozy · 10 months
I rly dont like talking about it , it makes me feel really Really bad bc of the subject matter, but i have ppl asking about it so I'll just say this: that burner is being run by someone whos gotten their info from dreams ex the week they broke up, three years ago. The same woman whos admitted to faking evidence as well as Actually getting caught with kids. The woman in question who theyre calling a victim disappeared from the internet 2 years ago. I really have zero reason to care, especially knowing who its coming from. Ive been getting a lot of crazy ass anons wanting me to talk about it, saying crazy shit trying to push me into addressing it or whatever. Please stop 😭 i have work today and I'll kill myself.
I've been on top of it for a couple days, and nothing about it makes any sense. Why sit on it for 3 years, why release all this stuff For someone who isnt on the internet anymore, why wait til yhe exact moment everyone is already dogpiling on him, when hes about to release a video? Knowing where it came from & whos running it, I just don't want to talk about it at all. I don't want to play detective. This is all I need to know to not give it a lot of weight in my mind. This blog & dteam are not my whole life, id really appreciate it if you could all be a little kinder in the way you talk to me because i dont like going to work triggered as im sure you wouldnt either
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delulustateofmind · 5 months
Between Worlds Part IV
A/n: Sorry for the short chapter! I'm going to be really busy this week with work so I won't have another update til next week probably. Next week's update with be part two of "A City of Dreams" and part five for between worlds. Thank you everyone for the love on the last one. Hope you guys enjoy a bit of Azriel's pov. :))
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five: Coming soon!
Summary: Reader wakes up in ACOTAR a year after the war with Hybern. A bunch of events happen that leads to them waking up in a one night stand with Azriel.
Trigger Warnings? None!
Work Count: 1.2k
‎‧₊˚✧ Reader POV ✧˚₊‧
Azriel left nothing but his scent of night-chilled mist and cedar lingering in the air. After he departed, you made your way into the estate, feeling somewhat dazed as you traversed up the steps and through the doorway. give Thoughts of your recent conversation swirled in your mind. How could Azriel be so considerate? He seemed to accept the bargain without too much hesitation, despite gaining nothing from it. Azriel’s unexpected acceptance left you feeling uneasy. Did he have a plan, or was he simply indulging on a whim? It was hard to tell with someone as enigmatic as Azriel. After all, to the fae, three months might feel like a mere blink of an eye. 
As soon as you stepped into the hall of the estate, your maid who seemed to be in a frantic mood quickly intercepted you as she caught your eye, her expression tense as she guided you to your bedroom. “Where have you been?” she chided softly, her grip on her apron betraying her nerves. “You’ve never done anything like this before, in all twenty-six years of your life. If your parents found out…why they would never let you leave again.” 
“I’m sorry…I stayed the night with Hazel,” The lie seemed to slip out, almost like muscle memory. A few thoughts occurred to you.
But what if you told her the truth? Would she be excited? How long has she been your maid? What even if her name? 
A small huff pulled you away from lingering thoughts. 
“You smell like a drunken fool, you look like one too. Bath, now” Your maid instructed, her tone firm as she closed the bedroom door behind us. 
“Thank you for covering for me” your voice barely above a whisper, as you made your way to the bathroom attached to your bedroom quarters. The words felt hollow on your tongue, weighed down by the guilt of deceiving everyone around you. Yet, somehow beneath the surface, a sliver of relief flickered, knowing that you had someone you could trust somewhat. 
Before you began to strip off the dress, you looked over at your maid who was searching your closet for a dress. You simply stated. 
“Could you find me a journal? One with a lock or a ward?” Your maid gave you a quizzical look and shrugged with a nod. A wave of her hand ushered you to quickly bathe as there was much to do today. 
‎‧₊˚✧ Azriel POV ✧˚₊‧
I winnowed back to the outskirts of the House of Wind, the rush of air exhilarating as I took flight. My wings unfurled to their full span, casting long shadows across the ground as I landed softly in front of the house. As I made my way to my room, a deep sigh escaped my lips, the weight of recent events pressing down on me. 
My mate
The realization still felt surreal, after all these years of waiting. Yet, despite my excitement, doubts nagged at the edges of my mind. Was she afraid? Last night, she seemed drawn to me, but today, only fear and concern marred her features.
What was she hiding? 
I understand my reputation proceeds me, as I’ve done horrible things. I’ve killed, tortured, and manipulated in more ways than I could count. I know I’m undeserving of a mate, one that seemed so perfect. Yet, somehow, I feel as if she already knows of the horrible things that I’ve done. The way her fingers would brush across my scarred hands as if they weren’t… horrible as if they hadn’t caused pain and hurt to the world. 
The shadows… I never expected them to be so soft
You seemed to see his shadows as a part of him, something to be cherished and praised. While others thought of them as something to be feared, something people shunned besides his family. Yet, how often did you think about his shadows, especially since you both have never met before? 
The chances of you two meeting were slim, it could have happened in passing. Your father is one of the government officials for Velaris. A kind man, though he had only spoken to him maybe once or twice. Though, I could never forget her if we had met, the way her eyes seemed to gleam up at me like stars. Eyes that made him feel safe as if he could drown in them from the warmness they beheld. 
For once, he felt like he could let his guard down, and it was a surreal feeling, one he was hesitant to admit. Perhaps, that’s why he trusts her so much that he made a bargain that didn’t benefit him in the slightest. 
Why were you so intoxicating? Occupying his mind like a drug? We had only just met, yet I crave you. 
The urge to send a few of his shadows your way to at least know that you’re safe. You seemed so trusting and naive, what if someone used that against you? Though he knew the terms of the bargain as he rubbed the small marking on his wrist. Didn’t mean he liked the terms. 
Azirel also knew he didn’t have to wait three months to see you, but you looked desperate for something. As if you lacked time, you’re fae? Privileged fae…you had all the time in the world. Therefore, what was causing that pretty little mind of yours to hesitate to be his mate? What did you need to complete before you both could be mated together? 
A distraction is what he needed. 
A curse was under his breath as he knew he was behind on reports that he needed to complete before the Starfall event with his family. He couldn’t let himself go crazy thinking of y/n and what she was doing. Perhaps, he would send flowers, maybe even a little shadow, one that he would command not to report to him but just so she knew he was still here…that if she needed him, he was a whisper away. 
A deep sigh escaped his lips as he ran his fingers through his raven black hair grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note. An awful idea really, but how harmful would it be? 
My Dearest Y/n,
How you have ensnared me in your spell, I cannot fathom. Your very presence is a symphony of enchantment, weaving its melody through the fibers of my soul. For you, my mate, I offer these flowers to brighten your hangover, accompanied by one of my shadows. Fear not for I have commanded them to honor our bargain, refraining from any prying or divulging of secrets. Should you ever need me, simply whisper to the shadow and I will come to you at a moment’s notice. 
In truth, I am not one to resort to poetry or love letters, but for you, I would humble myself before the Mother. 
With all my affection, 
Azriel, your mate 
With a flick of his wrist, a silent command, the shadow obediently trailed off, carrying the letter. Azriel had commanded it to bring flowers from Elain’s garden as well. As he watched the shadow disappear, a deep sigh along with a curse escaped his lips. Despite the tasks awaiting him, his mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of you.
Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe, @why4anne, @impossibelle, @lilah-asteria
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mikachacha · 11 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝.1
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𝚂𝚢𝚗𝚘𝚙𝚜𝚒𝚜: 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚎, 𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜.
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: slight angst and start of toxic relationship 🥹🥹
(A/N: im so nervous and happy to be finally uploading this piece here in tumblr 🥹🥹 ive been thinking about this for so long and finally had the courage to upload it now)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
It's been a week since you graduated in college and it still felt like a dream to you. You're one step closer to your dreams and how can you ever forget that day? It was the same day that Bada finally asked you out to be her girlfriend after knowing each other for a year. You couldn't believe your luck to have all your hard work finally pay off and to have such a gorgeous girl to be yours. It's like you've won the lottery.
"Baby, I have a surprise for youuu.." Bada said with a grin on her face and you looked at her, curiosity visible on your face which made her grin even more. You're hanging out in her apartment since you have nothing else to do and you're just waiting for a response from all the companies you've applied to, not that you're way too worried about it since you had other plans if no one responds.
"What is it?" you asked and she placed two plane tickets to Korea on the coffee table that made your eyes go wide and for you to hug her tight. Despite being Korean like her, you grew up in the states since your family migrated before you were even born. So going to Korea with Bada will be your first time there and you're thrilled.
"We're gonna go to Korea, go to my hometown and maybe introduce you to my family and close friends." she says and you couldn't stop yourself from kissing her. You're overjoyed. So many emotions are playing in your head. You're happy that you get to go to Korea, happy that she's going to introduce you to family and friends but also worried that they're not gonna accept you since you barely speak and understand Korean and don't know much about the culture.
Days pass and both of you are busy buying gifts for her parents, packing your things and last minute checking. You're ecstatic and Bada is happy seeing you get all excited. She loves how adorable you look and would often tell you so. She'd take you out on little dates, give you lots of love and just doing her best to make you feel loved. You loved it yet there's a small voice at the back of your head that kept saying it's a bit weird but you pushed it away as overthinking considering you came from toxic and abusive relationships.
"Alright, ready for our flight baby?" Bada asked and you nodded eagerly. You just arrived at the airport with her and she was holding your hand the whole time which made you feel giddy and loved. You gave her hand a gentle squeeze as you and her begin your adventure together.
The trip was long yet it was all worth it. When you landed, you were in awe. Everything is so different from the states, it's definitely a shock for you and you're just thankful that Bada is there to help you. She did the talking, navigating and just made your life much easier for you. When you were inside the cab, Bada turned a bit to talk to you since she said it's gonna take a while to reach her parents house which you didn't mind at all.
"Baby.. I know this will sound like shit but can we keep it low-key at my parents' house? Like we're gonna act like best friends while we're there since they're pretty traditional and don't really accept us as a couple yet. But don't worry, I will slowly talk to them about us so they'll be more open minded about us." Bada says and you feel your heart break from her words. You looked at her, trying to reassure yourself that your girlfriend is just playing a joke on you but the look on her face says otherwise. You wanted to cry, you wanted to get out of the cab and go back to the states but you forced yourself to think rationally. You took deep breaths and sighed, nodding your head. What else can you really do in this situation? You're already here, yeah it hurts but you also didn't want to ruin the trip for Bada.
"Alright.. But we'll talk more about this when we go back to the states." you said sternly and she nodded, placing kisses all over your face and saying sorry for putting you through the situation you're about to go through.
You finally arrived at her parents' house and they were waiting for you outside. Her parents welcomed you warmly and they even had a meal set up for you and Bada, saying that both of you must be starving from such a long trip which is quite true. Seeing the feast in front of you, you were amazed. Bada would always order Korean food or take you to a Korean restaurant, having authentic homemade ones really hits differently. Bada talked to her parents mostly while also translating stuff for you and you would also make an effort to talk to them in Korean to which Bada's parents really appreciated. It was fun, you felt happy that you forgot the pain you felt earlier when you were with Bada in that cab.
You both rested for a bit after the meal since Bada told you that she'll drive you around the neighborhood so you can fully enjoy Korea's beauty since the fall season has already begun. You didn't talk to her that much, you're still pretty upset from earlier and what made you more upset is she didn't try to talk to you. You were about to contact your best friend just to vent out when Bada took your phone and tossed it on the bed before kissing your lips. It's like she didn't want you to talk to anyone regarding her odd behaviour.
"What the fuck?" was all you could say after pulling away from her kiss and she looked at you, her eyes getting all sad and you strangely felt guilty even though you didn't do anything wrong.
"You're still upset.. I'm sorry.. I really wanted to introduce you to them as my girlfriend but then they won't welcome you and I don't want that to happen.." she says and hugs you, resting her chin on your shoulder.
"Yeah I'm still upset but what can I do, really? We're already here. Might as well stick to your plan until we get back to the states then we'll sort this out." you told her and she nodded, placing a kiss on your cheek.
She took you out that afternoon, driving around the neighborhood and taking you to the places she used to go to. Bada's really doing her best to make you feel loved, to make you feel special until you forget everything that happened earlier. You loved the affection you're getting from her. It got you thinking that maybe she's really making up for this whole situation and that everything will be okay eventually. You're really hoping for things to go well eventually for you and Bada.
"And this is where I usually grab dinner during my highschool days with my friends. They sell the best fried chicken here and their kimchi is to die for." Bada raves as she pulls you inside a small restaurant. You couldn't help but smile at how cute she is. You gave her hand a small squeeze as you followed her. You were busy looking around and bumped into her when she suddenly stopped. You were about to ask her why she stopped when you saw a guy in front of you and Bada.
"Who's this pretty girl with you, Bada?" the guy asked and you looked at Bada, confused. She smiles at you, before facing the guy again.
"Hey Howl. This is Y/N, my girlfriend." Bada said coolly and the guy just chuckled, shaking his head in amusement like he couldn't believe that you're Bada's girlfriend.
"I'm hurt, Bada. You didn't break up with me properly and now you're back with a girlfriend? Will this make us a trio now? Do we have an alternating schedule?" Howl teased and Bada just shoved Howl out of the way, not saying anything. You're stunned by the interaction and wanted to ask Bada what that was about but from the look on her face, you're sure that you won't be getting any real answers soon. You could feel your heart sink, the person you thought you knew might be hiding a secret from you. Maybe not just a secret, maybe you don't really know who the real Bada is.
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kokomyass · 5 months
OKK i thought of one
I was thinking a gojo fic for a change and reader is a new teacher at the school so he kinda shows her everything but the whole time he's being super flirty and stuff. YKWIM😭😭
Also second person (you/your)🧍🏾‍♀️I physically cannot read it any other way.
i hope you enjoy!!! (icl I'm half asleep)
Gojo Satoru ☆ The Ropes
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Gojo x Fem!Reader Genre: ☁️ Word Count: 1014 Trigger Warnings ⚠️
synopsis: in which, our favourite flirtatious gojo satoru shows the newbie (you) around!!
Second Person POV
The morning sun spilled through the windows of what would be your new classroom, casting a warm glow on the empty desks arranged neatly in rows. Today marked the beginning of your journey as a teacher at Tokyo Jujutsu High, and you couldn't wait to dive into the world of sorcery and education.
You has been born into a family of sorcerers and it had been your lifelong dream to teach and help influence younger students to pursue a life of sorcery. When you saw job positions released for Tokyo Jujutsu High, you couldn't help but immediately apply...especially when the famous Satoru Gojo was known to be a teacher there.
You saw Gojo as a role model, someone you wanted to impress....to live up to....
Just as you were organizing your lesson plans and looking at student profiles, the door swung open with a flourish, visibly shocking you as you let out a yelp, and in strolled Satoru Gojo, the infamous and irresistibly charismatic jujutsu sorcerer.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Gojo's voice rang out, his signature smirk evident even though his eyes were hidden behind his ever-present blindfold.
You couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness at his sudden appearance. "Oh! Uhhh...Good morning, Gojo-sensei," you greeted, trying to maintain your composure, being slightly astounded as to how handsome and undeniably attractive he was.
"Ah, you must be the new teacher, Y/N!! You certainly are a sight for sore eyes....I've been waiting to meet you," Gojo exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious as he sauntered over to you. "I'm here to show you the ropes, teach you the tricks, and maybe sprinkle in a little bit of charm along the way."
Your face flushed red as he placed a hand on your shoulder, putting you in close proximity considering you just met along with the extremely obvious flirting.
And so, your day began with THE Satoru Gojo as your guide, leading you through the labyrinth halls of the school and introducing you to the eccentric staff members.
It was rather shocking to you that not a single teacher had one good word to put in for Gojo no matter how much he begged.
Nanami encounter
"Gojo is indeed powerful....but I have no respect for him." Nanami stated folding his arms ignoring Gojo's presence.
"Oh...um-" you weren't sure what to say at all and whilst you were thinking about what to say, you have been dragged away by Gojo.
As you navigated the bustling corridors, Gojo regaled you with stories of his own misadventures during his time as a student, each tale more outrageous than the last. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, feeling yourself relax in his presence despite the weight of your new responsibilities.
"Well Y/N, I've said enough about myself and my duties...what made a beautiful lady like you want to become a jujutsu sorcerer?" Gojo turned to look down at you as your eyes widened at his unexpected question.
You blushed at his compliment as you answered looking at him, "Well, I've always believed that being a sorcerer is so fun, and that we need to protect all of those who can't protect themselves...and being able to do that gived me a feeling that I can't describe."
You looked up to the sunset thinking about what you said as Gojo stayed silent looking into the distance. It was the first time foe the whole of the day that you had seen him so...quiet...
After a few more seconds of silence you heard his voice.
"I like that Y/N." he turned to you smiling as you turned back smiling at him too.
"Teaching at Tokyo Jujutsu High isn't just about imparting knowledge," Gojo explained as he demonstrated a particularly intricate spell. "It's about embracing the chaos, rolling with the punches, and maybe even pulling off a few flashy moves to keep the students on their toes."
You chuckled as the Gojo you had grown accustomed to had come back.
Throughout the day, Gojo's flirtatious remarks and playful teasing kept you on your toes, each interaction leaving you both flustered and entertained. But beneath his charming facade, you could sense a genuine desire to see you succeed in your new role, which made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
As the sun began to set and the day drew to a close, Gojo walked you to the school gates, his presence as electrifying as ever.
"Well, Y/N, it looks like our adventure together has come to an end," Gojo said with a dramatic flourish, his hand brushing against yours as he leaned in close. "But remember, if you ever need guidance, advice, or just someone to banter with, I'll be here, ready to lend a helping hand. Here is my number if you need anything."
With a wink and a smile, he disappeared into the shadows, leaving you with a renewed sense of confidence and a newfound appreciation for the magic of teaching at Tokyo Jujutsu High. And as you watched him go, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected mentorship of Satoru Gojo, the enigmatic jujutsu sorcerer with a heart of gold.
You look at the pice of paper he gave with his 'number' on it only to see not only his number but a little message saying.
'....and to go on a little date too... ;)'
lil extra!!
It had been a month or so since you started working at the school and it had also been a month since you were dating Gojo....and life never did have a dull moment....
"What do you see in that man. I thought I warned you."
You and Nanami were in the staffroom alone as you waited for Gojo to take you out on a date.
"Nanami....he isn't that bad you see he always buys me-"
Just as you were about to finish your sentence, Gojo burst in shouting.
"SWEETS!!" you smiled as he finished you sentence without knowing handing you your favourite sweets happily.
"See Nanami, that's why I love him "
dayum um tired as hell, will edit letter....I hope you enjoyed especially my favour gorgeous gal 💜💜😍💜💜😍💜💜
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magpiefngrl · 6 months
writing patterns: last lines
I love the first lines meme, but what about last lines? I find them as vital as first lines, if not more. A first line should do a lot of things (indicate POV, tone, voice) while also catching the attention of the reader and inviting them to read on. But it can be invisible, just a way into the story, and that's perfectly fine because the story is what will amaze/impress/entertain the reader.
The last line, however, is the last impression: it can be a powerful punch, or it can be underwhelming. It's the vibe, the feeling, the aftertaste that the reader will carry with her when she closes the tab/book. It doesn't do as much work as the opening, but a really strong (or really weak) last line might colour what has come before.
For this game, instead of recent fics, I decided to check my longer fics; the last line of a longer piece of work sort of carries more weight, in my mind, idk.
Rules: write the last line of your 10 longest fics. What patterns can you see, if any? Which ones are your favourites?
Something I noticed: in my longer fics, I often have a short epilogue at the end of the story. Like a post-credits scene. I'm including both last lines for pattern-seeking. Also, a while ago, I'd done a before-during-after ask thing and posted some sequels at the end of a few fics. I debated using only the original ending here, but the sequel's last line is what will stay with readers, so I added both. Finally, The Boy Who Died has a coda but it's so long I'm treating it as a chapter.
I. 9 ½ Days (drarry, E, ~70k)
(story) Harry burrowed closer to him, eyes fluttering open. ‘You’re real.’ ‘I am.’ Draco tangled their legs together. It was snug under the covers. ‘Touch me and see.’
(epilogue) Harry took his hand and together they stepped forward into the green, living wood.
II. dirtynumbangelboy (drarry, E, 39.4k)
(story) ‘Home,’ Harry says, nuzzling Draco’s hair. ‘Take us home.’
(epilogue) He wants them to look smashing at the betrothal.
III. The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy (drarry, E, ~38k)
(story) Draco decided he would be happy to spend his life making Harry laugh, and thrust in.
(epilogue) “Let’s give them something good to talk about then,” Draco suggested, and Harry smiled, bent him backwards, and gave him a proper kiss, tongue and all.
IV. The Boy Who Died (drarry, E, ~27k)
Overthrowing the regime will take a miracle, Kingsley had said in the dark Edwardian manor. Draco had smiled at that and gazed at Harry. Indeed. Which is why we’ll win.
V. The Gift (drarry, E, ~26k)
Before [Draco] casts Nox, he takes a last look at his packed trunk, and then, in the whispering night, he allows himself to dream.
VI. Hush, darling (drarry, E, 23.6k)
But Draco holds Harry tighter — and doesn’t let go.
VII. The Unquiet Grave (drarry, E, 21.5k)
Draco glanced at Harry and smiled. ‘I’ll be fine. I have a bodyguard.’
VIII. Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There (drarry, E, 17.5k)
(original) This world was fucked up. It had pain and grief and sick people and dead people and stupid decisions and bad hair days and fear and regret—although it didn’t have Smith in leather gear, which was something. It also had Harry Potter, who buried his face in the crook of Draco’s neck, and who liked this Draco, the Death Eater Draco, and that made everything worth it.
(sequel) ‘Pull them down yourself,’ Draco said and kissed him.
IX. The Full Monty (drarry, E, 10k)
First, he goes to the kitchen to make sure Arthur is indeed alive — he is, nibbling at some seeds on the counter — but after that, yes, he goes straight to where Potter is waiting, hopefully all soapy and wet.
X. How to Court your Husband (drarry, E, 5,5k)
(original) Their escorts maintained a discreet distance when they arrived and saw what the princes were up to, and twenty minutes later in the palace courtyard, the Fountain spurted a jet of water the likes of which had never been seen before.
(sequel) Harry smiled and stroked Draco’s face. ‘We’re in no hurry, husband.’
JFC. I like my epilogues and codas and sequels, don't I? Lord. I don't think I'd noticed it before as clearly as I do now. This isn't even everything: I actually started a coda for The Gift a while back, and I have a half-finished sequel scene for dirtynumb in my folders. I can just never leave off. But it's true: I do love epilogues.
I end with dialogue A LOT more than I start with it. First lines, I estimated a third of them are dialogue, but a good half of the endings are.
A large majority of my endings involve kissing or cuddling or touching in some way. Love language touch anyone?
There's a fair bit of Draco glancing at Harry and smiling.
In the two fics that have a sequel scene, the original ending is, imo, vastly superior to the sequel's. Hm.
I like the epilogue ending of 9 1/2 Days; the ending of Unquiet Grave, which works better I think in context; the rather poetic ending of The Gift; the original ending of Through the Looking Glass, which, imo, perfectly captures the theme; and the original ending of How To Court Your Husband, which is hilarious in context. Several readers commented on that one.
I'll no-pressure tag @lettersbyelise @lqtraintracks @the-starryknight @skeptiquex @etalice @coriesocks @gracerene @citrusses @lower-east-side @hogwartsfirebolt @queenofthyme @writcraft @shealwaysreads @phdmama @stripedroseandsketchpads @sixappleseeds to get the ball rolling-- and of course YOU, reading this! Feel free to tag me so I can read your last lines, I'm ever so curious x
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wonryllis · 6 months
moots as songs
、ㅤ🌺 ⋆ ࣪ 午 MOOTS AS KPOP SONGS ᵎᵎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
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i went with the vibes they give off, and added some lyrics to highlight it!! tried to do as many mooties i could i hope you all like it!! i excluded those who have been inactive for long and those i ain't interacting with that much, hope you understand > 3 < love you all! ( MUTUALS )
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✶ @jaesvelvet better things by aespa . . that i, i-i got better things to do with my time. better things to do with my time, do with my time than you
✶ @luvhyun3 tomboy by g-idle . . it's not here, i'm not a doll. yeah, i'm a fucking tomboy! this is my attitude, yeah, i'll be the tomboy
✶ @ctrlemis jopping by superm . . champagne life, that's all you want. don't stop letting it go 'cause we got that glow
✶ @enhalpy love letter by bol4 . . so warm like you, you are my sunshine, i’ll do anything. feel like i feel like i’m surfing your love, feel like i’m reaching the moon
✶ @nyukyujs love scenario by ikon . . we met and became a memory that can't be erased. it was a commendable melodrama, a pretty good ending.
✶ @koishua quarter life by tomorrow by together . . it feels like i'm walking in place, quarter life crisis. thrown into a life without an exit, on this road that doesn't know the end
✶ @boyfhee you & me by jennie . . i love you and me, dancing in the moonlight. nobody can see, it's just you and me tonight. just a little touch my world stops
✶ @okwonyo my world by illit . . this is my world, it might seem a little strange. this is my world, this is truly the real me. each moment is my overindulgence, why does it seem strange? this is me. let me show you my world
✶ @atrirose either way by ive . . some say i sound full of myself, that i'm just showing off. it's not about who's right or wrong, just like how we all love differently
✶ @eeunoia inception by ateez . . feel like dreaming a dream i've never seen even in dreams, it's too vivid to conclude it as just a dream. you are the dream i live in, the dream i can never awake from
✶ @leaderwon hard to love by blackpink . . i'll make it feel like heaven, but i swear i'm not a saint. and you won't see the truth 'causе i'll be kissing it away
✶ @tyunni new jeans by new jeans . . look, it's a new me, switched it up, who's this? new hair, new tee, new jeans, do you see? so fresh, so clean, make it feel like a game
✶ @jjunae pop by nayeon . . baby, baby, you're out of control. so you're under my control. before the excitement stops, i wanna make it pop, pop, pop, you want it?
✶ @stariekis one spark by twice . . i wish for forever, yes, forever. we're sparkling beautifully, i'm sure it'll be beautiful. cause my heart is burning, burning, burning. even if it’s dazzlingly beautiful and painful, it’s our golden days
✶ @lheebra don't wanna cry by seventeen . . i think it will show up, just wait. i have to find you, i have to find you. because if i cry now, i might not be able to see you. i don't want to cry
✶ @isoobie smart by le sserafim . . i am a child who will become a butterfly. what i want is victory. i'm a smarter baby, smarter, i see through it and break through.
✶ @fakeuwus cupid by fifty fifty . . a hopeless romantic all my life, surrounded by couples all the time. so skeptical of love, but still, i want it more, more, more. i gave a second chance to cupid
✶ @lilyuwon flower by jisoo . . guided by the gently blowing wind, because you're the one who doesn't catch it. spring comes, only the scent of flowers remains
✶ @ms-no1kpopstan darari by treasure . . i watched you, i was too stunned to speak, it still circling around you. i can't take my eyes off you
✶ @theyluvvaubery really really by winner . . the most beautiful thing in my eyes right now is you lady, oh. if my feelings for you were money, i would be a billionaire
✶ @jungqkook true by yaori . . tell me the truth, this is the end. i feel like losing myself. can't find my way, to not lose you, why is it so complicated?
✶ @heesbaby run bts by bts . . if we live fast, let us die young. two bare feet are our gasoline, yeah, yeah. let's go, are you ready? run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run
✶ @heelvsted maverick by the boyz . . super villain in the mirror, i run away, chasing, farther away. super bad trouble, i'm just on my way. cut out the scenes from a corny hero movie. everything's just a game to me,
✶ @cornenhapovs loco by itzy . . surrounded by my thoughts of ya, i think i'm a little obsessed, i feel like i was born to love ya. such a rush, you're making me lose my mind
✶ @taeghi celebrity by iu . . have no idea above your lowered head what the bright lights are (shining towards) it's fine to take your time but i hope you notice, at last. the one and only
✶ @jaylaxies step back by got the beat . . you'd better shut your mouth and stand back or else give it a go. try climbing your way up hereYou can't even dream about this level, this isn't the place for you
✶ @moon7jay monster by exo . . why is my heart racing? you’re beautiful, my goddess. i’ll knock so will you let me in? you’ve already fallen for me, don’t be afraid, love is the way
✶ @alvojake pandora by mave . . everyone is heartless but so we are fearless. no one can stop us, never been so careless. hold on tight, string of our hope, so let us sing, say my name. shout it out, let me hear that thing
✶ @sserasin future by red velvet . . don't let me forget my dream where the stars are pouring down, we will end up together. you are another future of mine, a way for love to last forever
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