#all they do is hoard their cash and buy gucci and yachts
wuxianxkexing · 11 months
Honestly rich people are so fucking lame. If I was rich I would go straight to the animators of my favorite shows and offer them 5 million to make a fanservice episode of my favorite character. Oh, 5 million isn't enough? Well then here's 20 million. I want to see his dick. I want it to be published officially so everyone can see it for free. Please dedicate that episode to me so everyone knows who to thank. I want destiel to be canon and the secret scene to be released to the public. I want to see Mu Qing and Feng Xin fucking. I want an episode of Itachi Uchiha working happily on a farm tending to chickens with his shirt off. I want to see Levi Ackerman and Hanji Zoe get married or at least kiss. I want to renew the Legend of Korra and have them give us the Korrasami that we deserve. I want to fund a cartoon of the Warriors cat books. Give me the money.
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eldunea · 5 years
why the sinclines are weird as fuck to other rich people
They’re not spoiled schmucks.
have you seen all those whiny rich kids going on dr. phil, having spats with their parents because they’re not getting enough money? hell no, the sinclines aren’t like that. they raise their kids with hardcore discipline, they raise them to be aware of their privilege and use it to help others, not merely stay on top of the heap themselves. as if the no hot water baths rule weren’t enough, the sincline household also abides by the following rules:
the internet gets turned off between the hours of 12 AM and 7 AM. because in the words of honerva sincline, “nobody needs to be on the internet after midnight!”
if you’re over 18 and don’t have a job, you’re put on an allowance of $2,000 a month. if you have temporarily left school to become a trainer, you are given money only up until $2,000 a month. this means no leather gucci handbags, no designer shoes, no eating out every day, no trips to europe in the middle of the college year. and if you happen to overstep your allowance? hell no, your sincline mom and dad aren’t going to give you extra. instead, they’ll just send you nothing but water so you won’t die of thirst until your next salary comes in and say “good luck kid, better hope you have nice friends.”
if you’re over 18 and off to college, you’re also expected to do your own chores. fun fact, one of my friends at my school once overheard two students complaining that they never learned how to do chores because their parents had servants, and their solution was literally just to pool money with other rich kids to hire someone to do the work for them. the sinclines look at that and are like hell naw. even though they have magic to do most of the work for them, they teach the kids how to do everything by hand since magic is prohibited in most dorms and they won’t have those fancy spells to help them out. 
hard work is its own reward. you are not paid to do chores, to get good grades, or to do anything that’s otherwise required to be a good upstanding person in society. the kids learn this real quick.
Their kids don’t inherit any money.
the sinclines are among the only wealthy people on the planet who don’t have a fortune of cash. though they have many valuables, they don’t hoard money in their bank accounts--anything kept in any particular sincline’s bank account for a rainy day is immediately donated to charity upon that person’s death. of course, if one of their kids say incurred some healthcare expenses overseas and is struggling to pay it off, there would probably be some money sent to help them. but nobody inherits millions to fiddle fuck around with--that’s just not the sincline way.
They can’t afford servants.
currently, there are nearly twenty adults in the sincline family, all of them quite prominent and successful in each of their respective fields. each one is worth millions before taxes and donations, which puts the collective net worth of the family at close to $1 billion. yet they don’t have any servants in their home, nor do they have limos taking them everywhere or own private jets or yachts. why? because the vast majority of the money they make gets donated to charity. after all is said and done, each sincline is only worth about $200 - $300k--which is still a lot, but it’s not enough to hire an entourage of live-in servants or to buy a private boat and go on a round-the-world cruise. for this reason, it’s a running joke among the sinclines that they’re fucking broke.
They don’t use what they have for anything they would consider to be petty reasons.
like i said before. this family could be billionaires if they wanted to be. theoretically, if one of their family got sued for some stupid shit, they could outspend almost anyone in court. but honestly, if whoever opposed them was trying to play the outspending game and the money they’d lose is less than the money they’d spend in court, they’d probably just take the L. since they donate millions to charity and to other causes, that means they provide food, shelter, healthcare and clean energy to millions of people. for every thousand dollars they take for themselves from the amount that they donate, dozens of people might not get to eat. yeah it would suck to lose the case but not as much as it would suck for those people to go to bed with empty stomachs. 
this also means they don’t use money to help each other get away with doing bad things. they firmly believe in letting people experience the consequences of their actions, and so to use money to avoid a jail sentence or lessen it is unthinkable. if you’re a sincline and you fuck up in a way that gets you in trouble with a just law, their strict lawful good selves aren’t gonna magically think it was less bad because you’re their family--and they are most certainly not going to throw money at you so you can avoid what you deserve. so you’re gonna be in jail for a few years……so what? thousands in the united states are defaulting on their student loans. hundreds are facing homelessness because they can’t afford their healthcare bills. there’s an environmental crisis that’s waiting to be solved, and if it’s not, everybody’s gonna die by 2100. there are kids on the other side of the globe who are starving to death. if you hire a multi-million dollar lawyer to help your case, those causes will go without when quite frankly, they are more important.
They don’t tolerate other rich peoples’ shit.
i’ve already done a post on this before: they’ve seen how foreign rich people can get and they will call them out on it every time. they see the corrupt elite as failing to exercise their responsibility as more privileged members of society and rail against people using their wealth for extravagant or otherwise selfish ends. it’s for this reason that they are extremely unpopular with wealthy families outside unova. this is fine with them. if being a dick makes you popular, they’re willing to be the most unpopular people in the world.
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