#all these posts complaining about music being played at the beach or in a park or on the street corner… get over yourselves
micamicster · 1 year
When posts go around bitching about music outside I always wish I’d screenshotted these tags I saw years ago but I didn’t so I’ll just have to quote them myself: cranky because you don’t like reggaeton aren’t you :)
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Summertime Happiness
(OM) Boys (excluding Simeon, Solomon) x GN!Reader
Synopsis: the beach episode
WC: 3.2k
Note: it’s summer, and I miss the beach. I really want to go so I projected it here. I will say this is a part one bc I plan on writing smut for part two and you get to pick which ending you want. For example, you could pick to spend the night with Diavolo or you could choose Mammon. I’m challenging myself to write for each character so we’ll see how that goes.
“Beach! beach! Beach!” Mammon, Asmo, and Levi were chanting in the back of the car.
“Guys, we’re not even halfway there.” You groaned. They had been like that ever since you got to the human world. They then started squabbling about what to do. Mammon then tried to steal Levi’s tablet. Asmo seemed to ignore them completely.
“This would be our first human world beach! Of course, we’re excited. Just think of all the photos I could post.” Asmo was gleeful, the main person who suggested this trip.
“Well can you guys keep it down. I’ll turn this car around if you don’t!” They shut up, leaving you able to concentrate on the road, “You guys are lucky that Lucifer is in the other car.”
“I didn’t know you could drive MC.” Satan was in the front seat next to you.
“Of course! I’ve been driving since I was 16.”
“I’m sure you could teach Mammon how to drive safer.”
“Oi! Quit insulting me!”
“Honestly, why couldn’t Belphie be in my car. He’d just sleep.” You grumbled under your breath.
“I still don’t understand why Diavolo would want to come here when he has a beach of his own. Besides the beach is stupid.” Satan was now complaining. The choir in the back started up again, and you could feel the headache develop.
Instead of listening to them, you turned the music up to drown out the noise they were making.
That’s when Barbatos gave you a call. You answered it hands free, “hello?”
“MC, it seems the young lord would like to visit the nearest rest stop. He wants to see a human world gift shop.”
“There will be gift shops at the beach!”
“You don’t understand MC! I heard rest stop gift shops offer a wide variety of trinkets that the state offers.” Diavolo sounded too excited for you to say no.
“Also, Beel ran out of food, and we don’t want him to rampage in the car.” Lucifer sounded annoyed, probably because he got put in the back seat since Barbatos was driving.
“I’m hungry…” you could practically hear Beel’s stomach growl from the backseat as well.
“I suppose we need to fill the cars up with gas as well. There should be a rest stop at the next exit.”
“Understood. We’ll follow you to the rest stop of your choice.” Barbatos hung up. The music resumed. Hopefully, they didn’t hear the commotion from the back of your car.
You pulled off the next exit to arrive at a big gas station/truck stop. Parking your car at a pump, the others got out of the car to stretch their legs.
“You guys go ahead and get some snacks or drinks. Make sure to get me one too. The others should show up shortly.”
They walked into the shop thankfully not arguing. Barbatos shortly pulled in at the pump opposite of your car.
They also got out, and Diavolo practically ran to the shop with Beel following behind him.
“Lucifer, please don’t let them get into any trouble. That’s the last thing we need.” He nodded already looking annoyed. Upon inspecting their car, you could see Belphie peacefully sleeping in the back seat.
Barbatos walked over with a map consulting you on the best route to the beach. Their D.D.Ds didn’t have human world GPS, and of course, they didn’t have any human world phones to access it (and you weren’t planning on buying a new phone.) With a pen, you highlighted the route after consulting your GPS. You knew that Barbatos wouldn’t get lost behind you, but it was nice having this assurance.
Barbatos then turned around and excused himself from your discussion, heading towards the gas station shop. You tended to both of the cars, making sure that they were filled up and ready to go.
When you saw all of them come back to the car, Mammon was thrown over Barbatos’s shoulder.
“Put me down!”
“I’m sorry MC, but Mammon will be riding with us now.” You didn’t even want to know. Beel now was in your car, which solved part of the headache that was going on.
Lucifer simply texted you:
Mammon tried to steal
You knew that Mammon was going to be harshly punished in Barbatos’s car which he deserved. The last thing y’all needed was for the cops to come and arrest Mammon.
You noticed how many bags of souvenirs Diavolo was putting in the back of the car. It looked like he swept the store clean of everything. Same with Beel but with food.
“Beel, please make sure to not get food everywhere in my car. My parents would kill me if I ruined their seats.” He nodded and kept chowing down on the bag of chips he got.
Satan just shook his head and handed you a granola bar and a soda. Thankfully someone remembered to get what you asked for.
You all loaded the cars back up and set off once more. This time your car was quieter, and you were so thankful for that on the rest of the way to the beach.
“Finally! We’re here!” Asmo exclaimed when you parked the car at the condo y’all would be spending time at. Barbatos shortly pulled in next to you.
They got out of the car and met up with you, “We’ll need rolling carts for all of our luggage and supplies. They should be in the lobby’s office.”
Lucifer and Barbatos left to go fetch them and check in to the condo for you.
It was surprisingly easy to get all of the suitcases, beach supplies, and coolers up to the room. You made sure to get a big condo so everyone could get their own room (saved yourself the headache of who will be rooming with who.)
“Alright everyone, time to set up the ground rules!” You gathered everyone to the common room, “Make sure you all remember your human world names. Please do not stray too far from the others. We do have the beach for ourselves here, but the public beach isn’t too far from here. Please be careful to not wander that way. We have an itinerary for dinner and free times. Please do try to behave yourselves over the week we are here. Other than that, we’ll have fun!”
They all agreed and left to go unpack their stuff.
“I really hope we can get through this without any trouble. We’re spending too much money being here instead of being in Devildom.”
The sand was nice and warm. The sunlight danced over the waves, making the ocean sparkle. Lucifer and Barbatos already got the umbrellas and beach chairs prepared, so all the rest had to do was get into swimsuits.
Running out to settle down on a chair basking in the sunlight was your first objective.
“MC, you need to apply sunscreen before you sit out in the sun.” Barbatos walked over with the spray on sunscreen.
“Right. I forgot.”
“MC, I can help you put on your sunscreen!” Asmo ran over to you, “Then you can rub it all over my body.”
“Oi! If anyone is going to rub sunscreen on them, it’s going to be me. I’m their first so I have that right!” Mammon was quick to swoop in and grab the bottle out of Asmo’s hand.
“You can’t use that excuse every time. Especially since you’ll never admit how you feel.” Satan was the next one to take the bottle.
“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, you know you’re a simp.” Levi came up to y’all, “O-Of course I will apply sunscreen on you MC. Who am I kidding you’ll never pick me.” You could hear every mumble under Levi’s breath.
“What on earth are you all doing?” It was Lucifer, “they are perfectly capable of putting sunscreen on themselves.”
“But their back! They couldn’t possible read that part,” Asmo flirted, “and I’m the perfect person.”
Lucifer rolled his eyes and took the bottle out of Satan’s hands, “I’ll put on your sunscreen MC”
“No fair! How come you get to do it?” They started to whine. Honestly at this point you didn’t care who put it on you.
“Thank you, Lucifer,” you turned your back towards him so he could apply the lotion on you. Feeling his hand run up and down your skin did feel nice.
The others continued to bitch at Lucifer about it.
“Haha! Your brothers are lively as always.” Diavolo stood next to Lucifer, who only sighed at his comment.
“I’m afraid so.”
Now that everyone was prepared, Mammon, Asmo, Levi, and Beel ran towards the water. Belphie was already asleep on a beach chair. Satan sat next to him with a book in hand. Diavolo was forcing Lucifer to build a sandcastle with him, while Barbatos helped by carrying buckets of ocean water.
A smile grew on your face as you ran towards the ocean yourself with a floaty, finally able to relax and play with everyone there.
When entering the nice warm water, you’re immediately dunked in. Rising back up,
“Mammon! You ass!” You move your hair out of your face.
“It’s ok MC, he did the same to me. He has a death wish,” Asmo looked furious. Every time he’s swim close to Mammon, he would simply swim away.
“Didn’t peg you as a good swimmer.”
“The great Mammon can do many things!” His laughter was infectious, and your anger fizzled out as you see the brothers chasing each other.
“Ugh, what normies.”
“What did you expect to do out here Levi?”
“Well you see I saw in this anime called A Trip to the Beach turns into a romance story and-“
“Forget I asked. I’m surprised that Mammon didn’t dunk you.”
“The water doesn’t scare me.”
“Makes sense. You do kind of control water. I guess this would be the best place to summon Lotan, besides the fact this is a human world beach.”
“Hahaha. I have no plans of doing that. My Ruri-Chan towel and bag would get soaked, and I don’t want that.”
You then heard eating sounds in your ear. Turning around, you see Beel mouth full of fish, “You can’t just eat the marine life here!”
“But I was hungry…”
“Then go to shore and grab some of the food we brought down here!”
Beel took you up on that offer as soon as he finished devouring the fish he caught with his bare hands. You just prayed he left something for the rest of you, lest you have to go back to the condo and get more.
Mammon quickly swam back and hid behind your back, practically using you as a shield.
“Don’t use MC to protect you!” Asmo was coming in hot. You dunked yourself under the water for Asmo to finally catch Mammon and push his head in the water.
Upon both of you returning to the surface, you shook your head to get the salt water out of your ears.
“You pushed too hard Asmo!” Mammon bitched.
“You brought this upon yourself!”
“Can you both shut up? I’m trying to fantasize about Ruri-Chan.”
“Stay out of this otaku!” They both shouted at the same time. Levi clammed up.
“Of course, they think I’m some weird gross shut in…”
“Oh Levi, that’s not true. Just let those two idiots fight and dunk each other under water. Let’s go back to shore and hunt for seashells!” He felt better from your words. Grabbing the floatie that seemed to be abandoned (you’re glad it didn’t float away into the sea), you both swam back and went to dry yourselves off.
Beel was devouring all of the food in the coolers you brought.
“Satan! Why didn’t you restrain him?”
“Huh, it’s not my job to keep Beel from eating everything. That’s Belphie’s.” You glanced to see that he was asleep basking in the summer sun.
“Of course.” You turned your attention back to Satan, “why don’t you come with Levi and I to hunt for seashells?”
“No.” It was immediate and caught you off guard, “I’m at the climax of this book, and I’ll do beach stuff when I’m done. Except go into the water.”
“Still don’t get it, but whatever.”
You grabbed the necessary supplies to gather seashells, and you made your way back to the shoreline with Levi by your side.
“Let’s see if we can find one that’s not broken! I’d love to get to a nice cone shaped one” Levi cheered up.
So far, you’ve only found broken sand dollars and pieces of broken corral, “well this isn’t great.”
“Oi! Why you hogging MC all to yourself?” Mammon always knew how to ruin a moment.
“Hey, Mammon~”
“You want a dollar?”
“Yes! Giving money to me is an investment-“
You simply placed a sand dollar in his hand causing Levi to practically die, howling about how you got him good.
Mammon just stood there looking like he could turn to dust at any moment. You couldn’t help but laugh.
Satisfied with your haul, you and Levi placed the bucket of shells back at the beach chairs.
“Still reading Satan?”
“Yes, and it’s getting good so leave me alone.” You roll your eyes in response. Levi said he would chill with Satan in the shade, something about getting his daily log on bonuses.
Shrugging, you turn on the group you hadn’t visited yet.
“Lucifer! Diavolo! How’s the sandcastle coming?”
“Well…I tried making a sand sculpture of Lucifer, but it doesn’t look anything like him.” Diavolo pouted. Upon looking at the pile of sand, you tried to hold back your laughter. If this was supposed to be Lucifer, then Asmo should really give him a makeover.
“The important thing is you tried Diavolo,” Lucifer tried to hide his annoyance, but of course he was bad at that (he would never admit it though.)
“Maybe we should take a break, my lord.”
“I guess so.” You felt bad and patted Diavolo on the back.
“You’ll get it right the next time you do it. Here why don’t I show you something humans do on the beach!”
Diavolo perked up, and the three of them followed you back to the shaded umbrella where their beach chairs were. You sauntered off and grabbed four bottles of beer and a bag of limes you cut up earlier (thankful that Beel didn’t eat them.)
You handed them the beer as well as a bottle opener, “Ok, so typically on the beach with this brand of beer, you push a lime into the neck of the bottle. It helps add flavor to the drink of the summer here.”
You demonstrated for them, even though Barbatos was a step ahead of you anyway. Diavolo looked at it all with wonder, taking a sip after preparing it, “Fascinating! Is this really what humans do?”
“Some. I like to do it when I go to the beach. It’s nice and relaxing. Plus, the advertising says to do this.”
“I do have to say, it does add a little aromatic flavor. However, I’ll have to decline drinking more than I already have.” Barbatos handed the bottle back to you. Even though you knew he had his reasons, it bummed you out a little.
“Well Lucifer! What do you think?” Diavolo turned towards his friend who was happily drinking his.
“Honestly, I needed some sort of break after being in the sun for so long.”
“Well, I’m glad I was able to help.” Lucifer smiled at your response, praising you about how you’re always a help to everyone.
You sat down next to them on the sand and just took in the calmness of the beach air, the smell of salty sea water filling your nose. It was enjoyable to have one moment of relaxation.
“Hey MC! Belphie’s awake! Help us throw him into the ocean!” You could hear Mammon from the other side of the beach.
“Your brothers are always so exciting, Lucifer,” Diavolo was laughing and was waiting for Lucifer to laugh along with him.
“More like a headache…”
“I’ll go over there so they don’t bother you three. Remember to get the relaxation you need. The three of you work way too hard, you deserve a break. That goes for you to Barbatos! You don’t have to be a butler here.”
He laughed at your comment, “So noted.”
Satisfied, you ran back over to the others.
“If you like to live, you’ll let go of me” Belphie was trying to fight, but with Mammon, Asmo, and Levi together, he didn’t stand a chance.
“Same for you Beel! Put me down so I can finish my book!”
“Nah, you can finish your book later. We’re at the beach. You should have fun with us!” Mammon had a death wish. They managed to pull Belphie and Satan into the water. Belphie at this point had already given up.
Satan, however, was like trying to bathe a cat. Extremely unhappy about it. He screamed profanities and was about to go apeshit, until you were by his side and holding his hand.
“It’s ok Satan. They just want you to have fun.” He huffed in response with a hint of blush developing on his face.
Finally, all of you were in the ocean, splashing water at each other, seeing who could hold their breath the longest, and float around letting the water massage your worries away.
The fun eventually was coming to a close. The sun started to set, and everyone went to pack everything up.
“Hold on!”
They turned to look at you who has a mischievous look on your face, holding up sparklers in their face, “They’re a lot of fun to have on the beach too.”
Everyone was about to decline until, “Ohhhh, that sounds like fun. I’ll do it with you MC.”
Diavolo started to take sparklers from your hand and went to get a lighter.
“Well, I guess I can do it too.” Mammon said.
“It does sound like fun. Plus, I can take all sorts of photos to post when we get back to Devildom.” Asmo ran to be by your side.
“Don’t eat the sparklers Beel,” Belphie said walking over with his twin.
“W-well it’s a normie thing to do, but if MC wants to do it then I will too.” Levi took a sparkler from the packet.
“As long as Lucifer isn’t going to participate then I will too.” Satan said.
“Too bad because Lucifer has to do this too!” Your words sounded very adamant, leaving Satan with no other choice.
Lucifer sighed but then smiled, “As long as your happy MC and Diavolo.”
You squealed in happiness. As you lit the sparklers, everyone waved them around. Asmo took photos of everyone with theirs. Mammon tried writing words (they didn’t look good.) The rest were happy to chase each other with Diavolo and Lucifer standing on the side. Diavolo was mesmerized by the sparks shooting out, and Lucifer couldn’t help but laugh with him.
Barbatos filmed the entire thing for everyone to remember later. One of the best days ever.
After showering, you noticed the night was still young. Everyone was kind of doing their own thing now.
You didn’t want the night to end too soon. Hitting up the town seemed like a good idea.
You sat thinking of who you should bring with you.
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tashas-life · 3 years
Summer Shenanigans
Paxton and Devi spend the summer together and have a banging playlist
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Nothing really.”
“I’m outside, let’s go to the beach.”
Devi threw her bag through the back window of Paxton’s jeep and jumped in the front seat.
“Did you bring my suit?” Devi asks as she pulled on her seatbelt. Devi’s mom would never let her wear a bikini so she had to save up her money from working at the summer camp to buy it. She usually hid it at the back of her underwear drawer but since she’d been going swimming with Paxton more days than not, she just kept it in his car.
“Yep, I threw it in the laundry.” Paxton pulled out onto the road and Devi started messing with the music.
Her and Paxton were both working at the same summer camp so they spent most days together. Paxton had spent the last two summers working at the camp and Devi wanted to make her own money so she had applied too. It was also convenient because she always had a ride to work instead of asking her mom or Kamala. Paxton had promised to teach her to drive this summer but she always chickened out whenever he offered.
Devi always insisted on picking the music when they went anywhere and Paxton didn’t mind. She settled on Ariana Grande’s album and turned up the volume as Motive filled the car. Paxton rolled down all the windows and stuck his arm out to feel the breeze. It was one of the hottest days of the summer so Paxton’s shirt was mostly open and Devi had her new sunglasses on. This was the first summer that Devi was making real money and she tended to spend most of it by the time the next pay day had rolled around.
Once they got to the beach Devi jumped in the backseat and Paxton got out to stand guard. Devi was a pro at the quick change at this point and quickly shimmied into her bikini without having to take off her dress completely.
Once Devi hopped out of the backseat, Paxton grabbed the drinks cooler and Devi grabbed their towels and a speaker. Usually the beaches were packed on hot days but Paxton had a special super power of finding an empty part of the beach to spend the day. They found a spot to settle and Devi started applying sunscreen.
“Did you hear Kenny is sick again. Mono.” Paxton said with an eye roll and Devi groaned.
“You think he’s going to be out all week again? Taylor should just fire him and hire someone else at this point.” Devi tossed Paxton the sunscreen and laid down on her towel.
“Yea right, Taylor probably gave him the mono. He’ll never fire him.” Devi laughed and closed her eyes.
“I don’t even understand how they find the time to mack. Those kids never stop.” Devi said.
“Yea well, next week they’re going to be our problem again.” Usually each camp leader had about 5-10 kids to watch but with Kenny constantly gone they always ended up with more kids.
“Honestly, fuck Kenny.” Devi grumbled and Paxton nodded. “Did you see Eleanor’s insta post? Her and Trent are like embarrassingly in love.” Devi asked as she pulled out her phone to show him a boomerang of them kissing on some hike.
“I think it’s cute.” Paxton grinned as Devi made a vomiting face. “I invited them to come today but apparently they would rather be aloneeee.”
“That’s so nasty.” Devi said and Paxton laughed.
“I’m going in, you coming?” Paxton asked but Devi shook her head.
“Nah man, I’m working on my tan.” Devi said but really she just preferred laying on the sand and watching the water than actually being in it.
“Your loss.” Paxton replied, shoving her as he got up to go swimming.
“Okay, the thing is that I just don’t think I’m coordinated enough for this.” Devi said as she stood on Paxton’s skateboard. She felt a little embarrassed at how wobbly she was and that she was wearing her bike helmet that she got when she was ten. Paxton had his car door open and Lizzo’s album was playing. Juice blasted into the street and Devi knew people would complain soon.
“I’m literally holding on to you. You can’t fall.” Paxton said as he led her down the road.
“I feel like I could still fall.” Devi said as she started tipping back and Paxton’s grip tightened as he pulled her forward.
“I won’t let you fall Devi. Would you just trust me for once?” He asked playfully annoyed.
“Shut up, I literally trust you all the time.”
“You shut up.” Paxton countered.
“Wow, real mature.” Devi replied sarcastically.
Devi was too busy arguing to notice them start to go faster. Of course that is until she did notice. Then she was falling again and she was falling fast. Paxton managed to grab her before she fell on her face and swung her off the skateboard. Devi held onto Paxton as the skateboard started rolling down the street without them. They looked at each other and immediately started laughing.
“I think you might be right about the coordination thing.” Paxton said and Devi shoved him away from her.
“Or maybe you’re a bad teacher.” She grinned at his shocked face as she ran to grab the skateboard.
“I’m never teaching you anything ever again” he retaliated.
“Come over here and help me loser.” Paxton crossed his arm in defiance.
“Tell me I’m a good teacher.”
“Stop being a baby.”
“Wooooow, even more insults. Bad teacher and a baby.”
“Fine, you’re a good teacher. Now let’s get on with this.” Devi said as she started to get on the skateboard again.
“Thank you.” Paxton replied satisfied. He grinned and went to help her again.
Usually, they were separated during their days at camp since each group rotated through activities but on Fridays all of the kids got to go to the community pool. Those were obviously Paxton’s favourite days because he got to hang out with Devi but he also loved getting to teach some of the kids how to swim.
Usually, Paxton stayed in the shallow end with the younger kids and Devi sat at the deep end with the older kids. Vacation by Dirty Heads was playing over the pool speakers and Devi had her legs in the water as she chatted with some kids.
“Yea, high school kind of sucks. What you gotta do is find a popular kid and force them to be your friend.” Devi told some kids who were going to be freshmen in the fall.
“That’s terrible advice.” Paxton laughed as he came to stand next to her in the pool. He had switched with Kenny who was now watching the younger kids. They had given up on learning to swim and were mostly just playing and splashing water at Kenny.
“Really? You got anything better?” Devi asked crossing her arms.
“Yes. Find something that makes you excited to go to school, for me that was swimming, for D it was being my best friend. And also don’t give a shit about what other people think of you.” Paxton told the kids and Devi kicked his arm. “Oh shit, I mean just don’t care what other people think.”
“I meant the best friend thing.” Devi rolled her eyes.
“You were literally obsessed-“ before Paxton could finish Devi had jumped in and shoved Paxton’s head underwater.
Paxton managed to push Devi away from him and had his arm out separating them.
“Hey, you better stop or your top is going to fall off again.” Paxton laughed and Devi’s face started burning up. Yes, the bikini was cute but it wasn’t the most reliable bathing suit she had. Rough housing had led to a very embarrassing incident that Devi was trying to forget.
“I’m going to kill you.” Devi lunged at him and Paxton managed to grab her arms.
“Hey anger issues, chill out.” Paxton said with a grin. Devi managed to pull her arms away and splashed Paxton.
“Go do your job loser!” Devi yelled as she turned to go back to her post.
Devi swung the door open and was surprised to see Paxton. Usually he just texted her when he got to her house.
“Let’s go for a drive.” Paxton said as he held up his car keys.
“Okayyy.” Devi said as she grabbed her backpack from the door.
“Here ya go.” He said as he tossed the keys to her. She just about dropped them and didn’t move from her front door.
“Naaaa, I don’t think today’s the day.” Devi said nervously. She had failed her drivers test last month because she hadn’t practiced enough. It was the first time she hadn’t prepared and it was also the first time she had failed a test.
“Come on D, your test is in a few weeks and don’t you want to have your licence by the time school starts?” Paxton asked as he opened the drivers side door. He motioned for her to get in and she groaned before going to the car.
It wasn’t legal for Paxton to teach her how to drive but her only other option was her mother which hadn’t worked out. Devi was pretty sure she failed her test because driving with her mom had made her so anxious that getting behind the wheel made her want to throw up even when her mom wasn’t around. She had even done drivers ed but that apparently wasn’t enough because she still failed.
“Are you sure? What if I scratch your car or something?” Devi asked as they both got in the car.
“Then I’ll literally kill you, so don’t scratch my baby.” Paxton said as he gently caressed his dash.
“That’s not really helpful.” Devi muttered as she nervously changed the seat settings.
“We’ll go to the school parking lot. It’s just down the street and the lot will be empty.” Devi nodded as she turned the car on. She kept her foot on the brakes as she looked at Paxton desperately.
“Listen to Tai, you’re going to be A-O-K.” Paxton said as he turned up the music. “Also, don’t forget to signal, you lost so many points for that.”
Paxton didn’t look nervous at all which made Devi feel a little bit better. If he could be confident in her driving skills than so could she. Devi signalled and did a very exaggerated shoulder check before she pulled onto the road. There were no cars around the whole way to the school so the only thing she had to deal with were some stop signs and one set of lights. She totally could do this.
Devi’s whole body relaxed once they pulled into the parking lot and she didn’t have to worry about hitting things or people anymore.
“That was pretty good actually. How did you fail?” Paxton asked.
“Probably because I suck at driving?” Devi told him as she put the car in park.
“Shut up, you had issues with the parallel park right?” Paxton asked as he got out of the car.
“What are you doing?” Devi asked as he closed the door.
“Im going to teach you how to parallel park.” Paxton grinned sticking his head through the window.
Devi waited as he grabbed stuff from out of his trunk. A bin full of blankets and an empty cooler he had forgotten about. He set them up as pretend cars and he went to the drivers side.
“Okay, line yourself up.” Paxton said as Devi slowly moved the car so the bin of blankets was lined up with the back of the jeep.
Paxton gave her instructions and ran around indicating for her how far to back up and how much to turn the wheel and eventually she got into the spot.
“I don’t think they’re going to let you guide me into a spot on the test.” Devi said annoyed that it took so long.
“You just gotta keep practicing, eventually it’ll just be second nature.” Paxton said as he got back in the car. “Pull out and this time I’m not going to help you.” Paxton said as she groaned.
“I hate this.” Devi said getting frustrated.
“You won’t hate this once you can drive yourself anywhere you want. Now start moving before I force you to practice highway driving.” Paxton said as he relaxed into his seat.
Devi wanted to hit him and get angry but she knew he was her only hope of passing her test in a month so she contained herself and kept practicing.
When the day of Devi’s test came around she felt pretty confident she was going to fail again. Paxton had given her a pep talk before he left her house the night before but it hadn’t helped with her nerves.
“You got this, okay? Just make sure you signal, and don’t forget the emergency brake when you do the hill park.” He told her as he held her shoulders. “By this time tomorrow, you’re going to be fully licensed because you’re a great driver.”
Devi was just as shocked as her mother when she pulled into the DMV and had almost no deductions on her test. Nalini didn’t know about Paxton teaching her to drive but she managed to convince her that is was because the tester was a lot nicer than the last one. She had smiled the entire time she got her new license and had raced back to the car. She knew Paxton would be waiting for her at her house and she was beyond excited to tell him that his methods had actually worked.
Paxton was leaning on his car checking his phone when they got home. She had to stop herself from running to Paxton to tell him the good news. She got out of the car and Nalini kissed her head before going into the house.
“How’d it go?” He asked as she crossed her arms and pretended to look disappointed.
“I passed babyyy!” She screamed as she whipped out her temporary license.
“I fucking knew it! You never trust me.” Paxton grabbed her and spun her around.
“Where do you wanna go? I’m driving.” Devi said and Paxton laughed as he got in the passenger seat.
“Can you spot me ten bucks?” Devi asked as she searched through her backpack for some money.
“You have literally worked all summer, how are you always broke?” Paxton muttered as he pulled out some change from his console.
“I just don’t have any cash on me.”
Paxton gave her a handful of change and Devi looked at him annoyed.
“Quarters? Really?” Devi struggled to hold all the coins and Paxton shrugged.
“Take it or leave it, but if you want boba I suggest you take it.” Paxton grinned and Devi rolled her eyes as she realized she couldn’t open the door holding all the change.
Paxton laughed as he leaned over to open the door for her. “Get me a milk tea.” He said as she hopped out of the car.
“If I even make it there without any hands.” She grumbled.
By the time she got back with their drinks, Paxton had all the windows down blasting Young Dumb & Broke by Khalid.
“Really?!” She had to scream for him to hear her over the music. He lip synced to the lyrics as he pointed to her and dramatically danced to the music. “You’re so annoying!” She screamed as he took a big sip of his tea. He pointed at the drink as if to say that it tastes good and gave her the ok sign with his fingers. Devi just rolled her eyes and sipped on her mango slush. She guessed it was worth the embarrassing amount of quarters she gave to the cashier and having to listen to Paxton call her dumb and broke.
“Are you going to make it to Trent’s this weekend? Last party of the summer.” Paxton asked as he turned the music down.
“Have you met my mother? She’s not going to let me go to Trent’s house for a party.” Devi replied looking through Paxton’s Spotify.
“Since when do you tell your mom about going to parties?” Paxton asked snorting.
“I’m trying to turn over a new leaf this year. No more lying, especially to my mom.” She said as she put on Savage by Megan Thee Stallion and Beyoncé.
“What if she knew I was taking you?” Paxton knew the party would suck without Devi there.
“Yeaaaaa, my mom might like you now but not that much.”
“Come on D, it’s the last party of the summer. You have to go!” Paxton pouted as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“Fine, fine, I’ll figure out a way to go out but there’s no way she’ll let me stay out past 11.” Paxton smiled at her and agreed to be DD so he could get her home by 11.
By the time the weekend rolled around, Nalini didn’t even seem bothered by Devi leaving. Her and Kamala had been going crazy planning her wedding and Devi tended to be unhelpful in that area. She was only good for the grunt work, which she was sure there would be a lot of once it got closer to the day.
All she had to say was that she was going to Eleanor’s house for a back to school hangout and Nalini quickly agreed to get her out of the house. Technically she wasn’t lying because they had to pick up Eleanor at her house and they were having a back to school hangout. It was just a hangout with most of the school and alcohol.
Devi acted as casual as possible as she closed the front door but she sprinted as soon as the door closed. She didn’t want to risk her mom seeing her actually getting in Paxton’s car instead of Fabiola’s. Devi had been asking her mom for a car for weeks but still nothing. Her mom was convinced that she should have enough money saved since she had a summer job but summer camps didn’t exactly pay top dollar and Devi was pretty irresponsible with her money this summer. She figured she had two more summers to hustle before she went to Princeton.
“You look so pretty in that dress.” Paxton said as soon as she got in the car.
Devi blushed and couldn’t control her smile. “Shut up loser.”
Paxton smiled back at her as they went to pick up Eleanor and Fabiola.
Trent’s house was packed full of people but he was standing at the door waiting for Eleanor. He hugged her tightly and dragged her off to the back of the house.
Paxton went to grab them some drinks and handed Devi and Fabiola beers. “Bread soda.”
Devi rolled her eyes and shoved him away. Fabiola had learned a long time to ignore their inside jokes and she wandered off.
Paxton was always treated like a god at parties and everyone wanted their time with him. Paxton gave people his typical cool guy head nod and pulled Devi outside where it was less crowded.
“So, you excited for school to start?” Paxton asked and Devi looked confused.
“Sure, I guess.” Paxton looked nervous which made Devi more confused. “Why are you making weird small talk?”
“I just guess this is the last time we’re hanging out before school starts.” Devi’s confusion became anger very quickly.
“What is that supposed to mean? Like things are going to change when school starts?” Devi questioned starting to get upset.
“No, chill Devi. I mean I do want things to change but not the way you think.” Now Devi was back to confused.
Paxton looked frustrated and looked around them. No one was around or paying attention to them. Paxton turned back to Devi and got way closer to her than she was used to. Kiss Me More by Doja Cat and SZA was playing in the house but it sounded far away.
He touched her cheek and lifted her mouth to his. “Is this okay?” He asked nervously.
Instead of answering Devi pushed her lips against his. Paxton smiled against her and pulled her tight to him.
“You want me to pick you up tomorrow?” Paxton texted and Devi smiled when she saw the message.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.” She replied quickly.
“No worries, we’re both going to the same place. Better for the environment and all that”
“I’ll make a driving playlist.” He sent back a smiley face and an ok hand.
Devi couldn’t wait for tomorrow. This was going to be the best summer of her life.
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Unreleased Ranking (3)
This is a re-ranking of Lana's unreleased songs, after making a first a few years ago. This is all my opinion, which I don't mind anyone disagreeing with but don't come for me for it - honestly, I like every song, despite any criticism, and this ranking is very vague. It's based on objective and subjective opinion.
This is the third of five posts, with the middle songs.
Purely wholesome and dreamy, Lana adds some very fifties “shoo-wops” to play a fifties starlet whispering, her vocals soothing and soft along with the looping piano that guides the song.
Jimmy Gnecco
Breathless over the brisk guitar, Lana gushes over Jimmy – mixing her adoration of her lovers with wannabe-starlet fangirling. It’s one of her best acoustic tracks as she smirks and requests a trip to the park.
Lana’s acoustic dedication to her icon Elvis Presley is memorable despite how stripped back it is. It could have been cleaner but Lana’s sorrowful desperation to be close to this man who she is such a fan of works well in being decent output from her.
Boarding School
It’s a difficult listen, considering Lana’s nostalgia is for a “pro-ana nation” and a school where “makig love with your teachers” is revered, but it may just be a satirical look at her time in boarding school when she was younger. I don’t enjoy listening to such worrying topics being handled in an upbeat song but the song itself has well-written lyrics and a great instrumental.
Television Heaven
This song is incredibly sweet, with lovely lyrics, dreamy verses and a distinctive pop feel, but it is definitely a strange mash of instrumentals. It’s not too jarring but it does make the song fall lower in ranking. It feels indecisive as it goes from sugary pop to a slightly darker feel in the choruses, and the lyrics aren’t the most imaginative in Lana’s library of tracks.
Be My Daddy
Lana’s full on sex-kitten in this song that opens with twangy guitars and her hushed “what’s up?” as she greets her potential “daddy”. With dirtier lyrics that she’s “open like a Christmas present” and how she’ll “fuck you”, Lana avoids keeping the sex in just the vibe of the song.
Break My Fall
Another song made for another artist, Lana this time sounds like she’s doing her own track. The pop sound is still ideal for actual music charts but Lana pulls the song off well, playing a strong woman far removed from the tragic women of many of her songs. It’s strong in quality and doesn’t stray into more experimental territory where many of Lana’s unreleased songs reside.
Hit and Run
With three versions to pick from (the poppy original, the Born To Die style slower version and the demo Criminals Run The World that’s a little more overt about Lana’s violent intentions), all three of these songs have something special about them. The pop version is bouncy and chaotic, perfect for a wild spree of gun fights and car chases. The slower version is much more seductive and measured, but a little too reflective compared to the manic power of the upbeat version. Criminals Run The World ranks much lower, not as smooth compared to Hit and Run but still with that insanity that makes Hit and Run a wild ride.
Heavy Hitter
With a jazzy introduction, Lana gives us a glamorous tale of a star having an overdose (somehow she makes it glitzy). However, following the suggestive chorus in which Lana asks her man to open his butterfly doors of his car (to drive her to get help, somehow delivered with seduction rather than horror), the lyrics get lost in Lana’s generic praising of herself and her wicked ways. However, it’s a staple of Lana’s unreleased music, even if I do skip after the (if you think about it) harrowing first verse and chorus.
Behind Closed Doors
The instrumental is a little bit all over the place, but it does work when Lana details her ill-received romance to her lover, then jumps right in the chorus to eagerly tell him how much she enjoys sleeping with him.
Gangsta Boy
Lana is inspired by Betty Boop as she croons and gasps her way through the track. The vibe is great, though the music falls a bit, but Gangsta Boy is playful, light-hearted fun.
You’re Gonna Love Me
Lana may be raw in her vocals and basic in her instrumentals (only a guitar) but Lana takes control, self-assured she will make the listener adore her. Her confessional whisper that she might just want to be loved gives this song a knowing edge despite the pondering questions and realism-on-the-edge-of-pessimism feel tone.
Living Legend
Lana’s Living Legend was intended for Ultraviolence, and whilst the song fits in it is definitely one of her more slumbering songs. Yet her sentiment is strong, her lyrics thoughtful and thoroughly enjoyable. All of the versions bring something a bit different but it is underlined by great song-writing.
Hey You
Lana has fun greeting a potential lover with this track and I have as much fun listening to it. The chorus is sparse and repetitive but Hey You is all about grabbing your attention rather than going to deep.
Is It Wrong?
Claustrophobic and guided by a smart riff and technological glitches, Lana pulls off the perfect unhinged groupie as she questions whether or not she is wrong for wanting the star of her dreams so much. The glitching is great for really seeing how Lana teeters on the edge of sanity for this guy she can’t resist, going from being the starlet to the foaming-at-the-mouth fangirl.
Lana becomes a rapper apparently in Playground and hits back at anyone who doubts her and her music. With a cloying chorus that compares the music industry to a playground of bitchy comments and school yard, Lana’s verses are smooth and her references overall decent. It can be a little bit clunky in places but it doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Motel 6
A cute little dance track which namedrops Jim and her sister, Chuck, Lana brings the party to her favourite motel, downplaying her glamour to throwback her ‘lore’ and her old life pre-fame. Though it’s very much just describing one night rather than anything complex, it’s harmless fun.
Like the explosive dynamite itself, this song is punchy, restless and powerful. Lana layers this dominating track with innocent references to ice cream and pillow fights whilst also not holding back from the sexual references.
Neat and mournful, Lana finally breaks off from her toxic partner. Lana is either sick of being worried for the future or terrified of her partner, and its reflective sadness as she plans to go back home still leaves hope that she will be able to be happy.
Rolling calmly like a beach wave, Lana takes us straight to Hawaii and paints us an image of handsome surfers and Mercurys. Wayamaya is simply a soothing, short, cute little track that keeps very much surface level.
Hawaiian Tropic
Plinky music paired with non-stressful verses and imagery of Hawaiian shirts, this is the (in my opinion) better version of Every Man Gets His Wish (which shares the same chorus). The subtlety of this track compared to Every Man Gets His Wish helps to convey the hurt feelings a lot better, with the nostalgic feel and mournful longing in the vocals.
Dum Dum
Lana plays the alcoholic star who name drops Scarlett O’Hara and Bugsy Malone as part of her identity. These lyrics are pretty witty and the song snappy but, like some of her unreleased music, is a bit too overproduced and not cohesive. The verses and choruses don’t quite gel which doesn’t make for a song that flows well but with tweaking it could be even better.
Hollywood’s Dead
Lana fits perfectly into the era of fifties with this mid-20th century driven track. It sounds perfectly in place for the decade she frequently romanticises (with a modern twist) and Lana’s crooning, tearful references to her icons drips with glamour.
Fake Diamond
For an anti-romance song, Fake Diamond is quite upbeat. Lana complains of her ‘lover’ who is one way with her, a different way with others, whilst comparing their relationship to all manner of Lana-themed aesthetics (diamonds, movie projectors, etc.). Comparing herself to a child, she practically has a tantrum in the chorus, stamping her feet lovingly as she demands he loves her. I do think this song is joyful, making fun of her inattentive lover whilst keeping one step ahead of his games.
I Must Be Stupid
Lana’s live unreleased track lets Lana enjoy her life despite the hurt that surrounds it, showing strength in the face of heartbreak and other such topics in her music. It was performed post-Lust For Life, an era in which Lana embraced the light side rather than simply the dark.
Live Or Die
The version that is a little bit more lowkey and, in some ways, mature in that it matches a lot of her early albums sound is good but it’s not my favourite. There’s the heady, ultra-pop second version that has plenty more sexy references, a little meow (iconic) and an overall vibe of just having fun on the run. The former version is a bit more serious, but the second is – though less good in terms of production – full of soul.
Velvet Crowbar
Velvet Crowbar is a song that shows the dark side of fame and bad boys, namely the way they self-destruct to the point that their adoring lovers (already addicted to these gangstas of course) are falling with them. This song is a warning to these destructive souls that they aren’t invincible, and an equal warning to the people that love them that they might just fall apart and lose them. Lana puts her emotion across so well, with her stark lyrics, anxious guitars and growling third chorus. Even her more flowery imagery doesn’t cover up the overt fear that runs through this song.
Your Band Is All The Rage
Probably one of Lana’s saddest songs (which could be a great deal many since she knows how to tug heartstrings), Lana lets go of her rock star lover despite still loving him in this acoustic track. She makes soulful promises to be there when he needs him, her love lingering until he wants her back, and utilises the country music theme to her advantage.
The studio version is my favourite but the charm of the original, acoustic demo is unmatched. Despite the controversial inspiration for this track, Lana puts us straight in the world of the 1950s, with American motels and Kmart. It has a note of sadness – perhaps because of the unfortunate tale of Lolita that much of this song seems based on – but it works as one of Lana’s aesthetically pleasing and classic tracks.
Because of You
The spoken intro is a little bit cringe but the song is lovely. Lana plays an immature brat who fell in love with a good man who essentially tamed her (a little bit questionable for some in 2021). It’s got some of her most flowery imagery and it details how her relationship bought out the best of her. The casual comments she throws in throughout the song give this a real bedtime story feel, though this song is anything but sleepy.
Frustrated but fun, Lana’s catchy and upbeat Resistance brings to mind surfers and sunny days set in the noughties. Even though she’s furious with the guy who’s causing her so much trouble it still, for a change, stays perky and pleasant. A song that needs more attention, it’s the type of song that gets people singing and dancing along to it.
Dangerous Girl
With a rock-feeling patriotic opening, Lana launches into a track about her prowess as a dangerous girl, like a deranged beauty queen with a gangsta on her arm. It’s simply fun, complete with wolf-whistles and an impression of a siren.
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stenbrozier · 4 years
Seaside Lovin’ (Jacob Barber x Reader)
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Plot: You and Jacob had been dating for years, ever since right after the trial ended. You guys were now 18, finishing up your senior year and getting ready for college. On a summer night trip to the beach with Jacob, you realize that him arguing with you about your lack of coat was for your own sake because you’re now freezing and can’t do anything about it.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff
A/N: This one is very short, but I had this little idea and I just had to write something for it 🥺 I hope y’all like it
“You’re gonna complain that it’s too cold,” Jacob said through gritted teeth, holding out a jacket for you to take. You shook your head, hugging your arms around your waist.
“Jake, I’ll be okay,” you said exasperated. “If I’m cold, I’ll snuggle into you.” He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, throwing the sweatshirt onto his bed. Jacob walked up to you and wrapped his arm around your waist, yours going up around his neck.
“Just take it,” he mumbled softly, leaning in and snuggling his face into your neck. “Please?” You shook your head, running your hand through his hair.
“Let’s just go have fun at the beach, okay?” you responded softly, kissing the side of his head. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” He stood up fully, bringing you flush against him so he could lean down and kiss your lips.
“Okay,” he answered, a little smile playing on his lips. “You’re not getting my hoodie if you get cold though.”
You chuckled. “No, I will. I always get what I want.” You pulled back and booped his nose with your pointer finger. He rolled his eyes again, this time with a tiny blush developing on his cheeks. You kissed those spots and walked out of his room, beckoning him to come along.
As you retreated down the steps, Jacob grabbed the hoodie and put it in the small drawstring that was going to hold your wallets and your phones so they didn’t get sandy. There was also a blanket, but Jacob already had it in the trunk of his car. Jacob met you at the bottom of the steps, calling to his parents in the living room that you guys were leaving and would be back around midnight. They obliged, biding you farewells with an “I love you” thrown in there towards both of you. Jacob grabbed your hand and pulled out his personalized Minecraft lanyard from his pocket, which his keys were attached to. You laughed gently at the green, blue and blocky patterns, remembering how you guys acquired it.
“Babe,” Jacob yelled from the back of the quiet store. You lifted your head in surprise as you looked around the store, waving an apology at the patrons around you. He’s holding up a lanyard with a huge smile on his face.
You walk up to him, stifling a laugh when you notice what he’s holding. “A Minecraft lanyard? Jakey, you’re 16.” You took it from his hand, your empty hand flying to your mouth as you let out a full belly laugh. On the key ring, there was a cheap piece of metal with “Jacob” engraved in it. The piece of metal was hanging vertically, making it easy to hang keys and stuff next to it.
“I think I’m gonna get it,” he said matter of factly, taking it from your hand and carrying it up to the cashier with a smirk on his face. You followed behind him, watching as he pulled out his wallet all giddy and excited. “Do you want anything?”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his waist and sticking your head in between his shoulder blades. “I just want you.”
The car ride was a breezy one with the windows down and the air getting more nippy the closer you had gotten to the shoreline. Jacob jammed out to the soft rap music playing through the speakers, and you were pulling down the sleeves of your thin, long sleeve shirt. You regretted not takin the hoodie, but you were going to still pretend that you were fine, but you certainly were not fine.
You tried to keep your shivering to a minimum, but all caution went out the window when you got to the beach itself. Jacob held your hand as you walked along the beach, carrying the blanket in his other hand. He smiled down at you, kissing you on the top of the head as he moved his hand so it was wrapped around you. You cling onto his side, your cold hands going underneath his hoodie to feel the warmth of his stomach. He jolted slightly, laughing a little as he took in your shivering frame.
“You want your hoodie, Baby?” he asked condescendingly, leading you up the beach closer to the sand dunes.
“We...we don’t have it,” you said in between shivers, watching as he laid the blanket down. He chucked the drawstring bag towards you, and you smiled when you opened it and saw your favorite hoodie of his: the maroon pullover. “Baby!” You grabbed it out of the drawstring, immediately pulling it over your head and snuggling into it. He made grabby hands from the blanket, and you fell into them, cuddling up to him to gain more warmth. You kicked off your flip flops, bringing your legs up closer to you and Jake’s bodies.
“I knew you were gonna be cold,” he sing-songed, tease evident in his words. “You always get cold at the beach.” You lightly smacked his chest, laughing at the pouty lip he gave you. You kissed away the pout, his lips molding to yours immediately and causing you to feel your face turn red. His arms tightened around you as you pulled away, and he laid down on the blanket, the sun above you setting.
The sky turned different hues of purple and orange, the blue steadily fading out as you and Jacob sunk further into the sand underneath you. You guys discussed what you guys could have for dinner, citing the small restaurants and pizza shops that were right outside the beach in the small town. You guys settled on the small Mexican restaurant you guys had parked in front of, saying it would be easier to refill the meter. The sun finished setting and the only light illuminating you both was the few flood lights that were placed on the lifeguard posts. Jacob stretched and kissed the top of your head.
“Let’s go, Baby,” he said softly, squeezing your hip and gently pushing you to stand up. He stood up and picked up the blanket, shaking it out before folding it up and putting it in his bag. He took out your phones and wallets, not wanting them to get sandy when he put the blanket in there. You grabbed everything from his hand, holding them as he stuffed the blanket into the bag. “We should put this in the car.”
“Cause we’re gonna go in a restaurant with a blanket,” you said sarcastically, picking up your flip flops and shaking them off. “Come on, Jacob. My stomach is growling.” You pouted and he laughed.
“Okay,” he sighed out, pulling you to walk beside him. He kissed the side of your head, nuzzling his cheek into your hair. “I love you. Thank you for doing these trips with me.”
You stopped walking, turning to him and pulling his face down to yours to give him a big kiss on the lips. “I love you more. Thank you for inviting me on trips. And for giving me hoodies.”
“I would give you the whole world,” he mumbled as he pulled away, thinking you couldn’t hear. You blushed as he pulled you up onto the sidewalk next to the beach, walking you over to the spigots, letting you wash your feet and shoes of the sand before he washed off his sneakers.
After dinner, you guys hopped back into the car, both of you full and a little sleepy. You turned to Jacob, admiring his concentration as he drove you guys home. He noticed you watching, and he smirked and placed one of his hands on your thigh, giving it a tight and loving squeeze. This was your boyfriend, the boy you were going to marry and live a life with. You would go on countless beach trips with him even if it warranted relentless teasing for being cold, yet you’d get cuddles nonetheless. He’s your everything, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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choquejuergas · 3 years
sally rooney, beautiful world where are you
“reading the book again now gives me such a strange sensation. was i really like that once? a person capable of dropping down into the most fleeting of impressions, and dilating them somehow, dwelling inside them, and finding riches and beauty there. apparently i was — ‘for a couple of hours, but i am not that person’. i wonder whether the book itself, the process of writing the book, caused me to live that way, or whether i wrote because o wanted to record that kind of experience as it was happening. i’ve tried to remember what was going on in my life at the time, in case that might help me to understand. i know i was twenty-three, i had just started working at the magazine, you and i were living together in that horrible flat in the liberties, and kate was still in dublin, and tom, and aoife. we went out to parties together, we had people over for dinner, we drank too much wine, we got into arguments. sometimes simon would call me on the phone from paris so we could complain to each other about work, and while we were laughing, i would hear natalie in the background putting away plates in the kitchen. all my feelings and experiences were in one sense extremely intense, and in another sense completely trivial, because none of my decisions seemed to have any consequences, and nothing about my life —the job, the apartment, the desires, the love affairs — struck me as permanent. i felt anything was possible, that there were no doors shut behind me, and that out there somewhere, as yet unknown, there were people who would love me and admire me and want to make me happy”
“and at the same time i was thinking of simon, the mystery of him, and somehow as i looked out the taxi window i started to think about his physical presence in the city, that somewhere inside the city’s structure, standing or sitting, holding his arms one way or another, dressed or undressed, he was present, and dublin was like an advent calendar concealing him behind one of its million windows"
“but do you ever experience a sort of diluted, personalised version of that feeling, as if your own life, your own world, has slowly but perceptibly become an uglier place? or even a sense that while you used to be in step with the cultural discourse, you’re not anymore, and you feel yourself adrift from the world of ideas, alienated, with no intellectual home? maybe it is about our specific historical moment, or maybe it’s just about getting older and disillusioned, and it happens to everyone”
“it makes me feel that rather than worrying and theorising about the state of the world, which helps no one, i should put my energy into living and being happy. when i try to picture for myself what a happy life might look like, the picture hasn’t changed very much since i was a child — a house with flowers and trees around it, and a river nearby, and a room full of books, and someone there to love me, that’s all. just to make a home there, and to care for my parents when they grow older. never to move, never to board a plane again, just to live quietly and then be buried in the earth. what else is life for?”
“this i suppose is what the enlightenment philosophers meant by aesthetic judgement, and it corresponds rightly enough to the kind of experience i’ve had with certain works of visual art, passages of music, scenic vistas, and so on. i find them beautiful, and their beauty moves me and gives me a pleasurable feeling. i agree that the spectacle of mass consumerism marketed to us as ‘beauty’ is in reality hideous and gives me none of the aesthetic pleasure i get from, e.g., sunlight  falling through leaves, or the ‘demoiselles d’avignon’, or ‘kind of blue’. but i’m inclined to ask: who cares? even if we suppose that the beauty of ‘kind of blue’ is in some sense objectively superior to the beauty of a chanel handbag, which philosophically speaking is a lot of ground to give, why does it matter? you seem to think that aesthetic experience is, rather than merely pleasurable, somehow important. and what i want to know is: important in what way?”
“for you and me it’s harder, because we can’t seem to shake the conviction that nothing matters, life is random, our sincerest feelings are reducible to chemical reactions, and no objective moral law structures the universe. it’s possible to live with those convictions, of course, but not really possible, i don’t think, to believe the things that you and i say we believe. that some experiences of beauty are serious and others trivial. or that some things are right and others wrong. to what standard are we appealing? before what judge do we argue our case? i’m not trying to tear you down, by the way — i occupy what i suspect is exactly your position. i can’t believe that the difference between right and wrong is simply a matter of taste or preference; but i also can’t bring myself to believe in absolute morality, which is to say, in god. this leaves me in a philosophical nowhere place, lacking the courage of my convictions on both sides. i can’t have the satisfaction of feeling that i serve god by doing right, and yet the idea of doing wrong disgusts me”
“outside, the air stirred the trees, sifted its cool breath over their faces. they climbed into the car together. lola pressed her nose to the window and left a tiny circle of powder on the glass. the church was squat and grey with long thin stained-glass windows, rose-coloured and blue and amber. as they entered, the electric organ played, the scent of incense touched them, damp and fragrant, and the rustle of cloth, the creaking of pews, as everyone stood and watched them processing together up the polished aisle”
“they looked at one another for a long moment without moving, without speaking, and in the soil of that look many years were buried”
“it’s making me think about what you wrote in your email about beauty, and how difficult it is to believe that beauty could be important or meaningful when it’s just random. but it brings some pleasure into life, doesn’t it? you don’t need to be religious to appreciate that, i believe”
“and the house around them quiet and solid with its nailed-down floorboards, with its bright burnished tiles in the candlelight. and the gardens dim and silent. the sea breathing peacefully outside, breathing its salt air through the windows. to think of alice living here. alone, or not alone. she was standing at the countertop then, serving the crumble out into bowls with a spoon. everything in one place. all of life knotted into this house for the night, like a necklace knotted at the bottom of a drawer”
“slowly the breath of the sea drew the tie out away from the shore, leaving the sand flat and glimmering under the stars. the seaweed wet, bedraggled, crawling with insects. the dunes massed and quiet, dune grass smoothed by the cool wind. the paved walkway up from the beach in silence now under a film of white sand, the curved roofs of the caravans glowing dimly, parked cars huddled dark on the grass. then the amusements, the ice cream kiosk with its shutter pulled down, and up the street and into town, the post office, the hotel, the restaurant. the sailor’s friend with its doors closed, stickers on the windows illegible. the sweeping headlights of a single car passing. rear lights red like coals. further up the street, a row of houses, windows reflecting the streetlights blankly, bins lined up outside, and then the cost road out of town, silent, empty, trees rising through the darkness. the sea to the west, a length of dark cloth. and to the east, up through the gates, the old rectory, blue as milk. inside, four bodies sleeping, walking, sleeping again. on their sides, or lying on their backs, with the quilts kicked down, through dreams they passed in silence. and already now behind the house the sun was rising. on the back walls of the house and through the branches of the trees, through the coloured leaves of the trees and through the damp green grasses, the light of dawn was sifting. summer morning. cold clear water cupped in the palm of a hand”
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writingsbychlo · 5 years
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angel with an accent | thomas
word count; 6428
summary; newt has a friend from england flying out to see him, and thomas is swooning.
notes; soooo, y’all wanted a little fic using british slang, and here it is. it’s totally meant to be a comedy fic, please don’t take it seriously, for the record, ‘pleasure beach’ means ‘blackpool pleasure beach’ and is an amusement park,.
warnings; nope, a few sexual references but that is it.
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Being awake at this time in the morning, was not Thomas’ idea of a fun start to the day. Especially not, when every time he almost managed to drift off, he was jerked awake by the overwhelming boom of jets taking off above his head. Twisting uncomfortably in his car seat, he turned to face his friend, eventually giving up on catching up on sleep altogether, and letting his seat move back up to its normal position from the reclined state he’d put it in.
Minho was glancing at his phone, scrolling through instagram, occasionally letting his finger tap down to like a post as he came across them. A whine fell from Thomas’ lips from boredom, his friend glancing up at him with an eyebrow raised. “It’s only been forty minutes.”
“Forty minutes I could’ve still been in bed.” 
“Shut ya’ complaining up. You wanted to come for breakfast, and meet Newt’s friend.” Minho jabbed, the words teasing and Thomas pouted, huffing through his nose but his stomach rumbled at the thoughts of the pancakes he’d soon be stuffing down. 
“That was before I knew their flight landed at seven in th- oh, shit!” Thomas sat up straighter in his seat, leaning forward to look out of the window and the boy beside him looked up, attempting to look past him, but Thomas was practically filling the space.
“What are you mumbling about now?”
“Newt’s friend if fucking hot!” 
A chuckle, more like a cackle, fell from the Asian boy’s mouth as his friend turned to him, an eyebrow raised in question of his laughter. “Didn’t know you swung that way, Thoma- OW!” He rubbed at his arm, Thomas flashing him a sarcastic and toothy grin to follow the punch he’d delivered, but Minho’s eyes widened as he caught a glimpse of you out of the window. “His friend is a fucking chick?! You’d think he’d a’ mentioned that!”
The pair watched in wonder as you made your way over. Your arm was looped through Newt’s, his other hand pulling your suitcase along behind you as you gripped your carry-on tightly. A light sundress brushed at the middle of your thighs, waving lightly in the breeze, shifting with each step you took. A denim jacket was sitting on your shoulders, shiny hair flowing around your shoulders in loose waves. 
You were laughing at something Newt had said, your smile bringing more warmth and light than the early morning sun itself, and though he couldn’t hear it, Thomas already knew the sounds of your laughter was going to be sweeter than honey. The two couldn’t even school their stares as you made it to the car, luckily for them, you were too distracted making your way to the back of the car to place your case int he trunk, but Newt had noticed. He shot them both a glare and a scowl, waiting for Minho to press the button on his driving wheel to open the boot, and the aforementioned boy fumbled to find the button, both Thomas and Minho looking at each other in shock.
Just like that, the morning seemed much more bearable. 
The doors quickly opened once the slam of the trunk had sounded, and finally, the muffled voices and gentle laugh reached his ears as you settled into the car, Newt following on the other side and you dipped your head as you clicked your seatbelt into place. Turning in their seats, both the boys from the front seats were looking at you with wide grins when you looked up and your eyes widened, Thomas’ heart jumping as you gave them a soft smile.
“Let me guess, Minho-” You held your hand out to him, and the boy seemed positively elated that you already knew his name, and hearing your accent up close, Thomas was already swooning. “-and you must be Thomas.” Your hand slipped into his gently, shaking it carefully and he was practically breathless as your attention was now on him, his fingers barely curling around yours. “Newt has been telling me all about you guys.”
“Good things, I hope?” He was honestly surprised by his own ability to form words, and Newt rolled his eyes as Thomas continued to stare at you, Minho turning in his seat and starting the car. 
“Oh, absolutely not. All the fun things.” You shot him a wink and a blush rose to his cheeks. Thomas turned in his chair and sank back into his seat as the car raced, and even over the music of the radio playing his ears were tuning in on the little conversations you were having with Newt, and he ignored the scenery flying past him outside of the window, choosing instead to catch cheeky glimpses of you in the mirror. 
He had barely registered the journey that brought them to the diner they were now at, and he was jerked from his day-dreaming as the car came into a sudden braking thanks to Minho’s awful parking skills. You were shooting from the car fist, happily stretching your arms above your head as you popped and clicked joints, stretching out muscles that had already been cramped from a plane, and re-cramped in the car.
“I’m assuming there’s no chance of a full-English fry up here.” You turned to Newt, a coy grin on your face as he rounded the car, and Newt shook his head.
“Unfortunately not, but I promise I’ll make you one during your trip. I will make you all your favourites from home at some point.” He promised, and your arm linked through your blond friends and Thomas’ brows furrowed. 
“What’s on a ‘full-English fry up’?” He questioned, and you turned to him with a gasp, holding a hand over your heart in mock-offence, a smile pulling at his lips at your antics, and he held the door open for you gently as you stepped inside. 
“Only the best breakfast ever!” You grinned, and his eyebrows raised at your explanation, urging you to explain. “Well, you know, your basics. Eggs, toast, sausage, bacon..” 
“Sounds like an American breakfast to me.” Thomas questioned, and you settled into the booth opposite him, Newt sitting beside you and Thomas reached out a hand idly, pushing Minho up the worn leather of the seat as his attention remained glued on you.
“Yeah, but on an English breakfast, you also get fried mushrooms, grilled half-tomatoes, hashbrowns, bakes beans and black pudding.” You confessed, and he laughed at the sounds of it, taking the menu from the waitress with a smile as she handed them out around the table. Before he had a chance to ask further questions, the server before you was taking orders for drinks, and your attention was gone for a second. Newt ordered first, Minho following, before all eyes were on you. “Can I get a tea?”
“Iced tea with breakfast?” A heat rose to your cheeks, and Newt laughed beside you, looking at the back of the menu before turning to the waitress and ordering you coffee instead, and Thomas thought your blush might be the cutest thing he had ever seen, and you ducked your head to hide it from them all as he gave his own drinks order, hesitantly tearing his gaze from you as not to be rude. 
“Don’t worry love, I bought you teabags in preparation. You can have a proper brew when we get home.” You beamed at Newt, the blush coating your skin finally receding. 
“So, what’s black pudding?” Thomas finally voiced, and you took off into an explanation of anything and everything he could get you to talk about, asking you questions that he knew would earn him long answers, just so he could hear you talk more, the way you happily gestured with your hands and practically bounced in your seat as he asked you about your home. 
When the waitress had come back with your drinks, you hadn’t even looked at the menu to order food, and Thomas took a leap, ordering breakfast for you, a dish he was sure you’d like. And he was right, you had been ecstatic when the food had arrived, and you had enjoyed every bote of it, your plate cleared as you sat with your hands on your stomach, head resting on Newt’s shoulder with a happy smile on your face. 
“That was amazing, but now I need to pee. I am going to the loo.” You hopped up form the booth and Thomas watched as you went, soft cooing falling from his lips as you trailed away, the accents and the words you used were digging a path straight to his heart. He spun back to the table when a harsh slap landed on the back of his head, and Newt settled down into his seat again, a scowl on his face as Thomas whimpered and rubbed at the back of his head, Minho cracking up in laughter beside him. 
“Will you stop drooling all over my mate?” He muttered, and Thomas shrugged, a bashful smile appearing on his lips. 
“I can’t help it!” He took a sip of his coffee, Newt’s eyes sealed on him in a glare. “She’s super pretty and her accent is just.. so cute.” 
“Aye, you twat! I’m pretty! My accent is cute, too!” He muttered, and both of the American boys cracked up at the protest. He shared a look with the dark-haired boy beside him, both of them shaking their heads at the look they shared as Thomas snorted in laughter.
“She makes it work.” Thomas confided, holding his hands up in surrender as Newt only scowled even further, and soon, you were making your way back over to the table, none the wiser of what the three males had been discussing.
“So, what did you want to do today, on your first day in the States?” Minho questioned his arms folding on the table as he leaned forward and you tapped at your chin, humming as you thought it over. 
“You got any roller coasters around here?”
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“You remember the last time we went to a theme park together, love?” Newt nudged at your side, and Thomas unscrewed the bottle of water held lifting it to his lips as you grinned, nodding happily in agreement. 
“Pleasure Beach!”
Thomas choked on his water as the words left your mouth, his eyes wide as he looked at you, and it didn’t help when you placed a hand between his shoulder blades rubbing carefully as you looked over at him in concern. Newt, however, had a cheeky grin on his face that was hidden for you view just for Thomas to see. 
“Yeah, Pleasure Beach. You really went hard that day, you were exhausted!” Newt chimed, and Thomas’ face was red as he spluttered, assuring you he was okay through deep breaths as he finally cleared his airways. 
“God, yeah!” Your touch finally left him, and Thomas rubbed at his chest, lungs sore from all the impromptu coughing. “My hips were so sore! I was covered in bruises from being thrown about so rough, but it was so much fun!”
Thomas felt like he was about to hyperventilate, and he was sure it must be showing on his face as you looked at him with concern and Newt was looking like he was going to pass out from choking down his laughter for much longer, and finally, Newt took pity on him. “Theme parks are just so fun! I miss that one!” He shot his blond friend a glare for his antics, and Thomas shuffled awkwardly, the heat covering his body was making him uncomfortable and he was happy to see Minho making his way back over with your access bands to the park, effectively distracted Thomas. 
Pushing his sunglasses down over his nose, Thomas decided that if nobody could see his eyes, then he was free to look at you as much as he liked until he had to take them off for rides. You were already bounding happily forward, Minho leading you all as he held out a park map before him. 
Somehow, he had already managed to Google the rides, and had found a pen from somewhere to circle the rides he wanted or go on. Thomas on one side of you, Newt on the other, and he was certainly unprepared when he felt your hand slip around his arm, fingers resting on the crook of his elbow as you hold yourself between the two boys. You were following their friend, who was bouncing along happily as he guided you toward the first ride, and you turned to Thomas with a grin, his eyes scanning over your face as his brows rose from behind his glasses in question. “So, how does a nice guy like you know a scouser like Newt then, Tommy?”
“A what?” Thomas grinned, his heart skipping in joy at the sound of his nickname falling from your lips but the term you used to refer to his friend was too funny to ignore, and your fingers tightened on his arm as you spoke, his bare skin stretching under your fingers as he flexed slightly. 
“I’m not a scouser, you slapper.” He grumbled, and a loud laugh fell from your lips as you turned to him, removing your hand from his arm and flicking at his ear, to which Newt returned the gesture with a grin. 
“I’m so confused. You’re not even speaking English.” He mumbled under his breath, and though you didn’t bother holding onto Newt again, you turned to Thomas with a sly smile, your arm curling around his a little more as you moved into his side. 
“Actually, we are speaking English. Real English.” You teased, and his head tipped to the side as you came to a halt at the entrance to a queue Minho was standing before, and Thomas dipped his head slightly, lips brushing your ear as Newt was distracted when walking forward toward the crowd of waiting people. 
“I think it’s pretty cute, actually.” 
You raised a brow at him as he pulled back, a smirk on his features as he guided the two of you into the queue, and your hands slipped down from his bicep, both of them now resting on his forearm, the two of you speed-walking to catch up with your friends. The second you arrived, Newt turned to you, subtly pointing out a man standing out in the line of people ahead of you. He had a bad orange spray-tan, his hair slicked back as a pair of oversized and obnoxious sunglasses sat on the bridge of his nose. 
He looked like he was wearing the wardrobe of a spring-breaker that would roofie a girl’s drink, and you scoffed at his attire, your eyes glistening when you glanced up at Thomas. “My man over there looks like a right roadman. The sort who’s bird calls everyone ‘babes’ and has a lot of grow-out on her falsies, and they probably argue over whether they’re gonna’ watch the footy or corrie every night.” 
Newt burst out in laughter at your words, and both Thomas and Minho’s eyebrows furrowed at your words, jaw hung as the two of you cracked up, watching as you doubled over, clutching at your bellies. “I bet you a tenner his name is either John, Colin or Scott.”
“I’d take that deal!” You joked, the group shuffling forward, and though he hadn’t understood a single word you had said, Thomas was beaming just hearing the sounds coming from your mouth. 
As you progressed, you had sat next to him on most of the rides you encountered, and as you had been walking around, you had ended up pressed closer and closer to Thomas, the park getting bigger and crowds getting tighter. You were pressed up against him in the queues, your front up to his and his arm wrapped around your shoulders, questions flying from each of your mouths as you got to know one another. 
You screamed with joy each time the coasters went over a loop, your fingers looping through Thomas’ and squeezing tightly anytime you when over a steep drop, your eyes closed as your giggles were lost on the rush of air but he still heard them, and he wasn’t sure if his stomach was clenching from riding all the coasters or whether it was simply from your flushed cheeks, slightly messy hair and wide grin. 
Minho was surprisingly the first to cave, the athlete deciding that it was definitely time to eat, and nobody had disagreed. You had found a place to eat, different places to buy food lining the large outdoor seating area, like an outdoor food-court, and you quickly settled on where you wanted to buy your food from. 
Minho had gone first, ordering such a large amount of food your eyes had widened and Thomas laughed at your shock, because it was shocking, and yet or was even more shocking that the boy would eat it all and still be hungry in time for an evening meal. Newt followed him up, the two decided they were going to go and find a table and you were up next. You smiled at the person behind the counter, leaning up to speak your order.
“Can I get a hotdog - just ketchup, chips and a lemonade?” The person’s brows furrowed at your request, and Thomas opened his mouth to correct you, but the person had already left to assemble your order and his jaw clamped shut, perhaps it wouldn’t turn out so bad. 
He was wrong.
You were given your hotdog, but you had been a little thrown when you were handed the bag of chips and the plastic bottle of lemonade, and Thomas saw the disappointment flicker over your face, cursing at yourself under your breath and he frowned, watching as you just handed over your money and took the food, telling Thomas you’d meet him at the table. He was next up, and his eyes scanned over the menu, settling on making this right. 
“One hotdog, two fries and two sodas, thanks.” The person hurried away, and he watched as you settled down beside Newt, huffing as the boy laughed at your bitter drink and a bag of ‘crisps’, clearly not the meal you had been intending to get. He struggled to balance the food in your arms, and he collapsed down into the last uncomfortable metal seat left, pushing a cardboard-cup of soda and a portion of fries across to you, your eyes flicking from the food to him. 
“For me?”
“I saw you order the wrong stuff, and then you were all disappointed. You’re too cute to frown.” He teased, and Newt scoffed, rolling his eyes as Minho gagged.
“Hey! When I ordered the wrong things for months when I first arrived you never bought me food!” Newt mumbled, and you laughed, awwing at him and pinching his cheek. 
“Guess you’re just not as cute as me, g. Better luck next time.” You joked, and he slapped at your hand, smirking at you as he reached over and took a handful of your fries, at least half, your eyes widening as he dropped them onto the plate beside his cheeseburger. “Oi, you gypsy bastard! Those were mine!” 
You scowled, shaking your head and Minho shoved a mouthful of his first hotdog into his mouth as he watched the exchange. “You two should come with subtitles.”
Thomas wasn’t paying attention to Minho, instead, he tipped some of his portion of fries into yours, evening the amounts up and you caught him at the last moment, turning to him as Newt began to try and translate some of the slang to Minho. “You’re so cute.”
Thomas’ cheeks flushed at your words, and he adjusted the sunglasses on his nose to try and hide it, but you reached out carefully to pull them from his face, your eyes sparkling in the sunlight as you looked at him. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his cheek, your touch lingering there and he only reddened further at the touch. With a wink, you pushed his sunglasses onto your own face, a small smirk tugging at his features. 
You finally lifted your hotdog, biting into it carefully and licking the ketchup from the edge of your mouth, his eyes glued to the way your tongue moved to flick over the sauce, and you moaned happily as you ate the food. “Oh my God, this is peng.”
“Told you that you’d like the food here. Even if it is street vendors.” Newt chuckled, and you nodded happily. 
“So much better than the crap served from carts on the Manc streets. Reminds me of the home-cooked food you get at the street markets at Christmas.” You muttered, gleefully tucking into your food. Surprisingly, Minho had finished before any of you, and was raring to get back out there, he had been waiting to go on the water slide rides, and you finally agreed. You spent the afternoon drenched, water dripping from the tips of your hair as you went on every water-themed ride there was, sending the afternoons wandering the park in the sun to dry out, until eventually you had been removed when the gates were closing. 
You had all collapsed back into Minho’s car, heading over to the hotel in which you would be staying. As you pulled up, you had noticed an arcade across the road, and you’d turned to the boys excitedly, your eyes glistening as you silently pleaded with them and Thomas had to resist the urge to turn to you, deciding to make you wait for a moment as he watched you practically bounce in your seat.
Pulling into the hotel car park, Minho turned off the car and finally, he let himself turn to look at you, your lip clamped between your teeth and Newt finally turned off his phone, tucking it into his pocket as he looked up at you, brows raised.
“What’s got you looking like an eight year old on Halloween night?” He questioned, a pout forming on your lips at his insult but you never dulled your excitement. 
“There’s an arcade across the road.” Newt hummed in false disinterest, his arm stretching out across the back of the seat behind you, and he hummed casually, a small smirk on his face as you whined. “I really want to go. Can we please?”
“Not me you have to convince, love.” Newt gestured to Thomas and Minho in the front seat, and he caught your eyes, watching as you smiled at them softly. 
“Minho I bet they have lots of cheap food and bumper-cars so you can drag Newt onto them and give him whiplash.” You tried, the boy agreeing immediately, while the grumbling blond beside you pinched your arm lightly. Your gaze finally met his, your eyelashes fluttering as you leaned forward, smiling at him sweetly and he was already breaking. “Tommy, will you pretty please come to the arcade with me?” 
He huffed out at your statement, you must know exactly what you were doing to him because he struggled to hold his gaze with yours and not let his eyes flick down to your lips, a blush crawling along his cheekbones and he nodded gently. Licking over dry lips, he let them tilt up in a lop-sided smile. “Sure, sweetheart.”
You had been thrilled when he agreed, a toothy smile revealed as you cheered happily, hands immediately going to find the clip for your seatbelt as you freed yourself from the car, your feet hitting the tarmac lightly. You were practically skipping, but you didn’t rush the boys, instead choosing to wait patiently as they freed themselves from the vehicle, discussing the plans for the evening and how long they would stay. 
Rounding toward them, Thomas watched as you sidled up behind their little cluster, his fingers twitching in surprise when the tips of yours skimmed across his palm, your fingers lacing through his as your other arm wrapped around his bicep, and he turned to look down at you carefully as he wove his fingers with yours. 
“It’s cold.” You whispered the explanation and he smirked, tugging you around to his front to stand closer to his chest. 
“I got you, sweetheart, we’ll be inside soon, anyway.” He grinned, dipping his head to brush his lips against your forehead before Newt cleared his throat, and he snapped back up to his full height, his body stiffening as he blushes and looked at his less than amused friend, and a chuckle left your lips as your hand tightened around his own.
“Can we please go to the arcade now?” You questioned, and Newt reached out a hand to ruffle at your hair as he laughed teasingly, nodding his head as you set off on the journey to cross the road. 
Thomas was right, it was warm when you stepped into the loud arcade, the warmth washing over his skin and he shivered happily as he was embraced in the atmosphere. Lights flashed brightly from all the different games while the tunes and jingles to attract you to each machine melded in the air, sounds of winning and losing complimenting them, and the music playing from the speakers was barely audible.
Clasping a hand down on the fabric of Newt’s shoulder, Minho marched him towards the foot stand he’d just spotted. “Loser is buying the food!” He announced, the blond complaining as he asked Minho how he could possibly still be hungry as their bodies slipped away into the crowds. 
Your face pushed into his bicep, and Thomas looked down at you gently as you muffled your laughs. “The real question is, how does someone lose at bumper cars?” You asked, and Thomas let his own chuckles mix with yours as he thought it over, eventually shrugging at you as he looked around the place. “So, what first?”
“You wanted to come here, it’s your choice, sweetheart.” He beamed, and you shook your head at him, nibbling on your bottom lip as you spied an empty game, and your grip on his arm tightened as you drew his attention to it, his brows furrowing. “The basketball one?” You nodded, dragging him over to a change machine as you fished through your bag for your purse, and he closed his hand over yours gently. “I got us.”
Pushing a note into the machine, he grabbed one of the paper tubs and placed it under the dispenser as coins began to jingle and fall free from the metal box. Your lips pressed to his cheek, a bashful grin taking over his features as he looked at you. The minute the coins had stopped falling, he snatched the little cardboard pot, holding it out to you as you took in your hands happily. 
Guiding him over to the game, you pushed the coins into the slots, the game lighting up with flashing colours as instructions appeared on the screen, and the first ball came rolling down the ramp toward you. The basket soon started sliding back and forth, and you aimed carefully, the speed picking up as more balls rolled down the ramp toward you, gathering up as you still tried to aim, shooting the first ball and it bounced off of the rim, bouncing back toward you and landing on the metal slab. 
Before you could pick up another one, however, the sound of a horn blaring echoed through the room, and all the balls slid away as red flashed along the sides, flashing and taunting you for your loss and you pouted at the machine as it red a score of zero. A total of no tickets coming from the machine for your pitiful attempt made you turn toward him with a pout and he tried to suppress his laugh at your sad attempt.
“Here, why don’t you try again.” He pushed another coin into the machine as he moved to stand behind you, sliding his hands down your arms as he pressed his front flush up to your back. His hands closed over yours, guiding you to pick up the first ball that was rolling toward you and he pulled your arms back, leaning your bodies before shooting it perfectly, your hands clasped in his as it sank straight through the hoop, and you cheered happily.
The movements of the hoop sliding back and forth began to speed up and you reached for another basketball, his hands once again guiding yours as the ball flew forward, once again going through the hoop and you cheered in his grasp as you settled further into him. You didn’t achieve every shot, but you got almost all of them, and he was thrilled watching you excitedly wait for the tickets to dispense themselves from the machine for your taking. “You’re fantastic.”
He smiled, your hand finding home with his again and he looked down at your intertwined hands, before dragging his gaze back up to yours, the lights in the room flashing on your skin and lighting you up beautifully. “Nah, that was all you. You just had a bad first try.”
You gave him a gentle smile as you shook your head at him, before insisting that he choose the next game. 
After that, you had continued to take turns, the collection of tickets gathering up in your arms as you moved from console to console, trying everything. You had even managed to drag him onto one of the dance machines, his feet getting tangled at he tried to move. It wasn’t his fault he was distracted as he watched you jump out, singing the lyrics and losing yourself in the moment as you beat him with no struggle. 
By the time Newt and Minho had found you, the two of you were leaning against a claw game giggling as his hand over yours tried to snatch a teddy bear from a machine, his other arm sealed tightly around your waist, fingers splayed across your stomach and his chin balanced on your shoulder. 
“What are you two up to, then?” The British voice rang out, and you both turned to him, briefly, noises of complaints leaving you when the toy you had grasped slipped from the claws just before falling to the door where you could retrieve it. 
“Damn, Newt! I almost had one of these shite little bastards, you ruined it!” You muttered, and the blond laughed as he looked at the both of you. 
“How much money have you spent on the claw machine?” He shrugged, neither of you wanting to divulge how much your pride had really cost you as you’d insisted you would get it. With a shake of his head, he told you that it was time to go, and to Thomas’ surprise, you haven't argued. 
“Can we go exchange our tickets first?” You questioned him, and Newt glanced down at the handful of red tokens in reams that you held up to show him. With a nod, you were quickly bounding away, and Newt’s eyes narrowed at Thomas once you had left. 
“You seemed cosy.” He questioned, and Thomas’ mouth dry as he searched for words to use in response to his friend, but all that left his lips was a grunt, everything seeming to slip away from him in that moment. “Just don’t be a twat about it, alright? She deserves a nice guy.”
“I am a nice guy..” Thomas muttered, his frown turned into a scowl as the Brit finally smiled at him, shoving his shoulder lightly. 
“Well, are you going to go and help her pick out her prizes or not? If someone doesn’t monitor her then she’ll buy a lot of candy and be up all night.” With a roll of the eyes, Thomas suppressed his smile until he had turned away from the two boys, Newt’s approval ringing in his head as he made his way to find you. By the time he reached you, you were already accepting the paper bag with your rewards in, and he raised his eyebrows as you balanced it in your arm.
“Look what I got us!” You fished out two keychains, both with a globe sitting on the bottom and his eyebrows raised. “We can have matching keychains, so even when I’m on the other side of the globe, you can still think of me. Newt’s crazy friend.” You chuckled, holding one out to him and he took it in his fingers, twirling it softly in his palm.
“Crazy cute friend.” He muttered, dipping his nose to bump the tip against yours in thanks for your gift and you smiled, nuzzling your own back against him. 
“I got Newt this crappy union jack keychain, so he remembers his roots. Very important. And I got Minho this hotdog keychain. I don’t think that needs much of an explanation.” You showed him each of the items before dropping them back into the bag, and his arm looped around your shoulder as he guided you back to the other two so you could give them the trinkets you had won for them, both of whom were more than happy with their gifts.
The walk across the road was quick but cold, and Minho was jingling his car keys in his fingers, trying to put the hotdog, which he had promptly name ‘Harry’ onto the objects, before Newt had told him to hurry up so they could get your bags from the car and not have to wait in the cold anymore. 
You were left standing on the concrete outside of the hotel with Thomas, and he ran his hands up and down your arms in a bid to keep you slightly warmer as the other boy’s disappeared from view. He wasn’t sure how, but in the mere half a day you had been here, you had already managed to find your way straight to his heart, and he didn’t even care. He hated the sinking feeling in his stomach about the fact that in a month you would be leaving him again, but he was damned if he wasn’t going to make the absolute most of the month he would get to spend with you. 
He was too busy admiring you to notice that your attention had turned from your friends to him, until your voice calling out to him had snapped him from his dazing, and heat crawled up his cheeks as he grinned. 
His hands slowed their movements, slipping under the denim of your jacket to sit on the thin material of your dress, the heat from your skin radiating out into his palms, and your own arms looped around his neck, pulling yourself closer to him until your fronts were pressed together. He was nervous, his heart racing, until suddenly you pushed up onto your tiptoes, your lips meeting his softly and he let out a sighed-moan against your lips as the action he had been wanting to do with you for the past six hours at least, finally became a reality.
Your movements were slow and cautious at first, lips pressing subtle pecks to his own as you both grew bolder, his hands sliding around to sit on your back under your jacket, pulling you tighter to his body as your head tilted to the side. Your fingers found their way to scratching and playing with the shorter hairs on the back of his neck as the tips of his own dug into your skin, a needy whine falling from him. 
Tracing your tongue along the seam of his lips he had happily parted them for you, the muscles sliding and dragging together as you swallowed the gentle moan the other released the air around you both seeming to crackle and tingle with energy, and it was like the cold no longer mattered, or even existed. You hummed happily against him, letting him explore between your cheeks with his tongue as you did the same to him, and his lips slid wetly over yours as he pulled back, panting and flushed from the exchange. 
Your lips were red and swollen, parted slightly as you sucked in ragged breaths like he did, and he smiled, his eyes sliding shut as he leaned down to rest his forehead against yours. 
“Why is all the emphasis on french-kissing when British girls kiss like that?” He was breathless as he spoke, and you giggled at his words, shaking your head fondly and pecking his lips, a groan falling from him at the small exchange.
“I think this is going to be a great vacation.” He smirked at your words, one of his hands sliding down until the tips of his fingers were brushing against your ass, nodding slightly and he dragged his lips against yours again, just enough to tease.
“Yeah, it is. I promise.” With that, his lips sealed over yours again, his tongue pushing past your lips to play with your own again and something between a squeak and a moan in surprise left you, and Thomas decided he loved that sound. Relaxing into him again, he held you tightly, willing himself to build up the courage to full slip his hand down onto your ass, but a familiar voice shouting at him snapped you both apart in a startled jump, your lips smacking at the parted.
“She’s been here fourteen bloody hours, get your hand off her ass and your tongue outta’ her mouth!” Thomas held his hands up, beaming cheekily at his friend before shrugging. 
“Dude, she is hot. I can be held accountable.” He joked, the look dropping from his face as Newt made to dash towards him, and he placed a quick peck to your lips before bolting away from the blond who was now chasing him.
“Come back here, you wanker!” You turned to Minho, who was standing with your bags, and still struggling to get the hotdog charm into his kets, and you held your hand out for him to give it to you, and you slipped it on in moments, his jaw gaping as you did.
“You’re more useful than Newt, can we keep you instead?” He joked, and you laughed lightly, watching the two boys chase one another around the car park. 
“You know, I might just stick around for a while.”
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shibalen · 4 years
HIYA! This is me ✨ anon! I was about to sleep when you posted this gajshsjs better do it fast- Okay so, I would like a romantic match-up for Akatsuki no Yona and Haikyuu! I dont think I'll be able to summon those other emojis so I would like music box and jewellery box uwu. My nickname is Oya! I am a female with long straight black hairs and black eyes and I wear glasses. I am smol, 160cm, and a bit on the chubby side :"). I am a INTP-T so this shows I am an introverted person. ✨(1/2)✨
I also have trust issues so its really hard for me to open up to new people but once I get to know them I'll never leave their side. I also have anger issues so I bust out at the wrong time hahaha. I love to sleep, eat and be lazy all day doing nothing. If something interests me I would get obsessed with it. I have a disliking towards dogs because of some encounters in the past TvT. Just a little fun fact- sometimes I purr like a kitty 🐯. ✨(2/3)✨ (me made a little mistake I think-)
In a relationship, I would place loyalty and trust over everything else! Oh and I just saw that do you own many plants? Damn my house has like its own garden on the roof. Thanks for this and remember to always take care of yourself and stay safe 🌸 ✨(3/3)✨
♡︎ matchup for ✨anon
howdy! i'm so glad you made it on time. i really hope you enjoy your matches!
akatsuki no yona: i match you with . . .
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shin-ah !!
• i know you two sound too similar to be matched but i promise once you come to trust each other the result is the most beautiful !!
• as an intp-t you are easy-going, have rich imagination and don't need extravagant objects in your life to feel happy. i am 100% sure Shin-ah would love these qualities in a lover.
• also, you need not look further for someone loyal and trustworthy because Shin-ah is the perfect example of those traits. no one will cherish you like he does. for you he'd go to the moon and back ♡︎
• he's a little difficult to understand sometimes but over time you learn to read his body language and tone of voice to determine how he's feeling. your bond exceeds the limits of words. it is something much deeper, almost spiritual.
• your relationship development was no doubt a long road, seeing as both of you were rather guarded at first, but i believe it was something that also brought you together.
• before you were ready to join the rest of the gang by the fire during dinners, you would sit by yourself. Shin-ah, being a shy boy but also knowing you were on your guard, began slowly sitting closer to you every time. it was little things like that which made you become closer.
• you grew together very naturally, respecting each others' boundaries until there were almost none between you two (o´ω`o)
• it's so lovely how you're always by each others side, not perhaps always talking but doing things like napping, eating and walking side-by-side. anybody can see what a cute couple you make.
• i'm telling you he's in love with how much passion you have for your interests. when you're telling him about all the plants you like or a crazy dream you had he'd mostly be quiet, hanging on your every word.
• but sometimes you'll catch him with a small smile or muttering "tell me more". you're like his own ray of sunshine
• once to explain it to him, i think he'll be fairly good at understanding your outbursts. he lived with Ao for a long time and knows when someone is under pressure.
• he'll try his best to help you. he has a very calm energy so being about him definitely has a good influence. will very gently reach out to you to get you away from your source of anger. "Oya, let's go."
• giving you his fluff when you're cold !! if you invite him to snuggle up to you, might catch a glimpse of him holding back tears before turning away to wipe them off.
• and speaking of, napping with Shin-ah is the best experience you can ask for: he's so soft and warm, and sometimes he'll hold onto you in his sleep like a small child— gets teased by Jae-Ha about it later shhh
• poor bby gets a little insecure when someone's flirting with you or even having your attention for a little too long :( if you're comfortable with it then he just subtly sulks in the background but if not then he'll be by your side in a second to ward off the character.
• when you're feeling shy or uncomfortable he'll either pull you close to hide within his fluff or pet your head. though he doesn't speak much, his actions speak for themselves.
• he brings you flowers and puts them in your hair. the contrast of your dark hair and light petals make it look like you have a tiny garden on your head, it makes Shin-ah's heart flutter to the point you can see his blush ♡︎
• your dates include romantic moonlit walks in a forest, firefly viewing, napping, making flower crowns and exploring new towns you travel to !!
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♫︎ music box
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— Dandelions by Ruth B.
— Talk To Me by Cavetown
— Lost In You by Khai Dreams
— Sunshine by Keaton Stormberg
— Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab
♡︎ runner up: Jae-ha
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
haikyuu: i match you with . . .
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lev haiba !!
• i know for a fact Lev would l o v e your innovative and curious way of thinking as an intp-t !! also you're chill but don't open up much at first so that raises his curiosity towards you.
• you were classmates but hung around in too different circles to interact properly until . . . you both fell asleep in the same class. the teacher sent you to the corridor to think about your actions.
• while you were feeling embarrassed, Lev was a little cranky that his nap was interrupted and how sleepy he still was. he told you there was nothing to be embarrassed about since it was school in the first place that made you tired.
• despite your differences in personality (and you finding him kind of intimidating), Lev was super friendly and kept talking about volleyball and asking you questions. even afterward he came to talk to you because he honestly found you so pretty and smart and wanted to get to know you more ♡︎
• you soon noticed it was easy to trust him but it wasn't until another while that he asked you out. of course, he wanted to do it sooner but both Kuroo and Yaku said to make sure you were completely comfortable with him first.
• he brought you over to watch when they were having a practice match with Fukurodani. it was great.
• "Oya? " "Oya oya?" "Oya oya oya." i'm sorry i had to
• mate, you guys have over a 30cm height difference !! it's almost a second nature for this boy to pick you up, hug you and spin you around. you drown in his jersey but you know he loves it.
• you don't have to worry about hurting him when getting angry: sunshine boy lets it go easily. he'll only focus of making you feel better by joking around. "it's okay, Oya! compared to Yaku-san you're an angel!"
• when he first heard you purring he was like (´•ω•`)? but then changed to ((っ・ω・)っ lemme hold you you're too cute asdfghjk
• but you know he can be such a blabbermouth sometimes. when he's with the rest of the Nekoma team he can't help but talk about you. how excited you are about your interests, how adorable you are when you're napping, the list never ends, oh dear (¯∇¯٥)
• the boys can't decide whether it's cute or cringe that he has like a hundred pictures of you on his phone and his phone's background is a selfie of the two of you with edited cat ears and whiskers.
• spoiler: it's cute af and it makes him grin everytime he looks at it
• if there aren't any upcoming exams or games you meet up every saturday just to laze around and take it easy. when he gets stressed or is under the weather so being with you is the perfect relief.
• during a particularly rough week he'll complain what sounds like every second of the day. he'll be very whiny and touchy with you until and if you tell him to stop. but at least please hold his hand on your way home !!
• you do dumb but cute stuff together while hanging out like competing who can fit more popcorn in their mouth or doing the duck face with pringles chips and see who will laugh first (it's Lev)
• he can't remember all the types of plants you own so he names them himself. whenever he comes over he'll wave at them and call them something like Tom, Jeffrey or RedWheels666 lol
• a very fulfilling relationship: you provide the down-to-earth approach and the braincells while Lev is the social daredevil that is spontaneous enough for both of you.
• dates with the two of you include stay-at-home dinners with movies, cosy blanket and cuddles, karaoke nights, walks in the park and by ponds as well as visits to zoos and aquariums !!
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𑁍 jewellery box
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— favourite memory with you:
when you went on a school trip to a beach resort and after a long day of playing beach volleyball and hanging out with friends you two sneaked out to walk along the beach. you were sharing some snacks and chatting away. it was the first time you truly opened up to him. he remembers watching you smile so wide, so beautifully and being absolutely whipped.
— favourite activity to do together:
as much as he l o v e s napping with you, Lev's favourite activity together is, in fact, training. sounds strange, i know, but you don't even have to be athletic or do anything at all, he just likes having you there because you motivate him to do his best. you joke around, and count his pushups—if you're in a gym everyone else is jelly.
— favourite place to kiss you:
your stomach and cheeks. sometimes he challenges you to tickle fights just so he can peck your face with kisses or your belly. they're so soft he can't resist ♡︎
— favourite nicknames to call you by:
baby, because i know he just would. also your nickname and bean because that's what he called you before he knew your name so now it's a running gag between y'all.
— favourite thing about you:
probably that you're just as curious as him about your surroundings. it means that you join in when he gets excited over something instead of scolding him. you also don't mind his blunt nature and know he means well ♡︎
♡︎ runner up: Hajime Iwaizumi
there you go! thank you for the sweet words, i do try taking care though sometimes it's hard (✿^‿^) don't forget to take time off for yourself, dear ♡︎
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hellishvu · 5 years
Imagine BTS: when you propose to them
— this is clownery. fkskdk i really love the ideas and i tried to not make it like every marriage imagine but so many wonderful writers !! i probably have a similar idea with someone but me posting constantly ??? everyday?? getting REQUESTS DONE??? im a whole new person, i will open requests soon so get those juices flowing with ideas if you want to request something.
a/n: once again!! will edit in the morning, i should really stop writing at midnight (`・ω・´)
Kim Namjoon: ˚✧₊⁎
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The beach has been Namjoon’a secret favorite spots. Places that he’s shared with you, the many trails, beaches, forests, parks, or rivers. He’s shown you all of them.
You had noticed that he comes often to a beach. You believe that it was his favorite plac eojt of all of them. Playing with the crabs and always telling you watch your step so you don’t step on one. If you did he would kneel down to it and say in a small voice “sorry”. Taking photos of him unaware seeing his pure care of the creatures of the planet. Always texting you asking you watered the plants at home you two share.
So planning this was difficult because you wanted to place the ring on a crab and put it on his chest while he is a asleep so he wakes up to it but there is so many variables that could wrong. Like if the crab decides to steal the expensive ring and walk into the ocean for its shiny collection or the crab just pinches Namjoon instead.
The blanket was set while Namjoon explores his backpack looking for the snacks and the soft nap blanket that was made for the outside. Him yawning due to the drive here was long, kissing you a little while you were in his arms. The smiles and giggles you two exchanged while all your mind was filled wirh is “I want to be with this man for the rest of my life.”
Namjoon soon fell asleep with the sunscreen barely rubbed onto his skin due to him being so sleepy. You place the blanket on top of him making sure the sun doesn’t crisp him to death. Soon finding a crab that was big enough and friendly enough to hold in your hand.
“Hello little guy.” You coo at it seeing it walk a little around your hand, pulling out the ring box seeing it the shell was flat enough and big enough for it.
The set up was different trying to place a crab on Namjoon’s chest while trying not to wake him up nor let the ring fall off the crab. Scene was set and you waited till you grew the guts to wake him up.
“Hmm.. what?” Namjoon almost rolls over you widening your eyes to keep him in place. He looks at you seeing you basically sweat bullets wondering when he would feel that weight.
“Are you okay?” Namjoon asks while you feel your heart beating faster looking at the crab trying to signal him to look at it! Rubbing his eyes he looks down, seeing the ring box open with the shiny simple band of metal displayed on the crab.
“You can not be serious.” Namjoon in utter shock of how you got a crab to be this calm and that you were proposing. He felt the cheeks rise up in heat feeling those moments of love rush back to him.
“You did not!” Namjoon picks up the crab slowly seeing it look around having no clue what it’s got itself into. Namjoon picking up the ring box observing the ring. You trying to read his facial expression.
“Namjoon will you do me the honor of a lifetime, to marry me?”
Kim Seokjin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Seokjin loves going on vlive because well, it was a chance to connect to army all over the world. That he gets to read their sweet messages and questions that they get the opportunity to get to know him better.
Currently tonight all the members were asleep or too tired from all the recent shows so it was just him. He couldn’t help but feel nervous almost but it soon washed over him when he was talking or rambling about his day. Tonight was the last day you both had time to hang out before the next few weeks would be full of busy hours.
You had asked the members before if they could pretend to be asleep or tired so it was just him. Him and you with the audience of millions but you knew all that you would be too busy staring at was him. While Seokjin was busy reading the comments you walked in unnoticed shushing the camera so the army wouldn’t say anything.
Kneeling on one leg you heard Seokjin let out a “huh” but you noticed he didn’t realize you were there. From the distance you could make out thecomments that were being spammed in the chat “Will you marry him?” Seokjin tilted his head till he looked in the camera seeing not only himself but you.
“No way. No you-” Seokjin turns his chair around seeing you grin happily, you seeing the comments with love emojis.
“Kim Seokjin, you have changed me in so many ways. You made me into a man that is blessed for you to be mine. You always say your jokes for me that I will never get tired of listening to. You’ve shown me the world of places I never knew existed. Please let me become your forever faithful lover, will you marry me?” You say seeing Seokjin hold your hand squeezing it while he tries to keep himself together. Wiping your own tears while he nods.
You place the ring on his finger, Seokjin raises his head when he heard all the members walking in with a cake. The happy cheers and songs being sung while they jump up and down. You were sure that the near by hotel rooms would complain but you saw Seokjin smile grow 10x more. Kissing you showing off his now filled with love ring finger.
“I can not believe you did that.” Seokjin chuckles on your chest. You looking at his finger that is glistening in the light him still not being able to stop staring at it.
“Well I want the world to see that love exists, between all genders. The little representation.” You say seeing the box for the ring sitting on his drawer with the photo of you two. Seokjin turning around pecking your lips whispering a “thank you”.
Min Yoongi: ˚✧₊⁎
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Yoongi is always down to try new things with you, but you might’ve taken it too far when you suggested a karaoke night. He came out of the room seeing you all dressed up, thinking you meant to stay home and watch those karaoke youtube videos.
“What are you doing? Get ready!” You pout seeing Yoongi turn right back around to the bedroom. Finding an outfit, the classic black bucket hat and a vline shirt that you gave him one christmas.
“Look at my beautiful boy.” You twirled him around, grumbling something that you’re cheesy. Kissing on his lips gently.
Once you two arrived at the karaoke bar, you ordered a special private room so Yoongi isn’t paranoid that someone will recognize him or worst reveal you two’s location. Walking in seeing the alcohol freshly opened by one of the workers.
“Why don’t I go first.” Suggesting you poured some alcohol in your glass drinking it before getting up to sing. This was part of the plan, you went to the karaoke room checked out the songs and begged them to insert some of you and Yoongi’s songs.
You heard shocking comments of the songs that Yoongi knows, the songs that you two connected to. Clicking on the first song it played getting the sweats seeing Yoongi raise up his glass cheering you on.
Singing closing your eyes because you were honestly scared of seeing Yoongi’s reaction. Afraid that you’ll sound like a dying goose or something. You slowly opened your eyes seeing Yoongi in trance of your singing, knowing it coming from deep in your heart. That you sang this song when you were alone missing him.
Before Yoongi can say anything the next song played, him sensing that these songs were too aligned. The first song was the first date song that played while you kissed him goodbye on his front door and now the second song was him asking you to be his boyfriend at a concert. The favorite artist you two shared, it was connecting too much.
His suspension was right when the next song was you jumping around singing the moving in song, the one that played while you two unpacked and bought furniture, feeling tired from the trips you blasted he song jumping around with him.
The last song was put, Yoongi is ready for anything but the last thing he expected was you proposing. That was the goal at the end of the night, singing your heart out earning giggles from him. The last lyric came to a stop, you singing it softly kneeling down on one knee.
“Yoongi will you marry me and connect our beats to one song?” Very cheesy you know, but it didn’t stop Yoongi from grinning widely his gums showing.
Jung Hoseok: ˚✧₊⁎
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Hoseok has been loving the stage, ever since he first stepped on it he has adored it. To be able to show his talent, his love, and his passion for music and dance it was a dream come true that he got that as his full time job.
The charmisa he holds on stage makes any stranger or army completely in love with the show. With the thrills of the stage you decided that is where you would propose. It took a lot of convincing to security and staff to get approved and the fan project that you got organized from the loveliest people on this earth.
It was the end of the show almost, the members coming back stage for once more getting their outfits ready and make up. The rush of getting ready never stopped Hoseok from him kissing you and thanking you for coming. You always did come and always felt proud seeing him on stage no matter how many times you’ve seen it.
“Honey, after show we could get take out? Eat in your room. So the members don’t complain of me giggling like a school girl.” Hoseok asks while he changes into the fancy outfit. The metal belts and buttons seeing it looked like a prince.
“I would love to, now go back out there.” You kissed him, you wrap your hand around his waist pulling him closer to you. Missing his warmth and touch.
“I love you!” Hoseok yells out while he speed walks waving at you. You saw the entire staff look at you, thanking yourself he didn’t touch your butt or else he would’ve felt a box.
“I guess it’s show time.” You said soon enough you heard the loud blasting music come back on hearing the army scream once more.
Honestly you were terrified being in front of that many people anyone would be nervous and you didn’t want to get a no. You could get ran over and it still wouldn’t hurt more than getting rejected by Hoseok. You love him so much that you would go beyond to just see him smile.
They qued you to go and you felt pressure in your chest seeing your hand shake. The entire time you got on the steps walking you felt your knees wobble but you kept it together. The army screamed louder when the camera pan to you showing the “Spring Love Time” on the large monitor. Hoseok having no clue what was happening till the music cut the members all looking at him, they knew what was going on.
The instrumental of Spring Day starting, Hoseok looking behind him seeing you walk. Obviously not knowing where to stare till you landed your eyes on him. The eye contact was strong but he had no clue what was happening. Army started singing and the rest of bts sang the voices of the people he loves to death.
“What is happening?” Hoseok asks Jungkook trying to laugh his way out of this. He didn’t know about this staff never told him this was part of the plan.
You took his hand reaching behind your pocket pulling the ring out seeing his face. His laughs slowly turned into sobs seeing all the wonderful voices and you being in front of him. His mic was cut so you two could have some privacy, Hoseok full blown sobs.
“Hoseok will you—” Hoseok intruptped you hugging you, you lifting him off the air while he cries on your shoulder. You took it as a yes smiling seeing the army light bombs switch to pastel colors. The lights of support.
Park Jimin: ˚✧₊⁎
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Jimin spent his absolute hardest to not break the secret of him wanting to propose to you, buying the ring on tour. Trying to sneak by all the people and cameras to get the privacy he needs to buy a ring and keep it a secret from you.
Of course he asked all of the members, knowing he can count on them for any advice espically if it was life changing advice. They all asked what his idea to propse and he was kinda out of focus, that he just wanted to do it! Jimin wants to make it official that you’re his soulmate and lover for the rest of his life.
At first Jimin couldn’t decide on the ring, he went to multiple shops all over the world. Sometimes saying no to saying he’ll contact them if he agrees with them. Sighing once he got back to the hotel seeing the photo frame he took everywhere of you two.
“I’ll find you something perfect just like you.”
On one of the many ring looking days you decided that mid day of him looking through rings you wanted to face-time him. Panicking he answers.
“Where are you?” You ask when he turns around away from the rings, only seeing a fancy dark room with special painting. “Is that a jewelry store?” Again you pushed it seeing Jimin look around.
“Yeah just buying some jewelry for myself.” Lying Jimin hopes you buy it. He never lies to you but this was for the greater good.
The last day, the last tour date Jimin finds that one. The one that screams you, the perfect shiny metal ring he bought it in a instant once he laid his eyes on it. The velvet box softly placed in his palm once he bought it.
The day you two got back together, face to face finally. Kissing him at the private section of the airport. You saw many people pass by such as security and the members, but they stopped wrapping around you two like a circle. It was go time for you, you two being protected from the swarms of people.
You got down on your knees and before you could say a thing Jimin laughs throwing his head back, no way this was happening. You were not proposing at the same time he was.
“Funny you said that.” Jimin pulls the velvet box from his bag, you looking up still on your knees in utter complete shock.
“Is that a yes?” You ask. Him dumbfounded that you ever think he wouldn’t say yes.
“Of course!” Jimin and you exchange rings almost like you two were already married. Feeling like home seeing Jimin’s chuckles and just his face.
Kim Taehyung: ˚✧₊⁎
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Taehyung and you two went out just a casual dinner but fancy enough you two dressed for. Taehyung doing his hair while you took your chance of his distraction to check everything. The ring? Check. Breath fresh? Check. Looked nice? Check.
Walking in at the restaurant, sitting at the usual spot sharing and catching up. The funny stories while he was on tour and you sharing what you did when he was gone. Sharing your hobbies and their progress.
“You’re wearing the scarf I gave you.” Taehyung presses his hand on the warm fabric around your neck. Taehyung always shared his fashion discovers with you, always wanting to try new things.
“Of course of course.” You repeat yourself, when the main meal was served you felt the heat rise up. Didn’t know if it was the restaurant or the sudden realization that you’re going to propose in a few minutes. Drinking the cold water trying to cool off, seeing Taehyung enjoying his meal.
Once he was done, you walked around to his side. Him wondering what you were doing till you spoke to him, the loving eyes. The eyes that first spoke to him, the spark so great it could produce electricity. Kneeling down Taehyung was seconds from answering your question.
“Water?” A watior obviously new to the job asks.
“No.” Taehyung blurts out, you looking at him and then the waiter wondering who he is saying no to.
“What are you saying no to me? Or him?” Once again asking, thinking this couldn’t get worse.
“I said ‘No’” Taehyung said again, your knees starting to hurt from still kneeling while this was happening. Finally the waitor gets the memo to let you two have a moment.
“I’m sorry sir, I thought you were tying your shoe.” The waitor gets flustered, not trying to get fired on his week of this new job. Taehyung couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle.
“You get a yes from me. Why would you ever think I wouldn’t say anything else?” Pressing his lips against yours. This was the story for the books, to share with generations.
Jeon Jungkook: ˚✧₊⁎
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When you knew you wanted to marry this beautiful gorgeous man your mind went completely blank because you didn’t want to overboard him with a jazzy dancing group that is singing Bruno Mars but you also didn’t want to just take him out. You wanted to make it special. Somehow.. you could make it something unforgettable.
So when you were brainstorming with the rest of the members because well they know him just as much as you do maybe more. They gathered in a circle spilling ideas back and forth others were interesting like scuba diving with sharks while the sharks mouth would have the ring. That was quickly put off the table. Trying to grab each element of each idea that the members shared.
The idea came together, to bring the love of sweets that Jungkook had and combined it with the ring. Somehow you arranged it with the bakery the one that has known you two for years that have seen the relationship grow.
Jungkook was excited, basically jumping in the seat when you drove them there. You told him the excuse of a decorate your own cupcake event they were holding. Opening the door you heard the little ring, Jungkook waving at the cashiers that he considers friends.
“We are here for the decorate your own cupcake thingy!” Jungkook cheers seeing the cupcakes freshly baked on display. You nod at the cashiers giving the code, smiling at Jungkook they lead you two to the back.
It was obvious which one had the ring so you wouldn’t end up proposing to yourself. Jungkook was passed the ring cake, going more into the bakery the place filled with treats and creams to put on the cupcake.
With Jungkook’s hands the cupcake was quickly drowned in sweets, you wondering how he could eat so much sugar. Settling with your favorite, you saw Jungkook finally finish, placing them together Jungkook's mess of a cupcake but it was a cute mess.
When you two sat down, you couldn’t even eat your own cupcake the nerves hitting your stomach the most. Smiling you bite into your cupcake almost choking on it when you saw Jungkook eat it all whole.
“Jungkook!” You scream out when he swallows it, the chews he made. Shocking that he didn’t bite on the actual ring didn’t need to pay for dental care.
“What?” Jungkook tilts his head, you seeing the bakery workers trying to hold in their laughter. You rubbed your temple with your hand.
“I was going to propose.”
“Oh- well you still can, where is the ring?” Jungkook asks seeing there was no different reaction after he said that. Jungkook connected the pieces looking back at the bakery workers.
“I’m sorry!” He screams out, getting out of his chair standing pushing your head into his chest. Saying sorry over and over.
“Do you guys have ring pops?” Jungkook asks, the workers looking at each other before taking out some donuts. That will work, the proposal ended up you two having donuts around the ring finger.
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somekindoftuber · 5 years
vld youtuber AU (klance, part 4)
part one | part two | part three
Compared to the all day insanity of his livestream, Lance’s 23rd birthday is super laid back. Hunk makes the hour drive into Harborville and the three of them hit his favorite pizza joint. It’s not as good as the one back home on Varadero Beach, but it’s a close second. After that they spend the rest of the day in he and Pidge’s living room playing horror games and snuggling together on the couch (let it be known that Hunk is a world class cuddler and his hugs can cure most ailments). He spends an hour on facetime with his family, retreating to his room at one point to talk to his mom and dad alone. He misses them so much, even though he was just there. He comes out of his room sniffling a little and lets Hunk scoop him up like a ragdoll.
Once July is over, Lance finds his schedule suddenly packed. His subscriber count is starting to inch towards twenty five thousand and he has to sit down and process that for a while. It doesn’t seem real. That’s a fourth of the way to a silver creator award - he never dreamed he’d get that far just making weird videos and singing parody songs.
But to what end? Does he want a youtube career? This was just supposed to be a fun hobby. Not that he wants to work at the cafe the rest of his life, but his associate’s degree in social sciences has sort of been going to waste. He might be able to use youtube as a stepping stone into something else.
But what?
He would normally consult Pidge, but she’s slammed with robotics projects and barely has time to hang out at all. Hunk is still online sometimes, but he’s frequently occupied since he finally grew a spine and asked Shay out after pining for her at a distance for almost a year.
Like how you’re pining for Keith, his inner monologue tells him. He shakes his head to shut it up. Besides, Lance has only been pining for what, four, maybe five months? Not nearly as bad.
Speaking of Keith, Lance hasn’t heard much from him since the Livestream. He never responded to Lance’s text thanking him, and he hasn’t played Overwatch in a while. Shiro had recently posted a video where they were finishing up their current bike and Keith had been there (looking amazing and wow is his hair getting long), so Lance knows he’s alive. A weird sense of dread starts gnawing at him, so he sends Keith a DM on twitter.
@LanceyLance to @k_redlion Hey man just checking in, haven’t heard from you in a while, you good? We should play OW soon, I miss my dps partner ;D
He hopes that’s not too forward. While he waits for a reply (and so he doesn’t anxiously check his twitter every two minutes), Lance starts working on the guitar part of a Hozier song he wants to cover, and he’s never been more glad that he took the time to learn how to read and write music. Lance’s channel has been featuring more love songs - for which Pidge and Hunk have collectively nicknamed him Captain Subtlety. But does it matter how not-subtle he is if none of it seems to be getting through to his intended target?
He spends a good two hours practicing and then takes a break, finally letting himself check his twitter. There’s a reply from Keith and Lance almost jumps up from his chair.
@k_redlion to @LanceyLance yeah man sorry just been really busy with work and the garage i’m free this thursday if you want to play
He’s not technically free. He was planning on filming on Thursday since Pidge will be out of the apartment almost all day and he won’t bother her. But for Keith? He’ll make time.
@LanceyLance to @k_redlion Heck yeah man just name a time!!
When they do play on Thursday, Keith isn’t very talkative. He’s always sort of quiet, but he sounds tense today. His words are even more clipped, and it sets Lance on edge. They’re in a queue for a game when Lance decides he can’t take any more.
“Dude,” He asks. “You alright?”
“I’m fine.”
Yeah, right, Lance thinks. But he’s gotta approach this carefully. Keith doesn’t open up easily, he knows that much, and attempting to force it out of him would likely backfire.
“Hey,” he says carefully. “I know we’re not, like, super close, but you can tell me if something’s wrong. I’m actually really good at keeping secrets.”
There’s a bit of silence, then a tiny breath that almost sounds like a laugh. “Like how you told the entire internet that Pidge pukes in the car if she reads anything other than road signs?”
Lance makes an indignant sound. “Oh come on, that’s not a secret! Anyone who’s been in a car with her for five minutes knows she’s has the stomach strength of a toddler!”
Keith laughs then, and it’s such a nice sound, even if it’s short lived. It breaks the tension enough that Lance feels confident about trying again.
“But seriously, Keith. I’m here for you, yeah?” Lance chews on his lip. “I hope that’s okay for me to say.”
There’s a stretch of quiet that has Lance almost breaking out into a sweat. But then he hears Keith huff over the mic. “Yeah,” Keith says, and it sounds like there’s a smile behind it. “Yeah, man. Thanks.”
Lance gets another invite from Shiro.
It’s perfect timing because Pidge is finishing her summer term and is completely fried - something only a trip home will fix. And since she doesn’t have a car, Lance has the perfect excuse to drive her. With his neighbors set to watch his cats, they pile in Lance’s Civic, put on a playlist of Disney songs, and sing for nearly the entire drive. Pidge is damn near loopy after her final exam, but she finished her robotics project and most likely aced it. Like she does every exam. Lance doubts she’s ever seen anything lower than an A- on anything.
The Holts are just as chipper as always, even if Pidge collapses face-first into her father as soon as she steps through the door. He just pats her head and laughs. Lance brings their stuff inside so Pidge can take a much needed nap, then shoots a text to Shiro letting him know they got in okay.  They’re not set to film for another two days, but maybe he can sneak some hang-out time in there. Until then, everyone under the Holt family roof is on Pidge pampering duty.
Filming day comes and Lance brings a cake for them all to share. He pulls up to the house and parks on the street, noting that the house garage is open. Keith is inside, bent over a motorcycle and surrounded by parts and tools, looking so focused that he doesn’t seem to notice Lance approaching. He’s wearing a tank top and sweats and is covered in grease, but he still looks good, so Lance doesn’t say anything for a second and admires the view. Keith’s phone is perched on a toolbox nearby, playing music - Massive Attack. Of course he would listen to Massive Attack.
Keith finally notices him and stiffens, turning. With the cake in his arms, Lance can’t really wave, so he just shrugs and smiles. Keith eyes him up and down for a second before pointing to the door inside the garage.
“Head on in, Shiro’s in the kitchen.”
When he gets inside, Shiro stands from the kitchen table to take the cake from Lance and pull him into a hug. Lance thinks he’ll never get used to that. Keith wanders in a minute later and goes straight for the back of the house to shower and change.
Shiro looks to be in good health, as does Keith, though he’s not really meeting Lance’s eyes. Did he do something wrong? They drive to Shiro’s rented garage a few miles away and shoot for almost five hours, switching camera duty between the three of them. They get a hilarious outtake when Lance drops a socket wrench and juggles it spectacularly before it falls to the floor and bounces at least a dozen times - like something out of a cartoon. It sets them all laughing.
Once they’re done filming, Shiro locks up the garage and they head home. Then it’s time for dinner, barbecue again, but Lance isn’t complaining. He gets put on corn and potato detail while Shiro gets the grill going. Keith still isn’t being very talkative. He doesn’t seem to be actively avoiding Lance, but he thought they’d gotten to a point where they could chat candidly.
Kosmo provides a nice distraction while they eat, giving both Lance and Keith something else to focus on. As the sun sets, Lance could swear that Shiro is giving him a weird look.
“So,” Shiro begins. “Pidge is almost done with school, right?”
Lance nods. “Yep. Finishing almost a year early, even. Not that I’d expect any less from her.”
Shiro picks at a slice of pork loin. “What is she going to do next?”
Lance pouts, then shrugs. “Dunno. She’s got her eye on Boston Dynamics, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they welcome her with a red carpet. Have you seen her thesis? I can’t even pronounce half the title.”
Shiro laughs. “Yeah, she’s a Holt alright. Geniuses, the whole family.” There’s a pause. “And what about you, Lance?”
Oof. That sure is a topic. Lance leans back in his lawn chair and finishes his beer. “Beats me. I stayed in Harborville after school because Pidge wanted a roommate, but I don’t really have anything else going for me there.” He picks at a loose thread on his jeans. “I can sort of work from anywhere? Dunno if I want to stay in a college town.”
Shiro nods with a smile, then glances at his phone. “I’ll be back in a bit,” he says, then ducks back into the house, closing the sliding glass door behind him.
Now it’s just Lance and Keith.
And Keith is giving him A Look. He’s not sure what to make of it, his thick eyebrows pinched over his nose like Lance just grew a second head.
“Uh,” Lance says. “Something wrong?”
Keith opens and closes his mouth several times, then is suddenly very interested in his plate. “You wouldn’t go with her?” He asks.
Lance raises an eyebrow. “Pidge? I mean, I could, I guess...? But I doubt she’d really need me. That woman is going places, y’know? She’s probably pretty eager to be on her own for the first time, especially after living with me for three years.” He laughs a little. “Though I won’t be surprised if she attempts to take one of my cats. Motoko always did like her more than me.”
Keith looks up at Lance and he looks so confused. Adorably confused. “Uh.”
Lance studies him. “Yeah…?”
Keith is chewing on the inside of his cheek a little. “Isn’t -- isn’t Pidge your girlfriend?”
Lance would have choked if he wasn’t so used to that question. “Haha, oh man, no.” He reaches for another beer from the ice chest. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Pidge and would take a bullet for her any day of the week, but she’s like a sister to me.”
Surprise is slowly dawning on Keith’s face. “Oh.” Then he starts blushing.
“Hey man, don’t sweat it,” Lance assures him. “Pretty much everyone thinks we’re an item. No one believes a guy and a girl can live together and not be dating.”
Keith looks so uncomfortable, his face and ears red. “Sorry. I thought - and then in your livestream you said you weren’t single, so…”
“Huh? When did--” But then Lance remembers his line about his heart being spoken for and now he’s blushing too. “Oh, right. Nah, I just tell that to fans, in case anyone tries to get too close. Which some have. It saves me a lot of headache to just pretend I’m seeing someone.”
He swears Keith’s eyes are glittering. “So you’re…?”
Lance nods. “Yep, completely unattached.”
There’s a long stretch of quiet that has Lance fidgeting as Keith keeps looking up at him from behind his bangs. He thought Lance was taken? Is that why he’s been awkward? Or is Lance reading too much into this yet again? He shouldn’t say anything, he should keep his mouth shut and wait for Keith --
Shiro picks the perfect moment to return to the back patio and rescue him. They chat for another hour and Keith has visibly loosened up, laughing loudly at Lance’s jokes and stories. When he says goodnight to make the short drive to the Holt home, Keith smiles wide at him, and it takes Lance’s breath away.
They only stay in town for another two days, and Lance spends more time with the Holts. On their way out, they swing by Shiro’s to say goodbye. Keith still doesn’t hug him, but he grips Lance’s hand tight and holds his gaze with those crazy intense eyes of his.
Pidge naps for most of the drive so Lance puts on one of his favorite mixes and hums along.
They have another two weeks before Pidge starts her last term of undergrad, so Lance throws himself into YouTube. The filming he did at Shiro’s was enough for three episodes, and thankfully one of them includes Lance dropping the socket wrench. He can’t even be embarrassed when he sees Shiro laughing in the footage.
He spends three days recording before finally posting his newest cover - “Like Real People Do.” He worked really hard on this one, recording several tracks to mix together and several camera angles. Lance splices it all together in his editing software to make a little music video, and, as a last touch, puts it all in black and white. He posts it and crosses his fingers, making an announcement tweet about it.
Keith likes that tweet and Lance melts into the couch.
Pidge rolls her eyes from the other couch, looking up from the giant book she considered ‘light reading.’ Lance had told her the tale of Keith thinking he was dating her, and Pidge took on her classic Resting Bitch Face in response.
“I’d say you’re like a lovesick puppy, but I feel like even they wouldn’t be this bad.”
Lance doesn’t even look up. “Let me have this.”
Pidge huffs and makes a vague gesture with her hands. “Lance. For the love of all that is sacred, please get your shit together and ask him out already.”
But Lance pouts. “But what if I’m seeing this all wrong?” he toys with his phone a little. “He’s super withdrawn and I haven’t known him for very long. What if this is just how he acts when he finally trusts someone? He hasn’t exactly flirted with me or anything.”
Pidge turns a page in her book. “Won’t know until you try.”
Sinking further into the couch, Lance sets his phone aside and continues pouting until it’s time to make dinner.
After he disappears into the kitchen and Pidge starts hearing the rattle of pots and pans, she takes out her phone and opens the text app.
(+328) shiro this is pidge. i need to talk to you
(+770) Hi Pidge! Everything okay?
(+328) in the grand scheme of things yes. i am however about to either lose my mind or commit homicide against my roommate
(+770) Lance?
(+328) shiro. listen. lance is hopelessly in love with your brother and if i have to put up with his pining for my last term i might flunk out from sheer frustration
(+328) he refuses to ask keith out because he’s convinced that he’s misreading it and keith isn’t interested. please tell me hes wrong
(+770) Oh wow
(+770) ahahaha
(+770) Oh my god, this is hilarious.
(+770) Keith is completely smitten with Lance, but won’t do anything about it for the same reason.
(+328) oh my god
(+328) theyre perfect for each other
(+770) Yep.
(+328) but i think it’s time for an intervention
(+328) before i do something ill regret
(+770) I agree. Any ideas?
(+328) yes actually
Continued in part 5 here!
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polygamyff · 4 years
56. Part 5
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“I was thinking this AirBnB about to be run down, ma’am you have an apartment looking down the damn beach, good morning” hugging Isla “I never said the state of it now, I am not complaining. I am claiming this back from the company so there is that” I chuckled “I don’t expect anything less, I am impressed. This is good, I told you I am awake early. But I was thinking we have breakfast at the hotel, it’s less stressful, and I also called it in, we got a table” walking into her apartment “I don’t mind it, whatever you want to go and do. I have actually some of my other colleagues arriving today, so I don’t need to annoy you all day now” I like this place “how much is this again? And I don’t mind, whatever you want” sitting on the couch “I am just going to finish my hair, I will be with you” nodding my head, I am tired as shit on a real. I didn’t really sleep because I mean how can I sleep, it’s not my place and they was playing music all night so I just stayed awake, Robyn text me like come to the house, sure I will. I gave her the address to Diddy’ home so she can come to the house there, I ain’t about to go there for her to just be an ass about what I did, fuck that “Ally” I answered so quick, I was already playing on my phone “that was too quick, erm. Well, I have some demands from your dad, you need to go to the ballroom. So, he can address some things. Today, and then he said he will meet you for breakfast actually, I don’t know he found out. He’s Marquis, he finds anything out. That is all, also why the hell is your hotel fully booked?” I like to know the same thing “I think, I think anyways. Dad is using it to keep guests in there, I don’t think they are paying, I am going there anyways so I will investigate this, but knowing dad he would have done that” freebies as always “that is fine, I have a room so I don’t care” I laughed “with Jay? Have fun, tell that nigga stop thinking it’s a damn holiday, go to his own house” he ain’t shit “mhmm shut up, bye” she disconnected the call, I am sleepy and I left my medication at Robyn’ home.
Getting out of car, passing my key to the parking attendant “good morning sir” he said, why is there paparazzi outside my damn hotel “come” I waved over Isla “is it true that Beyoncé is attending your wedding?” I think Jay is in this hotel then, now I know why “come, ignore them” walking towards my hotel, they are saying so much shit I can’t keep up “Maurice” Jay walked out finally “come, I was waiting for you” side eyeing him “sure you were” walking into my hotel, it is busy in here “bit late, paparazzi just talking shit out there. You good?” dapping him “yeah, where is Robyn?” rubbing my head laughing “she is at her home, are you joining us for breakfast or going back up?” I mean he can’t have just come down for me “yes, the table waiting on you and Isla, I am Jay” look at Jay introducing himself “I am Maurice’ bodyguard, well Robyn’ sometimes. I don’t know, Maurice changes his mind where he wants me” seeing my executive director “you’re here early, oh wow. Is this little Stuart? He has grown” his son has grown “yes, I came early. Give them all a break away, family holiday. Stuart this is Maurice, remember that picture of you and that guy, he says that guy but this is him” Stuart got his hand out “you taught him well, how old are you now?” shaking his hand “I am ten now” I gasped “oh wow, that is a long time. I held you as a baby, good seeing you and you” waving at his mom, I guess they all out here in Cali.
My dad got up from his seat “my boy is here, where is angel?” hugging my dad “she is at home” of course my mom is here “oh wow, ok. I wanted to see her, but you are here. I have Nalah and you, sit down. And Isla, come here come on” moving out of the way, I thought this breakfast was going to be quiet but not really, it is like everyone found out. Sitting next to Nalah “if it isn’t the little gossip” Nalah said, I laughed “my bad, everything worked out well besides Shawn” Nalah rolled her eyes “don’t get me started, he called me. Said can we talk, I said not really, I have family events happening. Then he’s like is Maurice not speaking to me, so I goes call him” letting out an oh “I see why he called me then, ok I see why now. I ain’t pick up, I have other shit going on” looking around me “so I stayed with Quincy” Nalah pointed at me “oh my god, I saw. How is he? He is so sexy” I laughed shaking my head “anyways!” she is here changing the subject “well Robyn and I had a disagreement, so I went there. I can’t be bothered to tell you because you will side with her” I know it, there is no real reason to tell her “try me” she said, I know my sister. I know what she is like, she will say I am in the wrong when I did nothing wrong “Isla” looking over at her “sit with us” waving her over “who is that?” Nalah asked “she is family, to me. But I went to see Robyn’ extended family with her, they live in a whole different part to us, like I was scared. I didn’t want to be there with Reign. They had guns and stuff. I went inside, her grandparents and uncle and aunt, they nice. I sat there with Reign, then the extended of their family were there, they was just like the Latin mob you see on the news” Nalah put her hand up “why are you seeing Latin people?” she asked “Robyn’ dad Thomas is not her dad but we found out from Terry who her real family is, she is Latin or whatever so we went there, and it’s just shit Nalah. They are poor, but then some guy asked me about my car, started what I think was threatening me that if I don’t treat Robyn right, you know what will happen, they barely know Robyn it’s like they have clouded her fucking mind, so we left. I refused to eat there, I didn’t want to be there, and I said it, I don’t want to go back there. Robyn had a face on with me anyways when we left, she said I was wrong for not eating there, but like if I don’t think the food there is legit, nah. I ain’t going to eat there” Nalah shushed me, furrowing my eyebrows at her in confusion “the table can hear, stop getting worked up. Go on” I sighed out “so she is calling me rich boy or whatever, that I am stuck up. I didn’t do anything wrong; I didn’t think I was safe. We argued then she bought up about the time I was giving Reign away because I made remark about her mom’ home trying to prove I ain’t that bad, just they are bad. So, I just left, she was so quick to bring it up, like you care now” sitting back in the chair.
Shaking my head in annoyance “I don’t think Robyn and I will make it to be married, how can she live that life and be with me? It’s not going to work or mix unless she accepts that they are not good” Nalah frowned at me “don’t say that it’s a difference of opinion that clashed. It’s like rich meets poor, it’s not like in the movies as they say. You had the highs upon highs, and I am for the people, we are siblings but raised differently. Remember when you wanted a pet lion? The next day a lion cub was in our home and I was scared. You got what you wanted, you are spoilt, and she was bought up being real in the real world but somehow your worlds have come together. You wanted a real woman you got a real woman, but you can’t just jump and say that. You need to talk and discuss but if honestly both of you don’t agree to disagree or come together on it don’t get married Maurice” rubbing my face, I am sad “why get married when you both can’t understand each other, tell me?” nodding my head “you’re right, but it’s sad. I can’t be what she wants me to be. I don’t understand what she wants from me. She is going to live the life I live” Nalah touched my arm “you’re not in touch with reality and that is not a bad thing Maurice, because that is how you was bought up, I was bought up with sense of reality. I was left with mom, so you know how that went about. I think you both can calmly speak” Maybe Nalah is right, maybe we can’t see eye to eye on this and the best thing is not get married.
I mean of course my dad is talking about business, that doesn’t shock me, but I just don’t even want to think of business right now “Maurice!” Rich shouted, looking up from my plate “can we all look over here thank you” here he is with the camera “who is that?” Isla asked “he is my photographer my lovely dad got, don’t ask” I laughed “he wants the business to be professional as it can be I guess” nodding my head “thank you” Rich said, he made his way around the table “so” pushing my chair back “I will be posting this to your Instagram, we want the people to be involved with this. Watch you go to the next stage” looking at the picture “ok, that is fine and where you been? You left your stuff at the home and never came back?” Rich laughed “I was just helping one of my friends with a music video, so I was away for a few nights but I am back” nodding my head “cool, yeah post it” pushing my chair back in “how do you feel son? About everything?” my dad asked “how do I feel? Erm, I don’t know but if we are speaking business then I am excited” I don’t even know, looking over at Nalah “why the long face?” Nalah said in a whisper “I don’t want to lose my daughter, I know I made that mistake of letting her go but I don’t want to lose her” getting up from the seat “I have some business somewhere else, I will be back later” I need some air and some thinking time on my own, I can’t back track what I said because I mean it.
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I guess he is having a good time “you can clearly see there was women there at that home, just because he wasn’t in the pictures. There is girls there” my mom passed my phone back to me “but you can’t just pick up on that issue, he is not in any of those pictures at all” shaking my head “but it’s the same background he was with him, he is there mom!” I shouted “I don’t know what you want me to say? He left the home and went there, he gave you the address go there” I scoffed as I refreshed my Instagram timeline “he’s with his family, just came up. Family brunch?” looking up at my mom “you go to the address he gave you; I can’t tell you what to do or what you want. Follow your heart please, do not do things in the moment. I wanted better for you, always did because you are my only baby I will have” locking my phone “is that why I never met Daphne and Wesley? I like them, if my dad was here we would have known them” my mom nodded her head “but Rell and I argued a lot at the things he did, I didn’t like it but yet I ended up there. I had you Robyn, I didn’t want that for you. And I sure as hell don’t want the trouble now for my grandchild, please listen to me when I say follow your heart” pulling a face at my mom “but that is my family, it actually upsets me that I never knew them. They love me, they can’t get enough of me, you let me miss out on that and let me just call some random man dad!” I shouted “because I did what I thought was the best for you, you’re an adult now. Do as you please, you are my child, so I did the best for you. The best was to keep you away from that, look how you were raised Robbie! Look how we live, in peace! And we, I mean Thomas too we gave you good, so please listen to me when I said I made that decision” my mom pointed at herself “but now, if you want to see them, you want them. I can’t stop you” I am annoyed that my mom kept it away from me “but why? They not that bad, you’re just like him” my mom laughed “Rell died and East Los Angeles was in war! I didn’t want you, my child, my baby to be caught up in that. If I exposed such a thing, I might as well moved in with them. I saw it, I was there, I witnessed it. Don’t look at me like that and judge me, because if that was Reign you told me you would kill Maurice if he tried to take her away from you, same with you! Wesley is not innocent, he is a good guy and tried to break it up but not before he got his revenge, it is not the life you needed. Thomas did treat you well, I said did. You don’t know the real Latino gangs, I do” my mom turned away from me “I gave you the best life, I showed you love. And they would have showed you violence. They are all the same, Rell. He was caught up in it and I blame them as much as him” putting my head down.
“Do you hate me?” my mom asked “just a lot to think about but if I didn’t have Reign then I wouldn’t have understood, but I do” I mumbled “but what are you going to do Robbie, what are you going to do for your future. Let’s take what I did out of the equation because this is important, just like you moving to New York was, this part is now important for you. Maurice is now entering the big boys club, he will now be the owner of Davenport hotels and the other enterprises he has, and as he continues to go through to that, he will get bigger and bigger, can you take that? Can you take that Robbie? Can you take what Maurice is? I have, you bought to me a rich man, Thomas said. What does this rich boy want with Robyn? I am not shocked he was not happy with poor, hell. I was shocked the time he helped us with the youth that time, this is your future Robbie. What decision you make now will follow you. So tell me, how are you feeling?” my mom is being strict with me now, she knows I am between a lot and thinking ever so much on my future “I am annoyed he said for me to go there to him, he could come here. Is he that stuck up his own ass” my mom laughed “he is, I knew that when I stepped on a yacht for the first time and saw Versace pillows, I knew. It was a matter of time where it clashes, I see that maybe he can be talked into things if you take the lead, what have I told you about this? This childish behaviour of shouting and ranting, it never works. I remember he told me he pauses and thinks on what Robyn does, you are losing control, you seem to have come to Cali, you have let this new found love of family change that, please don’t let it blind you” this is hard to even think about “I just want love, I want to be accepted by a family and I was but I have this, I have my own little family and I love it, I love it in the morning and seeing Reign there, Maurice there, and I am pregnant. I am happy but to feel family love, to be wanted. He just offended me, acting like this home was not good enough for him, that annoyed me too. You know, what should I do?.”
My mom knows more then me clearly “I have always told you to take control of things, when Maurice was acting the way he did, you felt awkward, upset, a little ashamed you said for him to not eat there. If that was me, and I did this with Thomas. I did this behind closed doors, in the bedroom. And I bought the situation up and discussed. I am a very calm woman, you get this passionate anger from your Latin side, clearly” my mom said which made me laugh “I guess so, you are way too calm then me” I sighed out “and the women in that home, don’t go all guns blazing. Just step back, talk to him. There will always be women around him, you just need to pick your fight, this one is not it and not worth losing what you both got” why am I not like my mom, she has sense “I just think things can be resolved and if not then, you need to be civil in this situation but it’s something that can be fixed, talk about your displeasure in his behaviour not take shots on him being stuck up, everybody stops listening. Men start to get chauvinistic and start trying to lay the law down because it’s not going their way and they see that the woman is saying how he should feel, you need to show you care for his feelings but also this is what will happen, baby. I got it all, I will help you. You just need to go back to what you were doing, but first of all you need to show him you were sorry for what you said and then he should follow on to apologise for his behaviour, men are men” my mom winked at me “you just got to play with their emotions, you know it” my mom walked over to me “you will be ok, you going to do ok. You are loved so much” my mom hugged me while kissing the top of my head, she is my queen “I love you mom” she is the best.
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twislife · 5 years
Hey guys! I know its been a long time since I've written anything but this is based on the song Closer by Chainsmokers and Halsey. I've been working on this forever. Not sure if anyone even likes smut still...or this song...or me 😅 had to post it though so that I could stop thinking about it 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lots of smut, cussing, unprotected sex...ya get the idea.
"Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you; drank too much and that's an issue but I'm okay.
Hey, please tell your friends it was nice to meet them - but I hope I never see them again.
Hey, I know it broke your heart, moved to the city in a broke down car and four years no call..."
My best friend followed the group of girls inside and turned around looking at me briefly, mouthing ‘I’m sorry!’.
“No, go have fun! I'll…sit…out here..on this…curb,” I said rolling my eyes at the bouncer that refused my entry. She turned and went inside, without another backward glance. I sighed heavily and pulled my phone and cigarettes out of my purse and searched for a lighter.
“Son of a mother fu-” I started, but was abruptly cut off by a guy that I’d never seen before. The first thing I noticed, aside from his perfect smile, were his dark amber eyes shining in the street light. He looked young, and kind of like a god. He held up a lighter and chuckled.
“Sick of the club scene?” he asked, offering me the flame of his lighter. I gladly accepted and inhaled deeply. I huffed and chuckled.
“Yeah maybe if I could actually get in, my fake id is missing.” I sighed dramatically, taking another long drag. 
 "Oh, shit. Rough night. Well,“ he began, taking a drag of his own smoke. 
“I know of a little place around the corner that doesn’t id. Its a tiny little crap hole - but they don’t id.” he said nervously, his group of friends disappearing in the dark Tucson night. I smiled at him, then looked down at my little black dress and the mile high pumps and finally stood up smiling. 
 "A little over dressed for a dive bar, but a drink sounds great.“ I told him, gesturing him to lead the way. He laughed turning on his heel, holding out his elbow. I placed my arm in his and began walking.
“I’m Dylan. I enjoy star wars and YouTube.” he said laughing.
“My friends call me y/n. l, too, enjoy nerding out to star wars, and long walks on the beach.” I replied, receiving the slight chuckle that I had aimed for. It was so attractive. During our walk I found out a lot about Dylan, he was definitely a talker. We talked about plans for the future; he said that he wanted to go into acting, wanted to move to the city. When he asked me what I wanted to do I didn’t really have a valid answer, so I said,
 "Eh, probably college. I’ve been accepted to a few, I really am thinking Naropa, it’s a college in Boulder. I want to see the mountains.“ I hadn’t even realized that was what I wanted. 
 "That’s awesome.” he replied, smiling that smile that practically made me melt.
“No, acting is awesome! I wish I had that talent, man” I said in awe. 
We talked and laughed the rest of the way to the bar elbow in elbow. When we got to there he went up to the bar while I made my way to the jukebox; avoiding the stares from the old men and a few miserable looking women. Music always becomes before drinks. Always. Always. Come on let me touch you, feel you, all night- always.
I looked around the bar, no one looked particularly interested in what was playing in the background of their conversations, I excitedly turned back to the new school touch screen jukebox; typing in “always,” by Blink 182. If I didn’t listen to it, it would be stuck in my head for days. Dylan crept up behind me holding a beer up.
 "I knew you weren’t a typical party girl.“ he let out a low chuckle. 
 "What do you mean?” I asked him; accepting the drink, and taking a gulp.
 "Blink? Not many typical party girls would go to a dive bar and play Blink." he said taking a drink of his beer and setting it down to air drum part of the song. How is this unbelievably attractive guy such a dork? I mean, I wasn’t complaining because apparently thats my weakness. I started to play some air guitar and sing along. When the song ended I grabbed my drink and started downing it, I finished it at about the same time he did, so I offered to grab him a refill too. He gratefully accepted my offer and I started walking to the front when all of a sudden I heard the beginning to the Blink song, the one that I just played, I turned to look at him and see if maybe he did it by accident but he was, once again, air drumming and singing.
“I screwed up on the one solo, so I had to play it again” He laughed as I approached him and handed him his drink. I giggled. I started really liking this guy and I already knew that I wanted to take this out of this little crappy bar, but I would be patient and wait. I watched as he attempted to perfect his solo and laughed when he stopped and said he screwed it up again. So, I took out another dollar and played it - again. 
After many more drinks and a few more rounds of “always” by blink 182, Dylan’s face had just gotten undeniably close to my own and I was very aware of the drinks that we had both just had. It may have been the buzz, but I swear to god he was about to kiss me when my phone started blaring: it was Hanah, the one who left me on the damn curb. Dylan looked down at his empty bottle and grabbed mine and signaled that he was going to grab more as I answered my phone. 
“Heeeelllllooooo?” I answered drunkenly.
 "Hey! Clubs dead, where’d ya go?“ she asked slurring her words. 
 "I-uh-” I began to reply as Dylan walked over and handed me my beer. His face dropped when I began telling her where I was. 
“Okay, yay! Be there in ten!” she practically yelled. I hung up the phone and looked at him.
 "Um…yeah my friends are on their way…" I told him taking a drink.
“Well, I gathered that much” he replied a snarkily, throwing in a wink so that I knew he wasnt really being a dickhead. 
“You might like them..” I answered reading the expression on his face. He lifted an eyebrow but didn’t reply. I rolled my eyes at him and mouthed the word ‘sorry’ before taking another swig.
 "This is the friend who ditched you? Sorry, but your friend sounds like a bitch.“ he stated blatantly. I laughed nearly spitting out the beer that I had just taken a drink of. 
“She’s not that bad, it is her birthday…” I told him trying to defend her - even though I knew he was right.
Hanah was a typical party girl. She drank and listened to awful music and was way too high maintenance to keep a guy for long. So she didn’t, she scooted and booted. Not that I was one to talk, I knew exactly where I wanted to end up by the end of this night.
“Okay, well I will put up with them if you come home with me tonight.” he said quickly, almost too quickly for me catch onto what he said. Without even thinking about it I smiled (surely my face was crimson red) and I winked at him.
“Deal.” I promised. I didn’t think he was going to be so straight up about it, but hey, I like it when someone doesn’t beat around the bush.
We both finished our drinks and we went up to the bar together, his hand on my lower back, when a sudden loud bang made us jump. There was laughter and before I knew it Hanah and her group of friends burst through the door.
She was wasted. Not like a little drunk, but falling over her own feet - wasted. Dylan took his hand off my back, as much as I hated the loss of contact, I walked over to her and asked if she was okay.
She had brought a guy but she was too busy staring at Dylan to even pay attention to him.
“Ohmigooood! you are sooooo fucking cute!” she said to him, he rolled his eyes and walked over to me and placed a hand around my waist making me warm all over. I could practically feel his stubble between my legs. Suddenly, desperate to get my hands all over him, I went to Hanah.
“Hanah, Dylan and I were just getting ready to leave,” I firmly stated adding a wink to let her know what was about to happen.
“Ohhh! GET SOME GIRL!” she slurred more loudly than I liked. Dylan’s neck snapped up from his phone and he raised his eyebrows at me and smirked. I could feel my face fill with crimson color as I attempted to keep my cool and look sexy when I smiled back at him.
He walked over to me more confidently than he had been (borderline cocky) and he placed his hand on my hips, making me squirm. 
“You wanna get out of here?” He asks in a sexy low tone. Instead of answering and giving away my excitement, I just nodded, maybe a little more eagerly than I had anticipated. I pounded the last drink and at that point had an intense buzz and was ready for some alone time with Dylan.
"Let’s get out of here.” I told him grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me. As soon as we got out of the bar his lips were on mine, my fingers instantly grabbed at his soft brown hair making him moan into the kiss. My tongue met his as we stumbled Drunkenly through the parking lot of the small bar.
“my car is right there” he said pointing to a shabby beaten up old Jeep. He backed me up to it and pressed me against the door, hands slipping under my thighs. He easily lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and could feel his generously sized cock pressed up against my heat through the rough khaki material. I moaned as he pressed hard against my covered core. I pulled away to take a breath, the buzz from the alcohol only made more intense by the lack of oxygen. We were both panting when I hopped down, he whined at the loss of contact but I grabbed him by the shirt, opened a back door and shoved him on the seat. He laid down and I got on top of him, closing the door behind me. I straddled him, connecting our lips again.
“oh god, you’re so hot.“ He said between kisses. I just giggled as I moved my lips from his and attached them to his neck. I left searing, open mouth kisses from his neck to his collar bone. He was practically purring under my touch.
I pushed his shirt up to drag my teeth gently down the patch of hair under his abdomen. I licked and sucked and kissed the skin right above where his pants stopped me. I used my teeth to unbutton his khakis making him groan as I look up at him through my lashes.
“Where have you been all my life?” He whispered as I pulled down his pants and boxers making his erection spring up against his stomach. My eyes widened as I came to face his hardened cock. “I was just asking myself the same thing.” I told him, licking my lips as my panties dampened at the thought of how great it would feel when he pounded into me. I licked a strip up the underside of his cock making him mewl in satisfaction. I swirled my tongue around the swollen, pink tip of his cock, collecting the precum that had gathered there. Finally in one swift motion I put my lips around his cock and began to slowly bob my head up and down.
With the filthy sounds escaping his throat egging me on, I deep throated his cock and hollowed my cheeks. His tip hitting the back of my throat made my eyes water but I picked up the pace, wrapping my hand around what I couldn’t fit in my mouth. His hips bucked up keeping in time with my bobbing head.
"Oh, god that feels so good.” He practically whined. Eyes watering I looked at him through my lashes. He was propped on one elbow, his head hung back but I could just see enough of his face to watch him lick his lips.
I finally slowed my bobbing head to a stop, and let his hardened cock out of my mouth. He sat up quickly, so I got to my knees. He pulled me in for a rough, teeth clashing, passionate kiss. He broke the kiss only for a minute to practically ripping my dress down off of my shoulders. He then moved his lips off mine, and began trailing open mouthed kisses across my jawline and down my neck, he gently bit down on the pressure point sending a shock of pleasure all the way to my core; suddenly I couldnt wait to have him inside me. He caressed the pressure point with his tongue before moving his mouth to my hardened nipples. He kissed them softly, going from one to another; my core beginning to ache with need. While he was kissing and sucking on my hardened peaks, I placed my hand on his cock and stroked him making us both moaning messes. The ache was starting to become unbearable, I rubbed my legs together for some friction, it didnt ease my need. Dylan noticed and laid back down on the seat, pulling me down with him. As our lips attached again, and he slowly slid his hands down my sides, all the way to my ass. He gave it a little squeeze before pulling my dress up, and ripping my panties off of me and throwing the silky material to the floor. He pulled me up higher so I could position myself over top of his dick. I slowly slid down, relieving the ache. He held my hips down to keep himself from slamming into my tight pussy. When I finally adjusted to his generous size I gave him the go ahead. He slowly lifted me up, all the way to the top of his cock then without warning he pulled me down roughly slamming himself inside me, hitting me right where I needed him to. He began slamming deep inside of me, the coil deep within my core tightened so much so it could have burst any minute, making me scream his name.
"Oh my god, Dylan! I'm gonna-" I began, but he stopped as quickly as he had began.
"Not yet, baby." Dylan said, a smile playing on his lips. I looked at him, practically whining with my denied release. He began moving his hips up and down slowly, torturingly slow. My urge to slam myself down on him was almost uncontrolable.
He finally began moving deeper inside of me at a faster pace and I could again feel the coil in my abdomen tighten. Dylans eyes began to roll in the back of his head when I gentely moved his hands from my hips and started to ride his dick full force. I slammed myself into him over and over again until my eyes were rolling too. The only sound inside the cramped jeep were his grunts and my loud moans.
"Oh fuck!" He moaned between gritted teeth. I kept up my pace pushing myself closer and closer to the edge. He began bucking his hips slamming his cock deep within me harder and harder until I could feel his release fill me and I had a mind shattering orgasm that had me seeing white as I screamed his name. He finally slowed, taking deep panting breaths. I was panting too as i pressed my forehead to his. He gave me another long, meaningful kiss before pulling himself out of me.
“That was..that was..." I began, trying to catch my breath.
"Amazing." He finished.
I sat up awkwardly, pulling my dress down. He pulled his pants up and we sat in silence for a minute.
"So...can I get your number?" He asked. I gave it to him, hoping he would call sooner rather than later. I gave him one more kiss before hopping out of the broken down car and returning to the dive bar in search of Hanah and her crew.
He never called, and my heart was broken. I could have really fallen for him, too.
But that - that is just the beginning of my story with Dylan O'Brien.
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worstcityvancouver · 4 years
Worst City in Canada is Vancouver
I’ve lived in Vancouver as a resident for over 6 months and it claims the worst city in Canada for me. In every new city I live in I try to experience the nature, the people, the atmosphere and the culture. I’ve lived in many cities in Canada. I’ve lived in all of the cities in the greater Toronto area (Downtown Toronto, Scarborough, Mississauga, etc). I also have lived shortly in Winnipeg MB, Edmonton AB, Calgary AB and Montreal QC. So you can see, I have comparisons with all the popular cities in Canada. Now, back on track to Vancouver. The best of Vancouver has to be the nature and environment. Everything good about Vancouver ends there. The most off putting thing about Vancouver is the people. They are extremely rude, horrible and are the most entitled people of all of Canada. You’ll find that generally, this is the trend in any neighbourhood you visit. For scale, I go out every weekend to somewhere new and every weekend I have a sour taste of Vancouver every week that adds to why its a terrible city.
I can go to any sightseeing spot or small neighbourhood (doesn’t matter where I go) all of the locals there make it their business to complain about you even if you’re minding your own business doing no harm. Neighbourhoods are all the same (I’ve visited around half of ~57 neighbourhoods according to Vancouver.ca) and I’ve only experienced entitled assholes who give their opinion at any moment. 100% of the time their opinion is in the form of a middle finger, cursing or near physical altercations.
I’ve picked up on the small subtle things and micro aggressions that these people use as fuel to start their torment. I’ve learned that Vancouver residents are always ready to throw words and rarely want to throw fists. Meaning they’ll talk shit but when it comes to a real fight they all just walk away and keep talking shit. Not entirely sure if this is “Vancouver culture” that I’m supposed to experience but I’ve experienced it 100% of the time. I haven’t met anyone nice to me other than people at work or my roommates.
Let me tell you about myself so you can get an idea of me. I mind my own business, I’m not a drunk on the streets or take excessive drugs (It seems like Vancouver has druggies roaming everywhere), I’m polite when I talk to strangers, I’m well spoken, I’m a working 9-5 salary man, I wear normal clothes and I don’t go out of my way to even be mean.
The first emotion Vancouver residents use to introduce themselves is anger. You know you’re in Vancouver when people stare at you from their vehicles and give you dirty looks. You know you’re in Vancouver when cyclists come up to you and yell in your face with curse words (even if I’m standing on the sidewalk waiting for the stop sign at a good distance from the road minding my own business). You know you’re in Vancouver when people respond to you with a passive-aggressive answer. You know you’re in Vancouver when hostility is the preferred method that residents use in all forms of communication.
Shall we get to specific examples of my time here in 6 months? - Week 1: I’m going to work leaving my home. Next door neighbour rushes from their driveway in his Porche, rolls down the window and says, “Don’t fuck with me. I know people in this neighbourhood, I’m a wealthy man and I know the judge that lives down the road.”. Word for word. - Week 2: My downstairs neighbours calls the police on my roommates and I because we were walking between the kitchen and our rooms. What? Why couldn’t they just tell us to keep it down? Just so you know, my roommates and I don’t even party or play loud music. They called the cops on us cause we were walking from point A to point B in our home. - Week 3: I go to work in a different neighbourhood. I am walking on the public sidewalk to work. A cyclist on the road (not sidewalk), slowed down, cursed at me and went on their way - Week 4: My landlord decided to have construction on our roof without letting us know, it continued for 2.5 weeks. It rained and my entire room was drenched in rain water - Week 5: Went to a grocery store a few neighbourhoods away. Most of the customers and staff were quick to brush me off and answer with a rude undertone - Week 6: Visited downtown, went to several businesses for food and business. 100% of all of the staff spoke very rudely and with a passive-aggressive undertone - Week 7-16: Visited several beaches and 100% of the local residents made sure I knew that they were local and proceeded to curse at me and others. These were not hobos or druggies. These were middle-age to old people who was accompanied by family. - My last week in Vancouver before searching for a new place: My roommate had his car stuck on the road with hazard lights on. His engine wouldn’t start. I leave work and drive to him. He was stuck in front of a traffic light. I parked safely somewhere in residential. People driving by kept sticking their middle finger, drive-by cursing & swearing and giving really mean looks. I wanted to push his car out of the of street so traffic could flow better and prevent accidents but the residents of Vancouver made it clear that being an asshole was their #1 best trait. He had already called a towing company to come by but I was the 1st on the scene and I could redirect traffic better if we moved the vehicle. I stood by as the city of Vancouver showed their brightest moment and I decided that we would not push the vehicle to a safer spot. I gave back to the community today by being an asshole cause clearly you can’t kill them with kindness. Vancouver is a city that was born to be worse than any Canadian or American city with 1/5 or 1/10 the size of more matured cities.
I also visited other neighbourhoods to see smaller parks. I would often exercise outside. Doing a bit of jogging, stretching and warmups on a patch of grass away from the path (other people were doing this as well). Every time I would go out on these expeditions I would receive at minimum 1 or 2 opinions. 100% of these opinions were rude.
Most of these opinions were things I couldn’t even figure out why they were saying it. It was such a generalized form of hate it made me think this is the culture in Vancouver. Rude, horrible and awful citizens of the human race.
I’ve explored and driven from east coast USA to west coast USA and I’ve never met aggression so intense and so often in a rotten city. The worst part was, Vancouver is a fraction of the size of some of the biggest cities in Canada and the USA but manage to be rated the worst city in terms of people quality.
I haven’t gotten to the quality of food, insurance, homes or law enforcement yet but from the tone of this post. I can tell you its not that far from how the people are. Best city in Canada is not Vancouver Worst city in Canada is Vancouver
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
The Hot Exchange Student Part 1
Logan x MC (Ellie)
Next Part: Part 2
Author’s Note: I have a Logan ficlet queued to post at 7 AM PST for Logan RoDAW day, but then I had this idea and couldn’t resist writing it up. At first it was going to be a one-shot, but now I realize it has to be a series. Even though I told myself my next series will be Colt x MC (I’m still going to write that one eventually). This is my first Choices AU, since I’ve been reading so many great AUs lately and now I’m inspired!
Summary: Logan is an exchange student from Detroit. He arrives at LAX to meet his hosts for the semester, Ellie Wheeler and her father, who just so happens to be a Detective who’s very protective of his only daughter.
Word Count: 2000
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“….I didn’t think we’d be hosting a boy.” Detective Wheeler complains again, as he and Ellie wait by the luggage claim at LAX for the exchange student they’re hosting this Fall semester.
Ellie adjusts the sign she’s carrying so Logan can find them. The sign simply says Logan. His application didn’t include a last name, or a photo. The only info the Wheelers have is that Logan is a high school Junior, like Ellie, and he’s coming from South Detroit High School in Michigan.
"I think they usually try to pair the same gender, so there must have been more boys than girls this semester.” Ellie explains.
“Had I known they were going to place a teenage boy in my house, I wouldn’t have agreed to do this Ellie.”
Ellie rolls her eyes. “Dad, what are you worried about? You know you can trust me. I promise you Logan will not be sneaking into my room in the middle of the night.” Considering that Ellie has yet to go out on a date, or even kiss a boy, her dad’s fears are completely unwarranted.
“I do trust you Ellie. It’s him I don’t trust.”
“You haven’t even met him yet Dad. Don’t rush to judgement so quickly. And this is going to look really good on my college applications so please don’t make him want to go back home.”
Detective Wheeler sighs, “Fine, I’ll play nice.”
“Thank you.”
Many teenage boys exit through the automatic doors from the terminal, and each time Ellie holds her breath for a moment, wondering if it’s Logan. But they all pass, giving no attention to her homemade sign. The flow of people starts to trickle, and still no Logan. Ellie frowns, lowering the sign to the floor. She turns to her dad. “Do you think he missed his flight?”
Before Detective Wheeler can respond, another teenage boy comes out of the terminal. He’s carrying a backpack, rolling a yellow and black carry-on bag. He glances around for a moment, and then his brown eyes meet hers from across the room. She tentatively lifts the sign again, he reads it, and then he smiles at her.
Her heart literally skips a beat. Okay, maybe her dad was right to be concerned about this whole arrangement.
Logan is insanely hot. His hair is on the long side, and there’s really no word for his brown locks besides luscious. His eyes are piercing, his smile charming, his arms which are left exposed by his tight white t-shirt veiny and muscular. She can only assume there are more muscles under the t-shirt. Ellie prays her face isn’t as red as she thinks it must be as he approaches.
“The Wheelers?” Logan asks. Oh God, she even likes his voice.
Words fail her, so she just nods enthusiastically. Logan smiles at her again, or is that a smirk? Why is he so hot?!
Detective Wheeler offers his hand for a handshake, “Nice to meet you Logan. Detective Kyle Wheeler. And this is my daughter Ellie.”
Logan shakes the offered hand, “Nice to meet you both. Thanks for hosting me.”
Ellie clears her throat, hoping she can speak to him without stuttering. “Do we need to wait for your checked bag?”
“Nah, I didn’t check a bag. I don’t own a lot of stuff.” Logan answers, adjusting his backpack.
“Well, let’s get back to the house then. Welcome to Los Angeles.” Mr. Wheeler greets.
“And this will be your room.”  Ellie concludes the house tour, turning on the light in what had been their guest bedroom and then standing aside so Logan can pass.
Logan drops his backpack to the floor, leaving his carry on by the door as he walks around the room, surveying the space with his hands in his jean pockets. “This is really nice.” He’s making an observation, not complimenting the house, Ellie notes.
“Different than your room in Detroit?” Ellie asks to make conversation.
“Very.” He replies shortly.  
When he doesn’t offer anything else, Ellie figures she should let him settle in. “Well, I’ll let you get some sleep. You must be tired from the flight.”
 “I’m not that tired. It’s only a five-hour flight.” He sits on the mattress, bouncing a little to test it out. “This is so soft.” He notes, leaning back on his hands. His gaze suddenly turns to her. “So, what’s your deal?”
Ellie frowns, puzzled as she leans against the wall. “My deal?”
“Like, what made you want to host an exchange student? It’s kind of a weird thing to do, open up your home to some stranger from across the country.” Logan clarifies.
Ellie shrugs. “We have a big house. It’s just me and my dad. I thought it would be nice to have some more life in the house.” She doesn’t mention that since her mom died a couple of years ago, having all her dad’s focus on her makes her anxious, the house is too quiet, they sometimes sit at dinner together in an uncomfortable silence. Ellie also doesn’t mention her Langston college application, how this will show her ability to emphasize, mentor, and all those other buzzwords she’s planning to use in her admission essay.
Logan’s stare starts to unnerve her. Ellie clears her throat. “Why’d you want to come? Do you have dreams of Los Angeles stardom?”
Logan smirks at her. “Nah. They don’t actually let you pick the place you know. I just figured wherever they sent me, had to be better than my situation in Detroit.”
She’s about to ask him what his situation in Detroit is, but her dad appears in the open doorway. “What do you think Logan? Is the room up to your standards? Sorry it’s a little undecorated, Ellie and I weren’t sure what teenage boys like nowadays.”
Logan’s gaze flickers to Ellie for a split second before he looks around the room. “This is exactly what I like.”
“Hmmm….we have Spanish and P.E. together, but that’s it.” Ellie notes as she looks over Logan’s schedule after they collect it from the registration table outside the building.
Logan looks around the Mar Vista Prep parking lot, there are some really nice cars here. There most be a lot of spoiled rich kids at this school. “Probably because you’re smarter than me. I see a lot of AP classes on your schedule.” Logan responds as they head into the building.
Ellie blushes. “I’m not that smart you know. I just study a lot.”
“I’ve noticed.” Logan arrived in Los Angeles a week before the school year started. Ellie has been a great host, taking him to the beach, In N’ Out, Griffith Observatory, all the tourist hot spots during the day, but every night she studies. It’s kind of bizarre to him. He’s never met anyone like her before.
Logan follows Ellie through the halls. “This is your first period class Logan. We’re on block schedule, so I’ll meet you here in 2 hours and we can walk to 3rd period Spanish together.”
“Can’t wait.” Logan flirts, enjoying the rush of red that floods her cheeks. She’s fun to rile up. Ellie is cute, but not the kind of girl he usually goes for. In Detroit, he picks up girls at sideshows. Those girls don’t spend their Friday evenings studying for the PSATs. Additionally, he’s living with her and her father, so it would definitely be a bad idea to move past innocent flirtation. Despite this, his gaze falls to her pink lips anyway.
He’s making her nervous. He seems to have that effect on her. “Have a good day!” Ellie waves before covering her blushing face, hurrying off to her own class.
In third period Spanish, Logan meets Ingrid.
“You’re Ellie’s exchange student? I thought they weren’t supposed to mix genders! They gave me this awkward girl from Canada who never speaks, while Ellie gets a hottie like you.” Ingrid complains.
“Maybe if you were nicer to her, she’d speak to you Ingrid.” Ellie interrupts, drumming her fingers against her desk irritably.
Logan raises an eyebrow. Seems like those two have a whole thing.
Ingrid glares at Ellie, who she wasn’t speaking to. “They probably figured you were the safest to mix with Wheeler because obviously nothing is going to happen with a prude like you.” Ingrid retorts.
The classroom fills with snickers at Ellie expense, which Logan doesn’t like. But before he can say anything, Ingrid continues. “Hey Logan, Brent is throwing a back to school party this weekend at his house. His parents are in Europe. Brent throws the best parties, and it will be a good chance to meet people. I worry you won’t get the full LA high school experience being stuck with Ellie. Most of us actually do more than just study.”
“The best parties? Ellie, how are Brent’s parties?” Logan turns to look at her, and she freezes under his gaze.
“I wouldn’t know. I’m never invited.” She reveals.
Logan turns back to Ingrid. “Is Ellie invited?”
Ingrid sputters for a moment. “I mean….I don’t know why you’d even want her there, but sure. Brent’s parties are an open invitation kind of thing.”
Logan leans back in his seat, smiling charmingly at Ingrid. “We’ll think about it.”
Ellie sighs as she adjusts her black lace romper, putting her ombre hair into an Ariana Grande inspired high ponytail instead of her usual braid. She shouldn’t have let Logan talk her into going to this party. Parties aren’t her scene. Not that she’s ever been to a real high school party, but she’s seen them in movies. She assumes there will be loud music, and underage drinking, and maybe 7 minutes in heaven? That happens in some of the movies, that or spin the bottle. That’s not her scene. She’ll probably just stand awkwardly in the corner with Riya and Darius all night while Logan grinds on Ingrid.
A cheery knock sounds on her door, and she opens it for Logan. He’s dressed the same as usual, albeit darker jeans. But there’s no need to fix what isn’t broken. As always, Logan looks really good. He gives her a quick look over. “You look really nice Ellie.” God, he’s smiling at her again. She tries to fight down her blush that arises with such simple praise. She really needs to get a grip.
“My dad wants to talk to us before we leave.”
Logan nods, “Lead the way.”
Ellie and Logan head down to the living room and take a seat on the couch. Mr. Wheeler sits in the recliner across from the pair.
“You look nice Ellie.” Her dad comments, taking in her outfit.
“Thanks Dad.”
Mr. Wheeler turns his gaze to Logan. “Logan, you’ll look out for Ellie right? Make sure no one slips anything into her punch, that there aren’t strange boys around her, that-“
“Dad.” Ellie interrupts. “I’ll be fine.”
Logan nods. “I’ve got her Mr. Wheeler.”
“Okay, you guys need to be back by 10:00 PM”
Logan frowns. “You’re giving us a 10:00 PM curfew on a Friday night?”
Mr. Wheeler frowns back. “What’s your curfew at home Logan?”
“I don’t have one.” Logan answers.
“Well, I’m clearly not as lax as your parents. Nothing good happens after 10:00 PM, so I would prefer you both be home by then.”
“It’s already 8:00 now, and we have a 10:00 curfew?” Logan continues to challenge.
Mr. Wheeler’s eyes narrow, he’s not used to back talk. Ellie always does what he says. “10:30 then.” He replies.
Logan looks like he wants to argue more, but Ellie knows her dad much better than he does. Mr. Wheeler’s next move will be not letting them go at all. She places a hand on Logan’s knee to stop him from saying anything else. Her dad catches that, frowning, so Ellie quickly takes her hand off of Logan.
“10:30. We’ve got it.” Ellie agrees.
Riya’s distinctive honk sounds from outside, breaking the tension in the room. Ellie quickly gets up, Logan following after her. “Bye Dad, I love you!” Ellie calls as the pair head out the door.
Detective Wheeler just frowns as he watches them go.
Author’s Note: I’m aiming to put out part 2 on Logan RoDAW day, let me know if you’d liked to be tagged!
Taglist (Logan x MC/RoD, I think this is right, let me know if you want to be added or removed!): @choicesarehard @ifyouseekheart @brightpinkpeppercorn @regina-and-happiness @choicelogansbitch @flyawayboo @fairydustandsarcasm @alesana45 @umiumichan @maxwellsquidsuit @professorortegasstudent @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl @iplaydrake @sinclaire-made-me-sin @hazah @lovehugsandcandy @desiree-0816 @cora-nova @justdani14 @lady-dianelewis @emceesynonymroll
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter six: don’t forget to take a breath
A/N: haven’t updated in a couple days, sorry about that. while i was away, I actually started writing a new fanfiction ;) nothing like this one. a little more thrillery and spooky. i’ll post more about it later. nonetheless, please enjoy this chapter and lmk what you think. if you want to join the taglist, hmu :) <3
description of the story
taglist: @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose
trigger warning: swearing, talks of rejection
word count: 1729
DAY 3/14
"Do you actually like Beetlejuice?" Colby asked, stuffing a bunch of fries into his mouth.
"Yes! It is one of my favorite movies. Hands down the best Tim Burton movie to me." I replied, taking a bite out of my McChicken sandwich.
"What about Corpse Bride, or Nightmare Before Christmas?" He questioned.
I shrugged, "Irrelevant."
He rolled his eyes jokingly and took a sip from his drink.
Colby and I sat in the parking lot of McDonalds eating our food in Colby's car, barely lit up by the sign of the golden M and the tiny overhead light. I sat crisscrossed, facing Colby. He had his body turned towards me.
"You know, I could have paid for my meal." I insisted, looking up at him.
He swatted his hand towards me, "It's no big deal. Your meal was like under five bucks."
"Well, thanks again. But I'm paying next time." I stated.
"There's gonna be a next time?" He smirked.
I sighed, "Why do you insist on teasing me?"
"Because you look cute annoyed." He said, biting his burger.
I blushed lightly. I'm happy the car is too dark for him to see.
"Anyway," I continued. "What's your favorite movie?"
"I like Scott Pilgrim Versus the World." He nodded.
I nodded back, "Good choice."
He dipped his fries into ketchup, "What's your favorite song at the moment? Or is it the one that you sang today?"
I thought for a moment. "I do love that song, but it's not my favorite right now. I think my favorite at the moment is an old song... Stars by Switchfoot."
"Never heard of it." He replied, wiping his hands on a napkin.
I gasped, "My dude, it is so good. Seriously, I think you would like it."
He giggled, smiling lightly. "Okay, I'll have to listen to it. Do you have a favorite band?"
"I do. You won't believe what band it is." I smirked, taking another bite of my sandwich.
"Um... yeah, I have no idea. Is it a weird band?" He asked, twisting his face.
"It is. You may or may not have heard of them. I mean, you do have a cardboard cut out of one of their members." I hinted, only glancing at Colby for a moment.
He raised his eyebrows, surprised, "Your favorite band is the Jonas Brothers?"
I nodded enthusiastically. "You have no idea how much I love them!"
"Is your favorite song by them Burning Up?" He teased, grabbing the last of his fries and shoveling them into his mouth.
I sighed, immediately annoyed. "Fuck no. That song is good, don't get me wrong, but only locals like that song."
"Locals?" He questioned.
"I don't know, it's what twitter stans use to basically call someone a fake fan. Nonetheless, my favorite song from them is called Take A Breath." I said, putting my trash into the leftover McDonalds bag.
"Play it for me." He replied, handing me his phone that was connected to the aux chord.
"Really? You want to listen to the Jonas Brothers with me?" I asked, almost whispering.
"Sure. Play the other songs you mentioned too. I want to get to know your music taste." He informed, starting the car and putting his seatbelt on.
I repeated his actions, and then opened Spotify on his phone, I made a small playlist of a couple songs I had mentioned to him. The first one being Take A Breath.
The whole ride to his house, I tried not to be too loud of a singer - just kind of mumbling through each song. It was late and I didn't really feel like belting out at 1:47 in the morning.
After a couple songs played, we arrived at his house. Pulling up to the gate, he clicked a button on his key ring, and the gate opened. He drove forward, parking the car and turning it off.
The Trap House looked a bit eerie, all the lights being off except for the light outside. We got out of his car and walked to the front door. He unlocked and opened it for me. I walked in to only the hallway light on.
"Everyone's asleep so we have to be a bit quiet." He stated quietly, while we walked up the stairs.
We went to his room, the door already opened. A redish glow light illuminated the room. I looked around his room. It was so weird to see it in person. It was a bit messy, but not too bad. A pile of clothes laid on his couch. A few post-it notes on the floor, most likely fallen from the walls covered in them.
"Ignore the clothes on the couch. They're clean, I just haven't put them away yet." He admitted, taking his shoes off and shutting the door lightly.
I sat down next to the clothes pile on the couch. He walked over to his desk and emptied his pockets. He then sat down on his bed. It was quiet for a moment.
Oh my God Skye, say something!
"So... what do you want to talk about?" I asked, look over at Colby.
"I-uh don't really know, to be honest." He replied, shrugging his shoulders lightly.
"We could always play twenty-one questions, just to get to know each other better." I stated.
He smiled. "Do people actually play that game or is that just in the movies?"
"Is that your first question?" I sassed.
He snickered. "Of course not."
"Well ask me something. Anything you like to know. I'm an open book." I said, stretching out my body and throwing my hands behind my head.
Colby shrugged. "Okay then, um... what is your favorite animal?"
"Ooh Corgis! Or like a baby hippo. I just connect with those animals on a spiritual level." I laughed.
He chuckled, "Why?"
"Because I'm stubby like a corgi and big like a baby hippo." I smiled.
Colby nodded his head, "Corgis are really stubby."
"It's honestly a shame for them. Should I ask you a question now?" I cocked my head to the side.
"Yeah, go ahead." He replied.
"Uh... chocolate or vanilla?" I asked.
He stretched out a bit, getting comfortable, "Chocolate. 100%. Favorite holiday?"
"Halloween. Favorite color?"
"Blue. Beach or woods?"
I sighed, pursing my lips, "I like both, if I'm honest. I would choose a forest, but bugs are a thing and I despise bugs, so I guess a beach."
"I'm more of a beach person." He stated.
"I've haven't been to the beach since I was like five." I admitted.
He sat up, "What? How? You live on the east coast."
"So? I live a couple hours away from the shore. It's not worth travelling through New Jersey to get to a beach that's always crowded." I complained.
"I guess so. But you must go to the beach while you're out here though." He insisted, grabbing a water bottle off his desk and taking a sip.
"I'll try. I can't make any promises." I answered.
"I haven't been to the beach in a while. Maybe a bunch of us can go together." He shrugged, smiling.
I smiled back, "That sounds fun."
We kept talking, learning all the little things about each other. It felt like we had asked all the basic questions. I wanted to take the next step, ask something deeper than favorite color and fast food places.
"Ask me a crazy question. Like, seriously anything. Something you probably wouldn't ask a stranger, but I'm giving you free range to do so." I insisted, standing up and going over to a section of post it notes on his wall. Some had random messages and little doodles, some were blank.
"Okay then. What's your biggest regret in life?" He turned his body towards me, his one leg dangling off the bed.
I hummed. "I don't have too many regrets. Maybe just one though."
"What is it then?"
I turned around to him. "There was this boy in high school. I met him my freshman year, became friends with him, and loved him until the day we graduated. I never told him how I felt."
"Why?" He whispered.
I chuckled sadly. "Because rejection is a bitch and I was too scared to admit it to him. Plus, he always had a girlfriend or if he didn't have one, he was chasing after my best friend at the time."
Colby scoffed. "Wow, he seems like a catch."
"Well, he didn't exactly know I loved him. I kept my feelings pretty hidden." I slowly moved towards the bed.
"Do you wish you guys dated?" He replied.
"Yes and no." I sat down, crossing my legs, "I wanted to be with him so badly, but I realized our senior year that we were never meant to be. Like, it was a real gut feeling that came to me randomly. Like, even if I would have admitted my feelings for him, it wouldn't have changed our relationship, I don't think. We just weren't meant to be together at that time."
His eyes met mine. "Do you still have feelings for him?"
I shook my head, "No. I haven't thought about him in years honestly. I don't really regret what I did and didn't do with him. I'm just more curious as to what our outcome would have been if I would have said something."
Colby looked at me and nodded his head lightly.
"Can I ask you something and you have to be honest with me?" I mumbled.
He squinted his eyes at me, smiling, "Yes?"
"Tell me about your first serious girlfriend. You don't have to say her name, or how old you were, just tell me about her." I stated.
He sighed, lightly playing with the rings on his fingers. "I don't know..."
Shit Skye, you fucked it up.
"If you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to tell me. I'm sorr-" I started.
He cut me off, "No, don't apologize." He paused for a moment, "I'll tell you. But I have to ask you something beforehand."
"Okay." I uttered.
He grabbed a pillow and pulled it into his lap, hugging it slightly. "Do you think it's weird... that I've only ever had one serious girlfriend? Be honest."
I glanced up, looking into his eyes, "Of course not. I've only ever had one boyfriend."
He nodded. "Okay then."
 << CHAPTER 5 || CHAPTER 7 >>
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shastelly · 5 years
Summer - March Klance Prompts from MonthlyKlance - Day 24
Day 24 of March in May...yep...I will not give up!
Also this is some serious fluffy nonsense just so you know before you start :).  The paladins need a vacation :)
Day 24 – Summer
 "Where did they even find those jackets?"  Keith asked bewildered.
 "At the space mall."  Shiro answered in a similar state of disbelief.
 "I fear we may have pushed them too hard."  Allura stuttered.
 "It does seem some downtime might be in order."  Coran nodded flinching as Lance pulled out a blonde wig and put it on for the next "scene" in the musical the youngest paladins had decided to put on for their amusement.
 "Lance isn't good as a blonde."  Keith commented.  "The poodle skirt fine, but the wig is just off."
 "I'm not sure whatever it is that Pidge is wearing is much better.  How many socks did they stuff in her shirt?" Shiro blinked.
 "More than Lance's."  Keith answered.  
 "You'd think Hunk would have taken off the headband, it doesn't match his jacket at all."  Allura puzzled.
 "I'm having trouble keeping track of which part they are playing at which time."  Shiro admitted.
 "I'm pretty sure Pidge is Rizzo.  Lance is Sandy and Kenickie.  Hunk is Danny and Frenchie and maybe Marty.  I'm really unclear on the other parts.  I think they keep forgetting to change clothes."  Keith muttered, earning a surprised look from Shiro who didn't think he'd ever seen Grease before.
 "Lance, does dance rather well though."  Coran pointed out as he was switching wigs between playing Sandy and Cha Cha.
 The others hummed in agreement, trapped watching the youngest three sing and dance their hearts out.  To be honest for an impromptu musical with no instruments, sets, scripts from memory and a cast of three they were really doing a pretty good job.
 "Are those real cars?  Pidge!" Shiro hollered over the revving engines, before Hunk and Pidge flew off down the hall in their race.
 Keith laughed.
 "Is the message of this show that you should change yourself to match your friends?!"  Allura asked outraged.
 Shiro and Keith were not capable of responding given Lance's appearance in the black leather outfit.
 Coran had happily joined the end song and the four of them were giggling and singing about always being together.
 Shiro, Allura, and Keith sat watching them dance away, clapping mechanically.  
 "So, vacation?"  Shiro asked still staring straight ahead.
 "Vacation."  Allura agreed.
 "Leather."  Keith muttered watching Lance dance away.
 And so, a week later…
 "I have an announcement."  Allura stood at the head of the table after dinner.  "As it turns out we have no scheduled missions for the next three days and we are near a resort planet that I used to visit as a child called Sabra."
 "What?"  Hunk blinked.
 "I have arranged for us, barring any emergency of course, to have rooms at the very same resort I used to visit.  And no worries, Coran went and made the reservations himself to assure that it is still as nice as it was ten thousand years ago."  Allura smiled at them.
 "Actually, it's nicer.  Apparently, it was rebuilt recently and is the best of the hotels on the shore." Coran assured.
 "Shore?"  Lance asked in awe.
 "Yes, the resort sits on one of the planets many oceans.  Each has a different color.  This one is lavender and was always my favorite.  The entire planet survives on revenue from visiting tourists.  It is considered a non-conflict zone; no weapons are allowed on the planet.  Oh Coran, is the carnival still on the beach?"  Allura asked a childlike gleam in her eyes.
 "Yes, indeed Princess, bigger and better than ever."
 "A beach?  Ocean? Carnival?"  Lance's eyes blinked open and closed like a doll.
 "I think you broke Lance," Pidge snarked.
 "I am soooooo excited!"  Hunk grabbed Lance's arm which seemed to snap him out of his shock.  He in turn grabbed Hunk and they were soon screaming and jumping up and down.
 "Oh, I need swim trunks?  Coran?" Lance stopped jumping and turned dramatically to Coran.
 "No worries, there is an entire section of resort wear in the castle storage, you may come and choose what you like."  He answered with a dramatic twirl of his moustache.  "I will, of course, be able to provide guidance on what is really fashionable."
 Lance jumped up and he and Coran were off and ranting about packing for the trip for everyone.  
 "Don't worry guys, I'll keep an eye on them."  Hunk offered with a wave and headed after them.
 As it turns out someone should have had an eye on Allura as well.
 "Exactly what is in here?"  Shiro asked exasperated as he lifted the universe's heaviest suitcase/trunk into the shuttle they were using.
 "Industrial size hair dryer."  Pidge muttered trying to cram another of the princess’s cases into the back.
 "A princess needs to be prepared for all circumstances."  Allura answered primly batting her eyes before laughing and helping pack another huge trunk into the shuttle.
 "Is there a weight restriction?"  Hunk asked in awe.
 "This is fine."  Coran nodded. "You should have seen her mother pack for vacation."  Coran shook his head then.  "We had to take three shuttles to fit the family and their luggage."
 "Sounds fair."  Lance smiled at Allura.  His own trunk was much smaller, but still twice as large as any of the others. Lance had on a huge pair of blue sunglasses, a white button-down shirt and blue and red shorts that hit near his knee. He'd managed to find some kind of Altean sandals that were brown and wrapped around his feet and ankles.
 "Shut up, tourist."  Pidge snarked.  She was wearing a green t-shirt and long khaki shorts and the Altean equivalent of flip flops.
 "Be nice you two."  Hunk's own bright yellow tank, white shorts, and flip flops made them the post card for beach travelers.
 "Are we ready?"  Coran laughed, his own blue and orange striped attire looked like a bathing suit from the 1800's or something.   He even had a blue hat to go with it.
 "Shotgun!"  Lance yelled.
 Two varga later…
 They had parked the castle in an asteroid belt, hidden from sensors and well protected. The planet had assured them it would be safe to orbit, but they were unwilling to leave it unmanned like that and they had all deserved the vacation.  However, the three varga shuttle ride was turning out to be a little much for them all in a single shuttle, crammed into two rows of seats due to someone's excessive packing.
 "I called shotgun.  It isn't fair."  Lance complained for the fifth time from the backseat where he was shoved between Keith and Hunk.  Pidge was sitting on Hunk's lap her legs stretched over the top of them.
 "Sorry, Lance, the grown-ups got the front seat."  Allura echoed back, not sounding the least bit sorry.
 "Like you are so much older!"  Lance huffed.
 "At least 10,000 years."  Allura quipped.
 "That does not count.  Keith, quit touching me!"  Lance elbowed his neighbor.
 "Exactly how am I supposed to do that.  We are packed right against each other."  Keith growled elbowing back.
 "Would you quit!  I'm already dying back here.  Shiro, are you sure you can't turn up the air?  I have a Pidge blanket."  Hunk whined.
 "It's all the way up, Hunk, and we are freezing up here.  Coran matches his hat."  Shiro sighed.
 Coran did look an interesting shade of blue just then.
 Pidge shifted in her sleep tickling Lance's legs with her shorts.  He laughed loudly and jerked at the sensation, elbowing both Keith and Hunk in the process.  The other two boys snarled.  Hunk shoved Lance so hard he ran into Keith again.  Keith jabbed a sharp elbow into Lance's stomach making him pitch forward and sliding Pidge's legs into the back of the seat in front of them.
 "STOP KICKING THE SEAT!"  Shiro was close to losing his shit.
 "Ow."  Lance breathed giving dirty looks to both Hunk and Keith.
 Pidge snored and rolled back over onto all of them.
 Lance scooted back and spread his elbows and legs as wide as he could pushing against the other boys.
 "Enough with the man spread, Lance."  Hunk griped shoving his leg over and leaning on him.
 "I'm squished.  You guys keep pushing me around."  Lance growled.
 "Then stay in the middle."  Keith stomped on his foot.
 "OOW!"  Lance yelled and drove an elbow at Keith's middle, which he blocked and pinched Lance's arm.  "OWW! QUIT!  You guys are being jerks!"
 Keith, Hunk, and Lance all shared a look before they burst out laughing at him. Shiro groaned.  
 Pidge sat up and yawned, "Are we there yet?"
 The resort and beach were everything that Allura had promised.  The resort hotel stood fifty stories high, reflective glass windows covered the building.  The pale purple water of the ocean washed onto the shore in waves that had Lance and Hunk yelling about surfing.  The white sands of the beach were pristine and stretched as far as they could see. When they landed the pod several different types of aliens all dressed in the same crisp white uniforms rushed out and began moving their luggage.  Allura said that they had condos reserved along the beach.  They were given three small vehicles that looked like hovering golf carts.  They received a map of the resort with locations and times for activities and a reminder that there was a feast planned in their honor for that evening.
 Shiro loaded into one cart with Allura and Pidge.  Coran tried to take the wheel on the next, but Keith beat him, which prompted Lance to take the third wheel with Hunk at his side and challenge Keith to a race. Unfortunately, or fortunately as it may be, the carts were very slow, and the race was a pathetic tie.
 Allura and Pidge took the first condo, Shiro and Keith the second.  That left Hunk, Coran and Lance in the third.
 Lance walked in enjoying the beach themed decorations, of course it was all in purples and not blues, which he would have preferred, but they were soft colors with bright white accents and wave designs over everything, even some oddly square shells. He noticed two beds and a couch in the main area.
 "I call the couch."  He announced making it sound like a preference, and not a preemptive move to avoid being stuck with it, as the youngest in a family of five this was not an unusual arrangement for him.  Hunk gave him a grateful smile aware of what he was doing.
 "Oh, good choice."  Coran crowed. He pressed a button and the couch cushion lifted to float about five feet from the ground and fluffed out to look like a cloud bed.  "These are supposed to be wonderful to sleep on, though, I'll admit I don't relish the idea of floating in my sleep."
 "It's great."  A huge grin split Lance's face and he rushed over to the other condo to tell Keith and Shiro about it.
 At the banquet that evening, there was a huge bonfire and lots of food, dancing and music. Hunk said it was like a Luau. Lance said it was like a family beach party.  The others just thought it was fun.  There was some sort of beverage in a red coconut looking thing that Shiro objected to at first, but after a brief discussion with Allura he allowed.  
 Lance took a sip and smiled, "It tastes like a Pina Colada!"
 "Why do you know what that tastes like?"  Keith frowned.
 "My sister-in-law used to let me drink a little of hers, not a lot, just a taste." Lance sipped happily.  "This tastes almost exactly like the ones my brother would make."
 Hunk sniffed and sipped tentatively, "It is good."
 "Please don't get carried away, no more than three or make that two for you Pidge."  Shiro frowned unsure if this was the proper thing to do.
 "Shiro, you are not my parent.  You are like an older brother.  Act like it, be a bad influence once in a while too."  Keith grinned as he sipped.
 "Yeah, be the older frat brother that rolls you over, so you don't choke on your vomit after he gets you to drink way too much."  Lance offered.
 Hunk, Pidge, Keith, and Shiro stared at him.
 "What? Am I the only one that had a life?" Lance chugged the rest of his drink and smiled, "I'm dancing."  He rushed back out to where others were already dancing around the bonfire.
 Hunk shrugged looking at the others, "He's not wrong, we are social rejects."
 "I wasn't."  Shiro objected quietly.
 "Yes, but what are you now, Space Dad."  Pidge snarked.
 Shiro glared at her, downed his drink, and laughed, "Dancing."  He walked away to join Lance, who looked surprised but happy to have Shiro grab him and spin him around.
 "Huh."  Keith offered.
 "It does look like fun."  Hunk decided.
 "Where are Allura and Coran?"  Pidge asked before spotting them lounging at the bar watching the two dancing paladins. Pidge waved them off and headed over to the Alteans.  She was not dancing.
 "So, may I have this dance?"  Hunk asked offering Keith his hand.
 "Why not?"  Keith smiled and they both finished their drinks before heading out to join the other two dancing.
 Lance woke the next morning sleeping on a cloud.  He smiled and stretched.  He'd danced with everyone he thought, so many smiles and laughs and new dances and Pina Colodas.  He found himself grinning in realization that he had not gotten that drunk and did not have a head ache or naseau this morning, the alien booze must not have been very strong.
 He lowered his bed back to the couch and slipped on a hoodie.  The morning was gray and looked chilly.  He didn't bother with shoes.  He went out to beach and walked along the edge of the water, watching the water come and go and walking in and out of it.  Leaving footprints in the white sand.  The colors were wrong, but it reminded him so strongly of home that he half expected his mama to call him to breakfast.  He closed his eyes thinking of the many mornings he had woke before everyone else and done just this, ever since he was deemed old enough to be trusted to stay out of the water when no one else was around.
 "Lance?" Keith's voice was quiet, but Lance still jumped.
 "You really want to give me a heart attack, don't you?" Lance shook his head, wiping tears on the sleeve of his hoodie.  Keith was dressed in workout clothes and had probably been running as he was sweating and panting a bit.
 "No. You okay?" Keith frowned.
 "Yeah, just really reminds me of home.  It's good, but sad too."  Lance sighed. "I wonder when we will get to go home again or even if we ever will."
 "We will."  Keith stated like it was a fact.
 "You can't know that.  Zarkon has been in power for ten thousand years, do we really think we're going to beat him in a year or two and go home?"
 "Sure, Voltron hasn't been around all that time.  We kick his ass and then go home."  Keith smiled slyly.
 "Sure." Lance shook his head.
 "Seriously though, we have the weapon he has always feared and there has to be a reason. He knows we can beat him.  We will get back home.  It might take a while but we're going."  Keith put an arm around Lance.
 "I like that you're sure."  Lance offered.  He wasn't quite convinced, but it helped that Keith seemed to be.
 "Tell me something you used to do on the beach?  Something we could do today?" Keith pried.
 "Well, sometimes in the summer we would have sandcastle building contests, Mami would judge them."  Lance smiled at the memory and the crazy things he and his siblings had created.
 "We can do that."  Keith nodded. "I've never done that before."
 "You've never built a sandcastle?" Lance asked shocked.
 "Lance, this is the first time I've ever been to a beach like this."  Keith gestured to the horizon.  "It just keeps going.  It's amazing really."
 Lance took several moments to recover, "Okay, so we are building sandcastles, then I'm teaching you to swim in a current like this, and then we are going to make some surfboards.  Oh, and we have to bury you in the sand."  Lance rattled off happily.
 "Bury me?"  Keith raised his eyebrows and frowned.
 "Don't look at me like that.  You cover up like half of the person with sand or maybe up to their neck, depending on what you are doing.  You can just make it look weird like a head in the sand, or make them look like something else, like a mermaid or something.  It feels cool and it's fun and you've never done it so you're trying it. Also, we have to hunt for seashells, do they have those here?  Well even if they don’t, we can still hunt for them and then we'll know."
 Keith smiled in amusement as Lance continued rattling off important things to do as one by one the others joined them.  The sandcastle contest was something to behold.  Pidge had declared that picking teams sucked and had them draw straws. Team one was Keith, Pidge, and Hunk. Team two was Lance, Shiro, and Coran. Allura was the official judge, as obviously a princess knows a lot about castles according to Lance.
 Team One's castle was huge, easily eight feet tall at the peak of the highest tower. It bore a striking resemblance to Cinderella's castle, though not enough to worry about a copyright.  Pidge had created a draw bridge that opened and closed and installed some kind of luminescent shells to the interior to give lighting.  Keith had gathered shells and layered them on the towers to act like tile roofs.  It was overall very striking.
 Team Two's castle looked like a flying alien city.  It wasn't as tall only about six foot at the top of the central spire, but the towers were decorated with glass and there were spirals of glass in different colors that shot up throughout the castle.  Pidge argued it was cheating.  Lance argued it was just hot sand and why shouldn't they make it since they had Shiro on their team.
 Allura declared it a tie over their bickering and told them to come to lunch.  She had a picnic delivered to the beach and they sat on blankets and ate something that looked like peanut butter and jelly - if the peanut butter was made with beans instead of peanuts and the jelly was bacon flavored.
 After the meal they all laid out and took a nap.  It was crazy to relax like this and it had really been too long.  Pidge had started to creep away to a laptop, but Allura caught her by the wrist.
 "Pidge, everything needs to recharge sometime, even you.  Give yourself this time and when you get back you will be more prepared and will work faster."  Allura begged.  "We can't work ourselves to death; there is no one to take our places."
 Pidge paused pondering what Allura had said and then nodded, curling back up on the blanket and snuggling into Hunk's side.  Allura allowed herself to relax again.  This was something they all needed.
 The swimming lessons commenced after.  Keith wasn't a bad swimmer and Lance only had to rescue him once before he listened to his fellow paladin about the dangers of the undertow.  Hunk splashed right along with them as did Allura.  Coran, Shiro, and Pidge stayed on the shoreline. Pidge said she was part robot and water was bad for her.  Shiro waved his own anchor of an arm as an excuse and Coran simply laughed and said they couldn't teach an old warbraxlian like himself any new things.    Lance was an amazing swimmer and Keith had a hard time keeping his eyes off of him.  He even challenged the princess to a race.  He lost, but he claimed her shifting into something with flippers was cheating anyway.
 Keith was shocked at how exhausted he was when he came out of the water and how heavy his body felt.  Swimming in the ocean was really a lot more tiring than a pool, Lance had been right. Lance grabbed him a towel to lay down on and declared it was time to bury him, so he could take a nap.
 When Keith woke to a mermaid tale and breasts he had to clamor out of the sand and chase Lance around the beach for a while until he caught him and dragged him back to the towel and declared it was his turn.  Lance complained he would have been fine with the mermaid body, but Keith gave him the body of a middle-aged man with a beer gut.  Pidge carefully documented both, though the boys were not yet aware of it.  They would be when she needed something.
 They were making preparations for the evening meal when an alarm sounded on a device Allura was carrying.  She frowned and tapped at it, before sighing and turning to the others.  
 "I'm sorry everyone, but we will need to cut this short.  There has been a Galra fleet detected in the vicinity of an alliance planet.  We need to get there and be ready to defend them if needed."  Allura smiled sadly at the paladins, to their credit they all nodded without complaint.  She was proud of them.  "Let's have everything packed and be in the shuttle as quickly as possible.  I would like to wormhole out tonight."
 The packing went smoothly.  They had all been aware that this was a possibility and had made accommodations to allow for quick pack ups.  
 Crowded back in the shuttle on the way to the castle, Lance leaned his head against Keith's shoulder, "How was your first beach trip?”
 “It was good.”  Keith smiled softly.
 “Sorry we didn't get to go surfing or hunt sea shells." Lance frowned
 "It's okay."  Keith shrugged.  "There wasn't anything we could do."
 "I know, but I guess we did a lot." Lance suddenly quirked a smile, “We can go surfing and hunt sea shells when we get home.”
 "I would like that.  I could see myself living on a beach someday." Keith smiled over at Lance.
 "Oh yeah, maybe we could be neighbors?"  Lance smiled thinking about his dreamhouse on the beach.
 Keith hummed and turned so that his violet eyes were staring straight into Lance's ocean blues, "Maybe we could be closer than that."
 "Oh yeah?"  Lance blinked and licked his lips, before grinning mischievously, "So roomies, huh?"  Hunk choked on laughter and Pidge swatted him in the back of the head, but Lance just laughed at the frustrated look on Keith's face, before leaning back against his shoulder and closing his eyes.
 "I could find room for a mullet in my dream house."  Lance muttered as his breathing slowed and evened into sleep.  
 Keith smiled down at him and wondered what he was getting himself into.
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