#all of my posts r word salad like I’m all over the place srry lol
shesay · 3 years
ms shesay u are probably my fave radfem blog bc u are so smart and are one of the few who recognize that bullying random girls on the internet is counterproductive to the radfem agenda. im crypto on main and one thing ive noticed is that many female shetheys ARE kink/porn/prostitution critical. they r just victims of female socialization, but many have started being more open abt their dislike of such things. you see abt a year ago a prominent leftist tim blogger got revealed to be a vile racist sex pest and all of his male mutuals stood by him AND another tim got revealed to be a vile racist who keeps company with rape loving lesbphobes + like 3 tims got revealed 2 be actual rapists. ive even seen other teenage tims start 2 question why so many older ones r actual sex criminals and why they defend porn n prostitution so much even tho most of the tims in porn and prostitution are victims of human trafficking and more likely to be murdered. i genuinely think many females on the tra side of tumblr peaked a lil bit, and if the rumor's r to be believed then a lot of females on kinnie anime tumblr are hiding theyre crypto beliefs. also i dont know why other radfems act suprised when they clown on a post made by those girls bc OF COURSE they r gonna refute radfems if u do that they dont wanna get rape threats from deranged tims
omg you’re so kind thank u ily 💕 literally i feel like it’s so meaningless and stupid 2 just go after random gendie girls or whatever especially the teenage ones like every single 1 of u woke enlightened ppl were cringy and dumb at 15 like it’s part of growing up and yeah men have the strongest class solidarity even the she/her ones lol it doesn’t matter they’ll always stand 4 each other so it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that his lib male mutuals defended him plus porn and prostitution r sacred matters in the libfem genderist community like criticizing em is blasphemy or smth and I don’t think anybody should be a radfem or whatever I just hope that they don’t actually go 4 it yk the surgery and actually fuck up their lives.
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