#allister is cool but i can tell the kinnies will get this one....
autisticstarseed · 4 years
lmao sorry to be that bitch but let me put tumblr ableism this way. autistic people annoying you by being cringe or uptight, <<<<<<<<<<<< Centuries of abuse, Murder, eugenics, violence, exploitation, and ongoing systemic oppression. the r word was written on our medical records as a legal excuse to lock us up in torturous abusive hospitals for the rest of our lives. the murder of us has been encouraged and normalized in many different aspects of society as a ‘putting them out of their misery’ solution. ive had people tell me they feel bad that my parents ‘let me live’. we’ve been sterilized and left to die and after all that we’re still here. so idk like. lmao you’re gonna listen and not make jokes when we tell you you fucked up even if you think its ‘too much’ bc you’re gonna live through it! not all of us have lived through allistic ‘’’fuck ups’’’ before, tbh!! and sit down for this one but yall u r grown you can seriously fucking handle being a decent person and letting that rando talk about how supernatural is their special interest as a completely harmless attempt at positive Social interaction on your entirely public not personal Social media post you made for Socializing with people ! like dude sd;l;sosdfk im so sorry an autistic came and ruined your post how awful for you ig but idk why that makes oyu all feel so fucking Oppressed when that shit happens lmao like. stop WHINING abt such meaningless social awkwardness to actual oppressed people you fake activist cringe bitches, you are not oppressed by autistic people talking. you’re not oppressed by us Existing. we’re not ‘’‘rude'’’ and its not hurting you, ur just rly that sensitive to divergence frankly and obsessed with being conformist to ur own standards that you built in society while intentionally oppressing and rejecting us and think your comfortable existence trumps making ours less miserable. i mean for gods sake. you can ignore us. like how is your behavior not telling when as an oppressed person i have to say, please, just fucking ignore us if you hate our interactions with you that much instead of harassing us publicly about it.
autistic people are not oppressing you, your social ideals are a prison, and well if you’re allistic uh, you sure do have some oppressive history towards others (aka blood on your hands) that you should take the fuck into account and recognize before you start letting yourself develop even an Ounce of disdain towards us. including the fucking ‘’’annoying’’’ ones. like. oh my god activism isnt abt picking and choosing whos relatable and fun enough to have in ur cool minority gang tm fuck you hollow ass club mentality people to Hell, but have you really not considered you might just be boring and restrictive if the mere sight of someone elses passion that you cant wholly resonate with makes you like Intolerably uncomfortable. have yall considered that Your idea of annoying could have inherently ignorant/bigoted concepts ingrained in it bc you benefit from privilege in an ableist allistic centric society. also have you considered gargle my dick and balls if you think autistic ppl owe you the regulation of our harmless behaviors for your nowmal people comfowt like. oh my Goddd you guys thats not a real problem and at the very least ur cringe is not Comparable to what we go thru everyday just shut up like it is so funny when you all act like we are Forcing you into Emotional Labor bc we try to talk to you and also experience autism symptoms at the same time or try to tell you that u did smth bigoted to us like sjdfsjdfs bite me bitch you’re oppressing me not the other way around. ‘wah wah the cringe autism tumblr kinnie wants to talk abt su’ mam autistic ppl are actually oppressed can u please get over this attitude ur embarassing urself
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